Knights Backgroudn Paper

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    Jeffry Arcam Bai

    Model United Nations - Illinois

    March 2012

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    Letter from Simulation Director:

    Dear Delegates,

    My name is Jeffry Bai, Sophomore Physics major pursuing a second degree in Global

    Studies. I did three years of Model United Nations during my high school years at Adlai E.

    Stevenson and this is my first year resuming this activity in college. It is my pleasure to

    welcome you to Model United Nations –  Illinois, Knights Templar.

    I was born in China and spent the first 7 years of my life there. Afterwards, I moved to

    Singapore and lived there for 5 years. During which time, I visited Thailand, Malaysia, Japan,

    and Mongolia. Seeing these countries opened my eyes; I was humbled by what I learned during

    my experience. Model United Nations provided me a platform on which I can summarize my

    experiences. I have developed a keen interest in International Relations over the years. I hope

    that Model United Nations provided others with similar enriching lessons as it did for me.

     Regarding the research for this committee:

    I understand the difficulty in researching for this committee. After the persecution of the

    Templar, a lot of records regarding the order were disposed of or locked away in the vault of

    Vatican City. This does allow the delegations to be more creative and I do strongly encourage

    creativity. I would also like to note the modern society’s obsession with the Templar Myth;

    examples such as the Templar treasures, one of which is rumored to be the Holy Grail. I do ask

    the delegations to distinguish facts and myth.

    Please feel free to ask me any questions. Looking forward to meet all of you during the


    Yours Sincerely,

    Jeffry J.D. Arcam Bai

    "Et in Arcadia ego sum."

     [email protected] 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    The Knights Templar is a Western Christian military organization, although during its

     prime, it held more than just military power in Europe. The Order shaped of social and

    economical development of not only the Medieval Europe, but also the Modern world in many

    ways. For instance, without the aid of the Templar , the First Baron’s War may very well be a

    lost cause and the Magna Carta would never have been signed; in effect, the modern notion of

    individual freedom would not have existed.

    The Rise of Templar

    After the First Crusade (1096  –   1099), Huges du Payens saw the political instability

    around Jerusalem that dangers the Pilgrims. Du Payens (1070 –  1136) decided to create an order

    of about nine knights at the time to protect the Pilgrims. King Baldwin II of Jerusalem granted

    the order Temple Mount to set up their headquarters. The order then took the name Poor

    Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon  and Huges du Payens became the first grandmaster

    of the order.

    The real power of the Templar came with Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090  –  1153), a

    relative of the fifth grandmaster of the order and later a patron of the order. Saint Bernard

    appealed to Council of Troyes and in 1129 the order was officially endorsed by the Church.

    Saint Bernard also helped to write the Latin Rule  –   the code of conduct which the Templar

    knights are expected to obey. With the blessing of the church and a strict structure, the order

    received more money, land, and man-power. In 1139, Pope Innocent II issued papal bull Omne

     Datum Optimum (“ Every Perfect Gift ”) which approved the Latin Rule, gave the Templar papal

     protection, as well as exempted Templar from taxes. Pope Celestine II issued  Milites Templi

    (“Soldiers of the Temple”) in 1144 that ordered protection from clergy and allowing Templar tomake a collection themselves once a year.  Militia Dei (“Soldiers of God”) was the papal bull

    issued by Pope Eugene III in 1145 that separated the order from the clerical hierarchy, giving

    them rights to build churches and bury their own died. The bull also granted Templar to travel

    across borders freely. These papal bulls gave the Templar enormous social and political power.

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    The Church’s endorsement and the papal favor also welcomed large donations from different

    sources as well as membership from people of noble birth.

    At the organization’s peak, it had about 15,000 to 20,000 members; however, only about

    10% of the members are knights. The majority of the members are part of the order to manage

    the Templar’s vast amount of wealth. Along with donations that came along with the papal

    favoritism, the main source of Templar wealth came with its members. Knights are sworn to

     personal poverty, thus forfeiting their wealth and land to the order. Nobleman who participates

    in Crusades gave their properties to the Templar to manage. Over the years, the Order

    accumulated a lot of wealth in this fashion. At the Templar ’s peak, the order owned land in both

    Europe and Middle East; it controlled the entire island of Cyprus at one point; it commanded its

    own fleet; it built churches and castles; furthermore, it was also involved in manufacturing,

    importing, and exporting.

    One manner that the Templar protects the pilgrims is through giving them financial

    security by setting up one of the first banking systems. The Templar set up several banks across

    their territories to allow the Pilgrims to deposit their valuables before they leave. Starting from

    1150, Pilgrims were given a letters of credit  –  or the first checks –  which they used to withdraw

    money once they reached the Holy Land. This way, without valuables while travelling, the

    Pilgrims are less likely to be robbed.

