Knapp 14

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  • 7/28/2019 Knapp 14


    Knapp 14.

    The daughters of Lady Shurvana.

    Tale written by Alfredo Juillet Frascara. (September- October 2009).

    11.128 words

    Epoch: 3770 3772 C.E.

    Places: Knapp planet / Tuberon planet

    Listado de personajes:


    Alaida and Minoya, daughters of Shurvana.

    Lord Marmendor, Decane; Greion, Medic; Mr. Origorgo, Chief Executive at Espari Bio

    Lab, together with Mr. Aukfor.

    Egogar, Synthetic person, Assistant to Miss Minoya.Vertonfeld, Captain of the Spaceship Marmol.

    Goroeinfer, Adm. Of the Mining field At Asteroid AJ 642

    Doctor Zarbor, Medic, Chief of implants and biological experimentations.

    Alston Kibbling, Dragonet Axon, Leroy Forkensbrutner, Kraut Hifler, Elsie Voncat,

    RR50, Juan Dillert, Diego Perez, John Dillbert, Isaac Runsberg, Abrajam Israbing,

    Jurgen Kurzte, Gacfor Untenostor (house owner).

    The Rixiabergian (pilot of Orbs).

    Lokor Fanax, Commander at the Knappian Royal Starfleet.

    Intelligent Squids or Ghamcounins:

    634-20 (Crewman at the Orb); Lord Amtuberon, Lady Tentaria, Captain X30.

    Jovians: Guards at the Spaceship Industries in Tuberon Planet.

    Chapter 1.

    The daughters of Lady Shurvana receive their Diplomas from the hands of Lord

    Marmendor, who said to them: you are the best students I had in my classes of this

    year! Lets see you honor your education now, by working for the good of our society!

    Thanks you, Sir! - Both girls told him, bowing slightly. A teardrop run by Alaidas

    cheek, as she was remembering her mother was sick and not present to share this

    moment of triumph.

    Afterwards, a dance party was followed by more than two hundred young couples;

    former students now full professionals in Art and Science, plus parents and guests.

    Pity our mother is sick, Alaida! She would have been happy seeing us finishing our

    careers.- Minoya said.

    We are going to see her and show our Diplomas!- Alaida said.

    Of course. Well, lets dance now! We must be happy for the time being! Minoya

    said, smiling to some young Graduates who were approaching them, at the dance floor.

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    Soon they were dancing and letting their partners murmur sweet words on them hears -

    part of the happiness they were seeking for.

    Later, they were part of a group, who went to have breakfast to Oxiborion, on some

    students big Flier vehicle; there, on a table facing the sea, Greion, the muscle-man who

    owns the Flier, said: I am very happy we all end up with Diplomas and not defeated

    this year! Well, guess Ill work with my Dad at his Corporation.Lucky you! We, poor mortals, must seek for a job from now on.- Alaida said.

    I am sure youll get a job as soon as someone needs a Biologist! Same with your sister

    here, youre outstanding.- Greion said, looking at them they both were very beautiful

    and clever.

    You are such a soft-soap!- Minoya said, laughing.

    In case you didnt find a job, my father could be of use- he knows every important

    person in Industry.- Greion said, sipping his ice cream.

    Thas is easy to say! But I rather find a job myself, thanks you.- Minoya said.

    Suit yourself! How about a swim in the ocean, now?- Greion invited, and soon they

    were on the beach, taking the stars rays with delight.

    A week later, Alaida was waiting for an interview at the Ezpari Biologic Laboratories;she was applying for a job there, and after a brief examination, now it was the time to

    speak with the man in charge. She was seated on a fine chair, when a man in his middle

    age come inside the room, and said: Apologies me! I was very busy. Did I keep you

    waiting too long?

    Only 20 minutes, Sir.- Alaida said, standing up; she was as tall as the man, and he

    said: Well, Im Oriforgo, from Laboratories. I am sure you understand all of our talks

    here, must be kept in private.

    And the blue eyes of the man were fixed on her.

    Of course, Sir. I learnt about ethics at the University.- Alaida said.

    Very well; take a seat, please.- Oriforgo said, seating on another one, and said: Lets

    talk about science.

    My specialty.- Alaida said, smiling.

    The scientific estimates place the origin of the Universe at between 10 and 20 billion

    years ago. The theory currently with the most acceptances is theBig Bang Theory, theidea that all matter in the Universe existed in a cosmic egg (smaller than the size of a

    modern hydrogen atom) that exploded, forming the Universe. Recent discoveries from

    the Space Telescope and other devices suggest this theory may need some


    Astronomy? I know about that, but my specialty its Biology.- Alaida said.

    Wait a minute! I must say that evidence for the Big Bang includes:

    The Red Shift: when stars/galaxies are moving away from us the energy they emit isshifted to the red side of the visible-light spectrum. Those moving towards us are shifted

    to the violet side. The processes ofradioactive decayand heat generated by theimpact of planetesimals heated the Earth, which then began to differentiate into a

    "cooled" outer cooled crust of silicon, oxygen and other relatively light elements and

    increasingly hotter inner areas. Impact and the beginnings of volcanism released water

    vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia and other gases into a developing

    atmosphere. Sometime "soon" after this, life on Earth began.

    Right.- Alaida said, almost bored.

    The idea of panspermia hypothesized that life originated out in space and came to

    Earth inside a meteorite. Recently, this idea has been revived as Cosmic Ancestry. The

    amino acids recovered from meteorites are in a group known as exotics: they do notoccur in the chemical systems of living things. The ET theory is now not considered by
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    most scientists to be correct, although the discovery of meteorite and its possible fossils

    have revived thought of life elsewhere.- Origorgo said.

    Yes; I know that scientist heated crystals of a mineral and discovered that they formed

    urea when they cooled. The primordial Knapp was a very different place than today,

    with greater amounts of energy, stronger storms, etc. The oceans were a "soup" of

    organic compounds that formed by inorganic processes and conditions have existedover 3 billion years ago were such that the spontaneous formation of organic

    macromolecules could have taken place. The simple inorganic molecules that Miller

    placed into his apparatus produced a variety of complex molecules.- Alaida said.

    Right. Guess you are qualified; lets talk about incomes and wages. We are

    deploying a branch of ourEzpari Biologic Laboratories on some other part; I dontknow if you could leave Oredloro? At zones the salary is increased in half.

    Alaida said: I have problems with that; I have a sister- she was receiving his bachelor

    on science at the same time as I; and I dont want to leave her behind.

    Origorgo said: A scientific family?

    She is a Medic.- Alaida said.

    Well, I guess we need young people for our new site; call on her, and tell Ill be

    waiting to interview her.- Origorgo said.

    And this is it? Im hired?- Alaida said, incredulous.

    Yes! What, do you want more examinations? I know when Im in front of a useful

    person; believe me.- Origorgo said, standing from his chair and walking to the door,

    which opened.

    Well, thanks you! Ill tell my sister about this; when I present myself to work?-

    Alaida asked.

    Lets wait until your sisters examination. Then well call on you.- Origorgo said, and

    Alaida went out.

    On the street, she called on Minoya, and said: I did it! I get the job! And they couldhire you also- only after an interview.- Alaida said by the cell phone.

    All right! Im happy for you! Well talk more at dinner.- Minoya said, and hung up.

