Joint Research Projects NSFC – NWO – EPSRC: Sustainable Deltas Grant application form 2016 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when completing this form Application no. ALWSD2016.00X Registration form (basic details, fact sheet) 1. Project title: SUPREME Salt intrusion: Understanding the Pearl River Estuary by Modelling and field Experiments 2. Summary (249 words) Saltwater intrusion in deltas and estuaries results from the complex interaction between hydro- and salinity dynamics, and is affected by climate change and human intervention. In the Pearl River Estuary(PRE) in China, these changes endanger freshwater availability affecting over 40 million people. PRE’s complex shape makes salt intrusion processes inherently three-dimensional. However, as previous research was mainly restricted to longitudinal variability, current knowledge is insufficient to unravel the interwoven longitudinal and lateral salt transport mechanisms. The overall aim of the SUPREME-project is to understand these three-dimensional salt transport mechanisms, and their sensitivity to variations in external forcing and geometry/bathymetry. The knowledge and tools developed/applied in this project will help assess the effects of possible measures to alleviate undesired changes in salt intrusion. In addition to the PRE, which is the main study area, we will also investigate the Mersey (UK) and Ems (Netherlands/Germany). We adopt an integrated approach, involving both idealized and numerical modelling, as well as field measurements and data analysis. Idealized models, including the essential physics and large- scale geometrical/bathymetrical features in a schematised way, are specifically geared to unravel physical mechanisms. Complex numerical models extend these results to transient forcing conditions and site-specific details. The combination of these two approaches provides insight, motivated and validated by new field measurements and existing data. This joint Chinese/UK/Dutch project helps to understand salt dynamics in the PRE and other estuaries. It further provides a more solid scientific basis for estuarine management to prevent enhanced saltwater intrusion in these regions. Key words: Saltwater intrusion, Pearl River Estuary, Climate change, Human intervention, Field measurements, Integrated process-based modelling 3. Dutch principal applicant Name: Dr. Henk M. Schuttelaars (TUD) Address: Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD, Delft, Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] Tel:+ 31(0)152783825 4. UK principal applicant Name:Dr. Laurent O. Amoudry (NOC) Address: National Oceanography Centre, Joseph Proudman Building, 6 Brownlow Street, Liverpool, L3 5DA, United Kingdom E-mail: [email protected] Tel: + 44 151 795 4914 5. Chinese principal applicant Name: Prof. dr. Wenping Gong (SY-s) Address: School of Marine Science, Sun Yat-sen University, 135 of Xigangxi Road, Guangzhou, 510275 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: + 86-20-8411-3729 6. Co-applicants Netherlands Name: Dr. Pieter C. Roos (UT) Address: Water Engineering & Management, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] Tel: + 31534895608 1

Joint Research Projects NSFC – NWO – EPSRC ...ta.twi.tudelft.nl/dv/staff/schuttel/sustainable_delta.pdf · Joint Research Projects NSFC – NWO – EPSRC: Sustainable Deltas Grant

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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form

Applicat ion no. ALW SD2 0 1 6 .0 0 X

Regist rat ion form ( basic deta ils, fact sheet ) 1 . Project t it le : SUPREME

Salt intrusion: Understanding the Pearl River Estuary by Modelling and field Experiments 2 . Sum m ary (249 words) Saltwater int rusion in deltas and estuaries results from the com plex interact ion between hydro- and salinit y dynam ics, and is affected by clim ate change and hum an intervent ion. I n the Pearl River Estuary(PRE) in China, these changes endanger freshwater availabilit y affect ing over 40 m illion people. PRE’s com plex shape m akes salt int rusion processes inherent ly three-dim ensional. However, as previous research was m ainly rest r icted to longitudinal variabilit y, current knowledge is insufficient to unravel the interwoven longitudinal and lateral salt t ransport m echanism s.

The overall aim of the SUPREME-project is to understand these three-dimensional salt t ransport m echanism s, and their sensit ivit y to variat ions in external forcing and geom et ry/ bathym et ry. The knowledge and tools developed/ applied in this project will help assess the effects of possible m easures to alleviate undesired changes in salt int rusion. I n addit ion to the PRE, which is t he m ain study area, we will also invest igate the Mersey (UK) and Em s (Netherlands/ Germ any) .

We adopt an integrated approach, involving both idealized and num erical m odelling, as well as field m easurem ents and data analysis. I dealized m odels, including the essent ial physics and large-scale geom et rical/ bathym et r ical features in a schem at ised way, are specifically geared to unravel physical m echanism s. Com plex num erical m odels extend these results to t ransient forcing condit ions and site-specific details. The com binat ion of these two approaches provides insight , m ot ivated and validated by new field m easurem ents and exist ing data.

This joint Chinese/ UK/ Dutch project helps to understand salt dynam ics in the PRE and other estuaries. I t further provides a m ore solid scient ific basis for estuarine m anagem ent to prevent enhanced saltwater int rusion in these regions. Key words: Saltwater int rusion, Pearl River Estuary, Clim ate change, Hum an intervent ion, Field m easurem ents, I ntegrated process-based m odelling 3 . Dutch pr incipa l applicant Nam e: Dr. Henk M. Schut telaars (TUD) Address: Delft I nst itute of Applied Mathem at ics, Delft Universit y of Technology, Mekelweg 4, 2628

CD, Delft , Netherlands E-m ail: h.m .schut telaars@tudelft .nl Tel: + 31(0)152783825 4 . UK pr incipa l applicant Nam e: Dr. Laurent O. Am oudry (NOC) Address: Nat ional Oceanography Cent re, Joseph Proudm an Building, 6 Brownlow St reet , Liverpool,

L3 5DA, United Kingdom E-m ail: laurent .am [email protected] Tel: + 44 151 795 4914 5 . Chinese pr incipa l applicant Nam e: Prof. dr. Wenping Gong (SY-s) Address: School of Marine Science, Sun Yat -sen Universit y, 135 of Xigangxi Road, Guangzhou,

510275 E-m ail: gongwp@m ail.sysu.edu.cn Tel: + 86-20-8411-3729 6 . Co- applicants Netherlands Nam e: Dr. Pieter C. Roos (UT) Address: Water Engineering & Managem ent , Universit y of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE

Enschede, Netherlands E-m ail: [email protected] Tel: + 31534895608


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form UK Nam e: Dr. Lucy Bricheno (NOC) Address: Nat ional Oceanography Cent re, Joseph Proudm an Building, 6 Brownlow St reet , Liverpool,

L3 5DA, United Kingdom E-m ail: [email protected] Tel: + 447954800 China Nam e: Prof. dr. Jia Liangwen (SY-s) Address: School of Marine Science, Sun Yat -sen Universit y, 135 of Xigangxi Road, Guangzhou,

510275 E-m ail: j [email protected] Tel: + 86-20-8411-3644 Nam e: Dr. Hong Bo (SCUT) Address: School of Civil Engineering and Transportat ion, South China Universit y of Technology,381

of Wushan Road, Guangzhou, 510641 E-m ail: bohong@scut .edu.cn Tel: + 86-20-87111030

Research proposal 7 . Discipline code 14.40.00: Civil engineering 15.10.00: Geochem ist ry, geophysics 15.30.00: Geodynam ics, sedim entat ion, tectonics, geom orphology 15.60.00: Hydrosphere sciences 15.70.00: Geodesy, physical geography 50.90.00: Environm ental science 8 . Lay sum m ary ( in Dutch) (100 words) Zout indringing vorm t een grote bedreiging voor de zoetwatervoorziening in r ivierdelta’s en estuaria. Dit zij n gebieden m et een sterk groeiende populat ie en econom ie, zoals de Pearl River Delta in China. Het SUPREME-project bestudeert de com plexe drie-dim ensionale processen achter zout indringing, zowel de natuurlij ke m echanism en als de respons op klim aatverandering en m enselij ke ingrepen. Hiertoe com bineren we nieuwe en bestaande veldm et ingen m et m odelsim ulat ies voor de Pearl River Delta en twee daaraan gerelateerde estuaria: de Mersey (UK) en de Eem s (NL/ Dui) . Onze geïntegreerde aanpak, die generiek inzicht biedt , gebruiken we tenslot te om m ogelij ke oplossingen voor de zoutproblem at iek in de Pearl River Delta system at isch te analyseren.


