This article was downloaded by: [USP University of Sao Paulo] On: 11 September 2013, At: 09:31 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Sports Sciences Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjsp20 Influence of regression model and incremental test protocol on the relationship between lactate threshold using the maximal-deviation method and performance in female runners Fabiana Andrade Machado a , Fábio Yuzo Nakamura b & Solange Marta Franzói De Moraes c a Department of Physical Education, State University of Maringa, Maringá, Brazil b Department of Physical Education, State University of Londrina, Londrina, Brazil c Department of Physiologic Sciences, State University of Maringa, Maringá, Brazil Published online: 10 Jul 2012. To cite this article: Fabiana Andrade Machado , Fábio Yuzo Nakamura & Solange Marta Franzói De Moraes (2012) Influence of regression model and incremental test protocol on the relationship between lactate threshold using the maximal-deviation method and performance in female runners, Journal of Sports Sciences, 30:12, 1267-1274, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2012.702424 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2012.702424 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http:// www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions


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  • This article was downloaded by: [USP University of Sao Paulo]On: 11 September 2013, At: 09:31Publisher: RoutledgeInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House,37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK

    Journal of Sports SciencesPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjsp20

    Influence of regression model and incremental testprotocol on the relationship between lactate thresholdusing the maximal-deviation method and performancein female runnersFabiana Andrade Machado a , Fbio Yuzo Nakamura b & Solange Marta Franzi De Moraes ca Department of Physical Education, State University of Maringa, Maring, Brazilb Department of Physical Education, State University of Londrina, Londrina, Brazilc Department of Physiologic Sciences, State University of Maringa, Maring, BrazilPublished online: 10 Jul 2012.

    To cite this article: Fabiana Andrade Machado , Fbio Yuzo Nakamura & Solange Marta Franzi De Moraes (2012)Influence of regression model and incremental test protocol on the relationship between lactate threshold using themaximal-deviation method and performance in female runners, Journal of Sports Sciences, 30:12, 1267-1274, DOI:10.1080/02640414.2012.702424

    To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2012.702424


    Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the Content) containedin the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make norepresentations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of theContent. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, andare not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon andshould be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable forany losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoeveror howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use ofthe Content.

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  • Influence of regression model and incremental test protocol on therelationship between lactate threshold using the maximal-deviationmethod and performance in female runners



    1State University of Maringa, Department of Physical Education, Maringa, Brazil, 2State University of Londrina,

    Department of Physical Education, Londrina, Brazil, and 3State University of Maringa, Department of Physiologic Sciences,

    Maringa, Brazil

    (Accepted 30 May 2012)

    AbstractThis study examined the influence of the regression model and initial intensity of an incremental test on the relationshipbetween the lactate threshold estimated by the maximal-deviation method and the endurance performance. Sixteen non-competitive, recreational female runners performed a discontinuous incremental treadmill test. The initial speed was setat 7 km h71, and increased every 3 min by 1 km h71 with a 30-s rest between the stages used for earlobe capillaryblood sample collection. Lactate-speed data were fitted by an exponential-plus-constant and a third-order polynomialequation. The lactate threshold was determined for both regression equations, using all the coordinates, excluding thefirst and excluding the first and second initial points. Mean speed of a 10-km road race was the performance index(3.04 + 0.22 m s71). The exponentially-derived lactate threshold had a higher correlation (0.98 r 0.99) andsmaller standard error of estimate (SEE) (0.04 SEE 0.05 m s71) with performance than the polynomially-derivedequivalent (0.83 r 0.89; 0.10 SEE 0.13 m s71). The exponential lactate threshold was greater than thepolynomial equivalent (P 5 0.05). The results suggest that the exponential lactate threshold is a validperformance index that is independent of the initial intensity of the incremental test and better than the polynomialequivalent.

