Juris Tables & Fields Display Name Actual Name Description Accounting Period Accounting Periods monthly date ranges as defined under Setup and Manage/Accounting Periods ActngPeriod PrdYear Period Year Period Year PrdNbr Period Number Period Number PrdStartDate Period Start Date Period Start Date PrdEndDate Period End Date Period End Date PrdState Period State 0 = Unlocked; 1 = Locked Accounting Period Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Accounting Periods ActngPeriod_Log ID ID Unique ID DateTimeStamp Date Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed HostMachine Host Machine Workstation where the Record was changed Application Application Juris Module through which the change was made JurisUser Juris User User System Number which made the change RecordType Record Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted SourceTable Source Table Source Table for record change Notes Notes Notes PrdYear Period Year Period Year PrdNbr Period Number Period Number PrdStartDate Period Start Date Period Start Date PrdEndDate Period End Date Period End Date PrdState Period State 0 = Unlocked; 1 = Locked Accounting Year Accounting Years defined under Setup and Manage/Accounting Periods ActngYear AYYear Year Year AYNbrOfPrds Number Of Periods Number of Accounting Periods in Accounting Year AYCloseStatus Close Status N = Open; Y = Closed Accounting Year Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions of Accounting Years ActngYear_Log ID ID Unique ID DateTimeStamp Date Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed HostMachine Host Machine Workstation where the Record was changed Application Application Juris Module through which the change was made JurisUser Juris User User System Number which made the change RecordType Record Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted SourceTable Source Table Source Table for record change Notes Notes Notes AYYear Year Year AYNbrOfPrds Number of Periods Number of Accounting Periods in Accounting Year AYCloseStatus Close Status N = Open; Y = Closed Accounts Payable Account Accounts Payable Account codes defined under Tables APAccount APACode Code AP Account Code APADesc Description AP Account Description APAGLAcct GL Account General Ledger Account assigned to AP Account Page 1 of 148 Thursday, 18 September 2008 12:40

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Accounting Period Accounting Periods monthly date ranges as defined under Setup and Manage/Accounting Periods


PrdYearPeriod Year Period Year

PrdNbrPeriod Number Period Number

PrdStartDatePeriod Start Date Period Start Date

PrdEndDatePeriod End Date Period End Date

PrdStatePeriod State 0 = Unlocked; 1 = Locked

Accounting Period Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Accounting Periods


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PrdYearPeriod Year Period Year

PrdNbrPeriod Number Period Number

PrdStartDatePeriod Start Date Period Start Date

PrdEndDatePeriod End Date Period End Date

PrdStatePeriod State 0 = Unlocked; 1 = Locked

Accounting Year Accounting Years defined under Setup and Manage/Accounting Periods


AYYearYear Year

AYNbrOfPrdsNumber Of Periods Number of Accounting Periods in Accounting Year

AYCloseStatusClose Status N = Open; Y = Closed

Accounting Year Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions of Accounting Years


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

AYYearYear Year

AYNbrOfPrdsNumber of Periods Number of Accounting Periods in Accounting Year

AYCloseStatusClose Status N = Open; Y = Closed

Accounts Payable Account Accounts Payable Account codes defined under Tables


APACodeCode AP Account Code

APADescDescription AP Account Description

APAGLAcctGL Account General Ledger Account assigned to AP Account

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Accounts Payable Account Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Accounts Payable codes


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSourceTable Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

APACodeCode AP Account Code

APADescDescription AP Account Description

APAGLAcctGL Account General Ledger Account assigned to AP Account

Active Information Keyword Active Information KeywordAIKeyword

NameName Name

KeywordUIDUID Unique ID

Active Information Lookup Active Information LookupAILookup

LookupUIDUID Unique ID

NameName Name

Active Information Parameter Active Information ParameterAIParameter

ParameterUIDUID Unique ID

QueryUIDQueryUID Query Unique ID

NameName Name

TokenToken Token

TypeType Type

PromptPrompt Prompt

Active Information Query Active Information QueryAIQuery

QueryUIDUID Unique ID

NameName Name

DescriptionDescription Description

CreatedByEmpSysNbrCreated By User who created query

CreatedOnCreated On Date query was created

LastModifiedByEmpSysNbrLast Modified By User who last modified query

QueryTypeIDQuery Type ID Query Type ID

DefinitionDefinition Definition

ParentSchemaUIDParent Schema UID Parent Schema UID

RepositoryTypeIDRepository Type ID Repository Type ID

Active Information Query Keyword Xref Active Information Query Keyword XRefAIQueryKeywordXRef

QueryUIDQueryUID Query Unique ID

KeywordUIDKeywordUID Keyword Unique ID

Active Information Query Type Active Information Query TypeAIQueryType

QueryTypeIDID Query Type ID

NameName Name

Active Information Report Active Information ReportAIReport

ReportUIDReportUID Report Unique Identifier

NameName Report Name

DescriptionDescription Report Description

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Active Information Report Active Information ReportAIReport

CreatedByEmpSysNbrCreated by Employee System Number

User system number who created report

CreatedOnCreated On Date report was created

LastModifiedByEmpSysNbrLast Modified by Employee System Number

User system number who last modified report

LastModifiedOnLast Modified On Date report was last modified

QueryUIDQuery UID Query ID for query used by report

DefinitionDefinition Definition

RepositoryTypeIDRepository Type ID Repository Type ID

SnapshotSnapshot Snapshot

Active Information Report Favorite Active Information Report FavoriteAIReportFavorite

EmpSysNbrEmployee System Number Employee System Number

ReportUIDReportUID Report Unique Identifier

Active Information Report Keyword XRef Active Information Report Keyword XRefAIReportKeywordXRef

ReportUIDReportUID Report Unique ID

KeywordUIDKeyword UID Keyword Unique ID

Active Information Report Parameter Active Information Report ParameterAIReportParameter

ReportUIDReportUID Report Unique Identifier

ParameterUIDParameterUID Parameter Unique Identifier

EnableEnable 1 = Parameter is enabled, 0 = Parameter is not enabled

VisibleVisible 1 = Parameter is visible, 0 = Parameter is not visible

DefaultValueDefault Value Default Value

Active Information Repository Type Active Information Repository TypeAIRepositoryType

RepositoryTypeIDRepository Type ID Repository Type ID

NameName Name

Active Information Schema Active Information SchemaAISchema

SchemaUIDUID Unique ID

NameName Name

DescriptionDescription Description

CreatedByEmpSysNbrCreated By User who created schema

CreatedOnCreated On Date schema was created

LastModifiedByEmpSysNbrLast Modified By User who last modified schema

LastModifiedByOnLast Modified On Date schema was last modified

RepositoryTypeIDRepository Type ID Repository Type ID

Active Information Schema Keyword XRef Active Information Schema Keyword XrefAISchemaKeywordXref

SchemaUIDSchemaUID SchemaUID

KeywordUIDKeywordUID KeywordUID

Activity Code Activity Codes defined under TablesActivityCode

ActyCdCodeCode Activity Code

ActyCdDescDescription Activity Code Description

ActyCdTextText Activity Code Narrative

Activity Code Favorite Frequently used Activity Codes as defined by User/Timekeeper in MyJuris Favorites list


IdID Unique Id

EmployeeIDUser ID User System Number

CodeCode Activity Code

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Activity Code Favorite Frequently used Activity Codes as defined by User/Timekeeper in MyJuris Favorites list


ListPositionList Position List Position

Activity Code Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions of Activity Codes under Tables


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSourceTable Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ActyCdCodeCode Activity Code

ActyCdDescDescription Activity Code Description

ActyCdTextText Activity Code Narrative

Activity Code Most Recent Recently used Activity Codes by User/Timekeeper in MyJuris Most Recents list


IdID Unique Id

EmployeeIDUser ID User System Number

CodeCode Activity Code

ListPositionList Position List Position

AR Amounts by Matter Accounts Receivable balances for fees, expenses, taxes and surcharge summarized by matter


ARMMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

FeeBilledFee Billed Fee Amount Billed

FeeReceivedFee Received Fee Received

FeeAdjustedFee Adjusted Fees Adjusted through Credit Memos

FeeBalanceFee Balance Current Outstanding Fee Balance

CashExpenseBilledCash Expense Billed Cash Expense Amount Billed

CashExpenseReceivedCash Expense Received Cash Expense Amount Received

CashExpenseAdjustedCash Expense Adjusted Cash Expense Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

CashBalanceCash Expense Balance Current Outstanding Cash Expesne Balance

NonCashExpenseBilledNoncash Expense Billed Noncash Expense Amount Billed

NonCashExpenseReceivedNoncash Expense Received Noncash Expense Received

NonCashExpenseAdjustedNoncash Expense Adjusted Noncash Expense Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

NonCashBalanceNoncash Expense Balance Current Outstanding Noncash Expense Balance

SurchageBilledSurcharge Billed Surcharge Amount Billed

SurchargeReceivedSurcharge Received Surcharge Amount Received

SurchargeAdjustedSurchage Adjusted Surcharge Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

SurchargeBalanceSurcharge Balance Current Outstanding Surcharge Balance

Tax1BilledTax1 Billed Tax1 Amount Billed

Tax1ReceivedTax1 Received Tax1 Amount Received

Tax1AdjustedTax1 Adjusted Tax1 Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

Tax1BalanceTax1 Balance Current Outstanding Tax1 Balance

Tax2BilledTax2 Billed Tax2 Amount Billed

Tax2ReceivedTax2 Received Tax2 Amount Received

Tax2AdjustedTax2 Adjusted Tax2 Amount Adjusted

Tax2BalanceTax2 Balance Current Outstanding Tax2 Balance

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

AR Amounts by Matter Accounts Receivable balances for fees, expenses, taxes and surcharge summarized by matter


Tax3BilledTax3 Billed Tax3 Amount Billed

Tax3ReceivedTax3 Received Tax3 Amount Received

Tax3AdjustedTax3 Adjusted Tax3 Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

Tax3BalanceTax3 Balance Current Outstanding Tax3 Balance

InterestBilledInterest Billed Interest Amount Billed

InterestReceivedInterest Received Interest Amount Received

InterestAdjustedInterest Adjusted Interest Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

InterestBalanceInterestBalance Current Outstanding Interest Balance

BalanceDueBalance Due Current Outstanding Balance Due

AR Bill Accounts Receivable bill numbers and bill date information


ARBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

ARBillDateDate Date of AR Bill

ARBillFromDateFrom Date Begin Date from Prebill Selection

ARBillToDateTo Date End Date from Prebill Selection

AR Bill Change Log Log of Prebill Edits made prior to posting AR Bill record


ARBCLBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

ARBCLSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

ARBCLChangeBill Change Log Changes made to Bill through Edit Prebills

ARBCLSourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

ARBCLSourceFieldSource Field Source Field

ARBCLDateBill Change Log Date Bill Change Log Date

ARBCLUserIdUser ID User System Number

AR Bill Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the AR Bill table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSourceTable Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ARBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

ARBillDateDate Date of AR Bill

ARBillFromDateFrom Date Begin Date from Prebill Selection

ARBillToDateTo Date End Date from Prebill Selection

AR Expense Allocation Accounts Receivable Expense Allocation records by Client/Matter/Bill Number/Expense Code


AREBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

AREMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

AREExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

AREExpTypeExpense Code Type C = Cash; N = Non-Cash

AREBldValueBilled Value Amount billed before Prebill Edits (As Entered)

AREBldAmountBilled Amount Amount billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

ARERcvdReceived Amount received

AREAdjAdjusted Amount written off through Credit Memos

AREPendPending Amount Amount Received on Unposted Cash Batch

AREIDAR Expense ID AR Expense Allocation ID

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

AR Expense Allocation Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the AR Expense Allocation table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSourceTable Source Table

NotesNotes Notes

AREBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

AREMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

AREExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

AREExpTypeExpense Code Type C = Cash; N = Non-Cash

AREBldValueBilled Value Amount billed before Prebill Edits (As Entered)

AREBldAmountBilled Amount Amount billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

ARERcvdReceived Amount received

AREAdjAdjusted Amount Written off through Credit Memos

AREPendPending Amount Amount Received on Unposted Cash Batch

AREIDAR Expense ID AR Expense Allocation ID

AR Fee Allocation AR Fee Allocation primary key recordsARFeeAlloc

ARFBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

ARFMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ARFTkprTimekeeper Timekeeper (As Worked or As Billed)

AR Fee Allocation Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the AR Expense Allocation table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ARFBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

ARFMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ARFTkprTimekeeper Timekeeper (As Worked or As Billed)

AR Fee Task Allocation Accounts Receivable Fee Allocation records by Client/Matter/Bill Number/Timekeeper/Task Code/Activity Code


ARFTBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

ARFTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ARFTTkprTimekeeper Timekeeper (As Worked or As Billed)

ARFTTaskCdTask Code Task Code

ARFTActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

ARFTWorkedHrsBldWorked Hours Billed Hours Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

ARFTHrsBldHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

ARFTStdValueBldStandard Value Billed Amount Billed at Standard Rate

ARFTActualValueBldActual Value Billed Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

ARFTActualAmtBldActual Amount Billed Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

AR Fee Task Allocation Accounts Receivable Fee Allocation records by Client/Matter/Bill Number/Timekeeper/Task Code/Activity Code


ARFTRcvdReceived Amount Received

ARFTAdjAdjusted Amount written off through Credit Memos

ARFTPendPending Amount pending from Unposted Cash Batch

ARFTIDFee Task Allocation ID Fee Task Allocation ID

AR Fee Task Allocation Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the AR Fee Task Allocation table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSourceTable Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ARFTBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

ARFTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ARFTTkprTimekeeper Timekeeper (As Worked or As Billed)

ARFTTaskCdTask Code Task Code

ARFTActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

ARFTWorkedHrsBldWorked Hours Billed Hours Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

ARFTHrsBldHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

ARFTStdValueBldStandard Value Billed Amount Billed at Standard Rate

ARFTActualValueBldActual Value Billed Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

ARFTActualAmtBldActual Amount Billed Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

ARFTRcvdReceived Amount Received

ARFTAdjAdjusted Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

ARFTPendPending Amount Pending from Unposted Cash Batch

ARFTIDFee Task Allocation ID Fee Task Allocation ID

AR Matter Allocation Accounts Receivable Matter Allocation records by Client/Matter/Bill Number


ARMBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

ARMMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ARMLHLinkLedger History Link Ledger History System Number

ARMFeeBldFee Billed Fee Amount Billed

ARMFeeRcvdFee Received Fee Amount Received

ARMFeeAdjFee Adjusted Fees Adjusted through Credit Memos

ARMCshExpBldCash Expense Billed Cash Expense Amount Billed

ARMCshExpRcvdCash Expense Received Cash Expense Amount Received

ARMCshExpAdjCash Expense Adjusted Cash Expense Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

ARMNCshExpBldNoncash Expense Billed Noncash Expense Amount Billed

ARMNCshExpRcvdNoncash Expense Received Noncash Expense Amount Received

ARMNCshExpAdjNoncash Expense Adjusted Noncash Expense Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

ARMSurchgBldSurcharge Billed Surcharge Amount Billed

ARMSurchgRcvdSurcharge Received Surcharge Amount Received

ARMSurchgAdjSurcharge Adjusted Surcharge Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

ARMTax1BldTax1 Billed Tax1 Amount Billed

ARMTax1RcvdTax1 Received Tax1 Amount Received

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

AR Matter Allocation Accounts Receivable Matter Allocation records by Client/Matter/Bill Number


ARMTax1AdjTax1 Adjusted Tax1 Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

ARMTax2BldTax2 Billed Tax2 Amount Billed

ARMTax2RcvdTax2 Received Tax2 Amount Received

ARMTax2AdjTax2 Adjusted Tax2 Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

ARMTax3BldTax3 Billed Tax3 Amount Billed

ARMTax3RcvdTax3 Received Tax3 Amount Received

ARMTax3AdjTax3 Adjusted Tax3 Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

ARMIntBldInterest Billed Interest Amount Billed

ARMIntRcvdInterest Received Interest Amount Received

ARMIntAdjInterest Adjusted Interest Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

ARMBalDueA/R Balance Due Current AR Balance Due

ARMPendingFlagPending Flag N = No Unposted Cash Batches; Y = Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendFeeFee Pending Pending Fees Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendCshExpPending Cash Expense Pending Cash Expense Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendNCshExpNoncash Expense Pending Pending Noncash Expense Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendSurchgSurcharge Pending Pending Surcharge Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendTax1Tax1 Pending Pending Tax1 Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendTax2Tax2 Pending Pending Tax2 Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendTax3Tax3 Pending Pending Tax3 Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendIntInterest Pending Pending Interest Received on Unposted Cash Batch

AR Matter Allocation Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the AR Matter Allocation


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ARMBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

ARMMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ARMLHLinkLedger History Link Ledger History System Number

ARMFeeBldFee Billed Fee Amount Billed

ARMFeeRcvdFee Received Fee Amount Received

ARMFeeAdjFee Adjusted Fee Amount Adjusted

ARMCshExpBldCash Expense Billed Cash Expense Amount Billed

ARMCshExpRcvdCash Expense Received Cash Expense Amount Received

ARMCshExpAdjCash Expense Adjusted Cash Expense Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

ARMNCshExpBldNoncash Expense Billed Noncash Expense Billed

ARMNCshExpRcvdNoncash Expense Received Noncash Expense Received

ARMNCshExpAdjNoncash Expense Adjusted Noncash Expense Adjusted through Credit Memos

ARMSurchgBldSurcharge Billed Surcharge Amount Billed

ARMSurchgRcvdSurcharge Received Surcharge Amount Received

ARMSurchgAdjSurcharge Adjusted Surcharge Amount Adjusted

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

AR Matter Allocation Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the AR Matter Allocation


ARMTax1BldTax1 Billed Tax1 Amount Billed

ARMTax1RcvdTax1 Received Tax1 Amount Received

ARMTax1AdjTax1 Adjusted Tax1 Amount Adjusted

ARMTax2BldTax2 Billed Tax2 Amount Billed

ARMTax2RcvdTax2 Received Tax2 Amount Received

ARMTax2AdjTax2 Adjusted Tax2 Amount Adjusted

ARMTax3BldTax3 Billed Tax3 Amount Billed

ARMTax3RcvdTax3 Received Tax3 Amount Received

ARMTax3AdjTax3 Adjusted Tax3 Amount Adjusted

ARMIntBldInterest Billed Interest Amount Billed

ARMIntRcvdInterest Received Interest Amount Received

ARMIntAdjInterest Adjusted Interest Amount Adjusted

ARMBalDueA/R Balance Due Current Balance Due

ARMPendingFlagPending Flag N = No Unposted Cash Batches; Y = Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendFeePending Fee Pending Fees Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendCshExpPending Cash Expense Pending Cash Expense Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendNCshExpPending Noncash Expense Pending Noncash Expense Received on Unpostedcash Batch

ARMPendSurchgPending Surcharge Pending Surcharge Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendTax1Pending Tax1 Pending Tax1 Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendTax2Pending Tax2 Pending Tax2 Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendTax3Pending Tax3 Pending Tax3 Received on Unposted Cash Batch

ARMPendIntPending Interest Pending Interest Received on Unposted Cash Batch

AR Matter Trust Trust applied to Accounts Receivable by Client/Matter/Bill Number


ARMTBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

ARMTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ARMTBankTrust Bank Trust Bank Account Code

ARMTAmountTrust Amount Trust Amount applied through Prebill Edit

AR Matter Trust Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the AR Matter Trust table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ARMTBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

ARMTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ARMTBankTrust Bank Trust Bank Account Code

ARMTAmountTrust Amount Trust Amount applied through Prebill Edit

AR Post Batch Posted Bills Batch Audit for postings to Accounts Receivable


ARPBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

ARPPostedByPosted By User System Number who posted the batch

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Display Name Actual Name Description

AR Post Batch Posted Bills Batch Audit for postings to Accounts Receivable


ARPDatePostedDate Posted Date the batch was posted

ARPJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch created by Posted Bill batch

AR Post Batch Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the AR Post Batch table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ARPBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

ARPPostedByPosted by User System Number who posted the batch

ARPDatePostedDate Posted Date the batch was posted

ARPJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch created by Posted Bill batch

AR Post Detail Detail Prebill and Bill Numbers in the Posted Bills Audit


ARPDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

ARPDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

ARPDPBSysNbrPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

ARPDBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

AR Post Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the AR Post Detail table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ARPDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

ARPDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

ARPDPBSysNbrPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

ARPDBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

Attachment Notes or documents attached to Time Entries or Expense Entries in MyJuris


IdID Unique ID

NameName Note Name or File Name

AttachmentTypeType 0 = File; 1 = Note

AttachmentObjectObject Attachment Object

AttachmentSizeSize Byte size of File or Note Attached

OwnerIdOwner Id User System Number who attached note to entry

CreationDateCreation Date Date and Time file or note was attached to the entry

Bank Account Bank Accounts defined under Tables/Bank Accounts


BnkCodeBank Code Bank Account Code

BnkDescDescription Bank Account Description

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Bank Account Bank Accounts defined under Tables/Bank Accounts


BnkAcctTypeType O = Operating; T = Trust

BnkAcctNbrAccount Number Bank Account Number

BnkNextCheckNbrNext Check Number Next Check Number

BnkLastReconDateLast Reconciliation Date Last Recorded Bank Reconciliation Date

BnkLastReconBalLast Reconciliation Balance Bank Account Balance as of Last Bank Reconciliation

BnkCheckLayoutCheck Layout Check Layout Code

Bank Account GL Table with the GL Accounts assigned to the Bank Accounts under Tables


BGABkAcctBank Code Bank Account Code

BGATypeType A = Asset; L = Liability; T = Trust in Transit

Bank Account GL Account Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bank Account GL Account table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BGABkAcctBank Code Bank Account Code

BGATypeType A = Asset; L = Liability; T = Trust in Transit

Bank Account Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Bank Accounts


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BnkCodeBank Code Bank Account Code

BnkDescDescription Bank Account Description

BnkAcctTypeType O = Operating; T = Trust

BnkAcctNbrNumber Bank Account Number

BnkNextCheckNbrNext Check Number Next Check Number

BnkLastReconDateLast Reconciliation Date Last Recorded Bank Reconciliation Date

BnkLastReconBalLast Reconciliation Balance Bank Account Balance as of Last Bank Reconciliation

BnkCheckLayoutCheck Layout Check Layout

Bank Reconciliation History History of recorded and in process Bank Reconciliations for each Bank Account


BRHBankBank Code Bank Account Code

BRHStmtDateDate Bank Statement Date

BRHStmtOpenBalOpening Balance Opening Balance on Bank Statement

BRHStmtDepositCountDeposit Count Number of Deposits Cleared

BRHStmtDepositAmountDeposit Amount Amount of Deposits Cleared

BRHStmtCheckCountCheck Count Number of Checks Cleared

BRHStmtCheckAmountCheck Amount Amount of Checks Cleared

BRHStmtEndBalEnding Balance Ending Balance on Bank Statement

BRHBookLastStmtDateBook Last Statement Date Statement Date from preceding Bank Reconciliation

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Bank Reconciliation History History of recorded and in process Bank Reconciliations for each Bank Account


BRHBookLastStmtBalBook Last Statement Balance Opening Balance

BRHBookDepositCountBook Deposit Count Number of Deposits Cleared

BRHBookDepositAmountBook Deposit Amount Amount of Deposits Cleared

BRHBookCheckCountBook Check Count Number of Checks Cleared

BRHBookCheckAmountBook Check Amount Amount of Checks Cleared

BRHBookClearedBalBook Cleared Balance Ending Balance

BRHRecordedRecorded Y = Statement Recorded; N = Statement is not Recorded

BRHRecordedDateRecorded Date System Date when Bank Statement was recorded

BRHLastCkRegBatchJELast Check Register Batch Journal Entry

Last Journal Entry Batch created through the Check Register

Bank Reconciliation History Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bank Reconciliation History table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BRHBankBank Code Bank Account Code

BRHStmtDateDate Bank Statement Date

BRHStmtOpenBalOpening Balance Opening Balance on Bank Statement

BRHStmtDepositCountDeposit Count Number of Deposits Cleared

BRHStmtDepositAmountDeposit Amount Amount of Deposits Cleared

BRHStmtCheckCountCheck Count Number of Checks Cleared

BRHStmtCheckAmountCheck Amount Amount of Checks Cleared

BRHStmtEndBalEnding Balance Ending Balance on Bank Statement

BRHBookLastStmtDateBook Last Statement Date Statement Date from preceding Bank Reconciliation

BRHBookLastStmtBalBook Last Statement Balance Opening Balance

BRHBookDepositCountBook Deposit Count Number of Deposits Cleared

BRHBookDepositAmountBook Deposit Amount Amount of Deposits Cleared

BRHBookCheckCountBook Check Count Number of Checks Cleared

BRHBookCheckAmountBook Check Amount Amount of Checks Cleared

BRHBookClearedBalBook Cleared Balance Ending Balance

BRHRecordedRecorded Y - Statement Recorded; N = Statement is not Recorded

BRHRecordedDateRecorded Date System Date when Bank Statement was recorded

BRHLastCkRegBatchJELast Check Register Batch Journal Entry

Last Journal Entry Batch created through the Check Register

Bill Copy Table for the assignment of the Billing Address and bill printing specifications on the Matter or Consolidation


BilCpyBilAdrBilling Address Billing Address System Number

BilCpyCommentComment Comment

BilCpyNbrOfCopiesNumber of Copies Number of Copies of bills to print

BilCpyEmailFormatEmail Format 0 = None; 1 = XLS; 2 = HTML; 3 = TEXT; 4 = RTF; 5 = PDF

BilCpyExportFormatExport Format 0 = None; 1 = XLS; 2 = HTML; 3 = TEXT; 4 = RTF; 5 = PDF; 6 = TIFF; 7 = LEDES

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Bill Copy Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill Copy table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BilCpyBilAdrBilling Address Billing Address System Number

BilCpyCommentComment Comment

BilCpyNbrOfCopiesNumber of Copies Number of Copies of bills to print

BilCpyEmailFormatEmail Format 0 = None; 1 = XLS; 2 = HTML; 3 = TEXT; 4 = RTF; 5 = PDF

BilCpyExportFormatExport Format 0 = None; 1 = XLS; 2 = HTML; 3 = TEXT; 4 = RTF; 5 = PDF; 6 = TIFF; 7 = LEDES

Bill Layout Bill Designs for client billing setup under Billing/Bill Designer


BLCodeCode Bill Layout Code

BLDescriptionDescription Description

BLLastModifiedByLast Modified By User System Number who last changed the Bill Layout

BLLastModifiedOnLast Modified On Date of last change

BLLockedByLocked By User System Number who has the Bill Layout open

BLSelectionOptionsSelection Options 0 = All False; 1 = A/R Balance True, Others False; 2 = A/R Activity True, Others False; 3 = A/R Activty and A/R Balance True, No Details and Trust False; 4 = No Details True, Others False; 5 = A/R Balance and No Details True, A/R Activity and Trust False; 6 = A/R Activity and No Details True, A/R Balance and Trust False; 7 = A/R Activity, A/R Balance, No Details True, Trust Balance False; 8 = Trust Balance True, Others False; 9 = A/R Balance and Trust True, A/R Activity and No Details False; 10 = A/R Activity and Trust True, A/R Balance and No Details False; 11 = A/R Activity, A/R Balance, Trust True, No Details False; 12 = Trust and No Details True, A/R Activity and A/R Balance False; 13 = A/R Balance, No Details, Trust True, A/R Activity False; 14 = A/R Activity, Trust, No Details True, A/R Balance False; 15 = All True

Bill Layout Base Bill Layout Base relates the Bill Layout Segment and Bill Layout Section


BLBSegmentSegment Segment

BLBSectionSection Section

Bill Layout Base Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill Layout Base


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Bill Layout Base Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill Layout Base


BLBSegmentSegment Segment

BLBSectionSection Section

Bill Layout Dependencies Bill Layout DependenciesBillLayoutDependencies

BLDIDDependency ID Dependency ID

BLDCodeDependency Code Dependency Code

BLDSegmentSegment Segment

BLDNameName Bill Layout Dependencies Name

Bill Layout Dependencies Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill Layout Dependencies


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BLDIDDependency ID Dependency ID

BLDCodeDependency Code Dependency Code

BLDSegmentSegment Segment

BLDNameName Bill Layout Dependencies Name

Bill Layout Function Data fields available for use on a Bill DesignBillLayoutFunction

BLFNameName Bill Layout Function Name

BLFDescriptionDescription Field Description

BLFTypeType Type

Bill Layout Function Log Log of additions, modification, deletions to the Bill Layout Function table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BLFNameName Bill Layout Function Name

BLFDescriptionDescription Field Description

BLFTypeType Type

Bill Layout Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill Layout table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BLCodeCode Bill Layout Code

BLDescriptionDescription Description

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Bill Layout Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill Layout table


BLLastModifiedByLast Modified By User System Number who last changed the Bill Layout

BLLastModifiedOnLast Modified On Date of last change

BLLockedByLocked By User System Number who has the Bill Layout open

BLSelectionOptionsSelection Options 0 = All False; 1 = A/R Balance True, Others False; 2 = A/R Activity True, Others False; 3 = A/R Activty and A/R Balance True, No Details and Trust False; 4 = No Details True, Others False; 5 = A/R Balance and No Details True, A/R Activity and Trust False; 6 = A/R Activity and No Details True, A/R Balance and Trust False; 7 = A/R Activity, A/R Balance, No Details True, Trust Balance False; 8 = Trust Balance True, Others False; 9 = A/R Balance and Trust True, A/R Activity and No Details False; 10 = A/R Activity and Trust True, A/R Balance and No Details False; 11 = A/R Activity, A/R Balance, Trust True, No Details False; 12 = Trust and No Details True, A/R Activity and A/R Balance False; 13 = A/R Balance, No Details, Trust True, A/R Activity False; 14 = A/R Activity, Trust, No Details True, A/R Balance False; 15 = All True

Bill Layout Section Definition of the sections added to the Bill Design, ie Fee Detail, Expense Detail, Matter Header, Matter Footer, etc.


BLSCodeCode Bill Layout Section Code

BLSSegmentSegment Segment

BLSSectionSection Section

BLSNameName Section Name (ie Bill Header, Bill Footer, Fee Detail, Expense Detail, etc.)

Bill Layout Section Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill Layout Section table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BLSCodeCode Bill Layout Section Code

BLSSegmentSegment Segment

BLSSectionSection Section

BLSNameName Section Name (ie Bill Header, Bill Footer, Fee Detail, Expense Detail, etc.)

Bill Layout Segment Definition of the pages added to the Bill Design, ie Cover Page, Banner Page, Bill Format, etc.


BLSCodeCode Bill Layout Segment Code

BLSSegmentSegment Segment

BLSNameName Segment Name (i.e. Cover Page, Bill Format, Banner Page, etc.)

Bill Layout Segment Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill Layout Segment table


IDID Unique ID

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BillToBillingAttyBilling Attorney System Number Billing Attorney System Number

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Bill Layout Segment Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill Layout Segment table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BLSCodeCode Bill Layout Segment Code

BLSSegmentSegment Segment

BLSNameName Segment Name (ie Cover Page, Bill Format, Banner Page, etc.)

