JUNE LAGMAY CITY CLERK HOLLY L. WOLCOTT EXECUTIVE OFFICER April 4, 2012 CITY OF LOS ANGELE- cAuFoRNIA ANTONIO R. VILLARAIGOSA MAYOR OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SPECIAl ASSESSMENTS SECTION 200 N. SPRING STREET, ROOM 224 lOS ANGElES CA 90012 TEL: (213) 978·1099 FAX (213)978-1107 MIRANDA PASTER ACTING DIVISION HEAD Honorable Members of the City Council City Hall, Room 395 Council Districts 1, 8 & 9 200 North Spring Street Los Angeles, California 90012 REGARDING: FIGUEROA CORRIDOR PARTNERSHIP BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT RENEWAL Honorable Members: The City Clerk has received materials from the owners' associ;3.tion relative to a request for formation of a proposed property and business improvement district to be called the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District ("District"). The District would be formed pursuant to the provisions of the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 (Section 36600 et seq., Streets and Highways Code, State of California). This report shall serve as the Preliminary Report of the City Clerk. Attached to this report are: 1) the Management District Plan, which details the improvements and activities to be provided and serves as the framing document for the proposed District; 2) a detailed Engineer's Report prepared by a registered professional engineer certified by the state of California, which supports the assessment contained in the Management District Plan; and 3) a draft Ordinance of Intention, approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney's Office. >, BACKGROUND The District originally established through adoption of City Ordinance 174730 on July 24, 2002, started its second operational term on January 1, 2008 and is set to expire on December 31, 2012. The Property and Business Improvement District Law ;of 1994 (Section 36600 et seq., Streets and Highways Code, State of California)("State Law") allows for business improvement districts to renew by completing the same formation steps as the original establishment. This District is being reestablished in accordance with the provisions of State Law, which allows for the establishment of a district in which operations would be supported by revenue collected from property owners in the district. AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER

JUNE LAGMAY CITY OF LOS ANGELE- CITY CLERK cAuFoRNIAclkrep.lacity.org/onlinedocs/2012/12-0139_RPT_CLK_04-04-12.pdf · city of los angele-caufornia antonio r. villaraigosa mayor office

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April 4, 2012







TEL: (213) 978·1099 FAX (213)978-1107


Honorable Members of the City Council City Hall, Room 395

Council Districts 1, 8 & 9

200 North Spring Street Los Angeles, California 90012


Honorable Members:

The City Clerk has received materials from the owners' associ;3.tion relative to a request for formation of a proposed property and business improvement district to be called the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District ("District"). The District would be formed pursuant to the provisions of the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 (Section 36600 et seq., Streets and Highways Code, State of California).

This report shall serve as the Preliminary Report of the City Clerk. Attached to this report are: 1) the Management District Plan, which details the improvements and activities to be provided and serves as the framing document for the proposed District; 2) a detailed Engineer's Report prepared by a registered professional engineer certified by the state of California, which supports the assessment contained in the Management District Plan; and 3) a draft Ordinance of Intention, approved as to form and legality by the City Attorney's Office.



The District originally established through adoption of City Ordinance 174730 on July 24, 2002, started its second operational term on January 1, 2008 and is set to expire on December 31, 2012. The Property and Business Improvement District Law ;of 1994 (Section 36600 et seq., Streets and Highways Code, State of California)("State Law") allows for business improvement districts to renew by completing the same formation steps as the original establishment. This District is being reestablished in accordance with the provisions of State Law, which allows for the establishment of a district in which operations would be supported by revenue collected from property owners in the district.


Honorable Members of Page 2

City Council

The proposed District programs include, but are not limited to the following: Safe and Clean Programs, Communication/Development and Administration.


In order to proceed with the renewal process under the State Law, the proponent group needed to secure written support for the project in the form of petitions signed by property owners who will pay more than 50 percent of the assessments proposed to be levied. The proponent group for the renewal of the District has presented to the Office of the City Clerk a set of petitions that support the formation of the proposed District. This Office has verified the validity of the petitions using various City and County of Los Angeles sources. In addition, this Office has verified the accuracy of the assessment calculations.

The petitions received indicate affirmative financial support of the project in an amount equivalent to $641,582.68. This represents 53.12 percent (53.12%) of the proposed District's projected first year assessment revenue of $1,207,797.00. Because the more than 50 percent threshold of preliminary support has been achieved, the formal business improvement district renewal process, including a public hearing before the City Council, may be initiated.


The boundaries of the proposed District are detailed in the Management District Plan. A general description of the area within the boundaries of the proposed District is as follows: The Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District consists of property street front footage bounded roughly by Flower Street, Grand Avenue and Hill Street to the East, Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to the South, Vermont Avenue and Hoover Street to the West and the Santa Monica Freeway to the North. Because of the linear nature of the District and the dominance of commercial corridors on Figueroa Street, Flower Street, Vermont Avenue and Hoover Street, the District is organized around street front footage rather than land areas or building square footage.

There are 338 parcels owned by 140 stakeholders in the proposed District. The map inelude9 in the District's Management District Plan gives sufficient detail to locate each parcel·of property within the proposed District.


Article XIIID of the California Constitution (Proposition 218) requires, among oth~r things, that: 1) the City Council identify all parcels that will have a special benefit conferred upon them and upon which assessments will be imposed; 2) the City Council not impose an assessment on a parcel which exceeds the reasonable cost of the proportional benefit conferred on that parcel; 3) the City Council separate the general benefits from the special benefits conferred on a parcel; and 4) all assessments be suppcffied by a2:!etai!_e,}J Engineer's Report prepared by a registered professional engineer certitf ~ th~tat~f

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Honorable Members of , City Council Page 3

California. The Engineer's Report included herewith supports the assessments contained in the Management District Plan and, in addition, includes facts, which would support City Council findings relative to items 1 through 3 above.

Proposition 218 also includes certain notice, protest and hearing requirements. Those requirements are codified in the Proposition 218 Omnibus implementation Act ("Act") (California Government Code Section 53750 et seq.). This report recommends that the City Council direct the City Clerk to comply with the Act Renewal of the proposed District is contingent upon the City's receipt of a weighted majority of financially supportive ballots as submitted by the affected property owners. The City Clerk will tabulate the ballot returns and will report the results to the City Council.


On November 2, 2010, voters in the State of California passed Proposition 26, which broadened the definition of taxes and which require approval by two-thirds of each house of the Legislature or by local voter approval. However, Article XIIIC §1 (e)(7) of the California Constitution states that "assessments and property-related fees imposed in accordance with the provisions of Article XIIID are exempt." As previously stated, the proposed District is being established in accordance with Article XIIID of the California Constitution and is therefore exempt from Proposition 26.


The District is expected to generate $1 ,207, 797.00 annually over a five-year period with a maximum five percent (5%) increase per year. The revenue will be utilized to fund the proposed District's improvements and activities that include, but are not limited to: Safe and Clean Programs, Communication/Development and Administration.

Improvements and activities are services which will be provided to supplement the services already provided by the City of Los Angeles and will not supplant City services. The Owners' Association may contract with third party vendors to perform and complete District improvements and activities and uphold to City and State regulations where applicable. The proposed improvements and activities are completely separate from the day.· to day operations of the City of Los Angeles and the City is not involved with se!e'ctioo,of the Districts' vendors.


The District's proposed assessment formula is based upon an allocation of prograr.n costs by four tiers as described in the attached Management District Plan with differing rates depending on type and frequency of special benefit services provided for properties in each tier. Assessments are a calculation of assessable street front footage.

The City Clerk will arrange to have the proposed District's assessments included as a line item on the property tax bills prepared and distributed by the County of Los Angeles. If necessary, this Office will directly bill property owners or entities that do not appear on the tax roll. The County will subsequently transfer assessment revenue to the City.


Honorable Members oft~'"" City Council Page4

Assessment revenue will be held in trust by the City and will be disbursed through installments to the District to support authorized District improvements and activities.


Upon the renewal of the District, State law requires that the City enter into an agreement with an Owners' Association for the administration of the District. City policy dictates that competitive bidding requirements are to be met when contracting. However, Charter section 371 (e)(1 0) provides an exception to the competitive bidding requirements, and states, in relevant part, that the competitive bidding process does not apply to contracts "where the contracting authority finds that the use of competitive bidding would be undesirable, impractical or impossible or where the common law otherwise excuses compliance with competitive bidding requirements."

The Figueroa Corridor Partnership, Incorporated has administered the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District since the District was originally established, overseeing expenditures, managing and implementing the District's improvements and activities. The Figueroa Corridor Partnership, Incorporated possesses the unique knowledge and expertise relative to the administration of the District and has a vested interest in the success of the District. Therefore, it would be impractical, not advantageous and undesirable to comply with the competitive bidding requirements or to select another entity to administer the District, if the District is renewed.


There are eleven (1 1) City-owned parcels within the District The total assessment for these City-owned properties within the District is $26,439.16, representing 2.19% of the total assessments levied in the District


Funding for assessments levied on the City-owned properties within the District were included in the General Fund allocation to the 2012-13 Business Improvement District Trust Fund 659.


1. FIND that the petitions submitted on behalf of the proponents of the proposed Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District are signed by property owners who will pay more than fifty (50) percent of the assessments proposed to be levied.

2. FIND that all parcels that will have a special benefit conferred upon them and upon which an assessment would be imposed are those as identified in the Management District Plan.


Honorable Members oL j City Council Page 5


3. FIND that in accordance with Article XIIID of the California Constitution and based on the facts and conclusions contained in the attached Engineer's Report, the assessment levied on each parcel within the proposed District is proportionate to the special benefit derived from the improvements and activities that are to be provided.

4. FIND that in accordance with Article X!IID of the California Constitution and based on the facts and conclusions contained in the attached Engineer's Report, there are de minimis general benefits to be separated from the special benefits conferred on each parcel within the proposed District.

5. FIND that in accordance with Article XI liD of the California Constitution and based on the facts and conclusions contained in the attached Engineer's Report, no assessment imposed on any parcel exceeds the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on that parcel.

6. FIND that the assessments for the proposed District are not taxes and that the District qualifies for exemption from Proposition 26 under exemption 7 of Article XIIIC §1 (e).

7. FIND that the services provided by the Owners' Association are in the nature of professional, expert, technical or other special services, that the services are of a temporary and occasional character, and that the use of competitive bidding would be impractical, not advantageous, undesirable or where the common law otherwise excuses compliance with competitive bidding requirements.

8. FIND that the proposed improvements and activities are completely separate from the day to day operations of the City of Los Angeles.

9. APPROVE the Figueroa Corridor Partnership, Incorporated to serve as the Owners' Association to administer the Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District if the District is renewed.

1 0. ADOPT the Preliminary Report of the City Clerk.

i 1. AJ]OPT the attached Management District Plan.

12. ADOPT the attached Engineer's Report.

13. ADOPT the attached Ordinance of Intention to renew the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District

14. AUTHORIZE the City Clerk, upon establishment of the District, to prepare, execute and administer a contract between the City of Los Angeles and the Figueroa Corridor Partnership, Incorporated, a non-profit corporation, for the administration of the District's programs.


Honorable Members oft__ City Council Page 6

15. DIRECT the City Clerk to comply with the notice, protest, and hearing procedures prescribed in the Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act (California Government Code, Section 53750 et seq.).

16. REQUEST the City Attorney, with the assistance of the City Clerk, to prepare an enabling Ordinance renewing the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District for Council consideration at the conclusion of the required public hearing.


~! .. .. \- ''\ y

/'June Lagfnay (1 \City Clerk


Attachments: Management District Plan Engineer's Report Draft Ordinance of Intention


Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District

Management District Plan

For A Property Based

Business Improvement District Figueroa Corridor District of Downtown Los Angeles

February 2012

Prepared By Urban Place Consulting Group, Inc.


Table of Contents

For the Figueroa Corridor Partnership

Business Improvement District (District) Los Angeles, California


Section Number Page Number

1. Management District Plan Summary Governance

2. Business Improvement District Boundaries

3. District Improvement and Activity Plan

4. Assessment Methodology

5. District Rules

6. Implementation Timetable

7. Parcel Number Assessment Roll


A. B.

District Boundary Map Engineer's Report


3 4






Section 1 Management District Plan Summary

The name of the proposed Property-based Business Improvement District is the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District (the "District"). The District is being re-established pursuant to Section 36600 et seq. of the California Streets and Highways Code, The "Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 as amended", hereinafter referred to as State Law.

Developed by the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Board of Directors, the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District Management Plan is proposed to improve and convey special benefits to assessed parcels located within the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District area. The District will provide continued activities, including clean & safe, communication/development, and administration .. Each of the programs is designed to meet the goals of the District; to improve the safety of each individual assessed parcel within the District, to increase building occupancy and lease rates, to encourage new business development; and attract ancillary businesses and services for assessed parcels within the District. The parcel land uses within the boundaries of the District are a mix of public and private owned commercial, education, museum, religious, mixed-use student housing, and student housing zoned R4 and above. Services and improvements provided by the District are designed to provide special benefits in the form of improving the economic and environmental vitality by increasing building occupancy and lease rates, encouraging new business development, attracting student related serving businesses and services, and encouraging commerce, to the commercial, education, museum, religious, mixed-use student housing, and student housing parcels zoned R4 and above.

Boundary: See Section 2, Page 5 and map as attachment A.

Budget: The total District budget for the 2013 year of operation is approximately $1,207,797.

Improvements, Activities, Services:

SAFE AND ClEAN PROGRAMS $1,023,917 84.78%


Management staff expenses are allocated according to generally accepted accounting job costing procedures and are allocated to the specific areas in which staff works.

Enhanced Safety Programs: A Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District Safety Patrol to address crime prevention and inappropriate conduct in the District.


• Bicycle Patrol • Night Vehicle Patrol

Cleaning Programs * Sidewalk Cleaning ® Graffiti Removal * Trash Removal @I Illegal Dumping


COMMUNICATION/DEVELOPMENT $43,998 3.64% Management staff expenses are allocated according to generally accepted accounting job costing procedures and are allocated to the specific areas in which staff works.

ADMINISTRATION/OFFICE $139,882 11.58% Management staff expenses are allocated according to generally accepted accounting job costing procedures and are allocated to the specific areas in which staff works.

Method of Financing: A levy of special assessments upon real property that receives special benefits from the improvements and activities. (See Section 4, for assessment methodology)

Benefit Zones: The State Law and State Constitution Article XIIID require that special assessments be levied according to the special benefit each parcel receives from the improvements. In order to match assessment rates to special benefits received, four service levels, or tiers, have been created within the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District. See section 2 for detailed description of Tiers.

Cost: Annual assessments are based upon an allocation of program costs by Tier and a calculation of assessed front footage. One property assessment variable, street front footage will be used in the calculation. 2013 year assessments per front foot will not exceed:

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Street Front Footage $18.7607 $14.0772 $7.7767 $22.3674 See section 4 for a detailed budget of services provided to each tier.

Cap: Annual assessment increases will not exceed 5% per year. Increases will be determined by the business improvement district Owners' Association and will vary between 0 and 5% in any given year.

District Formation: District formation requires submission of favorable petitions from property owners representing more than 50% of total assessments to be paid and the return of mail ballots evidencing a majority of ballots cast in favor of the assessment. Ballots are weighted by each property owner's assessment as proportionate to the total proposed District assessment amount.

Duration: The District will have a 5-year life beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2017.

Governance: The Owners' Association will review District budgets and policies annually within the limitations of the Management District Plan. Annual and quarterly reports, financial statements and newsletters will be filed with the City of Los Angeles (City). The Owners' Association will oversee the day-to-day implementation of services as defined in the Management District Plan.

2.2.12 4

Section 2 Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District Boundaries

Description (Also see map1 attachment A) The proposed Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District area contains all property within the following boundary description: Beginning on the southeast corner of 1ih Street and the 10 Freeway go east along the southern boundary of the 10 Freeway right of way to the east side of Flower Street. At Flower Street, go south on the eastern property line of parcels facing west on Flower Street to Washington Boulevard. Turn east on Washington Boulevard along the north property line of properties on the south side of Washington Boulevard to Grand Avenue and the east property line of parcel 5126-014-904. Continue south along the east property line of parcel 5126-014-904 and turn west on 23rd Street. Turn south on the east property line of parcel 5126-018-035, then turn west on the south side of parcel 5126-018-035. Next, turn south along the east property line of parcels 5126-017-017 & 018. Turn east on the north property line of parcel5126-018-032, then south on the east property line of parcel 5126-018-032 to Adams Boulevard. Continue west along the north side of Adams Boulevard to Flower Street. At Flower Street turn south along the west side of the 110 Freeway until Jefferson Boulevard. Turn east at Jefferson Boulevard along the south side of Jefferson to the eastern property line of parcel 5122-030-020. Turn south along the east property line of 5122-030-020, then west along the south property lines of 5122-030-020 and 5122-022-002. Turn north at Hope Street along the east side of the 110 Freeway. Turn west at Jefferson Boulevard to Flower Street. Turn south on Flower Street along the west side of the 110 Freeway to 381

h St. Turn west along the south property line of parcel 5037-030-023. Turn south along the east property line of parcel5037-031-023 and continue south to Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. Turn west on the north side of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard and continue west to Vermont Avenue. Turn north on Vermont Avenue along the west property line of parcels facing the west side of Vermont Avenue to 301

h Place and the north property line of parcel 5054-038-023. Turn east on the north property line of parcel 5054-038-023. Turn east on Jefferson Boulevard along the north property line of parcels facing Jefferson Boulevard until Hoover Street. Turn north on Hoover Street along the western property line of parcels facing east on Hoover Street to the 10 Freeway. From the south side of the 10 Freeway turn south on Hoover Street along the eastern property line of parcels facing west on Hoover Street to Adams Boulevard. Head east on Adams Boulevard along the northern property line of parcels facing south on Adams Boulevard to St. James Place. Turn north on St. James Place and the west property line of parcel 5124-025-009. Turn east on the north property line of parcel 5124-025-009 to the western property line of parcel 5124-025-010. Turn north along the western property line of parcel 5124-025-010 to the southern property line of parcel 5124-029-016. Turn west along the south side of the property line of parcel 5124-029-016. Turn north along the west side of the property line for parcel 5124-029-016. Turn east along the north property line of parcel 5124-029-017 and continue along th~ south side of 23rd Street to Figueroa Street Turn north along the east side of the 110 Freeway ancfcontinue until the southeast corner of 1 yth Street and the 10 Freeway.

