jU V ? . vfhich lias invailably been the object ot Ins ciioite. 1U1. Windham is. likewtle named as iccretury of slate for the war department i io far we believe to be settled. Whethtr earl Spencer, Mr. Grey, or the marquis of Buckingham, goes to the admiral- ty, is not decided. Earl Moir.i is expecTedto have the master gcneral-flii- p of the ordnance 5 and earl Fitz-vgliai- is his health permit, will pro&ably be lord lieutenant of Ire- land. It is thought that the seals will be put in commiflion, but that Ms. Erlkine will ultimately become chancellor. January 30. Marquis Cornwallis. 'The friends of this country, and the admirers of true worth, have another great fub-je- 6l of regret in the death of this 1510ft amiable nobleman. Tlie M- elancholy tidings arrived yesterday, in the dispatches dated the 23d.of October, 1805, which were brought by the Medusa frigate from Bengal. G. A Robifon, Esq. private fecre-lar- y to his lordfliip, was the bearer of these dispatches. The Medusa frigate lest Bengal on the 3d of November. She brings advices, that previous to the much lamented death of that nobleman, Scindia had entirely separated him- - self from the interests ofHolkar, & had delegated a Vakeel with full owers to enter into a negotiation or peace with the Britifli govern ment. 1 he Vakeel had been pub-lickl- y received in camp by lord Lake. Sir R. Barlow, on whom the go vernment devolved on the death of marquis Cornwallis, had palled ,i oh bis way to the Upper Sta tions, to diredl the course of the Holkar's troops, were again in motion, and had advanced towards the country of the Seiks, from whom, however, it is not ap- prehended he would derive any Dispatches were this morning re- ceived by government from Berlin, which state, that an arrangement had taken place between his Pruffian . t , n r-- .. ot a ; tne an ; finu db mcic aic a ui in night ac of ine as " mails, on le we re- lative to France Vienna are as an a rumour, French of to 'c rr: 1 o c u not an is to cis so wrongs of to of of' is ' appear to whence whither was i'urke. not in Aullria RinHa, 111 ihe his in ate ul t II ic ljoc to t I is no oppo'e to or in or to any the of her empire. All the in were to the Swedes a iq troops. A in treaty ULM, A contribution of laid on Aullnan in to in ee of the general of the A is at per month, to 6th 8. elector Wirtembgrg com- municated to the of his the of the of con- cluded on the 4th M, the of the trench, and S. H. is the tenor : H. M. the of the French, of to H- - H. the of the and of all his the and prerogatives is fn of, and as were by the of of and the general the of the empire, H. E. H. on his to to the a of 8 to of mounted and 7 to are annexed to this tnele has not to the ' 2. A in of " : fia a c& The note majeity ana iionaparte, in conie-'field- H t.hen which, the eledlorate of ,pr;nted for three following, is to be occupied by article . Austria a lian troops until tne conciuiion latlon a40od,ooo she peace arffly 4IO00o men, ers' the Orders have, we believe, th-l- s has fallen, '""neuiate 01 uie under the blows the o nl troops now on uic toimncnt Japoleon." gica. iiuitiuci transports the Wefer, the embar- kation will place without Last we received the Ham Correfpondenten 14th, i5tn, initant, claniations Austrians, namourgn those due Wednesday and Saturday nnight. The intelligence which these pa- mpers contain, Urongly to con-'fir- m what recently predicted intentions refpedting empire. Pri- vate letters quoted authority that 6o,oooN roops, under command general Marmont, Austrians and pos-.:- - be of E. of It was o the i n W ne was of the the ana iota two or r a was the of the for the were the fcttled hattine who before made Bosnia andServia the Ottoman Fran jbon the has from the consented the and in tlon, the which lawless its ooieci1 troops from and imMcdiate made the Tur-- - kilh army the JSey alio The lat- ter intended From these points may the thus ernb. mllru ment ixicuting hii designs upoii utligns, whicl' til, uiaoni tll'U jua, there will with whole force and allied have tint end The were back had been the this the total took the the day the was has the clieft army. second evety month fixed 80,000 begin irom Dec. states articles treaty This treaty to follow. ing king Italy, eleftor dates, with which home such they treaty peace recess en- gages side, furnish army body from 10,000 men, from 8000 secret articles been made states. sew the north three days this has bad popu- - souls bad oecween pow- - whom bad taken field and been return seven weaks .uniim take tends ijL Jk the 26th that atf5 uimutz, wnere V destroy influence provinces, Hanover, quitted territory tranf-port- s collected con- veyance change Austrian niiniftry fignedv December. inftalrnent? paymailer contri- bution, payable December. guarantees integrity theelectorial deter- mined deputation confiding cavalry, infantry. communication provincial December following Another German quence-o- f Hanover Pruf-tki- s uenigerent 280,000 formidable the, with siring cannon and 17m wmen the who him .It Turkifli from join take period already those points futceeds, oil- ing doubt, attempt dil'membcr country franks O&ober, pol-feffi- treaty. PARIS emperor December arrived received earaed liberator on the 2d December that the great battle Auflerlitz took place ; and on the ot the lame month the leave to quit Olmutz to return to his in 8 days', his 'arrival, his departure, and