Junar Handbook

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  • 7/31/2019 Junar Handbook


    Junar Workspace Handbook

  • 7/31/2019 Junar Handbook



    Welcome to Junar

    The following document serves as a guide to everything on the Junar platform. It will help

    guide you through the implementation of the Junar Open Data Platform as well as its functionality.

    Here youll be able to find key concept definitions that will help you understand the operation

    of the platform, as well as a step-by-step guide for the new Workflow that will lead you through

    the creation and configuration of an account, the assignment of roles to different users, the

    creation, enhancement, and publishing of data views and associated resources and, finally, the

    configuration and final setup of an Open Data microsite in an easy and secure way through our


    Table of Contents

    Welcome to Junar ..................................................................................................... 2

    What is Junar?........................................................................................................... 3

    What do you mean Open Data? ................................................................................ 3

    Junar Concepts and Definitions ................................................................................. 4

    Workspace ...................................................................................................................... 4

    Dataset ........................................................................................................................... 4

    Dataset Library ............................................................................................................... 4

    Data View ....................................................................................................................... 4

    Chart .............................................................................................................................. 4

    Dashboards..................................................................................................................... 5

    User Roles....................................................................................................................... 5

    Administrator .......................................................................................................................5

    Publisher ..............................................................................................................................5

    Enhancer ..............................................................................................................................5

    Collector ...............................................................................................................................6

    Junar Publishing Workflow ........................................................................................ 6

    Account Creation and Initial Configuration ...................................................................... 6

    Collect ............................................................................................................................ 6

    From a webpage ..................................................................................................................6

    From XLS o CSV files .............................................................................................................7Self-published Files ..............................................................................................................8

    Enhance ........................................................................................................................ 10

    Create Data Views ..............................................................................................................10

    Create Chart .......................................................................................................................17

    Create Dashboard ..............................................................................................................18

    Publish ......................................................................................................................... 20

    Review ...............................................................................................................................20

    Publishing Dashboards .......................................................................................................22

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    Report ................................................................................................................................23

    Account Administrator .................................................................................................. 23

    Account Information ..........................................................................................................23

    Other Functionalities ............................................................................................... 28

    Export Data to Google Spreadsheet ............................................................................... 28Social Sharing................................................................................................................ 29

    Embed .......................................................................................................................... 29

    Excel Addin ................................................................................................................... 30

    API .......................................................................................................................... 30

    What is Junar?

    Like most human projects, Junar is born out of a necessity: to be able to find the data we need

    in a fast and friendly way, to work with it quickly, to organize it as we wish, and to be able to share

    it with whomever we want. Junar is an Open Data Platform that easily enables governments,

    organizations, and businesses to harness the power of their data and allow consumers to find and

    access this information in a usable format.

    What do you mean Open Data?For us at Junar, Open Data is both a concept and praxis, or a concept brought to practical

    application. It is a concept because it contains a simple, yet revolutionary idea: that all data that is

    produced under the auspice of governmental institutions is public data, and thus it should be

    available in an easy-to-access format.

    In short, our definition of Open Data refers to:

    a) The publication of all data that is generated by government institutions and that could

    be of public interest.

    b) The creation of an interface that enables users to easily access such data in multiple


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    Junar Concepts and Definitions


    The Workspace is an end-to-end solution for those institutions that want to open their data.

    They can open data by creating datasets that are then used to make views and charts, and finally

    are published to the web in a microsite of Open Data. Of course, the Workspace also provides

    administration tools to manage the data throughout the entire process. The administrators have

    the capacity to control, create, edit, manage, and approve all aspects of the process and also

    control users through a permission-based role system.


    We understand a dataset as all kinds of data that are likely to be opened through ourplatform. These datasets can be obtained from a website (in HTML format as files that are on the

    network) or from database files in the network themselves. Currently, our platform supports the

    following types of files to be converted into datasets: HTML, CSV, XLS, XLSX, ODT, ODS, DOC and


    Dataset Library

    The Dataset Library its a private online repository containing all the sources, online or self-

    published, that have been previously used or collected, even if there hasnt been any resource

    created from them, to be easily found and reused whenever the need arises without having to

    search or reupload the file.Everytime a dataset is collected from a website, a web hosted file or from your own computer,

    its automatically added as a source in the Dataset Library.

