Xt ls $ . . ' t i ' J . V i 01 ES-- S fvoLniV $!uu. XVltf E:.i N " T C Y. ,G;;&n".Z5 E T T Ek V V -;' 11 ""' - -- ""-'" I ... SAT. U' R D A T, DECEMBER i, 178?. QM, tit lMtJWVmWlUVWAWVlWW WVW W W W WWM WWW WWSWm WkWlWW WW WWW m WWAfcWAm W WA WW VWWVMUVWMHMMWMWWWW1) tttXINGTON: Printid by JOHN BRADFORD at his Ornci at the corner of Main tnd Croft Streets where Subscriptions, Myertijtmtnts, &c.fq v, tj,is paper, art thankfully received, and Pijntinq in its different branches done with Can and Expedition. V ,.J.S T OPENED, And now for sale, by - GOUDY amd WILLIAMS &t.their store in Lexingron, oppfife capt. Youngs Tavern, end near the new cqurthoiife, a neat and general affbrt- - jji ,ment or G' O O D S Well' adapted to the season ; 'which will be sold on the mod "reafnnable terms for ca(h or ,'Furr. Lexington, Dee. 2 1889. j U S T- - ,0 P E N E D, . - AmUfo'rfale by T.EXANDEHiGP JAMES PARKER YwoStsres in tfiisjltce. one of thuuJn ' .ihejr new htufcoppofnc the tie w Court- - ' house. and the other where they, now live, each ef them pell efjorted and j '...j ;.".,. r..'r .Ui.-t- , ,, will Jlih.fi, fm rLu,nU, terms for -'- - - : CaH,. '.Xexington, Dtc$, 1789, - ! Li J ' TO &JS2j hJ T7V LEI reasonable terms,, a tf-'- d 4lT or" land, fiiuate b(.twSi-r- ' Eik-Ho- rn and Cane run about five milt-- s . from I.evinerton ' ' Tn 'Enauire of the Printer. orofMr. H. Aiderfo:i at Mr. Chin 1"' s near .vqxingion. 4NDREV GA'TEWO'OD nr c.C-Af..i.- ,L' ..u- - 'u. .g.HVSl.l."i!Jf.'",u"U0 ll,t lJUU . j, m., tuiii. 11c lias ojjciicu (jii- - vate enrertairfmstnr for man and horfc,- - abdnt dmiles"fr'6rn jLex- - in2"rbn ofCtlj'e iQad to Curds ser- - l"ir'. '; those gentlemea whofavpr h T wUhitheir custom may- - He mV. 'jnA on -- hAving-every.. attention paid them. , v I ?i 1 QTiavjad'frdmiCol. Crockett's. Si r plantatiori'iait June,'a fm-il- iikIy idHrknbyq horfer,i abtnri 9l 'RJ (o Vio and . t h t , torn . . Anu r.ART(r 5 '.. 'jw- - muiuHiwji. c ft's. '1P TiT PAT T rX0 bh Tu'efday' ihenorh lnftant, at the late,d-tiel-- . Ung 'muf'jif Chrifttpher Iry'we dteea bed Mad'jou, county, thirty head ef- - iHorjes. Jow't 'of witicli the'bejl kind , W brood Mares', and everal very Ithly- - , .it'cldintis :', aneJtundred L a 7,umher-,of- i Hags, and fomz Sheef ; a quantity Farming and Joimrs ,tor,ls " aJ a nwner of other te-- . dious to mention; Alio, A'eeroes "will hired on that Twa years . iieail will given for alliums abovz fitly Jbilli "n the pure liafers pfv- - . j g bond appioved fecuri.. The ' .e will ben'n cc'.ock, con- - r t uuj to uu), ur.t.i tut wl:sle ii a'l oteJ 0 U'. !. Ir. Asm.- D'c, blh, 1?. JUST OPENED, Akd for. s l, e b M'CULLOUGH, At thtirStore Lexington, on Main Street, it the house formerly occu- pied by Gen. Wilkinfou, a General Affortment G O O D S ( UPERFINE Braod and narrow Cloth?.- - Second ditto Twill'd snd plain coatings. aid white Caflimer. " Blue, Black, Baft", olive',' critnfon and spotted Velvets: ' - ' Corduroys and flannels, ' ' Janet Jeans and fuftisnj, ' Royal rib and fatinet, "u Shalloons and durante, vCamble-- s and Joans spinning, " ' Moreen and B:ickram, ' Liucltring and fattin, Mode and pcfian, Bombazine and farcenet, Ctun'zcsarrd callicoes aflbrted, Ilnmnuinu, India counterpanes aflbited, MxrCeiltes quiltin Ad drawbovs, i) in inen and Ruflu fteetine. Dowlas and