Kadoka Press, March 14, 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 Kadoka Press, March 14, 2013


    KADOKA PRESSThe official newspaper of Jackson County, South Dakota

    $1.00includes tax

    Volume 106Number 35

    March 14, 2013

    With donations from BankWest,Kadoka Oil, LLC, Peoples Market,Discount Fuel, and an anonymousdonor, the Jackson County Sportscomplex will receive a new score-board and message board.

    The message board is portableand can be used to announce localevnets. The message board will be

    used at the sports complex duringthe track season and the rest of theyear it will be in front of the school.

    KAHS Superintendent JamieHermann expressed gratitude tothe donors on behalf of the schooldistrict.

    Its our honor to help and oneway we can give back to the com-

    munity, said Gene ChristensenKadoka Branch President ofBankWest.

    Workdays have been scheduledat the sports complex for March 16,17, 22, and 23 for cleanup and re-moving the old scoreboard. Eachday will start at 10 a.m.

    The South Dakota Child Abduc-tion Response Team (CART) partic-ipated in a training exercise onMarch 7, 2013, at Kadoka AreaHigh School, to test and strengthenthe states capabilities. This exer-cise focused on the processing ofvolunteers for searches in missingchildren cases.

    In the case of a missing child,volunteers will arrive to help andthis exercise was used to organizethose spontaneous volunteers in-cluding verifying their identitiesand best opportunity to utilizetheir unique abilities.

    KAHS Senior presented them-selves as potenial volunteers and

    went through the process of regis-tering as a volunteer.

    Our goal is to assemble a groupof volunteers as quickly and effi-cently as possible if there was amissing child, said Dan Satterlee,

    Assistant Director of DCI. And toassist local agencies during thesearch where there is limited lawenforcement available.

    South Dakota CART is com-prised of agencies from state, localand federal agencies whose goal isto be prepared to quickly respondwhen a child is abducted or missingunder suspicious circumstances.

    South Dakota CART partnersinclude the following: AttorneyGenerals Office, Division of Crimi-nal Investigation, FBI, Depart-ment of Public Safety, Hughes andStanley County Emergency Man-

    agement, Lawrence County Sher-iffs Office, Rapid City PoliceDepartment, Pennington CountySheriffs Office, Minnehaha County

    Sheriffs Office and Sioux Falls Po-lice Department. Jackson CountySheriff Ray Clements, Jr., JacksonCounty Deputy Sheriff ChrisKendrick and City of Kadoka Chiefof Police Woody Davis also assistedin the exercise.

    Conducting this type of exerciseprepares the CART team in theevent of an actual emergency of amissing child, Satterlee com-mented. One never knows whenthe team will be dispatched butpreparing prior to the emergency isessential.

    South Dakota CART achievedcertification in 2009 and was the5th team to nationally gain this im-portant status. There are now cur-rently 18 teams certifiednationwide.

    The certification process in-

    cluded a mock child abduction ex-ercise and review of policy andprocedures which was held inPierre.

    --by Robyn Jones

    Jackson County Sports Complex to receive new scoreboard and message board

    CART Ty Merchen (L) completes his personal information and dis-claimer form to registar as a volunteer. --photos by Robyn Jones

    Photograhps were taken of each volunteer in order to make in-dentification cards. Shane Ring (L) has his photo taken during the exer-cise.

    Background searches are performed on all volunteer duringa search and rescue event. Marti Herber (L), Mariah Pierce and KatieLensegrav present their identification cards to the CART team membersfor them to complete a background search on them.

    Superintendent Jamie Hermann, Dan VanderMay KAHS Board President, Gene Christensen Kadoka BranchPresident of BankWest, Marlene Perault of BankWest, Rich and Shawna Bendt of Peoples Market, Mark Carlsonof Discount Fuel and Kadoka Oil, LLC, HS Principal George Sieler. --photos by Robyn Jones

    South Dakota Child Abduction Response Team

    conducts mock exercise at Kadoka High School

    KAHS Board President Dan VanderMay (L) accepts a donation fromGene Christensen and Marlene Perault of BankWest.

    KAHS Board President Dan VanderMay (L) accepts a donation fromMark Carlson of Discount Fuel and Kadoka Oil, LLC.

    KAHS Board President Dan VanderMay (L) accepts a donation fromShawna and Rich Bendt of Peoples Market.

    The Kadoka City Council heldtheir regular monthly meeting onMonday, March 11 with all mem-bers present.

    Minutes from the February 11meeting, bills and financial state-ment were approved as presented.

    A group of citizens addressed thecouncil regarding access of the au-ditorium, stating that people in thecommunity would like to utilize itmore hours.

    Discussion was held on in-stalling a card system on the doorsthat is similar to what motels use.Cards may be issued to individu-als/families to gain access to theauditorium. The cards can be pro-gramed to allow access to the build-ing for certain hours and may bedisabled if there is an event beinghosted in the auditorium.

    Cost for a card system and the

    computer software would be ap-proximately $2,500.Currently keys are issued for ac-

    cess and locating some one with akey is not alway easily done.

    Liability issues, monitoring thebuilding with cameras, and desig-nating time periods for differentages of students was also dis-cussed.

    Limited auditorium use duringthe summer months was also dis-cussed. Council member RyanWillert stated that he had visitedwith Billie Jo Eisenbraun and thefinished that is applied to the flooris an oil based product and requiresfive to six weeks to cure. A waterbased product that does not take aslong to cure has been looked into.

    Bids were opened for Sixth Av-enue projects. The project consistsof paving the section of Sixth Av-enue from Maple Street south toChestnut Street, along the westside of the nursing home.

    The milling project was awardedto Midstates Reclamation.

    The asphalt and paving bid wasawarded to Hills Material.

    Additional asphalt will be usedto patch other streets.

    On behalf of Jackson KadokaEconomic Development Corp.,Rusty Olney addressed the council.

    Olney stated that the corpora-tion has been working hard tomaintain business in Kadoka, aswell as welcoming new businessand promoting Kadoka.

    Olney said the corporation isproposing that the City of Kadokaand Jackson County contribute$5,000 each to provide an operatingof budget. Unfortunately, thecounty does not have funds in theircurrent budget for 2013 but re-quested the corporation to makeanother request to be considered inthe budget process for 2014.

    Following discussion, motioncarried to contribute $5,000.

    Bob Fugate addressed the coun-cil in regards to the sound systemin the auditorium. He stated that a16 channel sound board, a gatorcase, and an audio microphone isneeded.

    Midstates Audio installed thecurrent system and the pricequotes received from them werevery high.

    A price quote received from mus-cianfriends.com was for $900.Lonny Johnston stated he has pur-chased items from them and satis-fied with their products.

    Johnston and Dale Christensenvolunteer to set up the channelboard, which would eliminate thelabor costs.

    Scaffolding to repair the speak-ers will need to be rented from JoeHandrahan in the amount of $450.

    Motion carried to share the costof the equipment and scaffoldingrent with the school.

    After the bids for the fire alarmsystem were received and theywere higher than expected, award-ing the bid was tabled from lastmonth.

    Mayor Weller stated that he hadvisited with the state inspector andthat it was not mandatory to installthe system.

    After much discussion, the coun-cil voted to reject all bids receivedon the fire alarm system.

    The Board of Equalization forthe City of Kadoka will meet onMarch 18 and the next regularmeeting will be April 8.

    City council discusses auditorium access,approves funds for economic development,awards bids for Sixth Avenue project

  • 7/29/2019 Kadoka Press, March 14, 2013


    Kadoka PressUSPS 289340

    Telephone 605-837-2259 PO Box 309, Kadoka, South Dakota 57543-0309

    E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 605-837-2312

    Ravellette Publications, Inc.PO Box 309 Kadoka, SD 57543-0309

    Publisher: Don Ravellette

    Graphic Design/News Writing/Photography: Robyn Jones

    Published each Thursday and Periodicals postage paid at

    Kadoka, Jackson County, South Dakota 57543-0309

    Official Newspaper for the City of Kadoka, the Town of Interior, the Town of Belvidere,

    the Town of Cottonwo od, the County of Jackson and the Kado ka School District #35-2.


    All of Jackson, Haakon, Jones, Mellette and Bennett Counties

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    Church Page March 14, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 2



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    BELVIDERE COMMUNITY CHURCHPastor Gary McCubbin 344-2233

    Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m.Coffee & Donuts: 10:30 a.m.

    Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Sept. - May

    OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC CHURCHFather Bryan Sorensen Kadoka 837-2219

    Mass: Sunday - 11:00 a.m.Confession After Mass

    INTERIOR COMMUNITY CHURCHSunday School: 9:30 a.m. Church: 10:30 a.m.

    EAGLE NEST LIFE CENTERGus Craven Wanblee 462-6002

    Sunday Church: 11:00 a.m.


    (6 mi. north and 3 mi. east of 1880 Town)Rev. Glenn Denke, pastor 605-462-6169

    Sunday Worship--10:00MT/11:00CT



    WIC, Food

    Stamps & EBT

    Phone: 837-2232Monday thru Saturday

    8 AM - 6 PM

    CONCORDIA LUTHERAN Kadoka 837-2390Sunday Services: 10:00 a.m.


    Pastor Frezil WesterlundSunday Services: 5:00 p.m.

    PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHKadoka Pastor Gary McCubbin 837-2233Worship Services: 11:00 a.m.

    Sunday School: Sr. Adults - 9:45 a.m.Sunday School: All Ages - 9:45 a.m., Sept. - May

    Release Time: 2:15 p.m. Wednesdays. Sept. - May


    Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.

    Church Calendar

    Ravellette Publications, Inc.Letters Policy

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    Our deadline for insertion in the Thursday issue is the preceding Monday at5:00 p.m.

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    Monday, March 18EAT AT JIGGERS

    Tuesday, March 19Cider braised pork with oven

    roasted vegetables (potatoes, car-rots, etc.), vegetable salad, dinnerroll, and pudding with vanillawafers.

    Wednesday, March 20Tator tot casserole, baked

    squash, waldorf salad, bread, andpears.Thursday, March 21

    Roast beef, mashed potatoes andgravy, seasoned green beans,bread, and tropical fruit.

    Friday, March 22Chicken noodle soup with veg-

    etables, pacific lime gelatin salad,mixed fruit, and cookie.

    Meals forthe Elderly

    Read Philippians 1:12-18During his confinement in a Roman jail, the apostle

    Paul wrote one of his most upbeat and encouraging let-ters. In this epistle to the church at Philippi, he usedhis less-than-ideal circumstances as an opportunity to

    model the right way to handle conflict and criticism.It is clear from todays passage and other scriptures that Paul had to deal with significant conflict,

    even among members of the church in Rome. Some people were upset that he preached to the Gentilesrather than exclusively to Jews. They also didnt like that he taught salvation by grace and not law. Paulswords reveal that some people were teaching the message with a very different motivation from his own.

    Notice that he responded with a positive attitude. The tenor of his letter is one of encouragement andresolve. He did not lash out at his critics. Nor did he defend himself personally. He defended his message,the true gospel, but he did so in love and without harshness.

    Paul stressed the bright side. He rejoiced because, whether the motive was sincerity or envy, JesusChrist was being proclaimed, and the true gospel message was spreading. He was so concerned for thesouls of others that he responded out of selflessness rather than selfishness.

    Ask God to help you stay the course the way Paul dideven when your situation may involve contro-versy and criticism. The prison guards learned about the gospel from the jailed apostle. Your words andbehavior can likewise reflect Christ to unbelievers you encounter.

    Handling Conflict and Criticism

    Inspiration Point

    The Black Hills Gospel Quartetwill be performing at the Presbyte-rian Church in Kadoka on Sunday,

    March 11 at the 11:00 a.m. worshipservice. There will be a potluck din-ner following the concert. Everyoneis invited to attend the concert andthe potluck dinner.

    The Black Hills Gospel Quartethas performed in nine states andhas been singing together for over22 years. Their concert consists ofSouthern Gospel music with a spe-cial emphasis on old fashionedtraditional Christian music. This isan interdenominational group andall the proceeds are used for traveland production expenses. A freewill offering will be taken.

    If you have any questions aboutthe Black Hills Gospel Quartet,please call Pastor Gary McCubbinat the church 837-2233 or at home837-2485.

    Black Hills GospelQuartet to performin Kadoka March 11

    News Briefs Free Federal Tax returnpreparation is available at theJackson County Library,Kadoka. Returns for low andmiddle income taxpayers of allages are prepared. Call Deb

    Moor 837-2689 at the libraryfor an appointment, or Bob Mc-Daniel 605-859-2227 (Philip)for information.

    Kadoka City Council Meet-ing Monday, March 11, 7:00p.m., in the finance office.

    The Jackson County Li-brary (JCL) reading grouppresents the book, Life on theFarm & Ranch a collectionof stories and personal anec-dotes from several SouthDakota authors. Pick up yourbook for the discussion on Sun-day, April 7 @ 2:00 p.m. atJackson Co. Library.

    Notice: Think, Drive, & StayAlive program wil l be held onTuesday, March 19 in Pierre.Kadoka students will be leav-ing at 6:30 a.m. from theschool.

    Sports complex clean up:Friday, March 15; Saturday,March 16; Friday, March 22;Saturday, March 23. Each daystarting at 10 a.m.

    Democratic Caucus from the firstday of Session right down to thelast important days when fundingdecisions were made. Public educa-tion is the most important invest-ment we can make for the citizensof South Dakota. A few of the spe-cific bills which impact educationfunding include SB 194 which willextend the sunset date for use ofcapital outlay funds for other al-lowable expenses. Currently 102 ofour 151 school districts use this

    type of flexibility.HB1137 has passed and pro-

    vides $5.8 million dollars to schoolsfor the current fiscal year. Thisequates to about $45 per student.These funds will be distributed toschools before June 30, 2013. Thebill also provides $200,000 for post-secondary career and technical ed-ucation programs . All the fundingin this bill is for the current fiscalyear. While the $5.8 still falls shortof where we need funding to be, itis a step in the right direction.

    There were many attempts toimprove the funding formula, rightdown to the last Amendment of-fered by Democrats on the budget.It was late on Friday night of thelast day when the General FundingBill passed. Regrettably, only theoriginal 3.0% requested in the Gov-ernors budget was approved. This3.0% increase raises the funding

    formula from $4,491 to $4,625 foran increase of $134 per student.(Inflation was actually 3.2% butthe law says 3% or the rate of infla-tion, whichever is less). To put theamount in perspective, the 2008-09per student allocation was $4,642so the FY14 amount is $17 less perstudent than five years ago! We canand must do better for our stu-dents!

    Knowing that agriculture is ourstates #1 industry with $20.9 bil-lion dollars in annual economic im-pact, it is no surprise that anumber of agriculture issues domi-nated the 2013 Legislative Session.Senate Bill 195 had tremendous bi-partisan support and will provideeconomic development by adjustingthe taxes paid by wind generatingfacilities. This is an interestingconcept where we can reduce theupfront contractors excise and

    sales taxes in the form of a rebatefor new wind generation. Alongwith this rebate, the bill will reducethe tax break on gross receiptstaxes and accelerate the paymentof those taxes to county, school dis-trict, and the state.

    We passed House Bill 1066 topermanently expand the gross re-ceipts tax for tourism. The TourismTax is a 1.5 cent sales tax on pur-chases made at visitor intensivebusinesses that generate most oftheir money in June, July, August,and September. Visitor intensivebusinesses collect the tourism taxduring these four summer months.Other industries such as lodgingestablishments, campgrounds,motor vehicle rentals, visitor at-tractions, recreational equipmentrentals, recreational services, andspectator events collect and pay onthe gross receipts the entire year.

    The Governor has recommendeda Task Force to continue to studyMedicaid Expansion. While we hadhoped we could follow the exampleof so many other states and settlethis issue during the Session, wecontinue to hope that this worthyprogram will be expanded. Wewould be bringing in close to $200million federal dollars to SD to carefor those in need, make our citizenshealthier, and keep them out ofmore expensive emergency care.

    It has been an honor to serveDistrict 27 in the 2013 Session.

    I invite you to contact me withyour questions and concerns. I maybe reached at 605-685-4241 [email protected].

    The 2013 Legislative Sessionhas recessed until March 25 whenlegislators will come together toconsider any legislation which maybe vetoed by the Governor. Thisfinal week of regular Session wasconsumed with concurrence or con-ference committees on certainpieces of legislation when theHouse and Senate needed to ironout differences between the twobodies. Appropriators had a busyweek as final revenue projections

    were adopted and the final deter-minations of expenditures were de-termined. Over 70 differentamendments were made to theGeneral Funding Bill and each hadto get an Aye or Nay from Ap-propriators before the final budgetcould be adopted.

