Copyright © 2013 You Wealth Revolution. All rights reserved. June 6, 2013 Interview with Larry Crane Have Quantum Awakening To Enlightenment & Financial Freedom

June 6, 2013 Interview with Larry Craneawkn2013.s3.amazonaws.com/tr/Larry_Crane.pdf · love or allowing - whatever we want ... He's a wonderful guy and his whole family is into the

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Copyright © 2013 You Wealth Revolution. All rights reserved.

June 6, 2013

Interview with Larry Crane

Have Quantum Awakening To Enlightenment & Financial Freedom

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Copyright © 2013 Om Freely. All rights reserved.

Darius: Hello and welcome, everyone. This is Darius. You’re tuning in to You Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings I am very excited to be here. We have somebody who by his own admission… and I know what he brings. He is going to shoot us to the moon in terms of transformation and really bring us some very valuable information and some experience. Not just talking about it or hoping for it or holding it out like it's impossible for us. He’s going to bring us there.

So if you're ready to experience this… You know, what we love to do is bring you every flavor and every vibration and just be there as support for you. So be ready. It's going to happen today. We have Larry Crane back, and we're going to be talking about what is quantum awakening to enlightenment and financial freedom. Is there an awakening point when the things that used to hold you back, the things that used to be so challenging – money, relationships, love, peace of mind, self-acceptance… Is there a point where this can almost in the quantum, almost in the field of stillness, or almost in the field of pure love or allowing - whatever we want to call it - the zero point - become effortless, become yours, become truth, become flow. We're going to be finding that out today and even moving some people into that spot. So we're going to talk about really what stops people. What stops you from being quote-unquote ‘realized’ and what can you do about it? You're also going to understand how to get to a place where nothing and no one will ever bother you again. And I mean those things that really plague you or hold you back and make you feel stuck. Larry calls this the ‘realization place’. You're going to learn how to truly feel and be abundant. You’re going to also experience exactly what happiness is and how to have it, not after you buy Larry’s program but after you just stay on this call and follow what we're doing. That's what I love about this. It's for everybody. And you're going to discover how to easily experience true love, wealth, health and harmony, and have harmony with everyone you come in contact with. This is going to be a very powerful call and if you are going to follow along make sure you're not driving, make sure you're not operating heavy equipment, because you're going to be possibly moving into a very different vibration here. In fact you will. So be very careful and aware of what you're doing while you're listening. I suggest you just be present. Now, Larry Crane is a bestselling author, a self-made millionaire, and the founder of the world-renowned release technique. The effectiveness of this method has been verified by researchers at Harvard University, Columbia and UCLA. The release technique is not a system of positive thinking or inspiration. It is amazingly simple. It's astonishingly profound and it is an actual experiential technique designed to eliminate subconscious blocks and negativity and literally rewire the conscious and unconscious wiring that is standing in the way of your optimal health, happiness, abundance and success. Larry has actually taught the release technique to a hundred thousand graduates worldwide, including Fortune 500 executives, athletes, CEOs, authors, thought leaders,

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celebrities, healers and people from every walk of life so they could let go of the things that are keeping them stuck, the emotion, the stress, the energetic blocks that are holding them back from the joy and the abundance that is their birthright. Now, I want to just share what some people have been saying about this incredible work. Dr. Alexander Lloyd, bestselling author of The Healing Code - a great guest on the You Wealth Revolution – says, ‘Larry crane is a fabulous human being. His release technique will dramatically improve your profits and your performance levels. It enables you to rid yourself of any negative emotions easily and painlessly. It's like a passive energy two-by-four between the eyes, literally blasting away anything keeping you stuck.’ Another person - Steve Wynn from… I think that’s Indiana – says, ‘Seven years ago I was managing a pizzeria. I made $30,000 a year and all the pizza I could eat,’ - fortunately, he says, it was good pizza - ‘but I started releasing at that point seriously with Larry Crane. It happened so easily that now I own my own business, I have a wonderful lifestyle, and I have a multimillion dollar net worth. Plus I’m happier than I’ve ever been.’

Larry: Tell me just tell you… Darius: Oh, hi Larry! Larry: Let me tell you how about Steve Wynn. He lives in Iowa. Darius: Oh, Iowa, huh? Larry: And he’s a meditator. He's been meditating for 30 years. In fact he recently got a

Master’s degree at the PM University. He’s a very powerful guy, but he was feeling… He was doing that all the years, but until he learned the release technique he wasn't making any money. Now he's a multimillionaire. He's a wonderful guy and his whole family is into the release technique, but they're also into TM, and I don't see any competition particularly.

Darius: Yeah. Well, let's do this: I am excited you’re here and everyone’s excited. We love

having you here. I’ve got to start with this story for those new people. We have a big reach. It's bigger than ever and a lot of new people. Tell me… You earned millions of dollars as a successful businessman. You did that years ago and then you ended up in Time Magazine. And you gave all of this up to teach one simple thing and that is how people can be happy, how people can be in joy. Tell me the story. Tell me what happened. Tell me everything!

Larry: Okay, Darius. Well, I always thought that if I made a lot of money I’d be happy. And you

know there's a man called Buddha. Have you heard of him? Darius: Oh yeah.

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Larry: In the year of 527 BC Buddha said that life was suffering and the cause of suffering is desire. And unfortunately we have loaded with… loaded with people who are talking about desire and we have a lot of thwarted desires, and that causes tremendous suffering and frustration and a lot of unhappiness, which is caused all over the world, which is why you have all these weather conditions happening – storms, tornados. This is man's consciousness. However, if you could get beyond that and you'll be in… Man is out of harmony with Mother Nature right now and that's why these negative things are happening.

Lester showed us how to get into harmony so no matter what happens, no matter what's your encountering, you'll be safe and these things will not happen to you. Only if you have it loaded with fear and resistance are you pulling those things right in, because… Lester was a quantum physicist and energy is energy. You know magnets? You're pulling those things right in and you're out of harmony with Mother Nature. And I’ve never seen so many things going on that's off with Mother Nature. And we show people how to get in harmony with Mother Nature so that things don't happen. So I was always looking for answers in the world. I grew up in a relatively poor family. To me, the rich guy lived on the sixth floor and I lived in a basement. And my father told me if I could make a $100 a week I would have died and went to heaven. And my father was working six-and-a-half days a week to put food on the table. A lovely, lovely man. When I got out of school - and I had to work myself through all kinds of jobs to get out of school - and when I graduated NYU I saw a lots of my friends making lots of money in driving limos and so on. So I became this aggressive guy. I said, ‘Look, get out of my way. I’m taking what I want.’ And I climbed my way to the top, culminating with Time Magazine and TV guides and television shows and all the other stuff. I had airplanes. I had limos. I had everything that the world says is supposed to make you happy and I was miserable, Darius, miserable. So I know what happened to people like Elvis or Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston or any of these people. You get everything the world says is supposed to make you happy and you're still unhappy. It's confusing.

Darius: Yeah. Larry: So there I was. I came home one night after Time Magazine wrote an article about me

and I’m standing at my terrace thinking of jumping. I was unhappy for no reason at all. And I just had a lot of accumulated negativity that obviously didn't get in my way of being unsuccessful but it was in the way of me being happy.

And so I stood there contemplating jumping for a couple of hours and I asked myself an important question: What's life about? And the answer came out: I don't know what life is about. To me life was about just making money and it wasn't making me happy. So I decided I was going to find an answer. What that answer was I didn't know. I stumbled for a couple of years into new age courses and I didn't get any answers. One of the things I realized later on that I did have a way of being able to discriminate better

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than most people, which is why I was successful. I can see things clearly, except that when I was fogged up by my negativity I was just looking at my own negativity.

Darius: Right. Larry: So how do you get successful when you don't feel good about yourself? Well, the mind

is a conscious and a subconscious collection. If the subconscious thoughts are more powerful than the conscious thoughts then that's what prevails. If the conscious thoughts are more powerful than the subconscious thoughts so that's what prevails; which may explain why some people are so loving and so giving and so nice and they have no toys, and there's other people who are outwardly negative, complaining all the time and they have lots of toys.

Darius: So the people that sometimes seem like the most negative actually sometimes acquire

a lot of wealth, and those that seem to be positive and spiritual and loving don't, and it's because they have a subconscious belief… those are that possibly really loving maybe something underneath the surface they're not aware of that keeps them stuck.

Larry: Exactly. Darius: I know there’s a lot of people here that have big hearts, big ideas, but something keeps

them stuck. If you guys are here and you feel like there's always something that's been holding you back and you can't put your finger on it, or something sabotages when you get things going, or maybe you finally get some money and then some new expense comes up that you never had before it's all gone. Just send us a message. I want to hear if that fits or if you've ever seen that or know someone who's had that challenge.

Larry: Well, Darius, it's happening all over the world, which is why hardly any country can get

along with each. People can't get along. It's getting worse and worse. The government can't even get along. I’m not discriminating. Look, they got big egos. They could solve the problem of the deficit financing and all that, except they won't do it. And they're pushing against each other and they don't understand what love is. And most of the planet, Darius, has no idea what love is. None. But most people what love is… along as you do what I want you to do I love you, and the minute you don't I’m going to kill you.