towel I nen. Brow.n fheeMng country made linen, '8dt.ick and feathers, Apr "check ... . , usmoncK anv' niuii.in, - - . -- . Ganz.e and oatgut, - ' , . .1 Lawn aprons.. t X . Silk, cotton and linen handkerchiefs Lawn anrd kefcing do. ' , . n. wauis .auoni, .iMens .and .wwricris kid ploves, V,ens anH wonien. ( , ... .. hnfp .. , v, Mens worsted do. 1ens and wojncns leather flioejy t .Vpmens llurT.do. eat drelTd.calf ftlns, Mens and bovs, hats, bbon aflbrted. liir do. and tafie, Black and Hanover lece, Elging and hat binding, Bipad and narrow Binding Fqteting and tape, Seeing silk andtwift, .Wf.ite, Hinwn and colored thiead, ano nre comDS, Mets and Wowens crooked do. I.arle and small metal Buttons, eeVe buttons dflortcd, a rh leaj.sv n 4 id (lock ?nd bat bckje, ia: h : t nppdles. . rt- -- ' shoe klive , - neeis and awl Blades, . l.j riuTauiiuu.uHi ir nuci, INuimen Bib'es ttftamenu and fpelting Books, PTimmerl and clhldrens hiltOrics,- - Biafs, pater -- and enamile inHftands,-- " Mens, fadlles, Mens ariawomens flirrup irons, 8 sihI 'liIz". iaddle Saddle 'BaTes, Circingle, Girth and draining' web, Girth andtQjdre'Buckles,.. . Curb snd. ilaffle Bridle Bits, Plated spurs S;ock. locks! Btz-- knob df to. P.id and fadl'e Bag do. Defl; cupboald and chest HL lunges. IBrafs 11 do. Chci; !: ijioard Door and v: JowBo1:;. ! all-.- i c axes, M-ro- iie and. Cl ,-- e I Gist; eK, years onvcwemecseavdrofsnnu pjpei and tound pins, . gdWps, Whoever delivers1 WTnsei!lVis and Th, rabies, j to"the-Rrintetxhereo- or . Awing Boxes, '. , ..Brcntdn ILextngtonoir.to Mr. forks, , . .Butch e and cu tcau Xniyes, Hughesin Danville, lhall recefve hHll do 1... t,uo'-d5llarsSewar- d ir.M LLfc. the' highefl','biddcr, , in are headofCfiile, of artt'hr ino two be out day. be :gs a-- d at aid rtiu nc a y TEGARDENsfji in ef Buff Dciftm & knee., rhannrl ."! tacks,- - u. cu (. PS !!P Tickn.ve..and 1 .Drawing knives and plain irons, ' Claw hammers, 6d snd iod nails, Tennon fawt, Mill, hand and crofTcu't saw files, Carpenters rules and compares, Brnfs cocks. Candlcfticks,' Frying pans. Cotton and tow cards; Steel and tin ware, " ' SnuiT, ' Mustard, Shoe, Buckle and tooh Rru flies, Hyfon, Gtecn and Bohea Teai, Coffee and chocolate T.oaf and Mufcovado sugar, 'Cinnamon, cloves and nutmegs, Pepper and Alfpice, Indigo and Copperas, 'Red and white Lead, 'BHmttore and rosin, Powier and T.ead, Shot and gun fl n'ts, Queens wate Dfflies Shallow and fotip plates, Tea ware. Quart and pint mugs-- ; water and cream jugs. Butter boats, Large and firall looking g!af!c9. Tumbler ndi wincglafTes,' Quart, pint and half pint decanters 8 by 10 window glass, ' Wine and rum,' Ilolland ginn tn cases, A "eat afiortment of catlings, . With a variety of other articlas too tedious to enuriierate. - ' Lexington, Nov. 17, 1789. JUST O'P E N E D, ' A N D F O R SALE BY-- ,' W I L S . O N and P A R K ER At theit new Sieve nearly oppoite the ' new Coun lltufi a very general effort-- mctt of V 1? R C H A N D I Z E 'Sv'table frr the season, which they will aifi'ofe of on tcnjmable terms for caps TAKEN up by the fubferiber, living Orchard, two fleers, ne red, two vears old, with a white face feme white on his belly, a smooth ear and uhderkeel in the0 other a pied, some white iny,. years old, a Jwallow rl 'crop i . t right lest The his face, two tndtinderketl