Karl Marx (5.5.1818~3.12.1883) • Political theorist, sociologist, economist Got doctor’s degree from Jena Univ. in 1841 Became editor of Rheinische Zeitung in 1842

Karl Marx (5.5.1818~3.12.1883) Political theorist, sociologist, economist Got doctor’s degree from Jena Univ. in 1841 Became editor of Rheinische Zeitung

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Karl Marx (5.5.1818~3.12.1883)

• Political theorist, sociologist, economist

• Got doctor’s degree from Jena Univ. in 1841

• Became editor of Rheinische Zeitung in 1842

• Wrote The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts in 1844, showing his strength in writings

• French Revolution in 1848 showed his social power

• Writes Das Kapital, analyzing the economics of capitalism

• His works were intellectual basis of 19C European socialism & 20C communism

What is Marxism?-Karl Marks and Friedrich Engels

- A philosophy of economy, human history that includes a vast array of thinking from materialistic interpretation within contemporary historical point of view.

- What is the good life for human beings?- Marx first wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848. - Thought that capitalism exploited workers and

increased the gap between the rich and the poor. Also believed that conditions in capitalist countries would eventually join in a Revolution of the Proletariat and overcome the bourgeoisie. According to Marx, he thought communism encourages equality and coorporation, and without property to encourage greed, governments would be unnecessary.

Aspects of different views on different regions

• - Marxism in … Western, China, Japan, India, etc…, assumed pre- capitalist countries of

Asia were destined to follow the Western capitalist path of development.

Japan, China, India

• Japan- as the first Asian country where Marxism took place, responded to the social tensions of Meiji modernization, and highly influential in economic and historical scholarship.

• China-gained its first appeal under the 1917 Belshevik Rev, and May Fourth Movement in 1919.

• India- Marxist ideas spread widely among Indian intellectuals in the wake of WWI.



• Industrial Revolution workers didn’t treat well– Low wage, harmful condition, heavy

workload, even child had to work etc.

• To get their rights back, workers also requested political representation.– Denied by bourgeois and government


• Marx believes that socialist takeover required violence, and workers’ and management’s interests were irreconcilable.

• Revolutions occurred in many parts of Europe, often crushed with bloodshed.– French students and laborers’ revolt on

February 22, 1848 Spread to the whole Europe

Forming of workers’ party

• In 1864, the first communist party was formed as the International Working Men’s Association

• Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party formed in 1898 brought unity to the disorganized Marist movement in Russia

• In 1897, General Jewish Workers’ League formed

How Marxism was spread?• Proletariat– Ex. Worker’s union

• Political leaders–Mao Zedong– Stalin– Ho Chi Min – Castro and Che



Where it spread to?

• Its influence

• Mainly– Russian radicals (later Soviet

Union) • Radical ideas, education


– Central Asia – Eastern Europe– China (later N. Korea and

Vietnam) – Cuba

1. RUSSIAN RADICALS (later, Soviet Union)2.

Central Asia

3. Eastern Europe

4. China


• Cultural Modification• Adopt International Capitalism• Alliance with a local religion

Primary Question

• What was so appealing about the Marxism or not appealing that some society would appreciate or depreciate the idea?

• Why Marxists concentrated on propaganda?• What were the potential limits of Marxism?• In what countries can we find similar

patterns of Mao Zedong’s practices on Marxism?


• Horowitz, Maryanne Cline. 2005. New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Vol. 4. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson Gale, 2005. 1357-370. Print.

• Stearns, Peter N. Cultures in Motion: Mapping Key Contacts and Their Imprints in World History. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2001. 98-106. Print.