July 07, 2019 Do You Love Me? Feed My Sheep, by Augustine of Hippo, 354-430 A.D. "Christ rose again in the flesh, and Peter rose in the spirit because, when Christ died in his passion, Peter died by his denial. Christ the Lord was raised from the dead, and out of his love he raised Peter. He questioned him about the love he was confessing and entrusted him with his sheep. After all, what benefit could Peter confer on Christ by the mere fact of his loving Christ? If Christ loves you, it is to your advantage, not Christ's. And if you love Christ, it is to your advantage, not Christ's. And yet Christ the Lord wanted to indicate how people ought to show that they love Christ. And he made it plain enough by entrusting him with his sheep. 'Do you love me?' 'I do.' 'Feed my sheep.' All this once, all this a second time, all this a third time. Peter made no other reply than that he loved him. The Lord asked no other question but whether he loved him. When Peter answered, our Lord did nothing else but entrust his sheep to him." (Excerpt from Sermon 229n.1.4) (c) 2018 Servants of the Word, source: www.dailyscripture.net, author Don Schwager (

July 07, 2019

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Page 1: July 07, 2019

July 07, 2019

Do You Love Me? Feed My Sheep, by Augustine of Hippo, 354-430 A.D.

"Christ rose again in the flesh, and Peter rose in the spirit because, when Christ died in his passion, Peter died by his denial. Christthe Lord was raised from the dead, and out of his love he raised Peter. He questioned him about the love he was confessing andentrusted him with his sheep. After all, what benefit could Peter confer on Christ by the mere fact of his loving Christ? If Christloves you, it is to your advantage, not Christ's. And if you love Christ, it is to your advantage, not Christ's. And yet Christ the Lordwanted to indicate how people ought to show that they love Christ. And he made it plain enough by entrusting him with his sheep.'Do you love me?' 'I do.' 'Feed my sheep.' All this once, all this a second time, all this a third time. Peter made no other reply thanthat he loved him. The Lord asked no other question but whether he loved him. When Peter answered, our Lord did nothing elsebut entrust his sheep to him." (Excerpt from Sermon 229n.1.4) (c) 2018 Servants of the Word, source: www.dailyscripture.net, author Don Schwager


Page 2: July 07, 2019

Mass Intentions for the Week

Monday July 08:

8:00 AM † Ellen Mary Prespare ~ Mary Hodges

Tuesday July 09: St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions 8:00 AM Jason Rikke, Birthday ~ Family

Wednesday July 10: 7:00 PM † Ron Ausmus, † Esperanza Abeto, † Felisa Bucsit, † Leilani Bucsit Smith, † Celedonia Mercurio, † Rosemary Perona,

† Cresencio Aspacio, † Randall Hunt, † Ben Coletti, † George Finan III, † Rosa Duque,

† Kyle Abalos, † Muriel Abalos, † Benjamin Abalos Sr.

Sun and Bill Ahn, Davie and Danny NguyenHealing: Debbie GarciaBirthday: David Eden

Thursday July 11: St. Benedict 8:00 AM † Al Rikke ~ Family

Friday July 12: 8:00 AM Danny and Davie Nguyen

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday July 13: Vigil Mass 5:00 PM † Israel Salinas ~ Connie Stephens

Sunday July 14 8:30 AM Altar and Rosary Society 11:00 AM Parishioners of St. Paul the Apostle Church 6:00 PM † Jose Gerardo Mendoza Hernandez ~ Gaby Maraist


Ministers of the Altar

Saturday 5:00 PM July 13 Lector: Maryann KrohnEMs: K. and G. Maraist, D. Hughes, A. Vargas.

Sunday 8:30 AM July 14 Lector: Diana Diaz EMs: P. Martinez, Denise Campbell, C. Nguyen, M. Hodges

Sunday 11:00 AM July 14 Lector: Roger MunozEms: R. Ortiz, G. and J. Robinson, C. Lapuz

Sunday 6:00 PM July 14 Lector: Cherye FloresEms: T. Almager, L. Hebert, TBA

Home Visits: P. Martinez, S. Bienia


Readings For the Week

Monday: Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-4, 14-15ab; Mt 9:18-26Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b, 15; Mt 9:32-38Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a;

Ps 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19; Mt 10:1-7Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 10:7-15Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40

Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Ps 105:1-4, 6-7; Mt 10:24-33Sunday: Dt 30:10-14; Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36, 37; or 19:8-11; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37

From Our Pastor

Father Joseph Nguyen


What does peace mean? Does peace mean no war, no violence, nokilling, no poverty and no starvation? Does it also mean no abortionnor assisted death? Does it also mean no divorce, no negligence ofchildren and no form of child abuse? What exactly is peace?