Definition of Street Tiers

Tier One includes: 111 Ali property fronting on Figueroa Street from the 10 Freeway to Adams Boulevard. ~» All property fronting on the East side of Figueroa Street from Flower Street to Martin Luther

King Jr. Boulevard, 2.2.12 5

* AI! property fronting on the East side of Vermont Avenue from Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to 33rd Place.

e All property fronting on both sides of Flower Street from Figueroa Street to Adams Boulevard. • All property fronting on both sides of Flower Street from 23rd Street to the 10 Freeway, with the

exception of Los Angeles Trade Tech property. "' All property fronting on the South side of Jefferson Boulevard between Hope Street and Grand


Tier Two includes: • All property within the District fronting on Washington Boulevard from the 110 Freeway on the

West and Grand Avenue on the East, with the exception of Los Angeles Trade Tech property. e All property fronting on both sides of Jefferson Boulevard from the 110 Freeway to Vermont

Avenue with the exception of Shrine Auditorium property. • All property fronting on 32nd Street from Figueroa Street to Royal Street, with the exception of

Shrine Auditorium property. • All property fronting on streets connecting between Flower Street and Figueroa Street,

including 171h Street, 181h Street, Washington Boulevard, 20th Street, 21st Street, 22nd Street, 23rd Street, Adams Boulevard, 2ih Street, 28th Street, 29th Street, 301h Street, 31 51 Street, 32nd Street, Exposition Boulevard, 3yth Street, 3yth Place.

• All property fronting on the North side of Adams Boulevard from Flower Street to Grand Avenue.

• All property fronting on both sides of Hoover Street from Jefferson Boulevard to the 10 Freeway, excluding any parcels zoned R1.5 to R3.

• All property fronting both sides of Grand Avenue between Jefferson Boulevard and the railroad right-of-way.

• All property fronting Lovelace Avenue between Washington Boulevard and 21st Street. • All property fronting Georgia Avenue between Washington Boulevard and 1 ih Street m All property fronting 1 ih Street between Georgia Avenue and Figueroa Street. • Ali property fronting 181h Street between Georgia Avenue and Figueroa Street • 2ih Street between Figueroa Street and the western property line of parcels 5123-015-001

&5123-017-004. @ 281h Street between Figueroa Street and the western property line of parcels 5123-015-016 &

5123-014-021. • 30th Street between Figueroa Street and the western property line of parcels 5123-014-016 &

5123-010-027. • 32nd Street between Figueroa Street and the western property line of 5123-01 0-012 & 5123

009-0b? • Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard between Figueroa Street and Flower Drive.

Tier Three includes: ~~~ Exposition Park frontage on Figueroa Street, Exposition Boulevard, Vermont Avenue, and

Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. @ Trade Tech frontage on 23rd Street, Flower Street and Washington Boulevard. • All property fronting on both sides of Adams Boulevard from Hoover Street to Figueroa Street,

2.2.12 6

excluding any parcels zoned R1 to R3. • East side of Royal Street between Jefferson Boulevard and 32nd Street. * Shrine Auditorium property on 32nd Street, Royal Street and Jefferson Boulevard. • East side of Vermont between Exposition Boulevard and Jefferson Boulevard. /ill North side of Exposition Boulevard between Figueroa Street and Vermont Avenue. <~~ East side of Hope Street between Jefferson Boulevard and Exposition Boulevard. * Both sides of 351

h Street between Hope Street and Grand Avenue.

Tier Four includes: * AI! property fronting on both sides Flower Street from 23rd Street to Adams Boulevard. • All property fronting on both sides of Figueroa Street from Adams Boulevard to Exposition

Boulevard. • East side of Figueroa Street between Exposition Boulevard and Flower Street.

District Boundary Rationale

The property land uses within the general boundaries of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District are a mix of public and private owned commercial, education, museum, religious, mixed-use student housing, and student housing zoned R4 and above. Services and improvements provided by the District are designed to provide special benefits in the form of improving the economic and environmental vitality by increasing building occupancy and lease rates, encouraging new business development, attracting student related ser\ling businesses and services, and encouraging commerce, to the commercial, education, museum, religious, mixed-use student housing, and student housing parcels zoned R4 and above. The District was developed to provide special benefits to the assessed parcels facing on the major corridors within the District. All of the services provided such as the security work provided by the Safe Team and the cleaning work provided by the Clean Team are services that are over and above the City's baseline of services and are not provided by the City. These services are not provided outside of the District and because of the unique nature of these services focusing on the particular needs of each assessed parcel within the District provide particular and distinct benefits to each of the assessed parcels within the District. Each assessed parcel within the District receives special benefits and is assessed regardless of property use. The goal of increased commerce is to be attained through attracting pedestrians/customers for future patronage of commercial, education, museum, religious, mixed-use student housing establishments and services, and student housing zoned R4 and above, and the renting of space in commercial, religious, educational, mixed-used buildings, and student housing zoned R4 and above. ,,

In order to ensure that parcels outside of the District will not specially benefit from the improvements and services funded with the assessment, improvements and services will only be provided to each individually assessed parcel within the boundaries of the District. Specifically, security patrols, cleaning personnel, and similar service providers employed in connection with the District will only patrol and provide services to each assessed parcel within the District, and will not provide services outside of District boundaries. Nor will District promotional efforts promote activities outside of District boundaries.

2.2.12 7

Northern Boundary: The northern boundary of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District is the 10 Freeway. The 1 0 Freeway acts as a barrier on the northern boundary separating the assessed parcels within the district from those outside of the district. The 1 0 Freeway acts as a barrier to insure that parcels outside of the District will not specially benefit from the unique improvements and services funded with the assessment, improvements and services will only be provided to individual assessed parcels within the boundaries of the District. Specifically, security patrols, cleaning personnel, and similar service providers employed in connection with the District will only patrol and provide services to individual assessed parcels on the streets and sidewalks within the District, and will not provide services outside of District boundaries.

Eastern Boundary: The eastern boundary of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District varies between the 110 Freeway and Grand Avenue. The eastern boundary from Martin Luther King Boulevard in the south to Adams Boulevard in the north is the 110 Freeway with the exception of four parcels belonging to the University of Southern California which are east of the 110 Freeway. These four parcels provide parking and student services for the University and receive District services that are designed to provide benefit to these assessed parcels. Parcels surrounding these four parcels are industrial and manufacturing and do not receive benefit from District services which are designed to provide special benefits to the public and private owned commercial, education, museum, religious, mixed-use student housing properties, and student housing zoned R4 and above. Between Martin Luther King Boulevard and Adams Boulevard the 110 Freeway acts as a barrier in order to ensure that parcels outside of the District will not specially benefit from the unique improvements and services funded with the assessment, improvements and services will only be provided within the boundaries of the District. The eastern boundary north of Adams Boulevard is the eastern property line of properties facing on the eastern side of Flower Street. This boundary was determined because properties within the district, including these parcels, are primarily education and commercial while properties outside the eastern district boundary are primarily industrial and manufacturing. District programs are designed to benefit commercial, education, religious, mixed-use student housing, and student housing zoned R4 and above not industrial manufacturing. Specifically, security patrols, sidewalk cleaning personnel, and similar service providers employed in connection with the District will only patrol and provide services to individual assessed parcels on the streets and sidewalks within the District, and will not provide services outside of District boundaries.

Southern Boundary: The southern boundary of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District has not changed since the District was established in 1997. The southern boundary Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, is a six lane major traffic arterial and acts as a barrier to insure that parcels outside of the District will not specially benefit from the unique improvements and services'funded with the assessment, improvements and services will only be provided to individual assessed parcels within the boundaries of the District. The parcels south of the District boundaries along Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard are residential, rather than commercial or park related such as are within the district to the north. The north side of Martin Luther King has trash cans that are emptied by District personnel while the south side does not have trash cans. Residential parcels will not benefit from the District programs that are designed to provide special benefits to 'commercial, education, religious, office, mixed-use student housing, and student housing zoned R4 and above, In order to ensure that parcels outside of the District will not specially benefit from the unique improvements and services funded with the assessment, improvements and services will only be provided within the boundaries of the District. Specifically, security patrols, cleaning personnel, and 2.2.12 8

similar service providers employed in connection with the District will only patrol and provide services to individual assessed parcels on the streets and sidewalks within the District, and will not provide services outside of District boundaries.

Western Boundary: The western boundary of the Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District is both sides of Vermont Avenue. This boundary was chosen for its mix of uses including commercial and religious uses. Parcels west of the west District boundary are zoned residential and are excluded by State Law from being included within the District and will not specially benefit from the unique improvements and services funded with the assessment, improvements. Services will only be provided to individual assessed parcels within the boundaries of the District. Specifically, security patrols, cleaning personnel, and similar service providers employed in connection with the District will only patrol and provide services to individual assessed parcels on the streets and sidewalks within the District, and will not provide services outside of District boundaries.

2.2.12 9

Section 3 District Improvement and Activity Plan

Process to Establish the Improvement and Activity Plan Through a series of property owner meetings the Figueroa Corridor Partnership District Business Improvement District Steering Committee collectively determined the priority for improvements and activities to be delivered by the business improvement district. The primary needs as determined by the parcel owners were: safety/security, cleaning, communication/development and management. Ali of the services provided such as the security work provided by the Safe Team and the cleaning work provided by the Clean Team are services that are over and above the City's baseline of services and are not provided by the City. These services are not provided outside of the District and because of their unique nature focusing on the particular needs of each assessed parcel within the District provide particular and distinct benefits to each of the assessed parcels within the District.

All of the improvements and activities detailed below are provided only to assessed parcels defined as being within the boundaries of the District and provide benefits which are particular and distinct to each of the assessed parcels within the proposed District. No improvement or activities are provided to parcels outside the District boundaries. All assessments outlined in this Management District Plan go only for services directly benefiting each of the assessed parcels paying the assessments in this specialized zone. Inasmuch as all services will be provided to the assessed parcels defined as being within the District boundaries and no services will be provided outside the District boundaries and each of the services: clean, safe, communication, special projects, administration are unique to the District and to each of the Districts assessed parcels all benefits provided are particular and distinct to each assessed parcel.

All benefits derived from the assessments outlined in the Management District Plan are for services directly benefiting the assessed parcels within this area and support increased'commerce, business attraction and retention, increased property rental income and enhanced overall safety and image within this commercial core. All services, projects, promotions, security, cleaning and professional/administration services are provided solely to parcels within the district to enhance the image and viability of properties and businesses within the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District boundaries and are designed only for the direct special benefit of the assessed cdmmercially zoned parcels in the District. No services will be provided to non-assessed parcels outside the District boundaries. (For a further definition of special benefits see Engineer's Report page 8 "Special Benefit")

The total improvement and activity plan budget for 2013, which is funded by property assessments, is projected at$~ ,207,797. The costs of providing each of the budget components was developed from actual expertence obtained in providing these same services over the last five years of operation of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District. Actual service hours and frequency may vary in order to match varying District needs over the 5 year life of the District. A detailed operation deployment for 2013 is available from the property owners association. The budget is made up of the following components. ·

2.2.12 10



Safe Team Program The Safety Program will provide security services for the individual parcels located within the District in the form of patrolling bicycle personnel, walking patrols and car patrols, The purpose of the Safe Team Program is to prevent, deter and report illegal activities taking place on the streets, sidewalks, storefronts, parking lots and public alleys, The presence of the Safe Team Program is intended to deter such illegal activities as vandalism, graffiti, blocked sidewalks, encampments, narcotic use or sales, public urination, trespassing, drinking in public, prostitution, illegal panhandling, illegal vending, and illegal dumping. The Program will supplement, not replace, other ongoing police, security and patrol efforts within the District. The Safe T earn Program maintains communication with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) area patrols and reports illegal activities to the LAPD. The Safe Team also reports quality-of-life violations to the appropriate government agencies, such as the City Department of Building & Safety, the Bureau of Street Services, etc, The Safe Team Program will only provide its services within the District boundaries. The special benefit to parcels from these services is increased commercial activity which directly relates to increases in lease rates and customer usage,

Clean Team Program In order to consistently deal with cleaning issues, a Clean Program will continue to be provided as it has for the last fifteen years. A multi-dimensional approach has been developed consisting of the following elements. The clean team will only provide service to properties within District boundaries, The special benefit to parcels from these services is increased commercial activity which directly relates to increases in lease rates and customer usage.

@ Sidewalk cleaning: Tier 1, 2, & 4 Streets Only. Uniformed, radio equipped personnel sweep litter, debris and refuse from sidewalks and gutters of the District District personnel will pressure wash the sidewalks on a scheduled and uniform basis, Paper signs and handbills that are scotch taped or glued on property, utility boxes, poles and telephones are removed, Illegal signage within the District will be reported to the appropriate City department and if authorized to do so will be removed by District personneL

• Trash Collection: All Tiers. Collector truck personnel collect trash from sidewalk trash receptacles. r

• •'Graffiti Removal: All Tiers. Painters remove graffiti by painting, using solvent and pressure washing. The District maintains a zero tolerance graffiti policy. An effort is made to remove all tags within 24 hours on weekdays,

@ Weed Abatement: Tier 1, 2, & 4 Streets OnlY,. Weeds are removed as they become unsightly or as needed.

® Special Collections: All Tiers. District trucks are often called to assist LAPD to dispose


of illegal food vendors' inventory. They are also dispatched to collect stolen shopping carts and large bulky items illegally dumped in the District.

COMMUNICATION/DEVELOPMENT $43,998 It is important to not only provide the services needed in the District, but to tel! the story of improvement in the District. The special benefit to District parcels from these services is increased commercial activity which directly relates to increases in lease rates and enhanced commerce. Some of the communication/economic development programs being considered are: • Image and Communication programs, newsletters, website development to support local

businesses, and District programs. " Public and Media Relations. !!II Development of Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District image


ADMINISTRATION $139,882 The improvements and activities are managed by a professional staff that requires centralized administrative support. Management staff oversees the District's services which are delivered seven days a week. Management staff actively works on behalf of the District parcels to insure that City and County services and policies support the District Management staff expenses are allocated according to generally accepted accounting job costing procedures and are allocated to the specific areas in which staff works. The special benefit to assessed parcels from these services is increased commercial activity which directly relates to increases in lease rates and enhanced commerce.

FIVE YEAR OPERATING BUDGET A projected five-year operating budget for the Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District is provided below. The projections are based upon the following assumptions.

Assessments will be subject to annual increases not to exceed 5% per year. Increases will be determined by the District Owners Association and will vary between 0 and 5% in any given year. The projections below illustrate a maximum 5% annual increase for all budget items.

The cost of providing programs and services may vary depending on the market cost for those programs and services. Expenditures may require adjustment up or down to continue the intended level of programs· and services. The owners association shall have the right to reallocate up to 10% of the budget allocation by line item within the budgeted categories. The overall budget shall remain

. t t "th th" M t D' t . t Pl cons1s en WI IS ana gemen 1s nc an.

Item 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Safe/Clean $1,023,917 $1,075,113 $1,128,868 $1,185,312 $1,244,578

Communication/Development $43,998 $46,198 $48,508 $50,933 $53,480

Administration $139,882 $146,876 $154,220 $161,931 $170,027

Total Budget $1,207,797 $1,268,187 $1,331,596 $1,398,176 $1,468,085

2.2.12 12

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Tier 1 $353,752 $371,440 $390,012 $409,512 $429,988 Tier 2 $482,890 $507,035 $532,386 $559,006 $586,956

Tier3 $164,368 $172,586 $181,216 $190,277 $199,790 Tier4 $206,787 $217,126 $227,983 $239,382 $251,351

Total Budget $1,201,191 $1,.268,187 $1,331,597 $1,398,177 $1.468,085


*Assumes 5% yearly increase on ali budget items. Note: Any accrued interest or delinquent payments will be expended in the above categories.


Section 4 Assessment Methodology

Individual assessed parcels shall be assessed a Street Front Foot rate according to each parcel's proportionate special benefit derived from the services provided to that parcel in that benefit zone. Special circumstances such as a parcel's location within the District area and need and/or frequency for services are carefully reviewed relative to the specific and distinct type of programs and improvements to be provided by the District in order to determine the appropriate levels of assessment.

This reflects the fact that services delivered to parcels in the District benefit parcels in relation to their exposure on the streets. The streets have been classified in four tiers because of a differing need for services and a different level of use of the streets within the District. Each tier receives a different level of services and has a different level of assessment. (For a discussion of how each individual assessed parcel receives special benefits see Engineer's Report page 8 "Special Benefit")

The methodology to levy assessments upon real property that receives special benefits from the improvements and activities of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District is Street Front Footage as the only assessment variable. Street front footage is relevant to the street level usage of a parcel. Parcels are assessed for all street frontages. Parcels with more than one street frontage such as corner lots or whole block parcels are assessed for the sum of all the parcels' street frontage.

Benefit Zones The State Law and State Constitution Article XIIID require that special assessments be levied according to the special benefit each parcel receives from the improvements. In order to match assessment rates to benefits, four benefit zones or tiers classifying street front footage have been created within the District. The levels of appropriate service delivery within each tier were determined by analyzing current service delivery needs, pedestrian activity, population density and projecting future needs over the term of the District in order to produce a common level of safety and cleanliness throughout the District. Tier 1 and 4 streets are major corridors with high concentrations of pedestrian activity and will receive a different level of special benefit in the form of increased frequency of sidewalk sweeping and cleaning. Tier 1 and 4 parcels pay 100% of their proportionate special benefit. Tier 2 streets are side streets between major corridors and have different pedestrian use patterns then the major corridors which are in Tier 1 and 4. , Tier 2 streets require a different frequency of sidewalk services to match the different use patterns. Tier 2 parcels pay 100% of their proportionate special benefit received. Tier 3 streets have the lowest frequency of pedestrian use in the District. Ti,er 3 streets require a different frequency of cleaning services to match the different use pattern. Tie(3 parcels pay 100% of their proportionate special benefit received. Each tier's assessment rate was calculated by determining the expense for the services provided in that area and then spreading the expenses over the total assessed Street Front Footage for that Tier. Service details are provided below for each Tier.

A description of services received by each Tier:

Tier 1 Total Budget $353,752 Security Patrol 7 days a week 2.2.12 14

Sidewalk sweeping and cleaning 6 days a week Graffiti removal and trash can pick-up 6 days a week Shared marketing and administration with other tiers

Tier 2 Total Budget $462,890 Security Patrol 7 days a week Sidewalk sweeping and cleaning 3 days a week Graffiti removal and trash can pick-up 6 days a week Shared marketing and administration with other tiers

Tier 3 Total Budget $164,366 Security Patrol 7 days a week No sidewalk sweeping and cleaning Graffiti removal and trash can pick-up 6 days a week Shared marketing and administration with other tiers

Tier 4 Total Budget $206,787 Security Patrol 7 days a week Sidewalk sweeping and cleaning 7 days a week Graffiti removal and trash can pick-up 7 days a week Shared marketing and administration with other tiers

Calculation of Assessments

The proportionate special benefit derived by each identified assessed parcel shall be determined in relationship to the entirety of benefit provided by the services. The proposed services are narrowly defined to confer a particular and distinct benefit to the assessed parcels within the district. The services do not confer general benefits on the community as a whole, like general City services. Each of the assessed parcels in the district participates in the special benefits from the parcel-specific security, cleaning and marketing programs. Due to the proportionate special benefits received by these parcels from the District services, these parcels will be assessed a rate which is proportionate to the amount of special benefits received. Only special benefits are assessed and these benefits must be separated from any general benefits

The preceding methodology is applied to a database that has been constructed by District Property Owners and its consultant team. The process for compiling the property database includes the following steps:

' ~~ Property data was first obtained from the County of Los Angeles Assessor's Office. • A database was submitted to the City Clerk's office for verification. ~~~ A list of properties to be included within the District is provided in Section T

Total Assessed Street Frontage within the District:

Tier 1 Street Frontage 18,856 Tier 2 Street Frontage 34,303

2.2.12 15

Tier 3 Street Frontage 21 '136 Tier 4 Street Frontage 9,245 Total District Street Frontage 83,540

Street Front Footage Defined. Street Front Footage is defined as the front footage of a parcel that fronts a public street.

