KEMENTERIAN KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN BADAN KARANTINA IKAN, PENGENDALIAN MUTU DAN KEAMANAN HASIL PERIKANAN JALAN MEDAN MERDEKA TIMUR NO. 16, JAKARTA 10110, KOTAK POS 4130 JKP 10041 TELEPON (021) 3519070 (HUNTING), FAKSIMILE (021) 3520351 LAMAN: http://www.bkipm.kkp.go.id , POS ELEKTRONIK: [email protected] Nomor : 1113/BKIPM.2/KM.310/X/2016 28 Oktober 2016 Lampiran : Satu berkas Hal : Persyaratan Ekspor Hewan Akuatik (Ikan Koki dan Krustasea) Hidup ke Jepang Yth. 1. Kepala Balai Besar KIPM 2. Kepala Balai KIPM Kelas I dan II 3. Kepala Stasiun KIPM Kelas I dan II di Seluruh Indonesia Menindaklanjuti sosialisasi persyaratan ekspor hewan akuatik hidup ke Jepang dengan UPT-KIPM melalui video conference, dengan ini perlu kami sampaikan kembali hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1. Jepang mempersyaratkan bebas penyakit ikan tertentu pada jenis-jenis ikan (terlampir) yang akan diekspor ke Jepang. 2. Ikan yang diekspor akan dikenakan masa karantina di Jepang dengan lama waktu sebagaimana terlampir (tergantung dari jenis ikan dan target penyakit yang akan diperiksa). 3. Persyaratan ekspor ikan genus Carassius ke Jepang adalah sebagai berikut: a) Bebas penyakit Spring Viraemia of Carp (SVC) dan Enteric Redmouth Disease (ERM); b) Sebelum diekspor ikan harus dikarantina selama 15 hari dalam Instalasi Karantina Ikan (IKI). Selama masa karantina dilakukan sampling, pengamatan dan pemeriksaan secara klinis dan laboratories, dan 10 hari sebelum pengiriman tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda klinis penyakit infeksius; c) Carassius yang akan diekspor tidak boleh diberi vaksin untuk penyakit SVC dan/atau ERM; d) Telur ikan sebelum diekspor harus didesinfeksi sesuai dengan OIE Aquatic Code; e) Khusus pengiriman Carassius menggunakan format Health Certificate (HC) sebagaimana terlampir. 4. Persyaratan ekspor krustasea ke Jepang adalah sebagai berikut: a) Bebas penyakit udang sebagaimana daftar terlampir; b) Sebelum diekspor, krustasea harus dikarantina dalam jangka waktu tertentu (terlampir) di IKI, dan selama 10 hari sebelum pengiriman tidak menunjukkan gejala klinis penyakit infeksius; 5. Jepang mempersyaratkan pengambilan sampel, pemeriksaan secara laboratoris, dan pengendalian penerapan biosekuriti di farm-farm mengacu pada OIE Aquatic Code dan OIE Manual of Diagnosis Tests for Aquatic Animals;

KEMENTERIAN KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN BADAN KARANTINA IKAN ... Ekspor ke Jepang.pdf · Hal : Persyaratan Ekspor Hewan Akuatik (Ikan Koki dan Krustasea) Hidup ke Jepang Yth. 1. Kepala

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TELEPON (021) 3519070 (HUNTING), FAKSIMILE (021) 3520351 LAMAN: http://www.bkipm.kkp.go.id , POS ELEKTRONIK: [email protected]

Nomor : 1113/BKIPM.2/KM.310/X/2016 28 Oktober 2016 Lampiran : Satu berkas Hal : Persyaratan Ekspor Hewan Akuatik (Ikan Koki dan Krustasea) Hidup ke

Jepang Yth. 1. Kepala Balai Besar KIPM 2. Kepala Balai KIPM Kelas I dan II 3. Kepala Stasiun KIPM Kelas I dan II di Seluruh Indonesia

Menindaklanjuti sosialisasi persyaratan ekspor hewan akuatik hidup ke Jepang dengan UPT-KIPM melalui video conference, dengan ini perlu kami sampaikan kembali hal-hal sebagai berikut:

1. Jepang mempersyaratkan bebas penyakit ikan tertentu pada jenis-jenis ikan (terlampir) yang akan diekspor ke Jepang.

2. Ikan yang diekspor akan dikenakan masa karantina di Jepang dengan lama waktu sebagaimana terlampir (tergantung dari jenis ikan dan target penyakit yang akan diperiksa).

3. Persyaratan ekspor ikan genus Carassius ke Jepang adalah sebagai berikut:

a) Bebas penyakit Spring Viraemia of Carp (SVC) dan Enteric Redmouth Disease (ERM);

b) Sebelum diekspor ikan harus dikarantina selama 15 hari dalam Instalasi Karantina Ikan (IKI). Selama masa karantina dilakukan sampling, pengamatan dan pemeriksaan secara klinis dan laboratories, dan 10 hari sebelum pengiriman tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda klinis penyakit infeksius;

c) Carassius yang akan diekspor tidak boleh diberi vaksin untuk penyakit SVC dan/atau ERM;

d) Telur ikan sebelum diekspor harus didesinfeksi sesuai dengan OIE Aquatic Code;

e) Khusus pengiriman Carassius menggunakan format Health Certificate (HC) sebagaimana terlampir.

