IN THIS PUBLICATION 1 Attack helicopters for export and not only Page 26 According to predictions of Forecast International, during the period from 2016 to 2025 the world industry will make 4791 medium-sized/heavy military helicopters with a total cost of $115.7 billion. The FI forecast was made only for new helicopters without upgraded and retrofitted aircraft. The thing is that in recent years, focus in most military purchase programs has been shifted in favor of new helicopters. And a part of moderniza- tion programs is transformed to new developments (MH- 60R, UH-60M, CH-53K). Development and introduction of production technologies sharply reduced a difference in cost between the new and upgraded models. Special Equipment – strong point of the Russian Helicopter Sector Page 30 In March, 2017, at the “Arctic – Territory of Dialog” Interna- tional Forum which took place in the city of Arkhangelsk, Russian Helicopters presented a new special type of heli- copter – the promising multipurpose “Arctic” Mi 8AMT. While the military version of this helicopter had its debut last year, now the time has come for the helicopter that is of interest for commercial operators. In particular, the Mi 8AMT in the Arctic modification is a civilian version of the Mi 8AMTSh VA developed based on the Mi 8AMTSh V and specially adapted to use in Arctic conditions. www.helicopter.su Return to the Mistrals Page 8 One of the most curious news items on the weapons mar- ket with participation of the RF during the last half-year may have been the beginning of implementation of the contract between Russia and Egypt for delivery of Ka 52 helicopters in deck-based version. The cooperation brinks Page 18 Today, more than 400 helicopters of Russian manufacture are in use in the civilian and military sectors of the PRC. Civilian organizations use the well-known helicopters of the Mi 8/17/171, Mi 26, and Ka 32 types. Chinese naval forces successfully employ the Ka 28 and Ka 31 ship-based heli- copters. Other articles Russia Helicopters is a modern technology company looking to the future Page 2 An inextricable linkage of times Page 4 喀山直升机制造厂: 完美的直升机完美的计算 Page 12 The best place never goes 联合发动机公司 建立未来的引擎 Page 22 «Helicopter Industry» magazine is a publication Helicopter Industry Association of Russia (HIA) Editorial/advertising Editor Vladimir Orlov [email protected] English editor Alan Norris Maker-up Irina Danenova Advertising manager Marina Bulat [email protected] Translator Moscow Translation Agency MTA, Inna Frolova, Translation Agency Translink Photographer Dmitri Kazachkov Photos by Dmitri Kazachkov, Dmitri Lifanov, Alan Norris, Sergei Alexandrov, Michael Bibichkov, by companies Eurocopter, UTair Aviation, Russian Helicopters, Vertical-T, Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, Aviamarket Publisher Russian Helicopter Systems Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk, 65- 66 km Moscow Ring Road, IEC “Crocus Expo”. Pavilion № 3, office 332, 143402 Tel. + 7 (495) 926-60-66 URL: www.helisystems.ru © «Вертолетная индустрия», 2006-2017 © «Helicopter Industry in Russia», 2017 Dear friends! You can subscribe to «Helicopter Industry in Russia» (English ver- sion) 1 year subscription (6 issues) – 100 EUR (165 $) 6 months subscription (3 issues) – 55 EUR (82 $) Please send your subscription order by email to: [email protected] Contact us: + 7 (495) 926-60-66 Marina Bulat The magazine is published with fi- nancial support of JSC Russian Helicopters june 2017


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Page 1: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION



Attack helicopters for export and not onlyPage 26

According to predictions of Forecast International, duringthe period from 2016 to 2025 the world industry will make4791 medium-sized/heavy military helicopters with a totalcost of $115.7 billion.

The FI forecast was made only for new helicopters withoutupgraded and retrofitted aircraft. The thing is that in recentyears, focus in most military purchase programs has beenshifted in favor of new helicopters. And a part of moderniza-tion programs is transformed to new developments (MH-60R, UH-60M, CH-53K). Development and introduction ofproduction technologies sharply reduced a difference incost between the new and upgraded models.

Special Equipment – strong point of the Russian Helicopter SectorPage 30

In March, 2017, at the “Arctic – Territory of Dialog” Interna-tional Forum which took place in the city of Arkhangelsk,Russian Helicopters presented a new special type of heli-copter – the promising multipurpose “Arctic” Mi 8AMT.While the military version of this helicopter had its debutlast year, now the time has come for the helicopter that is ofinterest for commercial operators. In particular, the Mi8AMT in the Arctic modification is a civilian version of theMi 8AMTSh VA developed based on the Mi 8AMTSh V andspecially adapted to use in Arctic conditions.


Return to the MistralsPage 8

One of the most curious news items on the weapons mar-ket with participation of the RF during the last half-yearmay have been the beginning of implementation of thecontract between Russia and Egypt for delivery of Ka 52helicopters in deck-based version.

The cooperation brinksPage 18

Today, more than 400 helicopters of Russian manufactureare in use in the civilian and military sectors of the PRC.Civilian organizations use the well-known helicopters of theMi 8/17/171, Mi 26, and Ka 32 types. Chinese naval forcessuccessfully employ the Ka 28 and Ka 31 ship-based heli-copters.

Other articles

Russia Helicopters is a modern technologycompany looking to the futurePage 2

An inextricable linkage of timesPage 4

喀山直升机制造厂: 完美的直升机完美的计算Page 12

The best place never goes 联合发动机公司建立未来的引擎Page 22

«Helicopter Industry»magazine is a publicationHelicopter Industry Association ofRussia (HIA)


EditorVladimir [email protected]

English editor Alan Norris

Maker-upIrina Danenova

Advertising managerMarina [email protected]

Translator Moscow Translation Agency MTA, Inna Frolova, Translation AgencyTranslinkPhotographerDmitri Kazachkov

Photos byDmitri Kazachkov, Dmitri Lifanov, AlanNorris, Sergei Alexandrov, MichaelBibichkov, by companies Eurocopter,UTair Aviation, Russian Helicopters,Vertical-T, Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant,Aviamarket

Publisher Russian Helicopter SystemsMoscow Region, Krasnogorsk, 65-66 km Moscow Ring Road, IEC“Crocus Expo”. Pavilion № 3, office332, 143402

Tel. + 7 (495) 926-60-66 URL: www.helisystems.ru

© «Вертолетная индустрия»,2006-2017© «Helicopter Industry in Russia»,2017

Dear friends! You can subscribe to «HelicopterIndustry in Russia» (English ver-sion)1 year subscription (6 issues) – 100EUR (165 $)6 months subscription (3 issues) –55 EUR (82 $) Please send your subscription orderby email to: [email protected] us:+ 7 (495) 926-60-66Marina Bulat

The magazine is published with fi-nancial support of JSC RussianHelicopters

june 2017

Page 2: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION

almost without our participation. The subse-quent active promotion of Russian Helicop-ters on the global markets has brought apositive dynamic to the Russian-Chinese col-

laboration. At present, aftersale service pro-grams and new opportunities for cooperationhave supplemented the traditional advan-tages of our helicopters.



The East Asian market for helicopterequipment, which includes China, is verydiverse in terms of its partnership prefer-ences. A number of countries are invari-ably oriented towards Americanproducers; somewhere the European vec-tor predominates, mainly represented byAirbus Helicopters; and there are coun-tries with an appreciable Soviet back-ground. But currently those preferencesare much more mobile than previously—competition among manufacturers isgrowing. Such major players as India andthe People’s Republic of China have longpracticed profound diversification. Whatis the Russian Helicopters Holding Com-pany undertaking to support a high levelof trust in its products and step up itspresence on this market?

