on Christian news views & events June 2013 Spotlight


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on Christian news views & events

June 2013


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4 President’s Letter

7 Exciting Developments at The Montgomery

8 Healing Ministry

9 Creative Crafters

10 CaSS Conference

11 The Boggle

12 A new place for Christian Healing in Hillsborough

14 Bethel Sozo Ministry

15 Resources at The Montgomery

16 One

17 emPower

18 Focus

19 Mile of Coins

20 Lindsey’s Choice

25 Paracetamol or Prayer?

28 City wide diary

30 Theatre diary

The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not

necessarily reflect the views and opinions held by The Montgomery

Page 4: June13


Healing I was in agony! In the Western Highlands of

Scotland, leading a Christian youth camp and I had

never had such toothache. Being a Christian team,

others prayed for me at a morning prayer

meeting. Later in the day I was asked how my

tooth was, and to my amazement I had forgotten

about it! No more pain at all!

A week or so later having driven a minibus full of young people back to

Sheffield and reunited them safely with their parents, I drove away from

the drop-off point and before going 100 yards (we had not gone metric

then!), I doubled up with agony! The tooth was worse than ever. My friend

in the passenger seat, after finding out the cause of my pain, laughed! The

prayer for me had been specific. It had been that the pain from my tooth

should not interfere with the leading of the trip! And so God had precisely

answered that prayer – perfect pain relief to the exact time requested!!

The following day I was healed again – this time by a dentist!

Our theme for this edition of ‘Spotlight’ is ‘healing’. I guess as Christians

when healing is mentioned we immediately think of the healing miracles of

Jesus recounted in the gospels; or those of the disciples and apostles in

‘The Acts of the Apostles; or those more modern day miracles

experienced now where prayers are answered and people are healed. I

have no doubt about the fact that God answers prayers for healing. My

tooth is firsthand experience!

Of course, I have prayed for people to be healed and sometimes those

prayers are miraculously answered. But more often people are not healed.

We then question why God ‘does not answer prayer’. Actually, He does

answer; just not as we want.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word ‘healing’ literally

means ‘making whole’. This surely implies wholeness in body, mind and

spirit. We know that as Christians, we are made right with God through

Jesus, but our being made whole and perfect is an ongoing process never

to be completed in this life. Our earthly bodies will decay and fail. Physical

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healing is only a temporary thing for now. Although redeemed, we will

continue to sin – so our spiritual being is going to need continual healing.

Also, mental illness is increasingly recognised and understood and

Christians are not immune from that either.

We also need to consider healing in other areas outside of the human

individual. There is always need for healing of relationships between

people, in marriages/families, between different groups and organisations,

and between nations!

We pray for miracles, and often as we do so we realise we need to be

part of the reconciliation process. God intervenes but also (more often)

calls us to work for Him.

It is interesting to note that Jesus healed a number of people in very

different circumstances. For instance, a Canaanite woman is told her

daughter is healed from demon possession, and it appears from the

discussion with Jesus that it is her ‘great faith’ that is the reason her

request is granted (Matt 15:28). Equally, when the disciples are unable to

cast out a demon from a boy, they are told it is because they have ‘so little

faith’. There is an indication here that healing can only take place when

someone has enough faith. Yet the account of the healing of the blind man

in John 9 seems not to involve anyone (other than Jesus) having faith. The

blind man seems not to be expecting healing, nor does he know who

healed him when later questioned.

I think it significant when excited by the story of the lame man healed by

Peter and John at the temple gate in Acts 3, to consider that Jesus will

have almost certainly walked past him and NOT healed him at least every

day of the week leading up to the crucifixion. We know Jesus went there

daily, and we know the man was taken there every day. Jesus chose not to

heal. Clearly, for whatever reason, the time was not right. Maybe this was

so Peter and John could experience God’s healing power through them


It seems clear that God’s healing miracles both now and then are nearly

always used to teach us something about God’s plans and purposes for us.

But to accept that that is the only reason God heals is too simplistic.

After years of trying to understand why God does and does not heal, I

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think that any healing or lack of healing is always within our relationship

with God; and within His love for us. Sometimes an instant healing may

not be what we need (though certainly what we want!). I also have come

to the conclusion that we often expect miracles when there is human

resource available – i.e. superb doctors and nurses who understand how

to heal our bodies. I remember sharing with an African Christian who

commented that one of the significant differences between prayers in his

country and ours is that where he comes from much prayer consists of

prayers for healing which are expected to be answered with miraculous

healings and often are. He also pointed out that their access to medical

treatment was much less than ours so the prayers for healing were really


I suspect our faith is tested as we ask for healing. It is wonderfully

rewarded when we see God heal. However, when this does not happen,

the faith needed is greater to understand that in this world we will never

be whole, but in the next, with Him, we will!

Good to remember Paul’s words when he explained God had NOT

healed Him…

‘Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a

thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 8 Three times I

pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My

grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that

Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight

in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For

when I am weak, then I am strong.’

I am looking forward to seeing what a variety of ideas are presented by

other contributors to this edition of ‘Spotlight’ (I do not see them before

the magazine is published) as we are covering ideas and thoughts on such

a vast subject. I do pray we will learn something new and uplifting and of

God as we read further…!

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis


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at The


The Montgomery Studio is due to

open on 29th June in the lower hall at

the Montgomery. The former

restaurant space, still fondly referred

to as ‘Tuckwoods’ by many, will open

with a production of Brothers Grimm,

as part of the Children’s festival.

The lower hall was first used as a

restaurant during the war when

Atkinsons’ Tuckwoods Restaurant

relocated there after being bombed

during the Blitz. The Masserella

Restaurant chain took over the

restaurant 20 years ago. In January this

year their 20 year lease came to an

end and The Montgomery reclaimed

the space for its own use.

Building work is now underway and

will include opening up the

‘rollershutter’ storage space in the

entrance to create a corridor between

the two parts of the building. There

has already been a high level of

interest in hiring this space and it is

expected to be popular.

