e Beacon July 2013 e Newsletter of the Little Light House - Tulsa, Oklahoma It’s been said that it takes a village to raise a child and that is certainly true about Grady. I’m his great-aunt, and I, along with his mother, two grandmoth- ers and his grandfather, take care of him. People oſten say that Grady is blessed to have all of us in his life, but we are the ones who are truly blessed. He has en- riched our lives tenfold and life is a lot more fun--albeit busy--with him in it. When Grady’s mom Angie was about six months pregnant, her obstetrician referred her to a specialized obstetrician because Grady wasn’t growing. He as- sured us that Grady was developing fine but that he was going to be small when he was born. Well, he was right about the small part… On April 24, 2007, we all gathered at the hospital eagerly awaiting Grady’s birth. It was supposed to be a routine delivery, but then Grady’s heart rate dropped. Angie was whisked off for an emergency C-section amid hugs, kisses and prayers. Aſter what seemed an eter- nity, the doctor came to the waiting area and uttered the dreaded phrase…“there were some complications”. He explained that when Grady was born, the umbili- cal cord was looped around his neck-- not once but twice--he wasn’t breathing and his heart wasn’t beating. rough the grace of God and medical person- nel, they got his heart beating and he was placed on a breathing machine. He spent the next couple of weeks in the in- tensive care unit. While in the PICU, the doctors dis- covered that he had four heart defects- called Tetrology of Fallot. He also had Total Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum, which means he’s missing the mid- dle part of his brain. Before he was 9 months old, he had three heart proce- dures, including open heart surgery. His doctor said his heart was working well, but they didn’t know what the effects of missing the middle part of his brain would be. He might never walk or talk- -only time would tell. When Grady was a year old, I read an article in the newspaper about the Little Light House. We put him on the wait- ing list and enrolled him in their F.L.I.P. program, where once a month, we at- tended an evening class and became familiar with the school. By the time Grady was able to attend the school full- time--aſter two years on the waiting list- -he was familiar with the school and so were we. At the time, he was three years old and could walk, but he kept his arms stretched above his head for balance. He couldn’t talk, turn a door knob, sit still in a chair, or focus on a task. All he wanted to do was push the little chairs around the classroom and keep on the move! Now, he is almost six and graduated in May. We are still in awe at what all he can do. He can walk and run with his arms at his sides-and boy does he like to run! He can do somersaults and climb ladders and even stand on one leg. He can turn door knobs and unbutton his coat and take his shoes on and off all by myself. He can talk, sing and count and he knows all the letters of the alphabet. He is even starting to read and spell some words! He is still working on fo- cusing and sitting still but he can do it a lot longer now. Aſter three years at the LLH, he’s ready to start first grade at a new school! is would not be possible if not for the Little Light House. e teachers and therapists and the volunteers are won- derful. ey are so skilled and patient and kind and they know all the latest technology on how to help children learn and grow. ey know just how much to push the children and how much help to give them. And, most im- portantly, the children are safe in their care. is school has been a blessing to Grady and our family. Please visit e Little Light House and see how it can be a blessing to you, too! 2 0 1 3 W I N N E R O F T H E O K L A H O M A N O N P R O F I T E X C E L L E N C E A W A R D N E Cover .................Fall Volunteers Needed Page 1...............Student Spotlight: Grady Weese Page 2 & 3.........2013 Graduates Page 4.................Keeping the Vision Alive Page 5.................Highlights from Marcia’s Party Page 6.................Summer Volunteer Fun! Page 7a...............Path Lighter’s Society Page 7b...............Motocross Benefits LLH In This Issue GRADY

July 2013 Little Light House Beacon

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This is our July edition of the Little Light House Beacon

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The BeaconJuly 2013

The Newsletter of the Little Light House - Tulsa, Oklahoma

It’s been said that it takes a village to raise a child and that is certainly true about Grady. I’m his great-aunt, and I, along with his mother, two grandmoth-ers and his grandfather, take care of him. People often say that Grady is blessed to have all of us in his life, but we are the ones who are truly blessed. He has en-riched our lives tenfold and life is a lot more fun--albeit busy--with him in it. When Grady’s mom Angie was about six months pregnant, her obstetrician referred her to a specialized obstetrician because Grady wasn’t growing. He as-sured us that Grady was developing fine but that he was going to be small when he was born. Well, he was right about the small part…