    That night, on their small apartment, Alaida said: and Im earning half more pay- as I

    must be working not in this town.

    And where did they have the job? At Oxiborion?- Minoya asked her.

    I really dont know, sister. Perhaps Oxiborion! I didnt ask.- Alaida said.

    Ill be there tomorrow! You could go there with me, to give me strength.- Minoya

    asked of her.

    As you wish! Im hired, but I must wait until you are approved or not- really, if you

    dont go with me, Ill quit.- Alaida said.

    Sister! I also will be not leaving your side- ever!- Minoya said, embracing her sister.At the next day, Origorgo finds her acceptable, after a brief talk, and said: I am sure

    you both will find your new job exciting and well remunerated.

    Where are we going to be working, Sir?- Minoya asked him.

    Oh, dont worry about that! Youll have a nice apartment for each of you; good food

    and nice company! - Origorgo said.

    Good food.- Minoya smiled at him.

    Yes! Well, you are ready now to begin- return tomorrow morning- at eight! Well have

    a little chat, and youll receive some advanced money- perhaps in your cosmetics and

    stuff like that- before you are sent to your final destination.- Origorgo said, and

    opening the door of his office, the girls went out, smiling.

    See? You are hired just like me! Guess well be having fun.- Alaida said.

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    At the next day, Origorgo presents them to Aukfor, an elderly man, saying: This is

    your future Chief of Operations; youll travel with him to your final destiny.

    Aukfor coughed and said: I guess you are acquainted with the kind of our work?

    No idea.- Alaida said.

    Well, nothing out of the way, of course! But I prefer you talk technicalities at your

    point of destination; now that you know each other, I hope all is right with them?-Origorgo ends asking Mr. Aukfor.

    Oh, yes! Beautiful ladies; hope they are as good as they seem.- He replied on

    Origorgos hear.

    Five days later, Origorgo sent a Synthetic man to guide them to the spaceport; the E-

    man said: Ladies: your trip begins now.

    Funny guy.- Alaida said, looking at the well tailored suit the e-man was wearing.

    Do you like it? Armani.- The Guide said.

    Armani? Whats that?- Alaida asked, puzzled.

    An old guy who designed mens clothes- back at Earth! Retro fashion, of course- I find

    delight dressing myself fine.- The e-man said.

    Whats your name?- Minoya asked him.Egogar. Model AB, of course- serial number A03030. Earth made, of course.- The e-

    man said, proudly.

    Well! Guess our models are not as fine as you.- Minoya said, blinking an eye to


    Of course not! I have more software on myself than a dozen Knappian models.-

    Egogar said.

    Guess your modesty chip is failing, friend.- Alaida said, laughing.

    They departed from the small apartment- that belongs to them. Alaida locked the door,

    and Egogar takes the four valises, saying: dont you worry about me! I can manage

    these valises by myself- plenty of strength on my frame

    Of course._ Alaida smiled to the e-man- now they were doing Synthetic people with

    small amounts of personality- just not to show too much they werent Naturals.

    The flier kept climbing with the two damsels and Egogar on board- the in-built pilot

    was driving fast, and soon reaches a big spaceship in mid-air, lading on top of a

    platform; Egogar opened the door, and said: Watch for the wind! No need to leave the

    platform by the other end!

    Both girls descended with care, and follow the e-man inside a turret; meanwhile, the

    flier vehicle takes off and descended, back to the city of Oredloro.

    The turret was huge; several people dressed in yellow uniforms were busy there with

    some apparatus; Egogar gets inside an elevator, and they followed; once inside, Egogar

    said: Fourth deck.The elevator descended two decks and opened its doors to a corridor; on the wall a

    holographic signs reads 4 DECK.

    They followed the e-man, who opened a door on the passageway, and said: This is your

    new place to stay, ladies! Ill be out for a moment, but you could rest here for a while.

    And leaving the suitcases on the floor went out of the room, closing the door. Minoya

    tried the door lock and it opens the door.

    Well, we are not locked inside.- She said, rising her shoulders a bit.

    Why should we be locked? We are members of whatever this assignment is!- Alaida

    said, and seats on a couch.

    From the wall, a voice said: This is the captain of this ship speaking: you are aboard

    the Marmol cargo ship; my name is Vertonfeld. We are going to the Fifth planet,

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    where you will work. As the trip will take only four days, nobody is going to be freeze

    for this voyage. Lunch will be served at the Mess hall in half an hour. Have a nice trip.

    And the announce ends.

    Guess what! Planet V! I was thinking in a cozy small laboratory circling our planet.-

    Alaida said.

    Well, now you know the trip will take us far into the space!- Minoya said, not withoutcertain tremor in her voice- she was always scared about space trips, and now she was

    in the middle of one.

    I guess this trip will make us rich! Neither Beauty Parlors nor fashion shops over

    there!- Alaida said.

    A ring at the door; Alaida opened it and it was Mr. Origorgo, saying: May I come in,


    Of course!- Alaida said; the man enters the room and said We are voyaging now;

    to the fifth planets orbit. Are you all right in here?

    Yes, until now.- Minoya said, smiling.

    Well, I hope you are satisfied; the cabin has every modern appliance; no need to be out

    if you wants a snack; there is a food processor.- And Origorgo opened a lid on thewall; he asks three lemonades; a door opens and three glasses of lemonade were there

    on a tray.

    See? Well, certainly we are here to improve the health for the entire human race: not

    only Knappian but also Homo Sapiens from Terra and Vulcan.- Origorgo said,

    drinking the lemonade.


    And why not Klingons and Alarians as well?- Alaida asked him.

    Because we are just beginning its that our options are few. But all depends now of

    ourselves. If we produce enough discoveries and if these discoveries produce enough

    income, we could move forward as it is planned.- Origorgo said.

    The ethics of these labors are diminished in scope?- Minoya asked.

    Certainly we must set aside some of our ingrained prejudices, if we want to go ahead.

    One of the reasons our society has not improved as it should, its because we are stuck

    on old models of ethics.- Origorgo explained.

    Alaida blinked an eye to Minoya, who was spellbound. After that first reunion,

    Origorgo went out of the room.

    Alaida said to her sister: We must hear and accept this peoples reasons if we want to

    keep our jobs.

    That is just beginning.- Minoya said.

    At least our quarters are private and acceptable.- Alaida raises her shoulders.

    The spaceship was speeding along its course; captain Vertonfeld use the cannons to giveway to his spaceship while approaching the meteorite zone. Huge rocks were smashed

    by the LASER beams, and sometimes a quick turn of course was needed to avoid the

    bigger ones.

    They stop near an asteroid thirty kilometers wide; on its surface a shining turret appears;

    they all use special suits and glide to the surface using a long chain not to lost course; in

    this the crew of the Marmol spaceship were helping the scant passengers along the


    The turret, who appears small from the Marmols skylight windows, had an altitude

    of 300 meters; mostly antennas of every kind; the circumference was of 30 meters and it

    had a big sluice gate and a smaller one at a side; they enter by it and descended in a

    huge elevator; they went out and Origorgo said: We must take off our helmets and thespecial suit; here we have a normal atmosphere.

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    They handled the suits to the Marmols crew and a thin tall man presents himself as

    the Administrator Goroienfer.

    I am Goroienfer, the Administrator of this mining operation; welcome to this facility.-

    Goroienfer said.