4. Persyaratan ekspor krustasea ke Jepang adalah sebagai berikut:

a) Bebas penyakit udang sebagaimana daftar terlampir;

b) Sebelum diekspor, krustasea harus dikarantina dalam jangka waktu tertentu (terlampir) di IKI, dan selama 10 hari sebelum pengiriman tidak menunjukkan gejala klinis penyakit infeksius;

5. Jepang mempersyaratkan pengambilan sampel, pemeriksaan secara laboratoris, dan pengendalian penerapan biosekuriti di farm-farm mengacu pada OIE Aquatic Code dan OIE Manual of Diagnosis Tests for Aquatic Animals;

6. Berkaitan dengan yang akan melakukan pengiriman ke Jepang harus telah disertifikasi CKIB.

Demikian untuk diketahui dan dilaksanakan dengan sebaik-baiknya. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya diucapkan terima kasih.

KKepala Pusat Karantina dan Keamanan Hayati Ikan,

Riza Priyatna Tembusan: Kepala Badan Karantina Ikan, Pengendalian Mutu dan Keamanan Hasil Perikanan

(Provisional Translation)Act on the Protection of Fishery Resources (Act No. 313 of December 17, 1951)

(Extract of the part concerned)

Article 13-2 (Permission for Import)(1) Any person who intends to import aquatic animals that could be infected with a disease or diseasessubject to import quarantine (which means infectious diseases of aquatic animals falling under specifieddiseases set forth in paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Sustainable Aquaculture Production Act (Act No. 51 of1999) and other infectious diseases of aquatic animals provided for in the Ordinances of the Ministry ofAgriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; the same shall apply hereinafter) and that are provided for in theOrdinances of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as well as their containers and packages( including objects that are contained in such containers and packages or those wrapped with such containersand packages and that are not the aquatic animals in question; the same shall apply hereinafter) shall obtainthe permission of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

(2) Any person who intends to obtain the permission set forth in the preceding paragraph shall submit, asprovided for in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, a written application inwhich the kind and quantity, origin, time and place of import of such aquatic animals and other items providedfor in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries are described to the Minister ofAgriculture, Forestry and Fisheries with an inspection certificate issued by the governmental organization of theexporting country in which the content is described, or its copy attached to the effect that it is confirmed orbelieved that the aquatic animals in question are not infected with a disease or diseases subject to importquarantine as a result of inspection conducted by such organization.

(3) In the event that an application for the permission under paragraph 1 is made and that the aquatic animalsand their containers and packages pertaining to such application fall under any of the following items, theMinister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries shall grant the permission under said paragraph:( i) It is considered by the inspection certificate or its copy set forth in the preceding paragraph that anypathogens of diseases subject to import quarantine would not be widely spread;( ii) It is considered that the implementation of measures pertaining to the order pursuant to the provision ofparagraph 1 of the following Article would prevent the any pathogens of diseases subject to import quarantinefrom spreading widely.

(4) When the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries grants the permission under paragraph 1, he/sheshall issue a certificate of import permission to a person who obtains the permission as provided for in theOrdinances of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Article 13-3 (Order at the Time of Permission)(1) In the event that it is impossible to consider, judging from the situation in the exporting country and othercircumstances, that the aquatic animals and their containers and packages pertaining to the application forpermission under paragraph 1 of the preceding Article would not widely spread pathogens of diseases subject toimport quarantine only by the inspection certificate or its copy under paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, theMinister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries may, when he/she grants the permission under paragraph 1 ofthe preceding Article, order the person who has made the application to control such aquatic animals and theircontainers and packages by the methods provided for in the Ordinances of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry

Attachment 1

and Fisheries for the period provided for in the Ordinances of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry andFisheries, taking the incubation period of the diseases subject to import quarantine into consideration.

(2) In the event that the person who is ordered pursuant to the provision set forth in the preceding paragraphfinds during the period in said paragraph that such aquatic animals are, or could be, infected with a disease ordiseases subject to import quarantine, he/she shall receive an inspection conducted by the Minister ofAgriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as provided for in the Ordinances of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestryand Fisheries.

(3) The person who is inspected under the preceding paragraph shall control such aquatic animals and theircontainers and packages by the method provided for in the Ordinances of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestryand Fisheries under paragraph 1 until notified of the result of such inspection.

Article 13-4 (Order of Incineration)In the event that the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries considers as a result of the inspection underparagraph 2 of the preceding Article that the aquatic animals pertaining to the application for permission underparagraph 1 of Article 13-2 are infected with a disease or diseases subject to import quarantine, he/she mayorder the person who owns or controls such aquatic animals and their containers and packages to incinerate,bury, sanitize, or take other necessary measures for such aquatic animals and their containers and packages,preserve and other objects to which the pathogen of the disease or diseases subject to import quarantine is, orcould be, attached.