The East Asian market is indeed extremelydiverse, and although there are certain com-mon traits, one must speak separately aboutthe key players. Let us mention that Indiaand China have very different histories of de-velopment of the helicopter industry. In con-trast to India, the PRC entered into activecooperation with helicopter manufacturers inthe US and Europe some 25 years ago; inearlier times China supplemented its entiremilitary and civilian air fleet exclusively withSoviet and Russian-made helicopters.

And although Russian equipment during thisperiod remained the largest component ofthe country’s air fleet, re-armament and de-velopment of new programs was underway

helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017

Russian civilian helicopters are actively used in the PRC and interest in these aircraft continues to grow

Russia Helicopters is a modern technology company looking to the future

An interview with the DeputyDirector General forMarketing and BusinessDevelopment of RussianHelicopters AlexanderShcherbinin

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Russia Helicopters is for its Chinese cus-tomers not only a reliable partner but also amodern technology company looking to thefuture, constantly bringing to market newproducts within model ranges and continuingto modernize its proven bestsellers.

Currently, more than 400 Russian-made heli-copters are in use in the civilian and militarysectors of the PRC. These include differentvariations of civilian helicopters of Mi 8/17,Mi 26, and Ka 32 types and combat aircraftlike the Mi 24/35 and Ka type helicopters ofChina’s sea-based aviation.

Russian helicopters are reliable, safe, and ef-ficient. They can be used in high mountainterrain as well as in challenging weather con-ditions or in high humidity. Trust of customersis of course earned by high flight perform-ance, reliability, ability to be used under awide range of conditions and temperatures(from 50 to +50 °C), multi-mission capability,ease of operation and maintenance.

It is worth mentioning that Russian civilian hel-icopters are actively used in the PRC for peo-ple search and rescue and firefighting, andinterest in these aircraft continues to grow.

The Russian Helicopters Holding Companyoffers its Chinese customers the latest mid-class helicopters – the Mi 171A2 and Mi 38 –as well as the light “Ansat” helicopter; the Mi38 is considered one of the most promisingaircraft manufactured in Russia. This heli-copter is made completely from Russiancomponents and can fly at exclusively greatspeeds and heights. Its range of applicationis also broad: from carrying cargo and pas-sengers to conducting search-and-rescueand medical missions.

Thanks to its relatively low price in compari-son to competitors and high quality of heli-copter equipment, I think we can hope for anincrease in supplies both to China and othercountries in the region.

I wonder what examples of Russianequipment do the Chinese operators tryto master right now? When we speak

about the latest deliveries.

At the beginning of March, China received ashipment of Mi 171s pursuant to a contractbetween China General Aviation Service andRussian Helicopters. The equipment is in-tended to be used for fighting forest fires andenvironmental protection.

The aircraft underwent the full cycle of test-ing at the plant, following which they weresuccessfully delivered under their own powerto the customer’s base in the city of Shiheziin the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region ofthe PRC.

The equipment installed onboard the Mi 171helicopters makes it possible to carry out airflight tasks, including in the very tough condi-tions of the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Re-gion. In particular, the equipment includes anauxiliary power plant, the SAFIR, which al-lows to increase altitude performance atstarting, and external sling – for transportingoversize cargo with a weight of up to 4tonnes, as well as a rescue hoist. This ver-sion of the Mi 171 features a wider right-sidesliding door, a supplemental fuel tank insidethe cargo cabin, and a searchlight.

Mi 171s in this configuration are alreadybeing used for environmental monitoring andfor firefighting by the authorities of the mostextensive Chinese province which has on itsterritory both a sandy desert and the highmountain ridges of the Eastern Tian ShanMountains (at an elevation of around 7000meters). This is yet another confirmation ofthe fact that Russian-made helicopters aresuccessfully operated throughout the entireterritory of China, including in regions withsevere climatic and terrain conditions.

Mi 171 helicopters have long been usedthroughout the territory of the PRC for trans-porting and evacuating people from naturaldisaster areas, as well as for transportingvarious cargos, including medications, hu-manitarian aid, and construction materials.

The second place among the Russian hel-icopters for civilian purposes in the PRC

is tightly held by Ka 32 helicopters withvarious modifications. Will China con-tinue to purchase these helicopters forcarrying out a wide range of civil mis-sions?

Helicopters of the Ka 32 type have been ac-tively operated in China for several yearsnow for firefighting and search and rescuemissions. Built on a coaxial design, this heli-copter is considered one of the best for fight-ing complex fires under urban conditions.Therefore it has proved itself in China with itshigh mountain regions and modern mega-lopolises.

At the beginning of the year, Russian Heli-copters completed a delivery of the firstbatch of Ka 32A11BC multipurpose helicop-ters to the Chinese company Jiangsu BaoliAviation Equipment Investment.

The agreement for delivery of the four Ka32A11BC helicopters was signed in Novem-ber, 2015. Under the terms of the contract,the first batch of two aircraft has alreadybeen delivered to the customer, with twomore helicopters to be delivered in 2017.

Russian Helicopters has previously deliveredeleven helicopters of the Ka 32 type to vari-ous Chinese customers. Three aircraft weresupplied in in 2015, and a number of con-tracts with Jiangsu Baoli were signed duringthe China Aviation and Aerospace Exposition2016 exhibition, including delivery of one Ka32A11BC helicopter in 2017, along with de-livery of aviation inventory for aircraft of thattype.

Considering the further growth in the fleet ofRussian-made helicopters in China, theRussian Helicopters Holding Company isalso actively working out the question of cre-ating technical maintenance centers on theterritory of the PRC.

As far as we know, customers in the PRCkeep showing great interest in this aircraft,and we expect that collaboration regardingthe Ka 32 as part of Chinese air fleet replen-ishment and renovation will be continued.


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Оn 14 Aug 1932 TsAGI 1-EA helicopter under the control of A. Cheremukhin rose into the air up to a height of 605 meters


4 helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017

An inextricable linkage of timesThis year Russia’s helicopter community marks several significant dates together. The first and probably the most important isthat the Helicopters Russia Holding Company becomes ten years old. By this time it has become one of the world’s leaders in thefield of helicopter construction. And that is not surprising: in spite of the fact that the holding company was founded in 2007, itskey enterprises have more than a 70-year history. Another meaningful event, without doubt, is the tenth annual HeliRussiainternational exhibition to be held at the end of May this year, which has become a showcase of achievements of the Russianhelicopter industry in the modern history.

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group led by Cheremukhin. In addition tohim, the group included young helicopterconstruction enthusiasts: V. A. Kuznetsof, I.P. Bratukhin, A. M. Izakson. Later M. L. Mil,N. K. Skrzhinskiy, N. I. Kamov, and V. P.Lapisov, who had worked on autogiros andwere later to become well known Soviet hel-icopter designers, joined the group. OtherSoviet engineers were also collaborators ofCheremukhin, and later they became lead-ing specialists in the field.

First of all, the developers plunged into theo-retical research on various helicopter androtor schemes. After that, on a test standbuilt at TsAGI, experimental research wasbegun on a rotor with a diameter of 6 meters.Later, in 1928, work was begun to create anexperimental helicopter. The first experi-mental helicopter built in the Soviet Unionwas named TsAGI 1-EA (which means thefirst experimental aircraft). It was decided tobuild the helicopter according to a designthat had already been proposed and createdin 1909 to 1912 by B. N. Yuryev.