The Carney Academy is to relocate to

The Montgomery Studio and will hold

drama classes there throughout the

day every Saturday. Ruth Carney-

Nash, the owner of the Academy, is a

successful freelance theatre director

and has directed in many of London’s

West End Theatres. The Carney

Academy started in 2010 and has gone

from strength to strength, which

prompted the need for larger

premises and the partnership with The


Following the opening on the 29th

other productions will include the

Griffin Theatre Arts Story Telling

Workshops on 30th June which is also

part of the Children’s Festival. The

studio will also be available for hire.

New brand is launched After much debate and consultation

the Montgomery Arts and Christian

Centre Sheffield Ltd, formerly Sheffield

Christian Education Council has

decided to use ‘The Montgomery’ as

its trading name. This new brand will

be officially launched mid-June when

the brand new website

www.TheMontgomery.org.uk will go live.

Volunteers Needed! The Montgomery needs friendly

people to provide a warm and

welcoming experience to members of

the public as they visit the theatre.

Volunteers are particularly needed for

the hospitality team welcoming and

serving refreshments before the

shows and at the intervals.

Volunteers have the opportunity to

receive a free theatre ticket after

three sessions. For more information

email [email protected]

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Healing Ministry I’m pleased to have been asked to

write this piece for Spotlight on healing

ministry, particularly as for the last 12

to 13 years my wife Rita and I have

been greatly involved in healing

ministry, especially within the Sheffield

and South Yorkshire area.

When I came into full-time ordained

ministry in the Methodist Church

almost 30 years ago now, I knew very

little about healing ministry as it hadn’t

really cropped up at theological college

in spite of three years’ intensive study

and training. In my first appointment in

Norwich I was asked to explore with a

fellowship group at the church what

healing ministry was all about. I realised

I had very little to share with them so

together we started to find out by

going to a Christian healing

organisation based at a Methodist

Church in a town in the next county.

As a result of that visit a healing

fellowship began in the church in


I think my experience then may reflect

where some churches and Christians

are today. It’s not an area of Christian

life or ministry you may have had much

awareness of, or you may have steered

clear of it because of fears of hype or

emotionalism, or unhelpful stories or

experiences of bad healing practice by

some church leaders or more famous

healers. It’s unfortunate in any area of

church life where bad theology and bad

practice can so undermine what the

Church is called to do. For healing

ministry is nothing new. It is not a

product of the Pentecostal or house

church movement of decades ago. It is

as old as the Church itself and from the

start was an integral and natural part of

the life of the Early Church.

I don’t have time in this article to go

into the reasons why healing ministry

has declined over the centuries, but in

recent times it would seem that the

Church in its many varied forms and

expressions is starting to respond once

again to God’s ancient call for the

Church to continue the healing

ministry performed by Jesus and the

early Christians.

Following a clear call and vision from

God, Rita and I have sought not only to

establish healing ministry in the


where I have

had pastoral

oversight but

also we have

gladly helped

and enabled

other churches

to explore

what healing

ministry might

mean for them,

just as that


group from my

church in Norwich all those years ago

did. In quite a number of places new

In quite a number

of places new

forms of healing

ministry have

grown and

developed where

churches are

reaching out with

God’s healing

grace to their local


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forms of healing ministry have grown

and developed where churches are

reaching out with God’s healing grace

to their local communities. And those

outside the church are usually very

open to the idea of prayer for healing,

sometimes more so than some people

within the church.

Healing ministry, by its very nature,

will always raise issues and questions,

which is why we offer to go to

churches or fellowship groups to

discuss these with people, to share

our experiences of healing ministry

and, where it is requested, to help

churches with training for enabling the

skills and insights needed to become

open channels of God’s grace.

I would want to make the same offer

to any churches reading this who may

wish to explore this area of Christian

ministry further. My contact details are

given below, and I would be pleased to

hear from you.

Every blessing in Christ

Peter Edwards

Minister in the Rotherham and Dearne

Valley Methodist Circuit

01709 382306

[email protected]

And those outside the church

are usually very open to the

idea of prayer for healing,

sometimes more so than some

people within the church.

Creative Crafters Card Craft workshop

1st Friday each month

1st floor of

The Montgomery

at 1pm, £2

to book a place

telephone 0114 272 0455

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Christians & Sheffield Schools (CaSS)

are holding their first conference. Fiona

Walton the new CaSS worker

promises,’ The CaSS conference will

provide a great chance to gain new

skills, grab new resources and get new


Bob Hartman - international speaker,

author, inspirational storyteller and

Patron of Open the Book is the

keynote speaker. There will be a

variety of workshops led by Bob

Hartman, Prayer Spaces in Schools,

Open the Book, Pray for Schools,

Scripture Union, Sheffield Diocesan

Director of Education, Love2Last,

Make Your City Shine Sheffield

and Godly Play.

Workshop titles include:

‘Creating a ministry that your

local school needs’, ‘Bread &

Swords’ (Why your church

needs to be in their local school)

‘The Plot Thickens: how stories

work’, ‘Creative and effective

ways to pray for your local

school’ ‘ How to get started in

schools work without putting

your foot in it’ , Christian

Groups in Schools: getting

started & keeping going’.

Delegates will have the

opportunity to learn how to set

up a prayer space, how to lead

an effective act of collective

worship, how to run Open the

book and will be able to

experience a Godly Play session.

There will be a marketplace of

resources and opportunities to

network over free coffee!

The conference is on Saturday 8 June

at Wilson Carlile Centre, Cavendish

Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ from 10am

(coffee at 9.30am)

until 3pm. £20

includes lunch and

3 workshops.

For booking forms

see www.cass-

su.org.uk or email


su.org.uk or text

07812 855332

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A new place for

Christian healing in

Hillsborough Late on a Wednesday morning, a

middle-aged woman approaches a

room at the top of stairs in a pub,

anxious and tired. She has taken the

decision to follow the sign “Healing

Rooms”. As she enters, she is aware

of pleasant music, and a low mutter of

voices. A smiling man stands up from

behind a table, and comes towards her

in welcome. A lady makes her a cup of

tea. After time to relax and drink, the

receptionist gives her a simple form on

which to write her name and prayer


This is “Healing Rooms” – a place

where all, of faith or none, are

welcomed for prayer and where the

emphasis is not on long explanations

and interviews, but on simplicity and

receiving the love of Father God

through Jesus. Reception and

hospitality are a crucial part.

