khwahishey Tasveer Issue 01 / June 2014 www.khwahisheytasveer.com ethnic fashion evelyn sharma FASHION ZODIACS FASHION TURNING INNOCENT MODEL Sylvie Rodgers CELEBRITY OF THE MONTH ARE YOU A Indian style with shahid shahi libass chat with the gorgeous MODEL Shahid Peer Kapoor


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khwahisheyTasveer/ June, 2014 1

khwahishey TasveerIssue 01 / June 2014www.khwahisheytasveer.com

ethnic fashion

evelyn sharma




Sylvie Rodgers



Indian style with shahid shahi libass

chat with the gorgeous

MODELShahid Peer Kapoor


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photographerUttam Panwar

photographerUttam Panwar


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Born on 24th January, 1992. Basically from the heaven of earth “Kashmir”. A brave guy from childhood had a dream to be a model because the world of fashion fascinated him and this could be observed in his acts. Styling his hair, colouring it despite the restrictions in his school. But

how could that stop a stubborn one, who made his teachers bend down against his desire. Turning 9, the desire of horse riding and swimming came into his mind and so he did learn both. Usually, passion of bikes knocks in our lives as we touch 14, but he was only 10 when he first ridded a sports bikes. He did his schooling

from DPS, R K Puram. He was a responsible and obedient son of his family. He was quite concerned about his sister and used to be her shadow. The attachment with his dad was so much that he used to help his dad in his business since school days.

He used to handle Shahid Enterprises in well mannered way and started his dream Modeling agency “ Khwahishey Tasveer ”.

Khwahishey Tasveer: A name that came into existence with broad aims and a dream to do something different. The aim was to make a stand in the world of modelling where people wished a desire to be. Looking for new faces, shaping and sharpening their abilities and make them ready to hit a bang in the world of fashion. It all started with Grooming classes, which was started by Shahid Kapoor. Then it all started to rise above towards success. The Mission to find faces with shattered dreams were found, sharpened and then launched and it was a bang. Unluckily after the demise of Shahid, it has “Salil Kapoor ” who had to look over all things. Something surprising happened and he took the agency to new heights and made his perfect team. With his team he carved new ideas, captured in cameras and made a remarkable stand in this world.Now Khwahishey Tasveer will be launching its magazine and will be hosting Mr. & Miss Delhi NCR every year. This is all about giving wings to the dreams of those who believe that they have the potential to be a Model. We welcome everyone if you have the charisma in you. Come, we will make you achieve what deserve.

Shahid Peer Kapoor FOUNDER


khwahishey Tasveer

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ContentsA P R I L



















khwahishey tasveer voicesThe pillars of khwahishey tasveer

Editor’s letterFrom the desk of editor

Shahid Shahi libassThe brand of desired attires

Are you a model Your mantras for being a model

Amit talwarThe fashion icon for outfits

Khwahishey blogsThe unspoken stories

7 Basic rulesOf keeping you fit and healthy

Fashion zodiacsyour future lies in your fashion

InterviewEvelyn Sharma

Toon calendar of Khwahishey Tasveer khwahishey ‘s kid zone on calendar

Chat with super modelRavi Awana

Page 3Delhi Parties

Celebrity of the Month Sylvie RodgerLiving life Queen’s Style..!!

Fashion turning InnocentFashion steps to kids zone

How yoga benefits models?Near to the nature

Twinkle Malhotra Makeovers You and your makeup

Ethnic fashionThe traditional swing to the fashion


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Khwaishey tasveer a company which is not only a brand for me, but the most precious gift given by my brother when I was a teen. I have always seen khwaishey tasveer as my dream to give industry a magazine, brand which is peculiar about models and is actually a guideline to step up in this fashion world. Khwaishey tasveer is “Khwaishyon ki Tasveer” for me and for my team mates. For those hurdles which pins up the models every time, we decided to bring up a brand which can provide pure and quality work and Khwaishey Tasveer build up this idea every other day. In the near future I dream that our “Khwaishey Tasveer” would take a bigger “Tasveer” and with me, many other people would also get a platform to explore them and our brand would develop an individual identity for its self.In the last, I would like to say the word “thank you” to my brother Shahid and every other person who was there with me in this journey and also to those who would be coming up in the future.


Being the owner of the company you expect profits, but being in Khwaishey Tasveer its beyond monetary terms. It is something which is about creativity and hard work. To give glamour a proper platform is what was I dreaming.Khwaishey Tasveer is a company which we expect to be the best place for the models who are at their initial stage, so that they can be leaded to the bright career. I wanted to make a complete package which can help a model in motivating, developing his personality and giving a completely different lifestyle. Khwaishey Tasveer is giving every person an equal chance for it.You need to just come to us and we would work round the clock for you. It is my dream to put Khwaishey Tasveer to the heights where we can gain peoples satisfaction and admiration.


VOICESkhwahishey tasveer Imagination is the beginning of the creation and I create whatever I imagine. Designing

the fashion magazine is different challenge as you have to uplift the charisma and allurement. Those bright colours and the attracting drawings all just to make the readers aware about the beauty and the glitters of the fashion industry. The industry which is fascinating as the colours and magnetizing like the patterns.

Let Khwaishey Tasveer step into the shoes of creativity and creation which establish its alluring position.The fashion and the way to represent that on the canvas given has changed dynamically. But one thing that is amazing to work with this industry is that you don’t follow rules but you actually make them. It not about defined color scheme or restricted allignments but it is about thinking out of the box and getting things look beyond imagination. Giving khwahishey a perfect layout was my dream. Because this magazine is the dream of all those who live for themselves and work for their own perspectives. Khwahishey tasveer is the layout of great creativities indulged together.

The girl who made khwahishey tasveer a reliable business , who has treated our brand as her family. Being the creater of leading marketing and modeling management company, she has accompanied us at every step to make our brand able to compete in the industry. By her ideas and efforts to develop our company and magazine has allowed us to get a great business and name round the nation.For khwahishey she is the perfect bussiness women having true sense of market and its values. Her services and working round the clock capabilities have made our brand the leading modeling agency. Her passion to work and enthusiastic strategies have given her appreciation by people from different lifestyles.Steping ahead to the stardom she believes to run a bussiness you need the utmost dittermination accompanied by your fortunate life.