    Data View

    A data view, or simple a view, is a customized selection of data extracted from a dataset,

    whether be a single cell, a combination of rows and columns, or even entire tables, which are

    linked to the source dataset through the Junar Open Data platform engine and are updated every

    time changes are made to the dataset. The update works automatically on-demand if the source is

    web hosted or, in case of selfpublished files, immediately after the source file of the dataset is

    updated in the Junar Workspace.This view works independently of the dataset, so it can be invoked through the API,

    downloaded, create graphs from it, exported, embedded in other sites, added to user collections,



    A chart is a data resource created from a data view that can be individually shared and/or

    added to a collection. Its a graphic representation of a selection of the data pulled by the user

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    from the data view. We currently support the following chart types: columns, bars, pie chart, line,

    area, geo and map.


    A Dashboard is a custom collection of data views and charts that is suitable for publishing

    within an Open Data microsite and can be shared directly through social networks and/or othercommunication channels. A Dashboard usually focuses on a single topic chosen by the user and

    contains as many resources as the user would like to share.

    User Roles

    With a role, you can assign different users within an account a number of privileges associated

    with their responsibilities in the process of opening the institutions data. There are four main

    roles covering all aspects of management and administration in the process of open and

    publication of data. These roles are listed and defined below, in order of decreasing access:Administrator

    The Administrator is responsible for managing and supervising the entire process of opening

    up data within the Junar Open Data platform. He/she has access and permissions to perform all

    the actions of other users. He/she also has access to add or remove users, change roles, edit the

    categories of the dashboard, and configure the branding of the microsite. The administrator

    inherits all permissions from other roles and can perform all actions within the Workspace.


    The Publisher is responsible for taking data that has been created by the enhancers and

    deciding if it is suitable for opening. A Publisher may, therefore, approve or reject datasets, views,

    graphs and collections that have been generated by the enhancers of the team. He/she may also

    define which of the approved data will be published within the microsite. He/she can also change

    the amount of datasets/views and the order in which they appear in each collection. Finally, the

    publisher inherits all the permissions of the Enhancers and Collectors.Enhancer

    The Enhancer is responsible for producing and improving views, collections and graphs from

    datasets collected by Collectors or other Enhancers. Once produced, he/she can choose to save

    the data as drafts or send them for review by other team members (Publishers and

    Administrators). An Enhancer can create collections, or groups of collections, to be proposed as

    Open Data to a microsite, can save collections for later review, can edit the contents of the

    collections, and can create graphs from data views for inclusion in the collections. The Enhancer

    also has the ability to collect datasets as a Collector.

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    The Collector is responsible for collecting datasets from the network or from a proprietary

    database and adding them to a common repository of the account. This repository can be saved

    as a draft and sent for review by other users to be added permanently to the library. The Collector

    can also create views of data and send them for review.Junar Publishing Workflow

    In the following section well present a step-by-step guide of the Publishing Workflow. This

    Workflow includes the entire process of opening your data, from data collection through microsite


    Account Creation and Initial Configuration

    During the account creation process youll be asked for an organization name and a name tocreate your Admin URL, which will give you direct access to your data publishing workflow, in

    addition to the regular data requested to create an account (username, password and email


    Once the account is created youll enter into the Publishing Workflow welcome screen, in

    which youll find a seven-day summary of all the recent account activity as well as some basic

    Open Data metrics related to your account.


    From a webpage

    If you wish to create a Data View from a table of your favorite webpage, weve made it really

    simple: you just have to go to the Collect box from the top navigation bar and then click on the

    Collect Dataset green box at the left side, and then choose the A website page option. There

    you include the title, the label and the description you want and then you insert a valid link in the

    URL box and click Publish.

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    From XLS o CSV files

    Go to the Collect box at the top navigation bar, then click on the Collect Dataset green box

    at the left side and choose the A website page

    option. Insert the title, label and description youwant and once you have inserted a valid link of your XLS or CSV file, click the Publish button.

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    Self-published Files

    We atJunarunderstand that in most circumstances, you will need to publish files that are on

    your own hard drive. To do so, first click the Collect box in the top navigation bar, then click onthe Collect Dataset green box at the left side and finally choose the My Computeroption.

    Insert the title, label and description and then click on the Select Filebox.

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    There is a section where you can select the files you want to publish from your computer.

    Currently, Junar supports HTML, CSV, XLS, XLSX, ODT, ODS, DOC and KML files. Once you have

    selected the file you want, click Publish.

