Special We remind you constantly that the Bible declares, "Faith cometh by hearing and hear- ing by the Word of God." Smith Wigglesworth said, "There is something about believing God that will cause Him to pass over a million people just to get to you." A pastor can't 'specialize'. He has to more or less 'generalize' because there are many areas of life and Christian living he has to touch upon. I pastored nearly 12 years and, of course, I preached on various subjects—not just one. I was just a little bit stronger in saying more about faith arid prayer and healing, I think, than the average pastor. I never thought of it myself. (I don't know why—it just didn't dawn on me.) But in one of our seminars my wife said to me, "You know, in our 12 years of pastoral work we never did have one funeral for one of our church members. We never buried a church member." Somebody asked, "Did you have all young people in your church?" No, no we didn't. All of that comes about as a result of teaching and preaching the Word of God— Faith. No matter where I start out preaching I'll always wind up preaching on Faith. That's my message. Some- body else has another message. But isn't it good that God has put difference and a variety of ministries in the church. Isn't that good! Praise the Lord! We need all of them. Every single one of them and if we'll just go and listen we can all be enriched spiritually. Now let's look into the Word along some lines of heal- ing and ministering to the sick. Mark 5:25-34 tells about the woman with the issue of blood who had suffered many things of many physicians and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse. When she heard of Jesus, she came in the press behind and touched His garment. For she said, "If I may but touch Anointings His clothes, I shall be whole." The Word of God tells us that immediately Jesus knew that 'virtue' (or as the margin of the King James translation says 'power') had gone out of Him. He looked around about to see this woman who had done the thing. The woman in fear and trembling came and fell down before Him and told Him all the truth. He said, "Daughter, thy faith has made thee whole. Go in peace and be whole of thy plague." Acts 10:38 tells us what this 'power' was that went out of Him and healed that woman. It says, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing.... " Acts 19:11-12 tells us that God also worked by the hands of Paul, very similarly. "And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the dis- eases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them." Now I want you to see something in the ministry of Jesus. We can learn some principals about the action of God's healing power. However, when you talk about Jesus ministering and heal- ings under His ministry, people will think that it is different than what can happen today. Many will say, "Yes, but He was the Son of God." Sort of inferring that nobody else could do that—or that it couldn't happen that way. But Jesus was just as much the Son of God when He was 25 years old as He was when He was 30 years old. At 26, 27, 28, 29 years of age, He was just as much the Son of God as He was at 30. And yet, up until the time He was anointed by the Spirit, He had not healed and did not heal one single person, nor work one miracle! The thought I am trying to get over to you is that He did not heal the sick or work miracles by any power that was inherant in Him as being the Son of God, but He did it by the anointing of the Published by: The Kenneth E. Hagin Evangelistic Association Post Office Box 50126, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74150

Kenneth E Hagin - Leaflet - Special Anointings

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We remind you constantly that the Bible declares, "Faith cometh by hearing and hear­ing by the Word of God." Smith Wigglesworth said, "There is something about believing God that will cause Him to pass over a million people just to get to you."

A pastor can't 'specialize'. He has to more or less 'generalize' because there are many areas of life and Christian living he has to touch upon.

I pastored nearly 12 years and, of course, I preached on various subjects—not just one. I was just a little bit stronger in saying more about faith arid prayer and healing, I think, than the average pastor.

I never thought of it myself. (I don't know why—it just didn't dawn on me.) But in one of our seminars my wife said to me, "You know, in our 12 years of pastoral work we never did have one funeral for one of our church members. We never buried a church member."

Somebody asked, "Did you have all young people in your church?"

No, no we didn't. All of that comes about as a result of teaching

and preaching the Word of God— Faith. No matter where I start out preaching I ' l l always wind up preaching on Faith. That's my message. Some­body else has another message. But isn't it good that God has put difference and a variety of ministries in the church. Isn't that good! Praise the Lord! We need all of them. Every single one of them and if we'll just go and listen we can all be enriched spiritually. Now let's look into the Word along some lines of heal­ing and ministering to the sick.

