WAMED-1I- LE linLP. WANTED An Idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas, they may bring jou wealth. Write John Weddcrburn & Co.. Dept. 13. 2. Pat- ent attjs. Washington. D C. for their J1.S00 prize offer and new list of 3.000 wanted. WANTED A j oung Swede or German as rrcond man In stable and care o lawn, walks and porches, onlv- - those with experi- ence and b-- of references need apply: wages $18 per month with room nnd board. Call Isfil Independence ave. WANTED-Christl- an man. not employed, acquainted with church people, tlb per week Write Standard afanufacturing Co , 31 Iianklin t.. Boston, Mass WANTED Canvasser in this city for The Journal Applj at Journal omcc. wiVTrnfl rnunp- men MO tier week. news agents. 9 West Sth St . room EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT OFriCE. and furnished rooms. 104U East 32th St., tor Walnut. Tel. 1171. The best place in K. C. Mo, to Hnd help or situations, male or female 17 s ears' experience Rcf..Omaha Nat. hank. Omaha. Citizens' bank. K. C. TO IIE'NT ROOMS. TO RK!s"T Deslr.ahle. office rooms front- - Ins,' on Main street for rent, in Brady build-in- s; S Main street. Inquire of J. W. Black. 1116 Main street. TO RENT A large room In The Journal tmlldlng. suitable for dentist or physician' i Illce. Apply at The Journal office. TO REST MISCELLANEOUS. TO RENT Upright piano: low rental to rareful persons. Address P COL journal office. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. DO YOU want any of the following woiks? They will bo sold at very low prices. Come and see them. They can be seea at The Journal offlce. They were taken on a debt: PEREIRA S Materia Medlca and Thera- peutics, by Jonathan Perelra. M. D. THE Anatomy and Surgical Treatment of Hernia. Marcy. BRYANT'S Practice of Surgery. By Rcberts. ORGANIC Materia Medlca and Thera- peutics. Simpson. NELIGAN on Diseases of the Skin. FOR SALE One Improved Multipolar molor. 23 horse power. luO volts. Including siloing base and a 36-i- n. diameter pulley. This motor Is brand new. and built by one of the most reliable engine companies In th States. We will sell at an attractive nice Inquire at business office of The 5 ouir.al Company. AT HALF PRICE 32 single Iron type stands. 32 double Iron type stands, R. Hoe & Co. make, also 50 pairs Rooker news cases. Apply to Great Western Type Foundry. 710 and 712 Wall St.. Kansas City, Mo. ECZEMA and all skin diseases, baldness, wrinkles, saiiowness, pimples, etc, cured by Van Vleck's remedies from sheep's tis- sue, 106 Nelson bldg. TOR SALE At a bargain, 1 barber chair. 2 cup cases, 2 brackets. 1 showcase. Apply room 5. Bunker bldg.. 8th and WalL RANKRUPT SALE of wall paper. Ill East 32th st. Ton. SALE REAL ESTATE. EAlTTATEARGAINrVV' IN Arcade place, close to Troost cable, on grade. 50 feet. In Troost highlands, fine location, adjoin- ing Squier's, S00 feet. In Bunker bill, close to " Westport new electric cars, 00 feet. In Union park, Hyde park: neighborhood, 100 feet. The above property Is all choice, and will lx sold much below present market prices. Wo are offering extraordinary bargains In Kansas City. Kas., property, both vacant and Improved. In Grandvlew. which Is the best residence section in Wyandotte, we give you the op- portunity of buying all the way from $3 to $13 per foot. We have several houses, from 3 to 10 rooms, at less than the houses cost to build, and wo throw In the lot. In business and rental properties we have for salo or trade all the way from 8,000 to JfflOOO THE KANSAS CITY REALTY COMPANY, 5 Bunker building. MISCELLANEOUS. PENSIONERS ATTENTION! The law office of James G. Young, rooms 313 and 316 Hall bldg.. n. w. cor. 3th and Walnut sts , Kansas City, Mo., will be open from 6 o'clock a. m.. until 8 o'clock p. m., for the execution of pension vouchers. AH par- ties must bring certificates, and widows two witnesses. Fees 23c, including post- age TAILING memory and thinking power, nervousness, sleeplessness and lost vitality cured by Van Vleck's remedies from sheep's brain; 20S Nelson bldg. SCHARNAGEL'S CONCERT HALL Come and hear the O'Malley and Dav ton Sisters. Matinee Saturday afternoon. Con- certs free. P A U P L D Cured; no knife: advice free; U A u U til Dr- - J- - c-- McLaughlin, 516 Mnn ay KansaB c,ty Ka MOTHER LEE'S WAIFS' HOME-- M. A. Irfe. Supt,: E. M. Coffcj, matron. Babies boarded and for adoption. 921 Garfield ave. J. A. McMAHAN Private Detective, 1120 Muln street, room 18. MONEY TO LOAN. I O A TM Q made on furniture, pianos. -- "' l J diamonds, bicycles, sewing machines, warehouse receipts, etc.. prompt- ly, privatclj-- , nnd at lowest rates; money ready. Household Loan Ass'n. 213 Hall bldg. TO LOAN T300 at S per cent on Improved real estate security. Address P COO. Journal. BUSINESS CHAFES. INDIGESTION, poor blood, weak circu- lation, varicose veins, ulcers and tumors cured by Van Vleck's vital substance from sheep glands, 206 Nelson bldg HIED. ""risinntMr "m. RTH-he- r, at the resT-oer- of his daughter. Mrs. Fannie Ad-ltln- s, 1321 Troost avenue; ago 90. 1'uneral notice later. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. NORMAN &. ROBERTSON, proprietors of abstracts and examiner of land titles. No 1C liist Sixth street, furnish dally the transfers of real estate llled in the record- ers office at K at I Mb Citj. Mo Notice All transfer appearing in the a lib reports contain covenants of general warranty unless otherwise staled. Ma) 3. W H Park to R S Latshaw , lot 23. blcik B, Muncluster . J 440 Helen A aicCrarj ct u! to Alice L. Stockham, lot 4, block 30, Hde l'ark . 1,000 R V Wilkinson and wife to J. W. Cable, part of lots 1C. 37. IS and 39, block 2. Mount Evanston . . 1 J W Cable and wife to C E Lan-l- s pan of lots it, to 19. block 2. wine . 750 W II Moroland and wife to N L. Whekr. lots 21 22 31 and 52, sub- division of Troost Highlands . . l Mutui! Homo and Savings Assooia-lio- n to Albort Mnrt . lot 4"S and part of lot 4U7. Maillson place . . 1.200 S 1 Sohrocdcr ami wife to W 1. 4 In rn . part of lot 29 Eldorado 2,000 Ni'Mnia C Kritzcr ami husband to John T Blake, part of lots ; and fi. Kritzer S. Racan's subdivision . IJ.tMO Theodore C Peltzer to Mncgic H. Uerton lot 31. Munroe heights 400 Alliirt Martv and wife to Gcrtln GrafT lot Oft and pirt of lot 4nv Madison place- - 1 200 Albert Schrumpff and wife to lrd Helm Brewing Comranv. p-- rt of lot 1',Io.cK .,1- - rai'nount park . .. 2.000 John T Blake to Virgiria T Krit- zir part of lot 3, block S. Rices audition ;p,yi QUITCLAIM DEEDS 11 rry Harris to Lanlng-IIarr- is Coni and Giain Companj , lot s9, Eabt I.vnno . ..... i William C Bot( ler to Alice L Stock-ha- m lot 4. block 30. Ilvde park .. 1 Prod Wiling to Alice lv Griilin. lot 17. Haws Rros. I3oulf?nl addition C00 E II ISWk,- - . I al to John T. Blake part of lots IS and 19 block v Rice's avlditlon . . l ASSIGNEES DEEDS H M Holdi-- to W S Gaine. lot 3s block 2. Mount Vernon . 50 Same to Ida 'A. Kirk, lot 4. Troost Avenuo terrace , 73 LWD TITLE t;t Alt INTKI! CO. A. L O SCIII'KLER. tngr.. examines and suurantecs titles in Missouri and Kansas. LEGAL NOTICES. TRUSTEE'S SAT.nTVhornae rhfirlpl T. Rcberts. bj his certain deed of trust, dated the ljth day of September. 1SS6. tiled for K't.ra in the office of the recorder of elf cos for Jackson countj. Missouri, at Kansas City, on the 22nd day of Septcn-be- r. 1SS3. and recorded In tho office of said of deeds, at Kansas Clt. '"look B 172, at page 30, convoed ta L1I fa. Y'oung. as trustee, the follow In? tie scribed lands and premises, situate ir the countj of Jackson, in the state ot Misf-ouri- to-u- Lots five (3) and sK if), of block one (1) ot Prospect View, an addition to the City ot Kansas, as the same are m irked and designated on the recorded plat thereof, on tile in the office of the recorder of deeds for Jackson coun- tj. at KanEas City. Missouri, in trust, however, to secure the pa.vment of a cer- tain principal bond and six (G) interest coupons in said deed ot trust described, and. whereas, live (31 of said coupons have been lwid. but default has been made in the pavment of coupon numbered si (G), dated September 13th, 3S4G. and due Sep-tcn- l.th, 3SS9, for twenty dollars (J2u). and in the pajment of said prmcip ll bond, and the same, with interest thereon, from tln r.th day of September, ISaJ, remain overuuo and unpaid, and. whereas, said hS Young is absent from the countv of Jackson, state of Missouri. no.v, there- for. 1, Robert S. Stone thonft of Jack-Fo- n countj-- , MlMouri. will, by virtue of the pover i;i me vested bj said deed of trust, at the request of the legal holder of said herd fell the said real estate, at public ci.oue, to tho highest blddei. for cash, u the front door ot the county court bCL.se. In tlu countv of Jackson, being he building located in the block bounded bv Mis-ou- ri avenue. Oak. Fifth and Lo- cust streets, in Kansas City. Jackson county. Missouri, on the 23th day of Mav. 1S97. between tho hours of nine o'clock a. in. and live o'clock p. m . to satlsfv said debt, interest and costs ot executing this fust. ROBERT S STONE. Sheriff and Trustee. Isaac B. Kimbrell, Attornev. PROPOSALS-F- or coffee, sugar, cloth- ing, school books, etc.: Department of the Interior, Offlce of Indian Affaire. Washing- ton. D. C , April 3. 1S97. Scaled propos lis, indorsed: "Proposals for coffee, sugar, clothing, school books, etc.," as tho case may be. and directed to tho commissioner of Indian Affairs, No. 9 Wooster street. New York cit. will be received until 1 o clock p. m., of Tuesdav. Mav 23, lb97, for furnishing, for the Indian service, cof- fee, sugar, tea. rice, beans, baking pow- der, soap, groceries, blankets, woolen nnd cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps, boots and shoes, Crocker and school books. Bids must bo made out on govern- ment blanks. Schedules giving all neces-sa- rj Information for bidders will he fur- nished upon application to the Indian of- flco in Washington, No. 77-- Wooster street. New York city, or No. 1341 State street. Chicago, Illinois; the commissaries of subsistence, U. 8. A , at Cliev enne, Leavenworth, Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul; the postmasters at Sioux: City. Yank- ton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topeka. Wichita and Tucson. Bids will be opened at the hour and day mentioned, and the bicders are Invited to be present at the opening. CERTIFIED CHECKS. AH bids must be accompanied by certi- fied checks or drafts upon some United States depository or solvent national bank for at least live per cent of the amount of the proposal. D. M. BROWNING. Commissioner. SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue and au- thority of an execution. No. 2S492, issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Jackson county, at Kansas City, Missouri, returnable to the October term. 1&97, ot said court, and to me as sheriff directed and delivered in favor of Howard M.Ilolden, assignee of the Kansas City Safe Deposit and Savings bank, and against I. G. Mitchell and Neenah S. Mitchell, I have levied upon and seized all the righttitle. Interest and estate of said defendants, I. G. Mitchell and Neenah S. Mitchell, In and to the following described real estate situated in the county of Jackson and slate of Missouri, Lot lifty-fo- (54) and the east twenty (20) feet of lot fifty-thre- e (33), Irving Park addition to Kansas City, Jackson county, Missouri, and I will, on Friday, the 14th day of May, A. D. 1S97. between the hours of nine o clock in the forenoon and five o'clock In the afternoon of that day. at the south front door of the county court house. In Kansas City, Jackson county, state of Mis- souri, and during the session of said circuit court at Kansas City, Missouri, sell at puLUc vendue, for cash, to the highest bid- der, all the right, title, interest and es- tate of the above named defendants, r. O. Mitchell and Neenah S. Mitchell. In and to said real estate, to satisfy said execution and costs. ROBERT S STONE. Sheriff. Kansas City, Mo.. April 21. 1S97. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of administration, with the will annexed, on the estate of Parsons B. Cogswell, de- ceased, were granted to the undersigned by the probate court of the county of Jack- son, state of Missouri, at Kansas City, on the Sth day of April, 1S97. All persons hav- ing claims against said estate are required to exhibit the same to the undersigned for allowance, within one jcar after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, and If such claims be not exhibited within two jears from the date of this publication they will bo forever barred. GEORGE F. PUTNAM. Administrator, with will of said decedent annexed. Dated this Sth day of April. 1S57. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let- ters testamentary on the estate of John Owens, deceased, were granted to tho un- dersigned by the probate court of the county of Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kansas City, on the 3rd day ot Mav. IS"?. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit the same to the undersigned for allowance, within oni jear after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any ben- efit of said estate, and If such claims be not exhibited within two jears from the date of this publication they will be for- ever barred. ELLEN OWENS. Executrix. Dated this 3rd day of May, 1S97. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Frederick C. Shiceder, deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the probate court of the county of Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kansas City, on the 21st day of April. 1S97. All persons having claims against said es- tate are required to exhibit the same to tho undersigned for allowance, within one jcar after the date of taid letters, or they may be precluded from anv benefit of sild es- tate, and If such claims be not exhibited within two years from th date of this pub- lication they will be forever barred JOHN W. SHROEDEU. MATHILDA SHROEDER. Administrators. Dated this 21st day of April. 1S37. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let- ters testnmentary on tho estate of Emily W. Ross, deceased, were granted to the undersigned bv the probate court of the county of Jackson, state of Missouri at Kansas City, on the SOtli day of April. 1MI7. All persons hnvlng claims against said es- tate are required to exhibit the same to the undersigned for allowance, within one year after the date cf said letters or thev may be precluded from anv benefit of "aid cstite, and if such claims be not exhibited within two veirs from the date ot this publication they will be forever barred. Dated this Soth dav of April. 197. THEODORE S. CASE. Executor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let-tn- rs of administration on the estate of Frederick J. Jackson deceased, were granted to tho undersigned bv the probate court ot the county of Jackson, state of Missouri at Kansas Citj. on the 29th d ly of April, 3i97 All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit the same to the undersigned tor allow- ance, within one jear after the d (to of said letters, cr the may be pri'cluded from anv benefit of said estate, and if sucn clrlms bo not exhibited within two jeirs from tho date of this publication thej will be forever barred Dated this 2)th dav of April 1"7. HENRY MiT!I dnlnlstr.ator. STOCKHOLDERS' MLLItNG Nolle Is bcicby given that the annua) mectingor the stockholders of the Kansas City Kelt lcallwnv Coinnanv will be hehl at ihi nnw of the president of the company. In Kansas Clt on Tuesdaj. tho lllh day of May. lsS7. at 9 o'clock a m. for the purpose of ilecti'ig a board or directors for the en- suing ve'ar, and for the transaction of such other business as may be legally brought befere th meeting. EDWARD S WASHBURN. President. W .1 Y Srrotnry. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that 1, as assignee of William Bchloss, will, on May lo, 1S97, apply to tho circuit couit or Jackson countj, Missouri, at Kansas Citj. division No 1, for a dis- charge from said trut. EDWIN A. KRAUTHOFF. Assignee. PERSONAL. l.HLl'MATISM, seittica, plcurisj-- , neu- ralgia, backache and stiff joints cured n Vleck's life giving remedies from sheep; 2tn! Nelson bldg. CLAlR0ANTS. MRS. L. JAMES, the well known clalr-voj-.a- nt and tranro medium, mav be con- sulted at 1209 Grand avc, parlors 39 to 40. THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL, TUESDAY, MAY 41897. LEGAL NOTICES. SALE IN PARTITION Whereas, a de cree of partition and order of sale were rendered and made in and by the circuit court of Jackson county, Missouri, at Kan- sas City, at the April term thereof, li97. and on the 3th day of said term, it being the 16th day ot April, 1S37, in a certain cause in said court pending, wherein Lydla S Williams, Albert Schuneman and J. B. Hamncr. plaintiffs, and Thomas II. Swope and C. r. RIeger, defendants, and numbeied 2S7U on the hies, and records of said court: and. whereas, it was, nnd is, provided In and by said decree and order that the clerk of said court should furnish to the sheriff of Jackson county. Missouri, a certi- fied cop of said deciee and order of sIe. and, ui on receipt of said certittcd copy, said sheriff should proceed to sell the prop- erty in sail decree and order, and herein- after described, in the same manner as that provided by law for the sale of real state under execution, and upon a pub- lished advertisement of such sale, in ac- cordance with that required by law for sales of real estate under execution, and that said sheriff should report such sale to said court for approval and continuation, or disapproval, and that, upon the approval and confirmation bv the couit. of such sale as should be mnde.-.sai- sheriff should mpke a cced convening all tho Interests of all the panics of said suit, and of all per- sons who might claim by, through or under them, to the purchaser at such sale and, whereas, the clerk of said court did. on the 19th day ot April, 1S97. furnish to the undersigned, sheriff ot Jackson county. Missouri. .1 certilifd copy of said decree ind order, therefore, by virtue of sail aecrea and order, and the certified copy thereof, so furnished by said clerk to the iciderslgned sheriff, as aforesaid, 1 will, on l'riday, the 31th day ot May, 3b97, between tie hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon atd live o'clock in the afternoon of that day. at the south front door of the county cojrt hobse. In Kansas Clt. Jackson coun- tj. Missouri, ami during the session of sa'd cirruit court, at Kanpas Cilv, Mis- souri, sell at public vendue to the highest ant best bidder, for cash, the real estate In tald decree and order described, situated In the countj- - of Jackson, state of Missouri, and being described as follows, The eijsl fortj'-thre- e and four-on- o hundredths (4o feet of the west one hundred and twety (120) feet of lot one (1). and the east fortr-thre- e and four-on- e hundredths (43 4,300) feet of the west one hundred and twenty (120) feet of the north nine (9) feet of lot two (2), all in block one (1). Ilub-bard- li addition to Kansas City, nnd will report such sale to said court for approval and confirmation, or disapproval, and, upon the approval and contirmatlon by said court, of such sale as may be made. I will moke Seed convejlng all the interests of all the pmies in said suit, and of all per- sons vtho may claim bj. through or under them, to the purchaser at such sale. ROBERT S STONE. Sheriff. Kansts Citj-- . Mo , April 21st. 1&97. TRUSTEE S SALE Whereas, Warren McLean, unmarried, of Jackson county, Missouri, bj his deed of trust, dated the 19th day of Muj-- . A. D. 1SS7. tiled for record the 7th day ot December. 18S7, in the office of recorder of deeds of Jackson countj', Missouri, at Kansas Cit. und recorded In book B, 265, page 602, convejed to It. O. Boggess, as trustee, the following real es- tate, situate In Jackson countj'. Missouri, and described as follows, All of lot two (2). block one (1), in Union park, an addition to the City of Kansas, now Kansas City, Missouri, as the same is marked and designated on the recorded plat thereof, which said deed was made to secure the pajment ot one promissory note of said Warren McLean, of even date therewith, in the sum of live hundred and eighty-thre- e dollars ($36.1). due two jears after date, with Interest from date until paid at eight per cent per annum, interest pa able which said note w as giv en as pt.rt purchase money for said above described property: and, whereas, the sum of eight dollars has been paid of the principal of said note, and the Interest thereon to October 31. 1NW. and the balance of said principal Is now due ana unpaid; and, whereas, said deed con- tained a provision that In case of the death of said trustee, (he thn acting sheriff of Jackson county, Missouri, at the request of the legal holder ot Eald note, may pro- ceed to sell the therein described, or- any part theieof. in accordance with the terms ot the said deed ot trust; and, whereas, the said, trustae Is dead; now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, Robert S. Stone, sheriff of Jackson countj-- , Missouri, and trustee, under and by virtus of the power vested in me by said deed of trust, will, at the request of the legal holder of said note, and in accordance with the terms of said deed of trust, on Moaday, the 17th day of Mai-- , A. D. 1S97. between the hours of nino o clock in the forenotn and five o'clock In the afternoon of that day, expose for salo and sell at public veniue, lor cash, to the highest bidder, all of the above described propertj- - at the west front door of the united States custom louse and postofilce, on the southeast corner of Ninth and Wal- nut streets, Kansas Cit . Missouri, for the purposo ot paying off said note and in- terest thereon, together with the costs and expenses of executiir this trust. ROBEUT S. STONE, Sheriff of Jackson Countj-- , Missouri, and trustee. Ballingal & Williams. .Attorneys. TI.USTEE'S SALE Waereas. John T. Blanton and Elizabeth M. Blanton, his wife, as granters, by their certain deed of trust, dated on the I3th lay of October, 3&vs. and on the 22nd day of October. 