in each ear. Appraijed to twelve fbilliags each, RICHARD RUNNELS. Mxdifon,' April 6, 1789- - ' AKP N up hy thtjybfcribei living en Cartwriilits creek, iti'Nelfon coun ty, a dark bay Mare, 10 years old about -- 14 lands high, branded on the near fJiow.V... lit n .. ..,. tntt. trnrr ... tlnttr. iV'iiwt i w. w j .r., iiu.h rally, a little creji fallen, Appraised to &. t'pt- - 14' ' 1789. ' Matthew Penn - up by the jubjcribeK livihg TAKEN csnty, a bay horse, a- - lout tint teen hands and a half high, I loth hind feet white, a small bell tied with a leather Jirop, branded on the near Jjjoulder I and oh the buttock L Appraif- - edto.6. July 13th, 1729- - George Yeocome. rjAK-E- ufrby the fubjeriber, living 1 oti Road run, in Netjon county, a . hay Mare, 2 yearsold, 14 haZi Ugh ; appraised to n ' Aug. ith, i79 Slack. Sen. . . ,.r.,i .. .. c. ,, ... .... S .ftflJV Vpvy l.ie iupciivct unite . .Ji hn Otter creek, m Mad'Jon co tr.l, afmailbayAlare, sour t..,d. or six 1 .,. hiTi tnttr M.ir.f a rt la t ., Prit-P- ' i kLIH.4 l..""t ' ,.- - - - 0. Ji'-v- wlutt ha:u i her muns j Pojletl Huil ip;t .frtlloi3. Vea. btfi'x:?. Ik Sca.cy. TAKEN up bythefubferibtr living run near the widow Grun- dy's in Nelson county, a datkbay Maret Jourteen hands high, twelve years old, branded on the near fioulder I and on the near buttock H paces, has a flar in her flrehead andfome white spots on h'f tack. ' t6 18 Thomas Turnum. ,rT&KENup by the fubferiber living ' I in Fayette county, a browh Mare and sorrel Colt, the Mare is thirteen hands and an inch high, sour years 'old lajl fpring,feme whitt m her hind feet ;' Apvaifed to 7. Geo'ge J.mefon. TAKEN up by the Jubjcrilrr living Town fork of Elk lion, creek, a bay Scud horse about fourteen hands high, no brand or mark, ten ye?n eldi P'ofted and appraised to 4, io. Sanford Payne Nov. 2, 1789. i6-i- W A N T E D, A DISTILLER '"Yyf'HO run com' well rtcrm''hi. W for h's '""?v, dilipcre ' so. Iriety, pood yvaes will bte,v'" ,:v '''? fubferiber liv:r " the so th frith ns Clear creek, J4 mi?r from L'v'rron. tf. - Samuel Lamme. WM A MAN well acquainted w'th tjie 1 bttfinefs of a- Overseer : Swh ' a perjon coming well recommended will meet with good, ccotirogemer,t - lip plying to the Prater hereof, or to tl fubfiribtr near Da-ivill- i ' 16 18 ilham M'Dotvc". ' Dec, '6th, 1789. WANTED About Fifty Men, to-g- to tki I;l .U S C L E- -S H O A LS ?n Tenefee River, for which they flail have Two Hundred Aires of L A N P . ofthl.frft quality, provided thri contt nue until the 2tli of Uercm' rr i- -v I erpeB toflart about the firfl nfAt.rrb next ;"fhofe who incline to go w'thnr will make application- - I mny !e fou-- i a-- ., or An the neighbourhood of Lexf g ton, until the timeofftart'ng. B GAINES. this method of informing TTAKE that I intend to sell part of a fiafl flf laivl, on th.e north fida of t!iQ north foik of Elk horn, con- taining in the whole Tf", scies, en-tie- d in th tjimc of Bcnjapi n C.s:, aJi'n'ngwillani Lane's furvcy of one tiini .II' mi . i.i-.v- v j f 11 lu hunijtej acres andaboiu one rni'e bg- - low Lane's pi eemption on horn, an,j om thicc miles and a half, from opt. Bcnj. C.rnig's. JianV PCIIUIl lllllI.J IICIIillM A LCL" ...'.,.-.- . r... .. , ' wi plcafc- - to inform the Printer he'e "' ' ' 7 and cjipence. DiC. istft J 739' MofesEIud'-- c 1

