KidWise 1 KidWise raising faith-filled kids Making History Fun! Celebrate America with KICKS Family activities, articles, crafts, & more! July 2011 Refresh

KidWise Magazine - July 2011

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A family magazine published by KICKS Ministries. KidWise is full of great family articles, recipes, activity ideas, crafts, stories, and much more! Great for Christian educators and Homeschool families!

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KidWise 1

KidWiseraising faith-filled kids



Celebrate America with KICKS Family activities, articles,

crafts, & more!

July 2011


Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for reading. This July issue is filled with fun for the whole family. It is a quick read for all you busy moms and will bring nuggets of inspiration to carry you through the day, week and month. We hope you are blessed to read this edition of KidWise!

As you celebrate America this year, remember that the ‘red, white, and blue’ is designed to bless you. God’s plan for you in America is not only to bless others with the great example laid out before them of ‘liberty and the pursuit of happiness’, but also in our example of God’s foundational purposes describing liberty. As America was established on Godly principles and pas-sion, we can now live today experiencing ‘freedom’ and all the blessing it holds!

May you be blessed with the freedom found in the Spirit of God and experience all He has for you and your fam-ily this 4th of July season. God bless you and lift you to higher places through His liberty!

God’s richest and newest blessing,'raising faith-filled kids through the word of God',

KidWise 2


Pastors Rick and Kim Robinson have been

involved in children’s ministry for over 20

years. They are dedicated to providing

materials for families to help them have

the blessed family life that God intends.

They are parents of four and grandpar-

ents of two. They live in Ohio with their

son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

Their home-based office, TV studios, and

recording studio send out the message of

the gospel to children and families all over

the world.

Pastors Rick and Kim Robinson

5 KICKS Family Life - “Making History Fun”

8 “COURAGE” by Pastor Kim

13 “Refresh” by Pastor Kim

15 “For A Limited Time Only” by Pastor Rick

KidWise 3table of contents

Are you a part of KICKS Club?Itʼs fun and free -- visit the KICKS Club website to join www.kicksclub.org

J u l yKICKS Craft pg. 6

KICKS Kitchen,pg. 7

KICKS Coloring, pg. 10

From Elmer,pg. 11

2:twenty, pg. 17

All About KICKS,pg. 19

Thanks to ourSponsors,pg. 21

Wanna’ know how you can watch KICKS TV? See our show times listed on pg. 19

KidWise 5

Making History FUN!b y P a s t o r K i m

KICKS Family Life


My kids and I love history! Researching American history

and sharing it with your kids has great advantages and is fun. We as a ministry produced a movie about the 'female Paul Revere', Sybil Ludington. I loved doing

this with my kids and that experi-ence encouraged my kids excite-

ment about history, too.

Did you ever think about making your own documentary with your

kids? Well, simply take out your home video and have your kids act it out. :) Research some his-

torical characters and learn about them with your kids. Have them pick dress up clothes to use as "costumes" and

make their own "props" and "sets" with whatever you have available at home. Write a story and put it to film. It'll make a great summer project! Be creative and have


We hope that above all, you and your family enjoy this 4th-of-July month, Celebrating America with some his-

tory, creativity and family fun.

KICKS Kitchen KidWise 6

Easy 4th of July Garland

Have fun with your family making this quick and easy, patriotic themed garland. All you need is construction paper, a hole punch and some yarn.

Gather red, white and blue construction paper and cut each piece in to close-in-size strips. Next punch holes in the ends and tie string through. Use tape to hang wherever you’d like, in-doors or out, to decorate for your 4th of July celebration.

Other ideas: * Punch just one hole in each strip to simplify the project.* Use stars between red and blue strips of paper.* Use 4th of July themed paper for your project rather

than just solid red, white and blue

Have fun with your family and this celebration project!

KICKS Crafts KidWise 7

Patriotic Party EnvelopesWhat a cute way to organize and easily pass out silverware for your 4th Fes-

tivities this year!