On April 24, 2007, we all gathered at the hospital eagerly awaiting Grady’s birth. It was supposed to be a routine delivery, but then Grady’s heart rate dropped. Angie was whisked off for an emergency C-section amid hugs, kisses and prayers. After what seemed an eter-nity, the doctor came to the waiting area and uttered the dreaded phrase…“there were some complications”. He explained that when Grady was born, the umbili-cal cord was looped around his neck--not once but twice--he wasn’t breathing and his heart wasn’t beating. Through the grace of God and medical person-nel, they got his heart beating and he was placed on a breathing machine. He spent the next couple of weeks in the in-tensive care unit. While in the PICU, the doctors dis-covered that he had four heart defects- called Tetrology of Fallot. He also had Total Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum, which means he’s missing the mid-dle part of his brain. Before he was 9 months old, he had three heart proce-dures, including open heart surgery. His doctor said his heart was working well, but they didn’t know what the effects of missing the middle part of his brain would be. He might never walk or talk--only time would tell. When Grady was a year old, I read an article in the newspaper about the Little Light House. We put him on the wait-ing list and enrolled him in their F.L.I.P. program, where once a month, we at-tended an evening class and became

familiar with the school. By the time Grady was able to attend the school full-time--after two years on the waiting list--he was familiar with the school and so were we. At the time, he was three years old and could walk, but he kept his arms stretched above his head for balance. He couldn’t talk, turn a door knob, sit still in a chair, or focus on a task. All he wanted to do was push the little chairs around the classroom and keep on the move! Now, he is almost six and graduated in May. We are still in awe at what all he can do. He can walk and run with his arms at his sides-and boy does he like to run! He can do somersaults and climb ladders and even stand on one leg. He can turn door knobs and unbutton his coat and take his shoes on and off all by myself. He can talk, sing and count and he knows all the letters of the alphabet. He is even starting to read and spell some words! He is still working on fo-cusing and sitting still but he can do it a lot longer now. After three years at the LLH, he’s ready to start first grade at a new school! This would not be possible if not for the Little Light House. The teachers and therapists and the volunteers are won-derful. They are so skilled and patient and kind and they know all the latest technology on how to help children learn and grow. They know just how much to push the children and how much help to give them. And, most im-portantly, the children are safe in their care. This school has been a blessing to Grady and our family. Please visit The Little Light House and see how it can be a blessing to you, too!











Cover.................Fall Volunteers NeededPage 1...............Student Spotlight: Grady WeesePage 2 & 3.........2013 GraduatesPage 4.................Keeping the Vision Alive

Page 5.................Highlights from Marcia’s PartyPage 6.................Summer Volunteer Fun!Page 7a...............Path Lighter’s SocietyPage 7b...............Motocross Benefits LLH

In This Issue


Congratulations2013 Graduates!

Addison Taylor3 1/2 years at LLH

I Thessalonians 5: 16-18Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Caleigh Tupas4 years at LLH

I Corinthians 2:9However, as it is written:“What no eye has seen,what no ear has heard,and what no human mind has conceived” the things God has prepared for those who love him

Connor Capps3 years at LLH

Mark 10:27Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is im-possible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

Elle McCullough2 years at LLH

Psalm 139:14I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Elliot Bennett5 years at LLH

James 1: 2-3Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

Kayden Meachem2 years at LLH

Jeremiah 29:11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Kylan Richardson1 year at LLH

Luke 2:40And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.

Kyle Marshall4 years at LLH

Psalm 139:14I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Matthew Adamson3 years at LLH

Psalm 139:16Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Noah Yankey3 years at LLH

Genesis 6:8But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Calex Hibler2 1/2 years at LLH

II Samuel 22:23All his laws are before me; I have not turned away from his decrees.

Addison Taylor3 1/2 years at LLH

I Thessalonians 5: 16-18Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Brianna Schillings2 years at LLH

Philippians 4:13I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Elliot Bennett5 years at LLH

James 1: 2-3Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

Grady Weese3 years at LLH

James:17Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Jonathan Culp4 years at LLH

Psalm 139:14I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Noah Yankey3 years at LLH

Genesis 6:8But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Penny White1 year at LLH

Proverbs 15:23A person finds joy in giving an apt reply - and how good is a timely word!

Skyler Dolph2 years at LLH

Isaiah 41:10So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Sophia Terry4 years at LLH

Jeremiah 29:11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Stephanie Story2 years at LLH

Proverbs 15:13A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.

