Nomor Lamp iran Perihal Yth. KEMENTERIAN . RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN .PENDIDIKAN TINGGI INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR . Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680 TeJepon (0251) 8622642, Facsimile (0251) 8622708, http://www.ipb.ac.id : 1A1o!IT3.D3/KP/2018 1 berkas o .1_0ktober 2018 : PENYEBARLUASAN INFORMASI LOWONGAN KERJA 1. Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Fakultas/Sekolah 2. Ketua Departemen di Lingkungan IPB Direktorat Kemahasiswaan dan Pengembangan Karir IPB bekerjasama dengan PT. Ewaysindo Makmur, PT. Seng Fong Moulding Perkasa, PT. Suri Tani Pemuka, dan Sugar Group Companies membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan maupun alumni untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan Bapak/Ibu untuk menyebarluaskan pengumuman ini (terlampir) di lingkungan Bapak!Ibu agar kesempatan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Demikian atas bantuan, perhatian dan kami mengucapkan terima kasih. dan Pengembangan Karir, Tembusan: 1. Wakil Rektor Bidang Pendidikan dan Kemahasiswaan 2. Dekan Fakultas/Sekolah F""" ,. 1-\GENDJ:\ DEPT. AGH .. f,' I. :\! Cl. G !_ 0 '2 /\ D I LW t,_..,,C"O_ .. ..

KEMENTERIAN .RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN .PENDIDIKAN TINGGI ... INFORMASI LOWO… · 03 Teknik Elektro ~ 03 Teknik Sipil -;. D3 Agroindustri ~ 03 Pertanian 3· Oapat bekerja secara individu

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Page 1: KEMENTERIAN .RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN .PENDIDIKAN TINGGI ... INFORMASI LOWO… · 03 Teknik Elektro ~ 03 Teknik Sipil -;. D3 Agroindustri ~ 03 Pertanian 3· Oapat bekerja secara individu


Lamp iran




INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR . Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680

TeJepon (0251) 8622642, Facsimile (0251) 8622708, http://www.ipb.ac.id

: 1A1o!IT3.D3/KP/2018 1 berkas

o .1_0ktober 2018


1. Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Fakultas/Sekolah 2. Ketua Departemen


Lingkungan IPB

Direktorat Kemahasiswaan dan Pengembangan Karir IPB bekerjasama dengan PT.

Ewaysindo Makmur, PT. Seng Fong Moulding Perkasa, PT. Suri Tani Pemuka, dan

Sugar Group Companies membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan maupun alumni untuk

bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan

Bapak/Ibu untuk menyebarluaskan pengumuman ini (terlampir) di lingkungan Bapak!Ibu agar kesempatan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik.

Demikian atas bantuan, perhatian dan kerja~am_~n) kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

~"~iil.~aan dan Pengembangan Karir,


1. Wakil Rektor Bidang Pendidikan dan Kemahasiswaan 2. Dekan Fakultas/Sekolah

F""" ,.

~ 1-\GENDJ:\ DEPT. AGH f:"""...,..,..~-·,_.. .. .,.r=.~-."»4 f,'

I. :\! Cl. as~\J\I~?T G !_ 0 '2 /\ D I LW t,_..,,C"O_ .. ·s··~-.--:--.,.-...· -··· · . -..- .~~_..,.,,....,_.-"N .. t,..,..->,.,"="""'~"':••••m''"~._,

Page 2: KEMENTERIAN .RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN .PENDIDIKAN TINGGI ... INFORMASI LOWO… · 03 Teknik Elektro ~ 03 Teknik Sipil -;. D3 Agroindustri ~ 03 Pertanian 3· Oapat bekerja secara individu



Senior Data Engineer

WGroup mission is to help brands understand their customers. From getting to know the brand, making customers buying the product, and eventually become the most loyal costumers. We are continually challenging and evolving to help brands understand their customer better. The most loyal customers will appreciate that brand always has them in mind through personalized recommendation.

Do you like working with big data? Do you want to see how AI and data science impacting millions of customers? If yes, then we look forward to talking with you. As analytics team, you will work closely with analysts and internal accounts to figure out ways to acquire new users, retain existing users, and how to bring the users to the next level of client's product. You will see how your work is impacting client satisfaction and increase company growth. You'll get an opportunity to solve some of the most challenging business problems.

This is a full-time position to be based in Central Jakarta.