Bill Layout Transformation Bill Layout TransformationBillLayoutTransformation

BLTCodeCode Bill Layout Transformation Code

BLTSegmentSegment Segment

BLTTypeType Type

Bill Layout Transformation Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill Layout Transformation table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BLTCodeCode Bill Layout Transformation Code

BLTSegmentSegment Segment

BLTTypeType Type

Bill To Table for assignment of Billing Timekeeper and Bill Formats to a Matter or Consolidation


BillToCliNbrClient System Number Client System Number

BillToUsageFlgUsage Flag C = Consolidated; M = Matter

BillToNickNameNickName If not Consolidated, this is the Bill To System Number. If Consolidated, this is the Consolidation Name

BillToBillingAttyBilling Attorney System Number Billing Attorney System Number

BillToEditFormatEdit Format Prebill Edit Format

Bill To Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill To table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BillToCliNbrClient System Number Client System Number

BillToUsageFlgUsage Flag C = Consolidated; M = Matter

BillToNickNameNickName If not Consolidated, this is the Bill to System Number. If Consolidated, this is the Consolidation name

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BEExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Bill To Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Bill To table


BillToEditFormatEdit Format Prebill Edit Format

Billed Expenses Detail Expense Entries on posted billsBilledExpenses

BEBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

BEMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

BEExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

BEBatchBatch Number Batch Number

BERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

BEBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

BEBudgTaskCdBudget Task Code Budget Task Code

BEDateDate Expense Entry Date

BEPrdYearPeriod Year Period Year

BEPrdNbrPeriod Number Period Number

BEExpSchExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

BESummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do not summarize

BEUnitsUnits Units before Prebill Edits (As Incurred)

BEMultMultiplier Multiplier

BEAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User overrode and Entered Amount

BEAmountAmount Amount before Prebill Edits (As Incurred)

BEAuthByAuthorized By Timekeeper System Number

BECode1Code1 Optional Code1

BECode2Code2 Optional Code2

BECode3Code3 Optional Code3

BEBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

BEStatusOnBillStatus On Bill 0 = Billed entry; M = Marked Off; S = Suppressed

BEUnitsOnBillUnits On Bill Units after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

BEAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

BENarrativeNarrative Narrative

BEIDBilled Expense ID Billed Expense ID

BEPostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

BEPostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

Billed Expenses Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Billed Expenses table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BEBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

BEMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Billed Expenses Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Billed Expenses table


BEBatchBatch Number Batch Number

BERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

BEBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

BEBudgTaskCdBudget Task Code Budget Task Code

BEDateDate Expense Entry Date

BEPrdYearPeriod Year Period Year

BEPrdNbrPeriod Number Period Number

BEExpSchExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

BESummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do not summarize

BEUnitsUnits Units before Prebill Edits (As Incurred)

BEMultMultiplier Multiplier

BEAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User overrode and Entered Amount

BEAmountAmount Amount before Prebill Edits (As Incurred)

BEAuthByAuthorized by Timkeeper System Number

BECode1Code1 Optional Code1

BECode2Code2 Optional Code2

BECode3Code3 Optional Code3

BEBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

BEStatusOnBillStatus On Bill 0 = Billed entry; M = Marked Off; S = Suppressed

BEUnitsOnBillUnits on Bill Units after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

BEAmtOnBillAmount on Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

BENarrativeNarrative Narrative

BEIDBilled Expense ID Billed Expense ID

BEPostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

BEPostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

Billed Time Detail Time Entries on posted billsBilledTime

BTBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

BTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

BTTkprAs Billed Working Timekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number (As Billed)

BTBatchBatch Number Batch Number

BTRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

BTBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

BTDateDate Time Entry Date

BTPrdYearPeriod Year Period Year

BTPrdNbrPeriod Number Period Number

BTWrkTkprAs Worked Working Timekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number (As Worked)

BTFeeSchedFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

BTTaskCdTask Code Task Code

BTActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

BTBillableFlgBillable Flag Y = Billable; N = Non-Billable

BTActualHrsWrkActual Hours Worked Hours Worked before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

BTHoursSourceHours Source U = User Overrode; W = Entered through Juris

BTHoursToBillHours To Bill Hours to Bill before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Billed Time Detail Time Entries on posted billsBilledTime

BTRateSourceRate Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Timekeeper Rate on Matter Fee Schedule; 4 = Timekeeper Rate on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 5 = Personnel Type on Matter Fee Schedule; 6 = Personnel Type on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; U = User overrode and entered rate

BTRateRate Rate before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

BTAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Calculated; U = User overrode and entered amount

BTAmountAmount Amount before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

BTStdRateStandard Rate Working Timekeeper's Standard Rate at time of entry

BTAmtAtStdRateAmount at Standard Rate Hours to Bill times Standard Rate

BTCode1Code1 Optional Code1

BTCode2Code2 Optional Code2

BTCode3Code3 Optional Code3

BTBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

BTStatusOnBillStatus On Bill 0 = Bill Entry; S = Suppress; M = Mark Off

BTDateOnBillDate on Bill Time Entr Date after Prebill Edits

BTHrsOnBillHours On Bill Hours To Bill after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

BTRateOnBillRate On Bill Rate after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

BTAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

BTNarrativeNarrative Narrative

BTIDBilled Time ID Billed Time ID

BTPostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

BTPostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

Billed Time Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Billed Time table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BTBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

BTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

BTTkprAs Billed Working Timekeeper Billed Working Timekeeper (As Billed)

BTBatchBatch Number Batch Number

BTRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

BTBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

BTDateDate Time Entry Date

BTPrdYearPeriod Year Period Year

BTPrdNbrPeriod Number Period Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Billed Time Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Billed Time table


BTWrkTkprAs Worked Working Timekeeper Worked Working Timekeeper (As Worked)

BTFeeSchedFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

BTTaskCdTask Code Task Code

BTActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

BTBillableFlgBillable Flag Y = Billable; N = Non-Billable

BTActualHrsWrkActual Hours Worked Hours Worked before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

BTHoursSourceHours Source U = User Overrode; W = Entered through Juris

BTHoursToBillHours To Bill Hours to Bill before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

BTRateSourceRate Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Timekeeper Rate on Matter Fee Schedule; 4 = Timekeeper Rate on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 5 = Personnel Type on Matter Fee Schedule; 6 = Personnel Type on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; U = User overrode and entered rate

BTRateRate Rate before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

BTAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Calculated; U = User overrode and entered amount

BTAmountAmount Amount before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

BTStdRateStandard Rate Working Timekeeper's Standard Rate at time of entry

BTAmtAtStdRateAmount at Standard Rate Hours to Bill times Standard Rate

BTCode1Code1 Optional Code1

BTCode2Code2 Optional Code2

BTCode3Code3 Optional Code3

BTBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

BTStatusOnBillStatus On Bill 0 = Bill Entry; S = Suppress; M = Mark Off

BTDateOnBillDate on Bill Date after Prebill Edits

BTHrsOnBillHours On Bill Hours after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

BTRateOnBillRate On Bill Rate after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

BTAmtOnBillAmount on Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

BTNarrativeNarrative Narrative

BTIDBilled Time ID Billed Time ID

BTPostDatePoste Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

BTPostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

Billing Address Billing Addresses setup on the Client formBillingAddress

BilAdrSysNbrBilling Address System Number Billing Address System Number

BilAdrCliNbrClient System Number Client System Number

BilAdrUsageFlgUsage Flag Usage Flag

BilAdrNickNameNickName NickName

BilAdrPhonePhone Phone Number

BilAdrFaxFax Number Fax Number

BilAdrContactContact Contact

BilAdrNameName Address Name

BilAdrAddressAddress Address

BilAdrCityCity City

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Billing Address Billing Addresses setup on the Client formBillingAddress

BilAdrStateState State

BilAdrZipZip Zip Code

BilAdrCountryCountry Country

BilAdrTypeAddress Type 1 = Individual; 0 = Not an Individual

BilAdrEmailEmail E-mail Address

Billing Address Change Log Log of address changes in an ASCII format used to update third party software


BACLUserIDUser ID User System Number

BACLActionAction A = Add Record; C = Change Record; D = Delete Record

BACLChangeChange ASCII text of address fields

Billing Address Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Billing Address table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

BilAdrSysNbrBilling Address System Number Billing Address System Number

BilAdrCliNbrClient System Number Client System Number

BilAdrUsageFlgUsage Flag Usage Flag

BilAdrNickNameNickName NickName

BilAdrPhonePhone Phone Number

BilAdrFaxFax Number Fax Number

BilAdrContactContact Contact

BilAdrNameName Address Name

BilAdrAddressAddress Address

BilAdrCityCity City

BilAdrStateState State

BilAdrZipZip Zip Code

BilAdrCountryCountry Country

BilAdrTypeType 1 = Individual; 0 = Not an Individual

BilAdrEmailEmail E-mail Address

Billing Agreement List Billing Agreement definitionsBillingAgreementList

BillAgreeCodeBilling Agreement Code Billing Agreement Code

DescriptionDescription Billing Agreement Description

Budget Active Information BudgetBudget

IDID Unique Budget ID

NameName Budget Name

DateTimeDateTime DateTime

LevelIDLevel ID SubAccount level of detail selected for g/l budget

BudgetStatusBudget Status 1 - Current, 2 - Active, 3 - Inactive, 4 - Locked, 5 - Archived

BudgetTypeBudget Type 1 - General Ledger, 2 - Timekeeper, 3 - Client Matter, 4 - Client Matter Phase, 5 - Custom

OwnerOwner Owner

LastModDateLast Modified Date Date budget was last modified

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DateTimeDate Time Date Time

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Budget Active Information BudgetBudget

LastModUserLast Modified User User who last modified the budget

BudgetYearBudget Year Budget Year

BudgetDescriptionBudget Description Description

BudgetCodeBudget Code Budget Code

Budget Child Views Active Information top level view idsBudgetChildViews

IDID Unique ID

BudgetIDBudget ID Budget ID

ViewIDView ID View ID

Budget GL Item Active Information Budget Amounts by PeriodBudgetGLItem

IDID Unique ID

RowIDRow ID Row ID

DateTimeDateTime Date Time

PeriodPeriod 1-12 - Accounting Period, -1 - Year Total, 101-104 - Quarter Totals

BudgetedValueBudgeted Value Amount entered in budget column

CurrentActualValueCurrent Actual Value Actual amount from last import of actual values

PreviousActualValuePrevious Actual Value Prior year's actuals from last import of actual values

VarianceTypeVariance Type Variance Type

Budget Notes Active Information budget notes entered in the budget line


IDID Unique ID

BudgetIDBudget ID Budget ID

BudgetNoteBudget Note Budget Note

Budget Row Active Information budget detail rowsBudgetRow

IDID Unique ID

ViewIDView ID View ID

DateTimeDateTime Date Time

RowTextRow Text Name of row

SysNbrSystem Number Chart of Account System Number, Matter System Number or Employee System Number

LastModDateLast Modified Date Date of last modification

LastModUserLast Modified User User who last modified row

RowTypeRow Type 3 - Total budgeted, 5 - Hours, 6 - Fees Worked, 7 - Fees Billed, 8 - Fees Received

RowTagRow Tag Original row name

SortIDSort ID Sort ID

Budget Row Child Views Active Information budget views associated with detail rows



RowIDRow ID Row ID

ViewIDView ID View Id

Budget Row Notes Active Information budget notes associated with detail rows


IDID Unique ID

RowIDRow ID Row ID

RowNoteRow Note Note associated with row

Budget View Active Information budget view containersBudgetView

IDID Unique ID

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Budget View Active Information budget view containersBudgetView

NameName Name

LastModDateLast Modification Date Date of last modification

LastModUserLast Modification User User who last modified budget

ViewTagView Tag Budget Phase

StartDateStart Date Start date for budget phase

EndDateEnd Date End date for budget phase

Budget View Notes Active Information budget notes associated with the view


IDID Unique ID

ViewIDView ID View ID

ViewNoteView Note Note associated with view

Cash Receipt Summarized Cash Receipt transactions in a Cash Receipt Batch


CRBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

CRDateDate Date of Cash Receipt entry

CRPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on cash receipt date

CRPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on cash receipt date

CRCheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

CRCheckDateCheck Date Check Date

CRCheckAmtCheck Amount Check Amount

CRPayorPayor Payor

CRARCshAR Cash Amount of cash receipt applied on the A/R tab

CRPPDCshPPD Cash Amount of cash receipt applied on the PPD tab

CRTrustCshTrust Cash Amount of cash receipt applied on the Trust tab

CRNonCliCshNon Client Cash Amount of cash receipt applied on the Other tab

CRIDCash Receipt ID Cash Receipt ID

Cash Receipt AR Allocation Cash Receipts entered on the A/R tab in a Cash Receipt Batch


CRABatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRARecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRAMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CRABillNbrBill Number Bill Number

CRADateDate Date of Cash Receipt

CRACheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

CRACheckDateCheck Date Check Date

CRAPayorPayor Payor

CRALHLinkLedger History Link Ledger History System Number

CRAFeeAmtFee Amount Cash amount applied to Fees

CRACshExpAmtCash Expense Amount Cash amount applied to Cash Expense

CRANCshExpAmtNoncash Expense Amount Cash amount applied to Noncash Expense

CRASurchgAmtSurcharge Amount Cash amount applied to Surcharges

CRATax1AmtTax1 Amount Cash amount applied to Tax1

CRATax2AmtTax2 Amount Cash amount applied to Tax2

CRATax3AmtTax3 Amount Cash amount applied to Tax3

CRAInterestAmtInterest Amount Cash amount applied to Interest

CRAPrePostFeePrePost Fee AR Balance of Fees prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostCshExpPrePost Cash Expense AR Balance of Cash Expense prior to cash receipt

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CREMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Cash Receipt AR Allocation Cash Receipts entered on the A/R tab in a Cash Receipt Batch


CRAPrePostNCshExpPrePost Noncash Expense AR Balance of Noncash Expense prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostSurchgPrePost Surcharge AR Balance of Surcharges prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostTax1PrePost Tax1 AR Balance of Tax1 prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostTax2PrePost Tax2 AR Balance of Tax2 prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostTax3PrePost Tax3 AR Balance of Tax3 prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostInterestPrePost Interest AR Balance of Interest prior to cash receipt

CRABankBank Code Bank Account Code

Cash Receipt AR Allocation Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Cash Receipt AR Allocation table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CRABatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRARecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRAMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CRABillNbrBill Number Bill Number

CRADateDate Date of Cash Receipt

CRACheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

CRACheckDateCheck Date Check Date

CRAPayorPayor Payor

CRALHLinkLedger History Link Ledger History System Number

CRAFeeAmtFee Amount Cash amount applied to Fees

CRACshExpAmtCash Expense Amount Cash amount applied to Cash Expense

CRANCshExpAmtNoncash Expense Amount Cash amount applied to Noncash Expense

CRASurchgAmtSurcharge Amount Cash amount applied to Surcharges

CRATax1AmtTax1 Amount Cash amount applied to Tax1

CRATax2AmtTax2 Amount Cash amount applied to Tax2

CRATax3AmtTax3 Amount Cash amount applied to Tax3

CRAInterestAmtInterest Amount Cash amount applied to Interest

CRAPrePostFeePrePost Fee AR Balance of Fees prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostCshExpPrePost Cash Expense AR Balance of Cash Expense prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostNCshExpPrePost Noncash Expense AR Balance of Noncash Expense prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostSurchgPrePost Surcharge AR Balance of Surcharge prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostTax1PrePost Tax1 AR Balance of Tax1 prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostTax2PrePost Tax2 AR Balance of Tax2 prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostTax3PrePost Tax3 AR Balance of Tax3 prior to cash receipt

CRAPrePostInterestPrePost Interest AR Balance of Interest prior to cash receipt

CRABankBank Code Bank Account Code

Cash Receipt Expense Allocation Allocation of Cash Receipts by Expense Code entered on the A/R tab in a Cash Receipt Batch


CREBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

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CRFBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Cash Receipt Expense Allocation Allocation of Cash Receipts by Expense Code entered on the A/R tab in a Cash Receipt Batch


CREBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

CREExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

CREExpTypeExpense Type C = Cash Expense; N = Non Cash Expense

CREPrePostPrePost AR Balance prior to cash receipt

CREAmountAmount Amount of cash receipt applied to expense

Cash Receipt Expense Allocation Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Cash Receipt Expense Allocation table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CREBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CREMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CREBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

CREExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

CREExpTypeExpense Type C = Cash Expense; N = Non Cash Expense

CREPrePostPrePost AR Balance prior to cash receipt

CREAmountAmount Amount of cash receipt applied to expense

Cash Receipt Fee Allocaiton Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Cash Receipt Fee Allocation table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CRFBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRFRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRFMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CRFBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

CRFTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

CRFTaskCdTask Code Task Code

CRFActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

CRFPrePostPrePost AR Balance prior to cash receipt

CRFAmountAmount Amount of cash receipt applied to fees

Cash Receipt Fee Allocation Allocation of Cash Receipts by Timekeeper entered on the A/R tab in a Cash Receipt Batch


CRFBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRFRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRFMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

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RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Cash Receipt Fee Allocation Allocation of Cash Receipts by Timekeeper entered on the A/R tab in a Cash Receipt Batch


CRFTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

CRFTaskCdTask Code Task Code

CRFActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

CRFPrePostPrePost AR Balance prior to cash receipt

CRFAmountAmount Amount of cash receipt applied to fees

Cash Receipt Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Cash Receipt table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CRBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

CRDateDate Date of Cash Receipt entry

CRPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on cash receipt date

CRPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on cash receipt date

CRCheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

CRCheckDateCheck Date Check Date

CRCheckAmtCheck Amount Check Amount

CRPayorPayor Payor

CRARCshAR Cash Amount of cash receipt applied on the A/R tab

CRPPDCshPPD Cash Amount of cash receipt applied on the PPD tab

CRTrustCshTrust Cash Amount of cash receipt applied on the Trust tab

CRNonCliCshNon Client Cash Amount of cash receipt applied on the Other tab

CRIDCash Receipt ID Cash Receipt ID

Cash Receipt Non-Client Allocation Cash Receipts entered on the Other tab in a Cash Receipt Batch


CRNBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRNRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRNSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

CRNBankCodeBank Code Bank Account Code

CRNCreditAccountCredit Account Chart of Account System Number

CRNReferenceReference Reference

CRNAmountAmount Amount

Cash Receipt Non-Client Allocation Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Cash Receipt Non-Client Allocation table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Cash Receipt Non-Client Allocation Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Cash Receipt Non-Client Allocation table


Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CRNBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRNRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRNSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

CRNBankCodeBank Code Bank Account Code

CRNCreditAccountCredit Account Chart of Account System Number

CRNReferenceReference Reference

CRNAmountAmount Amount

Cash Receipt PPD Allocation Cash Receipts entered on the PPD tab in a Cash Receipt Batch


CRPBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRPRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRPMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CRPLHLinkLedger History Link Ledger History System Number

CRPAmountAmount Amount

Cash Receipt PPD Allocation Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Cash Receipt PPD Allocation table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CRPBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRPRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRPMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CRPLHLinkLedger History Link Ledger History System Number

CRPAmountAmount Amount

Cash Receipt Trust Allocation Cash Receipts entered on the Trust tab in a Cash Receipt Batch


CRTBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRTRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRTSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

CRTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CRTBankBank Code Bank Account Code

CRTAmountAmount Amount

Cash Receipt Trust Allocation Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Cash Receipt Trust Allocation table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Cash Receipt Trust Allocation Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Cash Receipt Trust Allocation table


SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CRTBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CRTRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CRTSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

CRTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CRTBankBank Code Bank Account Code

CRTAmountAmount Amount

Cash Receipts Batch Audit of Cash Receipt Batches entered under Transactions/Cash Receipts


CRBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

CRBCommentComment Comment

CRBStatusStatus P = Posted; L = Locked; U = Unposted; R = Ready to Post; D = Deleted

CRBRecCountRecord Count Number of Cash Receipt records in the batch

CRBEnteredByEntered By User system number who entered the batch

CRBDateEnteredDate Entered System date the day the batch was entered

CRBPostedByPosted By User system number who posted the batch

CRBDatePostedDate Posted System date the day the batch was posted

CRBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch Number created by the posting of the Cash Batch

CRBBatchTotalBatch Total Total of all the cash receipt entries in the batch

Cash Receipts Batch Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Cash Receipts Batch table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CRBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

CRBCommentComment Comment

CRBStatusStatus P = Posted; L = Locked; U = Unposted; R = Ready to Post; D = Deleted

CRBRecCountRecord Count Number of Cash Receipt records in the batch

CRBEnteredByEntered By User system number who entered the batch

CRBDateEnteredDate Entered System date the day the batch was entered

CRBPostedByPosted by User system number who posted the batch

CRBDatePostedDate Posted System date the day the batch was posted

CRBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch Number created by the posting of the Cash Batch

CRBBatchTotalBatch Total Total of all the cash receipt entries in the batch

Chart Budget Comparative and Budget figures for the Chart of Accounts


ChbAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

ChbPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

ChbPeriodPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

ChbBudgetBudget Budget amounts entered in the Chart of Accounts

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Chart Budget Comparative and Budget figures for the Chart of Accounts


ChbNetChangeNet Change Net Change for G/L Accounts in the current year or Comparatives for prior years

Chart Budget Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Chart Budget table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ChbAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

ChbPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

ChbPeriodPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

ChbBudgetBudget Budget amounts entered in the Chart of Accounts

ChbNetChangeNet Change Net Change for G/L Accounts in the current year or Comparatives for prior years

Chart Category Type Account type for financial statement classificationChartCategoryType

IdId Unique Id

DescriptionDescription Description

Chart Note Note Cards entered on GL Accounts in the Chart of Accounts


ChnAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

ChnNoteIndexNote Index Note Card Name

ChnObjectObject Object

ChnNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

ChnNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

Chart Note Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Chart Note table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ChnAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

ChnNoteIndexNote Index Note Card Name

ChnObjectObject Object

ChnNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

ChnNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

Chart of Account Category Chart Of Account Catergory Types for Financial Statements


IdId Unique Id

CodeCode Code

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Chart of Account Category Chart Of Account Catergory Types for Financial Statements


DescriptionDescription Account type description

PrintOrderPrint Order Defines the order for printing accounts on financial statements

ChartCategoryTypeIdChart Category Type Defines account type for financial statements

Chart of Account Chart Category Chart Accounts assigned to Financial Statement categories


IdId Unique Id

ChtSysNbrGL Account Chart of Account System Number

ChartCategoryIdChart Category Id Chart of Account Category definition

Chart Of Account Sub Account 1 First sub account in Chart of AccountsCOASubAccount1

COAS1CodeCode SubAccount1 Code

COAS1DescDescription SubAccount1 Description

Chart Of Account Sub Account 1 Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Chart of Account Sub Account 1 Log


DateTimeStampDate TimeStamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

COAS1CodeCode SubAccount1 Code

COAS1DescDescription SubAccount1 Description

Chart Of Account Sub Account 2 Second sub account in Chart of AccountsCOASubAccount2

COAS2CodeCode SubAccount2 Code

COAS2DescDescription SubAccount2 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 2 Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Chart of Account Sub Account 2


DateTimeStampDate TimeStamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

COAS2CodeCode SubAccount2 Code

COAS2DescDescription SubAccount2 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 3 Third sub account in Chart of AccountsCOASubAccount3

COAS3CodeCode SubAccount3 Code

COAS3DescDescription SubAccount3 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 3 Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Chart of Account Sub Account 3


DateTimeStampDate TimeStamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 3 Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Chart of Account Sub Account 3


COAS3CodeCode SubAccount3 Code

COAS3DescDescription SubAccount3 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 4 Fourth sub account in Chart of AccountsCOASubAccount4

COAS4CodeCode SubAccount4 Code

COAS4DescDescription SubAccount4 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 4 Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Chart of Account 4


DateTimeStampDate TimeStamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

COAS4CodeCode SubAccount4 Code

COAS4DescDescription SubAccount4 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 5 Fifth sub account in Chart of AccountsCOASubAccount5

COAS5CodeCode SubAccount5 Code

COAS5DescDescription SubAccount5 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 5 Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Chart of Account Sub Account 5


DateTimeStampDate TimeStamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

COAS5CodeCode SubAccount5 Code

COAS5DescDescription SubAccount5 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 6 Sixth sub account in Chart of AccountsCOASubAccount6

COAS6CodeCode SubAccount6 Code

COAS6DescDescription SubAccount6 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 6 Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Chart of Account Sub Account 6


DateTimeStampDate TimeStamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

COAS6CodeCode SubAccount6 Code

COAS6DescDescription SubAccount6 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 7 Seventh sub account in Chart of AccountsCOASubAccount7

COAS7CodeCode SubAccount7 Code

COAS7DescDescription SubAccount7 Description

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ChtCashFlowTypeCash Flow Type O = Operating; I = Investing; F = Financing; X = Not Used

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 7 Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Chart of Account Sub Account 7


DateTimeStampDate TimeStamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

COAS7CodeCode SubAccount7 Code

COAS7DescDescription SubAccount7 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 8 Eighth sub account in Chart of AccountsCOASubAccount8

COAS8CodeCode SubAccount8 Code

COAS8DescDescription SubAccount8 Description

Chart of Account Sub Account 8 Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Chart of Account Sub Account 8


DateTimeStampDate TimeStamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

COAS8CodeCode SubAccount8 Code

COAS8DescDescription SubAccount8 Description

Chart of Accounts GL Accounts setup under Tables/Chart of Accounts


ChtSysNbrSystem Number Chart of Account System Number

ChtDescDescription Name of Account

ChtSubTotLevelSub Total Level Sub Total Level

ChtFinStmtTypeFinancial Statement Type B = Balance Sheet; P = Profit & Loss

ChtSAFTypeSAF Type SAF Type (Source and application of Funds)

ChtParenCodeParen Code D = When Debit; C = When Credit

ChtCompresCodeCompression Code Compression Code

ChtCashFlowTypeCash Flow Type O = Operating; I = Investing; F = Financing; X = Not Used

Chart Of Accounts Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Chart of Accounts table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ChtSysNbrSystem Number Chart of Account System Number

ChtDescDescription Name of Account

ChtSubTotLevelSub Total Level Sub Total Level

ChtFinStmtTypeFinancial Statement Type B = Balance Sheet; P = Profit & Loss

ChtSAFTypeSAF Type SAF Type (Source and application of funds)

ChtParenCodeParen Code D = When Debit; C = When Credit

ChtCompresCodeCompression Code Compression Code

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Chart Of Accounts Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Chart of Accounts table


Not Used

Chart of Accounts SubDefintion General Ledger SubAccount definitionsChartOfAccountsSubDefinition


COASDSegmentSegment Segment Number

COASDNameName Name of SubAccount segment

COASDLengthLength Length of SubAccount

COASDDelimiterDelimiter Character defining break between sub-accounts

COASDActiveActive 1 - sub-account is in use; 0 - sub-account is not in use

Chart of Accounts SubDefintion Log Log of additions, modifications and deletions to General Ledger SubAccount definitions


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes


COASDSegmentSegment Segment Number

COASDNameName Name of SubAccount segment

COASDLengthLength Length of SubAccount segment

COASDDelimiterDelimiter Character defining break between sub-accounts

COASDDActiveActive True - sub-account is in use; False - sub-account is not in use

Check Batch Audit of Check and Quick Check Batches entered under Transactions/Checks and Transactions/Quick Checks


CBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

CBCommentComment Comment

CBBatchTypeBatch Type C = Computer Checks; Q = Quick Checks; M = Manual Checks

CBStatusStatus P = Posted; L = Locked; U = Unposted; D = Deleted

CBRecCountRecord Count Number of checks in the batch

CBUserUser User system number who created the batch

CBDateDate System date the day the batch was created

CBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch created by posted check batch

Check Batch Check Detail Detail Check transactions in a Check BatchCBCheckDetail

CBCDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CBCDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CBCDVoucherVoucher Number Voucher Number

CBCDAmountToPayAmount to Pay Amount of voucher to be paid

CBCDDiscToTakeDiscount to Take Discount to take on voucher

CBCDPrePostPrePost Voucher balance prior to posting check

CBCDIDCheck Batch Check Detail ID Check Batch Check Detail ID

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Check Batch Check Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Check Batch Check Detail table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CBCDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CBCDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CBCDVoucherVoucher Number Voucher Number

CBCDAmountToPayAmount to Pay Amount of voucher to be paid

CBCDDiscToTakeDiscount to Take Discount to take on voucher

CBCDPrePostPrePost Voucher balance prior to posting check

CBCDIDCheck Batch Check Detail ID Check Batch Check Detail ID

Check Batch Checks Summarized Check transactions in a Check BatchCBCheck

CBCBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CBCRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CBCCheckTypeCheck Type A = A/P Computer Check; T = Trust Computer Check; 1 = A/P Quick Check; 2 = Trust Quick Check; 3 = A/P Manual Check; 4 = Trust Manual Check

CBCCheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

CBCCheckDateCheck Date Check Date

CBCPrintedPrinted Y = Check has been printed; N = Check has not been printed

CBCPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

CBCAmountAmount Amount of check

CBCBankBank Code Bank Account Code

CBCVchBatchNbrVoucher Batch Number Voucher Batch Number

CBCPostedChkNbrPosted Check Number Check Number

CBCIDCheck Batch Check ID Check Batch Check ID

Check Batch Checks Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Check Batch Checks table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CBCBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CBCRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CBCCheckTypeCheck Type A = A/P Computer Check; T = Trust Computer Check; 1 = A/P Quick Check; 2 = Trust Quick Check; 3 = A/P Manual Check; 4 = Trust Manual Check

CBCCheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

CBCCheckDateCheck Date Check Date

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Check Batch Checks Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Check Batch Checks table


CBCPrintedPrinted Y = Check has been printed; N = Check has not been printed

CBCPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

CBCAmountAmount Amount of check

CBCBankBank Code Bank Account Code

CBCVchBatchNbrVoucher Batch Number Voucher Batch Number

CBCPostedChkNbrPosted Check Number Posted Check Number

CBCIDCheck Batch Check ID Check Batch Check ID

Check Batch Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Check Batch table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

CBCommentComment Comment

CBBatchTypeBatch Type C = Computer Checks; Q = Quick Checks; M = Manual Checks

CBStatusStatus P = Posted; L = Locked; U = Unposted; D = Deleted

CBRecCountRecord Count Number of checks in the batch

CBUserUser User system number who created the batch

CBDateDate System date the day the batch was created

CBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch created by posted check batch

Check Layout Check Designs setup under Setup and Manage/Check Design


CLCodeCode Check Layout Code

CLDescDescription Description

CLLayoutLayout Layout

Check Layout Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Check Layout table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CLCodeCode Check Layout Code

CLDescDescription Description

CLLayoutLayout Layout

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Check Register Deposits, Checks and Reconciling Entries posted to Bank Accounts


CkRegBankBank Code Bank Account Code

CkRegSysNbrSystem Number Check Register System Number

CkRegTypeType 0 = Balance Forward from purged items; A = A/P Computer Check; T = Trust Computer Check; 1 = A/P Quick Check; 2 = Trust Quick Check; 3 = A/P Manual Check; 4 = Trust Manual Check; 5 = ATM Reconciling Entry; 9 = Other Reconciling Entry; B = Bank Charge Reconciling Entry; D = Deposit from Cash Receipt or Deposit Reconciling Entry; I = Interest Income Reconciling Entry; J = Journal Entry; R = Reconciling Entry; W = Wire Transfer Reconciling Entry

CkRegDateDate Date of Checkbook entry

CkRegCheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

CkRegVendVendor System Number Vendor System Number

CkRegDescDescription Description

CkRegAmountAmount Amount

CkRegVoidedVoided Y = Voided; N = Not Voided

CkRegVoidDateVoid Date System date check was voided

CkRegClearedCleared Y = Cleared on Recorded Bank Reconciliation; N = Not Cleared; P = Cleared on Bank Reconciliation is process

CkRegReconDateReconciliation Date Bank Reconciliation date for cleared entries

CkRegIDCheck Register ID Check Register ID

Check Register Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Check Register table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CkRegBankBank Code Bank Account Code

CkRegSysNbrSystem Number Check Register System Number

CkRegTypeType 0 = Balance Forward from purged items; A = A/P Computer Check; T = Trust Computer Check; 1 = A/P Quick Check; 2 = Trust Quick Check; 3 = A/P Manual Check; 4 = Trust Manual Check; 5 = ATM Reconciling Entry; 9 = Other Reconciling Entry; B = Bank Charge Reconciling Entry; D = Deposit from Cash Receipt or Deposit Reconciling Entry; I = Interest Income Reconciling Entry; J = Journal Entry; R = Reconciling Entry; W = Wire Transfer Reconciling Entry

CkRegDateDate Date of Checkbook entry

CkRegCheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

CkRegVendVendor System Number Vendor System Number

CkRegDescDescription Description

CkRegAmountAmount Amount

CkRegVoidedVoided Y = Voided; N = Not Voided

CkRegVoidDateVoid Date System date check was voided

CkRegClearedCleared Y = Cleared on Recorded Bank Reconciliation; N = Not Cleared; P = Cleared on Bank Reconciliation is process

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CliReqActyCdOnTimeRequire Activity Code on Time Y = Require Activity Code on Time Entries; N = Activity Code not required on Time Entries

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Check Register Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Check Register table


CkRegReconDateReconciliation Date Bank Reconciliation date for cleared entries

CkRegIDCheck Register ID Check Register ID

Client Information setup on the Client form under Tables/Clients


CliSysNbrClient System Number Client System Number

CliCodeCode Client Code

CliNickNameNickName NickName

CliReportingNameReporting Name Reporting Name

CliSourceOfBusinessSource of Business Source of Business

CliPhoneNbrPhone Number Phone Number

CliFaxNbrFax Number Fax Number

CliContactNameContact Name Contact Name

CliDateOpenedDate Opened Date Opened

CliOfficeCodeOffice Code Office Code

CliBillingAttyBilling Attorney System Number Billing Attorney System Number

CliPracticeClassPractice Class Practice Class

CliFeeSchFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

CliTaskCodeXrefTask Code Xref Task Code Xref Schedule

CliExpSchExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

CliExpCodeXrefExpense Code Xref Expense Code Xref Schedule

CliBillFormatBill Format Bill Format

CliBillAgreeCodeBilling Agreement Code C = Contingency; H = Hourly; F = Flat Fee; R = Retainer; T = Task Billing; N = Non-Billable; B =ProBono

CliFlatFeeIncExpFlat Fee Includes Expense Y = Flat Fee includes expense; N = Flat fee does not include expense

CliRetainerTypeRetainer Type 1 = Total Bill; 2 = Fee Total; 3 = Minimum Bill; 4 = Minimum Fee

CliExpFreqCodeExpense Frequency M = Monthly; Q = Quarterly; S = Semi-Annual; A = Annual; C = Cycle; R = On Request

CliFeeFreqCodeFee Frequency Code M = Monthly; Q = Quarterly; S = Semi-Annual; A = Annual; C = Cycle; R = On Request

CliBillMonthBilling Month Billing Month

CliBillCycleBill Cycle Bill Cycle

CliExpThresholdExpense Threshold Amount of Expense Threshold

CliFeeThresholdFee Threshold Amount of Fee Threshold

CliInterestPcntInterest Percent Interest Percent

CliInterestDaysInterest Days Interest Days

CliDiscountOptionDiscount Option 0 = No Discount; 1 = % of fee; 2 = % of total

CliDiscountPcntDiscount Percent Discount Percent

CliSurchargeOptionSurcharge Option 0 = No Surcharge; 1 = % of fee; 2 = % of expense; 3 = % of total

CliSurchargePcntSurcharge Percent Surcharge Percent

CliTax1ExemptTax1 Exempt Y = Exempt from Tax1; N = Not Exempt from Tax1

CliTax2ExemptTax2 Exempt Y = Exempt from Tax2; N = Not Exempt from Tax2

CliTax3ExemptTax3 Exempt Y = Exempt from Tax3; N = Not Exempt from Tax3

CliBudgetOptionBudget Option 0 = Budgeting Disabled; 1 = Budgeting Enabled

CliReqPhaseOnTransRequire Phase on Transaction Y = Require Phase on transactions; N = Phase not required on transactions

CliReqTaskCdOnTimeRequire Task Code on Time Y = Require Task Code on Time Entries; N = Task Code not required on Time Entries

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Client Information setup on the Client form under Tables/Clients


Activity Code not required on Time Entries

CliReqTaskCdOnExpRequire Task on Expense Y = Require Task Code on Expense Entries; N = Task Code not required on Expense Entries

CliPrimaryAddrPrimary Address Billing Address System Number

CliTypeType 2 = Individual; 0 = Not an Individual

CliNickNameUCaseNickName Uppercase NickName Uppercase

CliEditFormatEdit Format Prebill Edit Format

CliThresholdOptionThreshold Option 0 = No thresholds entered; 1 = Fee Threshold amount, do not include expense; 2 = Expense Threshold, do not include Fee; 3 = Do not include fees and expense if threshold is met; 5 = Fee Threshold, Include Expense; 7 = Include expense, do not include fee if threshold is met; 10 = Expense Threshold, Include Fee; 11 = Include fee, do not include expense if threshold is met; 15 = Include fee and expense if threshold is met

CliTimeStampClient Timestamp The last time the client was updated.

CliRespAttyResponsible Attorney The attorney responsible for the client.

CliBillingField01Client Billing Field 1 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField02Client Billing Field 2 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField03Client Billing Field 3 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField04Client Billing Field 4 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField05Client Billing Field 5 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField06Client Billing Field 6 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField07Client Billing Field 7 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField08Client Billing Field 8 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField09Client Billing Field 9 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField10Client Billing Field 10 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField11Client Billing Field 11 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField12Client Billing Field 12 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField13Client Billing Field 13 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField14Client Billing Field 14 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField15Client Billing Field 15 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField16Client Billing Field 16 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField17Client Billing Field 17 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField18Client Billing Field 18 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField19Client Billing Field 19 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

CliBillingField20Client Billing Field 20 A field that holds custom billing data for the client.

MatTimeStampMatter Timestamp The last time the matter was updated.

