PERYATAAN KEASLIAN ARTIKEL Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini : Nama : Lungit Wawastiono NIM : 087169 Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Judul : “WUTHERING HEIGHTS” A Transformation From Novel Into Film. Menyatakan dengan sebenarnya bahwa artikel yang saya tulis ini benar benar merupakan hasil saya sendiri, bukan merupakan pengambilalihan tulisan atau pikiran orang lain yang saya akui sebagai hasil tulisan atau pikiran saya sendiri. Apabila dikemudian hari terbukti atau dapat dibuktikan artikel ini hasil jiplakan, maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi atas perbuatan tersebut. Jombang, 26 Maret 2013 Yang membuat pernyataan LUNGIT WAWASTIONO 087169


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Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

Nama : Lungit Wawastiono

NIM : 087169

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : “WUTHERING HEIGHTS” A Transformation From Novel Into Film.

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Jombang, 26 Maret 2013

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NIM: 087.169




















This article is aimed scrutinizing the Ecranization across genre, that is from novel into film. It

was found that the Ecranization process from novel to film is a process involving the re-actualization

from the written language to the audio visual language. The implication of that process is that there

are some efforts to shrink, add, or alter parts of the story for various goals. Ecranization actually

exposes an author’s depression due to his lack of ability to articulate his audio visual language in

representing the process is thus made, that is from the audio visual tradition, wrapped by advanced

technology, to the reading-writing tradition (Eneste, 1991). The purpose of this research is to

investigates the ecranization form of the novel Wuthering Heights into a film, the function and

meaning of that ecranization and to what extent the novel Wuthering Heights remains unchanged in

its ecranization into the film “Wuthering Heights” by Andrea Arnold. This research uses structural

approach to analyze and descriptive qualitative design. The results of the analysis is the plot, setting,

theme, language and characterization elements of the novel and the film “Wuthering Heights” show

the existence of hyphogram forms, convention continuation, convention change and convention

violation. Changes and violations were the reduction and variation made by the director Andrea

Arnold to the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

Keywords: The Ecranization, Ellipsis, and Expansion





Artikel ini ditujukan meneliti Ekranisasi lintas media, yaitu dari novel ke film. Ditemukan

bahwa proses Ekranisasi dari novel ke film adalah proses yang melibatkan re-aktualisasi dari bahasa

tulisan ke bahasa audio visual. Implikasi dari proses itu adalah bahwa ada beberapa upaya untuk

mengecilkan, menambah, atau mengubah bagian dari cerita untuk berbagai tujuan. Ekranisasi

sebenarnya mengekspos depresi seorang penulis karena kurangnya kemampuan untuk

mengartikulasikan bahasa audio visual dalam merepresentasikan proses yang telah dibuat, yaitu dari

tradisi audio visual, dibungkus oleh teknologi canggih, dengan tradisi membaca-menulis (Eneste,

1991). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki bentuk Ekranisasi dari novel Wuthering

Heights menjadi film, fungsi dan makna dari Ekranisasi itu dan sejauh mana novel Wuthering Heights

tetap tidak berubah di Ekranisasi ke dalam film "Wuthering Heights" oleh Andrea Arnold. Penelitian

ini menggunakan pendekatan struktural untuk menganalisis dan desain deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil

analisis adalah elemen plot, latar, tema, bahasa dan karakterisasi novel dan film "Wuthering Heights"

menunjukkan adanya bentuk hyphogram, kelanjutan konvensi, perubahan konvensi dan pelanggaran

konvensi. Perubahan dan pelanggaran adalah pengurangan dan variasi yang dibuat oleh sutradara

Andrea Arnold ke Wuthering Heights novel karya Emily Bronte.

Keywords: Ekranisasi, Penyempitan, dan Perluasan



Literature is the kind of writing that used language in special way. In technical

term, it is called estranging or defamiliarizing as opposed today or ordinary use of

language. First of all not all literary work, a novel or drama use the language with this

estranging effect. They are still characterized as literature. Other definition of literature

namely literature as fictional writing and literature as belles’ letter are easier to refute.

