Prairie Pioneer © 2019, Thursday, December 19, 2019, Page 19 Request for Proposals The Mobridge-Pollock School District is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) from firms interested in pro- viding products and services for an Energy Performance Guarantee Contract. These services and products will be in the form of a Guaranteed Energy Savings Project and will need to follow the crite- ria and guidelines of SDCL 1-33B. This project is located at 1107 1st Ave E, Mobridge, SD 57601. This scope of work will include an energy audit with provable energy saving prod- ucts. The Mobridge-Pollock School District intends to re- view only proposals that can guarantee over 50% energy savings on products. This project will have the ARRA conditions so these bids will need to follow the Davis Bacon and Buy American conditions. The Mobridge-Pollock School District is also solic- iting Request for Proposals (RFP) from firms interested in providing products and services for a photovoltaic system. These proposals will not need an Energy Perfor- mance Guarantee Contract but estimated savings and production data will be re- quired at the time of submis- sion. This project is located at 1107 1st Ave E, Mobridge, SD 57601. Statements of Interest should include at a minimum (shown with relative impor- tance): (1) Specialized expertise, capabilities and technical competence as demonstrat- ed by the proposed approach and methodology to meet the project requirements; 35% (2) Resources available to perform the work, including any specialized services, within the specified time limits for the project; 10% (3) Record of past per- formance, including price and cost data from previous projects, quality of work, ability to meet schedules, cost control, and contract administration; 35% (4) Availability to the project locale; 5% (5) Proposed project man- agement techniques; 5% (6) Ability and proven history in handling special project constraints; 10% Please contact Tim Fred- erick to schedule an energy audit walk-through appoint- ment. Proposals need to be labeled Energy Bid or Pho- tovoltaic bid and should be submitted separately. Interested Firms should submit a proposal by 2:00 PM, January 3, 2020 to: Tim Frederick Mobridge-Pollock School District 1107 1st Ave E Mobridge, SD 57601 Published twice at the total approximate cost of $43.53 50-51 May the spirit of the season surround you with love faith and friendship Kesling/Larson’s Funeral Home 845-2200 • 888-541-4074 • Mobridge, SD keslingfuneralhome.net Van Beek Harvesting Ed and Stephanie Van Beek Home: 605-889-2836 • Cell: 605-848-1080 Pollock, SD 57648 • [email protected] Official Proceedings Herreid School District 10-1 December 10, 2019 The Herreid School District 10-1 Board of Education met in regular monthly session on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room with the following pres- ent: Josh Sayler, Brandon Ritter, Dena Hanson, Colleen Rueb and Holly Randall. Officers and others pres- ent: Lenny Schroeder, Supt.; Lukus Leidholt, Business Manager; Lance Vander Vorst, Facilitator; Vickey Deibert, Prairie Pioneer, Dean Marske and Scott Sikkink of HKG Architects. President Sayler called the meeting to order then led the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Randall, second by Hanson and carried with all members voting AYE to approve the agenda with the addition to New Business, Discussion on School Day Start Time; New Business, Approve New Bus Driver; Executive Session – Superin- tendent Evaluation – SDCL1- 25-1(1). Motion by Ritter, second by Hanson and carried with all members voting AYE to approve the consent agenda items: agenda, board minutes for October 8, Business Man- ager’s report, list of claims for October, Trust and Agency and Lunch reports. Herreid School District No. 10-1 Business Manager’s Report of Cash Transactions for the Month of November 2019 Capital Special Food Trust & General Outlay Education Service Agency Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Balance, November 1, 2019 $224,959.10 $776,481.09 $175,526.99 $1,650.83 $41,187.78 Receipts: Local Sources: Taxes $276,420.39 $181,801.31 $62,970.34 Earnings on Investments $197.95 $72.19 $19.02 Food Sources $4,833.25 $835.26 Pupil Activities $614.00 $4,942.88 Other Revenue $647.98 $4,136.64 Intermediate Sources: County Sources $562.59 State Sources: Revenue in Lieu of Taxes $39,225.00 Food Service Assistance $5,535.98 Federal Sources: Total Revenue $317,667.91 $181,873.50 $62,970.34 $10,369.23 $9,933.80 Total $342,627.01 $958,354.59 $238,497.33 $12,020.06 $51,121.58 Total Disbursements $147,452.62 $24,910.69 $27,637.83 $8,393.18 $4,785.39 The following is a break- down of funds as of Novem- ber 30, 2019 General Fund: Cash in Bank .......... $395,174.39 Petty Cash .......... $50.00 CD’s ............. $10,000.00 Capital Outlay Fund: Cash in Bank .......... $933,433.90 CD’s ................ $50,000.00 Scholarship Fund: Cash in Bank ....$33,840.61 December Claims: GENERAL FUND BMO MASTERCARD, SUPPLIES AND SERVICES, 2,188.34; COLE PAPERS, INC., PAPER AND SUP- PLIES, 1,432.49; FRESH START MARKET, SUPPLIES, 7.65; HERREID LUMBER, SUPPLIES, 166.22; HERREID SUPER STOP, FLEET FUEL, 1,085.38; HUBER & SON, FLEET SERVICE, 899.01; JOSTEN'S, YEARBOOKS, 1,489.35; KOHLMAN, BIER- SCHBACH & ANDERSON, AUDIT SERVICES, 9,775.00; LINTON MEDICAL CEN- TER, DOT TESTING, 14.00; NORTHERN LIGHTS COM- PANY, GUTTER INSTALLA- TION, 1,201.32; NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY, ONLINE COURSES, 50.47; SLATER OIL & L.P. GAS, PROPANE SHOP, 490.50; TRUST & AGENCY - IMPREST FUND, SUPPLIES, 569.95; VAL- LEY TELCO, COMMUNICA- TIONS, 193.62. CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND CAMPBELL COUNTY BANK, LOAN AND PAYROLL FEE, 28,479.05; MARCO, INC, LEASE, 2,444.50. SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND BMO MASTERCARD, CURRICULUM SUB, 191.08; DEB OSTER, SUPPLY REIM- BURSE, 38.67. LUNCH FUND FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA, FOOD AND SUP- PLIES, 1,604.30; FRESH START MARKET, FOOD AND SUPPLIES, 305.15; KEMPS LLC, DAIRY, 477.12; SER- VALL UNIFORMS, TOWEL SERVICE, 56.27. Salaries: General Fund, 62,181.75;Special Educa- tion, 2,864.23;Food Ser- vice, 2,458.57;Herreid School, withholding, 18,894.01;Northern Plains Ins Pool, health ins, 5,964.13;Principal Finan- cial Group, dental ins., 723.38;SD Retirement, re- tirement, 8,781.07;Unum Life Ins, life ins, 54.00;Vision Service Plan, vision ins, 143.11;AFLAC, insurance, 334.22; No conflict of interest noted. Colleen Rueb reported on the Oahe Special Ed Coop meeting. Approved to pay hourly staff up to 5 days for school closings such as snow days. Mr. Schroeder informed the board the Tenured Evalu- ations have begun with three that are complete. NonTenured Evaluations to be complete before January 31st in accordance to state law. Surveys have been made available to Parents, Teachers, Non-Certified staff and students grades 3-12 to collect information for the Comprehensive Needs Assessment. The collected data will be reviewed at the next meeting in Pierre on January 16-17. Mr. Schroeder had attended the Superin- tendents meeting in Roscoe earlier today, December 10. A main point was an update on legislation involving a limit to School Funding availabil- ity. Beginning School Year 2021/2022 districts will be able to collect $2,800 per student regarding the Capital Outlay Fund. There is also a potential 0% increase to education funding statewide per the Governors Budget Proposal. Mr. Vander Vorst informed the board on the recent Workday Reports; Novem- ber 22nd, 59 students were assisted by 14 teachers. December 6th, 69 students were assisted by 15 teach- ers. November Students of the Month are Kayloni Bentz and Breanna Jochim. Herreid Student Council collected 730 cans for their food drive that were donated to the Ministerial Association to be distributed to families in need and made “Tie Blankets” that were donated to the Mobridge Safe Harbor Organization. Mini-Bus #6 has had contin- ued maintenance including a block heater and water pump replacement with a new tire and wheel alignment to follow. Old Business: HKG gave an update and detailed review on potential plans and avenues for the school to make improve- ments. The plans include three options; a remodel of the existing school, a remodel with an addition for kitchen/ commons/concession stand, and a New High School/ Middle School. The Herreid School District is NOT build- ing. The School Board is simply investigating options should the need arise in the future. Exit Dean Marske and Scott Sikkink. New Business: Mr. Schroeder presented options to join a statewide ca- reer and technical education consortium. Currently, the district is a part of a local CTE consortium. The statewide consortium would not guar- antee funds or equipment to the district. The