    Thanks you. This is our scientist: Lady Minoya, Lady Alaida, Mrs. Kubloing, Ason,

    Forkensbrutner and I am Origongo, general manager.- Origongo said.Welcome you all! I must say this building has several floors and tunnels; please do not

    wander here alone, or you could get lost; meteorites are often a problem if you went

    outside the turret; please refrain to go out there. - Goroienfer said.

    And this facility has a name?- Alaida asked of him.

    Yes, lady: the same as the asteroid we are standing on: AJ-642 Mining Field; mostly

    copper, as its the most needed metal nowadays; but you must not get tired about

    mining as you come here to study and make experimentations; I only mention we are in

    a mining facility, in order you realize there are some dangers you must take in

    consideration.- Gorienfer said.

    Yes, I am scared already.- Alaida said, looking at the man.

    Im afraid that was not my intention, of course. Well, anything you want from me, Illbe always at your service. Now a person will show you the laboratory and your cabins.

    Good day to you all.- Gorienfer said, blushing red.

    A man in blue uniform guide them through several corridors, and then to a quiet sector,

    where several doors opened to a single corridor.

    This are your cabins, Ladies and gentlemen: everyone is alike the other; you can

    choose locations.- The man said, and went away; Origorgo let them choose, and after

    that, he said: There are no breakfasts nor lunch or dinners in here; you will be feed

    using pills and vitamin in beverages.

    Nice.- Alaida said, mockingly.

    Well, Ill be at the Lab; please take your time here, but afterwards, go there.-

    Origorgo said, leaving the place.

    Both girls had a first bad time, but then, with


    The passing of days, they grey accustomed to not eat in the old fashion.

    There werent recreational places- just their own cabins where to stay. Five days after

    their arrival, Alaida said: Pity we dont have friends in here! At the Lab, theres not

    time to chat, and the males seem they arent aware we are women.

    Minoya said: certainly its strange- they seem like drones! Perhaps they are Synthetic


    Synthetic people? They look so human! They sigh, perspire, sleep- Alaida said.

    They could be pretending all that!- Minoya was not so sure, but inside of her, thosepeople were not men, but scientists- they job make them indifferent to women.

    Who knows? We have been here so little time- well need more time to see the reality

    of things- I am making compounds and until now I hadnt seen any living creature

    under examination.- Alaida said.

    Neither do I. Just analyzing samples and reading Doctor Zarbors work- hes a Russian

    guy- from Earth.- Minoya informed her.

    And is he good looking?- Alaida asked.

    I dont know! I was told to read his book, because hell arrive here soon.- Minoya


    Well, I expect hes a real man!- Alaida sighed, making her sister laugh.

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    The work keeps on, but there was no guess things happening- until Doctor Zarbor

    arrives Minoya and Alaida were called by the Administrator General, Mr. Origorgo,

    who said: Doctor


    Zarbor is coming. He is a doctor in Sciences and has several outstanding achievements

    in Biology. Our work will really begin with his presence here.Minoya realizes that the man was excited, and said: Its good to know we will begin

    with the real work.

    Yes, lady! I am sure you will find your stay in here very rewarding.- Administrator

    Origorgo said. Then, a technician enters the room and said: Doctor Zarbors spaceship

    its arriving, Sir!

    Very well! I will be receiving him at the elevator.- Origorgo said, and to the ladies he

    added: Please wait in here! Ill be back!

    This guy its on the verge of a system shutdown!- Alaida laughed, and one of the

    other doctors looked at her in disgust.

    Fifteen minutes later, a group arrives to that room, and a fat old man appears- he had

    scant white hair and a big mouth; his height was a mere 1.65 meters tall, Caucasoid andwith cold blue eyes.

    Good afternoon! I am doctor Zarbor; I presume you will be my closest collaborators?-

    He said, without hesitation.

    Origorgo said: Yes, doctor! They are Lady Minoya and Lady Alaida; Mr. Alston

    Kibbling, Mr. Dragonet Axon, and Mr. Leroy Forkensbrutner.

    All skilled professionals on their fields, I presume?- Doctor Zarbor said, looking

    straight at the two sisters, whom were too young to be much of skilled persons.

    I hired the best of the best, Sir!- Administrator Origorgo said, coughing.

    Of course. May I present my staff to you, then?- Doctor Zarbor asked mildly.

    By all means, Doctor.- Origorgo said.

    Doctor Juan Dillert, Diego Peres, John Dilbert, Isaac Runsberg, Abraham Israbing,

    Kraut Hiffler, Jurgen Kurzte, Eloise Danour, and Elsie Voncat, all of them skilled

    chirurgians and with several other titles I could mention if necessary in the future.-

    Doctor Zarbor said, not without some pride- he chooses them himself.

    Welcome to you all!- Origorgo said, looking at the team, who looked back with cold


    I need to know where we are going to be lodged, and also my luggage must be storage

    appropriately, as there are lots of delicate instruments to worry about.- Doctor Zarbor


    I understand. I will guide you myself.- Mr. Origorgo said, leading the way.

    Doctor Zarbor and his Assistants bowed to the group where the sisters were includedand went after the Administrator.

    Poor Mr. Origorgo! He must guide them through half light corridors.- Alaida said.

    Well, he has several Synthetic personnel to do this menial task! He chooses to be the

    guide.- Minoya said.

    The rest of the doctors returns to their labors, leaving them idling on that room. Alaida

    said: I am bored stiff of germs and freezers!

    We could stay here waiting or working at the Lab.- Minoya said.

    Guess we return to work.- Alaida said, after some while.

    They both arrive to the Laboratory when Doctor Zarbor was also arriving after a brief

    examination of the cabins.


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    As you see, four floors are ready to be of use. Here, our doctors were gathering

    materials for your use.- Mr. Origorgo said.

    Fine, fine!- Doctor Zarbor said, and then he went to look the test tubes and chirurgical

    equipment. Certain bags were brought, and soon the first naked corpse was lying on a

    stretcher, while Dr. Diego Perez cuts the head, and Doctor Zarbor said: We have not

    much time to spare! Bring me the first client, please!Doctor Eloise, 37, with a black box at her feet, releases a round lid and takes a human

    head with both hands, saying: Item RR50 is here, Doctor- Temperature -8 degrees C.

    Preparing the body._ Dr. Juan Dillert said, inserting several tubes on the corpse; soon

    the head of that body was severed and was put into the same box the first head was


    Doctor Eloise closes the round lid hurriedly.

    We will try to give life to this poor head.- Doctor Zarbor said, while Dragonet Axon

    fainted to the floor- several Assistants takes him out to the corridor, where two

    Synthetic personnel carried him to his bed

    This is already exciting!- Alaida said.

    The newly arrived team was working fast and with an easygoing way. Alaida and therest were just looking how the others were working on the implant; two hours later,

    Doctor Zarbor said: The difficult part is over, so lets see if your skill is as good as

    should! We are going to suture the rest of the veins and lets finish the job with a good

    stitching! We dont want to lave the patient looking as Doctors Frankensteins ghoul.-

    Nobody moved- of the Origorgo team. So, Dr. Zarbor chooses: Ladies! I am sure you

    are capable to help in this! To work!

    Minoya and Alaida put them to the task- the more they work, the best they did- so at the

    last they end faster than Dr. Zarbor were thinking.

