Brass Foiihdery. I. WOODRUFF, & Co. UESPECTTULLY INfOKM THE PUBLIC THA IHCY HAVE LATELY COMMENCED THE Brass Founding Business AT 7I1EIH SHOP IN LESISGTON OPPO- SITE THE BRANCH BASK, WHERE, the) inleml carrying it on in all brandies. Having procur ed the best of workmen from New-Yor- they confidently hope, by their promptitude and at. tention, thai they will jive general satisfac- tion. They have constantly on hand, and 33!' sale, a general assortment of BRASS ANDTjlONS, SHOVELS & TONGS, DOOR KNOCKERS &c Use. Of the newest and most fashionable pattern., which they will dispose of much lower that, such articles have heretofore sold in the west- ern country. All kinds of machinery, clock work, &c. cast on tile shortest notice. Still Cocks, Rivets Sec. always 01. hand. " (Cj The highest price in cash will be given for Old Copper, Brass & Pewter. I.W. iS" Co, continue to carry on at bpve place, tbe SILVER PLATING AND SILVER- SMITH BUSINESS. IN ALlJ THEIR BRANCHES, And have constantly on hand, ready for delive- ry, every description of Carriage-an- Harness Mounting, Carnage antjl Gig Springs, Carriage Lace, Fringe & Tassels, Bridle Bits, Stirrup Irons, Sec. &c. Of new and very elegant fashions, which they have just received from Philadelphia. ALSO ON HAND, AN ASSORTMENT OF Gold h. Silver'Ware. July 20,1811. Statte of Kentucky. Montgomery ( Auher Conoley again 'ircuit, set. July-Term- , i8n. complt. st Weathers Smith, Thomas I M.Ucr.JjnrVs French and others dcPts. J TT to the of the court ur. and not He cut his bill, 'tn toe he any He the room hat some IatC mis A cdpy attest, : Jr tbsz n Chanceiit. appearing; satisfaction THS THE In the wn of Ky. nth. lately credits prices state. consist black, mitts cases' china, ferrets young barrels SUDS GIBER resides, selling public months; stock Horses, Sheep, among twelve CovrA Steers Sheep there fifty Breed, quarter blooded Ram, or JOHN from onihe August '27th, JUST FOR SALE do. Gum Do. Do. Do. Do,. Blue or) &c. 'see Com- pany, their Office next, Clk. i. JUST ON send their at friends having house TiinJ... m;ii.:. nt !t,..h:tt lately occupied Uimpbell, in Water business where thank-fi- d choice three. county, bottom. norses, county, named high, having entered commence weigh or law, rules!01 This countenance disco- - here or. or before third day execute f4 demur work expeditious on lest) extends otherwise s"ame. cheap terms. an',e towards taken confessed against received, speech when under ia further ordered house at good wool white eight weeks theatre. ilinsey duly authprisvd news-pape- according in r0 TRIPLETT, D C To the SUBSCRIBERS HAVE LATELY Manufacturing Tobacco, Lexington, on an extern Milch HE sly smart plan, intorm Merchants nueeii uj ajje, win meet wim Ihey supplied ment, article reasonable therms, ALTE. wholesale or market,- - years receive answer from hend rietf.&we ourselves l u assiduous which ',;u (,..." surveys, branch Mr. snvss, those may Maj. Jones. De satisiaciion picase(i savor lands valuable. They those us orders. .euarates. files, nluo-s- . and or separate Orders any the tracts several farms ,......v direction maRes artificial required hand, inoacco uoes mi epeciauon or attention customers again apply to .,..-.- . also diseases the CODES, Us Wanted to purchase wanted or uvt;iicitu3 nrui to 520 Negro boys the above D. LeMngton, Fresh Subscribes having returned to country, brought with freth assortment of TURES, up expressly market which now opening at adjoining the of Mr. George Trot- ter, the corner Main and streets ofTered for by or piece, on of 90 days, at such as render them worthy the attention of store-keeper- s throughout the They the articles, viz. 10 trunks 7-- 8 9-- 8 chintzes, callicoes 10 chintz shawls, cotton ging. sprig, seeding and leno lins, and 6-- cambric muslins, 7-- 8 4-- 4 all coloured do. do. slush pulicat 3 do. do. cotton casimerei 1 sattinsj modes, twilled men's black and all coloured Barcelona 3 cjses and women's cotton and.worsted 1 do. do. sleeves, gloves and 1 assorted sewing silks 3 Scotch threads 6 pins, assorted, with millinery coiking, 100,000 C needles thread and cotton lace, satin and sarsnett, plain, figured brocaded ribbons, gal- loons 2 b.iles priced plains 1 do. silk and cotton woollen toilinetts 4 do. bje milled cords and 6 4 and 7-- 4 cloths, 4 boxes 7-- 4-- Irish linens, sheetings India muslins, and handler chief's chests imperial hyson teas 40 coffee sugar 1811. N B. fchippiuir commenc cs, acts the ,will entered into. ti fTTHE having sold the plan-- ! Jt-- tatiun wmerepn he he proposes the day of October, at ile on axredilnbf twelve all the ereon, consisting of Cattle, the Cattle arc ten or ,f and young for fall, aitd in the flock of .re about of the Merino of ' a very valuable thrke a part of tile 'Farming Utensils, and two pan of txell brtke Oxen he sold. ' MCIRTON, Three miles Lexington, Tate,s creek road. 181 PAINTS RECEIVl.DyCND AT THE SUBSCRIBER'S COMMISSION STORE. , White Lead Red Rose Pink Vermillion Copei , Shell! Lac Arabic Lytherane Yellow Bi own Prussian Patent Yellow Spirits Turpen- tine do. Qildo. Amber-do- . Terra de Siznna Sugar SLATES, J W. MENTELLE, Lexington, Sept. 2. NOTICE. A QUARTERLY meeting of the' share- holders of the Kentucky Insurance will beheld at in Lexington, on Tuesday the 1st day of October at 1 ociock. i By aider of the! President and Dirtectori, JOHN L. k. c. August 26, 181 1.1 PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE, J. P. CAMPBELL'S SERMON BAPTISM. SUBSCRIBERS requested to fbr copies of the Kentucky Gazette. JOHN R. JONES RESPECTFULLY informs his taken the that o by he sVeet' he "tHi 180 It sullen he the in !et to the or at in the to has &c. 1 HIGHEST PRICE CASH be SAM'l. TROTTER WISHES to take APPRENTICE the fBrass Founding business lad sive we wish to years Chevers that may be with the most either by retail. In tobacco August tf we fDnfc one, N. house men's office them will, desired of Ladies Gentlemen at their house. AUGUST 2, 181 TO THE DAVENPORT, Lexington,and Law circuit courts of Madison tenders his services to transact iorcigu uusmess inrougn me we or bbantsh lanjruatre. moral, political May FROM living on street, new bottle- - COAT person it, so to tf tf. fixed the lor an tail 25. 