Client Change Log Log of Client changes in an ASCII format used to update third party software


CCLUserIDUser ID User System Number

CCLActionAction A = Add Record; C = Change Record; D = Delete Record

CCLChangeChange ASCII format of Client fields

Client Favorite Frequently used Clients as defined by User/Timekeeper in MyJuris Favorites list


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIDEmployee System Number User System Number

SystemNumberClient System Number Client System Number

ListPositionList Position List Position

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CliBudgetOptionBudget Option 0 = Budgeting Disabled; 1 = Budgeting Enabled

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Client Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Client table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CliSysNbrClient System Number Client System Number

CliCodeCode Client Code

CliNickNameNickName NickName

CliReportingNameReporting Name Reporting Name

CliSourceOfBusinessSource of Business Source of Business

CliPhoneNbrPhone Number Phone Number

CliFaxNbrFax Number Fax Number

CliContactNameContact Name Contact Name

CliDateOpenedDate Opened Date Opened

CliOfficeCodeOffice Code Office Code

CliBillingAttyBilling Attorney System Number Billing Attorney System Number

CliPracticeClassPractice Class Practice Class

CliFeeSchFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

CliTaskCodeXrefTask Code Xref Task Code Xref Schedule

CliExpSchExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

CliExpCodeXrefExpense Code Xref Expense Code Xref Schedule

CliBillFormatBill Format Bill Format

CliBillAgreeCodeBilling Agreement C = Contingency; H = Hourly; F = Flat Fee; R = Retainer; T = Task Billing; N = Non-Billable; B =ProBono

CliFlatFeeIncExpFlat Fee Includes Expense Y = Flat Fee includes expense; N = Flat fee does not include expense

CliRetainerTypeRetainer Type 1 = Total Bill; 2 = Fee Total; 3 = Minimum Bill; 4 = Minimum Fee

CliExpFreqCodeExpense Frequency M = Monthly; Q = Quarterly; S = Semi-Annual; A = Annual; C = Cycle; R = On Request

CliFeeFreqCodeFee Frequency M = Monthly; Q = Quarterly; S = Semi-Annual; A = Annual; C = Cycle; R = On Request

CliBillMonthBilling Month Billing Month

CliBillCycleBill Cycle Bill Cycle

CliExpThresholdExpense Threshold Amount of Expense Threshold

CliFeeThresholdFee Threshold AMount of Fee Threshold

CliInterestPcntInterest Percent Interest Percent

CliInterestDaysInterest Days Interest Days

CliDiscountOptionDiscount Option 0 = No Discount; 1 = % of fee; 2 = % of total

CliDiscountPcntDiscount Percent Discount Percent

CliSurchargeOptionSurcharge Option 0 = No Surcharge; 1 = % of fee; 2 = % of expense; 3 = % of total

CliSurchargePcntSurcharge Percent Surcharge Percent

CliTax1ExemptTax1 Exempt Y = Exempt from Tax1; N = Not Exempt from Tax1

CliTax2ExemptTax2 Exempt Y = Exempt from Tax2; N = Not Exempt from Tax2

CliTax3ExemptTax3 Exempt Y = Exempt from Tax3; N = Not Exempt from Tax3

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Client Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Client table


CliReqPhaseOnTransRequire Phase on Transaction Y = Require Phase on transactions; N = Phase not required on transactions

CliReqTaskCdOnTimeRequire Task Code on Time Y = Require Task Code on Time Entries; N = Task Code not required on Time Entries

CliReqActyCdOnTimeRequire Activity Code on Time Y = Require Activity Code on Time Entries; N = Activity Code not required on Time Entries

CliReqTaskCdOnExpRequire Task Code on Expense Y = Require Task Code on Expense Entries; N = Task Code not required on Expense Entries

CliPrimaryAddrPrimary Address Billing Address System Number

CliTypeType 2 = Individual; 0 = Not an Individual

CliNickNameUCaseNickName Uppercase Nickname Uppercase

CliEditFormatEdit Format Prebill Edit Format

CliThresholdOptionThreshold Option 0 = No thresholds entered; 1 = Fee Threshold amount, do not include expense; 2 = Expense Threshold, do not include Fee; 3 = Do not include fees and expense if threshold is met; 5 = Fee Threshold, Include Expense; 7 = Include expense, do not include fee if threshold is met; 10 = Expense Threshold, Include Fee; 11 = Include fee, do not include expense if threshold is met; 15 = Include fee and expense if threshold is met

CliRespAttyResponsible Attorney Employee System Number

CliBillingField01Billing Field 01 User Defined Billing Field 1

CliBillingField02Billing Field 02 User Defined Billing Field 2

CliBillingField03Billing Field 03 User Defined Billing Field 3

CliBillingField04Billing Field 04 User Defined Billing Field 4

CliBillingField05Billing Field 05 User Defined Billing Field 5

CliBillingField06Billing Field 06 User Defined Billing Field 6

CliBillingField07Billing Field 07 User Defined Billing Field 7

CliBillingField08Billing Field 08 User Defined Billing Field 8

CliBillingField09Billing Field 09 User Defined Billing Field 9

CliBillingField10Billing Field 10 User Defined Billing Field 10

CliBillingField11Billing Field 11 User Defined Billing Field 11

CliBillingField12Billing Field 12 User Defined Billing Field 12

CliBillingField13Billing Field 13 User Defined Billing Field 13

CliBillingField14Billing Field 14 User Defined Billing Field 14

CliBillingField15Billing Field 15 User Defined Billing Field 15

CliBillingField16Billing Field 16 User Defined Billing Field 16

CliBillingField17Billing Field 17 User Defined Billing Field 17

CliBillingField18Billing Field 18 User Defined Billing Field 18

CliBillingField19Billing Field 19 User Defined Billing Field 19

CliBillingField20Billing Field 20 User Defined Billing Field 20

CliCTermsCollection Terms Collection Terms

CliCStatusCollection Status Collection Status

CliCStatus2Collections Status 2 Additional Collection Status

Client Matter NonPhase Budget Items Budget details for NonPhase Client Matter budget type


BudgetIDBudget ID Unique Budget ID

NameName Budget Name

BudgetStatusBudget Status 1 = Current, 2 = Active, 3 = Inactive, 4 = Locked, 5 = Archived

BudgetYearBudget Year Budget Year

BudgetCodeBudget Code Budget Code

OwnerOwner Owner

LastModDateLast Modified Date Date of last modification to budget

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Client Matter NonPhase Budget Items Budget details for NonPhase Client Matter budget type


LastModUserLast Modified User User who last modified budget

ViewIDView ID Unique ID for Budget View

ViewTagView Tag Budget Phase

ViewNameView Name Name of View

StartDateStart Date Start Date of Budget

EndDateEnd Date End Date of Budget

RowTextRow Text Name of Row or Container

SysNbrSystem Number Matter System Number

RowTagRow Tag Original Name of Row

RowTypeRow Type 3 - Total Budgeted, 5 - Hours, 6 - Fees Worked, 7 - Fees Billed, 8 - Fees Received, 0 - Other Rows

RowIDRow ID Unique Row ID

PeriodPeriod 1-12 - Accounting Month, -1 - Year Total, 101-104 Quarter Total

BudgetedValueBudgeted Value Amount entered in Budget Field

CurrentActualValueCurrent Actual Value Actual Value from the time the actuals were imported

PreviousActualValuePrevious Actual Value Prior year actual value from the last time actuals were imported

Client Matter Phase Budget Items Budget details for Client Matter Phase BudgetClientMatterPhaseBudgetItemsView

BudgetIDBudget ID Unique Budget ID

NameName Budget Name

BudgetStatusBudget Status 1 = Current, 2 = Active, 3 = Inactive, 4 = Locked, 5 = Archived

BudgetYearBudget Year Budget Year

BudgetCodeBudget Code Budget Code

OwnerOwner Owner

LastModDateLast Modified Date Date of last modification to budget

LastModUserLast Modified User User who last modified budget

ViewIDView ID Unique ID for Budget View

ViewTagView Tag Budget Phase

ViewNameView Name Name of View

StartDateStart Date Start Date of Budget

EndDateEnd Date End Date of Budget

RowTextRow Text Name of Row or Container

SysNbrSystem Number Matter System Number

RowTagRow Tag Original Name of Row

RowTypeRow Type 3 - Total Budgeted, 5 - Hours, 6 - Fees Worked, 7 - Fees Billed, 8 - Fees Received, 0 - Other Rows

RowIDRow ID Unique Row ID

PeriodPeriod 1-12 - Accounting Month, -1 - Year Total, 101-104 Quarter Total

BudgetedValueBudgeted Value Amount entered in Budget Field

CurrentActualValueCurrent Actual Value Actual Value from the time the actuals were imported

PreviousActualValuePrevious Actual Value Prior year actual value from the last time actuals were imported

Client Most Recent Recently used Activity Codes by User/Timekeeper in MyJuris Most Recents list


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIDEmployee System Number User System Number

SystemNumberClient System Number Client System Number

ListPositionList Position List Position

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Client Note Note Cards setup on a Client under Tables/ClientsClientNote

CNClientClient Client System Number

CNNoteIndexNote Index Note Card Name

CNObjectObject Object

CNNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

CNNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

Client Note Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Client Note table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CNClientClient Client System Number

CNNoteIndexNote Index Note Card Name

CNObjectObject Object

CNNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

CNNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

Client Originating Attorney Originating Timekeepers setup on the Client form under Tables/Clients


COrigCliClient System Number Client System Number

COrigAttyOriginating Attorney Originating Attorney System Number

COrigPcntOrigination Percent Origination Percent

Client Originating Attorney Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Client Originating Attorney table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

COrigCliClient System Number Client System Number

COrigAttyOriginating Attorney Originating Attorney System Number

COrigPcntOrigination Percent Origination Percent

Client Responsible Timekeeper Responsible Timekeepers assigned on the ClientClientResponsibleTimekeeper

CRTClientIDClient ID Client System Number

CRTEmployeeIDEmployee ID Employee System Number

CRTPercentPercent Allocation percent of responsible timekeeper


Client Responsible Timekeeper Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Client Responsible Timekeeper table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Client Responsible Timekeeper Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Client Responsible Timekeeper table


HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CRTClientIDClient ID Client System Number

CRTEmployeeIDEmployee ID Employee System Number

CRTPercentPercent Percentage allocation assigned to responsible timekeeper


Collection Status List of Collection Status TypesCollectionStatus

CSStatusStatus Description of collection status


Collection Status Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Collection Status


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDateTimeStamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CSStatusStatus Description of collection status

CSIDCSID Collection Status ID

Collection Terms List of Collection Terms in Firm OptionsCollectionTerms

CTTermsTerms Number of Days

CTCategoryCategory Collection Terms description


Collection Terms Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Collection Terms


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDateTimeStamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CTTermsTerms Number of Days

CTCategoryCategory Collection Terms description

CTIDCTID Collection Terms ID

Conflict Search Conflict SearchConflictSearch

IdID Unique ID

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Conflict Search Conflict SearchConflictSearch

OrganizationalUnitIDOrganizational Unit ID Organizational Unit ID

SearchTextSearch Text Search Text

DescriptionDescription Description

Conflict Storage Archived Conflict searches by User under My Inquiry/Conflict in MyJuris


IdID Unique ID

OrganizationalUnitIDOrganizational Unit ID User System ID

RunDateRun Date Date and Time Conflict Search was run

SearchTextSearch Text Search Text

DescriptionDescription Description

AutoSaveAuto Save N = New Conflict Search; Y = Previously saved Conflict Search

Conflict Storage Objects Conflict Objects related to archived searches in MyJuris


IdID Unique ID

ConflictStorageIDConflict Storage ID Conflict Storage ID

ObjectDataObject Data Object Data

Credit Memo Summarized write off transactions entered under Transactions/Credit Memos


CMBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

CMRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CMLHLinkLedger History Link Ledger History System Number

CMBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

CMMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CMCommentComment Comment

CMDateDate Date of Credit Memo

CMPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on date of entry

CMPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on date of entry

CMPreAdjFeePreAdjustment Fee AR Balance of Fees prior to Credit Memo

CMFeeAdjFee Adjusted Adjustment amount applied to Fees

CMPreAdjCshExpPreAdjustment Cash Expense AR Balance of Cash Expense prior to Credit Memo

CMCshExpAdjCash Expense Adjusted Adjustment amount applied to Cash Expense through Credit Memo

CMPreAdjNCshExpPreAdjustment Noncash Expense AR Balance of Noncash Expense prior to Credit Memo

CMNCshExpAdjNoncash Expense Adjustment Adjustment amount applied to Noncash Expense

CMPreAdjSurchgPreAdjustment Surcharge AR Balance of Surcharge prior to Credit Memo

CMSurchgAdjSurcharge Adjustment Adjustment amount applied to Surcharge

CMPreAdjTax1PreAdjustment Tax1 AR Balance of Tax1 prior to Credit Memo

CMTax1AdjTax1 Adjusted Adjustment amount applied to Tax1

CMPreAdjTax2PreAdjustment Tax2 AR Balance of Tax2 prior to Credit Memo

CMTax2AdjTax2 Adjustment Adjustment amount applied to Tax2

CMPreAdjTax3PreAdjustment Tax3 AR Balance of Tax3 prior to Credit Memo

CMTax3AdjTax3 Adjustment Adjustment amount applied to Tax3

CMPreAdjInterestPreAdjustment Interest AR Balance of Interest prior to Credit Memo

CMInterestAdjInterest Adjusted Adjustment amount applied to Interest

CMPrintOptionPrint Option Print Option

CMNarrativeNarrative Narrative

CMIDCredit Memo ID Unique Credit Memo ID

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RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Credit Memo Batch Audit of Credit Memo Batches entered under Transactions/Credit Memos


CMBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

CMBCommentComment Comment

CMBStatusStatus L = Locked; U = Unlocked

CMBRecCountRecord Count Number of records in batch

CMBEnteredByEntered By User system number who entered batch

CMBDateEnteredDate Entered System date the day the batch was entered

CMBLastOpenedByLast Opened By User system number who last opened batch

CMBLastOpenedDateLast Opened Date System date the last time the batch was opened

CMBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch created by posting Credit Memo batch

Credit Memo Batch Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Credit Memo Batch table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CMBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

CMBCommentComment Comment

CMBStatusStatus L = Locked; U = Unlocked

CMBRecCountRecord Count Number of records in batch

CMBEnteredByEntered By User system number who entered batch

CMBDateEnteredDate Entered System date the day the batch was entered

CMBLastOpenedByLast Opened By User system number who last opened batch

CMBLastOpenedDateLast Opened Date System date the last time the batch was opened

CMBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch created by posting Credit Memo batch

Credit Memo Expense Allocation Detail expense write offs by Client/Matter/Bill Number/Expense Code entered under Transactions/Credit Memos


CMEBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CMERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CMEExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

CMEExpTypeExpense Type C = Cash Expense; N = Non Cash Expense

CMEBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

CMEMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CMEPreAdjPreAdjustment AR Balance prior to entering Credit Memo transaction

CMEAdjAdjusted Amount of Credit Memo Adjustment

Credit Memo Expense Allocation Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Credit Memo Expense Allocation table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Credit Memo Expense Allocation Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Credit Memo Expense Allocation table


Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CMEBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CMERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CMEExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

CMEExpTypeExpense Type C = Cash Expense; N = Non Cash Expense

CMEBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

CMEMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CMEPreAdjPreAdjustment AR Balance prior to entering Credit Memo transaction

CMEAdjAdjusted Amount of Credit Memo Adjustment

Credit Memo Fee Allocation Detail fee write offs by Client/Matter/Bill Number/Timekeeper entered under Transactions/Credit Memos


CMFBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CMFRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CMFTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

CMFBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

CMFMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CMFPreAdjPreAdjustment AR Balance prior to entering Credit Memo transaction

CMFAdjAdjusted Amount of Credit Memo Adjustment

Credit Memo Fee Allocation Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Credit Memo Fee Allocation table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CMFBatchBatch Number Batch Number

CMFRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CMFTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

CMFBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

CMFMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CMFPreAdjPreAdjustment AR Balance prior to entering Credit Memo transaction

CMFAdjAdjusted Amount of Credit Memo Adjustment

Credit Memo Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Credit Memo table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Credit Memo Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Credit Memo table


SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

CMBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

CMRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

CMLHLinkLedger History Link Ledger History System Number

CMBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

CMMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

CMCommentComment Comment

CMDateDate Date of Credit Memo

CMPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on date of entry

CMPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on date of entry

CMPreAdjFeePreAdjustment Fee AR Balance of Fees prior to Credit Memo

CMFeeAdjFee Adjusted Adjustment amount applied to Fees

CMPreAdjCshExpPreAdjustment Cash Expense AR Balance of Cash Expense prior to Credit Memo

CMCshExpAdjCash Expense Adjusted Adjustment amount applied to Cash Expense through Credit Memo

CMPreAdjNCshExpPreAdjustment Noncash Expense AR Balance of Noncash Expense prior to Credit Memo

CMNCshExpAdjNoncash Expense Adjustment Adjustment amount applied to Noncash Expense

CMPreAdjSurchgPreAdjustment Surcharge AR Balance of Surcharge prior to Credit Memo

CMSurchgAdjSurcharge Adjustment Adjustment amount applied to Surcharge

CMPreAdjTax1PreAdjustment Tax1 AR Balance of Tax1 prior to Credit Memo

CMTax1AdjTax1 Adjusted Adjustment amount applied to Tax1

CMPreAdjTax2PreAdjustment Tax2 AR Balance of Tax2 prior to Credit Memo

CMTax2AdjTax2 Adjustment Adjustment amount applied to Tax2

CMPreAdjTax3PreAdjustment Tax3 AR Balance of Tax3 prior to Credit Memo

CMTax3AdjTax3 Adjustment Adjustment amount applied to Tax3

CMPreAdjInterestPreAdjustment Interest AR Balance of Interest prior to Credit Memo

CMInterestAdjInterest Adjusted Adjustment amount applied to Interest

CMPrintOptionPrint Option Print Option

CMNarrativeNarrative Narrative

CMIDCredit Memo ID Unique Credit Memo ID

Distributed Reports Reports Distributed to individuals or teams through Active Information


IdId Unique Id

ReportIdReport Id Unique Report Id

ReportGeneratedTimeReport Generated Time Date and Time report was distributed

GeneratedReportGenerated Report Report generated by distribution

TargetOrganizationalUnitIdTarget Organizational Unit Id End user(s) id who received the distribution

DistributedReportNameDistributed Report Name Name of report distributed

DestinationTypeDestination Type Juris.Net - MyJuris Desktop; WebURL - E-mail or Network location

DistributionIdDistribution Id Unique Distribution Id

UniqueIdUnique Id Unique Id for individual distributed report

Distributed Reports Log Log of additions, changes or deletions to distributed reports


IdUnique Id Unique Id

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time records was added to log

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Distributed Reports Log Log of additions, changes or deletions to distributed reports


JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableRecord Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ReportIdReport Id Unique Report Id

ReportGeneratedTimeReport Generated Time Date and Time report was distributed

GeneratedReportGenerated Report Report generated by distribution

TargetOrganizationalUnitIdTarget Organizational Unit Id End user(s) id who received the distribution

DistributedReportNameDistributed Report Name Name of report distributed

DestinationTypeDestination Type Juris.Net - MyJuris Desktop; WebURL - E-mail or Network location

DistributionIdDistribution Id Unique Distribution Id

UniqueIdUniqueId Unique Id for individual distributed report

Distribution Log Log of reports distributed through Active Information


IdUnique Id Unique Id

LogTimeLog Time Date and Time distribution was processed

LogResultLog Result 0 - failed distribution, 1 - successful distribution

LogMessageLog Message Message regarding success or failure of distribution

DistributionNameDistribution Name Distribution Name

Distribution Queue List of distributions to be added, removed or modified from schedule


IdUnique Id Unique Id

DistributionIdDistribution Id Distribution Id

Distribution RequestDistribution Request 0 - Run Now, 1 - New, 2 - Update, 3 - Delete

Distribution Schedule Tasks Reports scheduled for distributionDistributionScheduleTasks

TaskIdTask Id Scheduled tasks unique id

ReportIdReport Id Id of report scheduled for distribution

TokenNamesToken Names Name of tokens defined on report

Report ParametersReport Parameters Parameters selected on distribution

TargetTarget Destination for distribution

TargetTypeTarget Type Document type of distribution

Distribution Schedule Tasks Log Log of additions, changes, deletions to reports and parameters selected in Active Information distributions


IDUnique Id Unique Id

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TaskIdTask Id Scheduled tasks unique id

ReportIdReport Id Id of report scheduled for distribution

TokenNamesToken Names Name of tokens defined on report

Report ParametersReport Parameters Parameters selected on distribution

TargetTarget Destination for distribution

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Distribution Schedule Tasks Log Log of additions, changes, deletions to reports and parameters selected in Active Information distributions


TargetTypeTarget Type Document type of distribution

Distribution Target Type Document type selected for distributionDistributionTargetType

TargetTypeTarget Type Document type of distribution

TargetNameTarget Name Name of Target Type

Distribution Targets Method of distributions availableDistributionTargets

TargetTarget Destination of distribution

Electronic Bill Layouts Electronic Bill Formats imported into JurisbxEBillLayout

EBLCodeCode Electronic Bill Layout Code

EBLNameName E Bill Layout Name

EBLLayoutLayout Layout

EBLXrefXref Cross Reference

EBLBXVersionLayout Version Layout Version

EBLJBXVersionBX Version BX Version

EBLTimeStampEBLTimeStamp Field EBLTimeStamp

Electronic Bill Layouts Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Electronic Bill Layouts Log


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

EBLCodeCode Electronic Bill Layout Code

EBLNameName EBill Layout Name

EBLLayoutLayout Layout

EBLXrefXref Cross Reference

EBLBXVersionLayout Version Layout Version

EBLJBXVersionBX Version BX Version

Employee Users and Timekeepers setup under Setup and Manage/User IDs and Tables/Timekeepers respectively


EmpSysNbrEmployee System Number Employee System Number

EmpIDEmployee ID Employee ID

EmpInitialsInitials Employee Initials

EmpNameName Full Name (Last, First Middle)

EmpValidAsUserValid as User Y = User is allowed to logon; N = User is not allowed to logon

EmpValidAsTkprValid as Timekeeper Y = Active Timekeeper; N = Inactive Timekeeper

EmpOnLineOn Line On Line Users: 8 = MyJuris; 9 = Juris

EmpPrsTypPersonnel Type Personnel Type Code

EmpSortSeqSort Sequence Sort Sequence

EmpFeeTaxExemptFee Tax Exempt Y = Tax Exempt; N = Not Tax Exempt

EmpBudHrsDayBudget Hours per Day Budgeted Hours per Day

EmpBudTargetRateBudget Target Rate Budgeted Target Rate

EmpNetIDNetwork ID Network ID

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Employee Users and Timekeepers setup under Setup and Manage/User IDs and Tables/Timekeepers respectively


EmpFirstNameFirst Name First Name

EmpMiddleNameMiddle Name Middle Name

EmpLastNameLast Name Last Name

EmpEmailEmail E-mail Address

Employee Change Log Log of Employee changes in an ASCII format used to update third party software


ECLUserIDUser ID User System Number

ECLTimeStampTimestamp Date and time of change

ECLActionAction A = Added Record; C = Modified Record; D = Deleted Record

ECLChangeChange ASCII text of Employee fields

Employee Favorite Frequently used Timekeepers as defined by User in MyJuris Favorites list


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIDUser System Number User System Number

SystemNumberEmployee System Number Timekeeper System Number

ListPositionList Position List Position

Employee GL Account GL Accounts assigned to a Timekeeper under Tables/Timekeepers


EGAEmpEmployee System Number Employee System Number

EGATypeType A = Adjustment Account; I = Income Account

EGAAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

Employee GL Account Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Employee GL Account table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

EGAEmpEmployee System Number Employee System Number

EGATypeType A = Adjustment Account; I = Income Account

EGAAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

Employee Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Employee table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

EmpSysNbrEmployee System Number Employee System Number

EmpIDEmployee ID Employee ID

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Employee Log Log of additions, modificaitons, deletions to the Employee table


EmpInitialsInitials Initials

EmpNameName Full Name (Last, First Middle)

EmpValidAsUserValid as User Y = User is allowed to logon; N = User is not allowed to logon

EmpValidAsTkprValid as Timekeeper Y = Active Timekeeper; N = Inactive Timekeeper

EmpOnLineOn Line On Line Users: 8 = MyJuris; 9 = Juris

EmpPrsTypPersonnel Type Personnel Type Code

EmpSortSeqSort Sequence Sort Sequence

EmpFeeTaxExemptFee Tax Exempt Y = Tax Exempt; N = Not Tax Exempt

EmpBudHrsDayBudget Hours per Day Budgeted Hours per Day

EmpBudTargetRateBudget Target Rate Budgeted Target Rate

EmpNetIDNetwork ID Network ID

EmpFirstNameFirst Name First Name

EmpMiddleNameMiddle Name Middle Name

EmpLastNameLast Name Last Name

EmpEmailEmail E-mail Address

Employee Most Recent Recently used Timekeepers by User in MyJuris Most Recents list


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIDUser System Number User System Number

SystemNumberEmployee System Number Timekeeper System Number

ListPositionList Position List Position

Expense Batch Audit of Expense Batches created under Transactions/Expense Entries


EBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

EBCommentComment Comment

EBBatchTypeBatch Type 1 = Normal Batch; 2 = Direct Batch; 3 = Adjustment Batch

EBStatusStatus P = Posted; U = Unposted; L = Locked; D = Deleted; R = Ready to Post

EBRecCountRecord Count Number of entries in batch

EBEnteredByEntered By User system number who entered batch

EBDateEnteredDate Entered System date when the batch was entered

EBLastOpenedByLast Opened By User system number who last opened batch

EBLastOpenedDateLast Opened Date System date when batch was last opened

EBPostedByPosted By User system number who posted batch

EBDatePostedDate Posted System date when batch was posted

EBLastUsedByLast Used By User system number who last used the batch

EBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch Number

EBTotExpTotal Expense Total of all expense entries in batch

Expense Batch Detail Detail Expense Entries entered in an Expense Batch under Transactions/Expense Entries


EBDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

EBDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

EBDRecTypeBatch Record Type 1 = Normal Entry; 2 = Direct Entry; 3 = Before Adjustment; 4 = After Adjustment; 5 = Deleted

EBDPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

EBDDateDate Date of Expense Entry

EBDPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on entry date

EBDPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

EBDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

EBDBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Expense Batch Detail Detail Expense Entries entered in an Expense Batch under Transactions/Expense Entries


EBDBudgTaskCdBudget Task Code Budget Task Code

EBDExpSchedExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

EBDExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

EBDSummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do Not Summarize

EBDUnitsUnits Number of Units

EBDMultMultiplier Multiplier

EBDAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User over rode and entered amount

EBDAmountAmount Amount

EBDAuthByAuthorized By Timekeeper System Number

EBDCode1Code1 Optional Code1

EBDCode2Code2 Optional Code2

EBDCode3Code3 Optional Code3

EBDBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

EBDNarrativeNarrative Narrative

EBDAutoSuppressAuto Suppress Y = Suppress on bill; N = Do not suppress on bill

EBDIDExpense Batch Detail ID Unique Expense Batch Detail ID

Expense Batch Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Batch Detail table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

EBDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

EBDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

EBDRecTypeBatch Record Type 1 = Normal Entry; 2 = Direct Entry; 3 = Before Adjustment; 4 = After Adjustment; 5 = Deleted

EBDPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

EBDDateDate Date of Expense Entry

EBDPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on entry date

EBDPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

EBDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

EBDBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

EBDBudgTaskCdBudget Task Code Budget Task Code

EBDExpSchedExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

EBDExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

EBDSummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do Not Summarize

EBDUnitsUnits Number of Units

EBDMultMultiplier Multiplier

EBDAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User over rode and entered amount

EBDAmountAmount Amount

EBDAuthByAuthorized By Timekeeper System Number

EBDCode1Code1 Optional Code1

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Expense Batch Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Batch Detail table


EBDCode2Code2 Optional Code2

EBDCode3Code3 Optional Code3

EBDBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

EBDNarrativeNarrative Narrative

EBDAutoSuppressAuto Suppress Y = Suppress on bill; N = Do not suppress on bill

EBDIDExpense Batch Detail ID Unique Expense Batch Detail ID

Expense Batch Import Error Audit of rejected entries from Imported Expense Batches


EBIEBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

EBIERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

EBIESeqNbrSequence Number Sequence

EBIETextText Description of import error

Expense Batch Import Error Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Batch Import Error Log


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

EBIEBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

EBIERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

EBIESeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

EBIETextText Description of import error

Expense Code Expense Codes defined under Tables/Expense Codes


ExpCdCodeCode Expense Code

ExpCdDescDescription Description

ExpCdExpTypeType C = Cash Expense; N = Non Cash Expense

ExpCdTax1ExemptTax1 Exempt Y = Tax Exempt; N = Not Tax Exempt

ExpCdTax2ExemptTax2 Exempt Y = Tax Exempt; N = Not Tax Exempt

ExpCdTax3ExemptTax3 Exempt Y = Tax Exempt; N = Not Tax Exempt

ExpCdTextText Narrative of expense code

Expense Code Favorite Frequently used Expense Codes as defined by User in MyJuris Favorites list


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIDEmployee System Number User System Number

CodeCode Expense Code

ListPositionList Position List Position

Expense Code GL Account GL Accounts assigned to Expense Codes under Tables/Expense Codes


ECGAExpCodeExpense Code Expense Code

ECGATypeType A = Adjustment Account; I = Income Account

ECGAAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Expense Code GL Account Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Code GL Account table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ECGAExpCodeExpense Code Expense Code

ECGATypeType A = Adjustment Account; I = Income Account

ECGAAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

Expense Code Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Code table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ExpCdCodeCode Expense Code

ExpCdDescDescription Description

ExpCdExpTypeType C = Cash Expense; N = Non Cash Expense

ExpCdTax1ExemptTax1 Exempt Y = Tax Exempt; N = Not Tax Exempt

ExpCdTax2ExemptTax2 Exempt Y = Tax Exempt; N = Not Tax Exempt

ExpCdTax3ExemptTax3 Exempt Y = Tax Exempt; N = Not Tax Exempt

ExpCdTextText Narrative of expense code

Expense Code Most Recent Recently used Expense Codes by User in MyJuris Most Recents list


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIDEmployee System Number User System Number

CodeCode Expense Code

ListPositionList Position List Position

Expense Code Xref Expense Code Cross Reference tables setup under Tables/Expense Code Xref


ECXListList List

ECXFirmsCodeFirm's Code Firm's Code

ECXClientsCodeClient's Code Client's Code

ECXClientsDescClient's Description Client's Description

Expense Code Xref List Detail of Expense Code relationships defined on an Expense Cross Reference table


ECXLListList List

ECXLDescDescription Description

Expense Code Xref List Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Code Xref List table


IDID Unique ID

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Expense Code Xref List Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Code Xref List table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ECXLListList List

ECXLDescDescription Description

Expense Code Xref Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Code Xref table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ECXListList List

ECXFirmsCodeFirms Code Firms Code

ECXClientsCodeClients Code Clients Code

ECXClientsDescClients Description Clients Description

Expense Detail Distribution Detail audit of journal entries created by the transactions in an Expense Entry Batch


EDDSysNbrSystem Number Expense Detail Distribution System Number

EDDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

EDDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

EDDAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

EDDTypeType I = Office Income Account; U = Unbilled Account; E = Expense Code Income Account

EDDAmountAmount Amount

EDDJEBatchJournal Entry Batch Journal Entry Batch

EDDJERecNbrJournal Entry Record Number Journal Entry Record Number

EDDIDExpense Detail ID Expense Detail ID

Expense Detail Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Detail Distribution table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

EDDSysNbrSystem Number Expense Detail Distribution System Number

EDDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Expense Detail Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Detail Distribution table


EDDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

EDDAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

EDDTypeType I = Office Income Account; U = Unbilled Account; E = Expense Code Income Account

EDDAmountAmount Amount

EDDJEBatchJournal Entry Batch Journal Entry Batch

EDDJERecNbrJournal Entry Record Number Journal Entry Record Number

EDDIDExpense Detail ID Expense Detail ID

Expense Entry Detail Expense Entries entered and/or viewed through MyJuris


EntryIDEntry ID Expense Entry ID

ClientSysNbrClient System Number Client System Number

MatterSysNbrMatter System Number Matter System Number

BudgetPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

TaskCodeTask Code Task Code

EntryDateEntry Date Date of Entry

PeriodYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on Expense Entry date

PeriodNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Year based on Expense Entry date

ExpenseScheduleCodeExpense Schedule Code Expense Schedule Code

ExpenseCodeExpense Code Expense Code

SummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do not summarize

UnitsUnits Number of Units

MultiplierMultiplier Multiplier

AmountSourceAmount Source 1 = calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User over rode and entered amount

AmountAmount Amount

IncurredBySysNbrIncurred By Timekeeper System Number

Code1Code1 Optional Code1

Code2Code2 Optional Code2

Code3Code3 Optional Code3

BillNoteBill Note Bill Note

NarrativeNarrative Narrative

PostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

PostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

CreatorSysNbrCreator System Number User System Number who created entry

OwnerSysNbrOwner System Number User System Number who is responsible for the entry

ApplicationSysNbrApplication System Number Juris Application System Number through which the entry was made

EntryStateEntry State 0 = Invalid; 1 = Valid

EntryStatusEntry Status 0 = Draft; 1 = Ready to Submit; 2 = Pending Approval; 3 = Approved; 4 = Rejected; 5 = Pending Recording; 6 = Recorded; 7 = Posted; 8 = On Prebill; 9 = Billed

SplitTemplateIdSplit Template ID Split Template ID

SplitIDSplit ID Unique ID for entries that have been split

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Expense Entry Detail Expense Entries entered and/or viewed through MyJuris


CreationDateCreation Date Date entry was created

LastModifiedApplicationSysNbrLast Modified Application System Number

Juris Application that last modified the entry

LastModifiedUserSysNbrLast Modified User System Number

User System Number who last modified the entry

LastModifiedDateLast Modified Date Last Date the entry was modified

Expense Entry Approval Expense Entries submitted to Juris or Approver through MyJuris


IDID Unique ID

EntryIDEntry ID Expense Entry ID

EmployeeIDEmployee System Number User System Number

EntryStatusEntry Status 0 = Draft; 1 = Ready to Submit; 2 = Pending Approval; 3 = Approved; 4 = Rejected; 5 = Pending Recording; 6 = Recorded

StatusDateStatus Date Date and time status of entry was modified

InitialOwnerIDInitial Owner ID User System Number who originally owned entry

FinalOwnerIDFinal Owner ID User System Number who last modified entry through approval process

AttachmentIDAttachment ID Attachment ID

Expense Entry Attachment Attachments linked to Expense Entries through MyJuris


IdID Unique ID

EntryIDEntry ID Expense Entry ID

AttachmentIDAttachment ID Expense Attachment ID

Expense Entry Link Table that relates Expense Entries viewed in MyJuris to Expense Entry Transactions in Juris


IdID Unique ID

EntryIDEntry ID Expense Entry ID

EBDIDExpense Detail ID Expense Detail ID

Expense Entry Link Adjustment Expense Entry Link AdjustmentExpenseEntryLinkAdjustment

IdID Unique ID

EntryIdEntry ID Expense Entry ID

EBIDExpense Batch ID Expense Batch ID

HostHost Host

SourceSource Source

Expense Entry Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Expense Entry table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

EntryIDEntry ID Expense Entry ID

ClientSysNbrClient System Number Client System Number

MatterSysNbrMatter System Number Matter System Number

BudgetPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

TaskCodeTask Code Task Code

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Expense Entry Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Expense Entry table


EntryDateEntry Date Date of Entry

PeriodYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on Expense Entry date

PeriodNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Year based on Expense Entry dat

ExpenseScheduleCodeExpense Schedule Code Expense Schedule Code

ExpenseCodeExpense Code Expense Code

SummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do not summarize

UnitsUnits Number of Units

MultiplierMultiplier Multiplier

AmountSourceAmount Source 1 = calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User over rode and entered amount

AmountAmount Amount

IncurredBySysNbrIncurred By Timekeeper System Number

Code1Code1 Optional Code1

Code2Code2 Optional Code2

Code3Code3 Optional Code3

BillNoteBill Note Bill Note

NarrativeNarrative Narrative

PostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Todays Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

PostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Todays Date

CreatorSysNbrCreator System Number User System Number who created entry

OwnerSysNbrOwner System Number User System Number who is responsible for the entry

ApplicationSysNbrApplication System Number Juris Application System Number through which the entry was made

EntryStateEntry State 0 = Invalid; 1 = Valid

EntryStatusEntry Status 0 = Draft; 1 = Ready to Submit; 2 = Pending Approval; 3 = Approved; 4 = Rejected; 5 = Pending Recording; 6 = Recorded; 7 = Posted; 8 = On Prebill; 9 = Billed

SplitTemplateIdSplit Template ID Split Template ID

SplitIDSplit ID Unique ID for entries that have been split

CreationDateCreation Date Date entry was created

LastModifiedApplicationSysNbrLast Modified Application System Number

Juris Application that last modified the entry

LastModifiedDateLast Modified Date Last Date the entry was modified

Expense Schedule Expense Schedules defined under Tables/Expense Schedules


ExpSchCodeExpense Schedule Code Expense Schedule Code

ExpSchDescDescription Description

Expense Schedule Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Schedule table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Expense Schedule Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Schedule table


JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ExpSchCodeExpense Schedule Code Expense Schedule Code

ExpSchDescDescription Description

Expense Schedule Rate Print options and multipliers defined by Expense Code on Expense Schedules


ESRSchExpense Schedule Code Expense Schedule Code

ESRCodeExpense Code Expense Code

ESRSumrySummarize Y = Summarize; N = Not Summarized

ESRShowUnitsShow Units Y = Show Units; N = Do not show units

ESRMultMultiplier Mulitiplier

Expense Schedule Rate Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Schedule Rate table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ESRSchExpense Schedule Code Expense Schedule Code