Mark 5:25-34 tells about the woman with the issue of blood who had suffered many things of many physicians and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse. When she heard of Jesus, she came in the press behind and touched His garment. For she said, "If I may but touch


His clothes, I shall be whole." The Word of God tells us that immediately Jesus knew that 'virtue' (or as the margin of the King James translation says 'power') had gone out of Him. He looked around about to see this woman who had done the thing. The woman in fear and trembling came and fell down before Him and told Him all the truth. He said, "Daughter, thy faith has made thee whole. Go in peace and be whole of thy plague."

Acts 10:38 tells us what this 'power' was that went out of Him and healed that woman. It says, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing...."

Acts 19:11-12 tells us that God also worked by the hands of Paul, very similarly. "And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the dis­eases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them."

Now I want you to see something in the ministry of Jesus. We can learn some principals about the action of God's healing power. However, when you talk about Jesus ministering and heal­ings under His ministry, people will think that it is different than what can happen today. Many will say, "Yes, but He was the Son of God." Sort of inferring that nobody else could do that—or that it couldn't happen that way.

But Jesus was just as much the Son of God when He was 25 years old as He was when He was 30 years old. At 26, 27, 28, 29 years of age, He was just as much the Son of God as He was at 30. And yet, up until the time He was anointed by the Spirit, He had not healed and did not heal one single person, nor work one miracle!

The thought I am trying to get over to you is that He did not heal the sick or work miracles by any power that was inherant in Him as being the Son of God, but He did it by the anointing of the

Published by: The Kenneth E. Hagin Evangelistic Association Post Office Box 50126, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74150

Holy Ghost and 'healing power' with which God anointed them.

If we can follow Him and His ministry we can learn something about the laws that govern the operation of God's 'healing power'. Then, when we abide by those laws, we can get the same results.

In Luke the 3rd chapter, we read how Jesus was baptized of John in Jordon's River and then the Holy Spirit descended uponJlirn in the bodily shape and form as a dove.

Luke 4:14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.

You see it was after He was baptized of John and the Spirit came upon Him that He returned in the power of the Spirit after His temptation in the wilderness. (You don't read that before He was baptized and before the Spirit anointed Him, He ever went in the power of the Spirit anywhere.)

Luke 4:15 And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all.

Now I wonder what He taught in their synagogues. What did He teach? We'l l come back to this thought later.

Luke 4:16-24 16. And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabboth day, and stood up for to read. 17. And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written. 18. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and r e ­covering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. 20. And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21. And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. 22. And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son? 23. And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country. 24. And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.

(Now you see, He calls Himself a prophet. He was, and is, the Son of God and died as the Lamb of God and shed His blood, but He wasn't ministering as the Son of God. He was minister­ing as a prophet anointed by the Spirit.)

Luke 4:25-31 25. But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land; 26. But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow. 27. And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian. 28. And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, 29. And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong. 30. But he passing through the midst of them went his way, 31. And came to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath davs.

A good many years ago, in 1950, I was con­ducting a meeting in Rockwall, Texas; a tent meeting. On the night of September 2, 1950, we all came around the altar to pray. It had been raining all day long, just a slow gentle rain. Rockwall's in the blacklands. And a lot of our congregation lived in the country and when it rained didn't get out at night. In fact, there were only 40 people present. They were all Christians. We were holding a revival and I was preaching evangelistic type messages, but that night I just gave a Bible lesson because they were all Christians.

Then we gathered around the altar to pray. I knelt by the pulpit on the platform. We had a rug on the floor around the altar, but the tent sat on the side of the hill and it had rained so much that the water overflowed the trench they had around the tent and had run down through the tent. I knew it was dry on the platform so I stayed up there. I took a chair and turned it around by the pulpit, then got by the chair and we all prayed together in united prayer.

I began to pray with other tongues, or in the spirit. While I was praying in the spirit, I heard a voice speak. I really didn't know that it was speaking to me at first. The voice said in the English language, "Come up hither", "Come up hither", "Come up hither"; three times. The fourth time it said, "Come up hither, come up to the throne of God."

