Running head: Professional Development Paper 1 Professional Development Paper Kristyn Beaver Ferris State University

kmbeaver.weebly.comkmbeaver.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/3/7/...paper.docx  · Web viewThat year, I did successfully complete the exam and received my certification (RNC). I do love to

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Running head: Professional Development Paper 1

Professional Development Paper

Kristyn Beaver

Ferris State University

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Professional Development Paper 2


In this paper, I will be describing my strengths and weaknesses, along with goals and aspirations

for the next five and ten years. I will use the American Nurses Association (ANA) guidelines

and descriptions of the standards of professional development. Included will be evaluation tools

for keeping myself in line with these stated aspirations. During the course of this document, I

will be reviewing my beliefs and current professional behaviors against the ANA’s professional

development standards.

Keywords: ANA, professional development, professional behaviors

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Professional Development Paper 3

Professional Development Paper

Hildegard Peplau described nursing as an art and a science (Peplau, 1997) and I couldn’t

agree more. The purpose of this paper is to guide my thinking and planning of any future

aspirations for a challenging professional career. By using the ANA’s standards of professional

development and performance as a guideline, I will analyze my own behaviors and beliefs of

nursing practice to help further my development as a practicing nurse. This document is an

important tool in helping me to assess my professional desires, plan for their execution, and

evaluate future progress in attaining my goals.

ANA standards of professional performance

Quality of Practice

“The registered nurse systematically enhances the quality and effectiveness of nursing

practice” (American Nurses Association, 2004). To help advance educational requirements for

my co-workers, I am an instructor for Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Neonatal

Resuscitation Practice (NRP). My current position of Anesthesia Assistant, enables me to

preceptor new nurses to our operating room, recovery room and preoperative room policies and

procedures. I hold my certification in In-patient Obstetrics nursing. Holding this certification

requires that I obtain continuing education credits and renew every three years, and, those

continuing education credits need to be in Obstetrics. In the spring, I was able to attend

Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN) congress in Denver, Colorado. This congress

was very intense and extremely large. I had the opportunity to learn new aspects of the operating

room and then bring that back to my co-workers. After this congress, I was able to institute the

use of the smoke evacuator for all of our cesarean section patients, which eliminates the smoke

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and plume. Plume comes from patients’ cells that are burned, using this limits the exposure of

carcinogens and other pathogens in the air to the operating room staff.


The criteria set forth by the American Nurses Association promotes further education and

to maintain competency in the nursing profession; in direct patient care and in new technologies

emerging in healthcare (American Nurses Association (ANA), 2004, p.35). As stated in the

previous section, I have been able to attend conferences and now formal schooling to further my

nursing practice. My unit is able to provide me the continuing education credits through a

program called “Perifax”. “Perifax” is a program through Rochester University. They publish

articles and questions related to the articles. Answering the questions and receiving an eighty

percent, one is able to obtain one continuing education credit. I am required, like all staff in my

department, to complete twelve of these articles and tests in a year’s time. This past winter

semester, my first experience with formal classes, after twenty years, was a conversational

Spanish class at the local community college. It was a wonderful experience and encouraged me

to pursue other higher education. The class gave me the confidence to challenge myself further.

This fall, our hospital is instituting computerized charting; another new technology for me.

Professional practice evaluation

The ANA’s standard on professional practice evaluation states “the registered nurse

evaluates one’s own nursing practice in relation to professional practice standards and

guidelines, relevant statutes, rules, and regulations” (ANA, 2004, p. 36). As a charge nurse, I am

expected to complete peer reviews on the ancillary and nursing staff; such as the Certified Scrub

Technicians (CST) along with professional peers. A self-evaluation is also conducted annually

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with personal and professional goals identified. Each year as part of the self-evaluations, I must

show documentation that I have adhered to age specific policy and have shown appropriate

interventions for the teen-age population particularly. Two years ago, as part of my evaluation,

one of my goals was to take the certification exam. That year, I did successfully complete the

exam and received my certification (RNC).

I do love to learn new things and get excited when I do. But, this is also a weakness for

me. In learning new things, I get scared of that knowledge and think I might be better suited for

a chocolate shop ownership. Then, coming to my senses, I realize that I have always been a

nurse; it’s in my blood. I thoroughly enjoy helping a patient learn new ideas and encouraging

then to live healthier lives. One of the nurses’ primary jobs is to ease the anxiety of the patient;

by talking with and listening to the patient (Peplau, 1997). In my annual evaluation, my peers

review my performance. When I reflect on my own performance based on my peers’ review, I do

try to take their comments and suggestions to heart and improve my skills and behaviors.


