KIDS MARATHON TRAINING GUIDE 2014€¦ · the store and back, getting books from the library or to a Kids Marathon Training Session. Draw a map of the route you took when you replaced

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Page 1: KIDS MARATHON TRAINING GUIDE 2014€¦ · the store and back, getting books from the library or to a Kids Marathon Training Session. Draw a map of the route you took when you replaced



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Mission Statement: To increase the amount of family time, play and healthy eating

of participants by offering fun training sessions, training logs, and information

that inspires these healthy lifestyle choices.

Key focuses of the Kids Marathon Program:

Family Time Play Every Day Eat Healthy

Family time is important because it allows you to connect and support each

other in your wellness goals.

Putting play in your day is essential because exercising helps keep your body


Eating healthy fuels your body with energy by offering key nutrients your

body needs.

Date Lesson


Location Family Time

Warm- Up Focus

Play Every Day

Activity Focus

Eat Healthy

Cool Down Focus

8/9 1 Riverside

Park Planning together Goal Setting

Take a bite of Fruits &


8/16 2 North

YMCA Preparing together

Proper Running


Healthy and Unhealthy


8/23 3 Hixon

Forest Laughing together


Training Be Sugar Smart

8/30 4

NO Training-

(Labor Day)


Training Listening Plyometrics Stay Hydrated

9/6 5 UWL

Track Eating together

Speed and Agility

Training Super Snacks

9/13 6 Copeland

Park The great outdoors Pacing Whole Grains

9/20 7 La Crosse

YMCA Exploring together Cross Training Eat a Rainbow

9/27 8

Maple Mile Maple

Mile Giving thanks Race preparation Review

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For each challenge please use a scratch piece of paper, write your name on it and bring it

to training sessions or mail it to:

1140 Main St., La Crosse, WI 54601.

Challenge 1: Try Something New (Healthy Eating) Eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds and protein will provide

your body with the proper nutrition (vitamins & minerals) it needs to stay healthy and

give you enough energy to stay active. Varying foods you eat each week will challenge

you to be creative in the kitchen but your body will appreciate all of the different

vitamins it is taking in.

The Challenge: For this challenge, try eating a new vegetable this week, something you have not

ate before. Some unique vegetables could be: sweet potatoes (roasted or mashed), kale (steamed or

sautéed), beets or turnips (roasted w/ olive oil). Write down the vegetable you ate and describe

how you prepared/ate it. Be creative!

Challenge 2: Walk or Bike Instead of Driving (Stay Active) Incorporating physical activity into our busy lives may seem difficult unless you

make it a part of your daily routine or replace a simple errand with walking or

biking. By using their bicycle instead of a car to accomplish an errand or task they

are easily adding physical activity to their day.

The Challenge: For this challenge, replace one trip you would normally take in a car with walking,

biking, roller-blading or any other means of self-powered transportation. It can be a 1-mile trip to

the store and back, getting books from the library or to a Kids Marathon Training Session. Draw a

map of the route you took when you replaced driving with walking or biking.

Challenge 3: Get Together! Family Activity (Family Time) Spending time with family will help build relationships and a support system that will

help everyone live a healthy, happy life. Supporting one another to reach a wellness

goal or being there after a long day is priceless.

The Challenge: For this challenge, be proactive about spending time with your family. You could

take a walk in the park, prepare dinner together or schedule a Friday game night. Do something

everyone will enjoy. Write down your family activity and draw a picture of what you did.

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Each foot equals ½ mile. Color in the feet as you run your miles.

A marathon is twenty-six miles. We challenge you to run 26 miles in two months. (You can substitute 20 minutes of biking, swimming or other activities as ½ mile)

1 2 3





10 6


11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

Check when completed:

___ Challenge 1

___ Challenge 2

___ Challenge 3

Did you know?

A child is more likely to

enjoy running and outdoor

activities if they start when

they are young. Children

develop confidence when

they practice and try new skills and types of exercise. Mile 26

Maple Mile-Sept 28

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My short-term goals are:



____________________________ _________

My long-term goal(s) are:



___________________________ __________

Planning Together: Planning activities with your family is a great way to spend

time together. By planning together, your family can find out about each other’s

interests and do things as a together. Ask three different families what their favorite

activities are to plan together. Next, ask them how they are planning to train as a family for the Kids Marathon.

YMCA Kids Marathon Training Guide

Goal Setting: Setting goals is a great way to stay motivated. Achieving goals creates

a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Athletes set goals to help motivate them

when they are training. There are two different types of goals; short or long term. An

example of a short-term goal would be how often you want to run in your first week of

training. An example of a long-term goal would be how fast you can run in the Maple

Mile. Short-term goals help you monitor your progress and reward yourself for your

accomplishments on a regular basis. Long-term goals help give you perspective of a

bigger picture of what you want to accomplish. A great way to create goals is by using

the S.M.A.R.T. method, by establishing goals that are….

