Junior Design Team Odyssey Final Design Report Matthew Godman, Matthew Landavazo, Vinny Ravindran, Nicole Sims Electrical Engineering Department, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology 9 May, 2011 i

Junior Design Team Odyssey Final Design Report

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Page 1: Junior Design Team Odyssey Final Design Report

Junior Design Team OdysseyFinal Design Report

Matthew Godman, Matthew Landavazo, Vinny Ravindran, Nicole Sims

Electrical Engineering Department,New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

9 May, 2011


Page 2: Junior Design Team Odyssey Final Design Report



1 Introduction 1

2 Hardware Design 12.1 Microcontroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2 H-Bridges/Motors/Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.3 GPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.4 Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.5 Infrared Thermometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.6 Photodiodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.7 Ultrasonic Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.8 Wheel Encoders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.9 Infrared Proximity Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.10 Powerboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.11 Power Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.12 Chassis Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Software Design 93.1 Interfacing and Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.2 The Real Time Interrupt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.3 Timer Input Capture Output Compare (TICOC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.4 The Big Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4 Budget 11

5 Conclusion 12

List of Figures

1 Obstacle Course Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Block Diagram of System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Odysseus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 H-Bridge and Motor Connected to Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 GPS Connected to Microcontroller Breadboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Digital Compass Connected to Microcontroller Breadboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Mounted Infrared Thermometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Infrared Thermometer Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Infrared Thermometer on PCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 TSL257 Photodiode Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 Infrared Sensitive Photodiode on Breadboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512 Infrared Sensitive Photodiode Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 Mounted Ultrasonic Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 Ultrasonic Receiver Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615 Ultrasonic Receiver Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616 Ultrasonic Receiver on PCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

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17 Encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 Mounted Proximity Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719 Digital Infrared Proximity Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720 Powerboard Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721 Powerboard on PCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722 Powerboard Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823 Table of Power Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824 Flow Diagram of Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1125 R&D Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1126 Final Product Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

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There is often a need to scour an area without human aid. The reasons for this range from a simpleconvenience to a complete lack of feasibility (e.g. hazardous environments for human beings.) A remote-controlled robotic solution to such a problem may be common, but a more robust solution would require arobot to think and reason on its own, independently of a human operator. The paper details the design andtesting of one such autonomous mobile robot for the purpose of navigating a predetermined outdoor courseand identifying objects at specific waypoints in the course. (refer to figure 1) The heart of this particularrobotic system is the MC9S12 microcontroller, which relies on a vast sensor suite in order to consistently obtainfeedback regarding its surroundings and make ideal judgments on how to proceed, navigate the course, andaccomplish its objectives. To describe the design process, the essential requirements for a self-sufficient robotare first described, followed by rigorous detail and analysis of the devices used to accomplish the specificproject objectives. Design testing revealed a robot which could impressively avoid obstacles and reach specificdestinations with few shortcomings. A more robust object detection system has yet to be implemented, butwith these results it seems that robotic autonomy is well within humanitys scientific grasp.

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1 Introduction

There are often reasons to develop robotic systemsto remotely search areas for objects without requir-ing a human operator. For example, a search andrescue robot could make its way through dangerousenvironments in order to find the location of a sur-vivor that needs help, and feed back location datato a rescue team that can actually help the endan-gered person. A more efficient system can no doubtbe realized if the robotic side of the system was ca-pable of functioning autonomously. This project ex-plores a more primitive incarnation of such a roboticapplication. Although the following design criteriamight seem much more trivial, it is important to notethat it could well be the foundation for a more in-tricate search and rescue system like the one brieflydescribed above.

Figure 1: Obstacle Course Map

The task at hand in this case was to develop an au-tonomous robotic system which was capable of nav-igating a predetermined outdoor course. Five differ-ent areas (waypoints) on the course were highlightedby red spray-painted circles of a 3 meter radius. Avariety of objects were prescribed, each with dif-ferent identifying characteristics: temperature, highcolor contrast, ultrasonic emission, etc. It was spec-ified that one object would be inside of each way-point. As such it the robot was required to havethe capability to make its way to each of the coursewaypoints, systematically seek out an object in each

waypoint, and provide some kind of easily recogniz-able indication whenever an object was found. Thereare a variety of design challenges involved with thesolution to such a problem. This paper details ourteams solution of the design problem and the waysin which those challenges were tackled.