    Even though Templar made huge contribution to the socio-economic development of the

    Medieval Europe, the main purpose of the Templar is still martial. The popularity of the

    Templar is still mainly owing to the successful campaigns during the crusades. The Templar

    knights are known to hasten upon heavy cavalry and charge the enemy lines, making them key to

    many battles. In 1177, 500 Templar knights held against 26,000 of Saladin’s men with only a

    few thousands of infantry in the Battle of Montgisard. Saladin suffered a casualty of over 23,000

    while the Crusaders had only 1,100 died and 750 injured. The Battle of Montgisard was one ofthe key victories that ensured the success of the Crusade. The Templar’s valiant and fearsome

    demonstrations on the battle field earned them even more power and respect. This is the Golden

    Age of the Knights Templar.

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    The Decline

    The turn of events for the Templar and the Crusaders came with effective leaders such as

    Saladin who lead the opposing lines. During the same time, the rivalry between the Templar,

    Hospitaller, and Teutonic knights grew. The pope’s favoritism became a double edged sword;

    monarchs are becoming increasing wary of the growing powers of the Templar, worried that the

    Templar will overthrow them and creating their own country in the process. With the dissenting

    military order added with the strengthened enemy, the Crusaders lost their foothold in the Holy

    Land quickly. Jerusalem was lost in 1187 and was recaptured in 1229 without the help of the

    Templar; Jerusalem was lost again in 1244. With the loss of Jerusalem, Templar knights moved

    their headquarters to their stronghold up North at a seaport –  Acre. The Templar’s last foothold

    in the Holy Land was lost in 1291 with the Fall of Acre.


    With the Fall of Acre, Templar headquarters relocated to Limassol, Cyprus. At this

     point, the knights have passed their prime, 1291 is a crucial period for the knights to evaluate

    their plan of actions. Please consider the following questions:

    What should the next military action of the order should be?

    What actions should the knights take in order to expand?

    What should the economic and political stance of the order be?

    With the loss of the Holy Land, Templar can no longer provide protection to Pilgrims,

    what is the new purpose of the order?

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    Special Rules

    Due to the nature of this committee, there will be special rules and uniques parliamentary

     procedures, hopefully to create more dynamics. There will not be any resolutions in this

    committee; all actions from the Order will be executed in directives. The directives may be

    written in any format (paragraphs, bullet points, operative clauses, diagrams, etc.). The voting

     procedure of the directives is the same as a resolution, but requires 2/3 majority of the committee

    to pass. The format of the committee session is default to be moderated caucus. Knights may

    also give directives without it being presented to the committee if and only if the directive can be

    executed within their jurisdiction.

    The following is a list of parliamentary procedures added to the committee:

    Point of Order: Contest the Grandmaster’ s decision,

    Knights may choose to contest the Grandmaster’s decision if fellow knights see

    conflicting points with respect to the Latin Rule. This point shall bring the committee into

    consultative session with the Drapier. Decision will be revoked if Drapier agrees that there is a

    violation to the Latin Rule or with a 2/3 majority from the committee.

     Motion to Contest the Grandmaster’s election,

    Knights may choose to challenge the Grandmaster’s position. Motion will immediately

    go into effect provided a second. Committee will allow two speakers for and two speakers

    against, after which, the Grandmaster may choose to make a speech. The Grandmaster will be

    impeached with a 2/3 majority, the Seneschal will take command until another Grandmaster is

    elected. The Grandmaster may not vote in this motion.

     Motion for the Election of a Grandmaster,

    Provided that there are no Grandmaster at the time, knights may choose to elect one.

    Motion goes into effect immediately. Nomination may be noted at the time. Knights may

    choose to nominate themselves. Nominees may make a speech before the voting procedure. A

    Grandmaster is elected with 2/3 majority.

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     Motion to Revoke a Knight’s Voting Rights, 

    Knights may choose to challenge the voting rights of another knight. Committee will

    allow two speakers for and two speakers against, after which, the knight whose voting rights is

    contested may choose to make a speech. Motion passes with a 2/3 majority. The knight whose

    voting right is revoked may participate in debate; however, the knight may not vote, or make any


     Motion to Reinstate a Knight’s Voting Rights, 

    Knights may choose to reinstate the revoked voting rights of another knight. Committee

    will allow two speakers for, after which, the knight whose voting rights was revoked may choose

    to make a speech. Motion passes with a 2/3 majority. The knight’s voting right is reinstated if  

    the motion passes.

    The current strength of the military includes 3,100 men (1,000 Knights, 2,100 footmen

    and squires) and 200 galleys. 1,200 men (400 Knights, 800 footmen and squires) and 50 galleys

    are stationed in the fort on the island of Arwad. The rest of the military are based in the

    headquarters on the island of Cyprus.