    Very well! We will leave the patient be, for some hours, before we could give the next

    step- He said, and everybody was asked to leave the operation room, except three of

    the men from Dr. Zarbors team.

    At Minoyas cabin, Alaida said: I think I will ask for a cup of tea.

    Make it two.- Minoya said, while she was revising her recent work in her mind. When

    already seeping it, Minoya said: I wonder how Mr. Patient Item RR50 is now.

    We can find out by going there.- Alaida said

    Guess we will become rogue doctors. At Oredloro this practices are not allowed. The

    Law- Minoya said.

    Oredloros Law its very far from here.- Alaida remembered.

    Knappian laws are applicable in all the Knappian planetary system. We still are

    there.- Minoya said.

    Congratulations. You know you could scare me, when you really try,- Alaida said,making a grimace.

    Guess we could have a nap in here, dear sister. The absence of dawn and daylight

    tricks us to believe we are in an eternal day.- Minoya said.

    Right. A nap and then we went to the Infirmary to know how our patient is.- Alaida



    Doctor Zarbor was at his cabin, looking unto his laptop- 83 implants to do; all of them

    people of importance: nobles and old tycoons from Oredloro and Oxiborion.

    A knock on the door, and Dr. Zarbor opened it; Kraut Hiffler (68) said: Too late for a

    chat, Sir?

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    Of course not, Hiffler! Come on down.- Zarbor said; they seat on chairs and Kraut

    Hiffler said; Guess we will have a new member of our small colony here, Sir?

    You mean RR50?

    Precisely, doctor! The recovery is waiting ahead, of course.

    Pity it takes too long! Bodies recovered fast enough, but the brain takes its time to get

    in control of things.Research! Perhaps we could find a way to fasten their recovery.- Kraut Hiffler said.

    Doctor Zarbor thought about it- a thing Hiffler seems not to know, it was the effort in

    that direction was already been made; but with no success- rather, with failures so deep

    that the subjects collapsed afterwards. He asked for a couple of drinks and offered one

    to Hifler, saying: We already did that, and nothing good sprout from it.

    Now its the time to try again!

    Perhaps later- we have a lot of work in our hands and perhaps we could try on one of


    A not too prominent head, of course.


    What do you think about Origorgos team?- Doctor Zarbor asked.Origorgo is a hell of a good Administrator and I know he had hired capable people for

    this job. In all cases, he is a good Chirurgical doctor and I could put him to work, if all

    his team fails; but as you saw with that couple of damsels, they know what they do.

    It was the easy part to perform.- Hifler said.

    But primordial! They started slow but soon gained confidence- and finished at a quick

    pace. I am sure they are able medics.

    Of course.- Kraut Hiffler said, looking at the screen, where several diagrams were


    I am working in other Projects, for the Military men.- Doctor Zarbor said.

    Again a monster for the future wars? The last time I remember, I had nightmares for a

    whole year after we ended our project.- Kraut Hiffler said, finishing his drink.

    Yes, I remember those things we did. Wonder where they are now!

    Possibly in some forest.- Hiffler said.

    But this time there are stronger winds of war.-

    Yes, but I had heard about it. The Federation of Planets are here now. They an handle

    any problem King Garach could ask of them.

    We must design some insect- like creature, capable of to defeat any insecticide

    somebody could design.- Doctor Zarbor said.

    Insects! I am relieved! Mammals look too familiar for me.- Kraut Hiffler said.

    Yes, our skills must be tested again.- Doctor Zarbor said.

    10There are not much to think about : spiders are the best warriors.

    Spiders, scorpions, beetles, bees: creatures where to choose from, with a sprinkle of

    human genes.- Doctor Zarbor replied.

    Clever insects, then. They will know when to bite and when to hide.

    Guess it will be very stupid of our Generals to create a bug they cannot kill later.

    Yes, but we are more clever than that, no? We will have a window hidden somewhere

    on the Genetic Code.

    Hope they didnt smell your trick.

    Generals? They have their minds occupied by strategic plans, conspiracies, weapons

    and dreams of glory! No need to worry about it.- Doctor Zarbor said.

    The revival of bodies could be fastened. Give me a small team to begin with- you withother twice as fast.- Kraut Hiffler said.

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    How many colleagues do you think that are essential?

    Four, plus some nurses.

    Synthetic nurses.-

    All right, I have no problem with them.

    I will tell them tomorrow about this. I will begin with another client.- Doctor Zarbor

    said.I am sure you will end having a cohesion team, among us and the medics brought by

    doctor Origorgo.- Kraut Hiffler alleged.

    That is the only option.- Doctor Zarbor said, and Hiffler stands up and went out the


    A group was waiting at his cabin: doctors Juan Dillert, Diego Perez, John Dillbert, and


    Isaac Runsberg.

    After the metallic door was closed, Kraut Hiffler said; Success, my friends!

    They all cheered him, and Juan Dilbert said: Another team! Now we will be doing

    things for ourselves!We will be reviving important people, who had paid good money for it. We will be

    dividing our time from now on; and the ritual here on this flying rock has been

    established. Set your clocks now, Gentlemen.

    They all did; it was 23.02 hours.

    As you can see, we are prone to say good night.- Kraut Hiffler said, and they all

    laughed- but Hiffler begged them to be ready at the next day: I want you all here at

    7.00 in the morning; we will be looking for a place to work. Be punctual!

    And they all departed, wishing him to have good luck.

    At the next day, the new team separated some equipment and begins working at a near

    hall; the size of every room was the same: seven meters long, four and a half meters


    I see this is beginning to be amusing! Two teams to choose and we are stuck with

    doctor Zarbor - Alaida exclaimed.

    Stuck? He will be our teacher, sister! Remember we havent revived even a small

    rodent yet!- Minoya remembered to her sister.

    They arrive to the place where to work = a human body was lying on a stretcher, and

    when ready, a new head was placed to the severed neck.

    Pity this neck has degraded! Holes will be present, so later well


    Have to reconstruct lets move on now with the essentials!

    Now was the turn to work for Abraham Israbing and three more medics as Assistants:Jurgen Kurzte, Eloise Danour and Elsie Voncat.

    As in the precedent occasion, all the medics were present and looking the proceedings;

    some were able to look directly and the rest was looking at a holographic projector.

    Very interesting.- Alaida said to her sister in a whisper, and Minoya replied: -Of

    course. The difficult part begin when the neck is half closed by the connected nerves,

    arteries and veins, but more had to be sewn having little space where to work; this is a

    long operation.

    When the difficult part of the operation ends, Assistants performed the rest of the stitch.

    Doctor Zarbor calls on Minoya and Alaida, and said: You will be in charge of the

    attendance of our first implanted- individual RR50.

    Could we know his real name, Sir? Individual RR50 seems some kind of engine oil.-Alaida said.

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    Very funny. RR50 signifies Recuperated Roll, and 50 mean we had revived another 49

    persons before.- Doctor Zarbor explained.

    All right; you had explained the cipher but his real name keeps on being in the dark.-

    Alaida said, stubbornly.

    Sorry about that! We cannot give the names! The agreement between our Organization

    and our clients forbids it specifically.- Zarbor said, raising his shoulders.Of course the people want to hid their personal actions from their enemies, but we are

    not their enemy. Well, we are ready to work!- Alaida said.