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form

a b c

Fig.1: Overview of the three study areas: a Pearl River Estuary (China) , with the three estuarine bodies Lingdingyang, Modaom en and Huangm aohai [ Tang et al 2009] , b Mersey (UK) , c Em s (on the border of the Netherlands and Germ any) . 9 . Proposed research (2759 words, excluding references) I nt roduct ion: sa linit y dynam ics Deltas and estuaries, which connect the m arine and r iverine environm ent , are densely populated regions with high econom ic act ivit y and unique ecological value. Exam ples include the Pearl River Delta in China, which form s the m ain study area in this proposal, the Mersey in the UK, as well as the Rhine Delta and Em s Estuary in the Netherlands/ Germ any. Deltaic and estuarine regions are exposed to interlinked and possibly conflict ing pressures, often related to the dynam ics of the t ransit ion zone between fresh and saline water. For exam ple, deepening of navigat ion channels (dredging) in the Pearl River Delta, which is essent ial for the fast econom ic developm ent of the region, affects salt int rusion. I n turn, this poses a severe and im m ediate threat to freshwater supply, affect ing over 40 m illion people in the Pearl River Delta alone. From a m anagem ent perspect ive, ensuring sufficient and reliable sources of clean fresh water without ham pering econom ic growth requires adequate understanding of salt int rusion and the associated physical processes.

The spat ial and tem poral dist r ibut ion of salinit y (such as the salt int rusion length and adjustm ent t im e) is the result of a com plex nonlinear interplay between water m ot ion and salt dynam ics [ MacCready & Geyer 2010] . The water m ot ion is forced by t im e–varying freshwater inflow ( typically 10-103 m 3/ s) , t idal mot ion at the seaward boundary, the spat iotem poral salinit y dist r ibut ion, and wind (steady and events) . According to Hansen & Rat t ray [ 1965] , MacCready [ 2004] and Lerczak et al [ 2006] , seaward salt t ransport is m ainly dr iven by r iver discharge, while landward salt t ransport is due to the steady shear by estuarine circulat ion and the t idal correlat ion between water current and salinit y. These t ransports consist of various cont r ibut ions as the estuarine circulat ion it self results from m any m echanism s, e.g., density gradients, t idal advect ion, r iver discharge, wind, internal t idal asym m et ry ( t idal st raining) [ Geyer & MacCready 2014] . Sim ilarly, the t ransport due to the t idal correlat ion is due to several processes as well, including t idal t rapping, t idal pum ping, t idal oscillatory shear dispersion, and the vert ical m ovement of the halocline [ Jay & Sm ith 1990; Geyer & Nepf 1996; Wang et al 2015] .

Previous research has also pointed out that the t ransverse dist ribut ion of water m ot ion and salinit y significant ly affects the longitudinal mom entum balance and t ransport of m aterial in m any estuaries [ Fischer 1972; Sm ith 1977; Lerczak et al 2006; Kim & Voulgaris 2008; Burchard et al 2011; Schulz et al 2015] . Therefore, to understand the physical m echanism s behind salt int rusion, it is insufficient to study either the longitudinal or lateral processes: the interact ion between these processes has to be studied, as well. Furtherm ore, realist ic cases with com plex geom et ry/ bathym et ry m ake it vir tually im possible to even ident ify longitudinal and lateral direct ions. Hence, a three-dim ensional fram ework is required.

I n addit ion to ident ifying and quant ifying dom inant salt t ransport m echanism s, it is crucial to assess the t ransient response of salt int rusion to changes in forcing condit ions and geom et ry/ bathym et ry. For exam ple, clim ate change t r iggers significant changes in r iver discharge pat terns and intensit ies, t idal forcing, as well as storm frequency and intensity. Deltaic and estuarine regions are further subject to large-scale anthropogenic intervent ions (shipping channels deepened, harbor basin const ructed and extended, land reclam at ion, weirs and sluices) , alter ing the geom et ry/ bathym et ry(network st ructure, harbours, channel depth, retent ion basins) . Overa ll a im The overall aim is to unravel the physical m echanism s that result in the highly dynam ic spat iotemporal pat terns of salinit y, and their sensit ivit y to both hum an intervent ions and clim ate


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form change. This knowledge and the tools developed/ applied in this project will help assess the effects of possible m easures to alleviate undesired changes in salt int rusion, with part icular em phasis on the Pearl River Delta. I n addit ion to the PRE, which is the m ain study area, we will also invest igate the Mersey (UK) and Em s (Netherlands/ Germ any) . Specif ic a im s As argued above, estuarine salt dynam ics is essent ially a three-dim ensional phenom enon. The interact ion between longitudinal and lateral processes, and their relat ive im portance concerning the salt int rusion, are largely unknown. A system at ic study of the t ransient response of salt dynam ics to changing condit ions is lacking. These considerat ions set the specific aim s of our proposal: A1 . To analyze the t hree - dim ensional m echanism s producing equilibr ium salinity pat terns

under regular forcing condit ions. A2 . To determ ine the sensit iv it y of these equilibr ium salinit y pat terns to wind forcing, r iver

discharge and geom et ry/ bathym et ry. Im portant ly, here we focus on the equilibr ium response to non- t ransient forcing condit ions.

A3 . To assess the t ransient evolut ion of salinit y pat terns under spat iotem porally varying condit ions, associated with clim ate change and hum an intervent ion.

A4 . To system at ically evaluate the im pact of various proposed m anagem ent st ra tegies that aim to m it igate the enhanced salt int rusion.

Study sites: Pear l River Estuary, Em s and Mersey The m ain study site in this project is the Pearl River Delta, located in the south of China (Fig.1a) . I t is one of the m ost com plex deltaic system s in the world, consist ing of a com plex interweaving r iver network and three estuarine water bodies: Lingdingyang, Modaom en and Huangm aohai. These three estuarine bodies, which together form the ent ire Pearl River Estuary (PRE) , exhibit great ly varying estuarine regim es ranging from well-m ixed to highly st rat ified (Table 1) . I n addit ion to the Pearl River Estuary, we consider two other estuarine systems: the Mersey in the northwest of England (Fig.1b) and the Em s on the border of the Netherlands and Germ any (Fig.1c) .We have three reasons to include these estuaries in our study: • The Mersey and Em s exhibit salinit y regim es sim ilar to those observed in the PRE during the

dry season (Table 1) , which is when salt int rusion is t he m ost severe. • The Mersey and Em s display less geomet rical com plexity, com pared to the PRE with it s islands, double-channel system and m ult iple r iver inlets. • Both Mersey and Em s are extensively engineered system s, subject to m aintenance dredging, channel deepening, and the const ruct ion of t raining walls. These hum an intervent ions have been well-docum ented in the past [ Thom as et al 2002; Blot t et al 2006; De Jonge et al 2014] .

Table 1: Overview of the estuaries studied in this project .

Estuary name Lingdingyang1 (PRE, China)

Modaomen1 (PRE, China)

Huangmaohai1 (PRE, China)

Mersey2,3 (UK)

Ems4 (NL/ Ger)

Length (km) 70 40 40 46 100 Width (km) 4-60 3-10 1-35 1-5 1-60 Convergence st rong weak st rong Weak st rong Mean depth (m) 6 8 4 15* * 5-7 Tidal range* (m) 1.45 1.10 1.35 4.5-8.4 2.20 dry wet dry wet dry wet River discharge (m 3/ s) 4200 1000

0 3500 1140

0 500 2000 20-200 20-400

Mixing regimes* * * P P/ S P/ S S W/ P P/ S W/ P W/ P * at mouth, * * at Narrows, * * * W= well-m ixed, P= part ially m ixed, S= st rat if ied. Sources: 1Zhao [ 1990] , 2Bowden & Gilligan [ 1971] , 3Lane & Prandle [ 2006] , 4De Jonge et al[ 2014] .


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Fig.2: I ntegrated approach showing the four work packages WP1-WP4

as well as the posit ioning of the specific aim s A1-A4. Methodology and plan of w ork To achieve the specific aim s A1 -A4 presented above, we adopt an integrated approach, which is reflected in four work packages WP1-WP4 ( to be detailed further below) : • WP1: field m easurem ents and data analysis, • WP2: idealised m odelling, • WP3: com plex num erical m odelling, • WP4: synthesis. The interact ion am ong these work packages in term s of the four specific aim s is depicted in Fig.2. I t shows that , to address A1 , all three elements of the integrated approach will be used synergist ically. As a first step, representat ive ( t im e- independent ) forcings for the estuaries m ent ioned in Table 1 will be chosen, and the gross bathym et r ic and geomet r ic features will be included ( thus ignoring variat ions on the t idal excursion length scale) . Analysis of exist ing data, focussing on these representat ive condit ions, will give a clear picture of the longitudinal salinit y st ructure. New m easurem ents are essent ial to understand the lateral st ructure of the salinit y pat terns, as such data are rather scarce in all estuaries. Using the idealised m odel, the three-dim ensional m echanism s result ing in these salinit y pat terns will be analysed, and dom inant t ransport m echanism s will be ident ified [ Kum ar et al subm .; Wei et al subm .] . These results will be com pared with those obtained using com plex num erical m odels, used under idealized set t ings, allowing the assessm ent of ( i) the validit y of the approxim at ions m ade in the idealized m odel and ( ii) an in-depth analysis of the t ransport m echanism s in the com plex num erical m odel. This integrated approach has been successful in for exam ple the field of estuarine m orphodynam ics [ Hibm a et al 2003; Van der Wegen et al 2008] .

