Kfc200 Pilot's Guide

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  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide



  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide



    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3KCS 55A Compass System. . . .KI 525A Indicator . . . . . . . . . . .The Slaving Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Operating Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . .Operating ProceduresVectorsto intercept a radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Turnto intercept a Victor Airway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Negotiating adogleg n a Victor Airway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Airwaylnterception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13HoldingPattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ILSApproach-Front Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LOC Approach-Back Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16SystemComponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    KAP200AutopilotSystem . . . . . . . . 18KAP 200 System Panel checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19KFC 200 System Panel Checklist , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21KFC 200 System Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Modes of Operation Flight Director System . . . . . . . . . . . . .System Safety-Integrity Monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26PreflightTest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Autopilot Engagement (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Navigation (NAVIARM and NAVCPLD) Mode . . . . . . . . . . . .Approach (APPRIARM and APPRICPLD) Mode . . . . . . . . . .BackCourse(BC)Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Go-Around Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Optional AltitudeSelect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . 32Altitude Hold(ALT)Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Manual ElectricTrim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Control Wheelsteering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3TakeoffandClimbtoSelectedAltitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?"::. . %,35Outbound on Front Course for ProcedureTurntolLSApproach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,37Front Course ILS Approach with MissedRNAVCapture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,41

    KFC200FlightControlSystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KFC200System ntegration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Operating heKFC200System. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Flight Director Mode(FD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HeadingSelectIPreselectMcde(HDG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    KFC 200 Operating Procedures

    Approach and Go-Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38,39


    42eneral EmergencyProcedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Disengage APIYAW DAMPAutomatic AP DisengagementManual Electric Pitch Trim DisengagementEngine Failure in MIE Aircraft (Coupled)System weight and power requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43King Warranty Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back cover


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide



    The pressures of single-pilot instrument flying in to-days busy air traffic environment can place somevery critical demands on your skill and concentra-tion.To help you stay on top of the situation, Kinghas designed the KAPlKFC200systems to provideaffordable flight control sophistication for yourhigh-performance single or piston twin.In this Pilots Guide youll find answers to mostof your questions regarding the performanceL,q-pabilities and basic operational requirements ofthese advanced-design King systems.IMPORTA NT This Pilot Guide prov ides a eneral descriptionof the various op eration al characteristicsof t he KAP/KFC 200Flight Control Systems . How ever, op eration of these sy stemsshould not be attemp ted without firs t review ing the specificinformation in the FAA approved A ircraft Fl ight Man u al Sup-plem ent for your particular aircraft typ e.


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    ' -, I 'I - AUTO CCW IA

    tracking, while eliminating theand KFC 200 systemsThe panel-mountedKI525APNIcombines separate indicatorsthe display functions of both the standard


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    (actu al size)

    NAV Warning Lubber Lin e Com passFlag \ I /Warning Flag

    Dual I

    Aircraft -T


    .o-FromIndicatorGlideslopeScale-Deviat ion

    Course' VOR /LOC Cod pass CardSelect Kno b Deviat ion Scale

    THE KI525A NDICATO..The KI 525A Pictorial Navi ation Indicator is formation into one compact display. By pro-the panel displayfor the K8S 55A Compass viding a simple, comprehensive visual pre-System. It replaces the standard directional sentation of the aircraft's heading and posi-y r o and course deviation indicator (CDI) in tion in relation to a desired course, the pilot'st e aircraft's panel, combining slaved head- navigation workload is considerabiy re-ing and VORlLOClGlideslope deviation in- duced.


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    DESCRIPTIONOF rm m - X T O RANDDlspLAY FUNTlONSCompass Card-Responding to the inputfrom the slaved directional gyro, this card ro-tates within the display so that the aircraftheading is always at the top, under the lub-ber line.Lubber Line-A fixed white marker at the topof the display that indicates aircraft magneticheading on the compass card.Symbolic Aircratt-A fixed representation ofthe actual aircraft. This miniature aircraft al-ways points toward the topof the display andthe lubber line.Selected Course Pointer-On this two-partarrow, the "head" indicates the desired VORor Localizer course and the "tail" indicatesthe reciprocal. This pointer is set by rotatingthe course select knob.Course Select Knob-Used to rotate thecourse pointer to the desired course on thecompass card. This knob correspondsto theOmni Bearing Selector (06s) on standardNAV indicators.VOR/RNAV and LOC Deviation Bar-Thisbar corresponds to the "leftlri ht" needle onstandard course deviation in8cators. Whenthe aircraft is precisely on the VOR radial orLocalizer course, it forms the center sectionof the selected course pointer and will bepositioned under the symbolic aircraft. Whenoff course or approaching a new course, itwill move to one side or the other. Since theentire VOR and Localizer display rotates withthe compass card, the angular relationshipbetween the deviation bar and the symbolicaircraft provides a pictorial symbolic displayof the aircraft's position with respect to theselected course.Deviation Scale-When tuned to a VOR fre-quency, each white dot represents 2" of de-viation left or right of course. When tuned to aLocalizer, the deviation is M" per dot. InRNAV "APPR" mode the scale is ?4nm perdot. In RNAV 'ENROUTE" mode the scale is 1nm per dot."'This is true of all King and most otherRNAV systems.

    Heading Select Bug-A movable orangemarker on the outer perimeter of the display,used primarily to select the desired headingyou wish to fly. This desired heading iscoupled o the KAP 200 Autopilot or KFC 200Flight Director to provide the "HeadingSelect" function.Heading Select Knob-Used to rotate the .heading select bug to a desired point on thecompass card.To-From indicator-A white triangle near thecenter of the display that indicates, with ref-erence to the OBS setting, whether thecourse selected is "to"or "from" the selectedVOR station andlor RNAV waypoint.Dual Glideslope Pointers-Chartreuse trian-gular pointers on either side of the displaydrop into view when a usable Glideslope sig-nal is received and retract out of view whenthe Glideslope signal becomes marginal.During an ILS approach, these pointers rep-resent the vertical orientation of the aircraftwith respect to the center of the Glideslopebeam. When on Glideslope, the pointers willalign with the center markers on the Glide-slope scale.Glideslope Deviation Scale-White dots oneach sideof the display which, in conjunctionwith the F;lideslope pointers, indicate either"above", below", or "on Glideslope" duringan ILS approach.Com s Warning Fla A red flag labeled"H DE ec om es visibyzn the upper rightquadrant of the display whenever the electri-cal power is inadequate or the directionalgyro is not up to speed. Compass failurescan occur which will not be annunciated bythe 'HDG' flag. Therefore, periodic compari-son with the standby compass is advised.NAV Waming Flag-A red flag labeled "NAV"becomes visible in the upper left quadrant ofthe display whenever a usable VOR or Lo-calizer signal is not being received. If RNAVis installed and the system is in RNAV mode,both VOR and, DME must be usable beforethe NAV flag will disappear.


    b '


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide




    KA 51A

    lntem ally Lighted1

    Clockwise Slave and FreeAdjustment Gyro Sw itch

    KA51BSlavingeter /A \ MAN CW 1


    Slaving Meter-This meter indicatesany differencebetween the displayed headingand the magnetic heading. Right or updeflec-tion indicates a clockwise error of the com-pass card. Left or down deflection ndicates acounterclockwiseerror of the compass card.Whenever the aircraft is in a turn and the cardrotates, it is normal for this meter to showa fulldeflectionto one side or the other.NOTE: During level flight it is normal forthe meter needle to continuously move fromside to side and to be fully deflected during aturn. If the needle stays fully deflected, eft orright, during level flight, the free gyro modecan be used to center it. as described below.Slaveand FreeGyroSwitch(KA51A)-When depressed, the system is in the slavedgyro mode. When the button is in the outerposition (not engaged) the system is in thefree gyro mode. (KA 51B)-Operation is iden-tical except switch is pulled and movedto theappropriate position.