With one of the two partitioned

prayer rooms available, the visitor is

led gently in by one of the team of

three on duty there. The team has

already received and prayed over

prayer request.

On the partition wall facing our visitor

is a large notice which reads “His

Presence”. Healing Rooms highly

values the presence of God where His

children meet in unity and prayer. In

fact, the whole environment of the

Healing Rooms was soaked in worship

and prayer for up to an hour before

the door was opened to the public.

In the room are three of the Healing

Rooms team. She is introduced to

each by the team leader and told what

will happen – the team will pray for

her, and she does not have to say or

do anything except listen and receive.

Each team member brings a new and

important dimension as they minister.

All the members of Healing Rooms are

fully trained and the prayer is

conducted in total confidence. They

are (and have to be) active members

of a Christian church, but which one

does not enter into the business of the


After twenty minutes, the lady

emerges from the prayer room. The

receptionist invites her to sit down to

rest and reflect before leaving. As she

does so, she is aware of two other

visitors, one sitting on a sofa slowly

eating a chocolate biscuit, the other

holding a mug of coffee reading some

of the testimonies written in visitors’

own words on postcards pinned to a


Some testimonies relate to emotional

healing; others to the healing of long-

term or “incurable” diseases. “I was

healed of asthma and arthritis”.

“Thank you – it was a wonderful

experience”. “I had three operations

on my cruciate ligament and still

wasn’t healed! I had prayer [here] and

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was healed instantly”. “I was healed of


The layout and size of the Healing

Rooms centre aside, this scene is

repeated dozens of times in the UK

and thousands of times over the globe.

For this “Healing Rooms” is part of the

National Association of Healing

Rooms, itself part of the International

Association. Healing Rooms exist in

more than 60 countries. The National

Association was founded shortly after

the first in the UK was opened in

Halifax in 2003.

Local accountability for each Healing

Room centre is provided by an

Advisory Board that comprises at least

three local church leaders. All centres

open regularly at least once during the

week, some of the larger ones opening

several days.

Our visitor came back several times in

the next few weeks. Her face and

bearing gradually changed from despair

to hope and happiness. It is good to be

part of a team united in demonstrating

the love and power of Jesus to people

in need. The commitment to turn up

as promised is more than paid back by

seeing the changes Jesus makes.

Grace Hutty has been a member and

latterly a co-director of the

Woodseats Healing Rooms for the

past six years and has also been leading

a team of pray-ers who meet weekly in

and around Hillsborough to pray for

its people, its businesses and its

churches. Ray Hutty has been involved

at Woodseats for the last few months.

His heroes are the Yorkshireman and

healing evangelist Smith Wigglesworth

and the preacher-evangelist John

Wesley. We believe God wants to

open a Healing Rooms in Hillsborough

and have been meeting weekly with a

small group of like-minded people to

seek God’s guidance and His timing.

We are looking for the people who

God is calling to join the team, and

also intercessors who will commit to

regular prayer for the Hillsborough


If you are at all interested, please get in

touch – either by email [email protected]

or by phone (0114) 2330765, or simply

come along to a presentation at

Hillsborough Baptist Church at 10:00

am on 4th June. Use the Hawthorne

Road entrance; the meeting room is

upstairs. Please be aware of the

parking restrictions. The meeting will

be a maximum of two hours long.

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Bethel Sozo Ministry Bethel Sozo is a unique healing and

deliverance ministry which originates

from Bethel Church in Redding,

California. Initially developed by

Dawna DeSilva in 1997, it was

influenced by teaching from Pablo

Batari, Randy Clark, Dr. Ed Smith and

Aiko Hormann as well as Dawna’s

personal experience of deliverance

ministry at Bethel Church.


SOZO is a Greek word which means

saved, healed, and delivered - and

these aspects of a Sozo session are

what contributes to a person being

made whole or well. The sole purpose

of a Sozo is for the ‘guest’ to have a

personal encounter with God.

A session generally lasts 2-2 ½ hours

and is conducted by two team

members. The ‘1st’ is responsible for

leading or facilitating the session as the

‘2nd’ is praying and listening to the Holy

Spirit. A written record is made for

the guest to take home of the beautiful

and personal exchanges (positive

messages, pictures and words) they

received from God during their Sozo.

The session is steeped in prayer

before, during and after the

appointment, and is only conducted

under the authority and protection of

a church.

Every team member must have

experienced a Sozo themselves as a

guest, as well as receiving training and

supervised experience, before

participating. Additionally, the training

and certification is closely monitored

to a specified standard by Bethel Sozo

in Redding.

Team members provide a safe,

comfortable and confidential setting

where the guest can feel at ease.

Generally, the process involves

forgiveness, dealing with wounds, and

renouncing of lies. These things are

dealt with through the interaction with

Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit,

the result being truth and freedom.

Everybody has challenges to overcome

in their life. Sozo is a very powerful

and effective ministry that requires the

guest to be open to the Holy Spirit. It

is good for everyone who desires a

closer connection with God or feels

that there are blockages in their

relationships. Guests frequently have

more than one Sozo session, as our

walk with God is progressive, and

thankfully God doesn’t always expose

everything in one go! Knowing that the

pathway to freedom is obtainable for

everyone, gives me great satisfaction,

as I’m able to contribute towards an

individual’s destiny and true identity

being realised.

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It is a great privilege and honour to be

involved in this work and to see how

the Holy Spirit uses these powerful

tools to transform a person’s life and

how unique and special each session is.

We are very fortunate to have a

competent and dedicated team of Sozo

volunteers, headed up by Michelle

Foster through Bushfire Ministries

here in Sheffield. I am always amazed

at how far the reputation of this work

travels and how people are willing to

drive for hours to Sheffield in order to

have a Sozo.

If you would like to apply for a

personal Sozo you may contact the

Sozo team in Sheffield by emailing

[email protected] or

logon to www.bushfireministries.co.uk

and click on ‘personal ministry’.