    Individual RR50 is all yours! See that the medicines are supplied at the exact time; that

    is very important. Good luck.- Doctor Zarbor said.


    The patient was placed on a big room that contains 60 beds; at the walls there were

    stocks of medicines and all kind of instruments that Alaida and Minoya could require

    for their work.

    Four days passed by, and another three patients were delivered under their attendance.

    Guess we are in charge of the ward, in here! If doctor Zarbor keeps on sending us more

    patients, well be exhausted before long.- Alaida said.I guess you are right- at night is when we require help- to sleep the eight necessary

    hours without interruptions- we will wait until he send us the Sixth patient- then well

    talk with the Doctor.- Minoya said, believing that was their maximum capacity.

    As both teams were sending patients every day, the Sixth patient arrives very soon, and

    Minoya waits until Dr. Zarbor finished another head graft to say to him: Doctor

    Zarbor, we need to talk to you.

    He stops washing his hands and looking at them, he said: Yes, Doctors? It is much


    I assume it is, Doctor.- Minoya said.

    Very well. Give me a hint.- Dr. Zarbor asked, rubbing again his hands under the


    We received the Sixth Patient today, at the Ward. We believe that some more hands

    will need to attend the next patients.- Minoya said.

    Dr. Zarbor dried his hands on an hot air machine, and said: Certainly youll be needing

    assistance. I will get you some Synthetic personnel, or do you have some problems with


    Not whatsoever, Doctor. Thanks you for the offer; guess we will require two Assistants

    for each ten more patients.- Minoya said, departing; Dr. Zarbor smiled- he had been

    waiting for that request, and all the while was looking how they behave in their new job;

    the ladies were efficient and to the point.

    14Two Synthetic persons with Medic Software on their memory were appointed as their

    Assistants. Kraut Hiffler and his team were ahead of schedule- they were resurrecting

    two persons per day.

    These guys did work as slaves! Soon our ward will be full of patients.- Alaida said,

    while injecting some medicines to a patient.

    Certainly they did! Hope theyre doing things all night!- Minoya said, as she already

    notices that the bodies coming from Group 2 were harder to attend. They arrive not as

    healthy as the ones coming from Doctor Zarbors team.

    Two months later, the grafts ended; every body had a new head and they were all in the

    recuperation room.

    Doctor Zarbor calls for a meeting one afternoon, and looking at his staff of seventeenmedics, he said: Well done! The operations are ended; there are no more patients to

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    resurrect. Your labors, from now on, will be to help at the Recuperation Room, under

    doctors Minoya and Alaida.

    They all applauded, and doctor Zarbor said: Soon other duties will be performed, but

    for the seriousness of this we must end a job to begin another.

    They all understand he was saying true, so at least eight months were going to be

    elapsed on those implanted people.They divide labors, and make them all accept a certain routine; during those months,

    several medics simply didnt work as wished by the sisters and Alaida finally said:

    You should call for a meeting and threaten them


    With something if they dont work as we want.

    Money, my sister. This people are here for money. The one who is not working as we

    want, will be fired with a fine on his wages.- Minoya said.

    We should tell doctor Zarbor about this situation.- Alaida said.

    But he will think things are going out of our hands.- Minoya said.

    No if we just tell him our plan.- Alaida said, and added: This must not seem a fight

    among us and the rest. This must be a dear message to Doctor Zarbor. People are here towork, obey, or be fired.

    All right, we must tell him who wants to work and who doesnt.- Minoya said.

    Doctor Zarbor was working at his office with two other medics, when the sisters appear

    asking to be heard.

    Good morning! Take a seat. These two colleagues are helping me in my future project,

    you can speak freely.- Doctor Zarbor said. The doctors were Mr. Kraut Hiffler and Mr.


    We make a scheme of work at the ward, where everyone must fulfill a shift of four

    hours in rotation. Some of them are not present when the time comes; if asked to be

    present, they refuse.- Minoya said.

    Bad sign. Proceed.- Dr. Zarbor said.

    Here is a list of the ones going rogue. I intend to call them all for a meeting, and tell

    them that the one not present at their shift will be fired.- Minoya said.

    Strong words.- Dr. Zarbor said, thinking how to replace people being at an asteroid.


    The alternative?- Alaida asked.

    Well, theres no alternative. We could put the rebels in stasis. We havent the means to

    send them back and we will need them later. Tell them what we talked.- Doctor Zarbor


    At the meeting with the medics, Minoya told that the option was the slumber pods- and

    nobody was too interested in to spend time in a pod.Alaida begin an affair with Mr. Leroy Forkensbrutner, and Minoya was enamored with

    Alston Kibbling, who was a biologist of forty years of old.

    Eight months of routine ends when all the patients were able to walk and communicate;

    four of them had difficulties to speak, but by other means he was totally normal.

    Doctor Zarbor said: Must be some incompatibility with the body. We cannot give him

    another body but we could give him some implants- the voice will appear just the


    He performed an operation that was to insert a small box on his throat, that amplifies the

    feeble signals and reproduce a male human voice. The box was one centimeter long by

    half a centimeter wide.

    The couple of persons recuperated their voices, and the whole group returns to theKnapp planet in a spaceship.

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    Later, the Doctor said; We have another project, now this has nothing to do with


    Heads and bodies, but of genetic engineering: somebody needs insects capable of to

    terraforming certain planets still not suitable for human life.

    Thats odd.-

    Yes! But true. Colonists arent what they were in the first days of colonization ofspace. Now they didnt want to fight against a wild environed.- Doctor Zarbor said.

    They saw several computer animated holograms, showing what the aim of the Project

    was: insects ranging from 20 cm. to 2 meters long.

    Insects can move because they are tiny. With bigger bulks, they systems begin to

    crumble. Muscles arent designed for much weight. Our job its to by-pass those

    hindrances and come out the other way with success.- Doctor Zarbor said.

    Doctor Asimov explains the why not. Are we going to change that?- Kraut Hiffler


    Certainly, yes. I dont know if you are aware of studies made by Professor Forgodden?

    We will start with his theories. I beg of you all to begin studying his work thoroughly.-

    doctor Zarbor asked of them.Professor Forgodden writings were available on every screen they wish to occupy on

    the Computer in line; four days later, Doctor Zarbor divides the team in three different

    groups: one under his command, other under Kraut Hiffler and the last under Abraham

    Israbing (58).


    So, the three teams were like this:

    Dr. Zarbor (65)

    Jurgen Kurzte

    Eloise Danour

    Elsie Voncat

    Second team:

    Dr. Kraut Hiffler

    Juan Dillert

    Diego Perez

    John Dilbert

    Isaac Runsberg

    Third Team:

    Abraham Israbing



    Alston Kibbling

    Dragonet Axon

    Leroy Porkensbrutner

    Jurgen Kurzte said to Dr. Zarbor: why are we only four and at Israbing group there are

    seven members?

    Because he has people not fully tested under his command. We are more skilled,

    Jurgen; that you cannot deny.

    Using different species they begin the process of to make them bigger and bigger.

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    In four weeks there were four species caged; two of them build by Dr. Zarbors team,

    and one by each of the other groups.

    Dr. Zarbor invites Mr. Hiffler to see the insects he created in action; and he makes them

    degrade several materials into usable materials; the idea was functioning and the job

    was now to make bigger insects for the phase B.