“The registered nurse interacts with and contributes to the professional development of

peers and colleagues” (ANA, 2004 p. 37). As stated earlier in the paper, I have the role of

training the new employees to the preoperative, postoperative and perioperative policies and

procedures of the Childbirth Unit (CBU). It is my goal to take the AORN’s “ Periop 101” course

offered by AORN. This course will help to give me new insight into the operative setting in

which I work. In Obstetrics (OB), there is an ever increasing cesarean section rate; forty percent

in my department; and with that comes more time in the surgical suites. Along with higher rates

for cesarean births, there comes a higher rate of maternal complications. Emergencies in OB are

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few, however, when they do happen, they are fast and usually end up in the operating rooms.

When I first started in OB, my orientation was three days for the operating room; see one, do

one, teach one. Now, orientees are in the OR for two weeks in CBU. The orientation process

has evolved to give the orientee more preceptor and classroom time. When one looks at the

orientation for main OR, which is six months in my institution, compared to OB, there is

significantly less time in learning the operating room. By learning and teaching the AORN’s

Periop 101 program, it is my hope that each nurse will feel more comfortable in the operating

room, by relieving the stress levels, the nurse will be able to better care for the patients in her

care. By learning more myself, then I will be better able to help my peers.


In this standard, “the registered nurse collaborates with patient, family, and others in the

conduct of nursing practice” (ANA, 2004 p. 38). Every day there are opportunities to collaborate

with my patients and their families about their birth experience. In the operating room, there are

limitations to what the patients can do; however, there can be creativity in doing others, for

instance providing “skin to skin” with the newborn infant. Skin to skin is a time of bonding

between parents and their new baby. We have the baby in a diaper and hat and let the parents

cuddle with the baby next to their skin. This facilitates breast feeding, bonding, regulating

temperature and blood sugar in the baby. The father of the baby is more than welcome to do skin

to skin since the mother cannot during the surgery. Some father’s do this bonding, others do not,

it is their choice based on their own comfort level. Collaboration with colleagues in surgery

scheduling and emergencies that arise on any given day is essential for patient safety. Initiating

social service intervention or evaluation is important for the safety of the babies born into

families with dysfunctional aspects; such as drug or physical abuse. I find this area of

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collaboration harder at times. I try very hard to satisfy the wishes of the new parents and the

desires of the new grandparents. Each person has their own ideas of how the birth experience

should be; and who has the “right” to be present for the delivery. To me, the patient’s wishes and

expectations always comes first. I do have a difficult time with patience for the family members

who are being selfish and not taking the patients’ needs or desires into consideration. This is one

area I need to work on in finding solutions.


Ethics, being an area of high emotion, can be very difficult at times. This standard states

“the registered nurse integrates ethical provisions in all areas of practice” (ANA, 2004 p. 39). In

reading the criteria for this standard, I feel confident that I help the patient maintain dignity and

autonomy while in my care. I am careful not to use patient names or other identifying criteria in

front of other patients or visitors in our area. Becoming a locked unit has helped in this matter.

In evaluating my personal beliefs and values, I have become more aware of how these influence

my behaviors as a professional nurse and will try to use the method provided in the Kearney

(2010) textbook to help guide my evaluation of the ethical dilemmas I encounter. I also realize

that I am not as well versed in the ethical dilemmas that I am faced with in my profession and in

healthcare in general. In learning more about such subjects as stem cell research, right to life and

right to die policies in Indiana; the state I work in, I will be able to make educated opinions on

these social issues. Being aware of my own beliefs helps me to be culturally aware of others’

beliefs. By educating my patients and their families on various procedures we do (for example

tubal ligation), I am aiding the patient in her making her decisions for care and treatments that is

best for her and honoring those decisions once made.

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Research is an area that I have not had much experience with, thus making it an area of

weakness. The standard states “the registered nurse integrates research into practice” (ANA,

2004 p. 40). The measurement criterion includes “that the nurse participates in research

according to the nurses’ level of education and position” (p. 40). As an associate’s degree

prepared nurse, I have participated in research data gathering, but not interpreting data. I have

had the opportunity to share current research with my co-workers and instituting new policy

because of that research; the example being the smoke evacuator in the operating room. The

Family Practice Residency program that is in my institution has done studies with the low

socioeconomic group of women. I was able to help collect some data for them in the form of

surveys, however, can do a much better job at assisting in this data collection.

Resource utilization

Resource utilization is a criterion that requires the nurse to “consider factors related to

safety, effectiveness, cost, and impact on practice in the planning and delivery of nursing

services” (ANA, 2004 p. 42). To me this means that nurses are looking to keep costs down. I

find this area extremely hard to address with patients in that we have premature babies born

almost every day. It is extremely hard to educate the family on the long term costs that having a

severely preterm infant will bring to their family. However, based on this criterion, nurses need

to do this; I need to do this better. When I have a mother and father seeing their new infant, they

want the very best for that baby, no matter the cost. Parents sometimes do not understand what

they are asking or how their decisions may hurt the baby over time.