I opened my eyes and looked up and God permitted me to see into the spirit realm.

Now you know that Peter, preaching on the day of Pentecost, said that this is a fulfillment of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost in the last days. He said Joel prophesied that in the last days,"I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams." (I 'm not an old man yet but I was much younger in those days.) The Amplified translation says, "Your young men shall have divinely granted appearances." God permitted me to have a divinely granted appear­ance. Jesus appeared to me.

When I opened my physical eyes, God per­mitted me to see into the spirit realm. There is a spirit realm. There is a spirit world. And that spirit world is just as real as this world. In fact, it is more real than this world. And, because humans are all spirit beings, when they die they go into that spirit world. The body dies but man never dies. Did you know that? The real man never dies. Paul said, "I 'm going to depart and be with Christ which is far better." Praise God—and that's where the Christian goes when he leaves here!

God permitted me to see into the spirit realm. I had my physical eyes wide open, but I didn't see the tent. I didn't see the tent pole. I didn't see the chair. I didn't see a person. I didn't see the pulpit. The tent just disappeared and up where the top of the tent should have been, Jesus was standing. I seemed to go up and to stand right with Him. When I got up there He said, "Let 's go up to the throne of God."

We went on up to the throne of God. I'm personally convinced that in spirit I went up there. My spirit went up there.

(I said later on to a minister as I was flying with him from Kansas City to Milwaukee on my first airplane flight in 1953, "You know, I have the same sensations now that I had that night— sensations of flying through the air and of seeing clouds as we went by them and other clouds as we went right through them.")

We came up to the throne of God. (I 'm not going to describe all of it here because it would take too long and I want to get to the main point.)

Jesus began His conversation with me by saying, " I called you before you were born. I separated you from your mother's womb. Satan tried to destroy your life before you were born, and has tried to destroy it many times since. But my angels have watched over you and have cared for you until this present hour."

Then He talked to me about the first phase of my ministry. He talked to me about the second

phase of my ministry. And then He said to me, "At this time you are entering into the third phase of your ministry."

He held His hands out in front of Him and said to me, "Stretch forth thine hands." I held my hands out in front of me, like He did. He took the finger of His right hand and laid it first in the palm of my right hand. Then He laid that same finger in the palm of my left hand. The moment He did, the palms of my hands began to burn like I had a coal of fire in them—a spot larger than a half dollar.

Jesus said to me, "Kneel down before me." 1 knelt down before Him. He laid His right hand on my head and said, " I have called thee and have anointed thee and have given unto thee a special anointing to minister to the sick."

I'd been praying for the sick a good many years. First as a Baptist preacher, then after receiving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and coming among Full Gospel people, I continued to pray for the sick by the laying on of hands and by the anointing of oil. But it is also scriptural to minister to the sick with the "tan­gible anointing" of God's healing power. God's Healing Power—Jesus was anointed with that power.

After He had laid His hands upon my head and said those words to me, He said, "Stand upright on thy feet." I stood on my feet and He went on to teach me from the Word of God and to show me some things I had never seen before.

You know, I think because of the fact that we are religiously brainwashed, it is difficult for us to see things which are so plain and simple and have been right in the Bible all the time.

Now you see, I know, because I was born and raised in a church which didn't teach healing. I saw healing, however, on the bed of affliction when they didn't see it. But even after I was healed and started preaching, I didn't see the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and tongues. So I have utmost sympathy for a preacher who doesn't see it. I don't get out of patience with him, because I didn't see it at one time, and thank God, God didn't get out of patience with me. He still blessed me and helped me.

And we wonder sometimes after we do see it, "Why didn't I see it?" You sort of feel foolish. Other people may have seen it all of their life and they can't understand why you couldn't see it. But, when you're reading the Bible with glasses on which are colored with religious tradition, some things are blocked out. I read about tongues in the Bible. But when I read about it, it didn't register on me because my mind had already been made up that tongues had been done


away with. Therefore, it didn't register with me. That's the way it is with the Bible in other

things. 1 had been taught, and I guess others have too, that Jesus only healed to prove his Deity or to prove His Divinity—to prove that He is God manifested in the flesh.

