KKR Insights 120305

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  • 8/2/2019 KKR Insights 120305







    TRENDSMarch 2012

  • 8/2/2019 KKR Insights 120305


    2 KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    U.S. Housing:A Changing Dynamic

    Te usi maket was te ist t uae i tis

    atest ecmic cisisad it is am te ast t

    ece. As we k aead, we see a umbe key

    sitie deemets udi i te ew me

    maket. Desite tese imemets, wee,

    eadwids sti emai i te existi me maket.

    We detai w tese css-cuets ae ikey t

    ud ad wat ae te key imicatis te U.S.

    ecmy ad its iest base.

    KKR global MacRo & asset

    allocatIon teaM

    henRy h. McVey

    Head of Global Macro &

    Asset Allocation

    +1 (212) [email protected]

    DaVID R. McnellIs

    +1 (212) [email protected]

    FRances b. lIM

    +1 (212) [email protected]

    Rebecca J. RaMsey

    +1 (212) [email protected]

    MaIn oFFIce

    K Kvi r & c. l.P.

    9 W 57 ssui 4200nw Yk, nw Yk 10019+ 1 (212) 750-8300

    coMPany locatIons

    Usa nw Yk, s Fi, Wi,d.c., M Pk, hu eURoPe l,Pi asIa h K, biji, dui, tky,

    Mumi, su aUstRalIa syy

    2012 K Kvi r & c. l.P.a ri rv.

  • 8/2/2019 KKR Insights 120305


    KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    I u iuu pp f KKr Ii i i o 2011,

    w w y u uii i i mki

    pii u iy f p, mi w

    k m i m-i m-u

    impy jumpi fm pi ju u i

    my upp u ii i.

    a i f ky ipu f y u m i u-

    k f ui i ui, w u w wu

    iu u ppiv U.s. ui mk i ff

    u m uk. a i , w ff fiv kyui:

    1. suu ui iviy i f pimy

    u vy ku i ii m

    pi w i fm w . t fi i yi

    upwi i ui mk ypiy mpi

    u f mi vy i u i im. hu-

    i y u f 3% f gdP vy i 2009 vu

    ii v f u 19% i fi y f vy

    y. s, w im 48% te jbs st dui te

    dwtu wee bady eated t usi mj wi

    j w i Ui s.

    2. W iv u fmi , u, u-

    i v w m, ui w ii

    , iky impv i qu . ou

    i w ui 750,000 ui i 2012;

    850,000 ui i 2013; 1.05 mii ui i 2014. by m-

    pi, u i 707,000 f 2012 828,000 f

    2013, pivy. (t i u u y 2014

    f y.) ov y, w iv ii ui-

    iviy u m 30,000 pi j

    v my U.s. py imy U.s. gdP

    w y 2550 i pi v p y. giv

    ui ivm j u f m

    uiz 125-i-pi gdP fm 2007 2010,

    uu ik i wu w.

    3. t w i w ik upik i ewui

    vum i u miy if pi f existi m.

    W im i i i ivy f 6.4

    mii u mi u f . t iu 3.3 mii

    u i f ii f wi

    , y, f m pi i mi-

    y ppi. W pi i ivy wi pu

    m pi w 60 i pi i y, fw y 1.3%

    ppii i 2013 3.3% ppii i 2014 (Exibit 1).

    W u ukwm pi f impi i wp u i uiky u quiky wi f

    py p umpi f y ui -

    ivy ivy m k w

    i i wi ii .

    4. hw ui ff u gdP f? n f -

    ui- pii- ff, w im ui

    mk wi u f 0.4 p pi f u 2012 U.s.

    gdP w f f 2.3%. Iu i i f i

    iwi f ppimy 45 i pi mmi fm

    f p f w ii m , ff y vy

    m wi fm iui m pi pii


    5. W u uk impy f pi i? Fi, w

    p piv pi fw iiy i m-

    ui, u p w imii yi

    f wip u pii f pm

    i ju wi, i u viw. hwv, w iv

    iiiiv y F hui Fi ay (FhFa)

    imp fi p w wi i p. W i m pi fuii mpi iky

    i u fm my p v,

    my p iv ivm ppuii. hmuii

    mpi my i pfm w, , u i k v

    ii mj wi f , my f mpi

    quiy uii v iiy ppi

    ii f iv pi. Fiy, u viw pi

    ppii f m pi v fw y impi

    U.s. um wi iky pi iifi

    u i w. W u mii U.s. um w

    iu puui vu im u piv um

    , iu i, i pmui

    wy m y w f im pumu m mi--i-im um.