To put things simply, robotic autonomy requiresthat system can function on its own, independentof a human operator. Two primary elements are re-quired for such a system, from an electrical engineer-ing perspective. One is a control unit, or microcon-troller, to serve as the brains of the robot. A suiteof sensors are also required in order for the robotto obtain feedback data regarding its surroundings.By feeding this data back to the microcontroller andmaking use of programming algorithms, it is possi-ble to program a degree of intelligence into a robot.Consideration also needs to be given to the oper-ating environment of the robot. Since this particu-lar project involved an outdoor area, strong consid-eration had to be given about the requirements ofthe mechanical chassis which housed the aforemen-tioned electronics.

The rest of the paper fleshes out each of these basicelements a bit more deeply, starting with the reasonsbehind the choice of the microcontroller and con-tinuing on into the individual elements of the sen-sor suite which make autonomous robotic naviga-tion possible.

2 Hardware Design

Figure 2: Block Diagram of System Design

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Figure 3: Odysseus

2.1 Microcontroller

Wytecs Motorola / Freescale MC9S12 has proven tobe a very powerful development tool in the pastmicrocontroller class (EE 308) at New Mexico Tech.Since this microcontroller meets the needs of theproject requirements and the project team is inti-mately familiar with the processor and the subsys-tems that come with the development kit, we felt thatthis was an obvious pick for our control unit.

The MC9S12 has a broad range of interfacing op-tions that are extremely valuable for our project.When devices were being considered at the begin-ning of the project, we rarely encountered a devicethat was incompatible with the MC9S12s multipleinterfacing options. Even 3.3v devices can be con-nected because of the convenient threshold voltageson the microcontrollers logic inputs (2.5v minimumfor a logical high).

Programming can be done in C, assembly, or both.The C language is a common and easy to use lan-guage. Example code is easy to find for C, so if wefound any code that has already been written for anyof the devices used, it would help reduce the amountof work needed in terms of interfacing.

Debugging is very simple and easy to do on thismicrocontroller. There is a DBug12 monitor thatcommunicates to the terminal for terminal debug-ging. For example, reading and writing to memorylocations, reading the condition code registers, stackpointer, and accumulator registers, setting breakpoints, printing messages and so on. There are alsosome useful display options on the development

board. There is a logic probe, LCD display, led ar-ray, and a seven-segment led display that proved tobe more helpful for certain debugging situations.

2.2 H-Bridges/Motors/Battery

At the beginning of the the design coarse, each teamwas given a basic platform, from the instructors tostart their robot foundation from. This includes analuminum chassis with four DC motors, two H-bridges, and a battery. Each component is brieflysummarised.

Figure 4: H-Bridge and Motor Connected to Battery

The Dagu Wild Thumper 4WD all-terrain chassiswas ordered from Pololu and came with the motors,wheels, and some mounting hardware. [1]

The discrete MOSFET H-bridge (18v15) is a high-power motor driver that was also ordered fromPololu and came with a filter capacitor and head-ers. This device enables us to control the current flowto the motors via a PWM channel on the microcon-troller, and the direction of the the motor spin withgeneral purpose I/O lines. [2]

The power for the robot comes from the lithiumiron phosphate battery purchased from EP BUDDY.This battery operates around 6.6v and has a2300mAh life. This will give the robot the ability torun between 30 minuets and 1.5 hours, dependingon how many of the current subsystems are imple-mented. [3]

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2.3 GPS

For an outdoor robot application, our team decidedthat a GPS would make our overall system more di-verse and robust. In our case, the GPS would mainlybe used for acquiring an absolute position fix, cor-recting the desired heading, and correcting the deadreckoning measurements.

Figure 5: GPS Connected to Microcontroller Bread-board

The particular GPS that we chose (theVENUS634FLPx) is a 65 channel, low power,small form factor device. [4]

Since this module supports active and passive an-tennas, we were able to connect a 30dB active an-tenna to boost the signal strength. Initially we wereconcerned about not being able to acquire enoughsatellite locks on the course, but after testing, wefound that we could easily maintain a minimum ofseven satellite locks anywhere on the course. Also,after the GPS had time to warm up, the accuracy ofthe position readings were within a few meters (3 - 5meters, depending on the number of satellite locks,and how long the GPS had been running). There issome internal averaging that the GPS does that im-proves position accuracy.