    The first part of the Session wasdominated by discussions of theCriminal Justice Initiative. Thelaw has already been signed andwe hope that this will unfold aspredicted to work towards rehabil-itation rather than incarceration. Iwas involved in this legislationfrom start to finish as I served onthe Task Force which studied theissue last summer. Its a step in theright direction and Im proud thatI was a part of its adoption.

    What could be described as thePeoples Economic DevelopmentBill took the form of Senate Bill

    235 and passed by wide margins inboth the House and Senate. Whenthe people spoke in last Novem-bers election and defeated 1230, adetermined group of legislativeleaders collaborated to design anew approach to economic develop-ment which could benefit commu-nities of all sizes. Building SD isa re-engineered economic develop-ment tool, and creates a new ap-proach compared to the REDI andFuture Funds which were createdin 1987.

    Legislators created SB235 withthe realization that each commu-nity faces obstacles such as afford-able housing and roadimprovements which are vital insupport of economic growth.Schools too often need supportwhen development means addingESL students (English as a SecondLanguage).

    SB235 now incorporates thatgoal as well as job-related pro-grams in local schools. There willstill be tax breaks to help in-statecompanies to grow or out-of-statecompanies to relocate. In addition,Building SD reminds us thatbuilding business means buildingcommunities where business canprosper.

    One of the important changes inthis approach to economic develop-ment is the guarantee that nomoney will go into the program ifthe regular General Fund expendi-tures are not funded first. Thismeans that the per student alloca-tion to schools, Medicaid providers,and state employees must be pro-vided before any revenue wouldshift from the General Fund to at-tracting new companies.

    Providing adequate funding foreducation was a primary goal of the

    From Senator Jim Bradford

    It is with great sorrow that ourFr. Reuben Valades passed away onTuesday, March 5, 2013, at the VA-BHHCS in Ft. Meade, S.D.

    Fr. Reuben was born on Septem-ber 26, 1929, to Catarino and An-drea (Uvalle) Valades in Edgemont.

    Fr. Reuben graduated salutato-rian in his class of 1947. He thenworked in Wades Grocery Storeand in the Southern Hills Bank

    from 1949 to 1952. He served hiscountry in the Korean War from1952 to 1954.

    When he returned from theArmy, he attended Chadron StateCollege from 1955 to 1957. He thengraduated from Black Hill StateUniversity with a bachelor of sci-ence in education degree in 1959.He taught conversational Spanishfor one year in Lead and taughtfreshman and sophomore Englishat Provo High School in Igloo forthree years.

    In 1963, Fr. Reuben attended St.Marys College in St. Mary, Ky.,where he did his undergraduatestudies for the priesthood. From1966 to 1970, he attended Immac-ulate Conception Seminary in Con-ception, Mo.

    Fr. Reuben was ordained June 8,1970, by the late Bishop Harold J.Dimmerling. His first assignment

    was as an associate pastor at theCathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual

    Help in Rapid City.In 1973 to 1981, he was assigned

    to Sacred Heart Church in Philip,St. Marys Church in Milesville andSt. William in Midland.

    He also worked with the HaakonCounty Alcohol Center, the Alco-holics Anonymous and Alanon

    groups, Meals on Wheels, andHaakon County Area Right to Life.In addition, he served as a hospitalchaplain and was a member of thePhilip Ministerial Association.

    From 1981 to 1986, he was as-signed to Christ the King Churchin Presho. In July, 1986, he was as-signed to St. Josephs Church inGregory and in 1990, Sacred HeartChurch in Burke was added to hismission. In 1992, he was assignedto New Underwood and Lakeside.He retired from that parish in1999.

    Fr. Reuben will also be remem-bered by his love for music, espe-cially the guitar which he masteredand the song he wrote titled,Walking Down Those Forty Daysof Lent.

    In addition to his many friendsthat he served as their parishpriest, he leaves one brother, Sal-vador (Chuck), Sturgis; one sister,Inez Martinez, Chadron, Neb.; andnumerous nephews and nieces andtheir families.

    His father and mother, a sisterAlice Gnojek and three brothers,Catarino, Jr., Vincent F. andGabriel preceded him in this jour-ney.

    The family also remembers Sis-ter Agnes Holzapfel, a longtimecompanion, and also his loyal dog,Benji, who also preceded him indeath.

    A Christian wake service withRosary was held on Thursday,March 7, at the Cathedral of OurLady of Perpetual Help. Mass ofChristian burial was celebrated onMarch 8 at the Cathedral of OurLady of Perpetual Help with theMost Rev. Robert D. Gruss presid-ing and other priests of the dioceseconcelebrating.

    A memorial has been estab-


    Father Reuben Valades_____________

    and to approve bonds for lease pur-chase agreements with WesternDakota Technical Institute andSoutheast Technical Institute.

    HB 1234 provides a limited ex-ception to the provisions that ex-empt sport shooting ranges fromthe public nuisance laws and to de-clare an emergency.

    SB 166 extends the number ofyears that permits to carry a con-cealed weapon are valid from fouryears to five years.

    SB 106 prohibiting minors fromusing wireless communication de-vices while operating motor vehi-cles upon the public highways wasamended to make it a secondary of-fense.

    SB 59 prohibits the disposal ofoil and gas field wastes unless itcomes from energy developmentwithin South Dakota.

    SB 194 extends the sunset datefor expenditures from a school dis-trict's capital outlay fund.SB 151 clarifies the maintenanceresponsibilities on unimproved sec-tion lines.

    SB 28 revises the property taxlevies for the general fund of aschool district.

    SB 235 creates the buildingSouth Dakota fund, deposits moneyinto the building South Dakotafund, creates programs and fundsto enhance economic development,

    makes continuous appropriationsto these funds, provides reinvest-ment payments to stimulate eco-nomic development andinvestment, revises the state aid togeneral education formula by in-cluding an adjustment for studentswith limited English proficiency,and to declare an emergency.SB 195 establishes incentives forwind energy facilities, revises theamount that may be rebated for thegross receipts tax on electricity pro-duced on wind farms, provides apenalty for filing a false affidavit,and makes a continuous appropri-ation.

    SB 233 creates the critical teach-ing needs scholarship program andmakes an appropriation to the ed-ucation enhancement trust fund toprovide for the annual funding ofthe scholarships.

    SB 237 to appropriate funds for

    deposit into the need-based grantfund, to provide for annual fundingof the need-based grant fund witha portion of the funds received fromthe education enhancement trustfund, and to declare an emergency.SB 39 to establish a penalty for a

    juvenile convicted as an adult of aClass A or B felony and allowing asentence of up to life imprisonmentafter a sentencing hearing.

    This link will let you check onthe final disposition of all legisla-tion: http://legis.state.sd.us/

    The legislature spent all daydealing with amendments to SB90, which is the General Appropri-ations bill. SB 90 revises the Gen-eral Appropriations Act for fiscalyear 2013, provides funding for theincreased costs associated with theemployee health insurance and in-ternal service bureaus, and de-clares an emergency. After a longdiscussion, the House passed SB 90and sent it on to the Senate. I andthirteen other legislators did not

    vote for the G bill. Among a few ofthe problems was the increase in150 new state employee's for vari-ous agency's. I strongly oppose anyfurther expansion of government ina time of such uncertanity. Educa-tion still is $17.00 per student allo-cation below where it was when thecuts were made. My suggestions onextra funding being sent back tothe counties for education and in-frastucture fell on deft ears. Theone thing I can assure everyone,Sioux Falls and Rapid City will bein a great position for using "TheBuild South Dakota Fund" to fur-ther economic developement. TheSenate also had long discussionsbefore they passed the G bill atmidnight. Needless to say, most ofus spent what was left of the nightin Pierre and drove home on Satur-day.

    These are some of the bills the

    legislature sent to the governorthis week:

    HB 1050 to make an appropria-tion for costs related to the sup-pression of mountain pine beetles,to establish a cost share programwith the counties in the state, andto declare an emergency.

    HB 1122 revises requirementsrelating to health insurance plansfor county officers and employees.

    HB 1137 impacts education inSouth Dakota, makes an appropri-ation, and declares an emergency.

    HB 1164 establishes a classroominnovation grant program andmakes an appropriation.

    HB 1165 revises provisions con-cerning the agricultural land taskforce.

    HB 1168 to allow predator con-trol boards to increase levies to payfor predator control if approved bya majority of the livestock produc-

    ers within the district.HB 1184 appropriates 4 milliondollars to the Department of Game,Fish and Parks to fund improve-ments to the state park system.

    HB 1126 revises the massagetherapy licensing requirements.

    HB 1144 permits the euthaniza-tion of wildlife seriously injured inmotor vehicle accidents.