    ny m y ik . s y i,

    J l w, i u f u i-pi

    u ui f ui mk. simpy pu, w

    v ui i, i u f, i w

    fm i f v 125 i pi U.s. gdP pi

    iu f 2550 i pi i f ik u mk

    ui my iv, i u viw. s y, i.

    h u m-i: Y, ui- iviy f

    i mj mi piiv, u i imp piiv

    u (i) i i i wi mi vy w w

    i my U.s. yi ui, iui mufui

    u; (ii) v m u i ui u p i

    w uiiiy piv , wi i

    y ff iu u f vm







  • 8/2/2019 KKR Insights 120305


    4 KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    exhIbIt 1

    Housing Forecasts

    2012 2013 2014

    hoUsehold ForMatIon (000s) 850 1,000 1,300

    hoUsIng starts (000s) 750 850 1,050

    hoMe PrIce aPPrecIatIon Y/Y -0.6% 1.3% 3.3%

    su: KKr g M a ai im Fuy 29, 2012.

    How much has housing affected the recovery?

    bf w u w ui i , -

    viw w i . dpi up mu f iquiiy

    ij i ym, U.s. my fi iv

    u vy wi piii, k, m-

    w v pii. giv w f mi w f

    ui g ri1, w ku u-

    qu vy w iv iy (Exibit 2). Fu, i

    ii p f u ku vy.

    exhIbIt 2

    Thus Far, the Recovery in GDP Growth Has Been Subpar














    y = -1.8453x + 0.0162

    R = 0.78210%











    Peak to Trough Real GDP Decline (%)

    d Juy 31, 2012. su: buu f emi ayi, KKrg M a ai.

    1 ri i dm 2007 i Ju2009 w i W W II. su: nberp://www../y.m.

    exhIbIt 3

    Unprecedented Amount of Stimulus







    stIMUlUs as % oF gdP






    aUg-29 Mar-33 43 27.0% 3.4% 4.9% 8.3%

    MaY-37 JUn-38 13 3.4 0.0 2.2 2.2

    noV-48 oct-49 11 1.7 -2.2 5.5 3.3

    JUl-53 MaY-54 10 2.7 0.0 -1.4 -1.4

    aUg-57 aPr-58 8 3.2 0.0 3.2 3.2

    aPr-60 Feb-61 10 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.7

    dec-69 noV-70 11 0.2 0.3 2.4 2.7

    noV-73 Mar-75 16 3.1 0.9 3.1 4.0

    Jan-80 JUl-80 6 2.2 0.4 1.1 1.5

    JUl-81 noV-82 16 2.6 0.3 3.5 2.8

    JUl-90 Mar-91 8 1.3 1.0 1.8 2.8

    Mar-01 noV-01 8 0.2 1.3 5.9 7.2

    dec-07 JUn-09 18 5.1 18.3* 19.2* 37.5*

    *KKr M a ai im Juy 31, 201su: F rv, ci bu offi, g Ir ov api 3, 2009.

    Wy vy iff i im? dpi up-

    imuu ff (Exibit 3), ui iviy p

    m f iui iii mi v

    i im u i y i 1960. a Exibit 4 w, piv

    ii p ju 3% f u i gdP

    mp ii v f 19%. a , ui-

    iui gdP w ju 7% i 2009 mp 27% v

    . ti mk u, v my w v

    i f 2009, U.s. ui mk w i i

    ppi ii, wi i u ui umpi (Exibit 5

  • 8/2/2019 KKR Insights 120305


    KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    exhIbIt 4

    Unlike Normal Recoveries, Housing is Not Acting as aTailwind







    hoUsIng contrIbUtIon to FIrstYear oF reboUnd In real gdP














    1961 6.3% 11% 11% 21%

    1970 4.5% 38% 15% 53%

    1975 6.1% 22% 5% 27%

    1982 7.7% 27% 8% 35%

    1991 2.6% 23% 11% 35%

    2001 2.3% 11% 3% 14%

    2009 3.3% 3% 3% 7%

    aVerage 4.7% 19% 8% 27%

    d Juy 31, 2012. ru i fi y f vyfwi u gdP2. su: buu f emi ayi, KKrg M a ai.