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In this criterion, my strength is that I do participate in my units’ equipment purchases. I

offer feedback as to its effectiveness and ease of use for staff, plus, safety for the patient and

staff. As a participating staff member, environmental impact is taken into consideration in



The ANA promotes leadership in registered nurses by asking that they “engage in

teamwork as a team player and team builder”, “teaches others to succeed by mentoring and other

strategies”, “demonstrates energy, excitement, and a passion for quality work”, and “serves in

key roles in the work setting by participating on committees, councils, and administrative teams”

(ANA, 2004 p. 44). Leadership to me is not just a charge nurse telling you what to do; it is

leading through good example; nursing professionalism. For me, if I am asking someone to

clean a room, I should be willing to do it myself too. I value all members of the team in my

department. I cannot do my job without the cleaning staff or secretaries or the scrub techs

helping me. Every role is just as important as the next; we are a team. I do feel I am a good

leader try to be a role model for the students that come to our unit.

The criterion of showing excitement and energy can be difficult at times, especially

when I feel frustration with doctors who put the needs of his/her schedule above that of the

patient or the patients safety. Hospital Administration has often told nursing staff that nurses are

valued and that verbal or emotional abuse will not be tolerated by medical staff; yet I see it time

and time again. This culture is particularly upsetting to me. I can help by promoting best

behavior myself and treating others with respect and dignity. An area of weakness of mine is

assisting families and patients in “becoming informed consumers about options, costs and

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benefits of treatment and care” (ANA, 2004 p. 42). In labor and delivery, I find I have little

contact with patients in their seeking supplies, equipment or treatments for themselves or their

families. We are very focused on delivering the baby, and immediate needs of that patient and

family members with little contact after their delivery.

Five and ten year goals

Five year goals

My current goal of obtaining my BSN through Ferris State University will take until the

summer of 2012. It is my plan to take two classes per semester, including summer semesters.

The evaluation of this goal being reached is the diploma from Ferris State University. After

graduating from Ferris States BSN program, my plan is to apply to Indiana University at South

Bend (IUSB) to the Master’s program for Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). I will gather the

references needed for admission. My admission will also be dependent on faculty approval at

IUSB. I must submit a 250 word essay on my professional aspirations as an advanced

practitioner and also need to receive a grade of B minus or higher in a level 300 statistics class

(IUSB, 2010). Unforeseen life changes would be the barriers to me obtaining my goal.

The IUSB Master’s program is a 45 credit hour program. There are preclinical classes to

be taken that “focus on core foundation for advance practice” (IUSB, 2010). I plan on taking two

classes per semester until such time as I enter the clinical aspect of the program. It is my plan to

work full-time at Memorial Hospital of South Bend until the clinical education begins, then I

plan on being part-time at Memorial. I have six years to complete the program.

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Barriers to completion of my goals would include unforeseen life changes. My daughter

graduates from high school in May of 2014, and I plan on taking the semester off to help prepare

her for her collegiate career and Hawaiian trip.

Entering the Master’s program is estimated to be fall of 2014, with completion to be done

within six years as a part-time student.

Ten year Goals

With graduating from the FNP program in the winter of 2019 it is my desire to enter

private practice in an office to serve the public in a more expanded capacity than just women’s

health. My son is planning on becoming a Family Doctor, and it is my desire to work with him.

However, his graduation will not occur until the July of 2019 from his residency program. This

will give me the opportunity to gain experience in private practice with family care. Weaknesses

in this ten year plan are with regards to my sons’ graduation and entering into private practice.

Should life change for him, then I will continue to work in private practice as a FNP. Evaluation

of this goal of private practice being obtained will be in signing a contract with an office or

hospital based practice as a FNP.


In conclusion, I plan to maintain the standards of nursing by continuing my education and

collaboration with other healthcare workers to give optimal care to my patients. This will be an

ongoing process and an ever changing one as well. In following my professional time-line, this

will help me maintain my focus and complete the goals that I have set for myself. Although life

has changes at every turn, I have found that with support of family and friends, and a

determination to complete what one has started, anything is obtainable.

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American Nurses Association (Ed. 4). (2004). Nursing: scope and standards of practice. Silver

Springs, MD

Alligood, M.R. & Tomey, A.M. (2010). Nursing theorists and their work. Maryland Heights,

Missouri. Mosby.

Indiana University at South Bend. (2010). Masters of science handbook as retrieved at


Kearney-Nunnery, R. (2008). Advancing your career. Philadelphia, PA. F.A. Davis Company.

