Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

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Page 1: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Join the Church of St. Thérèse for

Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the

ApostleFeaturing a 3-Night Greek

Islands & Turkey Cruise

April 10-20, 2013

Page 2: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

The Acts of the Apostles tells us that, as Stephen the Deacon was being stoned outside the walls of Jerusalem, “the witnesses were piling their cloaks at the feet of a young man named Saul” (Acts 8:58).

Page 3: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Saul, a virulent persecutor of the early Church in Jerusalem, would, of course, later experience a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus (chapter 9), be baptized, and become Paul, the great “Apostle to the Gentiles,” and prolific writer of New Testament letters.

On April 10-20, 2013, we will go on pilgrimage to trace his journey through the ancient cities and pastoral countryside of Greece and Turkey. Come join us!

Page 4: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Overnight flight from Norfolk, Virginia, to Athens.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Page 5: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Our tour begins in Greece’s lively capital, Athens. This evening, we join our fellow travelers for a welcome dinner.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Page 6: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

On Day 3, we embark on a wonderful 3-night cruise to the Greek Islands and Turkey. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served daily while on board.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Page 7: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Mykonos, the whitewashed jewel of the Cyclades Islands, is our first stop.

Page 8: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

This charming, mountainous island is known for the hundreds of tiny chapels, whitewashed buildings and beautiful windmills that dot the island.

Page 9: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Don’t miss Mykonos Town, where mazes of narrow streets link the whitewashed buildings, and traditional life continues amidst the bustling activity.

Page 10: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

On Day 4, we visit the Turkish port of Kusadasi for an included excursion to the ruins of Ephesus, where Paul spent three years during his ministry, and where the Ephesians were the recipients of Paul’s famous epistle.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Page 11: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Visit the House of Mary, where she is said to have spent her last days…

Page 12: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

A visit to the ruins includes the Agora, the great theater, and the stadium where chariot races and gladiatorial combats were held…

Page 13: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Visit the ruins of St. John’s Basilica, where “the beloved disciple” is said to be buried…

Page 14: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

We continue our cruise to Patmos, the “Jerusalem of the Aegean.”

Page 15: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Visit the monastery of St. John and the Cave, where John the Evangelist, inspired by God, wrote the Book of Revelation during his exile.

Page 16: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

On day 5, we arrive early in the morning on the island of Santorini, known as the “Black Pearl of the Aegean.”


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Page 17: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Accessible by foot, cable-car or donkey, enjoy a full day to explore this beautiful island. You may wish to visit charming Oia Village, or the cliff-top village of Fira for one of the world’s most breathtaking panoramas.


Page 18: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

On day 6, we disembark and travel north…


Monday, April 15, 2013

Page 19: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

We make a picture stop in Thermopylae, famous for its heroic defense by Leonidas and his courageous Spartans against the Persian Army…

Page 20: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Our day ends in Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city…


Page 21: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Founded in 315 B.C.E., Thessaloniki was an early center for Christianity, where Paul visited and preached during the winters of 49-50 C.E., and wrote two epistles to the ancient Thessalonians…

Page 22: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Visit the Museum of Byzantine Culture, one of the world’s finest museums devoted to Byzantine art and civilization, with an impressive collection of many Byzantine and early Christian frescoes, icons, and artifacts.

Page 23: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

On Day 7, we travel to the coastal town of Kavala, where Paul, accompanied by Silas, Luke, and Timothy, first set foot on European soil. In nearby Philippi, Paul delivered his first sermon in Europe, planting the seeds of Christianity…Santorini

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Page 24: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Toward the end of the year 52 C.E., Paul the Apostle arrived in the ancient city of Philippi to preach the new faith. Philippi was a bustling and prosperous Roman garrison town on an important trade route between Italy and Persia. Its population’s religions reflected the diversity of such a busy settlement. Residents worshipped Greek, Roman, Phrygian and Egyptian gods, and there was a small Jewish population as well.

Page 25: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

It was here that Paul met Lydia, a local woman and merchant of purple cloth, who became the first European Christian. Paul’s time in Philippi is described in the Acts of the Apostles, and his ongoing relationship with the city’s residents and growing Christian population is revealed in Epistle to the Philippians. Philippi is considered to be the most important archaeological site of eastern Macedonia.

Page 26: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Join a local expert for a guided tour of this historic town, featuring the archaeological site, and monuments spanning the Ancient, Roman, and Byzantine eras…

Page 27: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

See the dungeon where Paul may have been held prisoner…

…and the traditional site where Paul baptized Lydia, the first Christian in Europe.

Page 28: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

On Day 8, we proceed through the fertile Thessalian Valley – the breadbasket of Greece – to spectacular Meteora, a UNESCO World Heritage site.Santorini

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Page 29: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

These dark, sandstone pinnacles rise abruptly from the plain of Thessaly, with six historic monasteries perched upon their peaks. Beginning in the 10th century, hermits, monks and ascetics sought solitude and spiritual solace among these dramatic crags.

Page 30: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

We visit two amazing Meteora monasteries, renowned for their intricate construction and exquisite Byzantine art.