Jesus knew what was in my mind. Of course, some of these thinkings in your mind would hind­er you from entering into a full ministry as you should. He went about to get my thinking straightened out.

He said to me, "Some people say that when I was on earth in my ministry, I healed to prove my Deity and to prove my Divinity—but Ididn't."

That came as a real shock to me. "If that had been the case," He said, "then I

certainly did not prove my Deity and I didn't prove my Divinity and I did not prove to any­body who I was or what I had in my own home town of Nazareth. For the Word says in Mark 6:5 that I could there do no mighty work save I laid my hands on a few sick folk and healed them. And the few that I did heal didn't have much wrong with them."

Now you talk about shocking a fellow. That shocked me out of some of my denominational tradition. It just shot it full of holes.

I said, "Lord I've read the New Testament through 150 times and portions of it more than that, and I didn't know that was in there."

He said, "Why, Son, there's a lot in there that you don't know."

As He spoke, I began to see what He was talking about. He said, " I was ministering as a prophet anointed by the Spirit of God."

Can you see that? He said, "If I had ministered like a lot of

preachers and like some churches think I did, when I got to Nazareth I would have challenged them. I would just have said, 'Well, you doubt that I'm the Son of God, you doubt that I'm God manifested in the flesh, you doubt my Deity, you doubt who I am—I'll tell you what you do. Gather up six totally blind people. We'11 have the doctors examine them to certify they are totally blind. Then you get several totally deaf people and we will have Dr. Luke and other doctors examine them and certify they are totally deaf. Bring together a half dozen bedfast people, paralyzed, crippled who have to be carried in and we'll have the doctors examine them. Then I ' l l heal them.' But I wouldn't even have accepted a challenge if they challenged me. In fact, they did challenge me in a sense. They said, 'The mighty works that we've heard you did in Capernaum, do them here also in thy country.' You notice in reading that I never did them.

And He didn't. "All I did," He continued, "all I could

possibly do there was lay my hands on a few sick folk and heal them. And the few that I laid hands on didn't have much wrong with them."

Of course, after this I studied that verse because I really didn't remember it registering on me before. I looked at Mark 6:5 where it says. "And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them." I looked it up in various trans­lations. One translation said, "He laid His hands on a few 'sickly folk'." Well you know if you're just sort of 'sickly' you don't have too much wrong with you.

Then I looked it up in W.E.Vine's Expos­itory Dictionary of New Testament Words. W.E. Vine was a professor of Greek at Oxford University and a very learned man in this area. His book is a very wonderful study. In com­menting on this verse Vine says, "The Greek says, He laid His hands on a few folk with minor ailments."

One translation said 'sickly', Vine said the Greek says 'minor ailments'. Jesus in the vision said to me, "They didn't have much wrong with them."

Jesus had said to me, "The King James translation of the New Testament says that only a few were healed under my ministry there."

That upended some of my theology. I had been taught that Jesus always healed every­body who was sick everywhere He went.

Jesus said to me, "It is true that in some places on some occasions everybody who was there in that service or in that place that day, every sick person was healed. It is also true that in other places on other occasions and on other days, like for instance here at Nazareth, just a few received healing."

One of the accusations thrown at us who believe in healing and in the healing ministry is, "If you heal the sick like Jesus why don't you heal everybody?" Of course, we don't heal the sick. What they really mean is, "If you minister to the sick like Jesus and the apostles did, why don't you heal everybody like they did?"

And, of course, the answer is—they didn't! That comes as a shock to some people. That sort of came as a shock to me.

Jesus said, "Notice the text said that I could there do no mighty work save I laid my hands on a ' few'. How many is a few?"

I didn't know how many a 'few' was. Do you know how many a 'few' is? I'd never had any­body ask me that.


Jesus, in that vision, asked me, "How many is a few? This text said that a'few' were healed."

I said, "Well, uh- uh- a few is a few."Then I added, "It's not many. I would think, I don't know, I don't remember anybody ever asking me how many is a few—but in my opinion I'd say less than a dozen just off hand."

