JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY VOLUME 48 NUMBER 3 DECEMBER 1983 Edward M. Scolnick, Editor in Chief (1987) Merck Sharp & Dolime Research Laboraitories Wes.t Point, Pa. David T. Denhardt, Editor (1987) University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada Bernard N. Fields, Editor (1988) Harvard University, Medical School Boston, Mass. Harold S. Ginsberg, Editor (1984) Coluimbia University New York, N.Y. Robert M. Krug, Editor (1987) Sloan-Kettering Institute New York, N.Y. Michael B. A. Oldstone, Editor (1988) Sc ripps Clinic & Research Fouindation La Jolla, Calif. Robert A. Weisberg, Editor (1988) National Institlute of Child Health and Human Development Bethesda, Md. David Baltimore (1984) Amiya K. Banerjee (1985) Andrew Becker (1985) Tamar Ben-Porat (1984) Kenneth I. Berns (1985) David Botstein (1985) Dennis T. Brown (1984) Ahmad I. Bukhari (1984) Barrie J. Carter (1984) Purnell Choppin (1983) John M. Coffin (1983) Geoffrey M. Cooper (1984) Walter Doerfler (1983) Harrison Echols (1984) Elvera Ehrenfeld (1983) Robert N. Eisenman (1985) Suzanne U. Emerson (1983) S. Jane Flint (1984) Yasuhiro Furuichi (1985) Costa Georgopolous (1983) Larry M. Gold (1985) Peter Gruss (1985) Hidesaburo Hanafusa (1983) William S. Hayward (1984) John J. Holland (1984) Ian H. Holmes (1983) Robert W. Honess (1983) Nancy Hopkins (1983) Peter M. Howley (1984) EDITORIAL BOARD Alice S. Huang (1984) Tony Hunter (1983) Masayori Inouye (1985) Robert Kamen (1985) Thomas J. Kelly, Jr. (1985) George Khoury (1984) Elliott Kieff (1984) Jonathan A. King (1984) Daniel Kolakofsky (1983) Robert Lamb (1985) Robert A. Lazzarini (1984) Myron Levine (1985) Douglas R. Lowy (1983) Robert Martin (1984) George Miller (1984) Lois K. Miller (1985) Robert C. Miller (1983) Peter Model (1983) Bernard Moss (1983) Nancy G. Nossal (1984) J. Thomas Parsons (1983) Ulf G. Petterson (1983) Lennart Philipson (1984) Lewis I. Pizer (1984) Craig R. Pringle (1983) Fred Rapp (1984) Dan S. Ray (1983) M. E. Reichmann (1985) Gordon M. Ringold (1984) Harriet Robinson (1985) William S. Robinson (1983) Bernard Roizman (1985) Roland R. Rueckert (1985) Norman P. Salzman (1984) Joseph Sambrook (1985) Priscilla A. Schaffer (1984) Sondra Schlesinger (1983) June R. Scott (1983) Bart Sefton (1985) Phillip A. Sharp (1985) Thomas E. Shenk (1984) Charles J. Sherr (1984) Saul J. Silverstein (1985) Lee D. Simon (1984) Ann Skalka (1985) Patricia G. Spear (1984) Mark F. Stinski (1983) F. William Studier (1984) Lawrence S. Sturman (1985) Jesse Summers (1985) William Summers (1985) John M. Taylor (1984) Howard M. Temin (1985) George F. Vande Woude (1983) Edward K. Wagner (1983) Eckard Wimmer (1985) Charles Hamish Young (1983) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Boacrd Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Jouirnals Walter G. Peter III, Direc tor, Publications Paula R. Ellison, Production Editor The Journal of Virology (ISSN 0022-538X), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 1 St., NW. Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning viruses of bacteria, plants, and animals. Investigators are invited to submit reports of original research in all areas of basic virology, including biochemistry. biophysics, genetics, immunology, morphology, physiology, and pathogenesis and immunity. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Office. The Jollrnlal is issued monthly, four volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $225 per year; single copies are $20. The member subscription price is $37 (foreign, $44 [surface ratel) per year; single copies are $7.00. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs. disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues 'missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Jouirnal of Virology, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington. DC 20006. Made in the U.S.A. Copyright © 1983, American Society for Microbiology. (* fdli( f4P(Jt . kJ L1' .JI' ( I'1I.t All Rights Reserved. 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JOURNAL OFVIROLOGY - journals.asm.org · JOURNALOFVIROLOGY VOLUME48 NUMBER3 DECEMBER1983 EdwardM. Scolnick, Editor in Chief(1987) MerckSharp &Dolime Research Laboraitories Wes.t Point,

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    Edward M. Scolnick, Editor in Chief (1987)Merck Sharp & Dolime Research Laboraitories

    Wes.t Point, Pa.David T. Denhardt, Editor (1987)University of Western OntarioLondon, Ontario, Canada

    Bernard N. Fields, Editor (1988)Harvard University, Medical School

    Boston, Mass.

    Harold S. Ginsberg, Editor (1984)Coluimbia UniversityNew York, N.Y.

    Robert M. Krug, Editor (1987)Sloan-Kettering Institute

    New York, N.Y.Michael B. A. Oldstone, Editor (1988)Sc ripps Clinic & Research Fouindation

    La Jolla, Calif.

    Robert A. Weisberg, Editor (1988)National Institlute of Child Health and Human Development

    Bethesda, Md.