Resources available for sale


Bible Reading Notes


Light Material

Christian books


Resources available for hire


Soap making kit

Enamelling kit

Badge Making Machine

Godly Play Stories


To order or for more information visit the resource centre in the office at The

Montgomery or call 0114 272 0455 or email [email protected]

Christian Resources at The Montgomery

DVD library with a variety of Christian DVDs freely available for loan

to partners of The Montgomery

Regrettably there is no disabled access at present

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Zechariah 4:6 ‘...Not by

might, nor by power, but

by my spirit, says the Lord


emPower is a cross denominational

movement whose purpose is to raise

up an army of people across Sheffield

who will pray for our city regularly. As

part of pursuing this goal, quarterly

gatherings are held in different

churches for Sheffield Christians,

churches and organisations to pray for

our city.

The last emPower night was on 19th

April and was a great time in God’s

presence as Christians from across the

city met to pray at The King’s Centre

in Nether Edge. emPower worship

team, drawn from different churches

across the city, led us in times of such

uplifting praise and deep worship.

Annwen Stone, joint leader of King’s

Centre led the prayer session for the

church in the city. As we prayed in

small groups, it was a blessing to get to

know people from other churches,

share testimony and give thanks for

what the Lord was doing as well as

pray together for our churches. Jon

Watts, senior pastor of Rock Christian

Centre led prayer for the city. In this

session, we got to pray for our

councillors, MPs and MEPs by name.

Our last prayer session was for

businesses in the city and this was led

by Neil Grant, a business leader in the

city who runs a gardening business.

Neil first shared with us the 7

mountains of influence: religion, family,

education, government, arts sports &

entertainment, business and media. He

encouraged us to identify and regularly

pray for Christians working in each of

these spheres so that we can see

God’s kingdom come. He then led us

in prayer for businesses in the city as

well as those present at emPower who

run or are planning to set up their own


One of the significant scriptures that

was shared on the night was Jeremiah

30:18-22. Please use it to pray for

Sheffield. There is truly power in God’s

people praying for their city. People

left encouraged, having spent time in

God’s presence in heartfelt prayer and


The next emPower is on Friday

28th June 2013 at Antioch

Community Church, 80 Headford

Street, Sheffield, S3 7WB from 7.30-

10pm. Free parking is available at the

Pryor car park but on street car

parking is chargeable. We will be

praying for our city, the Church in the

city, church unity and for FAMILIES in

the city. Everyone and every church is


For further information or if you

would like us to come and share the

emPower vision with your church or

fellowship, contact Nike Adebajo,

empower Co-ordinator at

[email protected]

First emPower meeting in the 2013/14

academic year is 18th October 2013.

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Focus Have a think. Do you know someone

with a learning disability? Maybe

someone in your extended family?

Someone who lives down your street?

Perhaps a friend or family member of a

work colleague?

I bet most of us can think of someone

we know first-hand or second-hand

fairly easily. Perhaps it's the boy with

autism in your child's class at school.

Perhaps it's the older gentleman in

your church congregation who has

comprehension difficulties. Perhaps, it's

your friend who works as a carer in an

assisted living facility.

According to www.mencap.org.uk,

1.5million members of the UK

population have a learning disability.

Yet, why don't we see this sizeable

proportion of our population

represented more visibly in wider

church life?

Organisations like Prospects

www.prospects.org.uk and Faith and Light

www.faithandlight.org.uk have worked

for years to incorporate people with

learning disabilities into local church

life. For some people with a learning

disability, integration into an existing

congregation can work very well.

However, for adults who have

moderate to severe learning

disabilities, integration can be

extremely difficult. An existing church

would have to completely re-think the

fundamentals of what they do and how

they help people learn for those few

individuals. It is a lot to ask.

Here in Sheffield, a group of Christians

wrestled with this dilemma 13 years

ago and concluded that the way

forward for them was to birth a new

church specifically for adults with

learning disabilities. It is called Focus

Service: Sheffield Church (or Focus for

short) and it meets at 7pm on Sunday

evenings every fortnight at St Paul's

Church Norton.

Focus enables the gifts, needs and issues

of the learning disability community to

be at the heart of church life. Choice is

a big issue for adults with learning

disabilities and Focus seeks to give

members as much say in how their

church is run as they responsibly can.

Focus is an ecumenical church

supported by an Anglican/Baptist/Free

Church partnership. In 2012, it was

granted a Bishop's Mission Order and

was the first church to receive an

ecumenical version of new legislation

that enables new churches within the

Church of England to have legal status.

I am privileged to be the Bishop's

Visitor for Focus.

I write not only to tell you about Focus

Focus enables the gifts,

needs and issues of the

learning disability com-

munity to be at the

heart of church life.

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but to let you know about a new day

club that Focus are launching this

autumn. Knowing that Sunday evenings

can be a difficult day and time for

some, this midweek gathering is a way

to extend Focus' ministry to connect

with a wider network of people. It will

offer both educational and recreational

activities plus a short Christian

worship service. It will take place on

Tuesdays at Beauchief Baptist Church,

a city centre venue that is easy to

reach by public transport.

One of the challenges Focus faces is

how it relates to other churches in

Sheffield. How can the same mutually

beneficial integration of individuals

within one local church be expressed

at an inter-church level? Focus is a

church that has much to give others.

For me, encountering the enthusiasm,

contentment, generosity and lack of

pretence of all its members has been

hugely refreshing. Not only that, but

there are deeper spiritual questions

that arise with this kind of ministry

that all churches would benefit from

engaging with.

If there are ways in which you as an

individual or your church would like to

make connections with Focus and its

ministry, we would love to hear from

you. If you know someone with a

learning disability who might like to

come to Focus, please do get in touch.

If churches or individuals would like

support us in prayer or donate to

Focus, again, we would be delighted to

hear from you.

We are especially keen to find

volunteers who would like to help

run the new Tuesday day club

starting this Autumn. Don't worry

if you have no experience. Suitable

induction will be given as well as

travelling expenses. If you feel this

could be for you, please contact David

Middleton on 0114 2966244 or

[email protected]

Claire Dalpra,

Bishop's Visitor for Focus and Church

Army Training and Research Officer.