ESRCodeExpense Code Expense Code

ESRSumrySummarize Y = Summarize; N = Not Summarized

ESRShowUnitsShow Units Y = Show Units; N = Do not show units

ESRMultMultiplier Mulitiplier

Expense Sum by Period Analysis figures for client expenses summarized by Client/Matter/Expense Code/Accounting Period


ESPMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ESPExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

ESPPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

ESPPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

ESPEnteredEntered Amount Incurred

ESPBilledValueBilled Value Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred)

ESPBilledAmtBilled Amount Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

ESPReceivedReceived Amount Received

ESPAdjustedAdjusted Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

Expense Sum by Period Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Sum by Period table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Expense Sum by Period Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Sum by Period table


SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ESPMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ESPExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

ESPPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

ESPPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

ESPEnteredEntered Amount Incurred

ESPBilledValueBilled Value Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred)

ESPBilledAmtBilled Amount Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

ESPReceivedReceived Amount Received

ESPAdjustedAdjusted Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

Expense Sum ITD Inception to Date analysis figures for client expenses summarized by Client/Matter/Expense Code


ESIMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ESIExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

ESICurUnbilBalCurrent Unbilled Balance Current Unbilled Balance

ESICurARBalCurrent AR Balance Current AR Balance

ESIEnteredEntered Amount Incurred

ESIBilledValueBilled Value Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred)

ESIBilledAmtBilled Amount Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

ESIReceivedReceived Amount Received

ESIAdjustedAdjusted Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

Expense Sum ITD Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Sum ITD table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

ESIMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ESIExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

ESICurUnbilBalCurrent Unbilled Balance Current Unbilled Balance

ESICurARBalCurrent AR Balance Current AR Balance

ESIEnteredEntered Amount Incurred

ESIBilledValueBilled Value Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred)

ESIBilledAmtBilled Amount Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

ESIReceivedReceived Amount Received

ESIAdjustedAdjusted Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos

ExpenseBatch Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Batch table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

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PostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

ExpenseBatch Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Expense Batch table


RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

EBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

EBCommentComment Comment

EBBatchTypeBatch Type 1 = Normal Batch; 2 = Direct Batch; 3 = Adjustment Batch

EBStatusEBStatus P = Posted; U = Unposted; L = Locked; D = Deleted; R = Ready to Post

EBRecCountRecord Count Number of entries in batch

EBEnteredByEntered By User system number who entered batch

EBDateEnteredDate Entered System date when the batch was entered

EBLastOpenedByLast Opened By User system number who last opened batch

EBLastOpenedDateLast Opened Date System date when batch was last opened

EBPostedByPosted By User system number who posted batch

EBDatePostedDate Posted System date when batch was posted

EBLastUsedByLast Used By User system number who last used the batch

EBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch Number

EBTotExpTotal Expense Total of all expense entries in batch

Expenses Detail billed and unbilled expense entriesExpenses

BillNumberBill Number Bill Number

MatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ExpenseCodeExpense Code Expense Code

BatchNumberBatch Number Batch Number

RecordNumberRecord Number Record Number

BudgetPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

TaskCodeTask Code Task Code

EntryDateEntry Date Date of Expense Entry

PeriodYearPeriod Year Period Year

PeriodNumberPeriod Number Period Number

ExpenseScheduleExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

SummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do not summarize

UnitsUnits Units before Prebill Edits (As Incurred)

MultiplierMultiplier Multiplier

AmountSourceAmount Source 1 = calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User overrode and Entered Amount

AmountAmount Amount before Prebill Edits (As Incurred)

IncurredByIncurred By Timekeeper System Number

Code1Code1 Optional Code1

Code2Code2 Optional Code2

Code3Code3 Optional Code3

BillNoteBill Note Bill Note

StatusOnBillStatus on Bill 0 = Billed entry; M = Marked Off; S = Suppressed

UnitsOnBillUnits on Bill Units after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

AmountOnBillAmount on Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

NarrativeNarrative Narrative

AutoSuppressAuto Suppress Y = Auto Suppress on Prebill; N = Do not Auto Suppress on Prebill

IDExpense Entry ID Expense Entry ID

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Expenses Detail billed and unbilled expense entriesExpenses

was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

PostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

Fee and Expense Sum Union of FeeSumbyPrd and ExpSumbyPrd with Matter, Period and Year but not summarized


MatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PeriodYearPeriod Year Period Year

PeriodNumberPeriod Number Period Number

WorkedHoursEnteredWorked Hours Entered Hours Worked on Time Entry

NonBillHoursEnteredNonBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as NonBillable

BillHoursEnteredBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as Billable

FeeEnteredStandardValueFee Entered Standard Value Fee Value of Hours calculated at the Standard Rate

FeeEnteredActualValueFee Entered Actual Value Fee Amount calculated at Fee Schedule Rate or entered by user on time entry

WorkedHoursBilledWorked Hours Billed Hours Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

HoursBilledHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FeeBilledStandardValueFee Billed Standard Value Fees Billed calculated at the Standard Rate when the time was entered

FeeBilledActualValueFee Billed Actual Value Fees Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FeeBilledActualAmountFee Billed Actual Amount Fees Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FeeReceivedFee Received Fees Received (Cash Receipt, PPD Applied, Trust Applied)

FeeAdjustedFee Adjusted Fees Adjusted through Credit Memos

ExpenseEnteredCashExpense Entered Cash Amount Incurred for Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledValueCashExpense Billed Value Cash Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred) for Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledAmountCashExpense Billed Amount Cash Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed) for Cash Expenses

ExpenseReceivedCashExpense Received Cash Amount Received for Cash Expenses

ExpenseAdjustedCashExpense Adjusted Cash Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos for Cash Expenses

ExpenseEnteredNonCashExpense Entered Non Cash Amount Incurred for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledValueNonCashExpense Billed Value Non Cash Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred) for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledAmountNonCashExpense Billed Amount Non Cash Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed) for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseReceivedNonCashExpense Received Non Cash Amount Received for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseaAdjustedNonCashExpense Adjusted Non Cash Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos for Non Cash Expenses

Fee and Expense Sum by Matter Union of FeeSumbyPrd and ExpSumbyPrd with summarized by Matter


MatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

WorkedHoursEnteredWorked Hours Entered Hours Worked on Time Entry

NonBillHoursEnteredNonBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as NonBillable

BillHoursEnteredBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as Billable

FeeEnteredStandardValueFee Entered Standard Value Fee Value of Hours calculated at the Standard Rate

FeeEnteredActualValueFee Entered Actual Value Fee Amount calculated at Fee Schedule Rate or entered by user on time entry

WorkedHoursBilledWorked Hours Billed Hours Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

HoursBilledHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Fee and Expense Sum by Matter Union of FeeSumbyPrd and ExpSumbyPrd with summarized by Matter


FeeBilledStandardValueFee Billed Standard Value Fees Billed calculated at the Standard Rate when the time was entered

FeeBilledActualValueFee Billed Actual Value Fees Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FeeBilledActualAmountFee Billed Actual Amount Fees Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FeeReceivedFee Received Fees Received (Cash Receipt, PPD Applied, Trust Applied)

FeeAdjustedFee Adjusted Fees Adjusted through Credit Memos

ExpenseEnteredCashExpense Entered Cash Amount Incurred for Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledValueCashExpense Billed Value Cash Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred) for Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledAmountCashExpense Billed Amount Cash Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed) for Cash Expenses

ExpenseReceivedCashExpense Received Cash Amount Received for Cash Expenses

ExpenseAdjustedCashExpense Adjusted Cash Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos for Cash Expenses

ExpenseEnteredNonCashExpense Entered Non Cash Amount Incurred for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledValueNonCashExpense Billed Value Non Cash Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred) for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledAmountNonCashExpense Billed Amount Non Cash Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed) for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseReceivedNonCashExpense Received Non Cash Amount Received for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseAdjustedNonCashExpense Adjusted Non Cash Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos for Non Cash Expenses

Fee and Expense Sum by Matter Year Union of FeeSumbyPrd and ExpSumbyPrd with summarized by Matter and Year


MatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PeriodYearPeriod Year Period Year

WorkedHoursEnteredWorked Hours Entered Hours Worked on Time Entry

NonBillHoursEnteredNonBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as NonBillable

BillHoursEnteredBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as Billable

FeeEnteredStandardValueFee Entered Standard Value Fee Value of Hours calculated at the Standard Rate

FeeEnteredActualValueFee Entered Actual Value Fee Amount calculated at Fee Schedule Rate or entered by user on time entry

WorkedHoursBilledWorked Hours Billed Hours Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

HoursBilledHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FeeBilledStandardValueFee Billed Standard Value Fees Billed calculated at the Standard Rate when the time was entered

FeeBilledActualValueFee Billed Actual Value Fees Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FeeBilledActualAmountFee Billed Actual Amount Fees Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FeeReceivedFee Received Fees Received (Cash Receipt, PPD Applied, Trust Applied)

FeeAdjustedFee Adjusted Fees Adjusted through Credit Memos

ExpenseEnteredCashExpense Entered Cash Amount Incurred for Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledValueCashExpense Billed Value Cash Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred) for Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledAmountCashExpense Billed Amount Cash Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed) for Cash Expenses

ExpenseReceivedCashExpense Received Cash Amount Received for Cash Expenses

ExpenseAdjustedCashExpense Adjusted Cash Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos for Cash Expenses

ExpenseEnteredNonCashExpense Entered Non Cash Amount Incurred for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledValueNonCashExpense Billed Value Non Cash Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred) for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledAmountNonCashExpense Billed Amount Non Cash Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed) for Non Cash Expenses

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Fee and Expense Sum by Matter Year Union of FeeSumbyPrd and ExpSumbyPrd with summarized by Matter and Year


ExpenseReceivedNonCashExpense Received Non Cash Amount Received for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseAdjustedNonCashExpense Adjusted Non Cash Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos for Non Cash Expenses

Fee and Expense Sum by Matter Year Period Union of FeeSumbyPrd and ExpSumbyPrd with summarized by Matter, Year and Period


MatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PeriodYearPeriod Year Period Year

PeriodNumberPeriod Number Period Number

WorkedHoursEnteredWorked Hours Entered Hours Worked on Time Entry

NonBillHoursEnteredNonBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as NonBillable

BillHoursEnteredBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as Billable

FeeEnteredStandardValueFee Entered Standard Value Fee Value of Hours calculated at the Standard Rate

FeeEnteredActualValueFee Entered Actual Value Fee Amount calculated at Fee Schedule Rate or entered by user on time entry

WorkedHoursBilledWorked Hours Billed Hours Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

HoursBilledHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FeeBilledStandardValueFee Billed Standard Value Fees Billed calculated at the Standard Rate when the time was entered

FeeBilledActualValueFee Billed Actual Value Fees Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FeeBilledActualAmountFee Billed Actual Amount Fees Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FeeReceivedFee Received Fees Received (Cash Receipt, PPD Applied, Trust Applied)

FeeAdjustedFee Adjusted Fees Adjusted through Credit Memos

ExpenseEnteredCashExpense Entered Cash Amount Incurred for Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledValueCashExpense Billed Value Cash Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred) for Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledAmountCashExpense Billed Amount Cash Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed) for Cash Expenses

ExpenseReceivedCashExpense Received Cash Amount Received for Cash Expenses

ExpenseAdjustedCashExpense Adjusted Cash Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos for Cash Expenses

ExpenseEnteredNonCashExpense Entered Non Cash Amount Incurred for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledValueNonCashExpense Billed Value Non Cash Amount Billed before Prebill Edits (As Incurred) for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseBilledAmountNonCashExpense Billed Amount Non Cash Amount Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed) for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseReceivedNonCashExpense Received Non Cash Amount Received for Non Cash Expenses

ExpenseAdjustedNonCashExpense Adjusted Non Cash Amount Adjusted through Credit Memos for Non Cash Expenses

Fee Schedule Fee Schedules defined under Tables/Fee Schedules


FeeSchCodeCode Fee Schedule Code

FeeSchDescDescription Description

Fee Schedule Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Fee Schedule table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Fee Schedule Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Fee Schedule table


SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

FeeSchCodeCode Fee Schedule Code

FeeSchDescDescription Description

Fee Sum by Period Analysis figures for fees summarized by Client/Matter/Working Timekeeper/Task Code/Activity Code/Accounting Period


FSPMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

FSPTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

FSPTaskCdTask Code Task Code

FSPActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

FSPPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

FSPPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

FSPWorkedHrsEnteredWorked Hours Entered Hours Worked on Time Entry

FSPNonBilHrsEnteredNonBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as NonBillable

FSPBilHrsEnteredBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as Billable

FSPFeeEnteredStdValueFee Entered Standard Value Fee Value of Hours calculated at the Standard Rate

FSPFeeEnteredActualValueFee Entered Actual Value Fee Amount calculated at Fee Schedule Rate or entered by user on time entry

FSPWorkedHrsBldWorked Hours Billed Hours Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FSPHrsBilledHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FSPFeeBldStdValueFee Billed Standard Value Fees Billed calculated at the Standard Rate when the time was entered

FSPFeeBldActualValueFee Billed Actual Value Fees Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FSPFeeBldActualAmtFee Billed Actual Amount Fees Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FSPFeeReceivedFee Received Fees Received (Cash Receipt, PPD Applied, Trust Applied)

FSPFeeAdjustedFee Adjusted Fees Adjusted through Credit Memos

Fee Sum by Period Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Fee Sum by Period table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

FSPMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

FSPTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

FSPTaskCdTask Code Task Code

FSPActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

FSPPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

FSPPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

FSPWorkedHrsEnteredWorked Hours Entered Hours Worked on Time Entry

FSPNonBilHrsEnteredNonBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as NonBillable

FSPBilHrsEnteredBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as Billable

FSPFeeEnteredStdValueFee Entered Standard Value Fee Value of Hours calculated at the Standard Rate

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Fee Sum by Period Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Fee Sum by Period table


FSPFeeEnteredActualValueFee Entered Actual Value Fee Amount calculated at Fee Schedule Rate or entered by user on time entry

FSPWorkedHrsBldWorked Hours Billed Hours Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FSPHrsBilledHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FSPFeeBldStdValueFee Billed Standard Value Fees Billed calculated at the Standard Rate when the time was entered

FSPFeeBldActualValueFee Billed Actual Value Fees Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FSPFeeBldActualAmtFee Billed Actual Amount Fees Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FSPFeeReceivedFee Received Fees Received (Cash Receipt, PPD Applied, Trust Applied)

FSPFeeAdjustedFee Adjusted Fees Adjusted through Credit Memos

Fee Sum ITD Inception to Date analysis figured for fees summarized by Client/Matter/Working Timekeeper


FSIMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

FSITkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

FSICurUnbilHrsCurrent Unbilled Hours Current Unbilled Hours

FSICurUnbilBalCurrend Unbilled Balance Current Unbilled Fee Balance

FSICurARBalCurrent AR Balance Current AR Balance

FSIWorkedHrsEnteredWorked Hours Entered Hours Worked on Time Entry

FSINonBilHrsEnteredNonBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as NonBillable

FSIBilHrsEnteredBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as Billable

FSIFeeEnteredStdValueFee Entered Standard Value Fee Value of Hours calculated at the Standard

FSIFeeEnteredActualValueFee Entered Actual Value Fee Amount calculated at Fee Schedule Rate or entered by user on time entry

FSIWorkedHrsBilledWorked Hours Billed Hours Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FSIHrsBilledHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FSIFeeBldStdValueFee Billed Standard Value Fees Billed calculated at the Standard Rate when the time was entered

FSIFeeBldActualValueFee Billed Actual Value Fees Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FSIFeeBldActualAmtFee Billed Actual Amount Fees Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FSIFeeReceivedFee Received Fees Received (Cash Receipt, PPD Applied, Trust Applied)

FSIFeeAdjustedFee Adjusted Fees Adjusted through Credit Memos

Fee Sum ITD Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Fee Sum ITD table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

FSIMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

FSITkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

FSICurUnbilHrsCurrent Unbilled Hours Current Unbilled Hours

FSICurUnbilBalCurrent Unbilled Balance Current Unbilled Balance

FSICurARBalCurrent AR Balance Current AR Balance

FSIWorkedHrsEnteredWorked Hours Entered Hours Worked on Time Entry

FSINonBilHrsEnteredNonBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as NonBillable

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StatusOnBillStatus On Bill 0 = Bill Entry; S = Suppress; M = Mark Off

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Fee Sum ITD Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Fee Sum ITD table


FSIBilHrsEnteredBillable Hours Entered Hours to Bill on Time Entries marked as Billable

FSIFeeEnteredStdValueFee Entered Standard Value Fee Value of Hours calculated at the Standard

FSIFeeEnteredActualValueFee Entered Actual Value Fee Amount calculated at Fee Schedule Rate or entered by user on time entry

FSIWorkedHrsBilledWorked Hours Billed Hours Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FSIHrsBilledHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FSIFeeBldStdValueFee Billed Standard Value Fees Billed calculated at the Standard Rate when the time was entered

FSIFeeBldActualValueFee Billed Actual Value Fees Billed before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

FSIFeeBldActualAmtFee Billed Actual Amount Fees Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

FSIFeeReceivedFee Received Fees Received (Cash Receipt, PPD Applied, Trust Applied)

FSIFeeAdjustedFee Adjusted Fees Adjusted through Credit Memos

Fees Detail billed and unbilled time entriesFees

BillNumberBill Number Bill Number

MatterIDMatter System Number Matter System Number

TimekeeperIDAs Billed Timekeeper System Number

Timekeeper System Number

BatchBatch Number Batch Number

RecordRecord Number Record Number

BudgetPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

FeeDateFee Date Date of Time Entry

PeriodYearPeriod Year Period Year

PeriodNumberPeriod Number Period Number

WorkingTimekeeperAs Worked Timekeeper System Number

Working Timekeeper System Number (As Worked)

FeeScheduleFee Schedule Fee Schedule

TaskCodeTask Code Task Code

ActivityCodeActivity Code Activity Code

BillableFlagBillable Flag Y = Billable; N = Non-Billable

ActualHoursWorkedActual Hours Worked Hours Worked before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

HoursSourceHours Source U = User Overrode; W = Entered through Juris

HoursToBillHours To Bill Hours to Bill before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

RateSourceRate Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Timekeeper Rate on Matter Fee Schedule; 4 = Timekeeper Rate on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 5 = Personnel Type on Matter Fee Schedule; 6 = Personnel Type on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; U = User overrode and entered rate

RateRate Rate before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

AmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Calculated; U = User overrode and entered amount

AmountAmount Amount before Prebill Edits (As Worked)

StandardRateStandard Rate Working Timekeeper's Standard Rate at time of entry

AmountATStandardRateAmount at Standard Rate Hours to Bill times Standard Rate

Code1Code1 Optional Code1

Code2Code2 Optional Code2

Code3Code3 Optional Code3

BillNoteBill Note Bill Note

NarrativeNarrative Narrative

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Fees Detail billed and unbilled time entriesFees

DateOnBillDate on Bill Time Entry Date after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

HoursOnBillHours On Bill Hours To Bill after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

RateOnBillRate On Bill Rate after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

AmountOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

PostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

IDTime Entry ID Time Entry ID

Filter Filters for Time Entries and Expense Entries defined in MyJuris


IdID Unique ID

NameName Filter Name

CodeCode Filter Code

DefinitionDefinition Definition

TransactionTypeTransaction Type 1 = Time Entry; 2 = Expense Entry

OfflineOffline Offline

ActiveActive Active

HiddenHidden Hidden Flag

Filter Employee Filters setup by User in MyJurisFilterEmployee

IdID Unique ID

FilterIDFilter ID Filter ID

EmployeeIDEmployee System Number User System Number

OrganizationalUnitIDOrganizational Unit ID Organizational Unit ID

ParentIDParent ID Parent ID

TransactionTypeTransaction Type 1 = Time Entry; 2 = Expense Entry

Filter Favorite Frequently used Filters by User or Team in MyJuris Favorites List


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIdEmployee System Number User System Number

FilterIDFilterID Filter ID

OrganizationalUnitIDOrganizational Unit ID Organizational Unit ID

SequenceNumberSequenceNumber SequenceNumber

TransactionTypeTransactionType 1 = Time Entry; 2 = Expense Entry

Filter Team Filters setup by Team in MyJurisFilterTeam

IdID Unique ID

FilterIdFilter Id Filter Id

OrganizationalUnitIDOrganizational Unit ID Organizational Unit ID

TypeCodeType Code 0 = Published to Me; 1 = Published to Team

Financial Statement Layout Financial Statement Layouts defined under Tables/Fin. Stmt. Layout


FSLCodeCode Financial Statement Layout Code

FSLDescriptionDescription Description

FSLStmtTypeStatement Type B = Balance Sheet; C = Cash Flow; P = Profit & Loss; S = Supporting Schedule (P&L Format); X = Supporting Schedule (Balance Sheet Format)

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ViewTagView Tag Null for a G/L Budget - Used for Client Matter Budgets

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Financial Statement Layout Item Detail line items defined on Financial Statement Layouts


FSLICodeFinancial Statement Layout Code Financial Statement Layout Code

FSLISeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

FSLIPropertyProperty Codes for Propery selection and formatting

FSLIChtSysNbrAccount System Number Chart of Account System Number

FSLIValueValue Values assigned to Property selected (Text, Print/Accumulate, Balance Type, etc)

Financial Statement Layout Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Financial Statement Layout Item table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

FSLICodeFinancial Statement Layout Code Financial Statement Layout Code

FSLISeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

FSLIPropertyProperty Codes for Propery selection and formatting

FSLIChtSysNbrAccount System Number Chart of Account System Number

FSLIValueValue Values assigned to Property selected (Text, Print/Accumulate, Balance Type, etc)

Financial Statement Layout Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Financial Statment Layout table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

FSLCodeCode Financial Statement Layout Code

FSLDescriptionDescription Description

FSLStmtTypeStatement Type B = Balance Sheet; C = Cash Flow; P = Profit & Loss; S = Supporting Schedule (P&L Format); X = Supporting Schedule (Balance Sheet Format)

General Ledger Budget Items Budget details for a General Ledger BudgetGeneralLedgerBudgetItemsView

BudgetIDBudget ID Unique Budget ID

NameName Budget Name

BudgetStatusBudget Status 1 = Current, 2 = Active, 3 = Inactive, 4 = Locked, 5 = Archived

BudgetYearBudget Year Budget Year

BudgetCodeBudget Code Budget Code

OwnerOwner Owner

LastModDateLast Modified Date Date of last modification to budget

LastModUserLast Modified User User who last modified budget

ViewIDView ID Unique ID for Budget View

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

General Ledger Budget Items Budget details for a General Ledger BudgetGeneralLedgerBudgetItemsView


ViewNameView Name Name of View

StartDateStart Date Start Date of Budget

EndDateEnd Date End Date of Budget

RowTextRow Text Name of Row or Container

SysNbrSystem Number Chart of Account System Number

RowTagRow Tag Original Name of Row

RowTypeRow Type 3 - Total Budgeted, 5 - Hours, 6 - Fees Worked, 7 - Fees Billed, 8 - Fees Received, 0 - Other Rows

RowIDRow ID Unique Row ID

PeriodPeriod 1-12 - Accounting Month, -1 - Year Total, 101-104 Quarter Total

BudgetedValueBudgetedValue Amount entered in Budget Field

CurrentActualValueCurrent Actual Value Actual Value from the time the actuals were imported

PreviousActualValuePrevious Actual Value Prior year actual value from the last time actuals were imported

Holiday Detail of firm Holidays defined on Holiday Schedules


HDaySchSchedule Holiday Schedule

HDayDateDate Holiday Date

HDayDescDescription Holiday Description

HDaySubDateSubstitution Date Substitution Date

Holiday Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Holiday table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

HDaySchSchedule Code Holiday Schedule Code

HDayDateDate Holiday Date

HDayDescDescription Description

HDaySubDateSub Date Substitution Date

Holiday Schedule Holiday Schedule Code and DescriptionHolidaySchedule

HDaySchCodeCode Holiday Schedule Code

HDaySchDescDescription Holiday Schedule Description

Holiday Schedule Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Holiday Schedule table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

HDaySchCodeCode Holiday Schedule Code

HDaySchDescDescription Description

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Journal Entry Detail Journal Entries that make up the General Ledger


JEAccountGL Account Chart Of Account System Number

JEPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Year based on entry date

JEPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

JEBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

JERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

JEDateDate Date of Entry

JESourceSource AP/Check = Checks or Quick Checks; AP/Recon = Bank Reconciliation Entry; AP/Voucher = Payment Vouchers; GL/GENJRNL = Journal Entries; TB/ARBILL = Post Bills; TB/ARUNBILL = Unpost Bills; TB/CASH = Cash Receipts; TB/CRMEMO = Credit Memos; TB/EXP = Expense Entries; TB/FEE = Time Entries; TR/Cash = Trust Cash Receipts;TR/Adj = Trust Adjustment; TB/MANBILL = Manual Bill; or entered by User in Journal Entries

JEJournalNbrJournal Number Journal Number = Journal Entry Batch Number

JEJournalSeqNbrJournal Sequence Number Journal Sequence Number

JEDocumentNbrDocument Number Document Number

JEAmountAmount Amount

JECorrectingFlgCorrecting Flag Y = Correcting entry; N = Not a correcting entry

JEAccrualReversalAccrual Reversal Y = Reverse next period; N = Do not reverse next period

JEReferenceReference Reference

JEPostDatePost Date System date when journal entry was posted

JEConsolFlgConsolidated Flag Y = Consolidted; N = Not Consolidated

JESourceTypeSource Type -1 = Not Defined at time of entry; 0 = Cash Receipt; 1 = Journal Entry or Unpost Bill; 2 = Credit Memo; 3 = Expense Entry; 4 = Time Entry; 5 = Manual Bill; 6 = Posted Bills; 7 = Posted Bills Expense; 8 = Posted Bills Fee; 9 = Posted Bills Expense; 10 = Payment Vouchers; 11 = Checks; 12 = Trust Adjustment; 13 = Reconciling Entries

JEIDJournal Entry ID Journal Entry ID

JEControlNbrControl Number Accounting Year.Period Number.Batch Number.Entry Number

Journal Entry Batch Audit of Journal Entry Batches created under Transactions/Journal Entries


JEBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

JEBCommentComment Comment

JEBStatusStatus P = Posted; U = Unposted; D = Deleted; L = Locked; R = Ready to Post

JEBRecCountRecord Count Number of entries in the batch

JEBEnteredByEntered By User System Number who entered the batch

JEBEnteredDateEntered Date System date when the batch was entered

JEBLastOpenedByLast Opened By User System Number who last opened the batch

JEBLastOpenedDateLast Opened Date System date when the batch was last opened

JEBPostedByPosted By User System Number who posted batch

JEBPostedDatePosted Date System date when the batch was posted

JEBLastUsedByLast Used By User System Number who last used the batch

JEBTotDebitsTotal Debits Total Debit entries

JEBTotCreditsTotal Credits Total Credit entries

JEBAccrualDebitsAccrual Debits Total Debit entries marked as reversing

JEBAccrualCreditsAccrual Credits Total Credit entries marked as reversing

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Journal Entry Batch Detail Detail transactions entered in a Journal Entry Batch


JEBDBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

JEBDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

JEBDPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

JEBDAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

JEBDDateDate Date of Journal Entry

JEBDPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on entry date

JEBDPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

JEBDSourceSource AP/Check = Checks or Quick Checks; AP/Recon = Bank Reconciliation Entry; AP/Voucher = Payment Vouchers; GL/GENJRNL = Journal Entries; TB/ARBILL = Post Bills; TB/ARUNBILL = Unpost Bills; TB/CASH = Cash Receipts; TB/CRMEMO = Credit Memos; TB/EXP = Expense Entries; TB/FEE = Time Entries; TR/Cash = Trust Cash Receipts;TR/Adj = Trust Adjustment; TB/MANBILL = Manual Bill; or entered by User in Journal Entries

JEBDJournalNbrJournal Number Journal Entry Batch Number

JEBDJournalSeqNbrJournal Sequence Number Journal Sequence Number

JEBDDocumentNbrDocument Number Document Number

JEBDAmountAmount Amount

JEBDCorrectingFlgCorrecting Flag Y = Correcting Entry; N = Not a Correcting Entry

JEBDAccrualReversalAccrual Reversal Y = Reverse entry next period; N = Do not reverse next period

JEBDReferenceReference Reference

JEBDSourceTypeSource Type -1 = Not Defined at time of entry; 0 = Cash Receipt; 1 = Journal Entry or Unpost Bill; 2 = Credit Memo; 3 = Expense Entry; 4 = Time Entry; 5 = Manual Bill; 6 = Posted Bills; 7 = Posted Bills Expense; 8 = Posted Bills Fee; 9 = Posted Bills Expense; 10 = Payment Vouchers; 11 = Checks; 12 = Trust Adjustment; 13 = Reconciling Entries

JEBDIDJournal Entry Batch Detail ID Journal Entry Batch Detail ID

JEBDControlNbrControl Number Accounting Year.Period Number.Batch Number.Entry Number

Journal Entry Batch Detail Item Detail of summarized Journal Entry transactions in the Journal Entry Batch Detail table


JBDIIDJournal Batch Detail Item ID Journal Batch Detail ID

JBDIJEBDIDJournal Entry Batch Detail ID Journal Entry Batch Detail ID

JBDIReferenceIdReference ID Reference ID

JBDIAmountAmount Amount

JBDITimestampJBDITimestamp Field JBDITimestamp

Journal Entry Batch Detail Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry Batch Detail Item table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

JBDIIDJournal Batch Detail Item ID Journal Batch Detail Item ID

JBDIJEBDIDJournal Entry Batch Detail ID Journal Entry Batch Detail ID

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Journal Entry Batch Detail Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry Batch Detail Item table


JBDIReferenceIdReference ID Reference ID

JBDIAmountAmount Amount

Journal Entry Batch Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry Batch Detail table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

JEBDBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

JEBDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

JEBDPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

JEBDAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

JEBDDateDate Date of Journal Entry

JEBDPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on entry date

JEBDPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

JEBDSourceSource AP/Check = Checks or Quick Checks; AP/Recon = Bank Reconciliation Entry; AP/Voucher = Payment Vouchers; GL/GENJRNL = Journal Entries; TB/ARBILL = Post Bills; TB/ARUNBILL = Unpost Bills; TB/CASH = Cash Receipts; TB/CRMEMO = Credit Memos; TB/EXP = Expense Entries; TB/FEE = Time Entries; TR/Cash = Trust Cash Receipts;TR/Adj = Trust Adjustment; TB/MANBILL = Manual Bill; or entered by User in Journal Entries

JEBDJournalNbrJournal Number Journal Entry Batch Number

JEBDJournalSeqNbrJournal Sequence Number Journal Sequence Number

JEBDDocumentNbrDocument Number Document Number

JEBDAmountAmount Amount

JEBDCorrectingFlgCorrecting Flag Y = Correcting Entry; N = Not a Correcting Entry

JEBDAccrualReversalAccrual Reversal Y = Reverse entry next period; N = Do not reverse next period

JEBDReferenceReference Reference

JEBDSourceTypeSource Type -1 = Not Defined at time of entry; 0 = Cash Receipt; 1 = Journal Entry or Unpost Bill; 2 = Credit Memo; 3 = Expense Entry; 4 = Time Entry; 5 = Manual Bill; 6 = Posted Bills; 7 = Posted Bills Expense; 8 = Posted Bills Fee; 9 = Posted Bills Expense; 10 = Payment Vouchers; 11 = Checks; 12 = Trust Adjustment; 13 = Reconciling Entries

JEBDIDJournal Entry Batch Detail ID Journal Entry Batch Detail ID

JEBDControlNbrControl Number Accounting Year.Period Number.Batch Number.Entry Number

Journal Entry Batch Import Error Audit of rejections from imported Journal Entry Batches


JEBIEBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

JEBIERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

JEBIESeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

JEBIETextText Import Error Test

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Journal Entry Batch Import Error Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry Batch Import Error table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

JEBIEBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

JEBIERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

JEBIESeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

JEBIETextText Import Error Text

Journal Entry Batch Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry Batch table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

JEBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

JEBCommentComment Comment

JEBStatusStatus P = Posted; U = Unposted; D = Deleted; L = Locked; R = Ready to Post

JEBRecCountRecord Count Number of entries in batch

JEBEnteredByEntered By User System Number who entered the batch

JEBEnteredDateEntered Date System date when the batch was entered

JEBLastOpenedByLast Opened By User System Number who last opened the batch

JEBLastOpenedDateLast Opened Date System date when the batch was last opened

JEBPostedByPosted By User System Number who posted batch

JEBPostedDatePosted Date System date when the batch was posted

JEBLastUsedByLast Used By User System Number who last used the batch

JEBTotDebitsTotal Debits Total Debit entries

JEBTotCreditsTotal Credits Total Credit entries

JEBAccrualDebitsAccrual Debits Total Debit entries marked as reversing

JEBAccrualCreditsAccrual Credits Total Credit entries marked as reversing

Journal Entry Item Detail of Journal Entries summarized when posted to the Journal Entry table


JEIIDJournal Entry Item ID Journal Entry Item ID

JEIJournalEntryIDJournal Entry ID Journal Entry Id

JEIReferenceIDReference ID Reference ID

JEIAmountAmount Amount

Journal Entry Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry Item table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Journal Entry Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry Item table


HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

JEIIDJournal Entry Item ID Journal Entry Item ID

JEIJournalEntryIDJournal Entry ID Journal Entry ID

JEIReferenceIDReference ID Reference ID

JEIAmountAmount Amount

Journal Entry Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

JEAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

JEPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Year based on entry date

JEPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

JEBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

JERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

JEDateDate Date of entry

JESourceSource AP/Check = Checks or Quick Checks; AP/Recon = Bank Reconciliation Entry; AP/Voucher = Payment Vouchers; GL/GENJRNL = Journal Entries; TB/ARBILL = Post Bills; TB/ARUNBILL = Unpost Bills; TB/CASH = Cash Receipts; TB/CRMEMO = Credit Memos; TB/EXP = Expense Entries; TB/FEE = Time Entries; TR/Cash = Trust Cash Receipts;TR/Adj = Trust Adjustment; TB/MANBILL = Manual Bill; or entered by User in Journal Entries

JEJournalNbrJournal Number Journal Number = Journal Entry Batch Number

JEJournalSeqNbrJournal Sequence Number Journal Sequence Number

JEDocumentNbrDocument Number Document Number

JEAmountAmount Amount

JECorrectingFlgCorrecting Flag Y = Correcting entry; N = Not a correcting entry

JEAccrualReversalAccrual Reversal Y = Reverse next period; N = Do not reverse next period

JEReferenceReference Reference

JEPostDatePost Date System date when journal entry was posted

JEConsolFlgJEConsolFlg Y = Consolidted; N = Not Consolidated

JESourceTypeJESourceType -1 = Not Defined at time of entry; 0 = Cash Receipt; 1 = Journal Entry or Unpost Bill; 2 = Credit Memo; 3 = Expense Entry; 4 = Time Entry; 5 = Manual Bill; 6 = Posted Bills; 7 = Posted Bills Expense; 8 = Posted Bills Fee; 9 = Posted Bills Expense; 10 = Payment Vouchers; 11 = Checks; 12 = Trust Adjustment; 13 = Reconciling Entries

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JETDReferenceReference Reference

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Journal Entry Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry table


JEIDJournal Entry ID Journal Entry ID

JEControlNbrControl Number Accounting Year.Period Number.Batch Number.Entry Number

Journal Entry Template Recurring Journal Entries setup under Transactions/Recurring Transactions


