jX THE EASTEEX DISTRICT. CHARGED WITH KXTORTION AND COM- POUNDING A rSLONT. LBOFOLD MOCH AND LOUIg HWaCH HAYK gOMI MIXKP riKARCIAL TnANSAa-ri'.NS. 1 Mia Hlrach, a clothlar, dolng buatneaa al Ma Ml Manhattan-ave., waa before Juatlce Qaattlag In the \ .p' w-i.'ie Pollca COUII yesunlay on B BUBBmOaa ahow caaaa whj ha- ahould not ba arreated on a eharxe >lf extortlon an.l of havlna, coaapoundad a felony Th,> aummona had beea obtalned bj Leo> ,(i jioaea a coualn of the aecuaed, who waa rap- a i,y Mr. CBrten, a lawyer. la May last Lppealcd io Hlr- h, it is sald. to glve him em- . n- <ii.i bo, anl after working hours :.,;,,i in th- stor. Aft-r belng ..t w.-.k for **» ls wm arreated, on complalnt of Hlrai .. i: \ larceny, and, when arralgned the Ew< n Bti I Pollce ''..'' ..-. .... ,i gullty and waa commltted to Jall for *...',.'. - davi After aervlng oui his acntence, he .^ , to the mor. nd waa told. he **:r. ia he paid th- value of the gooda , ,,,1,1 agaln l.e at nl to Jall. he_a_- lt ls alleged, admltted at. illng gooda ) *_; pa) thal amount, bul tlOO. -..'."¦¦¦ - was demnnded, and n compromla. wi _j£*d on ir.. I. waa learned later by Hlrach, .**.¦*" "* . $i..i?.. ln the Bank, and further threatu hlm I" Jall hc all. ;ed. un- 1. lhal amount of gooda belng .;..,, o'Brlen told the Court fbl- ,hen drawn 1730 from the bank Ihat i Hlrsch admltted th. re- hook of Moae; ahowed the employ of hla mi g adjourned the caae for a i could engage counael, KO INSTITITK .< POR THIS BAD BOY. yeara old, of No. 686 yeaterday before Jua- ¦ Pollce Court ona The youthful priaoner waa wlth a companlon, rob- Uttle fancy gooda atore Marcy-ave. Mra. atore al the tlme the thej wera al work '-" !r,,m the nn rrei waa then turned over .. tlon. He mpanlon. Justlce oharge the boy, aa the boyaol hla age. errer waa aeen leavlng ivaa then found that tho f R%fi Mr* QATBERED ABOl T THE TOWN. M.ir. No, H North Becond-at., has .. Bedford-ava atatlon to try ter Abble. flfteen yeara old, wl o Th- glrl wlth .lark brown eyea an.l hcht When ahe left home Bhe wore a blue wlth black ribbons, and i llghi col- Mra. Loftua told the pollca lhal * ... no reaaon why tha gtrl should have I lon merehant, llvlng at ._ ... v- dled Buddenly on Thuraday hom-. from heart diaeaae. Mr B x yeara old. After eatlng Mb he omplalned of aevere palna aboul the ¦¦ a phyalclaa could be aummoned He leav. a a wlfe and .-. veral chil- n tho Ewen Street Pollce Court, trl .: Mlchael Bean, thi treaa- 'nlon No. *". on a charge of .. wlth the funda of tha unlon. Tl.m- t of the Bean llveaal No U Bartlett-at. eaterday granted a dlvorce to from Matllda HugheB, and al?o to /dexai ler McLeod from Johanna McLeod. Henry Ward Beecher yesterday lefl town udaon for a two weeka' vlsit flamui B obllle. Mrs ihe ? proatrate-l . ten daya aco. ,>¦ in tho three-atory frama Ko 711 Hlcks-st., owned by Jamea Reg- ... y Island. Tl ¦.¦ - Hughea, , lower p irt, la H.B0O. The Ig Baxter, a tenanl on the third Ked to the eat. nt ol 9to9. Tha loaa i ,,; ,-,-¦ Tw< nty-aecond- becauae of belonglngl petltl .ned lhe !!. iltb Departi to h ive th. '.,i three ,: ihat Dr. Emei n mp ofl i untll i v. eal Meadowa a l. d ? RE W. ESTATE. A RfBH FOR HOMES EXPECTED A.FTER Th< wh< baok ., M 1} an H. nry W atarta » h ere -.-¦¦. r I r v V ftftl -' H : ... : may 18x32 I |2.) ..;¦-, 212 .,'¦... St- A tWay-a » Bo*' 1 aold N'oa :: ond 829 Van Buren- lt.. gT..!*."). * a '.C Of 7 fl0,900 . 1 230 j r* i'",\ 1,700 1 .nt. : .¦¦ 1,850 4 -¦. H.iIOO .....1.500 . IOOKIX0 IXTO MR. DOBERTTS BVSIXESS. M. Dohei "' '.. aow Invasi n fame laln trouble agaln Deputy-Ex- ciae C enl ... hl n-Bl near lhe 1 mi ¦¦ - ol Id. r Doherty la vlolatlng th< Exclae law. or hai .:, ih- deflnltlon ol . »old und. . a - tlll. ate I'x 'apiain rge bualn. weel da nd h |er sold u hleh it retaln* Ihe aweei- withoul Ihe alc-ohol. His la tlio oi.iy barroom thut retalna tba free lunth. MORE SCHOOL BITT_NG8. THU BXTBNDSD VACATION AIPS IN BUPPLTINO ROOM. WORK Of THR l'i:i'AI*TMKNT OF ni'II.l'IM'.s pttANa ron thh coMwa bchool tbah ICIIAS.mis HAhL TO REUKVg THB PRBflSURS ON THE OTHKR HIOH aCHOOL- I'ncie-- th* bow rule paaaed by the Board of Edu¬ catlon last spriiiK. provtdlng that lha fall tarra ahall not begln untll tb" s.con.i Monday in Bep¬ tember, Inatead ut the Tueaday after Labor Day, aa heretofore, the ehlldren and teachera have thelr vaeatlon prolonged this ....n- untll Beptember h. au departmenta of the Board of Educatlon are now engaged ln making preparatlona for thfl B p tember openlng, partlcularly the Departmenl oi Bulldlnga whoae Buperintendent, Mr. Naughton, haa paaai .1 a bi, y aummer preparlng the new achool bultdlnxa for >>.¦' upancy Of tii"-' bulldlnga Ihe one whlch haa attracted tb.- moal general Intereal is tb.- new Eraamua Hall Hlgh Bchool, in the Twenty-nlnth Ward. Although it haa hardlj been expected thai thla achool would be vi ad) in time for tbe fall term. Bupertnl mdenl ion said yeaterday lhat he wa-- certaln it would be. lt ls probable tba' it wlll not be ln tirst- ondltlon, but it wlll be poaalble to open the achool in aome ahape. Por ih- Brai tlme since the oola Were eatabllehed. tbe city will then have a hlgh achool for both sfs--. Boj glrla will both be admltted t" the Braflmua Hlgh Bchool exactly as thej «' re ln oM daya to tha Central Qrammar Bchool The courae ot atudy for the achool haa nol yel been publlshed, and Emeraon W. Keyea ff Becretary ln tb," oflice of the Buperintendent of Publle Inatructlon, said yeaterday lhal he bad re- celvi d no Informatlon as to whethi r the waa t" be t. mporaiily llmlted to three yeara or not. The achool wlll contaln eleven claaa-rooma. a id wlll accommodate between MO and MO ehlldren. T... 0ther hlgh achoola are ao badlj ovenrowded thal provlalon for even MO will be a greal rellef lo lally ns tb'se ehlldren wlll be of both texea. Waltei B. Ounnbion la to be tbe principal, and the teachera have already beei appotnted. All th- apace avallable h ia bei n us, d in creatlng claaa- r.'oma. .Thla achool." said Mr. Naughton, "wlll be nueleua of fl greal one. whlch wlll bave to com" in thal district in n fea y< ara." Th" new >.i bulldlng of No. 0 wlll be ready for the openlng of the term. It wlll be al Bterlln** Place ar.d Vanderbllt-ave., dlrectly oppoalte the old bulldlng, whlch wlll probablj be uaed for the prl- mary gradea. Tb" new bulldlng wlll be four hlgh Includlng twentj flve claf*arooma anl an y-room. There will be 1.134 atttlnga rh. bulldlng la already completed. wlth ti.teeptton of Interlor flttlnga. and wlll coat 1112.000 Bchool No. 23. ln Conaelyea-Bt.. near Humboldt. la belng remodelled and wlll b. ready on Beptem¬ ber 14 Thla bulldlng wlll be greatly Improved. 11 bad thlrty amall rooma. poorly arranged and ol nn Indlfferent klnd. and the llghl waa defectlve. will now bave nlneteen good rooma "1 talk." said Mr. Naughton /eaterdi y. "of trylng lo on the claeerooma olf so ns to make ,,. the duty of two. 1 hope thla won I be ...,., j,'it lan't. ibe school wi: be a -.I one. li will coal loae to *20.C A. extenalon to No. 43. ln Boerum rt.. nea, Ewen wm be ready early ln December II wlll be three eontaln twelve claaarooma rher. will be 800 alttlngfl. and the eontracl prlce la >..