RESPONSIBILITIES * Manage data warehouse across multiple clients * Interface with analysts and internal accounts to understand data needs * Optimize and maintain a subsecond query performance while still delivering highly complex analytics * Capture data from external data sources, such as client databases, web events, and mobile app usage * Transforming data from raw to summary level, to be used by analysts and dashboard

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS * 2+ years experience writing in SQL statements * 2+ years experience in data warehouse and data modeling * 2+ years experience in capturing web events * 2+ years experience in SQL Server * Ability to communicating data transformation to internal clients * Ability to find data inconsistencies

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS * Bachelor degree in engineering, computer science, or Mathematics * Knowledge in Linux, Python, or Javascript * 2+ years experience in macro Excel

Page 3: KEMENTERIAN .RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN .PENDIDIKAN TINGGI ... INFORMASI LOWO… · 03 Teknik Elektro ~ 03 Teknik Sipil -;. D3 Agroindustri ~ 03 Pertanian 3· Oapat bekerja secara individu

i , ~f=' PT. SENG FONG MOULDING PERKASA = (Corporate Vision - ~ To be the leading global brand of choice specializing in wood) ,, . ~ t•: ~··l

~ ' ' \~ ...... ~ ,) -.... ..


·Fresh graduate of Bachelor Degree (51) with min.GPA 3.00 in Engineering or Forestry ·Excellent verbal and written communication skills in english ·Good leadership skill ·Detail Oriented, eager to learn and adabtable, hard worker and able to work under pressure ·Good Analytical Thinking ·Good interpersonal skill ·Having organizational experiences ·Able to use Microsoft office ·Placement in Jombang, Indonesia

SALES STAFF .. ;rf-t"'

·Bachelor Degree/ Associate Degree (Sl/03) with min. GPA 2.75 in any diciRiine ·Good interpersonal skill ·Good communication skill ·Goal Oriented ·Attention to detail

-~ . "' ·Having organizational experiences ·Able to use Microsoft office

--~x.tr;( :•-·' • ~" ;\~..,, , ;''\

'lediteable about Bujla; t:~stomer relationship, n'-;x.r•·. ll'!

I media P,la tform. ""'' "' ng &;sq.rabaya , Indonesia


tltJ2~ifh~~,-:tion :

·Bachelor Degree/ Associate Degree (S1/D3) with min. GPA 2.75 in any dicipline

·Knowledge on Object Oriented programming ·Excellent skill in Phyton & Visual Basic ·Experience use Crystal Report, Sql Server/ Mysql in Programming DB ·Understand DB View, Stored Procedure, Triger ·Good interpersonal skill ·Experience in Crystal Report ·Goal Oriented ·Having organizational experiences ·Placement in Jombang, Indonesia


c.~.>iih.;..:~tion .

·Bachelor Degree/ Associate Degree (Sl/03) with min. GPA 2.75 in Architecture, Interior Design, Product Design, Graphic Design or related field

.,Good interpersonal skill ·Having organizational experiences ·Attention to detaii ·Creative & innovative ·Able to use Microsoft office ·Familiar wfth Corel DRAW, Auto cad, Sketchup, 3dsMax Casar, Adobe Photo shop, Illustrator, and other multimedia applications.

·Placement in Surabayarlndonesia

f you feel til,,t you can rneet the qualification, ,:ne.ase send your complete application with subject : DCA IPB - Positionk

(appika~ic.t tatter, ld<mtity Card, CN and ;:my tc!ated supportmG documents) r>hotc at size (4 x 6 em} to:

1 [email protected]

*Please send your portofoiin design for design staff position

For more information, please visit us : 1~

V·:lw'JV,.-t:~·f ...tr ... ~.-om ~

1~1;. ~fii2SO'JfCeS (0] s1 resources group ,

~· '-.-tr;';!-P'" :#"" .f~<# : ~-.»;;..:~"' ' ,.., ;-

JI. J~.ur~oolisi);M~djid N.q.,,,l:7'3 T~nggorono~ Jombang , L' •/ .r. <' y· . ,,,_, ·I .. •

,.,ii.~-:::.··:,· ~~·-~--~,.1'-/ ,;':.' ' .-;;.~- _ _JII ? ~

~-_--.i ~~.-~;;~~~:i~--~~-~- / ~ .. -~ -;.~J'I .:~:*- ~- r;~. ~< , "1!" · _ ....... " •"".-. .~/ .,_ ~ .. ~~..::~ •. ""'""" -~·4:.. •. ~ ... ..:;t;!_, ~-- ~.... ... J

