June 2020 The Official Newsletter of Vissanji Academy For Private Circulation Only Come June and our students used to don their school uniforms and return to school after the summer vacation. Covid 19 which had been termed as Black Swan Event has drastically changed our lives. The virtual world has replaced our real life connections whether it is schools, fitness classes, socialising or even taking hobby classes. Let's be optimistic and radiate positive thoughts. Let's pray that the vaccine will assist in combatting Covid 19. Important events in June: 5th June was celebrated as World Environment Day to honour and to safeguard our environment which is on the verge of ruination. 21st June 2020 was a very special day as many events coincided on that day. It was celebrated as Father's Day. Every day should be celebrated as Father's Day but this particular day is to make a father realise how important he is in the life of his children. F: for ever for his children A: adorable T: tender hearted H: hero E: encouraging R: reliable Father is a son's first hero and a daughter 's first love. 21st June was also celebrated as World Music Day. Music gives a soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. It has power to bring joy and comfort. International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June. In 1893 Yoga was introduced to the world by Swami Vivekananda. On 21st June there was annular solar eclipse. It occurs very rarely and was visible in India too. Last but not the least it was Summer Solstice.

June 2020 The Official Newsletter of Vissanji Academy For ... · June 2020 The Official Newsletter of Vissanji Academy For Private Circulation Only Come June and our students used

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Page 1: June 2020 The Official Newsletter of Vissanji Academy For ... · June 2020 The Official Newsletter of Vissanji Academy For Private Circulation Only Come June and our students used

June 2020 The Official Newsletter of Vissanji Academy For Private Circulation Only

Come June and our students used to don their school uniforms and return to

school after the summer vacation.

Covid 19 which had been termed as Black Swan Event has drastically changed our


The virtual world has replaced our real life connections whether it is schools,

fitness classes, socialising or even taking hobby classes.

Let's be optimistic and radiate positive thoughts. Let's pray that the vaccine will assist in combatting

Covid 19.

Important events in June:

5th June was celebrated as World Environment Day to honour and to

safeguard our environment which is on the verge of ruination.

21st June 2020 was a very special day as many events coincided on that day.

It was celebrated as Father's Day. Every day should be celebrated as Father's Day but this particular

day is to make a father realise how important he is in the life of his children.

F: for ever for his children

A: adorable

T: tender hearted

H: hero

E: encouraging

R: reliable

Father is a son's first hero and a daughter 's first love.

21st June was also celebrated as World Music Day. Music gives a soul to the

Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.

It has power to bring joy and comfort.

International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June. In 1893 Yoga was

introduced to the world by Swami Vivekananda.

On 21st June there was annular solar eclipse. It occurs very rarely and

was visible in India too.

Last but not the least it was Summer Solstice.

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The Summer Solstice, which takes place on June 21st, is the longest day in the year. This happens

because the Zenith is the furthest from the equator, towards the Northern Hemisphere.

Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipses take place when the the moon comes in between the earth and the sun, therefore

obstructing the view of the sun. There are four types of eclipses:

1. Partial eclipse: A partial eclipse is the most common, but the least impressive kind of eclipse. It

looks as if the Moon has taken out a chunk from the Sun!

2. Total eclipse: In this type of eclipse the Sun is totally covered by the Moon, which gives us quite

a few extraordinary sights. The Sun's corona, usually invisible because of the Sun’s bright light,

can be noticed during a total eclipse. During this event, there is a blackout, or at least a deep


3. Annular solar eclipse: This kind of eclipse occurs when the Moon is at its apogee, i.e., at its

furthest point from the Earth in its elliptical orbit, which makes it look a little smaller than the

Sun during the eclipse, forming a 'ring of fire'. It is a stunning sight.

4. Hybrid Eclipse: As the name suggests, this eclipse is a little bit of all the eclipses, depending on

where you are on the Earth.

The solar eclipse that took place on the 21st of June, 2020, was an annular solar eclipse.

Types of solar eclipses. Annular Solar Eclipse 2020

Shreya Basu, 10 C


Was anyone ever expecting it,

Or even thinking about it.