the sate have decided. March 17. Waftiincr- - ton from a relpedlable tt - tt :. TL.r. i.: j -- c pair uc oi the difrerences between and rumours have lately been the sore- - Rufl-- a been and tha. runners ot lome new attack made bv .... - . n- . ., latter ma,rCn. "PPrehcnding dominions. presumed, ser- - be indemnified' in. that a will elapse, attempt from the forgotten he ruler Has he be come colleague coadjutor Bonaparte an,unjulhhable coali only onlv plunder toi"?nSlnS Rittenhoufe Academy, queltions :',","' the TheFiench Marching can upon with Vcni- - into of onl) iUOixiI uJ any of of upon and of paid the franks has by 1000 yet of of 0f of of of of be of of been hjd ,'., . NOTES OF Mi Torniac The owner them by at this 1? April 9th, will be eU ther of any person who may iln r "' tllc reen river ianas oe ? the in mult be? truly in b"n, " may to lands in Smtt a the a s was and ren we.ue ton villi 11 Uuii ,u U ltli.l to, h ii ei ui s of K u, o( berh tin into the The H. i. " row Four ine or of in of K.nu WliT tn office, f the jn l'ull-"al- too for the same. is here to mention the or thole Iancl3, qs topurchale ot k.nn. r.-:- r latisiy tnemie vesorevMPii to ;. provinces. Mallena remained cm be had of in tian territories, marching. occupy Dalmatij. the troops eauiy provii.c's lionapaitt deting former por.er Turjc greater f.ui... who, Turkey, its power forces before theprefent month. falling Pomerania, for place before 40,000 French FRANKFORT, territories alliance between emperor emperor Wirtemberg-- , independence rights Lune-vill- e, French articles known MUNICH, days fincea Gazette Germany, publiflied article population 8,000,000 lemperor November anticipate suffered formidable obtained Europe PHILADELPHIA, han. 'jiofc who may be to as will piafce their ci to the May I ayne, Jo( n V C R. M. J omm s. Scott 1, A For said who can come well d is othei need apply limn will alio be iticurij y n,e pievious to .lie 1jl.il1i in next. v R. Pay ie, ohis'jn, i'i. Gtiiio. i r -- xs. y,j" t s " True to his He the Her?! ! nsv woilcl, News fiom all nrtions at b lnri .9 At meeting of the ns ns ' ,t lll5U'"l"r on thefirst inst. the u eie elated William Moiton, John Jordan jun. John V. Hunt, f Will am Lea y, T J The students Of the BrvantVs Stntmn ct.mi will be examined on Satuidjv thp y,h mimi and w ill exhibit with the Belles' Strat- agem, a on 25th ljatant. -- "" t her friends and I- -V the public, that she to teach Younsr Ladies Needle Work of various VmHs with and Drawintr. on her usual low terms. She will board sew ounsr in,i:A t ,i: .1. J. P muiv.3. i.auiCs uiai uo nor come to her school, may have done ery cheap. A barrels Howel and Son's bed )fi nn may had on reasonable terms, by applying to joroan ana tsrotners ltore. Alio, an ele gant of best a sew hadfome made by Wolf, in &c. &c. is March 30th, 1806. of will mtet at the mr. Joshua on the 19th instant. .ir. for the of hearing from, those persons who may their property assessed too high for the present year. A Attest, CM. April 7th, 1806. ALL are taking an on a Note, tmpn T)V me to Robert Cox. some fr.v souls, 10,000 whom e value of .25 said pipe days power Ruflia urgh long 4th Ruflia states. for was gienm of a tract of land jn Green county, which being lost, I am pay said note until I get a title to m w Jem T to in iJ " my lriends, late and the public, that I have Philadel- - plus, Xresh Isf SHOES OF ALL for sale at my shop on Short street, next door to mr. Reiser's and nearly opposite the mar- - ket house, to wit sine and coarse Shoes, Boys' sine and coarse do. ,. Ladies' Leather do. Kid shoes, J do. Kid, wiu heels and spring heels', of do. do. all colours, and plain Kid of all colors, and plain Morocco Slip pers ot all colors, Misses' Kid and Morocco Morocco of all colors and Lea- ther &.c. &c. The aboe articles I warrant to be as good as ever came to the state, or made in the Uni- ted States as I have none but picked work, I do not want lo flatter the puplic with an as the wil shew for itself. SKIMS of all colors, Leather of lh? ?''""? of colors, and Shoe ' T O LOrtC.'-inal- II - Ka r citnirtfnnl Itates ity also, a sew ., , HAND, SPECULATION. PROPOSALS fubferibers, living county, County unneccflary perionswiio proposals fubfen disposed purcTiafe exchange fouithiMon-da- y 7bomson, Gnno. TEACHER Acidemy, irconimind proposals lub'cnbcia, 2XlMZm55SMP"KfttKS3fcffK2i charge LEXINGTON, Share-rmM- p D",'o-William Mjcbcnn, Friday, l.lL- - foV ''V WALSH, ESPECTFULLY continues TATfK. WDTirp TANNERS' DUTCH THREAD. RIFLES, Pittiburgh RFGISTERS, ENGRAVINGS, Lexington, THE Trustees Lexipgjon vWJson, at4o'c&clP Watkim persons forewarned assiprnment ttkkethwii.of consideration determi-nednott- o J&tllthers. J3ctobei-3,ie05- . viJAV lis customers, brought Fashionable Lexington, Children3' JefTersons, adver- tisement, muKULCU December- - received String., loured, SKATES. o...,iiC,u, France WILLIAM April 9, 1806. ' tne nao given to tne 1,1 o- - France unon the states of LuroDe.i. . , ., , m and this report, thus announced "' " n.er tr? R -- ELIJAH OW. rnnl h. f. ,J,the V& With theffeNS, an apprentice to the bull view, it is of attacking ness, abfentedhimfelf from my that was to , Trl:rr vice on a.u ;nn . i ; the east, leaves no doubt 8 ' about 20 years of aee. s feet 8 or o inch- - sever em- pire. Has then emperor France exciter nmhition i t0 , to b'e great n to French , 1 w.iii , c V ' t number Bri- tifli, Swabia, Pruf. , emperor Thus, Vmi7JT lVnnJfr.rrl unndi- - Kolrtrfri can get applying 1806. ' ' received V Scott from rlnn..