A LIST OF LETTERS in the Post Office, at REMAINING will be relumed to '.he General Post Office a3 dead letters, is not taken out in 3 months. A Adams, William Akin, Samuel 3 j At'ams, Thomas Adkins, Nancy D Adams, James M Asher, Wiliram Alexander, Thomas AsKley, Benjamin - Anderson, Andiew-- 2 Ansel, Henry Allen, Jane - Ansel, Charles B Allen, G W B Batchelor, G A ThomasBowyer, John Baxter, B - Bosworth, Samuel Barbeo, J Brooks, Milly Berryman, John S' Bronaugh, William Bradley, Francis .Brown,, Albert G Barker, Waller Bumgardner, Jacob Baxter, Mill' Burton, Rev Mr Branham, Zerilda miss Bush, Frederick Been, A Buckner, Sarah F mrs " Baxter, Mills Buckner, RH Esq Barker, Georgo Bullock, Thomas Bell, Robert or John Buibridge, Sidney Boivleeare, Eliza Jane Bryan, Enoch Brien, Katharine mis Bryan, William Booth, Francis 2 Byrnes, Elizabeth mrs Bodcher, II Bryant, Jes'Se Bowyer, Thomas C Bryers, Katharine mrs Brooks, Winuy mrs Bosworlh, Nathaniel 2 c CUbourn, Solomon Coons, John - Clabourn, Edward Conner, Mary F mrs Caruthers, JF Conley, Alexander Cassell, Samuel F Coleman, BB . Cassell, Henry Collins, William &H H Campbell, Francis CaigTI), Henry A Craig, Silas Coghlan, Cornelius Callagan, Mitchel Jos Corder. Stephen T Caldwell, Ann mrs Cox, Cuveian M Canipb'ei Robert Cox, George Clark, Edward Custis, William II B Carrol, William II Cross, Robert Caruthers & Alexander,Cromwell, Oliver Messrs Cromwell, Robert Cook, Isaac Cromwell, Elizabeth mrs Couch, Daniel Q D Daniel, John S Devo, James Davis, Joseph Dennis, Obed F Davis, James 3 Diamond, Joseph Dawson, Benjamin A Downing, William 2 DavisjAndrew Douglas, Samuel Daniels, Norman N Donnelly, Daniel Davis, Able; 6 esq Devellay, Devenporl, iJa'vid Dunn, James 2 Davis, Lloyd Dunlap, Kathhrino mrs Davis, William V Duncan, Joseph Dumison, George M 2 Demison, George E Eastin, II J Eishine, G Eavens, J G Ellis, Paul S Ewing, Emeline mrs 2Ellis, Jessa Everett Samuel D Edington, Mr EmersbiijE Elston, Allen F Fitzgerrol, Scolt T Ford,, William 2 Fitzpairick,Edmond Fore,amuel J M 2 Field, E II Ford, Mary Jane mrs Field., Tabitha mrs Ford, Thomas Finell, John Fulks, Grandison G , Graham, Mr Gibson, Tobias Gwathmey, Owen G Gibson, Mary Ann miss Graves, Catharine mrs Oilman, .Harry Graves, Sidney mrs Gregg, Samuel Gray, Austine E Gillespie, Wni Giay, Elizabeth miss Goodman, Hy Graham, Alfred Brown Si Gorin, messrs Gaines, Abiner W Gordon, John Gaines, C M miss Gorden , Susan mrs Gains, FS Gorney, NL Gano, Samuel Grimes, Solomon Cause, Doct Benj Groville, WG Green, Emily miss H Headley, Marshall Hecker, H Haw, Justus , i , Henderson, James Hall, James H 2 Henderson, Thomas Hampton, John Heyerly, John 3 Harp, ConroiW Holder, Samuels HaDov. Josutru's Howard, Benjamin Hatcher, John Hollzclaw,Elizabethmrs Harper, John Ilolcomb, Milo Hardin, Thoma3 P Holmes, Robert Harrison, James W Hopkins, Eliza Lmiss Harrison, John P Hopson, Lucian Harney, Eliza Horton, James H Harris, Harriet Smiss Hooper, Thomas B 3 Harris, II - Hurl, John Harrison, James Hughes, Thomas. R 3 Harrison, M miss Hurt, Eliza mrs Hawkins, Henry Hughes, Thomas Hays, Gregg Huuhes, Jafnes Z I Ireland, Lucinda Innes, Charlotte M Irvine, Stephenson Innes, Robert Col Innes, John P t, J Jeuda, Robert Johnson & Reynolds, Jeter, Elisha - messrs Jackson, RaVMr " Johnson, E Jacksorr, TAosus Johnson, Noa Johnson, Franklin Jones, Merchant Jones , Eliza miss ." Jones, M mrs k Kelly, Samuel P Kemper, Leyi Kelly, James Keve, John'' Kellogg, John A 3 Kimble, J ohn or Daniel King, V B Kimble, James Keneday, Wathew 2 Knowlton, J J Kenny, Robert P . Lane, Elizabeth .Lewis, desire Lawson, Hugh A II 3Logan, James II Lewis, John ' Long, Margaret B Leis,Iaac Lockhart, Mr Lewba, Mrs widow Luisan, George M jr Lnisey, James Louncy, Winney mrs Linden, John 2 Lumpkin, John Long, Gabriel Lytle, George M Manuion. Thomas Miller. Peter Mailies, Sarina mrs Ministers of the Gospel-- 2 Marshal, Aglha mrs Mitchel, David Markly, Benjamin Michel, Thomas Morion, James Moore, Nathaniel-- 3 Maisaulk 'A Moore, James Marliu, Jefferson Moore, Catharine Manin, John B 2 Moore, William AR Martin, Asa C Mormon, Mr Mason, Henry D 2 Morgan, Matilda Meriel, William S Morgan, Gilbert Rev Miers, Dr Morris, Anne Miller, John 2 Munroe, Nathan W Miller, Isaas Murrey, Isaac Miller, John'A McElroy, Wiley McMachew, John McKean, Alexander McCaleb, Jonathan Mclnlire, Benjamin-- 2 McFarlin, Levin McCorihell, Corry McManus, Thomas McCrossky, Malvina McLain,jDhnR McTyre, - Larkin McNeal, James N Naylor, John . Norton, B miss rfetlle ton, Gilbert Norwood, mr Nevin, William Norish, Eliza Nevin, D ' Null, Jacob o O'Cairell, Peler 2 Oflutt, Samuel R Owen, Robert B Oliver, Robert Owings, W Thomas P Park , Emelia Poge, C II Parson, Alien Pie, Freeman Payne, Ellen miss Piker Jacob II Capt Payne, Edward Pills, Thomas & David Palmer, Francis R Piice, Willis Payne, Elizabeth mrt Posey , M B Doct Pearson, John S Port, James M Perry, Elizabeth Pullen, Sarah Petty, Ransdato Raymond, Chas Robertson, George Renshaw, Charles Roden, Folly Mrs Keed, BenjSJ'n Kodes, jos iv Reynolds, Mary A miss Rogus, James 3 Renolds, Valeria Runnels, Morgan Reynolds, Tho W Dr 2Rogers, Thos J Rice, Andrew Rogers, Thomas Xefler- - Rush, Julia son Rice, J Lieutenant Rollins, James W Reader, Wni Ross, mr Rush, Jacob Runyan,John Riley, Mary miss Runnels, Morgan Ritter, James Russell, James A" Robinson, ftlary J miss Ryan, John -- , Robinet, Jaspa Ryan, Marlin tos Robinson , Mary miss " o t Sallec, Daniel- - Smith, iTno? Sharkey, William Smith, John S Stafford, James TU Smith, Jackson Sacket. Isreal - Smith, Martin Sanders, Thos " Smith, Jasper -- 2 Sanders, William Spilman, C II Sanders, Ruhard Spunger, Francis Steele, Brice Springer, N Ensign Smedley, Samuel Simonds, Ephralm Smedley, Daniel Sims, Losson See, Adam Soper,JohnII Shelby, RP Col Shinn orShennrM A Shfiashin. Patrick Shiup, Dudley' Slarret, David Rev 4 Slout, Ann W Stevens, AW Stone, John Stephens, John 11 Stout,. Stewart, Wesley Stockton, Kobert! Stuart, Wm Stuyvesant, P G Steward, Wm A Soudard, F Schooler, Robert D Mai SoUdusky, Mr Shivel, John Slivers, John & Keuoen Scully, James 2 Story, Alfred Simpson, Sarah miss Suter, Collins Simmons , Laura mrs T Taylor, James Thornton, Willis Trapnal, B C Thompson, James B Twedy, Mary miss Thompson, Sarah J miss Tiffee, Sally Mrs Thomson, S A E.mrs Towler, Thomas Turner, John Trotter, Judith mrs Turner,. John G Thompson, Wm G . Tudor, II S Doct 2 Thompson, Samuel Tfilly, JA. U Uttinger, Jacob Uttinger, Frederick V Vanpelt, William Vinson, G A Mrs Valley , Palagia Sister . W -- - IFallis, D Maj IFilliams, Georgo-JFor- - Jfalker, Edmund - th'mgton IFalker. II Eli Williams. Susannah mrs fFallsivorth, II F 2 IHIIiams, Mary Cmiss-- 2 JFatkins, Judith G or Katls, Mrs Lucy Benning JFhipple, Ralph ffeavel, Christian miss ffright, Milly IFebster, Parker Filliams, Benjamin F Jfheeler, Ge.o"rge N Ifoodburn, Wm 2 jrorlham, Davfd --2 food, Wm JKickliffe, Robert junr IForthington, Thos Jfillen, Thomas JFoodson, Daniel White, James B '" Y Young, Darnel , JOSEPH FICKL1N, P. M. Lex. July 1, 1835-2G-- 3t . " P. S. Persons calling'tor these letters, will please mention whether advertised or not. EBENEZER BISHOP MILLWRIGHT, ULLY returns his sincere thanks mESPECTf of Fayette county, for-th- e libaral patronage they have bestowed Hpon him, in his line, and will here say, that the multiplicity of work now on. hand, he is enabled to give em- ployment to two additional Journeymen Mill wrights immediately. Fayette county, June 1U, 10J3 xa-- oi MEW GROSBRY. Subscriber has commenced the GROCE THE BUSINESS, on Water street, next door to L. C. Randall Sl Co. and opposite the sjj ?SgSg& Markethouse, wheie he has just received, ajm is uuiv uciung, a a fresh supply ot GROCERIES, teas. mm t : - TSKIH ana win con mue ffCf J y4t 'i to keep for sale allf.'firva.ifn'nii articles in his line, on moderate terms, and at the usual prices. He will barter for Countr Produce, such as Meal, Flour, Bicon, &c. &c. Hts friends and the public, generally, are requested to give him a call, as he tlatlers lnmsell he shall be able 19 furnish something suitable lor every taste. JOHN F. THOMPSON, Lexington, April 15, 1835 15-- tf 03-LO- HERE.Q JOHJV HI. HEWllTT, TRUSS MAKER, Opposite the Lexington Hotel, Lexington, Ky. BEGS leave, lespectfully to inform his friends the public, that he has obtained the agency of Mr. Thomas Stagnee, of Richmond, Ky. to use, vena and practice his celebrated I' A TENT TRUSS, Tor the cure of all cases of Her nia, or Rupture, of recent or longstanding. He is so convinced of the importance of this instrument above all that have ever yet been used, that he not only purposes to abandon all the va riouskinds he has heretofore used inhisexlen sive practice, but to assure the afflicted, that the universal terms, are no L.ure, no 1 ay : N. B. All kinds of Bandages, Gentlemen's Riding Girdles, and suspenders, manufactured and for sale as belore. June 26, 18 34. 