Eventually I thought about what the Bible calls a few. The Bible says about Noah's time that a few were saved by water. That is eight souls. It calls eight a few. So if you take what the Bible calls a few, then there were probably only about eight or ten people who received healing.

Jesus said, "Mark 6:5 says that I could there do no mighty work. A totally blind person being healed would have been a mighty work, A totally deaf or crippled or bedfast person being healed, would have been a mighty work. But the Word says that the few who were healed didn't have much wrong with them."

Then He said something which I want you to see because it came as a real blessing and boon to me.

"Peter preaching to Cornelius' household said, 'How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power . . . ' " Jesus stated.

He said, "Being anointed by the Holy Ghost to minister, the Holy Spirit manifested Himself in my ministry because I was standing in the office of a prophet. You'll see those manifesta­tions like you see the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament."

(We call them Gifts of the Spirit or Mani­festations of the Spirit. Both are correct—these gifts are manifested.)

Jesus continued, "You'll see the 'Word of Knowledge' and the 'Word of Wisdom' and 'Dis­cerning of Spirits' and the gift of 'Special Faith' and the 'Working of Miracles ' , 'Gifts of Healings' and the 'Gift of Prophecy' in manifestation all through the Old Testament, and you'll see these gifts in manifestation in my ministry—every­one of them."

(And you can see them if you'll read through it.)

"You do not see 'Tongues with Interpretation' in the Old Testament anywhere, " He said to me. "Neither do you see 'Tongues with Interpretation' in My ministry. Because speaking with tongues with interpretation is distinctive of this dispen­sation that began on the Day of Pentecost. That's why you will have more 'Tongues with Interpre­tation' than anything else in this dispensation— they are characteristic of this dispensation."

Then He said, "As I was anointed by the Spirit, then the Spirit would manifest Himself

in my ministry. You'll notice at times I didn't lay hands on the person or even stop to teach or to preach to them. I would walk up to some­one like at the pool of Bethesda and say,'Arise, take up your bed and walk' because the Spirit inspired or prompted me to do that. That was a manifestation and a greater work. Then I just walked off and left all of the rest of the folks, five porches full of them."

(Now, why did He do that?) " I explained that to these folks here at

Nazareth," He said. " I said to them, Elijah was a prophet and he was anointed by the Spirit and here is 'Working of Miracles' in his ministry. There were many widows in Israel, but he couldn't just go into any widow's house and work a miracle. He only went to one because she was the one he was sent to. The same with Elisha. There were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet. Yet none of them were healed saving Naaman the Syrian. Why couldn't he have told all the lepers to dip in the River Jordon? No, he just told one person for that one person's benefit.

"These special manifestations will come (manifestations of 'Gifts of Healing' or 'Work­ing of Miracles' or 'Special Faith,' etc.) as the Spirit wills," He continued. "You will see these special manifestations in operation in my ministry more than you will in any person or in any ministry today because I had the Spirit without measure (John 3:34). I had the Holy Spirit without measure but the whole Church, the whole Body of Christ, has the Spirit with the same measure I did. And so these things will be happening in the whole Body with the same measure but not in the individual's ministry.

As a Baptist boy preacher and pastor of a community church, I was baptized with the Holy Ghost and spoke with other tongues. I went along for 18 months never having any manifesta-ions of any kind of Gift of the Spirit in my ministry other than the 'Word of Knowledge'. I didn't know what it was at first. But almost immediately the 'Word of Knowledge' began to operate and I'd never experienced it before I was baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Remember Elisha who had a servant Gehazi that ran after Naaman and lied to him and got silver and gold and changes of raiment then hid it? Elisha said, "Where have you been?" "Oh, no where, my master." Then Elisha said, "My spirit went with you when you adjoined yourself to that chariot."

When my wife and I were first married, she and her family were Methodist. Her mother had a double goiter on her windpipe. You could see


a lot of it on the outside but doctors said the biggest part of it was inside wrapped around her windpipe, choking her to death. As we were all praying, the Spirit said to me, "Get your oil and anoint your mother-in-law and I ' l l heal her."

