A beginners guide to successful weight loss Keto Diet

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A beginners guide to successful weight loss

Keto Diet

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The Keto in ketogenic diet comes from the fact that it allows your body to produce small fuel molecules – ketones. This is an alternative source of fuel for the body, which is used when blood sugar (glucose) is in short supply.

Ketones are produced if you eat very few carbs (that are quickly broken down into blood sugar) and only moderate amounts of protein (excess protein can also be converted to blood sugar).

The liver produces ketones from fat. These ketones then serve as a fuel source throughout the body, especially for the brain.

On a ketogenic diet, your entire body switches its fuel supply to run mostly on fat, burning it 24-7. When insulin levels become very low, fat burning can increase dramatically. This way, it becomes much easier to access your fat stores in order to burn them off.

What is Ketosis?

Ketosis is a normal metabolic process – something your body does to keep working. When it doesn’t get enough carbohydrates from food for your cells to burn for energy, it burns fat instead. As a part of this process, it makes ketones. If you’re healthy and follow a balanced diet, your body controls how much fat it burns. However, you don’t normally make or use ketones. When you cut your calories or carbs, your body automatically switches to ketosis for energy.

Carbs are one of the two major fuels for the body, but we can also burn fat for energy. The brain can’t burn fat directly, so instead, when we are getting low on carbs, fat is converted in the liver to ketones that are released into the bloodstream.

The process of fueling your entire body with fat, including the production of ketones, is called ketosis. Under normal

Maintaining a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet for Effective Weight Loss

Ever dared to imagine a diet that encourages you to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast? Well, it might sound shocking at first, but dieticians have already proven that one of the most beneficial ways to lose weight is maintaining a low-carb, high-fat diet. Most importantly, according to an increasing number of studies, Keto diet actually helps to reduce risk factors for diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer’s, heart diseases, epilepsy, and more.

This life-changing diet allows you to enjoy all your favorite, natural and tasty foods, including: meat, veggies, fish, healthy fats, and oils. But in order to keep you healthy and energized, Keto eliminates the usage of anything that’s chemically treated or processed.

Studies consistently showcase people who managed to lose more weight, improved their energy levels and stayed satiated longer by following the Keto diet plan.

All of these effects, including increased satiety and higher energy levels, are mostly attributed to calories that come from fat, which is slow to digest and calorically dense. Fat is harder to digest, so most Keto dieters consume fewer calories and as a result, eat less often than when they are being fueled by carbohydrates.

circumstances, ketosis is safe and natural. For example, when it is the result of a low-carb Keto diet, or while fasting.

Ketosis can only become dangerous when ketones build up. High levels can lead to dehydration and a change in the chemical balance of your blood.

What Are Ketones?

Ketones are chemicals made in your liver. They are produced when you don’t have enough insulin in your body to turn sugar into energy. You need another source, so your body starts using fat instead. Your liver turns this fat into ketones, a type of acid, and sends them into your bloodstream. Your muscles and other tissues can then use them for fuel.

Why Fats Are Important to Our Health?

We are hardwired to believe that fats are a bad thing, so we picture them as something greasy, unhealthy, or even forbidden. But the truth is, most fats are very important to our health. They are the most efficient source of energy – 1 gram of fat has around 9 calories. In comparison to carbohydrates and proteins, which have only 4 calories per gram, it has double the amount.

If you would mostly eat protein and fat by greatly reducing your daily intake of carbs, your body would adapt and start to convert all of that fat and protein, as well as the fat you have stored, into ketone bodies – ketones for energy. This whole metabolic process is called ketosis.

IntroductionWhat Keto means?

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The main thing that happens to your body when you are on a ketogenic diet is that your body starts to burn fat for fuel. That’s a pretty great benefit for many reasons, starting from the fact that fat contains more calories, so you need to eat less food every day.

Because of that, your body becomes more consistent at burning fat, including the fat you have stored (the fat you are trying to lose!), which results in more weight loss. Moreover, fat is a consistent source of energy, which does not spike your blood glucose. So, you can forget about suffering from the highs and lows that you experience when eating carbohydrates.