27-- tf FARM FOR SALE. "M" WILL SELL for the proprietor, A FARM L near the Rail-roa- about 4 miles from Lex ington, adjoining the farms of Col. Henry C Payne and Benjamin Taylor, containing 150 ACR6S of first rate land, nearly all well timber ed.- - Apply to DARWIN JOHNSON. March 6, 1835. 3-- tf CASH FOR ALLUVION STEAM MILL. WATER STREET" CtXTRA Superfine Fine, Common, Dyspep sia, and Rye FLOUR. Corn meal, Hom iny, Chop, bhorts, and man The Mill Establishment having been put in complete repair, is now in full operation Ihe above articles warranted good, or taken back, will he kept constantly on hand, and sent around the city, in the Flour Wagon. Coin and Rye will be grounl for toll or money, and Wheat ex- changed upon liberal terms. The business shall be done in the best manner; the liberal pationage of the public is, therefore, respectfully solicited. Lex. Feb. 4 5-- tf. "WILLIAM ADAMS, HAT MANUFACTURER, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. ESPECTFULLY returns his grateful ac knowledeeriienis to the citizens of Lexin?. ton and Fayette county, generally, for the very liberal pationage fhej have given him for many years past. He begs leave to inform them that he still continues to Manufacture HA TS out of the best kind of materials. He will attend to all ordersfor work, in his line of business, with punc tuality and despatch. ' ffc"7"AH those having long standing accounts will confer a savor on me, long to be remembered, of they will call on me and settle their accounts, is i ourbusiness cannot be carried on without that th ng needful, called MONny. . W. A. June 14, 1834 23-- tf "T3 6j BBLS. bid Whiskey, Bounce and Apple Ja.sy Brandy, lor sale at the ware-hou- of E, I. Winter, on Water-stree- t. Lex. July 3, 1835--26-- KC'I C II . STRlHE heretofore existing under TLSL the firm (is KW AJOT &. 2UITZS. was disolved hy mutual consent, on the 1thinst. an persons having demands against us are requested tn nresent the same : and peisons indebted are re- - nuestcd to call and settle, by note or cash. CilTI XT f- - PMVTO OUAH ot. jjunitJi N. B. The business will be carried on at the same place by John R. Sliaic, who feels thankful for past patronage and solicits aconlinuation. J. ii. Ofli.11. N. B. Mr. Edwin C. Hickman is authorized to settle all accounts due the late film." Lexington, July29, 1834 35-- tf DK. SAilIIi. C. TROTTEK. . iFFEUS his professional ' services to the citizens of Lexington and its vicinity. His office is on the north east side of' the Courthouse, in the house re- cently occupied as a Lawoffice. by R. II. Chinn, Eiq., where lira mnu IS( gliua va Fniinrl fOiHir' IIV llJ uv ItftTfUViJ tUUlIU llrflfcUf to attend to calls, day or night Maich 25 12-- tf SAY BOA LSS. 55Rl HE suoscriber has elected, at great expense, si a rAllf. JX SUALEB. the draft of wh ch is 12,000 lbs., on Limestone street, opposite his grocery store, where he is prepaied to weigh Hay, Stone'coal, Live stock, and jther heavy articles, at a very moderate compensation. The Scales have been tested, and their accuracy certified, by the Cily Inspector, and a License obtained to use them, rersons selling Hay, are informed that he City Ordinance on that subject will be rigidly eenforced. H. M'GUIRE. March 5; 1835 tf. , GABSHET.SHOP. ' THE Subscriber respectfully announces to the' Lexington and its vicinity, that' he has just completed a thorough repair of his shop J ana is nuw reauy 10 wail upon nis customers wuu any thing in the Cabinet line, lie will, at the shortest notice, be able tojAmish COFFINS ofi uii siivj uiiu i4,at.jiutiuuaa u una t ii u HEARSE for the better convenience of the citizens. His present stock of V A U 1 JN JJ 1 WORK is now, and will be kept equal to any in the Western Country. His shop is on the cor ner of Short and Limestone street diagonally and his family Residence is in the two stbfyhrick adjoining. By a strict attention to, business, he hones to receive a shar&of oublic oa- -' tronage. J. EDRltf'GTON. March 10, 1835. m """ ' EaSROKAUT TASiOR, T ,A FEW DOORS CELOW THE PHOENIX IIOTEI., 2T EEPS constantly on hand an assortment 0 - Gentlemen's Fashionable Ready made! Clothing, consisting of CLOAKS, BOSTON WRAFFISKS, COATS, PANTALOONS,1 VESTS, STOCKS, GLOVES, HOSE, feci Together with an excellent stock of CLOTHS,! CA"S8IMERES, and VESTlNGS. Also, a general assortment of Fancy Ailicles in his line,' which will be sold unusually law for cash . otdering cloths, may rest as sured that they shall be made to please them, in style and taste, equal to the work of any Es tablishment in the city, he has in his emoloy workmen of the best kind, from Europe and the. Eastern Cities. Thankful for pasl savors, ho lespectfully soli cits a shale of public patronage. Lex. Dec. 20, 1834. IXZiXV G & SUIHIVISR GOODS for 1835. THE Subscriber is now receiving his stock of. AND SUMMER GOODS - consisting of Staple and Fancy Articles; all os: which will be sold at a small advance on prime- cost, iiis friends are invited to call at the old stand and examine for themselves. J AS. G. M'KINNEY. Lexington, April 17, 1835. I5-3- m N. B. Just received a lot of Colerain Linen, very cheap, direct from Ireland. THE PROTECTION INSURANCE of Hartford, Con., TOT AVE paid with- - M.H- - in a sew years past in the Western States for losses by lire, about 300,000 Dollars!! ind are still willing to assume and continue RISKS AGAINST FIRE, By E. K. SAYRE, Atty. at Law, iheir agent, on the shortest notice and most savor able terms. E, II. SAKKB, Corner Short st. & Jordan's Row, Lexington, March 21, 1835. 12-- ly REMOVAL OF THE NEW DRUG AHTD OHSBfllCAI. STORE. GSOH&S W. NORTON "HT3 ESPECTFULLY informs his r i!M&' friends and the public , that hav ing purchased the Drug store of John Norton, he Ins removed to thecorner, well known and occupied for a great number ofi years as a Diug btore. The two establishments united, form a generajjj and extensive slock of - 3 Medicines, Paints, Dye-Stuff- s, Oils, Per- fumery, Surgical Instruments, Glass-War- e, c. 6fc.' And greater inducements will "now be given to wholesale purchasers than our city has heretofore ofieied. Among the stock are the sollowing: 1500 lbs. Epsom Salts; 1000 lbs. Glauber Sails; 800 lbs. Cream of Tartar; 150 lbs. Camphor; 250 lbs. Soc. Aloes; 500 lbs. Ju- niper Berries; 100 lbs. Pulv. Jalap; 200 lbs. Carb.Mvgnesia;lOUOlbs. Venilian Red; 50 sails. Black Famish; 400 lbs. Blue Vitriol; 1200 lbs. Oil of Vitriol; 500 lbs. Aqua Fortis and Sup. Nitric Acid; 450 lbs. Gum Shellac; 400 lbs. Copal ; 1500 lbs. Sp. Whiting; 1000 Ibs.Ivo. Blacks; 1200 Wis., Sp. Brown; 500 lbs. Ground Logicpod; 100 groc; Bottle Corks, (velvet,) Sec. &c. Sec. All orders from Physicians and dealers in med- icines, addressed to the subscriber will be thank- fully received . His personal attention will be giv- en to the compounding of proscriptions. GEQ W. NORTON. South of the Court House, Main si. Lex. June 3, 1835 23-3- m FOR SALE. NEAT little residence on theLejdnglon and A Maysville Turnpike, 3 miles (Tom Lexing-ineto- n. containing one acre' and a half. There are on the place a good Log dwelling-kous- Kitchen, Blacksmith-Sho- andother out houses ; with a WELL ol first rate water and pump in it. The terms of sale will be made reasonable. Any person wishing to purchase will please call on the subscriber residing on the prsmises. JAIUtiS W. SUM TUN. JuneS, 1835 23-- tf JtnnrrsoA" &- - dradlL. w lOTAVE "! then .t v k ol GOODS 10 MeiTS. MM MORTON, ILES Sc WRIGHT, who will continue the MERCANTILE BUSINESS in the House lately occupied by them, and to whom they can, with every confidence, recom- mend their customers and acquaintances. In relinquishing the Merchanlile for other busi- ness, the undersigned cannot withhold an expres- sion of gratitude to the many fiienus who have supported them by their patronage ' R. MORRISON, , L. J. BRADLEY. will be seen by the above advertisement of ST MeWs. MORRISON Sc BRADLEY, that i.1 : ti..: ....j .u- - ,.. we are-ine- sucue&surs in dusiuto, uiiuci 1110 mui of MORTON, ILES & WRIGHT. We shall endeavor i conduct the. business very much as heretofore, in the same house; and we invite the former pations and all others, 10 call. GABRIEL I. MORTON, j THOMAS J. JLES, , .SAMUEL M. WRIGHT Lex. MarchL1834 tf. CHEAP SiaV ,, FAINTING. In the neatest manner, and as cheap as any work of the kind in theconnlry. :TtT!HE subscriber has removed his residence to SL the house formeily occupied by Mr, Bruce opposite Mess. Posllelhwaite and Brennan's, where those who please tofavor him with iheir commands will be punclutlTy.attended to, in the neatest manner and on moderate terms. JOHN JONES. N. B. The person to whom'I Ient,some Ivtp or three years since, the first volume 01 the "tiana maid to the Arts,17 will please return it. J. J. BAGGING SHUTTLES for sale by J.J Lex. May 3d, 184. 