    For Google Docs

    In the menu, click File and then Publish to the web. Next, copy the URL that Google Docs

    provides and paste it into Collect Datasetby the A web page option on Junar.

    You can select all of the sheets and they will appear one under the other on Junar.

    For Dropbox

    You must save the file in the Dropbox/Public folder. Then there are two options:

    1.- Go to the Dropbox site and log into your account, then go to the Public folder (inside the

    navigator) and once you are inside, in the blue arrow menu that will appear on the right side of

    each file, choose Copy public link. Copy the URL that Dropbox provides and paste it to the

    Collect Datasetline by the A web page option on Junar.

    2.- Go to Dropbox/Public folder on your computer and right click over the file you want to

    publish on Junar. Then, go to the Dropbox menu and click Copy public link. Copy the URL that

    Dropbox provides and paste it to the Collect Dataset by the A web page option on Junar.

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    Once you are done with the link, you have to insert a title, label and description for your

    Dataset which will be stored like a draft in the library. It can then be used to create a Data View as

    we explain below.


    Create Data Views

    Basic Information

    The screen of Data Views displays the list of Data Views created, from newest to oldest. It is

    possible to show up to 100 items per page on the list. Each Data View is unique based on its title,

    the category to which it belongs, who the creator is (Owner), what the main dataset is (Dataset)1,

    what the date and time of last modification were (Last Modified), and the current status. There

    are seven possible statuses: Draft, Pending review, Under review, Approved, Rejected,

    Unpublished, and Published. The Data View of an Enhancer will always start in the Draft status.

    The final column is Actions for the Data View: Submit (send to Publisher for review) - Edit (Edit the

    Data View) - Delete (Delete Data View) - Create Chart (Create Graph from Data View)

    Create a Data View from a DataSet

    To create a Data View you must click the green box on the left side. The

    following box will appear, providing three options. The first is Search Datasets, which allows us to

    search the library. The other two options are the two Collect methods, as described above.

    1Its important to emphasize that from a single Dataset, you can create as many Data Views as you


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    Select Table

    To select the required Dataset click Next on the right side.

    On the next screen, all tabular elements are displayed and delineated with dashed orange

    lines. In the same dataset there can be multiple tables which will be shown replicating the

    structure of the webpage or, in case of a selfpublished spreadsheet, directly one sheet below the

    other over a white background.

    When the table is selected, it becomes orange. After selecting the appropriate table, hit


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    Select data

    The following table is then shown, which allows us to select what data to use. In this first

    example, we have selected all the data in Table clicking the button.

    Select specific data

    In the second example, columns (B and D) and rows (1 to 13) have been selected manually.

    The cross selection is marked with a dark green color.

    Advanced Options

    All of the advnaced features can be activated only during the creation process. To do so, youneed to select some data during the Select data step and then click on Enable advanced mode.

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    Select table headers

    Headers keeps a chosen row frozen and on top of the data view, allowing proper information

    containing data context always visible as you scroll down. To do this, just click on Select Headers,

    then select the row where they are located, then click Done.

    Add a Filter

    Filters are very useful when the consultation of a particular value on a single column from a

    big dataset is needed, for instance if we want to know the number of high schools per state. So we

    are going to set a filter to be able to type a state and check the ranking and value. Below, the

    columns are selected and we enable the advanced mode.

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    Now we recreate a data view and in the creation we choose select Add a filter and select the

    column where you want to set the filter; in this case, we are choosing column B because we want

    to be able to type in the name for our search.

    There are two important options for filters: Values and Select, described below.


    a. Are equal to: this means that what you are going to type is exactlywhat appears on the


    b. Are not equal to: this will exclude the typed value from your query

    c. Are greater than and Are less than: this is for numeric values and is able to return values

    higher or lower than your query. They function as < and >.

    d. Contains: this means that what you are going to type to do the search is going to be similar

    to what appears in the column (if you typed Dakota it would get results for both North Dakota and

    South Dakota)


    a. Parameter: this will enable you to have a text box so you can enter your queries.

    b. Fixed value: this will be a specific parameter for the query and you wont be able to change

    it. This helps when what you want to do is follow a certain state for example.

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    For this example we are going to use are equal to and a parameter.

    Add a name and a description to the parameter. You can also set a default value for the


    When finished just click on SET and then click on . Now you can save the Data View

    and use the parameter to check different states.


