THE COURIER. FRIDAY, MARCH 28,1884. Official Directory. ., TKRKITOltlAt. 'iri'JCKKS. Governor—N. U. Ohlwjiy. Delegate in Congress-John B, U».y?35.ond, of Fargo. Secretary--,!. H. Teller, vf Yaokto». Auditor—0. L. Ordway, Yankton. Treasurer -J.C, McVny, Yankton. Superintendent of Public lRslrectkm-ll~ H. Beadle, Yankton. Surveyor 6en«r#l—Coftrte* Fe&seR&at, V abkton. Judge District Court, *£hird Dfetrict—S. A- Hud- -son, Fargo. ^ District Attorney, Third District \V. P. Bull, Fargo. Clerk—N. C. Tfiorfiim, FUTJ^V. Councilman—Jalmso*. C- Sickest;- Jamestown. Representatives—B. W. Benson, Vulley City, and (S. A. Will rums Jiemarck. COUNTY qrricna. CorarcufeioTiers—R. C> Cooper, chairman, N. C. •Rukkc and Ole Halvorson, County Clerk and Register of Deeds—II. P. *?mart- Clerk of District Cotir!—J. N. Jorgensen. Sheriff—Andrew J«htv>on. Treasurer—Ahton Enger. •Surveycr—Martin A. Weland. Sunt, of SCIIOOIH—Dr. T. F; Kerr. . , 'Judge of Probate—Byron Andrus. Coroner—Dr. G. F. Newell. Commissioners of Insanity—Byron Andrns. T. F. lvert and David Bartlett. Justices of Peace—Win. Glass, and P. A. Mel- Kard, Cooperstown, S. Goldthrite, Ottawa, M. Davidson, Gallatin. Constubles—J. H. Atchison, Allan Pinkcrton, Ole Groff und Martin Robinson. DRIED, Q-A-ITISTEID, PICKLED, AT WHIDDEN BROS. Minneapolis&StLouis RAILWAY, AND THE FAMOUS Albert Lea Route. TWO THROUGH TRAIN DAILY FROM ST. PAUL AN-1) MINNEAPOLIS TO CHICAGO Without Change, connecting with the Fast Trains of all lines for the EAST aw SOUTHEAST! NOTICE OF FINAL PKOOF.—Land Office at Fargo, I) T., February 21,188-1. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her intention 10 make tlnal proof in supdort of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 22d day of April, 1884, viz: Artemae D. Ellis, D. S. No. 15550 tor the n w X Hcction 4 and the s e X of the n e X of section 5, township 148 n, range (10 w, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Harry Clark, Nets Gilhertson iind Joseph Bucliheit of Willow, Griggs county, 1). T., Samuel Gold- thrite; of Ottawa", Griggs county, 1>. T. The testi- mony of claimant and witnesses to lie taken before Byron Andrus, judge of probate, at Cooperstown, Griggs county, D. T., on the 17th day ol' April, A. D. 1884 at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. The Direct, and only Line running through cars between MINNEAPOLIS and DES MOINES, IOWA, Via Albert Leu and Fort Dodge. FARGO is all torn up over its munici- pal affairs, and a great strife for mayor is going on, the candidates being C. A. Morton and W. A. Yerxa. The papers have all combined to put Morton in the ofiice, but the Courier .casts its solid vote for Mayor Yerxa, one of North Dakota's most enterprising men, and he will there- fore "get there." THE Territorial Republican conven- tion has been called to meet at Huron, on AVednesday, April 23, 1884, at 2 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of select- ing two delegates to the national con- vention. According to the call Griggs county will be entitled to four delegates. The county committee will probably is- sue a call at an early date. THE papers are full of Cceur d' Alene mining excitement—rather too full for the general good, it is feared. The ap- pearance of these highly colored accounts of the wealth of the mines, accompanied by maps and routes of travel, suppests that several railroads have an interest in booming the camy. The Herald has before cautioned the public not to go wild over these discoveries, and it ad- heres to that advice. Remember Pike's Peak and Frazer River.—Chicago Her- ald. C5f?-SOLlD THROUGH'TRAINS.^ KKTWEKN MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS and the Principal Cities of the Mississippi Vulley, connecting in the Union Depot for all points South and Southwest.! MANY HOURS SAVED! andtlirOnly Line running Two Trains Daily Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison making connections with the Union Pacific and Atchison, Topeka & Sante Fe Railways. J3^"CIose Connections made in Union Depot with nil trains of the Sit. Paul. Minneapolis & Man- itoba: Northern P.aciHc; St Paul # Dultitli..Rail- ways, from and to all points North and Northwest. DTJVf 1T\IP I-Tlie Trains of the Minneap- K LJVi LAI I)Ll\ I Olis & St. Louis Railway are Win posed of Comfortable Day Coaches, MAG- NIFICENT PULLMAN SLEEPING - GARS, CELEBRATED Palace Dining Gars ! NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, I). T., March 31, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hus filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 15tli day of-May, 1884, viz: Christian Jacolison, D. S. Ny. 9539 tVr the n w Jtf of section 20, township 148 n, range 58 w, and names the following as his wit- nesses,viz: Adolpli F. Johnson, Knud MoiinJIulver S. Kletstadaas. SyverJolinson all of Ottawa, Griggs county,D.T. The testimony to lie taken before John N. Jorgcnsen, clerk of district court, at Coopers- town. Griggs county, D. T., on the 8th day of « A. D. 1884 at.his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Jacobson & Serumgard. m28m2. NOTICE OF FINAL PKOOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T., March 10,1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hus tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 8th dayof May, 1884, viz: Ole S. Moen, D.S. No. 14834 for the n e X of section 10, town- ship 147 n. range 50 w, and names the following as his witnesses, v iz: John T. Foslioldt, Edward llanson, Antoii Hanson, Anders M. Nordlie, all of Ottawa, Griggs county, 1).'T. The testimony to be taken hetore John N. .lorgenssn, clerk of dis NEW FIRM. HONEST DEALING. BERQ «Sc Xj^.R.SOjM ... .DEALERS IX GENERAL.... C , MACHINERY trict court, at Cooperstown. Griggs county, D. T., " May. A. D. 1884 at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register, on the 3d day of May. A. D. 1884 at bis office. Jacobson & Serumgard mS8m3. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T„ February 13th, 1884. Notice is hereqy given that the following named settler hus filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 4th day of April 1884, viz: Michael Retzlaff, D. S. No. for the southeast quarter of section SO, township 147 n, range 59 w. and names the follow- ing as his witnesses, viz: Charles Frost, Mads M. Nertrost, Frank Pfeifer. Frank Ressler, all of Cooperstown. Griggs county, D. T. The testi- mony of claimant and witnesses tobe'aken before Byron Andrns, judge of probate, at Cooperstown, Griggs county. D. T„ on the 1st day of April A. D. 1884'at his office". HORACE AUSTIN. Register. Jacobson & Serumgard. . . f22m28. C®""150 Lbs. ol Baggrge Checked Free. -FARE ALWAYS AS 'COW AS THE LOWEST! For Time Tables, Through Tickets, etc., call upon the near- est Ticket Agent or writq to 8. F. BOYD, Gen'l Tkt. & Pass Agt.. Minneapolis, Minn poxisxavrvc 1 »Dr. La Barge, ^•/SDOOKBSOB TO Inaueuc* qtthe B .Orgute WcakMMj^ tannkM, cbllltyj Htrartef'Affection. {Scientific treatment'; «i?e and euro remedies. Deformities Treated. Call or write for list of questions to be answered by those dfvlriug treatment by mul. fPtmwn nlhrlsi frnn Ruptnw skoald sead their sldnsiA Vb<teameewriilnetotheiradtaetege. IthMtatnus^ iddreatDr.C. L. LaBARflB, PrMtm npMuhrasqi Ceatral ltd. & Bar*. Iant ft ate, 98'I Laemt il, fit. Lents, gucccuor to Dr. Bottl' Uiipeuuurr. KstthUshed SO Veaia THERE is beginning to be some activ- ity among the candidates for the Dakota governorship: The filing with the presi- dent of Oidway's angwer to the affidavits placed on file some time ago against him lias inspired his rivals to greater efforts. Col. Lounsbury is very active and daily increases the number of his indorsers. lie received a very strong letter recently from Senator Conger of Michigan en- dorsed by every member of the Michi- gan delegation. He also has the en- dorsement of Mr. Strait of Minnesota, and is promised that of Senator Sabin ^n his return to Washington. IN 1883, Dakota produced 16,128,000 bushels of wheat, which was more than the total product of the followiug twelve eastern and southern states, and the ter- ritory of Montana, as gleaned from sta- tistics and published in the American Miller: Maine New Hampshire NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D, T., March .., 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following nailed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof oil the 9tli - day of May, 1884, viz: Nels Gulbranson, D. S. No 15540 for the w )i of n w hi and n w of s w ,V of section 18, township 148 n, range CO w, and names the following as Ills witnesses, viz: C.H.John- son, Albert. A. Coleman, S. A. Wood, Richard Havis. ali of Willow, Griggs connty, D. T. The testimony of witnesses and claimant to be taken before John N. Jorgensen, clerk of district court, at Cooperstown, Griggs county, D. T., on lhe5tli day of Muy A. D. 1884 at his office. And you, Peder C. Olson, who filed D. S. No. 15437 on the S!8th day of January, 1884, are hereby notified to be and appear before tin- L". S. Land Office, Fargo, D. T., on the 9th dayof May, 1884, and show cause is any you have, why said Nels Gulbranson 'should not be allowed to make final proof and payment for said land. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Jacobson & Serumgard, Attorneys. m^8m3. Vermont... Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut \ New Jersey New York Delaware South Carolina 1 130 800 Alubaina : 1 437 500 Mississippi 247 500 Montana 042 000 614 300 181 700 853 700 19 700 7 100 34 300 2 .WIS 600 8 035 200 906 700 NOTIOEOF FINAL PIIOOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T., March 3rd, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof- in support of her claim- and secure final entry thereof on the 18th day.pf April, 1884. viz: Harriet C. Ruth. D. S. No. 15S77 for the n K n w ,Y s w & n w section 3, and s e n e X and n e h s e M.. of section 4, township 148 ii. rangd 60 w. and names the follow- ing as her witnesses, viz: C. H. Johnson and John Paulsand, of Willow, I). T., Samnel 'Gold- thrite of Ottawa, and George W. Bathey of Coop- erstown: air of Griggs county, P. T. The testi- mony of witnesses to be taken before Byroh Andrus indue of probate, at Cooperstown. Griggs connty, T., on the-llth day of April, A. 1). 1884 at his office. fm7allj HORACE AUSTIN. Register. Take pleasure in announcing to the farming public that they are agents of Griggs county forthe celebrated i cc AND TIIE^-— Superior " and " Prairie City " Seeders, machines we are not afraid to recommend and guarantee. Before placing your orders give u? a call. BERG & LARSON. FIRST-OLASS,- Airy Rooms. FAIR CHARGES. PALACE HOTEL!! COOPERSTOWN, - DAKOTA. H. C. PITCH, - - - Proprietor BILLIARD PAB.L0B. IN CONNECTION. This house, which has but recently been opened to the public, is all that can be desired by tlie Tourist The Prospector or the Commercial Man. to whom it especially caters. No expense has been spared in equipping this veritable^'alace of the prairie, which now offers the fat of the lund in its din- ing room, and the comforts of a luxurious home in its apartments. Game abounds in the vicinity, affording special at- traction for Sportsmen or men desirin g a brief respite. ROOMS SINGLY OR ENSUITE.