    Keywords: Dmax, endurance, exponential-plus-constant, third-order polynomial


    The lactate threshold has been used widely to predict

    endurance performance, prescribe training intensity

    and evaluate training effects (Allen, Seals, Hurley,

    Ehsani, & Hagberg, 1985; Billat, 1996; Papadopou-

    los, Doyle, & Labudde, 2006). There are several

    techniques that can detect lactate thresholds (Davis,

    Rozenek, DeCicco, Carizzi, & Pham, 2007; Tokma-

    kidis, Leger, & Pilianidis, 1998; Thomas, Costes,

    Chatagnon, Pouilly, & Busso, 2008). Specifically, the

    maximal-deviation method (Dmax) proposed by

    Cheng et al. (1992) can evaluate mechanisms that

    underpin long-distance running and cycling perfor-

    mance. In most studies, lactate threshold determined

    by the maximal-deviation method was more highly

    correlated with performance than the lactate thresh-

    old values determined by other methods (Bishop,

    Jenkins, & Mackinnon, 1998; Machado, de Moraes,

    Peserico, Mezzaroba, & Higino, 2011; Nicholson &

    Sleivert, 2001; Papadopoulos et al., 2006). Addi-

    tionally, according to Morton, Stannard, and Kay

    (2012), the lactate threshold determined by the

    maximal-deviation method was the only one of seven

    markers that was highly reproducible and could be

    used alone to identify small but meaningful changes

    in training status with sufficient statistical power.

    The maximal-deviation method is an objective

    and graphical technique that identifies the point on a

    lactate-intensity regression curve that is furthest

    away from a straight line which connects the first

    and last points of that curve. As the distance is

    calculated perpendicularly from the line drawn

    between the datum points, increasing the initial

    intensity of an incremental exercise test leads to an

    apparently higher lactate threshold (Janeba, Yaeger,

    Correspondence: Fabiana Andrade Machado, State University of Maringa, Department of Physical Education, Av.Colombo, 5790, Block M 06, Maringa,

    87020900 Brazil. E-mail:[email protected]

    Journal of Sports Sciences, August 2012; 30(12): 12671274

    ISSN 0264-0414 print/ISSN 1466-447X online 2012 Taylor & Francishttp://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2012.702424




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  • White, & Stavrianeas, 2010). However, it remains

    unclear whether this procedure affects the relation-

    ship between the lactate threshold and endurance


    Additionally, the influence of the choice of

    regression model on the lactate threshold estimate

    is not known. The third-order polynomial equation

    was adopted originally by Cheng et al. (1992) in

    the development of the maximal-deviation method.

    Bishop et al. (1998) also used this form of

    equation to determine the lactate threshold, but

    Nicholson and Sleivert (2001), for example, used

    the exponential-plus-constant model, which is

    supposed to improve the sensitivity with which

    physiological changes in blood lactate concentra-

    tion during progressive exercise can be investigated

    (Hughson, Weisiger, & Swanson, 1987). The

    major drawback of the third-order polynomial

    model is that there is no theoretical justification

    for its use to describe lactate responses and

    adaptations to exercise.

    As the lactate threshold determined by the max-

    imal-deviation method was the most highly corre-

    lated with performance and was the only highly

    reproducible lactate threshold estimate in previous

    studies, it is important to investigate both the

    influence of the regression model and initial intensity

    of the incremental test on the relationship between

    the lactate threshold and performance. To our

    knowledge, no previous study has investigated these

    aspects of the maximal-deviation method. We

    hypothesised that the impact of the initial intensity

    on the relationship between the lactate threshold

    determined by the maximal-deviation method and

    the endurance performance will be smaller using an

    exponential-plus-constant than a third-order poly-

    nomial model. Thus, this study was conducted to

    examine the influence of the regression model and

    initial intensity of the incremental test on the

    relationship between the lactate threshold deter-

    mined by the maximal-deviation method and en-

    durance performance.