    This is a feature for developers only: its meant for them to name the columns as they want

    (give them an alias) so its easier to recognize them when processing a data stream through the


    To add aliases simply click on Add aliases which will allow you to input the information

    through text boxes thatll appear over each column. Spaces, letters and numbers are allowed.

    When the aliases have been added, click Done.

    The aliases wont be visible on the website in any way, they only appear when a view is

    invoked though the API and selecting the prettyjson output.

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    Name the Data View

    The title supports 100 characters and the description 140 characters. A Label / Category is

    mandatory, the tags are optional, but are helpful in as they enhance the search responsiveness of

    the data within the catalog and for SEO purposes.

    Previous and Save

    This stage is made to check if the information is correctly entered, and if not, to click the Previous

    buttonand correct what is needed. After saving, it is not possible to edit a Data Views content anymore;

    however, it will be always possible to edit the Data View name and description. The new Data View can beSaved as a Draft or put immediately to validation.

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    Create Chart

    A chart allows you to visually organize your data. The following example shows how to create

    a chart.

    Click on in any existing Data View in the list.

    The chart creation process has three main steps divided in little boxes: Start, Chart Types and

    Customize. The first step is to choose the data you want to use for the visualization (do not select

    headers or labels, only data) and click on .

    Then, choose the type of chart you want. Remember that for the GEO and Maps visualizations

    you must use coordinates (Latitude, longitude).

    Once you have chosen your type of chart, you can Customize the chart to add some details

    and extra options. Adding headers, labels and X-Y axis names will make your chart easier to


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    For example adding labels improves interpretation. To add labels, simply your labels from the

    data, as seen below.

    After adding labels:

    Click on save and your visualization will be ready on your dashboard.

    Create Dashboard

    Creating a dashboard is very simple:

    1. Log in with your username and password to Junars website.

    2. On the welcome screen click the Enhance button in the top navigation bar. You will know

    be viewing the Data Views Manager screen where you can view the Data Views, Charts and

    Dashboards. On the left side, choose the Create Dashboard green box.

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    3. Once you have clicked that green box, you have to insert a title, description and category,

    and optional tags that will make it easier for you to find your dashboard in a search. Then click


    4. With your Dashboard created, you need to add the Data Views that you want to store and

    follow in your Dashboard. To do so, search through the search options of the upper right corner

    that shows you the Data Views that match your query, and then click the button.

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    Any published Data View must be approved by the admins before official publication.


    The main screen of Publish has, on its left side, a series of filters that allow us to search any

    data view, chart or dashboard already created. On the top navigation bar there are five tabs, the

    first four contain a list of creations, and the fifth corresponds to features, which we will explain



    According to the state of your publication, each creation has a status, each implying specific

    actions. This is very useful when managing Datasets, Data Views and charts.


    Draft The creation has

    not been put up to

    revision. This status is

    only visible on the

    Enhancer list

    Submit Put it to revision

    to the publisher

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    Pending Review The creation has

    been sent to revision

    Review / Delete** Check the


    Under Review* The publisher is

    checking the creation

    Approve/ Reject/


    Approval of the

    creation/ rejection of

    the creation /

    Publishing of the


    Approved After being

    checked, the publisher

    has approved the


    Publish/ Delete

    Rejected After being

    checked, the publisher

    rejected the creation


    Published The creation has

    been accepted by the

    publisher and is visible

    on the microsite


    Unpublished The publish

    creation is invisible on

    the microsite

    Publish/ Delete

    * In the case of the Under Reviews status, options are only visible and the moment of

    clicking Review in the Publisher tab

    ** The delete action has two choices: you can delete the resource entirely, or you could delete

    the last revision which will undo the latest changes.

    There are four possible actions to be performed by the publisher (Delete, Submit, Publish, and

    Unpublish), and all are available for each creation (Datasets, Data Views, Charts and Dashboards).

    To use them you just have to select the checkbox next to the creation and select the desired

    action near the top of the table.

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    Publishing Dashboards

    One note to keep in mind is that as soon as you publish or unpublish a collection, all theresources inside the collection will be published or unpublished.


    Featured is a configuration tool allowing you to organize the collections in a microsite. All

    collections you want visible must be put on the right side of the box using the arrows. With the up

    and down arrows, you can order them as you wish and theyll be automatically displayed on your


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    The Report is only accessible to Publishers and Admins. It delivers information concerning the

    number of visits to the microsite. There are two possible views: the first one is a chronological

    graph, and the second is a chart, organized by Data View.