-l.ni- . t. .. ri t J We sear the answers these " -- "'."""" . probably pour Lut poflefTions TWO TVTflinn. It quality, advantages t would wilh t .....!.! .t .t . uuiu their howevern toimatum aforelaid, piopolals prcnous in next. fobn toUn.y, April 1806. wanted, none ; Itich Mond.iv May -- ' 1 c "3ffL comes, of a r liimb'upij " APRIL a - Company following gentlemen : PresUcyt, " ' 1 Orations, comedy, ANN informs, Reading, Writing, a -- -i . Drawing sew of be aflbrtment tavern of Saturday, purpose appeals, think copy. Jno. vears , Elijah - BEG leave torm Va from KINDS, Mens' Slippers, Fancy Spangled Spangled Slippers, work all and i ROSS. permnnon iwenty Dollars Reward. Austria sJt,,rri,,i,- - amrmative. fituatton attending making cnes ninn, ot a dark complexion, dark hair and eyes, large eye-brow- s, had on a fnufF coloured furtout coat and a dark cloth coat, blue pantaloons, cottonvaift- - coat, b(ack worded hole, a raihionable hat, with a large buckle and band, with lundry other articles of clothing. 1 he above reward and all reasonable charges will be paid on delivering the said ap- prentice to the fubferiber. Patterson Bain. Lexington, Kentucky, April 8th 1806. The editors of the Ohio Herald, Ten-nefTe- p Gazette, and Farmers' Library are lequefted to insert the above three times and forward their accounts to tb'a editor of the Kentucky Gazette fr J ff I HUbli who are concerned", are nefired to take notice, thti on the twen- - 'rv.filrh Hav ns A iinl ,nA ! !,.,M .. l -- y y w llll) .WWW, man fillCHU with the commiflioneis appointed by the county com t of Claike, 'at the house of Isaac Cunningham, in said county, from thence proceed to a tree in the centre of the Sycamore Forefl, aljout 70 poles tram iaid Cunningham's house, for1 the purpose of perpetuating teftfinoily and eltablifliing the calls ot the follow- ing entry, viz. -- " 1780, February 3d, Samuel Henderfon enters 400 acies oy virtue ot a certifi- cate &c. lying on tne trace from Uoonl- - (borougli to the lower fait Ipiuig, 01, canca tns aycanioie anu mining down the creek foi quantity. . Alio the Calls of a in tl t lame ot laid rJendeifon, y u.ing Jus Ui. Icttlenitnt all 1. mud do luinothci Cts .is niiy be lieccir.uy and agiecaSii. la-- rt . V '' W3 1 Mailbcx Patio ;. I list of letters fctna'm'11'4 In tbi P"s: Of e at Lexington, A. uhub is not taL'ti 0'it in tbi ci mo i:bs, will be s nwo tie GcHtr ill Post Office as a'a tLeycrs. A Richard Afliton Rebecca A'fop hoi. fVrviUe e:q. 1 honus Allop K. Aril'e Saml. Acres J. Bledfoe . Nat. l5 Anthdby Blell Saml. Blair 3 Patterlon Dain Brown Ss YaincII John Button Dniiel Bryan MntyButfer 2 Jofeuh Bucliannoil Jwhn Brown Bi titer Bralhear 1'ranky Bell Jean Biptilti Deborah Belt Bufoi'd Jofcph Bzrbeejun. Joseph Bryan sen. Benj. Beny 3 Moles Barber Zachariah Barr Catharine Barr Mr. Butler Mr. Bledfoe Mr. Bofwell jun. Leonard Biadley Robert Camron - Thomas Cam ''' l?obert Chambers Robert Calwcll 2 Rev. A. Coleman Sarah Chandler. JefTey Cole John Caughey James Chandler Walter Carnck Campell Joseph Chrifman Chs. a Rctrr Connaway , John Charles Joseph Coppinger Mr. Colby Thcs. C. Davis t& Bru Abraham Davis John Dille William Dunlap Mr. Davenport Benjamin Eichelburger John Eakin Ealtin gr" Cullin Madox Fiflier Jane Foster Wijliam Ford Major Fiflier Mrs. Gallingto a Saml. Gibson Saml. Gregg Benjamin Graves John Gardner 2 George Giay Hawes Graves Will. Grant P. Heronamus Thomas Helm a James Heard a Thomas Hurley JohnH. Heller WHl. Hartley a Cornelius Hugh Mr. Hues Atty. Moles Hough James Hcmpwill or Kibler Kay fen. Jefle Lamme 1 Machefney M'Donald W. Moore M'Donald Valentine Mason . Mr. a James a Patteifon P.uker Charles Patton Pike . Prevvit RulTell Mary Runyon Uocis 1. Mis. Hakin Joh.i laincs c Vill.ain ve . Lt V i j, uit Si nr.. u,i in Adams - Junes Betty Hrnrv Bjfll '1 L. Butler I.i'iuky Blow S. Brown 3 Bitillo,v Jimej Relin Abraham Blown Bell Albert C ' homas ChVathara James Con Cr Col Cox fen. Mr. Mr. Ruth CisuKsjr nouir. Canady Archibald Craig D Devely Duckey Robert Dermis-Mr- . Dawson, . E , 2 Benjamin Elliot F ForbnJr Widdow Fitzgerel Capt, G Galloway Jdlin Graves James Goodman James a Groom Halding Hobbs George Heital Hord Henley Isaac Nathaniel Harris George Harr I J James Johnson James Exum Johnson JacoW Todhunter James Ingles jun. Johnson David Jonfon A. Liikeep a James John Jones K jun. Lewis Kiiuckols James Keine James Archd. Logan Ailiby Georjre Mr. efq. fen. Lewis esq. James, M Win. Meredith M'Lurc Peter Mefmore James Heftor Charles H. Mills Jonn esq.' Lewis John Jacob Mathews Mai tin Mr. M'Daniel Will. Gex. Saml. Philip Pead Paull haml. Saml John Pope John Gen. Win. Reuben Pnilip Mikel bmitli jun. Leonaiit iinoi.te W. Stout Sitewai SIk Mulny white Mr. lios' Blantou Klilln Will. Will. John Blanton Willum David John Click Cotton Major lumblcr lohti Will. lr"- - lf!iti Pimmnrtn Lazarus John Cox Rev. John Will. Jefle Arthur Elijah Thos. Mary Goflbm H John Brice Thomas John Harris John Hudson Thomas H. William Mathcw Michael Loney Gen. Thos. Kenady Francis Kertly James D. Lane Simon George Linjjenfelter Benjamin Lambert Leavy Atty. Logan John Lowry homas Leman John Henry Henry Moore Marflial Maj. jolhua leiemiah' Joseph Bryuuc Bright Joseph Edmund Franklin Eliflia Gray Grafiton Alben Kenny Lauchlm Will. Monteer John Mallory Charle Mills Rufus Miner John M'Neir Wijham M'Night Willis Morgan esq, Charles H. Mills Will. Milligan Butler Moore Peter Mills John Monifon Wilha'm M'Vary M. Martel( Thos. Mo'ore Capt, Moore Alaj. Saml, Mere, dith ' John M'Cracken O John P. Oldham George Ogleby L. ObouiHer Offut Walleh Overton P Rey'lct Uidiuid-fo- n Jonas Poor James rcfHey 'l homas Samuef Puoi a Gilbert Paikrr Ralph Phillips '1 liumas Polurd R John Rogers . " WhoiuOu KciTlor I'ully Rodani JofepnHyinan Mi. R.inlua e "Will. Kogcia s Saml. Smith Nancy bhaw or Aiclw. iw Will. ii. bummers "V ill. .Ot.lal t John ul . t W II p I 0- -J G. 1. 