Unfortunately, we did not have enough time to in-tegrate the GPS system into the final design. Givenmore time this system could easily be integrated togreatly improve the diversity and robustness of thenavigation system.

2.4 Compass

We chose to use the Honeywell HMC6352 compassas our go to sensor for obtaining headings and ob-taining them quickly. This sensor proved to be aninvaluable asset to our dead reckoning system. Thisunit has many desirable characteristics. To start, itsoperational voltages are very well suited to our ap-plication and in place power systems, 2.7 to 5.2V. Ituses a 100KHz I2C bus as a slave. Includes com-mands for calibration, internal averaging, and canacquire headings on demand or by polling. Anothernice advertised feature of this compass is that it canbe used in strong magnetic field environments.

Figure 6: Digital Compass Connected to Microcon-troller Breadboard

One feature that is lacking from this compass istilt compensation. Tilt compensated compasses wereout of the budget of this project and this compasswas easily the most fully featured compass at ourdisposal to get the job done.

This compass provides up to a tenth degree reso-lution, outputted in a 12-bit format over two bytes ofI2C. We initially set the compass to average 8 head-ings internally before sending us our data. In soft-ware we then took the 8 most significant bits, whichvirtually eliminated all and any jitter associated withthe measurements.

2.5 Infrared Thermometer

The thermometer was intended for measuring thetemperatures of objects at the waypoints. At way-point two there is a very cold object, and our team

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thought it would be nice to determine the temper-ature of that object as a form verification. The ther-mometer that we found and tested was an IR temper-ature sensor, the MLX90614, that is capable of mea-suring ambient and object temperature. [5]

Figure 7: Mounted Infrared Thermometer

Figure 8: Infrared Thermometer Circuit Diagram

This device has a very low power consumptionand interfaces to the microcontroller via the I2C bus.The data acquisition very much like the compass andcan send relevant data on demand.

Testing showed that the thermometer had a rangeof a couple of feet indoors and gave reliable read-ings, but once we moved outside, the data became

Figure 9: Infrared Thermometer on PCB

unusable. We are sure that the cause of the loss ofaccuracy is due to the sun emitting so much IR inter-ference that thermometer becomes unusable.

This device was not integrated into the final de-sign for obvious reasons (it was unusable for ourcase).

2.6 Photodiodes

Each of the waypoints was marked by a red 5 meterdiameter circle that the robot needed to enter in or-der to find the object or location. The initial idea forthe photodiode was to use it to measure the visiblelight waves being reflected off of the sidewalk andgrass through a voltage output. Since the grass andsidewalk are reflecting different visible light wavescompared to the red line, the plan was to use the dif-ference in the voltage output to determine when thered line was crossed over.

Figure 10: TSL257 Photodiode Circuit Diagram

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The main source of error for both the TSL257 High-Sensitivity Light-to-Voltage Converter [8] was that itwas too sensitive to ambient light and immediatelysaturated when outdoors making the output voltageunusable for data acquisition. The circuitry requiredto change the gain of the TSL257 was built withinthe component (see figure 10) making it difficult tochange the sensitivity of the component to functionreliably in ambient light.

Figure 11: Infrared Sensitive Photodiode on Bread-board

Figure 12: Infrared Sensitive Photodiode Circuit Di-agram

For the PNZ300 Silicon PIN Photodiode [9]viewed the infrared spectrum of light making it morereliable in detecting that red line when crossed be-cause red visible light is infrared on the light spec-trum. (circuit diagram given in figure 12) The twoproblems that arose for the PNZ300 was that it re-lied on some amounts of light to detect the waves

being reflected. To create some light for the photo-diode, a SSF-LXH103UWC [10] was added, but wasunable to emit the amount white light required forthe photodiode. The other problem was that thePNZ300 needed to be closer to the ground for ac-curate readings which meant it would be in a haz-ard zone for when the robot entered uneven terrain.These two problems made the PNZ300 unusable be-cause it could not accurately given data with thevariation of light and it could not handle the outdoorterrain.

2.7 Ultrasonic Receiver

One of the waypoints contained an ultrasonic trans-mitter which the robot was intended to detect. Thetransmitting device, provided by the course instruc-tors, consisted of an array of ultrasonic transducerswhich radiated a 40kHz ultrasonic signal into a re-flector. The reflector had the effect of radiating astrong, uniform 40kHz signal in all directions in theplane of the robots height.