    HB 1098 requires the Legisla-ture to approve bonds for lease pur-chase agreements with the fourpostsecondary technical institutes,

    From Representative Liz May

  • 7/29/2019 Kadoka Press, March 14, 2013


    Belvidere News March 14, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 3

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    The Belvidere Store reopenedthis week under the new ownershipof John and Jo Rodgers. A load ofgas was delivered on Wednesday,and John said they wont be offer-ing premium gas but will insteadhave diesel fuel available at all thepumps. Ronda Dennis will be themanager. On Sunday, Jory Rodgers

    was running the cash register, andhis dad, John, was playing cribbagenearby with Casey Jensen. TheBelvidere Store has historicallybeen a hotbed of cribbage activity,and that has apparently notchanged. Although they have donequite a bit of renovation, the workcontinues.

    Jory said he was tired on Sun-day since hed spent all day Satur-day at the regional AAU wrestlingmeet in Rapid City. He placed sec-ond in that event which entitleshim to participate in the state tour-nament in Brookings in two weeks.High-school wrestling is over forthe season, but AAU wrestling is

    just finishing up. Jory will be intrack after that where he hopes toparticipate in discus and shot put.

    Mary Johnston recently re-turned from a trip that took her tovisit sisters in Minnesota and Ore-gon. Her son, Larry, took her toPipestone, MN, on Feb. 19 whereher sister, Lela, picked her up andtook her to her home at Milaca.

    Various relatives and friends werevisited in Milaca. On the 26th,Mary and Lela flew to Oregonwhere they were met by a nephewand taken to their sister, Sharons,in Salem. Sharon isnt in very goodhealth and wasnt able to meet thegals herself. The stay there lasteduntil Saturday when a flight wascaught to Minneapolis where theywere met by Lelas daughter. Maryreturned home on the 2nd. Lelatook her to Pipestone again whereher son, Lonny, picked her up andbrought her the rest of the wayhome. She might have come homea bit sooner except for being de-layed by seven inches of snow ontop of snow banks that were al-ready there. Mary had a good tripand enjoyed seeing her sisters but

    is also glad to be home.Betty Kusick was visited by Joe

    Livermont on Thursday morning.They fiddled with the computer Joegave Betty a while ago that Bettyuses for playing games. That after-noon, Betty went to Kadoka to visitBunny Green who recently movedto the nursing home from Ft. Pierrewhere she had been staying withher granddaughter. Bunny is inroom 3 and is a roommate to MickiWord. When Betty left, Bunny toldher to get back up there before longsince they werent done visitingand hadnt completely caught up

    just yet. Bunny is very pleased tobe back in the area and with thecare she is getting at the nursinghome. Rev. McCubbin said that,when he visited her, she praisedthe nursing home so pointedly thatshe almost convinced him heshould check himself in.

    Greg and Martin Badure cele-brated birthdays a week ago. ThisFriday was Danas. She celebratedwith a trip to visit Paula Vogelsangover past Wanblee. Paula has beenbusy helping with calving, but shehad time to fix dinner for Dana andkids and also make a birthdaycake. The kids enjoyed gatheringeggs in the chicken house andfound forty or more eggs.

    Kenny and Roxie Fox were vis-ited by Mark Eickman of Salem

    this week. Mark is a lineman, andenjoys doing a bit of coyote huntingfrom time to time. A while ago, hebuilt a cabin at Foxs that he madeout of the large wooden reels thatelectrical wire comes on. It hasbunk beds and is quite nice. It nat-urally has electric heat.

    Eve Fortune said they are

    mostly staying close to home andcalving. She is excited about thepossibility of working at theKadoka library on Saturdays tohelp out librarian, Debra Moor.

    Bud and Valene Perault hadsupper on Sunday at Mike andMarlene Peraults. Marlene wasplanning to give Bud a haircut thatevening since she is in the habit ofgiving her menfolk haircuts whenthey need them. That would in-clude Mike and Bert and used toinclude her dad, Leonard Carlson.Marlene said her mom, LillianCarlson, is doing very well aftergetting her heart beating correctlyagain. That was accomplished inSioux Falls at the Heart Hospitaland was done there because Mar-lenes daughter, Coleen, worksthere. Lillian recuperated at homeall week and was thinking of goingback to her child-care work onMonday since she has been doingthat practically all her life. Shesaid she was getting bored being athome alone and missed the kids.Lillian was taken to Sioux Falls byher daughter, Lesa, and picked upthere by Marlene.

    Bonenbergers are about donewith calving. Brett said they onlyhave a handful left. That shouldgive them the freedom to celebrateMaKaylans birthday next weekendwith a trip to Rapid City.

    Jodie OBryan went to RapidCity on Sunday to get her grand-son, JD, started on celebrating hisseventh birthday which was actu-ally on Monday. Jodie and JDpalled around having lunch, shop-ping at Runnings, and playinggames. They later had bananasplits at the truck stop where theywere joined by JDs mom, Faye,and his other two siblings. Scotwasnt able to go along to Rapid

    City since calving is in full swing attheir place. He, however, has beenable to get in a lot of visiting withseveral guys that have come tohave their horses shod. Jodie sayswhen Tater and Todd Ward camefrom Eagle Butte, Scot would puton one shoe and then he and Taterwould exchange stories of theirsaddle-bronc riding days. Jodie hasalso coached a Ward daughter inbarrel racing who won a worldchampionship in that event at Las

    Vegas. Another rodeo friend camefrom Nebraska to have Scot shoesome of his horses. Jodie said sheis extremely happy to be back toriding horses. She has been recov-ering from broken ribs and otherinjuries she suffered recently in abarrel-racing fall and hasnt beenable to ride for a while. She did alot of beading during that time andis still doing quite a bit of it since

    she has orders to fill. Jodie wasalso happy to talk to her son,Scotty, on the phone on Sunday andfind he has received a promotion atwork. He works for a longhorn jour-nal there in Texas and is moving upin the organization.

    Rick and Ronda Dennis hadtheir grandchildren, Carter andTaya Iverson, come and stay for afew days. Carter and Taya were en-

    joying their Spring break fromschool.

    Last Saturday was a bad day forcooking. Three of us had problemsthat day for no good reason exceptthat it was obviously a poor day forcooking.

    Take Ruth, for example. Shehad recently acquired some flutedmetal forms for making edibleshells out of tortillas. You fre-quently see these shells in Mexi-can restaurants and may get yoursalad served in one. Anyway, Ruthcarefully followed the instructionsas to oven temperature and bakingtime only to come up with burntshells. She was not pleased buttried again. This time she kept aclose eye on things and got an ac-ceptable product, but the first at-tempt was a no-go.

    Marie also encountered prob-lems. She was trying to make acake that starts with a mix from abox but is fancied up with the ad-dition of coconut and other goodies.Well, Marie is an excellent cook.

    Ask anyone, and they will say it isso. She, however, suspected earlyon that things were not as theyshould be. She has made thisdessert many times, and the batterseemed somewhat stringy and not

    quite right. Nevertheless, shethrew the mixture into a pan andbaked it, but it came out very flat.It didnt rise like it was supposedto so, with disgust, it got itselfthrown in the garbage for misbe-havior. I might have just frosted itand relabeled it as bars instead ofas a cake, but Marie was frus-trated with the whole business anddecided to give it up for the timebeing. She could always try againanother day.

    I, too, did not have much luck inthe kitchen. I was trying to decidewhat to make for the coffee timeafter church the next day andcouldnt make up my mind. Noth-ing sounded good. Wife Corinnesaw me shuffling through recipesand looking perplexed so she men-tioned that shed seen some maplerecipes in her Good Old Daysmagazine. She produced that mag-

    azine, and the one for maplemuffins looked interesting. I de-cided to give it a try, especiallysince I happened to have somemaple syrup on hand.

    This was not a complicatedrecipe, and I followed it explicitlywith careful measurement of in-gredients and procedure. Aftereverything was in the mix andstirred up, I realized I had a prob-lem. The batter was not nearly liq-uid enough to spoon into muffincups. I would have had to roll itinto balls or something to get itinto the paper liners. Well, in thepast when making muffins out of a

    non-calorie sweetener calledSplenda, Ive had to add extra milksince Splenda makes dough quitesticky. That had worked before sowhy not try it again? I had to usea lot of milk to get the batter right,but finally it was ready to bake.The streusel topping was also afrustration since what the recipecalled for made way too much of it.There wasnt room in the top of thecups for it all. No matter. Use whatyou need and stuff the rest in therefrigerator for possible later useor for throwing out if no good useever presented itself.