Peplau, H.E.(1997). Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations. Nursing Science Quarterly

10,162-167. doi: 10.1177/08931849701000407.

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1. Do you have a header that is 2 to 3 words of your title followed by 5 spaces and then page number? [p. 288 and example on p. 306)]


2. Does the Running head: have a small “h”? Is it only on the title page? Is it less than 50 spaces total? Is the title of the Running head in all caps? Is it 1” from the top of your title page? (Should be a few words from the title of your paper). [p. 296 and example on p. 306]


3. Make sure your abstract is not indented, but rather double spaced as the rest of your paper and aligned to the left margin. Is your abstract a summary of your entire paper? Remember it is not an introduction to your paper. Someone should be able to read the abstract and know what to find in your paper. [p. 12 and example on p. 306]


4. Did you repeat the title of your paper on your first page of content? [p. 298 and example on p. 307] Do not use ‘Introduction’ as a heading following the title. The first paragraph clearly implies the introduction and no heading is needed. [p. 15 and example on p. 306]


5. Cite all sources! If you say something that is not your original idea, it must be cited. You may be citing many times…this is what you are supposed to be doing!


6. Did you double space throughout? No triple or extra spaces between sections or paragraphs except in special circumstances. This includes the reference page. [p. 286 and 299 and example on p. 307-314]


7. Did you make block quotes out of any direct quotes that are 40 words or longer? [p. 292 and example on p. 312]


8. A direct quote is exact words taken from another. An example with citation would look like this:“The variables that impact the etiology and the human response to various disease states will be explored” (Bell-Scriber, 2007, p. 1).Please note where the quotation marks are placed, where the final period is placed, no first name of author, and inclusion of page number, etc. Do all

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Professional Development Paper 14

direct quotes look like this? [p. 120 and 121 and examples in text on p. 307-312]


9. A paraphrase citation would look like this:Patients respond to illnesses in various ways depending on a number of factors that will be explored (Bell-Scriber, 2007). Do all paraphrased citations look like this? [p. 120 and 121 and examples in text on p. 307-312]


10. Did you cut and paste references on your reference page? If so, check to make sure they are in correct APA format. Often they are not and must be adapted. Make sure all fonts are the same.


11. Did you check your headings for proper levels? [p. 114/115 and examples on p. 308].


12. Did you know there are new guidelines for electronic sources that are not in your APA manual? These can be accessed at (http://www.ferris.edu/library/Instruction/handouts/apa.pdf)


13. Did you follow the assignment rubric? Did you make headings that address each major section? (Required to point out where you addressed each section.)


14. Watch for run-on or long, cumbersome sentences. Read it out loud without pausing unless punctuation is present. If you become breathless or it doesn’t make sense, you need to rephrase or break the sentence into 2 or more smaller sentences. Did you do this?


15. Wordiness: check for the words “that”, and “the”. If not necessary, did you omit?


16. Conversational tone: Don’t write as if you are talking to someone in a casual way. For example, “Well so I couldn’t believe nurses did such things!” or “I was in total shock over that.” Did you stay in a formal/professional tone?


17. Avoid contractions. i.e. don’t, can’t, won’t, etc. Did you spell these out?


18. Did you check to make sure there are no hyphens and broken words in the right margin?


19. Do not use “etc.” or "i.e." in formal writing unless in parenthesis. did you check for improper use of etc. & i.e.?


20. Stay in subject agreement. When referring to 1 nurse, don’t refer to the nurse as “they” or “them”. Also, in referring to a human, don’t refer to the person as “that”, but rather “who”. For example: The nurse that gave the injection….” Should be “The nurse who gave the injection…” Did you check for subject agreement? Likewise, don’t refer to “us”, “we”, “our”, within the paper…this is not about you and me. Be clear in identifying. For example don’t say “Our profession uses empirical data to support ….” . Instead say “The nursing profession uses empirical data…..


21. Did you check your sentences to make sure you did not end them with a preposition? For example, “I witnessed activities that I was not happy with.” Instead, “I witnessed activities with which I was not happy.”


22. Did you run a spellcheck? Did you proofread in addition to running the spellcheck?

10/27/10 23. Did you have other people read your paper? Did they find any areas

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DD confusing?10/27/10DD

24. Did you include a summary or conclusion heading and section to wrap up your paper?


25. Do not use “we” “us” “our” “you” etc. in a formal paper! Did you remove these words?


26. Does your paper have sentence fragments? Do you have complete sentences?


27. Did you check apostrophes for correct possessive use. Don’t use apostrophes unless it is showing possession and then be sure it is in the correct location.

Signing below indicates you have proofread your paper for the errors in the checklist:

__Darlene D’Arcangelo______________________________________________________________DATE:_10/27/10_____________