Jordan-Israeli Conflict Leung An Li Gabriel Kam Tan Yi Wei Brandon Tan

Jordan-Israeli Conflict

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Jordan-Israeli Conflict. Leung An Li Gabriel Kam Tan Yi Wei Brandon Tan. Abstract. Likelihood of conflicts happening. The Clearest Example. Water. Problems of Israel and Jordan. Problems of Israel and Jordan. The Bible says…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Jordan-Israeli Conflict

Jordan-Israeli Conflict

Leung An LiGabriel KamTan Yi WeiBrandon Tan

Page 2: Jordan-Israeli Conflict


Struggle for resources

Scarce environmen

tal resources

Large-scale multinationa

l conflicts

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Likelihood of conflicts happening

Degree of scarcity

The need of nations to share one resource

Military and economic power of controlling state

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The Clearest Example

Israel JordanWater

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Problems of Israel and Jordan

Irregular rainfall

Short rainy

season (6-8


250-400mm of annual rainfall • Insufficient for

agriculture• Irrigation is not

possible due to lack of major rivers

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Problems of Israel and Jordan

The Middle

East has a rapidly growing


Jordan: birthrate

Israel: large

waves of immigran


Page 8: Jordan-Israeli Conflict

The Bible says…

• Gideon sent messengers throughout the hill country of Ephraim, saying, "Come down against the Midianites and seize the waters of the Jordan ahead of them as far as Beth Barah." So all the men of Ephraim were called out and they took the waters of the Jordan as far as Beth Barah.

• Judges 7:24

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The severity of water shortage

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•Jordan and Israel started their own water development programmes1940


•Israel built its National Water Carrier•Transport water to the Negev Desert•Border clashes between Jordan and Israel1950

s•Arab-Israeli War•Israel occupied Golan Heights•Gain complete control of the Upper Jordan



•Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty1994

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Core of the conflict – Different Perceptions of Water

• An integral part of territory

• A necessary resourceIsrael• A matter of national

pride• Part of Arab-Israeli



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Escalating tensions – National Water Carrier

As the population grew…

The need for water becoming greater

1950s – Israel created the National Water Carrier to transport water

National Water Carrier

Arab Perceptio

nJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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National Water CarrierStarted by Israel in 1950s

To enable efficient use of water and regulation of the water supply in the country.

Transport water from the Jordan river & Sea of Galilee to Israel (to its highly populated centre and to irrigate arid land in south for Jewish immigrants)

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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Escalating tensions – Arab Perception

*Negotiations mediated

by Eric Johnston – No success besides cease fire

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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Johnston planJordan Valley Unified Water Plan

Main Terms1) A dam on the Hasbani River to provide power and irrigate the Galilee area

6) A small dam at the outlet of Sea of Galilee to increase the lake's storage capacity

3) Drainage of the Huleh swamps

5) A dam at Addassiyah to divert water to both the Sea of Galilee and east Ghor

7)Gravity-flow canals down east & west of Jordan valley to irrigate the area between the Yarmouk and the Dead Sea

4) A dam at Maqarin for water storage (175 million m³) and power generation

8) control works and canals to utilize perennial flows from the wadis

The Most important term.


2) dams on the Dan and Banias Rivers to irrigate Galilee

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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Johnston proposalQuotas for Jordan river:

394 million m³

774 million m³ 45 million m³

Israel Jordan Syria

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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A quote from Johnston His view on his proposal

Eric Johnston , on the objective of his

trip to Near East -In a television interview

on 1 December 1953

“I did not go to the Near East carrying a specific plan. I had in my little bag a proposal.

This proposal aims at coordinating the development of the Jordan basin. I did not

expect a (yes or no) answer to these proposals; to the contrary, I feel that an

answer given without a comprehensive study will not be mature.”