To study the sensit ivit y to bathym et r ic/ geomet ric changes and ( t im e- independent ) forcing condit ions (aim A2 ) , the idealized m odel will be used and, if possible, results will be compared with m easurem ents that are representat ive for these condit ions. For t im e-varying forcing condit ions, results obtained with the num erical m odelling approach will be com pared with exist ing and newly m easured data sets (A3 ) . Following the approach in Schut telaars et al [ 2013] and Li et al [ in press] , the sensit ivit y study underlying A4 will be carr ied out using the idealised model st ructure, which will system at ically narrow down the num ber of prom ising m anagem ent st rategies. Finally, the m ost prom ising m anagem ent st rategies will be assessed using the com plex num erical m odel, which com pletes the synthesis of our project . Descr ipt ion of the four w ork packages W P1 - W P4 WP1: Field m easurem ents and data analysis (NOC, SY-s) This work package concerns both the collect ion and analysis of exist ing data, and m easurem ents result ing in new data sets, that are essent ial for answering A1 - A3 .Concerning data collect ion, all partners will collate exist ing data for the estuaries considered in the project . These data include bathym et ry, shoreline change, wind field, r iver discharge, water elevat ion, and vert ical profiles of


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form water current , salinit y, tem perature and sedim ent concent rat ion in different years. The data will be analysed using t im e series analysis tools [ Jalón-Rojas et al 2016] to seek relat ionships between salt int rusion and r iver discharge, t ides, winds.

Because the available data are not sufficient for this project ( lateral variability not m easured, longitudinal t ime series not covering all m ixing regim es/ wind condit ions) , addit ional field m easurem ents will be conducted in the Pearl River Estuary (by Sun Yat -sen Universit y) and the Mersey (by NOC) . • The m easurem ents in the PRE will consist of com prehensive surveys in the Modaom en Estuary in

year 1, the Huangm aohai Estuary in year 2, and the Lingdingyang Bay in year 3. The m easurem ents will be conducted during the dry season when salt int rusion usually occurs for both spring and neap t ides. The surveys will consist of lateral and longitudinal underway surveys, several anchored stat ions along longitudinal and lateral sect ions to cont inuously m easure the vert ical profiles of water currents, tem perature, salinit y and turbidit y. Several bot tom t r ipods will be deployed to obtain high frequency m easurem ents of the near-bed turbulent current , tem perature and salinit y. Wave param eters will also be obtained. The m ooring m easurem ents will span a period of at least 3 days. I n year 3 (Lingdingyang Bay) , the surveys will go further upst ream of four out lets (Hum en, Jiaom en, Hongqili and Hengm en) . The survey upst ream of the out lets will be m ainly along the longitudinal sect ion, supplem ented by several lateral t ransects. Furtherm ore, stat ions will be deployed at the intersect ions of various dist r ibutar ies, which is essent ial to assess the t ransport m echanism s at these split t ing points. Depending on progress and problem s encountered, supplem entary field m easurem ents on the upst ream side of the out lets will be conducted in year 4. • Low-cost , long- term m oorings will be deployed for a full year in the Mersey estuary and will cont inuously m easure the vert ical st ructure of tem perature and salinit y. The result ing data will be com bined with already exist ing m easurem ents t o provide a unique long- term (over 1 year) data set to be interrogated for salinit y int rusion. This task will also act as a pilot test of low-cost long- term m onitoring of salt int rusion in estuarine system s, which could then be rolled out in other system s such as the PRE.

WP2: I dealized m odelling(TUD, UT) I dealized m odelling is specifically geared towards system at ically analyzing the ( relat ive) im portance of specific m echanism s, that are essent ial for the salinit y dynam ics, and their sensit ivit y to changes in param eters, geomet ry, bathym et ry, etc. This type of m odel is part icular ly suited to address the specific aim s A1 , A2 and A4 .Four m ain tasks are ident ified (one for each year) : • Developm ent of a 2DV (width-averaged) idealized m odel for salt int rusion in a part ially m ixed

estuary, which is the first step in developing such a three-dimensional m odel (aim A1 ) . The m odel form ulat ion extends Wei et al [ 2016] and Wei et al [ subm .] for a well-m ixed estuary. Using the width-averaged m odel, the essent ial mechanism s for salt int rusion will be com pared to those found in well-m ixed [ Wei et al 2016] and st rongly st rat ified estuaries [ MacCready& Geyer 2010] . This will result in a clear understanding of the t ransit ion m echanism s from well-m ixed to st rat ified and vice-versa. • Use the insights gained from the 2DV m odel to extend the three-dim ensional m odel of Wei et al. (subm it ted) to part ially m ixed estuaries. The im portance of the interact ions between lateral and longitudinal dynam ics concerning the salinit y dynam ics will be highlighted. • Sensit ivit y study into the effects of variat ions in forcing (sea level, wind forcing, r iver out flow and salinit y gradient ) and geom et ry/ bathym et ry ( island, channel-shoal system , navigat ion dredging and land reclam at ion) ; com parison with field data (aim A2 ) . Com parison with field data from the Pearl River Estuary and num erical m odel results. Com parison with the Em s and Mersey Estuary. • System at ically study the influence of varying r iver discharge and the part it ion of these water resources am ong different out lets in the r iver network on the salt int rusion length. The m ost prom ising com binat ions will be studied using a com plex num erical m odel approach as well.

WP3: Com plex num erical m odelling (NOC, SY-s) Com plex num erical sim ulat ion m odels are com m only used to perform realist ic sim ulat ions, including all geom et ric/ bathym et ric details, state-of- the-art param eterizat ions and observed forcing condit ions. Hence, com plex num erical m odels are specifically suited to address aim A3 , but here they will be used to address the other aim s A1 , A2 and A4 as well. Com plex coastal num erical m odelling suffers from a range of inherent issues linked to choice and setup of the m odel [ Brown et al, in press] . To m it igate this, we will use two m odels available in the public dom ain and with significant t rack- record in coastal, estuarine and deltaic [ Bricheno et al 2016] applicat ions: FVCOM [ Chen et al 2003] and COAWST [ Warner et al 2010] . Both m odels will be applied to the PRE, and FVCOM will also be applied to the Em s and the Mersey to com plem ent the field m easurem ents and


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form the idealized m odelling. I ntercom parison between the two m odels for the PRE will increase confidence in the response to various scenarios. The following sub-projects are ident ified within this work package: • The setup of the m odels, involving grid const ruct ion, nest ing, bathym et r ic interpolat ion, as well

as the specificat ion of forcing and open boundary condit ions. • The calibrat ion and validat ion of the m odels for water levels, flow velocit ies, and salinit y. I n com binat ion with the idealized m odel results obtained in WP1, the dom inant salt t ransport m echanism s will be ident ified. • The ut ilizat ion of the calibrated m odels to conduct prognost ic and diagnost ic invest igat ions considering realist ic, t im e-varying forcing condit ions. Next scenarios of future clim ate change (e.g., sea level r ise, storms, r iver runoff, wind fields) and hum an intervent ions (dredging, water abst ract ion, land reclam at ion) will be generated and im plem ented within the num erical m odelling fram ework. • The COAWST m odel will be used to invest igate the influence of both wind and waves on salt int rusion, by including the ext ra m om entum cont r ibut ion due to the existence of waves, which will be calculated by the radiat ion st ress or the vortex force form ulae. • Finally, the m ost prom ising m anagem ent st rategies to m it igate the enhanced salinit y int rusion, ident ified in the last phase of the idealized m odelling work package, will be im plem ented in the num erical m odelling suite and results will be com pared to those obtained with the idealized m odel.

WP4: Synthesis (all partners) We will synthesise the results obtained in WP1-WP3 with the specific aim to address estuarine m anagem ent issues pertaining to alleviat ing salt int rusion issues in the PRE while balancing interests from navigat ion, pollut ion cont rol, protect ion from r iver floods and storm surges (aim A4 ) . This act ivit y will be supported by cont inuous PRE stakeholder engagem ent via m eet ings and workshops throughout the durat ion of the project . Tim etable A detailed t imetable of this four-year project is provided in Table 2 below. Table 2: Tim etable, using Work Package colours as in Fig.2.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Kick-off workshop in China Literature study and data collect ion PRE field surveys Mersey field surveys Data analysis (exist ing and new) Literature study on numerical models FVCOM numerical modelling COAWST numerical modelling Literature study on idealized models I dealized modelling Mid- term workshop in Nether lands I ntegrat ion Writ ing papers/ thesis Dissem inat ion workshop in China*

* We ensure that the UK PI v isits the dissem inat ion workshop, either by NOC-funds or upon invitat ion by SY-s. References Blot t , S., Pye, K., Van der War, D. & Near, A. (2006) . Long term morphological change and its causes in the

Mersey Estuary, NW England. Geomorphology 81(1–2) : 185–206. Bowden, K.F. & Gilligan, R.M. (1971) . Character ist ic features of estuar ine circulat ion as represented in the Mersey

Estuary. Limnology and Oceanography 16(3) : 490-502. Br icheno, L.M., Wolf, J. & I slam , S. (2016) . Tidal int rusion within a mega delta: an unst ructured gr id modelling

approach. Estuar ine, Coastal and Shelf Science 182: 12-26, doi: 10.1016/ j .ecss.2016.09.014. Brown, J.M., Norman, D.L., Amoudry, L.O.& Souza, A.J. (2016/ 17) . I mpact of operat ional model nest ing

approaches and inherent errors for coastal simulat ions, Ocean Modelling, in press, doi: 10.1016/ j .ocemod.2016.10.005.