Article 13-5(Report and On-site Inspection)(1)The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries may, to the limit necessary for the execution of theprovision of this Section, require a person who intends to import, or has imported, aquatic animals and theircontainers and packages and other concerned persons to report necessary matters in connection with suchimport, or may cause its employees to enter workplaces, offices or facilities of such persons where aquaticanimals are controlled and inspect aquatic animals, containers and packages, documents and other objects.

(2)Employees who engage in the on-site inspection pursuant to the provision set forth in the precedingparagraph shall carry a certificate that shows their status and produce it to concerned persons.

(3)The authority of the on-site inspection pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 shall not be construed tohave been granted for the investigation of a crime.

Attachment 1

(As of 27 July 2016)【FISH】

Aquatic animals Diseases subject to import quarantine Detention periods

Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (excluding Genotype IVa)

Infection with salmonid alphavirus

Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis: EHN


Enteric redmouth disease

Whirling disease

Spring viraemia of carp: SVC

Koi herpesvirus disease : KHVD

Enteric redmouth disease

species of genus Carassius Spring viraemia of carp

Hypophthalmichthys nobilis(Aristichthys nobilis )

Enteric redmouth disease

Hypophthalmichthys molitrix

Mylopharyngodon piceusCtenopharyngodon idellaOreochromis niloticus Enteric redmouth disease 10 daysPagrus major Glugeosis of red sea bream 30 days


Cyprinus carpio

Spring viraemia of carp

Diseases and animal species subject to import quarantine and detention periods

10 days(15 days in case that Minister of Agriculture, Forestry andFisheries(MAFF) considers that imported live salmonidaemay be infected with Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia(VHS),42 days in case that MAFF considers that imported livesalmonidae may be infected with Whirling disease, 84 daysin case that MAFF considers that imported live salmonidaemay be infected with Piscirickettsiosis)

10 days(15 days in case that MAFF considers that imported liveCyprinus carpio may be infected with Spring viraemia ofcarp(SVC), and 21 days in case that MAFF considers thatimported live Cyprinus carpio may be infected with Koiherpesvirus disease(KHVD))

10 days(15 days in case that MAFF considers that imported livegenus Carassius , Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and/orHypophthalmichthys molitrix may be infected with Springviraemia of carp(SVC))

15 days

Attachment 2

【CRUSTACEANS】 Aquatic animals Diseases subject to import quarantine Detention periods

Yellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDTetrahedral baculovirosisCovert mortality disease of shrimp:CMDGill-associated virus diseaseYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisCovert mortality disease of shrimp:CMDYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDTetrahedral baculovirosisCovert mortality disease of shrimp:CMDGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical Baculovirosis

Litopenaeus vannamei

10 days(18 days in case that MAFF considers that imported liveshrimp may be infected with Necrotisinghepatopancreatitis(NHP), 20 days in case that MAFFconsiders that imported live shrimp may be infected withTaura syndrome, 30 days in case that MAFF considers thatimported live shrimp may be infected with Covert mortalitydisease of shrimp(CMD), and 50 days in case that MAFFconsiders that imported live shrimp may be infected withInfectious myonecrosis(IMN))

Marsupenaeus japonicus

Penaeus monodon

Fenneropenaeus chinensis

Attachment 2

Yellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNTetrahedral baculovirosisGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNTetrahedral baculovirosisSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNTetrahedral baculovirosis

species of genus AcetesPalaemonidae

Penaeidae (excludingMarsupenaeus japonicus, speciesof genera Litopenaeus, Penaeus,Fenneropenaeus, Melicertus andMetapenaeus )

10 days(18 days in case that MAFF considers that imported liveshrimp may be infected with Necrotisinghepatopancreatitis(NHP), 20 days in case that MAFFconsiders that imported live shrimp may be infected withTaura syndrome, 30 days in case that MAFF considers thatimported live shrimp may be infected with Covert mortalitydisease of shrimp(CMD), and 50 days in case that MAFFconsiders that imported live shrimp may be infected withInfectious myonecrosis(IMN))

Yellow head disease: YHD

species of genus Litopenaeus(excluging Litopenaeus vannamei)

species of genus Penaeus(excluding Penaeus monodon )

species of genus Fenneropenaeus(excluding Fenneropenaeuschinensis )

species of genus Melicertusspecies of genus Metapenaeus

Attachment 2

【MOLLUSCS】 Aquatic animals Diseases subject to import quarantine Detention periods

Haliotis diversicolor aquatilisHaliotis diversicolor supertextaHaliotis diversicolor diversicolorHaliotis discus hannaiHaliotis discus discusHaliotis madakaHaliotis gigantea

species of genus Crassostrea Infection with ostreid herpesvirus 1 microvariants (limited toμvar) 7 days