    Sixteen non-competitive, recreational female runners

    of local standard with a minimum of two years of

    training experience volunteered to take part in this

    study. Of these, 13 completed the entire study and

    10 were included for analysis. The 10-km running

    times of the participants were between 45 and

    65 min, with a pace between 2.5 and 3.5 m s71(*4560% of the world record). Characteristics ofthe participants (n 16) were age 42.2 + 7.5 years,stature 1.63 + 0.03 m, body mass 57.3 + 6.6 kg,

    body mass index 21.6 + 2.1 kg m72, body fat20.4 + 4.1% and maximal oxygen uptake53.2 + 8.0 mL kg71 min71. The training char-acteristics of the participants (mean + s) wereexperience 3.1 + 1.9 years, frequency 2.6 + 0.5days week71 and distance 24.9 + 6.0 km week71. The experimental protocol was approved

    by the local Ethics Committee (# 719/2010).

    Incremental exercise test

    Participants performed a discontinuous incremental

    exercise test on a motorised treadmill (INBRA-

    SPORT ATL, Porto Alegre, Brazil) with the

    gradient set at 1%. Participants were instructed to

    avoid consuming food 2 h before the maximal

    exercise test, and to abstain from caffeine and

    alcohol and to refrain from strenuous exercise for

    48 h prior to testing. After a 5-min warm-up at

    5 km h71, the initial treadmill speed was set at7 km h71, and this speed was increased by 1 km h71 between each of the 3-min successive stages.

    Each stage was separated by a 30-s period of rest,

    during which an earlobe capillary blood sample

    (25 mL) was collected into a glass tube; from thesesamples, using single analysis, blood lactate was

    determined by electroenzymatic methods (YSI

    1500, Ohio, USA). Prior to operation, the YSI

    1500 was calibrated using a 5 and a 15 mmol L71lactate standard solution according to the manufac-

    turers instructions. Throughout the tests, pulmon-

    ary gas-exchange variables were determined using a

    portable gas analyser (MedGraphics VO2000, St.

    Paul, USA). Before each test, the VO2000 was

    calibrated according to the manufacturers instruc-

    tions, which consisted of performing an auto-

    calibration routine on the oxygen (accuracy +0.1%) and carbon dioxide (accuracy + 0.2%)

    analysers using room air and proprietary software.

    Heart rate was also continuously recorded through-

    out the tests (Polar, Kempele, Finland). The 620

    Borg scale (Borg, 1982) was used to measure the

    rating of perceived exertion during the test. Each

    participant was encouraged to give maximum effort

    until volitional exhaustion. The maximal effort was

    deemed to be achieved if the incremental test met

    three of the following criteria: 1) a plateau in oxygen

    uptake with increases in speed (difference in oxygen

    uptake 150 mL min71), 2) the highest respira-tory exchange ratio 1.15, 3) blood lactateconcentration higher than 8 mmol L71, 4) thehighest heart rate within + 10 beats min71 of age-predicted maximum heart rate (220-age) and 5)

    maximal perception of effort greater than 18 in the

    620 Borg rating of perceived exertion scale (British

    Association of Sport Sciences, 1988; Howley,

    Bassett Jr, & Welch, 1995).

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  • Determination of the lactate threshold from the

    exponential-plus-constant regression equation

    The lactate threshold was determined for each

    participant from the blood lactate concentration

    (mmol L71) and speed (m s71) data obtainedfrom the incremental exercise test (Cheng et al.,

    1992). The data were fitted by the exponential

    regression curve (Hughson et al., 1987):

    LA s a b exp c s 1

    where s is the speed in m s71, and [LA](s) is theblood lactate concentration (mmol L71) as a func-tion of speed (m s71); a, b and c are the functionparameters that were determined by non-linear

    regression with Statistical Package for the Social

    Sciences (SPSS) 17.0 software (SPSS Inc., USA).

    The point on the regression curve that yielded the

    maximal perpendicular distance to the straight line

    connecting the first and last point of this curve was

    considered to be the speed at the lactate threshold

    determined by the maximal-deviation method

    (Figure 1).