So it's tricky what's going on, and we're moving in an area where people are looking for more and more finances and they’d better find them, because where it’s not headed… I hate to say this, but we're not heading for good times. It’s getting worse and worse and worse, and people are getting more and more frustrated, which affects the weather. Now, what they don't know is that everybody right now is totally realized - right this minute. Totally realized, totally enlightened, only their negativity is blinding them. It’s like when you put on sunglasses the world looks like rose-color glasses.

Darius: Right Larry: Take off those negative feelings and you'll be blown away as to what you really are. And

it's not something that you can learn in the book. It's not something that anybody can tell

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you. You have to experience it yourself. The real learning is the way Plato taught or Socrates taught… is experiential. And Lester Levenson developed a technique that is a totally as a quantum physicist and an engineer… And he teaches only what you can prove. It’s not what you say, it's what you can do.

So a lot of people are talking, but the question is: can they do it? If you can't do it then there's something wrong in your consciousness. Remove that negative subconscious block and you'll be enlightened. You are enlightened right now except you're acting like you're not. That's the funny thing about it. Now, it's not mystical. What realization is that you realize what you are. You realize what you are. An awareness is you are aware of awareness. Most people are constantly living in the past or living in the future. One of these days they're going to be happy when. And they're trying to change what's already happened. And if you can find a way to change it I’ll give you a medal. Once something happens there's no way to change it, you see. However, you can change the way you feel about it. That's a big thing. That's one of the big things that Lester discovered. Now, Lester was a physicist and an engineer, and in 1952 at the age of 42 years old he had a second massive heart attack.

Darius: Wow. Larry: The doctors sent him home to die. They said, ‘You’ve got three days to live.’ It was so

serious that they recommended that he get loafers and not bend down and tie his shoelaces.

So Lester being a physicist he went home and he said, ‘Wow, the experts can't help me, so unless I help myself I’m going to be dead and I don't feel like doing that.’ So he thought he would examine his life, which is what a physicist does. A scientist…

Darius: Okay. Larry: They start examining things. And he takes a look at what's true and what's not true. He

examined his life and he noticed that the times when he was ill was when he was looking for love and negative, and the times when he was well, which was not that often because every illnesses known to mankind at one time or another… And he said the times that I was well was when I was loving and positive.

So the next question that comes to a scientist is: How could I get positive? How do I do it?

Darius: Right. Right. Larry: Well, everything in the universe is energy, as you know, and you've been talking about

that for weeks now - months now. Everything in the universe is energy and there's positive energy and there's negative energy, right.

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Darius: Yeah. Larry: And everybody's loaded with all the positive energy that you could ever imagine, but

they're also loaded with a tremendous amount of negativity, and if they ever let all their frustrations go - one person - there'd be a bigger explosion than a hydrogen bomb. If one person would ever let go of all the grief that they have at one time the earth would be flooded – one! So if you could imagine we’ve got all this 700 million people in the earth, this is what's going on.

Darius: Yeah. Larry: So what Lester decided to do was to let go of his non-loving feelings. He didn't know

what he was doing, but when you're a scientist you experiment. He thought to let go of his non-loving feelings, which I’m going to show you how to do, and he got lighter and lighter and lighter and lighter. He sat around the clock for three months’ time and at the end of the three months he was totally cured. He didn't have to go back to a doctor to ask him if he's cured. He already knew it. He got to a place where… what we call ‘knowing that you know’ - I know that I know. You heard people say ‘I am that I am’. That's what you. That's it. I am that I am. But you'll never get to that ‘I am’ place intellectually. In a million years you'll never get there. It's in all the religious books ‘I am that I am’, but how do you get there? And I’ll show you how to get there to experience it.

So what Lester did is he got rid of all his non-loving feelings and his body was cured. He didn't see another doctor for the next 40-something years.

Darius: So Larry, really quick. He spent three months just focusing on that as a as a quantum

physicist would. Just really to save his life he spent that much time figuring out this entire coup, this entire realization.

Larry: He didn't have any lineage that a lot of these so called masters have. His lineage was

the fact that he had a massive heart attack and the doctors said he had two weeks to live… three weeks to live.

Darius: Wow. Larry: So he went to work and he proved to himself that he couldn't die. He proved that totally

his body was healed. And then what he did while he was doing that… he had a tendency to make money, lose money, make money, lose money all of his life.

Darius: Sure. Larry: So once he got so positive he focused that attention, that positive energy, in the

direction of financial means and became a multimillionaire. Once he did that he took a step further than that. He devoted the rest of his life to show other people what he found out. He didn't want anything from anybody. He lived in a world of having. He was not suffering. I never saw him suffer and I was fortunate enough to hang around with him for 22 years. And I’ve seen people try to attack him in the severest way and all he did was

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tell me to love them. And I didn't at the time. I wanted to kill them. And he just told me: No, Larry, you’ve got to love them.’ And he was a 1000% right.

Now, yeas later, centuries later, after our friend Buddha came around, there was a man called Jesus, who also talked about love - that love was the answer. And then along came Lester in the 20th Century who is talking in a more practical way, a more modern way of showing you how to get rid of the negativity so you could get enlightened. He called it ‘imperturbability’. That means nothing and nobody bothers you again. It's another way of saying that you have peace of mind. And the only one way to be enlightened is to have peace of mind, which means a 1000% quiet mind. Nothing going on. So the more you fill up your mind with more information, you're moving further and further away from enlightenment and you're just feeding your ego. And, by the way, there is no such thing as an ego. You want to get mad your ego you're causing yourself trouble. Ego is only a recording, a computer, which records and plays back everything that ever happened to you in your lifetimes. And unless you can remove that stuff it's under-riding you. I mean, Anatole talked about being in the now. What he meant is that if you're in… You’re not in the present moment, most people. They're influenced by past things that have happened to them, their beliefs about money, their beliefs about relationships, their beliefs about their mother, their father, about the world.

Darius: Yeah. Larry: You see? So if you have all these beliefs, unless you can knock them out it's stopping

you from being realized. Darius: Larry, I got to jump in really quick, because you said something that sends kind of

shivers through me, and I don't think I’ve ever heard it explained this way. You said the ego is nothing more than a recording. Now, a lot of us… I think the way I’ve thought of it is the ego’s this living, breathing thing…

Larry: No. Darius: And you're saying it's like past tense. It’s like this inanimate recording that's just playing

in… I mean, that just for me, guys… I don't know where everyone else is at. Let me kind of share what that means. But something has moved in me. Like when you said that I was like, ‘Oh my god, that just…’ That just that just blew me away.

Larry: We created it. We created it when we weren't discriminating. You see, when you have a

lot of negativity you're not discriminating. For example, if you want to get along with your with your boss, stop fighting with him. It's that simple. But nobody showed us how to do that, you see. So we're not discriminating, you see. And we do have the ability to discriminate. And what made me successful years ago when I had… I had a lot of anger, man. I was really angry and yet I was successful. I was hanging around… I was partners with people in the White House. I was partners with Clint Murchison, who founded the Dallas Cowboys. I was hanging around billionaires. And I didn't realize it but I had the ability to discriminate more so than the average person, which is why I got to be more successful. It didn't necessarily make me happy, but I had a lot of toys

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Darius: I wanted to ask you about Lester and when he actually got this secret of the releasing method. I remember stories that I’ve read. His life became pretty magical. I mean, you should tell me… I remember you talked to me privately and maybe and on this call… that people would just give him buildings, and abundance was just everywhere in his hands, because he had no attachment. Tell me about that.

Larry: Well, when he put his attention on the money situation, the corrective that he had, he

accumulated 23 buildings in Manhattan. He didn’t pay for it. Darius: Oh my god. Larry: People gave it to him. Now, those things are totally mind-boggling. And then what he

did... See, he's a scientist, so he's proving things himself. Do you know what he did? He said, ‘I’m a money machine. I don't need to work for a living. I don't need to do anything. All I got to do is just get in alignment with the universe.’

So what he does is he takes a trip around the world with no money - zero money. When I heard about that I said, ‘What are you talking about, Lester? You mean you went around begging?’ He said, ‘No, I went there with the intention that I’m going around the world and I’m safe.’ If read the book called The Diary of a Yogi by Yogananda. Lester’s favourite story The Penniless Boys From Brindaban. Yogananda did the same thin. He went around with his buddies, no money, knowing he was well taken care of.

Darius: Wow. Larry: We can all do that, but the thing is we're too busy and we're brainwashed with all of the

stupid things that have been told to us, and we just don't know.

The thing to do is to go back to the Garden of Eden. See, we came from the Garden of Eden. That's a story. It's a parable, Darius. In the beginning Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. They ate the apple of knowledge. We don't know what that means. As soon as they ate the apple and now that their egos started to work…And as soon as they did that they got kicked out of the Garden of Eden, Cain killed Able, and it's been downhill ever since. They didn't have to work. They didn't have to have examinations. They didn't have to get inoculations. everything was perfect. And we started to think. As soon as we started to think we got into trouble. Until you've got millions of people who are meditating all around the world. And what the attempt is to quiet your mind. Now, recently the University of Pennsylvania, which studies a quiet mind – they’re experts up there – they studied some of our release technique people and they said some of our people had a quieter mind than a monk.

