Journalists Joining Politics

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  • 8/13/2019 Journalists Joining Politics


    Is Journalists Joining Politics a Good Idea?

    Journalism, H.L. Mencken said, is to politician as dog is to lamp-post. Historically, politicians and

    journalists have shared an acerbic relationship, with certain media powerhouses who claim to be

    unbiased in their opinions, acting as government propagandists under covers. Recently, the media has

    been brimming with news of various journalists in India joining politics in general, and the Aam Aadmi

    Party (AAP) in particular. This trend can be dated back to 2000, when current AICC Secretary, Rajeev

    Shukla, quit journalism to be elected to the Rajya Sabha. Mr. Shukla, today an established politician,

    rightly emphasizes the demarcation of journalism as a profession from any future political ambition.

    Over the past few weeks, we have seen prominent journalists like Manish Sisodia, Shazia Ilmi, Rakhi Birla

    and Ashutosh show their support for AAP by quitting their successful careers to join the anti-corruption

    movement. The question of whether or not journalists should join politics is quite inconsequential,

    provided they do not soil the sanctity of their previous profession to feather their nests as politicians.

    While established political parties like Congress and BJP have not focused on letting in fledgling political

    leaders from the outside, AAP empowers the common man, who aspires to clean up the Indian political

    system. Let us consider the cases of these former journalists. Manish Sisodia joined Kejriwal before he

    became the CM of Delhi, as the first volunteer to sign up for his NGO, Parivartan. Rakhi Birla andAshutosh on the other hand, were at the forefront of the anti-corruption movement as journalists, and

    only seem to have taken up the cause full time. However, what is to be noted is the fact that a reverse

    course for these people would not be as easy as their decision to dive into the political waters. Politics

    should be a medium to establish good and transparent governance, and this cause needs people who

    have the right intentions, the will and intellectual ability and the passion to put up an honest fight in the

    rather dirty political arena. For this, people from all walks of life should be welcomed, as this will aid in

    converting Indian politics into a space where merit overpowers nepotism. Hence, journalists joining

    politics is not a bad idea. Instead, people with political agendas remaining under the mask of journalism

    would do more harm than good to their profession as well as the nation.

  • 8/13/2019 Journalists Joining Politics