    (actual size)

    \ lockwise/counterclockwise7 AdjustmentsClockwise Adjustment (KA 51A)-When the system is in the free gyro mode,depressing the clockwise manual headingdrive button will rotate the compass card tothe right to eliminate left compass card error(KA 51 B)-Operation is identical exceptswitch is held to clockwise position.CounterclockwiseAdjustment KA 51A)When the system is in the free gyro mode,

    depressing the counterclockwise manualheading drive button will rotate the compasscard to the left to eliminate right compasscard error. (KA 518)-Operation is identicalexcept switch is held to counterclockwiseposition.The KA 51B Control and CompensatorUnit is a smaller slaving accessory which hasreplaced the KA 51A. The KA 51B can bemounted either vertically or horizontally, andprovides all the slaving modes and capa-

    bilities of the larger KA 51A.


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    OPERATING1. Until power is applied to the KCS 55A Sys-tem, and the directional gyro is up to speed,a red flag labeled"HDG"will be visible in theupper right quadrant of the KI 525A IndicatorIn operation, this warning flag will be visiblewhenever the power being supplied is in-adequate or the gyro is not up to speed2. With the application of power to the KCS55A System, and gyro up to operatingspeed, the red "HDG"flag should disappearfrom view.3. f the KCS 554 System is in the slaved gyromode, the compass card will automatically fastslave at the rate of 180 degrees per minutetoward the aircraft's magnetic heading.(Immediately after applying power, this com-pass card movement should be quite visible ) Itwill continue to fast slave until the propermagnetic heading is indicated, after which itwll slave at a constant rate of 3 degrees perminute to keep the system aligned with theearth's magnetic field.Under some conditions it is possible forthe system to stop slaving exactly 180" fromthe correct heading. If this should occur. movethe ManlAuto switch to the Man mition.

    5. Until a usable navigation signal is beingreceived by the KCS 55A system, a red flalabeled 'NAY will be visible in the upper leftquadrant of the KI 525A Indicator In opera-tion, this warning flag should be visiblewhenever an inadequate navigation signal isbeing received.6. For normal navigation to or from a VOR orVORTAC, set the NAV receiver to the desiredVOR or VORTAC frequency and the red navi-ation flag (NAV) should disappear from view!a usable signal is being received.7. Rotate the course select knob to positionthe course pointer to the desired VORcourse.8. The VOR deviation bar represents theselected course and the relationship of thisbar to the symbolic aircraft in the center of theinstrument visually presents the actual rela-tionship of the selected course to your air-craft heading. (In other words, if the symbolicaircraft on the display indicates a proachingthe deviation bar at 45", that is t l e angle atwhich your aircraft is actually approachingthe selected course.)

    Rotate thecompasscard rt 10"fromtheincor-reci heading by holding the CWlCCW switchtoone side, and then return the system to slavedoperation by moving the ManlAutoswitchbackto the Auto position. The system will then slaveto the correct heading. pear.4. For free gyro operation, check the slavingmeter todetermine whether there is right or leftdeflection. Then hold the CWlCCW switch tocentertheneedleandproperlyalignhesystemwith the earth's magnetic field. A check withthe standby compass is recommended toassure there is approximate agreement.

    9. To prepare for an 1LS approach, tune theNAV receiver to the desired Localizer fre-quency. If a usable Localizer Signal is beingreceived, the NAV warning flag will disap-

    10. For a front or back course approach, ro-tate the course select knob to set the coursepointer on the inbound Localizer course. Aswith normal navigation (X6 above), the LOCdeviation bar represents the desired course.The relationship between this bar and thesymbolic aircraft gives a twpicture of your


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    lNsTRUcTl0NSaircraft's position with respect to the Lo-calizer course Always setting the coursepointer to the inbound Localizer course pro-vides the correct deviation bar sensingwhether flying a front or back course ap-

    become visible on both sides of the displaywhen a usable Glideslope signal is receivedIf they do not come into view, a usable Glide-slope signal is not being received12. The Glideslope pointers ndicate the rela-tive position of the Glideslope path with re-spect to the aircraft. (In other words, i f thepointers are above the center marker, the air-craft is below the Glideslope.)

    Abnormal CircumstancesIf he Warning Flag (HDG) appears duringoperation, the compass card indications willbe in error. Power ma be removed from theKG 102A Directional i y r o by pullin the ap-propriate circuit breaker. The %electedCourse, VORlLOC Deviation Bar, the NAVflag, and the TolFrom Indicator will remain inoperation.If the Navigation Warning Flag (NAV) ap-

    pears during operation, there are severalpossibilities: (1) the NAV receiver is notturned on, (2) the NAV receiver is improperlytuned, (3) the ground VOR or LOC station ismalfunctioning, (4 ) the aircraft is out ofrange of the selected ground station. (5) theaircraft NAV receiver has malfunctioned.(The compass card will continue to displaythe aircraft heading even if a usable NAVsignal is not being received.) (6) If in RNAVmode the DME has malfunctioned.

    If the Glideslope pointers remain out ofview during a front course ILS approach,either the aircraft Glideslope receiver or theround station Glideslope transmitter ismal-able during a back course approach. (TheVOR and LOC course display will continue tofunction normallyeven f a usable Glideslopesignal is not being received.)

    A continuous large deflection of the slavingmeter or large discrepancies between themagnetic compass and the KI 525A compasscard may indicate a failure in the slavingsystem. If a slaving failure should occur, theManlAuto switch shouldbemovedto the Manposition to select the free gyro mode. Then,by holding the CWlCCW switch to' the ap-propriate side the compass card can berotated o the correct heading as indicatedonthe standby compass. The KCS 55A systemshould continue to function normally exceptthe heading informationwill besolely derivedfrom the KG 102A DirectionalGyro; there willbe no automatic heading correction andperiodic adjustments must be made manuallyto correct for precession by referenceto thestandby magnetic compass, as with anydirectional gyro.