    David Baltimore (1984)Amiya K. Banerjee (1985)Andrew Becker (1985)Tamar Ben-Porat (1984)Kenneth I. Berns (1985)David Botstein (1985)Dennis T. Brown (1984)Ahmad I. Bukhari (1984)Barrie J. Carter (1984)Purnell Choppin (1983)John M. Coffin (1983)Geoffrey M. Cooper (1984)Walter Doerfler (1983)Harrison Echols (1984)Elvera Ehrenfeld (1983)Robert N. Eisenman (1985)Suzanne U. Emerson (1983)S. Jane Flint (1984)Yasuhiro Furuichi (1985)Costa Georgopolous (1983)Larry M. Gold (1985)Peter Gruss (1985)Hidesaburo Hanafusa (1983)William S. Hayward (1984)John J. Holland (1984)Ian H. Holmes (1983)Robert W. Honess (1983)Nancy Hopkins (1983)Peter M. Howley (1984)

    EDITORIAL BOARDAlice S. Huang (1984)Tony Hunter (1983)Masayori Inouye (1985)Robert Kamen (1985)Thomas J. Kelly, Jr. (1985)George Khoury (1984)Elliott Kieff (1984)Jonathan A. King (1984)Daniel Kolakofsky (1983)Robert Lamb (1985)Robert A. Lazzarini (1984)Myron Levine (1985)Douglas R. Lowy (1983)Robert Martin (1984)George Miller (1984)Lois K. Miller (1985)Robert C. Miller (1983)Peter Model (1983)Bernard Moss (1983)Nancy G. Nossal (1984)J. Thomas Parsons (1983)Ulf G. Petterson (1983)Lennart Philipson (1984)Lewis I. Pizer (1984)Craig R. Pringle (1983)Fred Rapp (1984)Dan S. Ray (1983)M. E. Reichmann (1985)Gordon M. Ringold (1984)

    Harriet Robinson (1985)William S. Robinson (1983)Bernard Roizman (1985)Roland R. Rueckert (1985)Norman P. Salzman (1984)Joseph Sambrook (1985)Priscilla A. Schaffer (1984)Sondra Schlesinger (1983)June R. Scott (1983)Bart Sefton (1985)Phillip A. Sharp (1985)Thomas E. Shenk (1984)Charles J. Sherr (1984)Saul J. Silverstein (1985)Lee D. Simon (1984)Ann Skalka (1985)Patricia G. Spear (1984)Mark F. Stinski (1983)F. William Studier (1984)Lawrence S. Sturman (1985)Jesse Summers (1985)William Summers (1985)John M. Taylor (1984)Howard M. Temin (1985)George F. Vande Woude (1983)Edward K. Wagner (1983)Eckard Wimmer (1985)Charles Hamish Young (1983)

    Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications BoacrdLinda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Jouirnals

    Walter G. Peter III, Direc tor, PublicationsPaula R. Ellison, Production Editor

    The Journal of Virology (ISSN 0022-538X), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 1 St., NW.Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning viruses of bacteria, plants, andanimals. Investigators are invited to submit reports of original research in all areas of basic virology, including biochemistry.biophysics, genetics, immunology, morphology, physiology, and pathogenesis and immunity. Instructions to authors arepublished in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Office. The Jollrnlal is issuedmonthly, four volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $225 per year; single copies are $20. The membersubscription price is $37 (foreign, $44 [surface ratel) per year; single copies are $7.00. Correspondence relating to subscriptions,reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs. disposition of submitted manuscripts, and generaleditorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680).

    Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months afterpublication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claimsfor issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues 'missing from files" will not be allowed.

    Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Jouirnal of Virology, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington. DC 20006.Made in the U.S.A.Copyright © 1983, American Society for Microbiology. (*fdli(f4P(Jt .kJ L1'.JI' ( I'1I.tAll Rights Reserved.

    The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the articlemay be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition. however, that thecopier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center. 21 Congress St., Salem. MA 01970. for copyingbeyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds ofcopying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, orfor resale.

  • Author Index

    Aasted, Bent, 573Andersen, Klaus B., 765Appella, Ettore, 709

    Banks, L., 591Baric, Ralph S., 633Barker, Peter E., 770Bishop, J. Michael, 565Bloom, Marshall E., 573Boone, Lawrence R., 779Bornkamm, G. W., 731Brackmann, Karl H., 604Brewer, Gregory J., 774Buekens, Pierre, 697

    Cogniaux-LeClerc, Jacqueline, 697Cohen, G., 591Cooper, Jonathan A., 752Costa, R. H., 591Cywinski, Anita, 654

    Dalianis, Tina, 709DesGroseillers, Luc, 685Draper, K. G., 591

    Eisenberg, R., 591

    Foster, David A., 744Freese, U. K., 731Fuchs, L. Yolanda, 641

    Garcia, Ernesto, 721Garon, Claude F., 573Ghisotti, Daniela, 616G6mez, Antonio, 721Goto, Ronald M., 774Green, Maurice, 604

    Hamagishi, Yasutaro, 709Hanafusa, Hidesaburo, 744Henry, Berch, II, 580Hood, Rachel, 580Hudewentz, J., 731Hughes, Stephen H., 667Hunter, Tony, 752

    Ito, Yoshiaki, 709

    Jolicoeur, Paul, 685

    Kahlon, Jasbir, 627Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz, 565Koh, Chong-kun, 779Koprowski, Hilary, 660Kramer, Tammo A., 604

    Lai, Michael M. C., 633Laux, G., 731Lee, Donald, 647Levis, Robin, 676L6pez, Rubens, 721Lucher, Lynne A., 604

    Mayer, Leonard W., 573

    Olislager, Roland, 697Ou, Chin-yih, 779Ozanne, Brad, 752

    Pagano, Joseph S., 580Powell, K. L., 591

    Raab-Traub, Nancy, 580Reagan, Kevin J., 660

    Ricci, William, 667Ronda, Concepci6n, 721Roussel, Martine F., 770Roy, Polly, 627Ruddle, Frank H., 770

    Sadowski, Paul D., 647Schlesinger, Sondra, 676Schwarz, E., 731Scolnick, Edward M., 752Segawa, Kaoru, 709Sherr, Charles J., 770Sironi, Gianpiero, 616Smith, Julie K., 654Sorge, Joe, 667Sprecher-Goldberger, Suzanne,697

    Stohlman, Stephen A., 633Sugiyama, Kazuo, 627Symington, Janey S., 604

    Taylor, John M., 654Tennant, Raymond W., 779Thiry, Lise, 697

    Wagner, E. K., 591Weaver, Robert F., 641Weiss, Barbara, 676Wiktor, Tadeusz J., 660Willingham, Mark, 709Woods, Michael S., 641Wunner, William H., 660

    Yang, Czau-Siung, 580Yang, Wen K., 779

    Zangrossi, Sandro, 616


    The following have served as invited special reviewers for the Journal during 1983, and their helpis greatly appreciated.