1. 1 .1 ij..n - - ji.i. le loli'i S!i"lv O ... J h i W.Iham ThnmpfonRobt. D. Tiylor u cior 1 .ne llubl,'d 1 dytar 1 Lewis "iSpp 2 3ii iliolomew Tiy lo. lames Tremble jn-e- s viuus iewis v tico.irt Lo( Ly Vigus janes Venable "Iui P. Wagnon l)n,l. White Vell ldj Mi. 'Kdam nh John James" Wood Mr. Bike S -- ct 11- cuKid ii, 'I It J.ir. l.oiirtor Arthui T. Thh Jr'tril .Th.mpfcn J ' ' I horn ,s I"' s I ruit '"pt. I U V n.: tt. ...n . rr j' v mjujj J W Ah 11 Vcn.llp Abiaham Vuuble w Tohn Wh'tmire Rich .id Wiliu I Jfaac V rhilr-- i ho.. ncijrC. Walk- - Samuel Wil'.n.foii ri,",' wli.'o.k Patrick Wat soil Tid. ''.V (t-- r Irlfe Winn Hr.hf. W,n.. llaacVilbergera Sought Wuwh John vVert I etcr Wifor ll'aac Wei's Wiillon Wingate Ifiac Webb Wiuti 0 in Thos. Winn Wyatt Ycizer hoinnfurt 1 rancis Wnl.s J unci. Warren Caleb Wurley James Winn Will. J,,, icy George W in le jamin Wena Stephen J. eiJ?r Leonard Ynrnm JOHN JORDAN Ju...i!aI. April 1, 1806. t- - The bigb bred Englhb stallion, b IO N, WHICH was impoitcd fiom London in the Fall of 1801, by the laic Joint Hoomes efq. of the Bowling Gieen. ,ncl is remarkable for his. sine cults ; hr wai bred by W. Gaifoith e'q. ot Yorkfliiie and is undonbtedlv a hnrf. i - c.'. blood as any in England ;. he was a good racer, and beat levcral of the ln-- ft ).n,C in that kingdom. He won a Iween-iiak- e at lork August meeting, nine 50 guineas each, betting mr. by hfcape, Imd Fi'z Wil- liam's bay colt by Walnut, mr. Wilson' colt by Escape, mr. Pierfe's, buy rclt bv Spadille, sir C. 1'uiner's colt by H'rape. Jjl 1800 he won the stand )la' at Y. rk, tree for all ages, beatn gtheli.mu, hnfe Jonah. The same yi ar he mi ov, i th$ York course (4 unleO with Hamhle tom- an, for the great fubfciiption, and aU tb-u- gh the greatefl exertion was made by the ridtr of Hambletonun, jet he beat "Dion only the neck, r.i,d aclu ill refused to run with him oi the j.,,1 c -. atDoncaller, a sew days alter, which Ilinn vjnn mt.V. !. n lord Daihngton's bay colt Hap-- zza.it by Sir Peter Teazle, Ibid Fitz Wii'im s" blown filley Fanny, by. do. sit Hmy yanelempeQ's bay colt by di ut. Dion at another time beat mr. ( o klin's Sir Harry, and Sir Thomas Gaicoir eB Timothy, and fevral other hoifes ot hili repute, and was considered a hoi fa is great speed and bottr-m- . for Jus lacino-(i- almofl; every inltance) was 4 nrles" DIOH, now nfing 11 yeais old, TjKll" fifteen hands two inches and z halt ivff a sine bay, with gtealflrength and beau-t- y, and has probably the best feet, legs, back and quarters thu weie ever com- bined in one horle ; Stands this (which will cdmmencr theaath n M.,, W (and end the fiifl ot August) at M..J1I0 t i court house, and be let to mares at u dollars the Tingle lean, paid in Jiard, 14 (dollars the season (sour dollars of which will be remitted is paid bv the aoth of December mxt) 40 dollar "n re a mare with fo.il, and one dolUr to the groom in eveiv inltance, ;paid weu the mare is covered. Goodbietlli-er- s on soot, weighing not Iefs than 400 cluered the first week in Atig.iR, good sat poilc on soot, deliveied the ift week in Octo- ber ; fnfpeAed cop tobacco, dehyeied at any ware house on the Kentuck) riv- er, and mcrihantahlr hfmn. H!.,. A either at Madison court house or Lex- ington by the )oth of December, will be received in payment, at the calli Tic- ket price when delivered a prom fl"rv a'tefted note for 24 d liars the fdi.ni, and 40 for infiiraiKe muff he leu' li the maies should those marcs nluictt not prove with foal, and the propti'v not altered, the moiuy will bejetuui-J- . Good paflunge tound grain tV idh.s coming from more th ,n milrsdil it, and those gent'emrn wlio v.fi I'-- ir mares fed, may haeitdone at time fjil-lin- per week. , Both the horle and maies will be un- der the direction ot L. FauRtur ard Henry Banton. .. . Wst'. T. BANT(;N. PEDIGREE. DION was b.r ! In W. Gaifcth rlq. and was got by Spidillf, our ot the b 't fonsof Highflyer ; h,s Jm Faith !J a- - colrt, a gi.iudioii of ti'c Godi.lphm Ai ; his gi ml c'um. the tarn ns Atl- anta, by Old Match m, out ot L.if ' the Mtil, (Jioonok, CI I ravelle' , (i(,n-t- Cl.rk's Lfs of the . 1, Mr. Holi hh MaTtelels, by Giev Hi 111 . I . d Parti er, Woodiock, dam ns I. a t 1, Mif. Doe, Ciott's Bhv Baib, ii .iul u of the Ancallei Stalling, Makt I Is, J jna's dam, niitnni'i , Uuk lies , li .) ot Dpdlwoith, out of tl e T ' n ilaib mare. This 1 ed gree is I ,1 irom the general Unci b k ot I I, ., . 101 :n hoo"i . E'A'UJUkA'. K 1 IO Raise c.o i i.oiv. 1 HL iubfmlif 1 r 01 tkii n c 0 intuipi the pi bl c, that tl.e; oullrticled a ( Ol TON ?7 CHINK 11 Jriiiirim e i nut) , .nut out i!t halt fiom Nicliolal die, it e id int; to Wot toid n ti r h . ill! be redv to mrnuiiLC b'niil . he 10. h ot Apr 1. J ,.'.trn " ' rr. Ma .ii 't Id, 3

Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7fbg2h7n1d/data/0770.pdf · ment. 1 he Vakeel had been pub-lickl-y received in camp by lord Lake. Sir

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.vfhich lias invailably been the objectot Ins ciioite. 1U1. Windham is.likewtle named as iccretury of slatefor the war department i io far webelieve to be settled. Whethtr earlSpencer, Mr. Grey, or the marquisof Buckingham, goes to the admiral-ty, is not decided. Earl Moir.i isexpecTedto have the master gcneral-flii- p

of the ordnance 5 and earl Fitz-vgliai-

is his health permit, willpro&ably be lord lieutenant of Ire-

land. It is thought that the sealswill be put in commiflion, but thatMs. Erlkine will ultimately becomechancellor.

January 30.Marquis Cornwallis. 'The friends

of this country, and the admirers oftrue worth, have another great fub-je-


of regret in the death of this1510ft amiable nobleman. Tlie M-elancholy tidings arrived yesterday,in the dispatches dated the 23d.ofOctober, 1805, which were broughtby the Medusa frigate from Bengal.G. A Robifon, Esq. private fecre-lar- y

to his lordfliip, was the bearerof these dispatches.

The Medusa frigate lest Bengalon the 3d of November. She bringsadvices, that previous to the muchlamented death of that nobleman,Scindia had entirely separated him- -self from the interests ofHolkar, &

had delegated a Vakeel with fullowers to enter into a negotiationor peace with the Britifli govern

ment. 1 he Vakeel had been pub-lickl- y

received in camp by lord Lake.Sir R. Barlow, on whom the government devolved on the death ofmarquis Cornwallis, had palled ,i

oh bis way to the Upper Stations, to diredl the course of the

Holkar's troops, wereagain in motion, and had advancedtowards the country of the Seiks,from whom, however, it is not ap-

prehended he would derive any

Dispatches were this morning re-

ceived by government from Berlin,which state, that an arrangementhad taken place between his Pruffian

. t , n r--

..ot a ;

tne an;

finu db mcic aic a uiin



ine as"mails, on


we re-

lative to France

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i'urke.not in

Aullria RinHa, 111

ihe hisin

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t I

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the ofher empire.

All the inwere to




A in


ULM,A contribution of

laid on Aullnan into in ee

of the generalof the A

is atper month, to


8.elector Wirtembgrg com-

municated to the of histhe of the of con-

cluded on the 4thM, the of the trench, andS. H. is the

tenor : H. M. the of theFrench, of toH- - H. the of the

and of all histhe and prerogatives

is fnof, and as wereby the of ofand the general the

of the empire, H. E. H.on his to to thea of 8 to

of mounted and7 to

are annexed to thistnele

has notto the

' 2.A in


fia ac& The note

majeity ana iionaparte, in conie-'field- H

t.henwhich, the eledlorate of ,pr;nted for three following,

is to be occupied by article . Austria alian troops until tne conciuiion latlon a40od,ooo shepeace arffly 4IO00o men,ers' the

Orders have, we believe, th-l-s has fallen,

'""neuiate 01 uie under the blows theo nltroops now on uic toimncnt Japoleon."

gica. iiuitiucitransports the Wefer, the embar-kation will place without

Last we received the HamCorrefpondenten 14th,

i5tn, initant, claniations Austrians,namourgn

those due Wednesday andSaturday nnight.

The intelligence which these pa-

mpers contain, Urongly to con-'fir- m

what recently predictedintentions

refpedting empire. Pri-

vate letters quotedauthority that

6o,oooN roops, undercommand general Marmont,

Austrians and pos-.:- -





It was o


in W

ne wasof the the

ana iotatwo or r a was

the ofthe





beforemade Bosnia

andServia the OttomanFran

jbon thehas from the

consentedthe and

intlon, the whichlawless its ooieci1


and imMcdiatemade the Tur-- -

kilharmy the

JSeyalio The lat-

ter intendedFrom these points

maythethus ernb.

mllrument ixicuting hii designs upoii

utligns, whicl'til, uiaoni


jua, there will

with whole force and

alliedhave tint

endThe were back

had been thethis the

total took thethe day the



clieftarmy. second

evety month fixed80,000 begin irom


statesarticles treaty

This treaty to follow.ing

king Italy,eleftor

dates, withwhich home

such theytreaty peace


gages side, furnisharmy body from 10,000 men,

from 8000secret articles

been madestates.

sew thenorth threedays this


bad popu- -

souls badoecween pow- - whom

bad taken field andbeen

return seven weaks.uniim



ijL Jkthe 26th that

atf5uimutz, wnere



Hanover,quitted territory

tranf-port- s

collected con-


changeAustrian niiniftry




contri-bution, payable







confiding cavalry,infantry.





Another Germanquence-o- f

Hanover Pruf-tki- s



the, with siring cannon and17m wmen the who

him .It


join take



those points

futceeds, oil-













earaed liberatoron the 2d December that the greatbattle Auflerlitz took place ; andon the ot the lame month the

leave toquit Olmutz to return to his

in 8 days', his 'arrival, hisdeparture, and the satehave decided.