    P nctioning.' Glideslope is usually not avail-

    NOTE: It is desirable to disconnect the au-topilot under the following conditions1 HDG flag comes into view2 System is in Fast Slave3 During manual slavingThe system has the capability to supply theautopilot with an automatic disconnect signalunder these conditionsNOTE.For system limitations n your particu-lar aircraft type, refer to your Flight ManualSupplement L . .


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide



    Procedures withthe KCS 55AThe next few pages depict anormal flight departure fromMKC enroute to STL via VictorAirway V-12. (Thechartsshownhere are for illustration purposesonly, not to be used for naviga-tion.) Careful study of thesephotographs of the KI 525A PNIshould give you a better idea ofhow simple and comprehensivethe display really is. 1.vectors tolnterce t a RadialAfter takeoff !om Kansas Ciwe select a heading of 60"wi#the heading bug to intercept

    the 110" course to Napoleon(ANX) VOR. Selected coursepointer is set on 110" with thecourse knob.,The KI 525A Pic-torial Navigation Indicator con-veniently and accurately dis-plays the intercept angle.


    L ,

    2.The VOR deviation bar beginsto center as we approach the110" course to Napoleon. TheKI 525A PNI makes it possibleto inteEep\ the new coursesmoothly. withold overshootingor bracketing. One method ofdoing this is to adjust yourheading so that the top of thedeviation bar always touchesthe lubber line. As your aircraftheading approaches the newcourse, the deviation bar willswing towards the center andthe angle of intercept willdecrease.


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    Turn to Intercept When the deviation bar is cen- About midway between Napo-a Victor Airway tered and aligned with the leon and Columbia (CBI), youThe "TO" indicator starts to course arrow, you are On switch to the CBI VOR and theswing to -FROM" as fl y course Notice that correction TOlFROM indicator immedi-Over the Napoleon VORTAC for wind drift-in this case, a ately s&& to "TO" Also notestation At this time, set the 080" heading on a 088" the course arrow should beselected Course pointer on the COUrSe-IS Completely aU- moved from 088" to ago",V-12 course of 088" tomatic as long as you keep he which is the V-12 inbound

    AS you &gin your left turnto track V-12, notice that theKI 525A PNI continuously dis-devlatlon bar centered


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    6.As you fly over the Columbiastation, the TOlFROM indicatorchanges to 'FROM". Since theoutbound course for V-12 fromColumbia to Foristell (FTZ)s098'. you now set the selectedcourse pointer on 098" and flyto keep the deviation bar cen-tered.

    7.Near the Heman intersectionyou switch to ForistellVORTACand move the course arrow to100: which is the V-12 inboundcourse to FTZ. The TOIFRQM.indicator changes to "TO". - -4*


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    -- I9. IO .Airway Interception As you cross the Foristell VOR- You are now established onYour clearance is V-12 to Foris- TAC, the deviation bar will aligri V-14, flying to the STLVORTACtell, then V-14 to the St. Louis with the course arrow. Now set Once again, if you fly to keep(STL) VORTAC, direct Lambert the heading bug to 061" and the deviation bar centered,Field. Approachjng the ,FTZ turn left to follow V-14 to the STL correctim for wind drift will au-

    station, the heading bug is on VORTAC. tomatically be accomplished.100" s a reference for the V-12course or as heading com-mand for the autopilot, if used.SelecttheSt. LouisVOflTAConthe NAV receiver and set thecourse pointer on the STL061"course.

  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    1. Approaching the STL VORTAC, the con- 2. Halfway through the outbound turn, thetroller asks you to hold southwest of the KI 525A display shows the deviation barVORTAC on the 244" radial, right turns. You behind the symbolic aircraft. You know,are now over the station with a 064" course therefore, hat you must eventuallyfly back toselected (theTOlFROM indicator has swung the radial in order to be on course during theto "FROM").Set your heading bug to the re- inbound leg of the holding pattern.ciprocal or outbound heading of 244" foreasy reference and begin your right turnholding pattern.

    3.Outbound, you are using the heading buas a reference for 244". The 244" radial is 08the right wing and parallel to your outboundcourse.4. Halfway through your turn to the inbound064"course, the KI 525Ashows the symbolicaircraft approaching the deviation bar at aright angle. By keeping the top of the devia-tion bar on the lubber line, you can completeyour turn and roll out precisely on course.NOTE: For system limitations refer to yourFlight Manual Supplement.


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    J 1

    1. You are vectored from the holding patternto the 13-mileDME arc. The aircraft s turning,with the heading bug set on 170" to interceptthe Localizer. You have already set theselected course pointer on the inbound ILScourse 130" and the KI 525A shows the Lo-calizer course is directly ahead. The Glide-slope pointers came into view when the ILSfrequency was tuned, since a usable Glide-slope signal is being received.

    2. Capturing the ILS course can be accom-plished without overshooting or bracketingwith the same technique you used in inter-ceptin an enroute course: Simply keep thetop of t8e deviation bar on the lubber line andcoordinate your turn until the bar is centeredwith the course arrow. Each dot on the LOCdeviation scale represents 1/2" deviationwhen tuned to.an ILS frequency.

    3. The KI 525A shows you that you have in-tercepted the Localizer course. The Glide-slope pointers have started to center, al-though the displa indicates your aircraft isstill below the gldpath at this point.

    4. You are now centered on the Localizer andthe Glideslope. Once again, the KI 525Ashows your aircraft is crabbed about 005" othe right to maintain the Localizer course.NOTE: For system limitations refer to yourFtight Manual Supplement. .


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    1. You are outbound on the back Localizercourse, having already set the course pointerto the inbound ront course at 238". The head-ing bug is preset at 193" for the procedureturn. (Since there is usually no Glideslopesignal on a back course, the Glideslopepointers are out of sight.)

    2. During the procedure turn outbound, thedeviation bar shows pictorially that the air-craft (as represented by the symbolic aircraftin the center of the KI 525A) is flying awayfrom the Localizer centerline at a 45" anglewhen the heading marker is under the lubberline. Note that left-right deviations of thecourse bar give "fly-to indicators, just as onthe front course.

    3.Now you've reset the heading marker to013" and made a 180" turn to this heading.This 013" heading will intercept the backcourse. The KI 525A clearly pictures thecourse you are to intercept and the angle ofinterception.

    4. You have smoothly intercepted the backcourse. Since the course arrow is set on thefront course (238"), the KI 525A shows a truepicture of the situation . . flying inbound onthe back course. You may reset the headingmarker to 058" for easy reference.NOTE: For system limitations refer to yourFlight Manual Supplement.


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    ,3:11 K B 5ASYSlEM.

    . . 1A

    The KI 525A Pictorial Navi ation Indicator isthe panel display for the KES55A CompassSystem. It combines the functions of thestandard directional gyro and the VOWLOClGlideslopedeviation indicator.--

    The KG 102A Directional Gyroprovides he gyro-reference orthe system. Power may be fromeither 14 or 28 volts DC. Re-mote mounted.