Working with khwaishey Tasveer make you feel like the work is made according to you. Here you are free to do experiments and your creativity has another way. Khwaishey is a brand which has allured me and my work. Working with other brands always used to put limits on my work, but when I entered to the world of Khwaishey it was completely different. Here the project managers ask you how the frame should be, which gives you completely different experience and allow you to play with your creativity.For me a photograph can replace thousands of words. It is what I do with my concepts. Photography is in my blood, I make things creative by just making them simple. Everything just goes well when we add simplicity to it. Being a photographer I just look through the cameras and live my life through the world of camera.


JUNE 2014


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Editor’s LetterDear Dreamers

Fashion is the industry of glamour, and when you have to write about it you start frisking your mind

and those Quarrels which are also full of allurement. Wde select those motifs which are not only fascinating

but is having star quality, which can stand you across the streets of fashion.As it is the primeval edition we have staunched to actualize the speculations and the mindset of the upcoming model. Khwaishey Tasveer is the magazine which is one of its kind because we emphasis on the essences of the life of a model who has just taken an initial step to the industry. Khwaishey Tasveer is a magazine which can hike your attitude towards your work and can make you near to the industry and the world of fashion.

We open up the pages of fashion, glamour and the stardom to you. The magazine of your wishes and the dreams which you want to come true. It really feels like we are carving the dreams of other to the reality. in our first launch we have emphasised on the journey of a model, fashion zodiacs and how yoga benefits a model. Its a magazine which is able to give you all in one go. Also we have interviewed Miss Sylvie and was glad to know about her journey in the world of fashion. In the Magazine on one hand you get the true guidelines to enter the world of fashion ssame on the other hand you get to see the fashion world as closest as you want.

Writing for khwaishey Tasveer is one of the different experience as I have to open the wings and I just haveto dream as I was told by Salil Kapoor to do. My writing becomes cool and intellectual when I write for Khwaishey. My message to all the dreamers is just to dream high as much as you can, trust your khwaishey and you would fly high in the sky. The world is waiting for you just come out and step up ...!! And here our dreams come true..!!

Kritika GuptaEditor-in-Chief

[email protected]@KTEDITOR

ChairpersonCheif Executive officer

EditorCreative Director

Marketing ManagerProject Manager

Marketing & PR HeadCrew member 01Crew member 02

Senior Photographer

Assist. Photographer 01Videographer

Makeup Artist 01Makeup Artist 02Makeup Artist 03

StylistModel MentorModel Mentor

Model Co-ordinatorFitness Trainer








ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet turpis dui, sit amet molestie justo. Quisque auctor, lacus sed fermentum volutpat, neque nisl rhoncus nisi, ac vulputate libero diam vitae justo. Aliquam varius adipiscing tempor. Vivamus id ipsum sit amet massa consectetur porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent dignissim ultrices neque. Aliquam auctor congue nunc sed interdum. Aenean sagittis gravida est, sit amet egestas metus venenatis non. Mauris non leo malesuada orci laoreet eleifend eget mattis ipsum. Nam vehicula lorem erat, a consectetur libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et consectetur lacus. Sed sit amet nulla vel dolor gravida bibendum. Nunc odio massa, sodales et consectetur a, iaculis eget sapien. Mauris dignissim, arcu id faucibus laoreet, justo tortor imperdiet tellus, et egestas quam velit ac ligula.

Questions and feedback:Head Office : C1049 Shushant Lok 1, Gurgaon

Central Office : E-84 GK-1 Near Nehru Place Metro Station

Mobile no. : 8587939478Advertise Mobile: 9560776058

Email: [email protected]: www.khwahisheytasveer.com

Facebook Page: facebook.com/khwahisheytasveer.

Kritika Gupta



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Th e

p e r s o n a l i t y , the attitude, the panache you carry, the confidence in you which makes you stand in front of thousands of eyes and those cameras and finally when you look up to everyone with your eyes full of your credence to prove yourself in front of this whole world, is what makes you a super model . In other words, in today’s scenario, model is not who is only for the promoting for brand products, but they are the faces who actually create brands. Presenting yourself in front of the cameras and your audience is your prior job as all eyes are always on you. To draw everyone’s attention and to build up your name you need to develop a pleasant personality in you. It does not matter what complexion you have or what is your eye level, all you have to do is to develop your temperament. Believe in your charisma as everything would be fade after a certain age but your personality would lead you to the top immortal. To give your career a kick start, you should first get professional photographs of yours and for that you have to make sure that you have a good photographer because he or she can make your career or give break your career. Make sure that your portfolio contains photographs with different

moods, hair styles, and outfits, etc which will give you an edge over others who try the same look. As soon as the, model’s career begins t h e y h ave t o

educate themselves on latest fashion trends, styling and accessories. Fashion models should keep a strict diet plan and a perfect gyming routine as they have to be fit and remain available for assignments any time with full of enthusiasm.Now this is the point of time when you have to build your X factor. Being a fashion model you need to be the best in almost every sense. It depends how you carry yourself, your music, your dance and even your acting skills which can give you stardom in this industry and can pay you the best as talents are recognised and appreciated more in this field.

are you AModel ?

The field is full of glamour, the exposure which makes people over confident

people, but when you are model you just have to be confident about yourself and your factors. And at last but not the least you should know that a career in modelling always require good contacts with great communication skills so it is important for all fashion models to approach good and reputed modelling agencies who will provide you with better career opportunities and would recommend your portfolios to leading Production houses, Ad agencies, top Fashion Designers and photographers and many more.So get started and start living up your dreams. To fulfil your dream to be a model and to give a stunning look to those cameras and the admirers, can take a perfect shape, if you intact the above guidelines in your journey. You never know which look of yours catches the attention of people and makes you the brand face by giving you the perfect limelight.

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KabirRajHeight: 6ftWeight: 72 kgEye Color: Light BrownHair Color: BlackChest: 42Biceps: 16Waist: 30 Complexion: FairShoe Size: 9


5ft 5 inch. :Height 52 kg:Weight

Brown :Eye Color Light Brown :Hair Color

32-28-34 :Vitals Fair :Complexion

6 :Shoe Size

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RahulKaulHeight: 5ft. 11inchWeight: 70 kgEye Color: BrownHair Color: BlackChest: 40Biceps: 15Waist: 32Complexion: FairShoe Size: 9


5ft 5 inch. :Height 48 kg:Weight

Brown :Eye Color Black :Hair Color

32-26-34 :Vitals Fair :Complexion

6 :Shoe Size

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Yoga is not about touching the toes, its about unlocking your ideas about, what you want, where you can go and how you will achieve when you get there.