Literature is as 'imaginative' writing in the sense of fiction - writing which is not literally

true. (Eagleton, 2005:1)

Literary genre is a category of literature composition. Genre may be determined

by literary technique, tone, content or even (as in the case of fiction) length. Genre

should not be confused with age category. By which literature may be classified as adult,

young adult or children. They must not be confused with the format. The most general

genres in the literature are epic, tragedy, comedy, novel, short story and creative

nonfiction. They can all be in genre prose or poetry which shows the best how lousily

genres are defined.

A novel is a fictional piece of prose usually written in a narrative style. Novels

tell stories, which are typically defined as a series of events described in a sequence. The

novel has been a part of human culture for over a thousand years, although its origins are

somewhat debated. Regardless of how it began, the novel has risen to prominence and

remained one of the most popular and treasured examples of human culture and writing.

(Kenney, 1996: 104).

There have been stories and tales for thousands of years, but novels must

combine a few unique characteristics in order to be defined as such. First, a novel is

written down. rather than told through an oral account. Secondly, novels are meant to be

fictional in form, differentiating them from myths, which are said to have their basis in

reality or theology. Although some modern scholars argue differently, there is no truly

established guideline for length, point-of-view, or even establishment of a moral or

philosophical point in novels. (Kenney, 1996: 104).

The film is one art form the interplay between Light and shadows - shadows

subtly. Film verbal communication through dialogue (such as drama), the film uses

complex rhythms and smooth (such as music), the film communicates through images,


metaphors, and symbols - symbol (such as poetry), the film focuses on moving images

(such as pantomimes) which has a certain rhythmic (like dance), and finally, the movie

has the ability to play time and space, to develop and abbreviate, forward or back it

freely within the limits - Ample boundaries. Film remains something unique though there

are similarities with other media. Film exceed drama because the film has the ability to

take the point of view wide - range, motion, time and space is limited. different from

novel, the film does not communicate with the emblem - abstract emblem printed on top

of the paper so that it requires an interpretation by the brain to visual portrayal and voice,

but directly through the images - visual images and real voice. (Farlex, 2008:1).

Film is the visualization story, many novel were transformed and visualized into

film, in the transformation novel into film there are many expansion and ellipsis, some of

novel were transformed are Harry Potter (the transformation of the novel by JK Rowling

to the film by Steven Kloves), The Old Man And The Sea (transformation of the novel

by Ernest Hemmingway to the film by Spencer Tracey), and The Lord Of The Rings

(transformation of the Tolkien novels to the film by Peter S. Beagle) and much more, in

this study researchers interested to analyze Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte novel

transformation into film by Andrea Arnold).

Based on the theory, adaptation of one particular medium into another form of

creating the work is often done by artists, for example from a short story into a comic,

novel into a comic drama in films, short stories into film, radio plays in the film, from the

novel into the film, or vice versa. The process of converting the novel into a film is

called Ecranization. Eneste (1991: 60).

Ecranization is a theory to converting or transformation a novel to film, with

adaptation the character of the artists can create. Many film make or produce began from

the novel, the film maker read and catch the main idea and they can put in the film. The

process transformation from novel into film is called Ecranization, in the process

transformation into film there are some different shades and there is also additional

(expansion), in the film there is also an ellipsis (removal time and the time of the telling

of the story) the story in the novel. Eneste (1991: 78).

Various reasons underlie the process of transformation from novel to film. For

these reasons, among others because of a well-known novel, so that the general public is


familiar with the story of the novel. In the end, commonly supports commercial aspects.

Reason last is because the idea of the novel is considered good by the community and

screenplay writer. The emergence of the phenomenon of the film adaptation of the novel

into shape a change in the substance of the discourse that gave rise to the term

Ecranization. The term was raised by Bluestone, which means the process of moving or

changes in the shape of a novel into film. Bluestone (1957: 5).