    + I -353, I - *-The KA 51B Slaving Control andCompensator Unit is panel-mounted. It provides selectionof slaved gyro modes for thesystem and manual slavingwhen the system is in freegyro mode. The meter indi-cates proper slaving operation.14 and 28 volt lighting optionsavailable.

    The KMT 112Magnetic SlavingTransmitter senses the direc-tion of the earths magneticfield and continuously trans-mits this information to correctfor gyro drift. Remote mountedusually in a wingtip.


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    With this lower-cost KAP 200 control system option,King offers you basic Autopilot-only light capability.An air driven, panel-mounted KG 258 VerticalGyro replaces the V-bar Flight Command Indicator inthis system. There are no Flight Director V-bar com-puted commands or Go-Around modes.A KC 292 Mode Controller replaces the KC 290used in the KFC 200 System. The KC 292 has a servotrim indicator in place of the KC 290s Flight Directorbutton.When there is no mode selected and the abtd-pilot is engaged, the basic Autopilot mode is wingslevel and pitch attitude hold. All the modes describedfor the KFC200, with the exception of GO-AROUND,are included n the KAP 200 system.Thus, with the exceptions of the Flight Directorand GO-AROUND mode, the affordable KING KAP200system retains the most desirable features of theKFC 200 system. These include Pictorial Navigation

    Indicator, complete mode annunciation and workloadreducing operational modes.18

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    KAP200 SystemPanel Checklist:The KA 285Mode Annunciator Panel tells thepilot when his selected mode has been re-ceived and accepted by the Autopilot flightcomputer, and, if an 'armed" mode has beenselected, it notifies the pilot when capturehas been initiated. Integral marker beaconlights and trim failure warning are alsoincluded.


    " III

    The KC 292 Mode Controller is used to turnon the Autopilot system and to select alloperating modes. A solenoid-held switchengages the Autopilot, and five pushbuttonswitches are used to select the desiredmodes. A vertical trim rocker switch, servotrim indicator, and preflight test button arealso contained in this unit.


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    The TSOd King KFC 200 Flight DirectorlAutopilot s acomplete 2-axis (pitch and roll with altitude hold) inte-grated system with professional3-inch Flight Directordisplays. An optional 3-axis configuration with yawdamper mode is available for some aircraft at slightlyhigher cost.The basic 2-axis system provides all stan&rdoperating modes and functions, plus important pilot-oriented features usually found only in larger, moreexpensive equipment.The brain behind this whole system is thesolid-state KC 295 Flight Computer. It provides com-puted pitch and roll commands which are displayed asvisual guidance commands on the V-bar of the KI 256Flight Command Indicator.Electric trim is also provided, along with an auto-matic autopilot trim system.


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    The KA285Annunciator Panel annunciatesall vertical and lateral Flight DirectorlAuto-pilot system modes, including all armedmodes prior to capture. It tells the pilot whenhis selected mode has been received and ac-cepted by the system and f an armed modeis selectedwhen capture has been initiated Italso has integral marker beacon lights andtrim failure warning

    Pitch and roll commands

    displays constantly slaved gyro magneticheading information, along with VORILOCIRNAV course deviation and Glideslope de-

    Controller when the optional yaw (rudder)axis is included in the KFC 200 system Theyaw axis is wired so that it automatically en-gages when the Autopilot is engaged Dis-




  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    KFC200 Control System Components

    I r i-!a&ommand Indicator-3

    w-- m

    VOR/LOC/RNAV DeviationMiddle Marker

    KC 295 Flight Computer


    Mode Controller ,

    pressure KS 2701AIKM 2

    ControlWheel SteeringRollGo-Around ServolMounton Throttle KS 2711AIKM 275

    Trim Interrupt (this is a Z-axis system)

    I v KRG 331Rate GyroMwnt

    3rd axis systemKC291 bYawController T

    IC 296v-Yaw Yaw ServolMountComputer KS 2711AIKM 27522

  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    KFC 200System IntegrationThe adjacent system diagram showsthe components of the KFC 200 integratedFlight Control Systemand heir relationships.The system has a number of input-outputs: Sensor o u v; Com-putation input shown in blue; Display out-puts shown in orange; Aircraft controlshown in green. All sensor information(pitch and roll reference; Heading error orcourse datum; RNAVNORlLOClGS d eviation and flags; Marker receiver andstatic pressure (altitude) is fed into theKC 295 Flight Computer.The Flight Computer computes roll and

    pitch steering commands. These two com-mands are routed to the KI 256 Flight Com-mand Indicator, where they are displayedon the V-bar as visual guidance commands.These steering commands are also fed tothe Autopilot computation circuits con-

    of pitch and roll commands.Using the same pitch and roll com-mands for Flight Director and Autopilot pro-vides totally consistent Flight Directorsteering command and Autopilot control.There is no disagreement in computation.The Autopilot simply converts the pitch androll steering commands from the FlightComputer, displayed on the V-bar in theFCI, into the required elevator and aileronposition commands.Full integration of Flight Director andAutopilot allows the pilot to delegate themanual effort of flying the aircraft to theAutopilot while monitoring its activity withthe Flight Director.

    Modes of Operation Flight Director SystemHeadlng (HDG), ly Director (FD) 7 d d (ALT)

    Vertical Trim(Pitch Att itude/Altitude)-AutOpllOt (AP)

    Approach (APPR)/ (ILS, VOR or RNAV)Navigate ( N k(VORIRNAV) REV LOC (BC)Flight Director Mode Flight Director Guidance-. .Attitude Reference

    and Command to AutopilotPower on and no modes selected. FCIdisplays aircraft attitude and PNI dis-plays aircraft heading. Command V-baris biased out of view. Aircraft engine mustbe running for pressure to be applied toFCI attitude gyro.

    Flight Director (FD) Command V-bar will appear and com-mand wings level and pitch attitude of theaircraft at the time of mode selection.23

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    Select desired heading on PNI, then s elect HDG mode and the system wil lcommand the necessary bank to tum toand maintain the selected heading.Bank command to capture and track aselected VOR or RNAV course.Bank and pitch commands to captureand track LOC and Glideslope for p r ecision approaches...bank commandto capture and track VOR and RNAV

    Reverse Localizer (BC

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    , ..'