©T Summons. TERRITORY OF DAKOTA, I Connty of Barnes and Griggs, f District Court, Third Judiciui District. Martha M. Olson 1 Plaintiff, I against ^Summons. Gustave A. Olson, ] Defendant J 4 The Territory of Dakota to the Above Named De- fendant : Yon are hereby summoned and requilted to an- swer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above en- titled action, which was filed In the office of the Clerk of the district court of the Third Judiciui District at Valley City, in and for tlie County of Hames, and T"rrilor.v of Dakota, on the lllth'day of January, 1884, and to serve a copy of your an- swer to said complaint, on the subscriber, at his office in Cooperstown. in Griggs county, within thirty days alter the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to an«wcr to said complaint within the time aforesaid, the p'.aintiif ill this action will ap- ply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated at. Cooperstown. Dakota Territory, Jan- uary 19th, 1H84. IYER JACOBSON, Plaintiff's Attorney. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T., January 29, 1888. Folice is hereby given that the following numed settler'has filed notice of his intentention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 29th day of April, 188-1, viz: Seth S. Wyland, D. S. No. 15397 for the s w hi of section 12, township 148 li, range 60 w. and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Emil Wilson, Arthur Know, Syl- vfster Flick, E. W. Wylie, all of Griggs connty, D. T. The testimony of claimant and witnesses to be taken before the Register and Receiver of U. S. land office at Fargo. Cass connty, D. T., on the 29tli.day of-April, A. D. 1884 at liis office. HORACE AUSTIN, Regieter. G. K. Andrus, Attorney. m~21u26. NOLICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Lund Office at Fargo, I). T., March 18, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 6th day of May, 1884, viz: Irving B. Howard. 1). S. No. 15672 for the n w # s e H n ^ s w k s w li of s w X of section 22, township148 n, range 60 w, und names the following as his wit- nesses, viz: Arthur Know, B. C. Bounds, Rich- ard Davis. Emmet Wilson, all of Griggs county D.T. The testimony of claimant and witnesses to be taken before Byron Andrus, judge of pro- It is not an extrava- l»ate for Griggs county, D. T., at Cooperstown, i it I Griggs county, D. T., on the 3rd day of May, A.D. 1884 at his office. And you Andrew Bruseth, who filed T. C. Entry No. 92i8 on above named prem- ises on the 25th day of January, 1884, are hereby notified to appear at this office on tlie 6th (lay of May, 1884, and show cause if any you have, why the above numed Irving B. Howard should not make lus proof. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. J. W. Scott, Att'y, Valley City. m28in2. LOGICALLY concludes an editorial of the Fargo Argus: gant supposition that one hundred thous- and men will come from the states east of Dakota and pass over its matchless prairies for the Cceur d' Alene mines. Only a fraction of them will stay there. A great number will recognize the fact that tlie wonderful soil of Dakota is the better source of wealth, and will return Jo reap the sure and certain rewards of energy and industry. Whatever there may be in the gold discoveries of the mountains west, Dakota can hardly fail to be greatly benefitted by the westward movement they will cause. SOME unknown writer catches this glimpse of tlie migration that has Dako- ta for its goal this season: It is coming from tlie east and from tiie south, from the sunny shores of Italy and from the vine-clad slopes of France; from tlie crowded marts of England and from the oppression-cursed confines of the Emer- ald Isle; the sturdy German joins the rolling floods and the highlands and lowlands of Scotland pour their thous- ands into the grand Dakota.-bound phalanx. Even the almond-eyed, idol- v'''worshiping Chinamen glances with his mil-bias eves in this direction, with envy in every look, and wishes he could come "too. There is room enough for a)L Da- kota could almost camp the world upon < its prairies and arable slopes, and tlie production of its incomparable soil would feed the universe. NOTICE OF K^NAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T., January 29,1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the89th day of April, 1884, viz: Arthur Know, D. S. No. 15398 for the s e ii of section 14, township 148 n, range 60 west and.neines the following as his wit- nesses, viz: S. S. Wyland, Emit Wilson, E. W. Wylie, Sylvester Hick, all of Griggs county, D. T. The testimony of clamant and witnesses to be taken before the Register and Receiver of IT. S. kind office at Fargo, Cass county, D. T., on the 290iday of April, A. D 1884 at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. G. K. Andrus, Attorney. m£la25. Summons. Summons. : TERRITORY OF,DAKOTA, I- County of Barnes and Griggs. ( District Court, Third Judicial District. Thomas J. Cooper and Rollin C. Cooper, Plaintiffs. Cyrus Waldorf und Joseph Waldorf, Defendants. The Territory of Dakota S/nds Greeting To Cyrus Waldorf and Joseph Waldorf. Def'ts. Yon are lierebv summoned and required to an- swer