Board advised continuing with the local consortium. Associated School Boards of South Dakota recognized the Herreid School Board as a Silver Level Board of Education. Mr. Schroeder presented a draft 2020-2021 School Year Calendar. The school year would start August 18 2020 and end May 21 2021. Motion by Ritter, second by Rueb and carried with all members voting AYE to approve a joint election with the City of Herreid for April 14th, 2020. Mr. Schroeder gave an overview of the State report on the Special Education Re- view. There were no actions or concerns from the state. Mr. Schroeder gave an overview of the HSA Co-op Meeting. An adjusted amend- ment allowing Junior High games to be played in con- junction with varsity games in Herreid was approved. A survey of players resulted in 13-15 Junior high students showing interest in football for the 2020 season. Motion by Randall, second by Ritter and carried with all members voting AYE to accept the resignation of Dani Schwartz effective at the end of the school year. The Herreid School Board wishes Mrs. Schwartz all the best for her next chapter in life. The Board conveys its utmost gratitude for Dani’s many years of service to the Herreid School District and its students. Your presence will be sorely missed. Motion by Hanson, second by Randall and carried with all members voting AYE to approve Paul Stout as a Bus Route Driver at $25 per route. Discussion was held on school start and end times. Discussion was tabled for later board meetings. Motion by Hanson, second by Ritter and carried with all members voting AYE to enter executive session regard- ing discussion of a Student matter. Exit Vickey Deibert. Chairman declared in ex- ecutive session at 8:09 p.m. Chairman declared out of executive session at 8:23 p.m. Motion by Ritter, second by Rueb and carried with all members voting AYE to enter executive session regarding evaluation of the superin- tendent. Chairman declared in ex- ecutive session at 8:24 p.m. Chairman declared out of executive session at 9:19 p.m. The next regular meeting will be January 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Motion by Randall, second by Hanson and carried with all members voting AYE to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. Josh Sayler, Chairman Lukus Leidholt, Busi- ness Manager Herreid School District 10-1 Published once at the total approximate cost of $113.79 51 NOTICE OF SEALED BIDS The Town of Pollock will be accepting sealed bids on leasing all seven stalls of the Pollock Community Center Bus Shed. All bids shall be for a monthly amount per stall for seven stalls. Bid must be for all seven stalls. Stalls will not be bid separately. Term of the lease is for one year. There is a copy of the lease at the Finance Office for viewing. Sealed bids must be re- ceived by January 6, 2020 by 4:00 p.m., and will be opened at the regular board meeting to be held on that day. Bids must be submitted to Town of Pollock, PO Box 57, Pol- lock, SD 57648, or dropped off at the Finance Office at 916 F. Avenue, Pollock, SD between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Bus Shed sealed bids must be marked on the envelope. The board reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Dated this 10th day of December, 2019 Carl Gjefle Board President ATTEST: Leanne Jakobsen Finance Officer Published twice at the total approximate cost of $21.06 51-52 NOTICE OF BIDS The Town of Pollock will be accepting sealed bids for a twelve month lease on up to three acres of lagoon land that is not considered hay land. Terms of Lease will be a minimum monthly bid of $75.00 per month for a twelve month term. Legal Description: Ap- proximately three acres in the east side of the NW Quarter of Section 22-TWP-128N. Bids must be received by 4:00 p.m. on January 6, 2020 and will be opened at the regular board meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. on that day. Bids may be submitted to Town of Pollock, PO Box 57, Pollock, SD, 57648, or dropped off at the finance of- fice at 916 F. Avenue, Pollock, SD, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Sealed bids must be marked “lagoon land bid” on the envelope. The board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Dated this 10th day of December, 2019. Carl Gjefle: Board President ATTEST: Leanne Jakobsen: Finance Officer Published twice at the total approximate cost of $20.13 51-52 Merry Christmas