7. p. by old, p. c. c. V.ILLIAM SATTERWHlTE, Acknowledges the commenced to his old & generally, na for of of to a his part ;ll tin- - mutt be with tlio at shall be to his his sta shall be wiui by the 8, - BLUE GRASS of for 50 of blue grass of S wt. of Salt-petre- wt. of new tf. FOLLOWING LAND, on 5,000 Salt pro- portion in eounty,'on run. abovonentioned in of and wiusseyor TUNSTAL 1811. DOLLARS RAN subscriber, on of the of Negrojillov), Of years of age, ten commonwealth, not ' his profession to his appsaranfce agreeable to the . , is a ofthiscourti is thereforeerdered that Paitltltigi vers a ; a remarkable he 3o patronage as 3car oftlienextiourt.filehis or his la neat the coiuplainant's the on and'commodioUs of bone his ia be for lain. And description be gratefully of examination. it that copy at his toolc with be published cloathing. Any Public. COM- MENCED of t IN ' HThf1 A s preparing our for most approved nURUISSON adjoining postlethwait, ,755 Knowieugeotme.py instalments. transplants particulars, immediately iuuui.wj. COBBS&Co. Goods. THE MANUFAC this sale following cases shirtings, handkerchiefs florentine, silk nic, thread,edgingsand P.SCHATZELL. Lexington, shipment first wilf Mastic Elastic Ochre Spanish Venice MARTIN, givenor Salt-Petr- e, EMANUEL LEXINGTON, PUBLIC. SAMUEL vvillpractice Montgomery Taken Satterwhite's SURTOUT ,KThr& Debates apply Jolms0 commis signers Justice countyj under .eneal Menefee, Thomas Owings. July ioth, i8ii. 3m. "April i811. TAKEN Alexander Blair, waters Fork, Stanford, Sorrel spring, branded shoulder fourteen hands high, short appiaised John Pell, Clarke Countv. TAKEN living Harrison's Hancock, Black HORSE about fourteen hands high, roach'd bob'd, David Harrison, June LAWS OF KENTUCKY For. Sale Office. Kentucky Hotel. gratitude savour's received Lexington, begs leave inform customers leaseu u. public Clay above extensive commodious building, rrreivR Continuance savours- - shall wanting w constantly supplied witl, libuors, bistable furnished best viands which r.picinMon affords. Particular tention paid beds, abundantly supplied pruven-der- , attended careful ostlers, Lexington, (Ky.) June I8I1. SEED, subscriber, milesEast Bryant's Station bushels seed, present years' groth,at bushel. 'ALSO BACON. ALSO HOGS' LARD. William. Robertson. july i2th, I WJILL SELL THE OF viz. 10,000 Acres lying in Knox Rockcastle. Acres Mercer county, Rolling river, great 1,000 Acres Washington Pleasant's LANDS were patent- ed name James Southall. give reasonable in payment Hemp. QUARLES. Woodford July, TEN REWARD. AWAY from May likely NELSON, bUck complexion about eleven inches heavy large limbs, supposed upwards and good one, unless) OlgnWiUmamental disposition app-- solicits public l !'ar insideofone plea manner, (probably which Orders great will this order either painting him successively str.te. Sn1c:rrTh?v encourage. 19th. 18II. pursue secure in it taken ot Ky. 181 1 tf. .VUWJ A A. , TV.. ..A.. r A 1 to of t" viz. the Hatter tt k Um, ...u. u . " . . "" the we , ft-- .!,. to dev ote to of the bu- - he be hap-- ! ar.a nom to the of who ' rrr tni : we win to be t0 With and are who may tlieir He j . sold in tracts from in part ot teeth . sets to my a ., v...v ....,, - .- - " ; 01 uie wime in it our n u ine 01 hule sets wilh such care the in 6 For fur- - our we M ,hat t)) seem her and v. w.... teeth he cures all ot "" in is.y. cm DAVID Co. B. their o uuuureu ut hire 15 or to wort at 1811. on him put for in England, and are the store jr. at of Mill and the 60 and well the of and and Mus 4-- and 6-- 4 and 2 and and 40 doz. do. and pic cases and A of and and low and dou do. 6 7-- 12 b..les - 30 and and J. 22d tht season for cf ue & some sit eef this one hem also H. Xj- - are the and L of an this en attend the has and who may wish who pok will fivp five years with since and that and term will give and irket bles and most sale 1811 The will loth 16th and but will dull and person who will annrc above and bring1 him home, him jail this above reward, all reasonable charges out the state Tvienty dollars re- ward will given, expenses JOHN PSEBELS. Montgomery count, tear Mountiterling. Juty 2otA, Kentuc- - about.y dispose of their donation LANDS, do oifer the following for sale; 2780 Acres On Ohio river, opposite mouth of creek. inn Aero ii,.i,.ntin attention intends o,tr, Intwo Col. Waggoner's personally every ,ohn will tnorougn ve commands Adjoining Fielding All those aoie give im pationuge. lie near savour with be together, merchants those straight inclined valuable them, small part ana places purcnase money set and balance wiu receive Nathaniel natural-Iike- wise Harris natural risuer, eaingion, elasticity busine June BRITISH Will hams, mull, dimities trunk sarsnetts, handkerchiefs hosiery trunk trui.k W clfilcc selection cassimeres, woollen stockinelt and cliecKs August, When conti produce one Lead Will icums. even the sistula, r.nd restores to ' . ' He is the commands ' and 1- - T. Jr. in the Fayette, Jessamine, he those to medium trench He resides on Nothing authorised Acres together, package furnitures office Kentuckij Gazette, jom Fhiladeltihta, vol.13, Dr. Rees's New Cyclopaedia. please apply receive copies without delay. ALSO sew works DOCPg. M'CALA, lately occupied by Consisting of Sermons Essays, lite Maj. J- - WayatJ. .and together an account of 28th, 1811. tf. the bar of Mr. tavern, Main a green ; the be good as return it on as a this a in to pn one i 11 1 s lie in le a he be to on hp m on a I a a a 22 5 or on a a tf in state, be KJ tlT? A by Saline V r where to on .t a 2 ot ot 1.11-- . s r w ii'h nni n of the Part 2, 1, i4 or , to this will and A setts of tie of tbe late Rev. OK SOUTH Street in house arrv mc mc wiu V.H41 atici- - ui uc auuior in a vols Thomas's History of Printing America. Containing an interesting biography of an of newspapers,' a con- cise view of discovery progress so art in other of the Gth vol. of fAKE NOTICE. The Amerirnn Rcricr,. the county of in the of October of Virginia Convention. next, we shall to said county court for Columhiadtn ,li,;n c order establishing a Tovm on the lands of engravings ' the subscribers, agreeable to .an act of assem-- . &, Stephens' edition of Shakespeare. bly, in such cases and provided; said 17 vols- - calf gilt Town to be located and laid off, adjacent und Life ofNanoleon HonannrtP. in ".vol.. hv around the premises by the seat said act of last assembly. Richard Deye 15th, UP on the of Hanging miles MARE old on near thus (9) and star her sorehead, g be- fore me , UP John Whitesides, near small three years and aopraised toS-- j. 24. 