Secret anniversaryAnd here is something about one anniver-sary that we celebrate in the 17th year ofthe second millennium, but probably fewpeople know about it, although it is directlyconnected with the first two—if it hadn’tbeen for that one, the first two would notexist…

Well, we won’t keep you hanging. Let usjust recall that 85 years ago—on 14 August1932—an experimental TsAGI 1-EA heli-copter under the control of the pilot and air-craft designer Aleksey Cheremukhin roseinto the air up to a height of 605 meters.Cheremukhin then exceeded the officialworld record by 34 times! The creation ofthat rotorcraft, also known as Chere-mukhin’s helicopter, was a real break-through in the history of helicopterconstruction and a completion of the char-acteristics of such propeller-winged ma-chines. But it should be noted here that atthat time all work on such a helicopter washeld in absolute secret, so nothing wasknown about the designer’s record flight notonly throughout the world but in the USSRas well.

Of course that’s not a secret today, so let’sjust remember that person and his brain-child, for without them, as also withoutmany others, there would be nothing for usto remember.

From the early days of the Central Aerohy-drodynamic Institute (TsAGI), AlekseyCheremukhin worked there together withother well-known students of professor N.Ye. Zhukovskiy and participated closely increating the first Soviet aviation researchestablishment. He was the one named in1927 to become the leader of TsAGI opera-tions to design rotorcraft (autogiros and hel-icopters). The outcome of the group’s jointwork was the TsAGI 1 EA helicopter.

Helicopter technology development startedat TsAGI in 1925, under the leadership ofB. N. Yuryev. A year earlier it was he whoheaded the experimental aerodynamic sec-tion, consisting of a special helicopter

In July 1930, after developing unique,purely helicopter-related assemblies, includ-ing a central reducer, a four-blade rotor,freewheels, and other components of acomplex transmission, the specialists turnedto full-scale testing of the first helicopter.And our designers achieved phenomenalsuccess in their work, as was shown twoyears later.

Alas, the TsAGI 1-EA, along with other heli-copters built by the specialists from thisworld-renowned research center, were notdestined to become prototypes for mass-produced machines, but without them it isimpossible to imagine the establishment ofthe Soviet school of helicopter construction.Those who worked on the earliest model in-cluded outstanding scientists and design-ers, such as A. M. Izakson, K. A. Bunkin, A.F. Maurin, G. I. Solntsev, and I. P.Bratukhin, who became later a professor atthe Moscow Aviation Institute, laureate ofthe State Prize, and chief designer of theOmega helicopters, and many others whosenames are eternally inscribed in the historyof our aviation construction.

That was the first world-level helicopterachievement, when the Soviet (Russian)helicopter industry made a bold and sub-stantial step toward its great future.

Yes, then there was oblivion; yes, with theWorld War II it became necessary to solveother issues. After the war, again noprospects were seen for the development ofrotorcraft until the Americans used helicop-ters massively in the Korean War andshowed to the whole world their importanceand indispensability. And then all theachievements of the domestic helicopterconstruction pioneers became useful, andtheir students created the USSR’s powerfulhelicopter fleet.

Rotorcraft cyclicalityThe revival of the industry at the end of thefirst decade of the millennium came with thecreation of the Helicopters Russia HoldingCompany and the first HeliRussia Exhibitionin 2007—a similar stage in the conversion

Aleksey Cheremukhin participatedclosely in creating the first Soviet avia-tion research establishment

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of the authorities to the industry with gooddomestic technological traditions.

And indeed, with the collapse of the SovietUnion helicopters again came to be forgot-ten, as was also the case with manybranches of our economy, not to mentionscience. Thus, at the beginning of the2000s Russian helicopter construction as aworld business factor no longer existed.

There were a few separate manufacturingplants that struggled to survive and put outan extremely small volume of end products.The share of Russian helicopters at that timewas estimated to be three percent, with aproduction rate of around 80 helicopters ayear. Startup conditions for the competitivestruggle were different from the beginning forus and for our foreign partners. The com-petitors were already serious world playersat the time of the collapse of the USSR.Therefore, in order to get onto the level ofthe leaders it was necessary, in a very shorttime, to concentrate all our intellectual, man-ufacturing, financial, and personnel poten-tials and to create the sort of organizationthat could be accepted into that elite cluband, the main thing, to compete with them.

So the Helicopters Russia Holding Com-pany appeared, and along with it the He-liRussia Exhibition. And the important thingis that although there was demand in thefield, the exhibition became a dynamic un-dertaking of private individuals, supportedby the government. Like the one-time ge-nius designers—Cheremukhin, Bratukhin,Sikorskiy, and Mil—now the new entrepre-neurs started to put their efforts into devel-oping the industry. HeliRussia became theplatform for that process—gaining altitude,creating new programs and new helicopters,and recruiting single-minded people andnew staff.

There is something to be proud ofToday, the geography of the primary do-mestic manufacturer of rotorcraft machinesencompasses literally the entire country.The holding company includes a design of-fice, helicopter and aviation repair plants,components manufacturing and mainte-nance enterprises, and also service compa-nies providing after-market support to inRussia and beyond.

In order to apprehend the scale of the com-pany, just look at the numbers: in 2015more than 8400 helicopters manufactured inRussia were operated in more than 100

helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017

Without TsAGI 1-EA it is impossible to imagine the establishment of the Soviet school ofhelicopter construction

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panies involved in the helicopter industrytraditionally take part in the exhibition. He-liRussia is the only place to discuss currentissues in the field and around. It fosters thedevelopment of international cooperation inthe helicopter industry and is an inseparable

part of the global helicopter market.

And we owe it all to such people as Yuryev,Cheremukhin, Bratukhin, Mil, Kamov, andmany others, who did indeed lay that inextri-cable linkage of times, without which itwould have been impossible for the currentgeneration of helicopter manufacturers toraise the prestige and authoritativeness ofour industry and to regain high positions inthe international market.

Dmitriy Gnatenko

cludes state-of-the-art avionics and more.

Showmanship The level of the HeliRussia Exhibition isalso not standing still. The organizers, as itwere, are keeping their fingers on the pulseof things, trying to present all the latest nov-

elties in the field.

Oer the last decade, almost all modern heli-copters of Russian and foreign manufacturehave been presented at the HeliRussia Ex-hibition. This is not only a helicopter showbut also a wide set of business meetings,conferences, and forums; here the previousyear is traditionally summed up, potential isassessed, and new tasks are set.

Today, rotorcraft developers and manufac-turers, operator companies, repair and serv-icing enterprises, aviation equipmentdealers, service providers, and other com-



countries of the world, the holding companyclaimed 94% of the Russian helicopter mar-ket, and its world share of sales amountedto a 10%. The enterprises of HelicoptersRussia manufactured 23% of the worldfleet of military helicopters; the hold-ing company’s production amountsto 32% of the world’s fleet of combathelicopters and 43% of mid-sized mil-itary transport helicopters. In the worldfleet of civilian helicopters, Russian ma-chines account for 60% among heavy-lifthelicopters (maximum takeoff weight over20 tons) and 66% in the class of mediumhelicopters (with a takeoff weight from 7 to20 tons).

The Helicopters Russia Holding Company isnot only the largest manufacturer of rotor-craft machines in the world, but is also thedeveloper of the most advanced and trulyunique technologies, exemplified in theworld best-sellers and record-holders.Among them are the Mi-8/17, the most pop-ular helicopter in the world over the entirehistory of the field; the Mi-26(T), the helicop-ter with the heaviest cargo lift capacity inthe world, capable of moving cargo up to 20tons; and the Ka-32A11VS, a multipurposehelicopter with a coaxial rotor design, hav-ing effective applications in firefighting andrescue operations.