    I was pleased a bit later to seethat the muffins were getting niceand high in the oven and lookingquite good. Maybe Id pulled it off.Well, although those muffins werepretty and probably nutritious andall, they had almost no noticeableflavor. They were okay with lash-ings of butter, but by themselvesthey were dull. Corinne and Icould discern no maple flavorwhatsoever. I took them to churchanyway with a certain amount ofdisgust, and people ate them. I did-nt actually see anyone come backfor seconds, but neither did I see

    any in the trash can. I did almostmake Fayola choke when I saw hereating one and told her that, al-though the muffins were nice look-ing, it was a pity they had no taste.She guffawed but said they werentall that bad, bless her heart.

    There are days, apparently, thatjust arent suited for certain activ-ities. Ranchers and farmers know,for instance, that animals arenervous and hard to deal with ifthere is unsettled weather or astorm moving in. Fishermen knowthat certain weather conditionsmake it so fish will absolutely notbite no matter what you temptthem with. You cant always tellahead of time what jobs or activi-ties are suitable for certain days,but you will find out soon enoughwhen you try doing them. Like Isaid, last Saturday was a poor dayfor cooking. Come to think of it,

    Tuesday wasnt much good fordoing bookwork either. Figureswouldnt add up that afternoon.

    So when you find a day simplyisnt suitable for what you hope toaccomplish, you can do as somekids did on a TV show son Chancewas watching the other day. One ofthe kids said, Everyone in favor ofdoing nothing all day, say Aye.Everyone said, Aye, albeit some-what phlegmatically. Some days, Isuspect, are just best for doing ab-solutely nothing at all and simplyhoping tomorrow will be better.Hope youre having a good day. Ifnot, theres always tomorrow.

    Good Days and Bad

    Lookin Aroundby Syd Iwan

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    You cannot succeed by yourself.Its hard to find a rich hermit.

    The Township Annual meetingwas held on Tuesday, March 5.

    Norris Township held theirmeeting at the Township Hall inthe afternoon so Dan Taft couldkeep an appointment in Martin

    later that same day. Officers werere-elected and bills paid and busi-ness was discussed as usual. Roadsare always discussed and insulat-ing the hall was the biggest accom-plishment for the year.

    The last one out of town shut offthe lights on Tuesday night as thewhole community set out for the re-gional basketball game at Wall.White River played Oelriches to astanding room only crowd. It waspacked with people standing in thecorners and everywhere but underthe basketball hoops. Congratula-tions to the White River Tigers asthey are once again headed to theState B Boys Basketball Tourna-ment in Aberdeen. The cheerlead-ers and team are a wonderfulbunch of kids! If you want to seeteam action, they are it. Whoever ishot at the time gets the ball. Wehave been to all the games closethis year and as high as the scoreoften was; we came home wonder-ing who was high point man, thatis team play.

    Team play is the best teacher oflife itself and how you find yourplace in it. Those guys and theircoaches are friends, a team, a fam-ily and winners. They have workedextremely hard and seen trials, in-

    jury, losses, wins and the pure joyof doing what they do best for thesake of others and come up with agrin on their face. It not only winsgames, but is a thrill to watch.

    White River will play Langfordat noon on Thursday in the firstround of tournament play. You canbe sure that those of us here athome will be cheering in the livingroom. We are very proud of all ofyou.

    Patrick Allard of Rapid City vis-ited his grandmother, Maxine Al-lard, on Wednesday and spent the

    night. June Ring was also a lunchguest of Maxine that day.

    Norris School News: No schoolon Thursday, March 14 so folks inthe district can get to Aberdeen andsupport the White River team atthe state tournament.

    Saturday night the JasonBurma family arrived in Norris to

    spend Spring break from SunshineBible Academy. The Burmas spentFriday night at the Paul Beckwithhome in Pierre.

    Saturday, Jace and Jade wres-tled in the AAU Regionals inPierre, Jace got fifth and Jade re-ceived second place. Jason was wel-comed home by his first new calf of

    the season.The Burmas and Andee Beck-with were Sunday dinner guests atthe James Letelliers. Julie Letel-lier started out on Sunday, butturned back due to the bad roadsfrom Saturdays winter storm. Wegot snow on Saturday, too but noth-ing like the foot of snow in ToddCounty and down in Nebraska.

    The Lenten Services are held atSt. John Lutheran Church eachWednesday evening at 6:00 p.m.CDT with a soup supper to follow.Last week soup servers were NetteHeinert and Carol Ferguson.Everyone is welcome.

    The new Norris Post Officehours are now in effect. The win-dow service is open mornings onlyfrom 8:30 a.m. CST until 12:30p.m. CST and the lobby will beopen in the afternoons during theweek. Saturday hours will remainas usual.

    Samantha Taft of USD and herfriend, Darcy, of Sioux Falls cameto the parental Dan Taft home forthe weekend. The gals started backon Saturday, but after sliding inthe ditch by Mission decided toturn back and go on Sunday.

    Ed and Carol Ferguson attendeda band concert in Rapid City onSaturday in which their grand-daughter Moya Brickman playedthe clairnet. Their other grand-daughter Kaitlyn Ferguson re-turned home with them to spend afew days at Norris.

    Ed, Carol, Kaitlyn and JesseFerguson were guests at the PeteFerguson home on Sunday after-noon to help Marla celebrate herbirthday.

    Monday afternoon, Carol Fergu-son and Kaitlyn visited Irene Kauf-man in Valentine, Nebraska.

    Pastor Denke of St. John

    Lutheran Church at Norris willhave TVs set up in the church base-ment for your viewing pleasure ofall three classes of the state tour-naments again this year. Hopefullyonly the sound of one will be turnedup. Come and enjoy the games withfriends. Bring your own munchies.

    Have a great week!

    Belvidere StoreNOWOPEN


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    New inventory arriving weekly.


    The coffe pot is on!Under the new ownership of John & Jo Rodgers

  • 7/29/2019 Kadoka Press, March 14, 2013


    Locals March 14, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 4

    Local NewsSydne Lenox

    Legends by themselves, singingeveryone's Beatle favorites - SheLoves You, Love Me Do, I Get ByWith A Little Help From MyFriends.

    The second half of the perform-ance will feature Kadokas veryown local music students backingup the Beatles. This is an excitingmusical opportunity for the stu-dents. Part of the proceeds from theperformance comes back to our

    music department.Ticket are available at HogensHardware.

    Come support the music pro-gram and enjoy a Magical MysteryTour -- right here in Kadoka!

    On Sun., March 17, the Grammyaward winning Beatles tributeband, Liverpool Legends, will beperforming in Kadoka!

    The group, presented by LouiseHarrison, sister of Beatle GeorgeHarrison, is a popular Branson,MO, group in the summer months.During the school year, they travelthe United States performing con-certs in communities, helping toraise money for music education in

    local school districts. The KadokaArea School District has the privi-lege of being their 3rd SouthDakota performance.

    The first half of the of the per-formance will feature Liverpool

    Liverpool Legends to perform in Kadoka

    Judy Livermonts Milestone Birthday

    on March 12, 2013

    Cards may be sent to21490 Craven Road

    Interior, SD 57750

    Happy Birthday

    from your loving family.

    We love you!

    We are excited to say,a baby girl is on the way!

    Join us for a baby shower forBaby Girl Magelky

    Daughter of Kipp & JessicaDue to arrive on May 19, 2013

    Sunday, March 17 2 to 4 p.m.Kadoka School Great Hall

    March 7, 2013

    Starting a year

    long trip down

    Route 66

    Love, Your Family

    Bonnie (Briggs) Riggins is recov-ering from lung surgery at RapidCity Regional Hospital. She hadher surgery on Wednesday, March6 and spent several days in ICU.Cards can reach her at the hospitalor at her home in Kadoka.

    Kenny and Cindy Wilmarth at-tended the Jeff Dunham show in

    Rapid City on Thursday evening.He is a comedian and they said theshow was great. On Saturday theyattended the Region AAUWrestling Tournament in RapidCity where three of their grandsonsparticipated. Cedar Amiotte tookfirst place in his weight class, andhis brothers, Younger and Bridger,took second place in their weightclasses. They will all go to the statetournament in Brookings on March22 and 23.

    Mitchell Moor of Pierre spentthe weekend visiting at the home ofhis parents, Deb and Marvin Moor.He returned to his home and job onSunday.