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7pg44hn91s/data/0068.pdf · Xt ls $.. ' t i ' J. V i $!uu. XVltf 01 ES-- S fvoLniV E:.i N " T C Y.,G;;&n".Z5

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V i

01 ES-- S fvoLniV$!uu. XVltf

E:.i N " T C Y. ,G;;&n".Z5 E T T EkV


11""' - --""-'" I... SAT. U' R D A T, DECEMBER i, 178?.


tttXINGTON: Printid by JOHN BRADFORD at his Ornci at the corner of Main tnd Croft Streets where Subscriptions, Myertijtmtnts, &c.fqv, tj,is paper, art thankfully received, and Pijntinq in its different branches done with Can and Expedition.

V ,.J.S T OPENED,And now for sale, by


&t.their store in Lexingron,oppfife capt. Youngs Tavern,end near the new cqurthoiife,a neat and general affbrt- -

jji ,ment or

G' O O D SWell' adapted to the season ;

'which will be sold on the mod"reafnnable terms for ca(h or,'Furr.

Lexington, Dee. 2 1889.

j U S T-- ,0 P E N E D,

. - AmUfo'rfale by


YwoStsres in tfiisjltce. one of thuuJn' .ihejr new htufcoppofnc the tie w Court- -' house. and the other where they, now

live, each ef them pell efjorted andj '...j ;.".,. r..'r .Ui.-t- , ,,

will Jlih.fi, fm rLu,nU, terms for-'- - -

: CaH,.

'.Xexington, Dtc$, 1789,-



TO &JS2jhJ T7V LEIreasonable terms,, a tf-'- d

4lT or" land, fiiuate b(.twSi-r- 'Eik-Ho- rn and Cane run aboutfive milt-- s

.from I.evinerton' ' Tn

'Enauire of the Printer. orofMr.H. Aiderfo:i at Mr. Chin 1"'

s near.vqxingion.

4NDREV GA'TEWO'ODnr c.C-Af..i.-

,L' ..u- - 'u..g.HVSl.l."i!Jf.'",u"U0 ll,t lJUU .

j, m., tuiii. 11c lias ojjciicu (jii- -

vate enrertairfmstnr for man andhorfc,- - abdnt dmiles"fr'6rn jLex- -in2"rbn ofCtlj'e iQad to Curds ser- -

l"ir'. '; those gentlemea whofavprh T wUhitheir custom may- - He

mV. 'jnA on --hAving-every.. attention

paid them. ,v I

?i 1

QTiavjad'frdmiCol. Crockett's. Si

r plantatiori'iait June,'a fm-il-

iikIy idHrknbyq horfer,i abtnri 9l 'RJ

(o Vio and


t h t ,

torn .. Anu r.ART(r

5 '.. 'jw- - muiuHiwji.

cft's.'1P TiT PAT T

rX0 bh Tu'efday'ihenorh lnftant, at the late,d-tiel-- .

Ung 'muf'jif Chrifttpher Iry'we dteeabed Mad'jou,county, thirty head ef- -

iHorjes. Jow't 'of witicli the'bejl kind, W brood Mares', and everal very Ithly- -

, .it'cldintis :', aneJtundredL a 7,umher-,of- i Hags, and fomz Sheef ; a

quantity Farming and Joimrs ,tor,ls" aJ a nwner of other te-- .

dious to mention; Alio, A'eeroes

"will hired on that Twa years. iieail will given for alliums abovz

fitly Jbilli "n the pure liafers pfv- -

. j g bond appioved fecuri.. The

' .e will ben'n cc'.ock, con- -rt uuj to uu), ur.t.i tut wl:sle

ii a'l oteJ 0

U'. !. Ir. Asm.-D'c, blh, 1?.

JUST OPENED,Akd for. s l, e b


At thtirStore Lexington, on MainStreet, it the house formerly occu-

pied by Gen. Wilkinfou, a GeneralAffortment

G O O D S( UPERFINE Braod and narrow

Cloth?.- - Second dittoTwill'd snd plain coatings.

aid white Caflimer. "

Blue, Black, Baft", olive',' critnfon andspotted Velvets: ' - '

Corduroys and flannels, ' '

Janet Jeans and fuftisnj, '

Royal rib and fatinet, "uShalloons and durante,

vCamble-- s and Joans spinning, " 'Moreen and B:ickram,

' Liucltring and fattin,Mode and pcfian,Bombazine and farcenet,Ctun'zcsarrd callicoes aflbrted,Ilnmnuinu,India counterpanes aflbited,MxrCeiltes quiltin

Ad drawbovs,i) in inen and Ruflu fteetine.Dowlas and towel I nen.Brow.n fheeMng country made linen,'8dt.ick and feathers,

Apr "check ... . ,

usmoncK anv' niuii.in, - -.