    The maximal perpendicular distance, which re-

    presents the exponential lactate threshold, occurs at

    the point where the slope of the exponential-plus-

    constant curve is equal to the slope of the straight

    line that connects the first and last point of this

    curve. Because the slope of the curve is obtained

    from the first derivative of the exponential-plus-

    constant equation, the following equation was used:

    exponential lactate threshold

    ln exp c sf exp c si = c sf c si f gf g=c2

    where ln is the natural logarithm, c is the

    parameter of the exponential-plus-constant equation

    and si and sf are the initial and final speeds of the

    incremental exercise test, respectively. The final

    speed was considered to be that of the last

    completed stage.

    Determination of the lactate threshold from the third-

    order polynomial regression equation

    The lactate threshold was determined for each

    participant from the blood lactate concentration

    (mmol L71) and speed (m s71) data obtainedfrom the incremental exercise test (Cheng et al.,

    1992). The data were fitted by the third-order

    polynomial regression curve (Cheng et al.,


    LA s d0 d1 s d2 s2 d3 s3 3

    where s is the speed in m s71, and [LA](s) is theblood lactate concentration (mmol L71) as afunction of speed (m s71); d0, d1, d2 and d3 areparameters that were determined by non-linear

    regression with the SPSS 17.0 software (SPSS Inc.,


    The polynomial lactate threshold occurs at the

    point where the slope of the third-order polynomial

    curve is equal to the slope of the straight line that

    connects the first and last points of this curve.

    Because the slope of the curve is obtained from the

    first derivative of the polynomial equation, the

    following equation was used:

    polynomial lactate threshold

    d2 d22 3 d3 d1 D n o

    = 3 d3 4

    where d1, d2 and d3 are the function parameters of

    the third-order polynomial equation. Delta (D) is theslope of the straight line connecting the first and last

    points of this curve:

    Figure 1. Lactate threshold determined by the maximal-deviation method from the exponential-plus-constant (left) and third-order

    polynomial (right) models for one participant. The calculated lactate threshold was different for the same data: 3.4 m s71 (exponential-plus-constant) and 3.2 m s71 (third-order polynomial).

    Influence of regression model on Dmax 1269




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  • D LA final LA initial

    = sf si 5

    where [LA]initial and [LA]final are the initial and

    final lactate concentrations estimated by the third-

    order polynomial equation ([LA](s) d0 d1s d2s2 d3s3) for the initial (si) and final (sf) speeds,respectively.

    Influence of the initial speed of the incremental test

    To examine the influence of the initial speed of the

    incremental test on the relationship between the

    lactate threshold determined by the maximal-devia-

    tion method and performance, speed at the lactate

    threshold was determined in three ways: 1) using all

    the coordinates, 2) excluding the first point and 3)

    excluding the first and second points. This proce-

    dure simulates varying the initial intensity of the

    incremental test.

    Relationship between the lactate threshold and


    All of the participants in this study competed the

    same local 10-km road race, that took place within

    one month period of laboratory testing. The

    participants continued their regular training (fre-

    quency 2.6 + 0.5 day week71 and distance24.9 + 6.0 km week71) between the test and therace. This local race takes place annually in April on

    the paved streets of the city, and local runners direct

    their training to have optimal performance in this

    competition. The race began at 17:00 h on a sunny

    day with relatively low humidity (approximately

    40%) and a temperature of 308C. There were threehydration points along the course of the race.

    Participants were encouraged to give their best

    performance. Three runners had problems during

    the race and did not finish. The race times of the

    remaining runners were recorded, and their mean

    10-km running speed from the road race was

    calculated in m s71. Thereafter, the relationshipbetween 10-km running speed and variations of the

    lactate threshold were examined.