March 17.

Waftiincr- -

ton from a relpedlablett - tt :. TL.r. i.: j -- c pairuc oi the difrerences between andrumours have lately been the sore- -


been and tha.runners ot lome new attack made bv .... - . n- . .,latter

ma,rCn. "PPrehcndingdominions.

presumed, ser- -be indemnified'

in. that awill elapse,


theforgotten he

rulerHas he be

come colleague coadjutorBonaparte an,unjulhhable coali


plunder toi"?nSlnS Rittenhoufe Academy,

queltions :',","'the


can upon

with Vcni- -








and of








of0f of









,'., .

NOTES OFMi Torniac

The owner them by atthis 1? April 9th,

will be eUther of

any person who may ilnr"' tllc reen river ianas oe

? the inmult be? truly in b"n, "

may to lands in Smtt




and ren

we.ue tonvilli 11 Uuii

,u U ltli.lto, h ii

ei ui s of K u,









Fourine or





WliT tn


fthe jn


toofor the same. is

here to mention the orthole Iancl3, qstopurchale otk.nn. r.-:- rlatisiy tnemie vesorevMPii

to ;.provinces. Mallena remained cm be had of

intian territories,


Dalmatij. thetroops eauiy

provii.c's lionapaitt

deting former por.er







before theprefent month.falling









Wirtemberg-- ,


Lune-vill- e,


articles known

MUNICH,days fincea GazetteGermany, publiflied

articlepopulation 8,000,000










'jiofc who may be toas will piafce theirci

to theMay

I ayne,Jo( n V CR. M. J

omm s.

Scott 1,

AFor said who can come well

d is othei needapply limn will alio beiticurij y n,e pievious to.lie 1jl.il1i in next.


Pay ie,ohis'jn,

i'i. Gtiiio.

i r -- xs. y,j" t s

" True to hisHe the Her?! ! nsv woilcl,News fiom all nrtions at b lnri


At meeting of the ns ns' ,t lll5U'"l"r on thefirst inst.

the u eie elatedWilliam Moiton,John Jordan jun.John V. Hunt, fWill am Lea y, T

JThe students Of the BrvantVs Stntmn ct.mi

will be examined on Satuidjv thp y,h mimiand w ill exhibit with the Belles' Strat-agem, a on 25th ljatant.



t her friends andI-- V the public, that she to teach

Younsr Ladies Needle Work of various VmHswith and Drawintr. on herusual low terms. She will board sew ounsrin,i:A t ,i: .1. J. Pmuiv.3. i.auiCs uiai uo nor come to her school,may have done ery cheap.

A barrels Howel and Son's bed)fi nnmay had on reasonable terms, by applyingto joroan ana tsrotners ltore. Alio, an elegant of best

a sew hadfome

made by Wolf, in&c. &c.

is March 30th, 1806.

of willmtet at the mr. Joshua on

the 19th instant. .ir.for the of hearing from, thosepersons who may their property assessedtoo high for the present year.

A Attest,CM.

April 7th, 1806.

ALL aretaking an on a Note, tmpn

T)V me to Robert Cox. some fr.v

souls, 10,000 whom e value of .25 saidpipe









was gienm of a tract of land jnGreen county, which being lost, I am

pay said note until I get a title to



T to iniJ " my lriends, late

and the public, thatI have Philadel- -

plus, Xresh IsfSHOES OF ALLfor sale at my shop on Shortstreet, next door to mr. Reiser'sand nearly opposite the mar- -

ket house, to witsine and coarse Shoes,

Boys' sine and coarse do. ,.

Ladies' Leatherdo. Kid shoes, Jdo. Kid, wiu heels and spring heels', of


all colours,and plain Kid of all colors,and plain Morocco Slip

pers ot all colors,Misses' Kid and Morocco

Morocco of all colors and Lea-ther &.c. &c.

The aboe articles I warrant to be as goodas ever came to the state, or made in the Uni-ted States as I have none but picked work, Ido not want lo flatter the puplic with an

as the wil shew for itself.SKIMS of all colors, Leather

of lh? ?''""? of colors, and Shoe' T O LOrtC.'-inal- II - Ka r citnirtfnnl

Itates ity also, a sew

., ,



fubferibers, livingcounty,

County unneccflary



disposed purcTiafeexchange

fouithiMon-da- y








Share-rmM- p




l.lL-- foV''VWALSH,







THE Trustees LexipgjonvWJson,



persons forewarnedassiprnment


determi-nednott- o


. viJAV

lis customers,brought





muKULCUDecember- - received String.,

loured, SKATES.o...,iiC,u, France WILLIAM

April 9, 1806.

' tne nao given to tne 1,1 o--

France unon the states of LuroDe.i. . , ., , m

and this report, thus announced "' " n.er tr? R --ELIJAH OW.rnnl h. f. ,J,the V& With theffeNS, an apprentice to the bull

view, it is of attacking ness, abfentedhimfelf from mythat was to , Trl:rr vice on a.u ;nn . i ;

the east, leaves no doubt 8 ' about 20 years of aee. s feet 8 or o inch- -


pire. Has then emperor


exciternmhition i



to b'e







w.iii , c V

' t








Vmi7JT lVnnJfr.rrl

unndi-- Kolrtrfrican get applying


' '

received VScott

fromrlnn..-l.ni- . t. .. ri t

JWe sear the answers

these " --"'."""".







advantages twould wilh

t .....!.! . t .t .uuiu

their howeverntoimatum

aforelaid,piopolals prcnous

in next.fobn

toUn.y, April 1806.

wanted, none; Itich

Mond.iv May--'

1 c


comes, of a rliimb'upij "



- Companyfollowing gentlemen :






Reading, Writing,a

-- -i .


sew of



tavern ofSaturday,

purpose appeals,think



vears ,



BEG leavetorm









alland i


permnnon iwenty Dollars Reward.

