Judge Jaime Roman notice of appeal in Rapton v. Karres case. Appeal of unlawful orders issued by Hon. Jaime R. Roman without due process right to be heard. Roman issued vexatious litigant,

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In a rambling, unorthodox 20-page statement of decision peppered with 73 footnotes, Sacramento Family Court Judge Jaime Roman designated family court party Andrew Karres a vexatious litigant, ordered Karres to pay $2,500 in attorney fee sanctions, and issued 13 additional orders at a brief court proceeding yesterday. All the disputed issues inexplicably were decided without oral argument and without the court hearing mandated by both the vexatious litigant and sanctions statutes. Virtually all rulings were against Karres and in favor of Karres' ex-wife, Mel Rapton Honda heiress Katina Rapton. Rapton is represented by veteran Sacramento County Bar Association Family Law Section attorney and family court judge pro tem Charlotte Keeley.Judge Roman drafted the lengthy statement of decision in advance of a court hearing calendared for November 14, at which the disputed issues were scheduled to be argued and submitted. But at the start of the proceeding, the judge announced that he was cancelling the hearing because he had already ruled on all matters. Roman explained to the parties and attorneys that the day before he had mailed them his statement of decision resolving all issues. At the hearing, the judge issued a minute order which read only "VACATED: COURT STATEMENT OF DECISION." In addition to depriving Karres of his basic due process right to be heard on the sanction and vexatious litigant issues, the vacated hearing also denied the losing litigant his Family Code § 217 and state court rule 5.119 right to present "live, competent and admissible testimony." Family court reform advocates assert that the unlawful, summarily decided proceeding is yet another example of the overt preferential treatment provided by full-time, family court judges to members of the Sacramento County Bar Association Family Law Section who also serve as temporary judges in the same court. This is the subsequent Notice of Appeal.

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Page 1: Judge Jaime Roman notice of appeal in Rapton v. Karres case. Appeal of unlawful orders issued by Hon. Jaime R. Roman without due process right to be heard. Roman issued vexatious litigant,
Page 2: Judge Jaime Roman notice of appeal in Rapton v. Karres case. Appeal of unlawful orders issued by Hon. Jaime R. Roman without due process right to be heard. Roman issued vexatious litigant,