There is something about these special man­ifestations. They will work for people who are unsaved. They will work for people who don't even expect to receive anything. My mother-in-law didn't even expect to be healed. She was the most surprised one of the bunch when the goiter did disappear. It went down just like you'd stuck a pin in a balloon. If you were to depend on her to believe something you might as well forget it.

Some have asked, "Why does it work that way?" I don't know. I'm not God. If He'd wanted me to know He would have told me. And due to the fact that He hasn't told me, I'm just going to leave it alone. But it works!

In the vision Jesus said to me,"I ministered that way but I didn't have any of these special manifestations in Nazareth."

"Not only was I anointed by the Spirit to minister and had the Spirit without measure, but I also had another phase of ministry. I was anointed with 'Healing Power' . I was anointed with the Holy Ghost and Power (Acts 10:38)."

When the woman with the issue of blood touched Him, the scripture said He knew immedi­ately within Himself that 'power' had gone out of him—not that the Holy Ghost had gone out of Him. This wasn't a case of a manifestation of the Gifts of the Spirit. I want you to get that. It involves an anointing of 'healing power' that is transferrable by the touch of faith.

"For people to be healed this way," Jesus said to me, "they have to have faith. You'll notice I said to the woman, 'Daughter, thy faith has made thee whole.'

"In Mark 6:5-6 it says I could do no mighty works save I laid my hands on a few sick folk and healed them. Then it says, '...he marvelled because of their unbelief....'

"The rest of the sixth verse says that I went about in the cities and villages teaching. What do you think I taught in those synagogues? In every single one of them I had that same message. First, I would read from the book of Isaiah and then teach them 'lamanointed'. Whe­ther there was any manifestation of spiritual gifts or not, if they would believe then with the laying on of hands I could minister to them. God's 'healing power' is transmittable.

"Now then," He said, " I have anointed you with that healing power. You go tell the people exactly

what I have told you. Tel l them you saw me. Tell them I have appeared to you. Tell them I laid the finger of my right hand in the palm of each of your hands. Tell them you feel the healing power in your hands. Tell them that I told you to tell them that if they will believe you are anointed with healing power just as if people in Nazareth would have believed I was anointed, and if they will receive that anointing, then when you lay your hands on them that anointing will flow from your hands into their bodies and will drive out sick­ness and disease and will affect a healing or cure in them."

I wanted to go over these grounds very care­fully so that our faith will be, not in man, but in God's Word. We can see from God's Word how God works. He works today just like He always did.

See this fact and believe it—God's 'healing power' is a tangible substance and a heavenly materiality which is transmittable by the laying on of hands, or as in Paul's case, transmittable by a cloth or handkerchief.

For about twenty years I ministered that way. I'd say more about it at times than I would at others. And four times in a twenty year period, a stronger anointing would come upon me and everybody I'd touch would fall under the power of God.

Then on September 6, 1970 my wife and I checked into a Holiday Inn in Buffalo , N.Y. We were there with the Full Gospel Business Men and as I unloaded the car I began to be sick.

It had been 36 years and 22 days since I had been raised up from a death bed as a Baptist boy, healed of a deformed heart, almost total paralysis and an incurable blood disease. I'd had 36 years and 22 days of divine health. I'd never been sick. I'd never had a headache.

So if you haven't been sick in 36 years, when you begin to be you are puzzled. Because I'd taken my stand and stood on God's Word and said, "Now, Satan you can't put that on me." But this time, it didn't work. And I got, as the boy said, no better fast. Finally I said to my wife, "I 'm going to lie down here on the bed." I was really sick. It sure was a good thing I didn't have a service to make right then. I wouldn't have made it, I don't mind telling you.

I began to look to the Lord and say, "Now, Lord, what's wrong here. This isn't working. I know it isn't working. I haven't made the contact. (You know when you make a contact.) I haven't made the contact here. I know it's not You because You don't ever fail. You can't fail. Nothing is wrong with You. Nothing is wrong with Heaven. If there is any trouble it is down


here on this end. I have failed. I didn't make the contact. Now where am I missing it?"