Mizuhopecten yessoensis Infection with Perkinsus qugwadi 210 days

【OTHER(Ascidiacea)】 Aquatic animals Diseases subject to import quarantine Detention periods

Halocynthia roretzi Soft tunic syndrome 23 days

180 days

Pustule disease of abalone/Blister disease of abalone(caused by Vibrio furnissii (= V. fluvialis biotypeⅡ))

Infection with abalone herpesvirus 7 days

Attachment 2

< Attachment 3 >

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EXPORTED FROM INDONESIA TO JAPAN (Draft) The health requirements to be applied to live species of genus Carassius including goldfish that are exported from Indonesia to Japan are as follows: I. Definition In this document, the definitions of terms are as follows:

1. Species of genus Carassius: All life stages of species of genus Carassius including goldfish provided for in the item 2 of Article 1 in the Ordinance for the Act on the Protection of Fishery Resources (As for animals intended for human consumption, only those kept in public waters or facilities draining into public waters are subject to quarantine.)

2. Target diseases: Spring viraemia of carp (SVC) and Enteric redmouth disease Those are targeted for import quarantine provided for in the item 2 of Article 1 in the Ordinance for the Act on the Protection of Fishery Resources.

3. Japanese authority in charge of aquatic animal disease control: Fish and Fishery Products Safety Office, Animal Products Safety Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.

4. Competent authority in the exporting country: The authority in charge of aquatic animal disease control in the exporting country.

II. Health requirements for aquatic animals

1. The Japanese authority consults with the competent authority in the exporting country in light of occurrences of the target diseases and regulatory framework for disease control in the exporting country, and notifies beforehand the competent authority in the exporting country of which status will be assigned to the country for each target disease, status a) or status b).

< Attachment 3 >

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A Spring viraemia of carp (SVC): a) It is likely that the exported aquatic animal is not infected with Spring

viraemia of carp (SVC). OR

b) Before exports, the exported aquatic animal (or if the exported aquatic animal is fish eggs, their broodstock) should be isolated from aquatic animals under different health conditions at least for 15 days at the isolation facility designated by the competent authority in the exporting country. During the isolation period, a sample of animals should be taken based on the sampling criteria in accordance with the OIE code (prevalence: 5%, confidence: 95%) under the supervision of the competent authority in the exporting country. All tests must be thoroughly conducted in accordance with methods which are either based on the OIE Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals or approved by the Japanese authority. And all test results should be negative. Additionally, if the exported item is fish eggs, not only the fish eggs but also the broodstock should be inspected and all test results should be negative.

B Enteric redmouth disease (ERD):

a) It is likely that the exported aquatic animal is not infected with Enteric redmouth disease (ERD).

OR b) Before exports, the exported aquatic animal (or if the exported aquatic animal

is fish eggs, their broodstock) should be isolated from aquatic animals under different health conditions at least for 10 days at the isolation facility designated by the competent authority in the exporting country. During the isolation period, a sample of animals should be taken based on the sampling criteria in accordance with the OIE code (prevalence: 5%, confidence: 95%) under the supervision of the competent authority in the exporting country. All tests must be thoroughly conducted in accordance with methods approved by either the Japanese authority or the competent authority in the exporting country. And all test results should be negative. Additionally, if the exported item is fish eggs, not only the fish eggs but also the broodstock should be inspected and all test results should be negative.

2. The thorough inspections must be conducted by the competent authority or at

the facility designated by the competent authority in the exporting country.

3. Aquaculture facilities of the exported aquaculture animals must be equipped

< Attachment 3 >

- 3 -

with basic biosecurity control in accordance with the OIE code under the supervision of the competent authority in the exporting country.

4. The exported aquatic animal should be inspected within 10 days prior to the export and should not demonstrate any clinical signs of infectious diseases.

5. The exported aquatic animal should not be given any live vaccine for the target disease.

6. In case of exporting fish eggs, they must be disinfected by the method based on the OIE code under the supervision of the competent authority in the exporting country. (For diseases that are not OIE-listed diseases, fish eggs must be disinfected in the method approved by the competent authority in the exporting country and the Japanese authority based on the scientific knowledge.)

III. Requirements for transportation

1. Materials such as containers and equipment used for transporting the exported aquatic animal should be new, or washed and disinfected properly.

2. Water used for transporting the exported aquatic animal should be free of the pathogen of the target disease or disinfected properly.

IV. Items on the inspection certificate The competent authority in the exporting country must issue an inspection certificate which describes in detail the aforementioned items Ⅱ2-6 and Ⅲ1 and 2 as well as the following items:

1. Name of the competent authority in the exporting country 2. Name and address of consignor and consignee 3. Name and address of the origin and destination 4. Place of shipment, Date of departure, Means of transport, Flight number/ship

name, Source (cultured/wild), and Use of commodities 5. Species (common name/scientific name), Life stage, Quantity/Weight 6. Target disease status : a) or b) described in itemⅡ1 A and B

In case of status b): Provide information on Test method / Date of sampling / Test result

7. Issue date of health certificate, Name and address of the issuing authority,

< Attachment 3 >

- 4 -

Position, Name and signature of certifying official, Official stamp of the competent authority in the exporting country.

