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Kanagawa U

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Page 1: Kanagawa U

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Page 7: Kanagawa U

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Page 8: Kanagawa U

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J%K6�LM��� '%N%OPQRS�T;%U@ F"#H

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^� '�g��X�YZ�!"#d���h2i:jk$%�@���

you know ��YZ2)�7 J%��*�LM6lm;@�� Sch-

ourup �+32/� �5�LM2)�7 '�n�� CDo2p!qr(s&

^5�; you know��*�LM2)�� K^��tLMu�5��

FGH ���hd(v,!^5�; you know �LM@w�$%�7

�Onodera ,**,;U�

xy6� Müller �,**/� 2J�z{(\� |}LM����

you know��~� -*yT;�<=2)��!� �+.1�R��7

896� Müller ����R�/������� ��� +*�r�<=(


�+.� Lexical/content search

False start/repair


Page 9: Kanagawa U



Quotative you know

“Imagine the scene”

“See the implication”

Reference to shared knowledge

Appeal to understanding

Appeal to acknowledge that the speaker is right

Various �+23����

�������� ����������

�+/�… On the certainty side, you know may be used to “introduce

what s/he regards as incontestable mutual knowledge” or con-

joint knowledge �Holmes +320 : 2�. Even though Östman �+32+�

found that the use of you know does not necessarily mean

that the hearer knows, and even though Biber et al �+333 :

+*11� claim that you know sometimes imparts new informa-

tion, it can also be the case that the information introduced

by you know is indeed known to the hearer �cf. Jucker and

Smith +332 : +3-�. This information may either be knowledge

specifically between speaker and hearer �cf. Stubbe and Hol-

mes +33/ : 03�, or general knowledge �cf. Schiffrin +321 : ,1.�.


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Page 10: Kanagawa U

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know�:;<���8�*+����=>?<�1� 6��7��

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JK��LF��� ���# 2�1� =M�NOPQR����S

T� �QUVW�X"� ,��YHIZ[Q\1]R���?^

�HI��JK��LF���L_����� you knowQ`aR

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�+0� +h you know� �� �ij�=HI���kl�mn&���#

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v�b���# �$� ,b��! �HI ��mn�8�,


E� ��x"br� G�1 you know� �� �Hy�����e

" �#

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Page 11: Kanagawa U

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Clark and Shaefer �+323� �"# $�%&'��()�*���

Traum �+33.� + ,-.�/�.�0�120���3����45

�67896:;< �common ground� �=����>� 6:;<9

?@AB�CD9;<8 �grounding�� E�FG&H����IJK

L�M��"�NO9;<8NO �grounding act� �PQ����

�,*/RST� �����!

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:;<� �=������ E�6:;<E�#��kl&=�����


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,;<8� �FG&� ,67� &'s�F45�t&u>�����U

Vv! t�wx45��y� E�+*y�`Hz{ �pragmatic mar-

ker� ��V��&��! ���|}&~��#�.z{ �discourse

marker� ��VH`9H��U@�Y@KZ�!�

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+\�Y�*� ����� �� �Y��^�E���� ,z{� � ,6

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Page 12: Kanagawa U

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Page 13: Kanagawa U

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tuvt ���������wxfy��-@� �z%{�|}@'

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know�'��@���@'(� �"���@��������@'


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Page 14: Kanagawa U

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89"�� �:;� /�<

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9 Schiffer �+31,� �op�] 2rsd� �mutual knowledge�3 1tu���"<

,� Discourse Marker �vw��xy0z�� 2����3� �� Pragmatic Marker �vw

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cle� ��� Frazer �+322� .X���� Connective ����w{�(l�< D��

cC��?� Müller �,**/ : -�.� ����B�H�Il������c:Fc�<

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Page 15: Kanagawa U

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