Figure 13: Mounted Ultrasonic Receiver

In order for the robot to effectively react to theultrasonic source point, ultrasonic receiver circuitrywas built in house. This not only allowed for pre-cise control over the range at which the 40kHz signalcould be detected, but served as a means to cut costas well. The resulting circuit design is given below:

The receiver circuit makes use of a 40kHz trans-ducer, the MaxSonar MB1100. The AD622 instru-mentation amplifiers are an obvious choice in orderto increase the small transduced signal into some-thing which is easy to work with, electronically. This

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Figure 14: Ultrasonic Receiver Circuit Diagram

particular instrumentation amplifier was chosen forconvenience and its low cost.

Figure 15: Ultrasonic Receiver Block Diagram

The circuit (see figure 14, or the block diagramgiven in figure 15) relies on a virtual ground config-uration in order to emulate negative voltages, sincedual rails need to be supplied for this particular chip.The gain of the first amplification stage is is actuallynot enough amplification for the rest of the system toreliably detect an ultrasonic signature. However, thisis a decent amount of gain which the amplifier canprovide reliably. Although the AD622AN is capableof supplying a gain of 1000, attempting such a highgain while operating at ultrasonic frequencies resultsin slewed output which is useless for the robots pur-poses. To circumvent this, the second gain stage isadded with the second AD622. Ultimately then, thegain of the entire circuit is dependent on the resis-tor between pins 1 & 8 of the second AD622. Usinga value of 4.7k ohms as given in the schematic, theamplifiers add a total gain of 38 dB to the incomingsignal. The amplifiers are followed with a clamp andhalf-wave rectifier for generating a DC level from themagnitude of the AC ultrasonic signal.

This allows for a maximum ultrasonic signal de-tection (i.e. a DC level of roughly 4.5V) at most about3 feet away from the transmitter. If the receiver wasplaced further away, a weaker signal would be re-ceived, but it would be possible to align the robot ina direction of maximum signal strength in order tosystematically hone in on the ultrasonic transmitter.

Figure 16: Ultrasonic Receiver on PCB

An algorithm has not yet been programmed into therobot, but to do so would pose little challenge.

2.8 Wheel Encoders

A wheel encoder is one of the devices we used togive feedback to our controller in order to have atrue motor control system. Since it was unnecessaryto have a fully functioning motor controller we usedthe encoder to measure the relative distance trav-eled.

Figure 17: Encoder

In order to simplify wire management, the cir-cuitry for the IR encoder was shrink-wrapped intothe base of the device since it was simple enough.This allowed us to reduce the wiring to power anddata. Two encoders were installed on the rear motorsin order to improve redundancy and easy of expand-ability. The encoder wheels were simple cardboardcutouts that were glued to the axle of the motors, asshown in figure 17. [6]

There was some experimentation with a fuzzylogic motor control system early in the semester, butdue to time constraints and the unexpected com-plexity of integration, we were forced to simplifyour navigation problems buy operating around fixed

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2.9 Infrared Proximity Detection

Outdoor environments are unpredictable and posemany challenges that need to be considered andovercome when designing an autonomous robot.One of the major challenges is being able to detectpossible walls or cliffs in order to avoid them andfind a safe path to travel. We felt it was neces-sary that the object detection and avoidance systemwould be a high priority.

Figure 18: Mounted Proximity Sensors

Figure 19: Digital Infrared Proximity Detector

The proximity sensors that we thought would bebest suited for this system were IR proximity sen-sors. [7] These particular ones have a vary narrowbeam width, a range of 10cm, and are resilient toambient light. This gave us the ability to have anarray of sensors that could tell the controller where

an object was encountered; and as a result, the con-troller would be able to determine how to avoid theencountered object.

The proximity detection and avoidance algorithmswere successfully integrated into our final product.In fact, the collision avoidance algorithm that ourteam developed, on our own, was very simple andworked surprisingly well. During field testing, wetried to get our robot stuck in all sorts of situations.The only problem that could not be overcome in atimely manner was getting stuck in a corner, but thiswas not a problem since there would be no cornerencounters.