    Stu AaronsonSankar AdhyaRafi AhmedCharles A. Alford, Jr.James AlwineRobert AndersonSteven AndersonRalph ArlinghausRichard ArmentroutRichard AxelHoward L. BachrachJohn BaderGeorge BaerCorrado BaglioniL. Andrew BallMarcel BaludaMariano BarbacidJ. Richard BaringerSamuel BaronRenato BasergaClaudio BasilicoRobert BassinKaren BeemanThomas BenjaminArnold BerkAnna BialkowskaDavid BishopMichael BishopKlaus BisterDonald BlairBarry BloomMarshall E. BloomDavid BoettingerDani BolognesiMichael BotchanPierre BourgauxJoan BruggeMichael BuchmeierSteven BurakoffHoward BusseyJanet ButelBruce CalnekRobert B. CarrollEric B. CarstensSherwood CasjensEsther ChangRobert ChanockLan Bo ChenCraig CohenGary H. CohenCharles ColePhilip ColemanRichard ColonnoRichard W. CompansJon CondraLouis Z. CooperRichard J. CourtneyRichard L. CrowellClyde Crumpacker

    Diane CuppelsSamuel DalesVittorio DefendiMel DePamphilisRavi DharJules L. DienstagDan DimaioGeorge DimayorcaDino DinaMartin E. DorfR. Gordon DouglasWalter DowdleGordon DreesmanGideon DreyfusPeter DuesbergWalter EckhartJohn ElderRon EllisFrancis A. EnnisLynne EnquistMarcia J. EnsingerLois B. EpsteinH. Gunti ErdlRaymond EriksonMax EssexMary Kolb EstesAnthony S. FauciGerald FinkJames B. FlaneganErwin FleissnerStephen C. FosterMichael M. FrankRobert FriedmanTed FriedmanMark FurthRobert GalloAnthony GarroE. Peter GeidushekWalter GerhardJohn L. GerinAnne A. GershonMary Jane GethingRaymond GildenW. Paul GlezonLaurie GlimcherYosha GluzmanNigel GodsonSteve GoffAngus GrahamFrank L. GrahamHarry B. GreenbergMark I. GreeneTerry GrodzigerCharles F. GroseAshley T. HaaseMary HaffeyGordon HagerJules HallumScott B. Halstead

    Berg HamparDaniel HardyJanet HartleyWilliam HaseltineJohn HassellStanley HattmanAnne M. HaywoodAri HeleniusRoger HendrixRoger HewittLawrence HightowerMaurice R. HillemanShalom Z. HirschmanMonto HoJohn J. HollandF. Blaine HollingerJohn A. HolowczakMarshall HorwitzSally HuberJoe HughesJerry HurwitzRichard HymanJames N. IhleMark IsraelYoshiaki ItoGilbert JayRichard T. JohnsonWolfgang JoklikDavid KabatAlbert KapikianRobert S. KauffmanVicki E. KelleyD. C. KellyEli KeshetEdwin D. KilbourneSaul KitDavid KnipeChristine KozakD. H. KrugerEdward KuffMichael LaiRonald A. LaskeyPaul LebowitzPhillip LederStanley S. LefkowitzRobert I. LehrerJohn LenardPeter LengyelArnold J. LevineMichael LevineArt LevinsonMichael LiebowitzFrank LillyTomas LindahlDavid LinemeyerMaxine LinialDavid LivingstonHarvey LodishCarlos Lopez

  • J. Lucas-LenardGeorge MackieTak MakKirstine MannEleftheria Maratos-FlierDante MarcianiPhilip MarcusStuart MarcusMalcolm MartinPhilip E. McAllisterWilliam McClementsDonald McCorquodaleDale McFarlinTravis C. McGuire, Jr.Kenneth McIntoshRoger McMackenDonald N. Medearis, Jr.Pamela MellonJoseph MelnickThomas C. Merigan, Jr.Barry 1. MilavetzThomas P. MonathJohn MoorheadGisela MosigRichard MoxonBrian MurphyRobert MurrayA. J. NahmiasOpendra NarayanDan NathansNeal NathensonPaul E. NeimanAbner L. NotkinsJohn F. ObijeskiPaul O'DonnellLloyd OldAllen OliffSteve OroszlanJune E. OsbornMichael N. OxmanJoseph PaganoPeter PaleseEnzo PaolettiWade ParksRobert H. ParrottJames PenningtonJanice PeroSidney PestkaBruce A. PhillipsPaula PithaBernard PoieszRobert Pollack

    David PorterPoteeteKenneth L. PowellCarol PrivesRobert PurcellPaul G. QuieCharles RaddingCedric RaineR. Frank RamigSaraiya RasheedWilliam RawlsAlan ReinJack S. RemingtonRoberta ReubenMarkus RhoadesSolon Rhode IIIMark RiemenWilliam S. RobinsonGeorge RohrmannJohn RoseMartin RosenbergNaomi RosenbergLanny J. RosenwasserBarry RouseMartine RousselWallace RoweFrank RuddleKathleen RundellSandra RuscettiPhilip K. RussellMartin RutaPaul SadowskiCharles E. SamuelAndreas S. ScheidR. Walter SchlesingerStuart F. SchlossmanLoren SchultzRobert S. SchwartzArup SenGanes SenJohn L. SeverDavid ShafritzArlene SharpeAaron J. ShatkinRobert E. ShopeSteven L. ShoreMaxine SingerN. K. SinhaLarry SnyderDennis StaceyJack StevensWilliam E. Stewart 11