17 tf O, y (SILVERSMITH $ JEWELLER,) LSEECTFULLY informs his fiiends and the public, that he has commenced business. two doors from the Nonh corner of Main and Limestone streets, where he will repair all kinds of CLOCKS, WATCHES, 3IUSICAL HOXES, &C. He has, and intends keeping 011 hand, a general assortment of JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE, ' Which he will sell low. Goffe, Tea and Cream Pots; Sugar-Dishe- s, Slop-Boxd- s, Tankards and Cups, Of any pattern, will be made according to order, on the shortest notice; the silver warranted lobe of the best quality, and tho work executed well. SILVER SPOONS, LADLES, BUTTER-KNIVE- S & SUGAR-TONG- Constantly on hand, and madetoorder. Jewelry Viended neatly. From the knowledge whjch the proprietor has of the different branches of his line, he wilLbe able to give general satisfaction to all who may give him a call. be given for old Gold ana saver. Lexington, May 20, 1835 24-- tf DOCTORS T,Srp PiTT B!"D A NT Ti BTT.T. a w u am .. to m MMMj MAVING located themselves in Lexington, tender their services to the citizens of this place, and adjoining country. 'I'Lia.. n.n.. n nil .itnan Kn f.. ' 1 IICI lllflT Ck l&lf VllllbS WG 1UUI1U ill their shop on Main stieet, except when profession- ally engaged. Lex. June 20, 1835 24-- tf S. OLDHAM, Barber antlllair llresser, mETURNS his'sinceie his friends and customeis for their past savors so liberally extended to him, and hopes by his moderate charges andt- - tention to business, to mert and receive a continuance, of their savors, tie also wishes to informhehi, that his BATH-HOUS- E U nnw in nneration for the oiesent season, where he is prepared to give COLD, WARM, or SliUWiill BArtlo,iau nours ingm ut uj His Shon is at the old stand, Lexington, Ky.,jusl below Mr. John Brennan' Hotel, and opposite Miss Susan Cook's Boardinghouse, where he has all kindsof FANCY ARTICLES in his line of business. DOLLS OF ALL KINDS; Jointed, Alabaster, and Wax. CURLS, WIGS, and TOP PIECES, assorted. May 16, 1835. lU-- tf COLUMBUS ai m nra fr rrv) on nn r3 no v w a 'a ' Jaa & laiiiust Main street, Lixinglon, opposite the Library. GREEN T7 PRYOR, of the above PROPRIETOR in announcing to his friends and the public, that he lias just completed a new arrangement of the entire Establishment, from the Culinary Department to the piivate Drawing Rooms of the visiters. This has been done at very considerable expense, and he depends upon a patronage from the public to sustain his ef- forts, which shall ever be directed towards the ac commodation ot ins patrons, iiis iSAR lias been refashioned in a tasteful and neat style, and filled with Spirits, Wines, Szc, the best our dealeriffm- - port. Reputation allows that his Cookery is not surpassed (is equalled) in ejther East or West and for the purpose ol continuing inis opinion, lie asks a call from the fqllowers of Epicurus, who may be servedjiith-'tnejjmos- t delicious BIRDS, STEAKS, T'rTPEOMOLETS, and,every va- riety that our market oi country affords, in the mostspeedy possible manner. He has just receiv- ed.! lot of SUPERIOR BLUE POINT OYS TERS. His Eating Rooms are retired fiom the Silling Room, and a bottle of sparkling Champaigne or Burgundy might be enjoyed without the participat- ors having to uneergo the usual ordeal of every in- quisitive eye. He feels now assured, that by hi s strict attention and ina'itn'ift.aZsuperihtendance, to piease every gentlemau who may seek enjoyment althe'UoLUJiBUs ooffee house." Lexington, Nov. 1st, 1834. 43-t- f WHITSSSHITHINa. TT7' REDEDICK J? KLAIBER, lately Irom Oerma ny, has the pleasure of informing the cit izens of tins city and eounly, that he has just commenced the above business, next to Mr. John Murray aiiver ialing &nop, ann nearly opposite Keiseh's Tavern ; where lie will be hap- py to attend to all calls in his line, viz the re pairing of Y FIKE AIIIUS, UUUll .L.UUK!!, Ait;. N. B. The higheSt'jiricevTll'be given for old J ' KEYS. t Lex. June 6, 1835 22-3- m. The Observer and Intelligencer will insert the above 2 months. I.A S"AY3'?7? M ", , "V! T " T? fl f Ti S J n.' Cornerof Main and Limestone Strecu, lately oc- -' cupied as a Dwelling House, by Richard Cord, Esq. Conducted bit JOHN CAND Y, late Promie- - lor of the COFFEE HOUSE opposite the Stage Office, on Limestone Street. THIS establishment has been filled up in a style, and for real comfoit not to be surpassed, (in the cily ,) wheie refreshments of ev-r- y description, including every delicacy the season or market affords, ran be hid at the shortest possi- ble notice. BREAKFASTS, DINNERS and SUPPERS prepared in a style equal to any estab-- j llshinenUin the cuj,anu parlies 'Jorrefreshments ofi!,") accommodated wilh private rooms. . TEA. COFFEE and SOUP, at all hours: CIGARS, of thechoicest kinds; a regular sup- ply of OYSTERS, Wholesale and Retail ; CHAMPAIGN, SHERRY, PORT, CLARET end other Wines, COGN1AC BRANDY, RlJM, GIN' Irish WHISKEY J and every other desciiption of Spirituous Liquors; FSRrSCJT LOVE, RCJSS, ANNISESEED, NOYEAU and Domestic CORDIALS; a regular supply of Louisville BEBE, fresh every week, wholesale and retail. The Pioprietor respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, having his Bar and Cellar.stock- ed with Liquors of the choicest brands, and takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks, for tne pationage iiunerto Bestowed on him. Oct. 11, 1834. 41-- tf -- 1 LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber wishes to dispose of a very lot, situated in one of the mosi pleasant pajts of the ciiy,on moderaleterms itis unimproved, except that it is fenced in wilh an ex- cellent fence. It is a corner lot, froniing oil Main and Georgetown streets, containing about one and a half acres. It is nearly opposite to D. Mc. Payne, Esq. A reasorjfible credit will be given terms can be asceriainejtrby application to the sub- scriber. HI K A AI STEELE. Lexington, July 23, 1834. -2- 3-tf BRICK MAKING y LAYING fTBEJTJAMIN FORD, ELZY HARNEY, is ana wiijL,i.AiU J. Kt-lStt- ll have asso ciated themselves in partnership, for the purpose ol carrying on the abeve business in all its van ous branches. Persons wishing any work in their line, can have it done on the shortest notice and on as reasonable terms as it can be procurer! in the city. They are now ready to execute all orders in their line. "I'unctuaiuy and despatch" shall be their motto; and the) hope, by unremitting at tention, to merit and receive a share of public pa- tronage. Their Brick Yard is near the Lunatic Asylum, formerly owned by B. Ford. Lexington, Feb. 17. 9- -tf REMOVAL. NEW GOODS, FOR FALL & WINTER, 1834. Wl H. HAINEY, "HT&ESPECTFULLY announces to his cus-Ja.- tomersand the public, that he has purchas- ed the entire stock of GOODS belonging to Bless. Johnson and Reynolds, and has removed to the sine Storehouse occupied by them No. 46. Main street, two doors below John Tilford & Son's. He is now opening a large and tasteful supply of STAPLE AND FANCY MERCHARfDESE, purchased by hiniEelf in Npw VomcannPiuLA delpiiia, with mucheare and labour. He hopes his former customersvlll travel a sew doors lower than his old stand, for which he promises to make them a liberal compensation. The greater proportion of his slock is entirely FRESH, FASHIONABLE, and CHEAP, and he thinks it unnecessary to specify the vaiiety com- prising the assortment; but assures the public he ivill exhibit to them as desirable articles as can be procured in the city. Lexington, Nov 1st 1834 43-- tf BIiACRSaflSTmNG. rRillE public aj-- respectfully JL informed, thatJOSIAH (4s ENNlb, the late partner of Oemf t? Joun ii. onaw, nas commenced V&JMr the BLACKSMITHING on the corner of Hill Sz Main-cios- s SSass streets, where ho intends carry ing it on inall of its various branches, and will be happy to wait on his friends and the public general- ly. His work, shall be executed in a faithful man- ner, and he hopes by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. JOSIAH ENNI. August 16, 1834. 