JETIDTemplate ID Template ID

JETCodeCode Journal Entry Template Code

JETCommentComment Comment

JETCreatedByCreated By User System Number who created the template

JETCreatedDateCreated Date System date when the template was created

JETLastModifiedByLast Modified By User System Number who last modified the template

JETLastModifiedDateLast Modified Date System date when the template was last modified

JETStateState State

JETAutoInactiveAuto Inactive Auto Inactive

Journal Entry Template Detail Detail entries defined on a Journal Entry TemplateJETemplateDetail

JETDIDTemplate Detail ID Template Detail ID

JETDRowRow Row Number

JETDAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

JETDDateModifierDate Modifier 1 = Current Date; 2 = Scheduled Date

JETDDateModifierValueDate Modifier Value Number of Days before or after scheduled or current date

JETDSourceSource Source

JETDDocumentNumberDocument Number Document Number

JETDAmountAmount Amount

JETDReferenceReference Reference

JETDAccrualReversalAccrual Reversal Y = Reverse next period; N = Do not reverse next period

JETDCorrectingFlagCorrecting Flag Y = Correcting entry; N = Not a correcting entry

JETDControlIDControl ID Entry Number

JETDTimeStampJETDTimeStamp Field JETDTimeStamp

Journal Entry Template Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry Template Detail


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

JETDIDTemplate ID Template ID

JETDRowRow Row Number

JETDAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

JETDDateModifierDate Modifier 1 = Current Date; 2 = Scheduled Date

JETDDateModifierValueDate Modifier Value Number of Days before or after scheduled or current date

JETDSourceSource Source

JETDDocumentNumberDocument Number Document Number

JETDAmountAmount Amount

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HiddenHidden Hidden Flag

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Journal Entry Template Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry Template Detail


JETDAccrualReversalAccrual Reversal Y = Reverse next period; N = Do not reverse next period

JETDCorrectingFlagCorrecting Flag Y = Correcting entry; N = Not a correcting entry

JETDControlIDControl ID Entry Number

Journal Entry Template Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry Template


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

JETIDTemplate ID Template ID

JETCodeCode Journal Entry Template Code

JETCommentComment Comment

JETCreatedByCreated By User System Number who created the template

JETCreatedDateCreated Date System date when the template was created

JETLastModifiedByLast Modified By User System Number who last modified the template

JETLastModifiedDateLast Modified Date System date when the template was last modified

JETStateState State

JETAutoInactiveAuto Inactive Auto Inactive

Journal Entry Template Users Users entered on the Notification List of a Journal Entry Template


JETUIDTemplate ID Template ID

JETUEmpSysNbrEmployee System Number User System Number

Journal Entry Template Users Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Journal Entry Template Users table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

JETUIDTemplate ID Template ID

JETUEmpSysNbrEmployee System Number User System Number

Layout Grid Layouts defined in MyJurisLayout

NameName Layout Name

CodeCode Layout Code

DefinitionDefinition Definition

TransactionTypeTransaction Type 1 = Time Entries; 2 = Expense Entries

OfflineOffline Offline

ActiveActive Active

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Layout Grid Layouts defined in MyJurisLayout

Layout Employee Grid Layouts defined by User in MyJurisLayoutEmployee

IdID Unique ID

LayoutIdLayout ID Layout ID

EmployeeIdEmployee System Number User System Number

OrganizationalUnitIdOrganizational Unit ID Organizational Unit ID

ParentIdParent ID Parent ID

TransactionTypeTransaction Type 1 = Time Entries; 2 = Expense Entries

Layout Favorites Frequently used grid Layouts defined by User in Favorite Layouts in MyJuris


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIdEmployee System Number User System Number

LayoutIdLayout ID Layout ID

OrganizationalUnitIdOrganizational Unit ID Organizational Unit ID

SequenceNumberSequence Number Sequence Number

TransactionTypeTransaction Type 1 = Time Entries; 2 = Expense Entries

Layout Member Layouts defined by Member in MyJurisLayoutMember

IdID Unique ID

LayoutIDLayout ID Layout ID

OrganizationalUnitIDOrganizational Unit ID Organizational Unit ID

SequenceNumberSequence Number Sequence Number

Layout Team Grid Layouts defined by Team in MyJurisLayoutTeam

IdID Unique ID

LayoutIdLayout ID Layout ID

OrganizationalUnitIdOrganizational Unit ID Organizational Unit ID

TypeCodeType Code Type Code

Ledger History Client Matter Ledger History of bills, receipts and adjustements


LHSysNbrSystem Number Ledger History System Number

LHMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

LHBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

LHTypeType 1 = Prepaid Balance Forward; 2 = A/R Balance Forward; 3 = Manual Bill; 4 = Regular Bill; 5 = Prepaid Receipt; 6 = Prepaid Applied; 7 = Cash Receipt; 8 = A/R Adjustment; 9 = Trust Applied; A = Unposted Bill; B = Unposted Bill, Prepaid Applied; C = Unposted Bill, Trust Applied

LHDateDate Date

LHPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

LHPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

LHCashAmtCash Amount Cash Amount (Cash Receipt, Trust Applied, Prepaid)

LHFeesFees Fee Amount

LHCshExpCash Expense Cash Expense Amount

LHNCshExpNoncash Expense Amount Noncash Expense Amount

LHSurchargeSurcharge Surcharge Amount

LHTaxes1Taxes1 Tax1 Amount

LHTaxes2Taxes2 Tax2 Amount

LHTaxes3Taxes3 Tax3 Amount

LHInterestInterest Interest Amount

LHCommentComment Comment

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Ledger History Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Ledger History


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

LHSysNbrSystem Number Ledger History System Number

LHMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

LHBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

LHTypeType 1 = Prepaid Balance Forward; 2 = A/R Balance Forward; 3 = Manual Bill; 4 = Regular Bill; 5 = Prepaid Receipt; 6 = Prepaid Applied; 7 = Cash Receipt; 8 = A/R Adjustment; 9 = Trust Applied; A = Unposted Bill; B = Unposted Bill, Prepaid Applied; C = Unposted Bill, Trust Applied

LHDateDate Date

LHPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

LHPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

LHCashAmtCash Amount Cash Amount (Cash Receipt, Trust Applied, Prepaid)

LHFeesFees Fee Amount

LHCshExpCash Expense Cash Expense Amount

LHNCshExpNoncash Expense Amount Noncash Expense Amount

LHSurchargeSurcharge Surcharge Amount

LHTaxes1Taxes1 Tax1 Amount

LHTaxes2Taxes2 Tax2 Amount

LHTaxes3Taxes3 Tax3 Amount

LHInterestInterest Interest Amount

LHCommentComment Comment

Manual Bill Bill records for bills entered Manual Bill Batches under Transactions/Manual Bills


MBBatchBatch Number Batch Number

MBRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

MBLHLinkLedger History Link Ledger History System Number

MBBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

MBCommentComment Comment

MBNarrativeNarrative Narrative

Manual Bill Batch Audit of Manual Bills entered under Transactions/Manual Bills


MBBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

MBBCommentComment Comment

MBBRecCountRecord Count Number of Records in batch

MBBEnteredByEntered By User System Number who entered batch

MBBDateEnteredDate Entered System date when the batch was entered

MBBLastOpenedByLast Opened By User System Number who last opened the batch

MBBLastOpenedDateLast Opened Date System date when the batch was last opened

MBBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Journal Entry Batch Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Manual Bill Batch Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Manual Bill Batch table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

MBBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

MBBCommentComment Comment

MBBRecCountRecord Count Number of Records in batch

MBBEnteredByEntered By User System Number who entered batch

MBBDateEnteredDate Entered System date when the batch was entered

MBBLastOpenedByLast Opened By User System Number who last opened the batch

MBBLastOpenedDateLast Opened Date System date when the batch was last opened

MBBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Journal Entry Batch Number

Manual Bill Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Manual Bill table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

MBBatchBatch Number Batch Number

MBRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

MBLHLinkLedger History Link Ledger History System Number

MBBillNbrBill Number Bill Number

MBCommentComment Comment

MBNarrativeNarrative Narrative

Matter Matter information setup on a Client under Tables/Clients


MatSysNbrSystem Number Matter System Number

MatCliNbrClient System Number Client System Number

MatBillToBill To Bill To System Number

MatCodeCode Matter Code

MatNickNameNickName NickName

MatReportingNameReporting Name Reporting Name

MatDescriptionDescription Description

MatRemarksRemarks Remarks

MatPhoneNbrPhone Number Phone Number

MatFaxNbrFax Number Fax Number

MatContactNameContact Name Contact Name

MatDateOpenedDate Opened Date Opened

MatStatusFlagStatus Flag O = Open; C = Closed; F = Final Bill Sent; P = Ready to Purge

MatLockFlagLock Flag 0 = Allow Time and Expense; 1 = Disallow Time, Allow Expense; 2 = Allow Time, Disallow Expense; 3 = Disallow Time and Expense

MatDateClosedDate Closed Date Closed

MatOfficeCodeOffice Code Office Code

MatPracticeClassPractice Class Practice Class

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MatVisionAddrVision Address Compulaw Vision Address

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Matter Matter information setup on a Client under Tables/Clients


MatFeeSchFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

MatTaskCodeXrefTask Code Xref Task Code Xref

MatExpSchExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

MatExpCodeXrefExpense Code Xref Expense Code Xref

MatQuickActionQuick Action 0 = None; 1 = Full Detail; 2 = Expense Only; 3 = Summary; 4 = Summary Plus Expense

MatBillAgreeCodeBilling Agreement Code H = Hourly; C = Contingency; F = Flat Fee; R = Retainer; T = Task Billing; N = Non-Billable; B = ProBono

MatFlatFeeIncExpFlat Fee Includes Expense Y = Flat Fee Includes Expense; N = Flat Fee does not include Expense

MatRetainerTypeRetainer Type 1 = Total Bill; 2 = Fee Total; 3 = Minimum Bill; 4 = Minimum Fee

MatFltFeeOrRetainerFlat Fee or Retainer Flat Fee or Retainer Amount

MatExpFreqCodeExpense Frequency M = Monthly; Q = Quarterly; S = Semi-Annual; A = Annual; C = Cycle; R = On Request

MatFeeFreqCodeFee Frequency M = Monthly; Q = Quarterly; S = Semi-Annual; A = Annual; C = Cycle; R = On Request

MatBillMonthBill Month Billing Month

MatBillCycleBill Cycle Bill Cycle

MatExpThresholdExpense Threshold Expense Threshold Amount

MatFeeThresholdFee Threshold Fee Threshold Amount

MatInterestPcntInterest Percent Interest Percent

MatInterestDaysInterest Days Interest Days

MatDiscountOptionDiscount Option 0 = No Discount; 1 = % of Fees; 2 = % of Total

MatDiscountPcntDiscount Percent Discount Percent

MatSurchargeOptionSurcharge Option 0 = No Surcharge; 1 = % of Fees; 2 = % of Expense; 3 = % of Total

MatSurchargePcntSurcharge Percent Surcharge Percent

MatSplitMethodSplit Method 0 = Matter does not split; 1 = Split entire bill; 2 = Split amount over threshold

MatSplitThresholdSplit Threshold Split Threshold Amount

MatSplitPriorAmtBldSplit Prior Amount Billed Split amount previously billed

MatBudgetOptionBudget Option 0 = Budgets not enabled; 1 = Budgets enabled

MatBudgetPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

MatReqPhaseOnTransRequire Phase on Transactions Y = Require phase; N = Do not require phase

MatReqTaskCdOnTimeRequire Task Code on Time Y = Require task on time entry; N = Do not require task on time entry

MatReqActyCdOnTimeRequire Activity Code on Time Y = Require activity code on time entry; N = Do not require activity code on time entry

MatReqTaskCdOnExpRequire Task Code on Expense Y = Require task code on expense entry; N = Do not require task code on expense entry

MatTax1ExemptTax1 Exempt Y = Tax1 exempt; N = Tax1 not exempt

MatTax2ExemptTax2 Exempt Y = Tax2 exempt; N = Tax2 not exempt

MatTax3ExemptTax3 Exempt Y = Tax3 exempt; N = Tax3 not exempt

MatDateLastWorkDate Last Work Date of Last Time Entry

MatDateLastExpDate Last Expense Date of Last Expense Entry

MatDateLastBillDate Last Bill Date of Last Bill

MatDateLastStmtDate Last Statement Date of Last A/R Statement

MatDateLastPaymtDate Last Payment Date of Last Payment

MatLastPaymtAmtLast Payment Amount Amount of Last Payment

MatARLastBillAR Last Bill AR Balance as of Last Bill

MatPaySinceLastBillPayments Since Last Bill Payments Since Last Bill

MatAdjSinceLastBillAdjustments Since Last Bill Adjustments Since Last Bill

MatPPDBalancePPD Balance Current Prepaid Balance

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Matter Matter information setup on a Client under Tables/Clients


MatThresholdOptionThreshold Option 0 = No thresholds entered; 1 = Fee Threshold amount, do not include expense; 2 = Expense Threshold, do not include Fee; 3 = Do not include fees and expense if threshold is met; 5 = Fee Threshold, Include Expense; 7 = Include expense, do not include fee if threshold is met; 10 = Expense Threshold, Include Fee; 11 = Include fee, do not include expense if threshold is met; 15 = Include fee and expense if threshold is met

MatTypeMatter Type 1 = Not an Individual; 2 = Individual

MatNickNameUCaseNickName Upper Case NickName Upper Case

MatBillingField01Matter Billing Field 1 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField02Matter Billing Field 2 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField03Matter Billing Field 3 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField04Matter Billing Field 4 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField05Matter Billing Field 5 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField06Matter Billing Field 6 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField07Matter Billing Field 7 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField08Matter Billing Field 8 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField09Matter Billing Field 9 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField10Matter Billing Field 10 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField11Matter Billing Field 11 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField12Matter Billing Field 12 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField13Matter Billing Field 13 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField14Matter Billing Field 14 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField15Matter Billing Field 15 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField16Matter Billing Field 16 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField17Matter Billing Field 17 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField18Matter Billing Field 18 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField19Matter Billing Field 19 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

MatBillingField20Matter Billing Field 20 A field that holds custom billing data for the matter.

Matter Change Log Log of Matter changes in an ASCII format used to update third party software


MCLUserIDUser ID User System Number

MCLTimeStampTimeStamp Date and Time of change

MCLActionAction A = Record Added; C = Record Changed; D = Record Deleted

MCLChangeChange ASCII text of Matter fields

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Matter Disbursement History Checks posted with Client Matter Expense Distributions


MDHMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

MDHSysNbrSystem Number Matter Disbursement System Number

MDHVendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

MDHVoucherNbrVoucher Number Voucher Number

MDHInvoiceNbrInvoice Number Invoice Number

MDHInvoiceDateInvoice Date Invoice Date

MDHInvoiceAmtInvoice Amount Invoice Amount

MDHCheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

MDHCheckDateCheck Date Check Date

MDHAmountPaidAmount Paid Amount Paid

MDHDiscTakenDiscount Taken Discount Taken

MDHNarrativeNarrative Narrative

Matter Disbursmeent History Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Matter Disbursement History table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

MDHMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

MDHSysNbrSystem Number Matter Disbursement System Number

MDHVendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

MDHVoucherNbrVoucher Number Voucher Number

MDHInvoiceNbrInvoice Number Invoice Number

MDHInvoiceDateInvoice Date Invoice Date

MDHInvoiceAmtInvoice Amount Invoice Amount

MDHCheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

MDHCheckDateCheck Date Check Date

MDHAmountPaidAmount Paid Amount Paid

MDHDiscTakenDiscount Taken Discount Taken

MDHNarrativeNarrative Narrative

Matter Expense Budget Client Matter budget for expenses entered on the budget table of the Matter


MEBMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

MEBLineLine Line Number

MEBPhasePhase Phase

MEBTaskCodeTask Code Task Code

MEBExpCodeExpense Code Expense Code

MEBBudExpBudget Amount Budgeted Expense Amount

MEBExpIncurIncurred Expense Amount Incurred

MEBExpBldExpense Billed Expense Amount Billed

Matter Expense Budget Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Matter Expense Budget table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Matter Expense Budget Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Matter Expense Budget table


ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

MEBMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

MEBLineLine Line Number

MEBPhasePhase Phase

MEBTaskCodeTask Code Task Code

MEBExpCodeExpense Code Expense Code

MEBBudExpBudget Amount Budgeted Expense Amount

MEBExpIncurIncurred Expense Amount Incurred

MEBExpBldExpense Billed Expense Amount Billed

Matter Favorite Frequently used Matters defined by User on Favorite List in MyJuris


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIDEmployee System Number User System Number

SystemNumberMatter System Number Matter System Number

ListPositionList Position Field List Position

Matter Fee Budget Client Matter budget for fees entered on the budget table of the Matter


MFBMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

MFBLineLine Line Number

MFBPhasePhase Phase

MFBTaskCodeTask Code Task Code

MFBActivityCodeActivity Code Activity Code

MFBPrsTypPersonnel Type Personnel Type

MFBTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

MFBBudHrsWrkHours Worked Budgeted Hours Worked

MFBBudFeeWrkFees Worked Budgeted Fees Worked

MFBActualHrsWrkActual Hours Worked Actual Hours Worked

MFBActualFeeWrkActual Fees Worked Actual Fees Worked

MFBActualHrsBldActual Hours Billed Actual Hours Billed

MFBActualFeeBldActual Fees Billed Actual Fees Billed

Matter Fee Budget Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Matter Fee Budget table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

MFBMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

MFBLineLine Line Number

MFBPhasePhase Phase

MFBTaskCodeTask Code Task Code

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Matter Fee Budget Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Matter Fee Budget table


MFBActivityCodeActivity Code Activity Code

MFBPrsTypPersonnel Type Personnel Type

MFBTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

MFBBudHrsWrkHours Worked Budgeted Hours Worked

MFBBudFeeWrkFees Worked Budgeted Fees Worked

MFBActualHrsWrkActual Hours Worked Actual Hours Worked

MFBActualFeeWrkActual Fees Worked Actual Fees Worked

MFBActualHrsBldActual Hours Billed Actual Hours Billed

MFBActualFeeBldActual Fees Billed Actual Fees Billed

Matter Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Matter table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

MatSysNbrSystem Number Matter System Number

MatCliNbrClient System Number Client System Number

MatBillToBill To Bill To System Number

MatCodeCode Matter Code

MatNickNameNickName NickName

MatReportingNameReporting Name Reporting Name

MatDescriptionDescription Description

MatRemarksRemarks Remarks

MatPhoneNbrPhone Number Phone Number

MatFaxNbrFax Number Fax Number

MatContactNameContact Name Contact Name

MatDateOpenedDate Opened Date Opened

MatStatusFlagStatus Flag O = Open; C = Closed; F = Final Bill Sent; P = Ready to Purge

MatLockFlagMatter Lock Flag 0 = Allow Time and Expense; 1 = Disallow Time, Allow Expense; 2 = Allow Time, Disallow Expense; 3 = Disallow Time and Expense

MatDateClosedDate Closed Date Closed

MatOfficeCodeOffice Code Office Code

MatPracticeClassPractice Class Practice Class

MatFeeSchFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

MatTaskCodeXrefTask Code Xref Task Code Xref

MatExpSchExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

MatExpCodeXrefExpense Code Xref Expense Code Xref

MatQuickActionQuick Action 0 = None; 1 = Full Detail; 2 = Expense Only; 3 = Summary; 4 = Summary Plus Expense

MatBillAgreeCodeBilling Agreement Code H = Hourly; C = Contingency; F = Flat Fee; R = Retainer; T = Task Billing; N = Non-Billable; B = ProBono

MatFlatFeeIncExpFlat Fee Includes Expense Y = Flat Fee Includes Expense; N = Flat Fee does not include Expense

MatRetainerTypeRetainer Type 1 = Total Bill; 2 = Fee Total; 3 = Minimum Bill; 4 = Minimum Fee

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Matter Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Matter table


MatFltFeeOrRetainerFlat Fee Or Retainer Flat Fee or Retainer Amount

MatExpFreqCodeExpense Frequency M = Monthly; Q = Quarterly; S = Semi-Annual; A = Annual; C = Cycle; R = On Request

MatFeeFreqCodeFee Frequency M = Monthly; Q = Quarterly; S = Semi-Annual; A = Annual; C = Cycle; R = On Request

MatBillMonthBilling Month Billing Month

MatBillCycleBill Cycle Bill Cycle

MatExpThresholdExpense Threshold Expense Threshold Amount

MatFeeThresholdFee Threshold Fee Threshold Amount

MatInterestPcntInterest Percent Interest Percent

MatInterestDaysInterest Days Interest Days

MatDiscountOptionDiscount Option 0 = No Discount; 1 = % of Fees; 2 = % of Total

MatDiscountPcntDiscount Percent Discount Percent

MatSurchargeOptionSurcharge Option 0 = No Surcharge; 1 = % of Fee; 2 = % of Expense; 3 = % of Total

MatSurchargePcntSurcharge Percent Surcharge Percent

MatSplitMethodSplit Method 0 = Matter does not split; 1 = Split entire bill; 2 = Split amount over threshold

MatSplitThresholdSplit Threshold Split Threshold Amount

MatSplitPriorAmtBldSplit Prior Amt Billed Split amount previously billed

MatBudgetOptionBudget Option 0 = Budgets not enabled; 1 = Budgets enabled

MatBudgetPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

MatReqPhaseOnTransRequire Phase on Transactions Y = Require phase; N = Do not require phase

MatReqTaskCdOnTimeRequire Task Code on Time Y = Require task on time entry; N = Do not require task on time entry

MatReqActyCdOnTimeRequire Activity Code on Time Y = Require activity code on time entry; N = Do not require activity code on time entry

MatReqTaskCdOnExpRequire Task Code on Expense Y = Require task code on expense entry; N = Do not require task code on expense entry

MatTax1ExemptTax1 Exempt Y = Tax1 exempt; N = Tax1 not exempt

MatTax2ExemptTax2 Exempt Y = Tax2 exempt; N = Tax2 not exempt

MatTax3ExemptTax3 Exempt Y = Tax3 exempt; N = Tax3 not exempt

MatDateLastWorkDate Last Work Date of Last Time Entry

MatDateLastExpDate Last Expense Date of Last Expense Entry

MatDateLastBillDate Last Bill Date of Last Bill

MatDateLastStmtDate Last Statement Date of Last AR Statement

MatDateLastPaymtDate Last Payment Date of Last Payment

MatLastPaymtAmtLast Payment Amount Last Payment Amount

MatARLastBillAR Last Bill AR Balance as of Last Bill

MatPaySinceLastBillPayments Since Last Bill Payments Since Last Bill

MatAdjSinceLastBillAdjustments Since Last Bill Adjustments Since Last Bill

MatPPDBalancePPD Balance Prepaid Balance

MatVisionAddrVision Address Compulaw Vision Address

MatThresholdOptionThreshold Option 0 = No thresholds entered; 1 = Fee Threshold amount, do not include expense; 2 = Expense Threshold, do not include Fee; 3 = Do not include fees and expense if threshold is met; 5 = Fee Threshold, Include Expense; 7 = Include expense, do not include fee if threshold is met; 10 = Expense Threshold, Include Fee; 11 = Include fee, do not include expense if threshold is met; 15 = Include fee and expense if threshold is met

MatTypeType 1 = Not an Individual; 2 = Individual

MatNickNameUCaseNickName Upper Case NickName Upper Case

MatBillingField01Billing Field 01 User Defined Billing Field 1

MatBillingField02Billing Field 02 User Defined Billing Field 2

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Display Name Actual Name Description

Matter Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Matter table


MatBillingField03Billing Field 03 User Defined Billing Field 3

MatBillingField04Billing Field 04 User Defined Billing Field 4

MatBillingField05Billing Field 05 User Defined Billing Field 5

MatBillingField06Billing Field 06 User Defined Billing Field 6

MatBillingField07Billing Field 07 User Defined Billing Field 7

MatBillingField08Billing Field 08 User Defined Billing Field 8

MatBillingField09Billing Field 09 User Defined Billing Field 9

MatBillingField10Billing Field 10 User Defined Billing Field 10

MatBillingField11Billing Field 11 User Defined Billing Field 11

MatBillingField12Billing Field 12 User Defined Billing Field 12

MatBillingField13Billing Field 13 User Defined Billing Field 13

MatBillingField14Billing Field 14 User Defined Billing Field 14

MatBillingField15Billing Field 15 User Defined Billing Field 81

MatBillingField16Billing Field 16 User Defined Billing Field 16

MatBillingField17Billing Field 17 User Defined Billing Field 17

MatBillingField18Billing Field 18 User Defined Billing Field 18

MatBillingField19Billing Field 19 User Defined Billing Field 19

MatBillingField20Billing Field 20 User Defined Billing Field 20

MatCTermsCollection Terms Collection Terms ID

MatCStatusCollection Status Collection Status ID

MatCStatus2Collection Status 2 Additional Collection Status

Matter Most Recent Recently used Matters by User in MyJuris Most Recents list


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIDEmployee System Number User System Number

SystemNumberMatter System Number Matter System Number

ListPositionList Position List Postion

Matter Note Note Cards setup on Matters through Tables/Clients


MNMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

MNNoteIndexNote Index Note Card Name

MNObjectObject Object

MNNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

MNNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

Matter Note Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Matter Note table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

MNMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

MNNoteIndexNote Index Note Card Index

MNObjectObject Object

MNNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

MNNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Matter Originating Attorney Originating Timekeepers assigned on the Matter form


MOrigMatMatter System Number Matter System Number

MOrigAttyOriginating Attorney Originating Attorney System Number

MOrigPcntOrigination Percent Origination Percent

Matter Originating Attorney Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Matter Originating Attorney table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

MOrigMatMatter System Number Matter System Number

MOrigAttyOriginating Attorney Originating Attorney System Number

MOrigPcntOrigination Percent Origination Percent

Matter Responsible Timekeeper Responsible timekeepers assigned on the MatterMatterResponsibleTimekeeper

MRTMatterIDMatter ID Matter System Number

MRTEmployeeIDEmployee ID Employee System Number

MRTPercentPercent Allocation percent


Matter Responsible Timekeeper Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Matter Responsible Timekeeper table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDateTimeStamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

MRTMatterIDMatter Id Matter System Number

MRTEmployeeIDEmployee ID Employee System Number

MRTPercentPercent Allocation percent

MRTIDMRTID Matter Responsible Timekeeper ID

Meta Category Categorization of Tables for Active InformationMetaCategory

CategoryUIDCategory UID Category UID

NameName Meta Category Name

Meta Field Juris Field definitions for Active InformationMetaField

FieldUIDField UID Field UID

TableUIDTable UID Table UID

FieldOrderField Order Field Order

FieldNameField Name Field Name

DisplayNameDisplay Name Display Name

DescriptionDescription Description

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Meta Table Juris Table definitions for Active InformationMetaTable

TableUIDTable UID Table UID

TableNameTable Name Table Name

DisplayNameDisplay Name Display Name

DescriptionDescription Description

CategoryUIDCategory UID Category UID

TableTypeIDTable Type ID 0 = None; 1 = Table; 2 = Log Table; 3 = View

Meta Table Field Relation Juris Field relationship definitions between TablesMetaTableFieldRelation

TableRelationUIDTable Relation UID Table Relation UID

LeftFieldUIDLeft Field UID Left Field UID

RightFieldUIDRight Field UID Right Field UID

Meta Table Relation Juris Table relationship definitionsMetaTableRelation

TableRelationUIDTable Relation UID Table Relation UID

NameName Meta Table Relation Name

DescriptionDescription Description

LeftTableUIDLeft Table UID Left Table UID

RightTableUIDRight Table UID Left Table UID

IsPrimaryIs Primary 0 = Is not Primary; 1 = Is Primary

Meta Table Type Defined Juris Table TypesMetaTableType

TableTypeIDTable Type ID Table Type ID

NameName Meta Table Type Name

Mobility Approved Emails Approved Email addresses for submitting entries to MyJuris through a mobile device


ApprovedEmailIDApproved Email ID Approved Email ID

UserIdUser Id User System Number

NameName Mobility Approved Emails Name

EmailAddressEmail Address Email Address

BlackberryAddressBlackberry Address Blackberry Address

Mobility Settings Configuration for the operation of a mobile device with MyJuris


SettingIDSetting ID Setting ID

PenseraWebServiceURLPensera Web Service URL Pensera Web Service URL

PenseraUserIDPensera User ID Pensera User ID

PenseraPasswordPensera Password Pensera Password

TimeEntryEmailTime Entry Email Time Entry Email

TimeEntrySubjectPatternTime Entry Subject Pattern Time Entry Subject Pattern

ExpenseEntryEmailExpense Entry Email Expense Entry Email

ExpenseEntrySubjectPatternExpense Entry Subject Pattern Expense Entry Subject Pattern

ConflictEmailConflict Email Conflict Email

ConflictSubjectPatternConflict Subject Pattern Conflict Subject Pattern

DeleteProcessedItemsDelete Processed Items Delete Processed Items

Mobility Templates Templates for submitting Time and Expense Entries to MyJuris through a mobile device


TemplateIDTemplate ID Template ID

TemplateCodeTemplate Code Template Code

TemplateTypeTemplate Type T = Time Entry; E = Expense Entry

TimekeeperInitialsTimekeeper Initials Timekeeper Initials

ClientCodeClient Code Client Code

MatterCodeMatter Code Matter Code

TaskCodeTask Code Task Code

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Mobility Templates Templates for submitting Time and Expense Entries to MyJuris through a mobile device


ActivityCodeActivity Code Activity Code

BudgetPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

HoursWorkedHours Worked Hours Worked

HoursToBillHours To Bill Hours To Bill

RateRate Rate

FeeAmountFee Amount Fee Amount

SplitCodeSplit Code Split Code

ExpenseCodeExpense Code Expense Code

IncurredByIncurred By Incurred By

UnitsUnits Units

MultiplierMultiplier Multiplier

AmountAmount Amount

SummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do not summarize

BillNoteBill Note Bill Note

NarrativeNarrative Narrative

Mobility Tokens Customized fields for entering Time and Expense Entries by mobile device for MyJuris


TokenIDToken ID TokenI D

TokenTypeToken Type T = Time Entry; E = Expense Entry

TemplateCodeTemplate Code Template Code

EntryDateEntry Date Entry Date

TimekeeperInitialsTimekeeper Initials Timekeeper Initials

ClientCodeClient Code Client Code

MatterCodeMatter Code Matter Code

TaskCodeTask Code Task Code

ActivityCodeActivity Code Activity Code

BudgetPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

HoursWorkedHours Worked Hours Worked

HoursToBillHours To Bill Hours To Bill

RateRate Rate

FeeAmountFee Amount Fee Amount

SplitCodeSplitCode Field SplitCode

ExpenseCodeExpense Code Expense Code

IncurredByIncurred By Incurred By

UnitsUnits Units

MultiplierMultiplier Multiplier

AmountAmount Amount

SummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do not summarize

BillNoteBill Note Bill Note

NarrativeNarrative Narrative

Office Code Offices defined under Tables/OfficesOfficeCode

OfcOfficeCodeCode Office Code

OfcDescDescription Description

OfcAddrs1Address1 Address1

OfcAddrs2Address2 Address2

OfcAddrs3Address3 Address3

OfcAddrs4Address4 Address4

OfcAddrs5Address5 Address5

OfcProfitCenterProfit Center Profit Center

OfcTaxActngMethodTax Accounting Method B = Billed; C = Cash

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Office Code Offices defined under Tables/OfficesOfficeCode

OfcTax1OnFeesTax1 on Fees Y = Charge tax on fees; N = Do not charge tax on fees

OfcTax1OnCshExpTax1 on Cash Expense Y = Charge tax on cash expense; N = Do not charge tax on cash expense

OfcTax1OnNCshExpTax1 on Noncash Expense Y = Charge tax on noncash expense; N = Do not charge tax on noncash expense

OfcTax1OnSurChgTax1 on Surcharge Y = Charge tax on surcharges; N = Do not charge tax on surcharges

OfcTax1DescriptionTax1 Description Tax1 Description

OfcTax1RateTax1 Rate Tax1 Rate

OfcTax1MaxTaxTax1 Maximum Tax Tax1 Maximum Tax

OfcTax2OnFeesTax2 on Fees Y = Charge tax on fees; N = Do not charge tax on fees

OfcTax2OnCshExpTax2 on Cash Expense Y = Charge tax on cash expense; N = Do not charge tax on cash expense

OfcTax2OnNCshExpTax2 on Noncash Expense Y = Charge tax on noncash expense; N = Do not charge tax on noncash expense

OfcTax2OnSurChgTax2 on Surcharge Y = Charge tax on surcharges; N = Do not charge tax on surcharges

OfcTax2OnTax1Tax2 on Tax1 Y = Charge tax on tax1; N = Do not charge tax on tax1

OfcTax2DescriptionTax2 Description Tax2 Description

OfcTax2RateTax2 Rate Tax2 Rate

OfcTax2MaxTaxTax2 Maximum Tax Tax2 Maximum Tax

OfcTax3OnFeesTax3 on Fees Y = Charge tax on fees; N = Do not charge tax on fees

OfcTax3OnCshExpTax3 on Cash Expense Y = Charge tax on cash expense; N = Do not charge tax on cash expense

OfcTax3OnNCshExpTax3 on Non Cash Expense Y = Charge tax on non cashexpense; N = Do not charge tax on noncash expense

OfcTax3OnSurChgTax3 on Surcharge Y = Charge tax on surcharges; N = Do not charge tax on surcharges

OfcTax3OnTax1Tax3 on Tax1 Y = Charge tax on tax1; N = Do not charge tax on tax1

OfcTax3OnTax2Tax3 on Tax2 Y = Charge tax on tax2; N = Do not charge tax on tax2

OfcTax3DescriptionTax3 Description Tax3 Description

OfcTax3RateTax3 Rate Tax3 Rate

OfcTax3MaxTaxTax3 Maximum Tax Tax3 Maximum Tax

OfcBankCodeBank Code Bank Acount Code

Office Code Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Office Code table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

OfcOfficeCodeCode Office Code

OfcDescDescription Description

OfcAddrs1Address1 Address1

OfcAddrs2Address2 Address2

OfcAddrs3Address3 Address3

OfcAddrs4Address4 Address4

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Office Code Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Office Code table


OfcAddrs5Address5 Address5

OfcProfitCenterProfit Center Profit Center

OfcTaxActngMethodTax Accounting Method B = Billed; C = Cash

OfcTax1OnFeesTax1 on Fees Y = Charge tax on fees; N = Do not charge tax on fees

OfcTax1OnCshExpTax1 on Cash Expense Y = Charge tax on cash expense; N = Do not charge tax on cash expense

OfcTax1OnNCshExpTax1 on Noncash Expense Y = Charge tax on noncash expense; N = Do not charge tax on noncash expense

OfcTax1OnSurChgTax1 on Surcharge Y = Charge tax on surcharges; N = Do not charge tax on surcharges

OfcTax1DescriptionTax1 Description Tax1 Description

OfcTax1RateTax1 Rate Tax1 Rate

OfcTax1MaxTaxTax1 Maximum Tax Tax1 Maximum Tax

OfcTax2OnFeesTax2 on Fees Y = Charge tax on fees; N = Do not charge tax on fees

OfcTax2OnCshExpTax2 on Cash Expense Y = Charge tax on cash expense; N = Do not charge tax on cash expense

OfcTax2OnNCshExpTax2 on Noncash Expense Y = Charge tax on noncash expense; N = Do not charge tax on noncash expense

OfcTax2OnSurChgTax2 on Surcharge Y = Charge tax on surcharges; N = Do not charge tax on surcharges