Kesling/Larson’s Funeral Home - Newz Group · 2019-12-19 · Kesling/Larson’s Funeral Home 845-2200 • 888-541-4074 • Mobridge, SD keslingfuneralhome.net Van Beek Harvesting

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Page 1: Kesling/Larson’s Funeral Home - Newz Group · 2019-12-19 · Kesling/Larson’s Funeral Home 845-2200 • 888-541-4074 • Mobridge, SD keslingfuneralhome.net Van Beek Harvesting

Prairie Pioneer ©2019, Thursday, December 19, 2019, Page 19

Request for ProposalsThe Mobridge-Pollock

School District is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) from firms interested in pro-viding products and services for an Energy Performance Guarantee Contract. These services and products will be in the form of a Guaranteed Energy Savings Project and will need to follow the crite-ria and guidelines of SDCL 1-33B. This project is located at 1107 1st Ave E, Mobridge, SD 57601.

This scope of work will include an energy audit with provable energy saving prod-ucts. The Mobridge-Pollock School District intends to re-view only proposals that can guarantee over 50% energy savings on products. This project will have the ARRA conditions so these bids will need to follow the Davis Bacon and Buy American conditions.

The Mobridge-Pollock School District is also solic-iting Request for Proposals (RFP) from firms interested in providing products and services for a photovoltaic system. These proposals will not need an Energy Perfor-mance Guarantee Contract but estimated savings and production data will be re-quired at the time of submis-sion. This project is located at 1107 1st Ave E, Mobridge, SD 57601.

Statements of Interest should include at a minimum

(shown with relative impor-tance):

(1) Specialized expertise, capabilities and technical competence as demonstrat-ed by the proposed approach and methodology to meet the project requirements; 35%

(2) Resources available to perform the work, including any specialized services, within the specified time limits for the project; 10%

(3) Record of past per-formance, including price and cost data from previous projects, quality of work, ability to meet schedules, cost control, and contract administration; 35%

(4) Availability to the project locale; 5%

(5) Proposed project man-agement techniques; 5%

(6) Ability and proven history in handling special project constraints; 10%

Please contact Tim Fred-erick to schedule an energy audit walk-through appoint-ment. Proposals need to be labeled Energy Bid or Pho-tovoltaic bid and should be submitted separately.

Interested Firms should submit a proposal by 2:00 PM, January 3, 2020 to:

Tim FrederickMobridge-Pollock School District

1107 1st Ave EMobridge, SD 57601

Published twice at the total approximate cost of $43.53


May the spirit of the

season surround

you with love faith and friendship

Kesling/Larson’s Funeral Home

845-2200 • 888-541-4074 • Mobridge, SDkeslingfuneralhome.net

Van Beek HarvestingEd and Stephanie Van Beek

Home: 605-889-2836 • Cell: 605-848-1080Pollock, SD 57648 • [email protected]

Official ProceedingsHerreid School District 10-1

December 10, 2019The Herreid School District

10-1 Board of Education met in regular monthly session on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room with the following pres-ent: Josh Sayler, Brandon Ritter, Dena Hanson, Colleen Rueb and Holly Randall.

Officers and others pres-ent: Lenny Schroeder, Supt.; Lukus Leidholt, Business Manager; Lance Vander Vorst, Facilitator; Vickey Deibert, Prairie Pioneer, Dean Marske and Scott Sikkink of HKG Architects.

President Sayler called the meeting to order then led the

Pledge of Allegiance.Motion by Randall, second

by Hanson and carried with all members voting AYE to approve the agenda with the addition to New Business, Discussion on School Day Start Time; New Business, Approve New Bus Driver; Executive Session – Superin-

tendent Evaluation – SDCL1-25-1(1).