What You’ll Need:

• Patriotic themed craft paper (or you can use red, white and blue solid

sheets of paper)

• Pinking scissors & regular scissors

• Red and blue paper ribbon (yarn, ribbon or fabric also works)

• Glue

Cut the paper into 4 3/4 x 12 1/2 inch strips.

Use the pinking scissors to cut each end.

Fold paper with 1/2 inch more on the “back”

of the envelope. Place glue on the outside

edges of the shorter end of paper and fold

down to glue together. Allow to dry. Tie paper

ribbon around each envelope and place sil-

verware inside.

Other ideas:

*Name tag each envelope and use as place


*Use for cookies, candy or nuts.

KidWise 8

COURAGE“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9 KJV

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be dis-couraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV

How is it a command to be strong and courageous? Within the same scripture the Lord tells us to not be discouraged! The word for dis-couraged here is ‘chathath’, which literally means to not be broken, or shattered! Fear established brings brokenness. The Lord made it clear to not be afraid, “Do not be broken or shattered.”

So often people can be caught up in shattered and broken times and feel the “dis”couragement in life. This 4th of July brings us closer to the 10th anniversary of 9/11. That day of ‘terrorism’ rippled the shat-tering, broken sound of the temptation to allow dismay and dis-couragement to root itself in our nation. Yet, as a patriotism rose, we found the command of strength and virtue rise to the occasion. The word courage in Joshua 1:9 is the word ‘amats’, which means to be bold, hard, and secure, confirming ones self to exhibit strength!

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To be of good courage and exhibit that the Lord your God is with you where ever you go. To be strong or ‘chazaq’, meaning to prevail and also, to ‘harden’ yourself and be resolute and firm. It also en-compasses the meaning, ‘to restore, support, and repair’.

As you break it down you can see it more clearly. Especially seeing the word, “tsavah” which is the word for “I have commanded you”. Here the Lord is saying, I have given charge to you and lay it on you as to appoint to you the commission, as ordained of divine act to carry out my purpose.

So simply it is the Lord’s divine act for us to appoint and commis-sion us to carry out with resolution, boldly secure exhibiting His strength without brokenness; His plan for our lives, families and country. He says He is with us, His command, His presence, His gifts, His performance, where ever we go and in whatever we do. It is His ‘command’ on our lives that that these things have no power, root or hold over us.

It is a great thing to know that He has command great strength, courage, and joy in our lives. He has refused the establishment of brokenness and rebuilds and restores. So take courage, rise and shine, for your light has come. His word and His gift, Jesus, has commanded the blessing in our lives. It’s just our job to rise to the occasion and receive the gift He has given in the Son, and all the blessing Jesus brings. So, take courage and do not be “diss-ed”couraged in your life! He is with you!

- KW

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KidWise 11

Today one of my friends got a bicycle for his birth-day. Some of the neighborhood kids were making fun of him because his dad bought it at a thrift store. I told him not to let it make him feel bad because it was an awesome bike. I said lots of kids get bikes that are unique and different and it doesn't matter where you get your bike, as long as you like it!

I told him, "Be thankful that his dad found it and that God had it there for him to find!" I also told him how it was such an awesome bike and one that I would rather have over any of those mean kids’ bikes.

You know, the person that had it before him must have never ridden it, because it was in perfect condi-tion! The Lord really blessed him with a great bike! "A real sweet ride", hee, hee! Let’s be thankful and celebrate the goodness of God!


See ya’ later gator!


KidWise 13For more blogs from Pastor Kim visit http://kickspastorkim.blogspot.com

Pastor Kim

Are you looking for refreshing? Psalm 23:3 tells us that He, the Lord, restores us and the word in Hebrew also means "refresh". He restores our soul and He refreshes our life!

Think of that! The Lord refreshes those emo-tions, thoughts, feelings, and He restores every-thing that has to do with us... When you turn to Him and rely on the Holy Spirit's work in your life you will find complete refreshment. Like springs of water bursting forth that are not only refreshing, but also bringing restoration of all things. It is Him who makes all things "NEW".