the complaint of the plaintiff's, which will be filed with the Clerk of said District Court of Barnes county, at Valley City, D. T., on the 20th day of February, 1884, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber at his office in Coop- erstown, Griggs connty, D. T., within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, ex- clusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer this complaint within that time the plaintiff will take judgement against you for the sum of five hundred and eighty-eight dollars and thirteen cents, with interest thereon from this 15th day of February, 1884, besides the costs of this action. Dated at Cooperstown this 15th day of February 1884. IVER JACOBSON. " Plaintiff's Attorney. JOHN N. JORGENSEN, ; Clerk of District C ourt. Land Attorney, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. COOPERSTOWN, GKIGGS CO., DAK. Money Ivssted and Taxes paid for Ncn-Rssidents. Honey to Loan on Raal Estate on Seasonable Terms. Correct Abstracts of Griggs County Always on Hand! SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO A L LAND OFFICE BUSINESS. Oftice Over Nelson & Langlie's Store, - COOPERSTOWN. NOTICE OF FINAL Pnoo F.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T.. January 29,1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the29th day of April, 1884, viz: Emit Wilson, I). S. No. 15405 for the n w U of section 12, township 148 n, range 60 w, and names the following at his wit- nesseses. viz: S. S. Wyland, Arthur Know, Syl- vester Hick, E. W. Wylie, all of Griggs county, D. T. The iestimony of witnesses to be taken be- fore the Register und Receiver of U. S. Land office at Fargo, Cass county, D. T., on the 29th day of April, A. D. 1884 at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. G.K. Andrus, Attorney. tn21a2S. The "Household" Sewing Machine is now the leading machine in the market. Buchheit Bros, have the EXCLUSIVE SALE ! of this machine for Cooperstown and Griggs County. Ladies should give it a trial before purchasing a Sewing Machine. Needles, Oils & Attachments kept in stock. Old Machines Repaired DEALERS IN General Farm Machinery, Etc., > COOPERSTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA. BXJI3L«3DER.S' STor/CK.—U. S. Land Office, Fargo, D. T., Mar. 12th. 1SS4. Complaint having been entered at this ofttae by Elias J. Moan against Thomas W. Knre<« for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. !iHT>3, dat 1*1 March 24, 1882, upon the s % of n w X and « H of n <- ,Y of section 4, township 148 n. l-aajreSS w, in Griggs county, Dakota, with a view to tlie cancellation^of said entry; the said parties are bereiiy cuiiiir.oned to appear at this office on the30th day of April, 1884, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged obaudomueut. j«in21u18 B. C. GEAREY, Receiver. NOTICE OF FINAL PKOOF.—Land Office at Fargo, February 16,1884. Notice is hereby given that tlie following named settler has filed notice of his in- tentipn to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 29th day of April, 1884, vi:: Sylvester Flick, D. S. No. 15528 for the n e X of section 11, township 148 n, range 59 w, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Seth Wyland, Emit Wilson, Baltis Bound, Richard D. Davis, all of Barnes county,D.T. The testimony of claimant und witnesses to be taken before the Register and Receiver of U. S. Land office at. Fargo, Cuss county, D. T., on the 29th day of April A. D. 1884 at. his office. And you Elijah S. Hamilton, who made II. E. No. 14184 for the n e X of section II, township 148 range 60, January 25th, 1884, are hereby notified to iippeur at this office on the 29th day of April. 1884, und show cause if any you have why the said Sylvester Flick should not make his proof. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. G. K. Andrus, Attorney m21a25. NEW LINE AT THE 1^T!JMyard BOUGHT FOR CASH. Will be sold at Sanborn prices. Strong, cheap locks (not duplicated) a specialty. LEXHAM ELEVATOR & LUMBER CO. BOYUM * HOILAND, -DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF- NOTICK.—t T . S. Liujd Office, Fargo, D. T., Mar. Hth, 1884. Complaint having been entered at chia office by Tlio.rntcjj MiVkelson against Jaines Ingmundson, forulamdojiijig his Homestead Entry No.-.12542, dated April 4th, 1S83, upon the n w X of section 20, township 1*4, range 61, in Griggs county. D. T., with a view to the cancellation of *aid entry; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 1st day of May, 1881, at 10 o'clock., it. m.. to respond and furnish testi- mony canasrning said alleged abandonment. E. C. GEAREY, Receiver. Thoinopcon & Krogb, Attorneys. in21a!8. NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T., March 18,1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named seltler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 9th day of May, 1884, viz: Emil Carlson, 1). S. No. 84'® for the southwest quarter of section 8. township 146 n, range 57 w. and names the following as liis witnesses, viz: Omnnd Nelson, Tliore S. Serum- gard, Ole C. Bjagstad, John Olson, all of Mardell, Griggs county, D. T. The testimony of witnessss and claimant to be taken before W. P. Miller, clerk of district court, at Hope, Steele county, D.T. on the 2nd day of Mav, A. D. 1884 at his office. HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Jacobson & Serumgard. in28m2. Farm And General Agents for the Monitor Seeders, Norwegian Plows. COOPERSTOWN AND ANETA.