1SSS, duly filed for reco-- d In tie office of tho recorder of deeds for Jackson county, at Korsas City, Missouri, nnd duly recorded In the records thereof. In book B, No. 2S4, page GOO, convejed to me. Shannon C. Douglass, as trustee, the follow lng describ- ed real estate, situate In the county of Jackson and the state ot Missouri, Lot two (2), block one (1). Floral place, an addition to the City ot Kansas, now Kansas City. Missouri, as the same Is marked and described on the ncordea plat, now on file with the recordr of deeds within and for the said countj- - of Jackson, at Kansas Citj-- , Missouri. In trust, how- ever, to secure the pajment ol their cer- tain principal promissory note, given as a part purchase monej, in said deed or trust described, and, whereas, bald lote is due and unpaid nnd still remains du and paj--abi- e as provided in 'aid deed of trust: now thcrcfore.publlc notice Is herebj given that. t the request or the legal holder and owner or said indebtedness in default, nnd by reason of said default. I, Shannon C. Douglass, trustee, as aforesaid, will, pur- suant to and under the terms of said deed of trust, .on the 23th daj- - of Maj. A. D. 3S97, between the hours of 9 o clock In th forenoon and 5 o'clock In the afternoon of that daj-- . sell the real estate above de- scribed at pub'ic vendue to the highest bidder, for cash, at the w est front door of the United States custom housa and post-offi- in Kansas City in the county of Jackson aforesaid, the said custom house being on the southeast cornT ot Walnut and 9th stieets, to pay the cost and of executing this trust and the In- debtedness eeared bj- - sild deed of trust. SHANNON C. DOUGLASS, Trustee. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Elizabeth Farman, deceased, were grunted to the un- dersigned by the probate court of the coun- tj- of Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kan- sas Citj-- , on the 20th d ij- - of Apt II, 1S97. All persons hnving claims against said estate ire required to exhibit the to tho undersigned for allowance, within one jear after the date ot said letters, or thev in " precluded from anj- - beretlt of said ti . nnd if such claims be not exhibited within two ears from the date 0' this publication thev will be forever barred D ited this 20th dav or April. 1S97 JOSEPH J FARMAX. Admln'sliator. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OrFI.CE Omah 1. Neb , April 3. 1W Se tied propos- als, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m , Central standard time. May 1,, ivf.7. and then opened, tor constructing ad- ditional squad rooms to live (3) barrack buildings nt Tort. Niobrara. Neb. U. S. reserves right to reject or nccept anv or all propos lis, or any part thereof. Piars and specifications can bo ctrn, and all In- formation had here. Envelopes containing proposals to ho marked "Proposals for Squad Rooms." and addressed to SAM It. JONES, Capt. Q. M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let- ters of administration on the estate of Johanna Sicbtn dee'-'-d- , were granted to t!i undersigned b the probate court ot the cr.urtv of Jackson state of Missouri at lv lisas cit-- , on tne uaj- - or April, 1S97 'All rersons having clilms aiint said estate ire required the -- ame to the unci, rslgned for allowance, within one jear alter the "late of said letters, or thev I ma-- , be precluded from nnv benelU of saiil rtstnfn. mill if suoh claims be not eihlhito.i within two jears from the date of this publication tnev will ! forever barred. HUGO EYSSELL. Administrator. Dated this 19th daj of April. Ii37. NOIICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT-Noti- ce is hereby given to all creditors and others interested in the estate of Harvey M. Bosworth, deceased, that I, John W. Bosworth. administrator of said estate. In- tend to make a final settlement thereof at the next term of the probate court of Jack, son county, to be held nt Kansas City, Missouri, on the 17th dav of Mav, 1S37. JOHN W. BOSWORTH. Administrator. NOTICE OF TINAL SETTLEMENT-Noti- ce Is hereby given to all creditors and others interested in the estate of Ann Palircr. deceased, that I. Charles LInder. executor of said estate. Intend to make a final settlement thereof at the next term ot the probate court of Jackson count, to be held at Kansas City. Missouri, on the 17th day of Mav-- , 1OT. CHARLES LINDER. Executor. LEGAL NOTICES. SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue and au- thority ot a general execution. No. 27S12, Issued from the offlce of the clerk of the circuit court ot Jackson count, at Kan- sas Citj-- , Missouri, returnable to tho April term. 1S97. of said court, and to me. as sheriff, directed and delivered, in favor of IlGward M. Holden, as asslgneo of the Kansas City faufe Deposit and Savings bank, and against Henry P. Churchill. 1 have levied upon and seized all tho right, title. Interest and estate ot said defendant. Henry P. Churchill, In. and to the follow- ing described real estate, situated In the county of Jackson and state of Missouri, All of the north half () ot lot one hundred and elghtj'-thre- e (l&S), in block thirteen (IJ), of McUee's addition to Kansas City. Missouri, also the following lots In Marlborough, an addition to the City of Kansas (now Kansas City), Mis- souri, said Marlborough being a sub- division ot the south halt Ci) of the southwest quarter CD of the south- west quarter () ot section twentj-nin- o (29). and of the north fifteen (13) acres of the northwest quarter 04) of the northwest quarter (U) of section thirtv-tw- o (.K). all In township fortj--nln- (49). range thirty-thrc- o (13). lots six (6) to twentj-nin- e (29), inclusive, block one (1), lots thirty-fou- r (31) lo thirty-seve- n (37). inclusive, block one (1): lots forty-si- x (46) to fortj--n!n- e W). inclusive, block one (1); lots two (2) to twentj-on- e (21). Inclusive, block two (2): lots twentv-sl- x (26) to twentj--nln- e (29), Inclusive, block two (2); lots tlilrtj -- eight (3S) to fortj-nln- e (49), in- clusive, block two (2): lots four (4) to twenty (20), inclusive, block seven (7): lots one (1) to twelve (12). Inclusivq, block eight (S): lots twenty-on- e (21) to thirtj--si- x (26), inclusive, block eight (S): lots one (1) to three (3), Inclusive, block three (3); also all of lots nine (9) and thirteen (13), In Dudlev & Hornbeck's plat, an addition to the City ot Kansas (now Kansas City). Missouri; also an undivided hair 04) or the east fifty-tw- o and one-ha- lf (5IV4) feet of lots one (1) and two (2), In block one (1). in Ashburne's addition to Kansas City. Missouri . also an undivided one-ha- lf (H of the following described property: Beginning at the southwest corner of 9th and Oak streets. In Kansas Citj. Missouri, thence west along the south line of 9th stieet seventy-si- x (76) feet eleven (11) inches, thence' south sixty-eig- (6S) feet four (4) inches, thence east seventy-si- x (16) fet eleven (11) Inches; thence north sixty-eig- ht (68) feet four (4) inches to point oj beginning, being part of lots seven (1) and eight (S). in block three (3), of T. A Smarts addition to Kansas City. Missouri, and I will, on Thursday, the 6th day of May, A D. 1S97. between thq hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock In tho afternoon of that daj-- . at the south front door of the county court house. In Kansas City, Jackson county, state of Mis- souri, and during the session of said circuit court at Kansas Citj, Missouri, sell at nubile vendue, for cash, to the highest bidder, all the right, title. Interest and estate of the abovo named defendant, Henry P. Churchill, In and tq said real estate to satisfy said execution and costs. ROBERT S STONE, Sheriff. Kansas City. Mo. April I3th. 3S97. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING-W'here- as, the annual meeting of the Ter- minal Improvement Association ot Kansas Cit j, Missouri, for tho election ot directors of said companj-- , was not held on the first Tht rsday after the second Tuesday of March, 1897, as provided by the by-la- of said company: and, whereas, thereafter and at the regular monthly meeting of the d'rectors of said companj-- , held on April 7. 197. it was voted that the directors notlfj and causa such election to be held within stxtv dajs after said first Thursday after the second Tuesday of March, 1S97. and on, the Cth day of May, ls97. Now. therefore, in accordance with said vote and bj- - order of the directors of said company, notice Is hereby given that tho annual meeting of the stockholders of said Termi- nal Improvement Association of Kansas Citj. Missouri, for the election of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction ot such other business as may come before it. will be held at the office of the company, the same being the office of Lathrop, Mor- row, Fox & Moore, No. 117 West Sixth stteet, Kansas City, Missouri, on Thursdaj-- . tli-- i Cth day of May, 1697, at tho hour of nine o'clock a. m THEODORE C. iBATES. President, ARTHUR C.PAINE,, Secretary, Of the Terminal Improvement Association of Kansas City, Missouri. Kansas City, Mo., April 7. 1S97. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration, with tho will annexed, on the estate of John F. Schmelzer, deceased, wero granted to tho 'undersigned by the probate court of the icounty of Jackson, state of Missouri, at iKansas City, on the 10th day of April, 3S87., All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit the same to the undersigned for al- lowance, with one jear after the date ot said letters, or they may be precluded from from any benefit of said estate, and If such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication they will be forever barred. CHARLES J. SCHMELZER, HERMAN F. SCHMELZER, CARL HOFFMAN. Administrators, With tho Will of Said Decedent Annexed. Dated this 10th day of April, 1S97. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let- ters of administration on the estate of Thomas G. Conklln. deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the probate court of the countj" ot Jackson, state of Mis- souri, nt Kansas City, on the 9th day of March. 1S97. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit the same to the undersigned for allow- ance within one jear after the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, and if such claims bo not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication they will be forever barred THOMAS J. SEEHORN. Administrator. Dated this 13th day of April. TO. No'llCJb lt HhKKBl' GIVEN that let- ters of administration on the estate ot Richard Wjatt. deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the probate court of the county of Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kansas City, on the 16th day of Feb-ruar- j-. 1&97. AH persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit the same to the undersigned for allow-arc- e. within no year after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from nnv benefit of said estate, and If such claims be not exhibited within two jears from the date of this publication they will be forever barred THOMAS J. SEEHORN. Administrator. Dnted this 13th day of April. 3S97. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Emanuel Lowensteln, deceased, were granted to tho undersigned by the probate court of tho county or Jnckson, state of Missouri, at Kansas City, on the 23rd day of February. Ifc97. All persons having claims against said cstato are required to exhibit the samo to tho undersigned for allowance within ono tear after the date of said let- ters, or thev may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, and it such elitms be not exhibited within two jears from the date of this publication they will bo forever barred. SOPHIA LOWENSTEIN. Administratrix. Dated this 23rd day of February. 1S97. NOTICE is hereby given that letters on tho estate of Nathaniel J. Olln, deceased, were granted to tho under- stated by the probate court of tho county of Jackson, sti-t- e of Missouri, at Kansas Citj. on the 17th clay of April. Is97. All pci sons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit the ramo to the un- dersigned for allowance within one jcar aftei the date of said letters, or they may bj precluded from any benefit or said es- tate and If such claims bo not exhibited within two from tho date of this publication thev will be forever barred. ELSIE I OLIN. Executrix. Dated this 17th day of April. lc97. Ustch . Mlddiebrook. Attornejs. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is herebj- - given to all creditors and others interested in tho estate of Thomas Cassiuj-- , deceased, that I. Mary Cassidj-- , executrix of said estate. Intend to make 11 final settlement thereof nt tho next term of the probate court of Jackson countj", to be held at Kansas Citj-- . Missouri, on tho seventeenth day of M.u. 3t97. MARY Executrix. Slavens &. Spottswond. Attjs . 505 New- - York Life bldg. NOTICE Or FINAL SE1TLEMENT Notice is hereby given to ull creditors nnd others interested in the estate of Henry C. Baker tint I, Alalia F. Baker. eecutrit of said estate. Intend to make a final set- tlement thereof nt tho next term of the probate court of Jnckson countj-- , to be held nt Kansas City, Missouri, on the 17th of May, 1S37. ALALIA P. BAKER. Executrix. Meservej-- . Pierce & German. Attornejs. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given to all creditors and others Interested in the estate of Frank F. Dlnsmoor that I. Edwin C. Mescrvey. ad- ministrator of said estate. Intend to mako a final settlement thereof at the next term of the probate court ot Jackson count, to bo held at Kansas Citj", Missouri, on the EDW'INac.' MESERVEY, Administrator. Meservej". Plprce & German. Attorneys. NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT Notlco Is hereby given to all creditors and others Interested in tho estate ot Robert Shamlcffer. deceased, that 1. Fred C. Hey. administrator of said estate. Intend to make a final settlement thereof at the next term or the pronate court 01 aacKson coun ty. to be held at Kansas Citj-- . Missouri, on the 17th dav of May, 1!97. FRED C. HEY. Administrator. LEGAL NOTICES. WHEREAS. Andrew J. McDonald and Pauline E. McDonald, his wife, grantors, by their deed of trust, dated June 23. IS90. recorded the same day In the recorder's offlco of Jackson county. Missouri, at Kan- sas City, in book B 431, pages 113 to 117, both Inclusive, convejed to Joseph L. Nor- man tho following described land In the county of Jackson, In the state of Mis- souri, Tho following lands in ey Heights, according to the plat thereof, on tile nnd of record In the re- corder's offlce of Jackson county, Missouri, viz.: Lot number two (2). in block one (1). lot number three 13), in block two (2), lot number twelvo (12), In block four (4). lots numbers twelvo (li) and twenty (20), In block tlv-- e (5), lot number eighteen (IS), In block six (G), and lots numbers one (1) and three U), In block eight (S). in trust, to re painent of three promissory notes In said deed of trust described; and. whereas, default was made In the payment when due ot all said promissory notes, and the principal of each note, with Interest thereon, according to the terms of each note, from December 23, A. D. 1&92, remains duo and unDald: now. therefore, nt the j request of the payees and of said j three promissory notes, said Joseph L. Norman, as trustee, will proceed to sell tho said lands, bj- - said deed of trust con-- I vejed, and any nnd everj- - part thereof, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at ' the court house door In Kansas City, in tho county of Jackson, aforesaid, for cash, between the hours of nine o'clock In the forenoon and live o'clock In the afternoon, ' on Fridaj-- , the twenty-eight- h day of May, 397, the court house door at which such salo will be made being the south front door of tho court house building In said Kansas City, on the block of ground bound- ed by Fifth street. Oak street, Missouri avenue and Locust street, in which build- ing the circuit court of Jacksnn countv Missouri, at Kansas City, is held, and nt day of sale may or might be lawfully held, and at which door the sheriff sells land on execution from said court, such sale to be made to pay the amounts due on said three promissory notes and the costs nnd expenses of executinc the trust- - including compensation to the trustee for his services. JOSEPH L. NORMAN. Trustee. TRUSTEE SALE-Wher- eas. John Tul-loc- h. a single man. by his deed of trust, dated April 25. 1M2, acknowledged April 25, 3S9., and recorded April 23. 3692. in the of- fice ot the recorder of deeds ot Jackson county. Missouri, at Kansas City, in book B 49... at page 403. convejied to the under- signed, I. J. Rlngolsky. trustee, the follow- ing described real estate In Jackson county, Kansas Citj-- . Missouri, to-w- it: All of lot number thirteen (13) and the north one-ha- lf (t) of lot number twelve (12), all in block number one (1). Wlnfield place, an addition to the City of Kansas, now Kan- sas Citj-- . as the same are marked and designated on tho recorded plat of said ad- dition now on file In the recorder of deeds' offlci' In Kansas Citj", Missouri, in trust to secure tho pajment ot one certain first mortgage real estate note and ten Interest coupons thereto attached. In said deed of trust described. And. whereas, default has been made In the payment of said noto and the last Interest coupon thereon. Now. therefore, I, tho undersigned trustee, by virtue of the power in me vested by said deed of trust and at the request of the legal owner and holder of said note and In- terest coupon, wilt, on the second day of June. 1S97, between the hours of nine o'clock In the forenoon and five o'clock In tho afternoon, at the wiest front door of the new county court house. In Kansas City, Jackson county, Missouri, said court house being a building situated on the block bounded by Missouri avenue. Oak street. Fifth street and Locust street, in Kansas Citj", Missouri, sell the above described property at public vendue to the highest bidder, for cash, to pay said note, interest and costs of executing this trust. I. J. RINGOLSKY. Trustee. SHERIFF'S SALE-- By virtue and au- thority cf a special transcript execution issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court ot Jackson county, at Kansas City, Missouri, returnable to the October term, 1897. of said court, and to me as sheriff directed and delivered in favor of James Bannon, assigned to C. H. Barber, and against Augustus L. Wheeler, Gardiner Lathrop, trustee for the Winner Invest- ment Company, Mrs. Hannah Sterns and the Winner Investment Company. 1 have levied upon and seized all the right, title. Interest and estate of said defendants, Augustus L. Wheeler, Gardiner Lathrop, trustee for the Winner Investment Com- pany, Mrs. Hannah Sterns and tho Winner Investment Company, in and to the follow- ing described real estate, situated In the county of Jackson and state of Missouri, The north one hundred and forty-flv- o (145) feet of lot twentj-on- e (21), Minnie G. Wilson place, an addition to Kansas City. Jackson county, Missouri, nnd I will, on Fridaj-- . the 34th day of Maj". A. D. 1S97, between the hours of nine o'clock In tho forenoon and five o'clock In the afternoon of that day, at the south front door of the countj court house, in Kansas Citj". Jackson countj", state of Missouri, and durlns the session of said circuit court at Kansas City, Missouri, sell at public ven- due, for cash, to the highest bidder, all the right, title, interest and estate of the above named defendants, Augustus L. Wheeler, Gardiner Lathrop, trustee for the Winner Investment Companj", Mrs. Han- nah Sterns and the Winner Investment Company, In and to said real estate to satisfy said execution and costs. ROBERT S. STONE. Sheriff. Kansas Cltv. Mo . April 21. 1S97. SHERIFF'S SALE Bj virtue and au- thority of two executions, Nos. C022 and C023, issued from the offlce of the clerk of the circuit court of Jackson county, at In- dependence, Missouri, returnable to tho June term, 1S97, of said court, and to me as sheriff directed and delivered, in favor of state of Missouri ex rel D. S. Patterson, curator of the estate of Agnes Jarboe, a. minor, nnd against J. Henry Warneke. I have levied upon and seized all the right, title. Interest and estate of said defendant, J. Henrj' Warneke. In nnd to the following described real estate, situated In the county of Jnckson and stato of Missouri, t: North half or lot one thousand and fortj--nin- e (1049). block seventy-thre- e (73). Mc-Ge- addition to Kansas Cltv, also known as Holmes and McGce's addlton and Mc-Ge- and Holmes' addition: also lots one (1) and two (2), in Joseph Haefner's sub- division of lots thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), Charles F. Quest's addition to Kan- sas City, Missouri, and I will, on Friday, the 14th day of May, A. D. 1SS7, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the nftemoon of that day. at the south front door ot the county court house, in Kansas Citj". Jackson county, state of Missouri, and during the session of said circuit court at Kansas Cit j". Missouri, sell at public vendue, for cash, to the highest bidder, all the right, title. Interest and estate of the above 11 inied defendant, J. Henrj" Warneke, in and to said real estate to satisfy said ex- ecution and costs RORERT S. STONE. Sheriff. Kansas Citj". Mo . April 21. 