OfcTax2OnTax1Tax2 on Tax1 Y = Charge tax on tax1; N = Do not charge tax on tax1

OfcTax2DescriptionTax2 Description Tax2 Description

OfcTax2RateTax2 Rate Tax2 Rate

OfcTax2MaxTaxTax2 Maximum Tax Tax2 Maximum Tax

OfcTax3OnFeesTax3 on Fees Y = Charge tax on fees; N = Do not charge tax on fees

OfcTax3OnCshExpTax3 on Cash Expense Y = Charge tax on cash expense; N = Do not charge tax on cash expense

OfcTax3OnNCshExpTax3 on Noncash Expense Y = Charge tax on noncash expense; N = Do not charge tax on noncash expense

OfcTax3OnSurChgTax3 on Surcharge Y = Charge tax on surcharges; N = Do not charge tax on surcharges

OfcTax3OnTax1Tax3 on Tax1 Y = Charge tax on tax1; N = Do not charge tax on tax1

OfcTax3OnTax2Tax3 on Tax2 Y = Charge tax on tax2; N = Do not charge tax on tax2

OfcTax3DescriptionTax3 Description Tax3 Description

OfcTax3RateTax3 Rate Tax3 Rate

OfcTax3MaxTaxTax3 Maximum Tax Tax3 Maximum Tax

OfcBankCodeBank Code Bank Account Code

Office GL Account General Ledger Accounts assigned on Office Codes


OGAOfficeOffice Code Office Code

OGATypeType 210 = Prepaid Asset; 220 = Prepaid Liability; 310 = Interest A/R; 320 = Interest Income; 410 = Surcharge A/R; 420 = Surcharge Income; 510 = Expense A/R Account; 521 = Cash Expense Income Account; 522 = Non Cash Expense Income Account; 530 Expense Unbilled Account; 610 = Fee A/R Account; 620 = Fee Income Account; 630 = Fee Unbilled Account; 710 = Tax A/R Account; 721 = Tax1 Account; 722 = Tax2 Account; 723 = Tax3 Account

OGAAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Office GL Account Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Office GL Account table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

OGAOfficeOffice Code Office Code

OGATypeType 210 = Prepaid Asset; 220 = Prepaid Liability; 310 = Interest A/R; 320 = Interest Income; 410 = Surcharge A/R; 420 = Surcharge Income; 510 = Expense A/R Account; 521 = Cash Expense Income Account; 522 = Non Cash Expense Income Account; 530 Expense Unbilled Account; 610 = Fee A/R Account; 620 = Fee Income Account; 630 = Fee Unbilled Account; 710 = Tax A/R Account; 721 = Tax1 Account; 722 = Tax2 Account; 723

OGAAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

Organizational Unit Unique IDs assigned through MyJuris to Application/Users/Teams


NameName Juris Application Name; MyJuris User Name; Team Name

CodeCode Juris Application; User Initials; Team Name

TypeType 2 = User; 3 = Juris Application; 4 = MyJuris Group; 5 = MyJuris Team

Organizational Unit Application MyJuris unique ids for ApplicationsOrganizationalUnitApplication

ActivationDateActivation Date Activation Date

DeActivationDateDeActivation Date DeActivation Date

Organizational Unit Approver MyJuris Approvers assigned to UsersOrganizationalUnitApprover

IdID Unique ID

OrganizationalUnitEmployeeIDEmployee ID Employee ID

ApproverIDApprover ID Approver ID

TypeType Type

Organizational Unit Employee MyJuris unique ids for UsersOrganizationalUnitEmployee

IdID Unique ID

OrganizationalUnitIDOrganizational Unit ID Organizational Unit ID

EmployeeIDEmployee ID Employee ID

Organizational Unit Member MyJuris Members assigned to GroupsOrganizationalUnitMember

IdID Unique ID

OrganizationalUnitIDOrganizational Unit ID User Organizational Unit ID

ParentIDParent ID Group Organization Unit ID

SequenceNumberSequence Number Sequence Number

Organizational Unit Setting MyJuris Settings assigned to Users/Groups/TeamsOrganizationalUnitSetting

IdID Unique ID

OrganizationalUnitIDOrganizational Unit ID Organizational Unit ID

SettingIDSetting ID Setting ID

ValueValue Value

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Organizational Unit Setting Definition MyJuris Setting definitions for Users/Groups/Teams


IdID Unique ID

SettingResourceKeySetting Resource Key Setting Resource Key

Organizational Unit Team MyJuris unique ids for TeamsOrganizationalUnitTeam

IdID Unique ID

OrganizationalUnitIDOrganizational Unit ID Organizational Unit ID

Organizational Unit Team Member MyJuris Members assigned to TeamsOrganizationalUnitTeamMember

IdID Unique ID

OrganizationalUnitIDOrganizational Unit ID User Organizational Unit ID

ParentIDParent ID Team Organizational Unit ID

StatusStatus 1 = Member; 2 = Lead; 3 = Manager

Outstanding Balances by Matter Current Accounts Receivable, Trust, Prepaid, Unbilled Fees and Unbilled Expenses by Matter


MatterSystemNumberMatter System Number Matter System Number

ClientSystemNumberClient System Number Client System Number

BillToBill To Bill To System Number

OfficeCodeOffice Code Office Code assigned to the Matter

BillingAgreementCodeBilling Agreement Code Billing Agreement assigned to the Matter

PracticeClassPractice Class Code Practice Class assigned to the Matter

DateOfLastWorkDate of Last Work Date of Last Time Entry

DateOfLastExpenseDate of Last Expense Entry Date of Last Expense Entry

DateOfLastBillDate of Last Bill Date of Last Bill

DateOfLastStatementDate of Last Statement Date of Last AR Statement

DateOfLastPaymentDate of Last Payment Date of Last Payment

LastPaymentAmountLast Payment Amount Last Payment Amount

BalanceAsOfLastBillBalance As Of Last Bill AR Balance as of Last Bill

PaymentsSinceLastBillPayments Since Last Bill Payments Since Last Bill

AdjustmentsSinceLastBillAdjustments Since Last Bill Adjustments Since Last Bill

PrepaidBalancePrepaid Balance Current Prepaid Balance

ActualHoursWorkedActual Hours Worked Current Unbilled Actual Hours Worked

BillableActualHoursWorkedBillable Actual Hours Worked Current Unbilled Actual Hours Worked where the Billable Flag = Y

NonBillableActualHoursWorkedNonBillable Actual Hours Worked Current Unbilled Actual Hours Worked where the Billable Flag = N

HoursToBillHours To Bill Current Unbilled Hours to Bill

BillableHoursToBillBillable Hours To Bill Current Unbilled Hours to Bill where the Billable Flag = Y

NonBillableHoursToBillNonBillable Hours to Bill Current Unbilled Hours to Bill where the Billable Flag = N

RateRate Average Rate on Current Unbilled Time

BillableRateBillable Rate Average Rate on Current Unbilled Time where the Billable Flag = Y

NonBillableRateNonBillable Rate Average Rate on Current Unbilled Time where the Billable Flag = N

UnbilledFeeAmountUnbilled Fee Amount Current Unbilled Fee Amount

BillableAmountBillable Fee Amount Current Unbilled Fee Amount where the Billable Flag = Y

NonBillableAmountNonBillable Fee Amount Current Unbilled Fee Amount where the Billable Flag = N

StandardRateStandard Rate Average Standard Rate on Current Unbilled Time

BillableStandardRateBillable Standard Rate Average Standard Rate on Current Unbilled Time where the Billable Flag = Y

NonBillableStandardRateNonBillable Standard Rate Average Standard Rate on Current Unbilled Time where the Billable Flag = N

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Outstanding Balances by Matter Current Accounts Receivable, Trust, Prepaid, Unbilled Fees and Unbilled Expenses by Matter


StandardAmountStandard Amount Current Unbilled Standard Amount

BillableStandardAmountBillable Standard Amount Current Unbilled Standard Amount where the Billable Flag = Y

NonBillableStandardAmountNonBillable Standard Amount Current Unbilled Standard Amount where the Billable Flag = N

UnitsUnits Current Unbilled Units

CashUnitsCash Expense Units Current Unbilled Units on Cash Expenses

NonCashUnitsNonCash Expense Units Current Unbilled Units on Non Cash Expenses

MultiplierMultiplier Average Multiplier on Current Unbilled Expenses

CashMultiplierCash Expense Multiplier Average Multiplier on Current Unbilled Cash Expenses

NonCashMultiplierNonCash Expense Multiplier Average Multiplier on Current Unbilled Non Cash Expenses

UnbilledExpenseAmountUnbilled Expense Amount Current Unbilled Expense Amount

CashAmountCash Expense Amount Current Unbilled Cash Expense Amount

NonCashAmountNonCash Expense Amount Current Unbilled Non Cash Expense Amount

FeeBilledFee Billed Fee Amount Billed To Date

FeeReceivedFee Received Fee Amount Received To Date

FeeAdjustedFee Adjusted Fee Amount Adjusted To Date

FeeBalanceFee Balance Current Fee AR Balance

CashExpenseBilledCash Expense Billed Cash Expense Amount Billed To Date

CashExpenseReceivedCash Expense Received Cash Expense Amount Received To Date

CashExpenseAdjustedCash Expense Adjusted Cash Expense Amount Adjusted To Date

CashExpenseBalanceCas Expense Balance Current Cash Expense AR Balance

NonCashExpenseBilledNonCash Expense Billed NonCash Expense Amount Billed To Date

NonCashExpenseReceivedNonCash Expense Received NonCash Expense Amount Received To Date

NonCashExpenseAdjustedNonCash Expense Adjusted NonCash Expense Amount Adjusted To Date

NonCashBalanceNonCash Balance Current NonCash Expense AR Balance

SurchargeBilledSurcharge Billed Surcharge Billed To Date

SurchargeReceivedSurcharge Received Surcharge Received To Date

SurchargeAdjustedSurcharge Adjusted Surcharge Adjusted To Date

SurchargeBalanceSurcharge Balance Current Surcharge AR Balance

Tax1BilledTax1 Billed Tax1 Billed To Date

Tax1ReceivedTax1 Received Tax1 Received To Date

Tax1AdjustedTax1 Adjusted Tax1 Adjusted To Date

Tax1BalanceTax1 Balance Current Tax1 AR Balance

Tax2BilledTax2 Billed Tax2 Billed To Date

Tax2ReceivedTax2 Received Tax2 Received To Date

Tax2AdjustedTax2 Adjusted Tax2 Adjusted To Date

Tax2BalanceTax2 Balance Current Tax2 AR Balance

Tax3BilledTax3 Billed Tax3 Billed To Date

Tax3ReceivedTax3 Received Tax3 Received To Date

Tax3AdjustedTax3 Adjusted Tax3 Adjusted To Date

Tax3BalanceTax3 Balance Current Tax3 AR Balance

InterestBilledInterest Billed Interest Billed To Date

InterestReceivedInterest Received Interest Received To Date

InterestAdjustedInterest Adjusted Interest Adjusted To Date

InterestBalanceInterest Balance Current Interest AR Balance

ARBalanceDueAR Balance Due Current AR Balance Due

TrustBalanceTrust Balance Current Trust Balance

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Payroll Payroll information imported into Active Information Budgeting


PayrollMasterIDPayroll Master Id Payroll Master Id

EmployeeSystemNumberEmployee System Number Employee System Number

BusinessUnitBusiness Unit Business Unit

CompanyCodeCompany Code Company Code

CompanyDepartmentCompany Department Company Department

CompanyCostNumberCompany Cost Number Company Cost Number

FileNumberFile Number File Number

HomeDepartmentHome Department Home Department

LastNameFirstNameLast Name First Name Last Name First Name

ClockNumberClock Number Clock Number

EmployeeTypeEmployee Type Employee Type

FederalExpemptionsFederal Exemptions Federal Exemptions

FederalMaritalStatusFederal Marital Status Federal Marital Status

FederalTaxExtraPercentFederal Tax Extra Percent Federal Tax Extra Percent

FederalTaxExtraDollarsFederal Tax Extra Dollars Federal Tax Extra Dollars

GarnishmentGarnishment Garnishment

GTLBenefitFactorGTL Benefit Factor GTL Benefit Factor

GTLCoverageAmountGTL Coverage Amount GTL Coverage Amount

GTLExtraCoverageAmountGTL Extra Coverage Amount GTL Extra Coverage Amount

HireDateHire Date Hire Date

HomeDepartmentDescriptionHome Department Description Home Department Description

IncreaseTypeIncrease Type Increase Type

LoaStartDateLoa Start Date Loa Start Date

LocalTaxLivedInLocal Tax Lived In Local Tax Lived In

LocalTaxWorkedInLocal Tax Worked In Local Tax Worked In

MedicareTaxStatusMedicare Tax Status Medicare Tax Status

PayFrequencyPay Frequency Pay Frequency

PaydataDeductionForecast1Paydata Deduction Forecast1 Paydata Deduction Forecast1

PaydataDeductionForecast2Paydata Deduction Forecast2 Paydata Deduction Forecast2

PaydataDeductionForecast3Paydata Deduction Forecast3 Paydata Deduction Forecast3

PaydataDeductionForecast4Paydata Deduction Forecast4 Paydata Deduction Forecast4

PaydataDeductionForecast5Paydata Deduction Forecast5 Paydata Deduction Forecast5

PaydataLivedInLocalityPaydata Lived In Locality Paydata Lived In Locality

PaydataLivedInStatePaydata Lived In State Paydata Lived In State

PaydataMemoTotalPaydata Memo Total Paydata Memo Total

PaydataOtherEarningsPaydata Other Earnings Paydata Other Earnings

PaydataOvertimeHoursPaydata Overtime Hours Paydata Overtime Hours

PaydataPayNumberPaydata Pay Number Paydata Pay Number

PaydataRateCodePaydata Rate Code Paydata Rate Code

PaydataRegularEarningsPaydata Regular Earnings Paydata Regular Earnings

PaydataRegularHoursPaydata Regular Hours Paydata Regular Hours

PaydataTempRatePaydata Temp Rate Paydata Temp Rate

PaydataWGPSAdvPayDatePaydata WGPS Adv Pay Date Paydata WGPS Adv Pay Date

RateAmountRate Amount Rate Amount

RateEffectiveDateRate Effective Date Rate Effective Date

RateTypeRate Type Rate Type

SecondHourlyRateSecond Hourly Rate Second Hourly Rate

SocialSecurityTaxStatusSocial Security Tax Status Social Security Tax Status

StateState State

StateTaxLivedInState Tax Lived In State Tax Lived In

StateTaxWorkedInState Tax Worked In State Tax Worked In

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Payroll Payroll information imported into Active Information Budgeting


SuiSdiTaxableBlockSui Sdi Taxable Block Sui Sdi Taxable Block

TerminationDateTermination Date Termination Date

ThirdHourlyRateThird Hourly Rate Third Hourly Rate

W2IraSepDistributionW2 IRA Sep Distribution W2 IRA Sep Distribution

W2QualifiedPensionW2 Qualified Pension W2 Qualified Pension

W2StatutoryEmployeeW2 Statutory Employee W2 Statutory Employee

Payroll Master Payroll detail information imported into Active Information Budgeting


IDID Unique ID

BudgetPeriodBudget Period Budget Period

PayrollPeriodPayroll Period Payroll date selected on import

ImportDateImport Date Date payroll was imported

ImportUserImport User User who imported payroll

YearValueYear Value Payroll Year

Personnel Type Personnel Types defined under Tables/Personnel Types


PrsTypCodeCode Personnel Type Code

PrsTypDescDescription Description

Personnel Type Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Personnel Type table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PrsTypCodeCode Personnel Type Code

PrsTypDescDescription Description

Personnel Type Rate Rates assigned by Personnel Type on a Fee Schedule


PTRFeeSchFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

PTRPrsTypPersonnel Type Code Personnel Type Code

PTRRateRate Rate

Personnel Type Rate Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Personnel Type Rate table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PTRFeeSchFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

PTRPrsTypPersonnel Type Code Personnel Type Code

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Personnel Type Rate Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Personnel Type Rate table


PTRRateRate Rate

Practice Class Practice Class codes defined under Tables/Practice Classes


PrctClsCodeCode Practice Class Code

PrctClsDescDescription Description

Practice Class Change Log Log of Practice Class changes in an ASCII format used to update third party software


PCCLUserIDUser ID User System Number

PCCLTimeStampTimeStamp Date and time practice class was changed

PCCLActionAction A = Record Added; C = Record Changed; D = Record Deleted

PCCLChangeChange ASCII Text with Practice Class fields

Practice Class GL Account General Leger Accounts assigned to Practice Class codes


PGAPractClassPractice Class Code Practice Class Code

PGATypeType A = Adjustment; I = Income

PGAAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

Practice Class GL Account Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Practice Class GL Account


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PGAPractClassPractice Class Code Practice Class Code

PGATypeType A = Adjustment; I = Income

PGAAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

Practice Class Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Practice Class table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PrctClsCodeCode Practice Class Code

PrctClsDescDescription Description

PreBill Open PreBills in Billing/Edit PrebillsPreBill

PBSysNbrSystem Number Prebill System Number

PBBillToBill To Bill To System Number

PBStatusStatus 2 = Ready to Edit; 3 = Ready to Reprint; 4 = Ready to Print Bill; 5 = Ready to Post

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

PreBill Open PreBills in Billing/Edit PrebillsPreBill

PBActionAction 0 = No Action Taken; 1 = Full Detail; 2 = Expense Only; 3 = Summary Bill; 4 = Summary Bill with Expense

PBInvoiceNbrInvoice Number Bill Number assigned when Final Bill is printed or Prebill is reprinted

PBBillDateBill Date Bill Date

PBBillFromDateBill From Date Begin Date from Prebill Selection

PBBillToDateBill To Date End Date from Prebill Selection

PBLockFlagLock Flag L = Locked; U = Unlocked

PBLockedByLocked By User System Number who was last to access Prebill

PBPostPhasePost Phase Post Phase

PBSelectionDateSelection Date System date when Prebill was selected

PBSummaryTextSummary Text Narrative entered for a Summary bill

PreBill Change Log Log of Prebill changes made through Billing/Edit Prebills


PBCLPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBCLSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

PBCLChangeChange Log of changes made through Prebill Edit

PBCLSourceTableSource Table Juris Table from which the change originated

PBCLSourceFieldSource Field Source Field

PBCLDateDate Date and time change was made

PBCLUserIDUser ID User System Number

PreBill Expense Detail Item Detail Expense Entries on an Open Prebill (not including summarized expenses)


PBEDPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBEDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBEDExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

PBEDUEBatchUnbilled Expense Batch Unbilled Expense Batch Number

PBEDUERecNbrUnbilled Expense Record Number Unbilled Expense Record Number

PBEDStatusStatus 0 = Bill; S = Suppress; H = Hold; M = Mark Off

PBEDUnitsOnBillUnits On Bill Units after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBEDAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBEDSeqOnBillSequence On Bill Sequence of entries on bill

PreBill Expense Detail Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Expense Detail Item table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBEDPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBEDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBEDExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

PBEDUEBatchUnbilled Expense Batch Unbilled Expense Batch Number

PBEDUERecNbrUnbilled Expense Record Number Unbilled Expense Record Number

PBEDStatusStatus 0 = Bill; S = Suppress; H = Hold; M = Mark Off

PBEDUnitsOnBillUnits On Bill Units after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

PreBill Expense Detail Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Expense Detail Item table


PBEDAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBEDSeqOnBillSequence On Bill Sequence of entries on bill

PreBill Expense Recap Expense Allocations on an Open PreBill (totals by Expense Code)


PBERPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBERMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBERExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

PBERUnitsOnBillUnits On Bill Units after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBERAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBERPPDAppliedPPD Applied Prepaid applied to expense allocation

PBERTrustAppliedTrust Applied Trust applied to expense allocation

PreBill Expense Recap Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Expense Recap table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBERPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBERMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBERExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

PBERUnitsOnBillUnits On Bill Units after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBERAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBERPPDAppliedPPD Applied Prepaid applied to expense allocation

PBERTrustAppliedTrust Applied Trust applied to expense allocation

PreBill Expense Sum Detail Detail expense entries that comprise the summarized expense on an Open PreBill


PBESDPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBESDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBESDExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

PBESDUEBatchUnbilled Expense Batch Unbilled Expense Batch Number

PBESDUERecNbrUnbilled Expense Record Number Unbilled Expense Record Number

PBESDStatusStatus 0 = Bill; S = Suppress; H = Hold; M = Mark Off

PBESDUnitsOnBillUnits On Bill Units after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBESDAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBESDSeqOnBillSequence on Bill Sequence of entries on bill

PreBill Expense Sum Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Expense Sum Detail table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

PreBill Expense Sum Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Expense Sum Detail table


SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBESDPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBESDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBESDExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

PBESDUEBatchUnbilled Expense Batch Unbilled Expense Batch Number

PBESDUERecNbrUnbilled Expense Record Number Unbilled Expense Record Number

PBESDStatusStatus 0 = Bill; S = Suppress; H = Hold; M = Mark Off

PBESDUnitsOnBillUnits On Bill Units after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBESDAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBESDSeqOnBillSequence On Bill Sequence of entries on bill

PreBill Expense Sum Item Summarized Expense Entries on an Open PreBillPreBillExpSumItem

PBESPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBESMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBESExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

PBESUnitsOnBillUnits on Bill Units after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBESAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBESSeqOnBillSequence On Bill Sequence of entries on bill

PBESTimeStampPBESTimeStamp Field PBESTimeStamp

PreBill Expense Sum Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Expense Sum Item table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBESPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBESMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBESExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

PBESUnitsOnBillUnits On Bill Units after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBESAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBESSeqOnBillSequence On Bill Sequence of entries on bill

PreBill Expense Trust Applied Trust Applied in Edit Prebills to Expense Allocations on an Open PreBill


PBETAPrebillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBETAMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBETAExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

PBETABankBank Code Bank Account Code

PBETAAmountAmount Trust amount applied to expense

PreBill Expense Trust Applied Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Prebill Expense Trust Applied table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

PreBill Expense Trust Applied Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Prebill Expense Trust Applied table


JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBETAPrebillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBETAMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBETAExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

PBETABankBank Code Bank Account Code

PBETAAmountAmount Trust amount applied to expense

PreBill Fee Item Detail Time Entries on an Open PreBillPreBillFeeItem

PBFPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBFMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBFTkprOnBillTimekeeper On Bill Working Timekeeper System Number (As Billed)

PBFUTBatchUnbilled Time Batch Unbilled Time Batch Number

PBFUTRecNbrUnbilled Time Record Number Unbilled Time Record Number

PBFStatusStatus 0 = Bill; S = Suppress; H = Hold; M = Mark Off; I = Inserted for Retainer or Flat Fee; D = Inserted for Discount

PBFDateOnBillDate On Bill Date on Bill (As Billed)

PBFHrsOnBillHours On Bill Hours after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBFRateOnBillRate On Bill Rate after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBFAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBFSeqOnBillSequence On Bill Sequence of entries on bill

PreBill Fee Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Fee Item table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBFPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBFMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBFTkprOnBillTimekeeper On Bill Working Timekeeper System Number (As Billed)

PBFUTBatchUnbilled Time Batch Unbilled Time Batch Number

PBFUTRecNbrUnbilled Time Record Number Unbilled Time Record Number

PBFStatusStatus 0 = Bill; S = Suppress; H = Hold; M = Mark Off; I = Inserted for Retainer or Flat Fee; D = Inserted for Discount

PBFDateOnBillDate On Bill Date on Bill (As Billed)

PBFHrsOnBillHours On Bill Hours after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBFRateOnBillRate On Bill Rate after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBFAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBFSeqOnBillSequence On Bill Sequence of entries on bill

PreBill Fee Recap Fee Allocations on an Open PreBill (totals by Working Timekeeper)


PBFRPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

PreBill Fee Recap Fee Allocations on an Open PreBill (totals by Working Timekeeper)


PBFRMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBFRTkprOnBillTimekeeper On Bill Working Timekeeper System Number(As Billed)

PBFRHrsOnBillHours On Bill Hours after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBFRAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBFRPPDAppliedPPD Applied Prepaid applied to fee allocation

PBFRTrustAppliedTrust Applied Trust applied to fee allocation

PreBill Fee Recap Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Fee Recap table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBFRPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBFRMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBFRTkprOnBillTimekeeper On Bill Working Timekeeper System Number (As Billed)

PBFRHrsOnBillHours On Bill Hours after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBFRAmtOnBillAmount On Bill Amount after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBFRPPDAppliedPPD Applied Prepaid applied to fee allocation

PBFRTrustAppliedTrust Applied Trust applied to fee allocation

Prebill Fee Trust Applied Trust Applied in Edit Prebills to Fee Allocations on an Open PreBill


PBFTAPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBFTAMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBFTATkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

PBFTABankBank Code Bank Account Code

PBFTAAmountAmount Trust amount applied

Prebill Fee Trust Applied Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to thePreBill Fee Trust Applied table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBFTAPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBFTAMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBFTATkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

PBFTABankBank Code Bank Account Code

PBFTAAmountAmount Trust amount applied

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PBMSurchgPPDRcvdSurcharge PPD Received Prepaid applied to surcharges billed

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

PreBill Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBSysNbrPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBBillToBill To Bill To System Number

PBStatusStatus 2 = Ready to Edit; 3 = Ready to Reprint; 4 = Ready to Print Bill; 5 = Ready to Post

PBActionAction 0 = No Action Taken; 1 = Full Detail; 2 = Expense Only; 3 = Summary Bill; 4 = Summary Bill with Expense

PBInvoiceNbrInvoice Number Bill Number assigned when Final Bill is printed or Prebill is reprinted

PBBillDateBill Date Bill Date

PBBillFromDateBill From Date Begin Date from Prebill Selection

PBBillToDateBill To Date End Date from Prebill Selection

PBLockFlagLock Flag L = Locked; U = Unlocked

PBLockedByLocked By User System Number who was last to access Prebill

PBPostPhasePost Phase Post Phase

PBSelectionDateSelection Date System date when Prebill was selected

PBSummaryTextSummary Text Narrative entered for a Summary bill

PreBill Matter Open PreBill amounts summarized by Client MatterPreBillMatter

PBMPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBMMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBMPPDAppliedPPD Applied Prepaid applied to matter

PBMTrustAppliedTrust Applied Trust Applied

PBMDiscountDiscount Discount amount

PBMDiscountSourceDiscount Source 1 = Discount Option; 2 = Entered by user

PBMHrsBldHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBMFeeBldFee Billed Fees Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBMFeeBldSourceFee Billed Source 1 = Not a Flat Fee or Retainer; 2 = Flat Fee or Retainer

PBMFeeExcessDiscFee Excess Discount Discount amount in excess of fees billed

PBMFeePPDRcvdFee Prepaid Received Prepaid applied to fees billed

PBMFeeTrustRcvdFee Trust Received Trust applied to fees billed

PBMNCshExpBldNoncash Expense Billed Noncash Expense Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBMNCshExpExcessDiscNoncash Expense Excess Discount

Noncash Expense amount due reduced by Discount that exceeds Fees Billed

PBMNCshExpPPDRcvdNoncash Expense PPD Received Prepaid applied to Noncash expense billed

PBMNCshExpTrustRcvdNoncash Expense Trust Received Trust applied to Noncash expense billed

PBMCshExpBldCash Expense Billed Cash Expense Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBMCshExpExcessDiscCash Expense Excess Discount Cash Expense amount due reduced by Discount that exceeds Fees Billed

PBMCshExpPPDRcvdCash Expense Prepaid Received Prepaid applied to cash expense billed

PBMCshExpTrustRcvdCash Expense Trust Received Trust applied to cash expense billed

PBMSurchgBldSurcharge Billed Surcharge Billed

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PBMCshExpPPDRcvdCash Expense Prepaid Received Prepaid applied to cash expense billed

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

PreBill Matter Open PreBill amounts summarized by Client MatterPreBillMatter

PBMSurchgTrustRcvdSurcharge Trust Received Trust applied to surcharges billed

PBMSurchgSourceSurcharge Source 1 = Surcharge Option; 2 = Entered by User

PBMTax1BldTax1 Billed Tax1 Billed

PBMTax1PPDRcvdTax1 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax1 billed

PBMTax1TrustRcvdTax1 Trust Received Trust applied to tax1 billed

PBMTax2BldTax2 Billed Tax2 Billed

PBMTax2PPDRcvdTax2 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax2 billed

PBMTax2TrustRcvdTax2 Trust Received Trust applied to tax2 billed

PBMTax3BldTax3 Billed Tax3 Billed

PBMTax3PPDRcvdTax3 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax3 billed

PBMTax3TrustRcvdTax3 Trust Received Trust applied to tax3 billed

PBMIntBldInterest Billed Interest Billed

PBMIntPPDRcvdInterest PPD Received Prepaid applied to interest billed

PBMIntTrustRcvdInterest Trust Received Trust applied to interest billed

PBMIntSourceInterest Source Interest Source

PBMRcvdSourceReceived Source 1 = Calculated in Prebill Selection or Entered in Bill Summary section of Edit Prebills; 2 = Applied through Prepaid/Trust Allocation

PBMTaxSourceTax Source 1 = Calculated in Prebill Selection; 2 = Overridden by User in Edit Prebills

PreBill Matter Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Prebill Matter table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBMPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBMMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBMPPDAppliedPPD Applied Prepaid applied to matter

PBMTrustAppliedTrust Applied Trust Applied

PBMDiscountDiscount Discount amount

PBMDiscountSourceDiscount Source 1 = Discount Option; 2 = Entered by user

PBMHrsBldHours Billed Hours Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBMFeeBldFee Billed Fees Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBMFeeBldSourceFee Billed Source 1 = Not a Flat Fee or Retainer; 2 = Flat Fee or Retainer

PBMFeeExcessDiscFee Excess Discount Discount amount in excess of fees billed

PBMFeePPDRcvdFee Prepaid Received Prepaid applied to fees billed

PBMFeeTrustRcvdFee Trust Received Trust applied to fees billed

PBMNCshExpBldNoncash Expense Billed Noncash Expense Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBMNCshExpExcessDiscNoncash Expense Excess Discount

Noncash Expense amount due reduced by Discount that exceeds Fees Billed

PBMNCshExpPPDRcvdNoncash Expense PPD Received Prepaid applied to noncash expense billed

PBMNCshExpTrustRcvdNoncash Expense Trust Received Trust applied to noncash expense billed

PBMCshExpBldCash Expense Billed Cash Expense Billed after Prebill Edits (As Billed)

PBMCshExpExcessDiscCash Expense Excess Discount Cash Expense amount due reduced by Discount that exceeds Fees Billed

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

PreBill Matter Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Prebill Matter table


PBMCshExpTrustRcvdCash Expense Trust Received Trust applied to cash expense billed

PBMSurchgBldSurcharge Billed Surcharge Billed

PBMSurchgPPDRcvdSurcharge PPD Received Prepaid applied to surcharges billed

PBMSurchgTrustRcvdPBMSurchgTrustRcvd Surcharge Trust Received

PBMSurchgSourceSurcharge Source 1 = Surcharge Option; 2 = Entered by User

PBMTax1BldTax1 Billed Tax1 Billed

PBMTax1PPDRcvdTax1 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax1 billed

PBMTax1TrustRcvdTax1 Trust Received Trust applied to tax1 billed

PBMTax2BldTax2 Billed Tax2 Billed

PBMTax2PPDRcvdTax2 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax2 billed

PBMTax2TrustRcvdTax2 Trust Received Trust applied to tax2 billed

PBMTax3BldTax3 Billed Tax3 Billed

PBMTax3PPDRcvdTax3 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax3 billed

PBMTax3TrustRcvdTax3 Trust Received Trust applied to tax3 billed

PBMIntBldInterest Billed Interest Billed

PBMIntPPDRcvdInterest PPD Received Prepaid applied to interest billed

PBMIntTrustRcvdInterest Trust Received Trust applied to interest billed

PBMIntSourceInterest Source Interest Source

PBMRcvdSourceReceived Source 1 = Calculated in Prebill Selection or Entered in Bill Summary section of Edit Prebills; 2 = Applied through Prepaid/Trust Allocation

PBMTaxSourceTax Source 1 = Calculated in Prebill Selection; 2 = Overridden by User in Edit Prebills

PreBill Matter Trust Applied Trust Applied on Opent Prebills to Interest, Surcharges and Taxes by Client Matter


PBMTAPrebillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBMTAMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBMTABankBank Code Bank Account Code

PBMTAIntInterest Trust applied to interest

PBMTASurchgSurcharge Trust applied to surcharges

PBMTATax1Tax1 Trust applied to tax1

PBMTATax2Tax2 Trust applied to tax2

PBMTATax3Tax3 Trust applied to tax3

PreBill Matter Trust Applied Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Matter Trust Applied table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBMTAPrebillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBMTAMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBMTABankBank Code Bank Account Code

PBMTAIntInterest Trust applied to interest

PBMTASurchgSurcharge Trust applied to surcharges

PBMTATax1Tax1 Trust applied to tax1

PBMTATax2Tax2 Trust applied to tax2

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JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

PreBill Matter Trust Applied Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Matter Trust Applied table


PBMTATax3Tax3 Trust applied to tax3

PreBill Split To Open PreBill amounts to be split based on the Split setup on the Matter


PBSTPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBSTFromMatterFrom Matter Split From Matter System Number

PBSTToMatterTo Matter Split To Matter System Number

PBSTPPDAppliedPPD Applied Prepaid applied after split

PBSTTrustAppliedTrust Applied Trust applied after split

PBSTDiscountDiscount Discount amount after split

PBSTThresholdFeeBldThreshold Fee Billed Threshold Fees Billed

PBSTFeeBldFee Billed Fees Billed after split

PBSTFeeExcessDiscFee Excess Discount Discount amount in excess of fees billed after split

PBSTFeePPDRcvdFee PPD Received Prepaid applied to fees after split

PBSTFeeTrustRcvdFee Trust Received Trust applied to fees after split

PBSTThresholdNCshExpBldThreshold Noncash Expense Threshold Noncash Expense Billed

PBSTNCshExpBldNoncash Expense Billed Noncash Expesne Billed after split

PBSTNCshExpExcessDiscNoncash Expense Excess Discount

Noncash Expense amount due reduced by Discount that exceeds Fees Billed after split

PBSTNCshExpPPDRcvdNoncash Expense Prepaid Received

Prepaid applied to Noncash expense after split

PBSTNCshExpTrustRcvdNoncash Expense Trust Received Trust applied to Noncash expense after split

PBSTThresholdCshExpBldThreshold Cash Expense Billed Threshold Cash Expense Billed

PBSTCshExpBldCash Expense Billed Cash Expense Billed after split

PBSTCshExpExcessDiscCash Expense Excess Discount Cash Expense amount due reduced by Discount that exceeds Fees Billed after split

PBSTCshExpPPDRcvdCash Expense PPD Received Prepaid applied to cash expense after split

PBSTCshExpTrustRcvdCash Expense Trust Received Trust applied to cash expense after split

PBSTThresholdSurchgBldThreshold Surcharge Billed Threshold Surcharge Billed

PBSTSurchgBldSurcharge Billed Surcharge Billed after split

PBSTSurchgPPDRcvdSurcharge PPD Received Prepaid applied to surcharges after split

PBSTSurchgTrustRcvdSurcharge Trust Received Trust applied to surcharges after split

PBSTTax1BldTax1 Billed Tax1 Billed after split

PBSTTax1PPDRcvdTax1 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax1 after split

PBSTTax1TrustRcvdTax1 Trust Received Trust applied to tax1 after split

PBSTTax2BldTax2 Billed Tax2 Billed after split

PBSTTax2PPDRcvdTax2 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax2 after split

PBSTTax2TrustRcvdTax2 Trust Received Trust applied to tax2 after split

PBSTTax3BldTax3 Billed Tax3 Billed after split

PBSTTax3PPDRcvdTax3 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax3 after split