JOHN N. JORGENSEN, Land Attorney, - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 16. · THE COURIER. FRIDAY, MARCH 28,1884. Official Directory. ., TKRKITOltlAt. 'iri'JCKKS. Governor—N. U

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Page 1: JOHN N. JORGENSEN, Land Attorney, - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 16. · THE COURIER. FRIDAY, MARCH 28,1884. Official Directory. ., TKRKITOltlAt. 'iri'JCKKS. Governor—N. U


Official Directory. ., TKRKITOltlAt. 'iri'JCKKS.

Governor—N. U. Ohlwjiy. Delegate in Congress-John B, U».y?35.ond, of

Fargo. Secretary--,!. H. Teller, vf Yaokto». Auditor—0. L. Ordway, Yankton. Treasurer -J.C, McVny, Yankton. Superintendent of Public lRslrectkm-ll~ H.

Beadle, Yankton. Surveyor 6en«r#l—Coftrte* Fe&seR&at, V abkton. Judge District Court, *£hird Dfetrict—S. A- Hud-

-son, Fargo. ^ District Attorney, Third District • \V. P. Bull,

Fargo. Clerk—N. C. Tfiorfiim, FUTJ^V. Councilman—Jalmso*. C- Sickest;- Jamestown. Representatives—B. W. Benson, Vulley City,

and (S. A. Will rums Jiemarck. COUNTY qrricna.

CorarcufeioTiers—R. C> Cooper, chairman, N. C. •Rukkc and Ole Halvorson,

County Clerk and Register of Deeds—II. P. *?mart-

Clerk of District Cotir!—J. N. Jorgensen. Sheriff—Andrew J«htv>on. Treasurer—Ahton Enger. •Surveycr—Martin A. Weland. Sunt, of SCIIOOIH—Dr. T. F; Kerr. . , 'Judge of Probate—Byron Andrus. Coroner—Dr. G. F. Newell. Commissioners of Insanity—Byron Andrns. T.

F. lvert and David Bartlett. Justices of Peace—Win. Glass, and P. A. Mel-

Kard, Cooperstown, S. Goldthrite, Ottawa, M. Davidson, Gallatin.

Constubles—J. H. Atchison, Allan Pinkcrton, Ole Groff und Martin Robinson.





Minneapolis&StLouis R A I L W A Y ,




T O C H I C A G O Without Change, connecting with the Fast Trains

of all lines for the


NOTICE OF FINAL PKOOF.—Land Office at Fargo, I) T., February 21,188-1. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her intention 10 make tlnal proof in supdort of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 22d day of April, 1884, viz: Artemae D. Ellis, D. S. No. 15550 tor the n w X Hcction 4 and the s e X of the n e X of section 5, township 148 n, range (10 w, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Harry Clark, Nets Gilhertson iind Joseph Bucliheit of Willow, Griggs county, 1). T., Samuel Gold­thrite; of Ottawa", Griggs county, 1>. T. The testi­mony of claimant and witnesses to lie taken before Byron Andrus, judge of probate, at Cooperstown, Griggs county, D. T., on the 17th day ol' April, A. D. 1884 at his office.


The Direct, and only Line running through cars between MINNEAPOLIS and

DES MOINES, IOWA, Via Albert Leu and Fort Dodge.

FARGO is all torn up over its munici­pal affairs, and a great strife for mayor is going on, the candidates being C. A. Morton and W. A. Yerxa. The papers have all combined to put Morton in the ofiice, but the Courier .casts its solid vote for Mayor Yerxa, one of North Dakota's most enterprising men, and he will there­fore "get there."

THE Territorial Republican conven­tion has been called to meet at Huron, on AVednesday, April 23, 1884, at 2 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of select­ing two delegates to the national con­vention. According to the call Griggs county will be entitled to four delegates. The county committee will probably is­sue a call at an early date.

THE papers are full of Cceur d' Alene mining excitement—rather too full for the general good, it is feared. The ap­pearance of these highly colored accounts of the wealth of the mines, accompanied by maps and routes of travel, suppests that several railroads have an interest in booming the camy. The Herald has before cautioned the public not to go wild over these discoveries, and it ad­heres to that advice. Remember Pike's Peak and Frazer River.—Chicago Her­ald.


MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS and the Principal Cities of the Mississippi Vulley,

connecting in the Union Depot for all points South and Southwest.!

M A N Y H O U R S S A V E D ! andtlirOnly Line running Two Trains Daily

Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison making connections with the Union

Pacific and Atchison, Topeka & Sante Fe Railways.

J3^"CIose Connections made in Union Depot with nil trains of the Sit. Paul. Minneapolis & Man­itoba: Northern P.aciHc; St Paul # Dultitli..Rail­ways, from and to all points North and Northwest. DTJVf 1T\IP I-Tlie Trains of the Minneap-K LJVi LAI I)Ll\ I Olis & St. Louis Railway are Win posed of Comfortable Day Coaches, MAG­NIFICENT PULLMAN SLEEPING - GARS,

CELEBRATED Palace Dining Gars !

NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, I). T., March 31, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hus filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 15tli day of-May, 1884, viz: Christian Jacolison, D. S. Ny. 9539 tVr the n w Jtf of section 20, township 148 n, range 58 w, and names the following as his wit­nesses,viz: Adolpli F. Johnson, Knud MoiinJIulver S. Kletstadaas. SyverJolinson all of Ottawa, Griggs county,D.T. The testimony to lie taken before John N. Jorgcnsen, clerk of district court, at Coopers-town. Griggs county, D. T., on the 8th day of « A. D. 1884 at.his office.

HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Jacobson & Serumgard. m28m2.

NOTICE OF FINAL PKOOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T., March 10,1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hus tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 8th dayof May, 1884, viz: Ole S. Moen, D.S. No. 14834 for the n e X of section 10, town­ship 147 n. range 50 w, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: John T. Foslioldt, Edward llanson, Antoii Hanson, Anders M. Nordlie, all of Ottawa, Griggs county, 1).'T. The testimony to be taken hetore John N. .lorgenssn, clerk of dis




trict court, at Cooperstown. Griggs county, D. T., " May. A. D. 1884 at his office.

HORACE AUSTIN, Register, on the 3d day of May. A. D. 1884 at bis office.

Jacobson & Serumgard mS8m3.

NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T„ February 13th, 1884. • Notice is hereqy given that the following named settler hus filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 4th day of April 1884, viz: Michael Retzlaff, D. S. No. for the southeast quarter of section SO, township 147 n, range 59 w. and names the follow­ing as his witnesses, viz: Charles Frost, Mads M. Nertrost, Frank Pfeifer. Frank Ressler, all of Cooperstown. Griggs county, D. T. The testi­mony of claimant and witnesses tobe'aken before Byron Andrns, judge of probate, at Cooperstown, Griggs county. D. T„ on the 1st day of April A. D. 1884'at his office". HORACE AUSTIN. Register.

Jacobson & Serumgard. . . f22m28.

C®""150 Lbs. ol Baggrge Checked Free. -FARE ALWAYS AS 'COW AS THE LOWEST! For Time Tables, Through Tickets, etc., call upon the near­est Ticket Agent or writq to

8. F. BOYD, Gen'l Tkt. & Pass Agt.. Minneapolis, Minn

poxisxavrvc 1 »Dr. La Barge, ^•/SDOOKBSOB TO Inaueuc* qtthe B

.Orgute WcakMMj^ tannkM, cbllltyj

Htrartef'Affection. {Scientific treatment'; «i?e and euro remedies. Deformities Treated. Call or write for list of questions to be answered by those dfvlriug treatment by mul. fPtmwn nlhrlsi frnn Ruptnw skoald sead their sldnsiA Vb<teameewriilnetotheiradtaetege. IthMtatnus^ iddreatDr.C. L. LaBARflB, PrMtm npMuhrasqi Ceatral ltd. & Bar*. Iant ft ate, 98'I Laemt il, fit. Lents, gucccuor to Dr. Bottl' Uiipeuuurr. KstthUshed SO Veaia

THERE is beginning to be some activ­ity among the candidates for the Dakota governorship: The filing with the presi­dent of Oidway's angwer to the affidavits placed on file some time ago against him lias inspired his rivals to greater efforts. Col. Lounsbury is very active and daily increases the number of his indorsers. lie received a very strong letter recently from Senator Conger of Michigan en­dorsed by every member of the Michi­gan delegation. He also has the en­dorsement of Mr. Strait of Minnesota, and is promised that of Senator Sabin ^n his return to Washington.

IN 1883, Dakota produced 16,128,000 bushels of wheat, which was more than the total product of the followiug twelve eastern and southern states, and the ter­ritory of Montana, as gleaned from sta­tistics and published in the American Miller: Maine New Hampshire

NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D, T., March .., 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following nailed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof oil the 9tli

- day of May, 1884, viz: Nels Gulbranson, D. S. No 15540 for the w )i of n w hi and n w of s w ,V of section 18, township 148 n, range CO w, and names the following as Ills witnesses, viz: C.H.John­son, Albert. A. Coleman, S. A. Wood, Richard Havis. ali of Willow, Griggs connty, D. T. The testimony of witnesses and claimant to be taken before John N. Jorgensen, clerk of district court, at Cooperstown, Griggs county, D. T., on lhe5tli day of Muy A. D. 1884 at his office. And you, Peder C. Olson, who filed D. S. No. 15437 on the S!8th day of January, 1884, are hereby notified to be and appear before tin- L". S. Land Office, Fargo, D. T., on the 9th dayof May, 1884, and show cause is any you have, why said Nels Gulbranson 'should not be allowed to make final proof and payment for said land. HORACE AUSTIN, Register.

Jacobson & Serumgard, Attorneys. m^8m3.

Vermont... Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut \ New Jersey New York Delaware South Carolina 1 130 800 Alubaina : 1 437 500 Mississippi 247 500 Montana 042 000

614 300 181 700 853 700 19 700 7 100

34 300 2 .WIS 600 8 035 200

906 700

NOTIOEOF FINAL PIIOOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T., March 3rd, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof- in support of her claim- and secure final entry thereof on the 18th day.pf April, 1884. viz: Harriet C. Ruth. D. S. No. 15S77 for the n K n w ,Y s w & n w section 3, and s e n e X and n e h s e M.. of section 4, township 148 ii. rangd 60 w. and names the follow­ing as her witnesses, viz: C. H. Johnson and John Paulsand, of Willow, I). T., Samnel 'Gold-thrite of Ottawa, and George W. Bathey of Coop­erstown: air of Griggs county, P. T. The testi­mony of witnesses to be taken before Byroh Andrus indue of probate, at Cooperstown. Griggs connty,

T., on the-llth day of April, A. 1). 1884 at his office. fm7allj HORACE AUSTIN. Register.

