Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with

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Page 1: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with
Page 2: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with


Page 3: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with
Page 4: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with
Page 5: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with

Hinduism – The Back Story

Page 6: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with

If you build up your karma, you will be reincarnated into a higher caste, until moksha is reached

Low karma reincarnates you in a lower caste


Page 7: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with
Page 8: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with
Page 9: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with

Buddhism – The Backstory

Siddhartha Guatama was born with strange tattoos on his body

The tattoos said that Siddhartha was destined for two futures Future 1 –He will be a rich powerful political

leader Future 2 – He will be a poor religious leader

Siddhartha’s father keeps him in the palace and gives him any desire he could possibly want

Page 10: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with

Buddhism –The Backstory Pt.2 At age 29 Siddhartha leaves the palace

and goes out into caste system India, introduced to suffering and pain for the first time

To come up for a solution to the suffering, Siddhartha meditated underneath a tree for 49 days

On the 49th day, Siddhartha realized the answer, and from that day on was known as the Buddha (Enlightened One)

Page 11: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with

Buddha declares life has 4 Noble Truths

Page 12: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with
Page 13: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with

Hinduism affects on political and social lives Politically – Chandragupta Maurya uses Hinduism to run his empire. He makes people adhere to strict castes. Keeping his people repressed (keeping power for himself) causes him to become paranoid and his police force and bureaucracy to become corrupt

Socially – Every person has a place in Indian society. This will create animosity (anger and jealousy) between different social classes. Unequal rights, human rights violations, and racial prejudices will be created as a result.

Page 14: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with
Page 15: Judaism The Backstory – Ancient Israelites were actually Egyptian slaves, and wanted freedom To free the Israelites, Moses makes a covenant (deal) with

Buddhism effects on political and social lives Politically and Socially – Asoka Maurya

will convert to Buddhism after taking power from his grandfather, Chandragupta. He will be religiously tolerant of other religions.

As a result of Asoka’s tolerance, his empire makes great achievements, such as: Builds Roads Sends out missionaries to spread the word of

Buddhism Improves Education