    Allen and Betty Berry wereguests of honor at a birthday partyon Sunday. They were joined at thesit-down dinner by about 35 rela-tives and guests at the Gateway

    Apartments Community Room.Bettys birthday was March 10 and

    Allens was March 11.Sheryl Bouman had hernia sur-

    gery at Rapid City Regional on

    Wednesday, March 6. Bill broughther home on Saturday and she isdoing okay.

    Tom and Jodie Struble of Philipentertained his parents, Muree andLes Struble, for supper at JiggersRestaurant on Monday, March 4.The occasion was Les and Murees67th wedding anniversary. Con-

    gratulations to the Strubles.Oliver Willert is a new residentat the Kadoka Nursing Home as oflast week. He had previously beenliving in an apartment at the Gate-way Apartments.

    Checked the pro rodeo resultsand saw where Louie Brunson tiedfor 6th place at the Arcadia All-Florida Championship Rodeo heldon March 8-10. His score was 84and he won $434. He also placed inthe Rodeo Austin event which isnow in progress in the first roundgot an 83 which was good for sec-ond place.

    American Legion Auxiliary willmeet for its March meeting onThursday the 14th at 7 p.m. Thecandidates for Girls State will be atthe meeting that night and mem-bers are urged to attend for the se-lection of who will go this year.Girls State will be held the end ofMay and first part of June this yearin Vermillion. The meeting will beheld at the Community Room atthe Gateway Apartments.

















    Jami and Tyce Gropper

    Ian and Michelle VanderMayEmelia and Dave VanderMay

    Family night at Long Valley School was held onThursday, March 7. Each classroom had math and science activities forthe students and their parents. David (R) and Reece Ohrtman competeagainst each other on the computer in math. --courtesy photos

    Long Valley School hosts family night

    If you would like to share stories or

    pictures, please email them to the

    Kadoka Press.

    [email protected]

    Friday, March 15Open House

    9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.Serving Coffee & Cookies

    Appreciate you business over the years!Debbie, Jim, Ashlee, Whitney &Emmylu

    920 Main StreetKadoka, SD837-2276

    Sign up for Drawings!SALE One Day Only!20% OFF all Yankee Candles

    25% OFF new line ofPurses & Flip Flops

    10 Yankee Scent Melters $15(Reg. $1.99 each)

    25% OFF Easter Decor

    Stop in and check it out!Flowers, Plants, Rugs, Candy, & CappuccinosPocketful of Posies

    Celebrating 20 yearsin business!

    KCBA Easter Egg HuntSat., March 23 at 10 a.m.

    Kadoka City Parkor alternate location, see sign on Main Street

    All kids 10 & under are welcome!



    Put-Put Golf

    Fri., March 15 at 7 p.m.

    Test your luck!

    Club 27Kadoka 837-2241

    Prime Rib Special

    & Salad Bar

    Test your luck!

    Put-Put Golf

    Fri., March 15 at 7 p.m.

    St. Patricks Day

    Sat., March 16 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.

    Celebration!Dance to

    Highway 59

    Friday & Saturday Night

  • 7/29/2019 Kadoka Press, March 14, 2013


    Community March 14, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 5

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    Kadoka Oil Co.Kadoka, SD


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    615 Poplar St. Kadoka, SD 57543

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    Craig cell 605-390-8087Sauntee cell 605-390-8604

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    B.L. PORCHVeterinarian




    Divisions of RavellettePublications, Inc.:Kadoka Press: 837-2259

    Pioneer Review: 859-2516

    The Profit: 859-2516

    Pennington Co. Courant: 279-2565

    New Underwood Post: 754-6466

    Faith Independent: 967-2161

    Bison Courier: 244-7199

    Murdo Coyote: 669-2271

    Kadoka Clinic & Lab601 Chestnut

    Kadoka, SD 57543-0640

    Fax: 837-2061 Ph: 837-2257

    MONDAYDave Webb, PA-C

    TUESDAYDave Webb, PA-C

    Wednesday - CLOSED

    Please call Philip Clinic800-439-8047THURSDAY

    Dr. David HolmanFRIDAY

    Dr. Coen Klopper

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    605-837-2077 home605-488-0846 cell


    Kay RecklingIndependent Norwex Consultant

    605-391-3097 [email protected]

    Benefit Auction ForRodeo Bible Camp

    Badlands Chapter Kadoka, SD

    Sunday, March 17 4 p.m.at the Belvidere Fellowship Hall

    Benefit auction will begin at 4 p.m.

    along with a soup and sandwich supper.Auction Items:

    Leather Items, Artwork,Bull Certificates, Antiques, GiftBaskets, Horse Tack, Baked &

    Food Items & More

    If you would like to donate items for

    the auction, please contactFrancie Davis at 605-920-8484

    or Chuck Willard 605-344-2576

    Long Valley/Midland boys basketball team Backrow (L-R): Carson Good, Tel VanderMay, Torry Rattling Leaf, Dan'Te Sit-ting Up, Brandon McLaughlin. Front row: Reed Ohrtman, Dawson Reck-ling, Denton Good, Cash Block, Dylan VanderMay. Not pictured: CoachesMatt VanderMay and Roger Dale. --photo by Valerie Ohrtman

    AAU Regional Wrestling washeld in Rapid City on Saturday,March 2.

    Geoffrey DeVries 1st placePaul Smiley 3rd place

    Jory Rodgers 2nd place

    Dalton Porch 2nd placeJyntre Coller 2nd place

    Greyson DeVries 6th placeJadyn Coller 1st place

    Gus Stout 6th placeMason Stilwell 6th placePeyton Porch 1st place

    State AAU Wrestling will beheld in Brookings on Saturday,March 23

    District correction: Gus Stout re-cieved 4th place and was not elim-inated. --photos by Heidi Coller

    AAU Regional Wreslting action and results

    Dalton Porch

    Greyson DeVries

    Mason Stilwell

    Gus Stout

    Jadyn Coller

    Jyntre Coller

    Richard Lamont

  • 7/29/2019 Kadoka Press, March 14, 2013


    Public Notices March 14, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 6



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    Friday atNOON!

    Town of BelvidereRegular Meeting

    February 11, 2013

    A motion was made by Rudy Reimann tocall the meeting to order. Wayne Hind-man seconded the motion. The followingpeople were present: Rudy Reimann,Wayne Hindman, John Rodgers, and JoRodgers.

    NEW BUSINESS:Minutes from the January 7, 2013 meet-ing were read. With there being no cor-rections, a motion was made by Rudy

    Reimann and seconded by Wayne Hind-man to accept the minutes as read.

    NEW BUSINESS:Jo informed the council that the checksent to the South Dakota Department ofRevenue was not the correct amount.Another check for the amount differencewill be sent this month.

    The Municipal Liquor License Agreementwith John Rodgers is due for renewal atthe March meeting.

    The Town of Belvidere will once againnot participate in the Opting Out optionfor creating more revenue through extrataxation.

    John Rodgers will be gathering informa-tion on the cost of putting more securitylights on the North end of town.

    The local equalization board will bemeeting the week of March 18, 2013.Any town citizen wanting to object to theirproperty tax will need to have the papers

    into the city office by Friday March 15,2013.

    BILLS APPROVED AND PAID:Golden West, phone

    & internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104.44

    Jo Manke-Rodgers, wages . . . .73.88Kadoka Press,

    publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62.17SD Public Assurance,

    insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,675.40SD Dept. of Revenue,

    license fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75.00West Central, electricity . . . . . .890.54WR/LJ, water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40.00

    With there being no further business,Wayne Hindman made a motion to ad-journ t he meeting. Rudy Reimann sec-onded the motion. The next meeting willbe March 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the cityoffice.

    John L. RodgersCouncil President

    ATTESTJo Manke-RodgersFinance Officer

    [Published March 14, 2013, at the totalapproximate cost of $25.02]

    LEGAL NOTICEThe Board of Directors of Western SouthDakota Community Action, Inc. are seek-ing candidates interested in serving asthe Low Income representative for Jack-son County.

    Western SD Community Action, Inc. is anon-profit corporation governed by aforty-two (42) member Board of Directorsrepresenting (3) sectors: low-incomepeople, civic groups within the commu-nity and each of the fourteen (14) countyboards of government.

    The primary purpose of the CAP agencyis to focus local, state, regional and na-tional resources on developing effectiveways of assisting low-income people. Toaccomplish this, Western SD CommunityAction, Inc. operates weatherization, gar-den programs, summer youth programs,necessity pantry programs, employmentassistance, educational supply pro-grams, emergency food and commodityprojects, homeless programs, commu-

    nity food pantries and clothing centers.