Modeling means showing your attitude, self confidence, body language etc in front of the camera but all these characteristics are very hard to find. Moreover, you have to be bold

enough to handle all the pressures that you will find in this glamorous modeling profession, your body as well as your mind will play a vital role in your career. So, you have to make sure that you take good care of your body, mind and your soul too. And to take care of all of these the best way is to practice YOGA.

Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which means to join or to direct one’s concentration. Yoga helps you to connect your soul to your body. Regular practice of yoga can help you to increase your strength, stamina and flexibility. For your body and for your mind it brings positive vibes, friendliness, calmness and inner satisfaction which give you peace. And when a person has a peaceful mind, he or she is in a better position to handle pressures both personally and professionally. It also boosts up your self esteem and your confidence because with peace you will always be in a positive state of mind.

YOGA 01PEACE OF MINDThe art of practicing yoga helps in controlling an individual’s mind, body and soul. It brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve a peaceful mind and body. It helps to manage stress and anxiety and keeps you relax. It also helps in increasing flexibility, muscle strength and body tone. It improves respiration, energy, vitality and immunity. Practicing yoga might seem like just stretching, but it can do much more for your body from the way you feel, look and move. The benefits of yoga provide both instant gratification and lasting transformation because In the fashion world, both are extremely important. Too much time with too few results can be incredibly discouraging and monotonous. Same routines week after week can lead to stagnation. Yoga acts as a catalyst for your physical and mental strength while preparing the mind and body for long-term health. Yoga is not just about working out but it’s all about a healthy lifestyle. The practice of yoga allows a model stand in a world consumed with chaos. Peace and tranquillity achieved through focused training which is appealing to everyone.

Moving and stretching in new ways will help you become more flexible and bringing greater range of motion to tight areas. With time, you can expect to gain flexibility in your hamstrings, back, shoulders, and hips. As we age, flexibility naturally decreases, which leads to pain and immobility but Yoga can ameliorate this process.


If you are a yoga beginner, Hatha yoga, which focuses on basic postures at a comfortable pace, would be great for you. If you want to increase strength through using more of your own body’s resistance, power yoga may be right for you.

If you are ready for a deeper practice, Advanced Yoga, or Bikram, also called “hot yoga,” may be just what you are looking for. In Bikram yoga, the room temperature is set to around 100 degrees Fahrenheit, resulting in greater elimination of toxins from your the body through the increased production of sweat. No matter your fitness level, fat percentage, or health history, yoga has a place for you.

It depends where you are in the course of your disease. At first, eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and losing weight can be quite effective at battling insulin resistance, the metabolic “glitch” behind type 2 diabetes. Insulin tell cells to absorb blood sugar. Staying sensitive to insulin can help delay your need for medication

or allow you to use smaller doses.In one study, people with type 2 diabetes who lost a significant amount of weight — an average of 24 pounds — within 1½ years after their diagnoses were twice as likely to bring their blood sugar levels under control as those who did not. Food choices matter, too. In a recent Italian study of people with type 2 diabetes, 56 percent of those who followed a traditional Mediterranean diet (think fish, olive oil, whole grains, nuts, and vegetables) were still medication-free after 4 years compared to just 30 percent of those on a low-fat diet with the same number of calories. The “good” fats from the Mediterranean diet seem to nurture

insulin sensitivityW

Aside from the uplifting spiritual values, the act of meditation can actually boost your confidence. The process works by releasing tension from your mind so you can feel confident about your physical body. Without any forms of anxiety, you are able to establish an internal con-nection with yourself. This is conse-quently reflected in your perception of others and will help to better your relationships by improving compas-sion and awareness.

BOOSTS CONFIDENCEIn day to day exercise, and with most structured exercise routines, many of our body’s smaller muscles are not worked out. But Yoga repeatedly stimulates many of our body’s smaller muscles, as well as the large ones, to ensure your whole muscle structure remains more toned.



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RohitMagguHeight: 5ft. 10.5 inchWeight: 65 kgEye Color: BrownHair Color: Dark BrownChest: 38Hips : 36Waist : 30 Complexion: FairShoe Size : 8


5ft 10 inch. :Height 52 kg:Weight

Brown :Eye Color Dark Brown :Hair Color

32-26-36 :Vitals Dusky :Complexion

6 :Shoe Size

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Ethnic Fashion

I ndia is a country of uniqueness. A country which is known for its customs, cultures and divergent religions. Among so many contrary

things there is a component which entices the eyes of the world, the Attires and Ornaments. India is well known as the country of fascinating dresses. Indian clothing renowned throughout the world for its ethnic wear. Each attire in India precisely depicts the Indian customs and culture. The dresses depends upon the different geographical areas. In every state in every village the clothing is contemporary. From an unadorned Saree to the most costly ornaments wore by the Princess everything is unique and is having its own meaning and a way to exhibit it.From the early ages to the present the fashion in India has tremendously changed and has adopt the modern era. Many populates tend to enjoy the western dresses and jewellery. But the industry of fashion has vibrantly changed the scenario of the Ethnic wear and the Fashion statements for the ornaments. There are many strains who do experiments and give the new version to the cultural dresses and the outfits.

Beautiful patterns, astonishing designs, the cloth everything has now been redefined by the

fashion industry and with the change of the time and the people’s choice the ethnic wear

has become truly splendid and glorious.Indian clothing

constitutes very colorful dresses, highlighting their magnificence and grandeur, and when it comes to Indian women there are varied numbers of attires which comes to their rows. The fashion industry has spectacularly immersed into the range of traditional clothing. From changing the Saree patterns of wearing to the change in the style of dressing a simple Salwar- Kameez. The fashion has evoked to those pleasing outfits which are not only adore by the people in India but also catches the eyes round the globe.

Contemporary ethnic wear or Indo-western wear – a more relaxed, contemporary and modified take on traditional Indian outfits – is gaining popularity among India’s youth. With an impressive line up of clothing meant for different purposes and occasions, the contemporary ethnic wear brands are dominating the retail scene in pretty much all t h e metros and tier II cities today. When it comes to foreign formal wear for men, the Indian culture has some of the most luxurious articles of formal clothing available, even when compared to other culture wear on an international level. This is largely due to the fact that formal Indo Western for men clothing is made with materials that are of the highest quality. Also, many of the world’s top designers

have seen this boon in popularity for Indo Western men’s wear and have made their own lines of this clothing.

The royalty of India is truly depicted in Ethnic Fashion

It is a combination of both that results in a dress that is both appealing and simple in design. Many Americans have second thoughts about

buying formal Indo Western for men clothes because they believe that the design will be too over the top and not appeal to the majority of society. Western influence on Indian themed clothing has resulted in a combination of extravagance and simplicity not found in any other culture or article of clothing.