Based upon the methodology as set forth above, first year assessments are established as follows: Assessment per Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Street Front Footage $18.7607 $14Jl772 $7.7767 $22.3674

Calculation Formula: Total Street Footage X Appropriate Tier Rate = Parcel Assessment

Calculation Example Parcel is a corner lot with 1 00 feet of frontage on a Tier One street and 75 feet of frontage on a Tier Two street.

Tier One frontage 100 feet X $18.7607 = $1,876.07 Tier Two frontage 75 feet X $14.0772 = $1 1055.79 Total Parcel assessment = $2,931.86

Parcels having more than one street frontage, for example corner parcels, may be assessed at different tier rates for each street front foot. The total of all street footage assessments for each parcel constitutes the total assessment for that parcel.

Maximum Annual Assessment Adjustments Assessments will be subject to annual increases not to exceed 5% per year. Increases will be determined by the District Owners Association and will vary between 0 and 5% in any given year. The projections below illustrate a maximum 5% annual increase for all budget items.

Maximum Assessment Table

Assessment Rates 1013 1014 2015 1016 2011

Tier 1 $18.7607 $19.6987 $20.6837 $21.7179 $22.8038

Tier 2 $14.0772 $14.7811 $15.5201 $16.2961 $17.1109

Tier 3 ), $7.7767 $8.1655 $8.5738 $9.0025 $9.4526

Tier4 o·, $22.3614 $13.4858 $14.6601 $25.8931 $27.1878

Budget Adjustments Any annual budget surplus will be rolled into the following year's District budget. The budget will be set accordingly, within the constraints of the management plan to adjust for surpluses that are carried forward. Assessment funds may be used for renewal of the District Funds from an expired District shall be rolled over into the new District if one is established, or returned to the property owners if one is not established, in accordance with Streets and Highways Code section 36671. 2.2.12 16

Time and Manner for Collecting Assessments As provided by State law, the District assessment will appear as a separate line item on annual property tax bills prepared by the County of Los Angeles. The Los Angeles City Clerk's office will direct bill any property owners whose special assessment does not appear on the tax rolls.

The assessments shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as for the ad valorem property tax paid to the County of Los Angeles. These assessments shall provide for the same lien priority and penalties for delinquent payment as is provided for the ad valorem property tax. The "property owner'' means any person shown as the owner/taxpayer on the last equalized assessment roll or otherwise known to be the owner/taxpayer by the City.

Disestablishment California State Law Section 36670 provides for the disestablishment of a District. Upon the termination of this District any remaining revenues shall be transferred to the renewed District, if one is established; pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 36660 (b). Unexpended funds will be returned to property owners based upon each parcels percentage contribution to the total year 2017 assessments if the District is not renewed.

Public Property Assessments The District will provide all the improvements and activities to the City of Los Angeles or any other government-owned parcels within the DISTRICT boundary. All publicly-owned parcels will pay their proportional share of costs based on the special benefits conferred to those individual parcels. See Engineers Report page 8 for publicly owned parcels special benefit designation. Article XIIID of the California Constitution was added in November 1996 and provides for these assessments. It specifically states in Section 4(a) that "Parcels within a district that are owned or used by any agency ... shall not be exempt from assessment unless the agency can demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that those publicly owned parcels in fact receive no special benefit"

APN Owner Site Address Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 Tier4 2.013Asmt % 5037-028·908 California Science Center (expo park) Figueroa St. 0 0 1033 $8,033.31 0.67% 5037·028-907 California Science Center (expo. park) Figueroa St. 0 0 199 $1,547.56 O.l3% ,

California Science Center (expo. park) Total $9,580.88 0.79%

5037-027-931 City of lA 175 $1,360.92 0.11% 5037-027-936 City of lA 488 $3,795.02 0.31% 5037·028-902 City of LA Exposition Blvd. 0 0 365 $2,838.49 0.24% 5039·020-912 City of lA 0 95 0 $1,337.33 0.11% 5123·008-909 City of LA 0 96 0 $1,351.41 0.11% 5124·001·900; City of LA· 2301 5. Union St 0 411 0 $5,785.73 0.48% 5124·008·902 City of LA 0 53 0 $746.09 0.06% 5124-008·903 City of lA 2432 5. Hoover 0 54 0 $760,17 0.06% 5124·008·904 City oflA 2416 S. Hoover 0 53 0 $746.09 0.06% 5124·009-902 City of LA 0 286 0 $4,026.08 0.33% 5124-009·903 City of LA 0 170 167 $3,691.83 0.31%

City of lA Total $26,439.16 2.19%

5040·030·905 Community Redevelopment Agency S. Vermont Ave. 196 a 0 $3,677.10 0.30% 5123-001-900 Community Redevelopment Agency 2600 S. Hoover St 0 274 200 $5,412.49 0.45%

Community Redevelopment Agency Total $9,089.59 0.75%

5126-011·900 LA Community College District 419 W. Washington Blvd, 134 132 0 $4,372.13 0.36% 5126·011-901 LA Community College District 1838 S. Flower St. so 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

2.2.12 17

... ·'""_ ..

5126-014-904 LA Community College District 2100 S. Flower St. 0 0 2936 $22,832.35 1.89% LA Community College District Total $28,142.51 2.33%

··-5123-008-905 LAU50 0 140 0 $1,970.81 0.16% 512 3-008-910 LAUSO 0 168 0 $2,364.97 0.20%

LAUSD Total $4,335.78 0.36%

5037-024-900 Los Angeles County 3965 S. Vermont Ave. 236 0 0 $4,427.53 0.37% 5126-009-900 los Angeles County 1816 S. Figueroa St. 150 0 0 $2,814.11 0.23% 5126-009-901 los Angeles County 1819 S. Flower St. 100 0 0 $1,876.07 0.16% 5126-009-902 Los Angeles County 1823 S. Flower St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08% 5126-009-903 Los Angeles County 1825 S. Flower St. so 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

los Angeles County Total $1!1,993. 78 0.91%

5037-030-902 MTA Flower St. & W 37th St. 130 90 0 $3,705.84 0.31% MTATotal $3,705.84 031%

sa37-027-933 State of Calif. (expo.park) 933 W, Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 0 a 284 $2,208.58 0.18% 5037-0ZS-912 State of Calif. (expo.park) 3800 S. Vermont Ave. 0 0 50 $388.83 0.03% 5037·028·913 State of Calif. (expo.park) 3796 S. Vermont Ave. 0 0 so $388.83 0.03% 5037-028-914 State of Calif. (expo.park) 3798 S. Vermont Ave. 0 0 so $388.83 0.03% 5037-027-915 State of California (expo park) Figueroa St. 0 0 540 $4,199.41 0.35% 5037·027·910 State of California (expo. park) Figueroa St. 0 0 1442 $11,213.98 0.93% 5037-027-937 State·of California 6th District( expo. park) Figueroa St. 0 0 1036 $8,056.64 0.67% 5037-028-900 State of California, 6th Dist. Agr. A«n. (expo.park) 900 Exposition Blvd. 0 0 17S $1,360.92 0.11% 5037-028-901 State of California, 6th Dist. Agr. Assn. (expo.park) Vermont Ave./Exposition Blvd. 0 0 493 $3,833.91 0.32% 5037·028-904 State of California, 6th Dist. Agr. Assn. (expo.park) Vermont Ave. 0 D 350 $2,721.84 0.23%

5037-028·905 State of California, 6th Dist. Agr. Assn.(expo.park) 700 State Dr. a 0 1659 $12,901.52 1.07%

State of California (expo.park) Total $47,663.30 3.95%

5037·030-901 State of California Flower St. 57 0 0 $1,069.36 0.09% State of California Total $1,069.36 0.09%

Total All Government Parcels $141,020.18 11.68"A

Assessment of Possessory Interests Owners of possessory interest in real property within the district are owners of real property and benefit from the proposed improvements and activities. As it relates to owners of possessory interest, the assessment for the proposed district shall be levied on these owners only where no underlying assessment is levied. The assessment shall be determined on the same basis as the assessment calculation for all other owners within the same tier, an assessment that would be equal to the assessment that would have been levied on the underlying property owner. This assessment represents the special benefit from the proposed activities and improvements.

The assessments shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as for the possessory interest tax paid to the County of Los Angeles. These assessments shall provide for the same lien priority and penalties for delinquent payment as is provided for the possessory interest tax.

Section 5 District Rules and Regulations

Pursuant to the Property and Business Improvement law of 1994, as amended, a business improvement district may establish rules and regulations that uniquely apply to the District. The District has adopted the following rules:

® Competitive Procurement Process The Owner's Association shall develop a policy for competitive bidding when purchasing substantial amounts of services, products and/or equipment The policy will aim to

2.2.i2 18

maximize service, quality, efficiency and cost effectiveness.

IJ1I Treatment of Residential Housing In accordance with Section 36632 (c) of the California Streets and Highways Code, properties zoned solely for residential or agricultural use are conclusively presumed not to receive special benefit from the improvements and service funded through the assessments of the District and are not subject to any assessment pursuant to Section 36632 (c). Therefore, properties zoned solely for residential or agricultural use within the boundaries of the District, if any, will not be assessed. The District does contain parcels that are zoned solely for residential use.