Alan Jimenez2 years at LLH

Psalm 91:11For he will command his angels concerning youto guard you in all your ways;

Isaiah Washington1 1/2 years at LLH

John 3:16For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Jaryn Katon2 years at LLH

Isaiah 64:8Yet you, Lord, are our Father.We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

Julie Wilson, Director of TherapyWith over 40 years of experience as a Physical Therapist, Julie Wilson brings exceptional skills and expertise as the Director of the Therapy Team. Julie graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy and has worked full time in pediatrics since 1980. In 1983 she started her own private practice. She has been active in American Physical Ther-apy Association and Oklahoma Physical Therapy Association and served as an officer in various capacity including 6 years on the PT Advisory committee to the OK Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision. She specializes in neurodevelopmental treatment of infants and young children in casting, splinting, and orthotic management of the lower extremities and disorders of the gait.

Julie has been with the Little Light House since 2007 when she says the Lord called her here to bring her experience and to share in His good work. Julie believes that the Lord has brought the absolute best of the best to the therapy team at the Little Light House and is proud to serve as their director. Julie has also been called to serve children internationally as she goes with mission teams to care for children with special needs around the world. In July she went to Estonia with her church, Asbury, and members of the Little Light House Global Outreach program to train caregivers to work with children with special needs.

Julie Lipe, Director of Educational ServicesJulie Lipe heard about the Little Light House while teaching children with special needs in a small southwestern Iowa town nearly 13 years ago. Since then, Julie has been active in many different as-pects of the LLH. Starting as a teacher in the aqua class where she taught for 8 years, them moved to lead teacher and coordinator of the classrooms. Five years ago, Julie moved out of the classroom and into the position of Director of Educational Services. Julie oversees the program in all 8 classrooms and daily is inspired by the children of the school as well as the staff.

Julie also supervises the waiting list and has the great opportunity to meet with each of these families by providing them with their initial tour. When asked about the waiting list, Julie responded “Getting to know the families on the waiting list is both a blessing and sometimes heartbreaking. There are many families who are looking for and at times desperate for immediate help. To look these families in the eyes and tell them that they have to wait 2-3 years for services is very hard. It is my prayer and desire that we would be able to serve all families immediately once we hear of their needs. Plans are drawn up and we are ready to expand as soon as we have the necessary funding. I eagerly anticipate the day that I don’t have to tell a mother or father that they have to wait years for the immediate help they are seeking!”

Julie has had the opportunity to travel with the LLH to China and the Philippines to provide training seminars to educators and orphanage workers of children with special needs. “I am always amazed and inspired by these great kids. Whether in the US, China, current LLH kids or waiting list children, each of these great kids have such potential and a desire to be loved, accepted and given quality opportunities for education. The LLH excels in this area. The whole trans-disciplinary team comes together for each individual child. Due to the expertise of the staff and the fact that these kids are little fighters, we see amazing progress in development and miracles in the lives of these children!” Julie looks forward to continuing to be a part of all that God is do-ing at the LLH for years to come

From the Executive Director......As I shared with you last month, the Little Light House is blessed with an extraordinary staff that is dedicated to the mission of the Little Light House. Over the next few months I will be introducing you to some of our staff members and sharing their experience, vision, and heart for their professional areas. I am pleased to start off this month with our two “Julies” both members of our Management Team. Julie Lipe is our Director of Children’s Services, and Julie Wilson is the Director of Therapy Services. -Jean Winfrey, Executive Director

Thank you Marcia for 40 wonderful years!

MEMORIALS AND HONORARIUMSIn Honor of Amanda DrexlerIn Honor of Cassandra GaberaIn Honor of Channing SmithIn Honor of Charlie ArrowsmithIn Honor of Dylan MorrowIn Honor of Hayden ElliotIn Honor of Keith BoydIn Honor of Keith BoydIn Honor of Keith BoydIn Honor of Lane PetersenIn Honor of Lane PetersenIn Honor of Lane PetersenIn Honor of Lane PetersenIn Honor of Liz SevenoaksIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Marcia MitchellIn Honor of Patsy Postier In Honor of Sherri SmithIn Honor of Sue Ellen SmithIn Memory of Alfred HagarIn Memory of Andrew MarshallIn Memory of Andrew MarshallIn Memory of Andrew SaasIn Memory of Betty BarnettIn Memory of Betty CowanIn Memory of Bill DetamoreIn Memory of Bill SnyderIn Memory of Catarina TrissellIn Memory of Cheyenne CollinsIn Memory of Danny BartlettIn Memory of Debbie Bence BushIn Memory of: Deborah Kay HagermanIn Memory of Don IversonIn Memory of Doris Ann AbbottIn Memory of Doris Ann AbbottIn Memory of: Dorothy Jane Rogers MooreIn Honor of Nina Jane LandIn Memory of Gene MaceIn Memory of Jack GarrisonIn Memory of Joan Coulter