    Bruce W. StillmanSteven E. StrausJames StraussJack L. StromingerMax D. SummersStanley TaharaKenneth TakemotoIgor TammPeter J. TattersallPeter TegtmeyerGretchen TemelesIrwin TessmanMary J. R. TevethiaSatvir TevethiaRobert ThachDennis TrentStephen UdemBernard van der JeistJames Van EttenHarold VarmusLeland F. VelicerInder VermaJan T. VilcekPeter VogtRobert WagnerDuard L. WalkerJack WandsJoseph WeberMichael WeberSteven L. WechslerRobert WeinbergHoward WeinerLeslie P. WeinerDavid WeinsteinRobin WeissSusan WeissSherman WeissmanRaymond M. Welsh, Jr.Reed WicknerJim WilliamsOwen WitteLinda WolffH. A. WoodWilliam WunnerRichard WyattKeith YamamotoRobert H. YolkenFaith YoshimuraHoward YoungJulius YoungnerStuart YuspaHans J. Zweerink


    Date of Issue

    20 September 198321 October 198317 November 1983

    U.S. rstlS-ric.



    Journal of Virology 30 September 19833FROENeO ISSUE 3 OO SUSPBIHD3 NULSBCITO





    American Society for Microbiology, 1913 1 Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006EDITOR (NF-F FdCo-pFMF011Add-Fs

    Director of PublicationsWalter G. Peter III, 1913 I Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006


    Walter G. Peter III, same as above7 OWNER t1f-wnd bvevprno se nddrsmtb, Jt,td..d.hom itttudrhnmwnedrJ.osoki0- hWldIf Z DI ntor-oF. o Fo FF0F0FFo k FFFFFov FFFdbyeF-F p -rh.0t 8h ,0 Fnd.dd-10138oth0Fi.dOid..lovFF F nrOFbFl.hO d b, ef CnofiF FF,.IRFFFFIFOFOFFFFed eddr rt -0ub .,ld m-uFb0omFpl,Id

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    VOLUME 48

    Aasted, Bent, 573Aboud, Mordechai, 120Ahola, Harri, 370Akusjarvi, G., 127Anders, David G., 197, 206Andersen, Klaus B., 765Anderson, Carl W., 31Appella, Ettore, 709Ariga, Hiroyoshi, 481Arnold, Georg, 157Atkinson, Paul H., 335

    Bachi, Thomas, 239Banks, L., 591Baric, Ralph S., 633Barker, Peter E., 770Barnett, Jim W., 384Barrett, Kathleen J., 157Bates, Robert C., 10Bellamy, A. Richard, 335Betz, Joan L., 460Bishop, J. Michael, 565Bister, Klaus, 61Blanck, George, 492Bleumink, Nancy, 249, 262Blinkova, Aleksandra, 157Blissard, Gary W., 74Bloom, Marshall E., 573Boccara, Martine, 102Bodemer, Walter, 377Boeye, Albert, 309Boone, Lawrence R., 110, 779Bornkamm, G. W., 731Both, Gerald W., 52, 335Brackmann, Karl H., 604Bratt, Michael A., 440Brewer, Gregory J., 774Brugge, Joan S., 352Brzustowicz, Linda, 555Buekens, Pierre, 697Burke, Julian F., 304

    Campadelli-Fiume, Gabriella, 325Campbell, Bruce A., 561Carlson, Karin, 18Carter, Barrie J., 79Chambraud, B., 127Chan, Hardy W., 384Chen, Suzie, 492Cheung, Andrew, 451Chowdhury, Kamal, 40Cogniaux-LeClerc, Jacqueline, 697Cohen, G., 591Cohen, Gary H., 521Collett, Marc S., 320Collins, Lisa, 542Consigli, Richard A., 197, 206Cooper, Jonathan A., 752

    Cords, Carl E., 561Costa, R. H., 591Costanzo, Franco, 325Costanzo, Maria, 555Cox, Nancy J., 52Crawford, Lionel V., 262Cywinski, Anita, 654

    Dalianis, Tina, 709Dall'Olio, Fabio, 325Dasgupta, Asim, 429DeLamarter, John, 451DePamphilis, Melvin L., 281DesGroseillers, Luc, 685Dietrich, Walter, 377Dorsett, Dale L., 218Draper, K. G., 591Dunn, John J., 31Dyall-Smith, Michael L., 330

    Eisenberg, R., 591Eisenberg, Roselyn J., 521Emini, Emilio A., 547Ensinger, Marcia J., 419Eppstein, Deborah A., 384Evans, Mary Jo, 304

    Favre, Michel, 340Feitelson, Mark A., 534Fleckenstein, Bernhard, 377Fleissner, Erwin, 102Fleming, Jo-Ann G. W., 74Folk, William R., 472Foster, David A., 744Freese, U. K., 731Fuchs, L. Yolanda, 641

    Ganem, Don, 1Garcfa, Ernesto, 721Garon, Claude F., 40, 573Gerhard, Walter, 239Ghisotti, Daniela, 616Ghosh, Prabhat K., 503Gibson, Marylou G., 396Gilardi, P., 127G6mez, Antonio, 721Goto, Ronald M., 774Graessmann, A., 296Graessmann, M., 2%Grass, David S., 492Green, Maurice, 604Grinnell, Brian W., 88

    Hamagishi, Yasutaro, 709Hanafusa, Hidesaburo, 744Hannett, Nancy, 555

    Hardy, Medora M., 31Hayashi, Marie N., 186Hayashi, Masaki, 186Hayward, S. Diane, 135Henderson, Louis E., 314Henry, Berch, II, 580Hoganson, Neal, 492Holmes, Ian H., 330Hood, Rachel, 580Horzinek, Marian C., 249Huberman, Joel A., 304Hudewentz, J., 731Hughes, Stephen H., 667Huleihel, Mahmoud, 120Hunter, Tony, 752