'It' which grew from bug to a pandemic,

Something that made a pause on our academics.

Not a hush on the land,

Not a stir in the sea.

Well this all was not planned,

Only surviving through this phase is everyone's


Seeing all my archives,

I really want to go for long drives.

How I wish to take step out of the


Is anyone except me feeling really bored.

But every time I try to step out,

A thought gushes into my mind-

"Won’t this make me and my neighbours unsafe? "

And that is so not kind.

I would like to conclude by saying,

Staying at your home is the best thing you can do.

Let's all keep praying,

For decrease of multiple cases to just

a few.

Daania Kothari , 9C

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World Environment Day falls every year on 5th June. This day

has been marked on the calendar to celebrate the importance

of environment in our lives.

Environment is not just trees and animals, it is a broader term,

which encloses within itself the beautiful process of nurturing.

It, like every mother, fulfills all our requirements. From food

to clothing and shelter, all that we possess belongs to the


On this day, people set up more saplings and schools try to emphasize the significance of environment

in young minds through various programmes and functions. Messages are propagated all over the

globe to make people realize what value this eleven-letter word holds in our lives.

However, just one day alone is not enough to repair the damages we have caused to the reason behind

our existence. In our day to day lives, we are plundering the life out of our environment. Setting up

establishments with ever advancing technology is an asset, but only when preserving the environment

is taken into utmost consideration.

Realization is the key to our progress. The sooner we realize the harm we have caused to the

environment and rectify it, the better it will be for not only the environment, but ultimately us.

Not just 5th June but we should spend every single day of our lives in respecting the environment and

healing the bruises we have inked on it.

When every day will be celebrated as the World Environment Day, only then we will

truly succeed in thanking our true giver - The Environment.

Vedika Gupta, 9A


The food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the climate that makes our planet

habitable, all come from nature. The environment is the entire universe and the living world. It not only

includes human beings but also all animals, trees, plants, nature, vegetation. The environment not only

works to maintain balance in the climate but also provides all the things necessary for life. For instance,

each year, marine plants produce more than half of our atmosphere’s oxygen, and a mature tree cleans

our air, absorbing 22 kilos of carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen in exchange. Despite these benefits, we

still mistreat nature. This is the reason World Environment Day is observed.

Although the cause is known by many, the origin is known only by a few.

World Environment Day was established in 1972 by the United Nations. On

5 June 1974, the first World Environment Day was held with the theme

“Only One Earth”. It is also recognized as Eco Day and Environment Day. It is

hosted every day in various countries having slogans like “Don’t Desert

Drylands”, “A Tree for Peace” and “Plant for the Planet” just to name a few.

Its main significance is environmental issues awareness and environmental

protection. The day raises awareness about global warming, marine

pollution, human over-population, protection of wildlife, and sustainable

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consumption. This year it was hosted in Columbia.

The environment which I see

around currently is not what I

wished for. Nature provides us;

we thrive under Nature. But in

return, we mistreat it. Nature

provides enough for survival,

but it is the human greed that

destroys it. With the fast-paced

development taking place, Sun has been proved as an important source of renewable energy. Electric

cars have been invented to reduce fossil fuel intake. But then, why do we still use fossil fuels! A

businessman would say this is because harvesting solar energy is difficult. I strongly disagree with this.

Are we really that insensitive to destroy nature for our good and to save a few bucks? In order to prove

superiority, countries are destroying nature by building nuclear weapons and having World Wars. On

one hand, common man is trying to save nature while on the other hand, governments are destroying

it. Isn’t this wrong?

The current environment is filled with concrete, with a deficit of trees and greenery. What I wished for

is completely invisible. For me, environment and nature are not just a medium for goods but also the

medium of peace. I had rather stay in a shack located in a green region than be surrounded by four

concrete walls. Even though I wouldn’t get many luxuries, I would be more than happy for peace of

mind and soul. Currently, I live in a busy city where every day, thousands of trees are chopped,

hundreds of animals and birds lose their habitat, tons of carbon dioxide is produced, many harmful

gases are released into air, enormous amounts of chemicals are released into waterbodies, substantial

number of marine organisms are killed, and on the sight of this, our Mother Earth cries! Have we really

taken care of our Nature?