2.10 Powerboard

The powerboard was created to supply power toall subsystems of the robot ranging from the sen-sors to the MC9S12. It was designed to take the in-put of the EP Buddy 6.6v battery through a LM3578switching regulator [11] that would output around10v to power the MC9S12 (block diagram given infigure 20). A few difficulties arose when designingthe powerboard causing 6 revisions of the board andconsuming valuable time.

Figure 20: Powerboard Block Diagram

Figure 21: Powerboard on PCB

One problem that arose was the board functionedcorrectly when tested separately, but caused a cur-

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Figure 22: Powerboard Circuit Diagram

rent overload on the power supply box when com-bined and tested together. This problem was over-come with the realization that the powerboard waspulling more current than the power supply boxcould supply causing a brief current overload. Whenthe powerboard was used to power the sensors, itfunctioned perfectly outputting the correct voltagesto power subsystems.

Another problem was the etching process to createa printed circuit board was unreliable for large com-plex circuits because the traces had a tendency to notattach to the copper board. In order to etch the board,traces had to be drawn in which turned out to be atedious task. Drilling also was a problem because itwas difficult to drill the holes perfectly from compo-nents. To overcome these problems, the process ofmilling a circuit board and having a machine drillthe holes and create the traces was used and provedto be extremely effective in saving time.

A problem towards the end of the project the in-ductor in the switching regulator could not han-dle the current when all the subsystems were con-nected and would burn out almost immediately af-ter power was connected. To overcome the problem,the switching regulator was not used to power theMC9S12 and instead, 9v batteries in parallel wereused to power the HC9S12 while the linear regu-lators from the powerboard supplied power to theother subsystems without the help of the switchingregulator.

The powerboard was the largest set back within

the project taking up 4 weeks of time that could havebeen spent elsewhere developing the other sensorsubsystems. If given the option, the 9v batteries inparallel would have been used to power the MC9S12a lot sooner allowing time for other sensor subsys-tems to be tested and implemented in the final de-sign, shown in figure 22 (photo of the board given infigure 21).

2.11 Power Budget

A table is given below (in figure 23) which shows thecurrent draw for every single component which hasthus far been implemented on the robot.

Figure 23: Table of Power Cost

As can be seen, the primary source of power dis-sipation lies in the motors. The sensor suite to-gether only pulls about one amp altogether, whileeach motor on the robot is capable of pulling 6.6Awhen moving forward at full speed. Such figurespresented here are a worst-case scenario, as the algo-rithms implemented thus far on the robot do not ac-tually ever call on the motors to drive at such strenu-ous speeds. It is worth noting however that the bat-tery can sustain a 70A current draw for a very shortperiod of time, which is far more than the projectedworst case described here. During typical operationit was observed that testing of the robot could gouninterrupted for about 2 hours without needing torecharge the battery. Since the robot typically runsthe outdoor course in 5-6 minutes, battery life is farfrom an issue.

2.12 Chassis Construction

Our robot chassis served the function of a supportstructure for the mounting of all subsystem com-ponents, as well as providing a protective barrier

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against collisions and sunlight. Due to the low bud-get and time constraints, we had to find a cheap andquick solution to this problem. Luckily, there was alot of support from Norton Euart from the Workmanshop. A lot of aluminum and plastic parts fabricatedfor the robot chassis were salvaged from the scrapmaterial in the shop.

The brackets used to mount the wheel encoderswere made from scrap aluminum sheets that werecut drilled and bent to the desired dimensions. Thisbracket was secured to the motor enclosure boltsnear the axle on both rear wheels.

A front bumper, constructed from an aluminumalloy sheet, was used to help protect the robot fromhead on collisions as well as providing mountingfrom the IR proximity detectors. The bumper wasattached to the front end of the original robot chas-sis.

An outer shell was constructed from a plastic sheetthat was cut to the desired dimension and applied aheat gun to fold the edges. This shell was used tomount the microcontroller, ultrasonic receiver, andIR thermometer. The shell worked out great becauseit kept all the wires and components well isolatedfrom encountered obstacles, for example, bushes androllovers. The microcontroller was not mounted un-derneath the shell during testing, but when the robotis complete the microcontroller could be moved un-derneath using the same mounting holes.