    Ikura, Koji, 460Iorio, Ronald M., 440Israel, Mark A., 40Ito, Yoshiaki, 709

    Jablonska, Stefania, 340Jansen, Hans W., 61Jeang, Kuan-Teh, 135Jentoft, J., 361Jolicoeur, Paul, 685

    Kahlon, Jasbir, 627Kantharidis, Phillip, 330Kendal, Alan P., 52Keshet, Ilana, 218, 229Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz, 565Klessig, Daniel F., 31Knight, Susan S., 534Knust, Elisabeth, 377Koh, Chong K., 110Koh, Chong-kun, 779Koprowski, Hilary, 660Kozak, Christine A., 300Kramer, Tammo A., 604Kremsdorf, Dina, 340Kupper, Hans, 451

    Lai, Michael M. C., 633Larson, Ruby, 320Laub, Orgad, 271Laux, G., 731Lavie, Vered, 229Lederman, Muriel, 10Lee, Donald, 647Leis, J., 361Le Moullec, J. M., 127Levis, Robin, 676Lewis, Anita J., 352Lipsich, Leah A., 352Lomax, Nancy B., 410



    L6pez, Rubens, 721Lucher, Lynne A., 604

    Magarian, Claudette, 102Manley, James L., 492Marcus-Sekura, Carol J., 79Margolskee, Robert F., 405Marion, Patricia L., 534Matthews, James T., 521Mayer, Leonard W., 573McBeth, Dani L., 149McKinney, Martin D., 551Mirault, Marc-Edouard, 249Mirenda, Carol, 542Moreno-Lopez, Jorge, 370Morrow, Casey D., 429Muller, Uwe R., 170, 180, 186Myer, Fred E., 110

    Nasri, M., 127Nathans, Daniel, 405Norkin, Leonard C., 503Noyes, Barbara E., 249

    Oliff, Allen, 542Olislager, Roland, 697Oroszlan, Stephen, 314Orth, Gerard, 340Oshiro, Lyndon S., 534Ostapchuk, Philomena, 547Osterhaus, Albert D. M. E., 249Ou, Chin-Yih, 110Ou, Chin-yih, 779Ozanne, Brad, 752

    Pagano, Joseph S., 580Parker, Barbara, 249Patschinsky, Tilo, 61Pero, Janice, 555Perricaudet, M., 127Pettersson, U., 127Pettersson, Ulf, 370Piatak, Michael, 503Pizer, Lewis I., 460Plummer, M. Joan, 304Pollack, Robert E., 492

    Powell, K. L., 591Purchio, A. F., 320

    Raab-Traub, Nancy, 580Rall, Leslie B., 271Reagan, Kevin J., 660Ricci, William, 667Roberson, Laurence E., 110Robinson, William S., 534Romantschuk, Martin L., 180Ronda, Concepci6n, 721Rothwell, Victoria M., 472Roussel, Martine F., 770Rovinsky, Michael, 419Roy, Polly, 627Ruddle, Frank H., 770Rutter, William J., 271

    Sadler, John R., 460Sadowski, Paul D., 647Scannavini, Maurizia, 325Schlesinger, Sondra, 676Schwarz, E., 731Scolnick, Edward M., 752Seeger, Christoph, 1Segawa, Kaoru, 709Serafini-Cessi, Franca, 325Shaul, Yosef, 271Sherr, Charles J., 770Siegman, Linda J., 335Sironi, Gianpiero, 616Sleigh, Merilyn J., 52Smith, Julie K., 654Smythers, Gary, 314Sorge, Joe, 667Souyri, Michele, 102Sowder, Raymond, 314Spear, Patricia G., 396Sprecher-Goldberger, Suzanne,697

    Stalhandske, P., 127Standring, David N., 271Stark, George R., 249, 262Stavnezer, Edward, 102Stenlund, Arne, 370Stohlman, Stephen A., 633Stout, Ernest R., 10Sugano, Sumio, 481

    Sugiyama, Kazuo, 627Summers, Max D., 74Swyryd, Elizabeth A., 249, 262Symington, Janey S., 604

    Tack, Lois C., 281Taylor, Austin L., 149Taylor, John M., 654Tennant, Raymond W., 110, 779Thiry, Lise, 697Thomas, Adri A. M., 309Truett, Martha, 271Tsubota, Yoriaki, 304

    Valenzuela, Pablo, 271van der Zeijst, Bernard A. M.,

    249, 262Varmus, Harold E., 1Vinson, S. Bradleigh, 74Voorma, Harry O., 309

    Wagner, E. K., 591Wagner, Robert R., 88Waqar, M. Anwar, 304Weaver, Robert F., 641Wechsler, James A., 551Weiser, Barbara, 1Weiss, Barbara, 676Weiss, Stephen, 451Weissman, Sherman M., 503Westphal, H., 2%Wiberg, John S., 18Wiktor, Tadeusz J., 660Willingham, Mark, 709Wimmer, Eckard, 547Winocour, Ernest, 218, 229Woods, Michael S., 641Wunner, William H., 660

    Yang, Czau-Siung, 580Yang, D. M., 110Yang, Wen K., 110, 779Yewdell, Jonathan W., 239Yin, Fay H., 410

    Zangrossi, Sandro, 616

    J. VIROL.


    VOLUME 48

    Adeno-associated viruschromatin-like structure of DNA, 79

    Adenovirustype 2DNA-binding protein gene, 31independent, spontaneous mutants, 31major late transcription unit, 127monkey cells, 31polyadenylic acid addition sites, 127simian virus 40 hybrid, 31