    Statistical analyses

    Data are presented as the mean + s. Data wereanalysed using SPSS 17.0 software (SPSS Inc.,

    USA). The Shapiro-Wilk test verified normality of

    the data distributions. The speeds were compared

    using one-way within-groups analysis of variance

    (ANOVA) with a Bonferroni post hoc test. The

    relationship between the speeds was examined using

    Pearsons correlation coefficient. The standard error

    of estimate (SEE) and the relative SEE, i.e. (SEE

    expressed as a percentage of the mean of the outcome

    measure) were used to examine the relationship

    between the lactate threshold and 10-km road-race

    performance. Additionally, the exponentially- and

    polynomially-derived lactate thresholds were com-

    pared by the technical error of measurement (TEM).

    The magnitude of differences (effect size) was

    calculated for significant differences and was inter-

    preted as small ( 0.2), moderate (*0.5) and large (0.8) according to Cohen (1988). Statistical signifi-

    cance was set at P 5 0.05.


    Three of the 13 participants who finished the entire

    study completed just six stages in the incremental

    test and were not included in the results to avoid

    determining the lactate threshold excluding the first

    and second points with only four points. The physical

    and training characteristics (mean + s) of the re-maining participants (n 10) were age 41.2 +6.2 years, height 1.63 + 0.03 m, body mass57.5 + 4.8 kg, body mass index 21.6 + 1.9 kg m72, body fat 20.8 + 3.9%, experience 3.3 + 1.6years, training frequency 2.7 + 0.5 days week71and distance 23.3 + 5.6 km week71.

    Maximal effort indices (mean + s) are as follows(n 10): maximal oxygen uptake 55.0 + 5.5 mL kg71 min71, respiratory exchange ratio 1.13 +0.10, peak blood lactate concentration 7.3 +2.3 mmol L71, 620 Borg rating of perceivedexertion 18.8 + 1.5 and maximum heart rate187 + 10 beats min71. All of the participantsmet at least three of the maximum-effort criteria.

    Mean performance time during the 10-km road

    race was 55:03 + 03:50 (min:s). The participantsfinished the race in between 49 and 60 min.

    Mean speed during the road race was 3.04 +0.22 m s71.

    Table I presents the exponential and polynomial

    lactate threshold values (m s71) and their relation-ships with the 10-km road-race performance. The

    exponential lactate threshold was greater when the

    initial points were excluded. The exponential lactate

    threshold excluding the first and second points was

    greater than the exponential lactate threshold using

    all the coordinates (P 5 0.05; effect size 4.5),exponential lactate threshold excluding the first point

    (P 5 0.05; effect size 4.3) and polynomial lactatethreshold excluding the first and second points

    (P 5 0.05; effect size 1.2). Furthermore, theexponential lactate threshold excluding the first point

    (m s71) was greater than the exponential lactatethreshold using all the coordinates (P 5 0.05; effectsize 4.3) and polynomial lactate threshold exclud-ing the first point (P 5 0.05; effect size 1.4).Additionally, the exponential lactate threshold using

    all the coordinates was significantly higher than the

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  • polynomial lactate threshold using all the coordinates

    (P 5 0.05; effect size 1.0). The regression model(exponential-plus-constant versus third-order poly-

    nomial) influenced the apparent lactate threshold, in

    which the exponential lactate threshold was greater

    than the polynomial equivalent (P 5 0.01). Theinitial intensity of the incremental test also influ-

    enced the identified lactate threshold (P 5 0.001),producing higher values for the lactate threshold with

    the exclusion of the initial points. Thus, the

    regression model and the initial intensity of the

    incremental test affected the lactate threshold


    The correlation between the exponential lactate

    threshold and the 10-km road-race performance was

    high (0.98 r 0.99; P 5 0.001), and the correla-tion was practically unaltered by excluding the first

    or the first and second points. The correlation

    between the polynomial lactate threshold and the

    10-km road-race performance was systematically

    smaller than the correlation between the exponential

    lactate threshold and the 10-km road-race perfor-

    mance and decreased slightly from 0.89 (polynomial

    lactate threshold using all the coordinates) to 0.83

    (polynomial lactate threshold excluding the first and

    second points). Additionally, although the mean

    difference (bias) between the exponential lactate

    threshold and the 10-km road-race performance

    increased with the exclusion of the initials points,

    the standard error of estimate remained practically

    unchanged (0.040.05 m s71), independent of theinitial intensity of the incremental test. The standard

    error of estimate for the relationship between the

    polynomial lactate threshold and 10-km road-race

    performance was greater than that for the exponen-

    tial lactate threshold.