Burchard, H., Het land, R.D., Schulz, E. & Schut telaars, H.M (2011) . Dr ivers of residual estuar ine circulat ion in t idally energet ic estuar ies: Straight and irrotat ional channels with parabolic cross sect ion.Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41(3) , 548–570.

Chen, C., Liu, H. &Beardsley, R. (2003) . An unst ructured gr id, f inite volume, three-dimensional, pr im it ive equat ions ocean model: Applicat ion to coastal ocean and estuar ies, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 20(1) : 159–186.


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form De Jonge, V.N., Schut telaars, H.M., Van Beusekom, J.E.E., Talke, S.A. & De Swart , H.E. (2014) . The influence of

channel deepening on estuar ine turbidity levels and dynam ics, as exemplif ied by the Ems estuary. Estuar ine Coastal and Shelf Science 139: 46-59.

Fischer, H. (1972) . Mass t ransport mechanisms in part ially st rat if ied estuar ies. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 53(04) : 671–687.

Geyer, W.R. & Nepf, H.M. (1996) . Tidal pumping of salt in a moderately st rat if ied estuary. Buoyancy effects on coastal and estuar ine dynam ics, D.G. Aubrey&C.T. Fr iedr ichs (eds.) , American Geophysical Union, 213-226.

Geyer, W.R., Signell, R.P. & Kineke, G.C. (1998) . Lateral t rapping of sediment in part ially m ixed estuary. I n Physics of Estuar ies and Coastal Seas, J. Dronkers & M. Scheffers (eds.) , pp.115-124, A.A. Balkema, Brookfield, Vt .

Geyer, R.W. & MacCready, P. (2014) . The estuar ine circulat ion. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 46: 175-197. Hibma, A., Schut telaars, H.M. & Wang, Z.B. (2003) . Comparison of longitudinal equilibr ium profiles of estuar ies

in idealised and process-based models. Ocean Dynamics 53(3) : 252-269. Hansen D.V. & Rat t ray M. (1965) . Gravitat ional circulat ion in straits and estuar ies. Journal of Marine Research

23: 104–122. Jalón‐Rojas, I ., Schm idt , S. & Sot tolichio, A. (2016) . Evaluat ion of spect ral methods for high‐frequency mult i-

annual t ime ser ies in coastal t ransit ional waters: advantages of combined analyses. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 14: 381–396, doi: 10.1002/ lom3.10097.

Jay, D.A. & Sm ith, J.D. (1990) . Residual circulat ion in shallow estuar ies. I . Highly strat if ied, narrow estuar ies. Journal of Geophysical Research 95: 711-731.

Lerczak, J.A., Geyer, W.R. & Chant , R.J. (2006) . Mechanisms dr iv ing the t ime-dependent salt f lux in a part ially st rat if ied estuary. Journal of Physical Oceanography 36: 2296-2311.

Li, C., Schut telaars, H.M., Roos, P.C. Damveld, J., Gong, W.P. & Hulscher, S.J.M.H. (2016/ 17) . I nfluence of retent ion basins on t idal dynam ics in estuar ies: applicat ion to the Ems estuary, Ocean & Coastal Management , in press.

Kim , Y.H. & Voulgar is, G. (2008) . Lateral circulat ion and suspended sediment t ransport in a curved estuar ine channel: Winyah Bay, SC, USA. Journal of Geophysical Research 113, C09006, doi: 10.1029/ 2007JC004509.

Kumar, M., Schut telaars, H.M. & Roos, P.C. (subm it ted) . Three-dimensional sem i- idealized model for estuar ine turbidity maxima in t idally dom inated estuar ies.

Lane, A. & Prandle, D. (2006) . Random-walk part icle modelling for est imat ing bathymetr ic evolut ion of an estuary. Estuar ine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 68: 175–187.

MacCready, P. (2004) . Toward a unified theory of t idally-averaged estuar ine salinit y st ructure. Estuar ies 27(4) : 561–570.

MacCready, P. & Geyer, R.W. (2010) . Advances in estuar ine physics. Annual Review of Marine Science 2: 35-58. Murray, A.B. (2003) , Contrast ing the goals, strategies, and predict ions associated with simplif ied numerical

models and detailed simulat ions, in Predict ion in Geomorphology, R.M. I verson & P.R. Wilcock (eds.) , pp.151–165, Vol. 135 of Geophysical Monograph, AGU, Washington, D.C.

Schulz, E., Schut telaars, H.M., Gräwe, U. & Burchard, H. (2015) . I mpact of the depth- to-width rat io of per iodically st rat if ied t idal channels on the estuar ine circulat ion. Journal of Physical Oceanography,45(8) , 2048–2069.

Schut telaars, H.M., de Jonge, V.C. & Chernetsky, A. (2013) . I mproving the predict ive power when modeling physical effects of human intervent ions in estuar ine systems.Ocean & Coastal Management 79: 70-82.

Sm ith, R. (1977) . Long- term dispersion of contam inants in small estuar ies. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 82(1) : 129–146.

Tang, L., Sheng, J., Ji, X., Cao, W.& Liu, D. (2009) . I nvest igat ion of three-dimensional circulat ion and hydrography over the Pear l River Estuary of China using a nested-gr id coastal circulat ion model. Ocean Dynamics (2009) 59: 899–919, doi: 10.1007/ s10236-009-0218-1.

Thomas, C., Spearman, J. & Turnbull, M. (2002) .Histor ical morphological change in theMersey Estuary. Cont inental Shelf Research 22(11–13) : 1775–1794.

Van der Wegen, M., Wang, Z.B., Savenije, H.H.G. & Roelvink, J.A. (2008) . Long- term morphodynam ic evolut ion and energy dissipat ion in a coastal plain, t idal embayment , Journal of Geophysical Research 113, F03001, doi: 10.1029/ 2007JF000898.

Wang, T., Geyer, W.R., Engel, P., Jiang, W. & Feng, S. (2015) . Mechanisms of t idal oscillatory salt t ransport in a part ially st rat if ied estuary. Journal of Physical Oceanography 45: 2773-2789.

Warner, J.C., Armstrong, B., He, R., & Zambon, J.B. (2010) . Development of a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport (COAWST) modeling system.Ocean Modeling 35(3) : 230-244.

Wei, X., Schramkowski, G.P. & Schut telaars, H.M. (2016) . Salt dynam ics is well-m ixed estuar ies: importance of advect ion by t ides. Journal of Physical Oceanography 15(33) : 128-149.

Wei, X., Kumar, M. & Schut telaars, H.M. (subm it ted) . I nfluence of estuar ine convergence, bathymetry and Coriolis effects on salt dynam ics in well-m ixed estuar ies.

Zhao, H. (1990) , Evolut ion of the Pear l River Estuary ( in Chinese) , 358 pp., China Ocean Press, Beij ing. 1 0 . Per iod of funding The durat ion of the SUPREME-project is four years. I ntended start ing is 1 July 2017. Please also see our t im etable on p.7.

1 1 . Relevance to the them e of ca ll (199 words) From a m anagem ent perspect ive, a good understanding of salt int rusion in deltas such as the Pearl River Delta (China) and the Rhine Delta (The Netherlands) and estuaries such as the Mersey (UK) and the Em s (The Netherlands/ Germ any) is essent ial to ensure both sufficient fresh water resources


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form and econom ic growth. By increasing our understanding of the salinit y dynam ics, we are able to develop and analyse tools that can be used to assess the im pact of clim ate change and hum an intervent ions on the salt int rusion dynam ics. I n view of this, this project is very relevant to the them e Resilient urban planning and m anagem ent , specifically to the subthem e Designing adapt ive capacity in rapidly and often spontaneously develop ing deltas to ensure w ater safety , as we will use the newly developed tools to opt im ize com binat ions of possible m easures to reduce adverse salt int rusion effects. I ndirect ly, we cont r ibute to the them e Opt im ising w ater a lloca t ion and use in the de lta , specifically to the subthem e Urban w ater susta inabilit y . Finally, this project is also related to the them e I ntegrated coasta l zone m anagem ent in term s of future planning of hum an intervent ions, such as port const ruct ion, navigat ion channel dredging and land reclam at ion and assessing their effects on the salt int rusion. 1 2 . Know ledge ut ilisat ion (250 words) To enhance proper m anagem ent of freshwater resources in the fast growing (both with respect to populat ion and econom ic act ivit y) deltaic regions, it is essent ial to bet ter understand the dom inant salt t ransport processes. Our integrated m odelling approach allows for a novel assessm ent st rategy to opt im ize possible m it igat ing m easures: by rapidly assessing the efficiency of a large num ber of (com binat ions of) m easures using the idealized model approach, the m ost promising opt ions can be further tested using a com plex num erical m odel. This paradigm shift allows for a coarse quick, first assessm ent of possible m easures and an in-depth furt her assessm ent of the m ost prom ising opt ions, instead of a m ore t radit ional in-depth study of a lim ited and often arbit rary and subject ively chosen num ber of m it igat ion scenarios. Possible m it igat ion scenarios will be chosen in close collaborat ion with our partners from Guangdong Provincial Research I nst itute of Water Resources and Hydropower, and tools developed in this project will be shared with them . The project ’s results will also inform future planning of hum an intervent ions and thus be beneficial to local governm ent agencies and ports as well as the cont ractors delivering the changes (e.g., dredging com panies) .