Today the holding company’s design officesare developing new helicopter models, re-sponding to the latest market demands. Inparticular, this is the Mi-38, a mid-weighttransportation helicopter for industrial andcommercial enterprises, and also for servic-ing people in remote areas; the Ka-62, amid-weight multipurpose helicopter in whichthe latest composite materials are used; theKa-226T, a light multipurpose helicopterwith superlative maneuverability for bothurban and mountainous locations, capableof landing on a small sites; the Mi-171A2,one of the holding company’s novelties, animproved version of the Mi-8/17 family withsubstantial modifications in design; and theMi-26T2, a modernized version of therecord-holding Mi-26T helicopter that in-


That was the first world-level Soviethelicopter achievement

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Egypt has applied to Russia with a request for selling helicopters previously intended for the Mistrals

One of the most curious news items on the weapons market with participation of the RF during thelast half-year may have been the beginning of implementation of the contract between Russia and

Egypt for delivery of Ka 52 helicopters in deck-based version.

Conclusion of the contract for delivery of the Ka 52K helicopters to Egypt has first become widelyknown during the MAKS-2015 air show in Zhukovsky. The lot size and the contract value were notdisclosed. The cost of 50 helicopters of that type, taking into account expenditures for weapons,

infrastructure, crew training, etc., can reach two billion dollars.

Return to the Mistrals

helicopter industry magazine / june, 20178

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vation of the Soviet-Egyptian contacts in polit-ical and military areas. In 1976, Egypt hadunilaterally denounced the bilateral Agree-ment on Friendship and Cooperation of 1971.In 1978, during the signing of the CampDavid Agreements with Israel, Egyptian Pres-ident Anwar Sadat had assumed the liabilityto stop purchase of Soviet weapons andswitch to US-manufactured weapons. Rela-tions with the USSR in the military technology

Later, in December of 2015, AlexanderMikheyev, then head of the Russian Helicop-ters holding company, has announced thepreparation of deliveries of 46 Ka 52 “Alliga-tor” helicopters to Egypt. It was reported thatimplementation of the contract would beginin 2017.

The Ka 52 “Alligator” combat reconnaissanceand strike helicopter has been mass-pro-duced for the needs of the RF Ministry of De-fense since 2010. The helicopter is intendedfor destroying tanks, armored and unar-mored combat vehicles, manpower, helicop-ters, and other enemy's aircraft at the frontline and in tactical depth in any weather con-ditions and in any time of the day. Simultane-ously with the Army version, the shipbornemodification, Ka 52K, has been developed. Itwas the type of helicopter intended for com-pletion of air groups of universal Mistral typelanding ships.

It is worth briefly recalling the scandalous cir-cumstances of that Russian-French project.The contract for building of two Mistrals—theVladivostok and the Sevastopol— at the costof 1.2 billion Euros was concluded in 2011.In 2015, for political reasons, the contractwas terminated. The Kremlin announced thatFrance had transferred the money that hadbeen paid by Russia according to the con-tract (in the amount of 950 million Euros),and after the return of equipment Paris ac-quired the right of ownership and could againfreely dispose of the ships. Soon both Mis-trals have found their new owner, the Egypt-ian Air Forces. In autumn 2016 Egypt hasapplied to Russia with a request for sellingfifty K 52K and Ka 29/31 helicopters previ-ously intended for the Mistrals. There was noother solution since the landing ships hadbeen built and equipped taking into accountthe dimensions of Russian helicopters.

The participation of Egypt in this nonstan-dard configuration with the participation ofEuropean and American politicians, Frenchship builders, and Russian manufacturers ofcombat helicopters appears to be not so ac-cidental. This Arab Republic historically hasfrequently turned up in French sphere of in-

fluence, and starting from the “Cold War” pe-riod Russia in the form of the USSR had be-come such a regional actor. We might saythat both countries are the key regional part-ners of Egypt. It has become possible to re-solve that “dead-end” situation into which theFrench party had gotten itself after refusingto deliver the Mistrals to Russia with the helpof mutual-friendly Egyptian Arab Republicand money from Saudi Arabia.

The historical imageThe cooperation between Russia and Egyptin the military technology area has a long his-tory. It was exactly Egypt that had becomethe first country of Arab world to buyweapons from the USSR. The first agreementin the military area was signed in 1955 andprovided for delivery of Soviet weapons to theamount of $250 million. From 1956 to 1973Egypt was the leading purchaser of Sovietmilitary equipment and weapons in the Mid-dle East. The total volume of Soviet militaryaid to Egypt in that period was equal to al-most $3 billion. In addition, Egypt addressedUSSR with a direct request for military aid,and in 1967 and 1973, the USSR providedsupport to Egypt during the military operationagainst Israel. However, in the mid-1970s aperiod followed which was marked by deacti-

The participation of Egyptin this nonstandardconfiguration with theparticipation of Europeanand American politicians,French ship builders, andRussian manufacturersof combat helicoptersappears to be not soaccidental

The Ka-52K helicopter and the large anti-submarine ship «Vice Admiral Kulakov»

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10 helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017

nology area has started to gain momentum.On November 13 14, 2013 the first Russian-Egyptian meeting was held in Cairo, and dur-ing the negotiations the contracts wereagreed upon in the value of over $3 billion fordelivery of up to 24 MiG 29M/M2 fighters andtwelve Mi 35M strike helicopters; the pack-age agreement has also included a "Kornet"antitank rocket system and Mi 8/17 type heli-copters.

The “Egyptian” Ka 52K have been firstshown to journalistsEven though the deck-based Ka 52s had al-ready been through the running-in processfor several years on ships of the RussianNavy, with training of crews and obtainingnormal operating experience, for journaliststhis helicopter was a novelty, almost a sen-sation. Interest in the new helicopter hasarisen in earnest only now, after conclusionof an impressive contract with Egypt.

On March 9, 2017, during the visit of theDeputy Minister of Defense of the RF YuryBorisov to "Arsenyev Aviation Company“Progress” named by N.I. Sazykin" publicstock company (located in the PrimorskyTerritory of the RF), the export version of theKa 50 helicopter was shown to journalists.

The main feature of the helicopters in versionintended for Egypt is the OES 52 optoelec-tronic aiming system, which is installed underthe nose section of the helicopter in place ofthe standard GOES 451 optoelectronic sys-tem. The OES 52 was first presented on theone of preproduction Ka 52K “Katran” heli-copters at the MAKS-2015 air show.

“The helicopters will first be delivered toEgypt. The Ka 52 has good export potential.I think the Syrian campaign has made a verygood advertisement for it, and so we hopethat the list of countries will expand,” saidYury Borisov. “Also this year we will com-plete all tests of the shipborne version of theKa 52 in order to decide on the ships of theRussian Navy on which they will be basedupon.”

Andrey Vezhnovets

ian-made helicopter in this Arab republic (40units as of 2016).Renewal of the delivery channel for helicop-ters manufactured in Russia has taken placeonly in the end of 1990s. Thus in 1997 a dealwas concluded for delivery of 20 Mi 17 1Vmilitary transport helicopters and several Mi172s. In 2008, the RF and the ARE havesigned a contract for delivery of 14 Mi 17 hel-icopters to Egypt to the amount of about$150 million.

On June 23, 2009 in Cairo, during an officialvisit by the president of RF DmitryMedvedev, an Agreement for Strategic Part-nership between Russia and Egypt wassigned, providing, among others, for devel-opment of cooperation in military technologyarea.