From colleges and streets to ramps, Indo western or fusion style remains the

most popular style till date. Women of all ages sporting kurtas with

jeans and leggings, tank tops with ghagras, and wearing sarees

draped as dress has become regular sighting.  Designers these days are designing clothes keeping in mind more of a global outfit silhouette. T r e n d s a r e

becoming m o r e

b l e n d e d than purely

traditional or in stark contrast with one another. Fusion trends t h a t

r e f l e c t a blend of the Western and Indian have been around for quite some time. World of ethnic fashion have seen many legends but there is a delhite who is dreaming of carving her designs on the board of ethnic fashion industry.

H ritu Sharma, the rising star of the ethnic world, here shares her views on the Indian Designs and traditional outfits. Hritu is a simple Delhi girl who dreamt of being a fashion designer. She wants to give a different model to the

beautiful dress of our culture. She says,’Our country is the gift of nature which has so many colors into it. These colors give rise to different patterns. Moulding them into your outfits just make you near to your

culture”. According to Hritu fashion has different statement in Ethnic wear.

The colors of your culture make you feel indulged in the nostalgic world of fashion. W world is about taking out the tradition with the composition of fashion, something which can allure your beauty and can give you a complete look. She feels that she is completely

blessed that her family and friends always motivated her and took out the designer out of her. She believes that you always need a

supporting hand behind you to work endlessly. After all it is the question of blending your tradition with your fashion.








& S










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SanjayChaudharyHeight: 6ft. 1inchWeight: 81 kgEye Color: BlackHair Color: BlackChest: 40Biceps: 14.5Waist: 31Complexion: FairShoe Size: 9


5ft 5 inch. :Height 47 kg :Weight

Dark Brown :Eye Color Black :Hair Color

32-26-24 :Vitals Fair :Complexion

7 :Shoe Size

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Incorporate more physical exercise into your daily routineDo all tour jobs on your own. Do all your household work like dusting , cleaning , washing and more. this keeps your body running and losing weight every time. Try to get discipline in your life. Put your things at right place and perform your routine work with a proper enthusiastic manner. Doing physical exercise can lead you with a stronger body and build-up.

for healthy and perfect body

We have some steps of keeping you fit, these things can not only make you look complementing but also can make you internally strong.

Drink 8-10 glasses of water each dayWater keeps you hydrated and promotes optimal metabolic activity.  Moreover, water takes up a great volume in your stomach, so you will feel fuller without having consumed many snacks or meals. This is a great tool to keep off the excessive calories that you don’t really need but consume due to psychological eating or not knowing your satiety levels.

BASIC RULESTo be a model and to be in a

limelight it is very important to be fit and healthy. The more healthy

you are the more strongly you work. Your face gets the glow when you are internally healthy. A world like fashion makes you exhaust daily resulting tiredness, lethargic body and down face. Taking simple steps to be stay fit can stick your legs in the industry.

The mind may not be a muscle, but it’s still incredibly strong, and can make the difference between succeeding and failing at your goal. Being fit is a marathon, not a sprint, and it requires making changes to your entire lifestyle. By regularly challenging yourself you keep your physical self “tuned up.”  To stay fit in the long run, you should perform regular maintenance on your body, just as you would with a car. Take yourself to the doctor and dentist regularly to make sure everything is running smoothly on the inside and to prevent any potential problems from arising.


Fundas !!


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Let your body restWhen you’re giving your body a run for its money with varied physical activities, you also need to let it recover by getting a sufficient amount of sleep. Determine how many hours of sleep you need  in order to feel refreshed in the morning, then discipline yourself to wake up and go to bed at the same times on a daily basis. Not getting enough sleep also comes at a huge expense to your immune system. 

Overcome cravings! This is one of the hardest parts. Let’s say you just had a meal 20 minutes ago and you want maybe a couple of chips but you end up eating a little bit more than you bargained for! This is normal: your body turns down the healthy stuff and it accepts the non-healthy stuff. Sometimes, for a really big craving, it’s a good idea to portion out some of your favorite snacks and candies into little bags beforehand.This can help you to overcome cravings.

Meditation Remedy Meditation is essentially relaxation time, so it should be done entirely at your convenience. So, after the meditation you do right now, for the subsiquent meditations, choose a time when you know you are not likely to be disturbed and are free to relax and enjoy. The hours of sunrise and sunset, while nature transitions between day and night, are also ideal for the practice.

Give your body the fuel it needsSwitch to whole grain. It’s healthy and delicious. It might not be what you’re used to, but you’ll enjoy the richer, nuttier flavors. If you don’t want to switch entirely to whole grain, try to make half of the grains you eat whole grain. Cut out unhealthy snacks and replace them with fruits and vegetables. The high fiber and water content will make you feel full, and the high vitamin and mineral content will nourish your body naturally. Try to make meals that are half fruits and veggies.Eat lean protein foods. Try to buy meat that is lean (which means that it has a lower fat percentage.) Eat beans, eggs, and seeds to boost your protein intake without the fat that comes with meat. Cut back on solid fats. These include items made with butter or shortening such as cookies, cakes, and other desserts. They are also found in processed meat like sausage and bacon, as well as in ice cream and pizza.Eat foods with a  low glycemic index. These are foods that take longer for your body to digest and convert into energy, so you will feel fuller throughout the day with a smaller number of calories.


More food at the time of craving result to more fat in your body. This can make you look more heavy resulting in easily lethargic body and lazyness. Avoiding craving can lead you to healthy body and shaped up physique. This is the best way to make yourself energetic. To avoid craving you should keep yourself busy and indulged in other works.

Strengthen your relationshipsPrioritize developing meaningful relationships above simply being social. Surround yourself with people that enrich your life and make you happy. Practice self-disclosure, which means sharing things that are unique to you (your thoughts, fears, favorite movies and music, pet peeves, etc.) with those you trust. This has been shown to be of immense importance to not only forging deeper interpersonal connections, but also feeling validated emotionally.





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PhotographerUttam Panwar

PhotographerUttam Panwar


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AriesPaint yourself with red. You are someone who is attention seeker and are the warriors. You are an impulse shopper. You lead your past, present and have unique beauty secrets. You have professional attitude. Can have a very affectionate relationship.

Pink is your color for this month, You should turn your nose for the finest fabrics. Aim to accentuate the appropriate accessory for the neck. You are blessed with the benefit of Venus ruler ship. Luxury is in your life and you are pampered.