¦. oi no 78, ln McDougal near Rockaway a^Tto havea new wini wl Ihefnii ,"-:. It ll '" ^ "1 flfteen claaarooma nd 7M alttH gi »« bulldlnga. old and new. wlll be 1.911 An .., >y unt-1 Dec-lh-'": rected 1 ¦'« N" A- ' '' new bul ,,.,,,.-. .ear ,t wlll have 650 alttlnga. Ing. v. on Tl * .¦¦ , Flrat, near Bla .in. and twenty claaarooma a addltlon. mahlng a t, The coal Mr Naui 1 no -r .*M*<n« «. lnBoptel iJdWon rooma, glving W new alttlng* rhla wlll coal $'.,"-'". ,. Ir, ,he sanv- r, | Ib No. 108. ln l-at.. whlcl Thla coati . ; I Nlntt: .' ... S . Hamburg avea., wlll be ready on J"". No I. havlng beei nta n tw. i m*'About lt? ¦*' *'*_ '" pplled. [X_ AND KINDERGARTEN WORK. E lay. "that aee | of ihe Pei Mln r a k p ... ln uae ..' tb- ichoo n tn* courae frcm thli * Hlgh Sch ol courae remalna un- Ch. HANOES AMONQ TEA< HERi Itsldi from Mr. Oui who leavea Bch x>\ N 19 to iccepi thi principal hlp ol the Braemur, HUh ihere wlll be three princlpi .- who a for the flral fln on Bi ,. forrnerlj m the 1 Bchool II, wlll bei *l of Bchool No :¦¦ ln placi of Beth T. 81 '. %*£ oi the assoi late siip< rlnt. nd< nta ln Ne**- ¦'. la a pr. heretofore N;,";,. whlcl branch ol Mn I' M Warn n, principal .,.,,,, on n r ...¦ Th eenap- l»l.¦ practli ¦'¦. purtnn nl l.vi:> ING BCH04 il.S ... har. bi .;. no .. «« >" -!' iola m ;. Thi ai v actlon -. , utee wlll inke rei .n.tr,¦' n, Bepti mber to map oui .. i" ¦" ) The Truant B ,. Ia« wl li h i uln ie..'i. e fron o ike i- -" 11' ,_e_,n_f"tS lalte, No aolutlon haa yel beei Th« pr. .;;»;,. appeiU re '" ''' *ccofnm fund haa nol yel de "ka of the ii whom .¦. " "¦'¦ '"' ,,,.,. d Wlll I." I At pi^aVnt tl V oncr a year. ln J»ne ,.J.. d of In Kebi .'"'¦' ',,'',, ',-.., I.., havi g one l< u hi - tea. h two "..!"' Thla wlll probablj rd ... Ihul ,/, tea. her wlll havi on« _rad< and tna romo- ti'.i.'a wlll take place aeml-annually. No aanounoo* ment hia yet born mado aa to tho dlapoalllon of the Platlanda choola. Th- achool book ii haa no. baan materlally ln- ,i. Blnce th. Board adopted the plan of aup- planiing ln the hlKher gradea tbe old n wlth worka of giwa Uterature, the ...mmlu-e lu-a !¦. n di luged with offers ,.f auch worka fcom pui>- llahera. Chalrman Edward Rowe. of the Bel.I Book Commlttee, yeaterday ahowed a Tribune re¬ porter a table cov. r< ,i a i! h auch booka, all <>f whl-h wlll be Bubmltted to the commlttee foi Inap. Amonf; tbem were Defoe'a "Journal of the Plague ln London," Macaulay'i Easaj on Mllton. the Slr ;: r de Covi rlei Papei "The Vlcar of Wak« fleld." and Bcott'a '."Woodatock." annotated ao a to glve the modern meaning >.f the antlque worda and phras. SWIMMIiSQ AND LIFE-8AYINQ. BOME PRACTICAL AND VALUABLE HINTK Tho Hon. Bydney Holland In The Badmlntofl Maga- Il hi. alwaya itruck nif aa curloua tha. though m< ii are ao fon i of all athletlc ap n yachtlng, boating, and fiahlng atake io promlnenl a pl ¦'.'.!.' iporti and nmus. men ul s' n. ra. True .1 .1 Ty. ra and J. Muttall, two of . and ii is Bla 'aptain v. stiil aa ¦ natlon wi awlm far from well. i often :.aik, I wii W .aboul his Chan- nel awlm, ind haa told m. that even after awlm- n.iii.; for twenty-two houra bla muaclea were nol very 'i iv, r :: v mon Pi gether la week when we were both tralnlng ;..r aome 1 a alOW v. loimi .Ul .aam ,n X- ') meana he wa .. and whi n I I;; ¦w him he never anythlng bul the breast atroke. lf l rememb. r rl he ne) r waa bi y good at anj -. and Men are "pumped" beeauae so fen car. to learn t,, awlm prop. rly, and are conteni to flo inder and aplutter about, thlnklng apparently lhal thi faater they move thelr arma and r mlnd in whal dlreetlon th. more magnlflceni ihelr awim- mlng. Su Immlt g ,^ .. qu. and thal i- learned ii la never forgotten. The mlatake ln I. thal to nvold breath- Ing ln water boyi pui thelr heada too far back, ->.-' =pL -->s and ao 1 r moutha loo far ihove 'br Bur- S'obody wlll ever awlm well or wlth an; ed that lt la not nei eaaary to carry hia n. k llke a atrani Vou wlll a.very g .,} Rwlnimer i'i lhe world wlmmlng arlth ha mouth under water tlll th. n .... aatei an.l he wlll properly. To I. .:¦. to breathe prop. im to Bwlm w. ll. It the tyro n< ¦! r- mi mber la to .'. forward, and to breath. Inward at. !, ive found ll u a-hei te ii lag, to ¦. 11 boya to "bloa thelr hand* from th m' a .-or* of mi m >rla l< chnlca moment to breathe outward. am aorry fo Ing to aa Im m len they b< pi ntly mueh 'li-"- .ul lh. propei ...... more .... ir. ,| ri dly b) .''.¦ ai munl oi .;,. v ar. bw of m hlch the Inatru. tor ,..,¦' word mor. reast Rtrol hody noi doa a- n ..¦ them lhe water We used muoh -,.. Immei i from 1 .. .' 'ambrldg. Il la Im H properl VII ,. water pa thelr :,- torp. do at. ler Bul II la a m itake T e prop. opt. 'i bj and profeaj ferenl from I hoyn nall "alde .1 * in bj nnj ' im ... exampl ' Ihan once, he |s I frog la to ,i n tj ra la 1 ir. k- Ii* at ri cry pr. vl mai ide to aa.ula1 h. ..¦¦¦. awimmlng p .wer and ok. a. ,.s la lhe aae a S'ow fnr rt of texl ,.. !;¦.!.¦¦. daneer Ihan lhal '" awlmml or aufl wlll aelze \ ou nnd el-n itraw bul fci ntlal Sumi ve read nnd two ... of three or 1 Ir tl Im 1 v, .in la ... hy the ti. Ikely pafl lo arrn hei the rl * ,i'1 ,'";,! ... eaally I lf the rtroa . ink you a the huhhh a ln Hli a-atei m h. ,|v, doa .;. and he ll not. d tl 11 ;.,; mual go down wlth th( m oj on< kne. nnd h kl-k 11 hrh g ¦. to tj ^Ink \ in in « ho haa aunk la very nearly d< nd li,-' i'i not.-d ihnt It I .., ry common bell. .,,.,.] i- you d< termlne to «all tlll to v alt tlll lhe reaurr. . , l, ., ,, um, n many ol u to 1 aa mming nomi Will k" l> 'I .:..-t im li he will ,. 1*1 ,:,- Hli th.: have ti i, /// \ ro m t soa p. Poal \ ii F-al " Rv. r body keep clean. H ¦.. n MrKlnl. ) s ... aill. If 3 ke you l- in n cake of T,,rn \\ none. '1. il »n day " ? SHE ii 1 > FROM \/ H YORK. Prom Ti- V*t ln" " .H, ||., ull." called ... wol * gettln' h. r Any ne md I'otom I worn .... v. n box, whil. alread) ara* plant. fln ... .,| of '< ... in N. a ork, sald lhe l.o ' ,, hv Ihla t,m. h .! |. , n liito.i i dime and . ¦ndtbi .tblack waa rlght, ¦ba aua fron. Xcw-lork. -a-e-tM-e-¦» a ? e ? ? +-?¦ ». a ? B ? . ? . ? j LONG ISLAND NEWS j 4 l|l|l ilitrf I | i a a . ? 4- HEMP8TSAD Henry k Cornwell and hla famlly ara »« ,he Hempatead Bay xacht Cub houae. on Elder *»»".*. The membera of the Hempatead Hay Tacht ClUD are flnjoylni the club's anntinl cnrtea on the aoutn Bay thls week. , The Hempatead Baaeball Huh wa* recently d .:. ea i,\ th« Brooklyn Heights Athktto Club by a acow ot A new chapel for Qreenfleld f emetery, to co?t $3,000. the Hempfltead BaeebaltClu pl iy ihe Ontarl of New-Tork <'" at Hem rWn0n.%WiCfl ai club defeated c-hamplonfl twica i. iu i H ndlngta » .. jEJj Huntlngton, the gueal oi aiiai wn buiTing iround la baa .r.«n into a wllderni n we. ,'¦;. ", ¦. ,*,.,',- ,,-, p ,i m ',. tter order, tha Town Board havlng ?H"'.B r&mvsst ***_ »,*M il thelr house ln Maln-at.., on B ept "»¦».£,*. .,,,. indfancyai ,:,; , former paTtoV.wnipf^m^ M tEpUcopalCh Maue:in.Owyn.of Van Pelt Manor. Iaa gueal 0f8uMrrog.WyN%tend ht. .. ggf- *" '"Sfehl l.ak- S»bl.