1811. t 4.1 many he has the thtf their be shall flie and THE has the 5000 500 TRACTS in the of the credit, uattie, the the feet this has the and the the negro, or any shall have the with with lawful the legislature tracts the the from tl ,.;,! ones, annual Subscribers woik their CAROLINA. with prin' account parts world. Bath, month Barlow' an made by Posted mill, 3Per Fork last, their and part vol. Main the and in fcMs and the and the the the ,:th perb she the the from the Van-Ess- . History of England, 12yols. Gibbon's Rome, 8 vols. Washington's Letters to the American Con- gress, written during the War. Bollmanon Bank:'. Tucker's Blackstone ' ' Call's Reports Dallas's ditto Washington's do. Lavves' Pleading ' Chaptall's Chemistry i-- Cullen's Practice Medical Lexicon Duncan's Dispensatory, Sx. Together ivith a sew New Novels, ;and other late TAKEN UP by William M'Murtry, in the county of Scott, on Boyd's run, near Griffith's meeting-hous- a sorrel MARE 7 years old, about i5 hands high, a bald face and 3 white feet, ho brands perceivable, appiaised to g 50 before me Samuel Finley. FULLING MILL. THE subscriber, grateful-t- his friends and for former savours, wishes to inform them that he has rented 5aml- - Scott's Etillincaiill. on the town fork ofElkhoi 11. where tin, advantage of a constant curient of water will enable him to carry on the Fulling business more to tne satisfaction 01 Ins customers, than he has heretofore done. Far the "convenience of distant customers, he will attend at the Usual places of deposit, for the purpose of receiving loths viz. At John Keisers, iexmgtoni at ir. Patton's, post master at Paris; at 'Mr. Mahony's in Geotgetown, on the 'first day of tne several courts in the towns aforesaid. He wjll also uttend once a week to receive cloth that may beleft with Mrs. Raymond at her mill, which shall be returned dressed in a month or five weeks at furthest, unless some accident prevent it. The subscriber pledges himself to nis custpmers to exert the utmost ot His abili- ties in finishing sjjch cloth as may he commit- ted to his' care wilh neatness and speed. v JOHN KENNEDY. November 26th, 1810. REMOVAL. ASABLANCHARD,. GOLD Ut SILVER SMITH, XNFORMS the public generally shop to the corner of SI;ort and Mill streets, opposite to Mrs. Russell's and Dr. Fishback's, where he carrie on his busi- ness on a much more extensive scale and elegant style, Deing provided with workmen of the tirst aDinties. He will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Gold and Silver IVoth, which will be sold on the most moderate iimi Saddlers can be always furnished with silver and plated heads and cantels, &c. He flatters himself that the prices snd nmi; ty of his work, added to his unremitted endea vours to please, will procure him at least an equal share of the custom of Lexington a.id its vicinity. Orders from a distance will he at- tended to with the greatest punctuality and dispatch. Silver & tortoise mounted SPECTACLES, Large, small & long tortoise HAIR COMBS. 03 The highest price for old GOLD and SILVER. Lexington, Dec. 1, 1810. tf Scott County, set. TAKEN UP by James Withers, living on North Elkhorn, about one mile from George- town, one sorrel roan stud COLT, bald face, white mane and tail, nearhindleg white, about half way up to bis ham, trots, about thirteen luuds high, two years old, neither docked nor branded, appraised to g 10. .Given tinder mv hand this 27th June, 18II. F. Bradford. IN AND OUT LOTS. WILL be sold at vendue to the highest bid- der, on Wednesday the 20th day of Nov ember next, a number of IN LOTS, bounded on the westof high street and near the lower end also, a number of OUT LOTS, binding on Woodford road, and in the limits of Lesing-to- n. Conditione and attention on the premise will be given by THE' PRQPRIa. TOR. Lexington, August 10, J811. tds J'lPlT DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY from thesubscriber about the of July, a smart, likely, keen, active, sensible fellow, named' DANIEL about iS years old. yellow complexion, hea- vy and well made, somewhat of a down look, tho' never embarrassed.-- , He was raised in Pu- laski county by Mr James Smith, and I thirik it probable he is in the neighboihoodof Goose creek Salt Works or the Salt-Pet- caves on Rockcastle. The above reward will be given is taken out of the state, or one half thereof is taken tn the state. LEWIS COLLINS. Fayette county, August a6th. 8i 1. tf50c TAKE NOTICE. THIS is to certifv that my wise POLLY MORRESS has lest my bed and board with- out any just provocation. I therefore inform all persons, that 1 am determined not to pay any of her contracts whatever. JOHN MORRESS. September 5,1811. 3t Jessamine county. 1 aken up by David Hoover, living on Jessamine Creek about one mile he-lo- Bartley's mills, a bay horsevvith a bobtail, some scars on bis side", about 7 years old, and about 14 hands high Appraised to R 20 this 28th dav of June, 18 lfr r JOHN METCALF, jr. j. Ic.