    Aleutian disease virusantigen expressionrecombinant plasmid, 573

    molecular cloning, 573recombinant plasmid

    antigen expression, 573Antibody

    anti-idiotypicrabies virus glycoprotein, 660

    antipeptidehuman adenovirus 2 ElB-19K tumor antigen, 604human adenovirus 2 ElB-53K tumor antigen, 604

    monoclonalanti-hemagglutinin, 239avian sarcoma virus transforming proteins, 352baboon endogenous virus cell receptors, 697group B coxsackieviruses, 561influenza virus A/PR/834, 239inhibition of virus attachment, 561irreversible antigenic alterations, 239Newcastle disease virus, 440

    neutralizingrabies virus glycoprotein, 660

    nonapeptide, 709poliovirus

    bivalent attachment, 547conformational alteration and neutralization, 547genome-linked protein VPg, 429NH2 terminus, 429synthetic nonapeptide, 429

    polyomavirus, 709Antigen

    Aleutian disease virusrecombinant plasmid, 573

    middle Tnonapeptide, 709polyomavirus, 709

    super Tsimian virus 40, 492transformed mouse cells, 492

    surfaceduck hepatitis B virus, 534hepatitis B virus, 271major polypeptide, 534synthesis in mammalian cells, 271

    Tearly replicating DNA intermediates, 281simian virus 40 chromosome complexes, 281

    tumorantipeptide antibodies, 604human adenovirus 2 EIB-19K, 604human adenovirus 2 ElB-53K, 604

    4utographa californicanuclear polyhedrosis virus

    novel RNA polymerase, 641S. frugiperda cells, 641viral transcription, 641

    Avian myeloblastosis virusc-myb transduction

    cellular gene, 565points of recombination, 565

    Avian oncovirusMH2

    molecular cloning of proviral DNA, 61structural analysis of viral RNA and protein, 61

    Avian retrovirusDNA discontinuities, 654ppl2 protein

    interaction with viral RNA, 361Avian sarcoma virusmonoclonal antibodies

    transforming proteins, 352transforming proteinsmonoclonal antibodies, 352

    Baboon endogenous viruscell receptorsmonoclonal antibodies, 697

    monoclonal antibodiescell receptors, 697


    protease-sensitive transfection of S. pneumoniae,721

    G4DNA secondary structure modifications, 170enzymatic construction and selection of mutants,

    170gene expression, 180J-F intercistronic region, 170, 180, 186mRNA stability, 186mutations, 180

    lambdadnaB protein, 551P protein, 551replication, 551RNA polymerase interaction, 551

    MuE. coli K-12 DNA polymerase I, 149growth, 149

    P4a gene, 157RNA polymerase, 157

    P2-xinterference by E. coli, 616

    4X174gene expression, 180J-F intercistronic region, 180, 186mRNA stability, 186mutations, 180simian virus 40 recombinant genomes, 229

    PM2gram-negative host, 774



    phosphatidylethanolamine accessibility, 774SPO1gene 27, 555

    T4cytosine, 18in vivo cleavage, 18

    T7direct physical assay, 647in vitro DNA recombination, 647

    BHK cellslymphocytic choriomeningitis virus

    persistent infection, 262RNAs, 262viral proteins, 262

    Sindbis virusdefective-interfering RNAs, 678persistent infection, 678virus RNAs, 678

    Bluetongue virusneutralization

    molecular basis, 627Bovine cells

    bovine viral diarrhea virusvirus-specific RNA, 320

    Bovine parvovirusproteins, 10

    Bovine viral diarrhea virusbovine cells

    virus-specific RNA, 320

    Campoletis sonorensis virusparasitized host Heliothis virescens, 74


    Epstein-Barr virus transcription, 580Cellular transcription

    inhibitionvesicular stomatitis virus, 88

    ChickensFujinami sarcoma virus

    tumors, 744Rous sarcoma virus

    tumors, 744tumors

    Fujinami sarcoma virus, 744Rous sarcoma virus, 744

    Chromatinadeno-associated virus DNA structure, 79

    Chromosomehuman 5

    assignment of c-fms locus, 770molecular cloning of c-fms locus, 770

    Chromosomesreplicating simian virus 40

    a-like DNA polymerase, 304in vitro DNA synthesis, 304

    simian virus 40 T-antigen complexes, 281Coxsackievirusgroup B

    inhibition of attachment, 561monoclonal antibodies, 561

    Cytosinebacteriophage T4

    in vivo cleavage, 18

    Duck hepatitis B virussurface antigenmajor polypeptide, 534

    Electron microscopymicroinjected simian virus 40

    spliced cRNA, 296Epidermodysplasia verruciformishuman papillomavirus 8, 340human papillomavirus 10, 340human papillomavirus 3a, 340human papillomavirus 12, 340

    Epstein-Barr virusabortive cycle

    transcription of two distant clusters of partiallyhomologous small repeats, 731

    DNA molecule organizationmRNA transcript, 135Notl repeat units, 135P3HR-I deletion junction, 135template, 13512-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, 135

    lytic cycletranscription of two distant clusters of partially

    homologous small repeats, 731nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    transcription, 580transcription

    nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 580Escherichia coli

    bacteriophage P2-A interference, 616K-12

    bacteriophage Mu growth, 149DNA polymerase I, 149

    Eucaryotic cellsherpes simplex virus

    class I defective DNA, 384European Elk papillomavirus

    characterization of genome, 370induction of tumors in animals, 370transformation in vitro, 370


    herpes simplex virus type 1, 591

    Feline sarcoma virusSnyder-Theilen

    epidermal growth factor receptor metabolism, 752human A431 cells, 752protein kinase activity, 752

    Foot-and-mouth disease virusserotypesmajor antigenic determinants, 451

    Friend mink cell focus-inducing virusmolecular cloningnormal cells, 542transformed cells, 542

    normal cellsmolecular cloning, 542

    transformed cellsmolecular cloning, 542

    Fujinami sarcoma virusfps gene

    free of gag gene sequences, 744

    J. VIROL.


    induction of tumors in chickens, 744transformation of cells in culture, 744

    Glycosylationsimian rotavirus SA 1I gene segment 10noncleaved signal peptide, 335