    Operating the KFC 200 SystemThere are eleven (11) modes of operation that are provided,by the KFC 200 sys-tem to offer the pilot Flight DirectorlAutoprlotcommands in response to his selection ofdesired modes on the Mode Controller.Most of these modes are activated bypushbutton switches on the Mode Control-ler. These pushbuttons operate with alter-nate action. The first depression of thepushbutton activates a mode; the seconddepression cancels it, if it has not alreadybeen automatically deactivated. Annuncia-tion of the mode selected appears on theannunciator panel.Any operating mode not compatiblewith a newly-selected mode will be auto-matically cancelled in favor of the pilot's

    latest selection. This lets the pilot advance

    along his flight sequence without the in-convenience of having to manually cancelmodes. For example, i f in NAV CPLD mode,selection of Heading will automaticallycancel NAV.The Basic Mode of System OperationThe system will be in the Basic AttitudeReference or "Gyro" mode with engine run-ning and aircraft "power on," but no modesselected (Annunciator Panel blank). Thisprovides indication of aircraft heading onthe Pictorial Navigation Indicator. and rolland pitch attitude on the Flight Commandindicator. The FCI Command V-bar is biasedout of view.NOTE: For system limitations refer to yourFlight Manual Supplement.

    L? :


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    System Safety isAssured by Integrity Monitors.The KFC 200 monitors he validity of thesystem sensors and the Flight Computer toalert the pilot when sensor information is

    faulty and when the system cannot respondcorrectly to command signals."Invalid" signals provide visual warningby means of the flags and annunciators."Invalid" NAV signals are also routed to theKFC 200 switching ogic to "lock out" modeswhich will not operate reliably.Most failures in the slaved compass sys-tem would be annunciated by a HDGflag andthe system would not allow setection of theHeading mode.The illustrations above show the KFC200Flight Director cockpit displays with all warn-ing flags in view.Flight Command Indicator warnings:Flight Director (FD) Command V-bar will biasout of view whenever the FD mode is notselected, when FD internal power is inade-quate and when gyro excitation informationis invalid.The Pictorial Navigation Indicator

    warnings: A HDG flag indicates that the com-pass information is not reliable. A NAV flagindicates that a valid NAV Signal is not beingreceived.When an ILS channel is selectedon theNAV receiver and a valid Glideslope signalis received, the Glideslope pointers will dropinto view. Glideslope coupling usually occursat Outer Marker, when the Glideslope is in-rercepted and APPR CPLD. If. after GS coupling, the GS pointers disappear, the systemwill flash the GSAnnunciator and revert fromGS back to Pitch Attitude Hold. tf the GSpointers return into view .the system willrevert back to GS couple$*fh-e NAV warningflag indicates an invalid Localizer but has noeffect on Glideslope operation.The Trim warning light in the lowerright corner of the Annunciator Panel will lightwhen an Autotrim failure occurs or when thetrim breaker is pulled It will also flash at leastfour times when the TEST switch on theMode Controller is depressed.


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    1 IPreflight Test Determines, Before Takeoff,that the Svstem isOoeratina Nnrmallv-I wiin power on, ail circuli DreaKers in,and engine running, allow 3 minutes for thegyros to come up to speed.Check the slaving switch positionon theKA 51B Slaving Meter, making sure you arein slaved gyro mode, and compare the com-pass card on the KI 525A with your magneticcompass. (See your KCS 55A Pilot Guide formore detailed information.)With no modes engaged, depress thePreflight Test button on the Mode Controller.All modes will be annunciated on the Annun-ciator Panel, including Marker lights, and thered Autotrim light will flash. At least fourflashes are needed to indicate proper Auto-trim monitor operation.

    The pilot first engages the Flight Director,either by depressing the FD button or PitchSync (CWS) button. This will synchronize theCommand Bars with the existing aircraft pitchand command wings level. Next, engage theAutopilot and apply force to the controlsto determine if the Autopilot can be over-powered.NOTE: The Autopilot will not engage whenthe Flight Director is not operating.To confirm proper operation of all servos(except Yaw Damper), synchronize the FlightDirector for wings level. Command nose upwith FD Vertical Trim control. After 3 seconds

    you snouia omerve me eievaior irim wneeiturning in the direction commanded.Re-synchronize he FD for wings level byusing the CWS button, then command nosedown with FD Vertical Trim control. After 3seconds you should again observe theelevator trim wheel turning in the directioncommanded. Re-sync the FD.Now set the heading bug under the lub-ber line on your PNI and engage HDG SELmode. Move the heading bug to the right andto the left and observe if the controls operateas commanded.Disengage the AP and check aircraftmanual pitch trim. Set trim to takeoff posi-tion. This concludes the pkfli$ht test.IMPORTANT: This Pilot Guide provides ageneral description of the various operational characteristics of the KFC 200 FlightControl System However, operation of thesystem should not be attempted without firstreviewing your FAA Approved Aircraft FlightManual Supplement for complete systemfamiliarizationPertinent limitations, procedures andwarning statements from your aircraft FlightManual Supplement are contained in thisPilot's Guide


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    FLIGHT DIRECTOR Mode (FD)The Flight Director mode is activated bydepressing the "FD" button on the ModeControllerThe FCI Command V-bar will appearand provide the pilot with steering com-mands to maintain wings level and the pitch

    attitude that existed at the time of Flight Di-rector engagement To fly the CommandV-bar, the pilot will bank and pitch the aircraftto put the orange delta wing 'aircraft" into theV-bar The command is satisfied when theV-bar aligns symmetrically at the top of theorange delta wingIf pitch attitude is changed, recyclingthe FD button will synchronize the Com-mand V-bar to the new pitch attitudeIf a change only in the commanded pitchattitude is desired, the Control Wheel Steer-ing (CWS) button installed on the pilot's con-trol wheel allows the pilot to synchronize theCommand V-bar (in the FD mode with Au-topilot disengaged) without removing hishand from the control wheelThe Flight Director can also be activatedby direct selection of any specific modewhich will activate the Command V-bar Suchselection will illuminate both FD and the ap-propriate annunciator modeSpecial note: The FDmode must be acti-vated before the Autopilot can be engagedThe Vertical Trim switch may be used toadjust the selected pitch attitude up or downat 1degkecondAUTOPILOT ENGAGEMENT (AP)

    The Autopilot is engaged by movin thesolenoid-held AP switch on the Mode Eon-troller to the "ON"positionCAUTION Prior to Autopilot engagement,the pilot should make sure the V-bar com-mands are satisfied This wll prevent anyhanges in the aircraft's flight pathe Autopilot IS ngagedThe Autopilot provides two-axis (pitchand roll) stabilization and automatic elevatortrim as well as automatic response to allselected Flight Director commandsInstallation of optional 3rd axis (ruddercommand) will damp out yaw oscillationsand provide automatic tum coordinationUpon Autopilot disconnect, an AuralAlerter will sound a Sonalert for 2 to 2Y2seconds while the AP light on the Annun-ciator Panel flashes


    'Fi" NAV ARM A L T &''HOG APPR C P t D G S . GA



    UPAUTION: Overpowering he Autoppitch axis in flight for periods of 3seconds ormore will result n the autotrim systemoperat-ing in the direction to oppose the pilot andwill, therefore,cause an increase n the pitchoverpower forces, and if Autopilot is disen-?aged, will result in a pitch transient controlorce. Operation of the Autopilot on theground may cause the autotrim to run be-

    cause of backforce generated by elevatordownsprings or pilot induced forces.28

    NOTE: For system limitations refer to yourFlight Manual Supplement.Attitude Gyro Operation Note: When shut-ting down the aircraft for short periods oftime, make sure the Attitude Gyro has com-pletely spun down before starting opera-tions again. Gyro spin down occurs when the