. ({J. Phone : (0321 )867222 I Fax :(0321 )867111 :::r-<

, , ,

Page 4: KEMENTERIAN .RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN .PENDIDIKAN TINGGI ... INFORMASI LOWO… · 03 Teknik Elektro ~ 03 Teknik Sipil -;. D3 Agroindustri ~ 03 Pertanian 3· Oapat bekerja secara individu


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Minimum Bachelor Degree (Sl) from

../ Fisheries (MT SFT)

../ Fisheries/Food (MT QC) Technology/Chemical Technology (MT MTC)

./ Civil/Industry/Electro Engineering

GPA/IPK Min.3.3 (scale 4.00) Fresh Graduate or max.l year experience

High enthusiasm to achieve targets Proactive and willing to learn Have good leadership,

management and interpersonal skill Willing to be placed in all over Indonesia

QR Code for online registration

Send your complete applicatiOn (application ~etter, resume. and any related

supporting documents) to:


TINGGI_JURUSAN_GPAIIPK_NAMA After send your complete application please fill

the Online Registration

Page 5: KEMENTERIAN .RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN .PENDIDIKAN TINGGI ... INFORMASI LOWO… · 03 Teknik Elektro ~ 03 Teknik Sipil -;. D3 Agroindustri ~ 03 Pertanian 3· Oapat bekerja secara individu

St H.!,:lr C i r o u p (\)Ill p <.lll i cs


PT. SWEET JNDOLAMPUNG I (l ~ [ iJJ .. Jo" "Tf&J •1.11' l ·.,!,&lj (<~\J\)o

PT. INDOLAMPUNG PERKASA I E~ ~E ifJV, Io "TEIIJ ·l J r r .t,SI~<. \iU.J.

;;t'lf?;i pt . Gula Putih Mataram l!JJ .... '·tl • · t=~~f iiiJ icJ.Ic "T( II.J .J.s r .. t.lill~(Q!J<Jo



~ ~

...-:; ~


SUGAR GROUP COMPANIES adalah Perkebunan dan Pabrik Gula di Propinsi Lampung. Kami

mengajak Anda untuk bergabung dengan perusahaan kami. Berikut posisi dan kualifikasi yang

kami butuhkan:



1. Lulusan S1 & Profesi Kedokteran umum

untuk dokter umum

2. IPK Minimal 3.00

3· Usia maksimal 35 tahun

4· Memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai

dokter umum minimal1 tahun

5· Bersedia bekerja full time dan tinggal di

site (tempat akan disediakan oleh




1. Foto 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar

2. Fotocopy KTP

3· Surat Lamaran

4· cv 5· Fotokopi ljazah legalisir {Surat Keterangan

Lulus bagi yang belum wisuda)

6. Fotokopi Transkrip Nilai legalisir

7· Fotokopi Uji Kompetensi Nasionallegalisir

8.. Fotokopi Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR)


*dibawa saat pelaksanaan Tes Tertulis (jadwal

akan diinformasikan kemudian)

Untuk berkas lamaran dan informas! mengenai gaji serta fasilitas yang akan didapatkan,

silahkan menghubungi: [email protected] (Subject: Dokter Umum _Nama)

DEADLINE : Rabu, 17 Oktober 2018

DISCLAIMER Sehubungan dengan kegiata11 rekn;t~. ~n ca!cn kary~wan Sugar Group Companies, kami sampaikan sebagai berikut :

1. Sugar Group Companies tidak pem ah memungut biaya apapun selama proses rekrutmen berlangsung.

2. lnformasi dan komunikasi resml dar! Sugar Group Companies hanya dilakukan melalui nomor +6282373264951 atau alamat email [email protected]

·. ~ ·. "'"7,-'

·- ·'

• : I .. ~

Page 6: KEMENTERIAN .RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN .PENDIDIKAN TINGGI ... INFORMASI LOWO… · 03 Teknik Elektro ~ 03 Teknik Sipil -;. D3 Agroindustri ~ 03 Pertanian 3· Oapat bekerja secara individu

Sug~u · ( iruup ( ·u mpa111 cs

G. PI)

. ·, ,. •: . PT. SWEET I~DOLAMPUI'IG ·

r- [ h [IJH f.!il ,.f JJ •W• ~""Ii S lJ (•jlJ IJo

PT. II'IDOLAMPUI'IG PER~ASA ' ~ E I;( EaJ <doil ,.E ilJ ..:~ .. r fZ.IIJ(~IJ\J.