Even though Keto diet is widely known as one of the fastest methods of losing weight, researchers are also studying the effects of this diet on acne, cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and nervous system diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Here are some more long-term benefits you can expect when following the Keto diet:

- Reduced blood pressure

- Improved levels of HDL (good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol

- Weight loss (specifically body fat)

- Improved memory and general brain function

- Reduced blood sugar and insulin resistance

- Reduced triglyceride levels

- Improved skin condition

- Slower ageing process

- Relieved migraines

- Improved sleep and mood

- Reduced appetite

- Improved muscle growth and repair

- Increased energy efficiency

The Benefits of Keto Diet

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Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels

Ketogenic diets can be particularly helpful for people with diabetes and insulin resistance, which affect millions of people worldwide. Studies prove that cutting carbs can lower both blood sugar and insulin levels drastically. Some people with diabetes who start a low-carb diet may even need to reduce their insulin dosage by 50% almost immediately.

Weight Loss

Cutting carbs is one of the simplest, and most effective ways to lose weight. Studies illustrate that people on low-carb diets lose more weight faster than those on low-fat diets – even when the latter are actively restricting calories. This is because low-carb diets act to rid excess water from your body, lowering insulin levels and leading to rapid weight loss in the first week or two. Studies that compare low-carb and low-fa diets show that people who restrict their carbs, sometimes lose 2-3 times as much weight – without feeling hungry.

Increased Levels of ‘‘Good’’ HDL Cholesterol

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is often called the ‘‘good’’ cholesterol. The higher your levels of HDL relative to ‘‘bad’’ LDL, the lower your risk of heart diseases. One of the best ways to increase ‘‘good’’ HDL levels is to eat fat – and Ketogenic diet includes a lot of fat. Therefore, it is unsurprising that HDL levels increase dramatically on healthy, low-carb diets, while they tend to increase only moderately, or even decline on low-fat diets.

Effective Against Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a condition that’s highly associated with the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It’s a syndrome that comes with a collection of symptoms, which include:

- Abdominal obesity - Elevated blood pressure - Elevated fasting blood sugar levels - High triglycerides - Low ‘‘good’’ HDL cholesterol levels

However, starting a low-carb diet can be incredibly effective in treating all five of these symptoms. In fact, under such a diet, these conditions are nearly eliminated.

Increased Life Expectancy

According to two independent studies that were recently published in the ‘‘Cell Metabolism’’ journal, mice that were fed a low-carb, high-fat diet lived longer and managed to maintain good health. What is more, researchers at the University of California, Davis, observed a 13% increase in median life span for mice on the Keto diet. For human-beings, that would add 10 years of life!

In this chapter, we will discuss some of the most important benefits in detail.

If you are taking blood sugar medication, talk to your doctor before making any changes to your carb intake, as your dosage may need to be adjusted to prevent hypoglycemia.

obesity, cardiovascular disease, migraine, etc.

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Getting Started

When you eat a lot of carbs or involve them in your diet, your body gets into a metabolic state of glycolysis, which means that your energy comes from blood glucose (sugar). In this state, your blood glucose spikes higher levels of insulin every time you eat. This process blocks your stored fat from being released and keeps it in your body instead.

However, when you’re on a high-fat, low-carb diet, your body gets into a ketosis. In this state, your body breaks down all the fat into ketones and turn them into your primary source of energy. The whole process is completely natural – when your body is low on carbohydrates, it starts looking for new sources of energy and uses fat as fuel.

Most cells in your body use ketones and glucose for fuel. For cells that can only take glucose, like parts of your brain, they glycerol derived from dietary fats is made into glucose by the liver through gluconeogenesis.

The biggest challenge is staying in nutritional ketosis all the time. If you’re just getting started, be prepared that it might take a few weeks to become fully adapted. At the beginning, it is very easy to slip and go for the wrong snack that would take your body back to carbs as a primary source of energy.

Once you become keto-adapted, glycogen (glucose stored in your muscles and liver) goes down, your muscle endurance increases, you start carrying less water weight, and become more energetic.

As we’ve mentioned before, it’s not easy to start, so it’s possible that you will simply kick yourself out of ketosis by eating too many carbs. However, getting back into the keto state will be much easier and take less time when you are keto-adapted. The good news is, once you are keto-adapted, you will be able to eat up to 50 grams of carbs per day and still be able to stay in the keto regime!