Darius: Oh my. Larry: And I’m talking about people who are lawyers. I’m talking about women who have three

kids. Stuff like that. Now, you say, how's that possible? Well, we show you how to quiet

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your mind to get to a place where nothing and nobody bothers you, and as you do that you get more successful, your body gets healed, your world is surrounded with nothing but miracles. Except they're not miracles. That's the way it is.

One of my teachers that I hear all these storms… And has happened to many, many of my students, not just one. One of my teachers was in Karina in New Orleans when it happened. The only house… You see these pictures of the devastation with the hurricanes or whatever happened recently…

Darius: Right. Right. Larry: That area if you lived in looked exactly like you see on television, except that the only

house that was standing with no damage in it was her house. the windows weren't broken. There wasn’t water damage in there. And everything around her was destroyed.

You say, ‘How could that happen?’ She was in a positive area and she was in a total alignment with Mother Nature and she knew how to do it - we showed her how to do it – so that she's not negative about it and she's not pulling anything in on her.

Darius: We've got a bunch of questions coming in, Larry, about what this technique is, and a lot of you are asking does it work on this, has it ever work on this… different types of challenges. Let’s a talk a little bit about what the release technique is and then if we can talk about some of the things you've seen. Some people are asking about physical conditions and health challenges maybe that they've been dealing with and whether it can help alleviate some of that. Tell us more of the technique that Lester discovered and that you've, I believe, really perfected and taken to the next level.

Larry: Oh, I didn't perfect it. I didn't perfect it. I want to tell you this… Darius: Okay. Larry: You don't fool around you with the master’s technique. I don't fool around with it. Darius: Ah, okay. Larry: I’m just doing it exactly the way Lester showed it to me and I’m showing it to other

people. I’ve demonstrated it to me personally. I haven't seen it… I used to be a hypochondriac. One of the first things that Lester told me when I first met him… Remember, he had no limitations. None. Zero. Zippo. And I’m watching the guy all the time as I was hanging around him all the time. So to me if you say something your feet ought to follow your mouth. If it doesn't you’re just talking.

Darius: Right. Larry: You're just talking. And then a million people talking but their feet don't follow their


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So he tells me there's no such thing as a germ. I said, ‘What?’ I was a hypochondriac. If you sneezed on the telephone I’d probably catch a cold. I had every… you name it - hay fever, rose fever, every kind of thing. So I walked away from the meeting because I love about the method that way, see. I walked away from that meeting and I said, ‘Whoa, this is mind-boggling, but if he's right he gets rid of all my illnesses, and if he's wrong I’m now worst off than I am right now.’ So I applied the technique and I haven't seen a doctor in 35 years. I wouldn't go near one of those people with 400-foot pole. Not at all. I don't take any medicine. I don't take anything. I don't even let them touch me. They've literally studied medicine; they didn't study health. And unfortunately we're all brainwashed with the pharmaceutical companies putting out this junk that they have on television. If you listen carefully and you're really clear about it you wouldn't take that junk that they tell you about on television. They read all these disclaimers and stuff like and people don't even hear it. They’re telling you you're going to get cancer, you're going to have a heart attack, your head's going to fall off, you're just going to lose your eyesight…

Darius: Yes, they do. Larry: ‘But be sure to call your doctor for a free sample.’ Come on. Darius: Yeah, exactly. Larry: And nobody… that’s the ability not to discriminate. To listen to… Darius: Someone just wrote in and said, ‘Thank you for telling it like it is, Larry.’ So they love it.

Paula said, ‘Thank you, Larry, for telling it like it is.’ Larry: All that medicine is all a placebo. If you think it works it works, and if you don't think it

works it doesn't work. That's it. That's how powerful we are. Unfortunately if you if somebody really tells you something and you really believe it then it goes into your mind like that's the facts.

You know something, Darius? You don't even know who your mother and father are. One day you woke up and they said, ‘I’m your mother and I’m, your father.’

Darius: That’s right. Larry: We don’t really know it. Darius: That’s right. Larry: And we're listening to all this junk that’s out there – the New York Times said this, the

television said this, CNN says… They don't know what they're talking about. With all that negativity they have to get negative or nobody would turn to their stations. So they’re more negative… You notice when something comes up the next thing that takes over is bigger, you see?

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Darius: Yeah. Yeah. Larry: Tiger Woods was a problem and now Tiger Woods isn't a problem because we had a

big storm in New York city and all that. And you know something? It’s the second time we had a storm in New York City and I’ll tell you why. If they don't know how to release that they're going to pull us right back in again just like they did in Omaha. Same place gets pulled right in with the same storm one or two years later. And they don't notice they're doing that. They're actually pulling it right in on them, because energy is energy on the planet and Lester understood that.

Now, if you could remove that negative energy then you'd be safe no matter what happens. No matter what happens.

Darius: Tell me some of the things that you've seen… And we're actually going to get to do the

release technique and take some people through it. So if you want to be a part of this definitely you're going to see a big difference. Hit *2 on your phone.

Sell me of the things you've seen work with. For example, what sorts of physical issues have you seen the release technique work with? I saw a video, Larry, years ago of a gentleman you were doing the technique on. He was on a wheelchair and literally got up and started walking.

Larry: Listen, that man that you're talking… Well, I don't know, this is happened with dozens of them. We have right now on the Release Technique Facebook page you’ll see kinds of miracles there. There's a man who was a head of a Chicago Health Department. He's a surgeon. He was the head of the Cook County Hospital. He had terrible pain and so on and so forth and you'll see him throw away his walking canes and walking. I’m not a healer. I’m just showing you what Lester showed me. If you use the technique you fix yourself. Don't get involved with healers. It's a bad idea. You’re giving your power to somebody. Don't give you power to anybody. You're already realized.

And I’ll tell you how realized. When you got up the morning, you open up your eyes. How did that happen? You decided to open up your eyes. And you got off your bed and you put your feet on the ground, right? How did that happen? That's somebody that's in total control. However, we have a million issues where we say we're not in control. Now, remove those negative issues and you'll see that you're in control of everything in the universe. It's your picture. It's just a picture in your mind. And unfortunately you’ve got a lot of bad pictures in there so whatever you mind is projecting… You project negativity in the world, it'll play out in the world. You let go of the negativity and what'll play out in the world is positive. You take a projection screen. It’s blank. It’s blank. There's nothing going on. It depends on what you project on the screen. And that mind of ours is projecting in accordance with the negative pictures that we have in screen, in our minds. That gets projected out and that's what happens in the world. Take out those pictures and everything is just perfect harmony. That's it. And we are, except that it takes some practice to get to that place. It takes some practice to get to that place. And most of us are not living life the

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way we should live it. There's too much suffering. And we only move when we're suffering. We only move when we're suffering. And you don't have to suffer - you don't. However, there’s little things that we think that will make us happy, like going to the restaurant, going to a cruise. You know what happens if you with negativity and you come back after the cruise? You came back with your negativity. So wherever you go you're taking your garbage with you. With or without the garbage that's what’s happening.

Darius: Well I want to do this if we can: I want to before we get too far along… I want to take

some people through some of the releasing. Would that be possible? Larry, are you still there? Hold tight, guys. Oh, I think we may have lost Larry. He'll be dialing right back in.

What I want to do for those of you that want to go through the release technique… just hit *2 on your phone and we're going to work through as many people as possible. As you can see, Larry tells it like it is and he definitely holds nothing back. And many of you who've been dealing with challenges are going to see how quickly you can just turn that around and turn off the things that seem to be holding you back, that seem to be challenges. So we've got a bunch of people raising their hands. We're going to hold tight for Larry…

Larry: Darius, Darius. I got dropped off the phone by accident. So I’m back. Darius: No problem. Well, got a ton of people raising their hands, Larry. Should we get started?

I know you love to demonstrate and show people. Larry: Well, the only real learning. You see, you couldn't have learned how to walk… Darius: Yeah. Larry: There’s no way. You didn't speak. You didn't understand what your mother would have

said to you. She took you by the hand. You fell down nine million times and one day something clicked and then from then on you walked.

Darius: Yeah. Larry: That’s real learning, you see. You didn't have to figure it out. Nobody can tell you to

walk. You decided to walk. And you by the way you fell down nine million times. And you watch little kids, they're laughing all the time. When they fall down, they get up and they laugh. If you weren't determined to walk you'd still be in the crib. And a lot of people are still falling down and they fall down and they stay down. Little kids they don't stay down. They get up laughing, you see. And that's the real nature of us.

Darius: Well, let's do it. I’m going to start taking callers. We've got one person… I’m going to go

it straight to Lori and SCA are the first three letters of her last name. She’s in Upland, California at a 909 area code. Lori, are you there?

Lori: Yes I am.

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Larry: Hi, Lori. Darius: You're on with Larry. Lori: Hi, Larry. How are you? Larry: Hi. How can I help you, Lori? Lori: Well, I just would just like to release… I have this… it seems to be a block for myself

that I just go into this resistance and I go into this little bit of ‘I just don’t have to, I don’t want to’. And I’m really motivated to do things but then I go into this resistance, and I don't know where this resistance comes from.

Larry: Okay. It’s easy. It’s easy to undo that thing. It does take practice. So you see the

problem is you're using that apple that you picked up in the Garden of Eden, that thing called the mind. So go ahead and ask your mind if it knows what the problem is; why you can't do those things. Go ahead and ask it.