1S97. SHERIFF'S SALE-- By virtue ard au- thority ot a special transcript execution is- sued from the olliee ot the clerk of the cir- cuit court of Jackson countj", at Kansas Cltv, Missouri, icturniible to the October term. 3i97, of said rourt, and to mo as sher- iff directed and delivered In favor of James Bannon, assigned to C. II. Barber, and against Augustus L. Wheeler. Gardiner Lathrop, trustee. The Winner Investment Companj", Ernest Thomson, executor Alan-so- n Dunn, I have levied upon and seized all the right, title, interest and estate of said defendants. Augustus L Wheeler. Gardiner Lathrop, trustee, Tho Winner Investment Comnanj", Ernest Thomson executor, Alan-so- n Dunn. In and to the following described real estate, situated In tho countj" of Jack- son and state of Missouri, to-w- The north one hundred and fortj--fiv- o (14i) feet of lot twentv-fou- r (24) in Minnie G. Wilson Place, an rildition to Kansas City. Jackson coun- tj". Missouri, and I will, on Fridaj". the 14th daj' of Mav. A. D. 1V7. between the hours of nine o'clock In the forenoon and tivo o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the south front door of the countv court house. In Kansas Citj". Jackon county, state of Missouri, and during the session ot said circuit court at Kansas City, Missouri, sell at public endu for rasn. to the highest bidder, all the right, title. Interest and es tate ot the above named defendants, Au- gustus L Wheeler, Gardiner Lathrop. trus- tee. The Winner Investment Company. Er- nest Thomson, executor Alanson Dunn, in and to said real estate to satisfy said ex- ecution and costs. Kansas Cltv. Mo Ami! 21 397. RORERT S STONED Sheriff. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let- ters testamentary on the estate of Har- riett W. Wilson, deceased, were granted to the underslgnrd bv tho probate court of the county ot Jackson, state of Mis- souri, at Kansas City, on tho 39th day of April, 1S97 All persons having claims against said estato are required to exhibit the .same to the undersigned for allow- ance, within one jcar after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded frcm anv benefit of said estate, and If such claims fie not exhibited within two jears from the date of this publication thej will ho forever barred. this 29th day of April. 1S97. ROBERT T. WILSON, JAMES F. MISTER, Executors. .NOTICE is hereby gen that letters of administration on the'estate of Charles H. Johnson, deceased, were granted to the un- dersigned bv the probate court of the coun- tj- of Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kan- sas City, on the 13th day of April, 1S97. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit the same to the undersigned for allowance, within one year after the date ot said letters, or they may be precluded from anj" benefit of said es- tate, and if such claims ho not exhibited within two jears from the date of this publication thej- - will be forever barred. Dated this 19th day of April, 1S97. S. an GRIFFITH. Administrator. LEGAL NOTICES. WHEREAS. William S. Gilbert. Jr., and Rosalie Montgomery Gilbert, his wife, grantors, by their deed ot trust dated April 17, 1S91. recorded April 29, liSl. In the recorders office or Jackson countj", c"y. in book B 474. pages tf ' h lnclus've. conveyed to Joseph !. Norman the following described land In the county of Jackson, in the state ot Missouri, All of lots numbered (22) and twentj--thre- e (23). in Irving park, an addition to the City ot Kan- sas (now Kansas City), as the same are marked and designated on the plat of said addition on file and of record In the offlco of the recorder or deeds of said Jackson county, said lots making a parcel of land l??1? Kansas City fronting one hundred (100) feet in width on the north rlde of Garner street, and running back north that width along the east line ot Wood- ward avenue one hundred and twentj--seve- n and twenty-fiv- e hundredths (127.25) feet, more or less, to an alley, in trust ta secure payment of a promissory nolo in said deed ot trust described; and. where- as, default was made in the pajment when due of said promissory note, and the prin- cipal of said note, with interest thereon according to tho terms ot the note from April 17, 15SI, remains due and unpai-i- , new. therefore, at the request of the hold- er and owner of said note, said Norman, as such trustee, will proceed to sell sa'd land by said deed ot trust convejed and anj and every part thereof, at public ven- due, to tho highest bidder, at the court house door In Kansas City. In the county of Jackson aforesaid, for cash, between the hours of nine o'clock In the forenoon and five o'clock In tho afternoon, on Satur- day, the twenty-nint- h day of Slay. 1S97, the court house door at which such sale will be made being the south front door of the court house building In said Kan- sas City. or. the block ot ground bound- ed by Fifth street. Oak street. Missouri avenue and Locust street, in which build- ing the circuit court of Jnckson county. Missouri, at Kansas City, is held, and might at day of sale be held. If then In session, and at which door the sheriff ot said county Is accustomed to make sales of real estate under execution, such sale to be made to pay tho costs and expenses of executing the trust. Including compen- sation to the trustee for his services, and tho balance due on said promissory note. JOSEPH L. NORMAN. Trustee. SHERIFFS SALE By virtue and au- thority of a special execution, No. 3202. is- sued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Jackson county, at Kan- sas City, Missouri, returnable to the Octo- ber term, 1897, ot said court, and to me as sheriff directed and delivered In favor of E. L. Bruco and R. M. Bruce, and against John J. Hoos. S. Forsec. William C. Forsee, Samuel roster. Charles R. Hicks and Robert C. Johnston. I have lev- ied upon and seized all the right, title, in- terest and cstato of said defendants. John J. Hoos, S. Forsee. William C. Forsee, Samuel roster. Charles R. Hicks and Robert C. Johnston. In and to the following described real estate, situat- ed In tne county of Jackson and state of Missouri, to-w- Lot seventy-on- e (71). or Carleton place an addition to the City of Kansas (now Kansas City), as the same is marked and designated on the recorded plat of said addition on file in tho office of the recorder of deeds of Jackson county. Missouri, at Kansas City, together with the two (2) two-stor- y frame dwelling houses, and one-sto- ry frame double" barn and fencing and walks, situated on said lot. and I will, on Fridaj-- . the 14th daj" ot May. A. D. 1S97, between the hours of nino o clock in the forenoon and five o'clock In the afternoon of that day. at the south front door of the countj" court house. In Kansas Citj". Jackson count-- , state of Mis- souri, and during the session of said cir- cuit court at Kansas Citj". Missouri, sell at public vendue, for cash to the highest bidder, all the right, title, interest and estate of the above nnmed defendants, John J. Hoes. S. Forsee. William C. Forsee. Sam- uel Foster, Charles R Hicks nnd Robert C. Johnston. In and to said real estate to satis- fy said execution and costs ROBERT S. STONE Sheriff. Kansas City. SIo.. April 21. 1S97. TRUSTEE'S SALE Notice is given that, on Friday, the twenty-Urs- a day of May. 1S97. between the hours of 9 o'clock n. m and 5 o'clock p. m., at the south front door of the building in which the circuit court of Jackson county, Missouri. Is now nppolnted to be held at Kansas Cltv, in Jnckson county, Missouri (said build- ing being situated In the block bound- ed by aiissouri avenue. Ouk. Fifth and Lo- cust streets, in said city). I will, as trustee, under a deed of trust executed by David J. Burden and Jennie M. Burden, his wife, datec the eleventh day of February. 1S93. Hied for record February 17th, 1S9.!, and re- corded in the office of the recorder of deeds ot Jackson countj-- , Missouri, at Kansas City, in book B 516. at page 618. at the re- quest of the legal holder of the note there- by secured, sell at public vendue, to tho highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate ljlng in Jackson county. Missouri, All of lots eight (S) and nine ("). in block ono (1). of Woodland Ave- nue Heights, an addition to the City of Kansas (now Kansas Cltv). as said lots and block are marked and designated on the recorded plat of said addition, for the pur- pose of satlsfjlng the promissory noto se- cured bj" sahl deed of trust, default having been made In the payment of tho same, and tho same, with the interest thereon, now remaining past due nnd unpaid ALBERT M. SILLS. Trustee. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of administration as surviving partner on the partnership estate ot Shroeder Commission Company (Frederick C. Shroeder. deceased), were granted to the undersigned by the probate court of JacRson county, state of Missouri, at Kansas Cit'. on the 21st day of April, 1S97. All persons having claims against said partnership estate are re- quired to exhibit the same to the under- signed for allowance, within one after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, and if stich claims be not exhibited within two from the date of this publication they will be forever barred. Dated this 21st day of April, 1S97. WILLIAai L. SHELTON. Administrator as surviving partner of the partnership estato of Shroeder Commis- sion Companj". Dobson & aicCune. Attorneys. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given to all creditors and others interested in the estate of Benjamin Riehl. deceased, that I, Ella R. RIehl. ad- ministratrix of said estate, with the will ot said decedent annexed. Intend to make a final settlement thereof at the next term ot the probate court of Jackson county, to bo held at Kansas City, Missouri, on the 17th day of May. 1S97. ELLA R. RIEHL. Administratrix, With the Will ot Benjamin RIehl. Deceased. Annexed. A. E. Knmmerer. Attorney. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given to all creditors nnd others Interested in the estate of John Mc- Carthy, deceased, that we. Bridget Mc- Carthy, alary M. McCarthy and Clide M. McCarthy, executors of said estate, intend to mnke a final settlement thereof nt tho next term of the probate court of Jackson count", to be held at Kansas City, ails-sour- L on the 17th day of Maj-- . 1597. BRIDGET MCCARTHY. aiARY at. atcCARTHY. clide ar. McCarthy. Executors. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Trcmont Land and Improvement Company will be held at tlia company's office, room 815. New York Lifu building. Kansas City, aiissouri, on Tues- day, May 11. 1S37, from 9 o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock p. m . to elect directors and to transact anj- - other business that may como legally before the meeting. LEWIS C. PATTEE, President. JOHN A. ROSS, Secretary. April 26. 1S97. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given to all creditors and others Interested In the estate of James Allison, deceased, that I, LUJah S. e, executor of said estate. Intend to make a final settlement thereof at tho net term of the probate court of Jackson county, to be held at Kansas City. Mls-bou- rl. on the 17th day of May, 1S97. ELIJAH S. aicCLAINE. Executor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given to all creditors and others Interested in the estate of Charles G. Carlson, deceased, that I. Charles Lundsted, administrator of said estate. In- tend to make a final settlement thereof at tho next term of the probate court of Jackson county, to be held nt Kansas City, aiissouri. on the 17th day of aiay. 1S97. CHARLES LUNDSTED. Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given to creditors and others Interested In the estate ot Michael Surke. deceased, that I. aiargaret Burke, executrix of said estate. Intend to make a final settlement thereof at the next term of the probnte court of Jackson county, to be held at Kansas City, aiissouri, on tho 17th day of aiay. 1W. aiAROARET RURKE. Executrix. NOTICE OF FINAL faETU.L,.MKNT I -- ..in 4. ha.ahv rKln 1f nil .. rwnH n... .. a ium-- a ..v.vwj o-- .ii.uKvi3 una others Interested In the estate of Hiram Lee. deceased, that I, Edgar II. Lee. admin- istrator of said estate. Intend to make a final settlement thereof at the next term of the probate court of Jackson county, to be held at Kansas Cltv. Mo . on the 17th day of May, 3897. EDGAR H. LEE. Administrator. ASSIGNEE'S N0T1CI-A- 1I parties In- terested are hereby notified that on the 29th day of aiay. 1S97. I will apply to the cir- cuit court of Jackson county, aiissouri. for final discharge as assignee of John G. Conkey. LENDRUM B. RIDGE. Assignee. HarXless. O'Grady & Crysler. Attorneys. LEGAL NOTICES. SHERFFF-y- t T.rLTv .... nnrf au thority of a general execution. No. 6S7, Is- sued from the office of the clerk 'of the circuit coutt of Ray county, at Richmond, -- Jlssourl, rcturnablo to the May term. 1337. of said court, and to me as sheriff directed and delivered, in favor of H. C Shepherd and against T. O. Robertson, I have levied upon and seized all the right; title. Interest and estato of said defendant. T. O. Robert- son, in and to the following described real estate, situated In the county of Jackson and state of aiissouri. to-w-it: Beginning at a point on the east line of Locust street two hundred and forty-si- x and seven-tent- hs (24S feet south of the north line of the southeast quarter of section eight (8). township forty-nin- e (49). range thlrtj -- three (33). thence east and parallel with said north line of the southeast quar- ter of section eight (S). one hundred and th'r,ty-tw- o (132) feet, thence south and par-7s!f- tne cast "na o Locust street sixty (W) feet, thence west and parallel with tho south line of the southeast quarter of sec- tion eight (X). one hundred and thirty-tw- o JL.- -J feet to the east line of Locust street, thence north sixty (60) feet to the point of beginning, ail in Kansas City. Jackson countj. Missouri; also all of lot number six (6). and the south eleven (11) feet of lot number five (5). all In block number four (4). In East Sldo place, an addltton to Kan- sas City, Missouri, as shown by the duly recorded plat of said addition in Jackson county, Missouri, and 1 will, on Thursdaj. the 6th daj of aiay. A. D. Iv97. letween the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and live o'clock In the afternoon of that day. at the south front door of the county court house. In Kansas City, Jackson county, state of aiissouri. nnd during the session of said circuit court at Kansas Citj". Mis- souri, sell at public vendue, for cash, to the highest bidder, all the right, title, in- terest and estate of the above named de- fendant. T. O. Robertson. In and to said real estate to satisfy said execution and costs. ROBERT S. STONE. Sheriff- - Kansas Citj", aio.. April 13th. 1S97. SHERIFF'S bALt-- uj value and au- thority of two special executions. Nos. 2il57 and 2217. Issued from the of- fice cf tho clerk of the circuit court ot Jackson countj". at Kansas City. Missouri, returnable to the April'term. 1S97. of said court, and to me as sheriff directed and de- livered In favor of Long Bell Lumber Com- pany, J. Derry and E. J. Deny, under the firm name and stIe or J. Derry and Son. nnd against Adam Young: and D. A Austin, Clara Kaufman. Da- vid Kaufman her husband. L. C. Full- er. II. L. Brandom. J. H. Cheek. I. J. Rlngolsky. trustee, and Julius Rothschild, I have levied upon and seized all the right, title, interest and estate of said de- fendants. Adam loung and D. A. Austin. Clara Kaufman. David Kaufman her hus- band. L. C. Fuller. II. L. Brandom. J. II. Cheek. I. J. Rlngolsky. trustee, and Julius Rothschild, in and to the following de- scribed real estate, situated in tho county of Jackson and state of aiissouri. lt: The west forty-fiv- e (43) feet of lots six- teen (IS), seventeen (17) and eighteen (IS), In block "H." Scltz' subdivision of Lock-.ldg-e's addition to Kansas City, Jackson countj-- . aiissouri, and I will, on Tuesdaj-- . the 11th day of aiav. A. D. 1W, between the hours of nino o clock in the forenoon and Jive o'clock In the afternoon of that daj-- . at the' south front door of the county court house, in Kansas Citj-- i Jackson county, state of aiissouri. and during tho session of said circuit court at Kansas City, aiissouri, sell at public vendue, tor cash, to the highest bidder, all the right, title. Interest and estate of the above named defendants. Adam Young and D. A. Austin. Clara Kaufman. David Kaufman her husband, L. C. Fuller, H. L. Brandom. J. H. Cheek. I. J. Rlngolsky. trustee, and Julius Rothschild. In and to said real estate to satlsfv said execution and costs. ROBERT S. STONE. Sheriff. Kansas Citj". Mo.. April IB. 1S37. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of default in the pajment of the principal promissory note and Interest thereon described in a deed of trust executed by James Temple nnd Ella M. Temple, his wtte. and L. II. Fillmore and Carrie B. Fillmore, his wife, to the undersigned trustee, dated Decem- ber 22d, lsS8, and recorded December 24th. liSS, in the cilice of the recorder of deeds fbr Jackson county. Mo , in book B 332. page 258. I will, pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust and at the request of the legal holder ot said note, sell at publlo vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash, a tract of ground beginning on the east Una of Ljdla avenue two hundred and twenty-tw- o (22!) and cight-tenth- 3 feet south of the southeast corner of ISth street and Lydla avenue, thence south twenty-fiv- e (23) feet, thence cast one hundred ami fifty-ni- ne (159) and four-tent- feet, thence north twenty-fiv- e (25) feet, thence west one hundred and fifty-nin- e (159) and four-tent- hs feet to the place of begin- ning, being a part of block lettered "W." In Lcckrldge's addition to the City of Kan- sas (now Kansas City). Jackson county, aiissouri. at the west door of the United States custom house, at the southeast cor-n- e- of Ninth and Walnut streets. Kansas City, In the county of Jackson, state of aiissouri. on the 11th day of May. 1S97. between the hours of nine o'clock In the forenoon and five oiclock In the afternoon, for the purpose of satisfying the Indebt- edness In said deed ot trust described and the costs therein mentioned. ani.TON arnn-RR- Tniet IN tho circuit court of Jackson county, Missouri. Kansas City division No. Three, third day of the term. A. D. 1S37. the same being on April 14th. A. D. 1S97. the fol- lowing proceedings were had: In the mat- ter ot the assignment of the Indian Rico aiming Company. John H. Bovard, as- signee. 24461. Now, on this day. comes said assignee and hies and exhibits herein a final statement of the accounts ot his trust to this date, with proper vouchers at- tached, and said assignee nlso files his ap- plication for a final discharge from his trust herein. Wherefore the court directs that publication ba made for six weeks In The Kansas City Journal, notifying all par- ties Interested of the filing of said state- ment and said application for final dis- charge, and also that said statement will be In all things approved and said applica- tion be granted on the 29th day of aiay, A. D. 1S97. unless good cause to the contrary bo shown. A true copy. Attest: H. ar. STONESTREET, Clerk. Bi- - W. A. CCRRY. D. C. TRUSTEE'S SALE By reason of default In the payment of the principal, promis- sory note and interest thereon, described In .1 deed of trust executed bj Christian A. Dannaker. Sr., to the undersigned trustee, dated December ISth. lS. and recorded December 2Cth. 18SS. In the office of tho recorder of deeds for Jackson county. Mo., in book B 243, page SS. I will, pursuant to the terms ot said deed of trust, and at tha request of the legal holder of said note, sell nt public vendue, to the highest bid- der, for cash, all of lot number fifteen (13) ot C. A. Dannaker, Sr.'s. addition to tho City of Kansas (now Kansas Cit). Jack-sc- m countj". aiissouri. at tho court houso door In the City of Kansas (now Kansas City), In the county of Jackson, stato of aiissouri. on tho 11th day of aiay. 3597, be- tween the hours of nine o'clock In thi forenoon and five o'clock In the afternoon, for the purpose of satlsfjlng the Indebted- ness In said deed of trust described and the costs therein mentioned. JAaiES W. PERKINS. Trustee. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters ot administration on the estate or Christian Laemmle. deceased, were granted to the un- dersigned by the probate court of the coun- ty of Jackson, state ot Missouri, at Kan- sas Cit". on the 19th day of April. 1S57. All persons having claims against aia stata are required to exhibit the same to the undersigned for allowance, within onej-ea- r nfter the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said es- tate, and ir suoh claims be not exhibited within two ears from the date of this publication they will bo forever barred. Dated this 19th dav of April. 1S97. FRIEDRIKE LAEMMLE. Administratrix". Scnmmon. afend fc Stubenrnuch. Attys. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let- ters of administration on the estate of George D. Harper, deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the probate court of the count" of Jnckson. stato ot aiissouri, at Kansas City, on tho 26th day ot April, 1197. All persons having claims against said cstnte are re- quired to exhibit the Fame to the under- signed for allow ance. within one year after tho date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, and if such claims bo not exhibited within two years from the date of this publication they will he forever barred. Dated this 26th day of April. 1897. HENRY C. HARPER. Executor. NOTICE U hereby given that letters tes- tamentary on the estato of William C. Campbell, deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the probate court of the county of Jackson, state of aiUsourl. at Knnsas City, on the ISth day of March. 1S97. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit the snmo to the undersigned for allowance, within one jear after the date of said tetters, or they may be precluded from any benefit or said estate, and If such claims be not ex hlblted within two years from the date o this publication inej will ne rorever barr ' AaiANDA S. CAaiPBELL. Executrix W. D. Jameson. Attornev. Dated this ISth dav of aiarch. 1S97. NOTICE OF FINAL S ETTLEMENT-Notl-ce Is hereby given to all creditors and others Interested In the estate of Michael Dillon, deceased, that I, Andrew F. Ev- ans, administrator of said estate. Intend to make a final settlement thereof at the next term of the probate court of Jackson county, to be held nt Kansas City. Mis-sou- rl. on tha 17th day of aiay. 1897. ANDREW F. EVANS. Administrator of Estate ot Michael Dillon. Deceased. Bntmback & Brumback. Attorney.