Page 31: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

On Day 9, travel through the scenic mountain terrain to Delphi, one of the most moving sites of the ancient world…


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Page 32: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Once considered the “navel of the world,” Delphi is nestled on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, in a landscape of unparalleled beauty and majesty. Pilgrims once came from all over the ancient world to consult its mysterious oracle…

Page 33: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

A guided tour takes us along the Sacred Way to see the Doric Temple and the Sanctuary of Apollo…

Page 34: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

…and the intriguing Archaeological Museum, with its staggering collection of ancient artifacts,

including the 5th-century bronzed charioteer.

Page 35: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

On Day 10, we travel to Corinth, where Paul lived and preached for two years and wrote two epistles,


Friday, April 19, 2013

Page 36: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

As Paul arrived at Corinth in 49 or 50 C.E., he would have seen lots of rock piles, ruins of ancient city walls. Rome had destroyed the old Corinth in 146 B.C.E. The city Paul entered was therefore young-- not even a century old. In 44 B.C.E. a decree of Julius Caesar had re-founded Corinth as a Roman colony.

Page 37: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

While Paul stayed in Corinth, he met with Jewish refugees from Rome (caused by Clauduis’ expulsion of Roman Jews in 50 C.E.). Paul sought out two of them, Aquila and Priscilla, because they were tentmakers like him. He asked if they could work together as business associates. Aquila and Priscilla also became key leaders of the young Christian church (Acts 18:1-12, 1 Cor. 16:19)

Page 38: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

While Paul stayed in Corinth, he met with Jewish refugees from Rome (caused by Clauduis expulsion of Roman Jews in 50 C.E.). Paul sought out two of them, Aquila and Priscilla, because they were tentmakers like him. He asked if they could work together as business associates. Aquila and Priscilla also became key leaders of the young Christian church (Acts 18:1-12, 1 Cor. 16:19)

Page 39: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Explore ancient Corinth on a guided tour featuring the Agora (marketplace) where Paul’s trial by Gallio took place…

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…and the Bema, where Paul was brought before the tribunal, as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles.

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We then return to Athens…


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…where we see the hill of Areopagus (Mars Hill), where Paul delivered his famous “Men of Athens” speech…

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…and visit the incomparable Acropolis.

Page 44: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

On our farewell evening, we feast on local cuisine and enjoy fine wine in a traditional

taverna with Greek entertainment.

Page 45: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

We’ve explored the ancient land where Paul the Apostle made missionary journeys.

We’ve seen the places to which he sent his famous epistles, and seen many of the

places described in the Acts of the Apostles. We now return home to Norfolk, inspired by the incredible, soothing landscapes, and the

words and deeds of Paul the Apostle.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Page 46: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Want to Join Us?

Book now, and receive $100.00 off for a reduced rate* of:

Inside Cabin Rate: Double $3,599.00; Single $4,099.00

Outside Cabin Rate: Double $3,699.00; Single $4,299.00

•Rates are per person, and includes round trip airfare from Norfolk, air taxes and fees/surcharges of $200.00 (subject to increase until paid in full), cruise taxes and fees of $36.00 per person. Port charges of $98.00 per person, hotel transfers. Not included in price: optional cancellation & waiver insurance of $305.00 per person. Cabin categories/rates are not guaranteed

and subject to availability on a first come first serve basis when names and deposits are received by Collette Vacations.

For more information and registration forms, go to:


Or contact Mark Hoggard (757 488 2553, ext.310)

Page 47: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

To learn more about St. Paul, Join us for Little Rock Scripture Study courses at the Church of

St. Thérèse:

The Acts of the Apostles Friday Evenings, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. 10 weekly sessions, May 4 –

July 6

Letters From Prison… A Study of, Collossians, Philippians, and

Ephesians Friday Evenings, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. 10 weekly sessions, Sept.

7 –Nov. 9

…and “Bonus Course:” First & Second Thessalonians Wednesday Evenings, 6:45 – 8:30 p.m. 3 weekly* sessions,

Jan. 23 –Feb. 20 *(No session on February 13)

Cost: $20.00 per person per course. Pre-registration for courses required. No charge for Bonus Course,

but you must have attended Letters from Prison. Courses are not required for the pilgrimage.

Page 48: Join the Church of St. Thérèse for Greece: In the Footsteps of Paul the Apostle Featuring a 3-Night Greek Islands & Turkey Cruise April 10-20, 2013

Want to Join Us?

Book now, and receive $100.00 off for a reduced rate* of:

Inside Cabin Rate: Double $3,599.00; Single $4,099.00

Outside Cabin Rate: Double $3,699.00; Single $4,299.00

•Rates are per person, and includes round trip airfare from Norfolk, air taxes and fees/surcharges of $200.00 (subject to increase until paid in full), cruise taxes and fees of $36.00 per person. Port charges of $98.00 per person, hotel transfers. Not included in price: optional cancellation & waiver insurance of $305.00 per person. Cabin categories/rates are not guaranteed

and subject to availability on a first come first serve basis when names and deposits are received by Collette Vacations.

For more information and registration forms, go to:


Or contact Mark Hoggard (757 488 2553, ext.310)