Gemini the sign of duality are multitasking. Models are flexible on one hand and flighty on the other hand. You fit in polka dot prints perfectly. Gemini are light, bright and sociable so yellow is the color for you.

Models in this sign love to spend time near the water, on the beach or sea. You look wonderful in white and pale, creamy colors. You are super sensitive and moody

Taurus Gemini Cancer




You are the kings and queens of the zodiacs. You should go for gold. You tend to be bold and fearless, but you are not sure and super confident. You should fake it until you make it. You are attention drawing. Fire color like orange is for you.

You should put plums. You should also try deep purples and blues. These colors promote adventure and journey of learning. You can carry outfits and combinations with ease, and have an upset attitude so will be masses of fun on set.

Virgo fashion is totally tawny. Earthy shades are for you. Pale yellow are the best color for you. Models are independent and trustworthy. Once you have given work to a Virgo you can make sure that work is done on time and nicely. You like planned dates.

You are skeletal structure, teeth and skin. Black, brown and charcoal grey are the colors for you. You can achieve bag of respect and notoriety because of your hard work. Have long lasting careers. You also support humanitarian and environmental causes.

Libra looks lovely in the pastel shades, so pale blue is your shades. The colors suits your personna completely, as you are calm and understanding. You are the best bet for the party partner. You are blessed with beauty and charm

You suit to quirky accessories and are the trendsetters. You make choices against the tide. Color aqua is for you. You are champion of humanitarian beliefs and freedom of expression. You are progressive, peace and love revolutionaries.

Your beauty is magnetic straight from your dark and mysterious gaze. You are seductive and teamed to understand makeup. You are tough with strong and solid bodies. Dark red and crimson are the colors for you.

You have mesmerizing hair, naturally thick, glossy and gorgeous. Your body area is your feet, you like to have a foot rub. Pisces models are naturally creative, musi-cal and soulful. They have dreamy quality and express many emotions.







When fashion disolves in Zodiacs, It creates great future for the world of fashion. The fashion zodiacs reveal the secrets of fashion faces and discloses their behaviours. The twelve different signs depict the twelve different shades of fashion globe.


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Ques. 1- Tell us about the real Evelyn Sharma?I think it’s way to exhausting to pretend to be someone else. So whenever you meet me you will see only the real Evelyn. I am a little shy getting to know new people at first, but everyone close to me describes me as a quirky, bubbly and happy person.

Ques. 2- What made you chose modeling & acting as a career?It happened by accident, a got discovered and asked to travel around the world as a model. All I saw was imaginary beaches flashing in my head so of course I agreed! Haha

Ques. 3- So speaking the Hindi dialogs, what is that experience like?You gotta do it if you want to be in Hindi films! So I learned the language.

Ques. 4- Who is your inspiration/role model? (acting/ modeling)I admire many people for their different talents and achievements. Everyone is an inspiration to me in a different way.

Ques. 5-What movie do you watch again & again?Uptown Girls

Ques. 6- Do you believe in love at first sight? Or its just lust at first sight?Depends on the case I guess… Wait for 3 months, and then you will know which one it was.

Ques. 7- Do you have any advice for girls or guys out there who want to become actors or try something new in a new country?I say go for your dreams! But come prepared!

Ques. 8-Were your parents fine with your decision? Well I grew up with my German mother and she is super proud of me. Everyone in my family is happy that I am living my dream.

Ques. 9-What do you love about India? My favourite thing about India is that they invented Pajamas. That is my most loved clothing item. I can live all my life in a pajama.

Ques. 10-What’s your favourite Indian dress? Lehenga — it’s very sexy. I am comfortable in saris. Sometimes I even show the stylist how to drape it properly.

My favourite thing about India

is that they invented


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By- Adah khan


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n Ka



hi V






ya R






k m



k Sh




av S









n D







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“1. How did you get into modeling? What inspired you? Who is your idol? When I started thinking about my career, very first thought came into my mind was modeling. Afterwards I never thought of anything else. I wanted to do it at any cost; fame and glamour inspired me to take first step towards modeling. My idol Milind soman

2. Which college did you go to? Was that you really wanted to do? Did your parents support you? I completed my graduation from IEC College of Engineering & Technology Greater NOIDA in 2010.I was passionate about modeling only; I went to college just to be educated as my parents wanted. Earlier they didn’t want me to set carrier in modeling, But when I won Gladrags Megamodel 2013 they started shown confidence on me.

3. How did you feel when you got your first shoot done and when you walked your first ramp walk? As I always wanted to be a model, It was like a dream comes true. I was feeling like I am at the top of this world.

4. How many shows have you done till now? Which was the best one from all of them? I have done many shows, but the best one was the Lakme fashion week.

5. What does it take to be a Supermodel?Hard work, dedication and patience, besides taking right steps at right time is necessary too.

6. Was it a hard journey to reach the heights where you are today? Yes, but not as much as I thought it would be. There is a long way to go and I think the way ahead is even harder.

7. If you were not a model, what other profession would you have been doing instead of it? I want to be a model and I am a model, I guess no other profession suits me.

8. What beauty tips do you swear by? Healthy food with low fat content, plenty of fruits and salads, and I drink lots of water to keep my skin healthy and glowing. Apart from that I do regular workout.

9. If a young girl/boy wants to be a model what would be your advice for them?Apart from good looks and good physique work hard and have patience, “there is no substitute for hard work” and “Patience is a virtue”.

10. Few words about your profession?As you know, I wanted to be model and now I am into this profession. And when you got what you want you feel happy. So I am happy with my job and when a person gets satisfaction with his profession he always tries to give more and more to it. So I am just trying hard to reach heights..


I want to be a model and I am a model, I guess no other profession suits me. “

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Fashion Turning Innocents

mall steps, cute smiles, beautiful and eye catching dresses and the innocent faces is what is the world of kids fashion. somewhere there is the mood of

angels and princess dressed up in the their beautiful gowns and jewellery and are waiting for their prince to come. so, somewhere there are cute little boys dressed up in the attire of Jodha Akbar holding their sword and portraying strength..!!

Fashion really turns innocent when it enters the world of kids and their cute little dreams. Khwaishey Tasveer is deeply associated with the fashion world of tiny tots. Khwaishey is having a big team of naughty , cute and innocent Baccha Party who are the members of Khwaishey Family. They have enlighten Khwaishey’s name everywhere in the industry. they are so well trained and taught that wherever they go they are adored and admired by all. The fashion industry is much more difficult and divergent for them, but khwaishey makes sure that their khwaishey doesn’t get suppressed and they can live dreams to the full.