PBSTTax3TrustRcvdTax3 Trust Received Trust applied to tax3 after split

PBSTThresholdIntBldThreshold Interest Billed Threshold Interest Billed

PBSTIntBldInterest Billed Interest Billed after split

PBSTIntPPDRcvdInterest PPD Received Prepaid applied to interest after split

PBSTIntTrustRcvdInterest Trust Received Trust applied to interest after split

PreBill Split To Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Split To table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

PreBill Split To Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Split To table


RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBSTPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBSTFromMatterFrom Matter From Matter System Number

PBSTToMatterTo Matter Split To Matter System Number

PBSTPPDAppliedPPD Applied Prepaid applied after split

PBSTTrustAppliedTrust Applied Trust applied after split

PBSTDiscountDiscount Discount amount after split

PBSTThresholdFeeBldThreshold Fee Billed Threshold Fee Billed

PBSTFeeBldFee Billed Fees Billed after split

PBSTFeeExcessDiscFee Excess Discount Discount amount in excess of fees billed after split

PBSTFeePPDRcvdFee PPD Received Prepaid applied to fees after split

PBSTFeeTrustRcvdFee Trust Received Trust applied to fees after split

PBSTThresholdNCshExpBldThreshold Noncash Expense Threshold Noncash Expense Billed

PBSTNCshExpBldNoncash Expense Billed Noncash Expesne Billed after split

PBSTNCshExpExcessDiscNoncash Expense Excess Discount

Noncash Expense amount due reduced by Discount that exceeds Fees Billed after split

PBSTNCshExpPPDRcvdNoncash Expense Prepaid Received

Prepaid applied to Noncash expense after split

PBSTNCshExpTrustRcvdNoncash Expense Trust Received Trust applied to Noncash expense after split

PBSTThresholdCshExpBldThreshold Cash Expense Billed Threshold Cash Expense Billed

PBSTCshExpBldCash Expense Billed Cash Expense Billed after split

PBSTCshExpExcessDiscCash Expense Excess Discount Cash Expense amount due reduced by Discount that exceeds Fees Billed after split

PBSTCshExpPPDRcvdCash Expense PPD Received Prepaid applied to cash expense after split

PBSTCshExpTrustRcvdCash Expense Trust Received Trust applied to cash expense after split

PBSTThresholdSurchgBldThreshold Surcharge Billed Threshold Surcharge Billed

PBSTSurchgBldSurcharge Billed Surcharge Billed after split

PBSTSurchgPPDRcvdSurcharge PPD Received Prepaid applied to surcharges after split

PBSTSurchgTrustRcvdSurcharge Trust Received Trust applied to surcharges after split

PBSTTax1BldTax1 Billed Tax1 Billed after split

PBSTTax1PPDRcvdTax1 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax1 after split

PBSTTax1TrustRcvdTax1 Trust Received Trust applied to tax1 after split

PBSTTax2BldTax2 Billed Tax2 Billed after split

PBSTTax2PPDRcvdTax2 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax2 after split

PBSTTax2TrustRcvdTax2 Trust Received Trust applied to tax2 after split

PBSTTax3BldTax3 Billed Tax3 Billed after split

PBSTTax3PPDRcvdTax3 PPD Received Prepaid applied to tax3 after split

PBSTTax3TrustRcvdTax3 Trust Received Trust applied to tax3 after split

PBSTThresholdIntBldThreshold Interest Billed Threshold Interest Billed

PBSTIntBldInterest Billed Interest Billed after split

PBSTIntPPDRcvdInterest PPD Received Prepaid applied to interest after split

PBSTIntTrustRcvdInterest Trust Received Trust applied to interest after split

PreBill Status List PreBill Status definitionsPreBillStatusList

PBStatusPrebill Status Prebill Status number

DescriptionDescription Definition of Prebill Status

PreBill Text Summarized text entered on a Summary Bill in Edit Prebills


PBTPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

PreBill Text Summarized text entered on a Summary Bill in Edit Prebills


PBTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBTTextText Summary Text

PreBill Text Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the PreBill Text table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PBTPreBillPrebill System Number Prebill System Number

PBTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

PBTTextText Summary Text

Profit Center Profit Centers defined under Tables/Profit CentersProfitCenter

PCntrNbrProfit Center Number Profit Center Number

PCntrDescDescription Description

Profit Center Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Profit Center table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

PCntrNbrProfit Center Number Profit Center Number

PCntrDescDescription Description

Report Directory List of Reports under Inquiry-Reports/ReportsReportDirectory

RDReportIDReport ID Report ID

RDDescriptionDescription Description

RDModuleModule Module

RDPermIndxPerm Index Perm Index

RDCommandLineCommand Line Command Line

RDTypeCodeType Code AC = Activity; AL = Audit List; AN = Other Analysis; AP = Accounts Payable; AR = Aged A/R Analysis; BA = Billing Analysis; CA = Combined Analysis; CLA = Collection Analysis; EL = Edit List; ER = Error Log; GL = General Ledger; LG = Log; ML = Master List; MR = Management Reports; OT = Other; PG = Purge; RL = Reference List; TR = Trust; WA = Working Analysis

RDShowInQueueShow in Queue Y = Show in Report Queue; N = Do not show in Report Queue

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Report Directory Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Report Directory table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

RDReportIDReport ID Report ID

RDDescriptionDescription Description

RDModuleModule Module

RDPermIndxPerm Index Perm Index

RDCommandLineCommand Line Command Line

RDTypeCodeType Code Type Code

RDShowInQueueShow in Report Queue Y = Show in Report Queue; N = Do not show in Report Queue

Report Documentation Log Fields and calculations used in Juris ReportsReportDocumentation_Log

IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

RDRptKeyReport Key Report Key

RDPropIDProperty ID Proptery ID

RDColNameColumn Name Column Name

RDFieldNameField Name Field Name

RDCalculatedCalculated YES = Field is calculated; NO = Field is not calculated

RDFromTableFrom Table Juris Table

RDCalculationCalculation Calculation

Report Log Log of Reports run by UserReportLog

RLSysNbrReport Log System Number Report Log System Number

RLReportIDReport ID Report ID

RLDateDate Date printed

RLUserIDUser ID User System Number

RLStatusStatus P = Printed; Q = In Queue to Print

RLServerServer Server Name

Report Queue Report Queues defined under Inquiry-ReportsReportQueue

RQCodeCode Report Queue Code

RQDescDescription Description

RQLastRunDateLast Run Date Last Date Report Queue was printed

Report Queue Item Report selections on Report QueuesReportQueueItem

RQICodeReport Queue Code Report Queue Code

RQISeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Report Queue Item Report selections on Report QueuesReportQueueItem

RQIEngineEngine Engine

RQIReportIDReport ID Report ID

Report Queue Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Report Queue Item


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

RQICodeReport Queue Code Report Queue Code

RQISeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

RQIEngineEngine Engine

RQIReportIDReport ID Report ID

Report Queue Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Report Queue table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

RQCodeCode Report Queue Code

RQDescDescription Description

RQLastRunDateLast Run Date Last Date Report Queue was printed

Report Types Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Report Types table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

RTTypeCodeType Code Type Code

RTTypeDescriptionDescription Description

ReportDocumentation Table ReportDocumentationReportDocumentation

RDRptKeyReport Key Report Key

RDPropIDProperty ID Property ID

RDColNameColumn Name Column Name

RDFieldNameField Name Field Name

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

ReportDocumentation Table ReportDocumentationReportDocumentation

RDCalculatedCalculated YES = Field is calculated; NO = Field is not calculated

RDFromTableFrom Table Juris Table

RDCalculationCalculation Calculation

ReportTypes List of report classifications (ie Analysis, Activity, Other, etc.)


RTTypeCodeType Code Type Code

RTTypeDescriptionDescription Description

Retained Earnings Retained Earnings Account designated in Set Retained Earnings


AccountCodeMain Account Code Main Account Code

SubAccountCodeSub Account Code Sub Account Code

DistributeBySubAccountDistribute by Sub Account Y - Distribute Net Income by Sub Account, N - Do not Distribute Net Income by Sub Account

Rule Detail MyJuris Compliance RulesRuleDetail

IDID Unique ID

TypeType 1= Juris Rule; 2 = Boolean Rule; 3 = Text Rule; 4 = Numeric Rule; 5 = Date Rule; 6 = Accounting Rule; 7 = Empty Field Rule; 8 = List Rule; 9 = Regex Rule; 10 = Power Rule; 11 = Rule Set

CodeCode Rule Code

DescriptionDescription Description

InstructionsInstructions Instructions

MessageTypeMessage Type 0 = Required; 1= Error; 2 = Warning; 3 = Message

StartDateStart Date Start Date

EndDateEnd Date End Date

ParentIDParent ID Parent ID

Schedule Schedules for Recurring Transactions setup under Transactions/Recurring Transactions


SIDSchedule ID Schedule ID

SCodeCode Schedule Code

SDescriptionDescription Description

STypeType 1 = Weekly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = By Period; 4 = User Defined

SIntervalInterval Number corresponding to the weekdays selected

SRelativeIntervalRelative Interval Frequency of the schedule (ie every week, every other week, every 3rd week, everyt third month, etc)

SRecurrenceFactorRecurrence Factor Day of the Month or Period

SStartDateStart Date Start Date of Duration

SEndDateEnd Date End Date of Duration

SActiveActive 1 = Schedule is active; 0 = Schedule is inactive

SDateTypeDate Type -1 = Current Account Year; 0 = Specified start date and end date

SOptionsOptions 0 = Date on non-working day not selected; 1 = Date on non-working day selected

Schedule Detail Scheduled dates for Recurring TransactionsScheduleDetail

SDIDSchedule Detail ID Schedule Detail ID

SDRowRow Row Number

SDDateDate Scheduled Dates

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Schedule Item Templates selected on a ScheduleScheduleItem

SIIDSchedule Item ID Schedule Item ID

SIRowRow Row Number

SITypeType 1 = Journal Entry Template; 2 = Payment Voucher Template

SIItemIdItem ID Template ID

Schedule Item Detail Scheduled Recurring Transactions processed or to be processed


SIDIDSchedule Item Detail ID Schedule Item Detail ID

SIDItemRowItem Row Item Row

SIDDetailRowDetail Row Detail Row

SIDTypeType 1 = Scheduled items addressed or cancelled; 2 = Scheduled items deferred or deferred and cancelled

SIDDeferredToDeferred To Date scheduled items are deferred to

SIDStateState 0 = Deferred; 1 = Transaction created; 2 = Cancelled

SIDLastModifiedUserLast Modified User User System Number who last modified scheduled item

SIDLastModifiedDateLast Modified Date System Date when scheduled item was last modified

SIDTimestampSIDTimestamp Field SIDTimestamp

Schedule Item Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Schedule Item Detail table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

SIDIDSchedule Item Detail ID Schedule Item Detail ID

SIDItemRowItem Row Item Row

SIDDetailRowDetail Row Detail Row

SIDTypeType 1 = Scheduled items addressed or cancelled; 2 = Scheduled items deferred or deferred and cancelled

SIDDeferredToDeferred To Date scheduled items are deferred to

SIDStateState 0 = Deferred; 1 = Transaction created; 2 = Cancelled

SIDLastModifiedUserLast Modified User User System Number who last modified scheduled item

SIDLastModifiedDateLast Modified Date System Date when scheduled item was last modified

Schedule Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Schedule Item table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Schedule Item Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Schedule Item table


SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

SIIDSchedule Item ID Schedule Item ID

SIRowRow Row Number

SITypeType 1 = Journal Entry Template; 2 = Payment Voucher Template

SIItemIdItem ID Template ID

Schedule Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Schedule table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

SIDSchedule ID Schedule ID

SCodeCode Schedule Code

SDescriptionDescription Description

STypeType 1 = Weekly; 2 = Monthly; 3 = By Period; 4 = User Defined

SIntervalInterval Frequency of the schedule (ie every week, every other week, every 3rd week, everyt third month, etc)

SRelativeIntervalRelative Interval Frequency of the schedule (ie every week, every other week, every 3rd week, everyt third month, etc)

SRecurrenceFactorRecurrence Factor Day of the Month or Period

SStartDateStart Date Start Date of Duration

SEndDateEnd Date End Date of Duration

SActiveActive 1 = Schedule is active; 0 = Schedule is inactive

SDateTypeDate Type -1 = Current Account Year; 0 = Specified start date and end date

SOptionsOptions 0 = Date on non-working day not selected; 1 = Date on non-working day selected

Schedule Tasks Scheduled distributionsScheduleTasks

IdId Unique Id

NameName Name of Distribution

DescriptionDescription Description of Distribution

FrequencyFrequency Schedule for distributions

LastRunTimeLast Run Time Last Time distribution was processed

ActiveActive 0 - Inactive, 1 - Active

TargetParametersTarget Parameters Definition of how and to whom distributon is published

LockedByOrgUnitIdLocked By Organizational Unit Id User system number who has distribution locked

CreatedByOrgUnitIdCreated By Organizational Unit Id User system number who created distribution

Schedule Tasks Log Log of changes to Schedule TasksScheduleTasks_Log

IDUnique ID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Schedule Tasks Log Log of changes to Schedule TasksScheduleTasks_Log

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

NameName Name of Distribution

DescriptionDescription Description of Distribution

FrequencyFrequency Schedule for distributions

LastRunTimeLast Run Time Last Time distribution was processed

ActiveActive 0 - Inactive, 1 - Active

TargetParametersTarget Parameters Definition of how and to whom distributon is published

LockedByOrgUnitIdLocked By Organizational Unit Id User system number who has distribution locked

CreatedByOrgUnitIdCreated By Organizational Unit Id User system number who created distribution

ScheduleDetail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Schedule Detail table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

SDIDSchedule Detail ID Schedule Detail ID

SDRowRow Row Number

SDDateDate Scheduled Dates

Split Bill Split Billing defined on the Matter Split tabSplitBill

SplitFromMatFrom Matter Split From Matter System Number

SplitToMatTo Matter Split To Matter System Number

SplitToPcntPercent Split Percent

Split Bill Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Split Bill table


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

SplitFromMatFrom Matter Split From Matter System Number

SplitToMatTo Matter Split To Matter System Number

SplitToPcntPercent Split Percent

Task Code Task Codes defined under Tables/Task CodesTaskCode

TaskCdCodeCode Task Code

TaskCdDescDescription Description

TaskCdUseHrsUser Hours Y = Use hours on time entries; N = Do not use hours on time entries

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Task Code Task Codes defined under Tables/Task CodesTaskCode

TaskCdUseRateUse Rate Y = Use rate on time entries; N = Do not use rate on time entries

TaskCdUseAmtUse Amount Y = Use amount on time entries; N = Do not use amount on time entries

TaskCdTextText Narrative

Task Code Favorite Frequently used Task Codes defined by User on MyJuris Favorites List


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIDEmployee System Number User System Number

CodeCode Task Code

ListPositionList Position List Position

Task Code Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Task Code table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TaskCdCodeCode Task Code Code

TaskCdDescDescription Description

TaskCdUseHrsUse Hours Y = Use hours on time entries; N = Do not use hours on time entries

TaskCdUseRateUse Rate Y = Use rate on time entries; N = Do not use rate on time entries

TaskCdUseAmtUse Amount Y = Use amount on time entries; N = Do not use amount on time entries

TaskCdTextText Narrative

Task Code Most Recent Recently used Task Codes by User in MyJuris Most Recents list


IdID Unique ID

EmployeeIDEmployee System Number User System Number

CodeCode Task Code

ListPositionList Position List Position

Task Code Rate Task Code hours, rate or fee amounts defined on Fee Schedules


TCRFeeSchFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

TCRTaskCdTask Code Task Code

TCRHrsHours Hours

TCRRateRate Rate

TCRAmtAmount Amount

Task Code Rate Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Task Code Rate table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Task Code Rate Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Task Code Rate table


RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TCRFeeSchFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

TCRTaskCdTask Code Task Code

TCRHrsHours Hours

TCRRateRate Rate

TCRAmtAmount Amount

Task Code Xref Cross Reference table for Task Codes setup under Tables/Task Code Xref


TCXListTask Code Xref List Task Code Xref List

TCXFirmsCodeFirms Code Firms Code

TCXClientsCodeClients Code Clients Code

TCXClientsDescClients Description Clients Description

Task Code Xref List Task Codes defined on Task Code Xref tablesTaskCodeXrefList

TCXLListTask Code Xref List Task Code Xref List

TCXLDescDescription Description

Task Code Xref List Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Task Code Xref List table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TCXLListTask Code Xref List Task Code Xref List

TCXLDescDescription Description

Task Code Xref Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Task Code Xref table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TCXListTask Code Xref List Task Code Xref List

TCXFirmsCodeFirms Code Firms Code

TCXClientsCodeClients Code Clients Code

TCXClientsDescClients Description Clients Description

Text Code Text Code shortcuts setup under Tables/Text Codes


TxtCdCodeText Code Text Code

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Text Code Text Code shortcuts setup under Tables/Text Codes


TxtCdDescDescription Description

TxtCdTextText Text

Text Code Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Text Code table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TxtCdCodeText Code Text Code

TxtCdDescDescription Description

TxtCdTextText Text

Time Batch Audit of Time Entries entered under Transactions/Time Entries


TBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

TBCommentComment Comment

TBBatchTypeBatch Type 1 = Normal; 2 = Direct; 3 = Adjustment

TBStatusStatus P = Posted; U = Unposted; L = Locked; R = Ready to Post; D = Deleted

TBRecCountRecord Count Record Count

TBEnteredByEntered By User system number who entered batch

TBDateEnteredDate Entered System date when the batch was entered

TBLastOpenedByLast Opened By User system number who last opened batch

TBLastOpenedDateLast Opened Date System date when the batch was last opened

TBPostedByPosted By User system number who posted batch

TBDatePostedDate Posted System date when the batch was posted

TBLastUsedByLast Used By User system number who last used batch

TBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch Number

TBTotHrsTotal Hours Total Hours in the batch

TBTotFeesTotal Fees Total Fees in batch

TBTimeStampTBTimeStamp Field TBTimeStamp

Time Batch Detail Detail time transactions entered in batches under Transactions/Time Entries


TBDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

TBDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

TBDRecTypeBatch Record Type 1 = Normal Batch; 2 = Direct Batch; 3 = Before Adjustment; 4 = After Adjustment; 5 = Deleted

TBDPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

TBDDateDate Date of entry

TBDPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on time entry date

TBDPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on time entry date

TBDTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

TBDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

TBDBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

TBDFeeSchedFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

TBDTaskCdTask Code Task Code

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Time Batch Detail Detail time transactions entered in batches under Transactions/Time Entries


TBDActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

TBDBillableFlgBillable Flag Y = Billable; N = Non-Billable

TBDActualHrsWrkActual Hours Worked Hours Worked on time entry

TBDHoursSourceHours Source U = User Overrode; W = Entered through Juris

TBDHoursToBillHours To Bill Hours To Bill on time entry

TBDRateSourceRate Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Timekeeper Rate on Matter Fee Schedule; 4 = Timekeeper Rate on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 5 = Personnel Type on Matter Fee Schedule; 6 = Personnel Type on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; U = User overrode and entered the rate

TBDRateRate Rate

TBDAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Fee Schedule; 3 = Calculated; 4 = User overrode and entered the rate

TBDAmountAmount Amount

TBDCode1Code1 Optional Code1

TBDCode2Code2 Optional Code2

TBDCode3Code3 Optional Code3

TBDBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

TBDStopWatchStop Watch Stop Watch

TBDNarrativeNarrative Narrative

TBDIDTime Batch Detail ID Time Batch Detail ID

Time Batch Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Time Batch Detail table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TBDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

TBDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

TBDRecTypeBatch Record Type 1 = Normal Batch; 2 = Direct Batch; 3 = Before Adjustment; 4 = After Adjustment; 5 = Deleted

TBDPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

TBDDateDate Date of entry

TBDPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on time entry date

TBDPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on time entry date

TBDTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

TBDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

TBDBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

TBDFeeSchedFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

TBDTaskCdTBDTaskCd Task Code

TBDActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

TBDBillableFlgBillable Flag Y = Billable; N = Non-Billable

TBDActualHrsWrkActual Hours Worked Hours Worked on time entry

TBDHoursSourceHours Source U = User Overrode; W = Entered through Juris

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Time Batch Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Time Batch Detail table


TBDHoursToBillHours To Bill Hours To Bill on time entry

TBDRateSourceRate Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Timekeeper Rate on Matter Fee Schedule; 4 = Timekeeper Rate on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 5 = Personnel Type on Matter Fee Schedule; 6 = Personnel Type on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; U = User overrode and entered the rate

TBDRateRate Rate

TBDAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Fee Schedule; 3 = Calculated; 4 = User overrode and entered the rate

TBDAmountAmount Amount

TBDCode1Code1 Optional Code1

TBDCode2Code2 Optional Code2

TBDCode3Code3 Optional Code3

TBDBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

TBDStopWatchStop Watch Stop Watch

TBDNarrativeNarrative Narrative

TBDIDTime Batch Detail ID Time Batch Detail ID

Time Batch Import Error Log of time entries rejected from imported batchesTimeBatchImportError

TBIEBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

TBIERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

TBIESeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

TBIETextText Import Error Text

Time Batch Import Error Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Time Batch Import Error table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TBIEBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

TBIERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

TBIESeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

TBIETextText Import Error Text

Time Batch Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Time Batch table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Time Batch Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Time Batch table


TBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

TBCommentComment Comment

TBBatchTypeBatch Type 1 = Normal; 2 = Direct; 3 = Adjustment

TBStatusStatus P = Posted; U = Unposted; L = Locked; R = Ready to Post; D = Deleted

TBRecCountRecord Count Record Count

TBEnteredByEntered By User system number who entered batch

TBDateEnteredDate Entered System date when the batch was entered

TBLastOpenedByLast Opened By User system number who last opened batch

TBLastOpenedDateLast Opened Date System date when the batch was last opened

TBPostedByPosted By User system number who posted batch

TBDatePostedDate Posted User system number who posted batch

TBLastUsedByLast Used By User system number who last used batch

TBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch Number

TBTotHrsTotal Hours Total Hours in the batch

TBTotFeesTotal Fees Total Fees in batch

Time Detail Distribution Journal Entries created by Time Entry batchesTimeDetailDist

TDDSysNbrTime Detail Distribution System Number

Time Detail Distribution System Number

TDDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

TDDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

TDDAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

TDDTypeType U = Unbilled Account; 1 = Office Income Account; W = Working Timekeeper Income Account; B = Billing Timekeeper Income Account; O = Originating Timekeeper Income Account; P = Practice Class Income Account

TDDAmountAmount Amount

TDDJEBatchJournal Entry Batch Journal Entry Batch Number

TDDJERecNbrJournal Entry Record Number Journal Entry Record Number

TDDIDTime Detail Distribution ID Time Detail Distribution ID

Time Detail Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Time Detail Distribution table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TDDSysNbrTime Detail Distribution System Number

Time Detail Distribution System Number

TDDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

TDDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

TDDAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

TDDTypeType U = Unbilled Account; 1 = Office Income Account; W = Working Timekeeper Income Account; B = Billing Timekeeper Income Account; O = Originating Timekeeper Income Account; P = Practice Class Income Account

TDDAmountAmount Amount

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Time Detail Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Time Detail Distribution table


TDDJEBatchJournal Entry Batch Journal Entry Batch Number

TDDJERecNbrJournal Entry Record Number Journal Entry Record Number

TDDIDTime Detail Distribution ID Time Detail Distribution ID

Time Entry Detail time entries entered/viewed through MyJurisTimeEntry

EntryIDEntry ID Time Entry ID

ClientSysNbrClient System Number Client System Number

MatterSysNbrMatter System Number Matter System Number

BudgetPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

EntryDateEntry Date Entry Date

StartTimeStart Time Start Time

PeriodYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on time entry date

PeriodNumberPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on time entry date

TimekeeperSysNbrTimekeeper System Number Working Timekeeper System Number

FeeScheduleCodeFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule Code

TaskCodeTask Code Task Code

ActivityCodeActivity Code Activity Code

BillableFlagBillable Flag Y = Billable; N = Non-Billable

ActualHoursWorkActual Hours Worked Hours Worked on time entry

HoursSourceHours Source U = User Overrode; W = Entered through Juris

HoursToBillHours To Bill Hours To Bill

RateSourceRate Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Timekeeper Rate on Matter Fee Schedule; 4 = Timekeeper Rate on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 5 = Personnel Type on Matter Fee Schedule; 6 = Personnel Type on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; U = User overrode and entered the rate

RateRate Rate

AmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Fee Schedule; 3 = Calculated; 4 = User overrode and entered the rate

AmountAmount Amount

StandardRateStandard Rate Standard Rate

AmountAtStandardRateAmount At Standard Rate Amount calculated at the standard rate

Code1Code1 Optional Code1

Code2Code2 Optional Code2

Code3Code3 Optional Code3

BillNoteBill Note Bill Note

NarrativeNarrative Narrative

AccruedTimeAccrued Time Accrued Time on stop watch

PostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

PostInPostIn -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

CreatorSysNbrCreator System Number User System Number who created entry

OwnerSysNbrOwner System Number User System Number who currently owns the entry

ApplicationSysNbrApplication System Number Application System Number that created the time entry

EntryStateEntry State 0 = Invalid; 1 = Valid

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Time Entry Detail time entries entered/viewed through MyJurisTimeEntry

EntryStatusEntry Status 0 = Draft; 1 = Ready to Submit; 2 = Pending Approval; 3 = Approved; 4 = Rejected; 5 = Pending Recording; 6 = Recorded; 7 = Posted; 8 = On Prebill; 9 = Billed

SplitTemplateIDSplit Template ID Split Template ID

SplitIDSplit ID Split ID

CreationDateCreation Date System date when entry was created

LastModifiedApplicationSysNbrLast Modified Application System Number

Application System Number that last modified the entry

LastModifiedUserSysNbrLast Modified User System Number

User System Number who last modified the entry

LastModifiedDateLast Modified Date System date when entry was last modified

Time Entry Approval Time Entries submitted to Juris or Approver through MyJuris


IDID Unique ID

EntryIDEntry ID Time Entry ID

EmployeeIDEmployee System Number User System Number

EntryStatusEntry Status 0 = Draft; 1 = Ready to Submit; 2 = Pending Approval; 3 = Approved; 4 = Rejected; 5 = Pending Recording; 6 = Recorded; 7 = Posted; 8 = On Prebill; 9 = Billed

StatusDateStatus Date Date and time when status changed

InitialOwnerIDInitial Owner ID Initial Owner System Number

FinalOwnerIDFinal Owner ID Final Owner System Number

AttachmentIDAttachment ID Attachment ID

Time Entry Attachment Notes or documents attached to Time Entries through MyJuris


IdID Unique ID

EntryIDEntry ID Time Entry ID

AttachmentIDAttachment ID Attachment ID

Time Entry Link Table that relates Time Entries viewed in MyJuris to Time Entry Transactions in Juris


IdID Unique ID

EntryIDEntry ID Time Entry ID

TBDIDTime Batch Detail ID Time Batch Detail ID

Time Entry Link Adjustment Time Entry Link AdjustmentTimeEntryLinkAdjustment

IdID Unique ID

EntryIdEntry ID Time Entry ID


HostHost Host

SourceSource Source

Time Entry Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Time Entry table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Time Entry Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Time Entry table


EntryIDEntry ID Time Entry ID

ClientSysNbrClient System Number Client System Number

MatterSysNbrMatter System Number Matter System Number

BudgetPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

EntryDateEntry Date Entry Date

StartTimeStart Time Start Time

PeriodYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on time entry date

PeriodNumberPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on time entry date

TimekeeperSysNbrTimekeeper System Number Working Timekeeper System Number

FeeScheduleCodeFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule Code

TaskCodeTask Code Task Code

ActivityCodeActivity Code Activity Code

BillableFlagBillable Flag Y = Billable; N = Non-Billable

ActualHoursWorkActual Hours Worked Hours Worked on time entry

HoursSourceHours Source U = User Overrode; W = Entered through Juris

HoursToBillHours To Bill Hours To Bill

RateSourceRate Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Timekeeper Rate on Matter Fee Schedule; 4 = Timekeeper Rate on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 5 = Personnel Type on Matter Fee Schedule; 6 = Personnel Type on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; U = User overrode and entered the rate

RateRate Rate

AmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Fee Schedule; 3 = Calculated; 4 = User overrode and entered the rate

AmountAmount Amount

StandardRateStandardRate StandardRate

AmountAtStandardRateAmount At Standard Rate Amount calculated at the standard rate

Code1Code1 Optional Code1

Code2Code2 Optional Code2

Code3Code3 Optional Code3

BillNoteBill Note Bill Note

NarrativeNarrative Narrative

AccruedTimeAccrued Time Accrued Time on stop watch

PostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Todays Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

PostInPostIn -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Todays Date

CreatorSysNbrCreator System Number User System Number who created entry

OwnerSysNbrOwner System Number User System Number who currently owns the entry

ApplicationSysNbrApplication System Number Application System Number that created the time entry

EntryStateEntry State 0 = Invalid; 1 = Valid

EntryStatusEntry Status 0 = Draft; 1 = Ready to Submit; 2 = Pending Approval; 3 = Approved; 4 = Rejected; 5 = Pending Recording; 6 = Recorded; 7 = Posted; 8 = On Prebill; 9 = Billed

SplitTemplateIDSplit Template ID Split Template ID

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RowTextRow Text Name of Row or Container

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Time Entry Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to Time Entry table


SplitIDSplit ID Split ID

CreationDateCreation Date System date when entry was created

LastModifiedApplicationSysNbrLast Modified Application System Number

Application System Number that last modified the entry

LastModifiedUserSysNbrLast Modified User System Number

User System Number who last modified the entry

LastModifiedDateLast Modified Date System date when entry was last modified

Time Entry Split Template for Splitting Entries through MyJurisTimeEntrySplit

IdID Unique ID

CodeCode Time Entry Split Code

DescriptionDescription Description

OriginalTypeOriginal Type 0 = Keep; 1 = Split; 2 = Delete

HoursTypeHours Type 0 = Keep; 1 = Split; 2 = Calculate; 3 = Fee Schedule

RateTypeRate Type 0 = Keep; 1 = Calculate; 2 = Fee Schedule

AmountTypeAmount Type 0 = Keep; 1 = Split; 2 = Calculate; 3 = Fee Schedule

Code1TextCode1 Text Code1 Text

Code2TextCode2 Text Code2 Text

Code3TextCode3 Text Code3 Text

NarrativeOptionNarrative Option 0 = Replace Text; 1 = Prepend Text; 2 = Append Text

NarrativeTextNarrative Text Narrative Text

BillNoteOptionBill Note Option 0 = Replace Text; 1 = Prepend Text; 2 = Append Text

BillNoteTextBill Note Text Bill Note Text

DetailsDetails Client Matter and Percent details

Timekeeper Budget Budget information setup on Timekeeper through Tables/Timekeepers


TBEmpEmployee System Number Timekeeper System Number

TBPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

TBPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

TBBudHrsWrkHours Worked Budgeted Hours Worked

TBBudFeeWrkFees Worked Budgeted Fees Worked

TBBudFeeBilledFees Billed Budgeted Fees Billed

TBBudFeeReceivedFees Received Budgeted Fees Received

Timekeeper Budget Items Budget details for Timekeeper BudgetsTimekeeperBudgetItemsView

BudgetIDBudget ID Unique Budget ID

NameName Budget Name

BudgetStatusBudget Status 1 = Current, 2 = Active, 3 = Inactive, 4 = Locked, 5 = Archived

BudgetYearBudget Year Budget Year

BudgetCodeBudget Code Budget Code

OwnerOwner Owner

LastModDateLast Modified Date Date of last modification to budget

LastModUserLast Modfied User User who last modified budget

ViewIDView ID Unique View ID

ViewTagView Tag Null for a G/L Budget - Used for Client Matter Budgets

ViewNameView Name Name of View

StartDateStart Date Start Date of Budget

EndDateEnd Date End Date of Budget

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Timekeeper Budget Items Budget details for Timekeeper BudgetsTimekeeperBudgetItemsView

SysNbrSystem Number Timekeeper System Number

RowTagRow Tag Original Name of Row

RowTypeRow Type 3 - Total Budgeted, 5 - Hours, 6 - Fees Worked, 7 - Fees Billed, 8 - Fees Received, 0 - Other Rows

RowIDRow ID Unique Row ID

PeriodPeriod 1-12 - Accounting Month, -1 - Year Total, 101-104 Quarter Total

BudgetedValueBudgeted Value Amount entered in Budget Field

CurrentActualValueCurrent Actual Value Actual Value from the time the actuals were imported

PreviousActualValuePrevious Actual Value Prior year actual value from the last time actuals were imported

Timekeeper Budget Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Timekeeper Budget table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TBEmpEmployee System Number Timekeeper System Number

TBPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

TBPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

TBBudHrsWrkHours Worked Budgeted Hours Worked

TBBudFeeWrkFees Worked Budgeted Fees Worked

TBBudFeeBilledFees Billed Budgeted Fees Billed

TBBudFeeReceivedFees Received Budgeted Fees Received

Timekeeper Diary Table to access the last adjusted entry from the Time Batch Detail table for the Timekeeper Diary report


TDEmpEmployee System Number Timekeeper System Number

TDDateDate Date of time entry

TDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

TDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

Timekeeper Diary Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Timekeeper Diary table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TDEmpEmployee System Number Timekeeper System Number

TDDateDate Date of entry

TDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

TDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Timekeeper Note Note Cards setup on a Timekeeper under Tables/Timekeepers


TNEmpEmployee System Number Timekeeper System Number

TNNoteIndexNote Index Note Card Name

TNObjectObject Object

TNNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

TNNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

Timekeeper Note Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Timekeeper Note table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TNEmpEmployee System Number Timekeeper System Number

TNNoteIndexNote Index Note Card Name

TNObjectObject Object

TNNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

TNNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

Timekeeper Rate Rates defined by Timekeeper on a Fee ScheduleTkprRate

TKRFeeSchFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule Code

TKREmpEmployee System Number Timekeeper System Number

TKRRateRate Rate

Timekeeper Rate Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Timekeeper Rate table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TKRFeeSchFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule Code

TKREmpEmployee System Number Timekeeper System Number

TKRRateRate Rate

Trust Account Trust Account balance by Bank Account/Client Matter


TAMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

TABankBank Code Bank Account Code

TADateLastActyDate Last Activity Date of Last Transaction

TABalanceBalance Balance

Trust Account Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Trust Account


DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Trust Account Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Trust Account


JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TAMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

TABankBank Code Bank Account Code

TADateLastActyDate Last Activity Date of Last Transaction

TABalanceBalance Balance

Trust Adjustment Batch Audit of Trust Adjustments entered under Transactions/Trust Adjustments


TABBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

TABCommentComment Comment

TABBatchTypeBatch Type 1 = Normal Batch

TABStatusStatus P = Posted; U = Unposted; L = Locked; R = Ready to Post; D = Deleted

TABRecCountRecord Count Number of records in batch

TABUserUser User System Number who created batch

TABDateDate Date of adjustment entry

TABJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch Number

Trust Adjustment Batch Detail Detail of trust adjustment entries entered in batches under Transactions/Trust Adjustments


TABDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

TABDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

TABDPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

TABDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

TABDBankBank Code Bank Account Code

TABDLedgerLinkLedger Link Trust Ledger History System Number

TABDDateDate Date of entry

TABDPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on entry date

TABDPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

TABDAmountAmount Amount

TABDMemoMemo Memo

TABDIDTrust Adjustment Batch Detail ID Trust Adjustment Batch Detail ID

Trust Adjustment Batch Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Trust Adjustment Batch Detail table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TABDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

TABDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

TABDPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

TABDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

TABDBankBank Code Bank Account Code

TABDLedgerLinkLedger Link Trust Ledger History System Number

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RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Trust Adjustment Batch Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Trust Adjustment Batch Detail table