During the Vietnam War, the majority of the young men did not wantto go to war because they knew there would be a chance of nevercoming back. But going to war was more of a requirement than anoption. During a regular day of the week, a government official couldshow up unannounced and find some young men to send to war.During these times, one of my brothers, who was in his late teens,had to run and to hide from being caught. He was finally able to landin America after attempting to escape Vietnam at least ten times.There was no peace at all during war.

But does peace follow war? After the war, the government causedeverybody to be poor, except for those who worked in thegovernment. People began to starve, especially those who lived inthe rural areas. There was no more rice, no more fish in the riversand nothing else to eat except banana trunk for survival as one ofmy friends recalled. Because of the starvation and poverty after thewar, many tried to leave Vietnam for another country for a betterquality of life. Some ended up in Canada, Australia, America, andmany other countries.

Living in a blessed land such as America, I have learned that thereare abortions and assisted deaths called Death with Dignity Acts.The doctor might be at peace with performing an abortion killing anunborn human baby formed a few weeks after conception, but themother of this unborn human baby might have to live with a sense ofregret due to the abortion for the rest of her life. A doctor whoassists a patient suffering from a terminal illness with less than sixmonths to live might have peace within himself in assisting thepatient to die, but the patient’s family might not be at peace sinceone of them had to give permission to assist their loved one to die.All of these abortions and assisted Deaths with Dignity Acts are ableto give the ones performing the acts a sense of peace, but do theygive peace to those who’re directly affected by these acts?

The Lord Jesus sent his disciples in pairs ahead of him and said tothem “Into whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to thishousehold.' If a peaceful person lives there, your peace will rest onhim; but if not, it will return to you.” What is a peaceful person? Bythe theologian’s definition, the greeting of peace from Jesus’disciples would only remain if there was a son of peace, or rather, aperson of peace who lived in that house. Therefore, the country willbe at peace when peace remains in each household. There will onlybe peace in each household when each person who lives in thathouse is at peace with himself or herself. When there is peace in aperson, there will be no abortion, no assisted death with dignity acts,no poverty, and no war. What is peace for you? How would youacquire peace for yourself? Can you help others find peace whenyou are not even at peace with yourself?

July 07, 2019

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Religious Education

Let the children come unto me, and do not hinder them;

for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these . Mark 10:14,16

Deacon Frank Rodriguez, DRE Grace Geeding, Assistant DRE

FMI Call the Religious Education Office at 937- 6908

From Vacation Bible School

Children still love to learn, they love to sing, they love to worship ourLord. They have no barriers in their experience that block the HolySpirit as do adults. They display a purity in the right circumstancesthat is beautiful to behold. That is why Vacation Bible School in theformat used by Our Sunday Visitor and Group companies whichbring such joy to our little ones. We started off our mornings withour theme song, an engaging song with a loving message from ourLord to trust in him. Young children trust most anyone,unfortunately that is why we teach them otherwise for their safety,and the concept of trusting our God resonates in their hearts andminds.

The VBS team continued to Wow them in the different stations, WildBible Adventures with the exciting and also heartwarming story ofthe Exodus from the Bible. In our Imagination Station, they werewowed by experiences that mystified them, and taught them to trustin the Lord. The Kidd Cinema reiterated our theme through videosof struggling families in Africa who learned to trust in the Lord forwhom we collected money to help them with their lack of water. TheStampede Sports, and the Hungry Herd Cafe continued to tietogether our Bible Point of the Day.

This VBS program required a great sacrifice of time, talent andtreasure from each one of our Station Leaders and their assistants.The environment for learning excited the children and parents aswell, and there is no way our VBS week would have beensuccessful without all our volunteers, including our youth, who wereup here on time all week.