Take pleasure in announcing to the farming public that they are agents of Griggs county

forthe celebrated i

cc AND TIIE^-—

Superior " and " Prairie City " Seeders, machines we are not afraid to recommend and guarantee.

Before placing your orders give u? a call. BERG & LARSON.




This house, which has but recently been opened to the public, is all that can be desired by tlie Tourist The Prospector or the Commercial Man. to whom it especially caters. No expense has been spared

in equipping this veritable^'alace of the prairie, which now offers the fat of the lund in its din­ing room, and the comforts of a luxurious home in its apartments.

Game abounds in the vicinity, affording special at­traction for Sportsmen or men desirin g a brief respite.



Connty of Barnes and Griggs, f District Court, Third Judiciui District.

Martha M. Olson 1 Plaintiff, I

against ^Summons. Gustave A. Olson, ]

Defendant J 4

The Territory of Dakota to the Above Named De­fendant :

Yon are hereby summoned and requilted to an­swer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above en­titled action, which was filed In the office of the Clerk of the district court of the Third Judiciui District at Valley City, in and for tlie County of Hames, and T"rrilor.v of Dakota, on the lllth'day of January, 1884, and to serve a copy of your an­swer to said complaint, on the subscriber, at his office in Cooperstown. in Griggs county, within thirty days alter the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to an«wcr to said complaint within the time aforesaid, the p'.aintiif ill this action will ap­ply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint.

Dated at. Cooperstown. Dakota Territory, Jan­uary 19th, 1H84. IYER JACOBSON,

Plaintiff's Attorney.

NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T., January 29, 1888. Folice is hereby given that the following numed settler'has filed notice of his intentention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 29th day of April, 188-1, viz: Seth S. Wyland, D. S. No. 15397 for the s w hi of section 12, township 148 li, range 60 w. and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Emil Wilson, Arthur Know, Syl-vfster Flick, E. W. Wylie, all of Griggs connty, D. T. The testimony of claimant and witnesses to be taken before the Register and Receiver of U. S. land office at Fargo. Cass connty, D. T., on the 29tli.day of-April, A. D. 1884 at liis office.

HORACE AUSTIN, Regieter. G. K. Andrus, Attorney. m~21u26.

NOLICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Lund Office at Fargo, I). T., March 18, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 6th day of May, 1884, viz: Irving B. Howard. 1). S. No. 15672 for the n w # s e H n ^ s w k s w li of s w X of section 22, township148 n, range 60 w, und names the following as his wit­nesses, viz: Arthur Know, B. C. Bounds, Rich­ard Davis. Emmet Wilson, all of Griggs county D.T. The testimony of claimant and witnesses to be taken before Byron Andrus, judge of pro-

It is not an extrava- l»ate for Griggs county, D. T., at Cooperstown, i it I Griggs county, D. T., on the 3rd day of May, A.D.

1884 at his office. And you Andrew Bruseth, who filed T. C. Entry No. 92i8 on above named prem­ises on the 25th day of January, 1884, are hereby notified to appear at this office on tlie 6th (lay of May, 1884, and show cause if any you have, why the above numed Irving B. Howard should not make lus proof.

HORACE AUSTIN, Register. J. W. Scott, Att'y, Valley City. m28in2.

LOGICALLY concludes an editorial of the Fargo Argus: gant supposition that one hundred thous­and men will come from the states east of Dakota and pass over its matchless prairies for the Cceur d' Alene mines. Only a fraction of them will stay there. A great number will recognize the fact that tlie wonderful soil of Dakota is the better source of wealth, and will return Jo reap the sure and certain rewards of energy and industry. Whatever there may be in the gold discoveries of the mountains west, Dakota can hardly fail to be greatly benefitted by the westward movement they will cause.

SOME unknown writer catches this glimpse of tlie migration that has Dako­ta for its goal this season: It is coming from tlie east and from tiie south, from the sunny shores of Italy and from the vine-clad slopes of France; from tlie crowded marts of England and from the oppression-cursed confines of the Emer­ald Isle; the sturdy German joins the rolling floods and the highlands and lowlands of Scotland pour their thous­ands into the grand Dakota.-bound phalanx. Even the almond-eyed, idol-

v'''worshiping Chinamen glances with his mil-bias eves in this direction, with envy in every look, and wishes he could come

"too. There is room enough for a)L Da­kota could almost camp the world upon

< its prairies and arable slopes, and tlie production of its incomparable soil would feed the universe.

NOTICE OF K^NAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T., January 29,1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the89th day of April, 1884, viz: Arthur Know, D. S. No. 15398 for the s e ii of section 14, township 148 n, range 60 west and.neines the following as his wit­nesses, viz: S. S. Wyland, Emit Wilson, E. W. Wylie, Sylvester Hick, all of Griggs county, D. T. The testimony of clamant and witnesses to be taken before the Register and Receiver of IT. S. kind office at Fargo, Cass county, D. T., on the 290iday of April, A. D 1884 at his office.

HORACE AUSTIN, Register. G. K. Andrus, Attorney. m£la25.



