MY TIME AT THE: AMAZON RAINFOREST BY: KATHERINE B. Block : 1 , social studies . 2 , science ~ 1 ~

Katherine B. - Block 1

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Rainforest Project

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Page 1: Katherine B. - Block 1




Block : 1 , social studies . 2 , science

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In the rainforest it rains….

It rains …

And rains…

And rains...

We ask .., they ask.., you ask…

When will it stop?

The answer is it will rain forever.. Stop.. Take a day break then again it will rain….

Hi I am kiah I wasn’t born here in South America but we moved here when I was very young… I love writing stories and poetry, and one night I had a dream that I became a writer and wrote about my life here so here I am

I hope you enjoy!

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I have lived here for about ... 7 years now… we moved here when I was 6. I am 13 now. I have a brother a sister a mom and a dad! I also have many friends. Sometimes my dad takes me out in the forest. My mom usually needs my help in the garden area.

Of course I miss my old home ... But I really like it here. It’s so relaxing because of the breeze and just knowing I can at any time go out and walk and play with animals. IN THE FOREST.

When you live here you have to take care of yourself and others . Not like in the United States when you can go to the doctor and get medicine. We make most of our medicine. We also cook and gather most of our food , not buying at the store or going to a restaurant.

You definitely have to adapt ( or get used to) to living in a home eating at a McDonalds to living in the woods cooking and killing your own food.

My family is nomadic ( we travel a lot/move a lot)

Some times when you go hunting you have to dress in camouflage, or in a disguise to blend in with plants. My dad dresses in camouflage when he hunts. Sometimes he takes me with him to hunt and I see trees cut down and I think ‘that’s an animal’s habitat (or place they live) that people are destroying.’ deforestation is what it is called (when people cut down trees in the forest) Sometimes it makes me feel sad. Also when we are out hunting I see a bird move swiftly across the sky chasing a mouse the predator, or thing that hunts for food, closes in on its prey, or animal hunted or caught for food.

I see an producer, an organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple molecules and an external source of energy, perform photosynthesis,The process by which plants and other photoautotroph’s generating carbohydrates and oxygen from carbon dioxide, water, and light energy in chloroplasts.

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………. Chapter 2

One day when I was in the garden with my mom and I saw a worm on a sort of foliage, or leaf, being a decomposer, or organism that breaks down dead animals, by breaking down a left over animal corpse.

I love science so you will be hearing me say many things such as definitions or scientific words. Ya… I’m weird.

Me and my family love all livings or organisms (living things) we love animals, trees, and of course humans.

I am an herbivore, I only eat vegetables.My mom dad sister and brother are omnivores, they eat meat and vegetablesOne man named kuatu is a carnivore, he only eats meat.

I love kuatu, he is 86 years old, very wise, he is my best friend. Ofcourse I have other friends but he is my favorite (no offense others). He is so nice, he also predicts the weather here; we sit down and talk, drinking tea we made. “I feel rain” he says and sure enough it rains, and rains, and rains, . He’s predicting the climate (or weather for a certain amount of time.) M and Kuatu try to conserve , or save , the forest areas from deforestation, or cutting down the forest/nature... My friend Emma is an ecotourist (tourist who leave everything the way they found it.) We need the stuff in the forest but we try as much as we can not to mess with nature.

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The rainforest land cover map look like the

But soon it will ALL be the dark brown (deforested )

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And this is the climate map.


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Chapter 3

The world is full of love the world is full o fear the world is full of laughter the world is full of tears. If you do not believe me go look outside yourself. but don’t go running to me when you see those evil elf’s, don’t run when the rain comes pouring or when the lightning strikes near, or when a little bug goes in snug to your little ear. It’s not all bad, the world, you know it has some good things too. The laughter the fun and of course when someone loves you.

That’s one of my poems.. Do you like it?

Is like real life (ha-ha.. like a life size version of the food web), oh that reminds me….

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……Chapter 4

I have run into almost every animal on that food web!