As the DRE, I really appreciate the efforts of Grace Geeding andDenise Campbell, our co-directors. My contribution to the projectincluded some oversight, but they planned, organized and led ourVBS, and their enthusiasm and sense of responsibility needs to beapplauded. I am sure their trust in the Lord guided them throughoutthe week.

The directors stand ready to begin planning now for next year, andthey could use more help. Please call or come by the office duringthe summer and let us know if you can join us next year. Wealready have a couple of new people ready to step up to the plateand help.

Parents, thanks for your sacrifice of time, and for trusting that wewould take care of your children and help them to be inspired by ourLord. We look forward to seeing some of our new familiesregistering for Religious Education Kinder-5th grades and also, Edgefor Middle School and Life Teen for Confirmation and High School.St. Paul the Apostle Religious Education stands ready to serve yourfamily and assist your children in receiving their Sacraments. Mayyou continue to entrust them to our loving and caring Catechesis .

Deacon Frank, DRE

Attention All Parish Volunteers

Anyone wanting to volunteer for Religious Education Classes fromK-5th Grade in the fall, our Youth Ministry Core Team, or as aEucharistic Minister or Lector needs to attend one of the followingSafe Environment Classes:

Safe Environment Class for All Adults ( 17 or older ) will takeplace right here at St. Paul the Apostle on Tuesday, July 23rd, from7:00 to 9:00 PM in Room A . This is a mandatory requirement . Ifyou have any questions, please reach out to the Parish Office orRenee Hill at 361-774-5302

Safe Environment Training for new applicants

Thursday, July 25 at 6:30 PM at St. Philp the Apostle Family LifeCenter – Holy Family Room call 361-991-5146 ext. 227 to register* Participant will need to have a criminal history review completed prior to

attending a training class. Proof of completion of a clear criminal history

may be a CMSE printed memo provided by your parish/school

administration. FMI call Deacon Frank at 937-6908 .

Anyone notified by Deacon Frank that their Safe Environmentcard has expired needs to attend one of these Safe

Environment Recertification Classes. Both are at 6:30 PM.

Thursday, July 25, at St. Philip the Apostle in their Family LifeCenter – Holy Family Room call 361-991-5146 ext. 227 to register

* Participant must have a criminal history background check completed or

must show instructor proof (blue certification card) of having attended Core

Training or prior Recertification training as well as proof of valid (current)

criminal history background check. FMI call Deacon Frank at 937-6908.

A Great Beginning For Your Child

Enrollment is now open for the 2019-2020 school year at Our Ladyof the Rosary Learning Center for children ages 18 months to 5years old. At the Learning Center your child will experienceacademics, faith formation, and physical development in a safe andloving environment under the administration of the DominicanSisters..

FMI please contact us at (361) 939-9847, or come and see us at ourlocation behind St. Paul the Apostle Church.

July 07, 2019

All Teens who are in Grades 9-12, even if you are already

Confirmed, are Invited to Life Teen. Sundays from 7 - 9 PM in the Hall resuming again in the Fall

ACTS for Teens Retreat August 1 – 4, Theme: "Think of

what is above, not of what is on earth" (Col 3:2).

The cost is $150 and there is scholarship money available if youneed it. Sign up this week before registration is opened up toother parishes next week. Registration forms can be found in thechurch vestibule and on the parish website and should be turnedin with payment to the Youth Ministry office or the parish office..

FMI: Call Youth Ministry Director Cathy Fichtel 937-5875(If no answer, please leave a message)

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This Week’s Calendar of Events

Sunday, July 07 8:30 AM Mass 11:00 AM Mass 4:30 PM Women's Faith Sharing - Community Room 6:00 PM Mass

Monday, July 08 8:00 AM Mass 6:00 PM Legion of Mary - Room A 6:30 PM Evening Prayer Liturgy of the Hours 7:00 - 8:30 PM Adoration

Tuesday, July 09 8:00 AM Mass 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Meeting - Charlie Room 7:00 PM KC Meeting - Hall

Wednesday, July 10 8:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet - Chapel 6:00 - 6:45 PM Confession 7:00 PM Mass

Thursday, July 11 8:00 AM Mass 6:30 PM ACTS Core Team Meeting - Room A

Friday, July 12 8:00 AM Mass

Saturday, July 13 8:00 AM Communion Service 3:30 - 4:30 PM Confession 5:00 PM Vigil Mass

Do Your Share for Our Parish

Our parish is in partnership with St. Peter’s by the Sea UMC andLord of Life Lutheran Church to distribute food through the CC FoodBank to more than 225 households here in Flour Bluff.