    Low-income persons seeking to beelected are required to have five (5) lowincome persons over eighteen (18) yearsof age sign a petition. Non low incomepersons wishing to represent low-incomepeople are required to have ten (10) lowincome persons over eighteen (18) signa petition. This person must also residein, work in or volunteer in JacksonCounty.

    Persons at least eighteen (18) years ofage seeking to be a Board low-incomerepresent ative can obtain petitions fromRose Swan, 1844 Lombardy Drive,Rapid City, SD 57703. Phone: (605) 348-1460 or out of Rapid City (800) 327-1703.

    Petitions are to be submitted to WesternSD Community Action, Inc., 1844 Lom-bardy Drive, Rapid City, SD 57703. Ifyou have any questions please contactWestern SD Community Action, Inc.,1844 Lombardy Drive, Rapid City, SD

    57703. Phone: (605) 348-1460 or out ofRapid City (800) 327-1703.

    [Published March 7 & 14, 2013, at thetotal approximate cost of $43.32]



    Voter registration for the Kadoka Munici-pal Election to be held on April 9, 2013,will close on March 25, 2013. Failure toregister by this date will cause forfeitureof voting rights for this election. If you arein doubt about whether you are regis-tered, check the Voter Information Portalat www.sdsos.gov or call the county au-ditor at 605-837-2422.

    Registration may be completed duringregular business hours at the county au-ditor's office, municipal finance office,secretary of state's office, and those lo-cations which provide driver's licenses,SNAP, TANF, WIC, military recruitment,and assistance to the disabled as pro-vided by the Department of Human Serv-ices. You may contact the county auditorto request a mail-in registration form oraccess a mail-in form at www.sdsos.gov.Voters with disabilities may contact thecounty auditor for information and specialassistance in voter registration, absenteevoting, or polling place accessibility.

    Patty Ulmen, Finance OfficerCity of Kadoka

    [Published March 7 & 14, 2013, at thetotal approximate cost of $28.88]



    Voter registration for the Kadoka AreaSchool District 35-2 School Board elec-tion to be held on the 9th day of April,2013, will close on the 25th day of March,2013. Failure to register by this date willcause forfeiture of voting rights for thiselection. If you are in doubt aboutwhether you are registered, check theVoter Information Portal at HYPERLINK"http://www.sdsos.gov" www.sdsos.govor call the Jackson county auditor at 837-2422, the Jones county auditor at 669-7100 or Haakon county auditor at859-2800.

    Registration may be completed duringregular business hours at the county au-ditors office, municipal finance office,secretary of states office and t hose loca-tions which provide drivers licenses,SNAP, TANF, WIC, military recruitment,and assistance to the disabled as pro-vided by the Department of Human Serv-ices. You may contact the county auditorto request a mail-in registration form oraccess a mail-in form at HYPERLINK"http://www.sdsos.gov" www.sdsos.gov.

    Voters with disabilities may contact thecounty auditor for information and specialassistance in voter registration, absenteevoting, or polling place accessibility.

    Eileen C. Stolley,Business Manager

    Kadoka Area School District

    [Published March 7 & 14, 2013, at thetotal approximate cost of $33.94]


    ATTENTION ALL CONTRACTORS:Looking for weatherization, furnace,electrical and plumbing contractors inBennett, Butte, Corson, Custer, Dewey,Fall River, Haakon, Harding, Jackson,Lawrence, Meade, Pennington, Perkins,Shannon and Ziebach Counties inter-ested in completing residential work forthe July, 2013 June 30, 2014 contractyear.

    Contractors must submit a letter of inter-est, provide copy of insurance (workerscompensation, full comprehensive, gen-eral and automobile liability insuranceand certificate of insurance), certificate ofcompletion of EPA approved Lead-BasedPaint for Renovators Training and be acertified EPA lead base paint renovatorfirm. Attend Western SD Community Ac-tion Core Competency Training and bewilling to comply with Davis Bacon Act(wages, weekly reporting). Please returnrequested information to Western SouthDakota Community Action, Inc., 1844Lombardy Drive, Rapid City, SD 57703by 4:00 PM on Friday, March 15, 2013.

    Please call 605-348-1460 or 1-800-327-1703 for more information.

    [Publish March 7 & 14, 2013]

    Notice ofCancellation of Mu-

    nicipal Electionof Municipality

    of Belvidere

    Notice is hereby given that no MunicipalElection will be held on the 9th day ofApril, 2013 in Belvidere South Dakota.

    The election for which public notice wasgiven has been cancelled because nocertificates of nomination were filed forthe following position to be filled:

    Rudy Reimann TrusteeTwo Year Term.

    The following individual has filed certifi-cates of nomination in the office of the Fi-nance Officer for the position to be filled:

    John Rodgers TrusteeThree Year Term

    Because each of the candidates is unop-posed, certificates of election will be is-sued in the same manner as tosuccessful candidates after election.

    Dated this 11th day of March, 2013.

    Jo Manke-RodgersFinance Officer

    [Published March 14, 2013, at the totalapproximate cost of $13.66]


    TO: Isabelle Sitting Up, Deceased,Record Owner, and the Estate of Is-abelle Sitting Up and unknown Heirs


    Isabelle Sitting Up

    TO: Emma Swift Hawk, guardian ofElmer Red Eyes, son


    Notice is hereby given that JacksonCounty is the lawful holder of a 2007 TaxSale Certificate, Number 164, purchasedby Jackson County at Kadoka, SouthDakota on the 15th day of December2008, said real property described as fol-lows:

    Lot fourteen (14), Block eight(8), Searby Addition, Town ofWanblee, Jackson County,South Dakota

    as shown by the plat recorded in the Of-fice of the Register of Deeds of JacksonCounty, South Dakota.

    Notice is further given that the right of re-demption will expire and a Tax Deed forthe above described property shall be is-sued to Jackson County (60) sixty daysfrom the date of completed service of thisNotice unless the property is redeemedas permitted by law.

    Dated at Kadoka, South Dakota the 5thday of March, 2013.

    Cindy Willert,Jackson County Treasurer

    [Published March 14 & 21, 2013 at thetotal approximate cost of $39.72]

  • 7/29/2019 Kadoka Press, March 14, 2013


    Local & Statewide Classified Advertising March 14, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 7


    HEE-HAW SHOW 2013. SouthShore School Gym. Saturday, April6-7:30 pm, Sunday, April 7-2:00 pm.

    Reserved seats $12, Adults $10,grades 5-12 $5, grade 4 & underFREE/add $1 at door.


    BURKE SCHOOL DISTRICT HIR-ING for MS or HS, flexible assign-ment. Innovative, problem-basedteacher with multiple certification.Team-teaching opportunities avail-able. Looking more for a teachingstyle, than a specific content area.Contact Superintendent Erik Person,[email protected].

    PARTS INVENTORY MANAGER -JOHN DEERE DEALERSHIP: Partsmanager sought by multi-store JohnDeere dealership operation. Positioncurrently open at C&B Operations,LLC, a 22 store John Deere dealer-ship group headquartered out of Get-

    tysburg, SD. Applicants shouldpossess the ability to manage partsinventory over multiple stores, leadparts sales team marketing efforts,create and achieve budgets in agrowth oriented dealership. We offer

    Kadoka Press

    Classified Advertising

    & Thank You Rates:

    $5.00 minimum/20 words

    plus 10 for each word thereafter.

    Call 605-837-2259E-mail: [email protected]

    Tag Board Envelopes

    Rubber & Self-inking Stamps

    Stamp Pads & Ink Paper

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    Let us give youall your price



    Publications does

    ALL types of

    printing jobs!

    Call the Kadoka Pressfor more info at

    837-2259or 859-2516

    Buy Rent SellGet it done in the Classifieds

    Call 837-2259

    IF YOU USED THE MIRENA IUDbetween 2001-present and sufferedperforation or embedment in theuterus requiring surgical removal, orhad a child born with birth defects,you may be entitled to compensa-tion. Call Johnson Law and speakwith female staff members 1-800-535-5727.


    DAKOTA LOG HOME Builders rep-resenting Golden Eagle Log Homes,

    building in eastern, central, north-western South & North Dakota. ScottConnell, 605-530-2672, Craig Con-nell, 605-264-5650, www.goldenea-gleloghomes.com


    ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERSstatewide for only $150.00. Put theSouth Dakota Statewide ClassifiedsNetwork to work for you today! (25words for $150. Each additional word$5.) Call this newspaper or 800-658-3697 for details.