33-- tf GEORGETOWN 7 M HE Summer Session of this institution com-j- a mences on the 1st of May. In addition to the presentFaculty, the Trustees have secured the" sei vices oftMfcS. G. Mullins, ofGarraid Coan able and efficient Teacher, both in t ho Classical and Mathematical Departments. From the as- sistance thus tendered, the piesent faculty will have a better opportunity of attending to the higher classics and the sciences. During the Summer Session, the Professors re main nine hours in their Recitation rooms with the students. A "Weekly Report" is isssued every Saturday morning, giving a correct account of the Piogress, themoraal depoitment, the absence and the lato attendance of each student in the Institution du- ring the week. Each Parent and and Guardian receives a copy of this report. Civil Engineering is taught by the Professor of Mathematics in this institution (educated at West Point) in addition to all the branches taught in any College in the West. Library, Philosophical Apparatus, Sic. Sic. complete. ' BoardiiiE .J;1 50 a week in thecountre S2 a week in town every thing furnitlierf. Tuition, including the use of Library, Philoso phical Appaialus, &c. $20 in advance. MEDICAL NOTICE. HAVE on hand some FRESH! B?I VACCINE-MATTER- , which I have lately taken from the arms of healthy persons. Those who are de sirous ol having their families vaccinated either in the City or county, will do well to avail themselves of this oppoitunity. Prompt attention will be paid to all calls on the slightest notice. SAML. C. TROTTER. fJT-Tho- se person whom I vaccinated some tiniesince are informed, lhat is the desired effect has not been produced, to call and try it again fiee of expense. S. C. T. , Lexington, May 3, 1835. 13-- lf fJj-T- he Observer & Reporter and Intelligen cerwill insert the aoove .s weens. F O R S A L E. to sell the HOUSE & LOT on SWISH street, on which lesided in f .psinvtnn. Also nn olJt lot p mnniip cirliv - - r"-..- ; of that-stree- t and a hodse and lol on Limestone stree'. near the jail. Those disposed to purchase uill nnnuire of Mai. Tilford. Mr . FiirharH Tliir. gins or Air. M. T.Scott, who are authorised to neji late a sale. ,JA. HAGGIN. .a. 30,1834 44 tf MEDICINE, Drs. J. B. DAY and T. F. HARRIS, E1J ESPECTFULLY inform their friends, an the public generally, that they have formetf a foMthe purpose of practising medicine in Lexington; and the adjacent country. ti,;.. ri, ;. ii.i.'a..., .i. ,.. Brennan's (formerly Postlelhwaile's) Hotel. where they may he sound at all times except when absent on professional business. ' We beg leave to inform our fnendsaod the pub- lic, that our principle and piatice tie essentially different from Ihe oidinary mineral course, and alsofiom the Tohipso'nian or Steaming plan. We practice according to the principles of the Reforra-e- i Medical Society, of the United Slates, as taught at its Colleges inNew York and Worth-iuglo- Ohio, difcaftllnYall the preparations of mercury, antimony and other poisonous minerals so much used by physicians of the present day,, &ntt which are so deleterious to the human system; usTng in their stead vegetable remedies, far more powerful in removing disease, and which leave- - the constitution uninjured. The experience of others, as well as our own in an extensive prac- tice oseveral years, has (ully proved that mineiat medicines internally, are enjirely unnecessary in' tue treatment ot any disease, and we believe theref are but sew of those who have taken them," whe will hesitate to say that they are injurious, uncer- tain and dangerous in their operation. As to theThompsonian system, we admit thaf. itxo'ntajns some good lemedies, but it is entirely tlcpimTtf?B, too heating or stimulating, and steam' is too frequently and indiscriminately used. We use no preparations ofmedicines which are' mimbered, and for which there is a patent right. Further, we believe that no man can make a good physician, without a knowledge of the anatomy of the human system, and every other branch ot medical science. We presume it is generally known lhat Thompsonians deny the necessity of such knowidge. Having made a candid statement of our princi- ples, and tho course we intend to pursue, we ask. those afflicted with disease, to pause, and choose, betwr-e- remedial agenjSrirawn from Nature's-garden- powerful inTeuioviiig disease, but safe in their operation and poisonous minerals, which so often destioy the lives or suture health of thoso who take ijiem. J. B. DAY, J. F. HARRIS." P. S. For a further knowledge of our princi- ples, &c. we refer ouf friends to a medical work published hyJIK.W. Beacll",t:onsisthig of three large volumes! fthe ti tie of w'nich H 'Beach's A- - merican Practice.'- - It can .Befseeri either at out shop,or at Skillman's book store, with a list of its numerous recommendations by physicians of the highest standing both in Europe'and America. " J . B. D. J. F. H. Lexington, June 5, 1835. 22-3- m JlkANSJvFOSS, SALE.-- ' ravVVLUABijE tract of Land lying onJLako xSL'Bolivar, in Washington county, jMjfesippi containing about COO acres, 175 in aJcSthpleto slale of cultivation. On the land is aiew Dwel- ling house, a first rate Gin and Mill, and all ne- cessary out houses, including stables, corn cribs, cotton houses, and negro cabins. For further particulars apply to J. B. Si S. S. Fox, in, Vicksburg, or to the subscriber on the premises.. t B. M. HINES; Vicksburg, Miss. .May 7, 1835-20-1- 0t. James P. Ruclcer vs Charles Humphreys. &JTATE OF KENTUCKY, Woodford Cit-r-- S cuit Set. June Teim, 1835. James P,. Ruck-e- r, Complainant, against Charles Humphreys Administrator, Sic. Defendants in Chaiiceryf This day came the complainant and hia 'attor- ney, and upon Iiis motion and it appearing tcT'the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant Thos. Essex is not an inhabitant of this commonwealth, and ho hawing f3;f.H jrt pnfpr hi? apLpfiaranca here- in, and answer the Complainant's bill agreeable to the law and the rules of this court, it is ordered that unless the said absent defendant Essex, ap- pears hereon or belore the first day of the next JejULmber 1'erm of this court, and. answer said oWjSpe same will be taken fur coriYe'ssed against him; and it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be published in some authorised newspaper printed in this State, for two. months in succes- sion according to law, and all further proceedings aie contiuued until the next tsriri1. A copy att. RIDGLEY GREATHOUSE, elk. Lex. July l,"1835-2G-!- 3w is- - M. E. BROWNING & CO". MAVING purchased of Caleb Wqrley, his MERCHANDIZE, which. is extensive and well assorted, now offerit Whole- sale and Retail, on as fair and reasonable terms as like goods can be bought in any market west of the mountains. They are resolved to spare no pains to accommodate and plea.e those who may savor; them WJUi a call. To the old pations of tho house, thijjvlookwiih much confidence, and solicit a cdrtirnllance of their custom, from wheih it is hoped a miituallgefi' and satisfaction will be de- rived. is lALEB WORLEY, having told his stock of M merchandize to 31. E. BRO WNING i?Co. takes great pleasure in recpmmending to his old customers and patrons, a continuance of theirdeal-i.i- g with his successors, at the old stand , opposite the upper end of the Public Square. He would at the same time veiy sincerely return his thanks for the liberal patronage extended to him during his continuant e in business. Itis his wish asspeedily as possible to close his business, and he hopes that nllthose who have open accounts will call ami cloje ihem by note or payment without delay. J,ex. Juno 15. 183.5 24-- tf JOB GREEN, ' LATE OF PHILADELPHIA, OHA2R rvi"AHt?PACTURBR, CONTINUES the Ma.- -. sonic Hall, on Main street; He has oil hand, and offers so sale on reasonable terms, laige and splendid assortment of FANCY kVI NDSOR CHAIRS of all descriptions endprices, also, Settees, Roik-- . ing Chairs with cane backs and seats; Boston and olhes kinds, all of which are manufactuied of the best n.alerials, anil warranted well made. Old; Chairs repaired and painted; Copal Varnish for sale. Wanted, a good fancy Chair maker; also, a Painter and Ornamented: none but cood workmen need apply: to such"? constant employment and good ages will be given. An apprentice well recommended will be taken. Lexington, July 23, 1S34 29-- tf PUBLISHED W13KKL.Y By BAN!,. BBS ABFOREK,. Publisher of the Laws of the U. Slate, i TEK3IS OF THIS TArER : For one year In advance 2 50' " Sir months do 1 50 " Three months do 1 OO Is not paid at the end of G months 3 OO " within the year 3 50 No paper will be discontinned until al arreaa ages are paid, unless at the option of the Editor. mail to the Kditor, must bo postpaid, or they will not be taken out of the of. ice. A DVERTISING. For 1 square or lessl or 3 insertions 9IOO Do do do 3 months 3 OO 1)6 do do G months 5 OO Do do ' do IS months In no Longerones in proporlon. When inseitcd bv the year, subject to a deduction ofl5 par cent. 2 r A '