Ms. Molly KrummeMs. Suzanne AndersonTulsa Assets Investment ClubMr. and Mrs. Patricia MosbaughMr. and Mrs. Michael RenickMr. Michael CloudMrs. Carol HoltMrs. Carol HoltMrs. Carol HoltMr. and Mrs. Howard LundinMr. and Mrs. Howard LundinMrs. Joan KellenbergerDr. Donald and Marlis ShamblinMr. William SevenoaksMrs. Ellen TulsaAlfonso and Judith Proo, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. William OrrMr. and Mrs. Jack DelaughterMr. and Mrs. Michael DohertyMrs. and Ms. CaudleMrs. Janet BurnsideMrs. Susie FenderMs. Barbara LaceyMs. Jane HugginsMs. Mary MartinMs. Nancy PayneThe Hardesty Family Foundation Inc.The National Christian FoundationMr. and Mrs. Tom WingMs. Sherrel RudyMr. and Mrs. Claude SmithMrs. Ruby TaylorDr. Ryan MarshallMr. John L. HausamMr. and Mrs. Barry FletcherMrs. Elouise CarletonMr. Gordon DowdyMrs. Meredith BlackstockMs. Margret MckeownMr. and Mrs. Ricky GregoryMr. and Mrs. Kenneth CollinsWill Rogers Methodist/Crusaders SSCOwasso Counseling Services, PLLCMr. and Mrs. Ricky Gregory

Mr. and Mrs. James FrereMr. and Mrs. Steve MoseleyMs. Helen BuchananMrs. Jane Land

Mrs. Jane LandMr. and Mrs. Dennis HallMr. and Mrs. Gary KingMr. Paul Thompson

Jani-King INTL, Inc. Ms. Connie MosbaughMs. Faye LeCroneA.B.W.S. Tulsa, Inc. ,dba Keller Williams RealtyMr. and Mrs. David RogersMr. and Mrs. Pete ChevrierMr. Jack Morton & Mrs. Karen LongMr. Jerry HarrisonMrs. Barbara DunnMrs. Karen L HackMrs. Mary BoucherMs. Clarice BellMr. and Mrs. Anthony RackleyMs. Charlene SpearsKleinfelder Central, INC. Mr. and Mrs. Craig HansonMr. and Mrs. Franklin LambertMs. Christine HuffmanMr. and Mrs. Victor FoutchMr. and Mrs. Jack BrownMrs. Georgia KendallMr. Curtis RichisonMr. Stephen HopkinsMr. Stephen HopkinsMr. and Mrs. Kenneth WilsonMr. and Mrs. Kenneth WilsonMr. and Mrs. Lewis B. AmblerMr. and Mrs. Wayne GentMs. Judy EllisMs. Margie FineganLawn America, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Charles SprickMr. and Mrs. Fredella DowdyMr. and Mrs. Jack RusherMr. and Mrs. Jerry CoheaMr. and Mrs. Joe HopkinsMr. and Mrs. Larry KingMr. and Mrs. Mike McCartyMr. and Mrs. Roland MayMr. and Mrs. Russell TuckerMr. and Mrs. William Roberts, Jr.Mr. David ParrackMr. Thomas E. PinkleyMs. Carolyn ConleyMs. Deborah BurkeMs. Jacqueline D. ShockleyThe Smith FamilyMr. and Mrs. Richard WooldridgeMr. and Mrs. David UllmanMr. Joe StanfieldMrs. Susan Stephens

In Memory of Joan CoulterIn Memory of Kaite FairIn Memory of Kathy BiggsIn Memory of Kathy Biggs