    Ground squirrel hepatitis viruslivers

    asymmetrical heterogeneous forms, Iclosed circular viral DNA, I

    Hamster tumor cell lineintegrated polyomavirus DNA

    structural analysis, 40Heliothis virescens

    parasitized hostC. sonorensis virus, 74

    Hemagglutinininfluenza virus A/PR/834

    acid activation of hemolysis, 239mediation of hemolysis, 239monoclonal antibodies, 239

    influenza virus H3antigenic drift, 52multiple evolutionary pathways, 52sequential amino acid changes, 52

    monoclonal antibodiesinfluenza virus A/PR/834, 239irreversible antigenic alterations, 239

    Hemolysisinfluenza virus A/PR/834

    acid activation, 239mediation, 239

    Hepatitis B virussurface antigen

    expression of coding region, 271expression of entire gene, 271synthesis in mammalian cells, 271

    Herpes simplex virusclass I defective DNA

    eucaryotic cells, 384molecular cloning vehicle, 384

    eucaryotic cellsclass I defective DNA, 384

    insertion mutantsduplication of glycoprotein D gene, 396two forms of glycoprotein D, 396

    type Ialkaline exonuclease, 591capsid protein, 591glycoprotein D synthesis and processing in vitro,

    521glycoproteins, 325high-resolution characterization of transcripts,

    591N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity, 3250-glycosylation, 325short unique region, 460SmaI fragment, 460transcribed RNAs, 460

    type 2glycoprotein D synthesis and processing in vitro,


    Herpesvirus saimiritransformed lymphoid tumor cell line

    virus-specific transcription, 377Human A431 cellsHarvey murine sarcoma virus

    epidermal growth factor receptor metabolism, 752protein kinase activity, 752

    Kirsten murine sarcoma virusepidermal growth factor receptor metabolism, 752protein kinase activity, 752

    Snyder-Theilen feline sarcoma virusepidermal growth factor receptor metabolism, 752protein kinase activity, 752

    Human adenovirus2

    antipeptide antibodies, 604COOH terminus, 604EIB-19K tumor antigen, 604EIB-53K tumor antigen, 604NH2 terminus, 604

    Human papillomavirus8

    biochemical characterization, 340epidermodysplasia verruciformis, 340molecular cloning, 340

    10biochemical characterization, 340epidermodysplasia verruciformis, 340molecular cloning, 340

    3abiochemical characterization, 340epidermodysplasia verruciformis, 340molecular cloning, 340

    12biochemical characterization, 340epidermodysplasia verruciformis, 340molecular cloning, 340

    Human rhinovirushost range mutants

    altered nonstructural proteins, 410

    Influenza virusA/PR/834

    acid activation of hemolysis, 239irreversible antigenic alterations, 239mediation of hemolysis, 239monoclonal anti-hemagglutinin antibodies, 239

    H3 hemagglutininantigenic drift, 52multiple evolutionary pathways, 52sequential amino acid changes, 52


    inhibition of DNA supercoiling, 120

    Leupeptinmouse fibroblasts

    inhibition of retrovirus infection, 765retrovirus

    inhibition of infection in mouse fibroblasts, 765Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virusBHK cells

    persistent infection, 262RNAs, 262viral proteins, 262

    VOL. 48, 1983


    persistent infectionBHK cells, 262intracellular agent, 249standard cell lines, 249

    standard cell linespersistent infection, 249

    Lymphoid tumor cell lineH. saimiri-transformed

    virus-specific transcription, 377

    Mammalian cellshepatitis B surface antigen

    synthesis, 271Mink cell focus-forming virusmouse chromosomal locus

    genetic mapping, 300replicationmouse chromosomal locus, 300

    Monkey cellsadenovirus type 2-simian virus 40 hybrid

    adenovirus type 2 DNA-binding protein gene, 31independent, spontaneous mutants, 31

    Mouse fibroblastsleupeptin

    inhibition of retrovirus infection, 765retrovirus

    inhibition of infection by leupeptin, 765Mouse hepatitis virus

    replicative-intermediate RNAleader RNA sequences, 633nascent chains, 633

    Mouse lymphoid cellsleukemic

    retrovirus env transcript, 102normal

    retrovirus env transcript, 102Mouse mammary tumor virusenv gene products

    proteolytic cleavage sites, 314terminal amino acid sequences, 314

    Murine leukemia virusBALB/c

    physical mapping of Fv-1 tropism host rangedeterminant, 685

    BALB/c B-tropicFv-1 host range property, 779nucleotide sequences of gag-pol regions, 779

    BALB/c N-tropicFv-1 host range property, 779nucleotide sequences of gag-pol regions, 779

    B-tropicgenome, 110in vitro restriction endonuclease fragment ex-

    change, 110molecular clone, 110reversal of Fv-1 host range, 110

    N-tropicgenome, 110in vitro restriction endonuclease fragment ex-

    change, 110molecular clone, 110reversal of Fv-1 host range, 110

    Murine sarcoma virusHarveyepidermal growth factor receptor metabolism, 752human A431 cells, 752

    protein kinase activity, 752Kirsten

    epidermal growth factor receptor metabolism, 752human A431 cells, 752protein kinase activity, 752