    2 W u y 1980 i u uy, y i yi m i ni buu f emi r (nber) w ivy mi i miu, gdP w 1.22%. t1980 i k p i f my i i , piv ii ivm w 116p w, i w, i iui w w -95% fwi y. t myuquy p i i i i 1982.

    exhIbIt 5

    Private Consumption Normally Acts as an Offset to aDrop in GDP


















    1954 1958 1961 1970 1975 1980 1982 1991 2001 2009

    Private Consumption Contribution to Real

    GDP during Recessions

    Consumption was a big offset to the

    recessions in 1982 and 2001

    d Juy 31, 2012. su: buu f emi ayi, KKg M a ai.

    o mu i iip w j

    ui mk. by fi, u w ui

    ui- j ypiy mk up 1316% f -f

    py, u 48% f j i g ri mm

    fm w w m ui- iui (Exibit 6). t

    , mpym i i i i u, wi

    ui ui- j 17.9 mii, iy up

    fm u f 17.6 mii i 2010u f y fm i p

    f 21.8 mii i 2007. n upiiy, u i i

    ui ui- j mj

    fm mpym iui i Ui s. If

    i w, i i j w i impvi, piuy m

    yu up, wi iifi iu m

    ui (Exibit 7).

    Subdued housing activity is

  • 8/2/2019 KKR Insights 120305


    6 KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    exhIbIt 6

    Half of the Jobs Lost in the Great Recession wereConstruction and Housing Related

    MIllIons oF JobsaUto


    constrUc-tIon & hoUs-Ing related


    PeaK In 2007 4.20 21.83 138.02

    troUgh In 2010 3.40 17.61 129.24

    Jobs lost 0.80 4.22 8.78

    % change -19% -19% -6%

    contrIbUtIon tototal Jobs lost

    9% 48% 100%

    as oF Jan 2012 3.63 17.91 132.41

    % vS. TroUgh 7% 2% 2%

    au iui iu M Vi P Mufui,ri M Vi & P d, rpi & Misvi. cui iui iu li, cui,W Pu, nmi Mi Pu, Fuiu & rPu, W t f du g, Fuiu & hmFuii s, ei & appi s, buii Mi& g suppy s, tuk tpi, r e, r& li, aiu & eii svi, svi tbuii & dwi. d Juy 31, 2012. su: buu fl sii.

    exhIbIt 7

    The Younger Age Groups are Gaining Jobs, and TheseMatter Most for Home Sales

    age groUP (Yrs) nonFarM PaYroll groWthY/Y

    16-17 -8.5%

    18-19 7.0%

    20-24 3.4%

    25-34 1.4%

    35-44 -0.6%

    45-54 -1.0%

    correlatIon oF eMPloYMent bY age groUPagaInst exIstIng hoMe sales

    age (Yrs) correlatIon lead (lag)

    20-24 50.7% 10

    25-34 43.1% 13

    35-44 28.8% 11

    45-54 24.6% 13

    55-64 17.7% 11

    d dm 31, 2011. ci fm 1967-201su: buu f l sii, ni aii f r,KKr g M a ai r.

    Our base case for housing demand is now a constructive one

    a eii i: I I m m, i ju

    I y wi pm . W p eii pp w

    yi u ymi f U.s. ui m

    k, i f iff ipu i. F

    w v pyi i, ui m, w iv,

    pu y iu i i u fmi

    wi i u w iv y wk my w

    w, m f. a i , Exibit 8 w, u

    fmi i w my 600,000 u p y

    ju 0.5% uiz i (iv iwi f

    114 mii u). Y w ik f u fmi i u i j w impv i

    ii iizi f i i

    -ffi pii uvy, wi w i f

    f m ppv.3

    3 a f 1Q2012. su: F rv, hv.

    We do not think an uptick innewhousing volume is enough

    to materially lift the price ofexistinghomes.

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    KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    exhIbIt 8

    Current Household Formation is Below Its Pre-CrisisAnnual Rate of Around 1.2%

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    8 KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    lki , w ik i i p u-p-

    u i iu vi k i p-2001 quiii-

    um v f 1.13. ou wk w i k 8 y f ui

    k u if (20012009), w u imi im

    fm f u u i u quiiium

    (20092017) i, viv , i u viw. F

    i u y 2017, u wi w u 45 i

    pi f v u i ui ivy.