Ganz.e and oatgut, -'

, . .1

Lawn aprons.. t X .Silk, cotton and linen handkerchiefsLawn anrd kefcing do. ' , .n.wauis .auoni,

.iMens .and .wwricris kid ploves,V,ens anH wonien.( ,

..... hnfp.. , v,

Mens worsted do.1ens and wojncns leather flioejy t

.Vpmens llurT.do.eat drelTd.calf ftlns,

Mens and bovs, hats,bbon aflbrted.

liir do. and tafie,Black and Hanover lece,Elging and hat binding,Bipad and narrow BindingFqteting and tape,Seeing silk andtwift,.Wf.ite, Hinwn and colored thiead,

ano nre comDS,Mets and Wowens crooked do.I.arle and small metal Buttons,

eeVe buttons dflortcd, arh leaj.sv n 4

id (lock ?nd bat bckje,ia: h : t nppdles. .

rt- --

' shoe klive , - neeis and awl Blades,. l.j

riuTauiiuu.uHi ir nuci,INuimenBib'es ttftamenu and fpelting Books,PTimmerl and clhldrens hiltOrics,- -

Biafs, pater --and enamile inHftands,-- "

Mens, fadlles,Mens ariawomens flirrup irons,8 sihI 'liIz". iaddleSaddle 'BaTes,Circingle, Girth and draining' web,Girth andtQjdre'Buckles,.. .

Curb snd. ilaffle Bridle Bits,Plated spursS;ock. locks!

Btz-- knob df to.P.id and fadl'e Bag do.Defl; cupboald and chestHL lunges. IBrafs 11 do.Chci; !: ijioard

Door and v: JowBo1:;.! all-.- i c axes,M-ro- iie and. Cl ,--


I Gist; eK,

years onvcwemecseavdrofsnnu pjpei and tound pins, .

gdWps, Whoever delivers1 WTnsei!lVis and Th, rabies,

j to"the-Rrintetxhereo- or .Awing Boxes, '. ,

..Brcntdn ILextngtonoir.to Mr. forks, ,

. .Butch e and cu tcau Xniyes,Hughesin Danville, lhall recefve hHll do





the' highefl','biddcr,





artt'hr ino

twobe out day.


:gsa-- d

at aidrtiu










tacks,- -

u.cu (.

PS !!P



.Drawing knives and plain irons, '

Claw hammers,6d snd iod nails,Tennon fawt,Mill, hand and crofTcu't saw files,Carpenters rules and compares,Brnfs cocks. Candlcfticks,'Frying pans. Cotton and tow cards;Steel and tin ware, "

'SnuiT, '

Mustard,Shoe, Buckle and tooh Rru flies,

Hyfon, Gtecn and Bohea Teai,Coffee and chocolateT.oaf and Mufcovado sugar,'Cinnamon, cloves and nutmegs,Pepper and Alfpice,Indigo and Copperas,'Red and white Lead,'BHmttore and rosin,Powier and T.ead,Shot and gun fl n'ts,Queens wate DffliesShallow and fotip plates,Tea ware. Quart and pint mugs-- ;

water and cream jugs.Butter boats,Large and firall looking g!af!c9.Tumbler ndi wincglafTes,'Quart, pint and half pint decanters8 by 10 window glass,

' Wine and rum,'Ilolland ginn tn cases,A "eat afiortment of catlings, .

With a variety of other articlas tootedious to enuriierate. - '

Lexington, Nov. 17, 1789.



W I L S. O N and P A R K E R

At theit new Sieve nearly oppoite the'

new Coun lltufi a very general effort--

mctt of

V 1? R C H A N D I Z E

'Sv'table frr the season, which they willaifi'ofe of on tcnjmable terms for caps

TAKEN up by the fubferiber, livingOrchard, two fleers,

ne red, two vears old, with a white

face feme white on his belly, a smoothear and uhderkeel in the0

other a pied, some white iny,.years old, a Jwallow rl

'crop i . t rightlest Thehis face, twotndtinderketl in each ear. Appraijed totwelve fbilliags each,

RICHARD RUNNELS.Mxdifon,' April 6, 1789- - '

AKP N up hy thtjybfcribei living enCartwriilits creek, iti'Nelfon coun

ty, a dark bay Mare, 10 years old about-- 14 lands high, branded on the near

fJiow.V... lit n .. ..,. tntt. trnrr... tlnttr.iV'iiwt i w. w j .r., iiu.hrally, a little creji fallen, Appraised to


t'pt- - 14' '1789.'