    The exponential lactate thresholds using all the

    coordinates, excluding the first point and excluding

    the first and second points were highly correlated

    with each other (0.99 r 1.00; P 5 0.001),

    indicating high inter-correlation between the expo-

    nential lactate threshold indices. The inter-correla-

    tion between the polynomial lactate threshold indices

    was high (0.96 r 0.98; P 5 0.001) but slightlysmaller than the inter-correlation between the

    exponential lactate threshold indices. The correla-

    tions between exponential and polynomial lactate

    threshold using all the coordinates (r 0.88;P 5 0.001), excluding the first point (r 0.89;P 5 0.001) and excluding the first and secondpoints (r 0.81; P 5 0.01) were not as high as theintra-modelling method indices. The absolute and

    relative technical errors of measurement between

    exponential- and polynomial-derived lactate thresh-

    olds using all the coordinates (0.15 m s71; 4.9%),excluding the first point (0.18 m s71; 5.9%) andexcluding the first and second points (0.19 m s71;6.1%) were greater than the coefficient of variation

    (CV) of the maximal-deviation method reported by

    Morton, Stannard, and Kay (2012) during incre-

    mental exercises on a cycle ergometer (CV 3.8%).Figure 2 illustrates the relationships between 10-km

    road-race performance lactate threshold for the

    exponential-plus-constant (left) and third-order poly-

    nomial (right) regression equations. The relationship

    (left) was systematically shifted to the right when the

    initial points were excluded, but the correlation

    between road-race performance and the exponential

    lactate threshold remained practically unchanged.

    The relationship (right) was also shifted to the right

    for the third-order polynomial equation, but the

    points were not as clustered around the regression

    line as for the 10-km road-race performance and

    exponential lactate threshold relationship (left).


    The major findings of this study were that the

    polynomial lactate threshold underestimated the

    equivalent exponentially-determined lactate threshold

    Table I. Relationship between the lactate threshold using the maximal-deviation method and 10-km road-race performance (n 10)


    Exponential Polynomial

    Lactate threshold

    (m s71) rSEE

    (m s71) SEE (%)Lactate threshold

    (m s71) rSEE

    (m s71)SEE


    All the coordinates 3.11 + 0.21{ 0.98** 0.05 1.5% 2.96 + 0.30 0.89** 0.10 3.4%Exclusion of the

    first point

    3.20 + 0.20{{ 0.99** 0.04 1.3% 2.98 + 0.30 0.89** 0.10 3.4%

    Exclusion of the

    first and second points

    3.28 + 0.18{{{ 0.98** 0.04 1.3% 3.07 + 0.29# 0.83* 0.13 4.2%

    Note: r, Pearsons correlation coefficient; SEE, standard error of estimate; SEE (%), standard error of estimate expressed as a percentage of

    mean speed for the road race; {P 5 0.05 for the polynomial (using all the coordinates); {{P 5 0.05 for the exponential (using all thecoordinates) and polynomial (excluding the first point); {{{P 5 0.05 for the exponential (using all the coordinates and excluding the firstpoint) and polynomial (excluding the first and second points); #P 5 0.05 for the polynomial (using all the coordinates and excluding thefirst point); *Statistical significance is P 5 0.01; **Statistical significance is P 5 0.001.