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu › dips › xt7brv0cw010 › data › 3093.pdf · A LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office, at will

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu › dips › xt7brv0cw010 › data › 3093.pdf · A LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office, at will

A LIST OF LETTERSin the Post Office, atREMAINING will be relumed to '.he

General Post Office a3 dead letters, is not takenout in 3 months.

AAdams, William Akin, Samuel 3 jAt'ams, Thomas Adkins, Nancy D

Adams, James M Asher, WiliramAlexander, Thomas AsKley, Benjamin -

Anderson, Andiew-- 2 Ansel, Henry

Allen, Jane - Ansel, Charles B

Allen, G WB

Batchelor, G A ThomasBowyer, JohnBaxter, B - Bosworth, SamuelBarbeo, J Brooks, Milly

Berryman, John S' Bronaugh, WilliamBradley, Francis .Brown,, Albert G

Barker, Waller Bumgardner, JacobBaxter, Mill' Burton, Rev MrBranham, Zerilda miss Bush, FrederickBeen, A Buckner, Sarah F mrs

"Baxter, Mills Buckner, R H Esq

Barker, Georgo Bullock, ThomasBell, Robert or John Buibridge, SidneyBoivleeare, Eliza Jane Bryan, EnochBrien, Katharine mis Bryan, WilliamBooth, Francis 2 Byrnes, Elizabeth mrs

Bodcher, II Bryant, Jes'Se

Bowyer, Thomas C Bryers, Katharine mrs

Brooks, Winuy mrs Bosworlh, Nathaniel 2

cCUbourn, Solomon Coons, John -

Clabourn, Edward Conner, Mary F mrs

Caruthers, J F Conley, AlexanderCassell, Samuel F Coleman, B B .

Cassell, Henry Collins, William &H HCampbell, Francis CaigTI), Henry A

Craig, Silas Coghlan, Cornelius

Callagan, Mitchel Jos Corder. Stephen TCaldwell, Ann mrs Cox, Cuveian MCanipb'ei Robert Cox, George

Clark, Edward Custis, William II B

Carrol, William II Cross, RobertCaruthers & Alexander,Cromwell, Oliver

Messrs Cromwell, RobertCook, Isaac Cromwell, Elizabeth mrs

Couch, Daniel QD

Daniel, John S Devo, JamesDavis, Joseph Dennis, Obed FDavis, James 3 Diamond, JosephDawson, Benjamin A Downing, William 2DavisjAndrew Douglas, SamuelDaniels, Norman N Donnelly, DanielDavis, Able; 6 esq Devellay,Devenporl, iJa'vid Dunn, James 2

Davis, Lloyd Dunlap, Kathhrino mrs

Davis, William V Duncan, JosephDumison, George M 2 Demison, George

EEastin, II J Eishine, GEavens, J G Ellis, Paul SEwing, Emeline mrs 2Ellis, JessaEverett Samuel D Edington, MrEmersbiijE Elston, Allen

FFitzgerrol, Scolt T Ford,, William 2Fitzpairick,Edmond Fore,amuel J M 2

Field, E II Ford, Mary Jane mrs

Field., Tabitha mrs Ford, ThomasFinell, John Fulks, Grandison

G ,Graham, Mr Gibson, TobiasGwathmey, Owen G Gibson, Mary Ann missGraves, Catharine mrs Oilman, .HarryGraves, Sidney mrs Gregg, SamuelGray, Austine E Gillespie, WniGiay, Elizabeth miss Goodman, HyGraham, Alfred Brown Si Gorin, messrsGaines, Abiner W Gordon, JohnGaines, C M miss Gorden , Susan mrsGains, FS Gorney, N LGano, Samuel Grimes, SolomonCause, Doct Benj Groville, W GGreen, Emily miss

HHeadley, Marshall Hecker, HHaw, Justus , i , Henderson, JamesHall, James H 2 Henderson, ThomasHampton, John Heyerly, John 3Harp, ConroiW Holder, SamuelsHaDov. Josutru's Howard, BenjaminHatcher, John Hollzclaw,ElizabethmrsHarper, John Ilolcomb, MiloHardin, Thoma3 P Holmes, RobertHarrison, James W Hopkins, Eliza LmissHarrison, John P Hopson, LucianHarney, Eliza Horton, James HHarris, Harriet Smiss Hooper, Thomas B 3Harris, II - Hurl, JohnHarrison, James Hughes, Thomas. R 3Harrison, M miss Hurt, Eliza mrsHawkins, Henry Hughes, ThomasHays, Gregg Huuhes, Jafnes Z

IIreland, Lucinda Innes, Charlotte MIrvine, Stephenson Innes, Robert ColInnes, John P t,

JJeuda, Robert Johnson & Reynolds,Jeter, Elisha - messrsJackson, RaVMr " Johnson, EJacksorr, TAosus Johnson, NoaJohnson, Franklin Jones, MerchantJones , Eliza miss ." Jones, M mrs

kKelly, Samuel P Kemper, LeyiKelly, James Keve, John''Kellogg, John A 3 Kimble, J ohn or DanielKing, V B Kimble, JamesKeneday, Wathew 2 Knowlton, J JKenny, Robert P .

Lane, Elizabeth .Lewis, desireLawson, Hugh A II 3Logan, James IILewis, John ' Long, Margaret B

Leis,Iaac Lockhart, MrLewba, Mrs widow Luisan, George M jrLnisey, James Louncy, Winney mrsLinden, John 2 Lumpkin, JohnLong, Gabriel Lytle, George

MManuion. Thomas Miller. PeterMailies, Sarina mrs Ministers of the Gospel-- 2

Marshal, Aglha mrs Mitchel, DavidMarkly, Benjamin Michel, ThomasMorion, James Moore, Nathaniel-- 3Maisaulk 'A Moore, JamesMarliu, Jefferson Moore, CatharineManin, John B 2 Moore, William A RMartin, Asa C Mormon, MrMason, Henry D 2 Morgan, MatildaMeriel, William S Morgan, Gilbert RevMiers, Dr Morris, AnneMiller, John 2 Munroe, Nathan WMiller, Isaas Murrey, IsaacMiller, John'A McElroy, WileyMcMachew, John McKean, AlexanderMcCaleb, Jonathan Mclnlire, Benjamin-- 2McFarlin, Levin McCorihell, CorryMcManus, Thomas McCrossky, MalvinaMcLain,jDhnR McTyre,


McNeal, JamesN

Naylor, John . Norton, B miss

rfetlle ton, Gilbert Norwood, mrNevin, William Norish, ElizaNevin, D ' Null, Jacob

oO'Cairell, Peler 2 Oflutt, Samuel ROwen, Robert B Oliver, RobertOwings, W Thomas

PPark , Emelia Poge, C IIParson, Alien Pie, FreemanPayne, Ellen miss Piker Jacob II CaptPayne, Edward Pills, Thomas & DavidPalmer, Francis R Piice, WillisPayne, Elizabeth mrt Posey , M B DoctPearson, John S Port, James MPerry, Elizabeth Pullen, SarahPetty, Ransdato

Raymond, Chas Robertson, GeorgeRenshaw, Charles Roden, Folly MrsKeed, BenjSJ'n Kodes, jos ivReynolds, Mary A miss Rogus, James 3

Renolds, Valeria Runnels, MorganReynolds, Tho W Dr 2Rogers, Thos JRice, Andrew Rogers, Thomas Xefler- -

Rush, Julia sonRice, J Lieutenant Rollins, James WReader, Wni Ross, mrRush, Jacob Runyan,JohnRiley, Mary miss Runnels, MorganRitter, James Russell, James A"Robinson, ftlary J miss Ryan, John --,Robinet, Jaspa Ryan, Marlin tos

Robinson , Mary miss "

o tSallec, Daniel- - Smith, iTno?Sharkey, William Smith, John S

Stafford, James TU Smith, JacksonSacket. Isreal - Smith, MartinSanders, Thos " Smith, Jasper --2

Sanders, William Spilman, C IISanders, Ruhard Spunger, FrancisSteele, Brice Springer, N EnsignSmedley, Samuel Simonds, EphralmSmedley, Daniel Sims, LossonSee, Adam Soper,JohnIIShelby, RP Col Shinn orShennrM AShfiashin. Patrick Shiup, Dudley'Slarret, David Rev 4 Slout, Ann WStevens, A W Stone, JohnStephens, John 11 Stout,.Stewart, Wesley Stockton, Kobert!Stuart, Wm Stuyvesant, P G

Steward, Wm A Soudard, FSchooler, Robert D Mai SoUdusky, MrShivel, John Slivers, John & KeuoenScully, James 2 Story, AlfredSimpson, Sarah miss Suter, CollinsSimmons , Laura mrs

TTaylor, James Thornton, WillisTrapnal, B C Thompson, James B

Twedy, Mary miss Thompson, Sarah J miss

Tiffee, Sally Mrs Thomson, S A E.mrsTowler, Thomas Turner, JohnTrotter, Judith mrs Turner,. John GThompson, Wm G . Tudor, II S Doct 2

Thompson, Samuel Tfilly, JA.U

Uttinger, Jacob Uttinger, FrederickV

Vanpelt, William Vinson, G A MrsValley , Palagia Sister .