The Mile of Coins Collection is growing!

27% of a mile is now complete!

£535 has been raised

Support our redevelopment project by helping us to collect one mile of coins. This will raise between £792 and £113,344 depending on the mix of coins collected. If you have any coins to donate or would like a MACCS collection box then please call at the reception office at The Montgomery.

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Lindsey’s Choice There are many books on healing and

there are hundreds of things for which we

need healing but ultimately it is God our

creator who heals us. But books and CDs

can point us in the right direction to access

this healing power whether it is for you or

for someone else.

Healing unplugged

Bill Johnson and Randy Clark

ISBN 9780 8007 9527 6

I love books that speak

of someone else’s

experiences with God.

This always helps me to

understand God better

and how I might apply a

truth that someone else

has understood but that

I may need help with. This book is a

really honest account about the

authors’ experiences of healing and

how they got involved with healing the

sick. The highs and the lows are all

there in black and white for us to

digest, particularly encouraging if you

have ever seen these guys in operation

as you would not believe that they

were as clueless as me at the outset!

They have now seen thousands of

healings because they have taken God

at his word and have understood some

of the dynamics needed to move from

simply believing and praying for healing

(which is a great thing in itself but being

totally honest doesn’t always see the

people healed of what we pray for) to

actually healing folk. Their frank

discussions open up thorny issues,

bring depth and insight to this field of

ministry and build faith in their readers.

I often think about Jesus and the things

he did whilst on the earth but it is so

amazing to see these same things

happening today with ordinary people!

So if you want encouragement to heal,

then take a look at this easy to read

testimony/teaching book, packed with

examples for the ordinary person like


The essential guide to healing

Bill Johnson and Randy Clark

ISBN 9780 8007 9519 1

Full of inspiring stories,

this book offers

practical, proven, step-by

-step guidance to

ministering healing,

including how to

understand the authority

of the believer in healing

in scripture; how to

create an atmosphere of faith; how to

receive words of knowledge; and how

to implement their five-step model of

healing prayer based on their

understanding of Biblical principles. The

ministry of healing is not reserved for a

select few according to their

understanding. God's miraculous

healing is part of the Good News--and

every believer can become a conduit

for His healing power. The Bible is full

of accounts of miraculous healing. And

their testimony is that God is moving

Page 21: June13


as amazingly today as He was back

then. Thousands are being healed all

over the world--and his children are

part of it. Be a part of God's exciting

adventure, and use 'The Essential

Guide to Healing' as your road map.

Healing promises

Joseph Prince

ISBN 9781 6213 6010 0

Healing Promises takes

you into the heart of

our Lord Jesus and

shows you on page

after page of His

compassion and

willingness to heal you.

See from God's Word

how it's not about what you must do

to be healed - it's all about resting in

the grace of our Lord, who has done

everything for you to be healed. Be

encouraged and start walking in a

greater measure of health today!

A time for healing CD

Ruth Fazal

ISBN 676868166129

'A Time for Healing' is

a musical journey of

healing with spoken

prayers from the

Bible, accompanied

and supported by

violin and keyboard. It is Ruth Fazal’s

hope that each listener will personally

touched by God with life and healing

through the music on this CD. Ruth is

an accomplished song writer,

composer and musician, playing violin

and piano; she writes her own lyrics

born out of her own intimate

relationship with the Lord and her

music is a gift of inspiration to the

church. We heartily recommend this

as a encouraging and uplifting CD.

Healing through deliverance

Peter Horrobin

ISBN 9781 8524 0498 7

Originally published as

two separate volumes,

this best-selling book on

the subject of

deliverance ministry has

now been combined,

updated and revised and

will be available in

hardback. Peter Horrobin has more

than twenty years’ experience teaching

about healing and ministering to those

in need. In this comprehensive,

practical and ground breaking volume,

he draws on this experience to set out

a thorough scriptural foundation for

the healing and deliverance ministry -

an integral part of fulfilling the Great

Commission and a vital key to

discipleship. He lays out the biblical

basis for healing through deliverance;

provides safe guidelines and practical

tools for building a healing and

deliverance ministry; helps people

identify possible demonic entry points;

and teaches how we can become

affected by demonic power and how

we can be delivered and healed.

In the final section of the book Peter

turns his focus to the cleansing of land

Page 22: June13


and buildings. This authoritative

handbook will equip you to understand

the ministry and respond to the call of

God to set the captives free.

The healing word

Barbara Brown Taylor

ISBN 9780281070350

Gospel medicine is

Barbara Brown Taylor's

metaphor for the power

of God's word to heal

and mend a broken


In this beautiful

collection, she practices

the old-fashioned art of

gospel home remedies, drawing

strength and insight from biblical stories

that can help us confront our

weaknesses, revive our spirits and

restore us to lasting wholeness.

Powerful meditations on scripture

based on her beautifully crafted


Healing the scars of emotional


Gregory Lantz

ISBN 9780 8007 3323 0

In spite of their physical

invisibility, emotional

wounds are a very

damaging form of abuse.

Whether caused by

words, actions, or even

indifference, emotional

abuse is common--yet

often overlooked. In this helpful guide,

Dr. Gregory L. Jantz reveals how those

who have been abused by a spouse,

parent, employer, or minister can

overcome the past and rebuild their self

-image. This revised and updated

edition of Healing the Scars of

Emotional Abuse includes strategies for

dealing with the verbal abuser, self-

check quizzes with each chapter, keys

to rebuilding relationships, letters from

survivors of emotional abuse, new

information on dealing with spiritual

abuse and a biblical plan for healing.

Healing your emotional self

Beverly Engel

ISBN 9780 4701 2778 0

Emotionally abusive

parents can cause

significant damage to

their children's self-

esteem, self-image, and

body image. In this

remarkable book,

Beverly Engel shares her

powerful Mirror Therapy program for

helping adult survivors to overcome

their shame and self-criticism, become

more compassionate and accepting of

themselves, and create a more positive

self-image. In this book, Beverly Engel

documents the wide range of

psychological abuses that so many

children experience in growing up. Her

case examples and personal accounts

are poignant and powerful reminders

that as adults, many of us are still

limited by the defences we formed

when trying to protect ourselves in

from painful circumstances that

happened to us as children. Engle's

Page 23: June13


insightful questionnaires and exercises

provide concrete help in the healing

process, and her writing style is lively

and engaging.