Many volunteers are needed to help with the distribution whichtakes place at St. Peter’s by the Sea, 1541 Waldron Road.

The next food distribution date will be Thursday, July 25th.

Information and sign-up sheets are on the table in back of church.Please, volunteer to help if you can!

Catholic Charities Flour Bluff Food Pantry and Clothes

Pantry Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 :00 AM to 2:00 PM

Please arrive at least 15 minutes before closing so we canproperly serve your needs. For assistance or questions please callour office at 929-6077.

June - August Pantry Needs: soup, canned meats, oatmeal,peanut butter Personal Care Items: shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash,toothpaste, toothbrushes, famine hygiene products, deodorant, andtoilet paper.

Monetary donations are also welcome.

The Health Department does not allow us to distribute any itemsbeyond their expiration date.

Prayer to Avert Storms and Hurricanes

O God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of yourchildren. The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order and returned to itsformer quietude.

We live in the shadow of the Gulf of Mexico—a danger over whichwe have no control.

O Loving Father, spare us from storms and hurricanes that threatenus and turn our fear of your power into praise of your goodness.Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives andreigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.Amen.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

St. Paul the Apostle Church July 07, 2019 Volume 21 Issue 282233 Waldron 78418 937-3864 Fax: 939-7774 [email protected]

Camp Aranzazu July 22 - 26

“EXPLORE” is a summer experience for young men who areenrolled in high school or who will be enrolling this fall, as well asrecent high school graduates, that want to understand their faithbetter, know themselves better, have fun, and make new friendsfrom all over the diocese. \

Staffed by priests and deacons, along with seminarians and othersthinking about a vocation to priesthood, “EXPLORE” often helps ayoung man discern his God given vocation. In a society that doesnot seem to understand how someone could accept a vocation tothe priesthood, it helps him to meet others who would like to knowmore and also those who have been in priestly formation. However,it is not just all talks or prayer, but also a lot of fun! The facilities atCamp Aranzazu include fishing, sports facilities, swimming pool andmuch more!FMI contact us at 361-882-6191 or @WWW.CCPRIEST.COM

Howdy! Will you or someone you know be a freshman at TexasA&M University or Blinn College this fall? If so, St. Mary’s CatholicCenter invites you to attend our Connect Retreat! Connect is aretreat held just for incoming freshmen before school starts inAugust. It is a great way to meet other Catholic freshmen and tolearn about growing in your faith while in college. For moreinformation and to register, please visit www.stmarysconnect.com.Gig’em and God Bless!

July 07, 2019

Christus Spohn Care Van for Women’s OB

and Gynecological Services

(medical care for the uninsured)

will next be here at St. Paul’s on July 16th and 17th.To schedule an appointment from 9 AM – 3 PM call 877-3547

The Mission of Mercy Medical Center 2421 Ayers Street

provides medical care for the uninsured . Call 361 - 883 - 5500 Monday through Friday

from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM to make an appointment.

Page 5: July 07, 2019

Stewardship of Treasure

For 06/30

Envelopes/checks $ 5,057.00Online Giving 1,510.00Loose 1,550.91Children 81.00Total $ 8,198.91

A portion of your tithes given in June goes to the CatholicCommunications Campaign, Peter’s Pence Collection, Timon'sMinistries,, the Mission of Mercy Clinic, and our Works of Mercy .

The Pilgrim Rosary

This Sunday at 2:00 PM the Pilgrim Virgin and theRosary will be here at church in Classroom A.

The Blessed Mother can be your very special guest for a birthday, anniversary, quinceñera, retirement, or anyspecial occasion by having the Pilgrim Rosary at yourhome. FMI call 739-6087

Give an Hour to Our Lord

Substitutes are always needed in the Adoration Chapel for one hourslots from 9 AM to 5 PM daily. Please call Luz Garcia at 739-6087 ifyou can help.

If you would like to be notified of a death in your parish

family and the arrangements for the deceased, e-mail theparish office at [email protected] so your emailaddress can be included in the contact group.