- - Clarke County. Taken up by Jease Baxter, on the waters of Dewits Creek, in Clarke county, one.bay horse, judged to be r5 hands high, and very old, fresh shod all round, no mains or Drands perceivable. Appraised to 22 dolUrs 50 cents, 2Sth June, 1811. A copy. Attest, D.BULLOCK, Clk. Taken up by Elisha Wooldridge in Woodford county, 1 miles S. W. of Ver- sailles, about the 28th of May, a dark bay horse, supposed tobe6years old, about 5 feet high, no brands perceivable Appraised to 40 before me this 3d June. 1811 CHARLES BUCK, j. p. Jessamine County, May 1, 1811. JOHN SPRINGER, near Moses H. Walls's ontheHickmanoadjtollsaBAY GELDING, 14 hands high, 5 years old, a small-sta- inhis sorehead, branded I. S.on the near shoulder, appraised to 20 dollars. MORGAN BROWN. . EDUCATION. J. D. MANLEY BEGS leave toTetum his lincere thanks to his 'friends and the public, for the sa- vours already conferred on him ; reipect-ful- informs them he intends to begin his EVENING SCHOOL 011 Monday, the 30th of this inft. - Main Street, Sept. 7th 1811. tf. JUST PUBLTSIIED AND TOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, THE FARMER'S ALMAN-CK- , FOR THE TEAR 1812, , Merchants supplied . LEE's F.'lirir. Mi l'.KINF -- OhH ..l YORK. SOI D IN UEVllICKY II JVahknitird "etitclWs Stcfd I.i.X 1 G i l.N, AND Dudley &'' 1 riqg's $lore - FHAKKVOR V VIZ. Hamilton's EJixir, Hamilton's OrSnd Restorative Corn Pbister-- , Itch Ointment, ' Essence of Mustard, Hahn's Anti-Billio- Pills Hamilton's Worm Destroying Lozenges. r A liberal discount allowed to druggists and wholesale ptirch: sers. ' Recommendations and cures of the above, to be seen at the store of W. Mentt-lle- . , iy March 4th, 1811. STATE OF KENTUCKY, Fayette Circuit, as. August Court, 1 S I J . Augustin Eastin, complainant, against , Thomas 'Harris's heirs and Joseph R Farrow ' Heirs and Representatives, defendants. IN CHANCERY. THE heirs of Thomas Harris, deceased, who are unknown to the complainant,!. John Roj stei1 and Sally Rojster his wise, tate Sally , William Harris and Mary his wiff, late Vaiy Farrow, Lucy Ciouch, late Lucy Frruw . Flournoy and Judith his wise, late Judith Far- row, John Selman and Elizabeth his wise, Mid' Bernard Farrow, having sailed to appear ai.d ans.wer the complainants, and it appeal. ng to the satisfaction of the court that they are not inhabitants of this commonwealth, on the mo-ti- of the complainant by his counsel, it is that unless the said defendant do appear hereand answer the complainant's bill on o be- fore the first day of the next January term, the same shall betaken as confessed against them, and it is further ordered that a copv of thii or. der be inserted in some auihorised public news- paper fct eight weeks successively, according tojlaw, A Copy. Test, HUBBARD B. SMITH, d c p. c. c. Aaron's linn, Montgomery Coui.ty, Kentuc,'", September 10th, I8I1. RAN AWAY from the plantation of the subscriber, last night, a neg o man called ADA M, I Moderately black, twenty.-i- x jears of sge, about site feet eight or nine incheS high, iih-- r slim nude, slow tjfspcechwhe.", spoken to, 1ms a modest down look,veij common vvnliasmile, ' when pleased shews a sine st t of white tc tli he isan artful insinuating ftlIovi,iw-..r- s his hair cued, has different descnp'.ions ofooilm.g, a he was brought from Fairfax cotintv , Virginia last fall, it is probable may make fr th te Again, but that is very uncertain, as lie is vei-- fond of tlic black ladies, and it is rinor-'- that he is a genend courtier. Is t.iken in the coun'y and brought hume I will give fivedo-lar- s. Is taken nt of the county and thirty miles from home,- 1 will give ten dollais and pay all reasonable .charges. Is taken out f-- ,. state and brought home I will give tliirtyj all charges. 3t ALEX'u. SMIT EJSTIN's PAMPHLETS ON TU DIVINE UNITY FOR. SALE AT THIS OFFICE , Price 25 Cents Mr. JAMS JlEJVJYEDY Take Notice THAT I sh ill, on the 8th inst. attend at the house of bnei Voting, Esq. in the inu-.t- of Jessamine! between the hours of 8 oc ork i 1 the morning and 7 o'clock in the ta lake thedeposition of Richard Creas and su.i-dr- y others to be read as evidence in the su''t in chancery in the Jessamine circuit court for n divorce, wherein I am complainant and jou Me defendant. ESTHER KENNEDY. September 9lh, IS 1 1. j St PROPERTY FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE. ASMAL.L tract of land, containinp about situated on a boldcietk, and having a good mill-se- in an excellent part of the country, is offered to the manu'acluring gentlemen of Lexington, as an eligible situa- tion foMhe crLction of works adaptrd to 'he manufacture of Hemp, Coiin, &c This pio-pet- y will be sold or erehanged fur a bnaU farm, from one to sour miles fiom i.rxii'gion. For further particulars apply to the nrinter o thin Gazette, or to JABEZ VrGUS. Sept. 7, 1811. 3w DANCING SCHOOL. Mr. CIPRIANI having return- ed to Lexington, with a view of establishing-himsel- f respectfully offers his services as a Teacher of the polite and graceful accomphsh-ment- of DANCIWG, in all its various branch-- , es. He has commenced his school in Mr Hustons house on main street those parentst or guardians who may be disposed to encour age him, may rely upon the strictest attention. Early application should be made as he intend"- to take only a limited number of Scholars At the end of each month an EXHIBITION, in the forenoon, and a BALL in the evening, 03 Terms Six Dollars per quarter, two of which must be paid in advance. Tuition days Mondays & Thursdays , from ten to twelve o'clock, for youmr Ladies and Matters. Mr. C. will attend Ladie3 or Gentlemen at their own houses, and give private lessons in Dancing. (CF Should any gentleman 'wish ta lenrti the art of FENCING or the BROAD SWORD EXERCISE, Mr. C. will sive in struction. September 2, i3ii. " for sale;. 400 ACRES OF LAND,' in'JefTeson rrnn ty, Kentucky, twelve miles aoove Louisville. on the Ohio river. Two thirds of said land is ertile river bottom ; the balance is unland. The tract is well watered and timbered. A general warranto" deed will be executed to the j u "chaser. This land will be sold very low tor cash f"i- piit'.c.ilars apply to Charles .Humphreys, L- -i j an on the prtiiu ' Danville. Vey.imler lit'. to 7o'in r to t'.e si-s.rib- in ill. AMES 7w