3 Software Design

Approaching the software for the HCS12 microcon-troller was an exercise that closely mirrored the skillswe learned in our 308 microcontrollers class. Weused the Freescale Codewarrior Suite and its in-cluded libraries, as well as other functions providedto us in that class for our particular microcontroller.All of our programming was done in C, and a lotof our programming was made to be debuggingfriendly and intuitive.

3.1 Interfacing and Integration

The first thing we did was interface each sensor in-dividually and make simple programs to test theirfunctionality. When we had all the sensors figuredout we worked toward integration. In order to makeit easier for our data to be pulled in simultaneouslyand for our functions to be able to use all the dataand use it as soon as it is available we relied heav-ily on interrupts. An interrupt is an external eventthat causes the CPU to save what it is doing, set itaside, and tend to something else. In this manner afunction can work off the most current set of data atall times. An interrupt service routine may tend to asensor, retrieve up to date data and when the CPU re-turns to what it was doing it has the latest data readyfor action.

3.2 The Real Time Interrupt

Our software relies heavily on what is known as therealtime interrupt. The realtime interrupt is an in-terrupt that occurs on regular intervals, for example,every 5ms. The easiest example of how we used therealtime interrupt is with our compass. Everytimewe have a realtime interrupt occur we poll our com-pass for new heading data. The new heading data isthen stored into a register (PORTB) so that all of ourother functions can always reference PORTB for themost up to date heading information.

Another example of how we used the realtime in-terrupt is to set up time delays. There are times whenyou would like for the program to stall for a cer-tain amount of time before moving on. For example,you can your wheels run for set duration. We didthis by creating a global variable that holds a countof how many realtime interrupts you would like topass before moving on. Then in the realtime inter-rupt you just decrement the count, you move on oncethe count reaches zero.

In motor control, you do not want your motors tojust jolt on and off instantly, this will cause intenseacceleration and put heavy amounts of stress on thechassis, wheels and any components on the robot.We simply created global variables that are the re-quested duty cycles. In the realtime interrupt, thereis a routine that checks if the actual duty cycles are

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at the requested cycles. If not, it makes a linear tran-sition to that duty cycle by incrementing or decre-menting the registers that control PWM duty cycle.

3.3 Timer Input Capture Output Com-pare (TICOC)

Input capture is another way of looking for data. Toput it simply, input capture looks for a control sig-nal to go high or low, particularly the transition ofa falling edge or a rising edge. We use the inputcapture and its interrupt to work with our wheel en-coders and our forward mounted proximity sensors.

Our proximity sensors have very simple behav-ior, if an object comes within 10cm of the sensor, itchanges logic levels. We used input capture in or-der to use this change in logic level to immediatelycater to this event. It is fairly obvious the event wewere looking for was when our robot was about torun into something, in which case, the first thing youwant to do is stop. The microcontroller looks for bothrising and falling edges, in other words, looking forwhen an object comes into view and then goes out ofview. We set global variables we called flags, andthey would be set true if something was obstruct-ing a path or set false if there were no obstructions.With this information set as global variables, nowany function can monitor them and make decisionsaccordingly.

Our wheel encoders work in a similar manner, thelogic level changes as the IR receiver is able to see thetransmitter on the other side of our encoder wheel.In this sense we can use input capture to keep a countof how many times the sensor comes in and out ofview. By counting how much the wheel goes by wecan effectively count our distance. In our softwarewe created a scheme so that all functions could trackhow far the desired distance to move is. We did thiswith global variables that show how far our robotstill has to go. As the robot travels the interrupts gen-erated by the wheel encoders decrement this count.

3.4 The Big Picture

We wanted to make all of our movement functionstied to the same parameters that would be stored

globally, that way, any function, such as those runin interrupts could change them, allowing the wayour robot reacts to new data to be very intricate. Thethings we store globally are:

Wait time - How long a program is waiting for,decrements in realtime interrupt.

Requested duty cycles, left and right - Sets thespeed of the motors, adjusts in realtime interrupt.

Requested Distance - How far to travel, this decre-ments as the wheels spin, uses input capture inter-rupt.

Proximity Flags - Flags when objects have or havenot triggered proximity sensors, input capture inter-rupt.

Compass Heading - The compass gets polled andthe robots current heading is always stored and keptup to date, this is done in the realtime interrupt.