Getting Your Body into Ketosis

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Calculating Your Daily Calorie Intake

It only makes sense that fat has more calories, which means that you should eat less food. However, the amount of calories you should eat stays the same, and can only vary depending on these factors:

- Your current lean body weight (total body weight minus body fat) - Levels of activity (whether you are active during the day or mostly sit) - Workouts and the type of workouts you do

- The number of hours (per week) you participate in physical activity

- Your goals – do you want to lose weight? Maintain weight? Or maybe gain muscle?

Balancing Your Macronutrients

Just like with any diet, Keto requires getting the right balance of macronutrients to ensure that your body has the energy it needs to function. Macronutrients are what we call fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Each of them provides a different amount of energy – calories.

Fat has 9 calories per gram, protein and carbohydrates provide around 4 calories per gram.

When following a keto diet plan, it is very important to understand that 65-75 percent of your daily calorie intake should come from fat. About 10-25 percent has to be protein, and the rest (around 5%) remains for carbohydrates.

Keto Cycle diet pyramidFor your reference, here is a pyramid of daily intake

of macronutrients.

5 %carbs

fruits & nuts

dairy & vegetables

meat & fish




The easiest way to find out how many calories you should intake is using this ketonic-based macro calculator. (LINK) Keep in mind that unlike other diets, Keto does not require precise measuring of your daily calorie intake.


Grocery Shopping

In further chapters, we will discuss the foods you should eat in detail. To give you an idea of what you should buy before starting a Keto diet, take a look at this short grocery list:

- All your favorite spices and herbs - Water, coffee, and tea - Sweeteners - Lemon and lime juice - Low-carb condiments such as mayonnaise, mustard, pesto or sriracha- Broth - Pickled and fermented foods - Nuts and seeds

Cooking Recommendations

Before you start cooking keto-friendly meals, there are a few things to keep in mind that could make your cooking simpler and faster:

Food Scales: If you want to hit your goals, you have to measure how much you eat. Scales make a great solution to keep yourself in the boundaries. You can easily buy them online for $20, or even less (LINK).

Food Processor: You might have one already, but if you don’t, we highly recommend getting one. This useful tool will help you to blend certain foods, make sauces, and delicious shakes. Here are some processors that are affordable and good in quality (LINK).

Spiralizer: When you follow a Keto diet plan, you cannot eat noodles. So, the only option to enjoy them is if you make them from vegetables like zucchini. Spiralizer allows you to turn any vegetable into delicious noodles, so it’s always convenient to have one in your kitchen. A good spiralizer will cost you about $30 and you can check some of them out here (LINK).


Now that you understand all the benefits and science behind the ketogenic diet, we hope that you are ready to start. To help you out, we will give you some guidance on how to correctly kick-start your keto regime and maximize your health whilst being on a keto diet.

Let’s start with what you have – the food you store in your home. This part might be a little tricky because you will have to go through all the food and get rid of everything that could fail your diet. That’s including all the sugar, processed foods, bread, pastries, candies, pastas, etc. Sadly, you should either throw it all away, or offer it to somebody who is not on a keto diet.

If you don’t live alone, it’s important to inform your housemates that from now on, you will be on the keto diet. Tell them that they could support you by keeping certain foods in different/specific locations that would be out of your sight. This would make your experience easier as you would have less temptations and cravings.

How to Test Your Ketones at Home

You can test yourself to see whether you have entered ketosis just a few days after you have begun the keto diet. All you need to do is use a ketone test strip and it will tell you the level of ketone bodies in your urine. If the concentration is high enough, congratulations – you’ve successfully entered ketosis!

If for some reason you find it difficult to test your ketones at home, you can always talk to your doctor or diabetes instructor. High levels of ketones can also be dangerous, so it’s important to take all the necessary precautions.

Food you need to get rid of:

- Starches and grains - Sugary foods and grains - Legumes - Processed polyunsaturated fats and oils - Fruit

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If you opt for the ketonic diet, the general rule is that your fat intake should make up about 70% of your total calories. You should also consume only about 20 net carbohydrates, or total carbs minus grams of fiber. Those who follow the

Keto diet primarily eat meat, dairy, and leafy green veggies. However, keep in mind that you should stay away from vegetables that are high in carbs, such as potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, as well as avoid fruits and grains.