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78w950gv9d/data/0519.pdf · p. c. c. V.ILLIAM SATTERWHlTE, Acknowledges the commenced to his old & generally,

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78w950gv9d/data/0519.pdf · p. c. c. V.ILLIAM SATTERWHlTE, Acknowledges the commenced to his old & generally,

Brass Foiihdery.I. WOODRUFF, & Co.


Brass Founding BusinessAT 7I1EIH SHOP IN LESISGTON OPPO-


WHERE, the) inleml carrying it on in allbrandies. Having procur

ed the best of workmen from New-Yor- theyconfidently hope, by their promptitude and at.tention, thai they will jive general satisfac-

tion. They have constantly on hand, and 33!'

sale, a general assortment ofBRASS ANDTjlONS,


Of the newest and most fashionable pattern.,which they will dispose of much lower that,such articles have heretofore sold in the west-ern country. All kinds of machinery, clockwork, &c. cast on tile shortest notice.

Still Cocks, Rivets Sec. always 01.

hand. "

(Cj The highest price in cash will be givenfor

Old Copper, Brass & Pewter.

I.W. iS" Co, continue to carry on atbpve place, tbe


IN ALlJ THEIR BRANCHES,And have constantly on hand, ready for delive-

ry, every description ofCarriage-an- Harness Mounting,Carnage antjl Gig Springs,Carriage Lace, Fringe & Tassels,Bridle Bits, Stirrup Irons, Sec. &c.

Of new and very elegant fashions, whichthey have just received from Philadelphia.


Gold h. Silver'Ware.July 20,1811.

Statte of Kentucky.Montgomery (

Auher Conoleyagain

'ircuit, set. July-Term- , i8n.complt.

stWeathers Smith, Thomas I

M.Ucr.JjnrVs Frenchand others dcPts. J

TT to the of the court ur.and


He cut his

bill, 'tn toe heany He

the room hatsome


A cdpy attest,: Jr


n Chanceiit.

appearing; satisfaction


In the wn of Ky.



credits prices








SUDS GIBERresides,

selling publicmonths; stock

Horses, Sheep,among twelve

CovrA SteersSheep there

fifty Breed,quarter blooded Ram,


JOHNfrom onihe

August '27th,





or)&c. 'see

Com-pany, their Office


Clk. i.



their at

friendshaving house

TiinJ... m;ii.:. nt !t,..h:tt lately occupied Uimpbell, in Water


where thank-fi- d








high,having entered commence weigh or

law, rules!01 This countenance disco- -

here or. or before third day execute f4demur work expeditious on lest) extendsotherwise s"ame. cheap terms. an',e towards

taken confessed against received, speech when underia further ordered house at good wool white

eight weeks theatre. ilinseyduly authprisvd news-pape- accordingin



Manufacturing Tobacco,Lexington, on an extern




smartplan, intorm Merchants nueeii uj ajje, win meet wim

Ihey supplied ment,article reasonable therms, ALTE.wholesale or

market,- -



answer from


rietf.&we ourselves l uassiduous which ',;u (,..." surveys,

branch Mr.snvss, those may Maj. Jones.

De satisiaciion picase(i savor lands valuable. Theythose us orders. .euarates. files, nluo-s- . and or separate

Orders any the tracts several farms,......v direction maRes artificial required hand,

inoacco uoes mi epeciauon or attentioncustomers again apply to

.,..-.- . also diseases theCODES, Us

Wanted to purchase wantedor uvt;iicitu3 nruito 520 Negro boys the above


FreshSubscribes having returned tocountry, brought with

freth assortment ofTURES, up expressly market

which now opening atadjoining the of Mr. George Trot-

ter, the corner Main and streetsofTered for by or piece,

on of 90 days, at such asrender them worthy the attention of

store-keeper- s throughout the Theythe articles, viz.

10 trunks 7-- 8 9-- 8 chintzes, callicoes

10 chintz shawls, cotton ging.sprig, seeding and leno

lins, and 6-- cambric muslins, 7-- 8 4-- 4

all coloured do.do. slush pulicat

3 do.do. cotton casimerei

1 sattinsj modes, twilledmen's black and allcoloured Barcelona

3 cjses and women's cotton and.worsted

1 do. do.sleeves, gloves and

1 assorted sewing silks3 Scotch threads6 pins, assorted, with millinery

coiking, 100,000 C needlesthread and cotton lace,

satin and sarsnett,plain, figured brocaded ribbons, gal-loons

2 b.iles priced plains1 do. silk and cotton woollen toilinetts4 do. bje milled cords

and6 4 and 7-- 4 cloths,

4 boxes 7-- 4-- Irish linens, sheetingsIndia muslins, and handler

chief'schests imperial hyson teas

40 coffee sugar

1811.N B. fchippiuir commenc

cs, acts the ,willentered into. ti

fTTHE having sold the plan-- !

Jt-- tatiun wmerepn he he proposesthe day of October, at

ile on axredilnbf twelve all theereon, consisting of Cattle,

the Cattle arc ten or,f and young for

fall, aitd in the flock of.re about of the Merino of

' a very valuable thrkea part of tile 'Farming Utensils, and twopan of txell brtke Oxen he sold. '

MCIRTON, Three milesLexington, Tate,s creek road.