The team of kids in khwqaishey is just like a whole army. whether it be their conceptual shoots or the advertisement campaigns they mark their presence everywhere and every time. Their tiny and alluring steps makes the full amvience pure and innocent. They are real crusaders of happiness and peace. Working with them always

makes you feel different and in a world which is not from the present scenario. You feel alluring and rejuvenated when you sit with them and chat with them about their experiences and moods. Their innocent answers sometimes makes you laugh and sometimes makes you amazed. They are the treasure of knowledge and counter backs. In my experience it was no time when I won them in chatting. For some people they are just the other face of fashion industry but for the

Khwaishey Tasveer they are our heart and soul, without them Khwaishey cant dream of anything.

To give them perfect exposure and stage there are many Khwaishey’s fashion shows which come up in their line to be organised, with different theme and tiny steps they enter the ramp with confidence and innocent glamour. They walk with a great gesture and here they give a little

wave to the audience, the jury gets delighted and their parents get over whelmed and proud of their children. Their beauty is loved by the audience and catches there eyes within a minute. As much the green room is set hot because of their innocence same the ramps burns with their confidence. The

true portraiture of humbleness and purity. they truly depict that fashion doesn’t lie in those short dresses and the the posses to the cameras, but lies within oneself. the more pure an simple it is the more vibrant is its outcome.

T he world of fashion is taking a new generation by storm. And this generation is young, small and tender. Kids fashion is becoming big, getting all the attention from designers, companies and well yes the parents. And expectedly the trend first started in Hollywood. Children’s clothing has come a long way. Not only are there more

shops dedicated for our little ones, they have a lot of stylish options, too! Florals are always present in kids’ fashion. It is, however, not just for the girls -- boys can wear them too. Polka dots, tribal prints and camouflage are some of the popular prints this season. Children are already in line with fashion trends. The fashion industry now caters to children’s designer clothing. Young children can now enjoy a varied and extensive range of fashion clothes, which helps them to set a fashion trend of their own. Even very young children have their own preferences, and many fashion designers are now focusing on babies and children’s wear. You can now find colourful, original, ingenious, stimulating, and appealing clothes for both the girls and the boys. You can now find superhero costumes and outfits, as well as accessorized girl dresses. Children of today times are inclined towards aesthetics, originality, and beauty. Clothing stores for children provide a wide range of clothing choices for boys and girls; and so your little one is taught to choose a particular fashion trend at a very early age. Clothing lines today are equally attractive as children’s toys.

The stars of Khwaishey Tasveer shine brightly in the sky of fashion industry. They are so shiny that any person in the world can easily see them shinning and smiling. Our stars who are making the Khwaishey dream big are:

Adah Narang: i just love walking on the ramp. Getting dressed up in the attire of princess makes me fell like I am really one of them. Also I love to get my photographs clicked.

Sunnik Maggu: Rather than studying I fell good to be with Khwaishey Tasveer, atleast here I can dress up like Ii want...!!


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5inch :Height28 kg :Weight

Black :Eye Color Black :Hair Color

23.5-22.5-23 :Vitals: Fair :Complexion

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Sunik MagguHeight: 4 ft Weight: 28 kgEye Color: BlackHair Color: BlackVitals: 27-26-27Complexion: Fair


3ft. 6inch :Height 18 kg :Weight

Black :Eye Color Black :Hair Color

23.5-22.5-23 :Vitals: Fair :Complexion

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Shahid’s Shahi


Owner of Shahid Shahi Libass

Shazia Peer

A brand that runs on dreams which was dreamt by a person very close. Shahid shahi libass is a brand which is run by Shazia Peer. Shahid Shahi Libass is a brand of designer clothes and outfits.

The outfits which can make your wardrobe full of different dresses and attires.

“ “T his brand was a dream of Shahid Peer Kapoor who was a well renowned

model of his times. He was a superbly enthusiastic person who have had taken the responsibility to turn the world of fashion upside down.

It was his dream to have a brand in which people from every status can walk down easily. Thus they have a range of clothes which are eventually made for all different people. Shazia Peer is a personality who has always tried to develop a different sense of styling. According to her, fashion can be generated anywhere anyhow you just need to be creative and should have a different vision.Shahid Shahi Libass outfits and designs are growing wide every day. Mainly focused with the ethnic dresses, the brand has the habit of twisting the mood of the ethnic version of outfits. Adding a modern look added to the Indian Dresses is what they do. Their completely versatile designs make them identified in the industry. Shazia Peer is living her brother’s dream every day and night. The dream of making every other person having the fashion sense. Shahid Shahi Libass is also a very trustworthy brand for model’s outfits. They differently design the “wear on” of models whether they are new comers or those who have kissed the stardom. Everyone here get their desired choices. According to Shazia Peer everyone deserves to carry a fashion sense of his or her own style. I always try to give them that look which not only make them look smart but also make them comfortable and suitable. We work for person’s dream look.In a journey of being a designer and to be able to live the dream of her brother, Shazia Peer was helped by Salil kapoor and her sister Sahiba. She says that in her journey of hardship, these two people acted as her shadow and stood by her at every turn of her life. Not only getting her those things she needed, they also supported her morally and always boosted her to overcome all the hardships and coming out with a smile of success. Khwaishey Tasveer also collaborated with Shahid Shahi Libass and worked all day round to give the company a different look. The models get delighted when they put on the designs of Shazia Peer which give them comfort and outfit of their choices. People say, in Shahid Shahi Libass you get what you desire and the outfits completely make you look exactly as the way you want. Looking towards the future and towards the success Shazia Peer wants to expand her empire. Now the next turn is of the designer bags and accessories. She wants to give her brother a tribute and a token of love and want his name to shine all over the industry and in this glamorous world.

Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. - Coco Chanel


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Rs 499

Save water T-shirt having blue soothing print on the menly black.

T-SHIRT 0001

For more info:www.shahidshahlibass.com

The rowdy look in the classic black

t-shirt having hot wheels pictured

on it.

T-SHIRT 0002

Rs 499

The brightness of orange blended with the beautiful Ganesha texture.

T-SHIRT 0003

For more info:www.shahidshahlibass.com

For more info:www.shahidshahlibass.com

The drammatic face print on a

high fabric green t-shirt.

T-SHIRT 0004

For more info:www.shahidshahlibass.com

The devil wings have conquered the fresh green coloured t-shirt.

T-SHIRT 0005

For more info:www.shahidshahlibass.com

The love of mighty depicted

on the deep black t-shirt.