%n_; ? BEA CL1FF. The Board of Educatlon haa prepared IU budget .f .pen«efl for tha eomlng achool year. Th. amounTneededlflKlM. * tbi- amount « " » from the Btate. leavlng t».6»toberal«edby-chc^ ua 11 haa I.a declded lo reopen the whoolon Beptember 14 wlth the following ^g.'.^ tanta Mlaa Hayea Mlaa stronB and Ml; Barahi ¦' , st,ron,i .n,. v,||»fe electlon win bhe W <-'» k< . TuMda mr^«nfzlnaTheatiW Aaao- thla week toward reorganizing w , acter and aW.lty, naa ".. ... ,na. anv of "'"'¦ ",,i'->",i":vs1Vil 'i ¦'¦¦ renomlnatlon. Bhn'd tA^SmAllKlfflcTiHyKtttngaultablemen loMarTPH thM VCCrowelMSeentertalnlni Mto. Badle lRrand\£^ Mr and Mr- Chauncey < omDei ap ni , ^nVentio^'hlchmeetaonAu- J" I-.- ii Hnlman the fourteen and i JlSlK "mefc?«S.,mb??e "iJaS v-rk. iu.wna a aummer coUage imm nr S^ar^aXr^^lat^^f^vera, K-SWt^u" -'ii "r.bCpl.is ,0 r,;:.^,. arr.|.,.ver,,vbo.'bvrr-.oi..:' boya A !' ,.d -vri f ouae on Baturday -'-,;;:.'i,,;;-'^ii''^v:,:^w^1.:;- kNVdnr"da>r_j;^n^Trke of ...;,.v:,;k\.u.u,- ... ,,; Mr. johna. wbo bave been at .K-UBS m^jGttg, Sni he held on Labor Day, and wlll b,- the flrat \ r heM by tha company The comi iny wlll , plcnlc tak- ,r,ernoon and evi ? V CttYV. ... x ,ri rou tn r and the clt> , .... ir c. Wlgalna'a .t. "walked away" from her ,l,ora ln th Hi mi atead Harboi llkely to be ., the boal b T Wa .. iprlka won li ll in the thlrl Woman'* the home of Dr .¦¦> rhe a-ere lawn partj 'v,.'' ,. Mlaa Tobey. Mra Town- '¦' ni* MINEOLA. Th. annual falr of Ihi ¦. ..... wlll ... n J imi Mon Th, foll '< " lu'1- terr.era -.,,.,,.., ond ¦: .1 nn ond llilnl. $.'. d '. er 12 ? EAS r Ri " ':< V.WAT. i. |g oni) after wi II ad\ wlth "", wlth :''" "' Thla year ,., made the wheel the medium through whlch neW(,! nd the ycle L'lub, wlth Ita weeklj n I, ls !.¦ the ho lal clrcle. The ur. ol i-evcr. heen i ¦"-\y. tiLna^utmtmltl. nlght when th »< atop ku I .... aort. ol fr-haVi a^ho wlll ahyoo1 anythlng lhat growa aport. bui ..,.!¦ 1,.1'lvr ? PORT JEFFERBON AND OLD F1ELD R tratulan m all ... "' ''¦ .. i 'n'1'''' i,h Hall Thui lay venlna on Thurflday li it He m IHI lr ll ii. ma li .. f>ld red wlth ii. w.,- ro Mlll elthei hli a daui-h-.r He «i< efl "'\ off the governmenl l i by the light keej.er #nd mada hln wa> down OM Fleld fo Eaal Setauket where early Mon- day mornlng la *" -' '. *$* taken care of. Mr. Well* untll r.-ronily aaa the caDi >in of the Bcho. .. il >ny Brook A n Jnth ago he became inaane and a aorne undor e.iaid H" was p laaeaacd wlth .,¦ muat klll elther hla wlfe 01 daughter ln to aave his ow,. llfe. He was commltted to an aaylum on T .1 lllll IHI 'I' h'» ___.*_ dae Wataon la maklng extenalva ,mprovom*nts oa his summer hom- In Old Fleld. The houae haa .-., Bed flve feet ' '.' has been put under It. MERRICK. The third con. rr' ot the Bocia] UalOB attrartod a large a idlaftca to the Auditorlum last Baturday Bvaalag a btcych parade, lawn party and entertalnment wll* he th- order. All blcycle rldi rs have been Invlted to Joln la the handaoma priaea wlll he glven for the beai d eela The Una wlll form in Cea* tral-a p m. The programme for the en- nment wlll be ma humoroua recita- tli ti-, Inat. :. lona et The Beason'a fei ive not begun to waue u yal u croq let, lawn nnta and other ..- number ol M »l ol imp grounda wll' ramaln unui uc« About flftv children are aow al tha Ltaa Day Nuraery. They roam through lhe wooded ind graaay ftelda, pick (lower* and have a general They come from the crowded clty ana moal of them are the children of me-hanios. i.i- matron of the nura-ry is Mlaa Montgomery. Th- Rev. Mr, Wllde haa recalved a call *o tti« Church of the R thla plece, to au the Re <'- arf .rd Froat. . _ joaeph Walker li apendlng a few woeks at Rocka- w.ij B( a :h. ?- BELLMORE. Thera wlll ba no aervleea in the Preabyterlan to-morrow, Neat Sun,lay tho n.v. B B. wlll pr. ch hla farewell aermon. Among the gueata ai Koughton'a Hotal are Frank Chadwlck, !¦" W. Walker, Bylveater J. Tormey and .! I' Moore, all of Hrooklyn. Willlam A. Jackaon ¦ .i.l bla farm, which Includea a flne lake. to Or Bu'.llvan, tho B lant of fa* ina Bm ey llne ln Brooklyn. Th. Rev. K. B. French wlll attend .. Btate Con- .,r >. .; r. ..- Baratoga neat week as ., dei. gate from the local Van Doren, chlef clerk of tho County Brooklyn, and V, Martln Vaa imlly, of Brooklyn; Mr. an Mra .'. Blomer and Mra, W. Houghton, of Bellmore; .fBcer B itler, of Bro .klj n, ..- Joaei Klnga C .:..>" .'ourt, are camplng at H' mio. k D AMITYVILLE. Ml Haiard. of Brooklyn, la visitlng Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Dunlap, In Broadway. Bolomon Ketcham, ir., who was overcome by the h-ai last week, has recovei d. George R. Fountaln'a new pavtllon was opened on Wedi ng «Ith a dance. Tba pla. a rowd The Ri v. Mr. Rt tanl rector of lli.lv Trlnlty Church, Brooklyn; Mi- Ruaaell, Mr. and Mra. Jerome W. Coomba .-..wl Mlaa ii.il. all of Brooklyn, are visitlng at the hon.- of Mrs. V. Isor, In Broadv Leander Wrlghl ln ph.)f Bolomon Ketcham, who held the oflice for clght yeara Mrs. Ellen Brown, Inatructor of tha chlldi .'.¦ Brunswlek Home, aeveral daya ago. whlle per- formlng her houaehold dutlea, fell and apralned her back. Bhe haa bea n onfln. d to her bed ever alnce. ' i. u di ome llver wat. i plt. her ai Ilned cup have heen glven by Mr Hathaway, i.f ih- N< w Polnl Hotel, to the Flremen'a Tourna- ii'.. ii Commlttee The glft la to be known a.s the New Polnt Prlxe. a party of Amltyville people nre enjoying llfe *t Roxbury, ln tho Catskills. They are Mrs. .1 i: Ireland and hor daughter*. Mrs. W. \. Krltter and son, Mi.-. Henry W. Baylls, Mrs Warren Wlcks, Mrs B. I*. Hlldreth, B igbton, Miss Baylia and CI rlea O Ireland Llghtnlng atruck the Halfway Houae, betv, thla vlllage and Farmlngdale, on Tuesday, and lt ua- burn. 1 t', the ground. A hoatler waa groomlng .i horae a tbe boll atruck. The anlmal waa kllled. but tho man s. iped unhurt. Beveral boal racea wlll be held to-day off Hem- lock B. prlzea are: For flrat-claaa alxtei feel r Bllver s. rvlce; for seeond- clasa boata, ta Ive to alxteen feet, .. allver plt. h( r. ? FREEPORT. To-morrow wlll be Fleld Day al th. Me b paator, tba R*v. W, W W Wl ipeak both mornlng and evei tha "B< .i t-olen ea of ," preparatory to .; .od Ti llnga Day the 8 The Rev. W. M. Carr, ..t' Lynbrook, exchanged pul- pil .. Rev. '.! An o foi mi I ln l e. The it an early The Rev, K. P. Ketcham ol the Preabyi ' in en- tn ind blcy .- ill* - i' \fulllkln ind hla wlfe and aon and Mra. P larj Id i. ai ir* maklng Mr. and M Raj Mrs. Oeon H*wi< [ond ral Mra. Freelove . steemed reald. The Rev. E. B 3 md iy even- Rev. Dr iv Mr. and Mra. Ch irl. .D. ' Mra N< laon H Sn : D. B. R J im. ;f Nl ihola have b. n w ¦! iya .." )'. nt a ent at Amltv er 7. Theodore c rwlt and Theodore Wrlght, of Free- Id J D. 9 <I'Hl len, hotel s Sl ha a .. them npp. (ed ¦ .n na the goi the m< l" -. «. RICHMOND An all. g. fl horl ge ol of P .atmaater \ . Hlll, I hmond post- ent to R ¦r aald ihe ,. hi Hlll who for hlm IIIs l..