During the period of 2010 to 2012 negotia-tions were conducted between Russia andEgypt for delivery of multipurpose helicoptersand anti-aircraft rocket systems; however, nocontracts were signed, since the partiescould not reach a settlement relative to pay-ment conditions.

These interactions however were not entirelyfruitless, and cooperation in the military tech-

area had been broken. For Sadat personallyhis new political course ended deplorably: InOctober 1981, he was assassinated by thegroup of Egyptian airborne troops officersduring a parade in tribute of the anniversaryof the Arab-Israeli War of 1973.Hosni Mubarak, who had become the presi-dent of Egypt in the same year of 1981,began to follow a course for normalization ofrelationships with the USSR.

The history of helicopter deliveries to Egyptbegins with the Mi 4 combat helicopters thatwere delivered to Egypt by the USSR in thelate 1960s as part of a large batch ofweapons. By the beginning of 1970 a sepa-rate brigade equipped with Mi 4 helicoptersoperated as part of the ARE Air Force. Alongwith the “Four”, some heavy Mi 6T militarytransport helicopters were supplied to Egyptduring the same period. Two batches ofthese helicopters, totaling 19 in quantity,were delivered in 1965 and 1971.

Here in Egypt in 1967, the baptism of fire ofcurrently advanced Mi 8 helicopters has oc-curred, which have become the basic heli-copter transport for the Egyptian Army by1973. And even today, the Mi 8 helicoptersremain the most mass type of combat Russ-

Ka-52K «Katran» helicopter during the sea trials phase

Page 11: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION




Leaders in the Russian aircraft engineering: United Aircraft

Corporation (UAC), Russian Helicopters, United Engine Corporation

(UEC) and other ROSTEC entities present their key projects

to potential suppliers and partners.

at searching for industrial partners under the following programs:

• Sukhoi Superjet 100

• MS-21

• Long Range WideBody Commercial Aircraft (LRWBCA)

• IL-114-300




General sponsor

International Media Partner General Media Partners

General partner Strategic partner Bank-partner

Page 12: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION


12 helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017

Kazan Helicopter Plant - the only helicopter plant in Russia with a full cycle of creating helicopters

喀山直升机制造厂: 完美的直升机完美的计算

Page 13: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION


«喀山直升机制造厂» — 属于一个真正的城市



有六个国家生产直升机, 100 个国家需要购买

。 喀山直升机制造厂 —是俄罗斯唯一的直升





开放,允许记者参观该厂和登录博客。. «这

就是领导政策», — 该厂员工在参观时介绍说

到。 年轻员工康斯坦丁陪同参观之旅

潘九赫是 高级设计工程师. 他是从喀山飞机

制造厂来这里工作的研究生, 并已经成为了喀

山直升机制造厂明星 : 2014 最优秀员工,

2015最优秀员工, 一切应感谢总经理, 夺得

WorldSkills世界技能大赛赛段冠军。确实, 他

的领导叶甫根尼尼古拉耶夫说了, 成为航空明

星很难得. 并不少见 - 明星团队。

«航空 - 是集体的事情。如果想发光需要许多

的明星团队. 就像图波列夫— 很少人知道, 他


研究所工作过。这个团队除了很多的明星, 这

就是一个明星组成的团队: 别特列耶夫, 苏赫

夫,米利, 舍干勒特特. 他们之中各个都是明星

», — 叶甫根尼尼古拉耶夫这样说道.

建造一架飞机简单, 而建造一架直升机就很难

了, 建造一个«库里槟»,就可能需要建造一个

组装台. 如果我们认真严肃地处理这个事情,


拉耶夫这样说道. 他除了在喀山直升机制造厂




后面就是— «技术工程师». 这是喀山直升机

制造厂最费脑子的两个部门. 在第一个部门的

工程师计算直升机在空中的运行 (影响运行新

的速度,操控性,机动性细节), 在第二 部门-

是结构强度的可靠性。对于每一个员工 都要








升机系列— 最流行的直升机 - 广泛改装:运


叶甫根尼尼古拉耶夫 自豪的是,喀山直升机

制造厂较强的苏联学校,分配到 WorldSkills



项奖项 我的任务是计算元素的变形强度,因

此,我们做了一个非常轻巧的设计», — 康斯








。员工平均年龄 40—42 岁, 这是一个很年轻

的团队, 每一位工作人员都相互帮助. 在喀山

直升机制造厂 制定了导师制度,设立了年轻

专业人员委员会, 在喀山直升机制造厂人才培

养和发展部门进行内部系统技术教育 . 所有



就是 - 喀山直升机制造博物馆 . 这是该项目任


www.helicopter.su 13

Page 14: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION


«当我去喀山直升机制造公司上班时, 我只是

想看看真正的直升机, 摸摸它. 当你在大学,

研究直升机和飞机 - 只是一个相对抽象的样

子。 这里把幻想成为了现实。此外,你可以

看到你的想法如何影响设计», — 康斯坦丁潘



的模型, 也有新的发展要素。甚至是新的直

升机。如今,研究最紧迫的任务 - 创造“安萨



象征。 “安萨特”是从鞑靼文翻译过来就是“轻


可以这样描述。它可用于大范围的应用: 货物


helicopter industry magazine / june, 201714

Page 15: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION






« 我想发展«安萨特»到这样的水平, 让它得到

普及. 我去过很多城市,看到有很多直升机停

机坪, 但是直升机很少。我相信,直升机将会

成为公共交通工具。 或者至少像出租车那样,

— 潘九赫这样说道. — 实验设计局的每个员

工都是发明者 。无论日常任何任务, 他都不



的支持。 这样的好主意总能实现。这样的先


www.helicopter.su 15

Page 16: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION


16 helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017

ЗАО «Русские вертолетные системы»

Page 17: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION




Page 18: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION

a full variety of tasks: transport, evacuation,fire-fighting, and many others.

The “999” service and the AnsatThe gradual transition from predominantlymilitary applications to service and civilian-commercial areas is perhaps the most inter-esting perspective in the developingcooperation between the two countries.These two sectors in China are anticipating areal flowering in the near future. Thereforenew helicopters and new helicopter technol-ogy from Russia will be more and more indemand in the domestic economy of thePeople’s Republic of China. And Russiancompanies like never before are making theeffort to develop cooperation with their Chi-nese partners.

ommended themselves, such as the Mi 26,Mi 171 and the Ka 32A11BC, and the mostmodern models, including the new multipur-pose Ansat and the Mi 171A2.

The joint project to create a new heavy-lifthelicopter became a breakthrough in theRussian-Chinese cooperation. So far, Russ-ian Helicopters and AVIC have worked outthe preliminary technical requirements andare continuing work on an agreement on howthis machine will look. It is planned that thetakeoff weight of the new helicopter could be38 t; the maximum payload inside the cabinwill be 10 t, and that for exterior suspension,15 t. The helicopter will be equipped forround-the-clock operation under any weatherconditions. It will be suitable for carrying out

Today, more than 400 helicopters of Russianmanufacture are in use in the civilian andmilitary sectors of the PRC. Civilian organi-zations use the well-known helicopters of theMi 8/17/171, Mi 26, and Ka 32 types. Chi-nese naval forces successfully employ theKa 28 and Ka 31 ship-based helicopters.

Considering the further growth of the fleet ofRussian-made helicopters in China, theRussian Helicopters Holding Company is ac-tively explores the possibilities of establish-ing technical service centers within theterritory of the PRC. Relevant negotiationsare in progress with multiple companies.