T-SHIRT 0006

For more info:www.shahidshahlibass.com

Shahid Shahi Libass here portrays the different and royal design of ethnic wear. Their traditional dresses are the innovations of Shazia Peer and are truly divergent from the present runing fashion trends. Whether it be traditional frock along lemon and melin color panel with kundan artwork or netty beauty with trandy artwork on shoulder till belly with shocking pink yoke. Every design is something made out of the box and a great piece of creativity. The rainbow color outfit with different embroidery make the design trendy and glamorous.

Royal Designsof Ethnic Fashion

Rs 499 Rs 499

Rs 499 Rs 499

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amit talwarThe more nicely you go with your clothes, the more adorable you look. Your clothes define you and make you what you are

The more nicely you go with your clothes, the more adorable you look. Your clothes define you and make you what you are.

These are some ideologies given by the famous fashion designer of the fashion world, Mr Amit Talwar Trekaaya. He describes himself as the unique piece of art. His designs, his works are daily worship for him. Amit Talwar Trekaaya was not a born brand, but his hardship and his karmas made him a brand in the fashion industry. He was one of the common boys in his childhood but was empowered with a different passion of designing clothes for which he used to scribble all his text books, resulting to the punishments from the teachers and parents. He has always been a self dependent boy and this quality in him popped up at the early age of 16 and he started living his dream.When he passed his intermediate examination, he made his parents very clear about his passion. With all those difficulties faced by every Indian boy, when he tries to explore something new, Amit Talwar did his course from IIFT and also did his graduation side by side. It was his luck and hardship which got him an opportunity to join Garment India as a designer.After his continuous projects and different creative jobs he finally realized that it was time to start doing his own experiments. He decided

to open up his own showroom name as “Trekaaya”.In so tough competitions among the well renowned designers and their boutiques, Trekaaya still took the risk to enter into the fashion market, but someone has very well said that your Karmas lead your pathways , this is what happened with Amit Talwar. Soon he and his brand Trekaaya started becoming famous because of his completely different and unique designs. People started turning towards him for their dream outfits. From common persons to the celebrities all appreciated his work and designs. Trekaaya has designed clothes for-• JIAH KHAN• MONA SINGH• SONALI BENDRE• POOJA MISHRA• MISS INDIA• MISS INTERNATIONALS.He feels that he is now more comfortable and creative and play a lot with twisted form of designing, fusing western cuts with Indian fabrics and Indian embroideries to make a perfect duo. He is using lots of digital prints in this electronic world and in spite of all this whacko western thoughts he still have not forgotten his Indian taste and Indian routes, so he loves using hand paints and hand embroideries too.

Amit Talwar’s sense of fashion is completely divergent from the present scenario as he has the real India in his designs. Also the designs made by him are the designs from his heart which allures the beauty of the clothes. He always want to get creativity out of his art and always thinks out of the box. This result in a marvellous masterpiece and makes him the designer of his own kind. His designs are for of versatile outfits whether it is pure ethnic outfit or a casual wear. Every other piece of design has a completely different mood adding glamour to the ordinary life. Now Amit Talwar owns two different showrooms in Delhi, having distinctive designs and beautiful clothes, which can give you a look which you have always dreamt of, because your outfit defines you and your dreams.

J6/91-1 nehru market rajouri gardern . new delhi 110027 store name trekaaya.

2nd store is greater noida grand venice mall



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Khwaishey Tasveer here introduces you to a person who is known for playing with colours and giving you a perfect touch up, Twinkle Malhotra is a young and developing make over artist in the world of fashion. Being a Delhite she got her training by Marvie Ann Beck Mumbai.

• Use Primer, that is the under basewhen you are putting up your makeup. The proper under base gives your face a great look and also help in blending.

•Alwaysusethemoisturiseraccordingto your skin type. Different skins ask for different nutrients and should be pro-vided with that.

• Whenyouaregoingforamakeover,try to ask them for the hi-defined make up also known as 3d make up. This makeup is not shiny but is blended to your skin so well that you will fall in love with it. The makeup is waterproof and not heavy. Also it is simple and decent to look.

• Iwouldalso like toadd that Indiansare innocent so they easily fall into the business fishing traps of big cosmetic companies. The customers should al-ways ask for the samples so that they get to know the particular product is meant for their skin or not.

You and Your Eyes•Whenyouaredonewiththefacebasethen put the eye base and gently blend it with the eye shadow. Also avoid too much of blending. If too much of blend-ing is required then don’t use the prim-er.• Thegirlswith smalleyes shouldusethe white pencil on their lower lid to give your eyes a big look.• Girls with big eyes should use linerand should not use dark kajal on their lower lid. Just put it up normally up to one or two strokes.• Beforemascara you should use eyelash curlers.•Insummersuserosewaterasfixer.

Twinkle malhotra makeovers 126 nehru appartments , outer ring road new delhi - 110019Phone - 09643564005

Twinkle Malhotra here shares some of the hand tips that the models should keep on their way so that to look per-fect and presentable.

• Models should keep in mind thatmakeup is not a surgery. You can’t look completely different when you put up the makeup. So it is better to know what suits you and what doesn’t.

• You should be regular with the ba-sic hygiene of yours. The basic hygiene makes you look fresh and alive. Also you should be regular to your skin

• Follow the mantra of C T M that iscleansing, toning and moisturising. Keep the flow in order and do it on daily ba-sis. Moreover sunscreen in the bright summers are must for all. You can’t even think of stepping out in day without your sunscreen.

He is the person behind her who has not only brought her up but has also transformed her to a professionally kind and generous lady.To her, fashion is the biggest booming industry. You can’t judge the limit to success here as people live their dreams. But there is barter system followed in the industry. The more hard work you do here the more you get the success. There is no lack of talented blood in the industry, all they should know is how to survive in the industry and what to lose and what to gain.

Her experience in the industry is grow-ing day by day as she is developing and demonstrating her skills every other day. People in the industry know her for her passion of makeover and making peo-ple’s dream come true. She explains her profession of makeover artist as a tool of building up her own confidence. From her childhood only makeup was her art so she decided to mould her art to her into profession as according to her if you love your work and if it is your passion then no one can stop you to be on the top of the world in your forte. In her jour-ney of travelling in a completely different and challenging profession, she says that her grandfather is her biggest inspiration and strength.

makeoverstwinkle malhotraIn fashion world the make ups usually make you look glamorous and eye candid but there are still some people who can make you look originally you. Makeup is not always putting up the expensive cosmetics to look someone different but sometimes it is playing with colours, colours that suits you and makes you what you are originally.