Finally, our results are im portant for other scient ific disciplines focussing on the flushing of estuarine waterbodies ( through the exchange flow, which is part ly dr iven by salinit y gradients) , im portant for water qualit y, t ransport and t rapping of suspended sedim ent (giving r ise to highly turbid estuaries such as t he Yangtze) and estuarine ecology. I ndeed, the dynam ic t ransit ion zone between saline and fresh water, m akes deltas/ estuaries crucial habitats. 1 3 . Sino - Dutch - UK coopera t ion (431 words)

The integrated approach of our project implies close collaborat ion am ong the Chinese, Dutch and UK partners. All four Work Packages WP1-WP4, ident ified in the integrated approach, are essent ial to achieve the overall aim of the project . Field observat ions and num erical m odelling will be perform ed by both the Chinese and UK partner. The Chinese partner has detailed knowledge of Pearl River Estuary and experience in collect ing data and num erical m odelling im plem entat ion for this estuary.

With respect to num erical m odelling, the UK partner com plements the Chinese partner by using a different but com plem entary m odelling system , which is part icular ly well-suited for com plex coastal and deltaic environm ents. The UK- led observat ions in the Mersey com plem ent the exhaust ive surveys undertaken for the PRE by the Chinese partner by providing a long- term out look essent ial to address the t ransient response of estuarine dynam ics. This will provide a pilot study in long- term estuarine salt int rusion m onitor ing, which could then be applied also elsewhere in the world.

Com plementary to the num erical model approach, the idealized m odels will be developed and analysed by the Dutch par tner. The idealized m odels will be m ainly applied to the PRE, m ot ivated and validated by observat ions. I ntercom parison between num erical and idealized m odels will necessarily be a joint act ivit y of all partners.

While the UK team will undertake observat ions in the Mersey and m odelling for the Mersey and Em s, m ost of the UK research effort rem ains devoted to studying the PRE. I ndeed, the PRE includes three estuarine bodies and thus form s a significant ly m ore complex system than either the Mersey or the Em s. This will result in a m ajor part of the FVCOM m odelling resources (PDRA t im e) being devoted to the study of the PRE. A just ificat ion of the Official Development Assistance character of the UK cont r ibut ion is at tached.

The project will involve significant academ ic exchange between the three partners, including short visit s by the PI ’s, and exchanges of Ph.D. students/ postdocs for a longer t ime. The UK postdoc will part icipate in som e of the PRE field m easurem ents as well as collaborate on som e PRE data analysis (approx. 1 m onth) . The Chinese PhD will part icipate in the UK field m easurem ents and discuss num erical m odel developm ent ( two m onths in total) . Sim ilar ly, the Dutch PhD student will j oin one of the field cam paigns in PRE, part icipate in analyzing the acquired data and use these data in the idealised m odel (stay 2 m onths) .


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form

We organise three workshops: • Kick-off m eet ing in China, including an intense course on salt dynam ics for new PhDs/ postdocs and other Chinese m aster students at SY-s. • One-week m id- term workshop in Delft on num erical and analyt ical m odelling • Dissem inat ion workshop in China.

1 4 . Com posit ion of the research team and the part icipat in g par tners

Consort ium NL Nam e & t it le Aff ilia t ion Expert ise Role in project Applicants 1. Principal applicant Dr. H.M.

Schut telaars Delft University of Technology (TUD)

Estuarine physics, Mathemat ical modeling

Organizer on the Dutch side, main supervisor of PhD-student

2. Co-applicant from academ ia 1

Dr. P.C. Roos University of Twente (UT)

Hydrodynam ics and mathemat ical modelling

Co-supervisor of PhD-student

Tem porary staff requested

Aff ilia t ion Expert ise Durat ion (m onths)

I n tensity (FTE)

Supervisor and/ or prom otor

Scient ific staff PhD 1 TUD Development

of idealised m odel

48 1.0 Dr. H.M. Schut telaars, Dr. P.C.Roos and Prof.dr. A.W. Heem ink

Consort ium China Nam e & t it le Aff ilia t ion Expert i se Role in project Applicants 1. Principal applicant Gong Wenping,

Professor Sun Yat -sen University (SY-s)

Estuarine physics

Organizer on the Chinese side

2. Co-applicant from academ ia 1

Jia Liangwen Professor

Sun Yat -sen University (SY-s)

Estuarine and coastal dynam ics

Part icipant on the Chinese side

3. Co-applicant from academ ia 2

Hong Bo Associate Professor

South China University of Technology (SCUT)

Estuarine physics

Part icipant on the Chinese side

Consort ium partners from academ ia and private and public sector

4. Consort ium partner Tan Chao Guangdong Provincial Research I nst itute of Water Resources and Hydropower

Water resources management

Part icipant from Chinese side

Tem porary staff requested

Aff ilia t ion Expert ise Durat ion (m onths)

I n tensity (FTE)

Supervisor and/ or prom otor

Scient ific staff PhD 1 Sun Yat -sen

University Numerical modelling

48 1.0 Gong Wenping

Postdoc 1 Sun Yat -sen University

Field measurement and data processing

48 1.0 Gong Wenping

Non-scient ific staff Sun Yat -sen

University Measurement equipment

48 1.0 Gong Wenping


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form

Consort ium UK Nam e & t it le Aff ilia t ion Expert ise Role in project Applicants 1. Principal applicant Dr Laurent

Am oudry Nat ional Oceanography Cent re (NOC)

Estuarine and coastal dynam ics

UK PI : overall UK cont r ibut ion management Mersey observat ions supervision

2. Co-applicant from academ ia 1

Dr Lucy Bricheno Nat ional Oceanography Cent re (NOC)

Estuarine and coastal modelling

PRE FVCOM modelling supervision

Tem porary staff requested

Aff ilia t ion Expert ise Durat ion (m onths)

I n tensity (FTE)

Supervisor and/ or prom otor

Scient ific staff Postdoc 1 NOC Estuarine

dynam ics 36 1.0 L. Am oudry and L


1 5 . Sum m ary of requested funding w ithin the t ota l budge t Budget applied for by the Dutch Principal I nvest igator:

Project costs

Scient if ic Staff FTE No. of m onths STAFF COSTS ( k€ ) :

PhD student 1x PhD

1.0 48 220

TOTAL STAFF COSTS ( k€ ) : 220

Descr ipt ion of research costs: RESEARCH COSTS ( k€ ) :

Benchmark fee 5

Travel and accomm odat ion costs for 2 workshops in China for

both supervisors


Travel and accommodat ion costs for workshops and working

stays in China for PhD student


Cost for organizing m id- term workshop in Netherlands 5

(max k€ 75) TOTAL RESEARCH COSTS ( k€ ) : 35

(max k€ 280) TOTAL APPLI ED ( STAFF + RESEARCH) ( k€ ) : 255 * Est imat ion of the maximum amount including a fixed bench fee (VSNU tariffs) . Budget applied for by the Chinese Principal I nvest igator:

Project costs

Scient if ic Staff FTE No. of m onths

(For Chinese researchers, personnel costs are covered by the universit ies, and hence are not displayed


Descr ipt ion of research costs: RESEARCH COSTS ( RMB) :

Field measurement 1,880,000

Exchange visit 200,000

Workshop/ conference 300,000

Publicat ion 120,000

Personnel costs for Ph.D and Post Ph.D. students 500,000



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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form Budget applied for by the UK Principal I nvest igator: (All numbers provided at Research Council cont r ibut ion rate, ie 80% FEC)

Project costs

Scient if ic S taff FTE No. of m onths STAFF COSTS ( k £) :

PI Laurent Amoudry 0.1 36 14.096 CoI Lucy Bricheno 0.1 36 14.037 Technician 0.15 12 5.642 Postdoc … x pd-3yr

1 36 107.726

TOTAL STAFF COSTS ( k £) : 141.502

Descr ipt ion of research costs: RESEARCH COSTS ( k £) :

Total NOC indirect costs. 125.564

Total NOC estates costs 67.994

Provision of inst ruments for Mersey long- term deployments: 10

x CTD Diver from Eikjkelkamp; one Baro Diver: Opt ical reader

unit . Note that all items are each below the capital lim it .