Helicopters Russia offers to its Chinese part-ners helicopters that have already well rec-


18 helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017

The technological updating of the entire model line of RH involves the introduction of the latest developments

The cooperation brinks

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In April, Russian Helicopters held a presen-tation of the Ansat medical helicopter at theChinese air show in Zhengzhou.

Specialists from the Russian HelicoptersHolding Company displayed Russian heli-copter equipment for conducting emergencyoperations for human rescue and to elimi-nate the consequences of emergencies topotential clients from China.

During the official portion of the event, spe-cialists from the Russian Helicopters HoldingCompany conducted a seminar on the theme“Application of Russian Helicopters in Emer-gency Rescue Operations.” The organizer ofthe seminar was the Chinese Union of CivilAviation Emergency Rescue Operations.The organization unites Chinese air rescueforces and interacts with the government inemergencies, and, together with the Chinese

Red Cross Society, forms the “999” service,a single air and ground rescue servicethroughout all provinces.The guests invited to the conference in-cluded leaders of the Chinese Red CrossSociety, the Chinese Seismological Agency’sCenter for Earthquake Rescue, the Agencyfor Economic Operations of the Ministry ofIndustry and Computerization, aviation com-panies involved with search and rescue, anda number of other organizations.

In the course of the event, specialists fromthe Russian Helicopters Holding Companyalso presented the light Ansat helicopter withthe medical module.

According to experts, the model has a num-ber of important competitive advantages overits peers. The medical module of the heli-copter provides the ability to render first-re-sponse medical, physician, and emergencymedical aid to victims on the spot. In addi-tion, it is possible to carry out resuscitationand intense therapy and monitoring of a vic-tim’s basic vital signs while being transportedto a medical establishment.

The medical version of the Ansat may bequickly converted into the passenger-carryingversion and vice versa. In this way it can beused to render aid to victims in locations withrough terrain and in hard-to-reach remote re-

gions. As the holding company noted, thanksto the important competitive advantages in itsclass the Ansat helicopter is arousing interestamong helicopter operators not only fromRussia but from other countries as well.

The new generation of onboard radio elec-tronic equipment for civilian helicoptersAside from the new reliable engines andtransmission, the latest Russian helicopterswill be equipped with the latest competitive

avionics. The technological updating of theentire model line of Russian Helicopters in-volves the introduction of the latest develop-ments, some of which are unique in theavionics market.

A major supplier of avionics, the Roselek-tronika, a part of the Russian TechnologiesState Corporation, is creating a new genera-tion of avionics for civilian helicopters. Themodern equipment will significantly reducethe dependency of helicopter manufacturersand operators on foreign components andservices.

In the realm of import substitution of criticalavionics equipment, specialists from the LuchDesign Bureau in Rybinsk, have created acompact Doppler speed and drift meter(DSDM) for helicopters, combined with an al-timeter. The device is intended for measur-

ing speed, altitude, and inclination range ofan aircraft, whether flying or hovering.

The equipment is part of the autonomousnavigation system, by means of which a heli-copter can automatically maintain courseand orient itself under conditions of radioelectronic interference, in the absence ofsatellite communications and signals fromthe traditional GLONASS/GPS navigationsystem. The new domestic DSDM automati-


Russian Helicopters held a presentation of the Ansat medical helicopter at the Chinese air show in Zhengzhou

Page 20: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION



cally determines the inclination range to theunderlying surface and its type—water,ground, forest—which fully eliminates thehuman interference and the likelihood of pi-loting errors in a number of situations.

The Deputy General Director of Roselektron-ika, Arseniy Brykin, commented, “Today themarket for civilian DSDMs and many other el-ements of avionics is almost completely domi-nated by foreign manufacturers. That impliesdependency on suppliers of imported equip-ment, components, and services, and also se-verely impacts the price of the products andthe cost of their operation. The situation herehas to do with critically important onboardradio electronic equipment that influencesnavigation, maneuvering, and flight safety asa whole. In military helicopters, there are nosuch problems, and the time has come tosolve these issues in civilian aviation.”

The DSDM-altimeter can be installed in anytype of civilian helicopters. It possesses asignificantly reduced weight and size charac-teristics, and in addition it fulfills the functionsof an altimeter. Such a combination hasmade it possible to reduce the number of de-vices on board and to optimize the internalspace of the helicopter.

In contrast to traditional DSDMs, the new de-vice reduces the crew’s dependency on visi-bility conditions. It provides stable hoveringof the helicopter at low altitudes and in-creases flight safety in fog, rainfall, andsnowfall, and in other unfavorable conditions.

Such qualities make the equipment ideal formachines that participate, for example, insearch and rescue operations, fire-fighting,etc.

In 2017, the Russian Technologies state cor-poration has merged the United InstrumentManufacturing Corporation and the Roselek-tronika Holding Company. The combinedholding company is the Russia’s largest de-veloper and manufacturer of radio electroniccomponents and technologies, communica-tions equipment and systems, automatedcontrol systems, robotic technical com-plexes, microwave radio electronics, andcomputer and telecommunications equip-ment. It combines more than 170 enter-prises and research organizations in theradio electronics field. It employs 75,000people. The holding company’s products areexported to more than 30 countries aroundthe world, including countries in Europe,Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, andLatin America. At present, the overall annualearnings of the enterprises in the holdingcompany exceed 180 billion rubles.

With regard to collaboration between thePRC and the Russian Federation in creatinghelicopter equipment, a good many points ofcommon ground can be expected, includingjoint development and exchange of experi-ence in the avionics design and implementa-tion. The Russian Helicopters holdingcompany is also looking forward to deepercooperation in the area of setting up jointventures to manufacture helicopter equip-ment in the territory of China.

helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017

In 2017, the Russian Technologies state corporation has merged the United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation and the Roselektronika Holding Company

Page 21: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION





Location Exhibition operator

Page 22: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION


United Engine Corporation on the road to creating the engines of the future


helicopter industry magazine / june, 201722

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俄罗斯的经济恢复, 创建联合发动机公司恢复


联合发动机公司 –成产一体化结构,生产的军






生产俄罗斯先进燃气涡轮发动机,将在2025 -



技术,分层或合成技术 - “数码化”生产是最蓬




添加剂技术联合中心(添加剂技术联合中心) 将

在雷宾 «木星»科技联合生产基地创建一个添

加剂技术联合中心 (隶属于联合发动机公司) –



航空工业的代表组成: 飞机联合制造公司, 联

邦航天局, 联合发动机公司, «俄罗斯直升机»

公司, 无线电电子技术公司 ,«技术动力»公司,

还包括有俄罗斯 - 新加坡商业理事会的代表。






件的制造成本. 联合发动机公司新的燃气涡轮

发动机, 我们计划在2025 - 2030年来完成,肯

定会配合使用的添加剂技术. 通过这种方法制



Page 24: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION



。 为了缩短生产实施计划,我们打算联合其

他俄罗斯公司的力量», – 副总经理 - 总设计师

尤里.斯莫金这样强调. 目前添加剂技术中心专


地面应用程序的组件的制造。 这里介绍相关











计。 该中心积极参与了国内获得金属粉末组

成的工作 - 主要由全俄科学研究所航空材料进

行测试。 从2015年至2016年选择钴合金,钛





立大学) 创造了俄罗斯首部3D打印机, 制作了

整体陶瓷。 2017年,由“克里莫夫”公司委托(

隶属联合发动机公司) 他们打算打印的新一代




热塑性贴 - “墨”打印机。 在此之后,在将样品




月后托木斯克国立大学 就可以制作出“克里莫

夫”原型陶瓷印刷的三维打印机。 «为了提高





的新途径», – 托木斯克国立大学高级研究员弗



合金硬特性. 以前,为生产高品质的产品,使用

简单方法的设备是不能的. 托木斯克科学家们




部件。 在2017«克里莫夫»公司即将推出.

helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017

Page 25: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION





这是一种资源。 如今已经使用最新动力系统的



属于联合发动机公司, 拥有一个独特的航空钛






最后阶段(乌法国立航空技术大学). 值得一提,






公司也投入更多的资金来研究, 并派遣了离子
















二次是因为乌克兰的一系列政变, 打破了加


机»公司的合作也葬送了。 这些都是俄罗斯


联合发动机公司 (联合发动机公司) 2019 年

年底之前将要生产50 个ТВ7-117В米-38多


成好了. 其余部分将在喀山直升机厂到2019年




Page 26: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION


A too intensive development of a military export component fraught with problems of economic and defensive nature

helicopter industry magazine / june, 201726

Attack helicopters for export and not only

According to predictions of Forecast International, during the period from2016 to 2025 the world industry will make 4791 medium-sized/heavy militaryhelicopters with a total cost of $115.7 billion.

Page 27: june 2017 IN THIS PUBLICATION

development of the export potential, and theyhave to be tackled not by enterprises, but bythe management of the industry. The Assistantto the President of the Russian FederationVladimir Kozhin considers that many partnersof Russia in MTC (military and technical coop-eration) - China, India, Turkey, Malaysia andso on - raise the issue not just about purchaseof arms and military equipment, but about thedeployment in their countries of the localizedproduction facilities in order to manufacturecomplex military systems. This is a very diffi-cult economic and political issue. If Russiawithdraws from such cooperation, it may losepartners, if it agrees, it will put its own industryin a difficult situation. "What are we going to dowith our powerful state-of-the-art factories andshipyards?" Kozhin asked directly. In his opin-ion, it is necessary to "seek the golden mean",but keep in mind that any mistake here will bevery expensive.

Syria has changed a lotSince the beginning of the participation of theRussian Aerospace Forces in the Syrianconflict, Rosoboronexport has acquired forthe first time over many years a platform forvivid demonstration of the advantages ofRussian military equipment. But apart fromthe spectacular show-room, Russian arms



The Ka-52 attack helicopter supporting a landing party during exercises of the Russian Pacific Fleet

The FI forecast was made only for new heli-copters without upgraded and retrofitted air-craft. The thing is that in recent years, focusin most military purchase programs has beenshifted in favor of new helicopters. And a partof modernization programs is transformed tonew developments (MH-60R, UH-60M, CH-53K). Development and introduction of pro-duction technologies sharply reduced adifference in cost between the new and up-graded models.

Perhaps, the main sensation of the new pre-diction made by Forecast Internationalturned out to be an unchallenged leadershipof the Russian company "Russian Helicop-ters" in the near future.

According to the number of aircraft made"Russian Helicopters" will be the leader onthe market during the forecast period. TheRussian company will manufacture 1767 hel-icopters that would make a 36.9% share ofthe market. Sikorsky will conquer the secondplace with 1271 helicopters and a 26.5 per-cent market share. Boeing will occupy thethird place with production of 399 helicoptersand 8.3% of the market share. For Avicopter,the forecast promises 351 helicopters and amarket share of 7.3%.

One might think that great success is pre-dicted for this Russian company, howevereverything is not so clear as seems to be. Atoo intensive development of a military ex-port component in high-tech industries maybe fraught with problems of economic anddefensive nature.There are also serious issues in the sphere of

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According to experts, the recent news aboutthe return of the Mi-14PS amphibious heli-copters to duty was also driven by the Syrianexperience.

There are three Mi-14PS helicopters (searchand rescue version) on preservation in Yeiskon the premises of the 859 Center for Com-bat Use and Retraining of Naval Aviationpersonnel. In the near future, they will behanded over to the 570 aircraft repair plant,which is also located in Yeisk. But the fate of

28 helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017

Helicopters Ka-52 in the sky over Syria

manufacturers received an extensive trainingrange for improving their weapons, correct-ing mistakes and eliminating shortcomings.A recent example. Naval aviation of theRussian Navy will soon be replenished withthe latest shipborne helicopters. Highly up-graded ship-based helicopters will enter intoservice with the Russian Navy before 2025.

These are Ka-52K attack helicopters, Ka-31R radar surveillance helicopters, and Ka-226T shipborne helicopters capable of beingdeployed on small displacement ships.

At the present time, on the instructions of theMain Command of the Navy, a number of re-search and development works are underway to create fundamentally new aircraft, un-manned aerial vehicles and aircraft weaponssystems in terms of their performance.

The CEO of “Avintel Aviation Technology Al-liance”, air expert Viktor Pryadka, said onSputnik radio that the ship-based helicopterswill be deployed on the latest frigates,corvettes, patrol ships which will be operatedby the Russian Navy.

In his opinion, new helicopters are alreadyentering service with the Russian Navy.

"In Syria, for several months we’ve managedto practice the combat use of not only theplanes from the aircraft carrier AdmiralKuznetsov but also helicopters in practicalmilitary conditions. Considering this practicalcombat experience, we will build helicoptersof the necessary design versions and per-formance," Viktor Pryadka said.

"The need for the newest shipborne helicop-ters arose due to the fact that the fleetstarted to receive more and more new gener-ation ships for various purposes: attack,radar surveillance ships, and ships for com-bating submarines. The availability of heli-copters can increase the range of detectionand counteraction to various types of enemyweapons. Three modifications are requiredjust in order to be able to detect, control anddestroy these types of weapons, "ViktorPryadka said.

helicopters will depend on their technicalcondition. If the operating life of the hull, as-semblies and units is insufficient, they willnot be returned to service.

Since the beginning ofthe participation of theRussian AerospaceForces in the Syrianconflict,Rosoboronexport hasacquired for the firsttime over many years aplatform for vividdemonstration of theadvantages of Russianmilitary equipment

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Equipped with special floats, the aircraft canland on the water and take off even in astorm. It is expected that the restored and up-graded helicopters will patrol the coastal zone,as well as the search and rescue of people indistress. Currently, the Ministry of Defenseand the Ministry of Emergency Situations useKa-27PS helicopters for these tasks.

Growth despite sanctionsAt present, the portfolio of export orders ofRosoboronexport amounts to $ 45 billion.These are fixed-price export agreements.

"If you do not sign anything at all, it's threeyears of continuous work. And this year weexpect to sign much more fixed-price con-tracts than in previous years," said ViktorKladov who heads the joint delegation of thestate corporation Rostec and Rosoboronex-port at the International aerospace and navalexhibition LIMA 2017 (Malaysia).

Signing major contracts with India, Indonesiais on the agenda 2017. In particular, con-tracts were signed with India for the con-struction of four frigates, as well as for theconstruction of 200 light multi-purpose Ka-226T helicopters. No less impressive is thecontract for 48 Mi-17V5 helicopters.

"This is already a huge portfolio of orders.This year, the portfolio will receive more or-

ders than in previous years, "he added.Despite the sanctions against Russian com-panies, Russian Helicopters Holding Com-pany continues to repair and servicehelicopters in Afghanistan, which were pur-chased by the USA from Russia.

"You know that Rosoboronexport is underUS sanctions, but the helicopter issue is out-side the scope of these sanctions. TheAmericans bought more than 60 of our air-craft and delivered them as aid toAfghanistan. The aircraft there operate fine.