    Exibit 13 i pmi i ui f, f

    mki m viv umpi u ui f mii

    mpii fm mi m ( ).

    W mii ui f f 750,000

    ii ui i y 2012; 850,000 ui i 2013; 1.05

    mii i 2014. t f iy v u,

    wi 707,000 ui f 2012 828,000 f

    2013. (t i 2014 u f f y.)4 W up

    u f vi fm u u f u viw

    k f ui wi f mu p

    w w 2017. I , w f w u-

    i wi qui mm mu f w u

    w w w . I kpi wi i viw, w

    iv iifi pi f ii ivy upu

    4 d Juy 31, 2012. cu im fmgm s, du bk, bk ami Mi ly, JPMM, M sy, Zm & ai.

    i i p ii i miy p ii

    w pp fi j. a u, w ik i wi k

    y fi up f my f ui.

    exhIbIt 12

    We Think the Ratio of Houses Per Household MayCorrect Between Now and 2017
















    84 88 91 95 98 02 05 09 12 16

    U.S. Housing Units Per Household

    Rose rapidly for eight

    years starting in 2001

    Our base case is

    for an eight-year

    correction cycle

    (i.e., through 2017)Consistently near

    1.13 pre-2001

    d dm 31, 2011. su: cu buu, hv.

    exhIbIt 13

    Which Means the Housing Stock Growth Rate Needs to Hold Slightly Below the Household Growth Rate

    2011 2012e 2013e 2014e 2015e 2016e 2017e

    u.s. HouseHolDs (000)

    start oF Year 113,402 114,058 114,908 115,907 117,207 118,608 120,208

    + net hoUsehold ForMatIon 656 850 1,000 1,300 1,400 1,600 1,800

    end oF Year 114,058 114,908 115,907 117,207 118,608 120,208 122,007

    groWTh rATE 0.58% 0.75% 0.87% 1.12% 1.19% 1.35% 1.50%

    u.s. Housing units (000)

    start oF Year 131,975 132,474 133,109 133,834 134,749 135,748 136,908

    + neW UnIts constrUcted 582 750 850 1,050 1,150 1,250 1,400

    + MobIle hoMe PlaceMents 50 60 75 90 100 110 120

    - scraPPage 133 175 200 225 250 200 200

    end oF Year 132,474 133,109 133,834 134,749 135,748 136,908 138,228

    groWTh rATE 0.38% 0.48% 0.55% 0.68% 0.74% 0.85% 1.0%

    hoUSES pEr hShlD (EnD of Yr.) 1.16 1.16 1.15 1.15 1.14 1.14 1.13

    d Fuy 29, 2012. = KKr gMaa im. su: cu buu, KKr g M a ai r.

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    KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    Wi u u fmi ui f

    uiz, y my uffiiumi y miiz

    pvi m iwi f j i gdP w i

    mi y, piuy iv w wv i

    y. ci fwi: t U.s. my 4.2 mii

    ui ui- j fm pk u w

    2007 2010. dui wu, yy ui mpi

    f y ppimy 1.5 mii, my ppimy

    2.7 j f vy ui ui mp (Exibit 14). giv u

    f p f ii ui i y 168,000

    ui i 2012, 100,000 i 2013 200,000 i 2014, ppiui- j i wu qu ppimy 454,000

    j i 2012 (38,000 p m, v), 270,000 j i 2013

    (23,000 p m), 540,000 j i 2014 (45,000 p m).

    I m f gdP, u wk w p- w fi

    f w ui j wi ppimy $63,000 f p-

    i pw U.s. my. I ii, w im

    u u wi ppimy $200,000 ii

    fi ivm. Pii , w im vy

    100,000 im u ui p y u u 0.25%

    u U.s. gdP w. a , u ui f

    wu qu 0.4% ii gdP w i 2012, 0.25% i

    2013, 0.5% i 2014.