In Memory of Kathy BiggsIn Memory of Kathy BiggsIn Memory of Kathy BiggsIn Memory of Kathy BiggsIn Memory of Kathy BiggsIn Memory of Kathy BiggsIn Memory of Kathy BiggsIn Memory of Kathy BiggsIn Memory of Kathy HolmesIn Memory of LaDonna & Barbara SumpterIn Memory of Laura Van SickleIn Memory of Margot LeeIn Memory of Margot LeeIn Memory of Marilyn JonesIn Memory of Marquita KnechtIn Memory of Martin BrownIn Memory of Martin BrownIn Memory of Mary G. RichisonIn Memory of Mr. and Mrs. F.F. LivingstonIn Memory of Mr. and Mrs. A.P. HopkinsIn Memory of Mrs. Hugh WebsterIn Honor of Helen LeeIn Memory of Nadine MeadeIn Memory of Nadine MeadeIn Memory of Nadine MeadeIn Memory of Nadine MeadeIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nellie ArtzIn Memory of Nicole Ann RustIn Memory of Patti SesowIn Memory of R.G. “Garland” ChristmasIn Memory of Samuel Stephens

A new legacy society is brightening the path of children with special needs for years to come.

The Path Lighter’s Society

A new legacy society is brightening the path of children with special needs for years to come.

June 9th marked the first annual, Day in Dirt Motocross Racing event held in Meeker, Oklahoma. Patrick and Annette Richardson of Team Autism, a local motocross racing team, approached the LLH with the idea of hosting a racing event that benefitted the children of the LLH. The event was a major hit with over 80 racers, a live auction, and even an appearance by the X Games Pro Brett Cue! Our kids had a great time playing on the bikes and watching the racers zoom by at flying speeds! Thank you Team Autism for such an exciting event! Looking forward to next year!

Dirt Motocross Racing benefits the Little Light House!

In the summer of 2011, Molly Smith, Little Light House Director of Devel-opment, nearly fainted in the lobby when she was called to the front desk to greet an unexpected visitor. The man explained that he was the executor of his friend’s estate, and that he was coming for a tour to see if the Little Light House was still performing at high standards. His goal was to present them with a check from the friend who had recently passed away. Smith said she would be happy to give him a tour, but before she started down the path to the classrooms the man pulled out some papers and handed Smith a check. After staring at the check trying to decipher the largest amount of money she had ever seen at one time, the man leaned over and whispered, “It’s half a million dollars.”

“That day was both extremely special and extremely rare,” says Smith. The LLH is blessed and surprised when individuals leave their legacy through gifts from their estate to ensure the future financial success of the minis-try. Recently the Tulsa Community Foundation presented nonprofits in Tulsa with a challenge to build their endowment programs to ensure future sustainability. This program has been underway since July of 2012. As a way to say thank you for these types of gifts, the Little Light House began work on creating a new society that is brightening the path of children with special needs for years to come. It is called the “Path Lighter’s Society”, and its purpose is to recognize the individuals that want to leave a legacy of love to special needs children.

Becoming a member is easy and comes with some special perks. Path Light-ers receive preferred seating arrangements at LLH events, an invitation to an annual event to update them on vision and accomplishments of the minis-try, and other special rewards. To join the society you don’t need to give any financial information, you need only inform the LLH that you have made a decision to include the organization in your estate- this could be through your will, trust, life insurance beneficiary, retirement beneficiary, etc. To join the society or for more information about the Path Lighter’s Society contact Molly Smith at the LLH at (918)664-6746 or [email protected].

The Little Light House5120 E. 36th St.Tulsa, OK 74135www.littlelighthouse.org

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Non-discriminatory PolicyThe Little Light House, Inc is a non-profit Christian Developmental Center for children with disabilities, age birth to six years of age. The Little Light House does not discriminate on the basis of religion, sex, color, race, national or ethnic origin, or medical diagnosis (unless the diagnosis affects the child’s ability to attend school on a regular basis) in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies

and other school administered programs. Some behavioral conditions may be evaluated on an individual basis. The Little Light House assures that all children’s records will be maintained as confidential.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created. -James 1: 17-18











Little LightsIN




The Little Light House is a Christian D

evelopmental Center providing highly

specialized education & therapeutic services to children w

ith special needs. Rem

arkably, all services are provided on a tuition-free basis.

We are seeking m

en, wom

en, and youth who desire to m

ake a di�erence in their com

munity. There are a variety of opportunities available including


inistrative, Classroom, G

rounds, Gym

, Lunchtime, Reading, and Special

Events Volunteers.

Practicum, Internship, and O

bservation opportunities available for students

No previous experience is required. Training is provided and �exible

schedules are available

Visit our website at w


.littlelighthouse.orgFor Application &

additional information, please contact

Our Volunteer Coordinator

at (918)664-6746volunteer@


Recruiting N


for the fall


2 0 1 3 WINNER O