But they need to be serviced, repaired, spareparts are needed" Kladov said.

In November 2015, the US Department ofState partially lifted sanctions on the repair ofthose helicopters that were delivered to thePentagon and used in Afghanistan. AsSergey Goreslavsky, the deputy director ofRosoboronexport, said, this was done to fa-cilitate the service of the helicopters suppliedearlier and will "prolong the operating life ofhelicopters".

Andrey Vezhnovets

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In March, 2017, at the “Arctic – Territoryof Dialog” International Forum which tookplace in the city of Arkhangelsk, RussianHelicopters presented a new special typeof helicopter – the promising multipur-pose “Arctic” Mi 8AMT. While the militaryversion of this helicopter had its debutlast year, now the time has come for thehelicopter that is of interest for commer-cial operators. In particular, the Mi 8AMTin the Arctic modification is a civilian ver-sion of the Mi 8AMTSh VA developedbased on the Mi 8AMTSh V and speciallyadapted to use in Arctic conditions.

One of the most important factors affectingthe Arctic development rate is the availabilityof transportation capable to withstand lowtemperatures and operate under the condi-tions of the Polar day and night. Other coun-tries located within the Arctic zone have theirown fleet of helicopter equipment adapted tothe severe environment of the Polar region.However, these are basically military multi-purpose helicopters that are engaged insearch, rescue and surveillance missions inborder regions. The Russian Helicopterscompany believes that the “Arctic” helicop-ters will help create a transportation infra-structure in the northern regions and will also

attract interest of oil and gas and geologicalsurvey companies.

The “Arctic” helicopter has a number of de-sign features that allow it to be operated inlow-temperature conditions. A quick enginestart system which is unparalleled anywherein the world provides engine launch with au-tonomous and non-hangar helicopter storageat temperatures down to 60°C. Non-hangarstorage has been a real know-how of Russ-ian helicopter producers since the 1960s.Neither European nor American helicopterproducers can boast of having such equip-ment being so impressively undemanding.

helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017

Foreign helicopter producers can boast of having such equipment being so impressively undemanding

Special Equipment – strong pointof the Russian Helicopter Sector

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The light multi-purpose Ka-226T

The cargo hold of the “Arctic” Mi 8AMTSh isequipped with special thermal insulation, aheating system, equipment for heating foodand water, heat-insulating blinds, and alsothe latest flight navigation and radio commu-nications equipment. If equipped with addi-tional tanks, the flight range of the aircraft willexceed 1400 km, and the endurance will in-crease to more than seven hours.

In November 2016, Russian Helicopters builttwo Mi 8AMT multipurpose helicopters withthe new PKV 8 flight navigation kit onboardfor Rosneft oil and gas company. The newonboard equipment allows to fly in automaticmode via a given route, as well as improvessubstantially the helicopter’s controllabilityand flight stability and besides enhancesflight safety. The aircraft also features a multi-function navigation system operating bothwith GPS and GLONASS satellites, and theTsNS 02 digital navigation system with abuilt-in map generator. The multipurpose Mi8AMT helicopters owned by Rosneft are in-tended for transportation of both cargo andpersonnel and are capable of operating underthe conditions of Russia’s northern regions.

The Ka 226 in a ship-based versionThe Russian State Special Purpose Aviationhas started to replenish its fleet with ship-based Ka 226T aircraft. The helicopter willbe used for patrolling and search and rescuemissions.

The Russian Helicopters Holding Companyhas completed the supply of the first twoship-based Ka 226T’s to the client. A festiveceremony was held on the premises of theKumertau Aviation Production Enterprisewhere these aircraft are mass produced.In contrast to the land-based version, thislight multipurpose ship-based Ka 226T heli-copter features a mechanism providing formain rotor blades folding and is equippedwith the latest avionics set, while the heli-copter’s components are adapted to opera-tion in a harsh marine environment.

Thanks to its small dimensions, the aircraftcan be carried by small displacement shipsand vessels. It is expected that the ship-based Ka 226T will be used for patrolling andsearch and rescue missions, as well as atransport helicopter.

“The state-of-the-art design solutions imple-mented in the ship-based Ka 226T signifi-cantly broaden the range of tactical tasks thishelicopter is able to perform. The aircraft isdistinguished by outstanding maneuverabilityand controllability, easy in operation, andboasts a high power-to-weight ratio,” empha-sized Andrey Boginskiy, General Manager ofthe Russian Helicopters Holding Company,at the ceremony.

The closest militaryRussian-made “ship-based” versions havealmost a three timesheavier takeoff weightcompared to Ka-226T.That is why, their useon small vesselsbecame impossible ordifficult

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According to Mr. Boginskiy, they see cur-rently a high demand for light helicopters thatcan be carried by vessel both in Russia andabroad.The closest military Russian-made “ship-based” versions have almost a three timesheavier takeoff weight compared to Ka-226T.That is why, their use on small displacementvessels making up a significant portion ofcoastal patrol boats and special-purposeships became impossible or difficult.

The light multi-purpose Ka-226T, with a rotorsystem featuring two coaxial rotors, has amaximum takeoff weight of 3.6 tonnes and iscapable to carry up to one tonne of payload.The primary distinguishing feature is the mod-ularity of its design. There is a possibility to ei-ther easily install a cargo hold on thehelicopter in order to carry up to six passen-gers, or modules equipped with specialequipment.

The Mi 26TS extinguished alarge fire in ChinaThe Mi 26TS helicopter man-ufactured by the Russian Hel-icopters Holding Company anddelivered to China in the sum-mer of 2016 managed to fight alarge forest fire in the environs of thecity of Yangtai (province of Shandong). Heli-copters of this type—Russian giants—remainthe only helicopters of the super-heavy classof its type.

The extensive fire in a mountainous forestedregion a few kilometers from inhabited locali-ties where Hyundai and Kia automotive plantsand a number of other industrial enterprisesare located was extinguished by Mi 26TS heli-copter made by Russian Helicopters. The Mi26TS carried eight loads of water, 10 tonneseach. Thanks to the equipment’s unique ca-pabilities, quick and professional actions ofthe crew members, operators, and workers ofthe local station, the fire was put out in theshortest possible time.

The Russian holding company and the Chi-nese company Lectern Aviation Suppliessigned in 2014 a contract on delivery of thisheavy aircraft. The helicopter was purchased

for Shandong province where work is ac-tively underway to save and expand forestry.Aviation equipment produced at the Rostver-tol plant was delivered to the republic lastyear in July.

This is the fourth Mi 26TS helicopter now inoperational use in the PRC. Apart from theone which was purchased by Lectern Avia-tion Supplies, two other helicopters are oper-ated in the helicopter fleet of QingDaoHelicopter, and the fourth one is used byChina Flying Dragon General Aviation.

The Mi 26TS is used in fighting fires andtransporting equipment and large-dimensioncargo. It was also employed to ensure firesafety for the G20 summit that took place inHangzhou in early September, 2016. The air-craft is able to transport up to 20 tons of cargoinside the cargo hold or on external sling.

The helicopter has many times proved itseffectiveness when putting out large

fire fronts in the PRC. When dealingwith emergencies, the Мi-26ТS ful-filled its main task, namely deliveryof fire brigades to the seat of fire and

dropping water on burning forests. Itscharacteristic features during opera-

tions are efficiency, invariable accuracyand speed in carrying out tasks assigned.

Nikolay Korobov

helicopter industry magazine / june, 2017