Motion by Ritter, second by Hanson and carried with all members voting AYE to approve the consent agenda items: agenda, board minutes for October 8, Business Man-ager’s report, list of claims for October, Trust and Agency and Lunch reports.

Herreid School District No. 10-1Business Manager’s Report of Cash Transactions for the Month of November 2019

Capital Special Food Trust & General Outlay Education Service Agency Fund Fund Fund Fund FundBalance, November 1, 2019 $224,959.10 $776,481.09 $175,526.99 $1,650.83 $41,187.78 Receipts:Local Sources: Taxes $276,420.39 $181,801.31 $62,970.34 Earnings on Investments $197.95 $72.19 $19.02 Food Sources $4,833.25 $835.26 Pupil Activities $614.00 $4,942.88 Other Revenue $647.98 $4,136.64 Intermediate Sources: County Sources $562.59 State Sources: Revenue in Lieu of Taxes $39,225.00 Food Service Assistance $5,535.98Federal Sources: Total Revenue $317,667.91 $181,873.50 $62,970.34 $10,369.23 $9,933.80 Total $342,627.01 $958,354.59 $238,497.33 $12,020.06 $51,121.58 Total Disbursements $147,452.62 $24,910.69 $27,637.83 $8,393.18 $4,785.39

The following is a break-down of funds as of Novem-ber 30, 2019General Fund:Cash in Bank .......... $395,174.39 Petty Cash ..........$50.00 CD’s ............. $10,000.00Capital Outlay Fund:Cash in Bank .......... $933,433.90CD’s ................ $50,000.00Scholarship Fund:Cash in Bank ....$33,840.61









Salaries:G e n e r a l F u n d ,

62,181.75;Special Educa-tion, 2,864.23;Food Ser-v ice, 2,458.57;Herre id S c h o o l , w i t h h o l d i n g , 18,894.01;Northern Plains Ins Pool , hea l th ins , 5,964.13;Principal Finan-cial Group, dental ins., 723.38;SD Retirement, re-tirement, 8,781.07;Unum Life Ins, life ins, 54.00;Vision

Service Plan, vision ins, 143.11;AFLAC, insurance, 334.22;

No conflict of interest noted.

Colleen Rueb reported on the Oahe Special Ed Coop meeting. Approved to pay hourly staff up to 5 days for school closings such as snow days.

Mr. Schroeder informed the board the Tenured Evalu-ations have begun with three that are complete. NonTenured Evaluations to be complete before January 31st in accordance to state law. Surveys have been made available to Parents, Teachers, Non-Certified staff and students grades 3-12 to collect information for the Comprehensive Needs Assessment. The collected data will be reviewed at the next meeting in Pierre on January 16-17. Mr. Schroeder had attended the Superin-tendents meeting in Roscoe earlier today, December 10. A main point was an update on legislation involving a limit to School Funding availabil-ity. Beginning School Year 2021/2022 districts will be able to collect $2,800 per student regarding the Capital Outlay Fund. There is also a potential 0% increase to education funding statewide per the Governors Budget Proposal.

Mr. Vander Vorst informed the board on the recent Workday Reports; Novem-ber 22nd, 59 students were assisted by 14 teachers. December 6th, 69 students were assisted by 15 teach-ers. November Students of the Month are Kayloni Bentz and Breanna Jochim. Herreid Student Council collected 730 cans for their food drive that were donated to the Ministerial Association to be distributed to families in need and made “Tie Blankets” that were donated to the Mobridge Safe Harbor Organization. Mini-Bus #6 has had contin-ued maintenance including a block heater and water pump replacement with a new tire and wheel alignment to follow.

Old Business:HKG gave an update and

detailed review on potential plans and avenues for the school to make improve-ments. The plans include three options; a remodel of the existing school, a remodel with an addition for kitchen/commons/concession stand, and a New High School/

Middle School. The Herreid School District is NOT build-ing. The School Board is simply investigating options should the need arise in the future.

Exit Dean Marske and Scott Sikkink.

