VIRGINIA GENTLEMEN FOUNDATION, INC. Agenda Item 8 Page 1 8 July 10, 2013 Public Hearing APPLICANT: VIRGINIA GENTLEMEN FOUNDATION, INC. PROPERTY OWNER: CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH STAFF PLANNER: Stephen J. White REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit (Outdoor Recreation Facility) ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: 1000 Block of Prosperity Road GPIN: 24167086360000 ELECTION DISTRICT: BEACH SITE SIZE: 69 acres of a 132-acre parcel AICUZ: Greater than 75 dB DNL BACKGROUND: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow an outdoor recreation facility to operate on a portion of a 132-acre parcel owned by the City of Virginia Beach. The specific use proposed by the applicant is the development of a day-use ‘adventure camp’ for individuals with special needs or disabilities, wounded veterans, and families of fallen heroes. There will be no overnight camping at the facility. Proposed facilities and activities are described under the ‘Details’ section below. In 1993, the General Assembly passed a bill allowing the conveyance of the subject parcel, as well as parcels now developed as the Redwing Golf Course, to the City of Virginia Beach for “municipal recreational purposes.” In 2002, the General Assembly passed a bill expanding upon that purpose to include “entering into a public-private partnership for improvements to any golf course located on or adjacent to such tracts.” In 2013, the General Assembly passed a bill that further expanded the potential BACKGROUND / DETAILS OF PROPOSAL

July 10, 2013 Public Hearing APPLICANT: VIRGINIA GENTLEMEN ... · 10/07/2013  · The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow an outdoor recreation facility to operate

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Page 1: July 10, 2013 Public Hearing APPLICANT: VIRGINIA GENTLEMEN ... · 10/07/2013  · The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow an outdoor recreation facility to operate


8July 10, 2013 Public Hearing







REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit (Outdoor Recreation Facility) ADDRESS / DESCRIPTION: 1000 Block of Prosperity Road GPIN: 24167086360000


SITE SIZE: 69 acres of a 132-acre parcel

AICUZ: Greater than 75 dB DNL

BACKGROUND: The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit to allow an outdoor recreation facility to operate on a portion of a 132-acre parcel owned by the City of Virginia Beach. The specific use proposed by the applicant is the development of a day-use ‘adventure camp’ for individuals with special needs or disabilities, wounded veterans, and families of fallen heroes. There will be no overnight camping at the facility. Proposed facilities and activities are described under the ‘Details’ section below. In 1993, the General Assembly passed a bill allowing the conveyance of the subject parcel, as well as parcels now developed as the Redwing Golf Course, to the City of Virginia Beach for “municipal recreational purposes.” In 2002, the General Assembly passed a bill expanding upon that purpose to include “entering into a public-private partnership for improvements to any golf course located on or adjacent to such tracts.” In 2013, the General Assembly passed a bill that further expanded the potential


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purposes to include “public-private partnerships with nonprofit entities that provide services for the benefit of veterans and disabled persons.” After issuing a Request for Proposals for lease of the site consistent with the allowed uses, the City Council received one proposal during the April 23, 2013 public hearing. On May 28, 2013, the City Council awarded a 40-year lease of 69 of the total 132 acres to the Virginia Gentlemen Foundation, Inc. (VGF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The award of the lease is subject to a Summary of Terms that is the basis for the executed lease that is currently being finalized. A copy of the Summary of Terms is provided on page 11. In regard to this Use Permit request, two of the Terms have the most relevance:

“Use restricted to day-use adventure camp and park for persons with special needs or disabilities, wounded veterans, and families of fallen heroes (together with certain accessory uses related and subordinate thereto). Programs and activities may include (but are not limited to) swimming, fishing, wakeboarding, canoeing, ropes course, and field activities. Such programs and activities may change over the years due to opportunities offered by medical and technological advancements.” “No overnight stays, camping events, etc. will be allowed on the Premises, and Lessee must comply with all deed restrictions.”


Based on applicant’s vision for the activities that will occur at the facility, only 69 of the 132 acres of the site were selected for lease. Those 69 acres front on Prosperity Road, extending north from the southern lot line approximately 3,250 feet along the right-of-way. The lease area extends westward from Prosperity Road toward the Birdneck Lakes residential community but does not encompass the entire width of the property. The lease line on the western side has been configured to provide 150 feet between the leased area and the Birdneck Lakes community.