To make coding for our robot simple we cre-ated many simple functions to control movement,speed, and direction. We used a bottom up approachto building movement commands, creating simpleones at first and them putting them together to createmore intricate maneuvers.

For example,DIR(left, right)This function simply changes the direction of the

tires, a 1 for forward and a 0 for reverse.DUTY(left,right)This function changes the duty cycle for the

wheels, this function looks for values between 0 and255, 255 being maximum speed

WAIT(intervals)This function waits for the desired number of real-

time interrupts to passEarly in our development, while we were still

waiting for sensor integration to take place, we usedtime based motion. You can see how easy it would becreate some movement commands like this, for ex-ample, move forward at half speed for 100 realtimeinterrupts.

FORWARD DURATION(speed, time)DIR(1,1)set wheels forwardDUTY(speed,speed)set the requested speedWAIT(time)

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wait for the time to elapseDUTY(0,0)stopThis same function can also be created so that the

robot travels a certain distance before stopping in-stead of travelling for a certain amount of time.

We created many different movement functions inthis manner. As we got more of our sensors inte-grated, we could make the functions more robust.For example, in order to keep a straight heading, be-fore moving forward the function can look at PORTBto see what way the robot is facing. As the robotmoves forward, it can keep looking at PORTB, whichalways has the most up to date heading. If the func-tion detects that the robot is veering left our or rightfrom the original heading, it can adjust the duty cy-cles to compensate and get the robot back on course.

If the forward proximity sensors detect an objectwhile the robot is moving forward, they can executean instant stop in an interrupt. The interrupt ser-vice routine can buffer all the global variables, setthe duty cycles to zero to instantaneously stop, andthen execute its own movement commands to try tomove out of the way of the object or to move aroundit. When it is done it can simply take the values fromthe buffer, put them back in to the global variablesand return. When the program returns the systemis back in the state it was before the collision avoid-ance was triggered. Even though the robot is nowstopped, the realtime interrupt will return the dutycycles back to their old requested values.

Figure 24: Flow Diagram of Code

Here is a diagram that emphasizes how the func-tions are only dependent on the global variables

which are initially set. The interrupt service routinesthen manipulate these variables as a response to sen-sor data, making all the fine details transparent to theprogrammer. The programmer simply has to knowwhat the global variables mean, and the rest is han-dled for him/her.

4 Budget

Figure 25: R&D Budget

Figure 26: Final Product Cost

As is evident from the above tables (figures 25 &26), the R&D costs of the robot exceed the allottedbudget by a significant margin. This is somewhat ex-pected due to the fact that most components did notsimply work out of the box. In some cases more com-ponents were purchased than required, in order tobrace for possible flaws & component damage in theanalog circuit design process. Indeed, such analogcircuit design issues did arise multiple times, par-ticularly during design/testing of the power board.In addition to this, the initial inexperience with thechassis hardware led to some device damage earlyin the semester and replacement H-bridges were ob-tained. This replacement cost also makes up a sub-stantial portion of the budget overflow in the R&Dsection of the table.

On the other hand, all the components currentlyimplemented on the robot add up to a total of$742.49, which is underneath the allocated budget

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limit by $7.51. Although this is currently under thespending limit, it is anticipated that a robust color-sensing system for accurate waypoint detection willsend the overall robot cost over budget by a verysmall margin.

5 Conclusion

Through the design of an autonomous naviga-tion robot, lessons were experienced and learned.Lessons in money and time management and groupcooperation and communication were learned andskills acquired from previous courses were used toeffectively design a robot. Our robot was able toreach all five waypoints relying on dead-reckoningalone. It had robust collision avoidance whichgranted it the ability to work its way out of difficultsituations. Our robots body was designed for out-door terrain and could handle rocks and wood chipswith ease.

Although we are behind schedule, with morework our robot will have the capability of navigat-ing outdoors with the use of both a GPS and com-pass making it closer to being considered a truly au-tonomous robot. In the future, we will implement afully functional powerboard that can power the mi-crocontroller and other subsystems without causingthe inductor in the switching regulator to burn out.We will implement a searching algorithm to scanthe waypoint for objects and research more on line-sensing to determine when the waypoint has beenentered. We will integrate the remaining sensorsinto the final design and have a fully functioning au-tonomous navigating robot capable of reaching eachwaypoint and detecting the objects within.


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