Regarding the transformation from novel to film, one of the novel is interesting to

analyze the work of Emily Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights entitled. Wuthering

Heights is one of the classic works in English literature that elevates the name of Emily

Bronte (1818-148) into one of the great figures in British literature. This novel is the

story of a family saga about two love stories never get. But this is not the usual

sentimental love story as Emily Bronte packaged in a compelling story with characters

turn dark characters vividly and candid. Wuthering Heights itself is the name of a large

house in Yorkshire UK. The story of this novel begins with the arrival of Mr. Who met

Mr Lockwood. Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights for rent Thrushcross Grange, Heathcliff

owned a house that is located not too far away with Wuthering Heights. His meeting with

Mr. Heathcliff that seem strange and rude to make Mr. Lockwood tried to find out about

the history of Wuthering Heights Heathcliff and Miss. Ellen Dean, a housekeeper who

had long worked in Wuthering Heights. From the speech of Miss Dean is the story of

Wuthering Heights revealed in detail until the last pages of this novel. Therefore, the

authors chose the novel and the film Wuthering Heights to be analyzed.

Based on the statement above, the researcher would like to conduct an analysis of

transformation with the title “WUTHERING HEIGHTS: A TRANSFORMATION FROM



Research Design is to describe and to analyze the transformation that is used a

research and also to understand the research. In analyzing the transformation on the film

“Wuthering Heights” the researcher uses descriptive qualitative research.

An approach means the basic principle that is used by the researcher to appreciate

literary work. An approach will become the basic framework of thinking and analyzing

literary work. To select and decide the appropriate approach is mainly influenced by the


intention of this study. The researcher will use structural approach to analyze the

transformation from novel into film. The importance source of the data is watching

“Wuthering Heights” film and read the Novel, determining part to the whole of the film,

understanding and interpreting the film. The researcher use instrument novel and film of

Wuthering Heights to analyzing the transformation from novel into film.


Data collection uses to the steps on follow:

a. Watching and understanding film Wuthering Heights.

b. Reading and understanding the novel of Wuthering Heights.

c. Classifying the data dealing with the question problem of the study.


This chapter presents the discussion on how the study is conducted. The discussion

will include get the result of this analysis, the researcher focuses on two aspects on the

statements of the problem. And the purpose is getting information about differences between

a film depiction reveal novel Wuthering Heights. By analyzing the data derived from the

novel Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte) and the movie Wuthering Heights (Andrea Arnold),

the author can specify a variety of interesting things that trigger her to undertake the


Form of the transformation done in Wuthering Heights (Process of Ekranization).

1. Setting

In settings where investigators found some reduction or often called an ellipsis, and

also the addition of an expansion is often referred to in the upload of the novel to the big

screen, the reduction was made due to several factors such as the emphasis in terms of the

aspects of the story or plot, the film focuses on the message itself, or in terms of time is

too long resulting in less fuel-efficient on the film and a variety of other factors, so that

from a sociological view is something that often happens even have occurred due to

differences in the delivery of media from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, some

narrowing of the researchers have found is as follows.


Time is a marker of when a story takes place. Time is very important aspects of the

novel as a reference for imagine the reader in the story. In the film, time also plays quite

important because sometimes the film also has its limitations, so generally the film begins

with an introduction to the place and time that an event occurred.

Story in the novel occurs in 1705-1802 the story spans roughly fifty years, the last

half of the eighteenth century, though Lockwood's narrative begins in 1801 but in the film

we do not know when it happened because there is no explanation.

Weather is not only a condition of the occurrence of a story but also the course of a

story, the length of the season is also a marker of an ongoing story so that the audience

understands and follows the length of travel stories.

In the movie the researcher found that the weather was not clearly visible in the

film, which change with the seasons is not clear, the atmosphere always seemed dark even

though it looks beautiful but it is very confusing because it always looks grim. Change of

seasons does not seem important to know your audience in the film because the sun looks

like a myth because that looks just the rain, wind and snow.