White LeadRedRose PinkVermillion


Shell! Lac


YellowBi own

PrussianPatent YellowSpirits Turpen-


Qildo.Amber-do- .

Terra de SiznnaSugar


Lexington, Sept. 2.


A QUARTERLY meeting of the' share-holders of the Kentucky Insurancewill beheld at in Lexington,

on Tuesday the 1st day ofOctober at 1ociock. i

By aider ofthe! President and Dirtectori,JOHN L. k. c.

August 26, 181 1.1



fbr copies of the KentuckyGazette.


taken thethat o by

he sVeet' he "tHi 180

It sullen hethe

in !etto the

or atin the






WISHES to take APPRENTICE thefBrass Founding business lad

sive we wish to yearsChevers that may be with

the most either byretail. In tobacco August tfwe fDnfc







will, desired ofLadies Gentlemen at their house.

AUGUST 2, 181


Lexington,and Lawcircuit courts of

Madison tenders hisservices to transactiorcigu uusmess inrougn me we

or bbantsh lanjruatre.moral,


FROM living on street, new bottle- -

COAT personit, so to tf


fixedthe lor



7. p.



p. c. c.




tohis old &

generally, na

for of

ofto ahis part

;lltin-- muttbe with

tlio atshall be to his his sta

shall be wiuiby the



for 50 of blue grassof S

wt. of Salt-petre-

wt. of new




5,000Salt pro-


eounty,'on run.abovonentioned

in ofand




RAN subscriber, onof the of


Of years of age,ten

commonwealth, not ' his profession tohis appsaranfce agreeable to the . , is aofthiscourti is thereforeerdered that Paitltltigi vers a ; a remarkablehe 3o patronage as 3caroftlienextiourt.filehis or his la neat the

coiuplainant's the on and'commodioUs of bone his iabe for lain. And description be gratefully of examination.

it that copy at his toolc withbe published cloathing. Any








preparing ourfor most approved nURUISSON


postlethwait, ,755Knowieugeotme.py

instalments.transplants particulars,








cases shirtings,














givenorSalt-Petr- e,



PUBLIC.SAMUEL vvillpractice







commissigners Justice countyjunder .eneal

Menefee,Thomas Owings.

July ioth, i8ii. 3m.

"April i811.TAKEN Alexander Blair,

waters Fork,Stanford, Sorrelspring, branded shoulderfourteen hands high, short


John Pell,

Clarke Countv.TAKEN living

Harrison's Hancock,Black HORSE about fourteen hands high,

roach'd bob'd,

David Harrison,June


Kentucky Hotel.



Lexington,begs leave inform

customersleaseu u.public

Clay above extensivecommodious building,

rrreivR Continuance savours- -

shall wantingw constantly supplied

witl, libuors, bistablefurnished best viands which

r.picinMon affords. Particulartention paid beds,

abundantly supplied pruven-der-,

attended careful ostlers,Lexington, (Ky.) June I8I1.

SEED,subscriber, milesEast Bryant's

Station bushelsseed, present years' groth,atbushel.


William. Robertson.july i2th,


viz.10,000 Acres lying in Knox


Acres Mercer county,Rolling river, great

1,000 Acres WashingtonPleasant's

LANDS were patent-ed name James Southall. give

reasonable in paymentHemp.

QUARLES.Woodford July,


May likely

NELSON,bUck complexion about

eleven inches heavy largelimbs, supposed upwards

and good one,unless) OlgnWiUmamental disposition

app-- solicits public l !'ar insideofoneplea manner, (probably which

Orders greatwill

this order either painting himsuccessively




19th. 18II.pursue

secure in

it taken ot

Ky.181 1 tf.

.VUWJ A A. , TV.. ..A.. r A 1

to oft"



Hatter tt k Um, ...u. u . " . . ""the we , ft-- .!,.

to dev ote to of the bu- - he be hap-- !ar.a nom to the of who '

rrr tni : we win to be t0 With and arewho may tlieir He j . sold in tracts

from in part ot teeth . sets to my a., v...v ....,, - .- - " ; 01 uie wime init our n u ine 01 hule sets wilh such care the in 6 For fur- -our we M ,hat t)) seem her and

v. w.... teeth he cures all ot "" in is.y. cmDAVID Co.

B. theiro uuuureu ut

hire 15 or to wort at


on him

put for inEngland, and are the

storejr. at of Mill

and the60 and


ofand and


and 6-- 4 and2 and

and 40 doz.

do. and pic


A of



do. 6


12 b..les-

30 andand


tht seasonfor cf



some siteef this



Xj- - arethe






attend the


andwho may wish

whopok will

fivpfive years









blesand most








will dulland

person who will annrcabove and bring1 him home,

him jail thisabove reward, all reasonable charges

out the state Tvienty dollars re-ward will given, expenses

JOHN PSEBELS.Montgomery count, tear Mountiterling.

Juty 2otA,

Kentuc- -

about.y dispose of their donation LANDS, dooifer the following for sale;

2780 AcresOn Ohio river, opposite mouth of


inn Aeroii,.i,.ntinattention intends o,tr, Intwo Col. Waggoner's

personally every ,ohn willtnorougn ve commands Adjoining Fielding All those

aoie give im pationuge. lie nearsavour with be together,

merchants those straight inclined valuable them, small partana places purcnase money

set and balancewiu receive Nathanielnatural-Iike- wise Harris

natural risuer, eaingion,





hams, mull,


trunk sarsnetts,




Wclfilcc selection

cassimeres, woollenstockinelt



conti produce




icums. even the sistula, r.nd restores to '.


He is the commands '

and1- -

T. Jr.

in the Fayette, Jessamine,he

those tomedium

trench He resides on







office Kentuckij Gazette,jom Fhiladeltihta,

vol.13,Dr. Rees's New Cyclopaedia.

please applyreceive copies without delay.

ALSOsew works


lately occupied by Consisting of Sermons Essays, liteMaj. J- - WayatJ. .and together an account of

28th, 1811. tf.

the bar of Mr. tavern,Main a

green ; thebe good as return it


a this

a into

pn one

i 11 1 s




he be



on a



a 225 or


a atf

in state,


KJ tlT?

A by

Saline V










s r w ii'h nni nof the

Part 2, 1, i4 or

, to this willand

A setts of tie of tbe lateRev.