W -- -

IFallis, D Maj IFilliams, Georgo-JFor- -

Jfalker, Edmund - th'mgtonIFalker. II Eli Williams. Susannah mrsfFallsivorth, II F 2 IHIIiams, Mary Cmiss-- 2

JFatkins, Judith G or Katls, MrsLucy Benning JFhipple, Ralph

ffeavel, Christian miss ffright, MillyIFebster, Parker Filliams, Benjamin FJfheeler, Ge.o"rge N Ifoodburn, Wm 2jrorlham, Davfd --2 food, WmJKickliffe, Robert junr IForthington, ThosJfillen, Thomas JFoodson, DanielWhite, James B

'" YYoung, Darnel ,

JOSEPH FICKL1N, P. M.Lex. July 1, 1835-2G-- 3t . "

P. S. Persons calling'tor these letters, willplease mention whether advertised or not.

EBENEZER BISHOP MILLWRIGHT,ULLY returns his sincere thanks

mESPECTf of Fayette county, for-th- e

libaral patronage they have bestowed Hpon him,in his line, and will here say, that the multiplicityof work now on. hand, he is enabled to give em-

ployment to two additional Journeymen Millwrights immediately.

Fayette county, June 1U, 10J3 xa-- oi

MEW GROSBRY.Subscriber has commenced the GROCETHE BUSINESS, on Water street, next

door to L. C. Randall Sl Co. and opposite the

sjj?SgSg& Markethouse, wheie he has justreceived, ajm is uuiv uciung, aa fresh supply ot

GROCERIES,teas.mm t : - TSKIHana win con mueffCf J y4t'i to keep for sale allf.'firva.ifn'niiarticles in his line, on moderate terms, and at theusual prices. He will barter for Countr Produce,such as Meal, Flour, Bicon, &c. &c. Hts friendsand the public, generally, are requested to givehim a call, as he tlatlers lnmsell he shall be able 19

furnish something suitable lor every taste.JOHN F. THOMPSON,

Lexington, April 15, 1835 15-- tf


TRUSS MAKER,Opposite the Lexington Hotel, Lexington, Ky.

BEGS leave, lespectfully to inform his friendsthe public, that he has obtained the

agency of Mr. Thomas Stagnee, of Richmond,Ky. to use, vena and practice his celebrated I' ATENT TRUSS, Tor the cure of all cases of Hernia, or Rupture, of recent or longstanding.

He is so convinced of the importance of thisinstrument above all that have ever yet been used,that he not only purposes to abandon all the variouskinds he has heretofore used inhisexlensive practice, but to assure the afflicted, that theuniversal terms, are no L.ure, no 1 ay :

N. B. All kinds of Bandages, Gentlemen'sRiding Girdles, and suspenders, manufacturedand for sale as belore.

June 26, 18 34. 27-- tf

FARM FOR SALE."M" WILL SELL for the proprietor, A FARM

L near the Rail-roa- about 4 miles from Lexington, adjoining the farms of Col. Henry CPayne and Benjamin Taylor, containing 150ACR6S of first rate land, nearly all well timbered.- - Apply to DARWIN JOHNSON.

March 6, 1835. 3-- tf


WATER STREET"CtXTRA Superfine Fine, Common, Dyspep

sia, and Rye FLOUR. Corn meal, Hominy, Chop, bhorts, and man

The Mill Establishment having been put incomplete repair, is now in full operation Iheabove articles warranted good, or taken back,will he kept constantly on hand, and sent aroundthe city, in the Flour Wagon. Coin and Ryewill be grounl for toll or money, and Wheat ex-

changed upon liberal terms. The business shallbe done in the best manner; the liberal pationageof the public is, therefore, respectfully solicited.

Lex. Feb. 4 5-- tf.



knowledeeriienis to the citizens of Lexin?.ton and Fayette county, generally, for the veryliberal pationage fhej have given him for manyyears past. He begs leave to inform them thathe still continues to Manufacture HA TS out ofthe best kind of materials. He will attend to allordersfor work, in his line of business, with punctuality and despatch.' ffc"7"AH those having long standing accountswill confer a savor on me, long to be remembered,of they will call on me and settle their accounts,is i ourbusiness cannot be carried on without thatth ng needful, called MONny. . W. A.

June 14, 1834 23-- tf

"T3 6j BBLS. bid Whiskey, Bounce and AppleJa.sy Brandy, lor sale at the ware-hou- of E,I. Winter, on Water-stree- t.

Lex. July 3, 1835--26--


STRlHE heretofore existing underTLSL the firm (is KW AJOT &. 2UITZS. wasdisolved hy mutual consent, on the 1thinst. anpersons having demands against us are requestedtn nresent the same : and peisons indebted are re--

nuestcd to call and settle, by note or cash.CilTI XT f-- PMVTOOUAH ot. jjunitJi

N. B. The business will be carried on at thesame place by John R. Sliaic, who feels thankfulfor past patronage and solicits aconlinuation.

J. ii. Ofli.11.N. B. Mr. Edwin C. Hickman is authorized

to settle all accounts due the late film."

Lexington, July29, 1834 35-- tf

DK. SAilIIi. C. TROTTEK. .iFFEUS his professional' services to the citizens of

Lexington and its vicinity. Hisoffice is on the north east side of'the Courthouse, in the house re-

cently occupied as a Lawoffice.by R. II. Chinn, Eiq., wherelira mnu IS( gliua va Fniinrl fOiHir'IIV llJ uv ItftTfUViJ tUUlIU llrflfcUf

to attend to calls, day or nightMaich 25 12-- tf

SAY BOA LSS.55Rl HE suoscriber has elected, at great expense,

si a rAllf. JX SUALEB. the draft of wh chis 12,000 lbs., on Limestone street, opposite hisgrocery store, where he is prepaied to weigh Hay,Stone'coal, Live stock, and jther heavy articles,at a very moderate compensation. The Scaleshave been tested, and their accuracy certified, bythe Cily Inspector, and a License obtained to usethem, rersons selling Hay, are informed thathe City Ordinance on that subject will be rigidlyeenforced. H. M'GUIRE.

March 5; 1835 tf. ,


THE Subscriber respectfully announces to the'Lexington and its vicinity, that'

he has just completed a thorough repair of his shop Jana is nuw reauy 10 wail upon nis customers wuuany thing in the Cabinet line, lie will, at theshortest notice, be able tojAmish COFFINS ofiuii siivj uiiu i4,at.jiutiuuaa u una t ii uHEARSE for the better convenience of thecitizens. His present stock of V A U 1 JN JJ 1

WORK is now, and will be kept equal to anyin the Western Country. His shop is on the corner of Short and Limestone street diagonally

and his family Residence is in thetwo stbfyhrick adjoining. By a strict attention to,business, he hones to receive a shar&of oublic oa- -'

tronage. J. EDRltf'GTON.March 10, 1835. m

""" '



2T EEPS constantly on hand an assortment 0- Gentlemen's Fashionable Ready made!

Clothing, consisting of CLOAKS, BOSTONWRAFFISKS, COATS, PANTALOONS,1VESTS, STOCKS, GLOVES, HOSE, feciTogether with an excellent stock of CLOTHS,!CA"S8IMERES, and VESTlNGS. Also, ageneral assortment of Fancy Ailicles in his line,'which will be sold unusually law for cash .

otdering cloths, may rest assured that they shall be made to please them, instyle and taste, equal to the work of any Establishment in the city, he has in his emoloyworkmen of the best kind, from Europe and the.Eastern Cities.

Thankful for pasl savors, ho lespectfully solicits a shale of public patronage.

Lex. Dec. 20, 1834.


GOODS for 1835.THE Subscriber is now receiving his stock of.

AND SUMMER GOODS -consisting of Staple and Fancy Articles; all os:

which will be sold at a small advance on prime-cost, iiis friends are invited to call at the oldstand and examine for themselves.

J AS. G. M'KINNEY.Lexington, April 17, 1835. I5-3- m

N. B. Just received a lot of Colerain Linen,very cheap, direct from Ireland.


of Hartford, Con.,

TOT AVE paid with- -M.H- - in a sew yearspast in the WesternStates for losses bylire, about

300,000 Dollars!!ind are still willing to assume and continue


iheir agent, on the shortest notice and most savorable terms. E, II. SAKKB,

Corner Short st. & Jordan's Row,Lexington, March 21, 1835. 12-- ly




r i!M&' friends and the public , that having purchased the Drug store of JohnNorton, he Ins removed to thecorner,

well known and occupied for a great number ofiyears as a Diug btore.

The two establishments united, form a generajjjand extensive slock of - 3Medicines, Paints, Dye-Stuff- s, Oils, Per-

fumery, Surgical Instruments,Glass-War- e, c. 6fc.'

And greater inducements will "now be given towholesale purchasers than our city has heretoforeofieied.

Among the stock are the sollowing:1500 lbs. Epsom Salts; 1000 lbs. Glauber

Sails; 800 lbs. Cream of Tartar; 150 lbs.Camphor; 250 lbs. Soc. Aloes; 500 lbs. Ju-niper Berries; 100 lbs. Pulv. Jalap; 200 lbs.Carb.Mvgnesia;lOUOlbs. Venilian Red; 50sails. Black Famish; 400 lbs. Blue Vitriol;1200 lbs. Oil of Vitriol; 500 lbs. Aqua Fortisand Sup. Nitric Acid; 450 lbs. Gum Shellac;400 lbs. Copal ; 1500 lbs. Sp. Whiting; 1000Ibs.Ivo. Blacks; 1200 Wis., Sp. Brown; 500lbs. Ground Logicpod; 100 groc; Bottle Corks,(velvet,) Sec. &c. Sec.