pt. Gula Putih Mata ram q:~~ tiJJ'IIl il ,. EIJJ ..:~ .. r> 1',1.& '-:J • : Gu~



® --..-:; ~

SUGAR GROUP COMPANIES, a holding group of sugarcane plantations and factories located in

Lampung, invites young motivated and dynamic individuals to join:



1. Minimum GPA 3.0 /4.0 2. Bachelor Degree of

);> Forestry );> Faculty of Agriculture (Agronomy, Plant

Protection, Soil Science, Agricultural Microbiology, Agribusiness)

);> Faculty of Engineering (Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemistry Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering)

);.- Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Agricultural Engineering, Agro-industrial Technology, Food Technology)

3· Some fluency in oral and written English 4· Willingness to work in office and/ or field 5· Placement in Lampung


1. Recent photo of 4 x 6 (2


2. Copy of Government Identity

Card (KTP)

3· Application Letter

4· cv 5· Certified copy of diploma

(applicant who has not

received an official diploma

may submit a certificate of


6. Certified copy of academic


SUBMISSION : sms through number 0823 7326 4951 By format (Bogor- Name- date of birth- M/F- degree- GPA- major -university) Example : (Bog or- Arif Setiawan -14 Januari 1995 - M - S1 - 3·53 -Civil Engineering- IPB)

DEADLINE :October 17, 2018

TEST SCHEDULE : BOGOR, 28 October 2018


1. Sugar Group Companies never charge any payment to candidates during recruitment process.

2. All official information should be sent by email email [email protected] or via mobile number +6282373264951 .

Page 7: KEMENTERIAN .RISET, TEKNOLOGI DAN .PENDIDIKAN TINGGI ... INFORMASI LOWO… · 03 Teknik Elektro ~ 03 Teknik Sipil -;. D3 Agroindustri ~ 03 Pertanian 3· Oapat bekerja secara individu

Su g:1 r (i m u p l . Oll1!l<l111CS



PT . SWEErJ I'<OOLAMPUNG l(l ~[ lilJ l.-J.."lf iJJ·J J I' f·J.S IJO.:•li.' IJ,

PT. INDOlAMPUNG Pf RKAS A l( l;<[ltJd0 .. "T EilJ ,l J I' I.IoBIJt_,; tJ:J


~ ~

·~~R;' pt. Gula Putih Mataram .1:: ;f:!l 1 ' \:I;~[IIJ ~M "T UfJ .J JI' l "f•II "J ( •~!JI.1<


SUGAR GROUP COMPANIES adalah Perkebunan dan Pabrik Gula di Propinsi Lampung. Kami

mengajak Anda untuk bergabung dengan perusahaan kami. Berikut posisi dan kualifikasi yang

kami butuhkan:

POSISI : D3/D4 Technical Staff


1. IPK Minimal 2.50

2. Lulusan

~ 03 Teknik Kimia

~ 03 Pengelolaan Hutan -;. 03 Elektronika dan lnstrumentasi .,. D3 Komputer dan Sistem lnformasi

> 03 Teknik Mesin .,. 03 Teknik Elektro

~ 03 Teknik Sipil -;. D3 Agroindustri

~ 03 Pertanian

3· Oapat bekerja secara individu dan tim

4· Bersedia bekerja di Lapangan

5· Bersedia ditempatkan di Lampung

PENDAFTARAN : sms ke nomor 0823 7326 4951


1. Foto 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar

2. Fotocopy KTP

3· Surat Lamaran

4· cv 5· Fotokopi ljazah legalisir (Surat

Keterangan Lulus bagi yang

belum wisuda)

6. Fotokopi Transkrip Nilai


*dibawa saat pelaksanaan Tes


Oengan format sms (Bogor- Nama - tanggallahir.:... L/P- strata -IPK- jurusan -universitas) contoh :(Bog or- Arif Setiawan- 14 Januari 1995- L- 03- 3·53- Teknik Mesin -IPS)

DEADLINE : Rabu, 17 Oktober 2018

TEST SCHEDULE : BOGOR, 28 Oktober 2018


Sehubungan dengan kegiatan rekrutmen ca!on kaiyawan Sugar Group Companies, kami sampaikan sebagai berikut:

1. Sugar Group Companies tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun selama proses rekrutmen berlangsung.

2. lnformasi dan komunikasi resmi dari Sugar Group Companies hanya dilakukan melalui nomor +6282373264951 atau alamat email [email protected]

-- ·--·· ---·

. '