Food and DrinksFoods You Can Eat While on the Keto Diet

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Dairy is nutritious and can be a part of your Keto diet in many cases. However, whether you personally should eat dairy may depend on your health goals, along with your personal response to it.

For instance, although a higher dairy intake has been linked to fat loss and reduced diabetes risk in several studies, it has also been found to raise insulin levels. Also, some people find that cutting back on dairy helps them with weight loss. Keep in mind that it’s important to avoid high-carb dairy options that are typically considered as ‘‘healthy,’’ such as nonfat milk and nonfat yogurt.

Instead, we recommend choosing high-fat options that are preferably sourced from naturally raised animals, such as:

- Butter - Cream - Sour cream - Cream cheese - Cheese - Plain whole-milk yogurt - Greek yogurt - Kefir

Fats and Oils

Avocado oil, olive oil, butter, lard, and bacon fat are great for cooking and consuming. Just make sure to avoid oils that are labeled with the word ‘‘blend’’ as they usually contain only a small amount of healthy oils.


All of the vegetables are fine, apart from potatoes, yams, corn, and legumes, such as beans, lentils, and peas. The best options would include asparagus, spinach or green beans.


Feel free to buy any type of meat while on the Keto diet. It’s totally your preference and choice. In fact, you should even start eating (if you weren’t doing it before) chicken skin and all of the fat that comes from meat. Practically any type of fish and seafood is fine as well, but keep in mind that it’s best to avoid farmed fish. Eggs should become your best friend, so you should start loving them if you did not before.


Although fruits are often considered as a healthy, diet-friendly option, they are actually very high in carbs and sugar, unlike non-starchy vegetables. Therefore, when it comes to Keto diets, most fruits should be avoided.

However, certain berries are an exception that can be enjoyed in small amounts. The best choices are blackberries, raspberries, and

Recommended Drinks

Water is perfect and zero carb, as are coffee and tea (without sugar, of course). When it comes to alcohol, the occasional glass of wine is totally fine. However, if your weight loss stalls or you still have concerns with your metabolic health, consider abstaining, at least for now.

Here are some low-carb options that you can treat yourself with at least once in a while:

- Champagne or dry sparkling wine (1 gram of net carbs) - Dry wine – red or white (2 grams of net carbs) - Vodka & soda water (0 grams of carbs) - Dry Martini (0 grams of carbs) - Whiskey (0 grams of carbs)

strawberries, which provide 5-6 grams of carbs per 100 grams (3’’ ounces).

Most other fruits – including blueberries – contain double or even triple this amount of carbs. Simply keep in mind that berries don’t provide any nutrients that can’t be found in vegetables and other foods with fewer carbs, so they are entirely optional on a Keto diet.

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Keto-adaptation can last up to four weeks. The more determined you are to avoid carbs in the first weeks of a ketonic diet, the quicker you’ll be over the hump on your keto-adaptation. You can also hasten it by engaging in any form of sustained physical activity, which will force your body to tap into its fat stores.

Natural Body Cleanse

Water is absolutely crucial when being on the Keto diet, especially at the beginning. Increased hydration will lead to natural consequences, such as more visits to the toilet. That’s totally normal. You will start cleansing yourself out of processed foods, which have lots of added sodium, and the

sudden change in your diet will cause an instant drop in sodium intake. In addition to that, by reducing the intake of carbs, you will also reduce the level of insulin, which in turn will send a message to your kidneys to release excess stored sodium. Between restricting your body from sodium intake and getting rid of stored sodium, your body will start to remove much more water than usual, and end up low on all the necessary electrolytes.

When that happens, you might experience fatigue, coughing, sniffles, headache, nausea, and irritability. This state is often called ‘‘keto flu’’, which we’ll discuss in the next paragraph.

Things to Keep in MindKeto-adaptation

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Keto Diet and Diabetes

Can diabetics follow the Keto diet? Absolutely. If you have type 2 diabetes, Keto diet can help you to reverse the condition. If you have type 1 diabetes, you’ll be happy to know that Keto can greatly improve your blood sugar control.

However, don’t jump straight into it without consulting your doctor. Especially if you have type1 diabetes. When you start following a Keto diet plan and keep taking medications at the same time, you may need to start decreasing your medication doses.