OK SOUTHStreet in house

arrvmc mc wiu V.H41 atici- - ui uc auuior in a volsThomas's History of Printing

America.Containing an interesting biography of

an of newspapers,' a con-cise view of discovery progress so

art in other ofthe Gth vol. of

fAKE NOTICE. The Amerirnn Rcricr,.

the county of in the of October of Virginia Convention.next, we shall to said county court for Columhiadtn ,li,;n corder establishing a Tovm on the lands of engravings '

the subscribers, agreeable to.an act of assem-- . &, Stephens' edition of Shakespeare.bly, in such cases and provided; said 17 vols- - calf giltTown to be located and laid off, adjacent und Life ofNanoleon HonannrtP. in ".vol.. hvaround the premises by the

seat saidact of last assembly.


15th,UP on the

of Hanging milesMARE old

on near thus (9)and star

her sorehead, g be-

fore me,

UP John Whitesides,near small

three years and aopraisedtoS--

j.24. 1811. t


many he has



shall flie





inthe of



the the





the negro, orany shall have

the with

with lawful

the legislature


the the

from tl ,.;,!


Subscribers woiktheir




parts world.

Bath, monthBarlow'










and part vol.

Main the and


fcMs andthe and

the the





the from


Van-Ess- .

History of England, 12yols.Gibbon's Rome, 8 vols.Washington's Letters to the American Con-

gress, written during the War.Bollmanon Bank:'.Tucker's Blackstone ' '

Call's ReportsDallas's dittoWashington's do.Lavves' Pleading '

Chaptall's Chemistry i--

Cullen's PracticeMedical LexiconDuncan's Dispensatory, Sx.

Together ivith a sewNew Novels, ;and other late

TAKEN UP by William M'Murtry, in thecounty of Scott, on Boyd's run, near Griffith'smeeting-hous- a sorrel MARE 7 years old,about i5 hands high, a bald face and 3 whitefeet, ho brands perceivable, appiaised to g 50before me

Samuel Finley.


THE subscriber, grateful-t- his friends andfor former savours, wishes to

inform them that he has rented 5aml- - Scott'sEtillincaiill. on the town fork ofElkhoi 11. wheretin, advantage of a constant curient of waterwill enable him to carry on the Fulling businessmore to tne satisfaction 01 Ins customers, thanhe has heretofore done. Far the "convenienceof distant customers, he will attend at the Usualplaces of deposit, for the purpose of receiving

loths viz. At John Keisers, iexmgtoni atir. Patton's, post master at Paris; at 'Mr.

Mahony's in Geotgetown, on the 'first day oftne several courts in the towns aforesaid. Hewjll also uttend once a week to receive cloththat may beleft with Mrs. Raymond at hermill, which shall be returned dressed in a monthor five weeks at furthest, unless some accidentprevent it. The subscriber pledges himself tonis custpmers to exert the utmost ot His abili-ties in finishing sjjch cloth as may he commit-ted to his' care wilh neatness and speed. v

JOHN KENNEDY.November 26th, 1810.


GOLD Ut SILVER SMITH,XNFORMS the public generally

shop to the corner of SI;ort andMill streets, opposite to Mrs. Russell's andDr. Fishback's, where he carrie on his busi-ness on a much more extensive scale and elegantstyle, Deing provided with workmen of thetirst aDinties. He will keep constantly on handa general assortment of Gold and Silver IVoth,which will be sold on the most moderate iimiSaddlers can be always furnished with silverand plated heads and cantels, &c.

He flatters himself that the prices snd nmi;ty of his work, added to his unremitted endeavours to please, will procure him at least anequal share of the custom of Lexington a.id itsvicinity. Orders from a distance will he at-tended to with the greatest punctuality anddispatch.Silver & tortoise mounted SPECTACLES,Large, small & long tortoise HAIR COMBS.

03 The highest price for old GOLD andSILVER.Lexington, Dec. 1, 1810. tf

Scott County, set.TAKEN UP by James Withers, living on

North Elkhorn, about one mile from George-town, one sorrel roan stud COLT, bald face,white mane and tail, nearhindleg white, abouthalf way up to bis ham, trots, about thirteenluuds high, two years old, neither docked norbranded, appraised to g 10. .Given tinder mvhand this 27th June, 18II.

F. Bradford.

IN AND OUT LOTS.WILL be sold at vendue to the highest bid-

der, on Wednesday the 20th day of Nov embernext, a number of IN LOTS, bounded on thewestof high street and near the lower endalso, a number of OUT LOTS, binding onWoodford road, and in the limits of Lesing-to- n.

Conditione and attention on the premisewill be given by THE' PRQPRIa. TOR.

Lexington, August 10, J811. tds


RAN AWAY from thesubscriber about theof July, a smart, likely, keen, active,

sensible fellow, named' DANIEL about iSyears old. yellow complexion, hea-vy and well made, somewhat of a down look,tho' never embarrassed.-- , He was raised in Pu-laski county by Mr James Smith, and I thirikit probable he is in the neighboihoodof Goosecreek Salt Works or the Salt-Pet- caves onRockcastle. The above reward will be givenis taken out of the state, or one half thereof istaken tn the state.

LEWIS COLLINS.Fayette county, August a6th. 8i 1. tf50c

TAKE NOTICE.THIS is to certifv that my wise POLLY

MORRESS has lest my bed and board with-out any just provocation. I therefore informall persons, that 1 am determined not to pay anyof her contracts whatever.

JOHN MORRESS.September 5,1811. 3t

Jessamine county.1 aken up by David Hoover,

living on Jessamine Creek about one mile he-lo-

Bartley's mills, a bay horsevvith a bobtail,some scars on bis side", about 7 years old, andabout 14 hands high Appraised to R 20this 28th dav of June, 18 lfr rJOHN METCALF, jr. j. Ic.- -

Clarke County.Taken up by Jease Baxter,

on the waters of Dewits Creek, in Clarkecounty, one.bay horse, judged to be r5 handshigh, and very old, fresh shod all round, nomains or Drands perceivable. Appraised to22 dolUrs 50 cents, 2Sth June, 1811.

A copy. Attest,D.BULLOCK, Clk.