Kansas City journal (Kansas City, Mo). (Kansas City, MO ... ay KansaB c,ty Ka MOTHER LEE'S WAIFS' HOME--M. A. Irfe. Supt,: E. M. Coffcj, matron. Babies boarded and for adoption. 921

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WAMED-1I- LE linLP.WANTED An Idea. Who can think of

some simple thing to patent? Protect yourIdeas, they may bring jou wealth. WriteJohn Weddcrburn & Co.. Dept. 13. 2. Pat-ent attjs. Washington. D C. for theirJ1.S00 prize offer and new list of 3.000

wanted.WANTED A j oung Swede or German as

rrcond man In stable and care o lawn,walks and porches, onlv- - those with experi-ence and b-- of references need apply:wages $18 per month with room nnd board.Call Isfil Independence ave.

WANTED-Christl- an man. not employed,acquainted with church people, tlb perweek Write Standard afanufacturing Co ,31 Iianklin t.. Boston, Mass

WANTED Canvasser in this city forThe Journal Applj at Journal omcc.

wiVTrnfl rnunp- men MO tier week.news agents. 9 West Sth St . room


CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT OFriCE.and furnished rooms. 104U East 32th St.,tor Walnut. Tel. 1171. The best place inK. C. Mo, to Hnd help or situations, maleor female 17 s ears' experience Rcf..OmahaNat. hank. Omaha. Citizens' bank. K. C.


TO RK!s"T Deslr.ahle. office rooms front- -Ins,' on Main street for rent, in Brady build-in- s;

S Main street. Inquire of J. W.Black. 1116 Main street.

TO RENT A large room In The Journaltmlldlng. suitable for dentist or physician'i Illce. Apply at The Journal office.


TO RENT Upright piano: low rental torareful persons. Address P COL journaloffice.