TABDDateDate Date of entry

TABDPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on entry date

TABDPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

TABDAmountAmount Amount

TABDMemoMemo Memo

TABDIDTrust Adjustment Batch Detail ID Trust Adjustment Batch Detail ID

Trust Adjustment Batch Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Trust Adjustment Batch table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TABBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

TABCommentComment Comment

TABBatchTypeBatch Type 1 = Normal Batch

TABStatusStatus P = Posted; U = Unposted; L = Locked; R = Ready to Post; D = Deleted

TABRecCountRecord Count Number of records in batch

TABUserUser User System Number who created batch

TABDateDate Date of adjustment entry

TABJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch Number

Trust Balance By Matter Trust balances summarized by MatterTrustBalanceByMatter

MatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

BalanceTrust Balance Sum of Trust Account Balance

Trust Ledger Trust Ledger history of receipts, payments and adjustments by Bank Account/Client Matter


TLMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

TLBankBank Code Bank Account Code

TLSysNbrTrust Ledger System Number Trust Ledger System Number

TLTypeType 1 = Trust Deposit; 2 = Trust Adjustment; 3 = Trust Computer Check; 4 = Trust Quick Check; 5 = Trust Manual Check

TLDateDate Date

TLCheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

TLAmountAmount Amount

TLMemoMemo Memo

TLIDTrust Ledger ID Trust Ledger ID

Trust Ledger Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Trust Ledger table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Trust Ledger Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Trust Ledger table


Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TLMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

TLBankBank Code Bank Account Code

TLSysNbrTrust Ledger System Number Trust Ledger System Number

TLTypeType 1 = Trust Deposit; 2 = Trust Adjustment; 3 = Trust Computer Check; 4 = Trust Quick Check; 5 = Trust Manual Check

TLDateDate Date

TLCheckNbrCheck Number Check Number

TLAmountAmount Amount

TLMemoMemo Memo

TLIDTrust Ledger ID Trust Ledger ID

Trust Sum By Period Summarized totals of deposits, payments and adjustments by Bank Account/Client Matter/Accounting Period


TSPMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

TSPBankBank Code Bank Account Code

TSPPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

TSPPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

TSPDepositsDeposits Sum of cash receipts

TSPPaymentsPayments Sum of checks

TSPAdjustmentsAdjustment Sum of trust adjustments

Trust Sum by Period Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Trust Sum by Period table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

TSPMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

TSPBankBank Code Bank Account Code

TSPPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

TSPPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

TSPDepositsDeposits Sum of cash receipts

TSPPaymentsPayments Sum of checks

TSPAdjustmentsTrust Adjustments Sum of trust adjustments

Unbilled Expense Detail Expense Entries currently in Work in Process


UEBatchBatch Number Batch Number

UERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

UEMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

UEBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

UEBudgTaskCdBudget Task Code Budget Task Code

UEDateDate Date of entry

UEPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on entry date

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Unbilled Expense Detail Expense Entries currently in Work in Process


UEPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

UEExpSchedExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

UEExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

UESummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do not summarize

UEUnitsUnits Units

UEMultMultiplier Multiplier

UEAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = Calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User overrode and entered value

UEAmountAmount Amount

UEAuthByAuthorized By Timekeeper System Number

UECode1Code1 Optional Code1

UECode2Code2 Optional Code2

UECode3Code3 Optional Code3

UEBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

UENarrativeNarrative Narrative

UEAutoSuppressAuto Suppress Y = Auto Suppress on Prebill; N = Do not Auto Suppress on Prebill

UEIDUnbilled Expense ID Unbilled Expense ID

UEPostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

UEPostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

Unbilled Expense Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Unbilled Expense table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

UEBatchBatch Number Batch Number

UERecNbrRecord Number Record Number

UEMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

UEBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

UEBudgTaskCdBudget Task Code Budget Task Code

UEDateDate Date

UEPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on entry date

UEPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

UEExpSchedExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

UEExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

UESummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do not summarize

UEUnitsUnits Units

UEMultMultiplier Multiplier

UEAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = Calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User overrode and

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Unbilled Expense Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Unbilled Expense table


Expense Schedule; U = User overrode and entered value

UEAmountAmount Amount

UEAuthByAuthorized By Timekeeeper System Number

UECode1Code1 Optional Code1

UECode2Code2 Optional Code2

UECode3Code3 Optional Code3

UEBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

UENarrativeNarrative Narrative

UEAutoSuppressAuto Suppress Y = Auto Suppress on Prebill; N = Do not Auto Suppress on Prebill

UEIDUnbilled Expense ID Unbilled Expense ID

UEPostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

UEPostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

Unbilled Expenses By Matter Unbilled Expense balances summarized by MatterUnbilledExpensesByMatter

UEMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

UnitsUnits Sum Of Units

CashUnitsCash Expense Units Sum Of Cash Expense Units

NonCashUnitsNonCash Expense Units Sum Of NonCash Expense Units

MultiplierMultiplier Average Multiplier

CashMultiplierCash Expense Multiplier Average Cash Expense Multiplier

NonCashMultiplierNonCash Expense Multiplier Average NonCash Expense Multipliers

AmountAmount Sum Of Amount

CashAmountCash Expense Amount Sum Of Cash Expense Amount

NonCashAmountNonCash Expense Amount Sum Of NonCash Expense Amount

Unbilled Fees by Matter Unbilled Fee balances summarized by MatterUnbilledFeesByMatter

MatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

ActualHoursWorkedActual Hours Worked Sum of Hours Worked on time entry

BillableActualHoursWorkedBillable Actual Hours Worked Sum Of Hours Worked on time entry where Billable Flag = Y

NonBillableActualHoursWorkedNonBillable Actual Hours Worked Sum Of Hours Worked on time entry where Billable Flag = N

HoursToBillHours To Bill Sum Of Hours to Bill on time entry

BillableHoursToBillBillable Hours To Bill Sum Of Hours to Bill on time entry where Billable Flag = Y

NonBillableHoursToBillNonBillable Hours To Bill Sum Of Hours to Bill on time entry where Billable Flag = N

RateRate Average Rate

BillableRateBillable Rate Average Rate where Billable Flag = Y

NonBillableRateNonBillable Rate Average Rate where Billable Flag = N

AmountAmount Sum Of Amount

BillableAmountBillable Amount Sum Of Amount where Billable Flag = Y

NonBillableAmountNonBillable Amount Sum Of Amount where Billable Flag = N

StandardRateStandard Rate Average Standard Rate

BillableStandardRateBillable Standard Rate Average Standard Rate where Billable Flag = Y

NonBillableStandardRateNonBillable Standard Rate Average Standard Rate where Billable Flag = N

StandardAmountStandard Amount Sum Of Standard Amount

BillableStandardAmountBillable Standard Amount Sum Of Standard Amount where Billable Flag = Y

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RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Unbilled Fees by Matter Unbilled Fee balances summarized by MatterUnbilledFeesByMatter

NonBillableStandardAmountNonBillable Standard Amount Sum Of Standard Amount where Billable Flag = N

Unbilled Time Detail Time Entries currently in Work in ProcessUnbilledTime

UTBatchBatch Number Batch Number

UTRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

UTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

UTBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

UTDateDate Date

UTPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on entry date

UTPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

UTTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

UTFeeSchedFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

UTTaskCdTask Code Task Code

UTActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

UTBillableFlgBillable Flag Y = Billable; N = Non-Billable

UTActualHrsWrkActual Hours Worked Hours Worked on time entry

UTHoursSourceHours Source W = Entered through Juris; U = User overrode

UTHoursToBillHours To Bill Hours to Bill on time entry

UTRateSourceRate Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Timekeeper Rate on Matter Fee Schedule; 4 = Timekeeper Rate on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 5 = Personnel Type on Matter Fee Schedule; 6 = Personnel Type on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; U = User overrode and entered rate or conversion

UTRateRate Rate

UTAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = calculated; U = User overrode and entered the amount or conversion

UTAmountAmount Amount

UTStdRateStandard Rate Standard Rate

UTAmtAtStdRateAmount at Standard Rate Amount calculated at standard rate

UTCode1Code1 Optional Code1

UTCode2Code2 Optional Code2

UTCode3Code3 Optional Code3

UTBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

UTNarrativeNarrative Narrative

UTIDUnbilled Time ID Unbilled Time ID

UTPostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

UTPostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

Unbilled Time Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Unbilled Time table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Unbilled Time Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Unbilled Time table


Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

UTBatchBatch Number Batch Number

UTRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

UTMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

UTBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

UTDateDate Date

UTPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year based on entry date

UTPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number based on entry date

UTTkprTimekeeper Working Timekeeper System Number

UTFeeSchedFee Schedule Code Fee Schedule

UTTaskCdTask Code Task Code

UTActivityCdActivity Code Activity Code

UTBillableFlgBillable Flag Y = Billable; N = Non-Billable

UTActualHrsWrkActual Hours Work Hours Worked on time entry

UTHoursSourceHours Source W = Entered through Juris; U = User overrode

UTHoursToBillHours To Bill Hours to Bill on time entry

UTRateSourceRate Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = Timekeeper Rate on Matter Fee Schedule; 4 = Timekeeper Rate on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 5 = Personnel Type on Matter Fee Schedule; 6 = Personnel Type on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; U = User overrode and entered rate or conversion

UTRateRate Rate

UTAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Task Code on Matter Fee Schedule; 2 = Task Code on Standard Rate Fee Schedule; 3 = calculated; U = User overrode and entered the amount or conversion

UTAmountAmount Amount

UTStdRateStandard Rate Standard Rate

UTAmtAtStdRateAmount at Standard Rate Amount calculated at standard rate

UTCode1Code1 Optional Code1

UTCode2Code2 Optional Code2

UTCode3Code3 Optional Code3

UTBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

UTNarrativeNarrative Narrative

UTIDUnbilled Time ID Unbilled Time ID

UTPostDatePost Date Date of Entry or Date Adjusted. If Original Date was selected, date of entry. If Today's Date or Bill Through Date was selected, System Date when the entry was adjusted or the Bill Through Date of the Prebill.

UTPostInPost In -1 = Entry that has not been adjusted; 1 = Adjusted in Original Date; 2 = Adjusted in Today's Date

User Note Note Cards setup on User IDs under Setup and Manage/User IDs


UNEmpEmployee System Number User System Number

UNNoteIndexNote Index Note Index

UNObjectObject Object

UNNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

UNNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

User Note Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the User Note table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

UNEmpEmployee System Number Timekeeper System Number

UNNoteIndexNote Index Note Index

UNObjectObject Object

UNNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

UNNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

Vendor Vendors setup under Tables/VendorsVendor

VenSysNbrSystem Number Vendor System Number

VenCodeCode Vendor Code

VenIsTempIs Temp Y = Is a temporary vendor; N = Is not a temporary vendor

VenHoldPaymentsHold Payments Y = Hold payments; N = Do not hold payments

VenNoVouchersNo Vouchers Y = Disallow vouchers; N = Vouchers allowed

VenSeparateCheckSeparate Check N = Do not print separate check; Y = Print separate check

VenNameName Vendor Name

VenAddressAddress Address

VenCityCity City

VenStateState State

VenZipZip Zip Code

VenCountryCountry Country

VenContactContact Contact

VenPhonePhone Phone Number

VenFaxFax Number Fax Number

VenRefNbrReference Number Reference Number

VenGets1099Gets 1099 Y = Gets 1099; N = Does not get 1099

VenFedIDTypeFederal ID Type F = Federal Employer; S = Social Security

VenFedIDNbrFederal ID Number Federal Tax ID Number

VenPaymentGroupPayment Group Payment Group Code

VenTermsDescTerms Description Terms Description

VenTermsTypeTerms Type D = Due Days; P = Proximo

VenAlwaysTakeDiscAlways Take Discount Y = Always take discount; N = Do not always take discount

VenDueDaysDue Days Due Days

VenDiscDaysDiscount Days Discount Days

VenDiscPcntDiscount Percent Discount Percent

VenDiscCutOffDiscount Cutoff Discount Cutoff

VenLastPurchaseDateLast Purchase Date Date of Last Purchase

VenDefaultExpCodeDefault Expense Code Default Expense Code

VenDefaultAPAcctDefault AP Account Default AP Account Code

VenDefaultDistAcctDefault Distribution Account Default GL Distribution - Chart of Account System Number

VenDiscAcctDiscount Account Discount GL Account - Chart of Account System Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Vendor Vendors setup under Tables/VendorsVendor

Ven1099Box1099 Box Box on 1099 in which to print 1099 amount

Vendor 1099 Amounts paid to Vendors by calendar year for 1099s


V99VendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

V99YearYear 1099 Year

V99AmountPaidAmount Paid Amount paid to Vendor for the calendar year

V99SupplementAmountSupplemental Amount Supplemental Amount

Vendor 1099 Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Vendor 1099 table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

V99VendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

V99YearYear 1099 Year

V99AmountPaidAmount Paid Amount paid to Vendor for the calendar year

V99SupplementAmountSupplemental Amount Supplemental Amount

Vendor Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Vendor table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

VenSysNbrSystem Number Vendor System Number

VenCodeCode Vendor Code

VenIsTempIs Temp Y = Is a temporary vendor; N = Is not a temporary vendor

VenHoldPaymentsHold Payments Y = Hold payments; N = Do not hold payments

VenNoVouchersNo Vouchers Y = Disallow vouchers; N = Vouchers allowed

VenSeparateCheckSeparate Check N = Do not print separate check; Y = Print separate check

VenNameName Vendor Name

VenAddressAddress Address

VenCityCity City

VenStateState State

VenZipZip Zip Code

VenCountryCountry Country

VenContactContact Contact

VenPhonePhone Phone Number

VenFaxFax Number Fax Number

VenRefNbrReference Number Reference Number

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Vendor Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Vendor table


VenGets1099Gets 1099 N = Do not print separate check; Y = Print separate check

VenFedIDTypeFederal ID Type F = Federal Employer; S = Social Security

VenFedIDNbrFederal ID Number Federal Tax ID Number

VenPaymentGroupPayment Group Payment Group Code

VenTermsDescTerms Description Terms Description

VenTermsTypeTerms Type D = Due Days; P = Proximo

VenAlwaysTakeDiscAlways Take Discount Y = Always take discount; N = Do not always take discount

VenDueDaysDue Days Due Days

VenDiscDaysDiscount Days Discount Days

VenDiscPcntDiscount Percent Discount Percent

VenDiscCutOffDiscount Cutoff Discount Cutoff

VenLastPurchaseDateLast Purchase Date Last Purchase Date

VenDefaultExpCodeDefault Expense Code Default Expense Code

VenDefaultAPAcctDefault AP Account Default AP Account

VenDefaultDistAcctDefault Distribution Account Default Distribution Account

VenDiscAcctDiscount Account Discount GL Account - Chart of Account System Number

Ven1099Box1099 Box 1099 Box

Vendor Note Note Cards setup on Vendors under Table/VendorsVenNote

VNVendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

VNNoteIndexNote Index Note Card Name

VNObjectObject Object

VNNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

VNNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

Vendor Note Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Vendor Note table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

VNVendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

VNNoteIndexNote Index Note Card Name

VNObjectObject Object

VNNoteTextNote Text Body of Note Card

VNNoteObjectNote Object Note Object

Vendor Sum by Period Summarized amounts for Vouchers incurred and paid by Vendor/Accounting Period


VSPVendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

VSPPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

VSPPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

VSPVouchersVouchers Amount of Vouchers entered

VSPPaymentsPayments Amount of Vouchers paid

VSPDiscountsTakenDiscounts Taken Amount of Discounts Taken

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Vendor Sum by Period Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Vendor Sum by Period table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

VSPVendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

VSPPrdYearPeriod Year Accounting Period Year

VSPPrdNbrPeriod Number Accounting Period Number

VSPVouchersVouchers Amount of Vouchers entered

VSPPaymentsPayments Amount of Vouchers paid

VSPDiscountsTakenDiscounts Taken Amount of Discounts Taken

Voucher Posted Vouchers entered under Transactions/Payment Vouchers


VchVoucherNbrVoucher Number Voucher Number

VchVoucherDateDate Date

VchTypeType A = A/P Voucher; T = Trust Voucher; 1 = A/P Quick Check; 2 = Trust Quick Check; 3 = A/P Manual Check; 4 = Trust Manual Check

VchStatusStatus O = Open; P = Paid

VchVendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

VchMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

VchBankBank Code Bank Account Code

VchHoldPmtHold Payments Y = Hold Payment; N = Do not Hold Payment

VchPONbrPO Number PO Number

VchInvoiceNbrInvoice Number Invoice Number

VchInvoiceDateInvoice Date Invoice Date

VchDueDateDue Date Due Date

VchDiscDateDiscount Date Discount Date

VchInvoiceAmtInvoice Amount Invoice Amount

VchNonDiscountAmtNon Discount Amount Non Discount Amount

VchDiscAmtDiscount Amount Discount Amount

VchInvoiceBalInvoice Balance Invoice Balance

VchDiscBalanceDiscount Balance Discount Balance

VchPaidYearPaid Year Accounting Period Year when voucher was paid

VchPaidPrdPaid Period Accounting Period Number when voucher was paid

VchOn1099On 1099 On 1099

VchSeparateCheckSeparate Check Y = Print separate check; N = Do not print separate check

VchAPAcctAP Account AP Account Code

VchDiscAcctDiscount Account Discount GL Account - Chart of Account System Number

VchMemoMemo Memo

VchTemporaryVendorTemporary Vendor Temporary Vendor name and address entered when check was written

VchIDVoucher ID Voucher ID

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Voucher Batch Audit of Voucher Batches created under Transactions/Payment Vouchers


VBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

VBCommentComment Comment

VBBatchTypeBatch Type 1 = Payment Voucher Batch; 2 = Created by Quick Check Batch

VBStatusStatus U = Unposted; L = Locked; R = Ready to Post; P = Posted; D = Deleted

VBRecCountRecord Count Number of Records in batch

VBUserUser User system number who entered batch

VBDateDate Batch Date

VBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch Number

VBExpBatchNbrExpense Batch Number Expense Batch Number

Voucher Batch Detail Detail Vouchers entered in a batch under Transactions/Payment Vouchers


VBDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

VBDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

VBDTypeType A = A/P Voucher; T = Trust Voucher; 1 = Voucher from A/P Quick Check; 2 = Voucher from Trust Quick Check; 3 = Voucher from A/P Manual Check; 4 = Voucher from Trust Manual Check

VBDPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

VBDVoucherNbrVoucher Number Voucher Number

VBDVoucherDateDate Date

VBDVendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

VBDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

VBDBankBank Code Bank Account Code

VBDPONbrPO Number PO Number

VBDInvoiceNbrInvoice Number Invoice Number

VBDInvoiceDateInvoice Date Invoice Date

VBDDueDateDue Date Due Date

VBDDiscDateDiscount Date Discount Date

VBDInvoiceAmtInvoice Amount Invoice Amount

VBDNonDiscountAmtNon Discount Amount Non Discount Amount

VBDDiscAmtDiscount Amount Discount Amount

VBDOn1099On 1099 On 1099

VBDSeparateCheckSeparate Check Y = Print separate check; N = Do not print separate check

VBDDiscAcctDiscount Account Discount GL Account - Chart of Account System Number

VBDAPAcctAP Account AP Account Code

VBDMemoMemo Meme

VBDTemporaryVendorTemporary Vendor Temporary Vendor name and address entered when check was written

VBDIDVoucher Batch Detail ID Voucher Batch Detail ID

Voucher Batch Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Batch Detail table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Voucher Batch Detail Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Batch Detail table


NotesNotes Notes

VBDBatchBatch Number Batch Number

VBDRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

VBDTypeType A = A/P Voucher; T = Trust Voucher; 1 = Voucher from A/P Quick Check; 2 = Voucher from Trust Quick Check; 3 = Voucher from A/P Manual Check; 4 = Voucher from Trust Manual Check

VBDPostedPosted Y = Posted; N = Unposted

VBDVoucherNbrVoucher Number Voucher Number

VBDVoucherDateDate Date

VBDVendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

VBDMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

VBDBankBank Code Bank Account Code

VBDPONbrPO Number PO Number

VBDInvoiceNbrInvoice Number Invoice Number

VBDInvoiceDateInvoice Date Invoice Date

VBDDueDateDue Date Due Date

VBDDiscDateDiscount Date Discount Date

VBDInvoiceAmtInvoice Amount Invoice Amount

VBDNonDiscountAmtNon Discount Amount Non Discount Amount

VBDDiscAmtDiscount Amount Discount Amount

VBDOn1099On 1099 On 1099

VBDSeparateCheckSeparate Check Y = Print separate check; N = Do not print separate check

VBDDiscAcctDiscount Account Discount GL Account - Chart of Account System Number

VBDAPAcctAP Account AP Account Code

VBDMemoMemo Memo

VBDTemporaryVendorTemporary Vendor Temporary Vendor name and address entered when check was written

VBDIDVoucher Batch Detail ID Voucher Batch Detail ID

Voucher Batch GL Distribution GL Distributions defined on Vouchers entered in a Payment Voucher Batch


VBGBatchBatch Number Batch Number

VBGRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

VBGSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

VBGJEBatchJournal Entry Batch Journal Entry Batch Number

VBGJERecNbrJournal Entry Record Number Journal Entry Record Number

VBGGLAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

VBGAmountAmount Amount

VBGIDVoucher Batch GL ID Voucher Batch GL ID

Voucher Batch GL Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Batch GL Distribution table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Voucher Batch GL Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Batch GL Distribution table


VBGBatchBatch Number Batch Number

VBGRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

VBGSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

VBGJEBatchJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch Number

VBGJERecNbrJournal Entry Record Number Journal Entry Record Number

VBGGLAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

VBGAmountAmount Amount

VBGIDVoucher Batch GL ID Voucher Batch GL ID

Voucher Batch Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Batch table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

VBBatchNbrBatch Number Batch Number

VBCommentComment Comment

VBBatchTypeBatch Type 1 = Payment Voucher Batch; 2 = Created by Quick Check Batch

VBStatusStatus U = Unposted; L = Locked; R = Ready to Post; P = Posted; D = Deleted

VBRecCountRecord Count Number of Records in batch

VBUserUser User system number who entered batch

VBDateDate Batch Date

VBJEBatchNbrJournal Entry Batch Number Journal Entry Batch Number

VBExpBatchNbrExpense Batch Number Expense Batch Number

Voucher Batch Matter Distribution Client Matter Expense Distributions defined on Vouchers entered in a Payment Voucher Batch


VBMBatchBatch Number Batch Number

VBMRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

VBMSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

VBMExpBatchExpense Batch Expense Batch Number

VBMExpRecNbrExpense Record Number Expense Record Number

VBMMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

VBMExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

VBMExpSchedExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

VBMUnitsUnits Units

VBMMultMultiplier Multiplier

VBMAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = Calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User overrode and entered value

VBMAmountAmount Amount

VBMSummarizeSummarize Y = Summarzie; N = Do not summarize

VBMAuthByAuthorized By Timekeeper System Number

VBMBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

VBMBudgTaskCdBudget Task Code Budget Task Code

VBMCode1Code1 Optional Code1

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DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Voucher Batch Matter Distribution Client Matter Expense Distributions defined on Vouchers entered in a Payment Voucher Batch


VBMCode2Code2 Optional Code2

VBMCode3Code3 Optional Code3

VBMBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

VBMNarrativeNarrative Narrative

Voucher Batch Matter Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Batch Matter Distribution table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

VBMBatchBatch Number Batch Number

VBMRecNbrRecord Number Record Number

VBMSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

VBMExpBatchExpense Batch Expense Batch Number

VBMExpRecNbrExpense Record Number Expense Record Number

VBMMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

VBMExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

VBMExpSchedExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

VBMUnitsUnits Units

VBMMultMultiplier Multiplier

VBMAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = Calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User overrode and entered value

VBMAmountAmount Amount

VBMSummarizeSummarize Y = Summarzie; N = Do not summarize

VBMAuthByAuthorized By Timekeeper System Number

VBMBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

VBMBudgTaskCdBudget Task Code Budget Task Code

VBMCode1Code1 Optional Code1

VBMCode2Code2 Optional Code2

VBMCode3Code3 Optional Code3

VBMBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

VBMNarrativeNarrative Narrative

Voucher GL Distribution GL Distributions defined on posted VouchersVoucherGLDist

VGLVoucherVoucher Number Voucher Number

VGLSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

VGLJEBatchJournal Entry Batch Journal Entry Batch Number

VGLJERecNbrJournal Entry Record Number Journal Entry Record Number

VGLGLAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

VGLAmountAmount Amount

VGLPaidPaid Amount paid

Voucher GL Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher GL Distribution table


IDID Unique ID

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Voucher GL Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher GL Distribution table


HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

VGLVoucherVoucher Number Voucher Number

VGLSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

VGLJEBatchJourna Entry Batch Journal Entry Batch Number

VGLJERecNbrJournal Entry Record Number Journal Entry Record Number

VGLGLAcctGL Account Chart of Account System Number

VGLAmountAmount Amount

VGLPaidPaid Amount paid

Voucher Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

VchVoucherNbrVoucher Number Voucher Number

VchVoucherDateDate Date

VchTypeType A = A/P Voucher; T = Trust Voucher; 1 = A/P Quick Check; 2 = Trust Quick Check; 3 = A/P Manual Check; 4 = Trust Manual Check

VchStatusStatus O = Open; P = Paid

VchVendorVendor System Number Vendor System Number

VchMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

VchBankBank Code Bank Account Code

VchHoldPmtHold Payments Y = Hold Payment; N = Do not Hold Payment

VchPONbrPO Number PO Number

VchInvoiceNbrInvoice Number Invoice Number

VchInvoiceDateInvoice Date Invoice Date

VchDueDateDue Date Due Date

VchDiscDateDiscount Date Discount Date

VchInvoiceAmtInvoice Amount Invoice Amount

VchNonDiscountAmtNon Discount Amount Non Discount Amount

VchDiscAmtDiscount Amount Discount Amount

VchInvoiceBalInvoice Balance Invoice Balance

VchDiscBalanceDiscount Baalnce Discount Balance

VchPaidYearPaid Year Accounting Period Year when voucher was paid

VchPaidPrdPaid Period Accounting Period Number when voucher was paid

VchOn1099On 1099 On 1099

VchSeparateCheckSeparate Check Y = Print separate check; N = Do not print separate check

VchAPAcctAP Account AP Account Code

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Voucher Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher table


VchDiscAcctDiscount Account Discount GL Account - Chart of Account System Number

VchMemoMemo Memo

VchTemporaryVendorTemporary Vendor Temporary Vendor name and address entered when check was written

VchIDVoucher ID Voucher ID

Voucher Matter Distribution Client Matter Expense Distributions defined on posted Vouchers


VMVoucherVoucher Number Voucher Number

VMSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

VMExpBatchExpense Batch Expense Batch Number

VMExpRecNbrExpense Record Number Expense Record Number

VMMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

VMExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

VMExpSchedExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

VMUnitsUnits Units

VMMultiplierMultiplier Multiplier

VMAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = Calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User overrode and entered value

VMAmountAmount Amount

VMAmountPaidAmount Paid Amount Paid

VMDiscTakenDiscount Taken Discount Taken

VMSummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do not summarize

VMAuthByAuthorized By Timekeeper System Number

VMBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

VMBudgTaskCdBudget Task Code Budget Task Code

VMCode1Code1 Optional Code1

VMCode2Code2 Optional Code2

VMCode3Code3 Optional Code3

VMBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

VMNarrativeNarrative Narrative

Voucher Matter Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Matter Distribution table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

VMVoucherVoucher Number Voucher Number

VMSeqNbrSequence Number Sequence Number

VMExpBatchExpense Batch Expense Batch Number

VMExpRecNbrExpense Record Number Expense Record Number

VMMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

VMExpCdExpense Code Expense Code

VMExpSchedExpense Schedule Expense Schedule

VMUnitsUnits Units

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Voucher Matter Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Matter Distribution table


VMMultiplierMultiplier Multiplier

VMAmountSourceAmount Source 1 = Calculated from Multiplier on Matter Expense Schedule; 2 = Calculated from Standard Rate Expense Schedule; U = User overrode and entered value

VMAmountAmount Amount

VMAmountPaidAmount Paid Amount Paid

VMDiscTakenDiscount Taken Discount Taken

VMSummarizeSummarize Y = Summarize; N = Do not summarize

VMAuthByAuthorized By Timekeeper System Number

VMBudgPhaseBudget Phase Budget Phase

VMBudgTaskCdBudget Task Code Budget Task Code

VMCode1Code1 Optional Code1

VMCode2Code2 Optional Code2

VMCode3Code3 Optional Code3

VMBillNoteBill Note Bill Note

VMNarrativeNarrative Narrative

Voucher Payment Table relating Checks on CheckRegister to paid Vouchers


VPVoucherVoucher Number Voucher Number

VPBankBank Code Bank Account Code

VPSysNbrVoucher Payment System Number

Voucher Payment System Number

VPAmountPaidAmount Paid Amount Paid

VPDiscTakenDiscount Taken Discount Taken

Voucher Payment Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Payment table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

VPVoucherVoucher Number Voucher Number

VPBankBank Code Bank Account Code

VPSysNbrVoucher Payment System Number

Voucher Payment System Number

VPAmountPaidAmount Paid Amount Paid

VPDiscTakenDiscount Taken Discount Taken

Voucher Template Templates for Recurring Vouchers setup under Transactions/Recurring Transactions


VTIDVoucher Template ID Voucher Template ID

VTCodeCode Voucher Template Code

VTCommentComment Comment

VTCreatedByCreated By User System Number who created template

VTCreatedDateCreated Date System date when template was created

VTLastModifiedByLast Modified By User System Number who last modified the template

VTLastModifiedDateLast Modified Date System date when template was last modified

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VTGLDIDVoucher Template GL Distribution ID

Voucher Template GL Distribution ID

Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Voucher Template Templates for Recurring Vouchers setup under Transactions/Recurring Transactions


VTStateState State

VTAutoInactiveAuto Inactive Auto Inactive

VTVchTypeVoucher Type A = Accounts Payable

VTVchDateModifierDate Modifier 1 = Current Date; 2 = Scheduled Date

VTVchDateModifierValueDate Modifier Value Days to add or subtract to the Current or Scheduled Date

VTVchVendorVendor System Number Vendor System number

VTVchMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

VTVchBankBank Code Bank Account Code

VTVchPONumberPO Number PO Number

VTVchInvoiceNbrInvoice Number Invoice Number

VTVchInvoiceDateModifierInvoice Date Modifier 1 = Current Date; 2 = Scheduled Date

VTVchInvoiceDateModifierValueInvoice Date Modifier Value Days to add or subtract from the Current or Scheduled Date

VTVchDueDateModifierDue Date Modifier 1 = Current Date; 2 = Scheduled Date

VTVchDueDateModifierValueDue Date Modifier Value Days to add or subtract from the Current or Scheduled Date

VTVchDiscDateModifierDiscount Date Modifier 1 = Current Date; 2 = Scheduled Date

VTVchDiscDateModifierValueDiscount Date Modifier Value Days to add or subtract from the Current or Scheduled Date

VTVchInvoiceAmtInvoice Amount Invoice Amount

VTVchNonDiscountAmtNon Discount Amount Non Discount Amount

VTVchDiscountAmountDiscount Amount Discount Amount

VTVchOn1099On 1099 On 1099

VTVchSeparateCheckSeparate Check 0 = Do not print separate check; 1 = Print separate check

VTVchDiscountAccountDiscount Account Discount GL Account - Chart of Account System Number

VTVchAPAccountAP Account AP Account Code

VTVchPercentModifierPercent Modifier 1 = Vendor Default; 2 = Fixed Amount; 3 = Fixed Percent

VTVchPercentModifierValuePercent Modifier Value Discount Percent Value

VTVchAllocationTypeAllocation Type 0 = Allocate by Amount; 1 = Allocate by Percent

VTVchMemoMemo Memo

Voucher Template GL Distribution GL Distributions defined on a Voucher TemplateVchTemplateGLDist

VTGLDIDVoucher Template GL Distribution ID

Voucher Template GL Distribution ID

VTGLDRowRow Row Number

VTGLDSequenceSequence Sequence

VTGLDAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

VTGLDAmountAmount Amount

Voucher Template GL Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Template GL Distribution


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Voucher Template GL Distribution Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Template GL Distribution



VTGLDRowRow Row Number

VTGLDSequenceSequence Sequence

VTGLDAccountGL Account Chart of Account System Number

VTGLDAmountAmount Amount

Voucher Template Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Template


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

VTIDVoucher Template ID Voucher Template ID

VTCodeCode Voucher Template Code

VTCommentComment Comment

VTCreatedByCreated By User System Number who created template

VTCreatedDateCreated Date System date when template was created

VTLastModifiedByLast Modified By User System Number who last modified the template

VTLastModifiedDateLast Modified Date System date when template was last modified

VTStateState State

VTAutoInactiveAuto Inactive Auto Inactive

VTVchTypeVoucher Type A = Accounts Payable

VTVchDateModifierDate Modifier 1 = Current Date; 2 = Scheduled Date

VTVchDateModifierValueDate Modifier Value Days to add or subtract to the Current or Scheduled Date

VTVchVendorVendor System Number Vendor System number

VTVchMatterMatter System Number Matter System Number

VTVchBankBank Code Bank Account Code

VTVchPONumberPO Number PO Number

VTVchInvoiceNbrInvoice Number Invoice Number

VTVchInvoiceDateModifierInvoice Date Modifier 1 = Current Date; 2 = Scheduled Date

VTVchInvoiceDateModifierValueInvoice Date Modifier Value Days to add or subtract from the Current or Scheduled Date

VTVchDueDateModifierDue Date Modifier 1 = Current Date; 2 = Scheduled Date

VTVchDueDateModifierValueDue Date Modifier Value Days to add or subtract from the Current or Scheduled Date

VTVchDiscDateModifierDiscount Date Modifier 1 = Current Date; 2 = Scheduled Date

VTVchDiscDateModifierValueDiscount Date Modifier Value Days to add or subtract from the Current or Scheduled Date

VTVchInvoiceAmtInvoice Amount Invoice Amount

VTVchNonDiscountAmtNon Discount Amount Non Discount Amount

VTVchDiscountAmountDiscount Amount Discount Amount

VTVchOn1099On 1099 On 1099

VTVchSeparateCheckSeparate Check 0 = Do not print separate check; 1 = Print separate check

VTVchDiscountAccountDiscount Account Discount GL Account - Chart of Account System Number

VTVchAPAccountAP Account AP Account Code

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Juris Tables & Fields

Display Name Actual Name Description

Voucher Template Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Template


VTVchPercentModifierPercent Modifier 1 = Vendor Default; 2 = Fixed Amount; 3 = Fixed Percent

VTVchPercentModifierValuePercent Modifier Value Discount Percent Value

VTVchAllocationTypeAllocation Type 0 = Allocate by Amount; 1 = Allocate by Percent

VTVchMemoMemo Memo

Voucher Template Users Users defined on the Notification List for Voucher Templates


VTUIDVoucher Template Users ID Voucher Template Users ID

VTUEmpSysNbrEmployee System Number User System Number

Voucher Template Users Log Log of additions, modifications, deletions to the Voucher Template Users table


IDID Unique ID

DateTimeStampDate Time Stamp Date and Time Record was changed

HostMachineHost Machine Workstation where the Record was changed

ApplicationApplication Juris Module through which the change was made

JurisUserJuris User User System Number which made the change

RecordTypeRecord Type 1 = New Record Added; 2 = Existing Record Modified; 3 = Record Deleted

SourceTableSource Table Source Table for record change

NotesNotes Notes

VTUIDVoucher Template Users ID Voucher Template Users ID

VTUEmpSysNbrEmployee System Number User System Number

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