    Dr. Zarbor saw the spiders fight a locust; they attack in unison; one bites and the otherput a cord around the body of the locust; soon his head was cut off.

    Once covered with a nest of chitin the spiders lost interests and walk away of their pray;

    they will wait for the locust to die of hunger.

    Remarkable situation; normally they stick to their pray, and fights the newcomers.-

    Dr. Zarbor murmured.

    We must teach them to obey us, and attack the ones we tell them to fight.- Alston


    Some kind of instinct. No matter if they really dont think.- Dr. Zarbor said.

    I know what you mean! We will find a way to do it.- Alston reply.

    Later, more insects were produced until they were finding good results.

    A meter and a half long; fifty centimeters high- good specimens. They produce organicmaterials while they live and more when they die; just what we need.- Dr. Zarbor said.

    The whole production ends four months later, and delivered to a Spatial Army Force


    Doctor Zarbor reunited them at his office, and said: The payment for this work will

    take a little longer- Army Forces usually heat the money some more time than necessary

    on their pockets, but in the end they pay. As we all need a Vacation, I had arranged

    three or four weeks on Oredloro of leisure time at a good Hotel in Oredloro city. All

    paid by our Organization, ladies and gentlemen!

    They all applauded.

    The wages will be paid while on that Hotel; plus some more money as a premium.-

    Doctor Zarbor said.

    They all cheered and happy faces sprout where long faces were seconds before.

    The Spaceship appears two days later; everybody boarded it with their valises and

    secretly several of the Dr. Zarbors staff said good by to that installation for ever, as

    they were feed up with horrible sights such as the ones recently get while at work.

    The trip was marked by several rows among the medics; free from work, their

    personalities began to crash one against the other; except the sisters, who had boyfriends

    with whom to have a good time while traveling.

    They arrive to Oredloro and were sent to the surface on a shuttle.

    Doctor Zarbor was with them all the time; at Oredloro space field they were received by

    a Flier from the chosen Hotel, the Gorboson; Minoya said, during the trip to theHotel: I feel strange- must be the gravity force.

    Yes, Sister! I feel the same. Perhaps we should take some pills to get fine.

    Of course. I will ask for it.- Minoya said, and at the Pharmacy next door she bought

    the necessary pills.

    The bigger suite was for Doctor Zarbor, who said: you will notice every one of you

    have the promised money sooner than expected- from now on, you are free to roam this

    city and only I beg of you all to be here in thirty days elapsed time. We will have more

    work to do and more wages to collect.

    Well be here! Where else to get knowledge and money at the same time?- Elsie

    Voncat asked, and somebody laughed.

    Alaida and Minoya went out of the Hotel Gorboson and arrive to a fine lingerie shopwhere they choose several dozen pieces of fine lingerie.

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    This is life! All that horror pays our bills now.- Alaida said.

    We will be shopping all day long! I must look pretty for my beloved.- Minoya said.

    Your beloved does not need fine clothes to worship you.- Alaida exclaimed.

    Think about it, sister! We are here not the only females for them! Now they had the

    opportunity of to choose among thousands of good looking women- we must keep

    beautiful for them.- Minoya said.At the next day, they take a


    Flier, and with their fiances (Leroy F. and Alston Kibbling) traveled to Oxiborion- they

    visited their former house- now sold to Mr. Gacfor Untenostor; from there, to the beach.

    As I told you before, we had magnificent memories of this place. Our parents brought

    us here in Vacations for many years.- Alaida said to Leroy, while seated on the sand.

    By the look in your eyes, it is clear to me that you have fond memories of this town.

    Wish I could buy you a house in here.- Leroy said.

    Oh, dear! We sold the house when our mother died, as we were burdened with too

    many memories._ Alaida explained.

    Leroy Forkensbrutner immediately thinks that not only that house, but the entire townwas a fountain of sad memories for his lover, but didnt open his mouth to persevere

    with the theme.

    From there, they rented a bungalow for both couples, and made a barbecue on the

    backyard, dancing and talking almost until dawn.

    This place is really quiet! No sounds of traffic, no people rummaging around.- Alston


    Yes! Here people prefer silence and quiet nights.- Minoya said.

    Suddenly, Alaida said; Look! A spaceship its approaching!- And pointed to a light in

    the dark sky.

    Seems to be a comet!- Minoya said, but then the object turns direction and grows

    bigger to their surprised eyes.


    Must be in problems! There is no spaceport in the vicinity!- Alston said.

    The object cross the sky over their heads, at low altitude, in the direction of the sea.

    Lets go there to see it! Perhaps we could be of help.- Minoya said, standing up from

    the sand.

    They all walked rapidly to the nearest beach- a glow on the night indicates plainly

    where the object was located. Several other people were approaching to the spot.

    They saw the object when at a hundred meters away; it was at least 80 meters high and

    its glow was red.

    I cant locate this shape- perhaps a new member of Federation of Planets?- Alstonsaid.

    Must be an exhaust! Look how the glow diminishes!- Minoya said.

    Why are we here? People are running away!- Alaida said.


    Inside the spaceship recently arrived, XR30 said: Are the brain waves functioning?

    Yes, Sir! To a female.- The crewman 634-20 replied.

    Good! Females commands where humanoids set their feet! Tell her to approach to the

    ship._ XR 30 said.

    Right away, Sir!- 634-20 replied.

    The telepathic device gives the necessary impulses, and Alaida said: Lets see nearer,

    please! Could be people trying to get out.They approached, and XR 30 sent a strong signal, while opening a hatch.

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    See? There are people inside!- Alaida said, and as the signal was now stronger, the

    rest also feel the need to enter that spaceship. The corridor was half light: when they

    advance some meters inside, they enter a round chamber with three doors rimmed with


    Locks! Strange design.- Leroy said; the hatch closed, and the MKUltra type of rays

    was stopped, and both women became really frightened.A voice said, through a loudspeaker: Dont be afraid! You had been chosen to be


    At the same time, a tremor was felt, and they suddenly became as glued to the floor, so

    Minoya said: The ship is taking off the ground!


    Kidnapped by space robbers!- Leroy said.

    Both girls were screaming at hearts content, and her yelling resounded on the

    spaceships, awakening Lord Amtuberon, who moved on his tank while saying: Captain

    XR 30! Whats that horrible nose? Some ball bearing is broken?

    Some creatures from planet Knapp, my Lord!- XR 30 replied.

    Humanoids! The noisiest people I know! Are they here for some experiment?- LordAmtuberon asked, looking keenly with his big round eye.

    We need more workers at Plant B38, Milord. This people seem fit for the work.- XR

    30 said.

    Of course. They dont serve for any other thing!- Lord Amtuberon said, swimming to

    the monitor chamber; he saw the captured humanoids: two males and two females.

    I see the females are yelling more than males!

    Yes, Milord! They are more hysterics than males of the species.- Captain XR 30 said.

    I know that, no need to lecture me! I was thinking aloud.- The Lord Amtuberon said,

    touching the screen with a tentacle.

    Forty is what we need, Milord! We only have these four persons by the moment.-

    Captain XR 30 said, moving slightly away, as Lord Amtuberon expelled some detritus

    by his anal conduit; the filtering system was alerted and a soft current takes that crap



    I will be with lady Tentaria, we have matters to discuss. Take your time, Captain! No

    need to arouse panic among the natives!- Lord Amtuberon said, moving away.