~~ Renewal District funds may be used for renewing the District.

~~~ Bonds The Owners' Association will not issue bonds to finance any services or improvements in the District.

Section 6 Implementation Timetable

The Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District is expected to be established and begin implementation of the Management District Plan on January 1, 2013. Consistent with State law the Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District will have a five-year life through December 31, 2017.

2.2.12 19

APN Owner

5037·028·908 California Science Center (expo park) 5037-028-907 California Science Center (expo. park)

California Science Center (expo. park) Total

5037·027-931 City of lA

5037-027-936 City of lA

5037·028·902 City of lA

5039-020-912 City of lA

5123·008·909 City of lA

5124-001·900 City of lA 5124·008·902 City of lA

5124-008-903 City of lA S124-008-904 City of lA

5124-009-902 City of lA

5124-009-903 City of LA

City oflA Total

5040-030-905 Community Redevelopment Agency

5123-001-900 Community Redevelopment Agency

Community Redevelopment Agency Total

5126-011·900 lA Community College District

5126-011-901 lA Community College District 5126-014~904 lA Community College District

LA Community College District Total

S123·008-905 lAUSO 5123-008-910 lAUSO


5037-024-900 los Angeles County 5126-009-900 los Angeles County

5126-009-901 los Angeles County

5 126·009-902 los Angeles County 5126-009-903 los Angeles County

los Angeles County Total

5037-030·902 MTA MTA Total

SOP·027·933 State of Calif. (expo.parkj

5037-028-912 State of Calif. (expo.park) so37-D28-913 State of Calif. (expo.park)

5037-028-914 State of Calif. (expo. park) 5037-027"915 State of California (expo park)

5037-027-910 State of California (expo. park) 5037-027-937 State of California 6th Oistcict(expo. park)

5037-028-900i. State of California, 6th Dist. Agr. Assn. (expo. park) 5037-028-901 St<Ye of California, 6th Dist. Agr. Assn. (expa.park) 5037-028-904 St•te of California, 6th Dist. Agr. Assn. (expo.park)

5037·028-905 State of California, 6th Dis!. Agr. Assn. (expo. park)

State of California (expo.park) Total

5037-030·901 St•te of California

State of California Total

Total All Government Parcels

2.2.12 20

Section7 Parcel Roil

Site Address

Figueroa St. Figueroa St.

Exposition Blvd.

2301 S. Union St

2432 S. Hoover 2416 5. Hoover

S. Vermont Ave.

2600 S. Hoover St

419 W. Washington Blvd.

1838 S. Flower St. 2100 S. Flower St.

396S 5. Vermont Ave.

1816 5. Figueroa St.

1819 S. Flower St.

1823 S. flower St. 1825 S. Flower St.

Flower St. & W 37th St.

933 W. Martin luther King Jr. Blvd.

3800 S. Vermont Ave.

3796 5. Vermont Ave.

3798 S. Vermont Ave. Figueroa St.

Figueroa St.

Figueroa St.

900 Exposition Blvd. Vermont Ave./Exposition Blvd.

Vermont Ave.

700 State Or.

Flower St.

Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 Tier4 2013Asmt % 0 0 1033 $8,033.31 0.67% 0 0 199 $1,547.56 0.13%

$9,580.SS 0.79%

175 $1,360.92 0.11% 488 $3,795.02 0.31%

0 0 365 $2,838.49 0.24% 0 95 0 $1,337.33 0.11%

0 96 0 $1,351.41 0.11% 0 411 0 $5,785.73 0.48% 0 53 0 $746.09 0.06% 0 54 0 $760.17 0.06% 0 53 0 $746.09 0.06% 0 286 0 $4,026.08 0.33% 0 170 167 $3,691.83 0.31%

$26,439.16 2.19%

196 0 0 $3,677.10 0.30% 0 274 200 $5,412.49 0.45%

$9,089.59 0.75%

134 132 0 $4,372.13 0.36%

sa 0 0 $938.04 0.08% 0 0 2936 $22,832.35 1.89%

$28,142.51 2.33%

0 140 0 $1,970.81 0.16%

0 168 0 $2,364.97 0.20% $4,335.78 0.36%

236 0 0 $4,427.53 0.37% 150 0 0 $2,814.11 0.23% 100 0 0 $1,876.07 0.16%

50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

so 0 0 $938.04 0.08% $1(),993. 78 0.91%

l30 90 a $3,705.84 0.31% $3,705.84 0.31%

0 a 284 $2,208.58 0.18%

0 0 50 $388.83 0.03% 0 0 so $388.83 0.03%

0 0 50 $388.83 0.03% 0 0 540 $4,199.41 0.35%

0 0 1442 $11,213.98 0.93% 0 0 1036 $8,056.64 0.67%

0 0 175 $1,350.92 0.11%

0 0 493 $3,833.91 0.32% 0 0 350 $2,721.84 0.23% 0 0 1659 $L2,901.52 1.07%

$47,663.30 3.95%

57 0 0 $1,069:36 0.09% $1,069.36 0.09%

$141,020.18 11.68%

APN Site Address Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 Tier4 2013 Asmt %

5037-018-006 3785 S. Vermont Ave. so 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5037-018-009 3787 S. Vermont Ave. 150 0 0 $2,814.11 0.23%

5037-018-014 3793 S. Vermont Ave. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5037-018-044 3775 5. Vermont Ave. 138 0 0 $2,588.98 0.21% 5037-018-054 3797 5. Vermont Ave. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5037-018-055 3825 5. Vermont Ave. 430 0 0 $8,067.11 0.67% 5037-019-051 3901 S. Vermont Ave. 55 0 0 $1,031.84 0.09% 5037-019-052 3905 S. Vermont Ave. 60 0 0 $1,125.64 0.09%

5037-019-053 3911 5. Vermont Ave. 40 0 0 $750.43 0.06% 5037-019-054 3913 $. Vermont Ave. 80 0 0 $1,500.86 0.12% 5037-019-055 3917 S. Vermont Ave. 40 0 0 $750.43 0.06% 5037-019-056 3919 S. Vermont Ave. 40 0 0 $750.43 0.06% 5037-019-057 3923 S. Vermont Ave. 80 0 0 $1,500.86 0.12% 5037-019-058 3925 5. Vermont Ave. 38 0 0 $712.91 0.06% 5037-022-001 3929 S. Vermont Ave. 58 0 0 $1,088.12 0.09% 5037-022-002 3933 S. Vermont Ave. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08% 5037-022-024 3937 5. Vermont Ave. 162 0 0 $3,039.24 0.25%

5037-024-028 3955 5. Vermont Ave. 98 0 0 $1,838.55 0.15% 5037-026-017 1007 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 77 0 0 $1,444.57 0.12%

5037-026-018 3985 5. Vermont Ave. 222 0 0 $4,164.88 0.34%

5037-029-001 3760 S. Figueroa St. 321 0 0 363 $14,141.S7 1.17%

5037-029-002 3703 S. Figueroa St. 0 143 0 127 $4,853.70 0.40% 5037-029-016 W. 37th Pl. 0 40 0 $563.09 0.05%

5037-029-017 3721 S. Flower St. 121 101 0 $3,691.84 0.31%

5037-029-018 3601 S. Flower St. 161 203 0 $5,878.15 0.49% 5037-029-020 3702 S Figueroa St 245 600 0 192 $17,337.24 1.44% 5037-030-022 3720 S. Flower St. 418 0 0 $7,841.98 0.65%

5037-030-023 459 W. 38th St. 382 0 0 $7,166.59 •o.s9%

5037-031-013 3800 S. Figueroa St. 75 0 0 $1,407.05 0.12%

5037-031-014 3816 S. Figueroa St. so 0 0 $938.04 0.08% 5037-031-015 3822 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

S037-031-016 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5037-031-017 3830 S. Figueroa St. so 0 0 $938.04 0.08% 5037-031-018 383 6 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5037-031-019 3840 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5037-031-020 3844 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08% :'i037-031-021 3850 S. Figueroa St. so 0 0 $938.04 0.08% 5037-031-023 3800 S. Figueroa St. 75 0 0 $1,407.05 0.12%

5037-032-022 3916 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08% S037-032-023 Figueroa St. & W. 38th St. so 0 0 $938.04 0.08% 5037-032-d24 ~- Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5037-032-025 3930 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5037-032-026 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08% 5037-032-027 3940 S. Figueroa St. so 0 0 $938.04 0.08% 5037-032-028 3944 S. Figueroa St. so 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5037-032-029 S. Figueroa St. so 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

S037-032-030 3954 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5037-032-031 5. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938,04 0.08% S037-032-032 3964 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08% 5037-032-033 3970 S. Figueroa St. 60 0 0 $1,125.64 0.09%

S037-032-040 Figueroa St. & MLK Blvd 235 164 0 $6,717.43 0.56%

2.2.12 21

5037-032-045 Figueroa St. & W. 39th St. 124 0 0 $2,326.33 0.19%

5039-001-059 3100 5. Vermont Ave. 454 280 0 $12,458.98 1.03%

5039-001-060 3115 Orchard 0 609 0 $8,573.01 0.71%

5039-002-029 Vermont Ave. 0 0 59 $458.82 0.04%

5039-002-a30 1046 W. 36th St. (Vermont) 0 0 388 $3,017.35 0.25%

5039-002-031 1027 W. 34th St., (Jefferson/Vermont) 0 1266 818 $24,183.06 2.00%

5039-002-032 Jefferson Blvd. 0 50 0 $703.86 0.06% 5039-002-034 3667 McClintock Ave. (Vermont/Expo.) 0 0 1314 $10,218.56 0.85%

5039-003-027 925 W. 34th St. (Jefferson) 0 1012 0 $14,246.12 1.18%

5039-003-028 817 W. 34th St. (Jefferson) 0 110 0 $1,548.49 0.13%

5039-003-a29 Jefferson Blvd. 0 188 0 $2,646.51 a.22% 5039-aOJ-030 Jefferson Blvd. 0 19 0 $267.47 0.02%

5039-012-a22 901 Exposition Blvd. 0 a 68 $528.81 a.04%

5039-012-a27 920 W. 37th St. (Exposition) a a 171 $1,329.81 a.11%

5039-012-031 Exposition Blvd. 0 0 73 $567.70 0.05%

5039-012-032 Exposition Blvd. 0 0 64 $497.71 0.04%

5039-012-033 373a McClintock Ave.(Exposition) 0 0 331 $2,574.a8 a.21%

503 9-019-051 .3131 McClintock 0 357 0 $5,025.56 0.42%

5039-020-028 University Village 0 273 a $3,843.07 0.32%

5039-020-030 University Village 0 888 0 $12,500.55 1.03%

5039-a20-031 0 242 0 $3,4a6.68 0.28%

5039-020-032 University Village 0 130 0 $1,83a.04 a.15%

5039-a2a-a33 University Village a 472 0 $6,644.44 0.55%

5039-a24-016 USC Campus (Fig., Expo.) a a 1882 1181 $41,a51.67 3.4a%

Sa40-026-044 3115 S. Vermont Ave. 281 a a $5,271.76 0.44%

5040-026-046 3031 S. Vermont Ave. 121 0 0 $2,270.05 0.19%

504a-028-028 3585 S. Vermont Ave. 345 0 0 $6,472.45 0.54%

5040-029-025 3607 S. Vermont Ave. 337 0 0 $6,322.36 0.52%

504a-a30-037 3651 S Vermont Ave. 18a 0 a $3,376.93 .··a.28%

5040-031-038 116 W. 37th St. (Vermont) 336 0 a $6,303.60 a .52% 5040-032-033 1104 W. 37th Pl. (Vermont] 31a 0 0 $5,815.82 a.48%

5040-033-0 2 8 37715. Vermont Ave. 219 0 0 $4,108.60 0.34%

5054-038-0 2 3 3025 S. Vermont Ave. 45 0 0 $844.23 0.07%

5055-019-031 21315. Hoover 0 .117 0 $1,647.03 0.14%

5055-019-042 1208 W. 22nd St 0 256 0 $3,603.76 0.30%

5055-02 0-001 2319 S. Hoover 0 122 0 $1,717.42 0.14%

5055-020-027 2301 S, Hoover 0 118 0 $1,661.11 0.14%

5055-021-025 2411 S. Hoover 0 59 0 $830.55 0.07%

5055-021-026 2401 S. Hoover 0 59 0 $830.55 0.07%

5055-021-027 1119 W. 25th Street 0 118 0 $1,661.11 0.14%

5055-022-031 2501 S. Hoover 0 156 0 $2,196.04 0.18%

505 5-022-034 0 289 0 $4,068.31 0.34%

5055-022-035 1177 West Adams Blvd. 0 138 0 $1,942.65 0.16%

5055-024-015 1124 W. Adams 0 151 0 $2,125,66 0.18%

5122-021-010 0 409 0 $5,757.57 0.48%

5122-021-011 394 1126 0 $23,242.64 1.92%

5122-022-002 0 779 0 $10,966.13 0.91%

5122-030-020 0 680 0 $9,572.49 0.79%

5123-001-002 2611 Portland St 0 0 100 $777.67 0.06%

5123-001-004 948 W. Adams Blvd 0 0 200 $1,555.34 0.13%

5123-001-402 2707 Portland St 0 50 0 $703.86 0.06%

5123-001-404 2718 Hoover St 0 67 0 $943.17 0.08%

2.2.12 22

5123-001-405 1005 W. 28th St 0 203 0 $2,857.67 0.24%

5123-001-406 2636 S. Hoover 0 150 0 $2,111.58 0.17%

5123-001-407 0 50 0 $703.86 0.06% __ .. 5123-001-408 2600 Hoover St 0 58 0 $816.48 0.07%

5123-008-014 0 0 60 $466.60 0.04%

512 3-008-015 0 0 64 $497.71 0.04%

5123-008-016 3207 University Ave 0 131 0 $1,844.11 0.15%

512 3-008-018 3300 Hoover Blvd. 0 172 0 $2,421.28 0.20%

512 3-009-001 3201 S. Figueroa St. 0 155 0 60 $3,524.01 0.29%

512 3-009-002 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 0 40 $894.70 0.07%

5123-009-003 3211 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 0 41 $917.07 0.08%

5123-009-004 616 W. 32 St. a 55 a $774.25 0.06%

5123-009-007 624 W. 32nd St. 0 50 0 $703.86 0.06%

5123-009-008 3219 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 0 141 $3,153.81 0.26%

5123-009-009 708 W. 32nd St. 0 0 129 $1,003.19 0.08%

5123-009-010 645 W. Jefferson Blvd. 0 0 129 $1,003.19 0.08%

5123-009-011 3233 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 0 141 $3,153.81 0.26%

5123-009-012 .3245 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 0 88 $1,968.33 0.16%

5123-009-016 625 W.Jefferson Blvd. 0 59 0 $830.55 0.07%

512 3-009-017 665 W. Jefferson Blvd. 0 0 805 $6,260.23 0.52%

5123-009-024 624 W. 32nd St. 0 50 0 $703.86 0.06%

5123-009-025 621 W. Jefferson Blvd. 0 51 0 $717.94 0.06%

5123-009-026 615 W. Jefferson Blvd. a 50 0 $703.86 0.06%

5123-009-027 Figueroa St. & Jefferson Blvd. 0 150 0 53 $3,297.05 0.27%

5123-009-028 Royal St & 32nd Street sides 0 0 340 $2,644.07 0.22%

5123-010-004 302 5 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 0 120 $2,684.09 0.22%

5123-010-012 3131 S. Figueroa St. 0 309 a 123 $7,101.05 0.59%

5123-010-026 3101 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 0 180 $4,026.14 0.33%

5123-010-027 3001 5. Figueroa St. 0 185 0 132 $5,556.78 .·0.46%

5123-014-016 2929 S. Figueroa St. a 160 0 113 $4,779.87 0.40%

5123-014-021 2801 S. Figueroa St. a 175 0 242 $7,876.43 0.65%

5123-015-001 2701 5. Figueroa St. 0 170 0 100 $4,629.87 0.38%

5123-015-016 2723 S. Figueroa St. 0 150 0 270 $8,150.79 0.67%

5123-017-004 605 W. 27 St. 0 a 0 86 $1,923.60 0.16%

5123-017~007 2601 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 839 280 $12,787.52 1.06%

5J.23-017-008 746 W. Adams Blvd. 0 0 387 $3,009.58 0.25%

5123-018-008 527 W. 27th St. 0 128 0 53 $2,987.36 0.25%

s 12 3-018-009 514 W. Adams Bl 131 5 a $2,528.04 0.21%

5123-018-014 2722 S. Figueroa St. 0 a 0 14 $313.14 0.03%

5123-018-015 2722 S. Figueroa St. 0 107 0 62 $2,893.04 0.24%

S123-018-020 W. 28th St. a so 0 $703.86 0.06%

5123-018~022 )N. 28th St. a 57 0 $802.40 0.07%

5123-018-023 2727 S. Flower St. 133 99 0 $3,888.82 0.32%

5123-018-024 515 W. 27th St. 0 158 0 $2,224.20 0.18%

5123-018-026 W. Adams Blvd. a 20 0 $281.54 0.02%

512 3-018-030 524 W. Adams Blvd. 0 85 0 203 $5,737.15 0.48%

512 3-018-032 2718 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 0 66 $1,476.2S 0.12%

5123-018-033 2700 S. Figueroa St. 132 346 0 133 $10,321.99 0.8S%

s 12 3-019-004 2828 S. Figueroa St. 0 176 0 73 $4,110.41 0.34%

5123-0 19-00S 2902 S. Figueroa St. 0 176 a 66 $3,953.84 0.33%

5123-019-010 2913 S. Flower St. 62 so 0 $1,867.02 0.15%

5123-019-011 2901 S. Flower St. 52 0 0 $975.56 0.08%

2.2.12 23

5123~019-012 2901 S. Flower St. 53 155 0 $3,176.28 0.26%

5123-019-014 2819 S. Flower St. 45 0 0 $844.23 0.07%

5123-019-016 2813 S. Flower St. 53 0 0 $994.32 0.08% -5123-019-019 2917 S. Flower St. 94 105 0 $3,241.61 0.27%

5123-019-023 2912 S. Figueroa St. 0 161 0 198 $6,695.18 0.55% 5123-019-025 2800 S. Figueroa St. 106 331 0 191 $10,920.37 0.90%

5123-019-027 2823 S. Flower St. 58 140 0 $3,058.93 0.25%

5123-02 0-001 3000 S. Figueroa St. 0 150 0 106 $4,482.53 0.37%

5123-020-004 3100 5. Figueroa St. 0 150 0 159 $5,668.00 0.47% 512 3-0 2 0-005 516 W. 31st St. 0 55 0 $774.25 0.06%

5123-020-006 510 W. 31st St. 0 65 0 $915.02 0.08%

512 3-02 0-007 3111 S. Flower St. 158 64 0 $3,865.13 0.32%

5123-020-008 3019 S. Flower St. 155 22 0 $3,217.61 0.27%

5123-020-009 505 W. 31st St. 0 50 0 $703.86 0.06%

5123-020-010 511 W. 31st St. 0 50 0 $703.86 0.06%

5123-020-011 515 W. 31st St. 0 50 0 $703.86 0.06%

5123-020-016 3200 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 0 71 $1,S88.09 0.13%

5123-020-017 ~200 S. Figueroa St. 0 178 0 71 $4,093.83 0.34%

5123-020-018 515 W. 33rd St. 0 47 0 $661.63 0.05%

5123-020-019 505 W. 33rd St. 0 45 0 $633.47 0.05%

5123-020-020 503 W. 33rd St. 0 45 0 $633.47 0.05%

5123-020-021 3131 S. Flower St. 150 22 0 $3,123.81 0.26%

5123-020-022 3119 S. Flower St. 94 0 0 $1,763.51 0.15%

5123-020-023 3120 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 0 101 $2,259.11 0.19%

5123-020-024 3010 S. Figueroa St. 0 0 0 110 $2,460.42 0.20%

5123-020-025 3026 S. Figueroa St. 0 135 0 101 $4,159.53 0.34%

5123-020-028 512 W. 30th St. 147 165 0 $5,080.56 0.42%

5123-021-001 3322 S. Figueroa St. 0 438 0 364 $14,307.56 1.18%

5123-021-006 511 W. Jefferson Blvd. 0 50 0 $703.86 0.06%

5123-021-007 504 W. 33rd St. 183 117 0 $5,080.24 0.42%

5123-021-008 501 W. Jefferson Blvd. 180 69 0 $4,348.25 0.36%

5123-022-026 3584 S. Figueroa St. 0 186 0 167 $6,353.72 0.53%

5123-022-031 3540 5. Figueroa St. 291 0 0 391 $14,205.04 1.18%

5123-022-034 3500 S. Figueroa St. 172 0 0 172 $7,074.04 0.59%

5123-022-038 441 W. Exposition Blvd. 67 212 0 $4,241.33 0.35%

5;!.23-022-040 580 363 0 570 $28,740.68 2.38%

5123-023-024 663 W. 34th St. 0 1024 0 311 $21,371.32 1.77%

5124-001-004 2214 5. Hoover 0 57 0 $802.40 0.07%

5124-001-011 2202 S. Hoover 0 119 0 $1,675.19 0.14%

512 4-001-012 22215. Union St 0 114 0 $1,604.80 0.13%

5124-002-021 2023 S. Union Ave. 0 127 0 $1,787.80 0.15%

5124-007-d16 ;2300·5. Union St 0 105 0 $1,478.11 0.12%

5124-007-017 2308 5. Union St 0 27 0 $380.08 0.03%

5124-007-018 2312 S. Union St 0 52 0 $732.01 0.06%

5124-007-019 2316 S. Union St 0 50 0 $703.86 0.06%

5124-008-024 2400 5. Hoover 0 160 0 $2,252.35 0.19%

5124-025-001 745 W. Adams Blvd. 0 0 150 $1,166.50 0.10%

5124-025-009 26 St. James Park 0 0 208 $1,617.55 0.13%

5124-025-010 17 Chester Place 0 0 273 $2,123.03 0.18%

5124-026-004 649 W. Adams Blvd. 148 0 0 $2,776.59 0.23%

5124-026-006 621 W. Adams Blvd. 0 0 98 $762.12 0.06%

5124-026-008 641 W. Adams Blvd. 0 0 100 $777.67 0.06%

2.2.12 24

5124-026-013 649 W. Adams Blvd. 0 0 140 $1.088.74 0.09%

5124-026-014 2421 S. Figueroa St. 146 0 0 $2,739.06 0.23%

5124-027-015 2424 S. Figueroa St. 180 0 0 $3,376.93 0.28% -~~-~~~

5124-027-016 2512 S. Figueroa St. 222 175 0 $6,628.39 0.55% 5124-027-017 2498-251 S. Figueroa St. 120 0 0 $2,251.29 0.19% 5124-028-006 W. 23rd St. 0 15 0 $211.16 0.02% 5124-028-010 W. 23rd St. 0 59 0 $830.55 0.07% 5124-029-011 W 23rd St & Adams Blvd 0 140 254 $3,946.09 0.33% 5124-029-016 W. 23rd St. 0 173 0 $2,435.35 0.20% 5124-029-017 W. 23rd St. 0 685 0 $9,642.88 0.80% S126-001-004 703 E. 18th St. 0 170 0 $2,393.12 0.20% 5126-001-005 702 E. 17th St. 0 126 0 $1,773.73 0.15% 5126-001-008 639 W. 18th St. 0 49 0 $689.78 0.06% 5126-001-009 637 W. 18th St. 0 35 0 $492.70 0.04% 5126-001-010 633 W. 18th St. 0 35 0 $492.70 0.04% 5126-001-011 629 W. 18th St. 0 70 0 $985.40 0.08%

S126-001-012 626 W. 17th St. 0 40 0 $563.09 0.05% 5126·001-013 p22 W. 17th St. 0 46 0 $647.S5 0.05%

5126·001-014 647 W. 18th St. 0 45 0 $633.47 0.05% 512 6-001-015 657 W. 18th St. 0 225 0 $3,167.37 0.26% 5126-001-016 Georgia St. 0 50 0 $703.86 0.06%

5126-001-017 1717 S. Figueroa St. 315 416 0 $11,765.74 0.97% 5126-002-001 651 W. Washington Blvd. 0 276 0 $3,885.31 0.32% 5126-002-002 631 W. Washington Blvd. 0 196 0 $2,759.13 0.23% 5126-002-003 652 W. 18th St. 0 38 0 $534.93 0.04% 5126-002-004 1812 S. Georgia St. 0 170 0 $2,393.12 0.20%

5126-002-005 1816 S. Georgia St.. 0 40 0 $563.09 0.05% 5126-002-007 625 W. Washington Blvd. 0 226 0 $3,181.45 0.26% 5126-002-008 1805 S. Figueroa St. 100 155 0 $4,058.04 0.34% 5126-002-009 601 W. Washington Blvd. 246 195 0 $7,360.19 0.61% 5126-002-013 S. 18th St. 0 218 0 $3,068.83 0.2S%

5126-002-014 1801 Georgia St. 0 230 0 $3,237.7S 0.27% 5126-003-015 646 W. Washington Blvd. 0 265 0 $3,730.46 0.31%

5126-003-016 1901 5. Figueroa St. 176 S73 0 $11,368.12 0.94% 5126-003-017 1929 S. Figueroa St. 132 140 0 $4,447.22 0.37% 512 6-003-018 Lovelace Ave. 0 140 0 $1,970.81 0,16%

s.i26-oo3-019 1940 Lovelace Ave. 0 307 0 $4,321.70 0.36%

5126-003-024 1945 S. Figueroa St. 100 0 0 $1,876.07 0.16% r--~

$6,952.54 s 12 6-003-025 2023 $. Figueroa St. 180 254 0 0.58% 5126-003-026 2105 S. Figueroa St. 295 163 0 $7,828.99 0.65% 512 6-003-028 2001 S. Figueroa St. 181 59 0 $4,226.24 0.35% 5126-003-d29 ,1932· Lovelace Ave. 8S so 0 $2,298.52 0.19% 512 6-005-001 520 W. 23rd St. 0 98 0 $1,379.S7 0.11% 512 6-005-002 500 W. 23rd St. 0 160 0 60 $3,594.40 0.30% 5126-005-003 2309 S. Flower St. 0 0 0 60 $1,342.05 0.11% 5126-00S-004 2315 S. Flower St 0 0 0 60 $1,342.05 0.11%

5126-005-005 S. Flower St. 0 0 0 60 $1,342.05 0.11% 5126-005-006 2327 S. Flower St. 0 0 0 60 $1,342.05 0.11%

5126-005-007 S. Flower St. 0 0 0 83 $1,8S6.50 0.15% 5126-006-004 516 W. 22nd St. 0 so 0 $703.86 0.06% 5126-006e007 2222 S. Figueroa St. 0 so 0 $703.86 0.06% 5126-006-013 2200 S. Figueroa St. 100 200 0 $4,691.51 0.39%

2.2.12 25

5126~006~014 22.12 S. Figueroa St. 63 0 0 $1,181.92 0.10%

5126~006~016 2222 S. Figueroa St. 120 250 0 $5,770.58 0.48%

5126~006~017 2209~221 S. Flower St. 110 104 0 $3,527.71 0.29%

5126~006~018 2209~221 S. Flower St. 173 68 0 $4,202.85 0.35%

5126~007~008 2001~202 S. Flower St. 117 138 0 $4,137.66 0.34%

5126~007~011 514 E. 21st St. 0 60 0 $844.63 0.07%

5126-007-019 510 W. 20th St. 117 126 0 $3,968.73 0.33%

5126-007-022 2100 5. Figueroa St. 220 360 0 $9,195.15 0.76%

5126-007-033 2000 S. Figueroa St. 247 330 0 $9,279.37 0.77%

5 126-007~034 517 W. 22nd St. 110 181 0 $4,611.65 0.38%

5126-007-035 2119 5. Flower St. 110 92 0 $3,358.78 0.28%

5126-008~008 1936-40 S. Figueroa St. 60 0 0 $1,125.64 0.09%

5126-008-009 1941 5. Flower St. 100 134 0 $3,762.42 0.31%

512 6-008~0 11 1936 S. Figueroa St. 60 0 0 $1,125.64 0.09%

5126-008-017 1944 S. Figueroa St. 111 170 0 $4,475.56 0.37%

512 6-008-018 1916 S. Figueroa St. 689 301 0 $17,163.37 1.42%

512 6-009-002 1834 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

512 6-009-003 1830 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

512 6-009-004 1826 S. Figueroa St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

512 6-009-005 1800 S. Figueroa St. 98 155 0 $4,020.51 0.33%

512 6-009-006 1801 S. Flower St. 48 150 0 $3,012.09 0.25%

5126-009-012 1833 S. Flower St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

512 6-009-013 1837 S. Flower St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5126-009-014 1841 S. Flower St. 62 0 0 $1,163.16 0.10%

5126-009-015 501 W. Washington Blvd. 71 150 0 $3,443.59 0.29%

5126-009-016 1829 S. Flower St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5126-009-018 1842 5. Figueroa St. 144 135 0 $4,601.96 0.38%

5126-010-005 1706 S. Figueroa St. 67 0 0 $1,256.97 0.10%

512 6-010-006 1721 S. Flower St. 1S 0 0 $281.41 . 0.02%

512 6-010-007 1708 5. Figueroa St. 104 155 0 $4,133.08 0.34%

512 6-010-008 1721 S. Flower St. 58 135 0 $2,988.54 0.25%

5126-011-013 1834 S. Flower St. 58 0 0 $1,088.12 0.09%

5126-011-014 1828 S. Flower St. 58 0 0 $1,088.12 0.09%

5126-011-015 1820 S. Flower St. 34 0 0 $637.86 0.05%

5126-011-016 1816 5. Flower St. so 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5;1.26-011-017 1812 S. Flower St. 50 0 0 $938.04 0.08%

5126-011-020 1800 S. Flower St. 100 121 0 $3,579.41 0.30%

5126-017-017 2300 S. Flower St. 0 296 0 479 $14,880.85 1.23%

5126-017-018 2400 S. Flower St. 0 197 0 557 $15,231.87 1.26%

5126~018-032 319 W. Adams Blvd. 0 190 0 $2,674.67 0.22%

5126-018-035 2500 S. Hope St. 0 190 0 $2,674.67 0.22% ,,

;rota I. All Non-Government Parcels $1,066,776.82 88.32%

Total All Government Parcels $141,020.18 11.68%

Total All Parcels $1,207,797.00 100.00%

2.2.12 26

Attachment A: District Boundary Map

Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District District Overview Map






Map Section 1 of 3 Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District

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Map Section 2 of 3 Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District



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Map Section 3 of 3 Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District



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Attachment 8

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District

Engineer's Report

Los Angeles, California February 2012

Prepared by:

Kristin Lowell Inc .

• Prepared pursuant to the State of California

Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 And Article X/110 of the California Constitution

to create a property-based business improvement district

ENGINEER'S STATEMENT ........................................................ , .................... 1


EXHIBIT A: Activities .................................................................................. 2

EXHIBIT B: District Boundary .................................................................... 6

EXHIBIT C: Special and General Benefits ............................................. 12

EXHIBIT D: Publicly Owned Parcels ....................................................... 15

EXHIBIT E: Proportional Special Benefits .............................................. 16

EXHIBIT f: Cost Estimate ........................................................................ 18

EXHIBIT G: Special Benefit Apportionment Method ........................... 19

EXHIBIT H: Assessment Roll ................................................................... 24

A'itachment: District Boundary Map

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report


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This Report is prepared pursuant to Section 36600 et seq. of the California Streets and Highways Code (the "Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994" as amended) (herein after "State Law") and pursua nt to the provisions of Article XI IID of the California Constitut ion (Proposition 218) .