Consumables for operat ional deploym ent of m oorings 8

Boat hire costs for servicing of moorings (5 days at £3000 per

day FEC)


Seagoing allowance for technician for servicing moorings 0.4

High-end laptop with MATLAB license for PDRA 2.4

Fees, t ravel and subsistence for 6 conferences (2 for PI , 2 for

coI , 2 for PDRA)


Costs for t ravel and subsistence to project meet ings and

fieldwork in China (9 person weeks)


Cost ( t ravel and subsistence) for workshop in NL for 3

part icipants


TOTAL RESEARCH COSTS ( k £) : 258.359

TOTAL APPLI ED ( STAFF + RESEARCH) ( k £) : 399.861

1 6 . Brie f curr iculum vitae of the three pr incipa l appli cants in the Nether lands, China, and

the UK, respect ive ly. Henk Schut te laars Associate Professor, Delft I nst itute of Applied Mathemat ics, Delft Universit y of Technology 1988–1993: Ut recht Universit y: physics. Specialisat ion: theoret ical physics. 1993–1997: PhD student at the faculty of Mathem at ics and Com puter Science and the faculty of

Physics and Ast ronom y. Tit le of thesis: Evolut ion and stabilit y analysis of bot tom pat terns in a t idal em baym ent . Prom otores: Prof. Dr. A. van Harten and Prof. Dr. W.P.M. de Ruij ter. Co-prom otores: Dr. A. Doelm an and Dr. H.E. de Swart Working experience: 1993–1997: PhD student at Ut rech Universit y.

Research topic: Evolut ion and stabilit y of bed pat terns in short t idal em baym ents. 1997–March 2001 : Postdoc posit ion at the I nst itute for Marine and Atm ospheric research, Ut recht

Universit y. Research topic: Modelling of channels, shoals and thresholds in t idal em baym ents like the Western Scheldt .


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form 1997: working visit to professor G. Sem inara (Universit y of Genova, I taly) 2002: working visit to professor C.T. Friedrichs (Virginia I nst itute of Marine Science, Virginia, USA) . March 2001 – Septem ber 2004 : Postdoc posit ion at the faculty of Civil Engineering and

Geosciences, Delft Universit y of Technology. Research topic: long–term m orphodynam ic developm ent of the outer delta.

Septem ber 2001 – September 2004: Postdoc posit ion at the I nst itute for Marine and Atm ospheric research, Ut recht Universit y. Research topic: Form at ion of m ult iple turbidit y m axim a in part ially m ixed estuaries.

Septem ber 2004 – January 2006: Postdoc posit ion in the Environm ental Hydrogeology Group, Ut recht Universit y. Research topic: Characterizat ion of subsurface heterogeneity: I ntegrat ion of soft and hard inform at ion using

January 2006 – January 2012: Assistant professor posit ion at the Delft I nst itute of Applied Mathem at ics, Delft Universit y of Technology. Mean research topics: estuarine (m orpho)dynam ics, sedim ent t ransport , ETM dynam ics, dynam ical system theory, asym ptot ic analysis, nonlinear dynam ics

January 2012 – : Associate professor posit ion at the Delft I nst itute of Applied Mathem at ics, Delft Universit y of

Technology. Main research topics: estuarine (m orpho)dynam ics, sedim ent t ransport , ETM dynam ics,

dynam ical system theory, salinit y dynam ics, asym ptot ic analysis, nonlinear dynam ics Research grants: 1. NWO Casim ir (2005) , 2. Speerpunt Water (2006) , 3. 3x NWO-proposal (2010, 2011, 2013) , 4. 2x PhD/ postdoc proposals in collaborat ion with Flanders Hydraulics Research (2014) and Ghent

Universit y (2014) , 5. Ph.D. proposal funded by external part ies (2014) . Publicat ions: Chernetsky, A.S., Schut telaars, H.M. & Talke, S.A. (2010) The effect of t idal asymmetry and temporal set t ling

lag on sediment t rapping in t idal estuar ies. Ocean Dyn. 60, 1219–1241. Huij ts, K.M.H., de Swart , H.E., Schramkowski, G.P. & Schut telaars, H.M. (2011) Transverse st ructure of t idal

and residual f low and sediment concentrat ion in estuar ies: Sensit iv ity to t idalforcing and water depth. Ocean Dyn. 61, 1967–1091.

Zitman, T.J. & Schut telaars H.M. (2012) I mportance of cross-channel bathymetry and eddy viscosity parameter isat ion in modelling estuar ine flow. Ocean Dyn. 62, 603–631.

Burchard, H. & Schut telaars, H.M. (2012) Analysis of t idal st raining as dr iver for estuarine circulat ion in well-m ixed estuar ies. J. Phys. Oceanography 42, 261–271.

Schut telaars, H.M. , de Jonge, V.N. & Chernetsky, A. (2013) I mproving the predict ive power when modelling physical effects of human intervent ions in estuar ine systems. Ocean and Coastal Management . 79, 70–82, ht tp: / / dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/ j .ocecoaman.2012.05.009.

Burchard, H., Schulz, E. & Schut telaars, H.M. (2014) . I mpact of estuar ine convergence on residual circulat ion in t idally energet ic estuar ies and inlets. Geophys. Res. Let ters 41, 913–919

De Jonge, V.N., Schut telaars, H.M. , van Beusekom, J.E.E., Talke, S.A., & de Swart , H.E. (2014) . The influence of channel deepening on estuar ine turbidity levels and dynam ics, as exemplif ied by the Ems estuary. Est . Coast . Shelf Sci. 139, 46–59

Ensing, E., de Swart , H.E. & Schut telaars, H.M. (2015) . Sensit iv ity of t idal mot ion in well-m ixed estuar ies to cross-sect ional shape, deepening, and sea level r ise Ocean Dynamics 65 (7) , 933–950.

Schulz, E., Schut telaars, H.M. , Gräwe, U., & Burchard, H. (2015) . I mpact of the Depth- to-Width Rat io of Per iodically St rat if ied Tidal Channels on the Estuar ine Circulat ion. J. Phys. Oceanography 45, 2048–2069.

Kumar, M., Sch ut telaars, H.M. , Roos, P.C. , & Möller , M. (2015) . Three–dimensional sem i–idealized model in t idal estuar ies: An applicat ion to the Ems estuary Ocean Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/ s10236-015-0903-1.

Wei, X., Schramkowski, G.P. & Schut telaars, H.M. (2016). Salt dynam ics is well-m ixed estuar ies: importance of advect ion by t ides. Journal of Physical Oceanography 15(33) : 128-149.

W .P. Gong , Schut telaars, H.M. & Heng Zhang, 2016. Tidal asymmetry in a funnel-shaped estuary with m ixed sem idiurnal t ides. Ocean Dynam ics 66, 637-658.

Li, C., Schut telaars , H.M., Roos, P.C . Damveld, J., W .P. Gong & S.J.M.H. Hulscher (2016) . I nfluence of retent ion basins on t idal dynam ics in estuar ies: applicat ion to the Ems estuary, Ocean & Coastal Management , in press.

Kumar, M., Schut telaars, H.M . & Roos, P.C. (subm it ted) . Three-dimensional Sem i-I dealized Model for Estuar ine Turbidity Maxima in Tidally Dom inated Estaur ies.

Wei, X., Kumar, M. & Schut telaars, H.M. (subm it ted) . I nfluence of estuar ine convergence, bathymetry and Coriolis effects on salt dynam ics in well-m ixed estuar ies.


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form Gong W enping Professor, School of Marine Science, Sun Yat -sen Universit y Educat ion: 1994-1997: Ph.D., in Coastal sediment dynam ics. East China Norm al Universit y, Shanghai, China 1990-1993: Master Degree, in Natural Geography. Nanj ing Universit y, Nanj ing, China. 1986-1990: Bachelor Degree, in Geom orphology. Nanj ing Universit y, Nanj ing, China Working experience 2009/ 02 to present : Professor, School of Marine Science, Sun Yat -sen Universit y, China. 2003/ 09-2008/ 09: Visit ing scient ist , Virginia I nst itute of Marine Science, Virginia, USA. 2001/ 09-2003/ 08: Senior Engineer, Hainan Provincial Marine Development Research I nst itute,

Hainan, China. 2000/ 09-2001/ 09: Post doctor, The departm ent of Civil Engineering, Universit y of Liverpool, UK. 1993/ 08-2000/ 08: Engineer to Senior Engineer, Hainan Provincial Marine Developm ent Research

I nst itute, Hainan, China. Research grants: 1. The sedim ent t ransport and it s associated m echanisms in m icro- t idal st rongly convergent

estuaries. Funded by NSFC, 2016.1-2019.12 2. Three-dim ensional dynam ics of the Estuary Turbidit y Maximum in the Pearl River Estuary.

