www.cihc.ca “Communication” & “Collaboration”: Just a couple of 13 letter words? (With apologies to Bob Dylan) John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative Principal & Professor Emeritus, College of Health Disciplines, UBC Canadian Partnerships for Progress in Health Human Resources Ottawa October 9 2009

John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative

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“Communication” & “Collaboration”: Just a couple of 13 letter words? (With apologies to Bob Dylan). John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative Principal & Professor Emeritus, College of Health Disciplines, UBC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


“Communication” & “Collaboration”: Just a couple of 13 letter words?

(With apologies to Bob Dylan)

John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHSProject Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative

Principal & Professor Emeritus, College of Health Disciplines, UBC

Canadian Partnerships for Progress in Health Human Resources

Ottawa October 9 2009

Page 2: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


Four MessagesWhy Collaboration is Tough

I. Communicating the “interprofesssional” wordII. Being interprofessional is being collaborative III. Impediments to IP collaboration for HHR changeIV. Collaboration IS communication: walking the walk,

talking the talk

Page 3: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


I. Communicating the “interprofesssional” word

It’s a definition not a sound bite• Learning With, From and About• For the purposes of collaboration.• To improve the quality of care

– Structure– Process – Outcome -> impact

Page 4: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


II. Being Interprofessional is Being CollaborativeA way of learning, practicing and caring

• Not the same old same old – me in my small corner and you in yours.

• Not 1:30 on alternate Fridays when it’s raining• About understanding the richness of interactions.

– Is your sentence the same as my sentence? – I suspect your tone of voice, – You’re moving body parts – I don’t believe you

Page 5: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


'You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment'.

Used by Francis Urquhart (Conservative Chief Whip) whenever he could not be seen to agree with a question, with the emphasis on either the 'I’, or the 'possibly’, depending on the situation.

(From the 1990 BBC series “House of Cards”)

Page 6: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


III. Impediments to IP collaboration for HHR change

• The unreality of ratios vs. the reality of population health• The confusion between health vs. education policies• The iron hand of accreditation• The ring-fence of Legislation and Regulation• The problem of too many languages.

Page 7: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


“You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation”

(Deborah Tannen, 1990)

Page 8: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


Caught in a Web of WordsJones D, Mitchell A (2006). Lean thinking for the NHS. London: NHS Confederation.

Page 9: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


"I hear you, but I do not listen.”(Wim Duisenberg, President European Central Bank 1998-2003)

Page 10: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


IV. Collaboration IS communication: Walking the walk, talking the talk

For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.

(Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics)

Page 11: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


Collaboration in Practice & Collaborative Practice:A Testable Description

An interprofessional process for:

• communication and decision making that:• enables the separate and shared knowledge and skills

of different care providers to: • synergistically influence the care provided through

changed attitudes and behaviours.

(after Daniel Way, Linda Jones & Nick Busing, (May 18, 2000) “Family Doctors & Nurse Practitioners Delivering Shared Care” written for the Ontario College of Family Physicians)

Page 12: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


Collaborative Learning Environments“How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix”

• Service organizations are learning organizations• The existing disciplinary protocols for practice learning• The tools that have been developed• The existing collaborative environments

– Mental health– Primary health care– Chronic disease clinics– Acute

Page 13: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


Collaborative Learning EnvironmentsJust don’t confuse the snake

Page 14: John H.V. Gilbert, Ph.D., FCAHS Project Lead and Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Collaborative


“Communication”? & “Collaboration”? 26 essential letters for HHR evolution

“Mr. Godot won’t come this evening, but surely tomorrow” “Waiting for GodotSamuel Beckett)