    STEEL BUILDINGS BLOW OUTSALE! Early bird spring discounts!Save up to 40% off on machinerystorage and shops. Limited Offer!Call Jim, 1-888-782-7040.

    Stop by the

    Kadoka Pressfor back issues of the paper

    To Report A Fire:Kadoka . . . . .837-2228

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . .or 911Belvidere . . . .344-2500All others call . . . . . .911

    Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.

    TIRE & SERVICE WORK - CALL 837-2376

    HOURS:Mon - Fri: 7:30 to 5:30

    Saturday: 8 to Noon

    Were here for all your

    vehicle maintenance!

    Give us a call today!

    NOW BUYING!Cars for salvage, call today!

    We make hydraulic hoses &

    On-the-farm tire service!

    FullServiceMechanicShop!J&S ReStore

    Kadoka, South Dakota


    HELP WANTEDThere will be an opening at our

    KADOKA PRESS office

    for a permanent part-time

    position. Must have good grammarand computer skills.

    For application, call 859-2516

    or send resum to:

    [email protected]

    Were Open Monday - Friday8 a.m. - Noon 1 - 5 p.m.

    Phone 837-2214Tim home 837-2087Dave cell 488-0326

    OienAuto Parts

    Hwy 248 Kadoka, SD

    Wix FiltersGates Belts & Hoses

    We makeHydraulic Hose &Chainsaw Chains!

    Philip League Bowling

    Lucky StrikeOPEN BOWLING:

    Sunday-Friday, 12 to 6 p.m. Saturday, 12 p.m. to closingThe kitchen is open we have orders to go!!

    859-2430 Philip

    Monday Night Mixed

    Handrahan Const.... .................26-14Shads Towing...... .................... .25-15Dakota Bar................................24-16Badlands Auto..........................17-19Rockers......................................14-26Petersens............. .................... .14-26Hightlights:Jason Petersen......................207/556Randy Boyd...........................205/558Trina Brown... ................... ...........174Tena Slovek.... ................... ...........472Connie Schlim.......... ................... .171Neal Petersen....... ................2-7 splitJackie Shull....... .................3-10 split

    Tuesday Mens EarlyPhilip Motor......... .................... ...25-7Peoples Market........ .................22-10Kennedy Impl ................... ........18-14G&A Trenching ................. ........17-15Georges Welding ................. .....15-17Bear Auto ................. .................12-20Philip Health Service................11-21Kadoka Tree Service...................8-24Highlights:Tony Gould .................. .................542Gene Jones.. ................... ..............513

    Alvin Pearson....... ......3-10 split; 512

    Steve Varner......... ......3-10 split; 507Ryan Seager ................... ...5-7-9 splitRandy Boyd ................... .......2-7 splitCurtis Bitting .................... ...5-6 splitTerry Wentz............. ...........3-10 splitTodd Radway ................. .....5-10 splitFred Foland ................... .....3-10 splitJim Larson.................. .........8-9 splitKent Buchholz...... ..............5-10 split

    Wednesday Morning Coffee(standing at the end of week 26)Invisibles..... ................... .....32.5-11.5State Farm..... ................... ..27.5-16.5Cutting Edge Salon ................. .26-18Bowling Belles .................. ..21.5-22.5Jolly Ranchers .................. ..15.5-28.5Highlights:Shirley Parsons...3-10 split; 176/458Dody Weller...4-5 split; 174, 162/450

    Audrey Jones.................171, 153/449Charlene Kjerstad.................197/446Cindy Wilmarth...... .................... .171Kay Kroetch........................9-10 splitShirley OConnor..9-10 & 3-10 splitsDonna King...........................2-7 splitKay Williams........ ................4-5 split

    Vonda Hamill........... .............2-7 split

    Deanna Fees...... .................3-10 split

    Wednesday Night Early

    Dakota Bar..................................28-8Morrisons Haying ................. ...22-14Hildebrand Concrete.... ............19-17Wall Food Center................ ......17-19Dorothys Catering....................16-20Chiefies Chicks...................14.5-21.5First National Bank .................14-22Just Tammys................ ......13.5-22.5Highlights:Kalie Kjerstad.......................126/342

    Amy Morrison .................. .....209/526Val Schulz............ ..................194/505Linda Stangle...............................193Brenda Grenz........................179/478

    Ashley Reckling .................. .........178Cheryl Behrend............................166Marlis Petersen.....................180/494Cristi Ferguson...... ...............180/470Kathy Arthur................................176Shar Moses.......... .........2-7 split; 172Lindsey Hildebrand ...........8-10 splitJessica Wagner....... ..............7-9 splitTena Slovek .................. ........2-7 split

    Thursday MensThe Steakhouse .................. ........31-5Coyles SuperValu.................. ...26-10OConnell Const........................22-14

    Dakota Bar................................16-20WEE BADD...............................16-20

    A&M Laundry............... ............14-22West River Pioneer Tanks........12-24McDonnell Farms.. .................... .7-29Highlights:Cory Boyd......................235, 213/621Jordon Kjerstad .................. ..209/555Nathan Kjerstad ................. ..211/550Matt Schofield.......................214/537Jack Heinz.... ................... ...3-10 splitJay McDonnell....................3-10 split

    Friday Nite MixedRandys Spray Service..............30-10Cristis Crew ................. ............25-15Lee & the Ladies.......................24-16Roys Repair .................. ............23-17King Pins...................................14-26The Ghost Team............................0-0Highlights:James Larson...............................197Deb Neville...................................151

    Alvin Pearson.......... ....204 clean/567Duane Hand.................................200Tanner Norman.........4-5-7 split; 521Deanna Fees.... ................... ..4-5 splitCory Boyd .................. .........3-10 split

    Aaron Richardson...............3-10 splitEd Morrison........................9-10 split

    We would like to thank everyonewho helped us during and afterLarrys stay in the hospital from hisleg amputation and recovery. Thankyou for the cards, flowers, visits,prayers and concern, and to the per-son (s) responsible for the beautifulhandicap ramp on our home. Wordscan not begin to say how much all ofthis meant to us in this life changing

    event. Larry & Karen Denny

    Thank Yous

    FOR SALE: Several nice used re-frigerators. All come with warranties.Del's, I-90 Exit 63, Box Elder. 390-9810. K35-2tp

    HELP WANTED: Janitor for theKadoka Area School District. Appli-cations available on the websitewww.kadoka.k12.sd.us or may bepicked up at the school. Open untilfilled. Contact Jamie Hermann at837-2174, ext. 100. EOE.


    COME BY THE COMMUNITY AC-TION OFFICE, behind the library,and browse second hand items from12 noon to 3 p.m. on Fridays of eachmonth. EOE K34-4tc

    TOWNSHIP MEETING for Interioron Tuesday, March 19 at 7:00 p.m.

    at the Ken and Julie Bartlett home.K34-2tc

    EARN A FREE TV:Apply now at theGateway Apartments and if youqualify for one of the apartments,you could be eligible for a free 19flat screen TV. Please call 1-800-481-6904 for details on how you canearn your free TV. K26-tfn

    APARTMENTS: Spacious one-bed-room units, all utilities included.Young or old. Need rental assis-tance or not, we can house you. Justcall 1-800-481-6904 or stop in thelobby and pick up an application.Gateway Apartments, Kadoka.


    WEST RIVER EXCAVATION: willdo all types of trenching, ditchingand directional boring work. SeeCraig, Diana, Sauntee or HeidiColler, Kadoka, SD, or call 605/837-2690. Craig cell 390-8087, Saunteecell 390-8604, [email protected]. 27-tfc

    SEPTIC TANK PUMPING: Call 837-2243 or contact Wendell Buxcel,Kadoka, SD. 10-tfc

    POSTER BOARD: White and col-ored. At the Kadoka Press. tfc

    COPIES: 8-1/2x11 - 20 each; 8-1/2x14 - 25 each; 11x14 - 35each. At the Kadoka Press. tfc

    RUBBER STAMPS: Can be or-dered at the Kadoka Press. Regularor self-inking styles. tfc

    STATEWIDE CLASSIFIED: SouthDakota's best advertising buy! A 25-word classified ad in each of thestates 150 daily and weekly news-papers. Your message reaches375,000 households for just

    $150.00! This newspaper can giveyou the complete details. Call (605)837-2259. tfc

    SCRATCH PADS: 50 cents each atthe Kadoka Press. tfc

  • 7/29/2019 Kadoka Press, March 14, 2013


    Agriculture March 14, 2013 Kadoka Press Page 8