And the Lord spoke to me, spoke to my spirit plainly and said, "In the first place, you haven't done what you should have done with the healing ministry. You have not been as bold about it as you should have been. (I would almost back off from it sometimes. There are a number of reasons why, but I won't go into detail about that.) You haven't been as bold to tell the people what I told you to tell them. You haven't' done fully what you should have done."

Now of course, God did not make me sick. Don't misunderstand me. It was the Devil. The Devil is the author of sickness and disease.

But God said to me, "If you want to be healed now, I'm going to tell you how you're going to do it. And this is the only way you're going to get it this time. Just put your hands on yourself. If you don't do that, you won't get your healing. I did not tell you the healing power was in your head. I did not tell you it was in your feet. I told you when I laid the finger of my hand in palms of your hands that the healing power was in your hands. Put your hands on yourself and you'll be healed."

It didn't take me long to get my hands there! Brother, I got them there in a hurry. And I felt a warm glow flowing out of my hands into my body and immediately I began to ammend. Immediately I began to ammend. Halleujah!

Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "Just stay six weeks here, then go back down to Tulsa," (I had arrangements made to be in New York state eight more weeks.) "In Tulsa, from October 11th througrh the 18th, conduct a prayer school and a healing school from Sunday to Sunday. In the night services, have a healing school and in the day services have a prayer school. Teach on prayer, particularly inter­cessory prayer and then pray. At night teach on healing. Teach first of all, that healing belongs to all because the Word of God says, 'Himself, Jesus, took our infirmities and bare our sick­nesses.' Teach that anyone can minister to the sick, all believers can by the laying on of hands. Then when you get to the middle of the week, on Wednesday night, go back and tell the people what I told you twenty years ago. This time with more boldness and emphasis. When you obey me, that stronger anointing that came on you four times in the past twenty years will come on you to abide."

Then I had a vision. God gave me a vision, that day in New York state, as I was lying on that bed in the Holiday Inn.

I saw my chapel in Tulsa and what would happen. I saw myself laying hands on folk. I saw people lying all over that chapel. All over the front of it on the floor—people I knew there in Tulsa.

I did not tell a soul about the vision, not even my wife. Back in Tulsa it came to pass just like I'd seen in the vision. The first lady came and I reached out and touched her. I knew she was going to fall. When she went down, I asked a young preacher standing by to catch her. The very people I had seen in the vision fell in the very spot I'd seen them fall.

Another interesting thing in connection with this was that ten days before the vision in New York, my wife called my attention to the fact that she had a growth or a lump in each breast. One of them was the size of a half dollar the other the s ize of a quarter. We immediately prayed, commanded the things to wither and die and disappear. Then by faith, according to Mark 11:24 received it. In two or three days the smaller lump disappeared but the larger was still there and continued to grow bigger.

But that night in Tulsa when we obeyed God, my wife told me when we got home that something had quickened her and said, "Go look, that's gone." She went and examined it and it was gone. It had disappeared during the service. Praise God! It is rewarding to obey God.

The anointing came on me so strong after I'd prayed for those people I couldn't stand up myself. My son-in-law had to hold me up to finish the service. I couldn't even drive my car home. I went home and got into a large chair and it was two hours before I got back to normal. I'm telling you about these things so you'll believe in them, for it won't work just because you try it. It won't work because you say, "Well I believe I'll try that and see if he can heal me." I cannot heal you. No man can. But God's 'Healing Power', the 'anointing' can!

Hallelujah to Jesus!

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This lesson is also available on cassette. HC-117 entitled "Special Anointings"

Regular Price - $4.00


In this lesson, "Special Anointings", Brother Hagin refers to a vision in which Jesus appeared to him in Rockwall, Texas. Greater details of this vision, along with seven other visions of The Saviour, are given in the book, I Believe in Visions.

I Believe in Visions is available in most religious bookstores or you may obtain a copy by writing us: Kenneth E. Hagin Evangelistic Assn., P. O. Box 50126, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74150. Regular Price - $1.95