V. Term of validity The term of validity of the provisional health requirements is from (XX, XX,

2016) to (XX, XX, 2017).

< Attachment 4 >

- 1 -

Certificate number:


(Draft) 1. Competent Authority: 2. Consignor Name: Address: 3. Consignee Name:

Address: 4. Place of origin Name: Address: 5. Place of destination Name:

Address: 6. Place of shipment: 7. Date of departure: 8. Means of transport: 9. Flight number/ship name: 10. Container and seal number: 11. Source □ Cultured □ Wild 12. Commodities intended for use as: □ Aquaculture □ Ornamental □ Research □ Feed □ Other ( )

13. Identification of commodities Species Total quantity

(pieces) Total weight (kg) Age/

Life stage Scientific name Common name

< Attachment 4 >

- 2 -

Certificate number: 14. Zoosanitary information

I, the undersigned official inspector, hereby certify that the aquatic animals above satisfy the following requirements. General information 1) Disease status A. Spring viraemia of carp

□ a) The aquatic animals originate from a country, zone or farm establishment determined by the competent authority to be free from Spring viraemia of carp through historically free or active targeted surveillance as described in the Article 1.4.6, the Pathways to demonstrate freedom from disease, of the OIE-Aquatic Animal Health Code. The exported aquatic animals satisfy the OIE criteria free from Spring viraemia of carp (SVC).

or □ b) Before export, the aquatic animals have been stocked in a single holding

system at the time of sample collection that have remained epidemiologically isolated for at least 15 days from fish different health status. All consignments of aquatic animals have been held in the isolation facility designated by competent authority while being sampled for testing in accordance with the OIE-Aquatic Animal Health Code (5 % prevalence, 95 % confidence) and remained in the isolation area until the results of the tests are available. All samples tested are negative for Spring viraemia of carp.

B. Enteric redmouth disease

□ a) The aquatic animals originate from a country, zone or farm establishment determined by the competent authority to be free from Enteric redmouth disease through historically free or active targeted surveillance as described in the Article 1.4.6, the Pathways to demonstrate freedom from disease, of the OIE-Aquatic Animal Health Code. The exported aquatic animals satisfy the OIE criteria free from Enteric redmouth disease (ERD).

or □ b) Before export, the aquatic animals have been stocked in a single holding

system at the time of sample collection that have remained epidemiologically isolated for at least 10 days from fish different health status. All consignments of aquatic animals have been held in the isolation facility designated by competent authority while being sampled for testing in accordance with the

< Attachment 4 >

- 3 -

OIE-Aquatic Animal Health Code (5 % prevalence, 95 % confidence) and remained in the isolation area until the results of the tests are available. All samples tested are negative for Enteric redmouth disease.

2) The thorough inspections are conducted by the competent authority or at the facility designated by the competent authority.

3) Aquaculture facilities of the exported aquatic animals are equipped with basic biosecurity control in accordance with the OIE code under the supervision of the competent authority.

4) The exported aquatic animals are inspected within 10 days prior to export and showed no clinical signs of infectious disease.

5) The exported aquatic animals have never been given any live vaccine for the target disease.

6) In case of exporting fish eggs, they must be disinfected by the method based on the OIE code or the scientific knowledge under the supervision of the competent authority.

Transport information 1) Containers used for transporting the exported aquatic animals are:

□ New, or □ Re-used; washed and disinfected by………………………………………………….

2) Water used for transporting the animals is: Source of water:……………………………………………………………………………. Disinfection:…………………………………………………………………………………

< Attachment 4 >

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Certifying Official Date of Issue: Name and address of Issuing Authority: Position: Name of Certifying Official: Signature: Stamp Email address: [email protected]

< Attachment 5 >

- 1 -


Health Requirements for Live Crustaceans Exported

from Indonesia to Japan (Draft) The health requirements to be applied to live Crustaceans that are exported from Indonesia to Japan are as follows: I. Definition In this document, the definitions of terms are as follows:

1. Crustaceans: All life stages of live Crustaceans listed in the attachment, provided for in the item 2 of Article 1 in the Ordinance for the Act on the Protection of Fishery Resources (As for animals intended for human consumption, only those kept in public waters or facilities draining into public waters are subject to quarantine.)

2. Target diseases: Diseases listed in the attachment. Those are targeted for import quarantine provided for in the item 2 of Article 1 in the Ordinance for the Act on the Protection of Fishery Resources.

