Implemented December 15, 2011 Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) As part of the university’s evaluation of each graduate program, each student will be subject to Learning Outcome Assessments (LOAs) at various points during their graduate program. It is vital that every student is subject to each LOA, as the data gathered can be used to generate important information regarding the effectiveness (or otherwise) of the graduate program. The information is also provided to the student and advisor to better inform student progress toward the degree. Students are responsible for reminding their advisors of the LOA schedule, and of the need to obtain the appropriate LOA forms from the Graduate Coordinator. These assessments are in addition to an Annual Progress meeting held with the student, the advisor, and at least one other faculty member with an accompanying report. MA Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered What is being assessed? LOA 1 KNES 600: Kinesiology as Public Health (taken within first 3 semesters of the graduate program) Assessment of student performance in their Integrative Kinesiology Essay for this required core course LOA 2 Thesis proposal meeting Performance within the writing and oral defense of their thesis proposal LOA 3 Thesis defense meeting Research productivity , as manifest in their masters thesis PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered What is being assessed? LOA 1 KNES 600: Kinesiology as Public Health (taken within first 3 semesters of the graduate program) Assessment of student performance in their Integrative Kinesiology Essay for this required core course LOA 2.1 Oral defense of comprehensive examinations meeting Comprehensive examinations (taking into account both the written and oral sections of the examination) LOA 2.2 Dissertation proposal meeting Research creativity and application , as manifest in their dissertation proposal LOA 3 Dissertation defense meeting Research productivity , as manifest in their doctoral dissertation LOA 4 Student graduation Successful dissemination of research productivity through scholarly publications and presentations ALL FORMS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE GRADUATE COORDINATOR WITHIN 48 HR OF THE MEETING OR SIGNING THE MEETING APPROVAL FORM

Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered

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Page 1: Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered

Implemented December 15, 2011

Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) As part of the university’s evaluation of each graduate program, each student will be subject to Learning Outcome Assessments (LOAs) at various points during their graduate program. It is vital that every student is subject to each LOA, as the data gathered can be used to generate important information regarding the effectiveness (or otherwise) of the graduate program. The information is also provided to the student and advisor to better inform student progress toward the degree. Students are responsible for reminding their advisors of the LOA schedule, and of the need to obtain the appropriate LOA forms from the Graduate Coordinator. These assessments are in addition to an Annual Progress meeting held with the student, the advisor, and at least one other faculty member with an accompanying report.

MA Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule

When the LOA is administered What is being assessed?

LOA 1 KNES 600: Kinesiology as Public Health (taken within first 3 semesters of the graduate program)

Assessment of student performance in their Integrative Kinesiology Essay for this required core course

LOA 2 Thesis proposal meeting Performance within the writing and oral defense of their thesis proposal

LOA 3 Thesis defense meeting Research productivity, as manifest in their masters thesis

PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule

When the LOA is administered What is being assessed?

LOA 1 KNES 600: Kinesiology as Public Health (taken within first 3 semesters of the graduate program)

Assessment of student performance in their Integrative Kinesiology Essay for this required core course

LOA 2.1 Oral defense of comprehensive examinations meeting

Comprehensive examinations (taking into account both the written and oral sections of the examination)

LOA 2.2 Dissertation proposal meeting Research creativity and application, as manifest in their dissertation proposal

LOA 3 Dissertation defense meeting Research productivity, as manifest in their doctoral dissertation

LOA 4 Student graduation Successful dissemination of research productivity through scholarly publications and presentations


Page 2: Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered

Implemented December 15, 2011

PhD Competencies, Assessments, and Criteria 1. Students will be expected to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the interdisciplinary field of Kinesiology, and be able to analyze their own research specialization and locate it in relation to both the field of kinesiology, and to the broader the aims and objectives of the School of Public Health.

Methods: Assessment of student performance in the Integrative Kinesiology Essay for the required core course KNES 600, Kinesiology as Public Health. The final term paper for KNES 600 will evaluate students’ understanding of: the interdisciplinary field of kinesiology; their specific research specialization; and, the relationship of the aforementioned to the broader aims and objectives of the School of Public Health.

Criteria: 90% of students’ evaluation criteria will be evaluated as “satisfactory”, and 70% evaluated as “very good” or higher, based on an established rubric (PhD Learning Outcome Assessment Form 1)

2. Students will be expected to identify, apply, and critique the range of empirical foci, concepts and theories, and research methodologies, appropriate to their specialized area of kinesiological inquiry.