The Use Permit is requested for the entire 69-acre lease area, as there will be recreational

activity occurring throughout the site. Much of the site, however, consists of non-tidal wetlands, the extent of which has been delineated by the applicant’s consultant and verified by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Based on the location of the wetlands on the site, the recreational activities that require site development are situated in the southeast corner, which has the largest contiguous area of upland on the site. The remaining area of the site will be used for trails and a ropes course (the installation and use of both will meet USACE requirements for trails in wetland environments). There is a second area of contiguous wetlands toward the center of the site, fronting on Prosperity Road; however, it is shaped such that it is only suited for a smaller scale of development. The area has been designated as “Future Expansion Area Subject to CUP Review and Approval,” and has been referred to as Phase 2. Any physical development and uses within this area of the site will require a modification of this Use Permit.

As noted above, the ‘camp’ will be located at the southeast corner of the site, approximately 1,150 feet from the Birdneck Lake neighborhood and 1,250 feet from the housing on Dam Neck Annex of NAS Oceana.

The physical development of the camp area is shown on the submitted site plan (provided on pages 9 and 10) and consists of the following major components.

o Lake: An area of the site, as designated on the submitted plan, will be excavated to create a lake. The excavation will occur until a depth is reached that the lake is naturally recharged, as with any stormwater management facility, and is sufficient for the activities dependent on the lake. Excavated material will be used as base fill for the physical

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improvements on the site, and if there is any excess material, it will be taken off-site due to the need to avoid placement of the material in the wetlands on the site. While the excavation operation might be considered a borrow pit as defined by the Zoning Ordinance, the Zoning Administrator has determined that the excavation is exempt from the need for a separate Conditional Use Permit. The definition of a borrow pit provides an exemption for several types of lakes, including excavation activity “for roads, drainage, stormwater management facilities as defined in the city stormwater management ordinance (Appendix D), or similar features necessarily incidental to, and in accordance with, the approved construction plans for a residential subdivision or other similar development activity.” The lake has been determined to be incidental to the primary purpose of the camp and the camp has been determined to fall under ‘other similar development activity.” When completed, the lake will provide for canoeing and kayaking for recreational use by campers and their counselors. The lake will be stocked with fish to provide the experience of fishing as an activity offered as part of the camp program. Campers, based on their ability levels, will be able to fish from the canoes as well as from the piers. The lake will also provide the opportunity for cable wakeboarding using a simple, two-tower (20 feet in height) straight-line cable and pulley wakeboarding system. The system is designed to offer a wakeboarding experience for novice users of all abilities. Handicap apparatus are available as well, making this activity fully accessible. This camp activity will be facilitated by trained professionals.

o Aquatic Center / Swimming Pools / Splash Park: The splash park will be designed as a handicap-accessible outdoor playground. The applicant intends for the splash park to have a nautical theme similar to the Grommet Island Park located at the Oceanfront beach. The splash park will offer fully accessible sprinklers and simple splash apparatus for children's recreational use during summer months. The indoor and outdoor pools will be for the recreational use of the campers. They will have a limited number of lanes marked for lap swimming; but use is not intended for competitive purposes. Note: lifeguards will be on duty at all times when these facilities are open.

o Ropes Course: Located along the northwest edge of the camp, crossing the wetlands and the lake, the ropes course will consist of high and low portions. A ‘zip-line’ activity may also be included as part of the design. The applicant is in the process of selecting a professional designer and builder of ropes courses to ensure the activity is safe and has no impact on the wetlands that the ropes course will pass over. The camp activity will be facilitated by trained professionals.

o Wellness Center: Located at the southern front of the site, the wellness center is a medical facility that will meet the varying special needs of campers and visitors. When a group with specific disabilities visits the camp, the group will bring its own medical professional volunteers and/or staff to serve the needs of that particular group.

o Gymnatorium: Located along the northern edge of the camp, a gymnatorium will offer an indoor setting for camp activities during inclement weather. Activities will include basketball, volleyball, ping pong, arts and crafts, and skits.

o Cafeteria: Located along the eastern edge of the lake, the cafeteria will provide a central location for any meals provided to the day-campers.

o Tiki Café: Located adjacent to the Aquatics Center, the café will be a small outdoor area for light fare and refreshments in close proximity to the pools and lake feature.