Legion of Mary

Do you want to serve God more but don't know how? Do you wantto grow closer to Jesus and his Mother? Do you want to be Jesus toothers? Do you want to deepen your spiritual life?

All practicing Catholics, 18 and older are invited to come to Legionof Mary meetings on Mondays at 6:00 PM in Room A. Call LuzGarcia at 739-6087 for more information

Treasures from Our Tradition

It’s high summer now, school is out, the pace of work slows, andsome people drift away. There are visitors in the churches everysummer, and familiar faces are “among the missing.” Some find thesummer’s call more appealing than the summons of the churchbells.

IMany, however, would not dream of missing a Sunday, and so theymake their way to Mass in unfamiliar places, watching the locals forclues as to when to sit or stand, and the locations of theCommunion stations. In answering the call, they keep the“sabbatical” rhythm of the Christian life: every seventh day, the Bodyof Christ assembles for worship.

When For centuries, there was no obligation to Sunday Mass in thesense of a written law, but Christians have always yearned to betogether on Sunday. In the city of Abitina, during a persecution bythe Emperor Diocletian, a group of Christians were urged to stopworshiping together on Sundays. They responded, “Then take ourlives, for without the Sunday we cannot live.”By a curious

coincidence, the appointed readings today center us on thoughts ofpeace. On our Independence Day, the experience of worshipsituated us in community, and evoked a commitment from us to beadvocates of peace in all aspects of our society’s life. - Rev. James Field, Copyright ©

J. S. Paluch

Celebrate or Remember

The intention books for this year are still open to have a mass saidand/or one of our large vigil lights lit for a week in honor of abirthday, an anniversary, or to remember someone you have lovedand lost or for any special intention. Come in or contact the office [email protected] or at 937-3864 to schedule the date(s)for your special mass or vigil light.The usual offering for a mass isfive dollars. The offering for the Infant Jesus light is $3 per week and

the offering for the two chapel lights is $6.

To add or remove someone from the Prayer List please notify the parish office

at 937-3864 or [email protected].

God’s Providence

Today’s readings celebrate God’s providence. No matter howwonderful (or heartbreaking) our relationships are, God alwaysprovides for us. No one cares for us the way God does.

Isaiah delights us with a deeply intimate image of God caring for us“as a mother comforts her child.” The prophet describes us not asthe usual “children of God,” but as “babies.” We should not resistthis image, but rejoice in it. Trusting in God’s care, we can all letdown our guard and rest like infants in the lap of our mother. SaintPaul’s trust in God allows him to be at peace like this. He boldlydeclares that no one can “make troubles” for him, because he hasgiven himself completely to Jesus. And when Jesus sends hisdisciples out to preach and heal, he challenges them not to providefor themselves, but to let faith be their guide..

He Cares Today Isaiah delights us with a deeply intimate image of God caringfor us “as a mother comforts her child.” The prophet describes usnot as the usual “children of God,” but as “babies.” We should not resist this image, but rejoice in it. Trusting in God’scare, we can all let down our guard and rest like infants in the lap ofour mother.

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Galatians 6:14

July 07, 2019

In Memoriam

Cynthia Roldan Williams

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Please remember those who live in need ofour prayers: Rosemary Acosta, John Adams,Sylvia Adams, Andrew Alvarez, Leonor Apiado,James Armstrong, Belva Armstrong, George Ayala,Greg and Janie Ayala, Aiden Bacon, Tamra Bacon,Mary Ann Benes, Irma Biano, Marjorie Boxwell,Meredith Boxwell, Angela Brenz, Yvonne Brooks,