    exhIbIt 14

    Housing Could Add About 40bp to GDP growth in 201

    constrUc-tIon Jobs



    tIons 000s

    PeaK 21,827 2,110

    troUgh 17,606 555

    change -4,221 -1,555

    Jobs lost Per start 2.7


    constrUc-tIon Jobs



    tIons 000sIncreMentalcoMPletIons

    2011 actUal 221 582

    2012e 454 750 168

    2013e 270 850 100

    2014e 540 1,050 200

    contrIbUtIon to gdP assUMIng IncreMental IncoMe oF $63KPer neW Job, and neW hoMe PrIce oF $200K

    $ bIllIons Jobs starts total % gdP

    2012e 29 34 62 0.4%

    2013e 17 20 37 0.2%

    2014e 34 40 74 0.5%

    hui cui iui iu li,cui, W Pu, nmi Mi Pu, Fuiu

    & r Pu, W t f du g, Fuiu &hm Fuii s, ei & appi s, buiiMi & g suppy s, tuk tpi, r e,r & li, aiu & eii svi, svi buii & dwi. e = KKr gMaa im. d Juy31, 2012. su: buu f l sii, cu buu, IMF WeoKKr g M a ai r.

    Supply headwinds will keep a lid on home prices

    Wi fi m i y, i p i mpi

    i iffiui i wi fi uppy. t i

    u wi uppy i u vim i

    my u ii uu fu p. s, i mp impify u fi, w yz f

    mj ifu w iv iv uppy i f u

    i qui: (i) vii uppy f m f ; (ii) f

    m; (iii) ivy f m iqui; (iv)

    vm ivi. W u v m f p

    f isibe ivy, w w uy f m

    ivy f m iqui u ex

    cess (w) ivy. W imp f vm

    ivi ff u mi uppy f.

    u yi, w u m pp y ki w mu

    Even a modest rebound in housing

    could help bring greater growthsustainability to the private sector,which is necessary to offset the

    continued burden of excessgovernment debt and downsizing.

  • 8/2/2019 KKR Insights 120305


    10 KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    fiu i v i ii i

    im uppy, pp fwi fum, m-up

    yi f iu.

    ou im i i u 3.3 mii m

    i ju k vim m i

    kpi wi ii f ui ivy (

    Exibit 20 f i). Fu pm upi u i:

    V s f H fr sa. ti y iu w

    ii m f v upiu u w ivy wi i f uppy f m

    v y i mk u i fu p,

    iky fu. a f dm 2011, k f

    ii m f w u 2.1 mii, uy i i wi

    v w 1982 2005, wi k f w m

    f w 157,000, wi i w w v f 313,000

    w 1963 2004 (Exibits 15 ad 16).

    exhIbIt 15

    Stock of Existing Homes for Sale is Roughly In-Line withAverages









    1980 1990 2000 2010

    Existing Homes Available for Sale

    Average 1982-2005Units

    Average 1982-2005= 2.1 million

    d dm 31, 2011. su: ni aii f r,hv.

    exhIbIt 16

    Supply of New Homes for Sale is Below Historic Averag










    1965 1975 1985 1995 2005

    New Homes Available for Sale

    Average 1963-2004


    Average 1963-2004= 313 thousand

    d dm 31, 2011. su: cu buu, hv.

    Dq. t uy 50.3 mii m u

    i i Ui s, f wi 4.1 mii, 8.15% f

    uy iqu. bf fii ii f 2008,

    v u f iqui w u 4.7%5. Ui u

    - fmwk, u yi impi iqui

    v y m u i u 345 i pi

    1.7 mii m (Exibit 17).

    Frr. I , m iqu f u 90-

    y m mv fm iqu y fu.

    t fu iui i Ui s mk

    mi k, v fu f y i f

    ii.6 ou yi w u fu f 2.

    mii (4.38% f m)7 i ui iifiy v

    i p-ii v f 1.07%. Pu wy, w im f

    u i f m fu v 3%, 1

    mii ui, u 2012 (Exibit 18).

    5 a f 4Q2011. su: M bk aii l Psvi.

    6 t ii i y viw vi i Ju 2007 wi p f w b s upim fu viyiv i m uii. su: nw Yk tim p://pi.yim.m/p/w/ui/mpi/__mpi/i.m.

    7 Ibid. 5.

    Despite unprecedented stimulus

    efforts, housing activityrepresented the smallest shareof contribution to the initialeconomic recovery this time

    around in the cycle since 1960.