Lori: It says because I don't want to. Larry: But it doesn't have an answer. Lori: No. Larry: You want to hear something funny about it? Go ask your ego if it wants you to be happy

ego. Just say, ‘Ego, do you want me to be happy?’ Lori: Ego, do you want me to be happy? Larry: And what does it say? Lori: No! Larry: Okay, ask it if it wants you to be wealthy. Lori: I would say no. first thing. Larry: Yeah, and that’s what we’re worshiping. That’s who were listening to - an ego.

Everybody can do it. You’ll get the same answers: No. No, I don't want to be happy. Ask your ego if it wants you to be healthy.

Lori: Do I want to be healthy? Instinct: no. Larry: Right. And that's who you're worshipping and that’s who you're hanging out with. And

it's not just you, it’s everybody. Lori: But it’s still not conscious.

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Larry: It’s subconscious. So you're a zombie, you see. listening to something that we created. We created it when we didn't know what we were doing and now it's playing back and we have to listen it – we think we have to listen to it. You say, ‘My mind is driving me crazy.’ You forgot that it's your mind. ‘My body is driving me crazy.’ You forgot that it's your body.

So you don't have an answer up there, see. It can only feed back what you put in there. And can you see that everybody has a thing that when I don't get an answer I beat myself up? Can you see that?

Lori: Yes. Larry: Can you see that you've been disapproving yourself? Lori: Totally. Larry: You’re just feeding yourself more negativity, which is what the ego loves. It feeds on

negativity. So now you need to make a decision: I’m going to be positive and love myself or I’m going to be negative and beat myself up what do you decide?

Lori: I’d rather be positive and love myself. Larry: Okay. So could you let go of disapproving yourself right now? Lori: Right now. Yes. Larry: And could you let go of disapproving yourself some more? Lori: Yes. Larry: And could you let go of disapproving yourself some more? Lori: Absolutely. Larry: And a little bit more? Lori: Absolutely. Larry: And a little bit more? Lori: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Lori: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more?

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Lori: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Lori: Yes. Larry: And could you give yourself some approval? Lori: Yes. Larry: Could you give yourself a little bit more approval? Lori: Yes. Larry: And a little more approval? Lori: More approval. Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Lori: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Lori: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Lori: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Lori: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Lori: Absolutely. Larry: Now how do you feel? Lori: I’m smiling. Larry: Yeah. And have you noticed there's a very warm feeling in your body, your stomach and

your chest? Lori: Yes. Larry: And it's now moving all around your body. Do you notice that?

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Lori: I notice it mostly in my throat and my heart. Larry: Yeah. That's the love that you've been looking for. It wasn't in the world. It's inside you

all the time. You came here with it, except you've been looking away from it, listening to that ego that tells you not to be happy. How does that grab you?

Now I’ll show you what you really are, alright?

Lori: Okay. Larry: Could you let go of the way you feel right now and see if it gets any better? Lori: Yes. Larry: And could you let go and see if it gets any better? Lori: Yes. Larry: And could you let go and see if it gets any better? Lori: Yes. Larry: And could you let go and see if it gets any better? Lori: Yes. Larry: And could you let go and see if it gets any better? Lori: Yes. Darius: I think we just got knocked off. Larry will be right back. So we're going to let you stay

there and he will be coming back here. I’m not sure what happened. Tell me how you're feeling at this point.

Lori: It seems on the upper part of my body it's... like the chakra and the upper part seems to

be kind of coming alive. So that's kind of interesting. Darius: Very interesting. Okay. And we will be waiting for Larry to come back. Very interesting. I

want to know is anybody following along and actually doing with this Lori. And you certainly can do this and do what's she's doing. And a bunch of people…

Larry: Darius, I got disconnected again. Darius: No problem. Alright. Well, Lori’s waiting and she’s feeling it. Larry: Right. How do you feel now, Lori? Lori: Lighter.

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Larry: Okay. Now, could it get any better? Can you let go and find out? Lori: Yes. Absolutely. Larry: Could it get any better? Can you let go and find out? Lori: Yes. Larry: Could it get any better? Can you let go and find out? Lori: Can I let go and find out? yes. Larry: Could it get any better? Can you let go and find out? Lori: Yes. Larry: Now, if you notice, you're moving up and you're getting lighter and lighter. Loir: Yes I am. Larry: How high is up? Lori: I can feel it up in to my chest and it feels very alive. Larry: I’m just telling you if you keep doing this for hours you'd be blissed out so much that you

wouldn't believe it. And that's the real nature. That's who you are, except you've been looking away from that.

Lori: Yes. Larry: Now is it more of a feeling you're going to get bothered by anything? Lori: No, it seems a little bit more solid and grounded into me. Larry: Right. Now, if you could get to that place you’d get to a place where Lester was, where

nothing nobody bothers you and everything falls in your lap and you can do anything without an effort. It's your ego that's resisting, you see.

Lori: Do you start this every day just lightening up and talking to yourself each day? Larry: Well, you not talking to yourself; you're practicing it. And we'll show you step… Darius

will tell you what we have to offer… Lori: Okay. Larry: And we show you step-by-step how to get to that place. It does take practice. Most

people are more interested in the pizza than they are with having a decent life. They’re

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more interested in taking a cruise and they know they're bothered so you escape for a little, you come back and you're still where you were before. Still bothered.

What do you do with your time? What are most people doing with their time? They're looking for happiness with dribs and dribs, a little bit here and a little bit there. All those television shows and all those… They’re all negative. Even the funny ones are not that funny.

Darius: That’s true. Hey, Larry, I want to say this: We’ve got a lot of people actually following

along. Tracy says, ‘I’m following. I enjoy the work. It flows. It’s simple and instant.’

Another person: ‘Absolutely awesome shifts.’ Mary Lynch says, ‘Powerful light.’ Susan says, ‘Yes, I’m experiencing a change. Thank you.’ Justine: ‘I feel the heat.’ Let’s take another caller and see where we can go. Thank you, Lori.

Larry: Thank you, Lori. Darius: We’re going to take Charlene in Twin Cities. Charlene, you're on with Larry. What can

we do for you? Larry: Hi, Charlene. Charlene: Hi, Larry. Just going through the last process, the energy around me is getting higher

and lighter and that feels good Larry: Yeah. Darius: Oh, good. Charlene: I’ve been feeling very sad lately. We haven't had any sunshine here in the Twin Cities

for like weeks. It feels like we have Portland’s weather. And I just feel… Larry: Right. You’re being affected by the weather. Now, look. You’re a realized person right

now. You ever noticed cows? Do they complain when the weather is raining? They sit there, they keep eating. They don't complain. Do the trees complain? They're more realized than we are. Human beings are backwards. You take a shower in the morning, don't you? What are you complaining about the weather for? As if you can do anything about it. But the good news is you can.

You could have sunshine wherever you want. Lester showed us how to do that and I show all my students how to do it. He says you can control the weather. When he told me that originally I said, ‘What? Are you crazy? Control the weather?’

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Whenever I used to go on vacation it used to rain all the time. Once I put the technique in practice wherever I go the weather is beautiful. I don't care if this is the middle of a snowstorm it doesn't matter now. Now, I don't want to sound egotistical. What I’m saying is that anybody can do it. Anybody can do it. So can you see that you feel out of control about the weather?

Charlene: Yeah. Larry: Okay. So could you let go of one of the control so that you can have control? Charlene: Oh, paradox. Sure. Why not? Larry: It’s not a paradox. Can you stand up and sit down at the same time? There’s nothing

paradoxical about that. Let me see you stand up and sit down at the same time. It can’t be done, can it?

Charlene: With anti-gravity control I could do it. Larry: Ah, listen, I don't want to play around with that. Can you stand up and sit down at the

same time? You can't. You either or you have. And most of the planet is living in a world of wanting, which is what Buddha said causes suffering. So could you let go of the one of the controls that controls so you can have control?

Charlene: Yes. Larry: And could you let go of the one that controls so you can have control? Charlene: Yes. Larry: And which feels better – having control or wanting control? Charlene: Having control. Larry: So could you let go of the one that controls so you can have control? Charlene: Yes. Larry: And does it feel more like you have control or do you still want control? Charlene: A little of both. Sorry. Larry: Alright. So you did a shift. If you would let go of all your wanting you would have the

most amazing shift that could ever happen. You’d fall right into what you really are. You'd leave the realm of suffering, you'd leave the realm of desire, and you'd move right into having. You either want or you have. Which feels better - having or wanting?

Charlene: Having.

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Larry: It’s a choice. So could you let go of one thing so that you could have? Charlene: Yes. Larry: And could you let go of one thing so that you could have? Charlene: Yes. Larry: And which feels better – wanting or having? Charlene: Having. Larry: So could you let go of one thing so that you could have? Charlene: Yes. Larry: Does it feel more like you can have or do you still want? Charlene: I still want. Larry: Okay, so you're still suffering. Charlene: Yes. Larry: Well, it’s you're choice. If I asked a five-year-old kid which feels better - having or

wanting? What are you going to say? Having. And you're saying what's better is wanting, out of habit. Do you see that?

You will continue to be bothered… I'll give this in writing. You will continue to be bothered by the weather as long as you're into wanting. You're out of control, my dear, and you're walking around saying, ‘That’s what I'm going to do. I'm going to stay out of control.’ A realized person is going to continue to be out of control. So can you see that you're trying to figure out…? Let me go back to kindergarten now and try to kick it up to graduate school. Let me go back to kindergarten. Can you see that you’re trying to figure out why you feel sad?