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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Opposing reactions(Jordan) (Israel)

• “utterly refuse consideration of any joint project to utilize the waters of this river (the Jordan) with the enemy Israel.”- quote from Political Committee of the Arab League meeting in Amman on 23 October 1953

“In absence of such plan,” the Minister added, “Israel would be free to use the water of the rivers which flow in its territories as its own property.”-quoted by the Foreign Minister, Moshe Sharette , in a broadcast on 30 November 1953 in which he expressed Israel’s willingness to sit with her neighbours to agree on a regional water plan. I shall consider

Johnston’s proposals. It would foster improved relations with Israel’s Arab neighbours and

bring the international financing of water

development Ambassador Johnston

was able to offer.

It doesn’t benefit Jordan or the Arab

refugees, but wants to pressure and influence the Arab countries to

share economic benefits with Israel, and eventually urge

them to negotiate for peace. Sneaky….

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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NegotiationsIsrael demanded

more than doubling of its allocation,

from 394 million m³ annually to 810

million m³

Proposed quota allocations: Israel 200 million m³, Jordan 861 million m³, Syria 132

million m³ and Lebanon 35 million m³ per year.



National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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Johnston’s proposalreasons for failure

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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Escalating tensions – Tensions flare

Following 10 years of silent emotions

Syrian governmentt inside its own borders attempt to divert the Banyas River (Jordan River’s tributary)

Three Israeli army and air-force attacks on the site

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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Pre Six-day War

Throughout May 1967

Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian armies mobilized along Israel's narrow and seemingly indefensible borders in preparation for a invasion to eliminate Israel.

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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Pre Six-day War

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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Six-day WarOutbreak of six-day war in June 1967

Israel VS Jordan, Egypt and Syria

Israel captured Golan Heights, preventing diversion of the Banyas

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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Post Six-day War

After six days of air, sea and hand-to-hand ground warfare

Israel defeated all three Arab armies along three separate fronts

Israel captured: Sinai Desert from Egypt, Syrian Golan Heights, West Bank from Jordan (including Jerusalem)

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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A time of peace =)

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Peace treaty

Signing of Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty in October 26, 1994

Israel to give Jordan 50 million cubic meters of water each year (Jordan demanded 100 million)

Israel to share the Yarmouk River so that Jordan has three-fourths of it

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


Page 29: Jordan-Israeli Conflict

Peace Treaty

Countries will establish a joint water committee to oversee issues regarding the quality of the water

Both resolve to protect the river from pollution and contamination

Both resolve to protest the river from pollution and contamination

National Water Carrier

Arab Percepti

onJohnston proposal

Tensions Flare

Six-day War


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Reasons for the peace treaty’s success

Conflict over a measurable physical resources Water

Terms and conditions can be easily list down Peace treaty

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Thesis• A conflict over a physical resource that is

measureable is relatively simpler to resolve.• The terms are easier to list down and can be

divided fairly.• As compared to other conflicts over religion or

ideology where there is a clash of differing views. They are contrasting and both sides impute their mindset on the other. Not share Eliminate

• This conflict can be resolved by sharing

Page 32: Jordan-Israeli Conflict

Other conflicts in middle east

Israeli–Palestinian conflict

Lebanese Civil War

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Israeli–Palestinian conflict

One of the main reason of this conflict is over security.

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Lebanese Civil War

Between 1975-1990

Religious and ethnic tensions

Hard to resolve as this is not something

physical that can be shared

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• http://www.awesomelibrary.org/MiddleEastConflict.html

-Reasons for so many conflicts in Middle East (what do you think?)

• What do you think is the reason for Israel to return the captured Sinai desert to Egypt?


-Exhibiting national interest? (show that Israel is very good and forgiving)

-Enter good books of citizens?

