Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading- 10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan

Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan

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Page 1: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan

KeeperHolly Goldberg Sloan

146 pagesDate Began Reading-10/25/05Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05Keeper

by Holly G. Sloan

Page 2: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan


• I would give this book a letter grade of B because it was apparent what was going to happen at the end of the book. You didn’t need to finish to know the out come. The book didn’t lead you up to the end.

• This book could be recommended to people who are afraid of many things because reading this book could support you when fighting your own fears.

• If I could ask the author one question, I’d ask her: What person did you base Sasha’s character off of?Keeper

by Holly G. Sloan

Page 3: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan

Word Splash


by Holly G. Sloan

Page 4: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan

Word Splash

The key words that were used in my word splash were very important to the plot. Each of the terms had to be gained or found. Thus, the characters had to find the strength within themselves. These expressions show what the characters have learned in this part of their life. If the characters did not locate these terms in themselves the theme of the story would have been on unclear. Still, the words are what kept the characters going until the end.


by Holly G. Sloan

Page 5: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan


• Obviously, the issue in Keeper was that Courtney is trying to help her friend Sasha get over the fears and problems that she feels are keeping Sasha from living a full life.

• There are two types of conflict that took place in the story. One was man against self. Sasha must reflect on herself and decide if she is willing to push herself out of her comfort zone. There is also man against man conflicts as Courtney tries to encourage Sasha to do more than just exist.

• The opposing forces are therefore:– Sasha vs. Sasha AND– Sasha vs. Courtney


by Holly G. Sloan

Page 6: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan


There are two types of conflict that took place in the story. One was man against self. Sasha must reflect on herself and decide if she is willing to push herself out of her comfort zone. There is also man against man conflicts as Courtney tries to encourage Sasha to do more than just exist.

Page 7: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan

Setting• Keeper took place during soccer

season. Soccer season is played the during the spring; mid-way through the school year.

• The story was located at a middle school somewhere in the United States. In this quote it gives me this information: “I only go out because they have laws that says kids have to go to middle school.”

• While reading this book I found this information as well when I went back into the book.Keeper

by Holly G. Sloan

Page 8: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan


The main characters of Keeper were: Sasha, Courtney, Otto, and Nammy.


by Holly G. Sloan

Page 9: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan


Sasha is the girl just trying to get through middle school. Being afraid of everything just makes it more difficult for her to do this. She doesn’t do any sports or after-school activities, until she made a promise with her friend.

Keeper by Holly G.


Page 10: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan


Courtney is Sasha’s friend who made the promise with her. Courtney is a very athletic. She does every sport there is to play. Sasha promised Courtney that she would compete in one sport with her. That is how they started playing soccer.

Keeper by Holly G.


Page 11: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan


Otto is the girl’s soccer coach. He is from Hungary. He played for the Hungarian team. He is in the States because he is finishing school. All of the girls on the team think that he is cute. Otto is a decent guy and determined.

Keeper by Holly G.


Page 12: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan


Nammy is Sasha’s grandmother. Nammy just sits at home and watched T.V. all day. When Nammy sees something on the T.V. that she likes she buys it. She does not care if they do not need it. Nammy does not like doing things outside of her comfort zone. She would rather stay inside and out of the world.

Keeper by Holly G.


Page 13: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan


• In the book Keeper, the mood of the novel is light and self-reflective. Sasha tells the story in the first person.

• Much of the story is amusing as Sasha laughs at her quirks and fears. She does not take her self very seriously and is not at all goal directed in the beginning. But, that changes at the end of the book.


by Holly G. Sloan

Page 14: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan


The message that the author is trying to get the reader to realize is you can’t give up when the going gets hard. You have to keep trying! No matter what happens.


by Holly G. Sloan

Page 15: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan

Plot Teaser/Testimonial


by Holly G. Sloan

In the book Keeper by Holly Goldberg Sloan, Courtney is a girl who is trying to help her friend ,Sasha, get over her problems. They work together to make the soccer team. During the season, they get closer then they have ever been. Until, something happens that will change Sasha’s life forever. Courtney is right there like a friend should be.

Page 16: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan

Plot Teaser/Testimonial

Extraordinary is just another name for the book Keeper, which is a bout a young girl who tries to sport that will change her life forever.

Keeper by Holly G.


Page 17: Keeper Holly Goldberg Sloan 146 pages Date Began Reading-10/25/05 Date Finished Reading- 10/27/05 Keeper by Holly G. Sloan

Plot Teaser/Testimonial

Keeper by Holly G.


Keeper brings the conflict people often have in trying to deal with the difficulties in maturing through the middle school years, Middle school years can be hard, but you have to stand up against it. It is always good to know that you have true friends to lean on. As well as having something to focus your mind on .