-¦¦ matea Hart- hn Kerz, M. Bronson, - orge i. mond Hlll, were ' MILLBURN*. >., Den ireat, of Brool Bund nexl me on Jaeob Brqi eral w.. ka al Huntlngi Epworth League wlll hold a lawn pai the 3 ptember I. A mual il ai r> pr .i.l be lm| rov. ments. M,-. .'. ,,.¦¦ i* e to New-1 oi k to m. md brother-ln-law, Mr M an there to arlll llve ln< jn0 a,| ,,| idiai Prot. atani hui h eld a Chai Glen I. I. Kl .; , ' / rv A ti M J -*V*A\Xi m MK3 Si ¦&*- ln THK PABABLE OP THK *^",''» *" ,.,.- fell ..".I ".¦ thorna." an.l ^gg .prang .... ono cbokl them. i8t- Paul - Ptrt Pennrtment ln Pa effor'a to er*ot » btitldlnl for In appftratna. Th-' lor* have been loirehaae* but funda for the bullding are not forihcomlng. -_a.-. ROCKVfLUE CBHTIUO Bptala a. ii i.afiin aad hia faat .¦' I "Hl"1 ... r-siden'.. -,f thla pla i.affin baa i»een a aaaaaaa for. ti.i--y-">e >*.ir.-. tn* aome of hi* children Wmrt tx-rri a' The falr of St Agnea'a Church, la be h*,d n**-l w, k on lhe reetory grounda. wlll be MM of Ibe lo- tereatlng eventa of that aori of lha -. n U'lllam Longn»'ker and Robert \ Uv anl ar* vlalf. lnc In tho Catskilla ... Dr. John E Hutcheaon haa re.urr.ed f.ont a Mall to Long H.a - R. Iirightman ls apendlng hla vaaatatB al nwn. N \ imle daughter of Wllll ira M awa 'owed a lead pen, il a few .1 lya ago Tl >.. n '¦¦¦'. the chlld'a throat. and irlj ked her to I »r .1 R Hut-i removed the paacll. Th- ehlld la rapld > n atar- Tha McKlnley and Hoberl 1 j_ meetlng announced for last Baturday *v< l evenlng al Vaa Vllet'a Hall A aumbei ->f piaaaa n. nt si>. akera wlll be pi Mr nnd Mrs. Bernsrd Vnn Vllet and their dauflV ter. of Murray Hlll, Pluahlng, are guct of J -d Van Vllel **. On Thuraday evenlng th.- vssted boj cn Mr or th- Church of thi A ,; _ Harroun. Ihe tenor of Oraca Church, N-w-York Clty, and Maater. Hurdgo ). McLean, aoprano of ih- Beldl chorus. gave a racltal of ih r... m th.- church Th- cholr la under I the Rev W F. Nlea, the paator Thla church I* the only one oa l."n*r Island wlth f Orace Church, Jamalca, and tba Oarden Cathedr.il ili.it has a v< si-al l..ys' rholr. . ? OARDEN CITT. The reeeptlon In the botal partora on last Sat.ir. day evenlng waa a pleaaanl affalr, Tba tacata* tlona arara taateful, the areather dellghtfully cool, and tho coetUmea 'if ll.o women beantlfUL More than thr. bundred peraoai wara preaent, many roming from Hempstead Brooklyn, New-Tark, Bdgemara and Arverne **Th- baan arei |* devoted to eodal lat. Bur»- p. r waa Barved al an early boar, ta permll those from out of (he -itv .,i return by the i<>..".7 traln Amona the guesta nt th- botel are Mr aad Mra w* P Little. Mr. nn.l Mr-. Rlchard OoMar, Mr and Mra Willlam H Lawrencs, Mr ai.'l Mra W" 8 Roedew, Mr nn.l Mrs. la tha ,,,. and Mabel Wenta. Mr. and Mr« Jamea Gregory, Mr and Mra N* ll. Froat, Mr and Mr- 9 fVita, Mr ... Mra «¦ i H-ml-t. Mr and Mi Ben Jan In Norton, T F Wena and hla famlly, Mr* l< W Abom, M>-« O. R i:,..,| MIsb Bell* Ooldamlth, Misa vv.,r,i Ml-a Rolllnn, Gllberl B. Coddlngton. <'lifl".,r.| C .;.iwln. 0. Elllott Little. John Morrlaon, Roberl T M Ousty, W lt. I'itt and Y Read. "f New-Vorh Cllyj Mr. snd Mra. Oeorge F. Langdon, Mr an.l Mra lt. Frbsloh, Mr and Mr-. W K Erhart, Mr and Mra. Bilaa P. Wood, Charl. i: Baker Oeorge K W'ood, Danlel E Reynolda, .' S Bnnth. R I. Herbert, W. ll. H .r Mra Hoop. r Mra P I>. Ilte, Mr. and Mrs Jamea s Allen, Paul ¦ m lt, Mra if '/..itrler. Teddy Caaaebeer, I' I/>nrn ,. Mr- B of Hrook- h> Mr. and Mrs P II ToblSS. Mr. r.nd Mra H Toblas, Mrs, W Rrandonk and J I.oncm.-.n. of Arverne Mi Mr* H N w rt, of l..»' <' I I >onohue and i' D i' .nol -.f Par N Ployd, t and .1 R Bheppard. of Oa Clty. ? GREENPORT The annual falr of the Ladl B of St Ag- ni Rom rch, whi. h had baen m progress fnr two \a. r in.,' BterIlng Hall, where the fall wai beld, w .* taateful i wera «r- ranged tablea ind booth* . k.i. and i mm of mon v w ia raallasd. I :.¦ foiiowlng ladles, In co tume v.. r the dlfferenl tablea Mra Willlam Tbornhlll, Mr*. M.ry Moubot, Mra Jamea Orady, Mra John II ly, Mi. Ettentx rgei irphy, Mr Charlea Davla, jr. Mlasei Llasle and Annle Mouhor. Mlaa Maggie Orady, Mlaa T. A i Montgomeri Ai - bi foi ralled were Mr> All. o fl arho a.i hlgh-grade blcycle; Lewla < lark. ol i md, a ved gold wai i ton -f. ....1 ar,,| a allver t..bla >. a cr i/.v iuI and i alh r bi «>ne of the aoclal affalra ,,f th. aeason bere waa tha ball by tha Twenty-Iour and Tweli H Orcenport ... tbe Mu Ic Hall, Bhelter -. ta, on Monday evenlng An acara were Mlaa Cecelia Terri Mlaa Lona Comatock anal the Mlasas Corwln, ol Brooklyn; Mlaa Orace Sai- mon, Mlsa Martl Mlsa w ny Vounga, Mlaa Lot tle Clevel ind, Mli Mlaa Bertha Btewart, Miaa B nch. W. Mli Lu a Brown arai .1 I. Clark, Leroy 1 ¦¦ Whlte, I.. T W. Ila, Oeori . li rberl McCarter, Ansej Vounga and Loula Racketl The Bapl t Sunday-achool of l irant on nl pl. nlc on V. I'econlc. The Maenner-hor Laetltla held Ita annual plenlo and moonllgh ind Bhelter laland on Prlday evenlng. lt waa i 16-to-l affalr thai women to one man, aa ls gen.. illj n auch ,.,, aaion Mrs. Suaai --ph Bracy. dl< .! ai !> r hom- mi Sni,,i.o Bhe wa* m, n .ma n .- 'hrladan 'l.... i.f ghi chart. r i i I. id< r in the Bai n Tuesday ifternoon The aocietlea lo whlch Bhe belonged at* 1. ii.la d ir. a . FAR ROCKAWAY a small yellon cur, wllh blood mada its appearancs In Central iv. k yes¬ terday afternoon, ild. rable i ment Whlle on Ita wa* thn igh ihe thorough- tbe ,!,,it- bll thlng thal ame withln reach. The dog blt Mattle Webatei fourteen; old, and a hlld of Iv. th- yard of tbe Hlnkel w. re plaj Ing. The chll ln n becai .! ,t from in. ¦....i The inlne ..ii.l rot.Khl di ...! \ Ir a-luns wlth !'. . lenaclty t.y the other ii"w. dlfflculty drlven fr.,m ha ya rd. It i .' the N*. a -Yoi k ii ¦'¦ ,:. bli the oa r md a i in Th -,: ei i lhe ur. w hl h r.n Into w Inkler'a livery O , hlt the doa;. and \ll dog lhal w. I up ? LONO ISLAND CITT ph Clancj. .. year-old bo af Mo n Elghth-Bl -.a ... d b. fore 11 ia*f ter. i,,hn B I a 1 I i .a ? AT THI t ,1 g, .. of lhe 8 famlly a annual achool meetlng h .nr.tnn Willls I) Van Brunl ai , , l< t. ,i to the Boar I of I Fordham wa re-el. 4 1. ward ll Howell, lerk; Ilan > ," oil. Herrl' k. ti A Ca haa i. n ln pi -jjuiiir a(l!|>t,,ll I ,.1-a lAe. k. 1.'ur. b b) f St -.i-Turk, man mythologi . ,,..«; Mra Mi w | p Ut l I M H Bay \ a-ht Club on Ul D M. nry B. Al \|., .... lhe Mecox Im Four bulldlng allea li u gi v h\ lamea R. Bteel ('olon. G«*orge T Knlal - i itlon i'onej ... Mr. Ba I at Water M am of ih. \ 1' . \\- al Water Mllls. Rldlng bli) .m"- forbldd. n ' A l.nA.i party for the children "f ih< Country . a, ... iroplon .,., ir wlll nol '. || ,.!. f*-|>- I""1" : ' . .. ¦ . . ... Tl,,, i-ongregattonal Church -f R >' ". ... , ... lt ... m .ey Ml Sl.d Mra Smlil. M r,,.i her dauaht. r* Mlaa Florei M . i ,.i II.w -li V oriffln o o. w. aror, luy j.,... v ,i ,i .;. orge Kdwarda ti,.. h v Bu nm '.'" l*W-B Blble S." I-''. auffered fi stroke laal « k ' v ine annual m< nlng f lauqua I '' a*"*" " s,' », dI the R< a v i: "olton of Patcbogu. Di Morse ai w w Hulse, ..: Bai .. M ¦i¦> .... ¦ imer vlaltoi m _|i M.ua S.arr lectured befor. %*¦¦. ^ Home and i I > -*. llax* ba.. i... t wi u , oa hef work la Chl ..