    Influence of regression model on Dmax 1271




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  • for all conditions involving original or excluded initial

    intensities. Moreover, the exponential lactate thresh-

    old had higher correlation and smaller standard error

    of the estimate with 10-km road-race performance

    than the polynomial lactate threshold. Additionally,

    the correlation between the exponential lactate thresh-

    old and the 10-km road-race performance was nearly

    independent of the initial intensity of the incremental


    The maximal-deviation method is a graphical

    technique that depends on the shape of the lactate-

    intensity curve and the initial and final intensities of

    that curve. The final intensity can be controlled by

    guaranteeing that maximum effort has been exerted

    (e.g., strong verbal encouragement). The traditional

    criteria to check for maximal effort are a plateau in

    oxygen uptake despite a continued increase in

    exercise intensity, high concentrations of blood

    lactate in the minutes after the exercise test (peak

    blood lactate 8.0 mmol L71), a respiratory ex-change ratio greater than 1.15, a final heart rate

    within + 10 beats min71 of age-predicted max-imum and a rating of perceived exertion greater than

    18 in Borgs 620 scale (British Association of Sport

    Sciences, 1988; Howley et al., 1995). Using these

    criteria, it is unlikely that researchers, coaches and

    practitioners will not achieve the maximum lactate

    point. Nevertheless, the lactate threshold as deter-

    mined by the maximal-deviation method requires

    athletes to exert maximally during an incremental

    test. In some cases, athletes are limited in their ability

    to do so (Marcora, Bosio, & de Morree, 2008;

    Marcora, Staiano, & Manning, 2009). Therefore, the

    method can fail to determine the lactate threshold.

    Thus, as a practical application, athletes should use

    another method to estimate the lactate threshold

    when they do not meet the maximum physiological

    and perceived effort criteria. Accordingly, the effects

    of acute changes in the final lactate point by

    experimental manipulations (e.g., muscle fatigue or

    mental fatigue (Marcora et al., 2008, 2009) should

    be tested in the future.

    Appropriate setting of the initial intensity of the

    incremental test is highly dependent on the experi-

    ence of the researchers, coaches and practitioners.

    Unfortunately, for the maximal-deviation method,

    there is no standard for determining this intensity.

    This is the main shortcoming of the maximal-

    deviation method because it is known that the lactate

    threshold increases with an increase in the initial

    intensity of the incremental test (Janeba et al., 2010).

    The lactate threshold increased systematically when

    initial points were excluded both for the exponential-

    plus-constant and third-order polynomial regression

    models. Thus, the lactate threshold determined by

    the maximal-deviation method is dependent on the

    initial intensity of the incremental test, and exclusion

    of the initial points will increase the apparent lactate

    threshold. Additionally, the regression model (ex-

    ponential-plus-constant versus third-order polyno-

    mial) influenced the identified lactate threshold. The

    polynomially-derived lactate threshold was lower

    than the exponentially-derived equivalent. Figure 1

    shows the exponential and polynomial lactate thresh-

    old from one participant in whom the polynomial

    lactate threshold underestimated the exponential

    lactate threshold by 5.9% (0.2 m s71).The occurrence of a unique threshold point over

    the range of the lactate-intensity curve was ques-

    tioned by Tokmakidis et al. (1998), who reported

    that various lactate threshold indices were well

    correlated with performance. For example, they

    found that intensities equivalent to a blood lactate

    concentration of 4 mmol L71 did not have a highercorrelation with performance than 5, 6, 7 or even

    8 mmol L71. That does not mean that a fixedlactate concentration of 5 or 8 mmol L71 can beused in training despite its high correlation with

    performance, but rather suggests that these points

    can be used as valid performance markers. In

    contrast to the variation in lactate threshold (using

    the maximal-deviation method) with the initial

    intensity, the correlation and standard error of

    estimate between the lactate threshold and the

    Figure 2. Plots of 10-km road-race performance versus lactate threshold estimated by the maximal-deviation method indices from the

    exponential-plus-constant (left) and third-order polynomial (right) models (n 10).