S-Specific: Goals should be as detailed as possible; specify exactly what you want to do.

M-Measurable: Establish goals that can be measured in some way (distance, time, etc).

A-Attainable: Set goals that are challenging but possible for you to achieve.

R-Realistic: Always believe in yourself, but remember to make your goals realistic.

T-Time Oriented: Goals should be set within a time frame for completion to keep you motivated.

Week 1

Take a Bite of Fruits and Veggies: Eating fruits and vegetables everyday is

important because they provide you with necessary nutrients. They also prevent you

from getting sick. “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” Look at the food pyramid (pg

14) to find how many servings of vegetables you should have every day. How many servings of fruit should you eat everyday?

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Why is it important to have proper running technique?


___________________ ______________________________

___________________ ______________________________

What was your favorite part of today’s training?


____________________________ _____________________

___________________ ______________________________

Healthy and Unhealthy Fats: When people hear the word fats they think it

means unhealthy. Although this is true in some cases, fats can also be healthy. For

instance, increasing your omega-3 fatty acid intake would have a positive result in your

health. You want to avoid foods that have a high amount of saturated fats and trans-

fats. These two fats raise your cholesterol levels and increase your chance of getting

heart disease. Read the labels of your favorite foods and see if they are high in

saturated and trans-fats. Then, your family can pick out healthier alternatives the next

time you go to the grocery store.

Preparing Together: Preparing together as a family is another great way to

spend time together. It is important to prepare for an event or activity so you are ready

for any situation. Going on a camping trip is a great example of something families

prepare to do together. Tell two different families what your family prepares to do


Week 2 YMCA Kid’s Marathon Training Guide

Proper Running Technique: Proper running technique or form is very

important to an athlete’s running performance. Running with good form and technique

helps a runner conserve their energy and become a more efficient runner. Using proper

technique helps you run faster and for a longer period of time. The list below describes

several basic techniques to better running form:

1. Upright Posture: Avoid leaning forward, backward, or to the side.

2. Arms: Keep your arms at close to a 90 degree angle and close to your body.

3. Hands: Keep your hands relaxed, making a fist wastes energy.

4. Foot Position: Step directly underneath your body, not too far backward or too far


5. Knee Drive: Driving your knees forward when you become fatigued helps you maintain

your speed. 6. Head Up: Keep your head up and facing forward.

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What are some of your favorite meals to make with your family?


________________________________ _________________

What resistance exercises can you do at home? _________________________________________________________________________

_________________________ ________________________

Be Sugar Smart: Sugar is “empty calories.” Besides giving you energy sugar

doesn’t do anything for your body. Almost everybody consumes too much sugar each

day. In 2009, the average adult ate 22 teaspoons of sugar a day, and the average

teenager ate 34 teaspoons of sugar a day. The recommended amount is no more than 6

teaspoons for woman and 9 teaspoons for men. The easiest way to cut back on your

sugar consumption is to not drink as much soda and drink more water everyday. What are some other ways you can lower your sugar intake?

Laughing Together: Laughing not only improves your mood, but helps reduce

stress and even helps fight infection. Did you know laughing 100 times is the equivalent

of riding a bicycle for 15 minutes? Laughing can help improve your health while you’re

having fun at the same time. Some physical benefits from laughing include a boost in

your immune system, lower stress, relaxed muscles, decreased pain, and lowers your risk

of heart disease. Tell three different families an appropriate funny joke. If you can’t think of a good joke, share a funny story that has happened to you.

Week 3 YMCA Kids Marathon Training Guide

Resistance Training: This type of exercise is categorized by any activity in

which your body works against an external force. There are many ways to resistance

train; the most popular is lifting weights. However, resistance training involves many

other activities. By using your bodyweight as an external force, you can do such

exercises as push-ups and pull-ups. You can also participate in resistance training by

using such things as resistance bands, stability balls, and in some cases a training


Safety is very important when doing resistance training. You should always use proper

form when completing resistance exercises and should be under the guidance of a

trained individual if you are new to the activity. You also want to be sure that the

weight or force is an appropriate amount. If you are not careful you could get hurt.

When used correctly in addition to your other forms of training (e.g. distance running),

resistance training can be extremely beneficial to your athletic performance.

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What was your favorite plyometric drill today?


_________________________________ ________________

___________________ ______________________________

How could you do some plyometrics at home?


______________________ __________________________

Stay Hydrated: Did you know that 60% of your body is water? Staying hydrated

when you are exercising is very important because every system in your body depends

on water and water delivers oxygen to your muscles. Being dehydrated can lower your

performance tremendously, so make sure you always carry a water bottle with you.