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1 Mia Hlrach, a clothlar, dolng buatneaa al Ma MlManhattan-ave., waa before Juatlce Qaattlag In the

\ .p' w-i.'ie Pollca COUII yesunlay on B BUBBmOaa

ahow caaaa whj ha- ahould not ba arreated on a

eharxe >lf extortlon an.l of havlna, coaapoundad a

felony Th,> aummona had beea obtalned bj Leo>,(i jioaea a coualn of the aecuaed, who waa rap-

a i,y Mr. CBrten, a lawyer. la May last

Lppealcd io Hlr- h, it is sald. to glve him em-. n- <ii.i bo, anl after working hours

:.,;,,i in th- stor. Aft-r belng ..t w.-.k for**» ls wm arreated, on complalnt of Hlrai ..

i: \ larceny, and, when arralgnedthe Ew< n Bti I Pollce

''..'' ..-. .... ,i gullty and waa commltted to Jall for*...',.'. - davi After aervlng oui his acntence, he.^

, to the mor. nd waa told. he**:r. ia he paid th- value of the gooda

, ,,,1,1 agaln l.e at nl to Jall.he_a_- lt ls alleged, admltted at. illng gooda )

*_; pa) thal amount, bul tlOO.-..'."¦¦¦ - was demnnded, and n compromla. wi

_j£*d on ir.. I. waa learned later by Hlrach,.**.¦*" "*. $i..i?.. ln the

Bank, and further threatuhlm I" Jall hc all. ;ed. un-

1. lhal amount of gooda belng.;..,, o'Brlen told the Court

fbl- ,hen drawn 1730 from the bankIhat iHlrsch admltted th. re-

hook of Moae; ahowedthe employ of hla

mi g adjourned the caae for ai could engage counael,


yeara old, of No. 686yeaterday before Jua-¦

Pollce Court onaThe youthful priaoner waa

wlth a companlon, rob-Uttle fancy gooda atore

Marcy-ave. Mra.atore al the tlme the

thej wera al work'-" !r,,m the

nn rreiwaa then turned over

.. tlon. Hempanlon. Justlce

oharge the boy, aa theboyaol hla age.

errer waa aeen leavlngivaa then found that tho

f R%fiMr*


M.ir. No, H North Becond-at., has.. Bedford-ava atatlon to try

ter Abble. flfteen yeara old, wl o

Th- glrlwlth .lark brown eyea an.l hcht

When ahe left home Bhe wore a bluewlth black ribbons, and i llghi col-

Mra. Loftua told the pollca lhal* ... no reaaon why tha gtrl should have

Ilon merehant, llvlng at

._ ... v- dled Buddenly on Thuradayhom-. from heart diaeaae. Mr B

x yeara old. After eatlng Mbhe omplalned of aevere palna aboul the

¦¦ a phyalclaa could be aummonedHe leav. a a wlfe and .-. veral chil-

n tho Ewen Street Pollce Court,trl .: Mlchael Bean, thi treaa-

'nlon No. *". on a charge of.. wlth the funda of tha unlon. Tl.m-

t of theBean llveaal No U Bartlett-at.

eaterday granted a dlvorce to

from Matllda HugheB, and al?o to

/dexai ler McLeod from Johanna McLeod.Henry Ward Beecher yesterday lefl town

udaon for a two weeka' vlsitflamui B obllle. Mrs

ihe ? proatrate-l. ten daya aco.

,>¦ in tho three-atory framaKo 711 Hlcks-st., owned by Jamea Reg-

... y Island. Tl ¦.¦ - Hughea,, lower p irt, la H.B0O. The

Ig Baxter, a tenanl on the third

Ked to the eat. nt ol 9to9. Tha loaai

,,; ,-,-¦ Tw< nty-aecond-becauae of

belonglnglpetltl .ned lhe !!. iltb Departi

to h iveth. '.,i three ,:

ihat Dr. Emein mp ofl

iuntll i v. eal Meadowa a






., M 1} an H. nry W





Ir v

Vftftl -'




may 18x32I |2.)



St- AtWay-a »

Bo*' 1aold N'oa :: ond 829 Van Buren-

lt.. gT..!*.").*


'. C Of 7


1 230j

r* i'",\

1,7001 .nt.

: .¦¦ 1,8504


H.iIOO .....1.500



Invasi n fame laln trouble agaln Deputy-Ex-ciae C enl ... hl

n-Bl near lhe 1 .¦

mi ¦¦ - ol Id.r Doherty la vlolatlng th< Exclae law.

or hai .:, ih- deflnltlon ol. »old und. . a - tlll. ate I'x 'apiain

rge bualn.weel da nd h

|er soldu hleh it retaln* Ihe aweei-

withoul Ihe alc-ohol. Hisla tlio oi.iy barroom thut retalna tba free lunth.



WORK Of THR l'i:i'AI*TMKNT OF ni'II.l'IM'.s

pttANa ron thh coMwa bchool tbah



HIOH aCHOOL-I'ncie-- th* bow rule paaaed by the Board of Edu¬

catlon last spriiiK. provtdlng that lha fall tarraahall not begln untll tb" s.con.i Monday in Bep¬tember, Inatead ut the Tueaday after Labor Day,aa heretofore, the ehlldren and teachera have thelrvaeatlon prolonged this ....n- untll Beptember h.

au departmenta of the Board of Educatlon are

now engaged ln making preparatlona for thfl B ptember openlng, partlcularly the Departmenl oiBulldlnga whoae Buperintendent, Mr. Naughton,haa paaai .1 a bi, y aummer preparlng the new

achool bultdlnxa for >>.¦' upancyOf tii"-' bulldlnga Ihe one whlch haa attracted

tb.- moal general Intereal is tb.- new Eraamua HallHlgh Bchool, in the Twenty-nlnth Ward. Althoughit haa hardlj been expected thai thla achool wouldbe vi ad) in time for tbe fall term. Bupertnl mdenl

ion said yeaterday lhat he wa-- certaln it

would be. lt ls probable tba' it wlll not be ln tirst-

ondltlon, but it wlll be poaalble to open theachool in aome ahape. Por ih- Brai tlme since the

oola Were eatabllehed. tbe city will

then have a hlgh achool for both sfs--. Bojglrla will both be admltted t" the Braflmua HlghBchool exactly as thej «' re ln oM daya to thaCentral Qrammar BchoolThe courae ot atudy for the achool haa nol yel

been publlshed, and Emeraon W. Keyea ff

Becretary ln tb," oflice of the Buperintendent of

Publle Inatructlon, said yeaterday lhal he bad re-

celvi d no Informatlon as to whethi r thewaa t" be t. mporaiily llmlted to three yeara or not.The achool wlll contaln eleven claaa-rooma. a id

wlll accommodate between MO and MO ehlldren.T... 0ther hlgh achoola are ao badlj ovenrowdedthal provlalon for even MO will be a greal rellef lo

lally ns tb'se ehlldren wlll be of both

texea. Waltei B. Ounnbion la to be tbe principal,and the teachera have already beei appotnted. All

th- apace avallable h ia bei n us, d in creatlng claaa-r.'oma.

.Thla achool." said Mr. Naughton, "wlll be

nueleua of fl greal one. whlch wlll bave to com" in

thal district in n fea y< ara."Th" new -¦ >.i bulldlng of No. 0 wlll be ready

for the openlng of the term. It wlll be al Bterlln**Place ar.d Vanderbllt-ave., dlrectly oppoalte the old

bulldlng, whlch wlll probablj be uaed for the prl-mary gradea. Tb" new bulldlng wlll be fourhlgh Includlng twentj flve claf*arooma anl an

y-room. There will be 1.134 atttlnga rh.

bulldlng la already completed. wlth ti.teepttonof Interlor flttlnga. and wlll coat 1112.000Bchool No. 23. ln Conaelyea-Bt.. near Humboldt.

la belng remodelled and wlll b. ready on Beptem¬ber 14 Thla bulldlng wlll be greatly Improved. 11

bad thlrty amall rooma. poorly arranged and ol nn

Indlfferent klnd. and the llghl waa defectlve.will now bave nlneteen good rooma "1

talk." said Mr. Naughton /eaterdi y. "of trylng lo

on the claeerooma olf so ns to make,,. the duty of two. 1 hope thla won I be

...,., j,'it lan't. ibe school wi: be a -.I one. li

will coal loae to *20.CA. extenalon to No. 43. ln Boerum rt.. nea, Ewen

wm be ready early ln December II wlll be threeeontaln twelve claaarooma rher.

will be 800 alttlngfl. and the eontracl prlce la >..¦.

oi no 78, ln McDougal s» near Rockaway

a^Tto havea new wini wlIhefnii ,"-:. It ll '" ^ "1flfteen claaarooma nd 7M alttH gi »«

bulldlnga. old and new. wlll be 1.911An

.., >y unt-1 Dec-lh-'":rected 1 ¦'« N" A- ' ''

new bul,,.,,,.-. .ear

,t wlll have 650 alttlnga.

Ing. v.

on Tl * .¦¦

, Flrat, near Bla.in. and twenty claaarooma a

addltlon. mahlng a t,

The coal

Mr Naui 1no -r .*M*<n««. lnBoptel iJdWon

rooma, glving W new alttlng* rhla

wlll coal $'.,"-'". ,.