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DELHI’SPAGE 3 PARTiesSeema midha, Salil kapoor



Salil kapoor, Pooja mishra, Vinay gupta, Nikki annaya chawla

Chand Bakshi,Rita gangwani,Dr varun katyal







Kabir Raj





Megha & Salil

Pooja Mishra

Meenakshi dutt & Amit talwar

Amit, Dj Ana, Roshni, Meenakshi, Umesh dutt, Neena,

Vandana Vadhera

Ramon Lamba, Vandana Vadhera

Pragati, Twinkle, Salil, Aashima

Ishreen, Sumita das gupta

Pranav Awasthi

Sandali soni, IshreenIshreen, Ketan bhatia,

Mrs. malhalotra, Rahul roy, Twinkle, Salil Krishna Somani


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Seema,Pooja,Sylvie, Dr. varun

Roshni Thakur, Ramon lamba, vandana vadhera

Amit Talwar

Kanchan tomar, Salil Kapoor

Pawan Sachdeva

vandana vadhera









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Fashion is just about your work turning to passion.This is a industry for the people who can dream big and have the capability to annex them.When you step into the industry one thing you all would face that is rejection.The person

who is personified and believe in his own work.The journey in fashion industry is about roses and thorns both would come in your way all you need is how to overcome them and show your charm to the world.For the people who have just initiated their journey I would like to suggest that you have to just do your best and should leave the rest.The profession is full of working round the clock you have to be completely enthusiastic.There is no space vacant for those who are not working with the time. Keep your mantra in your mind “ Time is Work, Work is Time “ .

Show must go on, this is my mantra for my life. My journey started when i was a teen. It was my dream to be a fashion designer every thing gone in the way of designing and fashion. The day’s which i lived were not so happily carved.

From friends to relatives to all the people surrounding me were not as supporting as they should be. But as I said show must go on, I worked on pins and needles to be a professional designer. The age of 13 was to play with toys but it was me who was playing with dress designs and creativity. Life has been so full of rough ways but my parents are like my god. Their blessings are motivation to me. From styling to cloth and to the designs every thing are like my soul mates. I live for designs and designs are for life.

According to me fashion starts from those small kids who have just entered the world of fashion. I make every piece of my dress which can make any parent over whelmed when their little kids put them on. For me fashion is

innocent and it travels round. There can be nothing more special than working with tiny tots. From the little ones to the matured guys is all for whom I work for.My outfits are for men grooming and their styling. With the manly look and their personna they make my designs look much more adorable. My styling is different because I design completely for men of every age. You need more creativity to design for men. I believe designing for them is completely different experience as you have to work with their tough looks and changing outlook.


DEEPAK KOCHAR(Fashion designer)

KIRTI RATHORE(Fashion designer)

Industry of fashion and naturopathy has been my home from last 22 years. We promote naturopathy as a lifestyle. To look good one should be presentable and confident enough. There is also one thing that makes you look alive is our

connection to nature which is full of resources which are essential for our body. Nature has given nature us plenty of vegetation and herbs. Blood purification is very important for a clear skin. And clear skin is essential for clear career. For fresh faces it is important to drink adequate amount of water which keep your body hyderated. Other essentials like salads are important to clear the bowl movement. Follow few steps and keep your career and you rejuvenated. It is all about nature you and your body.

outsanding work needs good health and physical condition. My mantra is exercise and proper nutrition results to great body and health. For me age is just a number. You can develop yourself whenever you want. Fitness has

no age bar. I have been into the industry of fitness from last 6 year and have work for many celebreties. I motivate people for healthy lifestyle. Fitness Programmes and customized fat loss is the key to the healthy body. From your water to your diet everything is needed for healthy living. For your fitness you should have professional coach and instructor who can lead you in a proper body shape. At your initial times in modeling you should keep your body fit and healthy this would lead to a groomed career. Be fit and healthy and give your career a proper shape.

Healthy smile is essential for healthy career. Being a dentist too I always dreamt of my son being a model and on ramp. When he was only one year old, he got a modelling assignment but as the world is full of touts, it was

a very disappointing situation for me. Then one day with the god’s grace I came across the Khwaishey Tasveer on facebook. I was really impressed when I first met the khwaishey team. They are very hardworking and have different ideas. Their creativity make them divergent from others. For kids being a model it is the best modelling agency because people here are so friendly and give you totally homely experience, also they provide so big exposures that being a parent you are already delighted. Khwaishey Tasveer has given us the pathway to make mine and my son’s dream come true.


PRAGATI(Fashion designer)

SONIA BAJAJ(Fitness Instructor)


Nothing is more valuable than having a desirable outfit. A well renowned fashion designer in the industry is a Delhite. She is in love with her profession and makes her every single outfit speak the language of

passion. . She was motivated by her family but had an early marriage. But her husband is real man behind her success. She says that whatever she is today is just because of her husband who has given her a great support in twist and turns of her profession. According to her appreciation hit her pathways regularly but she takes them differently. She treats them as the words which motivate her to work more harder. It is all about getting the creativity out of mind and showcasing it on your beautiful models.


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1. How your journey started ?Ans : I belong to a catholic family, a brilliant student and eventually i had interest in hair styling which was not even in industry at that time.

2. Fashion statement for you is ?Ans : Simplicity is best, be grounded and procure fashion in you.

3. One thing which turns you off ?Ans : Hypocrisy, and negative vibes.

4. Key words which motivate you to this industry?Ans : Just be positive.

5. One thing which you want to achieve in your life?Ans : I am totally satisfied, just to work with generosity.

6. Do you think the industry has turned to super or it is ruined?Ans : Industry has turned to the super and more open and wide thinking is now there.

7. How your day starts?Ans : With lord's name, and then my place my kitchen.

8. What you think is the magical point a model should have in their journey?Ans : Get the perfetion from you, work hard.

9. How you take those people who are not good to you?Ans : Too matured for that.

10. Life mantra...?Ans : Live life queen style, be positive and love your work...!!!



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CONTACT US : 8587939478,9560776058 E-mail Id : [email protected]

Website- www.khwahisheytasveer.com

Modeling Management, Modeling Agency, Grooming School,Portfolios, Makeovers,Videofolios, Runway show, Stock Shoots,

Beauty Peagent, Branding, Fashion Magazine.


khwahisheyTasveer/ June, 201472



We distribute smiles by doing some activities :

• Charity shows every month.

• Creative functions and competitions for little champs.

• Teaching and Education programs.

• Call for donations by different practices.

• Giving happiness by completing the family.

Treat To Orphansgifting smiles to all