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    L -.air supply cut off to the gyro and usuallytakes about 10 minutes.During Gyro spin down most gyros have atendency to "tilt" (precess) o one side. I f theair supply is reapplied to the gyro while in thisstate, unusually slow gyro erection (leveling)will occur. I f aircraft operations are initiatedbefore the gyro is fully erected, there is agreater possibility that the gyro may tumblecausing loss of primary attitude informationfrom the Attitude Gyro.HEADING SELECTlPRESELECTMode (HDG)

    Select a desired heading by positioningthe heading "bug" on the PNI. This is donewith the HDG knob on the PNI.Depress the HDG button on the ModeController to activate the HDG mode. 'HDG"will light on the Annunciator Panel and acomputed, visually displayed bank com-mand is shown on the FCI. Following thisbank command, the aircraft will bank and rollout on the desired preselected heading.The Command V-bar on the FCI will de-flect in the direction of the shortest turn tosatisfy the commanded turn of the pre-selected heading. The aircraft may be man-ually banked to realign the V-bar and satisfythe command or, if the Autopilot is engaged,the aircraft will automatically bank, turn to,rollout and hold the preselected heading. Asthe aircraft approaches the selected head-ing the V-bar will command a rollout to wtngslevel.With the HDG mode in operat,ion. sub-sequentchanges made n the heading "bug"position on the PNI will immediately causethe V-bar on the FCI to call for a turn to thenew heading, unless the HDG button on theMode Controller has been depressed againto cancel the HDG mode.The HDG mode is cancelled when NAVor APPR coupling occurs, or when FD modebutton is pushed to "OFF".NOTE: For system limitations refer to yourFlight Manual Supplement.


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    NAVIGATION (NAV ARM and NAVCPLD) ModeThe NAV mode provides visual ,bankcommands on the Flight Command Indicatorand deviation guidance on the PNI to inter-cept and track a VOR course or an RNAVcourse.Operation of the NAV mode requires thepilot to:1. Tune to the frequency of the selectedVOR (or VORTAC) station. For RNAV oper-ation, set in waypoint distance and bearingfrom the VORTAC station.2. Set the PNI course pointer on the de-sired course.3.Establish a;ge of intercept by settingheading "bu and activate "HDG" mode.4. Depress t fe NAV button on the Mode

    Controller.When the "NAV" button on the ModeController is depressed, "NAVIARM" will belighted on the Annunciator Panel and theautomatic capture circuit is armed. Headingselect, if operatng, is retained until captureoccurs.The VOR or RNAV "course-capture"point is variable to prevent overshoot anddepends on angle of intercept and the ratethe course deviation is changing. Upon cap-ture, a bank command will be displayed onthe FCI; the HDG, if on,wit1 be cancelled and'NAVICPLD" will be lighted on the Annun-ciator Panel.The pilot can manually bank the aircraftto satisfy the command display which will callfor a rollout to wings level when on coursecenterline to track the course. Crosswindcompensation is provided in the "track"state.If the NAV mode is selected with the air-craft level within 24"of bankand within threedots of course deviation, NAVIARM will bebypassed and NAVICPLD will engage di-rectl\ the Autopilot is engaged, the aircraftwill bank to satisfy the command display androllout on course automatically.Upon station (or waypoint) passage, anoutbound course other than the inbound re-ciprocal can be selected by resetting theNAV course arrow on the PNI. This will causean immediate V-bar deflection on the FCI di-recting a turn to the new &me.

    The NAV mode is cancelled by depres-sing the NAV button, or selecting HDG (whenin NAV coupled) or APPR modes, or pushingFD to "OFF". Goin back o HDG while adjust-ing OBS is desiratle.NOTE:Operationof the Marker Test functionof the marker beacon receiver after AP-PROACH CPLD will reduce the Flight Controlsystem gains. If this should occur, the AP-PROACH mode should be recycled.

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    APPROACH (APPRIARM andAPPRICPLD, GSICPLD)ModeThe APPR mode provides visual roll andpitch commands on the FCI V-bar to captureand track precision ILS (LOC and Glide-slope) beams, or non-precision VOR orRNAV radials. Lateral and vertical deviation

    can be monitored on the PNI.Operation of the APPR mode requiresthe pilot to:1. Set the NAV receiver frequency.2. Set the PNI course pointer to the in-bound rmway heading or the frontcourse in case of ILS precision ap-proach. Do this even on back courseapproach.3.Set the HDG SEL bug on the PNI to!,he desired intercept angle and activateHDG mode.4. Depress the APPR button on themode controller.The automatic APPR capture functionwill be immediately armed. APPRIARM willbe lighted on the Mode Annunciator Panel.In APPRIARM mode, prior to capture,HDG is retained to allow the pilot to adjustheading to Approach Control vectoring in-structions.The LOC beam or VORIRNAV capturepoint will vary, depending on angle of inter-cept and rate of change of deviation indica-tion. Upon capture, a bank command will beintroduced on the FCI, the existing headinamode will be cancelled and APPRICPLDwill be lighted on the Annunciator Panel.The pilot may manually bank the aircraftto satisfy the command display, which willcommand a rollout to wings level when theaircraft is on course. Automatic crosswindcompensation will provide precise tracking.VORILOC deviation s shownonthe PNI, andactual crab angle will be shown by offset ofthe course arrow from the lubber line.Throughout APPR,mode operation LOCand Glideslope deviation or VORIRNAV de-viation are displayed on the PNI.Ifthe Autopilot is engaged during opera-tion in the APPR mode, automatic steeringresponse will follow the command display onthe FCI.The Glideslope mode is armed for au-tomatic capture if LOC front course capturehas occurred. Automatic Glideslopecaptureoccurs as the aircraft approaches the glidepath from above or below.Upon interception of the Glideslope,capture occurs and G S is lighted on theAnnunciator Panel. A smooth capture pitchcommand is displayed by the CommandV-bar. The pilot (or Autopilot) controls the air-craft to satisfy the Command V-bar. SlewinALT at time of GS centering will inhibit G8capture.Upon GS capture, the ALT HOLD mode(if active) is cancelled. However, ALT HOLDmay be manually reselected to maintain alti-tude upon reaching MDA if visual contact is

    r m NAV ARM A L A P -MOO A P h CPLO ~ G S CA

    not established.During VOR or RNAV approches, Glide-slope capture will not occur because the NAVreceiver is channeled to a VOR station, notan ILS, and this locks out the Glideslopefunction.APPRlCPLD mode is cancelled by selec-tion of HDG, NAV. or Go-Around modes. . .or pushing FD or APPR to OFF.NOTE: For system limitations refer to yourFlight Manual Supplement.