Manuel Buentello, Manuel Bustos, Yliana Cardenas, Ann Carson, RenaFay Casanova, Don Casey, Kathy Casey, Priscilliano Chavez, PetraCisneros, Scott Clark, Mike Cooksey, Cecil Cruz, John Cruz, TreyCunningham, Barry Dalton, Jacqueline Dancy, Linda C. Degollado,Margarita Degollado, Nelda DeLeon, Remy and Lidia Ducote, DavidDunlap, Mark Eickleberry, Grace Escobedo, Bertha Faz, Leo JohnFinnegan II, Abel Flores, Christa Frontera, Jeremy Forgy, Gary Frontera,Jenny Fuentes, Gamez Family, Amanda Garcia, Danny and Esther Garcia,Roxanne Garcia, Lea Garza, Joe Luis Garza, Grace Geeding, MargaritaGonzalez, Patricia Gonzales, Perla Guerrero, Pete Hefner, Herrera Family,Jimma Hertzler, Amy Hinkel, Jim Holbrook, Maria Holguin, George andOlivia Holt, Gary Wayne Jennings, Larry Johnson, Gary Kirkpatrick,Charles Krause, Kraeer Family, David Krause, Violette Lewis, ThomasArron Lambert, Stephen Libby, Deborah Lopez, Juanita and Steve Lusson,Martin Fanily, William, Anthony, Jonathan and Michael Maskevich JerryMcKamie, Kenneth Maskevich, Cynthia Mora, Amanda McDonald, SterlingMurphy, Alonzo Nunez, Lupe Ortiz, Margie O’Docharty, Setsuko Orr,Steven Ortiz Jr. Ernie Pena, Jason Pena, Rhoda Philby Palmer, GloriaPerez, Pete Prado, Becky Quiroz, Ben Raney, Neveah Reyes, SarahRichenberg, Evelyn Ridgely, Pat Rikke, Angela Riojas, Thalma Riojas,Eddie Rocha, Fernando and Antonia Rodriguez, Martha Romero, DavidRohde, Nati Ruiz, Teresa Ruiz, Butch and Jeanie Russell, Rosa Salazar,Angie A. Salinas, Consuelo Salinas, Michael Stefanou, Inocencio Terrazas,Johnny Terrazas, Cassandra Turilli, Gloria Vargas, Paul Vargas, ElizabethVillarreal, Gayle Garza Villarreal, Mark Visosky, Stephen Welp, MargaretWhitmire, John Wright, Luis Zamora

Chapel Vigil Lightsand

The Infant Jesus Statue LightIn Memory of Al Rikke

.Copyright © 2011 The Zondervan Corporation

Riches to Rags

Why would a wealthy heiress leave a life of luxury for one of povertyand service? The life of Saint Katharine Drexel (1858–1955) is a“riches to rags” story that turns the conventional American successstory upside down. Katharine was the middle daughter of a wealthy,socially prominent Philadelphia banker. Her father was convincedthat their large fortune meant that God had greater expectations ofthem concerning its use. Katharine saw the impact of her family’sgenerosity, which influenced her to devote her life and money to thepoor.

Initially she wanted simply to renounce her fortune. She even askedPope Leo XIII to send missionary priests to serve Native Americans.He suggested she do it herself, so Katharine gave up her place ofprivilege to found the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, devoted toserving African Americans and Native Americans. Using twentymillion dollars of her own money, she founded over sixty schoolsand established Xavier University in New Orleans, the only Catholicuniversity for African Americans. As they spread across the UnitedStates, Katharine and her sisters extended themselves tirelessly incaring for those on the margins of American society. Like theseventy disciples in today’s Gospel, they and their work weredespised by some. They were called vicious names and spat uponin the street.

Mother Katharine, as her sisters called her, renounced wealth andembraced poverty because of her deep love for Jesus Christ,gratitude for his sacrifice on the cross, and desire to be united withhim forever. In Jesus’ name, she and her sisters brought education,material assistance, and above all, the Good News to thosedespised or avoided by society at large. Blessed Sacrament Sisterscontinue serving today, bringing the message of today’s Gospel:“The kingdom of God is at hand for you” (Luke 10:9). Copyright © 2009, World

Library Publications. All rights reserved.

Living Stewardship Now

Decide to offer prayers and financial support to a missionaryorganization of your choice... Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

July 07, 2019

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Church Kitchen

Utensils DriveCurrently, our church kitchen is in direneed of cooking utensils that are new orstill in good shape. We are asking you toplease go thru your kitchen drawers and,if you have any utensils that you wouldlike to donate, that would be of great helpto our church. We need serving spoons,slotted spoons, ladles, kitchen knives (notdinner knifes) spatulas, tongs, or anyother kind of kitchen utensil.

There is a plastic container in thevestibule of the church where you maydrop them off. We would like to thankeach and every one of you for yourgenerous donation in advance. Thecontainer will be there thru Sunday July28th.

St. Paul thanks you for caring. God blessyou all.For more information contact JuanitaLusson at 443-3511

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July 07, 2019