Often times we feel we have gone through cir-cumstances, including those simple everyday pressures, that try to bog us down. People get

in a hurry to get home from those busy days and because of those things, to just sit down and find a way to refresh themselves. This type of refreshment may be nice and enjoying but there is only one refreshment that restores. That is the re-freshing that comes from the Lord by His Spirit, founded on His word and ex-pressed through Him. The word tells us;

"He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water." John 7:38

Refreshment flows from within as He pours Himself on us inside and out! We not only have living waters flowing in our life upon us, we have them flowing within us, and simply, bursting out of us! We are overflowing with His living water!

I want to swim and flourish in His living water. The water that flows from Him, from His word, by His Spirit, and is filled with all that He is. Refresh! Overflow! Liv-ing Water! Take a drink of that and experience His beautiful refreshing restora-tion...

"He refreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of right-eousness [uprightness and right standing with Him--not for my earning it, but] for His name's sake." Psalm 23:3

Ref resh

KidWise 15

For more blogs from Pastor Rick visit http://kickspastorrick.blogspot.com

For A Limited Time OnlyHave you ever seen the advertisement "FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY"? I think we should have that stamped into our minds concerning our children. If you have children, then God has entrusted you with one or more of his masterpieces to love and care for. If we were given the responsibility to look after a piece of work that a great artist painted I'm sure we would seek out all the knowledge available so we would do a good job. Sadly though, so many parents raise their children without using the greatest instruction manual available, the Word of God.

God's Word is the primary source to bring up healthy, well adjusted, well mannered, respectful children. Children that love God and share God's love with those they come in contact with not only as children but also adults. The other day at breakfast my 2 1/2 year old son out of nowhere quoted a scripture that we had been working on word for word. He said as very plainly, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowl-edge Him, And He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5,6. With that Word tucked inside his spirit I'm confident that whatever decisions he will need to make in his life will be made by trusting God and using his faith, knowing that God is directing all that he does.

This weekend while you are washing and waxing that nice car to pro-tect it from the elements, think about some ways you can protect your children with the Word of God so they can live happy prosper-ous lives in the center of God's will. Remember our children are our responsibility to train and raise up in the things of God. After all they are only young children "FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY".

Pastor Rick

KidWise 17

When Jesus preached who received him? Who did Jesus want? The peo-ple who received Him were the ones who wanted to get their lives to-gether and follow after Him with everything. The ones that were against Jesus were the religious ones, the ones who “had it all to-gether” but yet thought they were

above the Son of God. Isn’t this ironic? The ones who thought they were righteous couldn’t even love Jesus. And the ones who didn’t have everything right wanted Him more than anything. What does this teach us??? Jesus wants us real and personal. He's there to set you free, not condemn you. When we think we're perfect without Him, we're denying what Jesus did on the cross for us. Being real with Jesus is admitting you need Him because you can't do this life on your own.

Matthew 5:17-18 (message)

"Don't suppose for a minute that I have come to demolish the Scriptures— either God's Law or the Prophets. I'm not here to demolish but to complete. I am going to put it all together, pull it all together in a vast unbroken view. God's Law is more real and lasting than the stars in the sky and the ground at your feet...”

JESUS=Real Life

2:twentyKeepin’ It Real

with Nicole Mauck

KidWise 19

KICKS Club is an outreach of KICKS Ministries and Victory Harvest Church. KICKS Ministries and Victory Harvest Church, Inc. is a recognized 501(c)3 non-profit church. We produce educational, Christian television programming and family films. Two of our programs, "KICKS Club" and "KidWise", currently air on multiple networks, over 30 times weekly. We also currently have four new programs in various stages of production and have released our first full length, feature film "Sybil Ludington" and are in post-production on our second full length feature film “NEW”. "KICKS Club" is the longest running, "currently produced", Christian educational program for children.