Funded by NSFC, 2011.1-2014.12 3. The behaviour and dynam ics of t ropical sm all river plum es. Funded by NSFC, 2010.1-2012.12 Publicat ions: W enpi ng Gong , Henk Schut telaars , Heng Zhang, 2016. Tidal asymmetry in a funnel-shaped estuary with

m ixed sem idiurnal t ides. Ocean Dynamics 66, 637-658. W enping Gong , Maa, J.,P.-Y., Hong, B., Shen, J., 2014. Salt t ransport dur ing a dry season in the Modaomen

Estuary, Pear l River Delta, China. Ocean & Coastal Management 100, 139-150. W enping Gong , Liangwen Jia, Jian Shen, JamesT.Liu, 2014. Sediment t ransport in response to changes in r iver

discharge and t idal m ixing in a funnel-shaped m icro- t idal estuary. Cont inental Shelf Research, 76(2014) 89–107.

W enping Gong, Jian Shen, Liangwen Jia,2013.Salt int rusion dur ing the dry season in the Huangmaohai Estuary, Pear l River Delta, China. Journal of Marine Systems 111–112 (2013) 235–252.

Gong, W enping , Wang, Yaping, Jia, Jianjun, 2012. The effect of interact ing downstream branches on saltwater int rusion in the Modaomen Estuary, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 45, 223-238.

Gong W enping , Shen Jian, 2011. The response of salt int rusion to changes in r iver discharge and t idal m ixing dur ing the dry season in the Modaomen Estuary, China. Cont inental Shelf Research 31, 769–788.

Hong Bo, Panday Nauth, Shen Jian, Wang Harry V., Gong W enping, Soehl Anna, 2010. Modeling water exchange between Balt imore Harbor and Chesapeake Bay usingart if icial t racers: Seasonal var iat ions. Marine Environmental Research 70, 102-119.

Gong W enping , Shen Jian, 2010. A model diagnost ic study of age of r iver-borne sediment t ransport in the t idal York River Estuary. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Doi 10.1007/ s10652-009-9144-5

Gong W enping , Shen Jian, 2009. Response of sediment dynam ics in the York River Estuary to Tropical Cyclone I sabel, 2003. Estuar ine, Coastal and Shelf Science 84(1) ,61-74

Gong W enping , Shen Jian, Hong Bo, 2009. The influence of wind on the water age in the t idal Rappahannock River. Marine Environmental Research 66(4) , 203-216

Shen Jian, Gong W enping , 2009. I nfluences of model domain size, wind direct ion and Ekman t ransport on storm surge development inside the Chesapeake Bay: a case study of ext ratropical cyclone Ernesto,2006. Journal of Marine Systems, 75(1-2) , 198-215

Gong W enping, Shen Jian, Cho Kyoung-Ho, Wang Harry, 2009. A numerical model study of barot ropic subt idal water exchange between estuary and subestuar ies ( t r ibutar ies) in the Chesapeake Bay dur ing northeaster events. Ocean Modelling, 26(3-4) , 170-189.

Gong W enping , Shen Jian, Jia Jianjun, 2009. Feedback between t idal hydrodynam ics and morpholog- ical changes induced by natural process and human intervent ions in a wave-dom inated t idal inlet : Xiaohai, Hainan, China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 28(3) , 93-113.

Gong W enping , Shen Jian, Jia Jianjun, 2008. The impact of human act iv it ies on the flushing propert ies of a sem i-enclosed lagoon: Xiaohai, Hainan,China. Marine Environmental Research,65(1) , 62-76

Gong W enping , Shen Jian, and Reay W. G., 2007. The hydrodynam ic response of the York River Estuary to Tropical Cyclone I sabel, 2003. Estuar ine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 73(3-4) , 695-710.

Shen Jian, Gong W enping , Wang, H. V., 2006. Water Level Response to 1999 Hurr icane Floyd in the Chesapeake Bay. Cont inental Self Research, 26(19) , 2484-2502

Shen Jian, Wang, H., Sisson, M., Gong W enping, 2006. Storm Tide Simulat ion in the Chesapeake Bay Using an Unstructured Grid Model. Estuar ine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 68, 1-16.


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form Laurent O Am oudry Senior scient ist , Nat ional Oceanography Cent re, Liverpool, UK Educat ion: Ph.D.: Civil and Environm ental Engineering, Cornell Universit y, USA, Jan. 2008. Two-phase m odeling of granular sediment for sheet flow and scour. Graduate advisors: Philip L.-F. Liu and Jam es T. Jenkins Master Eng.: Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Cent rale de Lyon, France, Dec. 2001. Master Eng.: Mechanical Engineering, Cornell Universit y, USA, May 2001. Working experience: 2012 – present : Senior scient ist , Nat ional Oceanography Cent re, Liverpool, UK 2014 – present : Leader of Coastal Ocean Processes team at NOC 2008 – 2012: Research scient ist , sedim ent dynam icist , Proudm an Oceanographic

Laboratory / Nat ional Oceanography Cent re 2002 – 2007: Graduate Research Assistant , Cornell Universit y, USA Research grants: 1. Co- I , NERC Directed (Coastal m orphology) , £1.32M, May 2016 to May 2020, Physical and

biological dynam ic coastal processes and their role in coastal recovery (BLUE-coast ) . 2. Co- I , NERC Directed, £3.97M, April 2016 to March 2021, Land Ocean Carbon Transfer (LOCATE) 3. Co-PI , NERC Directed (Shelf Sea Biogeochem ist ry) , £317k, August 2013 to Novem ber 2017,

Biogeochem ist ry, m acronut r ient and carbon cycling in the benthic layer (BMCC) 4. Co- I , NERC Directed (Shelf Sea Biogeochem ist ry) , £250k, April 2013 to April 2018, I ntegrat ive

Modelling for Shelf Seas Biogeochem ist ry ( I MSSB) 5. Co- I (NOC Lead) , EPSRC, £854k, October 2012 to February 2016. I nteract ions of flow, t idal

st ream turbines and local sedim ent bed under com bined waves and t idal condit ions 6. Co- I , NERC Directed (Coastal Sedim ent System s) , £306k, February 2012 to January 2016.

iCOAST: I ntegrated COASTal sedim ent system s 7. PI , NERC New Invest igator Grant , £79k, October 2011 to March 2014. Mult i-dim ensional I nt ra-

wave Modelling of coupled Sedim ent t ransport and Turbulence Publicat ions: Ramirez-Mendoza, R., A. J. Souza, L. O. Am oudry , and A. J. Plater. Effect ive energy controls on flocculat ion

under var ious wave-current regimes, Marine Geology, in press, doi: 10.1016/ j .margeo.2016.10.006. Brown, J. M., D. L. Norman, L. O. A m oudry , and A. J. Souza. I mpact of operat ional model nest ing approaches

and inherent errors for coastal simulat ions, Ocean Modelling, in press, doi: 10.1016/ j .ocemod.2016.10.005 Am oudry, L.O. , P.D. Thorne, A.J. Souza, and P.L.-F. Liu (2016) Parameter izat ion of int rawave sediment pickup

above steep r ipples, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121, 658-673, doi: 10.1002/ 2015JC011185 Brown J. M., L. O. Am oudry , A. J. Souza and J. Rees (2015) . Fate and pathways of dredged estuar ine sediment

spoil in response to var iable sediment size and baroclinic coastal circulat ion, Journal of Environmental Management , 149, 209-221, doi: 10.1016/ j . jenvman.2014.10.017.

Am oudry, L.O. , R. Ram irez-Mendoza, A.J. Souza, and J.M. Brown (2014) . Modelling-based assessment of suspended sediment dynam ics in a hypert idal estuar ine channel, Ocean Dynam ics, 64 (5) , 707-722, doi: 10.1007/ s10236-014-0695-8

Ramirez-Mendoza, R., A.J. Souza, and L.O. Am oudry (2014) . Modelling flocculat ion in a hypert idal estuary, Ocean Dynamics, 64 (2) , 301-313, doi: 10.1007/ s10236-013-0675-4

Brown, J.M., L.O. Am oudry , F.M. Mercier and A.J. Souza (2013) . I ntercomparison of the Charnock and COARE bulk wind stress formulat ions for coastal ocean modelling, Ocean Science, 9, 721-729

Am oudry, L.O. , P.S. Bell, P.D. Thorne and A.J. Souza (2013) Toward represent ing wave- induced sediment suspension over sand r ipples in RANS models, J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans, 118 (5) , 2378-2392, doi: 10.1002/ jgrc.20188

Bolanos, R., J.M. Brown, L.O. Am oudry , and A.J. Souza (2013) . Tidal, r iver ine and wind influences on the circulat ion of a macrot idal estuary, J. Phys. Oceanography , 43 (1) , 29-50, doi: 10.1175/ JPO-D-11-0156.1

Bolanos, R., L.O. Am oudry, and K. Doyle (2011) . Effects of inst rumented bot tom- t r ipods on process measurements, J. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology , 28(6) , 827-837

Am oudry, L.O. , and A.J. Souza (2011) . Determ inist ic coastal morphological and sediment t ransport modeling. A review and discussion, Reviews of Geophysics, 49, RG2002, doi: 10.1029/ 2010RG000341

Am oudry, L.O. , and A.J. Souza (2011) . I mpact of sediment- induced st rat if icat ion and turbulence closures on sediment transport and morphological modelling, Cont . Shelf Res., 31 (9) , 912-928,

Am oudry, L.O., and P. L.-F. Liu (2010) . Parameter izat ion of near-bed processes under collinear wave and current f lows from a two-phase sheet f low model, Cont . Shelf Res., 30, 1403-1416

Am oudry, L.O., and P.L.-F. Liu (2009) . Two-dimensional, two-phase granular sediment t ransport model with applicat ions to scour ing downstream of an apron, Coastal Eng., 56, 7, 693-702.

