
Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from

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Page 1: Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from


Page 2: Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from

Plot summary

2009, Adrian Helmsley ,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from a massive solar flare are causing the temperature of the Earth's core to increase rapidly. Adrian gives a report on this to White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser who ends up taking Adrian to meet the President of the United States. In 2010, President and other international leaders begin a secret project to ensure humanity's survival. Approximately 400,000 people are chosen to board "arks" that are constructed at Cho Ming, Tibet, in the Himalayas. At the same time as the People's Liberation Army are gathering volunteers, a Buddhist monk named Nima is evacuated while his brother Tenzin (Chin Han) joins the workers in the Ark project. Additional funding for the project is raised by selling tickets to the private sector for 1 billion per person. By 2011, humanity's valuable treasures are moved to the Himalayas.

In 2012, Jackson Curtis, a science fiction writer in Los Angeles who works part-time as a limousine driver for the Russian billionaire,. Jackson takes Noah and Lilly (his children) camping in Yellowstone National Park. After an encounter with Helmsley, they meet Charlie Frost, who hosts a radio show from the park. Charlie plays a video of Charles Hapgood's theory that polar shifts and the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar predict that the 2012 phenomenon will occur. He has a map of the ark project in addition to information about officials and scientists from around the world who were murdered after planning to alert the public. The family returns home as seismic activity vastly increases along the west coast of the United States. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon as the Earth crust displacement begins, and they narrowly escape Los Angeles as the city slips into the Pacific Ocean. As millions die in catastrophic earthquakes worldwide, the group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve Charlie's map, escaping as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Charlie stays behind to broadcast the eruption and is killed in the blast of the expulsion of an ash cloud. Learning that the arks are in China, the group lands in a devastated Las Vegas to find a larger plane.


Page 3: Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from

Plot summary

They meet Yuri (a Russian millionaire) , his twin sons Alec and Oleg , girlfriend Tamar and pilot Sasha. The group secures an aircraft and they depart for China. Also heading for the arks aboard Air Force One are. President Wilson remains in Washington, D.C. to address the nation one last time. With the Vice President dead and the Speaker of the House missing, Anheuser assumes leadership. President Wilson is later killed by a mega tsunami that sends the aircraft carrier USS JohnF.Kennedy crashing into the White House. Arriving in China in a crash landing that kills Sasha, the group is spotted by the People's Liberation Army. Yuri and his sons, possessing tickets, are taken to the arks, leaving Tamara and the others behind. They are picked up by Nima and are taken to the arks with his grandparents (Lisa Lu and Chang Tseng). They stow away on the ark with the help of Tenzin. As a mega tsunami approaches the site, an impact driver becomes lodged between the gears of the ark's hydraulics chamber, preventing a boarding gate from closing and rendering the ship unable to start its engines. In the ensuing chaos, Yuri, Gordon and Tamara are killed, Tenzin is wounded, and the ark is set adrift. Jackson and Noah dislodge the impact driver and the crew regains control of the ark before it can impact Mount Everest. After flood waters from the tsunamis recede, the arks travel to the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa where the Drakensberg Mountains have risen in relation to sea level and become the tallest mountain in the world.


Page 4: Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from

Characters and the message sent through their survival

John Cusack as Jackson Curtis, a struggling writer who has to work as a limousine driver to make ends meet. He survives as he is the main character, he has to over come obstacles n order to keep his family alive.

Chiwetel Ejiofor as Dr. Adrian Helmsley, geologist and scientific advisor to the US President. He survives as he was the one who noticed this. He did everything in his power to save as many lives but had little help since big American leaders where in the way. He survives as he morally stays true to what he believes, he save many in the end.

Amanda Peet as Kate Curtis, a medical student and Jackson's ex-wife. She survives as she is good, she would sacrifice her life to save her kids. She has to survive as she is a main character and hasn’t done anything moral wrong, she doesn’t go against society.

Liam James as Noah Curtis, Jackson and Kate's son. Survive because he is innocent.

Morgan Lily as Lilly Curtis, Jackson and Kate's daughter. Survives because she is innocent. Believe in herself , doesn’t go with the crowd.

Thomas McCarthy as Dr. Gordon Silberman, Kate's current boyfriend, a plastic surgeon. He is an sacrifice. He sacrifices his life in order to save his families.