Charlene: Yes. Larry: So on a scale of zero to ten, with ten being the saddest and zero being the least sad,

where would you be? Charlene: Five. Larry: Five. Okay. So I can show you how to get rid of the sadness, but you're going to have to

do something totally different than you used to doing. Are you willing to do that? Charlene: Yes.

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Larry: All I need you to do is to say yes to that sadness so I can help you get rid of the sadness. So could you say yes to the sadness?

Charlene: Yes. Larry: Could you say yes to the sadness some more? Charlene: Yes. Larry: And could you say yes to the sadness some more? Charlene: Yes. Larry: Could you say yes to the sadness some more? Charlene: Yes. Larry: Could you say yes to the sadness some more? Charlene: Yes. Larry: And could you say yes to the sadness some more? Charlene: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Charlene: Yes. Larry: Now, on a scale of zero to ten, ten being the saddest and zero being the least sad,

where would you be now? Charlene: Two. Larry: Okay. So you know what’s happening now? See, what developed computers is minds.

So computers work like minds and minds work like computers. That's what we call the ego, it’s a computer, in our minds.

Now, in order to delete something in a computer, the computer says: ‘Are you sure want

to delete me? Yes or no.’ If you don't hit the Yes button it doesn't get deleted. And the mind is built and you don't delete anything in there. It doesn't want you to release anything. It’s supposed to keep all the information just like a computer keeps information. You got it?

Charlene: Yes. Larry: So when you say yes, it’s a way of letting go of the negativity just like you're deleting a

computer. So you went down from five to three? Or two?

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Charlene: Yes. Larry: Okay. Now, this’ll surprise you, but go ahead and ask the sadness if it wants to leave.

Just say, ‘Sadness, follow me.’ Sadness… Charlene: Sadness… Larry: Do you want to leave? Charlene: Do you want to leave? Larry: What does it say? Charlene: No. Larry: Now you're talking to your ego. Talk to the sadness. Sadness, do you want to leave? Charlene: Sadness, do you want to leave? Yes. Larry: Yeah. It says yes, okay. Now, here’s what you do. Say, ‘I love you, sadness.’ Charlene: I love you, sadness. Larry: ‘I really love you.’ Charlene: I really love you, sadness Larry: ‘I love you.’ Charlene: I love you, sadness. Larry: ‘I love you if you leave…’ Charlene: I love you, sadness, if you leave. Larry: ‘And I love you if you stay.’ Charlene: And I love you if you stay. Larry: ‘I just love you unconditionally.’ Charlene: I just love you unconditionally. Larry: And I notice you're starting to laugh now, see? Charlene: Yeah.

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Larry: So are you’re feeling positive feelings now, on a scale of zero to ten, with ten being the saddest and zero being the least saddest, where are you now?

Charlene: Probably about a point five. Larry: Alright. Point five. So I think I heard you say that the sadness wanted to leave. Did I

hear you right? Charlene: Yes. Larry: And am I talking to the owner? Are you really the owner? Charlene: Yes! Larry: Okay. And does it feel nice, the sadness? Charlene: Yes. Larry: No, it doesn't feel nice. The sadness doesn't feel nice. It’s the joy that you're

experiencing that feels nice. Charlene: It’s because I want to bake a cookie. So I guess I'm entitled to a cookie. You know, you

bake cookies it’s a good feeling! Larry: So look, just say this remaining point five… Because to me it’s a virus and if you don't

get rid of it, it will creep back in just like it will in a computer. So just say to the sadness: ‘I'm the boss.’

Charlene: I'm the boss. Larry: And it’s just a story in my head. Charlene: And it’s just a story in my head. Larry: And I'm letting you go. Charlene: And I'm letting you go. Larry: So where are you now? Charlene: Good. I’m at zero. Larry: Alright. Now, look how fast that happened. Now, did I do anything for you? did I give you

a bunch of cookies? Did I give you gold? Did I blow in your ear? No. So can you see, you're laughing.

Darius: She is. She’s definitely laughing.

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Larry: I know. So could it get any better? Can you let go and find out? Charlene: Yes. Thank you. Larry: Now, could it get any better? Can you let go and find out? Charlene: Yes. Thank you. Larry: And could you let go and find out? Charlene: yes. Larry: And could it get any better? Can you let go and find out? Charlene: Yes. Larry: And could it get any better? Can you let go and find out? Charlene: Yes. Larry: And could it get any better? Can you let go and find out? Charlene: Yes. Larry: Now, how do you feel? Charlene: I feel really good. Larry: And if you keep doing that, you get lighter and lighter and lighter and lighter. Darius: Wow. Charlene: Thank you. That feels really good. Larry: Now, it takes practice to do it, so I don't want to allude anybody and I don't want

anybody to think I'm doing it. I'm not. I'm just showing you what Lester showed me, and if you follow the process and you learn the technique - which takes a good practice - I'm not going to lie to you - it does take good practice. And if you practice it, it’s practicing finding out what love is. It’s practicing being the real person you are. It’s practicing truth. And all the stuff that we think in the world is going to make us happy, take a look at all these wealthy people and they're not happy and yet we've been told that in order to be happy you have to have a lot of money. I believed that. It’s not true. I thought I’d make more money but I don't effort at it. I just get out of the way and my pockets are filled. I haven't worked in 35 years. I wouldn't dream of it.

Darius: Well, we just had one person ask that. They said: ‘Can this help with money?’

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Another person was asking about weight gain. I just want to ask that about weight gain and things of that sort. Any opinions on that? And then after you’ve answered that I want to go to another person. I want to keep going.

Larry: Darius, it's all a mental thing. So if you think you're fat you are, and if you think you’re

not you’re not. Eliminate the thoughts that say that you’re fat and you discover that you’re not. That's it. You can take all the Jenny Craigs you want. All these people that go up and down. They take weight-loss pills and they finally lose some weight and then before you know it they gain the weight back. They make some money and then they blow it. Because it’s programmed in there and they’re sabotage programs. And unless you remove those mental viruses, those sabotage programs, you'll keep spinning around, spinning around, and never being happy. What the world is looking for – everybody – is happiness with no sorry. That's what everybody is looking for, you see. And the question is we're looking for it in the wrong way. This is a world that's got us competing against each other, which is the antithesis of love. We're not happy when a friend of ours makes a lot of money. We're jealous. Not everybody, but most of us.

Darius: Yeah. Larry: That's negative. If you knew what you really are you'd say; ‘Oh wow. That person just

made a million dollars. Wonderful. Terrific.’ That's really being positive. Darius: Yeah. Exactly. Larry: Not bitching about it and complaining and beating yourself up - why don’t I do? Why did

he get the promotion that I didn’t? Because you're competing with each other and you’re suffering. It’s about love.

Darius: Alright. Let’s take another caller. I want to jump in. We're going to take Sydney in South

Bend, Indiana. Sydney, are you there? Or maybe it’s Kelsey. 574. Caller: Yes. Larry: Hello. What's your name? Caller: I have been dealing with multiple health challenges for many, many years… Larry: Right. Caller: And I just can't seem to get the beyond that and it’s just laid me out. And I am very, very

active in helping with the evolution of humankind and I just feel out of the game right now.

Larry: Okay. I got it, dear. And because you’re listen to your friend, your mind. It’s not your

friend. It’s your enemy, you see. And it doesn't want to erase things, right? So go ahead and ask your mind if it knows how to get rid of your illnesses. Ask it. What's does it say.

Caller: It’s realized who I really am.

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Larry: What does your mind tell you? Do you know how to get rid of your…? I know you’re practicing positive thinking but it isn't getting you healthy. You don't realize it but on the subconscious level you're practicing negative thinking, all the time thinking that you're practicing positive thinking.

Caller: Yes. Larry: Otherwise you'd be well. You wouldn't be sick. What Lester did is he got rid of all this

non-loving feelings and his body was healed. Can you see that you’ve have been disapproving of your body?

Caller: Yes. Larry: How is that going to get you better? Caller: It won’t. Yes. Larry: And who's been doing it? Who's been disapproving of your body? You ask. Can you

see that? Caller: Yes. Larry: Alright. So now we’ve got to discriminate. I’m helping you discriminate. Remember I told

you that in the beginning of my life I had the ability to discriminate, except I didn't know it? It was just something I had, and that made me more successful. Now, could you let go of disapproving of yourself?

Caller: Yes. Larry: And could you let go of disapproving of yourself some more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes.

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Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And could you give yourself some approval? Caller: Yes. Larry: Could you give yourself a little bit more approval? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes.

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Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And a little bit more? Caller: Yes. Larry: Now how does it feel? Are you less bothered? Caller: Well, if feels better and sometimes I visit this place but it doesn’t seem to stick. Larry: Well, keep beating it up and see if it goes away. You used the word ‘stick’. You've been

hitting yourself with a stick. Do you have any pain right now? Anywhere? Caller: I have great discomfort in my body, yes. Larry: Okay. In your whole body? Alright. So that discomfort, would you call it pain or what will

you call it? Caller: The distress seems to be mostly in my digestive system and a brain fog. Larry: Alright. I ate to laugh. I'm not laughing… It’s silly. You listen to the doctors who don't

know what they're doing… Caller: No. I feel it in my body. Larry: Where do you get that stuff? From the internet or from a doctor? Can you see you've

got a picture that body is sick? Can you get that? Close your eyes and you’ve got a story that you’re sick and your suffering. Can you see that?