The Figueroa Corridor Partnership Property Based Business Improvement District ("District") will provide activities either currently not provided. or not provided to the same degree, by the City of Los Angeles. These activities w ill specia lly benefit individ ual assessed parcels in the Figueroa Corridor area. Every individual assessed parcel within the District receives specia l benefit from the clean and safe activities and the economic development. Only those parcels w ithin the District receive the special benefit of these proposed activities (Exhibit A); parcels contiguous to and outside the District do not receive the service or special benefit from the proposed activities.

The d uration of the proposed District is five (5) years commencing Janua ry 1, 2013. An estimated budget for the DISTRICT improvements and activities is set forth in Exhib it F. Assessments w ill be subject to a n annual increase of up to 5% per year as determined by the Owners' Assoc ia tion and w ill vary between 0 a nd 5% in OilY given year. Funding for the District improvements and activities sha ll be derived from a property-based assessment of each assessed parcel in the District. A deta iled description of the methodology for determining the proportional special benefit each parcel rece ives from the service and the assessment for each parcel is set forth in Exhibit E.

This Report includes the fol lowing attached Exhibits:


Activities District Boundary Specia l a nd General Benefits Publicly Owned Parcels Proportiona l Specia l Benefi ts Cost Estimate Apportionment Method Assessment Roll

Respectfully submitted,

~a#ce~~ ; Terrance E. Lowell, P.E.

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report


February 2, 20 12 Page 2 of 30

The name of the proposed Property-based Business Improvement District is the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District (the "District"). The District is being re~ established pursuant to Section 36600 et seq. of the California Streets and Highways Code, The "Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 as amended", hereinafter referred to as State Law.

Developed by the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Board of Directors, the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District Management Plan is proposed to improve and convey special benefits to assessed parcels located within the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District area. The District will provide continued activities, including clean & safe, communication/development, and administration .. Each of the programs is designed to meet the goals of the District; to improve the safety of each individual assessed parcel within the District, to increase building occupancy and lease rates, to encourage new business development; and attract ancillary businesses and services for assessed parcels within the District. The parcel land uses within the boundaries of the District are a mix of public and private owned commerciaL education, museum, religious, mixed-use student housing, and student housing zoned R4 and above. Services and improvements provided by the District are designed to provide special benefits in the form of improving the economic and environmental vitality by increasing building occupancy and !ease rates, encouraging new business development, attracting student related serving businesses and services, and encouraging commerce, to the commerciaL education, museum, religious, mixed-use student housing, and student housing parcels zoned R4 and above.

The District will provide activities either currently not provided, or not provided to the same degree, by the City of Los Angeles. These activities will specially benefit individual assessed parcels in the District. Every individual assessed parcel within the District will receive special benefit from the clean and safe activities, communication/ development, and administra-tion. Only those assessed parcels within the District receive the special benefit of these proposed activities as explained later in this Exhibit A; parcels contiguous to and outside the District do not receive the service or special benefit from the proposed activities.


The fol~bwing narrative explains the activities for the District's first year of operation. Final activities and budgets will be subject to the review and approval of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Board of Directors and Ci'ty CounciL

In general the activities consist of: Safe and Clean, Communication/Development~ and Administration. The Safe and Clean Activity consists of Sidewalk Sweeping and Cleaning, Graffiti RemovaL Trash Removal, and Removal of Illegal Dumping. The activities are explained more fully within this Exhibit. Because of the diverse nature of assessed parcels within the District, the District is divided into four zones, referred to as Tiers in this report to better focus the special benefit an assessed parcel will receive. Within the four tiers, the activities of Sidewalk Sweeping and Cleaning, Graffiti Removal and Trash Can Pick-up,

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have different levels of service and the special benefit derived from those activities is apportioned on the basis of level of service, along wlth other factors, see Exhibit E.

See Exhibit B for a description of the Tier boundaries.

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

Safe and Clean Activities

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The Safe and Clean Activities consists of two parts: Safe Team and Clean Team, explained as follows. These two teams combined make up the Safe and Clean Activities.

The budget for these two activities includes funds for the activities as well as funds for the supervision of each. See the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District Management Plan for a detail description of the budget.

Safe Team Activity The Safety Activity wlll provide security services for the individual parcels located within the District in the form of patrolling bicycle personneL walking patrols and car patrols. The purpose of the Safe Team Activity is to prevent, deter and report illegal activities taking place on the streets, sidewalks, storefronts, parking lots and public alleys. The presence of the Safe Team Program is intended to deter such illegal activities as vandalism, graffiti, blocked sidewalks, encampments, narcotic use or sales, public urination, trespassing, drinking in public, prostitution, illegal panhandling, illegal vending, and illegal dumping. The Program will supplement, not replace, other ongoing police, security and patrol efforts within the District. The Safe Team Activity maintains communication with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) area patrols and reports illegal activities to the LAPD. The Safe Team also reports quality-of-life violations to the appropriate government agencies, such as the City Department of Building & Safety, the Bureau of Street Services, etc. The Safe Team Activity will only provide its services within the District boundaries. The special benefit to assessed parcels from these activities is improved safety for employees, customers and park visitors and increased commercial activity to the commercial buildings which directly relates to increases in lease rates and customer usage ..

Clean Team Adivity In order to consistently deal with cleaning issues, a Clean Activity will continue to be provided as it has for the last fifteen years. A multi-dimensional approach has been developed consisting of the following elements. The clean team will only provide service to properties within District boundaries. The special benefit to assessed parcels from these activities is increased commercial activity which directly relates to increases in lease rates and customer usage.

sidewalk Sweeping and Cleaning: Tier 1, 2, & 4 streets only. Uniformed, radio equipped personnel sweep litter, debris and refuse from sidewalks and gutters of the District. District personnel will pressure wash the sidewalks on a scheduled and uniform basis. Paper signs and handbills that are scotch taped or glued on property, utility boxes, poles and telephones are removed. Illegal signage within the District will be reported to the appropriate City department and if authorized to do so will be removed by District personnel.

Trash Collection: All Tiers. Collector truck personnel collect trash from sidewalk trash receptacles. Graffiti Removal: All Tiers. Painters remove graffiti by painting, using solvent and

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pressure washing. The District maintains a zero tolerance graffiti policy. An effort is made to remove all tags within 24 hours on weekdays. Weed Abatement Tier 1, 2, & 4 streets only. Weeds are removed as they become unsightly or as needed. Special Colledions: All Tiers. District trucks are often called to assist LAPD to dispose of illegal food vendors' inventory. They are also dispatched to collect stolen shopping carts and large bulky items illegally dumped in the District.

Communication/Development It is important to not only provide the activities in the District, but to tell the story of improvement in the District so that potential customers for the District parcels, which ore a mix of public and private owned commercial, education, museum, religious, mixed­use student housing, and student housing zoned R4 and above, are attracted to the District through positive communication. The special benefit to District parcels is increased commercial activity which directly relates to increases in lease rates, reduced vacancies and enhanced commerce.. Some of the communication/economic development activities being considered are:

• Image and Communication activities, newsletters, website development to support local businesses, and District activities.

• Public and Media Relations. "' Development of District image pieces.

The budget for this activity includes, among other things, funds for the annual report, marketing consultant, newsletter and the supervision of this program. See the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District Management Plan for a detail description of the budget.

Management The day to day operations and five year planning for the District are managed by a professional staff that requires centralized administrative support. Management staff oversees all the District's activities which are delivered seven days a week. Management staff actively works on behalf of the District parcels to insure that City and County services and policies support the District and that the assessment revenues are · spent only to provide the special activities to the assessed parcels within the District and not to Rroperties outside the District. The special benefit to assessed parcels from this activit'! is the effective and efficient delivery of the Safe and Clean Activity and Communication/Development Activity. Without the management and administration the assessed properties could not receive the special benefit of the two key activities. All the special benefits the assessed parcels receive is in direct correlation to the effective and efficient District management and administration.

The budget for this activity includes, among other things, funds for the top management team, as well as the usual and customary expenses of running an office, such as, rent, telecommunications, postage, insurance, etc. See the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District Management Plan for a detail description of the budget.

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Rationale: The property land uses wlthin the general boundaries of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District are a mix of public and private owned commerciaL education, museum, religious, mixed-use student housing, and student housing zoned R4 and above. Services and improvements provided by the District are designed to provide special benefits in the form of improving the economic and environmental vitality by increasing building occupancy and lease rates, encouraging new business development, attracting student related serving businesses and services, and encouraging commerce, to the commerciaL education, museum, religious, mixed-use student housing, and student housing parcels zoned R4 and above. The District was developed to provide special benefits to the major corridors within the District. All of the services provided such as the security work provided by the Safe Team and the Cleaning work provided by the Clean Team are services that are over and above the City's baseline of services and are not provided by the City. These services are not provided outside of the District and because of the unique nature of these services focusing on the particular needs of each property within the District provide particular and distinct benefits to each of the assessed parcels within the District. Each assessed property within the District receives special benefits and is assessed regardless of property use. The goal of increased commerce is to be attained through attracting pedestrians/customers for future patronage of commerciaL education, museum, religious, and mixed-use student housing establishments and services, and the renting of space in commerciaL religious, educational, mixed-used buildings, and student housing zoned R4 and above.

In order to ensure that parcels outside of the District will not specially benefit from the improvements and services funded with the assessment, improvements and services will only be provided to each individually assessed parcel within the boundaries of the District. Specifically, security patrols, Cleaning personnel, and similar service providers employed in connection with the District will only patrol and provide services to each assessed parcel within the District, and will not provide services outside of District boundaries. Nor will District promotional efforts promote activities outside of District boundaries.

Northern Boundary: The northern boundary of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business lmprov€ment District is the 1 0 Freeway. The l 0 Freeway acts as a barrier on the northern boundary separating the assessed parcels within the district from those outside of the district. The 10 Freeway acts as a barrier to insure that parcels outside of the District will not specially benefit from the unique improvements and services funded with the assessment, improvements and services will only be provided to individual assessed parcels within the boundaries of the District. Specifically, security patrols, cleaning personnel, and similar service providers employed in connection with the District will only patrol and provide services to individual assessed parcels on the streets and sidewalks within the District, and will not provide services outside of District boundaries.

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Eastern Boundary: The eastern boundary of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District varies between the 110 Freeway and Grand Avenue. The eastern boundary from Martin Luther King Boulevard in the south to Adams Boulevard in the north is the 11 0 Freeway with the exception of four parcels belonging to the University of Southern California which are east of the 110 Freeway. These four parcels provide parking and student services for the University and receive District services that are designed to provide benefit to these parcels. Parcels surrounding these four parcels are industrial and manufacturing and do not receive benefit from District services which are designed to provide special benefits to the public and private owned commercial, education, museum, religious, mixed-use student housing, and student housing zoned R4 and above .. Between Martin Luther King Boulevard and Adams Boulevard the 110 Freeway acts as a barrier in order to ensure that parcels outside of the District will not specially benefit from the unique improvements and services funded with the assessment, improvements and services will only be provided within the boundaries of the District. The eastern boundary north of Adams Boulevard is the eastern property line of properties facing on the eastern side of Flower Street. This boundary was determined because properties within the district, including these parcels, are primarily education and commercial while properties outside the eastern district boundary are primarily industrial and manufacturing. District programs are designed to benefit commercial, education, religious, mixed-use student housing, and student housing zoned R4 and above, not industrial manufacturing. Specifically, security patrols, cleaning personneL and similar service providers employed in connection with the District will only patrol and provide services to individual assessed parcels on the streets and sidewalks within the District, and will not provide services outside of District boundaries.

Southern Boundary: The southern boundary of the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District has not changed since the District was established in 1997. The southern boundary Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, is a major traffic arterial and acts as a barrier to insure that parcels outside of the District will not specially benefit from the unique improvements and services funded with the assessment, improvements and services will only be provided to individual parcels within the boundaries of the District. The parcels south of the District boundaries along Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard are residential, rather than commercial or park related such as are within the district to the north. The north side of Martin Luther King has trash cans that are emptied by District , personnel while the south side does not have trash cans. Residential parcels will not benefit from the District programs that are designed to provide special benefits to comm~rcial, education, religious, office, mixed-use student housing, and student housing zoned R4 and above. In order to ensure that parcels outside of the District will not specially benefit from the unique improvements and services funded with the assessment, improvements and services will only be provided within the boundaries of the District. Specifically, security patrols, cleaning personnel, and similar service providers employed in connection with the District will only patrol and provide services to individual assessed parcels on the streets and sidewalks within the District, and will not provide services outside of District boundaries.

Western Boundary: The western boundary of the Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District is both sides of Vermont Avenue. This boundary was chosen for its

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mix of uses including commercial and religious uses. Parcels west of the west District boundary are zoned residential and are excluded by State Law from being included within the District and will not specially benefit from the unique improvements and services funded with the assessment, improvements. Services will only be provided to individual assessed parcels within the boundaries of the District. Specifically, security patrols, cleaning personnel, and similar service providers employed in connection with the District will only patrol and provide services to individual assessed parcels on the streets and sidewalks within the District, and will not provide services outside of District boundaries.

Description: The proposed Figueroa Corridor Business Improvement District area contains all property within the following boundary description: Beginning on the southeast corner of l71h Street and the 1 0 Freeway go east along the southern boundary of the 1 0 Freeway right of way to the east side of Flower Street. At Flower Street go south on the eastern property line of parcels facing west on Flower Street to Washington Boulevard. Turn east on Washington Boulevard along the north property line of properties on the south side of Washington Boulevard to Grand Avenue and the east property line of parcel 5126-014-904. Continue south along the east property line of parcel 5126-014-904 and turn west on 23rd Street. Turn south on the east property line of parcel 5126-018-035, then turn west on the south side of parcel 5126-018-035. Next, turn south along the east property line of parcels 5126-017-017 & 018. Turn east on the north property line of parcel 5126-018-032, then south on the east property line of parcel 5126-018-032 to Adams Boulevard. Continue west along the north side of Adams Boulevard to Flower Street. At Flower Street turn south along the west side of the 110 Freeway until Jefferson Boulevard. Turn east at Jefferson Boulevard along the south side of Jefferson to the eastern property line of parcel 5122-030-020. Turn south along the east property line of 5122-030-020, then west along the south property lines of 5122-030-020 and 5122-022-002. Turn north at Hope Street along the east side of the 110 Freeway. Turn west at Jefferson Boulevard to Flower Street. Turn south on Flower Street along the west side of the 110 Freeway to 33th St. Turn west along the south property line of parcel 5037-030-023. Turn south along the east property line of parcel 5037-031-023 and continue sou-th to Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. Turn west on the north side of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard and continue west to Vermon-t Avenue. Turn north on Vermont Avenue along the west property line of parcels facing the west side of Vermont Avenue to 301h Place and the north property line of parcel 5054-038-023. Turn east on the north property line of parcel 5054-038-023. Turn east on Jefferson Boulevard al2mg jhe horth property line of parcels facing Jefferson Boulevard until Hoover Street. Turn north on Hoover Street along the western property line of parcels facing east on Hoover Street to the 10 Freeway. From the south side of the 10 Freeway turn south on Hoover Street along the eastern property line of parcels facing west on Hoover Street to Adams Boulevard. Head east on Adams Boulevard along the northern property line of parcels facing south on Adams Boulevard to SL James Place. Turn north on St. J'ames Place and the west property line of parcel 5124-025-009. Turn east on the north property line of parcel 5124-025-009 to the western property line of parcel 5124-025-01 0. Turn north along the western property line of parcel 5124-025-010 to the southern property line of parcel 5124-029-016. Turn west along the south side of the property line of parcel 5124-029-0 "16. Turn north along the west side of the property line

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for parcel 5124-029-017, Turn east along the north property line of parcel 5124-029-017 and continue along the south side of 23rd Street to Figueroa Street. Turn north along the east side of the 11 0 Freeway and continue until the southeast corner of 171h Street and the ·1 0 Freeway.


Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

Tier Parcels Tier One Parcels indude:

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~~ All property fronting on Figueroa Street from the 10 Freeway to Adams Boulevard. ® All property fronting on the East side of Figueroa Street from Flower Street to

Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. <~~ All property fronting on the East side of Vermont Avenue from Martin Luther King

Jr. Boulevard to 33rd Place. ~~~ All property fronting on both sides of Flower Street from Figueroa Street to Adams

Boulevard. ® All property fronting on both sides of Flower Street from 23rd Street to the 10

Freeway, with the exception of Los Angeles Trade Tech property. e All property fronting on the South side of Jefferson Boulevard between Hope

Street and Grand Avenue.

Tier Two Parcels include: ~~~ All property within the District fronting on Washington Boulevard from the 110

Freeway on the West and Grand Avenue on the East, with the exception of Los Angeles Trade Tech property.

e All property fronting on both sides of Jefferson Boulevard from the 110 Freeway to Vermont Avenue with the exception of Shrine Auditorium property.

"' All property fronting on 32nd Street from Figueroa Street to Royal Street, with the exception of Shrine Auditorium property.

e All property fronting on streets connecting between Flower Street and Figueroa Street, including 17th Street, l81h Street, Washington Boulevard, 20th Street, 2Jst Street, 22nd Street, 23rd Street, Adams Boulevard, 271h Street, 281h Street, 29th Street, 30th Street, 31St Street, 32nd Street, Exposition Boulevard, 37fh Street, 371h Place.