Many festivals are celebrated for nature awareness, like Van Mahotsav. We celebrate it by planting

saplings. Our school also took the initiative of planting trees. But our duty doesn’t end there. The main

aim of Van Mahotsav is not to plant saplings, but also to take care of them, protect them from pests,

grow them, nurture them, nourish them, water them and the sight of them growing will surely make

you smile, because by planting a tree, you are saving the future. Time spent among trees is never time


As I come to an end, I would like to say that if you live in harmony with nature, nature will help you,

both physically and mentally. If Nature provides us, why can’t we too protect it, why can’t we nourish

it, why can’t we preserve it for our future generations? Did you know there are more than 120 days to

promote nature awareness, but we can’t even name 5 of them! “I only feel angry when I see waste.

When I see people throw away things we could use.”, said Mother Teresa. “The Earth is what we all

have in common.”, said Wendell Berry. “Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite

beauty.”, said John Ruskin.

At the end, after reading this, I

would like the reader to ponder over

this question, “Do we really take

care of the environment like we


Shreyas Kulkarni, 9C

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A hero is a person who is admired for his courage, achievements and noble qualities. My hero is my

father. He buys everything I want and is very calm. He shouts at me for my

own good so that I don't make any mistakes again. He works till midnight and

wakes up early in the morning. He takes care of the whole family including my

grandparents. He even helps me in my studies. He does multitasking and is my



Akshay Sridhar, 6B


Like everyone my father is also a hero to me. Since my childhood my father had been a mentor and a

role model for me. He himself had been a great child. He has always taught me that along with

academics I need to improve my good behaviour and work hard because it is the road to success. He has

many friends because of his kind and polite nature.

During his school days, because of his kind nature, consistency in academics and

persistency in sports (National level Badminton player), he was a favourite student

not only for his class mates and teachers but also of his Principal.

His dream was to pursue badminton but he couldn’t because of the coaching issues

in the small town where he grew up. Then he tried to become a C.A. like his own

father but fate had something else written for him. He then completed his M.B.A.

from a prestigious Business school and joined the corporate world to pursue his

career further.

Despite having a busy schedule he makes sure that he spends enough quality time with us. I love playing

box cricket with him at home. I have acquired badminton skills from him. He teaches me tactics to play

badminton. He is an extremely loving father, and remains cool and calm in every situation. My father

fulfils all my whims and fancies even though my mother is little sceptical. In these lockdown times, to

keep us involved and busy, we make use of our free time to the fullest. In fact, he has made a schedule

that has activities for our overall development (combination of house help, fitness, devotional time, co-

curricular and extra-curricular), so that we use our time constructively.

Father O Father, you are a Friend more than a Father!

Samveg Jain, 7B

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Let me tell you who a father is,

A superhero to give you eternal bliss!

When you’re feeling isolated, you’ll know who to miss…

YOUR father!!

He could have been Bruce Lee or the Big B but He chose to be ‘THE GUARDIAN’, he did.

My father is the world to me. Fathers are unique relatives. They will do anything however crazy or

costly it may be for us because they adore us.

My father is a doctor but for me he is the cure to all my gloom. He believes in laughter as the best

medicine. He always cheers me up when I am disturbed and if he scolds me, he will give me a nice

cuddle late in the night and I forget all about it and snuggle to bed. He will do anything after his hectic

schedule like playing, teaching tricks and life skills like my best pal. He is my counsellor, my protector,

my advisor and a great pillar of strength.

He will also take my wish as his command like the genie in Aladdin.

My father is very selfless in his work. I still double my demands on him. The best things I like about him

is that he always has something up his sleeve to make me contented. I mostly like my father’s bizarre

and funny stories, adventures and his encouragement and his part in my ideas and projects. My father

is always cheerful and keeps all of us very happy and contented.

The part of love, affection, devotion that I owe my father is above infinity amongst his. Now

that my father’s fighting the mastermind coronavirus… he still is the same one but is now

careful as a father with everyone and is doing his ‘Karma’. So it is my duty to make myself

inspired to him and help him wherever I can.