Caller: Yes. Larry: Alright. Does that story help you at all? Caller: No.

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Larry: Alright. So just like the genie in a bottle in the television show where she evaporates out of the bottle, could you just allow that picture that you have in your mind to evaporate and dissolve?. Tell me when it’s gone.

Caller: Yes. Larry. Is it gone? Caller: I'm here. Larry: Is the picture gone? Is the story gone? Caller: It's disappearing. Larry: Right. Now just let the whole thing disappear and watch what happens. That's

experiential. Just let the whole story just evaporate and dissolve. Now how does it feel? Caller: More hopeful. Larry: Right. Well, now could you let the whole thing go, all of it go? There's no value at all.

There's no value at all. The picture doesn't please you, does it? Is it a nice picture? No Could you just let the whole picture evaporate and dissolve?

Caller: Yes. Larry: And more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And more? Caller: Yes. Larry: And even more? Caller: Yes.

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Larry: Now, how do you feel? Caller: Well, I think I might get up and see if I can dance. I'm very unstable in my feet but I think

I'm going to learn to dance again. Darius: Okay. Larry: There isn't anything you can’t do, my dear. It's all a mental picture. Caller: And it doesn't matter your age? Larry: Oh no. That's a bunch of nonsense. That's a bunch of nonsense. Caller: Well, this is what I believe on one level. Larry: Well, you could believe it but you see these subconscious programs that you have we

all have them too. If you get rid of it then you're unlimited. Lester walked around in his mid-80s like a little 5-year-old kid and he ended up in Sedona, Arizona where you've got these high mountains and so on and he was showing us around and my friend and I – it was the first time we were there – we were sitting in the car afraid to get out of the car and he's walking around the edges of mountains like a billy goat saying, Come on!’ And we were shaking in our boots.

Now, I learned the technique and I can walk on the mountain like a billy goat now, but it took me a while to get rid of my fear. And those are just feelings. That's all they are feelings. That's all.

Caller: Yes. Yes. Larry: And you have the power within you if you're a realized person to let those feelings go.

And that's what Lester discovered, that they're just feelings. They're not real. They color the picture of what we see in the world out, so we're projecting a negative feeling. We’re projecting a feeling of ‘I can’t’. You see, what I got you do was to release a little bit. So now you're beginning to see that you can. Can you see that?

Darius: Yeah. Larry: You moved from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’. Can you see that? Caller: Yes. Larry: And that just took a couple of releases. Now, if you want to get rid of the whole thing all

together then you get this package that we have which shows you step-by-step how to do it. It’s amazing. The whole thing is amazing. We had so many gains from those things. People writing from all over the world… getting rid of every illness you could think about. You name it. And, you see, it’s dealing with the mind.

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Multiple sclerosis… Here’s a man who's an NBA champion. His name is Wally Osterkorn. He was a former NBA champion with Syracuse Nationals in 1955. He’s been bothered by arthritis. He released on it. In two weeks it was all gone. He’s completely free of arthritis pain, sciatic pain, and he did it because of the release technique. Here’s a lady that had multiple sclerosis - Judy Jones: ‘Since completing the abundance course I’ve had the most amazing gains. Complete release of grief of my father's sudden illness and passing, complete release of my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. The illusion of physical symptoms and fear would return. Completely healthy now. All my negative feelings are all gone. I’ve moved tons of landscape rocks - a half an acre - with only a wheelbarrow and three hours with ease.’

Darius: Oh my gosh, Larry, this is astounding. Read me some more. I love these stories. Just keep going. And we've got a question about money or maybe what we could do is talk about that a little bit but I’d love to hear some more of these stories.

Larry: There's a lady whose osteolysis has gone. ‘The doctors can’t figure out why these even

diagnosed her with that in the first place. All tests are coming in negative. Before we released we were talking about surgery and intense antibiotics for six weeks. They used scary phrases like ‘dead bone’. Now they are down to just talking about how to deal with a small cut that's already begun to heal. If there’s any doubts the technique works have them talk to me. I’m living proof. Guess who released herself out of the hospital? Katrina.’

Darius: Wow. Larry: And you can see a picture of her. She was operated on ten different times and she's

walking on crutches all of her life. You can go to our Facebook release technique - original release technique – and you'll see a picture of Katrina throwing away her crutches, walking without them.

Darius: Wow. Wow. Larry: And it's not some kind of religious anything. It’s just that we're showing you step-by-step

how to do it.

Here’s a man who’s a doctor. ‘I lost 36 pounds. All labs are normal and I have the energy and the stamina like I never had before. Eating right and exercise are now enjoyable and effortless. I need no medications. I just turned 74 and releasing has given me a new lease on life – Ed Finn.’

Darius: Yeah. Wow. Larry: I could go on. Here’s a tumor benigned. I could go on and on and on.

Here’s a lady… Listen to this. She wants to report that two months after releasing she looks ten years younger. And she sends us a before and after picture.

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I’ve got thousands and thousands of testimonies like this and I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't get these testimonies. Every day I get tons and tons of testimonials. Here’s a man… carpal tunnel completely gone. ‘I suffered with carpal tunnel in my right hand for years. I decided to prove to myself that this ailment is merely an erroneous thought in my memory bank. So I released it. It took me about 30 minutes on it and the carpal tunnel has completely gone. Not a trace of pain ever since.’

Darius: You can bring up a really good point. You said that this disease or this problem or this challenge is a faulty memory in my memory bank. That is an interesting way to look at it. Is that really what a lot of the challenges we face are? If our ego keeps us stuck and you said our ego is just a recording like a tape, it's a faulty tape, a faulty wire, a faulty thing.

Larry: Yeah. And basically there's somebody - a Harvard University professor – said that what

causes illness is an immune system that is broken. We have a faulty immune system. Darius: Right. Larry: And that's accumulated by all the stress that we've accumulated over lifetimes. This is a

college professor – Harvard. And what he said… The only thing that can get rid of broken immune system is love. That's the only thing that can do it. And that's what Lester discovered. He discovered by getting rid of all his non-loving feelings his body was healed - totally healed. And I’ve seen him. For 22 years he was playing tennis with us in his mid-70s and we were huffing and puffing and he didn't have a sweat.

Darius: Alright. I want to get some questions that people have. We've got a bunch writing in.

one person is asking what do you do - Sherleen asks - when you have to deal with negative people directly? So let's say Sherleen releases but lived maybe let's say in a household - I don't know for sure - but people are negative there. Maybe her husband. Maybe her mother…

Larry: Yeah, I hear that all the time. Because she doesn't like it it's like a magnet. She's pulling

it right at her. Because she doesn't like those people she's pulling it right at them. If she would learn how to let go of disapproving of them and send them approval, and don't do it for them but do it for you…

Darius: Okay. Larry: They’d stop bothering her. They’d go away. Darius: Wow. Okay. Another question. Send them in, folks. I want to make sure that we really

serve you. Another person Charlene, says, ‘I want to go back to money. Please tell me does it work with money. What do we go through with money? What do we do with money and what the ego is saying?’

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Larry: I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of people becoming millionaires from totally broke - absolutely broke - to being a millionaire. You heard Steve Wynn. He read it. $30,000 he's a multi-millionaire later.

Darius: Yeah. Larry: I’ve got hundreds of them. Hundreds of them. All the time like that. Here’s a man who

says eliminates credit card debt. ‘I had charges adding up to $25,000 on credit cards. I thought there was no way of paying it off. I thought I’d have to sell my house. I’ve been using the abundance course for three months. Last week my intuition gave me the answer and the credit cards are 95% paid off. I didn't have to sell my house. I have the money to pay off, and I didn't see it. Releasing really works. I’m 65 years old and I’m debt-free.’

And on and on and on. You see, when we're blinded by our negativity, blinded by worry, blinded by fear, we can’t see that we don't have a problem. What we're doing is holding in mind the problem and if you hold in mind the problem it projects on the screen of life. Get rid of that problem, get rid of that worry or fear… We’ve been brainwashed to think that fear helps us. It started when we were a little baby. Mothers are telling us be careful of strangers, be careful of cold weather, be careful of cars, be careful of fire. And so we got brainwashed to think that fear is some good thing. It’s not. And there’s a guy called Franklin de la Rosaville. He said there’s nothing to fear but fear itself. The problem is he didn’t show you how to get rid of the fear. So the extent that you got fear, the extent that you're holding in mind what you don’t want.

Darius: Quick question, Larry, that just came in. Someone’s asking the program that you put

together… and I want to say this, guys: it’s so cool. This is available for everybody. It used to be you’d have to go somewhere. I’m sure when Lester taught it you had to go to a conference room years ago and you’d go to a seminar or live event. This is actually all available online now. Anywhere in the world you can do this. And I’m going to share where it is. It’s at youwealthrevolution.com/larrynow.

And Larry, a question someone had. As they go look at this page first of all I’m astounded the price is a huge… I mean, it’s an incredible gift at $97 if they want just the online version. Big question some had. It’s called the Abundance Course. Tons of things here. Is it only related to money or is it related to all areas?