A trail after consulting your doctor might be the best option. This way, your doctor will be able to track your blood glucose levels and insulin doses to make sure that this diet is the right fit for you. In addition, if you have type 1 diabetes, you should also consume over 50 grams of carbohydrates per day to prevent ketoacidosis.

Keto Flu

Don’t worry, Keto flu is not an actual virus. However, those who experience its symptoms often get scared and go back to eating carbs. If that happens to you, just wait a few days and it will pass. Your body is simply getting rid of all the sugars, high carbs, processed foods and starts the readjusting process so it could use fat as fuel for energy. If you hate the idea of experiencing these symptoms, just try adding more sodium and electrolytes to your diet.

Here are some foods that contain electrolytes:

- Potassium: Avocados, nuts, dark leafy greens (such as spinach and kale), salmon, plain yogurt, and mushrooms.

- Magnesium: Nuts, dark chocolate, artichokes, spinach, fish

- Calcium: Cheese, leafy greens, broccoli, seafood, almonds

- Phosphorus: Meat, cheese, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate

- Chloride: Most vegetables, olives, salt, seaweed.

Constipation Constipation is another possible side effect, especially if you’re doing a low-carb diet for the first time and your digestive system needs time to adapt.

To solve this problem, follow these three, easy steps:


Ketoacidosis is what happens when ketosis goes too far. It’s a toxic metabolic state that happens when your body fails to regulate ketone production, which results in severe accumulation of Keto acids. That causes a dramatic decrease of your blood’s pH, which makes it more acidic.

People with diabetes can get ketoacidosis or diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) when they don’t take enough insulin. They can also get DKA when they’re sick, injured, or don’t get enough fluids and become dehydrated.

Some people who don’t have diabetes can also get ketoacidosis. It could be caused by alcoholism, starvation, or an overactive thyroid. However, a healthy low-carb diet shouldn’t cause any problems.

To understand the content of carbohydrates in the most commonly eaten foods, take a look at the chart next page.

Drink plenty of water and once in a while, add some extra salt to it;

Eat loads of vegetables or other sources of fiber;

Try to be as physically active as possible – go for a walk or exercise at home.







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How fast will I lose weight on Keto?

Everyone’s body is different, which means that the weight loss rate for each person is different, too.

For example, someone who doesn’t exercise, has a slow metabolism and a lot of fat tissue to lose will take longer to see weight loss on keto. In comparison, someone who has a normal metabolism, is slightly overweight, and starts exercising 4-5 times a week will take less time to see the results of Keto diet.

Typically, people notice a very quick weight drop in the first week – anywhere from a few pounds to as much as 10. That’s because at first, Keto makes your body release a lot of water weight (not fat) due to a lower carb intake.


Is Keto diet suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

Keto diet can work for many non-meat-eaters, but it highly depends on what other types of food their diet includes.

Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat both dairy and eggs, whereas lacto-vegetarians eat dairy, but don’t eat eggs. There’s also a subset of vegetarians, known as pescatarians who include fish in their diet, but avoid poultry and other meat. For vegetarians, following the Keto diet is definitely doable, but can be a little more challenging at first.

A ketogenic vegan diet does not make a well-balanced or sustainable option. Vegans exclude all animal products, so they must rely on a combination of grains, legumes, and seeds to get all the essential amino acids their bodies need. For those reasons, Keto and Vegan diets don’t work well together.





5 6Is Keto Diet Safe?

Yes, usually it’s very safe. However, you may need extra preparation or consultation with your doctor in the following situations:

- If you are on medication for diabetes, e.g. insulin

- If you are on medication for high blood pressure

- If you are breastfeeding

If you are not in one of these situations, it is likely that you’ll do just fine without needing any special modifications.

How long you should be on the Keto diet?

As long as you want to!

How many carbs can you eat and still be in ketosis?

The ideal option would be staying below 20 net carbs per day. People who are not insulin resistant (lean or young people who exercise regularly), can sometimes tolerate more carbs, such as 50 grams per day.

How do you know when your body is in ketosis?

Any of these signs would indicate that you are in ketosis:

- Decreased appetite and increased energy levels;

- Increased thirst and urination;

- Keto breath, which may be more apparent to others than to yourself;

- Dry mouth or a metallic taste in your mouth.

To make sure that you are in ketosis, you can always measure your ketosis level with ketone strips.