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o All-Purpose Field: Located along the northwestern edge of the lake, the all-purpose field will serve as a general recreational activity area. Activities will include soccer, kickball, foot and wheelchair races, and arts and crafts.

o Trails: A series of trails will run through the main camp area. A paved handicap-accessible path will run along the periphery of the lake, connecting at various places to picnic shelters, piers with gazebos, the wakeboard pier, and a deck overlooking the lake at the main entrance/check-in office. A wooded handicap-accessible path will be located outside the paved pathway, encircling the lake, and will include a series of exercise stations. The applicant also desires to provide a series of pathways through the wooded area of the site. To ensure there is no impact to the wetlands on those portions of the site, the applicant will be consulting the USACE regarding the proper materials and design for such pathways. The submitted site plan shows a ‘Potential Future Pedestrian Path Connection’ to the campground adjacent to the southern property line. The path is a potential future project if there is found to be a need for such a connection. Since it would cross wetlands, the path would be designed and constructed as indicated above. There is a stream along the southern boundary of the site, which would require the construction of a pedestrian bridge. Such a bridge will have to meet all required structural standards and require the requisite permits from the appropriate governmental agencies.

o Parking: A 111-space parking lot with access from Prosperity Road (20 of the spaces are designated as handicap-accessible). There primary ‘drop-off’ area will be located at the main entrance to the camp. A secondary ‘drop-off’ area will be located on a turn-around circle adjacent to the Wellness Center. The turn-around also provides access for service vehicles making deliveries to the facility as well as collecting the garbage from the dumpster, which is located within a screened area at the front of the site.


North: Wooded area / P-1 Preservation District S. Birdneck Road Camp Pendleton / P-1 Preservation District

South: Campground / AG-2 Agricultural District Single-Family / R-5D Residential District

East: Prosperity Road Redwing Golf Course / P-1 Preservation District

West: Wooded area / P-1 Preservation District Single-Family Residential / R-5D Residential District


The site is wooded with a variety of trees and also includes understory vegetation. The site has been disturbed in the past, as the property, like all of the surrounding properties, was once part of the Camp Pendleton Military Reservation. As a result, in addition to natural water features, there are a series a man-made drainage features on the site. There are also non-tidal wetlands on


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the site, which have been previously discussed in this report in the ‘Details of Proposal’ section. The applicant’s environmental consultant, in preparation for submission of detailed engineered plans to the Development Services Center, has conducted soil borings in the area where the camp facilities will be constructed and has also conducted a Phase 1 Environmental Survey.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan does not designate a future planned land use for this parcel other than “military installation.” The parcel is situated just north of land designated as Suburban Area or Suburban Focus Area (SFA) 4.1 – General Booth Campgrounds (see p. 3-18 of the Policy Document) and also adjacent (to the east) by area designated as Suburban Area. The SFA 4.1 description is as follows: “The Holiday Trav-L Park is located on the west side of General Booth Boulevard and the KOA Campground on the east side. Both offer outdoor recreational activities for citizens and visitors of Virginia Beach and complement our City’s recreational hospitality industry.” The proposed outdoor recreational use is consistent with the land use recommendations for the adjacent SFA 4.1 in the Comprehensive Plan as outdoor recreation is one of several enumerated long-term preferred land use recommendation for the adjacent campground site. The submitted site plan exhibits sensitivity with regard to the adjacent neighborhood and many of the design principles for the Suburban Area. AICUZ: The Joint Navy-City Staff Group evaluated this application for compliance with the Section 1804 of the AICUZ Overlay Ordinance, Section 1804, and found that the proposed use of the property as a camp for special needs children, wounded veterans, and caregivers/families is appropriate. Uses of the property are limited to those listed in this report, which was provided by the applicant to the Staff Group.

MASTER TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MTP) / CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP): As noted previously in this report, vehicular access to Camp Grom will be from Prosperity Road adjacent to the developed portion of the site, as this is the only location where an access between Prosperity Road and the developed part of the site does not result in impacts to wetlands. Prosperity Road adjacent to this site is designated a two-lane local / collector street with a variable-width (50 feet to 60 feet) right-of-way. Prosperity Road is not identified on the City’s Master Transportation Plan map.

TRAFFIC: Street Name

Present Volume

Present Capacity Generated Traffic

Prosperity Road There are no traffic

counts available

6,200 ADT (Level of Service “C”) 9,900 ADT (Level of Service “D” – CAPACITY) 11,100 ADT (Level of Service “E”)1

Existing Land Use 2 : 0 ADT

Proposed Land Use 3 : 132 ADT Weekday

163 ADT Weekends

1 Average Daily Trips 2 as defined by 69 acres of preserved land

3 as defined by 29-acre regional park (‘regional park’ is the closest match to the type of proposed use).