Larry: No, it’s a way of emptying your mind out. but it’s not only that. I’m going to give you 22

sessions of the digital online audio set that we used to sell to 270 – well, we still do it but because Darius has a picture of me in bed with a goat we’re giving it for a lot less.

Darius: I know. I’ve never seen it as this price. I’m just telling you guy, this is something really

special that we worked out. This is huge. Larry: Not only that but you're going to save the shipping charges, because if you order today

you can have it today. We’ll send it to you.

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Darius: Yeah, right now. Larry: So what happens is... I’m also throwing in… since most people have one of the biggest

problems in the world – people lacking money and not being able to live the lifestyle. It’s affecting the world. So I’m also giving you a digitally online sample of our financial freedom lifestyle course, which normally sells for $495. And that’s not all. We’re also going to offer free coaching. Nobody ever does that. Once you have the release technique… I have people that I’ve trained that will answer the call Monday through Friday at nine to five-thirty Pacific Coast Time and they’re standing by and there’ll help you release once you’re a graduate. And that itself would be worth thousands of dollars.

In addition to that I’m also giving you samples of Lester’s CDs. You’ll hear Lester

himself talking about realization and awareness and what you really are. You get samples of that to digitally download. You also get videos included. There’s an audio called Lester in his own Words, which you’ll hear where he’s talking about the natural state of happiness with no sorrow. You’ll hear Lester talking about willpower – how to demonstrate willpower. I’m giving you that all included. I have a CD called Eliminating Resistance to Having Success. There’s another audio called How to be in Release 24/7. It’s easy to do. It’s like breathing. There’s another one called Health – how to show you get rid of your illnesses. Another one, Anger Management, shows you how to eliminate anger and frustration. Another one, How to have Unlimited Health and Wellness. All included in this package. In addition to that we also have a video that we did called Happiness: What is it? It’s a full movie that you get all included. And then you’ll also get a ten streaming… my coaches. Tip from my coaches. Ten of them. And a video. All included.

So all of that if you add it all up it’s about $4,260 and I’m giving it to you for $97. Darius: But they’re also getting the coaching, which is… When they finished the program… they

get stuck, they have a rough day, something comes back, they feel like ‘oh my gosh, I don’t know what to do’ they can call that number and get that coaching included in this package.

Now, Larry, usually… is there is a special code they need to enter for this offer through

us? Larry: No, just tell them where to find it. I assume they can just hit the button. Darius: Yeah. It’s at youwealthrevolution.com/larrynow. Larry: I think you have something different. Sonya gave me something different, but go to

www.releasetogether.com/sn13. Darius: No. What we’ve got is the… Larry: you tell them the right one then. Never mind.

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Darius: Okay. youwealthrevolution.com/larrynow. That’ll take us there and I even see You Wealth Revolution at the top of the page so I think we’re good. So this is good. So it’s there.

I want to ask for people that want these hard copy CDs or they want to get it in the mail, that actually $249 if you want the CD set, but, guys, literally if you just want to download on your computer and you want to get into the digital steaming it actually is only $97.

Larry: You can get both right away for $247. So you can get the hard copy. Because some

people wanted to put it in their cellphone and other stuff like that. So you can get the hard copy for $247, together with the digitally inline course. You can have both.

Darius: I'm just reading all of the comments and testimonials. It’s pretty amazing. And there’s a

30-day no-risk love-it-or-shove-it. Tell me about that – not that we people to do that but if it’s not for them…

Larry: If you want your money back… you can even call up a number of times to our support

team and if you still say it’s not for me we just give you a refund. It’s not a big deal. No questions asked. You get a refund and that’s it. If you had the hard you're going to have to send it back, but on the other one would just disconnect you off the thing and you won't be able to listen to it anymore.

Darius: Wow. Alright, any questions you have for Larry? One person’s asking… Big question

some asked here is: ‘I’m a business owner who was very successful before the housing bust. I'm working so hard now but I cannot get back to how it used to be.’ How can Dorsa in Tampa get unstuck?

Larry: If she picks up the telephone I’ll give her a small demonstration, but in the meantime… Darius: Dora, we would love for you to do that if you can. If you have the number dial in and I’ll

look for you. Larry: Well, look, you asked me about millionaires. So I just turned to a page where I have

listed dozens and dozens of millionaires. So I'll just read some of them for you here. Here's a lady six months a millionaire. ‘Less than six months of starting the abundance course I’ve become a millionaire.’ – Helena Aranson.

Darius: Six months? Larry: Yeah. Darius: Oh my gosh. I’ll have to take the course! Larry: A housewife becomes a millionaire. Sales office becomes number one. Here’s a man

from penniless to millionaire in less than one year. ‘I started with the release-taking in less than a year ago. At the time my finances were horrible. Four days ago my company secured an order from Taiwanese Cooperation. My financial situation improved overnight. Thank you Larry and Lester.’

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Darius: Wow. Larry: Here's this person that is a business man - Joe Borelli. He’s a very good friend of mine.

He’s increased his net worth 500%. 500%. Here's a person that says, ‘$1.3 million by releasing only. Yesterday I received a

commission check for the amount of $1,368,000. I honestly believe if it wasn't for the dedication I made to releasing every day this would not have happened.’

And I can go on and go and on all these things here. What Les discovered is the question to life. That’s what it comes down to. And the only way you're going to find out is to prove it to yourself. That’s the only way to find out because that’s the truth. You can delude yourself and say I’m going to be a millionaire. You can practice positive thinking all you want. You can hold it. You can have visualization all you want. If you’ve got negative subconscious thoughts you can visualize them now till the cows come home, it isn’t going to work. By getting rid of the negatively you’ll turn yourself around and everything will work. Here’s a man who said he eliminated credit card debt. I read that before. Here’s a man who’s a doctor in Chicago. He says, ‘Since taking the course I made $920,000 using the release technique. It’s simple and easy and I’ve been amazed.’ And I could go on and on and on.

Darius: Wow. Larry: Let’s see if we can show some people what we’re talking about. What I’m telling you

is… Here’s a man, by the way - I just looked at his. Here’s a man. He’s a cardiologist, a head cardiologist of Drexel University. He said, ‘I came off my high blood pressure medication. All pain and discomfort I had disappeared by using the amazing release technique. I recommend it to all.’

The guy’s a head cardiologist at Drexel University. He quit, by the way. He doesn’t do that anymore. He doesn’t want to hand out garbage.

Darius: Wow. Wow. And I can imagine when you get rid of that you may even move closer to your life’s purpose and the voices that keep you from doing all the things that you want to do. That’s still a recording in your head. It’s gone and you can definitely maybe move towards that and be more of who you really are.

Another question can in from one caller who’s asking does it matter how long you've been stuck or how long you've been dealing with these issues? Is there a point, Larry, where you’ve ever met someone where it’s just not possible?

Larry: No. Darius: They’ve been dealing with this so long or they get locked in place.

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Larry: No, no, not at all. It’ll take you minutes to look over that stuck place. It’s nothing. Listen, you said something and I’d like to show you this, Darius, because we’ve been friends for a number of years.

Darius: Sure. Larry: I see where you’re moving and I told you myself you’re really moving up a lot and it’s

lovely to see. It’s a joy in my life to see you doing what you’re doing. And I’ll just show you something. You want to know what your life purpose is right now? I’ll show you right now.

Darius: Okay. Larry: Can I work with you right now? Darius: Actually me… I don't… Sure. Let’s do it! Larry: Well, this is simple. You won’t have to do anything. Darius: Okay. Larry: Alright? Darius: Okay. Larry: So get a picture of… - and everybody follow along. Get a picture of what you call your

mind. And just allow that picture of your mind to evaporates and dissolve, just like the genie in the bottle.

Darius: Okay. Larry: And more. And more. And more. Now, get a picture of what you call your body,

whatever that means to you, and just allow that picture of your body to evaporate and dissolve. And more. And more. And get I touch with that thing that tells you that if I don’t do it it won’t get done. Could you allow that picture to evaporate and dissolve that tells you that you have to do everything and if you won’t do it it won’t get done? Could you just allow that picture to evaporate and dissolve?

Darius: Yes. Larry: Alright. Now, I want you to ask yourself: If I’m not my mind and I’m not my body, what

am I? what answer do you get? Darius: Infinite. Larry: Alright. Could you just surrender to that infinite, that infinity? Could you just surrender to

it? Put your bags down and allow it to take over.

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Darius: Okay. Larry: And surrender to it some more. And some more. And some more. And some more. And

some more. Now, this is what I call quiet. When quiet speaks to us it’s very spontaneous. It’s very different than the mind. So let’s ask quiet some questions and you’ll hear what it has to say. And we’re talking to a place called beingness or higher awareness. So ask quiet from a quiet’s point of view is there such a thing as a past?

Darius: No. Larry: Take what you get. Darius: Okay. Larry: What did it say? Darius: It said no. No. Larry: Is there any such thing as a future? Just take what you get. Darius: No. Larry: Is there such a thing as birth? Darius: No. Larry: Or death? Darius: No. Larry: Or right or wrong? Darius: No. Larry: Or good or bad? Darius: No. Larry: And ask what you’re supposed to do make a living? Darius: Joy. Larry: Okay. Darius: Love. Larry: And ask quiet what you have to do to be realized.