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    1 BACK COURSE (BC) Mode\PPA CPLOt r t Whenever a LOC or ILS frequency isselected, the BC mode may be activated bydepressing the BC button on the Mode Con-troller, after selecting APPR. When in BCmode and Localizer capture occurs, the

    system will turn and track outbound on thefront course or inbound on the back course.BC is lighted on the Annunciator Panel.Operation on BC is identical to frontcourse operation, except that automaticGlideslope capture is locked out by theswitching circuitry. Localizer deviationon PNIwill have the proper sensing if the front in-

    I1ound Localizer course was set on the PNI.GO-AROUND Mode

    The Go-Around mode is primarily de-signed to assist the pilot in establishing theproper pitch attitude under missed-approachconditions. The Go-Around switch is locatedon the throttle lever for pilot conveniencewhen applying climb-out power.Depression of the GoAround switch dur-ing an approach cancels the existing NightDirector modes and engages the &-Around(G4) J e while also disengaging theAutopilot, if t is engaged*. A wings-level andpitch-up command is displayedby the FCI andGA is liihted on the Annunciator Panel. Themagnitude of the pitch-up command is set tomatch Flight Manual criteria for each aircraftmodel.Go-Around may be cancelled by use ofVertical Trim, Altitude Hold mode, ControlWheel Steering mode or by turning off theFlight Director.Some airplanes are certified with theAutopilot remaining engaged when GA isselected.OPTIONAL ALTITUDE SELECT(ALT ARM) Mode

    This mode allows the pilot to select analtitude and, upon approaching that selectedaltitude, obtain an automatic visual pitch com-mand on the FCI to capture and hold the pre-selected altitude. To operate in this mode thepilot must:1.Set the desired altitudewinf; the selectedaltitude window of the KAS 297 AltitudeSelector.2. Establish a climb or descent as appro-oriate.3. Depress the ARM button on the AltitudeSelector. This may be done at any time dur-ing the climbor descent before the selectedaltitude has been attained. ARM will lighton the Altitude Selector.4. The Altitude ALERT annunciator in theKAS 297 will illuminate 1,OOO ft. prior toreaching selected altitude and will cancelat 300 ft. prior. An aural tone will soundupon reaching altitude.


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    As the aircraft approaches the select&altitude, an adaptive pitch rate commandwill automatically guide the pilot through it at alow rate. As the aircraft reaches the selectedaltitude, ALT HOLD will automatically engage,ALT will light on the Annunciator Panel andARM will disappear on the KAS 297. Thecommand bars on the FCI will call for levelflight at the selected altitude. If autopilot isengaged, the system will perform he requiredmaneuvers.ALT ARM is disengaged by depressingthe ALT ARM button, by engaging ALT HOLD,by GS capture, or selecting FLT DIR to OFF.ALTITUDE HOLD (ALT HOLD) Mode

    This mode will cause a computed visualpitch command on the FCI command bars tohold the aircraft at the pressure altitude ex-isting at the time it was activated.The mode is activated either automa-tically by the ALT ARM function, or manuallyby depressing the ALT button on the ModeController.If the autopilot is engaged, it will auto-matically hold the aircraft at that altitude.The Vertical Trim switch may be used toadjust the selected altitude up or down at aconstant rate of 600 fpm without disengagingthe mode.This enables the pilot to convenientlyadjust the aircraft altitude to match resettingof the altimeter, or to make short descentsegments during a nonprecision approach.The ALT HOLD mode is cancelled byautomatic GlidesloDe caDtureor selection ofALT ARM, or GO-AROUND modes, or selec-tion of FLT DIR to OFF.MANUAL ELECTRIC TRIM

    Manual Electric Trim switch on the yokeautomatically disengages the AP (roll andpitch, but not yaw) in all installations,but willnot affect the FD.Use of the AP DlSClTRlM INTERRUPTswitch on the control wheel will disengagethe AP, Yaw Damper and, in some installa-tions, the Flight Director.It is important that you consult theFlight Manual Supplement for your par-ticular aircraft for detailed instructions.CONTROL WHEEL STEERING(CWS) Mode

    When the Autopilot is engaged, ControlWheel Steering provides the pilot with thecapability for natural and convenient manualmaneuvering of the aircraft without the needto disengage and reengage the Autopilot, orreselect any modes of operation.The CWS mode is engaged by contin-uous pressure on the CWS button, normallylocated on the Ihft-hand horn of the controlwheel. Operation of the CWS button causesimmediate release of Autopilot servos andallows the pilot to assume manual control,

    FO A LT Pm ru



    while Autopilot control funsio6s and PitchCommand and Altitude Hold modes are syn-chronizedso that, upon release of the CWSmode button, the Autopilot will smoothlyreassume control of the aircraft to theoriginal lateral command and existing ver-tical command.Since all engaged modes remain coupled(in synchronization) during operation of theCWS mode, their annunciator lights will con-tinue to show on the Annunciator Panel. TheCWS mode is not separately annunciated.NOTE: For system limitations refer toyour Flight Manual Supplement.


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    1. TheFD has beenengagethe GO-AROUND mode, activated by de-pressing the GO-AROUND button locatedon the throttle "GO-AROUND'' is lighted onthe annunciator panel Wings are com-manded level and the nose up to the GO-AROUND angle Takeoff is on runway 35as shown on the PNI

    . .., . . . .. . . ' .. , ' . ' _. ,. . .. . . . .. ... . ' . ' .. ... , I. . .. .. . ' . . ' . . '.'... .ground andclimbing.The heading "bug" on the PNI is turnedto a desired heading and HDG mode hasbeen pushed on.The Flight Director has responded withthe Command Wbar calling for a left turn tothe 270" heading and takeoff pitch attitude.The aircraft has not yet responded to theheading command but will as soon as theAutopilot is engaged.

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    3. With the Autopilot engaged, the aircraft isrespondingto the FCI commands with a leftbank. Takeoff climb attitude continues. (Desir-ed altitude may now be selected and armedon the optional KAS 297 altitude selector.Altitude alerting will be provided as you ap-proach your selected altitude.)

    4. Desired altitude has been reached, ALTHOLDmode has been engaged and the air-craft has returned to level flight. The 270"heading has been acquired.


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    1. In HDG SEL and ALT Hold mode on a LOCchannel, the aircraft is heading270" owardthe Localizer. The front inbound localizercourse of 58" is selected. APPR mode and"BC" have been selected. The back course(BC) mode is selected to go outbound on thefront course. The capture point IS now beingcomputed, based on closure rate.

    2. When the computed capture point isreached the APPR CPLD mode is auto-matically activated and a left turn outboundon the localizer i s commanded by the FCI,and is satisfied by the Autopilot.Note that the left-right deviations of thebar give "fly-to" indications just as on thefront course inbound.