DO YOU want any of the followingwoiks? They will bo sold at very lowprices. Come and see them. They can beseea at The Journal offlce. They weretaken on a debt:

PEREIRA S Materia Medlca and Thera-peutics, by Jonathan Perelra. M. D.

THE Anatomy and Surgical Treatmentof Hernia. Marcy.

BRYANT'S Practice of Surgery. ByRcberts.

ORGANIC Materia Medlca and Thera-peutics. Simpson.

NELIGAN on Diseases of the Skin.FOR SALE One Improved Multipolar

molor. 23 horse power. luO volts. Includingsiloing base and a 36-i-n. diameter pulley.This motor Is brand new. and built by oneof the most reliable engine companies Inth States. We will sell at an attractivenice Inquire at business office of The

5 ouir.al Company.AT HALF PRICE32 single Iron type stands.32 double Iron type stands, R. Hoe & Co.

make, also 50 pairs Rooker news cases.Apply to Great Western Type Foundry.

710 and 712 Wall St.. Kansas City, Mo.

ECZEMA and all skin diseases, baldness,wrinkles, saiiowness, pimples, etc, curedby Van Vleck's remedies from sheep's tis-sue, 106 Nelson bldg.

TOR SALE At a bargain, 1 barber chair.2 cup cases, 2 brackets. 1 showcase.Apply room 5. Bunker bldg.. 8th and WalL

RANKRUPT SALE of wall paper. IllEast 32th st.


EAlTTATEARGAINrVV'IN Arcade place, close to Troost cable, on

grade. 50 feet.In Troost highlands, fine location, adjoin-

ing Squier's, S00 feet.In Bunker bill, close to " Westport new

electric cars, 00 feet.In Union park, Hyde park: neighborhood,

100 feet.The above property Is all choice, and will

lx sold much below present market prices.Wo are offering extraordinary bargains In

Kansas City. Kas., property, both vacantand Improved.

In Grandvlew. which Is the best residencesection in Wyandotte, we give you the op-portunity of buying all the way from $3to $13 per foot. We have several houses,from 3 to 10 rooms, at less than the housescost to build, and wo throw In the lot.

In business and rental properties we havefor salo or trade all the way from 8,000 toJfflOOO



PENSIONERS ATTENTION! The lawoffice of James G. Young, rooms 313 and316 Hall bldg.. n. w. cor. 3th and Walnutsts , Kansas City, Mo., will be open from6 o'clock a. m.. until 8 o'clock p. m., for theexecution of pension vouchers. AH par-ties must bring certificates, and widowstwo witnesses. Fees 23c, including post-age

TAILING memory and thinking power,nervousness, sleeplessness and lost vitalitycured by Van Vleck's remedies fromsheep's brain; 20S Nelson bldg.

SCHARNAGEL'S CONCERT HALLCome and hear the O'Malley and Dav tonSisters. Matinee Saturday afternoon. Con-certs free.

P A U P L D Cured; no knife: advice free;U A u U til Dr- - J- - c-- McLaughlin, 516

Mnn ay KansaB c,ty KaMOTHER LEE'S WAIFS' HOME-- M. A.

Irfe. Supt,: E. M. Coffcj, matron. Babiesboarded and for adoption. 921 Garfield ave.

J. A. McMAHAN Private Detective, 1120Muln street, room 18.


I O A TM Q made on furniture, pianos.-- "' l J diamonds, bicycles, sewing

machines, warehouse receipts, etc.. prompt-ly, privatclj-- , nnd at lowest rates; moneyready. Household Loan Ass'n. 213 Hall bldg.

TO LOAN T300 at S per cent on Improvedreal estate security. Address P COO. Journal.

BUSINESS CHAFES.INDIGESTION, poor blood, weak circu-

lation, varicose veins, ulcers and tumorscured by Van Vleck's vital substance fromsheep glands, 206 Nelson bldg


""risinntMr "m. RTH-he- r, at the resT-oer-

of his daughter. Mrs. Fannie Ad-ltln- s,1321 Troost avenue; ago 90.

1'uneral notice later.


NORMAN &. ROBERTSON, proprietorsof abstracts and examiner of land titles.No 1C liist Sixth street, furnish dally thetransfers of real estate llled in the record-ers office at K at I Mb Citj. Mo

Notice All transfer appearing in thea lib reports contain covenants of generalwarranty unless otherwise staled.Ma) 3.

W H Park to R S Latshaw , lot 23.blcik B, Muncluster . J 440

Helen A aicCrarj ct u! to Alice L.Stockham, lot 4, block 30, Hdel'ark . 1,000

R V Wilkinson and wife to J. W.Cable, part of lots 1C. 37. IS and 39,block 2. Mount Evanston . . 1

J W Cable and wife to C E Lan-l- span of lots it, to 19. block 2.wine . 750

W II Moroland and wife to N L.Whekr. lots 21 22 31 and 52, sub-division of Troost Highlands . . lMutui! Homo and Savings Assooia-lio- n

to Albort Mnrt . lot 4"S andpart of lot 4U7. Maillson place . . 1.200S 1 Sohrocdcr ami wife to W 1.

4 In rn . part of lot 29 Eldorado 2,000Ni'Mnia C Kritzcr ami husband toJohn T Blake, part of lots ; and

fi. Kritzer S. Racan's subdivision . IJ.tMOTheodore C Peltzer to Mncgic H.Uerton lot 31. Munroe heights 400Alliirt Martv and wife to GcrtlnGrafT lot Oft and pirt of lot 4nv

Madison place- - 1 200Albert Schrumpff and wife to lrdHelm Brewing Comranv. p-- rt oflot 1',Io.cK .,1- - rai'nount park . .. 2.000John T Blake to Virgiria T Krit-

zir part of lot 3, block S. Ricesaudition ;p,yiQUITCLAIM DEEDS

11 rry Harris to Lanlng-IIarr- is Coniand Giain Companj , lot s9, EabtI.vnno . ..... iWilliam C Bot( ler to Alice L Stock-ha- m

lot 4. block 30. Ilvde park .. 1Prod Wiling to Alice lv Griilin. lot17. Haws Rros. I3oulf?nl addition C00

E II ISWk,- - . I al to John T. Blakepart of lots IS and 19 block v Rice'savlditlon . . l

ASSIGNEES DEEDSH M Holdi-- to W S Gaine. lot 3s

block 2. Mount Vernon . 50Same to Ida 'A. Kirk, lot 4. Troost

Avenuo terrace , 73


A. L O SCIII'KLER. tngr.. examines andsuurantecs titles in Missouri and Kansas.


TRUSTEE'S SAT.nTVhornae rhfirlpl T.Rcberts. bj his certain deed of trust, datedthe ljth day of September. 1SS6. tiled forK't.ra in the office of the recorder ofelf cos for Jackson countj. Missouri, atKansas City, on the 22nd day of Septcn-be- r.

1SS3. and recorded In tho office ofsaid of deeds, at Kansas Clt.'"look B 172, at page 30, convoed taL1I fa. Y'oung. as trustee, the follow In?tie scribed lands and premises, situate irthe countj of Jackson, in the state otMisf-ouri- to-u- Lots five (3) and sKif), of block one (1) ot Prospect View, anaddition to the City ot Kansas, as thesame are m irked and designated on therecorded plat thereof, on tile in the officeof the recorder of deeds for Jackson coun-tj. at KanEas City. Missouri, in trust,however, to secure the pa.vment of a cer-tain principal bond and six (G) interestcoupons in said deed ot trust described,and. whereas, live (31 of said coupons havebeen lwid. but default has been made inthe pavment of coupon numbered si (G),dated September 13th, 3S4G. and due Sep-tcn-

l.th, 3SS9, for twenty dollars (J2u).and in the pajment of said prmcip ll bond,and the same, with interest thereon, fromtln r.th day of September, ISaJ, remainoveruuo and unpaid, and. whereas, saidhS Young is absent from the countvof Jackson, state of Missouri. no.v, there-for. 1, Robert S. Stone thonft of Jack-Fo- n

countj-- , MlMouri. will, by virtue of thepover i;i me vested bj said deed of trust,at the request of the legal holder of saidherd fell the said real estate, at publicci.oue, to tho highest blddei. for cash,u the front door ot the county court

bCL.se. In tlu countv of Jackson, beinghe building located in the block bounded

bv Mis-ou- ri avenue. Oak. Fifth and Lo-cust streets, in Kansas City. Jacksoncounty. Missouri, on the 23th day of Mav.1S97. between tho hours of nine o'clocka. in. and live o'clock p. m . to satlsfv saiddebt, interest and costs ot executing thisfust. ROBERT S STONE.

Sheriff and Trustee.Isaac B. Kimbrell, Attornev.PROPOSALS-F- or coffee, sugar, cloth-

ing, school books, etc.: Department of theInterior, Offlce of Indian Affaire. Washing-ton. D. C , April 3. 1S97. Scaled propos lis,indorsed: "Proposals for coffee, sugar,clothing, school books, etc.," as tho casemay be. and directed to tho commissionerof Indian Affairs, No. 9 Wooster street.New York cit. will be received until 1o clock p. m., of Tuesdav. Mav 23, lb97,for furnishing, for the Indian service, cof-fee, sugar, tea. rice, beans, baking pow-der, soap, groceries, blankets, woolen nndcotton goods, clothing, notions, hats andcaps, boots and shoes, Crocker and schoolbooks. Bids must bo made out on govern-ment blanks. Schedules giving all neces-sa- rj

Information for bidders will he fur-nished upon application to the Indian of-flco in Washington, No. 77-- Woosterstreet. New York city, or No. 1341 Statestreet. Chicago, Illinois; the commissariesof subsistence, U. 8. A , at Cliev enne,Leavenworth, Omaha, St. Louis and St.Paul; the postmasters at Sioux: City. Yank-ton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topeka.Wichita and Tucson. Bids will be openedat the hour and day mentioned, and thebicders are Invited to be present at theopening.

CERTIFIED CHECKS.AH bids must be accompanied by certi-

fied checks or drafts upon some UnitedStates depository or solvent national bankfor at least live per cent of the amountof the proposal. D. M. BROWNING.


SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue and au-thority of an execution. No. 2S492, issuedfrom the office of the clerk of the circuitcourt of Jackson county, at Kansas City,Missouri, returnable to the October term.1&97, ot said court, and to me as sheriffdirected and delivered in favor of HowardM.Ilolden, assignee of the Kansas City SafeDeposit and Savings bank, and against I.G. Mitchell and Neenah S. Mitchell, I havelevied upon and seized all the righttitle.Interest and estate of said defendants, I.G. Mitchell and Neenah S. Mitchell, Inand to the following described real estatesituated in the county of Jackson andslate of Missouri, Lot lifty-fo-

(54) and the east twenty (20) feet of lotfifty-thre- e (33), Irving Park addition toKansas City, Jackson county, Missouri,and I will, on Friday, the 14th day ofMay, A. D. 1S97. between the hours of nineo clock in the forenoon and five o'clock Inthe afternoon of that day. at the southfront door of the county court house. InKansas City, Jackson county, state of Mis-souri, and during the session of said circuitcourt at Kansas City, Missouri, sell atpuLUc vendue, for cash, to the highest bid-der, all the right, title, interest and es-tate of the above named defendants, r. O.Mitchell and Neenah S. Mitchell. In andto said real estate, to satisfy said executionand costs. ROBERT S STONE. Sheriff.

Kansas City, Mo.. April 21. 1S97.

NOTICE Is hereby given that letters ofadministration, with the will annexed, onthe estate of Parsons B. Cogswell, de-ceased, were granted to the undersignedby the probate court of the county of Jack-son, state of Missouri, at Kansas City, onthe Sth day of April, 1S97. All persons hav-ing claims against said estate are requiredto exhibit the same to the undersigned forallowance, within one jcar after the dateof said letters, or they may be precludedfrom any benefit of said estate, and If suchclaims be not exhibited within two jearsfrom the date of this publication they willbo forever barred.

GEORGE F. PUTNAM.Administrator, with will of said decedent

annexed.Dated this Sth day of April. 1S57.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let-ters testamentary on the estate of JohnOwens, deceased, were granted to tho un-dersigned by the probate court of thecounty of Jackson, state of Missouri, atKansas City, on the 3rd day ot Mav. IS"?.All persons having claims against saidestate are required to exhibit the sameto the undersigned for allowance, withinoni jear after the date of said letters,or they may be precluded from any ben-efit of said estate, and If such claims benot exhibited within two jears from thedate of this publication they will be for-ever barred. ELLEN OWENS. Executrix.

Dated this 3rd day of May, 1S97.

NOTICE is hereby given that letters ofadministration on the estate of Frederick C.Shiceder, deceased, were granted to theundersigned by the probate court of thecounty of Jackson, state of Missouri, atKansas City, on the 21st day of April. 1S97.All persons having claims against said es-tate are required to exhibit the same to thoundersigned for allowance, within one jcarafter the date of taid letters, or they maybe precluded from anv benefit of sild es-tate, and If such claims be not exhibitedwithin two years from th date of this pub-lication they will be forever barred


Administrators.Dated this 21st day of April. 1S37.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let-ters testnmentary on tho estate of EmilyW. Ross, deceased, were granted to theundersigned bv the probate court of thecounty of Jackson, state of Missouri atKansas City, on the SOtli day of April. 1MI7.All persons hnvlng claims against said es-tate are required to exhibit the same tothe undersigned for allowance, within oneyear after the date cf said letters or thevmay be precluded from anv benefit of "aidcstite, and if such claims be not exhibitedwithin two veirs from the date ot thispublication they will be forever barred.

Dated this Soth dav of April. 197.THEODORE S. CASE. Executor.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let-tn- rs

of administration on the estate ofFrederick J. Jackson deceased, weregranted to tho undersigned bv the probatecourt ot the county of Jackson, state ofMissouri at Kansas Citj. on the 29th d lyof April, 3i97 All persons having claimsagainst said estate are required to exhibitthe same to the undersigned tor allow-ance, within one jear after the d (to ofsaid letters, cr the may be pri'cluded fromanv benefit of said estate, and if sucnclrlms bo not exhibited within two jeirsfrom tho date of this publication thej willbe forever barred

Dated this 2)th dav of April 1"7.HENRY MiT!I dnlnlstr.ator.

STOCKHOLDERS' MLLItNG Nolle Isbcicby given that the annua) mectingorthe stockholders of the Kansas City Keltlcallwnv Coinnanv will be hehl at ihi nnwof the president of the company. In KansasClt on Tuesdaj. tho lllh day ofMay. lsS7. at 9 o'clock a m. for the purposeof ilecti'ig a board or directors for the en-suing ve'ar, and for the transaction of suchother business as may be legally broughtbefere th meeting.

EDWARD S WASHBURN. President.W .1 Y Srrotnry.ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby

given that 1, as assignee of WilliamBchloss, will, on May lo, 1S97, apply to thocircuit couit or Jackson countj, Missouri,at Kansas Citj. division No 1, for a dis-charge from said trut.



l.HLl'MATISM, seittica, plcurisj--, neu-ralgia, backache and stiff joints cured n

Vleck's life giving remedies fromsheep; 2tn! Nelson bldg.

CLAlR0ANTS.MRS. L. JAMES, the well known clalr-voj-.a- nt

and tranro medium, mav be con-sulted at 1209 Grand avc, parlors 39 to 40.