3. Japanese authority in charge of aquatic animal disease control: Fish and Fishery Products Safety Office, Animal Products Safety Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan

4. Competent authority in the exporting country: the authority in charge of aquatic animal disease control in the exporting country

II. Health requirements for aquatic animals

1. The Japanese authority consults with the competent authority in the exporting country in light of occurrences of the target diseases and regulatory framework for disease control in the exporting country, and notifies beforehand the competent authority in the exporting country of which status will be assigned to the country for each target disease, status 1.A, status 1.B or status 1.B’. Status 1.B’ is applicable only to Non OIE listed diseases.

1.A The country, zone, compartment or establishment is free of the target disease:

a) The exported aquatic animal is confirmed to be from the country, zone, compartment or establishment that is confirmed to be free of the target

< Attachment 5 >

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disease under the surveillance by the competent authority in the exporting country based on the OIE code or, if relevant OIE code does not exist, by reference to the OIE code.

AND b) In the event of an outbreak of the target disease, it shall be notified to the

competent authority in the exporting country. AND

c) The target disease is designated as the target of the official surveillance program of the exporting country in accordance with the OIE code.

1.B The country, zone, compartment or establishment is not free of the target


a) No occurrence of the target disease has been reported in aquaculture facilities or fishing areas of the exported aquatic animal at least for one year before the export. Mass mortality of unknown cause has not occurred and the competent authority in the exporting country has not imposed any restriction with the intent of disease control.

AND b) Before exports, the exported aquatic animals (if the exported aquatic animal

is eggs or juvenile shrimp, including their broodstock) should be isolated from aquatic animals under different health situation at least for detention periods in the attachment at the isolation facility designated by the competent authority in the exporting country. No clinical signs of diseases should be observed during the isolation period. During the isolation period, a sample of the exported aquatic animals (not including their broodstock) should be taken based on the sampling criteria in accordance with the OIE code (prevalence: 2%, confidence: 95%) under the supervision of the competent authority in the exporting country. All tests must be thoroughly conducted in the following methods and all test results should be negative.

1.B’ The country, zone, compartment or establishment is not free of the target

disease: a) Mass mortality of unknown cause has not occurred at least for one year before

the export and the competent authority in the exporting country has not imposed any restriction with the intent of disease control.

AND b) Before exports, the exported aquatic animals (or, if the exported animal is

eggs or juvenile shrimp, including their broodstock) should be isolated from

< Attachment 5 >

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aquatic animals under different health situation at least for detention periods indicated in the attachment at the isolation facility designated by the competent authority in the exporting country. No clinical signs of the target disease should be observed during the isolation period. During the isolation period, a sample of the exported aquatic animals (not including their broodstock) should be taken based on the sampling criteria in accordance with the OIE code (prevalence: 5%, confidence: 95%) under the supervision of the competent authority in the exporting country. All tests must be thoroughly conducted in the following methods and all test results should be negative.

Diseases Samples Diagnostic methods

ⅰ Yellow head disease The gills, lymphoid organ or pleopod RT-PCR ⅱ Necrotising

hepatopancreatitis DNA extracted from hepatopancreas Real-time PCR

or PCR ⅲ Taura syndrome RNA extracted from hemolymph or

pleopod RT-PCR

ⅳ Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis

DNA extracted from gills, cuticular epithelium, hemolymph or pleopod


ⅴ Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease

DNA extracted from hepatopancreas Nested-PCR or Duplex PCR

ⅵ Infectious myonecrosis RNA extracted from muscle or lymphoid organ or pleopod

Nested-PCR or Real-time RT-PCR

ⅶ Tetrahedral baculovirosis

DNA extracted from hepatopancreas PCR

ⅷ Covert mortality disease of shrimp

RNA extracted from hepatopancreas and midgut or pleopod

Nested-PCR or RT-PCR

ⅸ Spherical baculovirusis DNA extracted from hepatopancreas and midgut


ⅹ Gill-associated virus disease

RNA extracted from the gills or lymphoid organ

RT-nested PCR

2. The thorough inspections must be conducted by the competent authority or at

the facility designated by the competent authority in the exporting country. 3. Aquaculture facilities of the exported aquaculture animals must be equipped

with basic biosecurity control in accordance with the OIE code under the supervision of the competent authority in the exporting country.

< Attachment 5 >

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4. The exported aquatic animal should be inspected within 10 days prior to the export and should not demonstrate any clinical signs of infectious diseases.

5. The exported aquatic animal should not be given any live vaccine for the target disease.

III. Requirements for transportation

1. Materials such as containers and equipment used for transporting the exported aquatic animal should be new, or washed and disinfected properly.

2. Water used for transporting the exported aquatic animal should be free of the pathogen of the target disease or disinfected properly.