County of Barnes and Griggs. ( District Court, Third Judicial District.

Thomas J. Cooper and

Rollin C. Cooper, Plaintiffs.

Cyrus Waldorf und

Joseph Waldorf, Defendants.

The Territory of Dakota S/nds Greeting To Cyrus Waldorf and Joseph Waldorf. Def'ts. Yon are lierebv summoned and required to an­

swer the complaint of the plaintiff's, which will be filed with the Clerk of said District Court of Barnes county, at Valley City, D. T., on the 20th day of February, 1884, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber at his office in Coop­erstown, Griggs connty, D. T., within thirty days after the service of this summons upon you, ex­clusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer this complaint within that time the plaintiff will take judgement against you for the sum of five hundred and eighty-eight dollars and thirteen cents, with interest thereon from this 15th day of February, 1884, besides the costs of this action.

Dated at Cooperstown this 15th day of February 1884. IVER JACOBSON.

• " Plaintiff's Attorney.

JOHN N. JORGENSEN, ; Clerk of District C ourt.



Money Ivssted and Taxes paid for Ncn-Rssidents. Honey to Loan on Raal Estate on Seasonable Terms.

Correct Abstracts of Griggs County Always on Hand!


NOTICE OF FINAL Pnoo F.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T.. January 29,1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the29th day of April, 1884, viz: Emit Wilson, I). S. No. 15405 for the n w U of section 12, township 148 n, range 60 w, and names the following at his wit-nesseses. viz: S. S. Wyland, Arthur Know, Syl­vester Hick, E. W. Wylie, all of Griggs county, D. T. The iestimony of witnesses to be taken be­fore the Register und Receiver of U. S. Land office at Fargo, Cass county, D. T., on the 29th day of April, A. D. 1884 at his office.

HORACE AUSTIN, Register. G.K. Andrus, Attorney. tn21a2S.

The "Household" Sewing Machine is now the leading machine in

the market. Buchheit Bros, have the

EXCLUSIVE SALE ! of this machine for Cooperstown and Griggs

County. Ladies should give it a trial before purchasing a Sewing Machine.

Needles, Oils & Attachments kept in stock. Old Machines Repaired DEALERS IN

General Farm Machinery, Etc., > COOPERSTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA.


STor/CK.—U. S. Land Office, Fargo, D. T., Mar. 12th. 1SS4. Complaint having been entered at this ofttae by Elias J. Moan against Thomas W. Knre<« for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. !iHT>3, dat 1*1 March 24, 1882, upon the s % of n w X and « H of n <- ,Y of section 4, township 148 n. l-aajreSS w, in Griggs county, Dakota, with a view to tlie cancellation^of said entry; the said parties are bereiiy cuiiiir.oned to appear at this office on the30th day of April, 1884, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged obaudomueut. j«in21u18 B. C. GEAREY, Receiver.

NOTICE OF FINAL PKOOF.—Land Office at Fargo, February 16,1884. Notice is hereby given that tlie following named settler has filed notice of his in-tentipn to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 29th day of April, 1884, vi:: Sylvester Flick, D. S. No. 15528 for the n e X of section 11, township 148 n, range 59 w, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Seth Wyland, Emit Wilson, Baltis Bound, Richard D. Davis, all of Barnes county,D.T. The testimony of claimant und witnesses to be taken before the Register and Receiver of U. S. Land office at. Fargo, Cuss county, D. T., on the 29th day of April A. D. 1884 at. his office. And you Elijah S. Hamilton, who made II. E. No. 14184 for the n e X of section II, township 148 range 60, January 25th, 1884, are hereby notified to iippeur at this office on the 29th day of April. 1884, und show cause if any you have why the said Sylvester Flick should not make his proof.

HORACE AUSTIN, Register. G. K. Andrus, Attorney m21a25.


1 ^ T ! J M y a r d BOUGHT FOR CASH.

Will be sold at Sanborn prices. Strong, cheap locks (not duplicated) a specialty.



NOTICK.—tT. S. Liujd Office, Fargo, D. T., Mar. Hth, 1884. Complaint having been entered at chia office by Tlio.rntcjj MiVkelson against Jaines Ingmundson, forulamdojiijig his Homestead Entry No.-.12542, dated April 4th, 1S83, upon the n w X of section 20, township 1*4, range 61, in Griggs county. D. T., with a view to the cancellation of *aid entry; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 1st day of May, 1881, at 10 o'clock., it. m.. to respond and furnish testi­mony canasrning said alleged abandonment.

E. C. GEAREY, Receiver. Thoinopcon & Krogb, Attorneys. in21a!8.

NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF.—Land Office at Fargo, D. T., March 18,1884. Notice is hereby given that the following named seltler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof on the 9th day of May, 1884, viz: Emil Carlson, 1). S. No. 84'® for the southwest quarter of section 8. township 146 n, range 57 w. and names the following as liis witnesses, viz: Omnnd Nelson, Tliore S. Serum­gard, Ole C. Bjagstad, John Olson, all of Mardell, Griggs county, D. T. The testimony of witnessss and claimant to be taken before W. P. Miller, clerk of district court, at Hope, Steele county, D.T. on the 2nd day of Mav, A. D. 1884 at his office.

HORACE AUSTIN, Register. Jacobson & Serumgard. in28m2.

Farm And General Agents for the

Monitor Seeders, Norwegian Plows.