Methods: Assessment of student performance, taking into account both written and oral sections, within their comprehensive examinations, as well as assessment of the dissertation proposal. Assessments to be administered at the time of both the comprehensive examination defense meeting and the dissertation proposal meeting.

Criteria: 90% of students’ evaluation criteria for both assessment components will be evaluated as “satisfactory”, and 70% evaluated as “very good” or higher, based on established rubrics (PhD Learning Outcome Assessment Forms 2.1 and 2.2)

3. Students will be expected to originate, develop, and complete individually generated, high quality, and prescient scholarly research appropriate to their specialized area of kinesiological inquiry.

Methods: Assessment of students’ doctoral dissertations. Assessment to be administered at the time of the doctoral dissertation defense meeting.

Criteria: 90% of students’ evaluation criteria will be evaluated as “satisfactory”, and 70% evaluated as “very good” or higher, based on an established rubric (PhD Learning Outcome Assessment Form 3)

4. Students will have demonstrated an ability to disseminate their scholarship (through presentation, publication, or other means) to appropriate scholarly constituencies.

Methods: Assessment of students’ ability to successfully disseminate their research productivity through scholarly publications and presentations. Assessment to be administered at the time of each student’s graduation from the doctoral program.

Criteria: At the time of graduation, 90% of doctoral students will have published at least 1 first-author, peer-reviewed journal article or book chapter, and have made at least 3 first-author presentation at a national or international conference. At least 70% of doctoral students will have published at least 2 first-author, peer-reviewed journal articles or book chapters (data collected with PhD Learning Outcome Assessment Form 4).

Page 3: Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered

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Page 4: Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered

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Page 7: Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered

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Page 8: Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered

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Page 10: Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered

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Page 11: Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered


Studentʼs Name _____________ Meeting Date _______________ Advisor ___________________ Specialization _______________ Student provided a 1-2 page summary, Cumulative Core Competency Inventory form, and unofficial transcript to faculty 7 working days prior to meeting: YES NO ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. Academic Coursework Strengths and Weaknesses – Consistent with Coursework Plan of

Study (M1) and Demonstrably Meeting Kinesiology Competencies:

Outstanding Progress

Satisfactory Progress

Unsatisfactory Progress

Comments: 2. Research and Scholarship Strengths and Weaknesses – Preparation for/ consistent with

Research Plan of Study (M2):

Outstanding Progress

Satisfactory Progress

Unsatisfactory Progress


Page 12: Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered

2 3. Departmental and Professional Citizenship Strengths and Weaknesses (see Prof. and

Collegial Expectation Section of Ph. D. Req. and Proc. Including attendance at KNES and SPH Lecture Series Events [formerly known as Passport Program])


Progress Satisfactory

Progress Unsatisfactory

Progress Comments:

4. Studentʼs Upcoming Milestones/Goals and Timelines/Deadlines for Completion during the

coming year: Comments:

5. Studentʼs Career Goals were discussed: YES NO Comments:

Page 13: Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered


Doctorate in Kinesiology Competencies: Please review each year for adequate progress in competencies toward degree and rate as 1=adequate progress and 2=inadequate progress.

1. Students will be expected to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the interdisciplinary field of Kinesiology, and be able to analyze their own research specialization and locate it in relation to both the field of kinesiology, and to the broader the aims and objectives of the School of Public Health. Circle one: 1: Adequate; 2: Inadequate. Comments:

2. Students will be expected to identify, apply, and critique the range of empirical foci, concepts and theories, and research methodologies, appropriate to their specialized area of kinesiological inquiry. Circle one: 1: Adequate; 2: Inadequate. Comments:

3. Students will be expected to originate, develop, and complete individually generated, high quality, and prescient scholarly research appropriate to their specialized area of kinesiological inquiry. Circle one: 1: Adequate; 2: Inadequate. Comments:

4. Students will have demonstrated an ability to disseminate their scholarship (through presentation, publication, or other means) to appropriate scholarly constituencies. Circle one: 1: Adequate; 2: Inadequate. Comments:

Page 14: Kinesiology Graduate Learning Outcomes Assessments (LOAs) MA Program Learning Outcome ... · 2017. 3. 5. · PhD Program Learning Outcome Assessment Schedule When the LOA is administered

4 ___________________________________________________________________________ Decision of the Committee:

Outstanding Progress

Satisfactory Progress

Unsatisfactory Progress


Committee Members: Print Last Name/ Signature ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________ _________________________ ________________________________ ________________ Advisor Signature Date ________________________________ ________________ Student Signature Date ________________________________ ________________ Director of Graduate Studies Date