    At Lady Tentarias cabin, he enters, as she replied to his call telepathically, by saying

    You may come in.

    She was on a pink atmosphere; scent to algae was on the water.

    Lord Amtuberon! Did you sleep well tonight?- She asked, looking at him.

    Like a clam! Thanks to you- my little fish!- Lord Amtuberon said, caressing one ofher tentacles.

    Oh! You are in love, dear Amtuberon?

    Of course! You are marvelous!- He said, always telepathically (and the only way his

    race was capable of).

    You were very gentle with me, inviting me to this peaceful flight!- Lady Tentaria

    said, embracing the Lord, who expulsed some spermatozoids.

    For me is the delight, my love!- Lord Amtuberon exclaimed.

    Our children will have a nice place to live- I hope!- She said.

    Of course! You have nothing to worry about.- He said, while she moved her fins a


    I heard you have new specimens at your spaceship! They are hideous!- Lady Tentariasaid.

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    One of the Lord Amtuberon tentacles pushed a pair of buttons on a console and the

    screen flickered on and the corridor where Alaida and the rest were trapped was shown

    in colors.

    This four beings will help on our facilities! Pity we must use them to build our

    spaceships. The Jovians are not enough for our industries, now Humans are not scarce,

    but are very bellicose: they have learnt some basic sciences and its more difficult for usto made slaves as in ancient times.- Lord Amtuberon said.

    I could hear noises! Someone said me that they can talk with noises! A very queer

    thing, dont you think?- Lady Tentaria asked him.

    Yes, not everyone could modulate thoughts as we could. The poor humanoids cannot

    understand each others if they are tem meters apart- certainly that some of them are

    using devices to hear through electronic apparatus! But you see those four creatures

    there, at the dry corridor: they havent any such electronic devices with them!- Lord

    Amtuberon said.

    Alaida was saying: Seem we are kept captive. Nobody has come to say hello, and that

    gives me the creeps.

    Why, are you afraid? Perhaps they are timid.- Leroy Forkensbrutner said.Timid? Perhaps they kidnapped us- like our friends Fella and Askor! - Minoya


    What? So you knew of previous abductions?- Alston Kibbling asked.

    Kidnapping, dear! Abductions is when your captor releases you shortly afterwards!

    These friends of us never come back!- Minoya said.


    It was a mistake to come here; we are like rats inside a cage.- Alston Kibbling said.

    Later, other humans were captured, but each capture used a different corridor, so Alaida

    and friends didnt knew about it.

    Put them all in stasis! No need to let them think too much!- Captain X30 said, so they

    were all suddenly frozen at 0.4 Centigrade.

    End of distraction! Your captain gassed all those funny creatures!- Lady Tentaria

    said, cutting off the screen.

    Darling! They could cause troubles, later! They could think about escape or

    something! It would be not the first time they try to maim themselves there in prison!-

    Lord Amtuberon said, extracting his male tentacle.

    Wow!- Lady Tentaria said, closing her eye for a moment. Lord Amtuberon flows to

    the cabin and said: Captain! Are we ready now?

    Yes! Milord! All specimens are sedated and cryiogenized! Do you want to travel home

    now?- Captain X30 asked him.

    By all means! Lady Tentaria is becoming bored. How fast could we travel?- LordAmtuberon asked, touching the Captain with a tentacle.

    Four days and nights, Milord!- Captain X30 replied.

    Fine! Cook one of the humans, for dinner. I must have Lady Tentaria happy or she will

    become very mean to me!- Lord Amtuberon ordered.


    But, Milord! Our Emperor the Great Tuberose recently had forbidden to cook humans

    in flight!- Captain X30 warned him.

    I am sure you will have those proceedings not recorded on the main computer, of

    course; not a word to anybody about this future event except the necessary few- and I

    mean the cook. And I could be very thankful for you.- Lord Amtuberon said, turning

    very red.

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    I understand, Milord. I will do as you say.- Captain X30 replied, as he was not willing

    to end his career in some dark deposit 20 fathoms below a fishing settlement.

    X30 choose a man; women were more susceptible to change the savor of their flesh

    when killed, no matter the instrument used; that night Lady Tentaria was surprised by

    the nice meat, and said: This kind of meat its superb, dear!

    I imported it exclusively for you.- Lord Amtuberon said, and she caressed him withthree of the longer tentacles.

    Nice of you, sweetie.- Said the Lady.

    In the voyage, that took thirty days, seven other seven humans were butchered, to feed

    Lady Tentaria.

    Lord Amtuberon said to Captain X30: I will see you get a better occupation, when

    arriving to our world.

    No need be, Milord! I am happy here on my actual post.

    Very well; then I will see you receive a promotion.- Lord Amtuberon promised.

    When arriving to Tuberon planet, Lord Amtuberon and his Lady traveled to his grotto

    on the south west portion of Subgorfor City.

    The prisoners were delivered at the dry facilities upon the Gorfor Continent, on the drycontinuation of Subgorfor City.


    A group of 200 prisoners were lined up in two rows in front of a squad of

    heavily armed men from Korkemouth, a planet long ago conquered by the intelligent

    squids of Tuberon planet. A chieftain was also present, who said: Welcome to Gorfo

    City. Here we work for the Intelligent Squids, receiving food and shelter in exchange. If

    you obey the orders, life will be sweet for you; the rebels suffer. Now, we will be

    designing you for different tasks and labors. Women first: to the right every women;

    men to the left.

    The group of women was smaller: thirty seven women in all; they were carried away in

    a truck. The men were 170 in number; divided in four teams, they were carried in trucks

    to different locations: Leroy and Alston stick together and descended on a plant where

    Spaceships were being assembled.

    As they were newcomers, they were put with the apprentices, to make simple tasks.

    Four hours of labor, among those spherical spaceships, leave them sweated and tired to

    carry metallic pieces where ordained.

    At the end of the shift, they were carried in tracks to some barracks on an open field. As

    they were new workers, they were given beds on a half occupied shack, together with

    the recently kidnapped people. The guards went out, and everybody could mill around

    and talk as pleased.

    Then, Leroy said to Alston Kibbling:We are in a real mess, partner! Our babies arekidnapped and in another part of this alien planet and we are a pair of brand new slaves

    for the Empire of some strange creature not known by Man!


    Yeah! I have my hands with blisters already! I think I dont like to be a slave, right

    now.- Alston said with humor.

    Me too! Lets mingle with these losers! Perhaps they know where the women are, and

    how to try to escape from here!- Leroy said.

    They talked with different people until everyone goes to sleep- that was about two

    oclock in the morning. Leroy said: I find out. There are thirty two locations for our

    babes to be living this nightmare!

    Correct! Same thing I discovered at the other corner of this huge barrack! And twoinvitations to sleep with corny guys!- Alston confided.

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    And you accepted?- Leroy asked.

    Of course not! I am not a homosexual! But perhaps after several months of this place,

    who knows? So we will search our babes!- Alston said.

    The only way is up! The seas of this pesky planet are teeming with those squids a-

    talking! A guy told me about to steal a spaceship and depart to our planet in it!- Leroy

    said.That easy? A new spaceship with a novel crew? I dont know how to fly an airship,

    less a spaceship!- Alston said.