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  • performance was little changed when the initial

    points of the incremental test were excluded. This

    outcome occurred mainly with the exponential

    lactate threshold, for which the correlation with 10-

    km road-race performance remained high. The

    correlation between the polynomial lactate threshold

    and road-race performance was less than that

    between the exponential lactate threshold and the

    10-km road-race performance. Thus, the exponential

    lactate threshold can be considered a consistent and

    valid performance index because it remained nearly

    unchanged when the initial points were excluded.

    Bishop et al. (1998) compared lactate threshold

    estimations. The lactate threshold estimated by the

    maximal-deviation method was the most highly

    correlated with performance. The group examined

    six commonly used lactate measures in trained

    female cyclists. Mean power output for a 1-h cycling

    challenge was 183 + 19 W, and the polynomiallactate threshold using the maximal-deviation meth-

    od was 178 + 24 W. Of the six lactate measurescompared, power output at the polynomial lactate

    threshold using the maximal-deviation method was

    most highly correlated with the 1 h challenge

    (r 0.84; P 5 0.001), followed by the lactatethreshold at 4 mmol L71 (r 0.81; P 5 0.001)and peak power output (r 0.81; P 5 0.001).Because Bishop et al. (1998) used the third-order

    polynomial regression model, we believe that this

    high correlation would have been even higher if they

    had used the exponential-plus-constant model.

    Considering that ours is the first study to examine

    the relationship between equations and lactate

    threshold estimations with performance, further

    studies will be necessary to confirm this trend.

    The standard error of estimate between the

    exponential lactate threshold and the 10-km road-

    race performance remained practically unchanged

    when the initial points were excluded. The standard

    error of estimate was substantially smaller for the

    relationship between the exponential lactate thresh-

    old and 10-km road-race performance than for the

    polynomial lactate threshold equivalent. Once the

    data are fitted to the equation to generate the least

    sum-of-squares error, the third-order polynomial

    equation will be adjusted to the minimum error

    irrespective of the physiological meaning of the

    lactate response to exercise. The exponential-plus-

    constant regression equation is less influenced by the

    location of the coordinate points and better describes

    the physiological lactate response to exercise, as

    reported by Hughson et al. (1987). Thus, because

    the exponentially-derived lactate threshold produced

    the smallest standard error of the estimate with 10-

    km road-race performance, it is a better indicator of

    endurance performance than the polynomially-de-

    rived measure.

    It must be emphasised that this study simulated

    the influence of the initial speed of the incremental

    test on the lactate threshold determined by the

    maximal-deviation method by excluding the first and

    the first and second points of the lactate-speed curve.

    Because the initial speed influences the shape of the

    lactate-speed curve and peak speed during the

    incremental tests, further studies are needed to

    analyse these influences on the maximal-deviation



    In summary, both the regression model and initial

    intensity of the incremental test influenced the lactate

    threshold determined by the maximal-deviation

    method. The polynomially-derived lactate threshold

    underestimated the exponentially derived equivalent.

    The correlation between the exponential lactate

    threshold and 10-km road-race performance was

    independent of the initial intensity of the incremental

    test. Additionally, the exponential lactate threshold

    had a higher correlation and smaller standard error of

    estimate with 10-km road-race performance than the

    polynomial lactate threshold. Thus, despite the small

    final sample size, which is a limitation of this study, the

    exponential lactate threshold is a valid performance

    index that is independent of the initial intensity of the

    incremental test. It is better than the polynomial

    lactate threshold for this purpose. Smaller correlations

    occur when using the polynomial, irrespective of the

    initial speed adopted in the incremental test. Because

    this was the first study to examine the relationship

    between running performance and the lactate thresh-

    old determined by the maximal-deviation method

    using two regression models, further studies are

    required to confirm our findings in other groups of

    differing standard. We anticipate that in research and

    training this study will contribute to the use both of

    the maximal-deviation method and the exponential-

    plus-constant regression model rather than the third-

    order polynomial model for the determination of the

    lactate threshold by the maximal-deviation method.


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