All orders from Physicians and dealers in med-

icines, addressed to the subscriber will be thank-

fully received . His personal attention will be giv-

en to the compounding of proscriptions.GEQ W. NORTON.

South of the Court House, Main si. Lex.June 3, 1835 23-3- m

FOR SALE.NEAT little residence on theLejdnglon andA Maysville Turnpike, 3 miles (Tom Lexing-ineto- n.

containing one acre' and a half. Thereare on the place a good Log dwelling-kous-

Kitchen, Blacksmith-Sho- andother out houses ;with a WELL ol first rate water and pump in it.The terms of sale will be made reasonable. Anyperson wishing to purchase will please call on thesubscriber residing on the prsmises.

JAIUtiS W. SUM TUN.JuneS, 1835 23-- tf

JtnnrrsoA" &-- dradlL. w

lOTAVE "! then .t v k ol GOODS 10 MeiTS.MM MORTON, ILES Sc WRIGHT, whowill continue the MERCANTILE BUSINESSin the House lately occupied by them, and towhom they can, with every confidence, recom-

mend their customers and acquaintances.In relinquishing the Merchanlile for other busi-

ness, the undersigned cannot withhold an expres-

sion of gratitude to the many fiienus who havesupported them by their patronage '


will be seen by the above advertisement ofSTMeWs. MORRISON Sc BRADLEY, thati.1 : ti..: ....j .u- - ,..

we are-ine- sucue&surs in dusiuto, uiiuci 1110 muiof MORTON, ILES & WRIGHT. We shallendeavor i conduct the. business very much asheretofore, in the same house; and we invite theformer pations and all others, 10 call.


, .SAMUEL M. WRIGHTLex. MarchL1834 tf.


In the neatest manner, and as cheap asany work of the kind in theconnlry.

:TtT!HE subscriber has removed his residence toSL the house formeily occupied by Mr, Bruce

opposite Mess. Posllelhwaite and Brennan's,where those who please tofavor him with iheircommands will be punclutlTy.attended to, in theneatest manner and on moderate terms.

JOHN JONES.N. B. The person to whom'I Ient,some Ivtp or

three years since, the first volume 01 the "tianamaid to the Arts,17 will please return it. J. J.

BAGGING SHUTTLES for sale by J.JLex. May 3d, 184. 17 tf


LSEECTFULLY informs his fiiends andthe public, that he has commenced business.

two doors from the Nonh corner of Main andLimestone streets, where he will repair all kinds of

CLOCKS, WATCHES, 3IUSICAL HOXES, &C.He has, and intends keeping 011 hand, a generalassortment of

JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE,' Which he will sell low.

Goffe, Tea and Cream Pots; Sugar-Dishe- s,

Slop-Boxd- s, Tankards and Cups,Of any pattern, will be made according to order,on the shortest notice; the silver warranted lobeof the best quality, and tho work executed well.SILVER SPOONS, LADLES, BUTTER-KNIVE- S


Constantly on hand, and madetoorder. JewelryViended neatly. From the knowledge whjch theproprietor has of the different branches of his line,he wilLbe able to give general satisfaction to allwho may give him a call.

be given for old Goldana saver.

Lexington, May 20, 1835 24-- tf

DOCTORST,Srp PiTT B!"D A NT Ti BTT.T.a w u am .. to m MMMj

MAVING located themselvesin Lexington,

tender their services to the citizens ofthis place, and adjoining country.'I'Lia.. n.n.. n nil .itnan Kn f.. '1 IICI lllflT Ck l&lf VllllbS WG 1UUI1U ill

their shop on Main stieet, except when profession-ally engaged.

Lex. June 20, 1835 24-- tf

S. OLDHAM,Barber antlllair llresser,

mETURNS his'sinceiehis friends

and customeis for their pastsavors so liberally extendedto him, and hopes by hismoderate charges andt- -tention to business, to mert

and receive a continuance, of their savors, tiealso wishes to informhehi, that his

BATH-HOUS- EU nnw in nneration for the oiesent season, where

he is prepared to give COLD, WARM, or

SliUWiill BArtlo,iau nours ingm ut ujHis Shon is at the old stand,

Lexington, Ky.,jusl below Mr. John Brennan'Hotel, and opposite Miss Susan Cook's

Boardinghouse,where he has all kindsof FANCY ARTICLESin his line of business. DOLLS OF ALLKINDS; Jointed, Alabaster, and Wax.CURLS, WIGS, and TOP PIECES, assorted.

May 16, 1835. lU-- tf

COLUMBUSai m nra fr rrv) on nn r3 nov w a'a ' Jaa & laiiiust

Main street, Lixinglon, opposite theLibrary.

GREEN T7 PRYOR,of the abovePROPRIETOR in announcing to his

friends and the public, that he lias just completeda new arrangement of the entire Establishment,from the Culinary Department to the piivateDrawing Rooms of the visiters. This has beendone at very considerable expense, and he dependsupon a patronage from the public to sustain his ef-

forts, which shall ever be directed towards the accommodation ot ins patrons, iiis iSAR lias beenrefashioned in a tasteful and neat style, and filledwith Spirits, Wines, Szc, the best our dealeriffm- -port. Reputation allows that his Cookery is notsurpassed (is equalled) in ejther East or Westand for the purpose ol continuing inis opinion, lieasks a call from the fqllowers of Epicurus, whomay be servedjiith-'tnejjmos- t delicious BIRDS,STEAKS, T'rTPEOMOLETS, and,every va-

riety that our market oi country affords, in themostspeedy possible manner. He has just receiv-


His Eating Rooms are retired fiom the SillingRoom, and a bottle of sparkling Champaigne orBurgundy might be enjoyed without the participat-ors having to uneergo the usual ordeal of every in-

quisitive eye. He feels now assured, that by hi s

strict attention and ina'itn'ift.aZsuperihtendance, topiease every gentlemau who may seek enjoymentalthe'UoLUJiBUs ooffee house."

Lexington, Nov. 1st, 1834. 43-t- f


lately Irom Oermany, has the pleasureof informing the citizens of tins city andeounly, that he has

just commenced the above business, next to Mr.John Murray aiiver ialing &nop, ann nearlyopposite Keiseh's Tavern ; where lie will be hap-py to attend to all calls in his line, viz the repairing of Y

FIKE AIIIUS, UUUll .L.UUK!!, Ait;.N. B. The higheSt'jiricevTll'be given for old

J 'KEYS. tLex. June 6, 1835 22-3- m.

The Observer and Intelligencer will insert theabove 2 months.

I.A S"AY3'?7?M ", , "V! T " T? fl f TiS J n.'

Cornerof Main and Limestone Strecu, lately oc- -'

cupied as a Dwelling House, by RichardCord, Esq.

Conducted bit JOHN CAND Y, late Promie- -lor of the COFFEE HOUSE opposite the StageOffice, on Limestone Street.

THIS establishment has been filled up in astyle, and for real comfoit not to be

surpassed, (in the cily ,) wheie refreshments of ev-r- y

description, including every delicacy the seasonor market affords, ran be hid at the shortest possi-ble notice. BREAKFASTS, DINNERS andSUPPERS prepared in a style equal to any estab-- jllshinenUin the cuj,anu parlies 'Jorrefreshmentsofi!,") accommodated wilh private rooms. .

TEA. COFFEE and SOUP, at all hours:CIGARS, of thechoicest kinds; a regular sup-ply of OYSTERS, Wholesale and Retail ;



and every other desciiption of Spirituous Liquors;


and Domestic CORDIALS; a regular supply ofLouisville

BEBE,fresh every week, wholesale and retail.

The Pioprietor respectfully solicits a share ofpublic patronage, having his Bar and Cellar.stock-ed with Liquors of the choicest brands, and takesthis opportunity of returning his sincere thanks, fortne pationage iiunerto Bestowed on him.

Oct. 11, 1834. 41-- tf -- 1

LOT FOR SALE.THE subscriber wishes to dispose of a very

lot, situated in one of the mosipleasant pajts of the ciiy,on moderaleterms itisunimproved, except that it is fenced in wilh an ex-cellent fence. It is a corner lot, froniing oil Mainand Georgetown streets, containing about one anda half acres. It is nearly opposite to D. Mc.Payne, Esq. A reasorjfible credit will be giventerms can be asceriainejtrby application to the sub-scriber. HI K A AI STEELE.

Lexington, July 23, 1834. -2- 3-tf


is ana wiijL,i.AiU J. Kt-lStt- ll have associated themselves in partnership, for the purposeol carrying on the abeve business in all its vanous branches. Persons wishing any work in theirline, can have it done on the shortest notice andon as reasonable terms as it can be procurer! in thecity. They are now ready to execute all ordersin their line. "I'unctuaiuy and despatch" shallbe their motto; and the) hope, by unremitting attention, to merit and receive a share of public pa-

tronage. Their Brick Yard is near the LunaticAsylum, formerly owned by B. Ford.

Lexington, Feb. 17. 9- -tf



Wl H. HAINEY,"HT&ESPECTFULLY announces to his cus-Ja.-

tomersand the public, that he has purchas-ed the entire stock of GOODS belonging to Bless.Johnson and Reynolds, and has removed to thesine Storehouse occupied by them No. 46. Mainstreet, two doors below John Tilford & Son's.He is now opening a large and tasteful supply of


purchased by hiniEelf in Npw VomcannPiuLAdelpiiia, with mucheare and labour. He hopeshis former customersvlll travel a sew doors lowerthan his old stand, for which he promises to makethem a liberal compensation.