    N-Acetylgalactosaminyltransferaseherpes simplex virus type I glycoproteins, 325

    Newcastle disease virusepitopes

    monoclonal antibodies, 440HN glycoproteinmonoclonal antibodies, 440

    monoclonal antibodiesfour epitopes, 440HN glycoprotein, 440

    Nuclear polyhedrosis virusA. californica

    novel RNA polymerase, 641S. frugiperda cells, 641viral transcription, 641

    0-glycosylationherpes simplex virus type I glycoproteins, 325

    Phosphatidylethanolamineaccessibility in bacteriophage PM2 and gram-nega-

    tive host, 774Phosphorylationpolyomavirus major capsid protein VPI, 206


    Aleutian disease virus antigens, 573Poliovirus

    antibodybivalent attachment, 547conformational alteration and neutralization, 547genome-linked protein VPg, 429

    genome-linked protein VPgantibody, 429NH2 terminus, 429synthetic nonapeptide, 429

    in vitro RNA replicationinhibition, 429

    native VPg, 429NH2 terminusgenome-linked protein VPg, 429

    specific proteinssynthesis and cleavage, 309

    synthetic nonapeptidegenome-linked protein VPg, 429

    Polyadenylic acidadenovirus type 2 major late transcription unit

    addition sites, 127PolyomavirusA2comparison with polyomavirus Crawford small-

    plaque variant, 472antibodies

    cross-reaction with cellular protein(s), 709middle T antigen, 709nonapeptide, 709

    cellular protein(s)

    J. VIROL.


    antibodies, 709middle T antigen, 709

    Crawford small-plaque variantcomparison with polyomavirus A2, 472comparison with polyomavirus strain 3, 472DNA sequence, 472

    integrated DNAhamster tumor cell line, 40structural analysis, 40

    major structural protein VPIcarboxy-terminal region, 197chemical cleavage, 197cleavage products, 197major phosphorylation region, 206nonphosphorylated species, 206phosphorylated species, 206receptor moiety, 197

    middle T antigenantibodies, 709cross-reaction with cellular protein(s), 709nonapeptide, 709

    nonapeptideantibodies, 709middle T antigen, 709

    strain 3comparison with polyomavirus Crawford small-

    plaque variant, 472Protease

    bacteriophage Cp-l DNAtransfection of S. pneumoniae, 721

    S. pneumoniaetransfection by bacteriophage Cp-l DNA, 721

    Protein kinaseHarvey murine sarcoma virushuman A431 cells, 752

    human A431 cellsHarvey murine sarcoma virus, 752Kirsten murine sarcoma virus, 752Snyder-Theilen feline sarcoma virus, 752

    Kirsten murine sarcoma virushuman A431 cells, 752

    Snyder-Theilen feline sarcoma virushuman A431 cells, 752

    Rabies virusanti-idiotypic antibodies

    glycoprotein, 660glycoprotein

    anti-idiotypic antibodies, 660neutralizing antibodies, 660

    neutralizing antibodiesglycoprotein, 660

    Restriction endonucleasefragment exchange in vitro

    murine leukemia virus genomes, 110reversal of Fv-l host range, 110

    RetrovirusDNA supercoiling

    inhibition in interferon-treated cells, 120env transcriptleukemic mouse lymphoid cells, 102normal mouse lymphoid cells, 102

    interferon-treated cellsinhibition of DNA supercoiling, 120

    leupeptininhibition of infection in mouse fibroblasts, 765

    mouse fibroblastsinhibition of infection by leupeptin, 765

    RotavirusSAIIgene coding assignments, 330gene products, 330segments 7, 8, and 9, 330

    Rous sarcoma virus115-nucleotide direct repeat

    cis-acting RNA packaging locus, 667Schmidt-Ruppin-A

    induction of tumors in chickens, 744src gene, 744transformation of cells in culture, 744

    Serinesimian virus 40 VPI mutantcodons, 405

    Simian rotavirusSAIIcoding assignment, 335gene segment 10, 335glycosylation sites, 335noncleaved signal peptide, 335nucleotide sequence, 335

    Simian virus 40adenovirus type 2 hybridDNA-binding protein gene, 31independent, spontaneous mutants, 31monkey cells, 31

    bacteriophage OX174 recombinant genomessingle cells, 229structure, 229

    chromosome-T-antigen complexesearly replicating DNA intermediates, 281

    functional origin of replicationsuper T antigen generation, 492transformed mouse cells, 492

    in vitro DNA replicationinitiation, 481

    late mRNA forms5' end sequences, 503

    microinjectedelectron microscopy, 296spliced cRNA, 2%

    nonhomologous recombination pathwayquantitation, 218

    replicating chromosomesa-like DNA polymerase, 304in vitro DNA synthesis, 304

    super T antigen generationfunctional origin of replication, 492transformed mouse cells, 492

    transformed mouse cellsfunctional origin of replication, 492super T antigen generation, 492

    VPI mutantmissense mutations, 405serine codons, 405suppression, 405viral agnogene, 405

    Sindbis virusBHK cells

    defective-interfering RNAs, 678persistent infection, 678

    VOL. 48, 1983


    virus RNAs, 678persistent infectionBHK cells, 678defective-interfering RNAs, 678virus RNAs, 678

    Spodoptera frugiperda cellsA. californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus

    novel RNA polymerase, 641viral transcription, 641

    Streptococcus pneumoniaebacteriophage Cp-l DNA

    protease-sensitive transfection, 721protease-sensitive transfection

    bacteriophage Cp-l DNA, 721Supercoiling

    interferon-treated cellsinhibition, 120

    retrovirus DNAinhibition, 120

    12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol- 13-acetateEpstein-Barr virusmRNA transcript, 135

    Transformed mouse cellssimian virus 40

    functional origin of replication, 492super T antigen generation, 492


    Fujinami sarcoma virus, 744Rous sarcoma virus, 744

    European Elk papillomavirus, 370Fujinami sarcoma virus

    chickens, 744Rous sarcoma virus

    chickens, 744

    Vaccinia virusWR

    correlation of genetic and physical maps, 419marker rescue, 419temperature-sensitive mutations, 419

    Vesicular stomatitis virusserotype Indiana

    inhibition of cellular transcription, 88viral leader RNA, 88

    serotype New Jerseyinhibition of cellular transcription, 88viral leader RNA, 88

    Viral leader RNAvesicular stomatitis virus

    inhibition of cellular transcription, 88serotype Indiana, 88serotype New Jersey, 88

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