Matthew Penn-

up by the jubjcribeK livihgTAKEN csnty, a bay horse, a- -

lout tint teen hands and a half high, I

loth hind feet white, a small bell tiedwith a leather Jirop, branded on the near

Jjjoulder I and oh the buttock L Appraif- -

edto.6.July 13th, 1729- -

George Yeocome.

rjAK-E- ufrby the fubjeriber, living1 oti Road run, in Netjon county, a .

hay Mare, 2 yearsold, 14 haZi Ugh ;

appraised to n 'Aug. ith, i79 Slack. Sen.

. . ,.r.,i .. .. c. ,, ... ....S .ftflJV Vpvy l.ie iupciivct unite .

.Ji hn Otter creek, m Mad'Jon co tr.l,afmailbayAlare, sour t..,d. or six 1.,. hiTi tnttr M.ir.f a rt la t .,Prit-P- 'i kLIH.4 l..""t ' ,.- - - - 0.

Ji'-v- wlutt ha:u i her muns j PojletlHuil ip;t .frtlloi3.Vea. btfi'x:?. Ik Sca.cy.

TAKEN up bythefubferibtr livingrun near the widow Grun-

dy's in Nelson county, a datkbay MaretJourteen hands high, twelve years old,

branded on the near fioulder I and onthe near buttock H paces, has a flar inher flrehead andfome white spots on h'ftack. ' t6 18

Thomas Turnum.

,rT&KENup by the fubferiber living' I in Fayette county, a browhMare and sorrel Colt, the Mare is

thirteen hands and an inch high,sour years 'old lajl fpring,feme whitt mher hind feet ;' Apvaifed to 7.

Geo'ge J.mefon.

TAKEN up by the Jubjcrilrr livingTown fork of Elk lion, creek,

a bay Scud horse about fourteen hands

high, no brand or mark, ten ye?n eldiP'ofted and appraised to 4, io.

Sanford PayneNov. 2, 1789. i6-i-

W A N T E D, A

DISTILLER'"Yyf'HO run com' well rtcrm''hi.

W for h's '""?v, dilipcre ' so.

Iriety, pood yvaes will bte,v'" ,:v '''?fubferiber liv:r " the so th frith ns

Clear creek, J4 mi?r from L'v'rron.tf. - Samuel Lamme.

WMA MAN well acquainted w'th tjie

1 bttfinefs of a- Overseer : Swh ' aperjon coming well recommended willmeet with good, ccotirogemer,t - lip

plying to the Prater hereof, or to tlfubfiribtr near Da-ivill- i

'16 18

ilham M'Dotvc". '

Dec, '6th, 1789.

WANTEDAbout Fifty Men, to-g- to tki

I;l .U S C L E- -S H O A L S

?n Tenefee River, for which they flailhave Two Hundred Aires of

L A N P.

ofthl.frft quality, provided thri conttnue until the 2tli of Uercm' rr i-


I erpeB toflart about the firfl nfAt.rrbnext ;"fhofe who incline to go w'thnrwill make application- - I mny !e fou-- i

a--., or An the neighbourhood of Lexf g

ton, until the timeofftart'ng.B GAINES.

this method of informingTTAKE that I intend to sell partof a fiafl flf laivl, on th.e north fidaof t!iQ north foik of Elk horn, con-

taining in the whole Tf", scies, en-tie- d

in th tjimc of Bcnjapi n C.s:,aJi'n'ngwillani Lane's furvcy of one

tiini .II' mi . i.i-.v- v j f 11 luhunijtej acres andaboiu one rni'e bg- -low Lane's pi eemption onhorn, an,j om thicc miles and ahalf, from opt. Bcnj. C.rnig's.

JianV PCIIUIl lllllI.J IICIIillM A LCL"...'.,.-.- . r... .. ,

'wi plcafc-- to inform the Printer he'e

"' ' ' 7

and cjipence.DiC. istft J 739' MofesEIud'-- c