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    KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    exhIbIt 17

    Delinquencies are About 345 Basis Points Above the Pre-Crisis Levels
















    1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

    Loans Past Due % Total Unemployment Rate

    Average % Past Due1972-2006 4.70%

    Umpym f Juy 31, 2012, p u fdm 31, 2011. su: buu f l sii, 2006-2011 lPsappi ayi, p-2006, M bk aii, hv.

    exhIbIt 18

    2.1m or 4.38% of Homes Are in Foreclosure












    1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

    Foreclosures % Total Loans

    Average 1985-2006

    KKR Estimate

    Average 1985-2006= 1.07%

    a f 4Q2011. su: M bk aii, hv.

    gvr irv. ry, om miii pu

    i f pp p y w f ym

    (fm harP haMP harP 2.08

    ) f u iiui. t FhFa9 y u iiiiv

    w quifi iv pu p f f ppi

    f vi i ppi. W iv iiiiv

    8 harP i hm aff rfi Pm i mww u i m pym. haMP i hm affMifii Pm i mw w i ffu. harP 2.0 i vi harP mw i pmwi k ff i dm 2011.

    9 t FhFa i F hui Fi ay wi w u f hui emi rvy a f 2008. t FhFav Fi M, Fi M, F hm l bk.

    wi m impfu m f fm u i

    qui ci ppv, u i i i

    piv pi. Mv, m ppi f-

    up, w iv vi u i f w

    wi iky . t m-wip y f

    320 i pi 66% wi i 34%

    (Exibit 19), w ik fvi vu w

    ip wi iu uiy u my pi

    Wi p f haMP harP, wi um f mw

    v i mv fm iquy ( kw i u). F pup f u yi,

    um u f u 20%i i wi m f

    u pui y U.s. ki wi u

    u ivy f vi m y 0.7 mii10.

    Pui fiu f m, uppy, iqu

    fu, fi f vm iviu

    ui i w i v u 3.3 mii i excess uppy

    m iv ii : 0.7 mi

    i fm k f m f ui, 1.6 mii fm fu

    1.7 mii fm iqui 0.7 mii fm v-

    m-iu ui i uppy (Exibit 20).

    exhIbIt 19

    Rental Demand has Surged Ahead of Home OwnershipSince the Great Recession













    2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

    Homeownership Rate % (Left Axis)

    Renter Occupied Rate % (Right Axis)

    su: M sy r p d 6, 2011 wi i mifii f 16%, 30%, 31%, 31%, 45% bfa, gMac

    W, c, ow pivy.

    10 su: baMl, ci sui fm Juy 2012.

  • 8/2/2019 KKR Insights 120305


    KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    exhIbIt 23

    Supply Demand House Price Sensitivity


    DisposAble income gRowtH y/y

    0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%

    5.0 -2.3% -1.1% 0.1% 1.4% 2.6% 3.8%

    5.5 -2.6% -1.3% -0.1% 1.1% 2.4% 3.6%

    6.0 -2.8% -1.6% -0.3% 0.9% 2.1% 3.3%

    6.5 -3.0% -1.8% -0.6% 0.7% 1.9% 3.1%

    7.0 -3.3% -2.0% -0.8% 0.4% 1.6% 2.9%

    7.5 -3.5% -2.3% -1.0% 0.2% 1.4% 2.6%

    8.0 -3.7% -2.5% -1.3% -0.1% 1.2% 2.4%

    8.5 -4.0% -2.8% -1.5% -0.3% 0.9% 2.2%

    9.0 -4.2% -3.0% -1.8% -0.5% 0.7% 1.9%

    9.5 -4.5% -3.2% -2.0% -0.8% 0.5% 1.7%

    10.0 -4.7% -3.5% -2.2% -1.0% 0.2% 1.5%

    c i m pi im ui i m w im pi i fui f m uppy f m ipim. su: ni aii f r, cu buu, KKrg M a ai r.

    t fm f iu pi m-pi ppii i iifi-

    , w iv. Wy? bu , Exibit 25w,

    w i i mp f w u 40%

    i f f 2005u i i pi p pu i

    w ju 31% f w y f 2011. I, i

    m wu w ui i fi

    i v, fi iz $4.7 ii12 ui fii

    ii. by mpi, ui w uy i

    $387 ii ui 2001 wu. a m im m

    pi w fi, im w i . a u,

    --p- im pik y m f

    U.s. ppui.