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    Marshal: Commander of the Templar army.

    Pierre de Severy

    Born a French nobleman, de Severy is one of the oldest members of the order. Well

    respected for his experience and bravery on the battle field as well as his boldness and intuition

    in the command post. However, de Severy quickly lost favor after the loss of Jerusalem and

    defeat at the Siege of Acre. After an unsuccessful attempt to recapture Acre, de Severy’s

    command in the order was greatly undermined. De Severy, a militant man, refuse to give up

    however. He strongly believes that the order can recapture Acre and Jerusalem, constantly

    urging the order to re-launch their campaign, with or without the blessing of the Pope. De

    Severy is convinced that the future of the order can be once again secured with the conquest of


    Drapier: In charge of the Templar garments; Enforcer of the Latin Rule.

    Friedrich Wildegraf

    Wildegraf is a righteous merchant of wealthy German decent. His admiration of the

    order since he was young made him a valiant knight. Furthermore, his strict adherence to the

    Latin Rule earned him respect among the brothers of the order. Given his background as a cloth

    merchant, it would only seem natural to title him as the Drapier. Over his years as the Drapier,

    Wildegraf made sure that fellow members of the order kept to the Latin Rule. His dedication to

    the order and to the Latin Rule played an integral part in several decisions made by the Templar.

    Wildegraf, as a merchant by trade, have the sentiment that the Templar should be secured

    financially first. Wildegraf believes that the recent decline of the order is largely caused by its

    lack in resources and members. Wildegraf hopes that the Templar could expand first before

    launching another campaign.

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    Commander of Jerusalem: In charge of the Land of Jerusalem.

     Arnaud de Châteauneuf

    De Châteauneuf only recently inducted as the Commander of Jerusalem after the

    untimely death of his predecessor in the Siege of Acre. His lack of experience is compensated

     by his ambitions. De Châteauneuf shares the same belief as the Marshal; he is convinced that the

    order can recapture Jerusalem. He argues that the order was founded to protect the pilgrims; the

    duty which they cannot fulfill without the Holy Land. Unlike the Marshal who is willing to

    command the Templar into the battlefield with or without the Pope’s blessing, de Châteauneuf

    seeks the support of the Pope.

    Commander of Antioch and Tripoli: In charge of the Land of Antioch and Tripoli.

     Bryony Bonds

    Bonds was once a proud man, but after the loss of his dominion in the Siege of Acre,

    Bonds appeared defeated. His dream to lead the Templar as the Grand-Master came to a halt

    when Jacques de Molay succeeded Thibaud Gaudin. A majority of the knights under his

    command died during the Siege; the lack of military power greatly undermined his position in

    the order. Bonds’ pride leads his action to solely revolve the affirmation of his power in the

    order. Bonds seeks the alliance with the Mongol hoard in order to enforce the order’s military

     power. Bonds firmly believes that a successful campaign would re-affirm his position in the

    order as well as lead to the future success of the order.

    The Provincial Masters have the same power as a Grandmaster within their said jurisdiction.

    Provincial Master of Aragon

     Berenguer of Cardona

    A proud and honorable noble Spanish knight, Berenguer’s pride as a Templar is

    unparalleled. Berenguer’s strong faith in the order was shaken however when a fellow Templar

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    was ousted for unspeakable atrocities. He believes that the decline of the order comes from

    the decline of structure within the Templar itself. Berenguer, unwilling to admit to it, believes

    that there are certain problems the Templars should address and reform. Berenguer is a

    supporter for the merger of Knights Hospitallers and the Templar Knights. He believes a proper

    mergence would not only bring about the necessary reforms to the Templar, but also bring

    Templar the necessary strength for any future military actions. 

    Provincial Master of Apulia

     Bernhard von Eberstein

    After his campaign in the Holy Land, von Eberstein’s faith was shaken. Von Eberstein

     proceeded to take a Vow of Silence afterwards to reform his beliefs. Years before he was named

    as the Provincial Master of Apulia, von Eberstein finally came out of his vow and reaffirmed his

    faith. Von Eberstein has strong belief in the Pope and often spoke out against the Marshal’s

     position to re-launch a campaign without the Pope’s blessing. Von Eberstein believes that since

    the Templar serve a divine purpose; only with the blessing of the Pope will they succeed in their

    endeavor. Von Eberstein is a strong adversary for the proposition of merging with other orders.

    He recognizes that Templar have lost a lot of favor over the years due to unsuccessful

    campaigns, the merging would have even more negative impact on the Templar. He also note

    that the Teutonic knight have absorbed other orders; von Eberstein does not wish to risking the

    Templar being absorbed. He upholds and strongly believes in the ideals of the order; a merging

    would take the identity away from the Templar.