KICKS Club has over 40,000 members and unites children for the purpose that they may feel they are a part of the Body of Christ worldwide. Children can watch KICKS Club and our other programs through various media outlets. We are now excited about offering more free resources to reach children and their families to equip them in the Word of God. We have always offered free membership cards, certificates, and packets for kids, but now, through "Kid-Wise" Magazine and our KICKS Club Resource Network we are offering color-ing pages, music downloads, scripture cards, curriculum, and much more.

As we reach children through our media resources, we offer children member-ship to KICKS Club and opportunity for them through our media outreach, KICKS TV to participate in KICKS Club's "Kids 2 Kids". Our focus is to reach children with the Word of God, inspire them in the creative arts, and equip families through offering quality family programming as well as through our webpages, and e-magazine.

VTN - Victory Television Network www.vtntv.com

TCT Network - www.tct.tv

GEB - Golden Eagle Broadcasting


KGEB - Channel 53 - Tulsa, OK - www.kgeb.net

Lamb's Broadcasting Network www.lambbroadcasting.org

God's Learning Channel - www.godslearningchannel.com

KTV- SkyAngel www.skyangel.com

SkyAngel - Channel 133

DirecTV - Channel 363

Dish Network - Channel 264

KICKS TV - www.kickstv.org

KidWise airs on GEB every Saturday at 9AM

and on SkyAngel KTV weekdays.

KICKS Club Airs On The Following Networks:

What Is KICKS Club?

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! www.facebook.com/kickstvwww.twitter.com/kicksclub

Would you like to place YOUR ad in KidWise Magazine? Please email us with the subject, “sponsor” to [email protected]

For a full list of KICKS sponsors or more information on howyou can help, visit kicksclub.org/sponsor

Magazine Credits:

Editors in Chief: Rick & Kim RobinsonCreative Director: Tony Robinson Art Director: Candice Robinson KICKS Kitchen: Kim Robinson & Candice Robinson KICKS Craft & KICKS Family Life Activity: Candice Robinson & Nicole MauckPhotos: Tony Robinson & Candice RobinsonAll articles written by Kim Robinson & Rick Robinson except 2twenty written by Kim Robinson & Nicole Mauck Copy Editors: Kathy Taylor, Trudi Merryman & Jane Wynn

KidWise 20KidWise Magazine is published by KICKS Ministries/Victory Harvest Church, Inc., a nonprofit organization, copyright 2011. All right reserved.

Be sure to visit the KICKS CLUB website,www.kicksclub.org

KidWise Magazine would like to say a special thanks to our Sybil Ludington Sponsors

KidWise 21

AAMCO TransmissionsBob Mays - Owner999 Worthington Woods Loop Rd.Worthington, OH 43085614.841.1100    Batteries Plus5010 N. High StreetColumbus, Ohio 43214614.431.2665www.batteriesplus.com  DVeStore, Inc.607 Columbia AvenueMarysville, WA 98270877.353.8077www.dvestore.com  The Longaberger CompanyOne Market Square1500 East Main StreetNewark, Ohio 43055740.322.5588www.longaberger.com    Movie Replicas Directc/o Taylored Industries6208 Topsail RoadLady Lake, FL 32159888.698.7767www.moviereplicasdirect.com 

VannerVanner Headquarters4282 Reynolds Dr.Hilliard, OH 43026800.227.6937www.vanner.com


Bellacor Company2425 Enterprise Drive, Suite 900Mendota Heights, MN 55120651.294.2521www.bellacor.com  Clearwater Systems2740 Fulton DrCanton, OH 44718330.454.6683www.clearwatersystems.com  Green Valley Golf Club2673 Pleasant Valley Rd NENew Philadelphia, OH 44663330.364.2812www.greenvalleygolfclub.com

KidWise 22

If you have questions or comments about KidWise Magazine, please

contact us:

KidWise MagazineP. O. Box 480

Sunbury, OH 43074