Viraj Singhania, 7A


A package full of emotions,

A heart full of life,

I am sure there is a magic potion

Which makes fathers so live.

Do you know why?

We never know what’s there

Behind those prettiest smiles,

Just like the moon that hides

Behind the sun so bright.

Do you know why?

They weave the wings

For their children to try,

So that they can fly

High in the sky.

Do you know why?

All this is a father’s unconditional love

which makes him a pillar of strength.

Dedicated to all the lovely


Khushi Ved, 10A

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SCHOLAR’S TROPHY – (2019 -20)

Scholar’s Trophy Event was held online this time in June. Students were acknowledged and appreciated for their outstanding qualities and performance in the Academic Year- 2019-20.


Std -Div Names

1A Anushka kumar

1B Roshan Rao

1C Nirav Udeshi

2A Declan Carvalho

2B Swara Bhosle

2C Sharannya Tawade

3A Nandini Singh

3B Rijuta Jain

3C Mishika Shenoy

4A Tanishka Dadhich

Be Helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give them yours.


A place for everything. Everything in its place.


Punctuality is the politeness of the Kings.

Std -Div Names

4B Vedika Palviya

4C Shaurya Pillai

5A Durvi Sharma

5B Aaditya Kotian

5C Tisha Jain

6B Yazdin Talati

7B Bhoomi Jain

8A Shreeya Purav

9B Vaishnavi Singh

Std -Div Names

1A Vihaan Vadodaria

1B Abir Thakur

1C Jainish Kakaiya

2A Pratyush Jangid

2B Sarayu Dontaraju

2C Saanvi Shah

3A Aahana Agrawal

3B Sniti Joshi

3C Aashna Anjaria

4A Darsheel Salecha

Std -Div Names

4B Mitisha Gandhi

4C Rida Khan

5A Anushka Bharti

5B Hiya Shah

5C Aditya Vaidya

6C Kanak Khatod

7C Shruti Aswal

8A Megha Salecha

9A Lara Narang

Std -Div Names

1A Arnavi Dhanawade

1B Sharanya Mohabe

1C Tanush Gupta

2A Aditya Iyer

2B Nesiah Hazarika

2C Aidan Carvalho

3A Swara Gada

3B Shaurya Mishra

3C Maanya Kabra

4A Aarya Salvi

Std -Div Names

4B Arham Ahmed

4C Pranav Shanbhag

5A Akshay Sridhar

5B Kavya Kumar Jain

5C Mehek Kotian

6B Viraj Singhania

7A Rudra Monpara

8A Pavithra Achar

9C Aadishree Kale

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The world is filled with nice people, if you can’t find one.. Be One.


A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.