    Dont matter that! We will be helping to build spaceships here! People with some

    knowledge of how this things fly ought to be sleeping around us now! Someone will be

    risking his neck to leave this slave house.- Leroy was sure things were possibly

    IN the next twenty days, the first spaceship was ready to be delivered to the Squids- so

    Alston and Leroy escaped from the barracks at night, and using a pair of bicycles they

    rode to the city.

    There were no real roads, as every squid


    On the planet moves using the aerial ships; human people or other air breathing personsjust walk of bike their way by the terrain as he could.

    At the city, they soon find the first possible place- the Fisheries, where fish and other

    products of the sea were brought by ships, manned by men; they were canned and

    delivered to the Squids, who then have no need to fish for preys themselves.

    The women quarters werent guarded but the doors were closed; Leroy said: This place

    has several windows! No glasses- but wooden frames protected the intimacy. We only

    need to unhinge one of it to enter.

    Alston begin working with a piece of metal; soon a hinge went down to the floor with a

    thud; they climb to the window and went inside; rows of beds lined by the walls;

    women faces were almost in the dark- just one electric bulb was lighted at the other side

    of the huge place.

    What are we going to do? More than three hundred beds and we are looking just two

    known faces among them!- Leroy said in a whisper.

    Not counting they could be in another place! But let us revise these womens faces

    now! You take one row and I the other; the moment we find them, well step to the

    middle of the corridor!- Leroy said.

    They begin their difficult task; they look on the dark, almost touching heads with their

    noses. At the middle of the room, Alston and some figures stepped to the middle of the


    You find them!- Leroy said, approaching.

    A great luck indeed!- Alston said, embracing Minoya, while Alaida embraces theastonished Leroy.


    We must get hurry! Soon it will be dawn, and you must hide until the spaceship could

    be manned!- Leroy said.

    They run back to the male barracks, and the girls hide, one in each of their companions

    bed; Leroy went to talk with the possibly pilot; the man was from Rixiaberg, and said: I

    can go with you, but I cannot say if Ill be able or not to pilot that thing!

    The spaceship is ready to be delivered to those squids.

    So we better get hurry.


    Of course! Let us go before everyone wakes up, the guards will be all around us andour crazy adventure will be ended before the start.- The Rixiabergian said.

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    All right!- Leroy said, feeling the creeping sensation of doom all over him. They

    cover the girls with blankets and walks out of the barracks; the place where the

    spaceships were being assembled was guarded, but only by name, as the Guards were

    nowhere to be seen.

    That is! The grey one! We will close the locks and I will try to launch it as I may!-

    The Rixiabergian said, while running.They enter the Orb and as they were familiarized with the interior, they didnt waste

    time arriving to the cockpit.

    Hope this is fully charged!- The Rixiabergian said, in front of the main panel. He

    pressed buttons and suddenly all lights were on, not just the emergency lights.

    Strap yourselves! - The Rixiabergian said, and grabbed two of the levers with his

    hands; the vehicle moved sidewise and went out of the Hangar with a small bump on

    one of the gates.

    The early morning light was there to be seen through the screens. Several radar devices

    shows the surrounding area to an extent of thirty kilometers. The Rixiabergian moved a

    lever and the Orb spewed ahead as a rocket; soon they were looking at a receding planet

    Tuberon by the rear monitors.I think I could set the course- look!- The Rixiabergian said, showing a map on the sky

    with names and numbers on the screen. He inserted a code he thought was of the

    Knappian planetary system, and the Spaceship slightly moves, correcting its course.

    Now, I will give full velocity! The Intelligent Squids could send a battleship to give us

    chase.- The Rixiabergian said.

    Do you know if this spaceship has guns?- Alaida asked.

    No idea! So we better run as fast as this vehicle is capable of.- The Rixiabergian

    answered, thinking in how a vehicle that wasnt previously tested was going to perform

    a race between stars at top velocity!


    Weeks later, they arrive to Knapp IVs orbit; soon several Army Vessels were

    surrounding them, and as the Rixiabergian has no inkling in how to communicate, the

    Space Soldiers enters to the spaceship opening a gap on the hull.

    The air grew thinner, so when the soldiers of King Garach enter the cabin, the four of

    them were on the brink of to be asphyxiated and also freeze to death.

    By signs they asked for help; Lokor Fanax, the commander, understanding their

    situation, sent for spacesuits for all of them; when they finally were protected inside of

    those, the Rixiabergian said by the radio: We are Knappian and we had a big adventure

    to tell!

    Commander Lokor Farnax said: This vessel is not known by our experts! Could you

    land it on the surface of this planet? We must study it patiently!Yes, Sir! Where do you want it landed?- The Rixiabergian said, feeling confident as

    the original pilot was in their time.

    You are invited by the Knappian Starfleet to inform all of what you had seen in that



    World! We need that information in order to be prepared! The Government will pay you

    for your cooperation!- Lokor Farnax said.

    Alaida said: I have no problem with that! But you need to give us some rest! I want to

    be in a quiet room, also to buy new clothes and stuff!

    The Commander was not very happy of her request- also, the others said the same thing

    soon enough- so he must say yes to the civilians

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    Of course! But I will appoint some agents to protect you all.- Commander Lokor

    Farnax said.

    As you wish.- Alaida replied, and smiled.

    They return to their places- a thing they never suspected- and after refreshing and

    relaxed themselves for two days, they return to duty; now Commander Farnax

    withdrew his generous offer of a nice Hotel for everyone to lodge in; just the paymentwas standing.

    They accepted to work giving information and for six days they were interviewed and

    biologically analyzed by the doctors on the Armys payroll.

    At the seventh day, Commander Lokor said; You have cooperated enormously. Our

    Government its cashing a million Credits in each of your Bank Account.

    This is good news!- Alaida said, rubbing her white hands together.


    You must recommend not telling anybody about those aliens and their doings around

    Knapp. The actions they are performing could create a state of panic difficult to control

    in our cities. Commander Lokor Farnax said. He had received valuable information

    by the Starfleet (Federation of Planets) who had more knowledge about those creatures,and the way to handle the matter.

    I am not interested in the divulgation of this bizarre adventure! Only- I will refrain to

    get near any queer aerial manifestation from now on!- Alaida said, and they all smiled.

    When at their apartment, Alaida said: Our project goes asunder; but we earn a lot of

    money in our adventure.

    Yes, sister! We were lucky to have the guys with us! Or we would have been slaves for

    the rest of our lives!- Minoya said.

    Or careers must to be fulfilled! With our money, we could open a Clinic! I am certain

    that several of our former colleagues could be interested in to work with us!- Alaida


    In Oredloro or in Rixiaberg?- Minoya asked her.

    I prefer Oredloro; Rixiaberg its a bit too more cosmopolite for my liking.- Minoya


    All right! I will talk with some Agent to see which part its better to begin with a

    Clinic!- Alaida said, and both sisters


    Had his Clinic ready to work in three months elapsed time.

    In less than a year, the invested money was recuperated fully; they both get married

    with their lovers, and with their honest work they were contented for the rest of their


    THE END.

    7 October 2009. AJF. EMRM 23:24 hours.

    Revision 1. 10/10/2009 10:35:47 & 17.11.2010.