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    3. During the procedure turn outbound thedeviation bar shows pictorially that theaircraft is flying away from the Localizercenterline at a 45" angle on a selectedheading of 283"

    4. Now you have reset the heading select bugto 103"and made a 180" turn to this heading.This 103" heading will intercept the frontcourse. You must now reselect Approachmode by depressing the APPR button on theMode Controller. The PNI clearly pictures thecourse you are to intercept and the angle ofinterception. APPR ARM mode has beenselected so that automatic capture of the Lo-calizer will occur.


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    1. Continuing the maneuver on precedingpage, APPR coupling occurs and the Glide-slope mode is automatically armed. TheCommand V-bar will command a turn to theLOC course and the PNIshows your positionin relation to the LOC course.



    2. The Autopilot (or pilot) is following theCommand V-bar on the FCI which commandthe necessary headingto maintain on center-line of the Localizer. At the Outer Marker theGlideslope pointers are approximately atmidpoint. Altitude Hold is automaticallydisengaged and Glideslope capture occurswhen the airplance passes thru beamcenter. The V-bar will command a descenton the Glideslope and on Localizer.

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    3. At the Middle Marker a missedapproach isexecuted by pressing the &-Around buttonon the throttle as you increase power. Thisdisengages the Autopilot and the FCI com-mands the correct nose-up attitude andwings level. At the discretion of the pilot, theAutopilot may be reengagedto complete themissed approach. (Some airplanes are cer-tified with autopilot remaining engaged whenGA selected.)

    4. The heading "bug" has been previouslyset to the missed approach heading, 900Activating the HDG mode will cause theCommand V-bar in the FCI to command aturn to that heading. Pitch-up attitude maybe adjusted from the Go-Around angle byusing CWS or the Vertical Trim control onthe Autopilot controller, either of whichterminates "GA" mode.


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    inHDG mode on a

    capture rate i s m b e i n g cwryxcton closure rate.Theairplane must beheadedt m r d the selected mum In order forNAVlCPLD to occur.

  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    b Capture sequence starts when NAVlCPtDmode Is automaticall engaged, cancellingthe NAVlARM and HbG modes. The Corn-mand V-bar will call for a right bank which isbeing satisfled by the AutopHot.

    I4.The aircraft has completed its tum tothe112"course. Abvind correctionproducesan aircraft heading of 1059 displaying a7' " c r ab angle to maintain the l t2'course.


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    1. Disengage APlYAW Dampa) Simultaneously regain control of aircraftand hold down Autopilot Disconnect/Trim Interrupt button.b) Pull AIP circuit breaker.c) Release AIP DisconnectITrimInterrupt button

    2. The following conditionswill cause AP toautomatically disengage:a) External power failure.b Actuatin manual electric trim.c] Internal Flight Control System failure.d) With KCS 55A system a lossof compassvalid, (displaying HDG flag) disen-gages the AP and FD when a modeusing Heading information is en aged.With compass flag present, onlyPD andvertical modes can be selected.

    3.Manual Electric pitch trim can be disen-by: Press AP DlSClTRlM INTER-r# witch and hold down until recoverycan be made. Then turn off AVIONICSMASTER switch and manually retrim theairplane using the manual trim controlwheel. After the airplane is trimmed out,pull he (PITCH TRIM) breaker and turn theAVIONICS MASTER switch back on.

    . .. .. . .. . .. .

    . ..A,;. .

    4. Engine Failure in Multi-engine Aircrafta) Simultaneously control aircraft and holddown Autopilot DisconnectITrim Inter-rupt button.b) Release button.c) Follow basic Airplane Flight Manualsingle engine procedures.d) Airplane rudder and aileron axes shouldbe manually trimmed prior to engagingautopilot for single engine operations."CAUTION: Exact Emardues vary trorn a i r c r a F 2it%$

    b m u s e of differences in electricalsystems, instrument arrangementsand flight Characteristics. Consultthe FHght Manual Supplement foryour particular aircraft for detailedinstructionson emergency procedures.

    (COU pled)


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    System Weight and Power RequirementsKFC200Flight Director/Autopilot KAP200 AutopilotSystem

    Com nents for 2-axis system.K G 5 5 A Silver Crown ComDass SystemKG 258 Gyro, panel-mountedKC 295 Flight Computer with AdapterKS 270 Pitch Servo wlKM 275KS 271 Aileron Servo wlKM 275KA 285 Mode AnnunciatorKC 292 Mode ControllerKS 272 Trim Servo wlKM 276

    CardKS 270 Pitch Servo wlKM 275KS 271 Aileron Servo wlKM 275KA 285 Mode AnnunciatorKC 290 Mode ControllerKS 272 Trim Servo wlKM

    MountlCapstan MountlCapstanMountlCapstan MountlCapstan

    MountlCapstan MountlCapstanTOTAL FOR 2-AXIS SYSTEM TOTAL FOR 2-AXIS SYSTEM28 3 Ibs. (12.9 kg) 14Vl15.5 AMP28V19 5 AMP 28Vl8.7 AMP28.1 Ibs. (12.9 kg) 14Vl14.7 AMP

    Additional Components for 3-axis system: Additional Components for 3-axis system:KS 271 Rudder Servo wlKM 275KC 291 Yaw ControllerKC 296 Yaw ComputerKRG 331 Yaw Rate Sensor

    TOTAL FOR 3-AXIS SYSTEM32 8 Ibs. (15.0 kg ) 14Vl18.1 AMP

    KS 271 Rudder Servo w1KM 275KC 296 Yaw ComputerKRG 331 Yaw Rate Sensor

    MountlCapstan MountlCapstan

    TOTAL FOR 3-AXIS SYSTEM32.6 Ibs. (14.9 kg) 14V118.1 AMP28V111.5 AMPThe third axis maybe nstalled with or withoutthe KC 291 Yaw Mode Controller.


  • 7/27/2019 Kfc200 Pilot's Guide


    King Warranty ServiceWarranty service for your King KAPlKFC200 Flight Control System isavailable at hundreds of King Authorized Sales and Service Centersthroughout the world. These Authorized Service Centers are carefullyselected for their technical competence and total support capabilities.Each is equipped with all the required test facilities and training to pro-fessionally check and maintain your King avionics system. And theyrebacked by a full staff of King field engineers and product specialists, on-call to handle any service question that might arise.Only these qualified King Sales and Service Centers are authorizedto perform a warranted installation of your King system. . .or to provideservice under the King Warranty.Upon completion of your aircrafts flight control installation, youwill be provided with a plastic warranty card which lists the model, serialnumber and warranty expiration date for each unit of King equipmentinstalled.This King warranty card system is honored by King ServiceCenters throughout the world as unquestioned proof of your warrantyauthorization. Keep your King Warranty Card in your airplane at alltimes to verify your warranty status at any King Service Center. Itsyour key to outstanding warranty service protection.