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Specific design requirements for the roadway adjacent to the site and the access point will be determined during development site plan review through the Development Services Center. Routes of access for construction vehicles will also be determined during that process.

WATER: This site must connect to City water. There is a 16-inch City water line in General Booth Boulevard and a 12-inch water line in South Birdneck Road.

SEWER: This site must connect to City sanitary sewer. There is a Hampton Roads Sanitation District 12-inch force main in General Booth Boulevard and a 10-inch City sanitary sewer force main in South Birdneck Road. The site is not located within an existing pump station service area. Pump station analysis must be provided for a potential receiving pump station.

STORMWATER: The developer must submit a Stormwater Management Plan with the Site Development Plan that will be submitted to the Development Services Center. All current State and City Water Quantity and Quality requirements must be met.

The proposed outdoor recreational use is consistent with the land use recommendations for Suburban Focus Area 4.1 in the Comprehensive Plan, as outdoor recreation is one of several long-term preferred land use recommendations for the adjacent campground site. The submitted site plan exhibits sensitivity with regard to the adjacent neighborhoods and is consistent with many of the design principles for the Suburban Area. There is no buffer requirement between Preservation and Residential zoning districts; however, during discussions with the City regarding the terms of the lease, the applicant agreed to set the lease line 150 feet from the boundary of the Birdneck Lake neighborhood to the west. The result is a 150-foot City-owned wooded area between the neighborhood and the leased area. The most intensive activities of the camp are located over 1,000 feet from the neighborhood, which staff finds provides a buffer far in excess of anything that would be requested by staff or required by the Zoning Ordinance. To ensure, however, that the greatest degree of compatibility is achieved, staff has recommended several conditions below regarding sound and lighting. Should this Use Permit be approved, the applicant is aware that the use of the property and construction activity on the site is limited to that permitted by the Use Permit, and more specifically, the terms of the lease with the City of Virginia Beach (the lease is not being added by reference as a recommended condition of this Use Permit since the Zoning Administrator is not the appropriate enforcement agent for the lease provisions). The applicant also understands that there are engineering analyses to be conducted pertaining to site disturbance, construction activities, and public utility extensions. Such analyses may include, as deemed appropriate by the reviewing City agencies, hydrologic studies, public utility analyses, and potential routes of truck traffic to be used during construction. In sum, the applicant has submitted a proposal with a variety of activities for a segment of the city’s population that is in need of such activities, and the site plan exhibits sensitivity to surrounding land uses as well as the natural resources of the site as identified by the appropriate professionals and governmental agencies. Staff recommends approval of this request with the conditions below.


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1. Except as modified by any other condition below or as necessary during development site plan review, the site shall be developed substantially as shown on the submitted site plans entitled “Conceptual Master Plan, JT’s Camp Grom, Virginia Gentlemen Foundation” and “Phase 1 Site Concept, JT’s Camp Grom, Virginia Gentlemen Foundation,” prepared by WPL Landscape Architects and Clark Nexsen, and dated June 21, 2013.

2. There shall be no outdoor paintball games on any portion of the property.

3. Organized outdoor camp activities shall not commence prior to 7:00 a.m. and shall cease by 10:00 p.m.

4. Lighting for the site shall consist of “cut-off style fixtures” directed downward and shielded to avoid light spillover beyond the property.

5. All activity and structures within the areas identified and confirmed as non-tidal wetlands shall be conducted and constructed consistent with the appropriate regulatory standards and guidance.

6. All recreational structures (such as the ropes course and zip line) shall be designed and certified by the appropriate professionals that specialize in such structures.

NOTE: Further conditions may be required during the administration of applicable City Ordinances and Standards. Any site plan submitted with this application may require revision during detailed site plan review to meet all applicable City Codes and Standards. All applicable permits required by the City Code, including those administered by the Department of Planning / Development Services Center and Department of Planning / Permits and Inspections Division, and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, are required before any uses allowed by this Use Permit are valid. The applicant is encouraged to contact and work with the Crime Prevention Office within the Police Department for crime prevention techniques and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts and strategies as they pertain to this site.


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SUMMARY OF LEASE TERMS (as approved by City Council)

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