Ir, ,he sanv- r, | Ib No. 108. lnl-at.. whlcl

Thla coati. '¦ ;

I Nlntt:.'

... S. Hamburg avea., wlll be ready on J"". No

I. havlng beeinta n tw.

i m*'Aboutlt? ¦*' *'*_ '"


Elay. "that aee

| of ihe Pei


r a k



ln uae ..' tb- ichoo n tn*

courae frcm thli* Hlgh Sch ol courae remalna un-


Itsldi from Mr. Oui who leavea Bch x>\ N

19 to iccepi thi principal hlp ol the Braemur, HUhihere wlll be three princlpi .- who a

for the flral fln on Bi,. forrnerlj

m the 1 Bchool

II, wlll bei *l of Bchool No :¦¦ ln placiof Beth T. 81 '. %*£

oi the assoi late siip< rlnt. nd< nta ln Ne**-

¦'. la a pr.heretofore

N;,";,. whlcl branch ol

Mn I' M Warn n, principal.,.,,,, on n r ...¦



practli .¦ ¦'¦. purtnn nll.vi:> ING BCH04 il.S

... har. bi .;. no .. «« >" -!'


m ;. Thi aiv actlon -.

, utee wlll inke rei.n.tr,¦'

n, Bepti mber to map

oui .. i" ¦" ) The Truant B

,. Ia« wl li h i ulnie..'i. e fron

o ikei- -"

11' ,_e_,n_f"tS lalte,No aolutlon haa yel beeiTh« pr.

.;;»;,.appeiU re '" ''' *ccofnm

fund haa nol yel de

"ka of the ii

whom .¦. " "¦'¦ '"'

,,,.,. d Wlll I." I

At pi^aVnt tl V oncr a year. ln J»ne,.J.. d of In Kebi .'"'¦' ',,'',,

',-.., I.., havi g one l< u hi - tea. h two"..!"' Thla wlll probablj rd ... Ihul,/, tea. her wlll havi on« _rad< and tna romo-

ti'.i.'a wlll take place aeml-annually. No aanounoo*

ment hia yet born mado aa to tho dlapoalllon of thePlatlanda choola.Th- achool book ii haa no. baan materlally ln-

,i. Blnce th. Board adopted the plan of aup-planiing ln the hlKher gradea tbe old nwlth worka of giwa Uterature, the ...mmlu-e lu-a!¦. n di luged with offers ,.f auch worka fcom pui>-llahera. Chalrman Edward Rowe. of the Bel.IBook Commlttee, yeaterday ahowed a Tribune re¬porter a table cov. r< ,i a i! h auch booka, all <>f whl-hwlll be Bubmltted to the commlttee foi Inap.Amonf; tbem were Defoe'a "Journal of the Plagueln London," Macaulay'i Easaj on Mllton. the Slr;: r de Covi rlei Papei "The Vlcar of Wak«fleld." and Bcott'a '."Woodatock." annotated ao a toglve the modern meaning >.f the antlque worda andphras.


Il hi. alwaya itruck nif aa curloua tha. thoughm< ii are ao fon i of all athletlc ap n

yachtlng, boating, and fiahlng atake io promlnenl apl ¦'.'.!.' iporti and nmus. men

ul s' n. ra. True.1 .1 Ty. ra and J. Muttall, two of

. and ii is Bla'aptain v.

stiil aa ¦ natlon wi awlm far from well.i often :.aik, I wii W .aboul his Chan-

nel awlm, ind haa told m. that even after awlm-n.iii.; for twenty-two houra bla muaclea were nol very

'i iv, r :: v monPi gether

la week when we were both tralnlng ;..r aome1 a alOW v. loimi .Ul .aam ,n X-

') meana he wa.. and whi n I I;; ¦w him he never

anythlng bul the breast atroke. lf l rememb. r rlhe ne) r waa bi y good at anj -. andMen are "pumped" beeauae so fen car. to learn

t,, awlm prop. rly, and are conteni to flo inder andaplutter about, thlnklng apparently lhal thi faaterthey move thelr arma and r mlnd inwhal dlreetlon th. more magnlflceni ihelr awim-mlng. Su Immlt g ,^ .. qu. andthal i- learned ii la never forgotten.The mlatake ln I. thal to nvold breath-Ing ln water boyi pui thelr heada too far back,

->.-' =pL -->s

and ao 1 r moutha loo far ihove 'br Bur-S'obody wlll ever awlm well or wlth an;

ed that lt la not nei eaaary to carryhia n. k llke a atrani

Vou wlll a.veryg .,} Rwlnimer i'i lhe world wlmmlng arlth hamouth under water tlll th. n ....

aateian.l he wlll properly.To I. .:¦. to breathe prop. im to

Bwlm w. ll. Itthe tyro n< ¦! r- mi mber la to .'.

forward, and to breath. Inward

at. !, ive found ll ua-hei te ii lag, to ¦. 11 boya to "bloa thelr hand*from th m' a .-or* of mi m >rla l< chnlcamoment to breathe outward. am aorry fo

Ing to aa Im m len they b<pi ntly mueh 'li-"- .ul lh. propei

...... more.... ir. ,| ri dly b) .''.¦ ai munl oi

.;,. v ar. bw of m hlch the Inatru. tor,..,¦'

word mor.reast Rtrol

hody noi doa a- n ..¦ them

lhe water We used muoh-,.. Immei i from 1 .. .'

'ambrldg. Il la ImH properl VII

,. water pathelr:,- torp. do at. ler Bul II la a m itake T e

prop. opt. 'i bjand profeaj ferenl from

I hoyn nall "alde .1*

in bj nnj ' im...

exampl '

Ihan once, he |s I

frog la to,i n tj ra la 1 ir. k- Ii*

at ricry pr. vl mai

ide to

aa.ula1 h. ..¦¦¦.

awimmlngp .wer and

ok. a. ,.s la lhe aae a

S'ow fnr rt of texl,.. !;¦.!.¦¦. daneer Ihan lhal '" awlmml

or auflwlll aelze \ ou nnd el-n

itraw bul fcintlal Sumi ve read

nnd two...

of three or 1

Ir tlIm 1


.in la


hy the ti.Ikely pafl lo

arrn hei

the rl * ,i'1 ,'";,!... eaally I

lf the rtroa . ink you a

the huhhh a ln Hli a-atei m h.,|v, doa .;. and he ll not. d tl 11

;.,; mual go down wlth th( m ojon< kne. nnd h kl-k

11 hrh g ¦. to tj .¦

^Ink \ in in « ho haa aunk la very nearly d< ndli,-' i'i not.-d ihnt It I

.., ry common bell..,,.,.] i- you d< termlne to «all tlll

to v alt tllllhe reaurr. . ,

l, ., ,, um, n t« many ol u to 1 .¦ aa mming


Will k" l> 'I .:..-tim li he will

,. 1*1 ,:,-

Hli th.: have ti

i, /// \ ro m t soa p.Poal

\ ii F-al"

Rv. r body keep clean. H¦.. n MrKlnl. ) s ...

aill. If 3ke you l- in n

cake of T,,rn \\

none. '1. il »n day "


SHE ii 1 > FROM \/ H YORK.Prom Ti- V*t ln" "

.H, ||., ull." called... wol * gettln' h.

r Any ne md I'otomIworn .... v.

n box, whil.alread) ara* plant. fln

... .,| of '< ... in N. a ork, saldlhe l.o '


hv Ihla t,m. h .!|. , n liito.i idime and .

¦ndtbi .tblack waa rlght,¦ba aua fron. Xcw-lork.

-a-e-tM-e-¦» a ? e ? ? +-?¦ ». a ? B ? . ? . ?

j LONG ISLAND NEWS j4 l|l|l ilitrf I | i a a . ? 4-

HEMP8TSADHenry k Cornwell and hla famlly ara »« ,he

Hempatead Bay xacht Cub houae. on Elder *»»".*.The membera of the Hempatead Hay Tacht ClUD

are flnjoylni the club's anntinl cnrtea on the aoutn

Bay thls week. ,The Hempatead Baaeball Huh wa* recently d .:. ea

i,\ th« Brooklyn Heights Athktto Club by a acow ot

A new chapel for Qreenfleld femetery, to co?t $3,000.

the Hempfltead BaeebaltClupl iy ihe Ontarl of New-Tork <'" at Hem

rWn0n.%WiCflai club defeated c-hamplonfl twica

i. iu i H ndlngta ».. jEJjHuntlngton, the gueal oi aiiai

wn buiTing iround labaa .r.«n into a wllderni n we. ,'¦;. ", ¦. ,*,.,',- ,,-,p ,i m ',. tter order, tha Town Board havlng

?H"'.Br&mvsst***_ »,*Mil thelr house ln Maln-at.., on Bept "»¦».£,*. .,,,.

indfancyai,:,; , formerpaTtoV.wnipf^m^ M tEpUcopalCh

Maue:in.Owyn.of Van Pelt Manor. Iaa gueal

0f8uMrrog.WyN%tend ht. .. ggf- *"



BEA CL1FF.The Board of Educatlon haa prepared IU budget

.f .pen«efl for tha eomlng achool year. Th.

amounTneededlflKlM. * tbi- amount « " »

from the Btate. leavlng t».6»toberal«edby-chc^ua 11 haa I.a declded lo reopen the whoolon

Beptember 14 wlth the following ^g.'.^tanta Mlaa HayeaMlaa stronB and Ml; Barahi ¦'

, st,ron,i.n,. v,||»fe electlon win bheW <-'»

k< .