~~~ AI! property fronting on the North side of Adams Boulevard from Flower Street to Grand Avenue.

"' All property fronting on both sides of Hoover Street from Jefferson Boulevard to the l 0 Freeway, excluding any parcels zoned R 1.5 to R3. All property fronting both sides of Grand Avenue between Jefferson Boulevard and the railroad right-of-way.

"' AI! property fronting Lovelace Avenue between Washington Boulevard and 21st Street.

• All property fronting Georgia Avenue between Washington Boulevard and 171h

Street. • .All property fronting 171h Street between Georgia Avenue and Figueroa Street. !lit All property fronting 18th Street between Georgia Avenue and Figueroa Street. e 271h Street between Figueroa Street and the western property line of parcels

5123-015-001 &5123-017-004. ® 28th Street between Figueroa Street and the western property line of P?rcels

5123-015-016 & 5123-014-021. * 301h Street between Figueroa Street and the western property line of parcels

5123-014-016 & 5123-010-027 . .., 32ncl Street between Figueroa Street and the western property line of 5123-0 l 0-

012 & 5123 009-007 e Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard between Figueroa Street and Flower Drive.

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

Tier Three Parcels include:

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e Exposition Park frontage on Figueroa Street, Exposition Boulevard, Vermont Avenue, and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

<~> Trade Tech frontage on 23rd Street, Flower Street and Washington Boulevard. ® All property fronting on both sides of Adams Boulevard from Hoover Street to

Figueroa Street, excluding any parcels zoned R 1 to R3. <~> East side of Royal Street between Jefferson Boulevard and 32nd Street. <~> Shrine Auditorium property on 32nd Street, Royal Street and Jefferson Boulevard. <~> East side of Vermont between Exposition Boulevard and Jefferson Boulevard. "' North side of Exposition Boulevard between Figueroa Street and Vermont

Avenue. e East side of Hope Street between Jefferson Boulevard and Exposition Boulevard. e Both sides of 351h Street between Hope Street and Grand Avenue.

Tier Four Parcels include: e All property fronting on both sides Flower Street from 23rd Street to Adams

Boulevard. • All property fronting on both sides of Figueroa Street from Adams Boulevard to

Exposition Boulevard. • East side of Figueroa Street between Exposition Boulevard and Flower Street.

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The property owners within the District want to create a public private partnership with the City of Los Angeles to provide activities the City of Los Angeles no longer provides, or provides to the extent the property owners require. The "public" part of the partnership is where the City of Los Angeles forms the District which allows the speclal assessments to be collected on each assessed property's tax bill. The "private" part is where the assessed property owners direct The Figueroa Corridor Partnership Board of Directors to focus the use of their assessment revenues on activities the property owners want within the District. The assessed property owners assure that 100% of the activities they fund specially benefit each of the individually assessed parcels within the District. The Figueroa Corridor Partnership Board of Directors oversees the expenditure of District funds to assure that only the assessed parcels within the District receive special benefit from the District activities.

The Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994, as amended, and the State Constitution Article XI!ID require that assessments be levied according to the special benefit each assessed parcel receives from the activities. Article XIIID Section 4(a) in part states "only special benefits are assessed," which requires that we "separate the general benefits from the special benefits conf~rred on a parcel." A special benefit as defined in Article XIIID " ... means a particular and distinct benefit over and above general benefits conferred on real property located in the dis-trict or to the public at large."

Special Benefit All of the District activities are to enhance and not replace or duplicate any City­provided activities. The District activities will improve the safety for employees and customers. The District will fund activities to each individual assessed parcel within the District boundary above and beyond the activities each assessed parcel receives from the City from its general property taxes. Parcels outside and contiguous to those within the District do not receive the activities that the District will provide. All special benefits derived from the assessments outlined in this report are for property-related services ' directly benefiting the assessed parcels in this District that support increased commerce arid th~ goals and objectives of the business improvement District. The special benefit must dffect the assessed property in a way that is particular and distinct from its effect on other parcels and that real property in general and the public at large do not share. Inasmuch as activities will be provided to each of the properties within the District boundaries and no activities will be provided to any parcel outside the District boundaries, and whereas these activities are above and beyond what the City currently provides with its General Fund, the assessments levied are only for the special benefits received. The District activities provide particular and distinct benefits only to each individual assessed parcel within the District, not to the public at large. The proposed services are narrowly defined to confer a particular and distinct benefit to the individual assessed parcels within the District. Each of the assessed parcels in the District participates in the tangible benefits from the parcel-specific safe and clean,

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

communication/development and administration/office activities


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We determined that each of the proposed activities provides special benefit only to the individual assessed parcels within the district area. Each of the activities is designed to meet the goals of the District; to improve the economic and environmental vitality by increasing building occupancy and lease rates, encouraging new business development, attracting ancillary businesses and services, and increasing attendance at museums while encouraging commerce. A basic premise of commercial business is that increased pedestrian traffic increases the economic return to the property. The increase in pedestrian traffic is likely to encourage commerce whether it is on the first visit or in subsequent visits. All pedestrian traffic is considered to be potential customers who will become the target audience for future patronage of retail and business establishments and services, and the renting of space in commercial and residential buildings, and increasing attendance at museums. The enhanced District activities are a special benefit to each individual assessed parcel because they are intended to increase pedestrian traffic. The special benefit to individual assessed parcels from these proposed District activities exceeds the total amount of the proposed assessment.

Safe and Clean These activities, as described in Exhibit A are above the City's base level of services and intended to provide a cleaner and safer environment to the property owners, tenants, and visitors. The presence of the Safe Team Program is intended to deter such illegal activities as public urination, indecent exposure, trespassing, drinking in public, prostitution, illegal panhandling, illegal vending, and illegal dumping. The Cleaning activities will continue the efforts to enhance the cleanliness and image of the district. These activities are delivered specifically to the District area, thus, each individual assessed parcel located in the District specially benefits from the enhanced service levels. These services will not be delivered to any parcel outside the District boundary and are intended to meet the goals of the District as discussed above. Therefore, there is no general benefit and the increased level of Safety and Cleaning conveys a special benefit only to each of the individual assessed parcels in the District.

Communication/Development, It is important to not only provide the activities needed in the District, but to tell the story of improvement in the District. The Communication/Development activities are intended to retain, attract, and incubate new business. This is in an effort to encourage investrrrent dollars. In order to accomplish this, the District proposes to tell the story of improvement in the District Image by the use of communication activities, newsletters, website development to support local businesses, and District activities, public and media relations development of District image pieces.

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This program, as described in Exhibit A is designed to develop public/private partnerships that will enhance the goals and needs of the District area, all in an effort to increase investment dollars and commerce. The program is designed to effectively and efficiently manage the day-to-day operations of the District and ensure it is meeting its goals and objectives. The above benefits are to be provided only to the individual assessed parcels within the District boundaries. The management and administration activities are unique to the District and are necessary for the District to function properly, thus they provide a special benefit only to the individual assessed parcels in the District.

General Benefit The City's base level of services financed through the City's general fund is a general benefit to all parcels within the City's jurisdictional boundary. Any services that the City provides to the parcels in the District are a general benefit so long as those services are provided to every other parcel within the City's jurisdiction. Since the parcels within the District will receive distinct property related services over and above the base level of services that every other parcel in the City receives, the additional services solely provide a special benefit to each of the individual assessed parcels in the District. Inasmuch as all services will be provided to the assessed parcels within the District boundaries and no services will be provided outside the District boundaries and the services are unique and particular to each assessed parcel we determined there are no quantifiable general benefits that accrue to the general public. General benefits, if any, are intangible and are unquantifiable.

The California State Legislature found that assessments levied for the purpose of providing improvements and promoting activities that benefit real property are not taxes for the general benefit of a city, but are assessments for the improvements and activities which confer special benefits upon the real property for which the improvement and activities are provided. (Streets and Highways Code section 36601 (d))

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Public Property Special Benefits

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The District will provide all the activities to all publicly owned parcels within the District, including, but not limited to, those owned by the City of Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency, Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles Unified School District, Coun-ty of Los Angeles and "the State of California. The public owned parcels are used in a manner similar to commercial uses where people engage in business activities whether it be an office building where employees work or a school where faculty work and students attend. Each of the District activities is designed to meet the goals of the District; to improve the economic and environmental vitality encourage new business development, attract ancillary businesses, enhance use of parks and increase attendance at museums.

All publicly-owned parcels will pay their proportional share of costs based on the special benefits conferred to those individual parcels. Article XIIID of the California Constitution was added in November 1996 and provides for these assessments. It specifically states in Section 4(a) that "Parcels within a district that are owned or used by any agency ... shall not be exempt from assessment unless the agency can demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that those publicly owned parcels in fact receive no special benefit."

A list of the publicly-owned parcels and their respective assessments are listed in Exhibit H.


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"No assessment shall be imposed on any parcel which exceeds the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on that parcel." Article XIIID Sec. 4. Determining the proportionate special benefit among the parcels of real property within the proposed district which benefit from the proposed Improvements is the result of a four-step process:

1. Defining the proposed activities 2. Defining how each parcel specially benefits from the proposed activities. 3. Determining the amount of special benefit each parcel receives, 4. Determining the proportional special benefit a parcel receives in relation to the

amount of special benefit all other parcels in the District receive

Defining the Proposed Activities A description of activities received by each Tier:

Tier 1 Security Patrol 7 days a week Sidewalk sweeping and cleaning and weed removal 6 days a week Graffiti removal, trashcan pick-up, and special trash collection 6 days a week Shared marketing and administration with all tiers

Tier2 Security Patrol 7 days a week Sidewalk sweeping and cleaning and weed removal 3 days a week Graffiti removal, trashcan pick-up, and special trash collection 6 days a week Shared marketing and administration with all tiers

Tier 3 Security Patrol7 days a week No sidewalk sweeping and cleaning and weed removal. Graffiti removal, trashcan pick-up and special trash collection 6 days a week Shared marketing and administration with all tiers


Tier 4 ~·.

Security Patrol 7 days a week Sidewalk sweeping and cleaning and weed removal 7 days a week Graffiti removal, trashcan pick-up and special trash collection 7 days a week Shared marketing and administration with all tiers

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

How the Activities Benefit Each Assessed Parcel

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Because the activities are directed to improve the safety along each parcels assessed street frontage, and to enhance the image of all assessed parcels within the District, the special benefit each assessed parcel will receive is a function of each assessed parcel's exposure on the streets; the street frontage of each assessed parcel is the most appropriate factor to use in apportioning special benefits to each assessed parcel, along with the frequency of service each assessed parcel receives from the Sidewalk Sweeping and Cleaning and the Graffiti Removal and Trash Can Pick-up activities. Special circumstances such as an assessed parcel's location within the District area and need and/or frequency for services are carefully reviewed relative to the specific and distinct type of activities to be provided by the District in order to determine the appropriate levels of assessment.

This refl~cts the fact that services delivered to assessed parcels in the District benefit assessed parcels in relation to their exposure on the streets. The assessed parcels street frontage has been classified in four tiers because of a differing need for activities and a different level of use of the streets within the District. Each tier receives a different level of services and has a different level of assessment.

The methodology to levy assessments upon real property that receives special benefits from the improvements and activities of the District is street front footage and level of service for the activities. Street front footage is relevant to the street level usage of a parcel. Parcels are assessed for all street frontages. Parcels with more than one street frontage such as corner lots or whole block parcels are assessed for the sum of all the parcels' street frontage.

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report


2013 Operating Budget

February 2, 20 12 Page 18 of 30

The following table outlines the DISTRICT maximum assessment operating budget for calendar year 2013.

Activity Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier3 Tier4 TOTAL

Safe and Clean $312,248 $407,385 $117,846 $186,438 $1,023,917

Communication $9,931 $18,066 $11 '132 $4,869 $43,998

Administration $31,573 $57,438 $35,391 $15,480 $139,882

TOTAL $353,752 $482,889 $164,369 $206,787 $1,207,797

Budget Notations

1. Assessments w ill be subject to an annual increase of up to 5% per year as determined by the Owners Association and will vary between 0% and 5% in any given year.

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

February 2, 2012 Page 19 of 30


General As previously discussed the four tiers receive varying levels of service based on each zone's demand for services. The State Law and State Constitution Article XI!ID require that special assessments be levied according to the special benefit each parcel receives from the improvements. In order to match assessment rates to benefits, four benefit zones or tiers classifying street front footage have been created within the District. The levels of appropriate service delivery within each tier were determined by analyzing current service delivery needs, pedestrian activity, population density and projecting future needs over the term of the District to produce a common level of safety and cleanliness throughout the District.

Tier l and 4 streets are major corridors with high concentrations of pedestrian activity and will receive a different level of special benefit in the form of increased frequency of sidewalk sweeping and cleaning. Tier l and 4 parcels pay 100% of their proportionate special benefit. Tier 2 streets are side streets between major corridors and have different pedestrian use patterns then the major corridors which are in Tier 1 and 4. , Tier 2 streets require a different frequency of sidewalk services to match the different use patterns. Tier 2 parcels pay 100% of their proportionate special benefit received. Tier 3 streets have the lowest frequency of pedestrian use in the District. Tier 3 streets require a different frequency of cleaning services to match the different use pattern. Tier 3 parcels pay 100% of their proportionate special benefit received. Each tier's assessment rate was calculated by determining the expense for the services provided in that area and then spreading the expenses over the total assessed Street Front Footage for that Tier. Service details are provided below for each Tier.

Each tier's special benefit assessment rate is calculated using: 1. Each Tier's level of service for each activity, 2. The budget for each activity, 3. The total street frontage for each Tier, 4. The weighted total street frontage (based on level of service) for each activity , for each Tier 5. Apportioning the budget for each activity for each Tier based on level of .servrce {weighted s-treet frontage where appropriate) 6. Calculating each Tier's apportioned budgeted (a summation of the individual activity budgets for each Tier), 7. Calculating the per linear footage budget for each Tier (a unit of one foot for each Tier), and 8. Example calculation for an assessed parcel.

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

1. level of Service for Each Activity by Tier Tier 1 Security Patrol 7 days a week provided by an average of 9 ambassadors Sidewalk sweeping and Cleaning and weed removal 6 days a week

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Graffiti removal, trashcan pick-up and special trash collection 6 days a week Shared marketing and administration with all tiers Tier 2 Security Patrol 7 days a week provided by an average of 9.5 ambassadors Sidewalk sweeping and Cleaning and weed removal 3 days a week Graffiti removal, trashcan pick-up and special trash collection 6 days a week Shared marketing and administration with all tiers Tier 3 Security Patrol 7 days a week provided by an average of 7 ambassadors No sidewalk sweeping and Cleaning and weed removal. Graffiti removaL trashcan pick-up and special trash collection 6 days a week Shared marketing and administration with all tiers Tier 4 Security Patrol 7 days a week provided by an average of 8.5 ambassadors Sidewalk sweeping and Cleaning and weed removal 7 days a week Graffiti removal, trashcan pick-up and special trash collection 7 days a week Shared marketing and administration with all tiers

2. Budget for Each Activity, see Management Plan for more detail Security Patrol Basic Service

Shared across all Tiers: $361 ,7 60 based on 7 ambassadors Extra Service by Tier

Tier 1: $81,472 provides for 2.0 extra ambassadors Tier 2: $101 ,840, provides for 2.5 extra ambassadors Tier 3: No extra service Tier 4: $61,1 04, provides for 1 .5 extra ambassadors

Sidewalk Sweeping and Cleaning, and Weed Removal Shared by Tiers 1, 2 and 4 based on level of service: $311 ,797

Graffiti ~emoval, Trash Can Pickmup, and Special Trash Collection Shared by all Tiers based on level of service: $105,944,

Communication/Development The budget for this activity is $43,998 and provides special benefit equally to all assessed parcels; shared by all Tiers.

Administration The budget for this activity is $139,882 and provides special benefit equally to all assessed parcels; shared by all Tiers

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

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3 and 4. Street Frontage and Weighted Street Frontage (to Reflect Levels of Service) Security Patrol The budget for Basic Security is apportioned on street frontage across a ll Tiers . The budget for Extra Security is prepared for each Ti er using the increase in cost for the extra ambassadors for each Tier; therefore there is no separate need to apportion the budget for the special benefit based on level of service .

Sidewalk Sweeping and Cleaning, and Weed Removal The special benefit is apportioned on the basis of level of service and street frontage. The special benefit is apportioned on "weighted" street frontage to account for the d ifferent level of service for the three Tiers that receive the service.

Weighted Street Frontage for Sidewalk Sweeping and Cleaning, and Weed Removal

Weighted street Percent of

Street Level of frontage, Total, based Frontage, Service, based on on weighted linear foot Times/ week Service· street fronta_g_e

Tier 1 streets 18,856 6 11 3, 136 40.30 Tier 2 streets 34,303 3 102,909 36.65 Tier 3 streets 21,136 0 0 0 Tier 4 streets 9,245 7 64,7 15 23.05 Total 83,540 280,760 100.00

Graffiti Removal, Trashcan Pick-up and Special Trash Collection The specia l benefit is apportioned on the basis of level of service and street frontage. The special benefit is apportioned on "weighted" street frontage to account for the d ifferent level of service for the four Tiers that receive the service.