Here’s probably the most exciting thing in this book!

I was running… then out of nowhere a snake POPPED UP! Then I

realized it wasn’t chasing Me it was chasing a bush baby that was running

Diagonal from me!

A bush babies predators are : EAGLES, OWL, LARGE SNAKES, ANDS OFCOURSE DECOMPOSERS.Its habitat is in the forest . and its usually shared with monkeys. It usually eats bugs and or foliage.

Then one time I was swimming and this manatee came up. He had scratch marks on him from peoples boats scratching him. Humans, sharks and jaguars can injure this animal. It eats only vegetables, grasses, etc.It lives in the water.

I had to be very careful because there are piranhas in the waters. Piranhas eat MEAT (disgusting!) Predators to the piranha are alligators, whales and dolphins, sharks, large fish. Piranhas eat smaller fish.They live in the water.

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I was told that I have to add more facts in here so…. Sorry if I bore you, you’re the one who clicked this book!

…..Chapter 5

I know this book isn’t the BEST and I’m sorry, but I had to finish in a certain amountOf time, I hope its okay .. right now I wish this book were better but I will have a better book published when I’m older, in this book there are facts , it’s not as fun.I am learning different stuff in our small school, here’s what I already know from my old school ( French) hello, I am kiah.. bonjour, je suis kiah. Heheheheee French is fun.

Ok back on topic! here are some facts about my tribe and the environment around us and some facts about our neighbor THE CULTURE (WAY OF LIVING OR ACTING)

Name of thing: facts:My tribe: piraha

Other tribe: YanomamI *They live in hundreds of small villages and contain 40 – 300 individuals *families are grouped up In one large communal dwelling called a shabono*shelter is a disc shaped structure with open air central plaza in a n earthly version of their gods abode*they wear a minimal covering on their bottom area but if very hot sometimes they wear nothing*they are agricultural and hunters*They are shaped by their belief that the natural & spiritual world are unified nature creates everything and is sacred SHAMAN is their spiritual leader.*Yanomami means human being*they hunt and fish to get food (meat, veggies

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from garden)*they are conservationist *they gather food from small gardens*use plant extracts for medicines*eat meat that they kill or fish that they fish for*use bones that they use for markings/piercings( use every pert, no waste)

interactions: *People walk or go in a boat*Deforestation, Conservation ,and ecotourism are all ways humans effect the forest.*

Geography: Look below at the thing titled geography for this one

Features: This will be below too titled physical features

Other facts: plants Here are some facts about plants here:*cocoa tree: appearance- yum!, chocolate, leafy, nutty, fruit/cocoaHabitat- warm humid regions near the equator.Predators- humans , ME!Uses for people- make chocolate!!*Tualang: they are indigenous ( naturally grows in that area,not transplanted)Predators: humansHabitat – forestAppearance- tall , leafy


How does the environment effect humans? What products do people get from the Amazon?

1.) Abiotic (weather, earthquakes) and biotic (lawns, gardens, trees parks, pets, birds, bees butterflies.. Etc.) Temperature in weather affects activities air quality and water quality affect health. 2.) * natural rubber (latex)* brazil nuts , fruit ( guarana , acai )

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*Many minerals : iron, manganese , uranium, bauxite ( primary component of aluminum) copper, gypsum, lignite, nickel, gold.*Wood.*Medicinal plants

Physical features Description of the climate-

Average temperature: Its in the 80s during the day then 70s in the night.

Climate zone: tropical

Rainfall: depending on region , amounts vary from 80 to 400 inches year (average 80 in. )

Oh my goodness, we ar ehaving a going away party, I was just told we are moving to California/ that will be another story for you,…..

As we drive away I look back at the beautiful Amazon with tears in my eyes and I remember all of the wonderful adventures there. I whisper “don’t worry, I’ll be back” and it whispers back “I know”.

Credits: http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/amazon.htm http://www.awf.org/content/wildlife/detail/bushbaby http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/02004/pages/bushbaby.htm

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