SALE IN PARTITION Whereas, a decree of partition and order of sale wererendered and made in and by the circuitcourt of Jackson county, Missouri, at Kan-sas City, at the April term thereof, li97.and on the 3th day of said term, it beingthe 16th day ot April, 1S37, in a certaincause in said court pending, wherein LydlaS Williams, Albert Schuneman and J. B.Hamncr. plaintiffs, and Thomas II. Swopeand C. r. RIeger, defendants, and numbeied2S7U on the hies, and records of said court:and. whereas, it was, nnd is, providedIn and by said decree and order that theclerk of said court should furnish to thesheriff of Jackson county. Missouri, a certi-fied cop of said deciee and order of sIe.and, ui on receipt of said certittcd copy,said sheriff should proceed to sell the prop-erty in sail decree and order, and herein-after described, in the same manner asthat provided by law for the sale of realstate under execution, and upon a pub-

lished advertisement of such sale, in ac-cordance with that required by law forsales of real estate under execution, andthat said sheriff should report such sale tosaid court for approval and continuation,or disapproval, and that, upon the approvaland confirmation bv the couit. of suchsale as should be mnde.-.sai- sheriff shouldmpke a cced convening all tho Interests ofall the panics of said suit, and of all per-sons who might claim by, through or underthem, to the purchaser at such sale and,whereas, the clerk of said court did. onthe 19th day ot April, 1S97. furnish to theundersigned, sheriff ot Jackson county.Missouri. .1 certilifd copy of said decreeind order, therefore, by virtue of sailaecrea and order, and the certified copythereof, so furnished by said clerk to theiciderslgned sheriff, as aforesaid, 1 will, onl'riday, the 31th day ot May, 3b97, betweentie hours of nine o'clock in the forenoonatd live o'clock in the afternoon of thatday. at the south front door of the countycojrt hobse. In Kansas Clt. Jackson coun-tj. Missouri, ami during the session ofsa'd cirruit court, at Kanpas Cilv, Mis-souri, sell at public vendue to the highestant best bidder, for cash, the real estateIn tald decree and order described, situatedIn the countj- - of Jackson, state of Missouri,and being described as follows, Theeijsl fortj'-thre- e and four-on- o hundredths(4o feet of the west one hundred andtwety (120) feet of lot one (1). and the eastfortr-thre- e and four-on- e hundredths(43 4,300) feet of the west one hundred andtwenty (120) feet of the north nine (9) feetof lot two (2), all in block one (1). Ilub-bard- li

addition to Kansas City, nnd willreport such sale to said court for approvaland confirmation, or disapproval, and, uponthe approval and contirmatlon by saidcourt, of such sale as may be made. I willmoke Seed convejlng all the interests of allthe pmies in said suit, and of all per-sons vtho may claim bj. through or underthem, to the purchaser at such sale.

ROBERT S STONE. Sheriff.Kansts Citj--. Mo , April 21st. 1&97.

TRUSTEE S SALE Whereas, WarrenMcLean, unmarried, of Jackson county,Missouri, bj his deed of trust, dated the19th day of Muj-- . A. D. 1SS7. tiled for recordthe 7th day ot December. 18S7, in the officeof recorder of deeds of Jackson countj',Missouri, at Kansas Cit. und recordedIn book B, 265, page 602, convejed to It. O.Boggess, as trustee, the following real es-tate, situate In Jackson countj'. Missouri,and described as follows, All oflot two (2). block one (1), in Union park,an addition to the City of Kansas, nowKansas City, Missouri, as the same ismarked and designated on the recordedplat thereof, which said deed was madeto secure the pajment ot one promissorynote of said Warren McLean, of even datetherewith, in the sum of live hundred andeighty-thre- e dollars ($36.1). due two jearsafter date, with Interest from date untilpaid at eight per cent per annum, interestpa able which said notew as giv en as pt.rt purchase money for saidabove described property: and, whereas,the sum of eight dollars has beenpaid of the principal of said note, and theInterest thereon to October 31. 1NW. andthe balance of said principal Is now dueana unpaid; and, whereas, said deed con-tained a provision that In case of the deathof said trustee, (he thn acting sheriff ofJackson county, Missouri, at the requestof the legal holder ot Eald note, may pro-ceed to sell the therein described,or- any part theieof. in accordance withthe terms ot the said deed ot trust; and,whereas, the said, trustae Is dead; now,therefore, public notice is hereby given thatI, the undersigned, Robert S. Stone, sheriffof Jackson countj-- , Missouri, and trustee,under and by virtus of the power vestedin me by said deed of trust, will, at therequest of the legal holder of said note,and in accordance with the terms of saiddeed of trust, on Moaday, the 17th day ofMai-- , A. D. 1S97. between the hours of ninoo clock in the forenotn and five o'clock Inthe afternoon of that day, expose for saloand sell at public veniue, lor cash, to thehighest bidder, all of the above describedpropertj- - at the west front door of theunited States custom louse and postofilce,on the southeast corner of Ninth and Wal-nut streets, Kansas Cit . Missouri, for thepurposo ot paying off said note and in-terest thereon, together with the costsand expenses of executiir this trust.

ROBEUT S. STONE,Sheriff of Jackson Countj-- , Missouri, and

trustee.Ballingal & Williams. .Attorneys.

TI.USTEE'S SALE Waereas. John T.Blanton and Elizabeth M. Blanton, hiswife, as granters, by their certain deed oftrust, dated on the I3th lay of October,3&vs. and on the 22nd day of October. 1SSS,duly filed for reco-- d In tie office of thorecorder of deeds for Jackson county, atKorsas City, Missouri, nnd duly recordedIn the records thereof. In book B, No. 2S4,page GOO, convejed to me. Shannon C.Douglass, as trustee, the follow lng describ-ed real estate, situate In the county ofJackson and the state ot Missouri,Lot two (2), block one (1). Floral place,an addition to the City ot Kansas, nowKansas City. Missouri, as the same Ismarked and described on the ncordea plat,now on file with the recordr of deedswithin and for the said countj- - of Jackson,at Kansas Citj--, Missouri. In trust, how-ever, to secure the pajment ol their cer-tain principal promissory note, given as apart purchase monej, in said deed or trustdescribed, and, whereas, bald lote is dueand unpaid nnd still remains du and paj--abi- e

as provided in 'aid deed of trust: nowthcrcfore.publlc notice Is herebj given that.

t the request or the legal holder and owneror said indebtedness in default, nnd byreason of said default. I, Shannon C.Douglass, trustee, as aforesaid, will, pur-suant to and under the terms of said deedof trust, .on the 23th daj-- of Maj. A. D.3S97, between the hours of 9 o clock In thforenoon and 5 o'clock In the afternoon ofthat daj-- . sell the real estate above de-scribed at pub'ic vendue to the highestbidder, for cash, at the w est front door ofthe United States custom housa and post-offi-

in Kansas City in the county ofJackson aforesaid, the said custom housebeing on the southeast cornT ot Walnutand 9th stieets, to pay the cost and

of executing this trust and the In-debtedness eeared bj- - sild deed of trust.


NOTICE is hereby given that letters ofadministration on the estate of ElizabethFarman, deceased, were grunted to the un-dersigned by the probate court of the coun-tj- of Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kan-sas Citj--, on the 20th d ij-- of Apt II, 1S97. Allpersons hnving claims against said estateire required to exhibit the to tho

undersigned for allowance, within one jearafter the date ot said letters, or thev in "

precluded from anj-- beretlt of said ti

. nnd if such claims be not exhibitedwithin two ears from the date 0' thispublication thev will be forever barred

D ited this 20th dav or April. 1S97JOSEPH J FARMAX.


Omah 1. Neb , April 3. 1W Se tied propos-als, in triplicate, will be received here until11 a. m , Central standard time. May 1,,

ivf.7. and then opened, tor constructing ad-ditional squad rooms to live (3) barrackbuildings nt Tort. Niobrara. Neb. U. S.reserves right to reject or nccept anv orall propos lis, or any part thereof. Piarsand specifications can bo ctrn, and all In-formation had here. Envelopes containingproposals to ho marked "Proposals forSquad Rooms." and addressed to SAM It.JONES, Capt. Q. M.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let-ters of administration on the estate ofJohanna Sicbtn dee'-'-d- , were granted tot!i undersigned b the probate court ot thecr.urtv of Jackson state of Missouri atlv lisas cit--

, on tne uaj-- or April, 1S97'All rersons having clilms aiint saidestate ire required the -- ame to theunci, rslgned for allowance, within onejear alter the "late of said letters, or thev

I ma-- , be precluded from nnv benelU of saiilrtstnfn. mill if suoh claims be not eihlhito.iwithin two jears from the date of thispublication tnev will ! forever barred.

HUGO EYSSELL. Administrator.Dated this 19th daj of April. Ii37.

NOIICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT-Noti- ceis hereby given to all creditors and

others interested in the estate of HarveyM. Bosworth, deceased, that I, John W.Bosworth. administrator of said estate. In-tend to make a final settlement thereof atthe next term of the probate court of Jack,son county, to be held nt Kansas City,Missouri, on the 17th dav of Mav, 1S37.

JOHN W. BOSWORTH. Administrator.

NOTICE OF TINAL SETTLEMENT-Noti- ceIs hereby given to all creditors and

others interested in the estate of AnnPalircr. deceased, that I. Charles LInder.executor of said estate. Intend to make afinal settlement thereof at the next termot the probate court of Jackson count,to be held at Kansas City. Missouri, on the17th day of Mav-- , 1OT.



SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue and au-thority ot a general execution. No. 27S12,

Issued from the offlce of the clerk of thecircuit court ot Jackson count, at Kan-sas Citj-- , Missouri, returnable to tho Aprilterm. 1S97. of said court, and to me. assheriff, directed and delivered, in favor ofIlGward M. Holden, as asslgneo of theKansas City faufe Deposit and Savingsbank, and against Henry P. Churchill. 1

have levied upon and seized all tho right,title. Interest and estate ot said defendant.Henry P. Churchill, In. and to the follow-ing described real estate, situated In thecounty of Jackson and state of Missouri,

All of the north half () ot lotone hundred and elghtj'-thre- e (l&S), inblock thirteen (IJ), of McUee's addition toKansas City. Missouri, also the followinglots In Marlborough, an addition to theCity of Kansas (now Kansas City), Mis-souri, said Marlborough being a sub-division ot the south halt Ci) of thesouthwest quarter CD of the south-west quarter () ot section twentj-nin- o

(29). and of the north fifteen (13)acres of the northwest quarter 04) of thenorthwest quarter (U) of section thirtv-tw- o

(.K). all In township fortj--nln- (49).range thirty-thrc- o (13). lots six (6) totwentj-nin- e (29), inclusive, block one (1),lots thirty-fou- r (31) lo thirty-seve- n (37).inclusive, block one (1): lots forty-si- x (46)to fortj--n!n- e W). inclusive, block one (1);lots two (2) to twentj-on- e (21). Inclusive,block two (2): lots twentv-sl- x (26) totwentj--nln- e (29), Inclusive, block two (2);lots tlilrtj -- eight (3S) to fortj-nln- e (49), in-

clusive, block two (2): lots four (4) totwenty (20), inclusive, block seven (7): lotsone (1) to twelve (12). Inclusivq, blockeight (S): lots twenty-on- e (21) to thirtj--si-x

(26), inclusive, block eight (S): lots one(1) to three (3), Inclusive, block three (3);also all of lots nine (9) and thirteen (13),In Dudlev & Hornbeck's plat, an additionto the City ot Kansas (now Kansas City).Missouri; also an undivided hair 04) orthe east fifty-tw- o and one-ha- lf (5IV4) feetof lots one (1) and two (2), In block one(1). in Ashburne's addition to KansasCity. Missouri . also an undivided one-ha- lf

(H of the following described property:Beginning at the southwest corner of 9thand Oak streets. In Kansas Citj. Missouri,thence west along the south line of 9thstieet seventy-si- x (76) feet eleven (11)inches, thence' south sixty-eig- (6S) feetfour (4) inches, thence east seventy-si- x (16)

fet eleven (11) Inches; thence north sixty-eig- ht

(68) feet four (4) inches to point ojbeginning, being part of lots seven (1)and eight (S). in block three (3), of T. ASmarts addition to Kansas City. Missouri,and I will, on Thursday, the 6th day ofMay, A D. 1S97. between thq hours of nineo'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock Intho afternoon of that daj-- . at the southfront door of the county court house. InKansas City, Jackson county, state of Mis-souri, and during the session of said circuitcourt at Kansas Citj, Missouri, sell atnubile vendue, for cash, to the highestbidder, all the right, title. Interest andestate of the abovo named defendant,Henry P. Churchill, In and tq said realestate to satisfy said execution and costs.

ROBERT S STONE, Sheriff.Kansas City. Mo. April I3th. 3S97.


the annual meeting of the Ter-minal Improvement Association ot KansasCit j, Missouri, for tho election ot directorsof said companj-- , was not held on the firstTht rsday after the second Tuesday ofMarch, 1897, as provided by the by-la- ofsaid company: and, whereas, thereafterand at the regular monthly meeting of thed'rectors of said companj-- , held on April 7.197. it was voted that the directors notlfjand causa such election to be held withinstxtv dajs after said first Thursday afterthe second Tuesday of March, 1S97. and on,

the Cth day of May, ls97. Now.therefore, in accordance with said vote andbj-- order of the directors of said company,notice Is hereby given that tho annualmeeting of the stockholders of said Termi-nal Improvement Association of KansasCitj. Missouri, for the election of directorsfor the ensuing year and the transactionot such other business as may come beforeit. will be held at the office of the company,the same being the office of Lathrop, Mor-row, Fox & Moore, No. 117 West Sixthstteet, Kansas City, Missouri, on Thursdaj-- .

tli-- i Cth day of May, 1697, at tho hour ofnine o'clock a. m

THEODORE C. iBATES. President,ARTHUR C.PAINE,, Secretary,

Of the Terminal Improvement Associationof Kansas City, Missouri.Kansas City, Mo., April 7. 1S97.

NOTICE is hereby given that letters ofadministration, with tho will annexed, onthe estate of John F. Schmelzer, deceased,wero granted to tho 'undersigned by theprobate court of the icounty of Jackson,state of Missouri, at iKansas City, on the10th day of April, 3S87., All persons havingclaims against said estate are required toexhibit the same to the undersigned for al-

lowance, with one jear after the date otsaid letters, or they may be precluded fromfrom any benefit of said estate, and If suchclaims be not exhibited within two yearsfrom the date of this publication they willbe forever barred.


Administrators, With tho Will of SaidDecedent Annexed.Dated this 10th day of April, 1S97.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let-ters of administration on the estate ofThomas G. Conklln. deceased, were grantedto the undersigned by the probate courtof the countj" ot Jackson, state of Mis-souri, nt Kansas City, on the 9th day ofMarch. 1S97. All persons having claimsagainst said estate are required to exhibitthe same to the undersigned for allow-ance within one jear after the date ofsaid letters or they may be precluded fromany benefit of said estate, and if suchclaims bo not exhibited within two yearsfrom the date of this publication they willbe forever barred

THOMAS J. SEEHORN. Administrator.Dated this 13th day of April. TO.

No'llCJb lt HhKKBl' GIVEN that let-ters of administration on the estate otRichard Wjatt. deceased, were granted tothe undersigned by the probate court ofthe county of Jackson, state of Missouri,at Kansas City, on the 16th day of Feb-ruar- j-.

1&97. AH persons having claimsagainst said estate are required to exhibitthe same to the undersigned for allow-arc- e.

within no year after the date ofsaid letters, or they may be precluded fromnnv benefit of said estate, and If suchclaims be not exhibited within two jearsfrom the date of this publication they willbe forever barred

THOMAS J. SEEHORN. Administrator.Dnted this 13th day of April. 3S97.

NOTICE Is hereby given that letters ofadministration on the estate of EmanuelLowensteln, deceased, were granted to thoundersigned by the probate court of thocounty or Jnckson, state of Missouri, atKansas City, on the 23rd day of February.Ifc97. All persons having claims againstsaid cstato are required to exhibit thesamo to tho undersigned for allowancewithin ono tear after the date of said let-ters, or thev may be precluded from anybenefit of said estate, and it such elitmsbe not exhibited within two jears fromthe date of this publication they will boforever barred.