Oliver Platt as Carl Anheuser, the President's Chief of Staff. He survives because he is taught a lesson. He is selfish the whole way through the movie, not listening to anything. Because he survives it opens his eyes to change, to start fresh and what better place to start fresh than in a new planet.


Page 5: Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from


Danny Glover as Thomas Wilson, the President of the United States . He dies because he is the sacrifice in the movie. He is good but sacrifices his life to help his country. Its what is moral right.

Thandie Newton as Dr. Laura Wilson, art expert and President Wilson's daughter. She survives as she is the innocent pure one , who only does good.

Oliver Platt as Carl Anheuser, the President's Chief of Staff . Survives to live with his guilt forever. Links to bad leaders in America such as George Bush who make wrong decision, such as leading America into war or leading all of America into death from global.

Zlatko Burić as Yuri Karpov, a Russian billionaire. He dies as he is a selfish man , that only puts him self first . He doesn’t care for anyone but his money. Will betray anyone to get what he wants. Because of that he dies as it send audience the message that be selfless in life will get you know where.

Beatrice Rosen as Tamara, Yuri's Russian girlfriend. She dies as she is a slut. She is Yuri’s girlfriend but is sleeping with his friend. Message sent through her character is that things like being a slut his major consequences. Oliver Platt as Carl Anheuser, the President's Chief of Staff . He survives because he is taught a lesson. He is selfish the whole way through the movie, not listening to anything. Because he survives it opens his eyes to change, to start fresh and what better place to start fresh than in a new planet.

Zlatko Burić as Yuri Karpov, a Russian billionaire. He dies as he is a selfish man , that only puts him slef first . He doesn’t care for anyone but his money. Will betray anyone to get what he wants. Because of that he dies as it send audience the message that be selfless in life will get you know where.

Beatrice Rosen as Tamara, Yuri's Russian girlfriend. She dies as she is a slut. She is Yuri’s girlfriend but is sleeping with his friend. Message sent through her character is that things like being a slut his major consequences.


Page 6: Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from

Nature of disaster

Global warming is the nature of the disaster, which occurs in this film. The selfish nature of humans causes this effect of global warming to happen upon the earth. One thing that causes global warming is electrical pollution. Electricity causes pollution in many ways, some worse than others. In most cases, fossil fuels are burned to create electricity. Many pollutants (chemicals that pollute the air, water, and land) are sent into the air when fossil fuels are burned. This movie is meant to show us what we are doing to the earth and the effects that it has on humans.


Page 7: Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from

Shots of movie

In this particular scene, where they are trying to escape the crumbling crust on the ground, they find a plane and fly to safety. However they have to fly through the city which is falling around them, and there is a bit in the scene where their plane is flying towards two high buildings that could highly resemble the twin towers that were destroyed (9/11). Then as the plane moves towards the towers, they start to fall. This could bring back horrible memories about 9/11, especially to though who witnessed the twin towers being hit.


Page 8: Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from

Since this movie there have been a couple of major earthquake around the world, including Christchurch in New Zealand and Japan which triggered a tsunami. This relates to the film as many are concerned and scared about earthquakes occurring in the hometown or country as it brings devastation. This shot shows the devastation a earthquake can do, on a major scale.


Page 9: Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from


This particular shot of a tsunami it worries many as many can relate to such disasters. Its happened in many places in world such as Japan. This shot causes horror cause of the reality of it.

Page 10: Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from


Reflects society at the time

One of the worlds greatest concerns is global warming and changes to our environment as a result of pollution and carbon emissions.

Many are frightened about the effects of global warming, this movie is a warning to society that if the society doesn’t change its way the worlds population will pay.

A massive feature of this film is that in face of a disaster an individual will be called upon to defend for yourself, as government.

Father is the “protector” of the family. This films reflects the American conservative values.

Page 11: Johnson. Plot summary 2009, Adrian Helmsley,an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani in India and learns that neutrinos from

Post 9/11

The disaster industry changed after the 9/11 incident because terrorism was a major concern and the genre is too close to home. The industry moves away from this genre to the global warming genre as it is a worry in society. 9/11, an iconographic (master sign) ,has left such a traumatic mark on America and the world, this movie reflects the mass of destruction that 9/11 left on America. Shots in the movie reflect 9/11 , when a plane goes through to tumbling towers (in a slide above).