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Is ketosis safe for diabetics?

A keto diet that leads to ketosis can be a very powerful treatment in reversing type 2 diabetes. Those with type 1 diabetes can also use Keto diet to significantly improve their blood-sugar control. However, they will always need insulin injections, but may be able to lower its doses by following a Keto diet plan. They need to be careful not to take doses that are too low (which could lead to ketoacidosis) or too high. For safety reasons, we always recommend consulting your doctor.

To avoid hypoglycemia, people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes may require a reduction in medication.

Is ketogenic diet safe for those with high cholesterol?

Yes, Keto diet is safe for those with high cholesterol. In fact, the cholesterol profile tends to improve when you start following the Keto diet, lowering triglycerides and raising the ‘‘good’’ HDL cholesterol.

Is Keto safe during pregnancy?

Judging by the experiences of people who have done it, following the Keto diet appears to be safe during pregnancy. However, there are no scientific studies based on the subject, so there’s a lack of definite knowledge. Its possibly wise to exercise caution and aim for a more moderate low-carb diet during pregnancy, unless you’ve noticed some important health benefits that managed to change your mind.

What’s the difference between low-carb and Keto diets?

Keto is a very strict, low-carb diet, that puts more emphasis on moderating your protein intake and relying primarily on fat to supply your energy needs.

A regular, strict low-carb diet will likely put most people in ketosis anyway. However, Keto diet tweaks things even further to ensure its effectiveness and, if desired, to get you even deeper into ketosis. In other words, Keto is an extra strict, low-carb diet.





12Can you build muscle on Keto?

In order to successfully build muscle on Keto, you must be following this diet long-term. Since your body is used to burning glucose (from carbohydrates) as its main source of energy your entire life, it needs time to adjust.

When you restrict carbohydrates, your body has to find a new source of energy. That’s when ketones are introduced as your body’s main energy source.

The longer you stay on keto, the more efficient your metabolism becomes in burning ketones for energy, which can highly improve your workouts.

So, by training your body to run on fat, Keto diet improves its mitochondrial density. This allows you to train faster and longer.

Once you become fully keto-adapted, your body synthesizes more energy, also known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), from both your stored body fat and dietary fat to fuel your workouts.

Studies have also shown that the low-carb, high-fat ketonic diet has muscle sparing effects. Your body will start to prevent itself from breaking down muscle once you are fully fat-adapted.

Can Keto diet harm your kidneys?

No, Keto diet is absolutely safe for your kidneys. People tend to question this aspect due to a popular belief that a diet that’s high in protein could harm their kidneys. However, this fear is based on these two common misunderstandings:

1. That Keto diet is high in fat, not protein.

2. That people with normal kidney function handle excessive protein just fine.

Thus, there is no reason to be worried. In fact, following a proper Ketones diet plan can even benefit your kidneys, especially if you have diabetes.


If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and decided to follow Ketogenic diet, we kindly advise you to inform and consult your health care specialist in order to trackthe glucose level changes and avoid hypoglycemia.

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Why Choose KetoCycle?

Now that you have been familiarized with what the Keto diet is and how to follow its rules, you are ready to get into ketosis and start burning fat as fuel.

But before you go, let’s discuss how a personalized KetoCycle plan can help you to successfully achieve your health and weight-loss goals.

For starters, KetoCycle is tailored to fit your personal preferences, which makes it a plan that is easy to follow for long-term health. You get a lifetime access to a plan that’s It’s fully based on your answers

to the questionnaire – your dietary preferences, meal preparation time, physical activity, and more.

KetoCycle gives you a list of recipes that make it easy to follow the diet for the first 28 days (5 recipes per day), plus a list of groceries you’ll need to buy.

Simply click on the recipes and you will find all the macros information and instructions on how to prepare those delicious meals.

After 28 days of following this plan, you can expect to:

- Balance your calorie intake- Reach your recommended water intake for proper hydration- Boost your energy levels- Decrease your cholesterol levels- Decrease your sugar levels- Reduce the risk of diseases

And last but not least - achieve your goal weight.

With KetoCycle, dieting can be easy, effective, and fun. Good luck in getting ready for your first week!

P.S. If you have not completed your Keto quiz you can do it here. STARTS HERE:


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All rights reserved. This book or any portion there for may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.