    12 t mp u f y $4.7 iiw 4Q2007 2Q2009, u pk--u, -u w f y $5.7 ii w 2Q2007 1Q2009. su:F rv b, Fw f Fu

    exhIbIt 24

    Debt to Income Ratios Have Soared, Particularly in theMiddle Income Area











    0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-90 90-100

    Debt-to-Income Ratios by Income Percentile

    Percentile Income

    2001 2004 2007 2009

    Smaller increasesin lower income


    Middle income groups had the highestincrease in debt-to-income ratios

    d--Im ui mi ivi y mi f im y im pi. a f 2009, wi i M/api 2012. su: tii suvy f cum Fi,F rv, KKr g M a ai r.

    Housing demand has been

    plagued by a serious contractionin household formationbut

    we think the rate of householdformation is about to change sinc

    job growth has improved andcredit conditions are stabilizing

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    14 KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    exhIbIt 25

    Real Estate has Generally Been a Buffer for Net Worth,Except in 2009, When Equities and Home Prices Fell

    u.s. HouseHolD bAlAnce sHeets DuRing pAst RecessionscHAnge in net woRtH FRom peAK to tRougH ReAl gDp (us$b)













    1954 49 55 21 10 24 6

    1958 37 39 13 0 26 2

    1961 59 76 29 13 34 17

    1970 116 125 70 19 36 9

    1975 546 616 -48 169 495 70

    1980 1,061 1,161 389 271 501 100

    1982 1,020 1,127 245 246 635 107

    1991 752 896 286 26 585 145

    2001 -1,980 -1,723 -2,372 387 262 256

    2009 -13,569 -13,832 -7,823 -4,704 -1,304 -263

    Recent peAK, tRougH, AnD cuRRent net woRtH (us$b)

    Jun-07 66,763 80,664 21,971 24,446 34,248 13,902

    mAR-09 50,423 64,536 10,973 18,764 34,799 14,113

    sep-11 57,353 71,120 15,989 18,311 36,819 13,767

    a f 3Q2011. su: F rv b, Fw f Fu, buu femi ayi, hv.

    How does housing affect our U.S. economic outlook?

    over e yer, weve evelpe vriey f frecin mel,

    in wic we ue p-wn mcr inpu in n emp frec

    rw ren, incluin ur U.s. gdP rw-lein inicr. a

    Exhibit 26 belw w, e mel been effecive in e p

    ienifyin mjr urnin pin in e ecnmic cycle. a e m-

    men, e mel i eliverin mely cnrucive mee, fre-

    cin yer-ver-yer rel gdP rw will ccelere 2.3%in 2012 frm e lukewrm 1.6% pce f 2011. huin influence ur

    gdP inicr vi rncin-civiy fcr (pecificlly exiin

    me le) n price fcr (pecificlly e cne in uel

    wel, f wic 31.9% i uin-rele). Exhibit 27illure

    e recen ccelerin in exiin me le i n imprn

    piive fcr fr e mel, in 45 bi pin ur 2012

    gdP frec. We view uin urnver prxy fr e el

    f e lbr mrke, fr uel frmin, n fr cnumer

    niml piri (umn emin rive cnumer cnfience).

    a menine previuly, ur funmenl nlyi i fer

    uel frmin n rner incme rw my pur cn-

    rucin civiy in 2012, wic cul rnle in 0.4% cnrib

    in gdP rw. We believe imilr ynmic i bein cpure

    by e exiin-me-le fcr f ur quniive mel. In erm

    f me price, e mel ue e 60-bi-pin ecline

    we frec fr 2012 i n lm impercepible r n e 2012

    gdP ulkne f merely inle bi pin. te uin-we

    effec picke up by e mel re mll i pin, wic we

    mke funmenl ene, ince me equiy in n le ee

    ve recenly fe river f cnumer pycly.

    exhIbIt 26

    Our U.S. GDP Indicator Forecasts a Modest Uptick inReal Growth in 2012












    82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12

    Actual Model Predicted

    U.S. Real GDP Y/Y - Leading Indicator

    R-squared = 74%

    ou gdP li Ii i i f ipu iu f. a = au; e = eim; gdP = g dmi Pud Fuy 6, 2012. su: bm, hv, KKr gM a ai.

    exhIbIt 27

    Boosted Meaningfully By an Uptick In Existing HomeSales













    Baseline Faster


    Home Sales



    Decline in






    Impact of Housing-Related Factors on OurReal GDP Lead Indicator for Dec-2012

    ou gdP li Ii i i f ipu iu f. a = au; e = eim; gdP = g dmi Pud Fuy 6, 2012. su: bm, hv, KKr gM a ai.