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Darius: Be. Larry: Right. So could you just be the way you are right now? Just be. And be. And be. And

be. And be. And be. And be. Are you? Listen to what your answer is. Are you? Darius: Yes. Larry: Are you? Darius: Yes. Larry: Are you? Darius: Yes. Larry: Are you? Darius: Yes. Larry: Are you? Darius: Yes. Larry: Are you? Darius: Yes. Larry: Notice you keep getting higher and higher. Just say yes. Are you? Darius: Yes. I start laughing. Larry: Right. Darius: Yes. Larry: Because it’s inside of all of us. Darius: Yeah. Larry: It’s inside of all of us right now. We’re already free and all the time acting like we’re not.

We’re knocking ourselves out to be something that we’re not. It takes a lot of effort to be something that you’re not. And you already are. All the time looking for that place that's in the world and it’s not in the world, it’s inside you. And you’ll never find it outside yourself. It’s an inside job. It’s not an outside job.

Darius: Wow. Definitely that was… I’m still there but that was incredible. I just want to say that.

Wow. I want to hear if people did that with me what they felt too because one of the things I wanted was I wanted everyone to experience it. So I’m glad that you made it for

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everybody too. That’s was what I was worried about. I want everybody to get a chance to experience this. Larry, great, great, great feeling. Wow.

Larry: This is our true nature. And you could feel this way all the time. It takes some practice.

You mightn’t experience it right now... Darius: I’ve got a lot more energy too. Larry: Oh yeah. Darius: I’ll just tell you this: I’ve got a lot more energy because I’m just a lot more free. It’s very

profound. Larry: Darius, you have all the energy in the universe. You know why? You are the universe. Darius: Yeah. Larry: It’s like an ocean, you know. An ocean is a big ocean, right? But if you take some water

or you spill it out there’s drops there. So each one of us is part of this ocean, you see, and when we have an ego we split ourselves off of the ocean and we became a separate drop. But the truth of the matter is we separated ourselves from the oneness that we are trying to be something that we’re not. If you spill the water back in the ocean what happens to the drops? Do the drops remain separate? No, it doesn’t. It’s an ocean. And we are human beings who forgot what we are.

We want to be Darius. We want to be Larry. We want to be the doctor. We want to be the mother. We want to be the nurse. And you don't have to do that. You could do all those things, by the way, but without an effort. You could be anything you want to have. It’s all a thought.

Darius: I see it, yeah. Well, I see it and other people are feeling it right now. Jean just wrote in from Denver and I encourage everyone else to. She says, ‘It was unreal the heat that’s passing through my body.’ ‘The light even looks brighter.' That’s Justine. And so many others are writing in similar comments. Energy going through them. Heat. Movement. Life. This is very powerful.

It’s at youwealthrevolution.com/larrynow – L-A-R-R-Y-now

Larry, any final words. Any final thoughts for people here? You've given us so much experience, group exercise, people working individually. So much truth and so much love here. Any other things you want to share to the people? Or maybe for people that just don’t know or don’t want to try?

I’m actually going to go through and do the whole program myself. I’ve already decided today. So I’ll be joining people in spirit as we go through this and sharing more and more of what I experience. I know I just got a taste. I’m going to keep going deeper. I’ve known Larry for– what? – about four years now, and we’ve done some stuff privately but we’re going to go full force now.

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Larry: Well, I’m just so happy for you, because I see that you've made a major jump in your own life being surrounded by a lot of the people that you’re using on your calls and stuff like that. And I was tempted to call you up privately and then I said, ‘No, I’ll just wait until we do this thing.’

Darius: Sounds good! Larry: You know, it’s almost like I didn’t want to make it wrong but I just wanted to show you

what you really are. Darius: Yeah. Larry: And there’s a different between… You can’t even describe it. Can you describe what

you just experienced? Darius: No. And, you know, I’ve got to say this: you brought me back to a place I experienced in

actually a … a time when I was out of my body. If that puts any sort of calibration on it… Larry: Well, how about the fact that you’re not your body? The problem is you’re identifying

with your body and you’re identifying with your mind… Darius: That’s right. Larry: And that’s where your trouble starts. Darius: That’s right. That makes perfect sense. That’s exactly why I felt that way. That’s right. Larry: Anybody using the method does not identify with their mind or their body, which is totally

foreign to almost everybody in the planet. You tell them that, they say you’re crazy. You’re not. And the problem is... unless they had a body… except he wasn’t identifying … he wasn’t attached to it.

Darius: Yeah. Yeah. Larry: He didn’t use his mind; he used his intuition, and we don’t even understand what

intuition is. You get to a place where you know that you know that you know that you know. And once you get to that place it’s inside of all of us. It’s unlimited power harnessing the most powerful energy in the universe. It’s inside you and each one of you. But it takes a practice to discover what you really are. It’s not that difficult; it just takes a willingness to do it.

Nothing is going to stop me. I’m tired of schlepping around with this thing and that thing and studying this and reading this book and not getting any answers. Here’s a way to get the real answers. Let me tell you something. I grew up in the Bronx and I was not a very trusting person. So now I meet Lester and he’s calling me all the time and he became my best friend, and I'm thinking: I’ve got to watch this guy because some day he’s going to try to put his hand in my pocket. That’s where I was coming from.

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Darius: Right. Larry: And one day after taking a very advanced course on the fear of dying, which is just

another feeling right away, and I didn’t know what was going on in the meeting. Half the room left and Lester’s talking about the fear of dying. And I stayed in the room and so on and so forth, and then I kept working on what he was showing me. And one day it just hit me and I said, Oh my god…’

See, Lester didn’t have an ego so he didn’t walk around with an entourage. He wasn’t a big shot. He didn’t act like a big shot. He lived in a little humble apartment in Manhattan. If you looked at him you’d say: ‘Well, who is this guy?’

So it hit me. I said, ‘Oh my god, look who I’m hanging around with.’ So I called him up - I

was fortunate enough to be able to talk to him any time I wanted – and I said, ‘Lester, how many people in the history of the planet found out what you found out, that know what you know?’ And he said, ‘Well, a few of us come around every once in a while but you can do it.’ His attitude was if you’re interested I’ll show you how to do it.

Darius: Right. Larry: And that’s what he did. He didn’t want anything from anybody. He didn’t have to cheat

anybody, because he lived in a world of having. Can you feel that feeling that you have right now?

Darius: Yeah. Yes. Larry: Are you missing anything? Darius: No. Larry: The desire’s gone. The suffering has gone. Until you start kicking up the mind again and

then you’ll get back to suffering. You see, you’re not suffering anymore. That happiness, that laughter that you have it your real true nature and it’s in every one of us. But as long as you’re into desire you going to continue to suffer. Buddha knew what he was talking about. His technique was meditation, which is excellent but Lester’s technique is a lot easier to do. It’s more 21st Century. A lot easy to do and a lot easier to… You know, meditation is excellent. I’ll never knock it. In fact, there’s a man who’s a scientist and you can also see him on our Facebook account. He came around. I didn’t know who he was. Turned out he’s a professor in Florida University. He hung around Muktananda for forty years. Met him in India, went to his ashram and showed him how to meditate. Forty years.

Darius: Yeah. Larry: And he hung around some other major people in that area and what he said was he had

to learn the release technique that not only this is better than what he was doing it’s four hundred times. He said infinitely better. We got him on film. You can see him on the Facebook thing.

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Darius: Wow. Larry: Infinitely; better. And there’s a man who’s a wonderful sweet man. His wife was

Romanda Mahoy. She's the secretary. And the both of them using the release technique. And then he gave us this testimony. It’s interesting. This is a very advanced man. He’s one of the architects of the Twin Towers.

Darius: Wow. Larry: One of the architects. And he told me that he knew why the building fell down. There

were supposed to be an elevator on four corners and because they cut corners the elevator was only in the middle. And they knew it was happening. They hit the building in a certain way and that’s why it collapsed.

Darius: Well, we’ve got a lot of people writing in. Paula said, ‘Boy, are we tethered to our mind

and this releases everything. That's Larry. I enjoyed your directness in the exercises. It is a breath of fresh air.’

I want to remind people that are asking again where it is. It’s at

youwealthrevolution.com/larrynow. And Larry, thank you again for being here and doing this work and opening up something for people on the call and opening myself up as well and enjoying just this moment. Very powerful, and I love having you on and I love this work. very, very powerful stuff.

Larry: Well, the reason I do this… I don't need anything. My only interest in life and the only

reason I’m hanging around is to help people find out what they are. I’m not missing anything. I don't want to be famous. I don’t need a book. I don’t need a film. I don't need anything.

Darius: Right. Right. Larry: I’m just here to try to help you because I’m a human being. Darius: Right. Larry: And I care about human beings and I care about them finding out exactly who they are

and what they are and help them stop suffering. And when Lester transcended he asked me to continue his work and I said I would, and I’m committed to it because I get so many gains coming in every… I mean, I literally have thousands of gains every day coming in - new ones. People creating things. Sometimes I scratch my head – ‘Oh my god, look what this person did.’ And there’s no miracles. It’s all natural. But I love those games and that’s what keeps me motivated. If I wouldn’t get into these gains I could sit on a mountain and not do anything and I’m perfectly happy to stay here and not do anything.

Darius: That’s right. That's right. Wow. Beautiful. Larry, thank you so much for being here.