TuMda mr^«nfzlnaTheatiW Aaao-thla week toward reorganizing w,

acter and aW.lty, naa "..... ,na. anv of

"'"'¦ ",,i'->",i":vs1Vil 'i ¦'¦¦ renomlnatlon.Bhn'd tA^SmAllKlfflcTiHyKtttngaultablemenloMarTPH thM VCCrowelMSeentertalnlni Mto. Badle

lRrand\£^Mr and Mr- Chauncey < omDei ap ni,

^nVentio^'hlchmeetaonAu-.° J"

I-.- ii Hnlman the fourteen andi JlSlK "mefc?«S.,mb??e "iJaS

v-rk. iu.wna a aummer coUage imm nr


K-SWt^u" -'ii "r.bCpl.is ,0

r,;:.^,. arr.|.,.ver,,vbo.'bvrr-.oi..:' boyaA !' ,.d -vri f ouae on Baturday


kNVdnr"da>r_j;^n^Trke of

...;,.v:,;k\.u.u,-... ,,; Mr. johna. wbo bave been at

.K-UBSm^jGttg,Sni he held on Labor Day, and wlll b,- the flrat

\ r heM by tha company The comi iny wlll, plcnlc tak-

,r,ernoon and evi?

V CttYV.

... x ,ri rou tn r

and the clt> ,

.... ir c. Wlgalna'a.t. "walked away" from her

,l,ora ln th Hi mi atead Harboillkely to be

., the boalb T Wa

.. !¦ iprlka won lill in the thlrl


the home of Dr .¦¦> rhea-ere

lawn partj'v,.'' ,. Mlaa Tobey. Mra Town-'¦' ni*

MINEOLA.Th. annual falr of Ihi ¦.


wlll ... n

J imi MonTh, foll

'<" lu'1-


-.,,.,,.., ond ¦: .1 nn ond

llilnl. $.'. d


er 12?

EAS r Ri " ':< V.WAT.i. |g oni) after '¦ wi II ad\

wlth "", wlth :''" "'

Thla year,., made the wheel the medium

through whlchneW(,! nd the ycle L'lub, wlth Ita weeklj n

I, ls!.¦ the ho lal clrcle. Theur. ol i-evcr. heen i

¦"-\y. tiLna^utmtmltl.nlght when th »< atop ku


.... aort. ol


a^ho wlll ahyoo1 anythlng lhat growa

aport. bui..,.!¦ 1,.1'lvr?


Rtratulan m all

..."' ''¦


i 'n'1''''

i,h Hall Thui lay venlnaon Thurflday li

it He mIHI lr ll

ii. ma li.. f>ld

red wlth ii.

w.,- ro Mlll elthei hli adaui-h-.r He «i< efl "'\ off the governmenll i by the light keej.er #nd mada hln wa>

down OM Fleld fo Eaal Setauket where early Mon-

day mornlng la *" -' '. *$*taken care of. Mr. Well* untll r.-ronily aaa thecaDi >in of the Bcho. .. il >ny Brook An Jnth ago he became inaane and a aorne

undor e.iaid H" was p laaeaacd wlth.,¦ muat klll elther hla wlfe 01 daughter lnto aave his ow,. llfe. He was commltted to an

aaylum on T.1

lllll IHI 'I' h'» ___.*_

dae Wataon la maklng extenalva ,mprovom*ntsoa his summer hom- In Old Fleld. The houae haa

.-., Bed flve feet ' '.' hasbeen put under It.

MERRICK.The third con. rr' ot the Bocia] UalOB attrartod

a large a idlaftca to the Auditorlum last BaturdayBvaalag a btcych parade, lawn

party and entertalnment wll* he th- order. All

blcycle rldi rs have been Invlted to Joln la the

handaoma priaea wlll he glven for the

beai d eela The Una wlll form in Cea*tral-a p m. The programme for the en-

nment wlll be ma humoroua recita-tli ti-, Inat. :. lona etThe Beason'a fei ive not begun to waue

u yal u croq let, lawn :¦ nnta and other ..-

number ol M »l olimp grounda wll' ramaln unui uc«

About flftv children are aow al tha Ltaa DayNuraery. They roam through lhe woodedind graaay ftelda, pick (lower* and have a general

They come from the crowded clty anamoal of them are the children of me-hanios. i.i-

matron of the nura-ry is Mlaa Montgomery.Th- Rev. Mr, Wllde haa recalved a call *o tti«

Church of the R thla plece, to authe Re <'- arf .rd Froat. . _

joaeph Walker li apendlng a few woeks at Rocka-w.ij B( a :h.


BELLMORE.Thera wlll ba no aervleea in the Preabyterlan

to-morrow, Neat Sun,lay tho n.v. B B.wlll pr. ch hla farewell aermon.

Among the gueata ai Koughton'a Hotal are Frank

Chadwlck, !¦" W. Walker, Bylveater J. Tormey and.! I' Moore, all of Hrooklyn.Willlam A. Jackaon ¦ .i.l bla farm, which Includea

a flne lake. to Or Bu'.llvan, tho B lant offa* ina Bm ey llne ln Brooklyn.

Th. Rev. K. B. French wlll attend .. Btate Con-.,r >. .; r. ..- Baratoga neat week

as ., dei. gate from the localVan Doren, chlef clerk of tho County

Brooklyn, and V, Martln Vaaimlly, of Brooklyn; Mr. an Mra

.'. Blomer and Mra, W. Houghton, of Bellmore;.fBcer B itler, of Bro .klj n, ..- Joaei

Klnga C .:..>" .'ourt, are camplngat H' mio. k D

AMITYVILLE.Ml Haiard. of Brooklyn, la visitlng Mr. nnd

Mrs. Arthur Dunlap, In Broadway.Bolomon Ketcham, ir., who was overcome by the

h-ai last week, has recovei d.George R. Fountaln'a new pavtllon was opened on

Wedi ng «Ith a dance. Tba pla. arowdThe Ri v. Mr. Rt tanl rector of

lli.lv Trlnlty Church, Brooklyn; Mi- Ruaaell,Mr. and Mra. Jerome W. Coomba .-..wl Mlaa ii.il.all of Brooklyn, are visitlng at the hon.- of Mrs.V. Isor, In BroadvLeander Wrlghl

ln ph.)f Bolomon Ketcham, who held the oflicefor clght yearaMrs. Ellen Brown, Inatructor of tha chlldi

.'.¦ Brunswlek Home, aeveral daya ago. whlle per-formlng her houaehold dutlea, fell and apralned herback. Bhe haa bea n onfln. d to her bed ever alnce.

' i. u di ome llver wat. i plt. her aiIlned cup have heen glven by Mr Hathaway, i.fih- N< w Polnl Hotel, to the Flremen'a Tourna-ii'.. ii Commlttee The glft la to be known a.s theNew Polnt Prlxe.a party of Amltyville people nre enjoying llfe *t

Roxbury, ln tho Catskills. They are Mrs. .1 i:Ireland and hor daughter*. Mrs. W. \. Krltter andson, Mi.-. Henry W. Baylls, Mrs Warren Wlcks,Mrs B. I*. Hlldreth, B igbton, Miss

Baylia and CI rlea O IrelandLlghtnlng atruck the Halfway Houae, betv,

thla vlllage and Farmlngdale, on Tuesday, and ltua- burn. 1 t', the ground. A hoatler waa groomlng.i horae a tbe boll atruck. The anlmalwaa kllled. but tho man s. iped unhurt.Beveral boal racea wlll be held to-day off Hem-

lock B. prlzea are: For flrat-claaaalxtei feel r Bllver s. rvlce; for seeond-clasa boata, ta Ive to alxteen feet, .. allverplt. h( r.


FREEPORT.To-morrow wlll be Fleld Day al th. Me

b paator, tba R*v. W, WW Wl ipeak both mornlng and eveitha "B< .i t-olen ea of ," preparatory to.; .od Ti llnga Day the 8The Rev. W. M. Carr, ..t' Lynbrook, exchanged pul-

pil .. Rev. '.!

An o foi mi I ln l e. Theit an early

The Rev, K. P. Ketcham ol the Preabyi '

in en-tn ind blcy .- ill*

- i' \fulllkln ind hla wlfe and aon andMra. P larj Id i. ai

ir* maklngMr. and M

Raj Mrs. Oeon H*wi<[ond ral

Mra. Freelove. steemed reald.

The Rev. E. B3 md iy even-

Rev. Dr iv

Mr. and Mra. Ch irl. .D. '

Mra N< laon H Sn :

D. B. R J im. ;f Nl ihola have b. nw ¦! iya .." )'.

nt aent at Amltv er 7.

Theodore c rwlt and Theodore Wrlght, of Free-Id J D. 9 <I'Hl len, hotel

s .¦ Slha a .. them npp. (ed

¦.n na the

goi the

m< l"



RICHMONDAn all. g. fl horl ge ol

of P .atmaater \ . Hlll,

I hmond


ent to R¦r aald ihe

,. hi

Hlll who for hlm IIIsl..-¦¦matea Hart-

hn Kerz, M. Bronson, - orgei. mond Hlll, were


MILLBURN*.>., Den ireat, of Brool


me on

Jaeob Brqieral w.. ka al Huntlngi

Epworth League wlll hold a lawn paithe

3 ptember I. A mual il ai r> pr.i.l be

lm| rov. ments.M,-. .'. ,,.¦¦ i* e to New-1 oi k to m.

md brother-ln-law, Mr Man

there to arlll llve ln<jn0 a,| ,,| idiai Prot. atani hui h eld a


Glen I.I. Kl

.; ,

' / rv A ti M

J -*V*A\Xi mMK3 Si

¦&*- lnTHK PABABLE OP THK *^",''» *"

,.,.- fell ..".I ".¦ thorna." an.l

^gg .prang .... ono cboklthem. i8t- Paul -

Ptrt Pennrtment ln Pa effor'a to er*ot » btitldlnlfor In appftratna. Th-' lor* have been loirehaae*but funda for the bullding are not forihcomlng.