The deeper path

Kary Oberbrunner

ISBN 9780801015212

Numbing your pain is

numbing your potential.

The two most important

days of your life are the

day you are born and the

day you discover why.

This book is for those

who desire the answer

to the “why” question

and this answer is found only by taking

the Deeper Path.

In this transparent exploration of

growth through adversity, Kary

Oberbrunner shares his own story of

overcoming self-injury, as well as

examples from such varied realms as

business, government, entertainment,

education, and faith. With great

compassion and clarity, he reveals a

model of transformation that will help

you move toward freedom and become

a soul on fire.

Gentle prayers for hope and


Betty Fletcher

ISBN 9780736946766

Tender prayers and

comforting verses invite

readers facing a physical

or emotional trial to the

refuge of God's loving

presence. Beautiful photographs of

tranquil gardens and nature's bounty

evoke God's abiding peace while

prayers written in first person lead

readers to entrust their needs and

hopes to God's care. God, help me

release my worries so that I can hold

onto your hope. Don't let me dwell in

the land of "what if" so I can live

without fear in this moment of grace.

Lord, I am weak but you are strong. I'm

comforted because I know you are with

me to help me through all of this. This

book offers rest, encouragement,

sustenance, and a gentle, generous

space for refreshment.

Grieving: my pilgrimage of love

Gary Crawford

ISBN 9781459654068

Grief is both a process

and a journey of hope. Dr

Crawford writes about

grief and its power to

hurt or to heal. This is his

personal, transparent

journey through the grief

he experienced after

losing his wife. It is written from the

trenches, not from the pulpit, and the

poignancy of the book is found in its

realness and raw honesty. The reader

will learn how to: Face grief head on;

Grieve in a healthy way; Love well in

the midst of grief; Make practical

decisions while grieving; Use grief as a

teacher of spiritual growth; Help others

along the way. This moving book is a

love story and a practical guidebook.

Everyone faces loss. Everyone is in

Page 24: June13


need of hope and positive influence.

Every person needs support. This book

meets these needs in wonderful ways.

It is a book for all.

Receive your healing and reclaim

your health

Cal Pierce

ISBN 9781616384838

This book reads like an

autobiography as Cal

Pierce takes the reader

with him on his own

personal journey to

divine health. Cal leads

the international ministry

Healing Rooms and

thought he knew a lot about healing

until he had a heart attack. He teaches

us through his own experiences how it

is one thing to be healed by the power

of God but another to walk in divine

health. He shows how important it is

to steward our bodies in order to walk

in divine health. This is a most

encouraging book with helpful Biblical

insights and real stories.

Psalms of healing

Hope for cancer by Tina King

ISBN 9781 4327 8651 9

"The Lord is my rock,

my fortress, and my

helper; I put my trust

in God, for he gives

me strength; he is my

protector and by his

power, he saves me.

He will be forever my

refuge." Psalms 18:2.

Tina King watched as her mother-the

person who filled her life with words

of peace, hope, faith, and courage-

struggled to hold on to her own faith.

Tina's mother had always lived by the

prayers of King David, prayers that

gave her peace and courage after she

was diagnosed with third-stage breast

cancer. This amazing woman held on

to hope, went through 16 rounds of

chemotherapy, and was preparing to

walk her first 5k to benefit breast

cancer. God had given her the strength

and the will to live. Four months into

her recovery, Tina's mother was

devastated to learn that the cancer had

returned-this time in her bones. Tina's

mum was now fighting a new battle,

and not just a battle for her life. She

had lost her faith in God. As her child,

Tina had to do whatever she could to

get her mother to believe again, to

regain the peace and solace of her faith

on this new journey. "I took those

words of King David and read them as

if they were being lifted off the pages

right into my mother's soul." Psalms of

Healing is a collection of modernized

verse written specifically for the cancer

community-or anyone who is facing an

overwhelming battle. These words

provide faith, hope, and peace for the

most challenging times.

These books are available at all Christian

bookshops but don’t forget members of

MACCS Partner churches and individual

partners can order them at The

Montgomery at reduced prices.

Page 25: June13


Paracetamol or Prayer? I came to faith in Christ Jesus when I

was a student nurse in London. The

church that I attended was asking for

volunteers to be stewards at a large

Healing Convention held at the Royal

Albert Hall. I volunteered and I was

blown over by what I experienced that

day. The preacher proclaimed a message

of salvation and healing which stirred the

faith of all present. He then asked the

Stewards i.e. me to pray for those

nearby who were asking for prayer. I

had no experience in the Healing

Ministry and was expecting to show

people to their seats not to pray for

them... after all I was a young Christian.

A woman asked me to pray for her. Her

problem was obvious... a huge goitre

stuck out from her neck. I lay my hands

on her head as I had seen the preacher

do and mustering all the faith I had,

prayed ‘ Lord please heal her’. I caught

the woman as she collapsed to the floor.

I looked down at my hands in shock. I

looked up to God and thanked Him for

whatever He was doing in this woman’s

life. She came round some minutes later

and when she rose up the goitre had

gone, disappeared without trace. No

one was more surprised than me.

Today I am a worker priest. I work as a

nurse in the NHS and as an associate

vicar. I see suffering and sickness on a

daily basis and long to see the kingdom

of God demonstrated in signs and

wonders and healing and miracles as it

was for the early disciples.

Is God still in the business of healing or

is it a thing of the past, reserved for

special occasions and for those endued

with special gifts or mega faith, and in

areas where there is no health service?

Has Paracetamol and our overworked

NHS relieved God of demonstrating His

love for us through His Healing power?

Let’s have a look and see what the Bible


Let me introduce Ivor P.

Merryman. (In case you wonder, I have

made up his name and everything else

about him!).

Ivor lost his wife some years back and

lives a lonely sort of existence meeting

friends either in the Pub or at Church.