Austria sJt,,rri,,i,- -




cnes ninn, ot a dark complexion, darkhair and eyes, large eye-brow- s, had on afnufF coloured furtout coat and a darkcloth coat, blue pantaloons, cottonvaift- -coat, b(ack worded hole, a raihionablehat, with a large buckle and band, withlundry other articles of clothing. 1 heabove reward and all reasonable chargeswill be paid on delivering the said ap-prentice to the fubferiber.

Patterson Bain.Lexington, Kentucky, April 8th 1806.

The editors of the Ohio Herald, Ten-nefTe- p

Gazette, and Farmers' Library arelequefted to insert the above three timesand forward their accounts to tb'a editorof the Kentucky Gazette

fr J

ff I HUbli who are concerned", arenefired to take notice, thti on the twen- -'rv.filrh Hav ns A iinl ,nA ! !,.,M .. l-- y y w llll) .WWW, man fillCHUwith the commiflioneis appointed by thecounty com t of Claike, 'at the house ofIsaac Cunningham, in said county, fromthence proceed to a tree in thecentre of the Sycamore Forefl, aljout 70poles tram iaid Cunningham's house, for1the purpose of perpetuating teftfinoilyand eltablifliing the calls ot the follow-ing entry, viz. -- "

1780, February 3d, Samuel Henderfonenters 400 acies oy virtue ot a certifi-cate &c. lying on tne trace from Uoonl- -

(borougli to the lower fait Ipiuig, 01,canca tns aycanioie anu

mining down the creek foi quantity. .

Alio the Calls of a in tl tlame ot laid rJendeifon, y u.ing Jus Ui.Icttlenitnt all 1. mud do luinothci

Cts .is niiy be lieccir.uy and agiecaSii. la--rt . V''

W3 1 Mailbcx Patio ;.

I list of letters fctna'm'11'4 In tbiP"s: Of e at Lexington, A.uhub is not taL'ti 0'it in tbi cimo i:bs, will be s nwo tie GcHtrill Post Office as a'a tLeycrs.

ARichard Afliton Rebecca A'fop

hoi. fVrviUe e:q. 1 honus AllopK. Aril'eSaml. Acres

J. Bledfoe



Anthdby BlellSaml. Blair 3Patterlon DainBrown Ss YaincIIJohn ButtonDniiel BryanMntyButfer 2Jofeuh Bucliannoil Jwhn Brown

Bi titer Bralhear1'ranky Bell Jean BiptiltiDeborah Belt Bufoi'dJofcph Bzrbeejun. Joseph Bryan sen.Benj. Beny 3 Moles BarberZachariah BarrCatharine BarrMr. ButlerMr. BledfoeMr. Bofwell jun.Leonard Biadley

Robert Camron -

Thomas Cam '''l?obert ChambersRobert Calwcll 2Rev. A. ColemanSarah Chandler.JefTey ColeJohn CaugheyJames ChandlerWalter Carnck

Campell Joseph ChrifmanChs. a Rctrr Connaway ,

John CharlesJoseph CoppingerMr. Colby

Thcs. C. Davis



Abraham DavisJohn DilleWilliam DunlapMr. Davenport

Benjamin EichelburgerJohn Eakin




Madox FiflierJane FosterWijliam FordMajor Fiflier

Mrs. Gallingto aSaml. GibsonSaml. GreggBenjamin GravesJohn Gardner 2George GiayHawes GravesWill. Grant

P. HeronamusThomas Helm aJames Heard aThomas HurleyJohnH. HellerWHl. Hartley aCornelius HughMr. Hues Atty.Moles HoughJames Hcmpwill




Jefle Lamme




W. Moore


ValentineMason .



James aPatteifonP.uker

Charles PattonPike .





Mis. Hakin

Joh.ilaincs c

Vill.ain ve. Lt V

i j,uit Si nr..

u,i in



Junes BettyHrnrv Bjfll'1 L. ButlerI.i'iuky

BlowS. Brown 3


Jimej Relin





' homasChVathara

James Con












Robert Dermis-Mr- .

Dawson, .

E ,

2 Benjamin Elliot


Widdow FitzgerelCapt,


Jdlin GravesJames GoodmanJames a



George HeitalHord

HenleyIsaacNathaniel Harris

George Harr

I JJames Johnson JamesExum Johnson JacoW TodhunterJames Ingles jun. JohnsonDavid Jonfon A. Liikeep aJames John Jones

Kjun. Lewis Kiiuckols



Archd. Logan



Mr.efq. fen.

Lewis esq. James,M

Win. MeredithM'Lurc

Peter Mefmore


HeftorCharles H. MillsJonn esq.'LewisJohnJacob Mathews

Mai tinMr.


Gex. Saml.

Philip PeadPaull

haml.SamlJohn Pope


Gen. Win.



Mikelbmitli jun.

Leonaiit iinoi.teW. StoutSitewai






John BlantonWillum


John ClickCotton



lr"- -

lf!iti PimmnrtnLazarusJohn





ElijahThos.Mary Goflbm




John Hudson





Gen. Thos. KenadyFrancis Kertly

James D. LaneSimonGeorge Linjjenfelter

Benjamin Lambert Leavy Atty.Logan John Lowry

homas Leman








Joseph Bryuuc











Will. MonteerJohn MalloryCharle MillsRufus MinerJohn M'Neir

Wijham M'NightWillis Morgan esq,Charles H. MillsWill. MilliganButler MoorePeter MillsJohn MonifonWilha'm M'VaryM. Martel(Thos. Mo'oreCapt, MooreAlaj. Saml, Mere,

dith '

John M'CrackenO

John P. Oldham George OglebyL. ObouiHer OffutWalleh Overton



Uidiuid-fo- n

Jonas PoorJames rcfHey'l homasSamuef Puoi aGilbert PaikrrRalph Phillips'1 liumas Polurd

RJohn Rogers . "

WhoiuOu KciTlorI'ully RodaniJofepnHyinanMi. R.inlua e"Will. KogciasSaml. SmithNancy bhaw orAiclw. iwWill. ii. bummers