    Account Administrator

    The Account Administrator profile can perform all actions of previous profiles. Although it is

    not recommended, it is possible to have more than one administrator on the microsite. The Admin

    is the one in charge of managing the account settings:

    You can access the admin options by clicking the icon on the upper right corner.

    Account Information

    In this little box you will see two main titles, described below:

    Account Information

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    Here you can insert the basic account information like Organization Name, Description

    and the URL of the website.

    Contact Information

    In these boxes you can insert the information of the Contact Person: the e-mail address, thecountry, and a phone number. It is important to note that this information will be visible only to



    You can create a new user by selecting the Create a new user button in the upper right-hand

    corner and completing the necessary fields. Once you click Save, Junar will send you an e-mail

    to confirm and activate your new user. After the user is confirmed he/she can customize most of

    the aspects of his/her new account except for the role, which is a privilege of the Account


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    In this tab you have two options:

    Branded Open Data Site:

    This option enables you to integrate your customized Open Data dashboards into your

    website. It includes the option to add a header and footer. The branded site mirrors your existing

    website and enables your audience full access to your published data.

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    Customize Display

    Here you can use the color picker to customize the colors of the Open Data Site with the ones

    of your brand. You can add colors for the microsite titles, buttons and the mouse-over state for

    data views.


    Here you can enable or disable the social options by clicking on the left checkboxes of each

    option. This way, Junar makes it easy for your Open Data to be shareable via various social

    networking sites and searchable by search engines, driving additional views and engagement.

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    Custom Domain Settings

    On this screen, you may insert the URL that will identify the site. You also receive a unique URL

    to access your very own API.

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    In Categories you may add the categories you want to identify easier your data views; you

    also can delete those you dont want anymore.

    Other Functionalities

    Export Data to Google Spreadsheet

    Just like you can create a Data Stream from a file you have on Google Docs, we give you the

    opportunity to do the inverse process and fill your spreadsheets with dynamic content directly

    from the web.

    Imagine the possibility of having your spreadsheets updated constantly without having to look

    for the data every time you need it. Every calculation you make on this data will also be

    immediately updated in Junar and then directly to your docs with a few clicks.

    To do this you have to follow the following instructions:1. Find the data stream you wish toembedon the Google Spreadsheet

    2. Go to Actions menu placed on the right bottom side, and click onn the Google


    That will give a link similar to:

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    3. Insert that link into an empty cell of your document and wait a few seconds to see how the

    cells are being filled with the data directly from Junar. Every time the source chances, these cells

    will be updated.

    4. Save the changes you have made.

    Social Sharing

    By activating the social sharing checkbox in the Social tab of the account admin youll give

    users and visitors the capability to viralize your data resources on various social networks. You will

    be able to share in Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and generate a short link in the URL box

    to share via e-mail or IM with whoever you want with a single click


    Embed refers to the action through which we intermingled some of the Junar capabilities into

    another source, generally a website, located outside Junars platform. This is done by HTML code

    thats generated ready to be pasted directly inside the source code of the external website. When

    you generate the HTML, we give you the option to change the iframe height and width, as well as

    the possibility to freeze rows in addition to whatever headers you might have.

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    Excel Addin

    The Excel Addin is a plugin to the popular software MS Excel that allows you to search and

    embed Junar views directly in your Excel spreadsheets by an intuitive interface. This software isavailable for the following Operating Systems: Windows Vista/ 7 and Windows XP and for the

    Office 2007 and Office 2010 versions of the platform. To download the software and review the

    addin documentation visit this link:http://wiki.junar.com/index.php/Excel_AddIn


    The API of Junar allows you direct access to the Junar catalog and its engine for the

    development of apps, consumption of data views, searching of views or collections inside our

    catalog, and accessing views and collections property. It uses a RESTful interface and returns thedata in JSON format.

    Our API gives free, anonymous access for all users who want to use it. Its only requisite is to

    request an auth key, which is done in a single click on the Junar Developers page at

    http://community.junar.com/developers. For those who have a greater consumption needs, we also

    have special API consumptions plans available.

    For further information and documentation about the API visit:


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    If you need further help or assistance, please consider the following contacts

    Email [email protected]@junar.com

    Skype : junar.support or junar.developers

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]