IV. Items on the inspection certificate

The competent authority in the exporting country must issue an inspection certificate which describes in detail the aforementioned items Ⅱ and Ⅲ as well as the following items:

1. Name of the competent authority in the exporting country 2. Name and address of consignor and consignee 3. Name and address of the origin and destination 4. Port of embarkation, Date of departure, Means of transport, Flight

number/Ship name, Source (Cultured/ Wild), and Use of commodities 5. Species (Common name/Scientific name), Life stage, Quantity/Weight 6. Target disease status (Disease by disease)

Ⅱ.1.A: a), b) and c) Ⅱ.1.B: a) and b) (including information on latest examination) Ⅱ.1.B’: a) and b) (including information on latest examination)

7. Issue date of Health certificate, Name and address of the issuing authority, Position, Name and signature of certifying official, Official stamp of the competent authority in the exporting country

< Attachment>

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【CRUSTACEANS】 Aquatic animals Diseases subject to import quarantine Detention periods

Yellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDTetrahedral baculovirosisCovert mortality disease of shrimp:CMDGill-associated virus diseaseYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisCovert mortality disease of shrimp:CMDYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDTetrahedral baculovirosisCovert mortality disease of shrimp:CMDGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNTetrahedral baculovirosisGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNTetrahedral baculovirosisSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNTetrahedral baculovirosis

Species of genus AcetesPalaemonidae

Diseases and animal species subject to import quarantine and detention periods

Species of genus Melicertusspecies of genus Metapenaeus

Penaeidae (excluding Marsupenaeusjaponicus, species of generaLitopenaeus, Penaeus,Fenneropenaeus, Melicertus andMetapenaeus )

Yellow head disease: YHD

Marsupenaeus japonicus

10 days(18 days in case that MAFF considers that imported live shrimpmay be infected with Necrotising hepatopancreatitis(NHP), 20days in case that MAFF considers that imported live shrimp maybe infected with Taura syndrome, 30 days in case that MAFFconsiders that imported live shrimp may be infected with Covertmortality disease of shrimp(CMD), and 50 days in case that MAFFconsiders that imported live shrimp may be infected with Infectiousmyonecrosis(IMN))

Litopenaeus vannamei

Penaeus monodon

Fenneropenaeus chinensis

Species of genus Litopenaeus(excluging Litopenaeus vannamei )

Species of genus Penaeus (excludingPenaeus monodon )

Species of genus Fenneropenaeus(excluding Fenneropenaeuschinensis )

< Attachment 6 >

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Certificate number:

Health Certificate for Live Crustaceans Exported from Indonesia to Japan (Draft)

1. Competent Authority: 2. Consignor Name: Address: 3. Consignee Name:

Address: 4. Place of origin Name: Address: 5. Place of destination Name:

Address: 6. Port of Embarkation: 7. Date of departure: 8. Means of transport: 9. Flight number/ship name: 10. Container and seal number: 11. Source (cultured/wild): 12. Commodities intended for use as: □Aquaculture □Ornamental □Research □Feed □Other( )

13. Identification of commodities Species Total quantity Total weight (kg) Age/

Life stage Scientific name Common name

14. Latest examination Disease Isolation

period Date of

sampling Sample

size Date of

test Test method Test result



< Attachment 6 >

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15. Zoosanitary information I, the undersigned official inspector, hereby certify that the aquatic animals above satisfy the following requirements. General information 1) The Japanese authority consults with the competent authority in the exporting

country in light of occurrences of the target diseases and regulatory framework for disease control in the exporting country, and notifies beforehand the competent authority in the exporting country of which status will be assigned to the country for each target disease, status 1.A, status 1.B or status 1.B’. Status 1.B’ is applicable only to Non OIE listed diseases.

1.A) The country, zone, compartment or establishment is free of the target disease:

□Yellow head disease □Necrotising hepatopancreatitis □Taura syndrome □Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis □Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease □Infectious myonecrosis □Tetrahedral baculovirosis □Covert mortality disease of shrimp □Gill-associated disease □Spherical baculovirosis a) The exported aquatic animal is confirmed to be from the country, zone,

compartment or establishment that is confirmed to be free of the target disease under the surveillance by the competent authority in the exporting country based on the OIE code or, if relevant OIE code does not exist, by reference to the OIE code.

AND b) In the event of an outbreak of the target disease, it shall be notified to the

competent authority in the exporting country. AND

c) The target disease is designated as the target of the official surveillance program of the exporting country in accordance with the OIE code.

< Attachment 6 >

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1.B The country, zone, compartment or establishment is not free of the target disease:

□Yellow head disease □Necrotising hepatopancreatitis □Taura syndrome □Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis □Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease □Infectious myonecrosis □Tetrahedral baculovirosis □Covert mortality disease of shrimp □Gill-associated disease □Spherical baculovirosis

a) No occurrence of the target disease has been reported in aquaculture facilities or

fishing areas of the exported aquatic animal at least for one year before the export. Mass mortality of unknown cause has not occurred and the competent authority in the exporting country has not imposed any restriction with the intent of disease control.

AND b) Before exports, the exported aquatic animals (if the exported aquatic animal is

eggs or juvenile shrimp, including their broodstock) should be isolated from aquatic animals under different health situation at least for detention periods in the attachment at the isolation facility designated by the competent authority in the exporting country. No clinical signs of diseases should be observed during the isolation period. During the isolation period, a sample of the exported aquatic animals (not including their broodstock) should be taken based on the sampling criteria in accordance with the OIE code (prevalence: 2%, confidence: 95%) under the supervision of the competent authority in the exporting country. All tests must be thoroughly conducted in the following methods and all test results should be negative.