He eats mostly takeaways and enjoys his

cigarettes. Together with his pints of

best bitter they make his life worth living

and take away some of his stress and

worry. One day disaster strikes. On the

way home from the local he collapses

and is taken into hospital, blue light

flashing. He has had a heart attack.

Thanks to the paramedics and medical

staff he recovers, although never back to

how he once was

Why did Ivor get sick?

Have a look at the following

passages from the Bible:

Proverbs 4: 20-22, Exodus 15: 26,

Philippians 3:18-19, 1 Corinthians 6:19-

20, Luke 21:34, Luke 12:22


The Bible gives us quite clear directions

to do all we can to prevent sickness.

Ivor may have got trapped into an

unhealthy pattern of living which was

Page 26: June13


bound to lead him to the doctor’s

surgery sooner or later. You may have

picked out:

Worry- which can cause high Blood

Pressure, strokes and heart attacks

Fatty diet- which can cause Heart

disease, obesity, Type 2 diabetes and

problems with walking.

Cigarettes- which can cause lung cancer

and other breathing problems.

The Bible tells us to listen and follow

God’s ways. We need to treat our

bodies as ‘Temples of the Holy Spirit’,

gifts from God to be looked after and

used in his service.

However maybe Ivor was not totally to

be held responsible for his heart attack.

We all have a part to play in keeping

people well. We were created in God’s

image, sinless and without flaw. But

when Sin entered the world along with

it came our exploitation of the world’s

resources, indiscriminate farming,

pollution and a pattern of living which

promotes a ‘ get all I can’ mentality at

the expense of the needs of others. All

these directly or indirectly contribute

to people’s health and well being.

What is Christ’s response to ill


Have a look at the following Bible


Matthew 9:27-30, Hosea 14:4,

Mark 5:34, Matthew 8:8 , Luke 4:18


God sees and understands all types of

conditions which affect people: Matters

of the heart, the rawness of grief, the

wretchedness of knowing our own

failure and sin, congenital disease,

sexually transmitted disease, failure to

observe God’s laws, life- long conditions,

accidents, mental ill health and even

piles! He knows and understands and

walks alongside those who suffer. He

heals the broken hearted and binds their

wounds (Psalm 147:3). God sees behind

the illness to the bleeding heart, the

nights of tears, the bitterness and the sin

which may be fuelling the physical

condition and which may also need His

healing touch. God heals! God loves to


What is the Christian’s response to


Have a look at the following verses:

James 5:14-16, Matthew: 10:17

Matthew :10:1, Acts 3:6 , John 5:1-8,

Luke 5:17-20, 1 Corinthians 12:7-31


James instructs any who are sick to ask

for prayer. Don’t be ashamed to ask.

Prayer has less side effects than over the

counter medications, is much cheaper

and gives glory to God! God responds

to faith... faith in the person who asks

for prayers and faith in the pray-er.

Without faith we are unable to please

Him ( Hebrews 11:6).

However... and this is important....God

has blessed us with the NHS. We thank

God for the skills of health care

professionals to diagnose and treat us.

They are part of God’s healing provision

for his people. Having faith to be healed

does not mean stopping prescribed


Page 27: June13


The disciples started their healing

ministry alongside The Master but their

ministry really took off after the day of

Pentecost when they were filled with

the Holy Spirit. The church was given

many gifts including those of healing and

miracles. Not long ago I asked for

healing prayer in a church and found

myself being prayed for by two lads, one

about 7 and the other a teenager. And

why not? God gives His gifts freely to

those who ask. Pray for the gifts of the

Spirit. The Church needs these gifts


In two of the texts above there was a

mention of the support of friends. For

the paralytic, his friends carried him to

Jesus and he was healed. Conversely the

man by the pool side at Bethesda had

laid there paralysed and deformed for 40

years with no one to help him until Jesus

came and found him. Do you know of

anyone who needs your help and

support through a time of illness?

Does God heal everyone?

Read the following Bible verses:

Matthew 13:58, Revelation 21:4,

2 Corinthians 12:7, 2Timothy 4:20


Not all people are healed. Trophimus,

Paul’s friend was left behind in Miletus as

he was too sick to travel. Paul himself

had a ‘thorn in his flesh ‘ which despite

prayer was not healed. Jesus himself

found that in some towns and villages

He was unable to perform miracles

because of unbelief.

So we learn from the Bible that although

God can and does heal the sick, this is

not always so. After all, we can’t live

forever. We all know people who,

despite much prayer and faith have died

prematurely. It is right and good to pray

for the sick, and we should do so in

faith, but we need to bear in mind that

total healing and wholeness may come

only when we pass through death to Life


Another Story.. this time true!

A close friend was terminally ill with

cancer. God had walked alongside her

through chemotherapy, biopsies,

surgery, and radiotherapy, but physical

healing did not happen. Now she was in

great pain as the cancer had spread to

her bones. She had been sat out of bed

for a while and was desperate to get

back to bed. She prayed ‘Dear God,

please get me back to bed’ Seconds later

a male nurse came to her and said ‘You

are so weak. Just stretch your arms out

towards me and I will do the rest’ She

put her hands up to him, he held her

with tender, firm arms and she was back

in beds in seconds. Later that night she

sent me a text which said ‘I learnt a lot

about God last night, about trusting Him

and knowing His presence through dark


Weeks later she passed to Glory, safe in

the knowledge that the God who had

saved her, had walked alongside her

through her disease, brought peace and

healing to her soul and given her the

assurance of Life Eternal

Revd Monica Sutton

Worker priest

Associate Vicar St Cuthbert’s Fir Vale

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Diary Dates JUNE

6th Fairness - What do our faith traditions bring to the table led by Dr

Chris Hewer for Sheffield Faith Leaders group, 18.00-20.00 Shirley House,

31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield S11 8YL. Liz Wills 0114 272 6009,

[email protected]

6th Strategy for Effective Church-Wide Discipleship @ Wilson Carlile

Centre, with Craig Millward, Mary Wren & David Wren www.ficm.org.uk

7th Exalt – Uninterrupted Worship@ New Oxford Road Church,

Mexborough with Richard Ashby & Erica Lugg www.rbbuk.net Free entry

8th Christians and Sheffield Schools (CaSS) First Annual Conference.