Am oudry, L. O., T.-J. Hsu and P.L.-F. Liu (2008) . Two-phase model for sand grain t ransport in sheet f low regime, J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans, 113, C03011, doi: 10.1029/ 2007JC004179


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Joint Research Projects NSFC – NW O – EPSRC: Susta inable Deltas Grant applica t ion form 2 0 1 6 Joint Research Projects Please refer to Explanatory Notes when complet ing this form

Statem ents by the applicants YES/ NO I endorse and follow the Code Openness Animal Experiments ( if applicable) . YES/ NO I endorse and follow the Code Biosecurity ( if applicable) . YES/ NO By subm it t ing this document I declare that I sat isfy the nat ionally and internat ionally

accepted standards for scient ific conduct as stated in the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scient ific Pract ice 2012 (Associat ion of Universit ies in the Netherlands (VSNU)) .

YES/ NO I have completed this form t ruthfully. Dutch PI

Name: Henk Schut telaars Place: Delft , Netherlands Date: 23 October 2016 Chinese PI

Name: Wenping Gong Place: Guangzhou, China Date: 21 October 2016 UK PI

Name: Laurent Amoudry Place: Liverpool, UK Date: 21 October 2016 Please subm it the applicat ion to NWO in elect ronic form (PDF format is required! ) using the I SAAC system, which can be accessed via the NWO website ( isaac.nwo.nl) . The applicat ion, together with the completed supplement from the UK-partner, must be subm it ted (as two separate documents, yet as one subm ission) from the account of the main applicant . For any technical quest ions regarding subm ission, please contact the I SAAC helpdesk ( [email protected]) .


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SUPREME: Salt intrusion: Understanding the Pearl River Estuary by Modelling and field Experiments

List of UK investigators and affiliation

Principal Investigator:

Dr Laurent O Amoudry

National Oceanography Centre, Marine Physics and Ocean Climate

Joseph Proudman Building

6, Brownlow Street

Liverpool L3 5DA


Dr Lucy Bricheno

National Oceanography Centre, Marine Systems Modelling

Joseph Proudman Building

6, Brownlow Street

Liverpool L3 5DA

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Summary of UK contribution

The UK contribution of the project will be delivered by the National Oceanography Centre. The UK PI will be Dr Laurent Amoudry, with Dr Lucy Bricheno as a co-I. The UK contribution will provide observational and numerical modelling expertise to the project and will address key issues related to estuarine engineering and hydrodynamics, thus relating to the “Coastal and waterway engineering” research area and the “Living with environmental change” theme. The main focus and most of the UK research effort will be to develop and implement a state-of-the-art unstructured grid, numerical model of the Pearl River Estuary (PRE). This model will be based upon the FVCOM modelling system, which is a prognostic, unstructured-grid, Finite-Volume, free-surface, three-dimensional (3-D) primitive equations Community Ocean Model. Activities will be to setup the model (e.g., grid construction and modification, bathymetric interpolation, specification of forcing and open boundary conditions), before calibration and validation for water levels, flow velocities salinity and suspended sediment concentration. To that end, we will use observational data collected by our Chinese partners at Sun Yat-sen University. Finally, the numerical model developed will be utilized to conduct prognostic and diagnostic investigations, including for a range of scenarios of future climate change and human interventions. For the FVCOM-based, UK-led PRE model, the focus will be on future changes to sea level rise, river runoff, dredging and freshwater abstraction. In addition to the PRE modelling work described above, the UK contribution will include FVCOM modelling and long-term observations for the Mersey estuary, and additional FVCOM modelling for the Ems estuary. These will act as additional case studies (see description of proposed research) and the Mersey observations will act as a pilot study for low-cost, long-term monitoring of salt intrusion in an estuary, thus providing proof-of-concept for a framework, which could then be applied to other estuarine and deltaic systems in the world, including the PRE. For the Mersey study, the NOC will deploy low-cost, long-term moorings for a full year in the Mersey estuary and will measure continuously vertical structure of temperature and salinity. The resulting data will be combined with already existing measurements to provide a unique long-term data set to be interrogated for salinity intrusion. Time series analyses will be employed to investigate relationships between salt intrusion and environmental parameters such as river discharge, tides and winds. This observational work will operate in conjunction with a numerical model of the Mersey estuary (again based on the FVCOM system) in order to provide the spatial information that discrete single point measurements cannot and to investigate the impact of human intervention, and specifically dredging, on the salt intrusion. Even though the UK team will be responsible for the entirety of the Mersey observations and modelling and some Ems modelling, these activities will require significantly less effort than for the PRE, partly due to much simpler system (single estuary versus system including three estuarine bodies).

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Justification of ODA eligibility Clean freshwater in the Pearl River Delta region (China) is essential to the lives of approximately 40 million people and to the region’s economic development. While a number of water plants exist along the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) and supply freshwater to the region, these cannot function sufficiently well during the dry season to meet requirements. This is due to salt intrusion in the PRE, and even though tremendous effort has been devoted to mitigate it (freshwater release from upstream reservoirs or estuarine engineering with sluice gates for example), it still demonstrates a continuously aggravating trend. The proposed UK research will focus on generating thorough understanding of the processes responsible for the salt intrusion in the PRE and will then propose new solutions to alleviate the problem balancing conflicting interests from navigation, pollution control, safety against river floods and storm surges and others. This project and its outcomes will therefore be critical for rational water resource allocation and prevention of water pollution, and will directly contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal on clean water and sanitation (SDP 6). Success for the project and a measure of it will be for the project’s outcomes and remediation recommendations to be accepted, adopted, and implemented by decision makers and government agencies in the PRD region. Relevant local academic, government, and consulting institutions will be involved in the project and knowledge transfer will occur via several workshops organized by the project’s team.

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The information contained in this letter may be subject to public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Unless the information is legally exempt from disclosure, the confidentiality of this correspondence, and your reply, cannot be guaranteed.

Prof. Sheldon Bacon Head, Marine Physics & Ocean Climate National Oceanography Centre European Way Southampton SO14 3ZH, U. K. Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 6441 Email: [email protected] Web: http://noc.ac.uk/people/shb 20 October 2016

To whom it may concern I am head of the Marine Physics and Ocean Climate (MPOC) research group of the UK National Oceanography Centre (NOC). The group comprises 50 staff based at our two sites in Liverpool and Southampton. I write to express my enthusiastic support for the project “SUPREME Salt intrusion: Understanding the Pearl River Estuary by Modelling and field Experiments”. NOC is the national oceanographic centre of excellence of the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), and as such is eligible for grant funding from all UK Research Councils. NOC's remit includes the provision of leadership and national capability in the marine sciences. NOC undertakes oceanographic research from the coast to the deep ocean, and specialises in developing and using advanced hydrodynamic numerical models and advanced field observation technologies. NOC has world-class expertise in tidal predictions, interdisciplinary modelling of estuaries and shelf seas, coastal ocean and estuarine observations. NOC also has an excellent record of national and international research collaboration. The research goals of this project are critical to the provision of sound scientific foundations to the management of freshwater resources in densely-populated estuarine and deltaic regions of the world, and in particular in the Pearl River Delta region. They are also closely aligned with NOC’s scientific aims (i) to improve our knowledge of processes, properties, circulation and variability in all parts of the ocean (including estuaries and deltas), in order to provide the framework for managing the interaction of mankind with the ocean; and (ii) to improve our ability to predict and mitigate marine hazards, and thereby to protect lives and to support economic growth. This project provides a new and exciting international partnership, which will be a key element in increasing our wider societal beneficial impact. The UK contribution to the project will be led by Dr Laurent Amoudry, who leads the Coastal Ocean Processes research team within MPOC, and provides world-leading expertise of estuarine numerical modelling. The team includes co-investigator Dr Lucy Bricheno, who gained unparalleled expertise in numerical modelling of complex deltaic systems during her involvement in the NERC-funded ESPA Deltas programme. With best regards,

Prof. Sheldon Bacon