Dated this 23rd day of February. 1S97.

NOTICE is hereby given that letterson tho estate of Nathaniel J.

Olln, deceased, were granted to tho under-stated by the probate court of tho countyof Jackson, sti-t- e of Missouri, at KansasCitj. on the 17th clay of April. Is97. Allpci sons having claims against said estateare required to exhibit the ramo to the un-dersigned for allowance within one jcaraftei the date of said letters, or they maybj precluded from any benefit or said es-

tate and If such claims bo not exhibitedwithin two from tho date of thispublication thev will be forever barred.

ELSIE I OLIN. Executrix.Dated this 17th day of April. lc97.Ustch . Mlddiebrook. Attornejs.

NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENTNotice Is herebj- - given to all creditors andothers interested in tho estate of ThomasCassiuj-- , deceased, that I. Mary Cassidj-- ,

executrix of said estate. Intend to make 11

final settlement thereof nt tho next termof the probate court of Jackson countj", tobe held at Kansas Citj--. Missouri, on thoseventeenth day of M.u. 3t97.

MARY Executrix.Slavens &. Spottswond. Attjs .

505 New- - York Life bldg.

NOTICE Or FINAL SE1TLEMENTNotice is hereby given to ull creditors nndothers interested in the estate of Henry C.Baker tint I, Alalia F. Baker. eecutritof said estate. Intend to make a final set-tlement thereof nt tho next term of theprobate court of Jnckson countj-- , to be heldnt Kansas City, Missouri, on the 17th ofMay, 1S37. ALALIA P. BAKER.

Executrix.Meservej--. Pierce & German. Attornejs.NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT

Notice is hereby given to all creditors andothers Interested in the estate of Frank F.Dlnsmoor that I. Edwin C. Mescrvey. ad-ministrator of said estate. Intend to makoa final settlement thereof at the next termof the probate court ot Jackson count, tobo held at Kansas Citj", Missouri, on the

EDW'INac.' MESERVEY, Administrator.Meservej". Plprce & German. Attorneys.NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT

Notlco Is hereby given to all creditors andothers Interested in tho estate ot RobertShamlcffer. deceased, that 1. Fred C. Hey.administrator of said estate. Intend tomake a final settlement thereof at the nextterm or the pronate court 01 aacKson county. to be held at Kansas Citj-- . Missouri, onthe 17th dav of May, 1!97.

FRED C. HEY. Administrator.


WHEREAS. Andrew J. McDonald andPauline E. McDonald, his wife, grantors,by their deed of trust, dated June 23. IS90.recorded the same day In the recorder'sofflco of Jackson county. Missouri, at Kan-sas City, in book B 431, pages 113 to 117,both Inclusive, convejed to Joseph L. Nor-man tho following described land In thecounty of Jackson, In the state of Mis-souri, Tho following lands in ey

Heights, according to the platthereof, on tile nnd of record In the re-corder's offlce of Jackson county, Missouri,viz.: Lot number two (2). in block one (1).lot number three 13), in block two (2), lotnumber twelvo (12), In block four (4). lotsnumbers twelvo (li) and twenty (20), Inblock tlv--e (5), lot number eighteen (IS), Inblock six (G), and lots numbers one (1) andthree U), In block eight (S). in trust, to re

painent of three promissorynotes In said deed of trust described; and.whereas, default was made In the paymentwhen due ot all said promissory notes, andthe principal of each note, with Interestthereon, according to the terms of eachnote, from December 23, A. D. 1&92, remainsduo and unDald: now. therefore, nt the

j request of the payees and of saidj three promissory notes, said Joseph L.

Norman, as trustee, will proceed to selltho said lands, bj- - said deed of trust con-- Ivejed, and any nnd everj- - part thereof, atpublic vendue, to the highest bidder, at' the court house door In Kansas City, intho county of Jackson, aforesaid, for cash,between the hours of nine o'clock In theforenoon and live o'clock In the afternoon,

' on Fridaj--, the twenty-eight- h day of May,397, the court house door at which suchsalo will be made being the south frontdoor of tho court house building In saidKansas City, on the block of ground bound-ed by Fifth street. Oak street, Missouriavenue and Locust street, in which build-ing the circuit court of Jacksnn countvMissouri, at Kansas City, is held, and ntday of sale may or might be lawfullyheld, and at which door the sheriff sellsland on execution from said court, suchsale to be made to pay the amounts dueon said three promissory notes and thecosts nnd expenses of executinc the trust- -including compensation to the trustee forhis services.

JOSEPH L. NORMAN. Trustee.TRUSTEE SALE-Wher- eas. John Tul-loc- h.

a single man. by his deed of trust,dated April 25. 1M2, acknowledged April 25,3S9., and recorded April 23. 3692. in the of-fice ot the recorder of deeds ot Jacksoncounty. Missouri, at Kansas City, in bookB 49... at page 403. convejied to the under-signed, I. J. Rlngolsky. trustee, the follow-ing described real estate In Jackson county,Kansas Citj--. Missouri, to-w- it: All of lotnumber thirteen (13) and the north one-ha- lf

(t) of lot number twelve (12), all inblock number one (1). Wlnfield place, anaddition to the City of Kansas, now Kan-sas Citj--. as the same are marked anddesignated on tho recorded plat of said ad-dition now on file In the recorder of deeds'offlci' In Kansas Citj", Missouri, in trust tosecure tho pajment ot one certain firstmortgage real estate note and ten Interestcoupons thereto attached. In said deed oftrust described. And. whereas, default hasbeen made In the payment of said noto andthe last Interest coupon thereon. Now.therefore, I, tho undersigned trustee, byvirtue of the power in me vested by saiddeed of trust and at the request of thelegal owner and holder of said note and In-terest coupon, wilt, on the second day ofJune. 1S97, between the hours of nineo'clock In the forenoon and five o'clock Intho afternoon, at the wiest front door of thenew county court house. In Kansas City,Jackson county, Missouri, said court housebeing a building situated on the blockbounded by Missouri avenue. Oak street.Fifth street and Locust street, in KansasCitj", Missouri, sell the above describedproperty at public vendue to the highestbidder, for cash, to pay said note, interestand costs of executing this trust.

I. J. RINGOLSKY. Trustee.

SHERIFF'S SALE-- By virtue and au-thority cf a special transcript executionissued from the office of the clerk of thecircuit court ot Jackson county, at KansasCity, Missouri, returnable to the Octoberterm, 1897. of said court, and to me assheriff directed and delivered in favor ofJames Bannon, assigned to C. H. Barber,and against Augustus L. Wheeler, GardinerLathrop, trustee for the Winner Invest-ment Company, Mrs. Hannah Sterns andthe Winner Investment Company. 1 havelevied upon and seized all the right, title.Interest and estate of said defendants,Augustus L. Wheeler, Gardiner Lathrop,trustee for the Winner Investment Com-pany, Mrs. Hannah Sterns and tho WinnerInvestment Company, in and to the follow-ing described real estate, situated In thecounty of Jackson and state of Missouri,

The north one hundred and forty-flv- o(145) feet of lot twentj-on- e (21), Minnie

G. Wilson place, an addition to KansasCity. Jackson county, Missouri, nnd I will,on Fridaj--. the 34th day of Maj". A. D. 1S97,between the hours of nine o'clock In thoforenoon and five o'clock In the afternoonof that day, at the south front door ofthe countj court house, in Kansas Citj".Jackson countj", state of Missouri, anddurlns the session of said circuit court atKansas City, Missouri, sell at public ven-due, for cash, to the highest bidder, all theright, title, interest and estate of theabove named defendants, Augustus L.Wheeler, Gardiner Lathrop, trustee for theWinner Investment Companj", Mrs. Han-nah Sterns and the Winner InvestmentCompany, In and to said real estate tosatisfy said execution and costs.

ROBERT S. STONE. Sheriff.Kansas Cltv. Mo . April 21. 1S97.

SHERIFF'S SALE Bj virtue and au-thority of two executions, Nos. C022 andC023, issued from the offlce of the clerk ofthe circuit court of Jackson county, at In-dependence, Missouri, returnable to thoJune term, 1S97, of said court, and to meas sheriff directed and delivered, in favorof state of Missouri ex rel D. S. Patterson,curator of the estate of Agnes Jarboe, a.minor, nnd against J. Henry Warneke. Ihave levied upon and seized all the right,title. Interest and estate of said defendant,J. Henrj' Warneke. In nnd to the followingdescribed real estate, situated In the countyof Jnckson and stato of Missouri, t:

North half or lot one thousand and fortj--nin- e

(1049). block seventy-thre- e (73). Mc-Ge-

addition to Kansas Cltv, also knownas Holmes and McGce's addlton and Mc-Ge-

and Holmes' addition: also lots one(1) and two (2), in Joseph Haefner's sub-division of lots thirteen (13) and fourteen(14), Charles F. Quest's addition to Kan-sas City, Missouri, and I will, on Friday,the 14th day of May, A. D. 1SS7, betweenthe hours of nine o'clock in the forenoonand five o'clock in the nftemoon of thatday. at the south front door ot the countycourt house, in Kansas Citj". Jacksoncounty, state of Missouri, and during thesession of said circuit court at KansasCit j". Missouri, sell at public vendue, forcash, to the highest bidder, all the right,title. Interest and estate of the above11 inied defendant, J. Henrj" Warneke, inand to said real estate to satisfy said ex-ecution and costs

RORERT S. STONE. Sheriff.Kansas Citj". Mo . April 21. 1S97.

SHERIFF'S SALE-- By virtue ard au-thority ot a special transcript execution is-

sued from the olliee ot the clerk of the cir-cuit court of Jackson countj", at KansasCltv, Missouri, icturniible to the Octoberterm. 3i97, of said rourt, and to mo as sher-iff directed and delivered In favor of JamesBannon, assigned to C. II. Barber, andagainst Augustus L. Wheeler. GardinerLathrop, trustee. The Winner InvestmentCompanj", Ernest Thomson, executor Alan-so- n

Dunn, I have levied upon and seized allthe right, title, interest and estate of saiddefendants. Augustus L Wheeler. GardinerLathrop, trustee, Tho Winner InvestmentComnanj", Ernest Thomson executor, Alan-so- n

Dunn. In and to the following describedreal estate, situated In tho countj" of Jack-son and state of Missouri, to-w- The northone hundred and fortj--fiv- o (14i) feet of lottwentv-fou- r (24) in Minnie G. Wilson Place,an rildition to Kansas City. Jackson coun-tj". Missouri, and I will, on Fridaj". the 14thdaj' of Mav. A. D. 1V7. between the hoursof nine o'clock In the forenoon and tivoo'clock in the afternoon of that day, at thesouth front door of the countv court house.In Kansas Citj". Jackon county, state ofMissouri, and during the session ot saidcircuit court at Kansas City, Missouri, sellat public endu for rasn. to the highestbidder, all the right, title. Interest and estate ot the above named defendants, Au-gustus L Wheeler, Gardiner Lathrop. trus-tee. The Winner Investment Company. Er-nest Thomson, executor Alanson Dunn,in and to said real estate to satisfy said ex-ecution and costs.

Kansas Cltv. Mo Ami! 21 397.RORERT S STONED Sheriff.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let-ters testamentary on the estate of Har-riett W. Wilson, deceased, were grantedto the underslgnrd bv tho probate courtof the county ot Jackson, state of Mis-souri, at Kansas City, on tho 39th day ofApril, 1S97 All persons having claimsagainst said estato are required to exhibitthe .same to the undersigned for allow-ance, within one jcar after the date ofsaid letters, or they may be precludedfrcm anv benefit of said estate, and Ifsuch claims fie not exhibited within twojears from the date of this publicationthej will ho forever barred.

this 29th day of April. 1S97.ROBERT T. WILSON,JAMES F. MISTER,


.NOTICE is hereby gen that letters ofadministration on the'estate of Charles H.Johnson, deceased, were granted to the un-dersigned bv the probate court of the coun-tj- of Jackson, state of Missouri, at Kan-sas City, on the 13th day of April, 1S97. Allpersons having claims against said estateare required to exhibit the same to theundersigned for allowance, within one yearafter the date ot said letters, or they maybe precluded from anj" benefit of said es-tate, and if such claims ho not exhibitedwithin two jears from the date of thispublication thej- - will be forever barred.

Dated this 19th day of April, 1S97.S. an GRIFFITH. Administrator.


WHEREAS. William S. Gilbert. Jr., andRosalie Montgomery Gilbert, his wife,grantors, by their deed ot trust datedApril 17, 1S91. recorded April 29, liSl. In therecorders office or Jackson countj",c"y. in book B 474. pagestf ' h lnclus've. conveyed to Joseph!. Norman the following described landIn the county of Jackson, in the state otMissouri, All of lots numbered

(22) and twentj--thre- e (23). inIrving park, an addition to the City ot Kan-sas (now Kansas City), as the same aremarked and designated on the plat of saidaddition on file and of record In the offlcoof the recorder or deeds of said Jacksoncounty, said lots making a parcel of landl??1? Kansas City fronting one hundred(100) feet in width on the north rlde ofGarner street, and running back norththat width along the east line ot Wood-ward avenue one hundred and twentj--seve- n

and twenty-fiv- e hundredths (127.25)feet, more or less, to an alley, in trust tasecure payment of a promissory nolo insaid deed ot trust described; and. where-as, default was made in the pajment whendue of said promissory note, and the prin-cipal of said note, with interest thereonaccording to tho terms ot the note fromApril 17, 15SI, remains due and unpai-i- ,

new. therefore, at the request of the hold-er and owner of said note, said Norman,as such trustee, will proceed to sell sa'dland by said deed ot trust convejed andanj and every part thereof, at public ven-due, to tho highest bidder, at the courthouse door In Kansas City. In the countyof Jackson aforesaid, for cash, betweenthe hours of nine o'clock In the forenoonand five o'clock In tho afternoon, on Satur-day, the twenty-nint- h day of Slay. 1S97,the court house door at which such salewill be made being the south front doorof the court house building In said Kan-sas City. or. the block ot ground bound-ed by Fifth street. Oak street. Missouriavenue and Locust street, in which build-ing the circuit court of Jnckson county.Missouri, at Kansas City, is held, andmight at day of sale be held. If then Insession, and at which door the sheriff otsaid county Is accustomed to make salesof real estate under execution, such saleto be made to pay tho costs and expensesof executing the trust. Including compen-sation to the trustee for his services, andtho balance due on said promissory note.


SHERIFFS SALE By virtue and au-thority of a special execution, No. 3202. is-sued from the office of the clerk of thecircuit court of Jackson county, at Kan-sas City, Missouri, returnable to the Octo-ber term, 1897, ot said court, and to meas sheriff directed and delivered In favorof E. L. Bruco and R. M. Bruce, andagainst John J. Hoos. S. Forsec. WilliamC. Forsee, Samuel roster. Charles R.Hicks and Robert C. Johnston. I have lev-ied upon and seized all the right, title, in-terest and cstato of said defendants. JohnJ. Hoos, S. Forsee. William C. Forsee,Samuel roster. Charles R. Hicks andRobert C. Johnston. In and to thefollowing described real estate, situat-ed In tne county of Jackson andstate of Missouri, to-w- Lot seventy-on- e

(71). or Carleton place an addition tothe City of Kansas (now Kansas City), asthe same is marked and designated on therecorded plat of said addition on file in thooffice of the recorder of deeds of Jacksoncounty. Missouri, at Kansas City, togetherwith the two (2) two-stor- y frame dwellinghouses, and one-sto- ry frame double" barnand fencing and walks, situated on saidlot. and I will, on Fridaj--. the 14th daj" otMay. A. D. 1S97, between the hours of ninoo clock in the forenoon and five o'clock Inthe afternoon of that day. at the southfront door of the countj" court house. InKansas Citj". Jackson count-- , state of Mis-souri, and during the session of said cir-cuit court at Kansas Citj". Missouri, sellat public vendue, for cash to the highestbidder, all the right, title, interest andestate of the above nnmed defendants, JohnJ. Hoes. S. Forsee. William C. Forsee. Sam-uel Foster, Charles R Hicks nnd Robert C.Johnston. In and to said real estate to satis-fy said execution and costs

ROBERT S. STONE Sheriff.Kansas City. SIo.. April 21. 1S97.