New Business:Mr. Schroeder presented

options to join a statewide ca-reer and technical education consortium. Currently, the district is a part of a local CTE consortium. The statewide consortium would not guar-antee funds or equipment to the district. The Board advised continuing with the local consortium.

Associated School Boards of South Dakota recognized the Herreid School Board as a Silver Level Board of Education.

Mr. Schroeder presented a draft 2020-2021 School Year Calendar. The school year would start August 18 2020 and end May 21 2021.

Motion by Ritter, second by Rueb and carried with all members voting AYE to approve a joint election with the City of Herreid for April 14th, 2020.

Mr. Schroeder gave an overview of the State report on the Special Education Re-view. There were no actions or concerns from the state.

Mr. Schroeder gave an overview of the HSA Co-op Meeting. An adjusted amend-ment allowing Junior High games to be played in con-junction with varsity games in Herreid was approved. A survey of players resulted in 13-15 Junior high students showing interest in football for the 2020 season.

Motion by Randall, second by Ritter and carried with all members voting AYE to accept the resignation of Dani Schwartz effective at

the end of the school year. The Herreid School Board wishes Mrs. Schwartz all the best for her next chapter in life. The Board conveys its utmost gratitude for Dani’s many years of service to the Herreid School District and its students. Your presence will be sorely missed.

Motion by Hanson, second by Randall and carried with all members voting AYE to approve Paul Stout as a Bus Route Driver at $25 per route.

Discussion was held on school start and end times. Discussion was tabled for later board meetings.

Motion by Hanson, second by Ritter and carried with all members voting AYE to enter executive session regard-ing discussion of a Student matter.

Exit Vickey Deibert.Chairman declared in ex-

ecutive session at 8:09 p.m.Chairman declared out of

executive session at 8:23 p.m.

Motion by Ritter, second by Rueb and carried with all members voting AYE to enter executive session regarding evaluation of the superin-tendent.

Chairman declared in ex-ecutive session at 8:24 p.m.

Chairman declared out of executive session at 9:19 p.m.

The next regular meeting will be January 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

Motion by Randall, second by Hanson and carried with all members voting AYE to adjourn at 9:20 p.m.

Josh Sayler, ChairmanLukus Leidholt, Busi-

ness ManagerHerreid School District

10-1Published once at the total

approximate cost of $113.7951


The Town of Pollock will be accepting sealed bids on leasing all seven stalls of the Pollock Community Center Bus Shed.

All bids shall be for a monthly amount per stall for seven stalls. Bid must be for all seven stalls. Stalls will not be bid separately. Term of the lease is for one year.

There is a copy of the lease at the Finance Office for viewing.

Sealed bids must be re-ceived by January 6, 2020 by 4:00 p.m., and will be opened at the regular board meeting to be held on that day. Bids must be submitted to Town of Pollock, PO Box 57, Pol-lock, SD 57648, or dropped off at the Finance Office at 916 F. Avenue, Pollock, SD between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Bus Shed sealed bids must be marked on the envelope. The board reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Dated this 10th day of December, 2019

Carl GjefleBoard President

ATTEST: Leanne Jakobsen Finance Officer

Published twice at the totalapproximate cost of $21.06


NOTICE OF BIDSThe Town of Pollock will be

accepting sealed bids for a twelve month lease on up to three acres of lagoon land that is not considered hay land.

Terms of Lease will be a minimum monthly bid of $75.00 per month for a twelve month term.

Legal Description: Ap-proximately three acres in the east side of the NW Quarter of Section 22-TWP-128N.

Bids must be received by 4:00 p.m. on January 6, 2020 and will be opened at the regular board meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. on that day. Bids may be submitted to Town of Pollock, PO Box 57, Pollock, SD, 57648, or dropped off at the finance of-fice at 916 F. Avenue, Pollock, SD, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Sealed bids must be marked “lagoon land bid” on the envelope. The board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Dated this 10th day of December, 2019.

Carl Gjefle: Board President

ATTEST: Leanne Jakobsen:

Finance OfficerPublished twice at the totalapproximate cost of $20.13


Merry Christmas