1.B’ The country, zone, compartment or establishment is not free of the target disease: □Tetrahedral baculovirosis □Covert mortality disease of shrimp □Gill-associated disease □Spherical baculovirosis

a) Mass mortality of unknown cause has not occurred at least for one year before the

export and the competent authority in the exporting country has not imposed any restriction with the intent of disease control.

AND b) Before exports, the exported aquatic animals (or, if the exported animal is eggs or

juvenile shrimp, including their broodstock) should be isolated from aquatic animals under different health situation at least for detention periods indicated in

< Attachment 6 >

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the attachment at the isolation facility designated by the competent authority in the exporting country. No clinical signs of the target disease should be observed during the isolation period. During the isolation period, a sample of the exported aquatic animals (not including their broodstock) should be taken based on the sampling criteria in accordance with the OIE code (prevalence: 5%, confidence: 95%) under the supervision of the competent authority in the exporting country. All tests must be thoroughly conducted in the following methods and all test results should be negative.

Diseases Samples Diagnostic methods

ⅰ Yellow head disease The gills, lymphoid organ or pleopod


ⅱ Necrotising hepatopancreatitis

DNA extracted from hepatopancreas

Real-time PCR or PCR

ⅲ Taura syndrome RNA extracted from hemolymph or pleopod


ⅳ Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis

DNA extracted from gills, cuticular epithelium, hemolymph or pleopod


ⅴ Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease

DNA extracted from hepatopancreas

Nested-PCR or Duplex PCR

ⅵ Infectious myonecrosis

RNA extracted from muscle or lymphoid organ or pleopod

Nested-PCR or Real-time RT-PCR

ⅶ Tetrahedral baculovirosis

DNA extracted from hepatopancreas


ⅷ Covert mortality disease of shrimp

RNA extracted from hepatopancreas and midgut or pleopod

Nested-PCR or RT-PCR

ⅸ Spherical baculovirusis

DNA extracted from hepatopancreas and midgut


ⅹ Gill-associated virus disease

RNA extracted from the gills or lymphoid organ

RT-nested PCR

< Attachment 6 >

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2) The thorough inspections must be conducted by the competent authority or at the

facility designated by the competent authority in the exporting country. 3) Aquaculture facilities of the exported aquaculture animals must be equipped with

basic biosecurity control in accordance with the OIE code under the supervision of the competent authority in the exporting country.

4) The exported aquatic animal should be inspected within 10 days prior to the export and should not demonstrate any clinical signs of infectious diseases.

5) The exported aquatic animal should not be given any live vaccine for the target disease.

Transport information 1) Materials such as containers and equipment used for transporting the exported

aquatic animal should be new, or washed and disinfected properly. 2) Water used for transporting the animals should be free of the pathogen of the target

disease or disinfected properly. Certifying Official Date of Issue: Name and address of Issuing Authority: Position and Name of Certifying Official: Signature: Stamp

< Attachment >

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【CRUSTACEANS】 Aquatic animals Diseases subject to import quarantine Detention periods

Yellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDTetrahedral baculovirosisCovert mortality disease of shrimp:CMDGill-associated virus diseaseYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisCovert mortality disease of shrimp:CMDYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease: AHPNDTetrahedral baculovirosisCovert mortality disease of shrimp:CMDGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNInfectious myonecrosis:IMNTetrahedral baculovirosisGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNTetrahedral baculovirosisGill-associated virus diseaseSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNTetrahedral baculovirosisSpherical BaculovirosisYellow head disease: YHDNecrotising hepatopancreatitis:NHPTaura syndromeInfectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis: IHHNTetrahedral baculovirosis

Species of genus AcetesPalaemonidae

Diseases and animal species subject to import quarantine and detention periods

Species of genus Melicertusspecies of genus Metapenaeus

Penaeidae (excluding Marsupenaeusjaponicus, species of generaLitopenaeus, Penaeus,Fenneropenaeus, Melicertus andMetapenaeus )

Yellow head disease: YHD

Marsupenaeus japonicus

10 days(18 days in case that MAFF considers that imported live shrimpmay be infected with Necrotising hepatopancreatitis(NHP), 20days in case that MAFF considers that imported live shrimp maybe infected with Taura syndrome, 30 days in case that MAFFconsiders that imported live shrimp may be infected with Covertmortality disease of shrimp(CMD), and 50 days in case that MAFFconsiders that imported live shrimp may be infected with Infectiousmyonecrosis(IMN))

Litopenaeus vannamei

Penaeus monodon

Fenneropenaeus chinensis

Species of genus Litopenaeus(excluging Litopenaeus vannamei )

Species of genus Penaeus (excludingPenaeus monodon )

Species of genus Fenneropenaeus(excluding Fenneropenaeuschinensis )