2. Plot

Plot is used in both the same literature, the single strands (forward). In his novel

description of the flow is very visible at first reading. Where is the first time we read we

can capture an event that is when and where the story takes place, whereas in the film it is

hard to know the place and time of the incident because of the film walked away without

an explanation. In some scenes in the film there is a double plot (grooves forward and

backward flow). In the film very obvious differences due to the film medium can be seen.

While there is time to read a novel imagining the first because the novel is a medium for

the delivery of information using words. In the narrative of the movie Wuthering Heights

experienced large deletion cut in half the novel, while the elimination of the nature of the

film medium itself. The story of Wuthering Heights was cut in the Chapter XVII, from

chapter XVIII until chapter XXXIV didn’t include in the film.

3. Theme

For the theme of the both literary work is the same, kid that tells Heathcliff is

found by Mr. Earnshaw in Liverpool and was appointed a member of the family. In the

film and in the novel Heathcliff have same character. Any differences arising from the two


works are both the work experience due to narrowing and expansion addition and

subtraction by the filmmaker. This is done so that the film served to attract the attention of

the audience. If the film is what it is, then the film certainly did not sell. Besides, there is

also a commercial side. What I mean here is when Andrea Arnold made the film without

any addition and subtraction, there may be an audience as consumers will find it

increasingly saturated due to the depiction of any audience is relative and the cost of

making the film is also getting bigger.

4. Characters

In the movie Wuthering Heights 2011 there are some figures that do not show up,

because they cut the story in half the novel the Young Catherine and Linton Heathcliff

cannot be found. In the early half of the novel as a major of transformation in the film

adaptation some of the characters are also removed or we cannot meet in the film, Zillah is

one of as a servant in Wuthering Heights. In the comparison between the novel and movie

characters are reductions, this is because the function of those figures didn’t too important

or influential role in the main story so the character does not appear in the film.

Reductions were also determined to remain focused on the main character and the heart of

the story that was delivered. We can look characters of film in the appendix.

5. Language

Language is one important part in the literary work, in the novel that are very

important to explanation all of the story because the reader can imagine and follow the

story from the words, so language must be detail in explanation all of the novel contain.

Language impressed more polite on film because some of the scenes in the novel that

seems to be not polite been eliminated, the process of change also influenced the design of

novel language.

How did it after being transformed.

1. Quality of the film compared with the novel “Wuthering Heights”

The analysis of the novel and the film Wuthering Heights is showing the

similarities as well as differences. Chronology of the novel and the film Wuthering

Heights shows different shades and there is also addition (expansion), in the film

there is also a reduction or ellipsis (removal time and the time of the telling of the

story) the story in the novel. Plot between the novel and the film Wuthering Heights


did not show a difference. The film transformation from the novel is still follow as

the principal the story in the novel. Setting space in the novel and the film

Wuthering Heights there is a difference because the movie needs more emphasis on

visualization effects, whereas in the novel further strengthening in the form of

descriptions and explanations to support the venue. The presence of the life story of

love found in the film gives characteristic to distinguish the novel. All of these

differences indicate different interpretations of the director on the novel Wuthering


Film Quality is not as famous as her novel Wuthering Heights, that film

feels unbalanced with so famous novel. The film felt too long, too dark, too violent,

no passion. That film is one of good in adaptation although the film cannot increase

the popularity the novel but it was nearing the mind of novel author. In accordance

with the sociological view of readers and movie audiences the sight of the novel, has

a story higher than the films that have been adapted or have been in transformation.

The process of transformation the film through many changes because just taking the

central story of the novel. If we compare the story in the novel and the story of the

movie, it can be said that the story of the movie had a lot of reductions due to

various technical factors in filmmaking and technical appreciation of the film. After

analyzing all the comparisons between the novel and the film, the author compares

the two works of literature through a reader or an audience so as to know whether

the ekranization can boost the reputation of the novel as a basic material in the

making of the film or the film in such a transformation actually degrade the quality

of the novel.