Remember the “8 by 8” rule. You should drink eight 8oz glasses of water each day;

although this does vary depending on size, physical activity level, and other factors. How

many ounces of water do you usually consume in a day?

Listening: Part of maintaining good relationships with one another is listening to

each other. By listening you show that you care about the person talking and what they

have to say. Did you know the average person can listen at a rate of 450 words per

minute? That’s more than 7 words per second! A good time to listen to each other is at

the dinner table. Shut off the TV, sit down and enjoy a nice relaxing meal with your

family members. Tell a friend a story and see how much of it they remember once you are done telling it.

Week 4 YMCA Kids Marathon Training Guide

Plyometrics: Plyometrics is a long word for training that improves something called

power. Power is the relationship between strength and speed. Athletes that utilize

jumping, lifting, and throwing movements in their given sports benefit from plyometric

training. It has also been shown that plyometrics can benefit the endurance athlete as

well. Sometimes continuous endurance training can result in overtraining, fatigue, and

risk of injury. By using plyometrics within your training program, you can prevent some

of these undesirable side effects. Forms of plyometric exercises include jumping,

bouncing, skipping, and throwing.

It is very important to remember when participating in plyometrics, proper form and

ability-appropriate exercises are very important. A coach trained in plyometrics should

always supervise, and athletes new to this form of training should progress slowly.

When plyometrics are used correctly with other trainings an athlete can expect an increase in the overall performance.

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How can speed and agility be beneficial to a long distance runner?


What sports do you play or like that use speed or agility?


Super Snacks: It is good to eat snacks in-between meals because it gives you

energy and keeps you from over-eating during meals. The trick is finding snacks that are

healthy to eat. You should try to avoid snacks that are high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy

fats. It is okay to eat these snacks once in a while, but you should try to replace them

with healthier alternatives. Apples, bananas, strawberries, and yogurt are good examples

of healthy alternatives. What are some snacks that you normally eat that you can

replace for a healthier option?

Eating Together: Eating together is the simplest way to interact with your family.

Studies show that children with families that eat together do better academically.

Although going out to eat is nice because it less work, it can be fun to cook the meal as

a family too. Then when you sit down to enjoy the meal you can be proud that everyone

helped make it. Try to eat together as a family for at least one meal a day. Eating with

someone is comforting; sit together and talk about how your day was.

Week 5 YMCA Kids Marathon Training Guide

Speed and Agility Training: Speed and agility are two essential athletic

characteristics when playing team sports. Most of all team or organized sports require

speed and agility in some way shape or form. Long distance runners typically do not do

this type of training, but would benefit from cross-training for speed and agility. By

using speed and agility training this way, a long-distance runner can finish their race

with a sprint or speed burst. Training to build speed and agility can help runners become

a well-rounded athlete. The better-rounded an athlete is, the better they will be at a

variety of sports and activities.

Speed and agility training can take many forms and use a variety of equipment. For

example, a great way to train for increasing speed is uphill or downhill running. Sprinting

up bleachers is also a great way to do this. Agility training can take even more forms, by

using footwork ladders, cones, and sometimes even a partner. By constantly having to

increase and decrease speed along with changing directions can help increase an

athlete’s speed and agility.

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Why is it important to pace yourself?


________ _________________________________________

What was your favorite part of today’s training?


________________________ _________________________

Whole Grains: Did you know that only 4% of U.S. adults and children over 12 are

consuming sufficient whole grains? You should eat at least 3 servings of whole grain every

day! Whole grains contain all the essential parts and nutrients of the entire grain seed. Even

if the grain has been processed (cracked, rolled, cooked, etc), the food product should deliver

the same balance of nutrients that are found in the original grain seed. Some common

examples of whole grains include: rice, wheat, corn, and oatmeal. There are numerous

benefits of consuming whole grain foods, but the main ones include lowering the risk of type

II diabetes and reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Eating whole grain cereal in the

morning is a great way to consume whole grains. What is your favorite cereal to eat? Check

and see if it is whole grain.

The Great Outdoors: There are many things to do outside as a family, especially in

the summer. When the sun is out get outside and enjoy the weather. Go camping, fishing,

take a trip to the beach, play golf, the possibilities are endless. Share with two other families

some activities that your family likes to do for fun. Did you try any new outdoor activities

this summer that you never did before? Are there any outdoor activities that you want to try

soon? If so, what are they? Remember that if you are going to be outside for a long period of time to protect your skin by wearing hats or sunscreen!

Week 6 YMCA Kids Marathon Training Guide

Pacing: Pacing is one of the most important factors for success in long-distance running.