TRUSTEE'S SALE Notice isgiven that, on Friday, the twenty-Urs-a dayof May. 1S97. between the hours of 9 o'clockn. m and 5 o'clock p. m., at the south frontdoor of the building in which the circuitcourt of Jackson county, Missouri. Is nownppolnted to be held at Kansas Cltv,in Jnckson county, Missouri (said build-ing being situated In the block bound-ed by aiissouri avenue. Ouk. Fifth and Lo-cust streets, in said city). I will, as trustee,under a deed of trust executed by DavidJ. Burden and Jennie M. Burden, his wife,datec the eleventh day of February. 1S93.Hied for record February 17th, 1S9.!, and re-corded in the office of the recorder of deedsot Jackson countj--, Missouri, at KansasCity, in book B 516. at page 618. at the re-quest of the legal holder of the note there-by secured, sell at public vendue, to thohighest bidder, for cash, the following

real estate ljlng in Jackson county.Missouri, All of lots eight (S) andnine ("). in block ono (1). of Woodland Ave-nue Heights, an addition to the City ofKansas (now Kansas Cltv). as said lots andblock are marked and designated on therecorded plat of said addition, for the pur-pose of satlsfjlng the promissory noto se-

cured bj" sahl deed of trust, default havingbeen made In the payment of tho same, andtho same, with the interest thereon, nowremaining past due nnd unpaid


NOTICE Is hereby given that letters ofadministration as surviving partner on thepartnership estate ot Shroeder CommissionCompany (Frederick C. Shroeder. deceased),were granted to the undersigned by theprobate court of JacRson county, state ofMissouri, at Kansas Cit'. on the 21st dayof April, 1S97. All persons having claimsagainst said partnership estate are re-quired to exhibit the same to the under-signed for allowance, within one afterthe date of said letters, or they may beprecluded from any benefit of said estate,and if stich claims be not exhibited withintwo from the date of this publicationthey will be forever barred.

Dated this 21st day of April, 1S97.

WILLIAai L. SHELTON.Administrator as surviving partner of the

partnership estato of Shroeder Commis-sion Companj".Dobson & aicCune. Attorneys.

NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENTNotice is hereby given to all creditors andothers interested in the estate of BenjaminRiehl. deceased, that I, Ella R. RIehl. ad-ministratrix of said estate, with the will otsaid decedent annexed. Intend to make afinal settlement thereof at the next term otthe probate court of Jackson county, to boheld at Kansas City, Missouri, on the 17thday of May. 1S97.

ELLA R. RIEHL.Administratrix, With the Will ot Benjamin

RIehl. Deceased. Annexed.A. E. Knmmerer. Attorney.

NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENTNotice is hereby given to all creditors nndothers Interested in the estate of John Mc-Carthy, deceased, that we. Bridget Mc-Carthy, alary M. McCarthy and Clide M.McCarthy, executors of said estate, intendto mnke a final settlement thereof nt thonext term of the probate court of Jacksoncount", to be held at Kansas City, ails-sour- L

on the 17th day of Maj--. 1597.BRIDGET MCCARTHY.aiARY at. atcCARTHY.clide ar. McCarthy.


THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING ofthe stockholders of the Trcmont Land andImprovement Company will be held at tliacompany's office, room 815. New York Lifubuilding. Kansas City, aiissouri, on Tues-day, May 11. 1S37, from 9 o'clock a. m. until4 o'clock p. m . to elect directors and totransact anj-- other business that may comolegally before the meeting.

LEWIS C. PATTEE, President.JOHN A. ROSS, Secretary.April 26. 1S97.

NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENTNotice is hereby given to all creditors andothers Interested In the estate of JamesAllison, deceased, that I, LUJah S. e,

executor of said estate. Intend tomake a final settlement thereof at thonet term of the probate court of Jacksoncounty, to be held at Kansas City. Mls-bou- rl.

on the 17th day of May, 1S97.

ELIJAH S. aicCLAINE. Executor.

NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENTNotice Is hereby given to all creditors andothers Interested in the estate of CharlesG. Carlson, deceased, that I. CharlesLundsted, administrator of said estate. In-

tend to make a final settlement thereofat tho next term of the probate court ofJackson county, to be held nt Kansas City,aiissouri. on the 17th day of aiay. 1S97.


Notice Is hereby given to creditors andothers Interested In the estate ot MichaelSurke. deceased, that I. aiargaret Burke,executrix of said estate. Intend to make afinal settlement thereof at the next termof the probnte court of Jackson county, tobe held at Kansas City, aiissouri, on tho17th day of aiay. 1W.


-- ..in 4. ha.ahv rKln 1f nil.. rwnH n... .. aium-- a ..v.vwj o-- .ii.uKvi3 unaothers Interested In the estate of HiramLee. deceased, that I, Edgar II. Lee. admin-

istrator of said estate. Intend to make afinal settlement thereof at the next termof the probate court of Jackson county, tobe held at Kansas Cltv. Mo . on the 17thday of May, 3897. EDGAR H. LEE.

Administrator.ASSIGNEE'S N0T1CI-A- 1I parties In-

terested are hereby notified that on the 29thday of aiay. 1S97. I will apply to the cir-cuit court of Jackson county, aiissouri. forfinal discharge as assignee of John G.Conkey. LENDRUM B. RIDGE.

Assignee.HarXless. O'Grady & Crysler. Attorneys.

LEGAL NOTICES.SHERFFF-y- t T.rLTv .... nnrf au

thority of a general execution. No. 6S7, Is-sued from the office of the clerk 'of thecircuit coutt of Ray county, at Richmond,--Jlssourl, rcturnablo to the May term. 1337.of said court, and to me as sheriff directedand delivered, in favor of H. C Shepherdand against T. O. Robertson, I have leviedupon and seized all the right; title. Interestand estato of said defendant. T. O. Robert-son, in and to the following described realestate, situated In the county of Jacksonand state of aiissouri. to-w-it: Beginningat a point on the east line of Locust streettwo hundred and forty-si- x and seven-tent- hs

(24S feet south of the northline of the southeast quarter of sectioneight (8). township forty-nin- e (49). rangethlrtj -- three (33). thence east and parallelwith said north line of the southeast quar-ter of section eight (S). one hundred andth'r,ty-tw- o (132) feet, thence south and par-7s!f-

tne cast "na o Locust street sixty(W) feet, thence west and parallel with thosouth line of the southeast quarter of sec-tion eight (X). one hundred and thirty-tw- o

JL.- -J feet to the east line of Locust street,thence north sixty (60) feet to the pointof beginning, ail in Kansas City. Jacksoncountj. Missouri; also all of lot number six(6). and the south eleven (11) feet of lotnumber five (5). all In block number four(4). In East Sldo place, an addltton to Kan-sas City, Missouri, as shown by the dulyrecorded plat of said addition in Jacksoncounty, Missouri, and 1 will, on Thursdaj.the 6th daj of aiay. A. D. Iv97. letween thehours of nine o'clock in the forenoon andlive o'clock In the afternoon of that day.at the south front door of the county courthouse. In Kansas City, Jackson county,state of aiissouri. nnd during the sessionof said circuit court at Kansas Citj". Mis-souri, sell at public vendue, for cash, tothe highest bidder, all the right, title, in-terest and estate of the above named de-fendant. T. O. Robertson. In and to saidreal estate to satisfy said execution andcosts. ROBERT S. STONE. Sheriff- -

Kansas Citj", aio.. April 13th. 1S97.

SHERIFF'S bALt-- uj value and au-thority of two special executions. Nos.2il57 and 2217. Issued from the of-fice cf tho clerk of the circuit court otJackson countj". at Kansas City. Missouri,returnable to the April'term. 1S97. of saidcourt, and to me as sheriff directed and de-livered In favor of Long Bell Lumber Com-pany, J. Derry and E. J. Deny,

under the firm name and stIe or J.Derry and Son. nnd against Adam Young:and D. A Austin, Clara Kaufman. Da-vid Kaufman her husband. L. C. Full-er. II. L. Brandom. J. H. Cheek. I. J.Rlngolsky. trustee, and Julius Rothschild,I have levied upon and seized all the right,title, interest and estate of said de-fendants. Adam loung and D. A. Austin.Clara Kaufman. David Kaufman her hus-band. L. C. Fuller. II. L. Brandom. J. II.Cheek. I. J. Rlngolsky. trustee, and JuliusRothschild, in and to the following de-scribed real estate, situated in tho countyof Jackson and state of aiissouri. lt:

The west forty-fiv- e (43) feet of lots six-teen (IS), seventeen (17) and eighteen (IS),In block "H." Scltz' subdivision of Lock-.ldg-e's

addition to Kansas City, Jacksoncountj--. aiissouri, and I will, on Tuesdaj-- .the 11th day of aiav. A. D. 1W, betweenthe hours of nino o clock in the forenoonand Jive o'clock In the afternoon of thatdaj-- . at the' south front door of the countycourt house, in Kansas Citj--i Jacksoncounty, state of aiissouri. and during thosession of said circuit court at KansasCity, aiissouri, sell at public vendue, torcash, to the highest bidder, all the right,title. Interest and estate of the abovenamed defendants. Adam Young andD. A. Austin. Clara Kaufman. DavidKaufman her husband, L. C. Fuller, H.L. Brandom. J. H. Cheek. I. J. Rlngolsky.trustee, and Julius Rothschild. In and tosaid real estate to satlsfv said executionand costs. ROBERT S. STONE. Sheriff.

Kansas Citj". Mo.. April IB. 1S37.

TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of defaultin the pajment of the principal promissorynote and Interest thereon described in adeed of trust executed by James Templennd Ella M. Temple, his wtte. and L. II.Fillmore and Carrie B. Fillmore, his wife,to the undersigned trustee, dated Decem-ber 22d, lsS8, and recorded December 24th.liSS, in the cilice of the recorder of deedsfbr Jackson county. Mo , in book B 332.page 258. I will, pursuant to the terms ofsaid deed of trust and at the request of thelegal holder ot said note, sell at publlovendue, to the highest bidder, for cash, atract of ground beginning on the east Unaof Ljdla avenue two hundred and twenty-tw- o

(22!) and cight-tenth- 3 feet southof the southeast corner of ISth street andLydla avenue, thence south twenty-fiv- e (23)feet, thence cast one hundred ami fifty-ni- ne

(159) and four-tent- feet, thencenorth twenty-fiv- e (25) feet, thence westone hundred and fifty-nin- e (159) and four-tent- hs

feet to the place of begin-ning, being a part of block lettered "W."In Lcckrldge's addition to the City of Kan-sas (now Kansas City). Jackson county,aiissouri. at the west door of the UnitedStates custom house, at the southeast cor-n- e-

of Ninth and Walnut streets. KansasCity, In the county of Jackson, state ofaiissouri. on the 11th day of May. 1S97.between the hours of nine o'clock In theforenoon and five oiclock In the afternoon,for the purpose of satisfying the Indebt-edness In said deed ot trust described andthe costs therein mentioned.

ani.TON arnn-RR- Tniet

IN tho circuit court of Jackson county,Missouri. Kansas City division No. Three,third day of the term. A. D. 1S37. the samebeing on April 14th. A. D. 1S97. the fol-lowing proceedings were had: In the mat-ter ot the assignment of the Indian Ricoaiming Company. John H. Bovard, as-signee. 24461. Now, on this day. comessaid assignee and hies and exhibits hereina final statement of the accounts ot histrust to this date, with proper vouchers at-tached, and said assignee nlso files his ap-plication for a final discharge from histrust herein. Wherefore the court directsthat publication ba made for six weeks InThe Kansas City Journal, notifying all par-ties Interested of the filing of said state-ment and said application for final dis-charge, and also that said statement willbe In all things approved and said applica-tion be granted on the 29th day of aiay, A.D. 1S97. unless good cause to the contrarybo shown.

A true copy.Attest: H. ar. STONESTREET, Clerk.

Bi-- W. A. CCRRY. D. C.

TRUSTEE'S SALE By reason of defaultIn the payment of the principal, promis-sory note and interest thereon, describedIn .1 deed of trust executed bj Christian A.Dannaker. Sr., to the undersigned trustee,dated December ISth. lS. and recordedDecember 2Cth. 18SS. In the office of thorecorder of deeds for Jackson county. Mo.,in book B 243, page SS. I will, pursuant tothe terms ot said deed of trust, and at tharequest of the legal holder of said note,sell nt public vendue, to the highest bid-der, for cash, all of lot number fifteen (13)ot C. A. Dannaker, Sr.'s. addition to thoCity of Kansas (now Kansas Cit). Jack-sc- m

countj". aiissouri. at tho court housodoor In the City of Kansas (now KansasCity), In the county of Jackson, stato ofaiissouri. on tho 11th day of aiay. 3597, be-

tween the hours of nine o'clock In thiforenoon and five o'clock In the afternoon,for the purpose of satlsfjlng the Indebted-ness In said deed of trust described andthe costs therein mentioned.

JAaiES W. PERKINS. Trustee.NOTICE Is hereby given that letters ot

administration on the estate or ChristianLaemmle. deceased, were granted to the un-dersigned by the probate court of the coun-ty of Jackson, state ot Missouri, at Kan-sas Cit". on the 19th day of April. 1S57. Allpersons having claims against aia stataare required to exhibit the same to theundersigned for allowance, within onej-ea-r

nfter the date of said letters, or they maybe precluded from any benefit of said es-tate, and ir suoh claims be not exhibitedwithin two ears from the date of thispublication they will bo forever barred.

Dated this 19th dav of April. 1S97.FRIEDRIKE LAEMMLE.

Administratrix".Scnmmon. afend fc Stubenrnuch. Attys.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that let-

ters of administration on the estate ofGeorge D. Harper, deceased, were grantedto the undersigned by the probate courtof the count" of Jnckson. statoot aiissouri, at Kansas City, ontho 26th day ot April, 1197. All personshaving claims against said cstnte are re-quired to exhibit the Fame to the under-signed for allow ance. within one year aftertho date of said letters, or they may beprecluded from any benefit of said estate,and if such claims bo not exhibited withintwo years from the date of this publicationthey will he forever barred. Dated this26th day of April. 1897.

HENRY C. HARPER. Executor.NOTICE U hereby given that letters tes-

tamentary on the estato of William C.Campbell, deceased, were granted to theundersigned by the probate court of thecounty of Jackson, state of aiUsourl. atKnnsas City, on the ISth day of March.1S97. All persons having claims againstsaid estate are required to exhibit the snmoto the undersigned for allowance, withinone jear after the date of said tetters, orthey may be precluded from any benefit orsaid estate, and If such claims be not exhlblted within two years from the date othis publication inej will ne rorever barr '

AaiANDA S. CAaiPBELL. ExecutrixW. D. Jameson. Attornev.

Dated this ISth dav of aiarch. 1S97.

NOTICE OF FINAL S ETTLEMENT-Notl-ceIs hereby given to all creditors and

others Interested In the estate of MichaelDillon, deceased, that I, Andrew F. Ev-ans, administrator of said estate. Intend tomake a final settlement thereof at thenext term of the probate court of Jacksoncounty, to be held nt Kansas City. Mis-sou- rl.

on tha 17th day of aiay. 1897.ANDREW F. EVANS.

Administrator of Estate ot Michael Dillon.Deceased.Bntmback & Brumback. Attorney.