Std -Div Names

1A Ditika Sasmal

1B Trisha Tiwari

1C Riya Mahajan

2A Vyom Panchal

2B Rudraver Banwat

2C Vivaan Puri

3A Khushee Banwat

3B Kimaya Idnani

3C Srenika Prabin

4A Shaurya Rana

Std -Div Names

4B Ojas Patil

4C Shivali Nautiyal

5A Rhea Maniar

5B Suhana Joshi

5C Preksha Surana

6C Tejal Sharma

7C Sharva Navarange

8B Nikita Joshi

9C Shreya Basu

Std -Div Names

1A Vivaan Sampat

1B Darsh Lodha

1C Eshpreet Lugani

2A Dhriti Acharya

2B Savya Bang

2C Preetha Gajjar

3A Anya Kumar

3B Paridnya Nagarkatti

3C Dhairya Agrawal

4A Rudra Mishra

Std -Div Names

4B Lakshmi Krishnan

4C Vivaan Chowta

5A Kritika Kedia

5B Divyanshi Divanji

5C Aarchi Mistry

6A Aarman Walia

7B Aarav Daga

8A Dia Gogri

9A Sanskriti Malaviya

Std -Div Names

1A Tanaisha Bhosle

1B Livia Monteiro

1C Manshri Patel

2A Ved Thite

2B Arya Puprediwar

2C Aditi Torne

3A Prisha Desai

3B Zahraa Shaikh

3C Ranbir Singh Khurana

4A Nihal Shah

Std -Div Names

4B Yashvi Bajpayee

4C Simreen Kaur Mokha

5A Keisha D'Souza

5B Nishi Sampat

5C Hiya Sampat

6A Neha Sukhani

7A Niyati Bhatt

8A Zeel Shah

9C Swara Kulkarni

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Std -Div Names

2A Vihaan Joshi

2B Nitya Sharma

2C Atharv Gupta

3A Anika Barse

3B Jouyan Panthaki

3C Meet Mathuria

4A Mandeep Lugani

4C Aarnav Vengali

Std -Div Names

5A Rashi Chheda

5B Ram Ganglani

5C Hrushith Suvarna

6B Mohd. Hunzala Shaikh

7C Shreya Nautiyal

8C Anoushka Biradar

9B Tejas Baid

Std -Div Names

2A Dhriti Acharya

2B Mysha Jain

2C Atharv Gupta

3A Shreya Jong & Anya Kumar

3B Sniti Joshi , Mahika Vaidya , Roshni Vajifdar

3C Nayonikaa Pardesi , Aviv Kadam

4A Dhyanvi Sodha & Pashmira Kapadia

4B Geetika Udeshi

4C Dhruv Bhoj ,Divyanshi Mishra , Diya Dinesh

5A Rhea Maniar

5B Nil

5C Avaneesh Karkera

Std -Div Names

6C Ananya Bavdekar

7A Aaron Kurien

7A Mahek Ahuja

7B Caitlin Moares

7B Joash D’ Souza

7B Swapnil Mistry

7C Kavya Bohra

7C Shreya Nautiyal

8A Jordan Fernandes

8B Advitha Dinesh

8B Avantika Mishra

8C Dhruvesh Dodia

9A Jhanvi Lachhwani

9C Bansi Sampat

Std -Div Names

4A Aashrav Vartak

4B Krishna Smart

4C Idhant Kothari

5A Meherzad Mody

5B Shlok Joglekar

6A Harman Kohli

7A Avaneesh Sawant

8C Harsh Solanki

9C Saanchi Kaur Anand

Std -Div Names

5A Abhyaansh Agarwal

5B Shaurya Bhandari

5C Viraj Singh

6C Eshaan Pissal

7B Saanvi Singh

8B Siddhanth Vengali

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Anyone who keeps learning stays young.


Std -Div Names

1A Vivaan Sampat

2C Myraa Sangelkar

3B Divleen kaur

4A Aashrav Vartak

5C Aashutosh Badiya

Std -Div Names

6A Darsh Shetty

7C Ameya Karanjgaonkar

8B Jainam Jain

9A Sana Shetty

Std -Div Names

1A Akshara Kulkarni

1B Sidhant Minda

1C Eia Shah

2A Amey Gogate

2B Aarush Dalal

2C Ankan Gada

3A Eshal Singhania

3B Khushi Fadia

3C Sparsh Sen

4A Aiden D'souza

Std -Div Names

4B Zaara Abedin

4C Bhargavi Raykar

5A Lavanya Nair

5B Sarah Pawar

5C Sriya Desai

6B Sai Rane

7A Yashika Singh

8C Vedika Gupta

9B Tejas Baid

Std -Div Names

1A Aarav Poduval

2C Vinisha Jain

3C Nicole Andrades

4A Pashmira Kapadia

5C Dalika Shah

6A Shruti Iyer

7C Shivani Shenoy

8B Jayani Parikh

9C Tapasya Narvekar

Std -Div Names

6A Kaveesh Vadodaria

7A Avaneesh Warrier

8C Simran Patadia

9C Tapasya Narvekar

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Yoga asanas by our students in the precincts of their homes during the International Yoga Day Celebration

Standing Ardh-Chakrasana/ Half Circle

Standing Vrikshasana/ Tree Pose

Pranayam/ Meditation

All rights reserved! Vissanji Academy, Dr. Radhakrishnan Marg, Off Old Nagardas Road, Andheri East, Mumbai 400 069. Email: [email protected]