Pacing is the rate of speed a person can run at compared to their top speed. The quicker

your rate of speed, the faster you will become tired. If you are running for a long time you

want to “pace” yourself. So when you are running a race it is important to run fast enough to

get a good time, but not so fast that you burnout before the end of the race.

The best way to find out what a good pace is for you is by practicing. Timing yourself on your

runs and monitoring how you feel on those runs is a great way to practice pacing. Try to use

the same running course or a metered track when you are practicing pacing, so you can keep

track of your improvement.

When you become better at pacing and find what your optimal pace is, you will perform better!

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Why is it important to cross train?


__________________________ _______________________

___________________ ______________________________

List a new sport or activity that you could try to cross train? _________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________ ___________

Eat a Rainbow: Mix it up when you eat your fruits and vegetables. Fruits and

vegetables come in all colors of the rainbow and they are all healthy and delicious. Each

colored fruit or vegetable has different nutrients that help make your body healthy and

strong. You should have at least five total servings of fruits and vegetables each day. A

way to help you achieve this goal is to have one fruit or vegetable with every meal. What

is your favorite fruit to eat? What is your favorite vegetable to eat? Have you eaten a

fruit or vegetable for every color of the rainbow? If you haven’t, try eating a new kind of fruit or vegetable with your next meal!

Exploring Together: You shouldn’t be afraid to try new things as a family.

Sometimes you might feel nervous or scared to try something new, but you might end up

loving it. It’s like riding a rollercoaster for the first time, you feel a little nervous at first,

but once you try it you have a blast. If you try something new as a family, you get to

share the experience together. What are some things that you want to try? Can you

remember an experience where you were scared to try something at first? Describe that experience to friends or family.

Week 7 YMCA Kids Marathon Training Guide

Cross Training: Cross-Training refers to doing exercises and activities that are

different from your usual routine. For example, a long-distance runner would be cross-

training if they participated in a game of football. Since football involves different

athletic aspects than long-distance running, such as sprinting and coordination, it is

considered a cross-training activity. When you participate in a certain activity for a long

time without deviating from that activity, your body gets used to the given demands of

your exercise and your performance can stop increasing, the risk of overtraining and

injury increases, and the exercise can simply become boring. By using cross-training in

your activity program from time to time, you can make yourself a better athlete and keep

a fresh competitive attitude. Different activities work different muscles which can help

keep you in better overall shape, because your body doesn’t get used to the same demands.

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Remember your goals from week 1, how did you do?


_____________________________________________ ____

How are you going to prepare for the Maple Mile? _________________________________________________________________________

Review: The three key focuses of Kids Marathon program are: family time, play every

day, and eat healthy. In order to live a healthier lifestyle you must make good decisions

when eating and exercising. This means eating the recommended amount of each food

group everyday and cutting back on the foods that are unhealthy. It also means drinking

enough water every day to stay hydrated. Staying active by exercising is the best way to

stay in shape. Running is a great way to stay active. Remember to use good running

form and pace yourself every time. Don’t forget your family is always there to help keep you motivated.

Giving Thanks: You shouldn’t just give thanks on Thanksgiving. You should be

thankful anytime that someone helps you out. Make sure to say “thank you” when

someone helps you, it makes them feel appreciated and helps them know you were

grateful for their help. You can never say “thank you” too much. Tell each of your family member’s thank you for something they helped you with.

YMCA Kids Marathon Training Guide Week 8

Race Preparation: Preparing for your big race involves many different steps. The

training you have done this summer and fall is one of the biggest steps towards

preparing for the big race. However, there are other things to keep in mind so you can

do your best at the Maple Leaf race. Some things to remember are….

1. Nutrition: Eating healthy the week of the race and especially the night and morning

before the race is crucial. This involves eating such things as fruits, vegetables, lean

meats, and whole grains, while staying away from things like pizza, burgers, candy, and

ice cream. Eating foods with carbohydrates in them like pasta the night before the race

will give you more energy during the race. Staying hydrated by drinking water is also

crucial. Remember, food is energy, and healthier food will give you more energy on


2. Rest: The week prior to your big race should involve a taper which is easing up on

your training. If you have been running a lot this summer and fall you have trained

enough, and running less than normal this week will help you perform better on

Saturday. Rest also involves a healthy amount of sleep. Make sure to get plenty of sleep the night before the race, so you can do your best.

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Being Thankful Bronston Chiropractic is the Presenting Sponsor of the Kids Marathon Program. Let Mr. Bronston

know how much you appreciate and enjoy this program by drawing your favorite part of the Kids

Marathon and explain what you made. Make it fun and colorful!

Send the letter to:

Bronston Chiropractic

Attn: Leo Bronston

1202 County Road PH

Onalaska, WI 54650


for helping get you back in motion!