"V ill. .Ot.lal tJohn ul . tW II p I 0- -J

G. 1. 1. 1 .1

ij..n - - ji.i. le

loli'i S!i"lvO ... J h i

W.Iham ThnmpfonRobt. D. Tiyloru cior 1 .nellubl,'d 1 dytar 1Lewis "iSpp 23ii iliolomew Tiy

lo.lames Tremble

jn-e- s viuusiewis v tico.irtLo( Ly Vigusjanes Venable

"Iui P. Wagnonl)n,l. White





JohnJames" Wood


Bike S -- ct11- cuKid ii,


ItJ.ir. l.oiirtor

Arthui T. ThhJr'tril .Th.mpfcnJ ' ' I horn ,sI"' s I ruit'"pt. I

U Vn.: tt. ...n . rrj' v mjujj



Ah 11 Vcn.llpAbiaham Vuuble

wTohn Wh'tmireRich .id Wiliu I

Jfaac V rhilr-- iho.. ncijrC. Walk- - Samuel Wil'.n.foii

ri,",' wli.'o.kPatrick Wat soil Tid. ''.V (t-- r

Irlfe Winn Hr.hf. W,n..llaacVilbergera Sought WuwhJohn vVert I etcr Wiforll'aac Wei's


Ifiac WebbWiuti

0 inThos. Winn




1 rancis Wnl.sJ unci. WarrenCaleb WurleyJames WinnWill. J,,, icyGeorge W inle jamin WenaStephen J. eiJ?r

Leonard YnrnmJOHN JORDAN Ju...i!aI.

April 1, 1806.


The bigb bred Englhb stallion,b I O N,

WHICH was impoitcd fiom Londonin the Fall of 1801, by the laic JointHoomes efq. of the Bowling Gieen. ,nclis remarkable for his. sine cults ; hr waibred by W. Gaifoith e'q. ot Yorkfliiieand is undonbtedlv a hnrf. i - c.'.blood as any in England ;. he was a goodracer, and beat levcral of the ln-- ft ).n,Cin that kingdom. He won a Iween-iiak- e

at lork August meeting, nine50 guineas each, betting mr.

by hfcape, Imd Fi'z Wil-liam's bay colt by Walnut, mr. Wilson'colt by Escape, mr. Pierfe's, buy rclt bvSpadille, sir C. 1'uiner's colt by H'rape.Jjl 1800 he won the stand )la' at Y. rk,tree for all ages, beatn gtheli.mu, hnfeJonah. The same yi ar he mi ov, i th$York course (4 unleO with Hamhle tom-an, for the great fubfciiption, and aUtb-u-

gh the greatefl exertion was madeby the ridtr of Hambletonun, jet hebeat "Dion only the neck, r.i,d aclu illrefused to run with him oi the j.,,1 c -.

atDoncaller, a sew days alter, whichIlinn vjnn mt.V. !. nlord Daihngton's bay colt Hap-- zza.itby Sir Peter Teazle, Ibid Fitz Wii'im s"blown filley Fanny, by. do. sit HmyyanelempeQ's bay colt by di ut.Dion at another time beat mr. ( o klin'sSir Harry, and Sir Thomas Gaicoir eBTimothy, and fevral other hoifes ot hilirepute, and was considered a hoi fa isgreat speed and bottr-m- . for Jus lacino-(i-

almofl; every inltance) was 4 nrles"DIOH, now nfing 11 yeais old, TjKll"

fifteen hands two inches and z halt ivffa sine bay, with gtealflrength and beau-t- y,

and has probably the best feet, legs,back and quarters thu weie ever com-bined in one horle ; Stands this(which will cdmmencr theaath n M.,, W

(and end the fiifl ot August) at M..J1I0 ti court house, and be let to mares at udollars the Tingle lean, paid in Jiard, 14(dollars the season (sour dollars ofwhich will be remitted is paid bv theaoth of December mxt) 40 dollar "n re

a mare with fo.il, and one dolUr tothe groom in eveiv inltance, ;paid weuthe mare is covered. Goodbietlli-er- s onsoot, weighing not Iefs than 400 clueredthe first week in Atig.iR, good sat poilcon soot, deliveied the ift week in Octo-ber ; fnfpeAed cop tobacco, dehyeiedat any ware house on the Kentuck) riv-er, and mcrihantahlr hfmn. H!.,. A

either at Madison court house or Lex-ington by the )oth of December, will bereceived in payment, at the calli Tic-ket price when delivered a prom fl"rva'tefted note for 24 d liars the fdi.ni,and 40 for infiiraiKe muff he leu' lithe maies should those marcs nluicttnot prove with foal, and the propti'vnot altered, the moiuy will bejetuui-J- .Good paflunge tound grain tV idh.scoming from more th ,n milrsdil it,and those gent'emrn wlio v.fi I'-- ir

mares fed, may haeitdone at time fjil-lin-

per week., Both the horle and maies will be un-

der the direction ot L. FauRtur ardHenry Banton. .. .


DION was b.r ! In W. Gaifcth rlq.and was got by Spidillf, our ot the b 'tfonsof Highflyer ; h,s Jm Faith !J a- -colrt, a gi.iudioii of ti'c Godi.lphm Ai

; his gi ml c'um. the tarn ns Atl-anta, by Old Match m, out ot L.if '

the Mtil, (Jioonok, CI I ravelle' , (i(,n-t-Cl.rk's Lfs of the . 1, Mr. Holi

hh MaTtelels, by Giev Hi 111 . I . dParti er, Woodiock, dam ns I. a t 1,Mif. Doe, Ciott's Bhv Baib, ii .iul uof the Ancallei Stalling, Makt I Is, J

jna's dam, niitnni'i , Uuk lies ,li .) ot Dpdlwoith, out of tl e T ' nilaib mare. This 1 ed gree is I ,1

irom the general Unci b k ot I I, .,

. 101 :n hoo"i .

E'A'UJUkA'. K 1 IORaise c.o i i.oiv.

1 HL iubfmlif 1 r 01 tkii n c

0 intuipi the pi bl c, that tl.e;oullrticled a

( Ol TON ?7 CHINK11 Jriiiirim e i nut) , .nut out i!t

halt fiom Nicliolal die, ite id int; to Wot toid n ti r h .

ill! be redv to mrnuiiLC b'niil .

he 10. h ot Apr 1.

J ,.'.trn "' rr.

Ma .ii 't