Based on the data analysis of the transformation from novel into film “Wuthering

Heights” the researcher had done some definition including (1) The form of the

transformation, (2) The result after transformation.

The researcher concludes :

1. The form of the transformation.

Transformation of the novel into a film is usually due to the well-known novel,

so that the general public is not foreign to the story. This condition will support the


commercial aspect. There was also an emphasis on story ideas that are considered good.

As for the screenwriter, the adaptation process initiated quite helpful in a story that will

be presented in the film. In this case the literature used as a source and starting point of

the work. The studies used data novels and movie scripts. The rationale for the study is

a movie script in this study is a comparison of the structure of the novel and the film

can be studied through dialogues, storyline and characters derived from movie scripts

without having to use scenarios. Mutation from one kind to another exactly there is

effect Transformation not only because the materials differ but also because the origins,

conventions, and audiences differ as well.

When the filmiest undertakes the adaptation of a novel, given an inevitable

mutation, is that he does not convert the novel at all. What they transformed is a kind of

paraphrase of the novel, the novel viewed as raw material. Because this is we often find

that the film adapter has depended instead on a paraphrase by his secretary or his screen

writer. That is why there is no necessary correspondence between the excellence of a

novel and quality of the film in which the novel is recorded. As we go on to trace the

mutations from book to film if we remain aware of these crucial differences between

the media. An art whose limits depend on a moving image, mass audience, and

industrial production is bound to differ from an art whose limits depend on language, a

limited audience and individual creation. In short, the filmed novel, in spite of certain

resemblances, will inevitably become a different artistic entity from the novel on which

it is based.

2. The result after the transformation.

Wuthering Heights has been made and remade. Heathcliff howls through the

years. Cathy weeps through the ages. And now comes another, the eighteenth

adaptation of the novel, by Andrea Arnold. Emily Bronte tells us Heathcliff is dark and

brooding and that love’s a pain, and yet there’s more gauze and tenderness in the

typical adaptation than in a burn unit. Not so in Arnold’s film. And in this Wuthering

Heights, she completely elides the second half of the novel. Instead, she focuses on the

childhood relationship between Cathy and Heathcliff and their tumultuous young adult

years. There’s something in all of us that longs for our childhood, ”she explains of the

radical choice.“ That’s the place where Heathcliff was able to make a connection to


someone and, when he loses that, it is to that place he must return. She’s actually quite

cruel but they make this connection and even though everything was harsh, he had her.

The results of analysis novel and film Wuthering Heights to the elements above

is showing the similarities as well as differences. Chronology of the novel and the film

Wuthering Heights show different shades and there is also additional (expansion), in

the film there is also an ellipsis (removal elements of the story) the story in the novel.

Causality plot between the novel and the film Wuthering Heights showed difference.

The film adaptation of the novel as the principal still follow the story in the novel.

Setting space in the novel and film Wuthering Heights there is a difference because the

movie needs more emphasis on visualization effects, while further strengthening the

novel in the form of descriptions and explanations to support the venue. The presence

of the life story of love found in the film gives characteristic to distinguish the novel.

All of these differences indicate different interpretations of the director on the novel

Wuthering Heights.


Bluestone, George. 1957. Novels Into Film. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University California


Eagleton, Terry. 2005. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Oxford University Press.

Eneste, Pamusuk. 1991. Novel dan Film. Flores: Nusa Indah

Clipartr, Farlex. 2008. http://www.search?hl=glossary_definition&ct=title.htm

Kenney, William. 1966. How to Analyze Fiction. Manhattan College

Stanton, Robert, 1965. An Introduction to Fiction. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.



The Picture of The Novel “Wuthering Heights”


The Picture of The film “Wuthering Heights”