Taken up by Elisha Wooldridgein Woodford county, 1 miles S. W. of Ver-sailles, about the 28th of May, a dark bayhorse, supposed tobe6years old, about 5 feethigh, no brands perceivable Appraised to

40 before me this 3d June. 1811CHARLES BUCK, j. p.

Jessamine County, May 1, 1811.JOHN SPRINGER, near Moses H. Walls's

ontheHickmanoadjtollsaBAY GELDING,14 hands high, 5 years old, a small-sta- inhissorehead, branded I. S.on the near shoulder,appraised to 20 dollars.



J. D. MANLEYBEGS leave toTetum his lincere thanks

to his 'friends and the public, for the sa-

vours already conferred on him ; reipect-ful-

informs them he intends to begin hisEVENING SCHOOL 011 Monday, the30th of this inft. -

Main Street, Sept. 7th 1811. tf.




FOR THE TEAR 1812,, Merchants supplied .

LEE'sF.'lirir. Mi l'.KINF -- OhH


JVahknitird "etitclWs StcfdI.i.X 1 G i l.N, AND

Dudley &'' 1 riqg's $lore -FHAKKVOR V VIZ.

Hamilton's EJixir,Hamilton's OrSnd RestorativeCorn Pbister-- ,

Itch Ointment,' Essence of Mustard,

Hahn's Anti-Billio- PillsHamilton's Worm Destroying

Lozenges.r A liberal discount allowed to druggistsand wholesale ptirch: sers.' Recommendations and cures of the above, tobe seen at the store of W. Mentt-lle- .

, iy March 4th, 1811.

STATE OF KENTUCKY,Fayette Circuit, as. August Court, 1 S I J .

Augustin Eastin, complainant,against ,

Thomas 'Harris's heirs and Joseph R Farrow '

Heirs and Representatives, defendants.IN CHANCERY.

THE heirs of Thomas Harris, deceased, whoare unknown to the complainant,!. John Roj stei1and Sally Rojster his wise, tate Sally ,

William Harris and Mary his wiff, late VaiyFarrow, Lucy Ciouch, late Lucy Frruw .

Flournoy and Judith his wise, late Judith Far-row, John Selman and Elizabeth his wise, Mid'Bernard Farrow, having sailed to appear ai.dans.wer the complainants, and it appeal. ng tothe satisfaction of the court that they are notinhabitants of this commonwealth, on the mo-ti-

of the complainant by his counsel, it isthat unless the said defendant do appear

hereand answer the complainant's bill on o be-

fore the first day of the next January term, thesame shall betaken as confessed against them,and it is further ordered that a copv of thii or.der be inserted in some auihorised public news-paper fct eight weeks successively, accordingtojlaw,

A Copy. Test,HUBBARD B. SMITH, d c p. c. c.

Aaron's linn, Montgomery Coui.ty, Kentuc,'",September 10th, I8I1.

RAN AWAY from the plantation of thesubscriber, last night, a neg o man called

ADA M, IModerately black, twenty.-i- x jears of sge,about site feet eight or nine incheS high, iih-- rslim nude, slow tjfspcechwhe.", spoken to, 1msa modest down look,veij common vvnliasmile, 'when pleased shews a sine st t of white tc tlihe isan artful insinuating ftlIovi,iw-..r- s his haircued, has different descnp'.ions ofooilm.g, ahe was brought from Fairfax cotintv , Virginialast fall, it is probable may make fr th teAgain, but that is very uncertain, as lie is vei--

fond of tlic black ladies, and it is rinor-'-that he is a genend courtier. Is t.iken in thecoun'y and brought hume I will give fivedo-lar- s.

Is taken nt of the county and thirtymiles from home,- 1 will give ten dollais andpay all reasonable .charges. Is taken out f-- ,.

state and brought home I will give tliirtyjall charges.





THAT I sh ill, on the 8th inst. attend atthe house of bnei Voting, Esq. in the inu-.t-

of Jessamine! between the hours of 8 oc ork i 1

the morning and 7 o'clock in the talake thedeposition of Richard Creas and su.i-dr- y

others to be read as evidence in the su''t inchancery in the Jessamine circuit court for ndivorce, wherein I am complainant and jou Medefendant.

ESTHER KENNEDY.September 9lh, IS 1 1. j St


ASMAL.L tract of land, containinp aboutsituated on a boldcietk, and

having a good mill-se- in an excellent part ofthe country, is offered to the manu'acluringgentlemen of Lexington, as an eligible situa-tion foMhe crLction of works adaptrd to 'hemanufacture of Hemp, Coiin, &c This pio-pet- y

will be sold or erehanged fur a bnaUfarm, from one to sour miles fiom i.rxii'gion.For further particulars apply to the nrinter othin Gazette, or to JABEZ VrGUS.

Sept. 7, 1811. 3w


Mr. CIPRIANI having return-ed to Lexington, with a view of establishing-himsel- f

respectfully offers his services as aTeacher of the polite and graceful accomphsh-ment- of

DANCIWG, in all its various branch-- ,es. He has commenced his school in MrHustons house on main street those parentstor guardians who may be disposed to encourage him, may rely upon the strictest attention.Early application should be made as he intend"-to take only a limited number of ScholarsAt the end of each month an EXHIBITION,in the forenoon, and a BALL in the evening,

03 Terms Six Dollars per quarter,two of which must be paid in advance.

Tuition days Mondays & Thursdays ,from ten to twelve o'clock, for youmr Ladiesand Matters.

Mr. C. will attend Ladie3 or Gentlemen attheir own houses, and give private lessons inDancing.

(CF Should any gentleman 'wish ta lenrtithe art of FENCING or the BROADSWORD EXERCISE, Mr. C. will sive instruction.

September 2, i3ii."

for sale;.400 ACRES OF LAND,' in'JefTeson rrnn

ty, Kentucky, twelve miles aoove Louisville.on the Ohio river. Two thirds of said land isertile river bottom ; the balance is unland.The tract is well watered and timbered. Ageneral warranto" deed will be executed tothe j u "chaser. This land will be sold verylow tor cash f"i- piit'.c.ilars apply to Charles.Humphreys, L- -i j

an on the prtiiu '


Vey.imler lit'.

to 7o'inr to t'.e si-s.rib- in