Weighted Street Frontage for Graffiti Removal. Trashcan Pick-up and Trash Collection


' street Percent of . Street Level of frontage, Total, based

Frontage, Service, based on on weighted linear foot Times/week Service street frontage

Tier l streets 18,856 6 113, 136 22. 16 Tier 2 streets 34,303 6 205,818 40.32 ' Tier 3 streets 21,136 6 126,816 24.84 Tier 4 streets 9,245 7 64,715 12.68 Total 83,540 510,485 100.00

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

Communication/Development and Administration

Street Frontage, linear foot

Tier 1 streets 18,856 Tier 2 streets 34,303 Tier 3 streets 21,136 Tier 4 streets 9,245 Total 83,540

Percent of Total, based

street frontage 22.57 41.06 25.30 11.07


5. Budg.et Apportionment based on Level of Service, percent

February 2, 20 12 Page 22 of 30

The budget for Extra Security is prepared using the increase in cost for the extra ambassadors for each Tier. therefore there is no separate percentage apportionment for Extra Security, see the budget amount above under Item 2 and below under item 6.

Activity Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier4 Total Security

Basic 22.57 41.06 25.30 11 .07 100.00 Extra, Based

on budget not on

percentage Sidewalks, 40.30 36.65 0 23.05 100.00 etc. Graffiti 22.16 40.32 24.84 12.68 100.00 Removal, etc. Comm/Dev. 22.57 41.06 25.30 11.07 100.00 Administration 22.57 41.06 25.30 11.07 100.00

6. Apportioned Budget, dollar amount The amounts in this table are obtained by multiplying the percentages above (except in ·the <;ase of the Extra Security activity which budget amount is a direct resu lt of budge"fing the extra cost for ambassadors for each Tier) by the budget amounts for the activity, see item 2 above.

Activity Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier3 Tier 4 Total Security '

Basic $81,654 $148,545 $91,527 $40,034 $361.760 Extra $81.472 $101.841 $0 $61.104 $244.416

Subtotal $163, 126 $250,385 $91.527 $101. 138 $606,176 Sidewalks, $125,643 $114,285 $0 $71.869 $311.797 etc.

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

Graffiti $23,480 Removal, etc. Comm/Oev. $9,931 Administration $31,573

Total $353,752


$18,066 $57,438


7. Per Linear Footage Assessment

$26,319 $13,431

$11,132 $4,869 $35,391 $15,480

$164,368 $206,787

February 2, 20 12 Page 23 of 30


$43,998 $139,882


The budget amount per Tier is divided by the total linear footage of assessed parcels w ithin a Tier to arrive at a linear footage amount, see the fo llowing table.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Budget $353,752 $482,890 $164,368 Linear Feet of 18,856 34,303 21,136 Street Frontage Percent of 22.57% 41.06% 25.30% Total Linear Feet of Street Frontage Assessment $ 18.7607 $14.0772 $ 7.7767 per foot

8. Example Calculation for an Assessed Parcel Tier 1

An assessed parcel with only one street frontage APN 5054-038-023 45-linear feet front footage

Tier 4

$206,787 9,245

11 .07%

$ 22.3674

Assessment amount: 45 multiplied by $18.7 607 = $844.23


Tier 1 and Tier 2 An assessed parcel w ith two street fron tages APN 5126-011-020 1 00-linear feet Tier 1, 121-linear feet Tier 2


$1,207,797 85,4 16


Assessment amount: 1 00 multiplied by $18.7 607 p lus 121 multip lied by $14.0772 = $3,579.41

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report


February 2, 20 12 Page 24 of 30

The total assessment amount for 2013 is $1 ,207,797 apportioned as follows:

APN Owner Site Address Tlerl Tier2 Tier3 Tier4 2013Asmt

5037"028·908 California Science Center (expo park) Figueroa St. 0 0 1033 $8,033.31

5037-028-907 California Science Center (expo. park) Figueroa St. 0 0 199 $1,547.56

California Science Center (expo. park) Total $9,580.88

5037·027-931 CityofLA 175 $1,360.92

5037-027-936 City of LA 488 $3,795.02

5037-028-902 City of LA Exposition Blvd. 0 0 365 $2,838.49

5039-020-912 City of LA 0 95 0 $1,337.33

5123-008-909 City of LA 0 96 0 $1,351.41

5124-001-900 City of LA 2301 S. Union St 0 411 0 $5,785.73

5124-008-902 City of LA 0 53 0 $746.09

5124-008-903 City of LA 2432 S. Hoover 0 54 0 $760.17

5124-008-904 City of LA 2416 S. Hoover 0 53 0 $746.09

5124-009-902 City of LA 0 286 0 $4,026.08

5124-009-903 City of LA 0 170 167 $3,691.83

City of lA Total $26,439.16

5040-030-905 Community Redevelopment Agency S. Vermont Ave. 196 0 0 $3,677.10

5123-001-900 Community Redevelopment Agency 2600 s. Hoover St 0 274 200 $5,412.49

Community Redevelopment Agency Total $9,089.59

5126-011-900 LA Community College District 419 W. Washington Blvd. 134 132 0 $4,372.13

5126-011-901 LA Community College District 1838 S. Flower St. 50 0 0 $933.04

5126-014-904 LA Community College District 2100 S. Flower St. 0 0 2936 $22,832.35

lA Community College District Total $28,142.51

5123-003-905 LAUSD 0 140 0 $1,970.81 5123-008-910 LAUSD 0 168 0 $2,364.97

LAUSD Total $4,335.78

5037-024-900 los Angeles County 3965 S. Vermont Ave. 236 0 0 $4,427.53

5126-009-900 los Angeles County 1816 S. Figueroa St. 150 0 0 $2,814.11

5126-009-901 Los Angeles County 1819 S. Flower St. 100 0 0 $1,876.07 5126-009-902 los Angeles County 1823 S. Flower St. 50 0 a $938.04

5126-009-903 Los Angeles County 1825 S. Flower St. 50 0 0 $938.04

los Angeles County Total $10,993.78

5037-030-902 MTA Flower St. & W 37th St. 130 90 0 $3,705.84

MTA Total $3,705.84

5037-027-933 State of Calif. (expo. park) 933 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 0 0 284 $2,208.58

5037-028-912 State of Calif. (expo. park) 3800 S. Vermont Ave. 0 0 50 $388.83

5037-028-913 State of Calif. (expo. park) 3796 S. Vermont Ave. 0 0 so $388.83 5037-028"914 State of Calif. (expo. park) 3798 S. Vermont Ave. 0 0 50 $388.83

5~7-027-915 State of California (expo park) Figueroa St. 0 0 540 $4,199.41

5037-027 -~10 State of California (expo. park) Figueroa St. 0 0 1442 $11,213.98 5037-027-937 State of California 6th District( expo. park) Figueroa St. 0 0 1036 $8,056.64

5037-028-900 State of California, 6th Dis!. Agr. Assn. (expo. park) 900 Exposition Blvd. 0 0 175 $1,360.92

5037-028-901 State of California, 6th Dist. Agr. Assn. (expo.park) Vermont Ave./Exposition Blvd. 0 0 493 $3,833.91 5037-028-904 State of California, 6th Dist. Agr. Assn. (expo.park) Vermont Ave. 0 0 350 $2,721.84 5037-028-905 State of California, 6th Dist. Agr. Assn. (expo.park) 700 State Dr. 0 0 1659 $12,901.52

State of California (expo.park) Total ' $47,663.30

5037-030-901 State of California Flower St. 57 0 0 $1,069.36

State of California Total $1,069.36

Total All Government Parcels $141,020.18














0.33% ! 0.31%



































Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

APN Site Address 5037-013-006 3785 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-018-009 3787 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-013-014 3793 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-018-044 3775 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-018-054 3797 $. Vermont Ave.

503 7-018-055 3825 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-019-051 3901 S. Vermont Ave.

503 7-019-052 3905 S. Vermont Ave.

S037-019-053 3911 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-019-054 3913 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-019-055 3917 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-019-056 3919 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-019-057 3923 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-019:058 3925 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-022-001 3929 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-022-002 3933 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-022-024 3937 S. Vermont Ave.

5037-024-028 3955 S. Vermont Ave.

S037-026-017 1007 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

5037-026-018 3985 S. Vermont Ave.

S037-029-001 3760 S. Figueroa St.

5037-029-002 3703 S. Figueroa St.

S037-029-016 W. 37th Pl.

5037-029-017 3721 S. Flower St.

5037-029-018 3601 S. Flower St.

5037-029-020 3702 S Figueroa St

5037-030-022 3720 S. Flower St.

5037-030-023 459 W. 38th St.

5037-031-013 3800 S. Figueroa St.

5037-031-014 3816 S. Figueroa St.

5037-031-015 3822 S. Figueroa St.

5037-031-016 S. Figueroa St.

5037-031-017 3830 S. Figueroa St.

5037-031-018 3836 S. Figueroa St.

5037-031-019 3840 S. Figueroa St.

5037-031-020 3844 S. Figueroa St.

5037-031-021 3850 S. Figueroa St.

5037-03,;))023 3800 S. Figueroa St.

5037-032-022 3916 S. Figueroa St.

5037-032-023 Figueroa St. & W. 38th St.

5037-032-024 S. Figueroa St.

5037-032-025 3930 S. Figueroa St.

5037-032-026 S. Figueroa St.

S03 7-032-02 7 3940 5. Figueroa St.

503 7-032 ·028 3944 S. Figueroa St.

5037-032-029 S. Figueroa St.

5037-032-030 3954 S. Figueroa St.

5037·032-031 i S. Figueroa St.

5037-032-032 3964 S. Figueroa St.


































so 50
















Tier2 Tier3 Tier 4

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0 363

143 0 127

40 0

101 0

203 0

600 0 192

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

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2013Asmt %

$938.04 0.08%

$2,814.11 0.23%

$938.04 0.08%

$2,588.98 0.21%

$938.04 0.08%

$8,067.11 0.67%

$1,031.84 0.09%

$1,125.64 0.09%

$750.43 0.06%

$1,500.86 0.12%

$750.43 0.06%

$750.43 0.06%

$1,S00.86 0.12%

$712.91 0.06%

$1,088.12 0.09%

$938.04 0.08%

$3,039.24 0.25%

$1,838.55 0.15%

$1,444.57 0.12%

$4,164.88 0.34%

$14,141.57 1.17%

$4,8S3.70 0.40%

$563.09 0.05%

$3,691.84 0.31%

$5,878.15 0.49%

$17,337.24 1.44%

$7,841.98 0.65%

$7,166.59 0.59%

$1,407.05 0.12%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$1,407.05 0.12%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 o.b8% -

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08% -

$938.04 0.08% ~

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

5037-032-033 3970 S. Figueroa St.

5037-032-040 Figueroa St. & MLK Blvd

5037-032-045 Figueroa St. & W. 39th St.

5039-001-059 3100 S. Vermont Ave.

5039-001-060 3115 Orchard

5039-002-029 Vermont Ave.

5039-002-030 1046 W. 36th St. (Vermont)

5039-002-031 1027 W. 34th St., (Jefferson/Vermont)

5039-002-032 Jefferson Blvd.

5039-002-034 3667 McClintock Ave. (Vermont/Expo.)

5039-003-027 925 W. 34th St. (Jefferson)

5039-003-028 817 W. 34th St. (Jefferson)

5039-003-029 Jefferson Blvd.

5039-003-030 Jefferson Blvd.

5039-012-022 901 Exposition Blvd.

5039-012"027 920 W. 37th St. (Exposition)

5039-012-031 Exposition Blvd.

5039-012-032 Exposition Blvd.

5039-012-033 3730 McClintock Ave.(Exposition)

5039-019-051 3131 McClintock

5039-020-028 University Village

5039-020-030 University Vll!age


5039-020-032 University Village

5039-020-033 University Village

5039-024-016 USC Campus {Fig., Expo.)

5040-026-044 3115 S. Vermont Ave.

5040-026-046 3031 5. Vermont Ave.

5040-028-028 3585 S. Vermont Ave.

5040-029-025 3607 S. Vermont Ave.

5040-030-037 3651 S Vermont Ave.

5040-031-038 116 W. 37th St. (Vermont)

5040-032-033 1104 W. 37th PL (Vermont)

5040-033-028 3771 S. Vermont Ave.

5054-038-023 3025 S. Vermont Ave.

5055-019-031 2131 s. Hoover

5055-019-042 1208 W. 22nd St

505 5-020-001 2319 S. Hoover

5055-020-027 2301 S. Hoover 5055-021<025. 2411 S. Hoover

5055-021-026 2401 S. Hoover

5055-021-027 1119 W. 25th Street

5055-022-031 2501 S. Hoover


5055-022-035 1177 West Adams Blvd.

5055-024-015 1124 W. Adams





5123-001-002 2611 Portland St




















































0 0

164 0

0 0

280 0

609 0

0 59

0 388

1266 818

50 0

0 1314

1012 0

110 0

188 0

19 0

0 68

0 171

0 73

0 64

0 331

357 0

273 0

888 0

242 0

130 0

472 0

0 1882

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

117 0

256 0

122 0

118 0

59 0

59 0

118 0

156 0

289 0

138 0

151 0

409 0

1126 0

779 0

680 0

0 100


February 2, 20 12 Page 26 of 30

$1,125.64 0.09%

$6,717.43 0.56%

$2,326.33 0.19%

$12,458.98 1.03%

$8,573.01 0.71%

$458.82 0.04%

$3,017.35 0.25%

$24,183.06 2.00%

$703.86 0.06%

$10,218.56 0.8S%

$14,246.12 1.18%

$1,548.49 0.13%

$2,646.51 0.22%

$267.47 0.02%

$528.81 0.04%

$1,329.81 0.11%

$567.70 0.05%

$497.71 0.04%

$2,574.08 0.21%

$5,025.56 0.42%

$3,843.07 0.32%

$12,500.55 1.03%

$3,406.68 0.28%

$1,830.04 0.15%

$6,644.44 0.55%

$41,051.67 3.40%

$5,271.76 0.44%

$2,270.05 0.19%

$6).172.45 0.54%

$6,322.36 0.52%

$3,376.93 0.28%

$6,303.60 0.52%

$5,815.82 0.48%

$4,108.60 0.34%

$844.23 0.07%

$1,647.03 0.14%

$3,603.76 0.30%

$1,717.42 0.14%

$1,661.11 0.14%

$830.55 0.07%

$830.55 0.07%

$1,661.11 0.14%

$2,196.04 0.18%

$4,068.31 0.34%

$1,942.65 0.!1.6%

$2,125.66 0.18%

$5,757.57 0.48%

$23,242.64 1.92%

$10,966.13 0.91%

$9,572.49 0.79%

$777.67 0.06%

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

5123-001-004 948 W. Adams Blvd

5123-001-402 2707 Portland St

5123-001-404 2718 Hoover St

512 3-001-405 1005 W. 28th St

5123-001-406 2636 S. Hoover

512 3-001-407

5123-001-408 2600 Hoover St


512 3-008-015

512 3-008-016 3207 University Ave

512 3-008-018 3300 Hoover Blvd.

5123-009-001 3201 S. Figueroa St.

512 3-009-002 S. Figueroa St.

5123-009-003 3211 S. Figueroa St.

5123-009-004 616 W. 32 St.

s12 3-009~oo7 624 W. 32nd St.

5123-009-008 3219 S. Figueroa St.

5123-009-009 708 W. 32nd St.

5123-009-010 645 W. Jefferson Blvd.

5123-009-011 3233 S. Figueroa St.

5123-009-012 3245 S. Figueroa St.

5123-009-016 625 W. Jefferson Blvd.

5123-009-017 665 W. Jefferson Blvd.

5123-009-024 624 W. 32nd St.

5123-009-025 621 W. Jefferson Blvd.

5123-009-026 615 W. Jefferson Blvd.

5123-009-027 Figueroa St. & Jefferson Blvd.

5123-009-028 Royal St & 32nd Street sides

5123-010-004 3025 5. Figueroa St.

5123-010-012 3131 s. Figueroa St.

5123-010-026 3101 S. Figueroa St.

5123-010-027 3001 S. Figueroa St.

5123-014-016 2929 S. Figueroa St.

5123-014-021 2801 S. Figueroa St.

5123-015-001 2701 S. Figueroa St.

5123-015-016 2723 S. Figueroa St.

5123-017-004 605 W. 27 St.

5123-017-007 2601 S. Figueroa St.

51.23-017-008 746 W. Adams Blvd. 5123-018<008. 527 W. 27th St.

5123-018-009 514 W. Adams Bl

5123-018-014 2722 S. Figueroa St.

5123-018-015 2722 S. Figueroa St.

5123-018-020 W. 28th St.

5123-018-022 W. 28th St.

5123-018-023 2727 S. Flower St.

5123-018-024 515 W. 27th St.

5123-018-026 W. Adams Blvd.

5123-018-0 30 524 W. Adams Blvd.

5123-018-032 2718 S. Figueroa St.

5123-018-033 2700 S. Figueroa St.

















































0 -132

0 200

50 0

67 0

203 0

150 0

50 0

58 0

0 60

0 64

131 0

172 0

155 0

0 0

0 0

55 0

50 0

0 0

0 129

0 129

0 0

0 0

59 0

0 805

50 0

51 0

50 0

150 0

0 340

0 0

309 0

0 0

185 0

160 0

175 0

170 0

150 0

0 0

0 839

0 387

128 0

5 0

0 0

107 0

50 0

57 0

99 0

158 0

20 0

85 0

0 0

346 0

























February 2, 2012 Page 27 of 30

$1,555.34 0.13%

$703.86 0.06%

$943.17 0.08%

$2,857.67 0.24%

$2,111.58 0.17%

$703.86 0.06%

$816.48 0.07%

$466.60 0.04%

$497.71 0.04%

$1,844.11 0.15%

$2,421.28 0.20%

$3,524.01 0.29%

$894.70 0.07%

$917.07 0.08%

$774.25 0.06%

$703.86 0.06%

$3,153.81 0.26%

$1,003.19 0.08%

$1,003.19 0.08%

$3,153.81 0.26%

$1,968.33 0.16%

$830.55 0.07%

$6,260.23 0.52%

$703.86 0.06%

$717.94 0.06%

$70,3.86 0.06%

$3,297.05 0.27%

$2,644.07 0.22%

$2,684.09 0.22%

$7,101.05 0.59%

$4,026.14 0.33%

$5,556.78 0.46%

$4,779.87 0.40%

$7,876.43 0.65%

$4,629.87 0.38%

$8,150.79 0.67%

$1,923.60 0.16%

$12,787.52 1.06%

$3,009.58 0.25%

$2,987.36 0.25%

$2,528.04 0.21%

$313.14 0.03%

$2,893.04 0.24%

$703.86 0.06%

$802.40 0.07%

$3,888.82 0.32%

$2,224.20 0.18%

$281.54 0.02%

$5,737.15 0.48%

$1,476.25 0.12%

$10,321.99 0.85%

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

512 3-019-004 2 82 8 S. Figueroa St.

5123-019-005 2902 S. Figueroa St.

512 3-019-010 2913 S. Flower St.

512 3-019-011 2901 S. Flower St.

512 3-019-012 2901 S. Flower St.

5123-019-014 2819 S. Flower St.

512 3-019-016 2813 $. Flower St.

512 3-019-019 2917 S. Flower St.