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Bibliography• http://e360.yale.edu/images/features/Jordan-map-sm.gif• http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/Peace+Process/Guide+to+the+Peace+Process/

Main+Points+of+Israel-Jordan+Peace+Treaty.htm• http://waterwiki.net/index.php/Water_Conflict_and_Cooperation/Jordan_River_Basin_Part_I• http://samueljscott.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/israel-water.jpg• http://www.mideastweb.org/water.htm• http://www.masada2000.org/historical.html• http://www1.american.edu/TED/ice/jordan.htm• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_Valley_Unified_Water_Plan• http://waterwiki.net/index.php/Water_Conflict_and_Cooperation/Jordan_River_Basin_Par

t_I#The_Unified_Jordan_Valley_Plan• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel• http://www.awesomelibrary.org/MiddleEastConflict.html• http://www.science.co.il/arab-israeli-conflict.asp• superdeetwinkle.wikispaces.com/file/view/Paul's+Wheel+of+Reasoning.ppt• http://www.debonothinkingsystems.com/tools/6hats.htm

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Bibliography• http://images.google.com.sg/imglanding?q=Fail!&imgurl=http://socialmedialawstudent.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/vader-


• http://images.google.com.sg/imglanding?q=Fail!&imgurl=http://www.edopter.com/images_user/ideas/200903/ox3L7Y&imgrefurl=http://www.edopter.com/trends/FAIL_BLOG&usg=__6BG5hOw3TPkPqzk2um5E7AHmq-8=&h=354&w=446&sz=64&hl=en&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=7-oSIpXtWmczQM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3DFail!%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4HPAA_enSG308SG313%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&rlz=1T4HPAA_enSG308SG313&sa=N&um=1&start=0#tbnid=HiIKIRr2yS3G2M&start=6

• http://alexwilhelm.com/2009/03/27/the-legend-of-fail-success-is-always-around-the-corner/• http://images.google.com.sg/imglanding?q=Fail!&imgurl=http://alexwilhelm.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/fail28.jpg&imgrefurl=http://


• http://images.google.com.sg/imglanding?q=defeat&imgurl=http://www.freewebs.com/gnanaraj_d/defeat.jpg&imgrefurl=http://hdwarriors.com/%3Fp%3D93&usg=__oqFC7KEq2xNQyWB-xH5IRAd-kPg=&h=508&w=336&sz=55&hl=en&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=4qS0MpshT4WDMM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=87&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddefeat%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4HPAA_enSG308SG313%26um%3D1&rlz=1T4HPAA_enSG308SG313&um=1&start=1#tbnid=4qS0MpshT4WDMM&start=5

• http://images.google.com.sg/imglanding?q=defeat&imgurl=http://drmchsr0.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/i-will-defeat-you-general-grievous.jpg&imgrefurl=http://drmchsr0.wordpress.com/2007/11/&usg=__z5wTQaYGG35h7RK9VvrKiAaz7dc=&h=332&w=500&sz=22&hl=en&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=D4AwUFW5KYxC5M:&tbnh=86&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddefeat%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4HPAA_enSG308SG313%26um%3D1&rlz=1T4HPAA_enSG308SG313&um=1&start=2#tbnid=D4AwUFW5KYxC5M&start=6

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• Questions? Use P.W.R.• Edward de bono

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*Based on Joyce Van Tasselbaska’s modification of Paul’s Reasoning Model

What is the text type?

What do you think is thepurpose of the article?

Why did the writer write this?

What is the mainissue of the article?

What are the related sec. issues? What evidence does

the writer use to supporthis point? Does he quotesources?

What are the writer’s assumptions on the issue?

What are the writer’s assumptions of his readers?

What inferences can bemade from the article?

What can you infer about the tone and attitude of the writer?

What are the possible implications/ consequences of the issues inherent in the article? What are the p.i.c.s of the article?

What concepts/abstract ideas are present in the article?

Whose point of viewis presented?

Which interest group does thewriter represent?

8 Possible Points of Entry (P.O.E.)


Page 40: Jordan-Israeli Conflict

Edward De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats

   The White HatThe White Hat calls for information known or needed.

               The Red HatThe Red Hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition.

               The Black HatThe Black Hat is judgment -- the devil's advocate or why something may not work.

               The Yellow HatThe Yellow Hat symbolizes brightness and optimism.

               The Green HatThe Green Hat focuses on creativity: the possibilities, alternatives and new ideas.

               The Blue HatThe Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process.

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The End

Thank You!