The greater proportion of his slock is entirelyFRESH, FASHIONABLE, and CHEAP, andhe thinks it unnecessary to specify the vaiiety com-prising the assortment; but assures the public heivill exhibit to them as desirable articles as can beprocured in the city.

Lexington, Nov 1st 1834 43-- tf

BIiACRSaflSTmNG.rRillE public aj-- respectfullyJL informed, thatJOSIAH(4s ENNlb, the late partner of

Oemf t? Joun ii. onaw, nas commencedV&JMr the BLACKSMITHING on

the corner of Hill Sz Main-cios- s

SSass streets, where ho intends carrying it on inall of its various branches, and will behappy to wait on his friends and the public general-ly. His work, shall be executed in a faithful man-ner, and he hopes by strict attention to business tomerit a share of public patronage.

JOSIAH ENNI.August 16, 1834. 33-- tf


7 M HE Summer Session of this institution com-j- a

mences on the 1st of May. In addition tothe presentFaculty, the Trustees have secured the"sei vices oftMfcS. G. Mullins, ofGarraid Coanable and efficient Teacher, both in t ho Classicaland Mathematical Departments. From the as-

sistance thus tendered, the piesent faculty willhave a better opportunity of attending to the higherclassics and the sciences.

During the Summer Session, the Professors remain nine hours in their Recitation roomswith the students.

A "Weekly Report" is isssued every Saturdaymorning, giving a correct account of the Piogress,themoraal depoitment, the absence and the latoattendance of each student in the Institution du-

ring the week. Each Parent and and Guardianreceives a copy of this report.

Civil Engineering is taught by the Professor ofMathematics in this institution (educated at WestPoint) in addition to all the branches taught in anyCollege in the West.

Library, Philosophical Apparatus, Sic. Sic.complete. '

BoardiiiE .J;1 50 a week in thecountre S2 aweek in town every thing furnitlierf.

Tuition, including the use of Library, Philosophical Appaialus, &c. $20 in advance.


have lately taken from the arms ofhealthy persons. Those who are de

sirous ol having their families vaccinated either inthe City or county, will do well to avail themselvesof this oppoitunity. Prompt attention will be paidto all calls on the slightest notice.

SAML. C. TROTTER.fJT-Tho- se person whom I vaccinated some

tiniesince are informed, lhat is the desired effecthas not been produced, to call and try it again fieeof expense. S. C. T. ,

Lexington, May 3, 1835. 13-- lf

fJj-T- he Observer & Reporter and Intelligencerwill insert the aoove .s weens.

F O R S A L E.to sell the HOUSE & LOT onSWISHstreet, on which lesided in

f .psinvtnn. Also nn olJt lot p mnniip cirliv- - r"-..-;of that-stree- t and a hodse and lol on Limestonestree'. near the jail. Those disposed to purchaseuill nnnuire of Mai. Tilford. Mr . FiirharH Tliir.gins or Air. M. T.Scott, who are authorised toneji late a sale. ,JA. HAGGIN.

.a. 30,1834 44 tf


E1J ESPECTFULLY inform their friends, anthe public generally, that they have formetf

a foMthe purpose of practisingmedicine in Lexington; and the adjacent country.ti,;.. ri, ;. ii.i.'a..., .i. ,..Brennan's (formerly Postlelhwaile's) Hotel.where they may he sound at all times except whenabsent on professional business. '

We beg leave to inform our fnendsaod the pub-lic, that our principle and piatice tie essentiallydifferent from Ihe oidinary mineral course, andalsofiom the Tohipso'nian or Steaming plan. Wepractice according to the principles of the Reforra-e- i

Medical Society, of the United Slates, astaught at its Colleges inNew York and Worth-iuglo-

Ohio, difcaftllnYall the preparations ofmercury, antimony and other poisonous mineralsso much used by physicians of the present day,,&ntt which are so deleterious to the human system;usTng in their stead vegetable remedies, far morepowerful in removing disease, and which leave- -

the constitution uninjured. The experience ofothers, as well as our own in an extensive prac-tice oseveral years, has (ully proved that mineiatmedicines internally, are enjirely unnecessary in'tue treatment ot any disease, and we believe therefare but sew of those who have taken them," whewill hesitate to say that they are injurious, uncer-tain and dangerous in their operation.

As to theThompsonian system, we admit thaf.itxo'ntajns some good lemedies, but it is entirelytlcpimTtf?B, too heating or stimulating, and steam'is too frequently and indiscriminately used.

We use no preparations ofmedicines which are'mimbered, and for which there is a patent right.Further, we believe that no man can make a goodphysician, without a knowledge of the anatomyof the human system, and every other branch otmedical science. We presume it is generallyknown lhat Thompsonians deny the necessity ofsuch knowidge.

Having made a candid statement of our princi-ples, and tho course we intend to pursue, we ask.those afflicted with disease, to pause, and choose,betwr-e- remedial agenjSrirawn from Nature's-garden-

powerful inTeuioviiig disease, but safe intheir operation and poisonous minerals, which sooften destioy the lives or suture health of thosowho take ijiem. J. B. DAY,

J. F. HARRIS."P. S. For a further knowledge of our princi-

ples, &c. we refer ouf friends to a medical workpublished hyJIK.W. Beacll",t:onsisthig of threelarge volumes!fthe ti tie of w'nich H 'Beach's A- -merican Practice.'- - It can .Befseeri either at outshop,or at Skillman's book store, with a list ofits numerous recommendations by physicians ofthe highest standing both in Europe'and America.

" J . B. D.J. F. H.

Lexington, June 5, 1835. 22-3- m

JlkANSJvFOSS, SALE.-- 'ravVVLUABijE tract of Land lying onJLako

xSL'Bolivar, in Washington county, jMjfesippicontaining about COO acres, 175 in aJcSthpletoslale of cultivation. On the land is aiew Dwel-ling house, a first rate Gin and Mill, and all ne-cessary out houses, including stables, corn cribs,cotton houses, and negro cabins. For furtherparticulars apply to J. B. Si S. S. Fox, in,Vicksburg, or to the subscriber on the premises..

t B. M. HINES;Vicksburg, Miss. .May 7, 1835-20-1- 0t.

James P. Ruclcer vs Charles Humphreys.&JTATE OF KENTUCKY, Woodford Cit-r--S

cuit Set. June Teim, 1835. James P,. Ruck-e- r,

Complainant, against Charles HumphreysAdministrator, Sic. Defendants in Chaiiceryf

This day came the complainant and hia 'attor-ney, and upon Iiis motion and it appearing tcT'thesatisfaction of the court, that the defendant Thos.Essex is not an inhabitant of this commonwealth,and ho hawing f3;f.H jrt pnfpr hi? apLpfiaranca here-in, and answer the Complainant's bill agreeable tothe law and the rules of this court, it is orderedthat unless the said absent defendant Essex, ap-pears hereon or belore the first day of the nextJejULmber 1'erm of this court, and. answer saidoWjSpe same will be taken fur coriYe'ssed againsthim; and it is further ordered, that a copy of thisorder be published in some authorised newspaperprinted in this State, for two. months in succes-sion according to law, and all further proceedingsaie contiuued until the next tsriri1.


Lex. July l,"1835-2G-!- 3w is- -

M. E. BROWNING & CO".MAVING purchased of Caleb Wqrley, his

MERCHANDIZE, which.is extensive and well assorted, now offerit Whole-sale and Retail, on as fair and reasonable terms aslike goods can be bought in any market west of themountains. They are resolved to spare no painsto accommodate and plea.e those who may savor;them WJUi a call. To the old pations of thohouse, thijjvlookwiih much confidence, and solicita cdrtirnllance of their custom, from wheih it ishoped a miituallgefi' and satisfaction will be de-rived. is

lALEB WORLEY, having told his stock ofM merchandize to 31. E. BRO WNING i?Co.takes great pleasure in recpmmending to his oldcustomers and patrons, a continuance of theirdeal-i.i- g

with his successors, at the old stand , oppositethe upper end of the Public Square. He would atthe same time veiy sincerely return his thanks forthe liberal patronage extended to him during hiscontinuant e in business. Itis his wish asspeedilyas possible to close his business, and he hopes thatnllthose who have open accounts will call amicloje ihem by note or payment without delay.

J,ex. Juno 15. 183.5 24-- tf


CONTINUES theMa.- -.

sonic Hall, on Main street;He has oil hand, and offers sosale on reasonable terms,laige and splendid assortmentof

FANCY kVI NDSOR CHAIRSof all descriptions endprices, also, Settees, Roik-- .

ing Chairs with cane backs and seats; Bostonand olhes kinds, all of which are manufactuied ofthe best n.alerials, anil warranted well made. Old;Chairs repaired and painted; Copal Varnish forsale.

Wanted, a good fancy Chair maker; also, aPainter and Ornamented: none but cood workmenneed apply: to such"? constant employment andgood ages will be given.

An apprentice well recommended will be taken.Lexington, July 23, 1S34 29-- tf


By BAN!,. BBS ABFOREK,.Publisher of the Laws of the U. Slate, i


For one year In advance 2 50'" Sir months do 1 50" Three months do 1 OO

Is not paid at the end of G months 3 OO" within the year 3 50

No paper will be discontinned until al arreaaages are paid, unless at the option of the Editor.

mail to the Kditor, must bopostpaid, or they will not be taken out of the of.


For 1 square or lessl or 3 insertions 9IOODo do do 3 months 3 OO1)6 do do G months 5 OODo do ' do IS months In no

Longerones in proporlon. When inseitcd bvthe year, subject to a deduction ofl5 par cent.