  • 8/2/2019 KKR Insights 120305


    KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    Summary: Investment opportunities

    a w i v, i imp piiv ki

    p i ui mk. spifiy, u w

    p up m, mu y u fmi, i iky

    iv ui v u pi i mi

    qu. t w i i i wi u viw

    piv, yi f my pfmi

    u ik. I i i wi u-

    i i piivy iui 0.25-0.50% u gdP

    w i Ui s.

    ai i kp, w ivm ppuii i v

    . Fi, w ik i wi ppuiy f piv

    pi uy m f pup. a ,

    F hui Fi ay wm u pi p

    ik ivy f 3.3 mii m vi f .

    aiiy, w ik m pi impvm u

    -. a mm, m impvm y iu

    $26.0 ii i , i w w i pk f $29.6 ii

    i 2006.13 by mpi, w ik i mui quii

    ppi, u iv i f 2.0 iv mk, i i

    imp f iv im i y. W iv

    i i viy f ui iviy my piypiiv f f ii f fi im ivm u-

    u ik ui- uii.

    Wii ii m mk, wv, w ik iviy

    pi my k i m im w m mk

    u. t w i vm pii w

    iqui fu impvi, wi u ff

    mifu piiv i fuu. ti uiuy pimii

    viwpi i iifi i u f 31.9% f

    iiviu w i Ui s.14

    13 a f J 2012. hm Impvm ri s = buii Mi,g equipm & suppy d ri s. su: cu buu,hv.

    14 a f 3Q2011. su: F rv Fw f Fu, hv.

    The good news is that governmenpolicies toward delinquencies anforeclosures are improving, whic

    could affect as a meaningfulpositive in the future.

  • 8/2/2019 KKR Insights 120305


    16 KKR InsIghts: global Macro trends

    Important Information

    te views expessed in is pesenaion ae epesona views of heny MVey of KobegKavisrobes & co. l.P. (ogee wi is affiiaes, KKr)and do no neessaiy efe eviews of KKr isef.te views expessed efe e uen views of M.MVey as of e daeeeof and neie M. MVeyno KKr undeakes o advise you of any angesin e viewsexpessed eein. In addiion, e viewsexpessed do no neessaiy efe e opinions ofanyinvesmen pofessiona a KKr, and may no beefeed in e saegies and podus aKKr of-fes. KKr and is affiiaes may ave posiions (ong o

    so) o engage in seuiiesansaions a ae noonsisen wi e infomaion and views expessed inispesenaion.

    ti pi pp y fifmi pup. t ifmi ii i y u f ii, my up y uqu mk v f . c p pvi i f iuiv pup y. t ifmi ii pi vp iy/

    i fm u iv i; wv,i KKr M. MVyu uy,quy mp f u ifmi. niii iu ivm, , vi i i i i mki iv-m ii.

    t u ivm ywi ufu. hii mk i ii f u fuu mk vi fuu pfm f ypiu ivm wimy iff miy, u i up u. ti i i uj . t i u i

    wi iv, u i my iifi-y iff w . ti piu viw u p mm-i iii f ff uy y ui-i p y ivm y.

    t ifmi i i pi my i p-ji fw-ki m ifuu v, , f pi -i ii i, i y u f ii. t i u

    uv wi iv, my iifiy iff fm w . tifmi i i pi, iui m i fii ui mk , i u mk ii, wi wi fuu my up y uqu mk v .

    t ivm y m iu my uui f iv pi ipifi ivm jiv fii iuiP i f f uy my ff vu, pi im f ivm vy.

    ni KKr M. MVy um y uy , uk up fw ki m. npi wy, p impi, i m iv y ff KKr, M. MVy y p uy mp fif ifmi i i i pi piiiy iiiy i p f y u i-fmi. by pi i pi, ipikw i ui p f fi m.

  • 8/2/2019 KKR Insights 120305