At the Wilson Carlisle Centre. Bob Hartman is the keynote speaker

12th Girls' Night with MWiB at Cantley Methodist Church, Doncaster DN4

6BT £5 Gwenyth 01302 536233, Chris 01246 251599, Elaine 01246 583822

14th Youth leaders prayer breakfast. At St Thomas’ Philadelphia from

10.00 - 12.00 [email protected]

15th Mental health – Challenge or Opportunity? A study day organised by

the Diocese of Sheffield on an introduction to mental health issues in

church life. St Thomas', Crookes, Sheffield.

15th Investing in a Few A retreat for those in leadership. At Cliff College.


15th Contemplative Fire Pilgrimage to Now/here ; Community of the

Resurrection, Mirfield, near Huddersfield. 9.30 – 15.00 Explore one of the

monastic vows with Fr Thomas Seville, and participate in an awareness

walk in the Monastery gardens led by Revd Philip Roderick. Cost by

donation, £10 - £20. Packed lunch needed. www.contemplativefire.org or

[email protected]

19th-20th The Leadership Summit Hope City Church with Donovan

Coetzee, Simon McIntyre & Dave Gilpin £75 www.greatbritishchurches.co.uk/


21st- 23rd Breakthrough June Convention City Life Church, Shalesmoor

with Jonathan Oloyede & John Edwards www.citylifecc.com Free entry.

29th Acoustic Café with Philippa Hanna Swallownest Baptist Church

www.swallownestbaptist.org.uk Tickets £5


1st -21st horizonfest. A community arts festival celebrating creativity and

spirituality at Horizon Methodist Church, www.horizonfest.co.uk.

Page 29: June13


2nd - 3rd Open Days at The Oakes for Ministers and Youth Workers.

www.oakes.org.uk/openday 0114 2359995

6th The Boggle (and workshop) A brand new show at The Montgomery all

about the world of English folklore. Using storytelling, comedy, puppetry,

object manipulation and an original soundscape, Show at 2pm (doors open

1:30pm), workshop at 3:30pm. £6 for show only £8 for show and workshop

(children aged 6+ only) 0114 272 0455. www.themontgomery.org.uk.

12th Glory Revolution O2 Academy. featuring Mobo award winner Guvna B

as well as the Message’s TWELVE24 £4 on the door/ £3 in advance.

[email protected] for posters or tickets.

26th This is Your Season Conference hosted by Emmanuel Life Revival

Ministries International @ Gleadless Methodist Church www.elrmi.com


10th Playing with Parables Day Whirlow Grange Spirituality Centre 9:45-

15:45 £21 A retreat to explore parables using the art of Godly Play.

www.whirlowgrange.co.uk/playing-wih-parables 0114 236 3173.

14th Godly Play Training Three day course must also attend 28th Sept and 12th

Oct 9.00 – 16.30 St Stephen’s Church, Netherthorpe, Sheffield, S3 7PL £130

including lunch and refreshments. [email protected]

Sheffield Vacancies

Organist wanted Could you give an inspirational and helping hand to 3 rural

parishes, strapped for cash of course, who have wonderful and different organs:

St Cuthbert’s Fishlake, St. Mary’s Kirk Bramwith and Trinity Sykehouse. Please

contact Eve [email protected] OR 01302 841396

Community Outreach Worker. Greenhill Methodist Church Initially for

three years, subject to further funding being secured. 40 hours a week. Wage:

£17,158 p.a. Closing date: 14h June 2013. Interviews: 25th June 2013. Contact Rev

Jonathan Haigh, 01142376579, [email protected]

Theatre Refreshment Supervisor required to organise refreshments and

supervise volunteers at The Montgomery. Mostly evening work with occasional

daytime. Hours are irregular depending on shows programmed. Applicants must

be outgoing with a friendly disposition, previous theatre refreshment experience

is an advantage. Closing date 31st July 2013. For full details of position and how

to apply email [email protected]

Page 30: June13


19-22 June Sweet Charity Handsworth & Hallam Theatre Company

27-28 June Fusion Youth Theatre

10-13 July CATS: Youth Group Production, Easy Street Theatre Company,

14 July Little Red Riding Hood, Noodle Performance Arts Ltd.

19-20 July Showtime 2013, Amanda Holland School of Dance

23-27 July KD Dance

3-5 October Showstoppers 2013, Ellesmere Operatic Society

31 Oct- 2 Nov Welcome To Our World, Elaine Perry School of Dance

4-5 Dec Lord’s School of Dance

Discounted parking at Arundel Gate! Park for £4 before

4pm and £6 after 4pm for 24 hours! Simply park and collect your yellow

chip on arrival, take it along to The Montgomery and scan the chip at the

scanner located on the 1st floor. The chip will automatically discount at the

pay station. Regrettably there is no disabled access at present

Coming Soon to

The Montgomery

18 June-6 July

Sheffield Children's Festival Events

24 June Journeys

Newfield School

25 June Charlie & the Chocolate Factory

Athelston Primary

2 July It’s not About the Money

Grenoside School

3 July St. Wilfrid's School

4 July Romeo, Juliet, Gladys & Bill

Arbourthorne School

5 July Panto Pandemonium

St Marie's

6 July The Boggle (and workshop)

Lawrence Speck

Page 31: June13
Page 32: June13

Spotlight is produced by The Montgomery, an operating name of

Montgomery Arts & Christian Centre Sheffield Ltd, a non profit

making company limited by guarantee, registered in England and

Wales No. 07963026. Charity No. 1148489

For more information about our activities or resources please call into or

telephone us at the Resource Centre/Office on the first floor of The

Montgomery. Our opening times are 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday with

late night opening on Tuesdays until 6pm

Articles for the next edition of Spotlight need to be in by:

Tuesday 20th August 2013


Surrey Street


S1 2LG

Tel: (0114) 272 0455

email: [email protected]

website: www.themontgomery.org.uk

Please note that at present The Montgomery has no disabled access