5123-019-023 2912 S. Figueroa St.

512 3-019-025 2800 S. Figueroa St.

5123-019-027 2823 S. Flower St.

512 3-020-001 3000 S. Figueroa St.

5123-020-004 3100 S. Figueroa St.

5123-020-005 516 W. 31st St.

512 3-020-006 510 W. 31st St.

5123-02Qc007 3111 S. Flower St.

5123-020-008 3019 S. Flower St.

5123-020-009 505 W. 31st St.

5123-020-010 511 W. 31st St.

5123-020-011 515 W. 31st St.

5123-020-016 3200 S. Figueroa St.

5123-020-017 3200 S. Figueroa St.

5123-020-018 515 W. 33rd St.

5123-020-019 505 W. 33rd St.

5123-020-020 503 W. 33rd St.

5123-020-021 3131 S. Flower St.

5123-020-022 3119 S. Flower St.

5123-020-023 3120 S. Figueroa St.

5123-020-024 3010 S. Figueroa St.

5123-020-025 3026 S. Figueroa St.

5123-020-028 512 W. 30th St.

5123-021-001 3322 S. Figueroa St.

5123-021-006 511 W. Jefferson Blvd.

5123-021-007 504 W. 33rd St.

5123-021-008 501 W. Jefferson Blvd.

5123-022-026 3584 S. Figueroa St.

5123-022-031 3540 S. Figueroa St.

5123-022-034 3500 S. Figueroa St.

5123-022-038 441 W. Exposition Blvd. 5123-022<040.

5123-023-024 663 W. 34th St.

5124-001-004 2214 S. Hoover

5124-001-011 2202 S. Hoover

5124-001-012 2221 S. Union St

5124-002-021 2023 S. Union Ave.

5124-007-016 2300 S. Union St

5124-007-017 2308 S. Union St

5124-007 ~0 18 2312 S. Union St

5124~007~019 2316 S. Union St

5124-008-024 2400 S. Hoover

5124-025-001 745 W. Adams Blvd.




















































176 0 73

176 0 66

so 0

0 0

155 0

0 0

0 0

105 0

161 0 198

331 0 191

140 0

150 0 106

150 0 159

55 0

65 0

64 0

22 0

50 0

50 0

50 0

0 0 71

178 0 71

47 0

45 0

45 0

22 0

0 0

0 0 101

0 0 110

135 0 101

165 0

438 0 364

50 0

117 0

69 0

186 0 167

0 0 391

0 0 172

212 0

363 0 570

1024 0 311

57 0

119 0

114 0

127 0

105 0

27 0

52 0

50 0

160 0

0 150

February 2, 20 12 Page 28 of 30

$4,110.41 0.34%

$3,953.84 0.33%

$1,867.02 0.15%

$975.56 0.08%

$3,176.28 0.26%

$844.23 0.07%

$994.32 0.08%

$3,241.61 0.27%

$6,695.18 0.55%

$10,920.37 0.90%

$3,058.93 0.25%

$4,482.53 0.37%

$5,668.00 0.47%

$774.25 0.06%

$915.02 0.08%

$3,865.13 0.32%

$3,217.61 0.27%

$703.86 0.06%

$703.86 0.06%

$703.86 0.06%

$1,588.09 0.13%

$4,093.83 0.34%

$661.63 0.05%

$633.47 0.05%

$633.47 0.05%

$3,12:3.81 0.26%

$1,763.51 0.15%

$2,259.11 0.19%

$2,460.42 0.20%

$4,159.53 0.34%

$5,080.56 0.42%

$14,307.56 1.18%

$703.86 0.06%

$5,080.24 0.42%

$4,348.25 0.36%

$6,353.72 0.53%

$14,205.04 1.18%

$7,074.04 0.59%

$4,241.33 0.35%

$28,740.68 2.38%

$21,371.32 1.77%

$802.40 0.07%

$1,675.19 0.14%

$1,604.80 0.13%

$1,787.80 0.15%

$1,478.11 0.12%

$380.08 0.03%

$732.01 0.06%

$703.86 0.06%

$2,252.35 0.19%

$1,166.50 0.10%

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

5124-025-009 26 St. James Park

5124-025-010 17 Chester Place

5124-026-004 649 W. Adams Blvd.

5124-026-006 621 W. Adams Blvd.

5124-026-008 641 W. Adams Blvd.

5124-026-013 649 W. Adams Blvd.

5124-026-014 2421 S. Figueroa St.

5124-027-015 2424 S. Figueroa St.

5124-027-016 2512 S. Figueroa St.

5124-027-017 2498-251 S. Figueroa St.

5124-028-006 W. 23rd St.

5124-028-010 W. 23rd St.

5124-029-011 W 23rd St & Adams Blvd

5124-029-016 W. 23rd St

5124-029-017 W. 23rd St.

5126-Q01CQ04 703 E. 18th St.

512 6-001-005 702 E. 17th St.

512 6-001-008 639 W. 18th St

512 6-001-009 637 W. 18th St.

5126-001-010 633 W. 18th St.

512 6-001-011 629 W. 18th St

512 6-001-012 626 W. 17th St.

5126-001-013 622 W. 17th St.

512 6-001-014 647 W. 18th St.

5126-001-015 657 W. 18th St.

5126-001-016 Georgia St.

5126-001-017 1717 S. Figueroa St.

5126-002-001 651 W. Washington Blvd.

5126-002-002 631 W. Washington Blvd.

5126-002-003 652 W. 18th St.

5126-002-004 1812 S. Georgia St.

S126-002-005 1816 S. Georgia St..

5126-002-007 625 W. Washington Blvd.

5126-002-008 1805 S. Figueroa St.

5126-002-009 601 W. Washington Blvd.

5126-002-013 S. 18th St.

5126-002-014 1801 Georgia St.

5126-003-015 646 W. Washington Blvd.

5126-003-016 1901 S. Figueroa St.

5126-003I017' 1929 S. Figueroa St.

5126-003-018 Lovelace Ave.

5126-003-019 1940 Lovelace Ave.

5126-003-024 1945 S. Figueroa St.

512 6-003-0 25 2023 S. Figueroa St.

5126-003-026 2105 S. Figueroa St.

512 6-003-0 23 2001 S. Figueroa St.

512 6-003-029 1932 Lovelace Ave.

512 6-005-001 520 W. 23rd St.

512 6-005-002 500 W. 23rd St.

512 6-005-003 2309 S. Flower St.

5126-005-004 2315 S. Flower St




















































0 208

0 273

0 0

0 98

0 100

0 140

0 0

0 0

175 0

0 0

15 0

59 0

140 254

173 0

685 0

170 0

126 0

49 0

35 0

35 0

70 0

40 0

46 0

45 0

225 0

50 0

416 0

276 0

196 0

38 0

170 0

40 0

226 0

155 .


195 . 0

218 0

230 0

265 0

573 0

140 0

140 0

307 0

0 0

254 0

163 0

59 0

50 0

98 0

160 0

0 0

0 0




February 2, 20 J 2 Page 29 of 30

$1,617.55 0.13%

$2,123.03 0.18%

$2,776.59 0.23%

$762.12 0.06%

$777.67 0.06%

$1,088.74 0.09%

$2,739.06 0.23%

$3,376.93 0.28%

$6,628.39 0.55%

$2,251.29 0.19%

$211.16 0.02%

$830.55 0.07%

$3,946.09 033%

$2,435.35 0.20%

$9,642.88 0.80%

$2,393.12 0.20%

$1,773.73 0.15%

$689.78 0.06%

$492.70 0.04%

$492.70 0.04%

$985.40 0.08%

$563.09 0.05%

$647.55 0.05%

$633.47 0.05%

$3,167.37 0.26%

$70;3.86 0.06%

$11,765.74 0.97%

$3,885.31 0.32%

$2,759.13 0.23%

$534.93 0.04%

$2,393.12 0.20%

$563.09 0.05%

$3,181.45 0.26%

$4,058.04 0.34%

$7,360.19 0.61%

$3,068.83 0.25%

$3,237.75 0.27%

$3,730.46 0.31%

$11,368.12 0.94%

$4,447.22 0.37%

$1,970.81 0.16%

$4,321.70 0.36%

$1,876.07 0.16%

$6,952.54 0.58%

$7,328.99 0.65%

$4,226.24 0.35%

$2,298.52 0.19%

$1,379.57 0.11%

$3,594.40 0.30%

$1,342.05 0.11%

$1,342.05 0.11%

Figueroa Corridor Partnership Engineer's Report

5126-005-005 S. Flower St.

5126-005-006 2327 S. Flower St.

5126-005-007 S. Flower St.

5126-006-004 516 W. 22nd St.

5126-006-007 2222 S. Figueroa St.

5126-006-013 2200 S. Figueroa St.

5126-006-014 2212 S. Figueroa St.

5126-006-016 2222 S. Figueroa St.

5126-006-017 2209-221 S. Flower St.

5126-006-018 2209-221 S. Flower St.

5126-007-008 2001-202 S. Flower St.

5126-007-011 514 E. 21st St.

5126-007-019 510 W. 20th St.

5126-007-022 2100 S. Figueroa St.

5126-007-033 2000 S. Figueroa St.

5126-0Q7C034 517 W. 22nd St.

5126-007-035 2119 5. Flower St.

5126-008-008 1936-40 S. Figueroa St.

5126-008-009 1941 S. Flower St.

512 6-008-011 1936 5. Figueroa St.

5126-008-017 1944 S. Figueroa St.

512 6-008-018 1916 5. Figueroa St.

5126-009-002 1834 5. Figueroa St.

512 6-009-003 1830 5. Figueroa St.

512 6-009-004 1826 S. Figueroa St.

512 6-009-005 1800 S. Figueroa St.

512 6-009-006 1801 S. Flower St.

512 6-009-012 1833 S. Flower St.

512 6-009-013 1837 S. Flower St.

5126-009-014 1841 S. Flower St.

s 12 6-009-015 501 W. Washington Blvd.

512 6-009-016 1829 S. Flower St.

512 6-009-018 1842 S. Figueroa St.

512 6-0 10-00S 1706 S. Figueroa St.

512 6-010-006 1721 S. Flower St.

5126-010-007 1708 S. Figueroa St.

512 6-010-008 1721 S. Flower St.

5126-011-013 1834 S. Flower St.

5126-011-014 1828 S. Flower St.

5126-011•015. 1820 S. Flower St.

5126-01le016 1816 S. Flower St.

5126-011-017 1812 S. Flower St.

5126-011-020 1800 S. Flower St.

5126-017-017 2300 S. Flower St.

5126-017-018 2400 5. Flower St.

5126-018-032 319 W. Adams Blvd.

5126-018-035 2500 S. Hope St.

Total All Non-Government Parcels

Total All Government Parcels

Total All Parcels

























so 98


so so 62


so 144















0 0 60

0 0 60

0 0 83

50 0

50 0

200 0

0 0

250 0

104 0

68 0

138 0

60 0

126 0

360 0

330 0

181 0

92 0

0 0

134 0

0 0

170 0

301 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

155 0

150 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

150 0

0 0

135 0

0 0

0 0

155 0

135 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

121 0

296 0 479

197 0 557

190 0

190 0

February 2, 20 12 Page 30 of 30

$1,342.05 0.11%

$1,342.05 0.11%

$1,856.50 0.15%

$703.86 0.06%

$703.86 0.06%

$4,691.51 0.39%

$1,181.92 0.10%

$5,770.58 0.48%

$3,527.71 0.29%

$4,202.85 0.35%

$4,137.66 0.34%

$844.63 0.07%

$3,968.73 0.33%

$9,195.15 0.76%

$9,279.37 0.77%

$4,611.65 0.38%

$3,358.78 0.28%

$1,125.64 0.09%

$3,762.42 0.31%

$1,12S.64 0.09%

$4,475.56 0.37%

$17,163.37 1.42%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$4,020.51 0.33%

$3,012.09 0.25%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$1,163.16 0.10%

$3,443.59 0.29%

$938.04 0.08%

$4,601.96 0.38%

$1,256.97 0.10%

$281.41 0.02%

$4,133.08 0.34%

$2,988.54 0.25%

$1,088.12 0.09%

$1,088.12 0.09%

$637.86 0.05%

$938.04 0.08%

$938.04 0.08%

$3,579.41 0.30%

$14,880.85 1.23%

$15,231.87 1.26%

$2,674.67 0.22%

$2,674.67 0.22%

$1,066,776.82 88.32%

$141,020.18 11.68%

$1,207,797.00 100.00%

ORDINANCE NO. __.___ __ _

An Ordinance of Intention to establish a Property and Business Improvement District to be known as the "Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District" pursuant to the Provisions of the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 (Division 18, Part 7, Streets and Highways Code, State of California) and to levy assessments.

WHEREAS, the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 authorizes cities to establish Property and Business Improvement Districts for the purpose of levying assessments on real property for certain purposes; and

WHEREAS, property owners in the Figueroa Corridor business community who will pay more than 50 percent of the total amount of assessments to be levied, have filed written petitions requesting that the City Council establish a district to be named the Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District.



Section 1. DECLARATION. Pursuant to the provisions of Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994, Section 36600 et seq., of the Streets and Highways Code (Act), the City Council declares its intention to consider the establishment of a Property and Business Improvement District to be named Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District (District).

Sec. 2. ADOPTION OF ENGINEER'S REPORT AND MANAGEMENT DISTRICT PLAN. The City Council hereby adopts, approves and confirms the Engineer's Report and the Management District Plan included in Council File No.

Sec. 3. PARCELS WITHIN THE DISTRICT. The City Council hereby affirms its finding that all parcels, which will have a special benefit conferred upon them and upon which an assessment will be imposed, are identified in the Management District Plan.

Sec. 4. PROPORTIONAL BENEFIT. The City Council hereby reaffirms that the assessment proposed to be imposed on each parcel does not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional benefit conferred on that parcel.

Sec. 5. SEPARATION OF GENERAL AND SPECIAL BENEFITS. The City Council hereby affirms that it has separated the general benefits, if any, from the special benefits conferred on each parcel.


Sec. 6. ASSESSMENTS SUPPORTED BY ENGINEER'S REPORT. The City Council hereby affirms that all proposed assessments are supported by a detailed engineer's report prepared by a registered professional engineer certified by the state of California.

Sec. 7. DISTRICT BOUNDARIES. The City Council hereby declares that the boundaries of the proposed District are as detailed in the Management District Plan. A general description of the area within the boundaries of the proposed District is as follows: The Figueroa Corridor Partnership Business Improvement District consists of property street front footage bounded roughly by Flower Street, Grand Avenue and Hill Street to the East, Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to the South, Vermont Avenue and Hoover Street to the West and the Santa Monica Freeway to the North.

There are 338 parcels owned by 140 stakeholders in the proposed District The map included in the District's Management District Plan gives sufficient detail to locate each parcel of property within the proposed District

Sec. 8. IMPROVEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES. The City Council hereby declares that the proposed activities and improvements to be funded by the levy of assessments on property within the District are detailed in the Management District Plan. They include, but are not limited to, Safe and Clean Programs, Communication/Development and Administration.

Sec. 9. ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS AND DURATION. The District's total assessment for five years is estimated to be $6,673,841.00. The District's total annual assessment for the first year is estimated to be $1,207, 797.00. Annual assessments for subsequent years may be adjusted based upon the Consumer Price Index for the Los Angeles region, or by a flat percentage rate, not to exceed five percent of the previous year's rate. It is proposed that the District be established for a five year period. The District will not issue bonds.

Sec. 1 0. COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS. The City Council hereby declares that to the extent possible, assessments shall be collected at the same time and in the same m;:mner as County ad valorem property taxes and shall be subject to all laws providing for the collection and enforcement of assessments. For properties that do not appear on the County tax rolls or for assessments for any years in which the City is unable to transmit the assessment information to the County in sufficient time for the County to collect the assessments with the County ad valorem property taxes, the City Clerk may bill and collect the assessments by mailing assessment notices (Statement of Assessment Due) to each property owner within the District at the address shown on City records. Assessments billed by the City Clerk are due 45 calendar days after the Statement of Assessment Due.


Sec. 11. NOTICE, PROTESTS AND HEARINGPROCEDURES. The City Clerk shall follow the notice, protest, and hearing procedures prescribed in the Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act (California Government Code, Section 53750 et seq.).

Sec. 12. PUBLIC HEARING. The City Council will hold a public hearing to determine whether to establish the District and levy assessments on --~----~------at 10:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as City Council business permits, and on any hours and days for continued hearing as ordered by the City Council, in the John Ferraro Council Chamber, Room 340, City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, California 90012. At the hearing, all interested persons will be permitted to present written or oral testimony, and the City Council will consider all objections or protests to the proposed assessment.

Sec. 13. NOTICE TO RECORD OWNERS. The City Clerk shall give notice of the public hearing, in the manner specified in Government Code Section 53753, to the record owner of each parcel subject to the levy of an assessment. The notice shall be given at least 45 days before the public hearing date and shall specify that the public hearing will be to determine whether the City Council will establish the District and levy assessments.

Sec. 14. TABULATION OF ASSESSMENT BALLOTS. Atthe conclusion of the public hearing, the City Clerk shall tabulate all assessment ballots that have been submitted and not withdrawn. To be included in the tabulation, assessment ballots must be received by the City Clerk either at the address indicated in the notice required by Government Code Section 53753 or at the site of the public hearing prior to the conclusion of the public hearing. The City Clerk will certify the results of the tabulation to the City Council during its meeting on at 10:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as City Council business permits, in the John Ferraro Council Chamber, Room 340, City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, California 90012.

Sec. 15. MAJORITY PROTEST. If there is a majority protest against the imposition of the assessment, the City Council will not impose the assessment. A majority protest will exist if the assessment ballots submitted, and not withdrawn, in opposition to the proposed assessment exceed the assessment ballots submitted, and

' not withdrawn, in its favor, weighting those assessment ballots by the amount of the proposed assessment to be imposed upon the identified parcel for which each assessment ballot was submitted.

Sec. 16. AMENDMENT TO ENABLING STATUTE. The properties and ; businesses within the District established by this Ordinance shall be subject to any amendments to the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 (Division 18, Part 7, Streets and Highways Code, State of California).


Sec. 17. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and have it published in accordance with Council policy, either in a daily newspaper circulated in the City of Los Angeles or by posting for ten days in three public places in the City of Los Angeles: one copy on the bulletin board located at the Main Street entrance to the Los Angeles City Hall; one copy on the bulletin board located at the Main Street entrance to the Los Angeles City Hall East; and one copy on the bulletin board located at the Temple Street entrance to the Los Angeles County Hall of Records.

I hereby certify that this ordinance was passed by the Council of the City of Los Angeles, at its meeting of ___________ _


By ____________________ ~ Deputy



Approved as to Form and Legality

CARMEN A TRUTANICH, c"Cit:./Attorney

r ~ Jo~~J :(~;~~r\~r hJ4ut:ilt~~J~~;~~~~~}~,·tti·f·~J~{~} .. ·~ . By --------~\J\~~~~~-~···~:~,~------~------

Deputy City Attorney" q~:\L