Journal Topic Journal Topic “What people would learn about my family from a weekend visit”

Journal Topic “What people would learn about my family from a weekend visit”

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“I am Laertes’ son”  Odysseus nearing home (see map) is a guest of Alcinous and the Phaeacians  Hospitality (Xenia)  Odysseus is a stranger  Given the guest’s place of honor  Odysseus is asked to talk about himself  “…men hold me formidable for guile in peace and war…”  Odysseus recounts his long, sad journey

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Page 1: Journal Topic “What people would learn about my family from a weekend visit”

Journal TopicJournal Topic

“What people would learn about my family from a weekend


Page 2: Journal Topic “What people would learn about my family from a weekend visit”

Essential Essential Question:Question:

What do we learn about Greek culture from the

section called “I am Laertes’ Son”?

Lesson 31

Page 3: Journal Topic “What people would learn about my family from a weekend visit”

“I am Laertes’ son” Odysseus nearing home (see map) is a

guest of Alcinous and the Phaeacians Hospitality (Xenia)

Odysseus is a stranger Given the guest’s place of honor Odysseus is asked to talk about himself “…men hold me formidable for guile in

peace and war…” Odysseus recounts his long, sad journey

Page 4: Journal Topic “What people would learn about my family from a weekend visit”

“I am Laertes’ son”

Describes his homeland (Ithaca) “good for a boy’s training”

Kept (tempted) by Calypso and Circe “Where shall a man find sweetness to

surpass his own home…” Men disobeyed and died at the

hands of the Cicones (“six benches were left empty”)

Page 5: Journal Topic “What people would learn about my family from a weekend visit”

“I am Laertes’ son”

Odysseus’ tone Heartsick for home Sorrow for his men who have died (he is

the sole survivor) At this point, he is a humbled, broken

man who has “lost” 20 years of his life, all of his men, and is about to return to a home he may no longer recognize

Page 6: Journal Topic “What people would learn about my family from a weekend visit”

The Lotus Eaters

See map – this is Odysseus’ and his crew’s second trial after being blown off on the way home from Troy

A few of the men eat the Lotus Do not report back to ship Long to stay forever eating the Lotus Forget thoughts of home

How are the effects of the Lotus similar to those caused by drugs and alcohol

Page 7: Journal Topic “What people would learn about my family from a weekend visit”

Temptation and Obstacles

Feasting on the cattle of the Cicones with much wine (celebrating their victory at Troy?)

Men ignored Odysseus’ command to leave Lives were lost Temptation can lead to excess

Taking the lotus creates euphoric sensation

Temptation leads to loss of motivation