ROCKVfLUE CBHTIUOBptala a. ii i.afiin aad hia faat .¦' I "Hl"1

... r-siden'.. -,f thla plai.affin baa i»een a aaaaaaa for. ti.i--y-">e >*.ir.-. tn*aome of hi* children Wmrt tx-rri a'

The falr of St Agnea'a Church, la be h*,d n**-lw, k on lhe reetory grounda. wlll be MM of Ibe lo-

tereatlng eventa of that aori of lha -. n

U'lllam Longn»'ker and Robert \ Uv anl ar* vlalf.

lnc In tho Catskilla ...

Dr. John E Hutcheaon haa re.urr.ed f.ont a Mallto Long H.a

- R. Iirightman ls apendlng hla vaaatatB alnwn. N

\ imle daughter of Wllll ira M awa 'owed a

lead pen, il a few .1 lya ago Tl >.. n '¦¦¦'.

the chlld'a throat. and irlj ked her toI »r .1 R Hut-iremoved the paacll. Th- ehlld la rapld > n atar-

Tha McKlnley and Hoberl 1 j_meetlng announced for last Baturday *v< levenlng al Vaa Vllet'a Hall A aumbei ->f piaaaan. nt si>. akera wlll be piMr nnd Mrs. Bernsrd Vnn Vllet and their dauflV

ter. of Murray Hlll, Pluahlng, are guct of J -dVan Vllel **.On Thuraday evenlng th.- vssted boj cn Mr or

th- Church of thi A ,;_Harroun. Ihe tenor of Oraca Church, N-w-York

Clty, and Maater. Hurdgo ). McLean, aoprano ofih- Beldl chorus. gave a racltal of ih r... mth.- church Th- cholr la under Ithe Rev W F. Nlea, the paator Thla church I*the only one oa l."n*r Island wlth fOrace Church, Jamalca, and tba OardenCathedr.il ili.it has a v< si-al l..ys' rholr. .


OARDEN CITT.The reeeptlon In the botal partora on last Sat.ir.

day evenlng waa a pleaaanl affalr, Tba tacata*tlona arara taateful, the areather dellghtfully cool,and tho coetUmea 'if ll.o women beantlfUL Morethan thr. bundred peraoai wara preaent, manyroming from Hempstead Brooklyn, New-Tark,Bdgemara and Arverne **Th- baan arei|* devoted to eodal lat. Bur»-p. r waa Barved al an early boar, ta permll thosefrom out of (he -itv .,i return by the i<>..".7 tralnAmona the guesta nt th- botel are Mr aad Mra

w* P Little. Mr. nn.l Mr-. Rlchard OoMar, Mrand Mra Willlam H Lawrencs, Mr ai.'l Mra W"8 Roedew, Mr nn.l Mrs. la tha

,,,. and Mabel Wenta. Mr.and Mr« Jamea Gregory, Mr and Mra N* ll.Froat, Mr and Mr- 9 fVita, Mr ... Mra «¦ iH-ml-t. Mr and Mi BenJan In Norton, T FWena and hla famlly, Mr* l< W Abom, M>-« O.R i:,..,| MIsb Bell* Ooldamlth, Misa vv.,r,i Ml-aRolllnn, Gllberl B. Coddlngton. <'lifl".,r.| C .;.iwln.0. Elllott Little. John Morrlaon, Roberl T MOusty, W lt. I'itt and Y Read. "f New-Vorh CllyjMr. snd Mra. Oeorge F. Langdon, Mr an.l Mra lt.Frbsloh, Mr and Mr-. W K Erhart, Mr and Mra.Bilaa P. Wood, Charl. i: Baker Oeorge K W'ood,Danlel E Reynolda, .' S Bnnth. R I. Herbert,W. ll. H .r Mra Hoop. r Mra P I>. Ilte, Mr.and Mrs Jamea s Allen, Paul ¦ m lt, Mra if'/..itrler. Teddy Caaaebeer, I' I/>nrn ,. Mr- B

of Hrook-h> Mr. and Mrs P II ToblSS. Mr. r.nd Mra HToblas, Mrs, W Rrandonk and J I.oncm.-.n. ofArverne Mi Mr* H N w rt, of l..»'<' I I >onohue and i' D i' .nol -.f Par

N Ployd, t and .1 R Bheppard. of OaClty.


GREENPORTThe annual falr of the Ladl B of St Ag-

ni Rom rch, whi. h had baen m

progress fnr two \a. r

in.,' BterIlng Hall, where the fall wai beld, w .*

taateful i wera «r-

ranged tablea ind booth* .

k.i. and i mm of mon v w ia raallasd.I :.¦ foiiowlng ladles, In co tume v.. r

the dlfferenl tablea Mra Willlam Tbornhlll, Mr*.M.ry Moubot, Mra Jamea Orady, Mra JohnII ly, Mi. Ettentx rgei irphy, MrCharlea Davla, jr. Mlasei Llasle and Annle Mouhor.Mlaa Maggie Orady, Mlaa T.A i Montgomeri Ai - bi foi

ralled were Mr> All. o fl arho a.ihlgh-grade blcycle; Lewla < lark. ol i md, a

ved gold waii ton -f. ....1 ar,,| a allver t..bla

>. a cr i/.v iuI and i alh r bi«>ne of the aoclal affalra ,,f th. aeason bere waa tha

ball by tha Twenty-Iour and Tweli HOrcenport ... tbe Mu Ic Hall, Bhelter -.

ta, on Monday evenlng An acarawere Mlaa Cecelia Terri Mlaa Lona Comatock analthe Mlasas Corwln, ol Brooklyn; Mlaa Orace Sai-mon, Mlsa Martl Mlsa w ny Vounga,Mlaa Lot tle Clevel ind, Mli MlaaBertha Btewart, Miaa B nch. W. Mli Lu aBrown arai .1 I. Clark, Leroy 1 ¦¦

Whlte, I.. T W. Ila, Oeori .

li rberl McCarter, Ansej Vounga and LoulaRacketlThe Bapl t Sunday-achool of l irant on

nl pl. nlc on V.I'econlc.The Maenner-hor Laetltla held Ita annual plenloand moonllgh ind Bhelter laland on Prlday

evenlng. lt waa i 16-to-l affalr thaiwomen to one man, aa ls gen.. illj n auch,.,, aaionMrs. Suaai --ph Bracy.

dl< .! ai !> r hom- mi Sni,,i.o Bhe wa* m, n.ma n .- 'hrladan 'l.... i.f

ghi chart. r i i

I. id< r in the Bain Tuesday

ifternoon The aocietlea lo whlch Bhe belonged at*1. ii.la d ir. a


FAR ROCKAWAYa small yellon cur, wllh blood mada

its appearancs In Central iv. k yes¬terday afternoon, ild. rable iment Whlle on Ita wa* thn igh ihe thorough-

tbe ,!,,it- bll thlng thal ame withlnreach. The dog blt Mattle Webatei fourteen;old, and a hlld of Iv.th- yard of tbe Hlnkelw. re plaj Ing. The chll ln n becai .! ,t

from in. ¦....i The inlne..ii.l rot.Khl di ...! .¦ \ Ir a-luns wlth !'. .

lenaclty t.y the other ii"w. dlfflcultydrlven fr.,m ha ya rd. It i

.' the N*. a -Yoi k ii ¦'¦ ,:. bli the oa rmd a i inTh -,: ei i

lhe ur. w hl h r.n Intow Inkler'a livery O,

hlt the doa;. and\ll dog lhal w.

I up?

LONO ISLAND CITTph Clancj. .. ;¦ year-old bo af Mo n

Elghth-Bl -.a ... d b. fore 11 ia*fter.








,1 g,

.. of lhe 8

famllya annual achool meetlng h .nr.tnn

Willls I) Van Brunl ai ,,l< t. ,i to the Boar I of I

Fordham wa re-el. 41. ward ll Howell, lerk; Ilan > ,"

oil. Herrl' k. tiA Cahaa i. n ln pi -jjuiiir

a(l!|>t,,ll I ,.1-a lAe. k.1.'ur. b b) f St -.i-Turk,man mythologi . ,,..«;

MraMi w |p



MHBay \ a-ht Club on Ul D

M. nry B. Al \|.,....

lhe Mecox ImFour bulldlng allea li u gi v

h\ lamea R. Bteel('olon. G«*orge T Knlal - i

itlon i'onej... Mr. Ba I at Water M

am of ih.\ 1' . \\-al Water Mllls.Rldlng bli) .m"-

forbldd. n '

A l.nA.i party for the children "f ih< Country. a, ... iroplon .,.,

ir wlll nol '.|| ,.!. f*-|>-

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Tl,,, i-ongregattonal Church -f R >' ".... , ... lt

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.ey Ml Sl.d Mra Smlil. Mr,,.i her dauaht. r* Mlaa Florei M .

i ,.i II.w -li Voriffln o o. w. aror, luy

j.,... v ,i ,i .;. orge Kdwardati,.. h v Bu nm '.'" l*W-B

Blble S." I-''. auffered fistroke laal « k '

v ine annual m< nlng flauqua I '' a*"*" " s,'», dI the R< a v i: "olton of Patcbogu. DiMorse ai w w Hulse, ..: Bai .. M

¦i¦> .... ¦ imer vlaltoi m_|i M.ua S.arr lectured befor. %*¦¦. ^

Home and i I > -*. llax*ba.. i... t wi u , oa hef work la Chl ..