    Provincial Master of England

    Guy de Foresta

    De Foresta shares the same sentiments as the Commander of Antioch and Tripoli. He

     believes re-capturing Acre and regaining their foothold in the Holy Land is essential.

    Furthermore, de Foresta seeks the alliance of Teutonic Knights instead of the Hospitaller

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    Knights. Understanding that the Germanic order was founded in Acre, de Foresta imagined a

    great corporation from the Teutonic knights in their effort to capture the city. Outside of the

     battle field, de Foresta senses a growing tension between the Templar and nobilities across

    Europe. Given the creation of a monastic state by the Teutonic knights in Prussia and Knights

    Hospitaller in Rhodes, monarchs fear that with the power granted by the papal bulls, Templar

    would attempt the same in their countries. De Foresta believes that it is important to put the

    minds of the monarchs at ease. The last thing Templar can afford to lose is the support from

    home while on the frontline fighting enemies. De Foresta wants to reach some sort of agreement

    with sovereign states to rally support and resources.

    Provincial Master of France

     Hugues de Pairaud

    De Pairaud distrusts the Catholic Hierarchy, believing that the Church and politics have

    tangled too much to match the purer purpose of the Templar. De Pairaud is often heard saying,

    “His Holiness is unparalleled as a spiritual and religious leader; his w isdom earned him

    governance over land. However, it is our brave brothers that hasten upon the horseback into the

     battlefield. It would be prudent to distinguish the command post from the papacy.” De Pairaud

     believes that renewal of the alliance with the Mongol Hoard would be highly beneficial. He

    argues that the previous Franco-Mongol alliance resulted in many successful battles. De Pairaud

    was also displeased with the recent election of the Grandmaster. De Pairaud believes that he is a

    more competent successor than the elected Jacques de Molay, and is always waiting for the

    opportunity to contest de Molay’s competency. 

    Provincial Master of Hungry

    Frédéric Wildgrave de Salm

    Wildegrave is skeptical of the Mongol alliance. Only less than a decade ago, the Mongol

     broke their alliance to aid the enemy lines which resulted in massive loss on the Crusader side.

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    Wildegrave is wary of the possibility of such an event happening again, cautioning the order

    of establishing another alliance with the Mongols. Wildegrave states, “The dynamic of the

    Mongol hierarchy is changing and unstable  –  qualities which our brothers cannot afford on the

     battlefield.” Wildegrave  have also pointed out that the Mongols are much like mercenaries.

    Fighting without a cause taints the purer purposes of the Templar. Wildegrave proposes the

    corporation between the Western military orders whose missions are all similar.

    Provincial Master of Poitiers

    Pierre Geoffroi

    Geoffroi fought alongside the Mongols before their change in leadership. Geoffroi was

    disappointed that their new leader decided to align with the opposing line which resulted in the

    crusaders’ loss of some major battles. Geoffroi admired the ferocity the Mongols demonstrated

    in the battle field. He believes the Mongols would greatly assist the cause of the Templar.

    However, Geoffroi opposes the merging of other Western military orders with the Templar. He

     believes that the interests of these orders are conflicting; the merging of the Templar with either

    of the other two would undermine the purpose of both parties. He also believes that should a

    merge occur, the event would debilitate the Templar hierarchy, losing even more favor with the


    Provincial Master of Portugal

     Lourenço Martins

    Martins believes that the military purposes of the order have passed its prime. He

    observes that the Templar have fulfilled its duty of protecting the pilgrims through ways other

    than martial means. Over the years, through managing vast amounts of wealth, the Templar has

    set up a banking system that ensured the pilgrims financial security. Martin wishes to expand

    that. By developing this structure and accumulating more wealth, perhaps at a later time, the

    Templar would have enough resources to reclaim the Holy Land. Martin believes that rushing

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     back into battle after the Siege of Acre would be foolish. He urges the order to bide until a

    later time when the Templar can fight with full force.

    Provincial Master of Scotland

     Lord Daniel Whiting

    Whiting have been sensing a growing unease across Europe. The papal bulls that were

    issued by three previous Popes have granted the Templar immense amount of power. The

    Templar knights do not have to answer to anyone except to the Pope; Templar laws are outside

    of the rule of the land and beyond the jurisdiction of the sovereign kings and queens. The other

    two military orders have created their own monastic states within other countries. Now,

    monarchs fear the Templar would do the same within their dominion. Whiting does not wish to

    see an unstable home front while fighting a war. He has frequently urged the Templar to send an

    envoy to establish a friendly relationship between the Templar and the monarchs. Whiting

    desires a mutually beneficial establishment between the military order of the Templar and the

    governance of the sovereigns.