Juicing is the BEST fast food! Linda A. Ditzler, RN, BSWED, BSN, CPCC

Juicing is the BEST fast food!

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Juicing is the BEST fast food!

Linda A. Ditzler, RN, BSWED, BSN, CPCC

• Are you what you eat?

• Juicing helps you to become healthy, trim, energetic and full of life.

• The many benefits.

• Routine juicing

• Kinds of juicers

• Feeling good and looking radiant

• Vitamins, etc.

• The ‘Dirty Dozen’ and GMO’s

Jay Kordich

Jack LaLanne

THE BENEFITS • simple and straight-forward way of consuming a variety of fruits

and vegetables

• huge boost of quality nutrients with minimal effort and time

• hardly requires any digestion

• anti aging benefits

• cardiovascular system

• fresh juices full of nutrients such as antioxidants and other vitamins are incredibly helpful for the liver.

• carotenoids, found in most fruits and vegetables, promotes skin smoothness

Routine Juicing

• Once a day • Twice a day • 2-3 times a week • 2 -3 days a month

• Wash and prepare produce the night before or weekend

• Plastic containers, Ziploc bags, etc.

• Store in thermos, airtight container

• Extra juice

• One large cucumber

• 2-4 carrots • Parsley

• 2 stalks celery

• 2” gingerroot • ½ lemon

Starter Juice for the Day Serves - 2

Kinds of Juicers

Centrifugal Juice Extractor - a fast-spinning metal blade that spins against a mesh filter, separating juice from flesh via centrifugal force. The juice and pulp are then separated into different containers. Cold Press or Masticating Juicer - crush and then press fruit and vegetables for the highest juice yield

Centrifugal Juicer Slow Juicer

Nutrient Retention

Not so great. The high-speed spinning creates some heat, which can break down nutrients.

High. This process produces no heat, thus maintaining more of the ingredients' nutrients.

Ability To Process Leafy Greens?

Less efficient. Far less of the juice is able to be extracted from greens.

Quite efficient. Great for fans of green juice.

Ability To Process Nuts?

No Yes -- great for making your favorite almond or cashew milks

Noise Level As loud as a blender Very, very quiet (you can hear the television while you're juicing)


No advantage -- the two juicers, run side by side, juice at the same speed

No advantage

Pulp Some A lot

Price Lower Higher

Glowing Healthy Skin Juicing diets provide increased energy and oxygen levels and help to rid the body of toxins and waste that your skin has to excrete. Eating a diet consisting of healthy foods and fruit and vegetable juices promotes a softer, healthier glowing complexion. Vitamin A – 8 oz. = 20,000 mg Great for acne! Green juices counteract the body's pH level, rid the body of acidic wastes and clear the skin. Loaded with vitamin C, potassium and beta carotene, sweet potatoes are also loaded with vitamin C and are excellent for skin complexion.

Works from inside out for…

How much does a facial cost?

Juice components –– Water - helps maintain body temp, metabolizes body fat, generates energy, transports nutrients, and flushes toxins out. It lubricates joins and cushions tissue and organs Juicing adds water. Protein – the amino acids are easily absorbed in veggies and fruits Carbohydrates – Use fruit juice sparingly . Fiber in juice is the soluble fiber only EFA’s – Essential Fatty Acids needed for energy production and the formation of nerve cells, cellular membranes and prostaglandins. Adding avocado, ground flaxseeds (Add wild cold water fish to diet) Vitamins - juicing is liquid vitamins, excellent source of water-soluble vitamins esp. B’s, C and flavonoids as well as A, E, and K. Minerals – wider array ingested in a usable form Enzymes – “workforce’ of the body Phytochemicals – produced by plants to protect them from disease, injury, and pollution; give plants color, odor, and flavor

Juicing can support your weight loss and fat burning goals in a number of ways including:

- reducing cravings, - saturating your cells with nutrition, - supporting your body’s fat burning processes, - flushing toxins stored in your fat cells, - and reducing acidity in your body.

The most important takeaway from a juice cleanse is listen to your body and make healthy choices that work for you.